Please read this Order carefully. Violation of or failure to comply with this Order is a crime
punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Violators are also subject to civil enforcement actions
including civil penalties of up to $1,000 per violation per day, injunctive relief, and attorneys' fees
and costs. (Penal Code section 19; Government Code sections 8665 and 25132; Health and Safety
Code section 120295; County Ordinances 533 and 556.)
101030, 101040, 101085, AND 120175, TITLE 17 CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS
Effective 12:00 a.m. on Sunday, Aril 5 2020 and continuing through April 30 2020, pending
further Order of the Public Health Officer, the following will be in effect for the County of
Riverside (hereinafter the "County"):
Executive Order N-33-20 issued by the Governor of the State of California ("Executive
Order") (available at: https.//covidl9.ca.gov/img/Executive-Order-N-33-20.pdf) ordered
all individuals living in the State of California to stay home or at their place of residence,
except as needed to maintain continuity of operations of sectors designated in the document
available at: https://covidl9.ca.gov/img/EssentialCriticalfnfrastructureWorkers.pd as
updated by the State Public Health Officer ("Essential Workers"). This also includes all
orders of the State Public Health Officer.
In conformance with, and where not superseded by the Executive Order, this Order
additionally specifies and orders as follows:
a. Allpublic or private "gatherings," as defined in section 2 below, within the
jurisdiction of the Public Health Officer of the County of Riverside are prohibited,
regardless of venue or size.
b. This Order does not apply to courts of law, medical providers, public utilities,
critical county, city, and special district operations, critical school operations such
as nutrition programs, logistics/distribution centers, congregate living settings,
daycare and child care, shelters, public transportation, airport travel, or necessary
shopping at fuel stations, stores or malls. However, these settings are instructed to
observe all applicable state and federal guidelines for infection control.
c. All essential businesses that remain in operation in accordance with the Order shall
follow the Social Distancing and Infection Control Guidelines published by the
CDC and California Department of Public Health. All essential businesses must
ensure all required measures are implemented and must identify and require
measures necessary to implement social distancing are implemented at each facility
that will ensure social distancing and sanitation at that particular facility. If the
measures identified and implemented are not effective in maintaining proper social
distancing and sanitation, additional measures shall be identified and implemented
or the facility shall be closed.
d. All persons, including Essential Workers shall wear face coverings, such as scarves
(dense fabric, without holes), bandanas, neck gaiter, or other fabric face coverings.
All persons, including Essential Workers are discouraged from using Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE), such as N95 masks, for non -medical reasons.
e. All bars, adult entertainment establishments, and other business establishments that
serve alcohol and do not serve food shall be and shall remain closed.
All restaurants and other business establishments that serve food shall close all on -
site dining. All food served shall be by delivery, or through pick-up or drive thru.
Social distancing shall be required for persons picking up food on site.
g. All gyms and fitness centers shall be and shall remain closed.
h. All essential businesses shall make every effort to use telecommuting for its
Government entities shall enforce social distancing requirements at all parks and
trails. If a government entity is unable to enforce social distancing at a park or trail,
it shall be closed to the public. Parking lots at all parks and/or trails shall be closed
and shall be accessible only by members of the public within walking distance of
the parks and/or trails. Said parks and/or trails shall be used solely for walking,
hiking, equestrian or bicycle riding. The public shall not congregate or participate
in group sporting activities at such parks and/or trails.
j. As outlined in the Public Health Officer's Order of April 2, 2020, all public and
private golf courses are closed for play. Golf Clubs may allow members to walk
the course solely for exercise. Golf Clubs that provide food services may continue
to do so by delivery or through pick-up. Social distancing shall be required for
persons picking up food on site and using a course for walking.
k. As outlined in the Health Officer's Amended Order of April 1, 2020, all schools
within the jurisdiction of the Public Health Officer of the County of Riverside
including, but not limited to, all preschools, K-12 public, private and charter
schools, community colleges, public, private, nonprofit, and for -profit colleges and
universities shall remain closed through June 19, 2020, pending further Order of
the Public Health Officer. This closure shall be understood to prohibit any activity
where students, staff, parents, or members of the public gather on the school
campus, including but not limited to: formal instruction; classes; laboratory
sessions; tutoring; meeting; sporting events; or other extracurricular activities.
Parents of school -aged minor children shall take steps to ensure children are not
participating in activities prohibited by this Order, or the Executive Order, and that
social distancing requirements are practiced at all times.
Individual school districts and educational institutions shall continue to have the
discretion to determine the minimum essential personnel as required to support
critical functions within those districts and institutions such as federal food service
programs, security, and necessary maintenance.
This order shall not affect on -campus housing, dormitories or other congregate
living arrangements, or staffing required to maintain and operate them.
1. Daycare and childcare facilities shall continue to operate under the following
mandatory conditions: (1) Childcare must be carried out in stable groups of 10 or
fewer ("stable" means that the same 10 or fewer children are in the same group each
day); (2) Children shall not change from one group to another; (3) If more than one
group of children is cared for at one facility, each group shall be in a separate room.
Groups shall not mix with each other; and (4) Childcare providers shall remain
solely with one group of children.
in. A strong recommendation is made that all persons who are 65 years old or older,
have a chronic underlying condition, or have a compromised immune system self -
quarantine themselves at home.
n. "Non -essential personnel," as defined in section 2(c) below, are prohibited from
entry into any hospital or long-term care facility.
All essential personnel who show any potential signs or symptoms of COVID-19
shall be strictly prohibited from entry into hospitals or long-term care facilities.
o. Hospitals and healthcare providers shall take measures to preserve and prioritize
resources including delaying non -emergent or elective surgeries or procedures
where feasible.
p. As outlined in the Health Officer's Order of April 3, 2020, all labs that perform
COVID-19 testing for Riverside County clients, including but not limited to Kaiser
Permanente; LabCorp, Quest Diagnostics, and labs operated by hospitals across the
County of Riverside, shall continue to share COVID-19 orders and results with
demographics with Manifest Medex (MX) to create a countywide COVID-19
dashboard to include information regarding tests performed, both pending and
resulted, and occurrences by age, gender, and geographical location. Orders and
results with demographics shall be shared either through electronic interfaces
(preferred) or via electronic file transfers updated on at least a daily basis.
q. All persons arriving in the county from international locations identified on the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Warning Level 2 or 3 Travel
Advisory (available at: https://wwwne.cdc.gov/travel/notices) shall be subject to
14-day home quarantine, self -monitoring.
r. A strong recommendation is made for persons exhibiting mild to moderate
symptoms of COVID-19 to self -isolate themselves in their place of residence unless
seeking medical treatment. A guide to symptoms is found here:
https://www.edc.L,ov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testins m toms.htmI.
2. For purposes of this Order:
a. "Gathering" is any event or convening that brings together people in a single room
or single space at the same time, including, but not limited to, an auditorium,
stadium, arena, theater, church, casino, conference room, meeting hall, cafeteria,
drive-in theater, parking lot, or any other indoor or outdoor space used for any non-
essential purpose including, but not limited to, movies, church services, swap
meets, etc. A gathering does not include:
i. A convening of persons who reside in the same residence.
ii. Operations at airports and/or public transportation.
iii. Operations at essential businesses included in the designated sectors
referenced in section 1 above, where many people are present but are able
to practice social distancing.
b. "Long term care facility" is a facility serving adults that require assistance with
activities of daily living, including a skilled nursing facility, and that is licensed by
the California Department of Community Care and Licensing, or the California
Department of Public Health.
c. "Non -essential personnel" for the purpose of section 1 above, are employees,
contractors, or members of the public who do not perform treatment, maintenance,
support, or administrative tasks deemed essential to the healthcare mission of the
long term care facility or hospital. Non -essential personnel do not include first
responders, nor State, federal, or local officials, investigators, or medical personnel
carrying out lawful duties. Entry of visitors to hospitals and long-term care facilities
are allowed upon the approval of the facility's director, or designee, for the purpose
of allowing family and friends to visit a resident such as in an end of life situation,
to allow parents or guardians to visit a child who is a patient, or any other
circumstances deemed appropriate by the facility director, or designee, and where
appropriate precautions by the facility that follow federal, State, and local public
health guidance regarding COVID-19 are followed.
d. "Social distancing" is maintaining a six-foot separation from all persons except for
household members and medical providers with the appropriate personal protection
3. This Order shall be effective immediately and will remain in effect until April 30, 2020,
pending further Order of the Public Health Officer. To the extent that any conflict shall
arise, this Order supersedes the prior Orders of the Public Health Officer concerning public
gatherings, including those issued on March 12, 2020 and March 16, 2020.
4. This Order is issued as a result of the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19 disease, also
known as "novel coronavirus," which has infected over one million individuals worldwide
in over 180 countries and is implicated in over 50,000 worldwide deaths, including over
600 cases and 15 deaths in Riverside County. These numbers increase significantly every
5. This Order is issued based on evidence of increasing transmission of COVID-19 both
within the County of Riverside and worldwide, scientific evidence regarding the most
effective approach to slow transmission of communicable diseases generally and COVID-
19 specifically, as well as best practices as currently known and available to protect the
public from the risk of spread of or exposure to COVID-19.
6. This Order is intended to reduce the likelihood of exposure to COVID-19, thereby slowing
the spread of COVID-19 in communities worldwide. This Order is issued to prevent
circumstances often present in gatherings that may exacerbate the spread of COVID-19,
such as: 1) the increased likelihood that gatherings will attract people from a broad
geographic area; 2) the prolonged time period in which large numbers of people are in close
proximity; 3) the difficulty in tracing exposure when large numbers of people attend a
single event or are at a single location; and 4) the inability to ensure that such persons
follow adequate hygienic practices.
7. This Order is intended to address the strain upon the health care system from the effects of
the COVID-19 virus. Similarly, this Order is intended to reduce the likelihood of exposure
to COVID-19, thereby slowing the spread of COVID-19 in communities worldwide.
This Order is issued in accordance with, and incorporates by reference, the: March 4, 2020
Proclamation of a State Emergency issued by Governor Gavin Newsom; the March 8, 2020
Declaration of Local Health Emergency based on an imminent and proximate threat to
public health from the introduction of novel COVID-19 in Riverside County; the March
10, 2020 Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside proclaiming
the existence of a Local Emergency in the County of Riverside regarding COVID-19; the
March 10, 2020 Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside ratifying
and extending the Declaration of Local Health Emergency due to COVID-19; the guidance
issued on March 11, 2020 by the California Department of Public Health regarding large
gatherings of 250 people or more; Governor Gavin Newsom's Executive Order N-25-20
of March 12, 2020 preparing the State to commandeer hotels and other places of temporary
residence, medical facilities, and other facilities that are suitable as places of temporary
residence or medical facilities as necessary for quarantining, isolating or treating
individuals who test positive for COVID-19 or who have had a high -risk exposure and are
thought to be in the incubation period; the guidance issued on March 15, 2020 by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the California Department of Public Health,
and other public health officials through the United States and around the world
recommending the cancellation of gatherings involving more than fifty (50) or more
persons in a single space at the same time; the March 16, 2020 order of the Public Health
Officer prohibiting all gatherings with expected presence above ten (10) individuals;
Governor Newsom's Executive Order N-33-20 of March 19, 2020 ordering all persons to
stay at home to protect the health and well-being of all Californians and to establish
consistency across the state in order to slow the spread of COVID-19; Governor Newsom's
Executive Order N-35-20 giving the state the ability to increase the health care capacity in
clinics, mobile health care units and adult day health care facilities and allowing local
governments more flexibility to utilize the skills of retired employees in order to meet the
COVID-19 surge; and Governor Newsom's Executive Order N-39-20 intended to expand
the health care workforce and recruit health care professionals to address the COVID-19
surge. The Governor and the County Public Health Officer continue to issue COVID-19-
related orders to mitigate the public health crisis.
9. This Order comes after the release of substantial guidance from the Health Officer, the
California Department of Public Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
and other public health officials throughout the United States and around the world,
including but not limited to, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's "Interim
Additional Guidance for Infection Prevention and Control for Patients with Suspected or
Confirmed COVID-19 in Nursing Homes" and the California Department of Public Health
Face Covering Guidance issued on April 1, 2020.
10. This Order is made in accordance with all applicable State and Federal laws, including but
not limited to: Health and Safety Code sections 101030, et seq.; Health and Safety Code
sections 120100, et seq.; and Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations section 2501.
More specifically, Health and Safety Code section 120175.5(b) which provides that all
governmental entities in the county shall take necessary measures within the governmental
entity's control to ensure compliance with this Order and to disseminate this Order to
venues or locations within the entity's jurisdiction where gatherings may occur.
11. Violation of this Order is subject to fine, imprisonment, or both. (Penal Code section 19;
Government Code sections 8665 and 25132; Health and Safety Code section 120295;
County Ordinances 533 and 556.)
12. To the extent necessary, pursuant to Government Code sections 26602 and 41601 and
Health and Safety Code section 101029, the Health Officer requests that the Sheriff and all
Chiefs of Police in the County ensure compliance with and enforcement of this Order.
13. Copies of this Order shall promptly be: (1) made available at the County of Riverside
Health Administration office located at 4065 County Circle Drive, Riverside, CA 92503;
(2) posted on the County of Riverside Public Health Department's website (rivcoph.org);
and (3) provided to any member of the public requesting a copy of this Order.
Dated: April 4, 2020
Dr. Cameron Kaiser, MD, MPH, FAAFP
Public Health Officer
County of Riverside
As Director of Emergency Services for the County of Riverside, I am authorized to promulgate
regulations for the protection for life and property pursuant to Government Code section 8634 and
Riverside County Ordinances 442 and 533. The following shall be in effect for the duration of the
County of Riverside Health Officer's Order issued above which is incorporated in its entirety by
The County of Riverside Health Officer's Order shall be promulgated as a regulation for the
protection of life and property.
Any person who violates or refuses or willfully neglects to obey this regulation is subject to civil
enforcement actions, including civil penalties of up to $1,000 per violation per day, injunctive
relief, and attorneys' fees and costs, imprisonment, or both, pursuant to Government Code section
County Executive Officer
Director of Emergency Services
County of Riverside
Approved as to form and legality:
Gre ry P. Priamos
Cottaty Counsel
County of Riverside
Dated: April 4, 2020
Dated: April 4, 2020