2009 Phoenix Suns Basketball GameTickets Provided by
Agency Report A Public Document TICKETS PROVIDED BY
1. Agency Name Date Stamp '
i f
Divis on, Department, or Region (ifapplicable) For official use only
Street Address
78-495 Calle Tampico
Area Code/Phone Number E-mail
❑ Amendment (Must explain in Part s)
760-777-7100 tgenoves@la-quinta.org
Agency Contact (name and title) Date of Original Filing:
(month, day year)
Thomas P. Genovese CityManager
2. Event For Which Tickets Were Distributed
Date(s) of Event: 10 l 10 / 2009 Description of Event: Phoenix Suns Basketball Gam
Face Value of Ticket: $110 plus $5 parking
Agency Event ❑ Yes ® No (Identify source of tickets below.)
Name of Outside Source of Ticket(s) Provided to Agency: City of Indian Wet 1 c
Number of Tickets Received: 2 Ticket(s) Provided to Agency: $$ Gratuitously ❑ Pursuant to Contract
3. Agency Official(s) Receiving Ticket(s) (use a continuation sheet for additional names)
Name or urriciai Number State Whether the Distribution is Income to the Official or
. (Last, First) of Tickets Describe the Public Purpose for the Distribution
Per City of La Quinta Ticket Distribution
Genovese, Thomas P. 2 Policy Section 4p - promoting the im rove
or intergovernmental relations...
4. Individual or Organization Receiving Ticket(S) (Provided at the behest of an agency official.)
Name of Behesting Agency Official
Name of Individual or Organization:
Description of Organization:
Number of Tickets:
Address of Organization:
Number and Street city State Zip Code
Purpose for Distribution: (Describe the public purpose for the distribution to the organization,)
S. Verification
_ I ave determine, t at the distribution of tickets set forth above is in accordance with the provisions of FPPC Regulation 18944.1.
���-��,�✓��� Thomas P. Genovese City Manager 10/28/2009
Signature otAgency Head or Designee Print Name Title (month, day, year)
Comment: (Use this space or an attachment for any additional information including amendment explanation.)
FPPC Form 802 (Feb/09)
FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661276.3772)