BRES2019-0143 Revision 1 Truss CalcsAD Engineering Group Consulting Structural Engineers 135 E. Florida Ave — Suite A Hemet, CA 92543 Office 951.766.5180 — Fax 951.766.1155 9 October 2019 City of La Quinta, Building Department 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Roof Truss Calculation Package Lot 6 Quarry To Whom it May Concern, We are writing in regards to the roof truss submittal package prepared by Omega Equipment Engineering, dated 10/09/19, for the above referenced project. It has been concluded that the truss design is in general conformance with the intent of the approved structural drawings submitted by our office. Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, Adam Davidson, P.E. President AD Engineering Group, LLC SCR- 0��3 CITY O F >,qA U l 1',!ON ;iLV1;1:'V t`e'D i-UR CODE C nnp►_IANCE 2evi�a� �l eso 1 J'-'A 0M OMEGA EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING, INC. 1301 ZNIONTALVO WAY BLDNG 4 & 6, PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 i P: 760-986-7177 W W W.ONLEGAEPEI.COM r%/ir �e�%�et �.ur.�t�ota�¢atr' a� .�ettc, ric�ut.Uai� TRUSS ENGINEERING TODAY'S DATE: 10/09/2019 CITY OF LA OU CA BIUID[NG► ',' �' )N REVIEWED i-(jR COBS �1cB PROJECT CMPLfA n Lot 6 Quarry 79-540 Tom Fazio Lane North. La Quinta, California CONTENT Truss Layout — Addended Separately 24 x 36 Truss to Truss Hardware List Truss Calculations O\IFGA EPEI: 1-I1E 1-1IGHEST QUALITY TIWSS ENGINEERING, LAYOUTS, -AND F:AMUC:1TIUN. OAIFGA EQUIPMENT N:RFOIZ\I ANC I: ENGINIfI[RING. IN( 1'RUSS I-QUIPMEN I PE)I: ARCII \ND DEVELOP\IFNN 1-. L OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: 2x4-BLK 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName:loKrquany PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:17 760423-9479 Page: lofl SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 1-10-8 0/12 250 1-10-8 1-10-8 0-0-0 0-M l 24in 2lbs 1-10-8 1-10-8 1-10-8 co 0 0 1 1 2 T All plates shownto be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (pst) General CSI TCLL : 20 Bklg Code . CBC 2016/ TC: 0A8 (1-2) TCDL : 20 TPI 1-2014 BC: 0.00 BCLL : 0 Rep Mbr : Yes V*b : 0.00 BCDL: 10 LumberD-O.L-. 115% Deflection U VertTL: Din L/0 VertLL: Din L/0 HorzTL: 0 in (loc) Allowed L/0 L/0 Reaction IT Bre Combo Brg ❑akllh Ld B Width Max Ru�ct Max Gr v Uplift Max Wnd [I lift Max. Uplift. Max Hor¢ 1 1 5.5 in 1.50 in 75 lbs -11 Ibs -11 Ibs 2 1 5.5 in 1.50 in 75 Ibs -11 lbs -11 Ibs Material Bracing TC: DFL #2 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Ptuiuts at 10-M, Purlin design by Others. Loads 1) This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead bads 2) This truss has been designed for the effects of wind bads in accordance withASCE7 - 10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Factored), Exposure C, Enclosed, GableMp, Risk Category LI Overall B Idg Dons 25 ft x 60 ft, h = 15 ft End Zone Thus, Both end webs considered. DOL =1.60 3) Mirtunum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607.1 Member Forces Table u-amtes: Menba ID, mac CSI, ❑mc wM � (mac mtrpc face ifdff& t liorrr n maal faced Only n. , u�- than 300lbs ae shown m this tale l-t- Notes 1) Unless nol d otherwise, do not cutor alter any truss member or plate without prior approval from a Professional Engineer 2) The fabrication tolerance for this roof truss is 20 %(Cq = 0-80).�. 3) Provide adequale drainage to prevent ponding. 4)A creep factor of 1.00 has been applied for this truss analysis. 5) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading Z �'"l•�J41 m I' Exp. 6/30/20 *� civo- ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWINGARE INSTRUCTED TO I TrrteBuild9Tluss Software v5.6.326 LREFER TO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SET FOM IN THE EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products I THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLEFROMFAGLEUPON REQUEST DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLEMETALCONNECIORS ARE USED, OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: A 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName: lot- &quarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:26 760423-9479 Page: lofl SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 20-10-10 025/12 11 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-&0 0-0-0 1 24in 96lbs 20-10-10 -5-3-0 n 5-3.0 3-®-0 t 6-10-10 ' 5-3-0 10-6-0 U-0-0 1 20-10-10 T 11 1 0.2341- 6xf- o 24 � T N f0 2* 6.98 44- 7X177 2- 0-0-0 5-3-0 5-3-0 3-6-0 6-10-10 0-0-0 _ 5-3-0 10-6-0 14-0-0 20-10-10 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (psf) General CSI Deflection L/ (roc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code CBC 2016/ TC: 0.69 (4-5) VertTL: 0 51 in L /472 (8-9) L /240 TCDL : 15 TPI1-2014 BC: 0.50 (8-9) VertLL: 0.18 in L /999 (7-8) L /360 BCLL : 0 Rep Mbr : Yes Web: 0.72 (5-7) Horz TL: 0 04 in 6 BCDL : 10 Lumber D.O.L - 115 % Reaction 7T Brg Combo B> j Wdth Rqd Brg Width Mar Reshct Max Gray Uplift Muc Wnd Upldl MiX L:1 lift Max HorTz 10 1 5.5 in 1,50 in 1,149 lbs -72lbs -72 lbs 238lbs 6 1 5.5 in 1.50 in 1,149 lbs -74lbs -74lbs Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Purlins at2-9-0, Pullin design by Others BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Purluns at 8-11-0, Pullin design by Others Vkb: DFL #2 2 x 4 Loads 1) This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads 2) This truss has been designed for the effects of wind loads in accordance wittASCE7 -10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Factored), Exposure C, Enclosed, Gableklip, Risk Category Q, Overall Bldg Duns 25 ftx 60 ft, h =15 ft, End Zone Truss, Both end webs considered DOL =160 3) Minimum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607 I 4)A 250 lbs moving/sprinkler point load has been applied to the BC concurrent with other dead + live loads. 5)"- Indicates parapet wind loading has been applied to members 11-1 & 12-5 Member Forces Table indicates: Manba m, max Cs% ❑mc anal bme, (mac oorrV.. face ifdffmt from rant aaal b=) Only faaei grmtur dim 300lbs are shown in "s table TC l-? 0337-3,4W165 2-3 0.3BI -4,15lbs 3-1 UJ37-4,1S1lhs -ILS 0687-16-%,lbs ac 74 0.44)7 3,trl5lb5 082lbs A-4 0.41 3,475113s 1-63716s1 IL 10 0193 308lbs {3j3lbs) 11:ir 1.10 of l •I,CMIN _-8 t) 13�4 701 lbs (451bs) 5-7 0720 3,7491hs (541 Iby IA 0685 3,565lbs (-3941hs 4S 0114 595lbs (101 lbs) 56 0313-1,01916s 2-9 0064 -594 lbs 4-7 0075 -680lbs Notes 1 � 1) Unless noted otherwise, do not cut or alter any thus member or plate without prior approval from a Professional Engineer 2) The fabrication tolerance for this rooftruss is 20 %(Cq = 0.80). m 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. 6�3 0� 2 0 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheathing or purlms per Bracing Summary. E-X N - 5)At least one web of this truss has been designed with apanel point in the web. All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane orthc truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " of each web panel point 6)A creep factor of 1.00 has been applied for this truss analysis 7) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading. 8) Parapet TL: 0.15 in, 21- 346 (11-1), Allowable 2L/120. — ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, E ]RECIING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO TrueBuiI&Truss Software v5.6.326 RLFERTO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SErFORIH IN THE EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNECTORS ARE USED. OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: Al 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName: lot-6,quany PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:29 760-423-9479 Page: loft SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 21-0-0 025 / 12 2 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 91 lbs 21-0-C 4,2.0 4-2-0 I 4-2-0 4-3-0 4-2-0 8-4-0 12-6-0 16-9-0 21-0-0 1 1 �o �I7x 3 4 -0.25 12 2V I 2x4 6 $ 4 " 4 2-6 X2 rh 1 N TFr po gg 2111 6z8 - 3z4 - 4x6 - I 0-0-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 1 4-3-0 4-3-0 0-0-0 i 4-2-0 8-4-0 12-6-0 r 16-9-0 21-0-0 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (pst) General CSI Deflection LJ (roc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code : CBC 2016/ TC: 050 (2-3) VertTL: 0 4 in L /346 (10-11) L /240 TCDL: 15 TPI I-2014 BC: 0.74(9-10) VertLL: 0 [5 in L/941 (10-11) L/360 BCLL: 0 RepMbr: No Web: 0.37(1-11) HorzTL: 005m 9 BCDL : 10 Lumber D.O.L, : 115 % Reaction JT BrgCombo BM Width R d Brg Width Max React Max Grav U lift Max Wnd Up lift Max U lift Max Honz 1 1 55 in 1.50 in 839 lbs -51 lbs -51 lbs -174 Ins 9 1 55 in 1.48 in 1391 lbs 7 1 5.5 in 1.50 in 6801bs -42 lbs -42 lbs Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Purlins at44-0, Purlin design by Others BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Purlms at 10-M, Purlin design by Others. Web: DFL #2 2 x 4 except DFL 41 2x 4: 1-12 DFL SS 2 x 6: 13-7 Loads 1) This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live bad plus dead bads 2) This thus has been designed for the effects of wind bads in accordance withASCE7 -10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Factored), Exposure C, Enclosed, Gable/Hip, Risk Category 11, Overall Bldg D rns 25 ft x 60 fl; h =15 f� End Zone Truss, Both end webs considered. DOL =1.60 3) Minimum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607.1 4)A 250 lbs moving/sprinkler point load has been applied to the BC concurrent with older dead + live bads 5)Indicates parapetwind loading has been applied to member 13-6 LoadCase DI: StdDeadLoad Point Loads —J' Member Location Direction Load Tnb Width F' V Top 12b0 Down 6001bs Member Forces Table ndicdes: Member ID, nmc CSL max anal bice, (r cwprface ifdif)amt flan mac anal bm) Only toms • 1 1a dL 3001bs ae shown in this cable - L ^1 TC 1-2 0.198-1,943lbs 34 0497-1,682lbs 5-6 0192-1,165lbs 23 0.4%-1,6881bs 4-5 0.49%-1,6971bs 13C ". 0693 1,1121fx 1-124lbs) 1041 0657 1,886lbs (nsblbs) 441) 0741 1,6821bs 0(y)IN) %%ib 1-I1 0.374 1.946lbs (214IN) 0.146 76_1Iba OCIbs) 6-7 0.086-581Ihs 6/30/20 * * 2.11 0039-3771bs 53 0.045 -427 Ibs 4-90129 -1,151 Ibs 011t 0241 1,2% bs (861bs) Notes �, �,� •I 1_ l: �' -0F r { , f-. - 1) Unless noted otherwise, do not cut or alter any truss member or plate without prior approval from a Professional Engineer 2) The fabrication tolerance for this roof truss is 20 %(Cq = 0 80) 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheathing or purlms per Bracing Summary. 5)At least one web of this truss has been designed with a panel point in the web All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane oflhe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " of each Nv b panel point 6)A creep factor of 100 has been applied for this truss analysis 7) I•forimncd cluarmw b� hween inside faceof bmring and wrier frcautside W cofthc and %wrb nwets the hoamn side ❑Nic top diold shall nalC' xxxl 0.5" ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO TnleM(MTruss Software v5.6.326 REFER TO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS,LIMITATIONSANDQUALIFICATIONSSECFORTHINTHEEAGLEMETALPRODUCTSDESIGNNOTESISSUEDWITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNECIDRS ARE USED, OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: Al 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName: lot-0-quarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:30 760-423-9479 Page: 2of2 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 21-0-0 025 / 12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-m 0-0-0 1 24 in 91 lbs 6) Listed wind uplift reacaons based on M WFRS Unly loading. 9) ParapetTL: 0 02 in, 2L999 (13-6),Allowable 2L/120. ��XD 6/30/20 CIV1� ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWINGARE INSTRUCTED TO ! TnieBuil&Tniss Software v5.6.326 REFER TOALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMrrATIONSAND QUALIFICATIONS SETFORIH IN THE EAGLE METAL PRODUCT'S DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH I` Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNK-IORS ARE USED. 1 L OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: A1B 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName: lot-rc(uarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:35 760-423-9479 Page: Iof2 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 20-10-10 0.25/12 3 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24in 911bs 20-10-10 4-2-0 4-2.0 4-2-0 r 4-3-D. 4-1-10 4-2-0 8-4-0 12-6-0 16-9-0 20-10-10 1 0.26 12 2 4 6x6 - 4)4 . 3x8 - 612 - (b .� 3r�4 - c5 v 1;j L 1 1 1 gg 6zti - 6z8- - 4x5 - 2> 4 1 T m 0-1 0 0-0-0 4-2-0 t 4-2-0 4-2-0 4-3-0 4-1-10 4-2-0 8 4-0 12-6-0 16-9-0 20-10-10 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (ps f) General CSI Deflection L✓ (loc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code _ CBC 2016/ TC: 0.46 (2-3) VertTL: 0 44 in L /319 (10-11) L / 240 TCDL: 15 TPII-2014 BC: 0,68(9-10) VertLL: 016m L/858 (10-I1) L/360 BCLL : 0 Rep Mbr: Yes Web : 0.50 (1-12) HorzTL: 0 02 in 6 BCDL : 10 Lumber D.O.L.: l 15 % Reaction JT Bug Combo BT_g Wdlh Rqd Brg Width Max React Max Grav Uplift Max Wind Uplift Max Uplift Max Horiz 12 1 5.5 in 1.50 in 822 lbs -58 lbs -58 lbs 231 lbs 9 L 5 5 in 1.48 in 1,384 lbs 6 I 5.5 in 1.50 in 690 lbs 45 lbs -45 Ibs Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Pudms at 4-7-0, Pur in design by Others BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Purlms at 9-2-0, Puriin design by Others Vkb: DFL #2 2 x 4 except DFL 91 2 x 4: 6-7 Loads 1) This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live bad plus dead loads. 2) This truss has been designed For the effects of wind bads in accordance with ASCE7 - 10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Factored), Exposure C, Enclosed, Gable Hip, Risk Category II, Overall B Idg Dims 25 ft x 6011, h = 15 ft, End Zone Truss, Both end webs considered. DOL = L b0 3) Minimum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with BC 1607.1 4)A 250 lbs moving/sprinkler point load has been applied to the BC concurrent with otter dead + live loads. 5) •' - Indicates parapet wind loading has been applied to member 13-1 LoadCase DI: StdDeadLoad Portrt Loads Member Location Direction Load TnbWidth Top 12-6r0 Down 600lbs Member Forces Table indicates: Mamba m, rt CSL max adal focn:, (mac ar finee if'diffemt fmm ma adzl face). Only tan: 300lbs m shown m this table I. pr. gelfftlsm Z TC 1-2 0181-2,042lbs 34 0.453-1,694lbs 56 0144-1,056lbs f� m 13 0.455-1,7CN716s 4-50.453-1.712lbs BC 9-90.620 I,053 hs (44211ss] IU I 0.635 2039lbs (564lbs) L x F) 6/30/20 9-10 0.684 1.694lbs [ 353 ibsl 11-12 0.144 426lbs Net R498 711�s 60110 9:109-35JOIbs 58 O.f.W) 430[h :4-- 4l 0408 2,125lbs (483 ibs) 4-90131-1,169lbs 6-8 0221 1,153lbs (-198 Om) 2_ 11 0 035 -336 lbs 5A 0 162 843 lbs (117 Ibs) - , C I V 1 � Notes - l) Unless noled otherwise, do not cut or alter any truss member or plate without prior approval from a Professional Engineer: 2) The fabrication tolerance for this rooflruss is 20 %(Cq = 0 80) 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheathing or purlms per Bracing Summary. 5)At least one web of this truss has been designed with a panel point in the web. All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally, perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed widtrtt 6 " of each web panel point 6)A creep fklor of 100 has been applied for this Mass analysis. 7) Horizontal clearance between inside face of bearing and where the outside edge of the end web meets the bottom side of the top chord shall not exceed 0.5" ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCIED TO TmeBrvld@Truss Software v5.6.326 REFER TO ALL 0 F THE IN STRUCTIONS, L110TATIONS AN D QUA LIFICATIONS SET FORIH IN THE EAGLE METAL PRO D UC7S D ESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST DESIGN VALID ONLY WHIN EAGLE METAL CONNECTORS ARE USED. L— OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: A1B 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName:lot-6juarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:35 760-423-9479 Page: 2of2 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 20.10-10 025 /12 3 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 91 lbs 8) Lisled wind upQ1 reactions based on MWFRS Only loading 9) ParapetTL: 0.16 ir� 21 335 (13-1),Allowable 2L/120. 6/30/20 ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO I TnaeBuilcmT. Software v5.6.326 REFERTOALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SET FORTH IN THE EAGLE MEFAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNECTORS ARE USED. OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: A1B-DT 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName:lot-6 an PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:33 760-423-9479 Page: loft SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 20-10-10 025/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24in 92lbs 20-10-10 4-2-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 4-3.0 4-1-10 4-2-0 8-4-0 12-6 0 16-9-0 20-10-10 1 0.25 12 6x� _ 51. 3x8 - 6x12 - 8 3x24 - 2>�4 1 11 po $$ 40 6x6 - 6x6 - - 5.1. 24 1 T m T 0-0-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 4-3-0 0 4-1-10 0 4-2-0 8-4-0 12-6-0 16-9-0 20-10-10 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (pso General CS] Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed TCLL: 20 Bldg Code: CBC2016/ TC: 053(2-3) VertTL: 0.44in L/319 (10-11) L/240 TCDL: 15 TPI1-2014 BC: 0.78(9-10) VertLL: 0.19in L/715 (10-11) L/360 BCLL: 0 RepMbr: No Vkb: 0-50(1-12) HorzTL: 0-03in 6 BCDL: 10 Lumber D.O.L.: 115% Reaction IT Brg Combo Brg Width Rqd Brg Width Max React Max Grav Uplift Max Wmd Uplift Mau Uplift Max Honz 12 l 5,5 in 1.50 in 8221bs -58 lbs -58 lbs 231 lbs 9 1 55 in 148 in 1,3841bs - 6 1 55 in 150 in 835 lbs -207lbs -45 Ibs -207 lbs Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Puriins at 3-11-0, Purlin design by Others BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Purlins at7-10-0, Purlin design by Others. Vkb: DFL #2 2 x 4 except DFL 41 2 x 4: 6-7 Loads 1) This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live bad plus dead loads. 2) This truss has been designed for the effects due to drag bad distributed along shear walls along the bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 21-0-0: 200 plf 3) This puss has been designed for the effects of wind loads in accordance witnASCE7 -10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Factored), Exposure C, Enclosed, Gable/Hip, Risk Calegory II, Overall Bldg Dins 25 ft x 60 $ h =15 ft, End Zone Truss, Both end webs considered. DOL =1.60 4) Minimum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607.1 5)A 250 lbs moving/sprinkler point load has been applied to the BC concurrent with other dead+ live bads 6) •• - Indicates parapet wind loading has been applied to member 13-1 LoadCase D1: StdDeadLoad Point Loads Member Locaton Direction Load TnbWidth �� To -0r 120 Down 600lbs kt"' Member Forces Table indirda: ilTanba ID, mac CSt mac anal Sx= (mac mnpr Tome ifdiBeert Son rtmc anal face). Only S>,rs geata ttm 3001bs are shown in this Idle r` 1 - TC 1-2 0209 2,042lbs 3-4 0522-2,006lbs 56 0.167-1,555lbs 23 0526 4,700lbs --5 0_22 -a%9115 6/30/20 X 78 0-151-756lbs 940 0779 1075165 (-5331bs) 11-12 0.165 857lbs 8A 0 708 1,653 tb9 (-t4- lbs) 10-11 0.70 Z2D lbs 064 Ibs) xb 1-1. 0.49E 7601bs 2-10 0274-1,008lbs 58 0062-7471hs 1-11 0408 2,125lbs (-1831bs14-9 0131-1,168lbs 6-80249 1,905lbs (-752%) _ 2-I1 0035-336lbs 5A 0490 2,°24lbs (4,590Fix) Notes l) Unless noted otherwise, do not cut or allff any Russ member or plate without prior approval from a Professional Engineer 2) The fabnicabon tolerance for this roof truss is 20 %(Cq = 0 80)• 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheathing or puriins per Bracing Summary. 5)Atleast one web of this truss has been designed with apanel point in the web. All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " of each web panel point 6)Acreep factor of 1 00 has been applied for this Russ analysis 71 Imo, mnU r•L= L lxauven uvide fr`i of beam* ind lvhtsv dienutsida Wi!Lofthe and wub mmm the bottun side of the lop chord stroll rnxea, 0.5" ALL PERSONS FABRICA'ITNG, HANDLING, ERECITNG OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO TnheBuil(MTruss Software v5 6 326 REFER TO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LING-MONSANDQUALIFICATIONS SEC FORTH IN THE EAGLE MEAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE NIETAL CONNF_CIORS ARE USED. OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: A1B-DT 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName:lot-6 quarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:33 760-423-9479 Page: 2 of2 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 20-10-10 025/12 1 0-M 0-M 0-M 0-H 1 24in 92lbs 8) Uue to negative reactions in gravity toad cases, specs[ connections to the beanmg surtaceat lomt 6 may need b be considered 9) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading 10) Parapet TL: 0. 16 in, 2L,335 (13-1).Allowable2L/120 4 � Lxp 6/30/20 * i� 1 ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLINGANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO I TmeBuild*Tntss Software v5.6.326 REFER TO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONSAND QUALIFICATIONS SETFORTH IN THEEAGLENERLPRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH III Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN CONNECTORS EAGLE METAL ARE USED. T OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: A2 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName:lot-6<glarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 121IN19 16:01:38 760-423-9479 Page: lofl OPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 025 / 12 10 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-" 0-" l 24 in 51 lbs 12-5-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 4-1-0 4-2-0 8-4-0 12-5-0 0-0-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 0-0-0 4-1-0 4-2-0 8-4-0 12-5-0 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (psf) General CSI Deflection IJ 0oc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code: CBC 2016/ TC: 0 29 (1-2) VertTL: 0.11 in L /999 (6-7) L /240 TCDL : 20 TPI 1-2014 BC: 0 38 (6-7) VertLL: 0 06 in UP L /999 (7-8) L /360 BCLL : 0 Rep Mbr : Yes Vikb : 0.50 (1-8) Horz TL: 001 in 5 BCDL : 10 Lumber D.O.L.: 115 % Reaction JT Brg Combo BM ftth Rqd Bra; Widdr Nlae Rcact Ntax Grty Uplift Max Wind Uplift Max Uplift Max Horiz 8 1 55 in 1.50 in 739 lbs -23 lbs -23 lbs 231 lbs 5 1 55 in 1- 4 in 1,351 lbs Material Bracing TC: DFL # 1 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Purlms at 4-10-0, Purlin design by Others. BC: DFL #1 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed oi-Parlins a19-11-0, Purlin design by Others Web: DFL 92 2 x 4 Loads 1) This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads- 2) This truss has been designed for the effects of wind loads in accordance withASCE7 -10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Fac(Dred), Exposure C, Enclosed, Gable Hip, Risk Cal -gory IL Overall Bldg Dens 25 ft x 60 k h = 15 ft, End Zone Truss, Both end webs considered. DOL =1.60 3) Mininhun storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 160T I 4)A 250 lbs movmg/sprinkler point load has been applied to the BC concurrent with other dead+ live bads 5).: - Indicates parapetwind loading has been applied to member9-1 Load Case DI: StdDeadLoad PaintLcads Member Location Direction Load Tnb Width Top 124-0 Down 600lbs Member Forces Table indiraoa: [vlanbff ID, eras CST, mac adal boec (mac omV. form if dffmnt from mac axial knm) Only foroes gato- dcn 3001bs ae shown in this table TC 1-2 0293 4,568lbs 23 0242-1-%71bs 34 0.242-1,567lbs BC 6-7 0.375 1 r>i lb% f-374 ]bs1 7-3 0.214 —23 lbs "@b Ii.� 0.416 -(251 lbs 2-7 Q.036-3401bs 46 0.3M E,r-t81Exc (44311n) f 1-7 0313 116291bs (-142lbs3 36 0.042 -3%Ibs 4-5 0144-1,285lbs yf Notes 1) Unless noted otherwise, do notcutoralterany truss memberorpla to without prior approval from aProfessional Engineer 2) The fabrication tolerance for this roof truss is 20 %(Cq = 0.80). 3) Provide adequak drainage to prevent ponding 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheathing or purlins per Bracing Summary. 5)At least one web of this truss has been designed with a panel point in the web. All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " of each web panel point 6)A creep factor of 1.00 has been applied for this truss analysis 7) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading. 8)Parapet TL:0.l6 in, 2L)331 (9- 1),Allowable 2L/1 20. x 6/30/20 I v ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO I TnleBuddB Truss Software v5.6.326 REFER TO ALL OFTHE IN STRUCTIONS, LTNIITATIONSAND QUALIFICATIONS SIT FORTH IN THE EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNECTORS ARE USED, L OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: A3 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName: lot-6 quarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:44 760-423-9479 Page: loft SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 24-5-0 025 / 12 3 0-0-0 0.0-0 0-0-0 0-0.0 1 24 in 101 lbs 24-5-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 _ 4-2-0 6-0-0 5-11-0 4-2-0 8-4-0 12-6-0 18-6-0 0 O 24-5-0 N N N 9 Td 0.25 12 4 X4 Sx _ 4V - 211 41 - 0 J d Cr I_ 4z5 - 2z� - 4x5 - 4 0-0-0 0-0-0 4-2-0 1 4-2-0 4-2-0 6-0-0 I 5-11-0 1 4-2-0 8-4-0 12-6-0 18-6-0 124-5-0 All plates shownto be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (psf) General CSI Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code CBC 2016/ TC: 032 (4-5) VertTL: 013 in L /999 (7-8) L /240 TCDL: 15 TPII-2014 BC: 0.29(8-9) VertLL: 005inUP L/999 (11-12) L/360 BCLL : 0 Rep Mbr: Yes Vkb : 0-89 (5-9) HorzTL: 002 in 7 BCDL: 10 Lumber-D.O.L. 115% Reaction JT Brg Combo Brg Width Rqd Brg Wdth Max React Max Grav Uplift Max Wad Uplift Max Uptd1 Max Horiz 12 1 5.5 in 150 in 630 lbs -50lbs -50lbs 232lbs 9 1 55 in 2.17 in 2,030 lbs - 7 1 55 in 150 in 626 lbs -43 lbs -43 lbs Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Partin at 5-10-0, Purlin design by Others" BC: DEL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Purlms at 10-0-0, Purlin design by Others. Vkb: DFL #2 2 x 4 except DFL #1 2 x 4: 6-7 Loads 1) This thus has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live bad plus dead loads" 2) This taus has been designed for the effects of wind loads in accordance withASCE7 -10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Factored), Exposure C, Enclosed, Gable/Hip, Risk Category IL Overall Bldg Duns 25 ft x 60 ft, It =15 fi; End Zone Truss, Both end webs considered. DOL =160 3) Minimum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607.1 4)A 250 lbs moving/sprinkler point load has been applied to the BC concurrent with other dead + live bads. 5)"- Indicates parapetwind loading has been applied to member 13-1 LoadCase DI: StdDeadLoad Pow Lauds Member Location Direction Load Tnb Width Top 12-&0 Down 600lbs Member Forces Table indiats: Mmiba ID, mac CSI, mac adal faoe� (mac a rnpr. fat i'6ffaent from n a" force) Only fans ueia tim 3001bs are shown in this table TC 1-2 0191-1,2081bs 5-60262-I,2651bs =_ 0.155 -1;M; lin — DC So (1.250 t a.n,� I4%lbs) 10-I1 v2st 12T04 (41a1 6/30/20 4-10 0.294 1.29 Un (4101bs) 11-12 •0,168 �a Ibs Vqb 1-12 0.493-530Ibs 4-9 0 108 -W Its G7 0.054 -523 Ibs 1-11 0241 l255lbs (-175lbs) 5+4 0894-1,4941bs 31) 0394-1,474lbs &8 0252 1,314lbs (245Ibs] Notes 1) Unless noted otherwise, do not cut or alter any truss member or plate without prior approval from a Professional Engineer 2) The fabrication tolerancefor this roof truss is 20 %(Cq = 0 80). 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheattrmg or purins per Bracing Summary. 5)At least one web of this truss has been designed with a panel point in the web All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " of each web panel point 6)A creep factor of 1.00 has been applied for this thus analysis ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECITNG OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO TrueBuild9)Tmss Software v5.6.326 REFER TO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SETFOIIIH IN THE EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNECTORS ARE USED. L L L OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: A3 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName: lot-6 quarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16.01:45 760-423-9479 Page: 2 of2 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 24-5-0 025 /12 3 0-m 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 101 lbs 1) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFAS Only loading 8) PaiapetTL:0 15 m, 2L/350 (13-1),Allowable 2L/120. ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED To I TnaeBuil&Tniss Software v5.6.326 REFER TOALL OFTHE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONSANDQUALIFICATIONS SETFORTH IN THE EAGLE METALPRODUCTSDESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Pmdacts THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNECTORS ARE USED. L I L OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: A3A 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName: lot -&quarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:47 760-423-9479 Page: lofl SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 24-5-0 025 / 12 5 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 103 lbs 24-5-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 4-2-a 8-0=0 t 5-11-0 4-2-0 8-4-0 12-6-0 18-6-0 24-5-0 0 0 N 6I 3 1 TN 0.25 12 2 4 I 4V 5xd5 - 4r�4 - T ------------ 1------------- T4z5 - 2N I 4x5 - 941 0-0-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 6-0-0 5-11-0 0-0-0 4-2-0 8-4-0 12-6-0 18-6-0 24-5-0 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (psp General CSI Deflection L) (100 Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code: CBC 2016/ TC: 033 (4-5) VertTL: 013 in L /999 (7-8) L /240 TCDL : 15 TPI 1-2014 BC: 0 29 (8-9) VertLL: 0 05 in UP L /999 (11-12) L /360 BCLL : 0 Rep Mbr : Yes Web : 0.90 (5-9) Horz TL: 0.02 in 7 BCDL: 10 LumberDO.L 115% Reaction JT BrgCombo _BrQ_l\_W_h Rqd 11r41.�W h Mae React Max Gtav Uplift Max Wmd Uplift Max Uplift Max Honz 12 l 5 5 in 150 in 633 Ins -51 Ins -51 Ins 237 lbs 9 1 5 5 in 2 17 in 2,036 lbs 7 1 5 5 in 150 in 617 Ins -59 Ins -59 lbs Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Purlins at 5-10-0, Purlin design by Others - BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Purlms at 10-", Purlin design by Others Vabb: DFL #2 2 x 4 Loads 1) This puss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads 2) This mass has been designed for the effects of wind bads in accordance withASCE7 -10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Factored), Exposure C, Enclosed, GableHp, Risk Category 11, Overall Bldg Dons 25 ft x 60 $ h = 15 A End Zone Truss, Both end webs considered DOL = 1.60 3) Minimum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607.1 4)A 250 Ins moving/sprinkler point bad has been applied to the BC concurrent with other dead+ live loads 5)'• - Indicates parapet wind loading has been applied to members 13-1 & 14-6 Load Case DL StdDead Load Point Loads Member Location Direction Load Tnb'Witlth Top 12-&0 Down 600lbs Member Forces Table indicates: Manba m, nmc C51 n ax anal bce. (mac omV. face if d deed fiom mac anal face) Only forces gasta tIm 3001bs are shown in this table TC 1-2 0191-1;Slolbs Sb 0263-1,268lbs 2-3 0154 -i _l41bs 8C 89 R290 1.261 lbs H%I ths1 10-I1 0.265 12121Ln t--_[B ibs) ILIO 2•M IwlI I 12+316s1 11-11 0.117 305Ilr: f-Ni Ihl t 6/30/20 11ah I.12 0.494-53316s 0.108 -�.+7 i lb, rw7 0 _Tf -513 Ibs t X P I-11 0243 1,263lbs (479lbs) 5A 0904 -1,511 lbs �[ 3-9 0393-1,470lbs 6S 0253 1,318lbs 1-151111n) Notes F•: 1) Unless noted otherwise, do not cut or alter any truss member or plate without prior approval from a Professional Engineer 2) The fabrication tolerance for this roof Tuss is 20 %(Cq = 0.80). 3) Provide adequale drainage to prevent pondmg 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheathing or purims per Bracing Summary. 5)At least one web of this truss has been designed with a panel point in the web. All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss Lateral braces shah be installed within 6 "of each web panel point 6)A creep factor of 1.00 has been applied for this truss analysis 7) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading 8) ParapetTL: 0.15 in, 2L/359 (13-1),Allowable 2L/120 ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAW ING ARE INSTRUCTED TO TrueBuildA')Truss Software v5.6.326 REFER TO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LINJITATTONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SET FORIH IN THE EAGLE NIFTAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNECTORS ARE USED- f -. I L OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: A3-GBDT 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 7obName:lot-rquaay PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:41 760-423-9479 Page: loft SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 24-5-0 025 / 12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 115 lbs 24-5-0 4-2-0 410 4-2-0 1 6-0-0 t 5-11-0 4-2-0 8-4-0 12-6-0 1 11-6-0 0 24-5-0 0 N T d a 3 1 0.25 12 4 4 SxdS _ 4V - 31 - 0 A T T T4.14 - 3U - 4x4 - 941 0-0-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 1 4-2-0 6-0-0 0-0-0 5-11-0 4-2-0 8-4-0 12-6-0 18-6-0 24-5-0 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (ps f) General CSI Deflection L/ (roc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code: CBC 2016/ TC: 0.42 (4-5) VertTL: 0 13 in L /999 (7-8) L /240 TCDL : 15 TPI 1-2014 BC: 0.34 (8-9) Vert LL: 0 04 in L /999 (7-8) L /360 BCLL : 0 Rep Mbr : No Web: 0.49 (13-1) Ho¢ TL: 0 02 in 7 BCDL: 10 Lumber-DO.L,: 115% Reaction ]T Brg Combo Brg Width Rqd Brg Width Max React Max Grav Uplift Max Wind Uplift Max Uphft Max Honz 12 1 5.5 in 150 in 562 lbs -47lbs -00 lbs -00 lbs 237 lbs 9 1 55 in 2.32 in 2,179lbs - 7 1 5.5 in 1.50 in 544 lbs -44 lbs -521bs -52 lbs Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed orPurlins at5-7-0, Pullin design by Others BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Purlins at 6-11-0, Purlin design by Others. Vkb: DFL #2 2 x 4 Web: One Midpoint Row: 5-9 Loads 1) This truss has been designed for the effects due to drag load distributed along shear walls along the bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 24-&0: 200 plf. 2) This truss has been designed for the effects of wind loads in accordance wfthASCE7 -10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Factoredl Exposure C, Enclosed, Gable/Hip, Risk Category II, Overall Bldg Dins 25 ft x 60 ft, h =15 ft, End Zone Truss, Both end webs considered. DOL = l .60 3) Minimum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607.1 4)A 250 lbs moving/sprinkler point bad has been applied to the BC concurrent with other dead+ live bads, 5) •• - Indicts parapet wind loading has been applied to members 13-1 Bc 14-6 Load Case D1: StdDead Load Point Loads Member Location Direction Load TnbWidth�� Top 12-6-0 Down 600lbs Member Forces Table indic 3m Manba D, nmc CSI, max =a[ brae� (mac oaipc form ifditfmt from mac meal bo=). Only fours gutcr r1w1300lbs are shown in dtis sable TC 1-2 0.154-1,493lbs 34 0.419 [,414lbs (7641bs) 5-6 0299-1,466lbs "- 1 Y 2 J 0 122-1.3H51bs 45 0 421 E a� lbs (� II81 11 7.8 0^10-1.,187N a10 0.306 9811bs (-2751bs] 11-12 0.143 �3616s TI 8A 0343 1,858lbs (4571bss 10-11 0216 1,_4lbs r-3stl�r 6 30 20 Exp. / / V,bb l-t_ 0.49E 5 %5 3-In 0.054 423ltn (-163Aej Ski 0.010 3.r51bs -II 0229 1,5541br (4681bs) 3n 0402-1.569lbs GS 0311 1,533lbs (-5921bs) 7� �[ 2-11 0031-3471bs S� 0.112-1,003lbs 6-7 0274 488lbs 2-10 0326-1.199lbs 5-9 0333-I990lbs (, 1 1.1, .^ -- Notes l) Unless noted otherwise, do not cut or aller any truss member or platu without prior approval from a Professional Engineer 2) Gable webs placed at24 " OC, U.N.O. 3)Athach structural gable blocks with 2x4 20ga plates, U.N.O. 4) Bracing shown is for in -plane requirements. For out -of -plane requirements, refer to BCSI-133 published by the SBCA 5) The fabrication tolerance for this roof truss is 20 %(Cq = 0.80). 6) Provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO TrueBuilcMTntss Software v5.6.326 REFERTOALLOF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONSAND QUALIFICATIONS SET FORTH IN THE EAGLEMETAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EaGLEIv(ETALCONNECIORS ARE USED. OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: A3-GBDT 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName: lot-6,q uarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:41 760-423-9479 Page: 2of2 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 24-5-0 025 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 115lbs i) trdote must oe sneamea on one sloe or taterar oractng appuea appmpnatety. 8)At leastone web of this truss has been designed with a panel point in the web All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " of each web panel point 9)A creep factor of 100 has been applied for this truss analysis 10) ® Indicates lateral bmcing required perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss at either the midpoint (one shown) or third points (two shown), bracing by others See BCSI-133 for additional information. I[) Due to negative reactions in gravity bad cases, special connections to the bearing surface atjoints 12, 7 may need In be considered 12) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading. 13) PWWdTL: 0-13 in, 2L/396 (13-1),Allowable 2L/120 Ex1t. 6/30/20 * AA C i'v L ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAW INGARE INSTRUCTED TO I TrueBuildJTniss Software v5.6.326 REFER TOALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LINUTATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SET FORTH IN THE EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal PmdLrcts THIS DESIGNAND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLEUPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLENFIAL CONNECTORS ARE USED. OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: AA 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName:lot-6,quarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:52 760-423-9479 Page: lofl SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 20-10-10 0.25/12 4 0-M 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24in 91lbs 20-10-i0 4-2-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 4-3-0 4-1-10 4-2-0 8-4-0 12-6-0 16-9-0 20-10-10 _T 13 1 0 3 4 0.26 12 2V I 5x� - 4 4- ' N 11 p0 gg 2 6X6 - 6x6 - 0-0-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 I 4-3-0 l 4-1-10 0-0-0 4-2-0 B-4-0 12-6-0 16-9-0 20-10-10 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (pst) General CSI Deflection Il (loc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code : CBC 2016/ TC: 0.46 (2-3) VertTL: 0.43 in L /320 (10-11) L /240 TCDL: 15 TPII-2014 BC: 0b8(9-10) VertLL: 0.16m L/856 (10-11) L/360 BCLL : 0 Rep Mbr Yes Vkb : 0.50 (1-12) Ho¢ TL: 0.02 in 7 BCDL: 10 LumberDO.L. 115% Reaction JT B Combo Brg Width R d Brg Width Max React Max Grav U Idt Max Wrid Uplift Max Uplift Max Honz 12 1 55In 1.50in 820Ins -61Ibs -61Ins 237Ins 9 1 5 5 in 1.50 in 1,407 Ins 7 1 5 5 m 150 in 671 lbs -02 Ibs -62 Ins Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Purlms at4-6-0, Puriin design by Others BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Pur ins at 10-M, Purlin design by Others. Wzb: DFL 42 2 x 4 Loads 1) This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live bad plus dead loads 2) This truss has been designed for the effects of wind bads in accordance withASCE7 -10 with Ilse following user defined input 125 mph (Factored), Exposure C, Enclosed, Gable/Hip, Risk Category B, Overall Bldg Dims 25 ft x 60 ft, h = 15 f% End Zone Truss, Both end webs considered. DOL =1.60 3) Minimum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607.1 4)A 250 Ins moving/sprinkler point bad has been applied to Are BC concurrent with other dead + live bads 5) *• - Indicates parapetwind loading has been applied to members 13-1 & 14-6 Load Case DI: StdDeadLoad Point Loads Member Location Direction Load Tnb Width Top 12-6r0 Down 600lbs Member Forces Table irdicdes: Merrba D, mac CS[, n me mdal brae, (mac mna. torte ifdi0'aert kom max anal brw) Only fucs gx9ler "n 300lbs are drown in this table f. TC I-2 0.184-2,0341bs 3� 0.459 -1,691 Ibs 56 0 170-1,1371bs n Mb4 -I •-rr7 lbs 4 3 0.459 -LW lbs r W 0 46;1 ],I3iEi>a (-160lb3 i0-11 0832 :,ta30lbs (ti51hY1 4i �Ll0 0.677 I.o9_tlrs _33Ibs II-L'. 0,137 308Ibs i- 1'_11+) l 6/30/20 Va 1-12 0499 -7588x 2-10 0108-398lbs 5-8 0046 4311bs 1-1I 0.406 2,116lbs (193 tiff) 4-9 0.131-1,172lbs A 0236 1,228lbs (-130 tbs) 2-11 0035-340lbs 5A 0153 799lbs (10516a1 6-7 0305-577lbs NotesJ/ 1) Unless noted otherwise, do not cut or alter any truss member or plale without prior approval from a Professional Engineer 2) The fabrication tolerance for this roof truss is 20 %(Cq= 0.80) 3) Provide adequale drainage to prevent ponding. 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheathing or purlms per Bracing Summary. 5)At least one web of this truss has been designed with a panel point in the web All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " of each web panel point 6)A creep factor of 100 has been applied for this thus analysis 7) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading 8) Parapet TL: 0. 15 in, 2L/341(13-1),Allowable 2L/120. ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO TrueBuild®Truss Software v5.6 326 REFER TOALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SET FORTH IN THE EAGLE NEIAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNECTORS ARE USED. OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: A-DT 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName:lot-6tp>any PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:20 760-423-9479 Page: loft SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 20-10-10 025/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24in 921bs 20-10-10 4-2.0 4-2-0 4-2-0 .4-3-0 4-1-10 4-2-0 8-4-0 12-6-0 16-9-0 20-10-10 1 1 025 12 5x _ 51- 24 TA cb34 k Y N r0 ri l 00 gg 2 6zri - 6z6 - - 4x8 - j 0-1 0-0-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 4-3-0 4-1-10 4-2-0 8-4-0 12-6-0 1 E9-0 20-10-10 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (pst) General CSI Deflection U (loc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code CBC 2016/ TC: 054 (2-3) VenTL: 043 in L /320 (10-11) L /240 TCDL: 15 TPII-2014 BC: 0.77(9-10) VertLL: 0,2Qn L/712 (10-11) L/360 BCLL : 0 Rep Mbr : No Wbb : 0.50 (1-12) Horz TL: 0.02 in 7 BCDL : 10 Lumber D.O.L.: 115 % Reaction JT Brg Combo Brg Width Rqd Brg Width Max React Max Grav Upldt Max Wind Uplift Max Uplift Max Honz 12 1 5 5 in 150 in 8201bs -01 lbs -61 lbs 237lbs 9 1 5 5 in 1 50 in 1,407 lbs 7 1 5 5 in 1.50 in 807 lbs -1961bs -02 lbs -196 Ins Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Purlins at 3-10-0, Purlin design by Others. BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Purlins at 7-5-0, Purfun design by Others. Web: DFL #2 2 x 4 Loads 1) This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead bads 2) This fins has been designed for the effects due to drag load distributed along shear walls along the bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 21-0-0: 200 plf. 3) This truss has been designed for the effect of wind loads in accordance with ASCE7 -10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Factoredl Exposure C, Enclosed, Gable/Hip, Risk Category II, Overall Bldg Dims 25 ft x 60 ft, h = 15 & End Zone Truss, Both end webs considered DOL =1.60 4) Minimum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607.1 5)A250 lbs moving/sprinkler point load has been applied BD the BC concurrent with other dead+ live bads 6)"- Indicates parapet wind loading has been applied BD members 13-1 & 14-6 LoadCase DI: StdDeadLoad Pow Loads Member Location Direction Load Tnb Width Top 12-&0 Down 6001bs Member Forces Table indidg: Manba ID, mac CST, mac a" fmcq (mac awrpr. face ifdidamt fiom mac anal foiw). Only fora y,vtffflvn 300lbs am shown in This table Z TC 1-2 0213-2,034lbs 34 0528-2,0221bs 56 0197-1,733lbs f� 1 2-3 0536-t,6'j7lbs 4-5 0 529 -'_ 931 lbs BC 78 0.160 A32Ib5 9-10 0.770 2AI8t1# I431Ibc I1-12 0.157 -RmN { 6/30/20 SA 0.709 1.133Ibs C-if,0 6s1 10-11 0.717 2.1461hs (i15IN j LXU i 1Ah I-f2 0499-7581bs 2-lo 0.271 "1135 Sal 0.061 -733 ffi ` 1-I1 0406 2,116 lbs (-193 lbs) 4-9 0.131 -1, 172 lbs 6-8 0259 1,8791bs (759 Mr) 2-11 0035-340Ibs 5A 0496 2,132Ibs (-1,57916s) 6-7 0305-753Ibs Notes l) Unless noted otherwise, do not cut or alter any mass member or plate without prior approval from a Professional Engineer 2) The fabrication tolerance for this roof mass is 20 %(Cq = 0.80). 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheathing or purlms per B racing Summary. 5)At least one web of this truss has been designed with apanel point in the web All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe thus. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " of each web panel point 6)A creep factor of 100 has been applied for this mass analysis ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO TrueBu lclV Truss Software v5.6.326 REFFRTOALLOFTHEINSTRUCIONS,LIMITATIONSANDQUALIFICATIONSSECFOREINTHEEAGLEMEFALPRODUCrSDESIGNNOTESISSUEDWITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNKIORS ARE USED. OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: A-DT 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName: lot-6 quarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:20 760-423-9479 Page: 2 of2 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 20-10-10 025/12 1 0-M 0-M 0-M 0-M 1 24in 92lbs 7) Due to negative reactions in gravity load rases, special connections to the bearing surface at joint 7 may need to be considered 8) Listed wind uphftreaclions based on MWFRS Only loading 9)PWVdTL:0.15 ur,2L/341 (13-1),Allowable2IJI20 �r[Ji'v'r 6/30/20 ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO I TrueBuild1)Tntss Software v5.6.326 REFER TO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMTATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SET FORTH IN THE EAGLE MErAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE MEIAL CONNBCIORS ARE USED, OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: A-GBDT 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName: lot-6 quarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:23 760-423-9479 Page: lofl SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 20-10-10 0.25/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-" 1 24in 104lbs 20-10-10 5-3-0 5-3 0 3-6-0 6-10.10 5-3-0 10-6-0 14-0-0 20-10-10 1 11 T 1 0 0 - N 0.2342 t - 2VI 6.T' ; �3 � 3 v !f N irl r-3 L-1 U J xxagxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^^a^A^^ 2x 3A - 5x - 6x6 - 2x4 0-0-0 0-0 5-3-0 5-3-0 3-6-0 6-10-10 0-1 5-3-0 10-6-0 14-0-0 20-10-10 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (pst) General CSI Deflection L/ (hoc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code CBC 2016/ TC: 0.45 (3-4) VertTL: 0.16 in L /999 (6-7) L /240 TCDL : 15 TPI 1-2014 BC: 033 (6-7) Vert LL: 005 in L / 999 (6-7) L / 360 BCLL : 0 Rep Mbr : No Web : OS9 (5-7) Horz TL: 0 in BCDL : 10 Lumber D.O.L. 115 % Reaction Br& Combo Brg Ridlh R d BT Width Max React Max Grav Uplift Max Wind Uplift Max Uplift Max Honz 1 250.625 in N/A 337 lbs -51 Ibs 40lbs -51 lbs 7031bs 1 250.625 in N/A 733 lbs -80 lbs; 43 lbs -801bs -219 lbs I 250.625 in N/A 486lbs-156lbs -451bs-1561bs 1,627lbs l 250-625 in N/A 679 Ibs -37lbs -37 lbs 278 lbs l 250-625 in N/A 314lbs-112lbs -40lbs-112Ibs-540lbs Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or-Ptrdms at6-3-0, Pullin design by Others. BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Purlms at 8-5-0, Purn design by Others. Web: DFL #2 2 x 4 Loads 1) This mass has been designed for the effects due to drag load distributed along shear walls along the bottom chord from G-0-0 to 20-10-10: 200 plf 2) This mass has been designed for the effects of wind loads in accordance withASCE7 - 10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Factored). Exposure C, Enclosed, Gable/Hip, Risk Category 11, Overall Bldg Duns 25 ft x 60 ft, h =15 ft, End Zone Tnass, Both end webs considered. DOL =1.60 3) Minimum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with BC 1607.1 4)A 250 lbs; moving/sprinkler point bad has been applied to the BC concurrent with other dead +live loads 5) •' - Indicates parapetwind loading has been applied to members 11-1 & 12-5 Member Forces Table ud dates: Manbe-ID, max (SL nm x6al SaaG (mac ,force ifdffmt Son max adal IbEw). Only lbros.vm=than 300lbs ae shown in this table TC 1-2 0.s4 43711bs 2-3 0331 933lbs (J)13I s1 34 0446 857lks (413416s) 4-5 0.41b 8u31bs I.g02IN HC 67 0.3'.fl �74 65 743 0318 354kbc 8A t1.a4-5_S!bs c10 0,�4-31016s ` Mih 1-9 0.358 -V3 Ibs 4-8 0 313-1,547lbs f - •N - 2-9 0048 452 lbs 4-7 0.066 -802 lbs 2-8 0 484 -1,135 lbs 5-7 0.586 829 lbs (825 W Notes - Ih 6/30/20 1) Unlessnolkedotherwise,donotcutoraluanytrussmemberorplatewithoutpriorapprovalfromaProfessionalEngineer _Rt>, 2) Gable webs placed at 24 " OC, U.N.O. 3)Attach structural gable blocks with 2x4 20ga plates, U.N.O. 4) Bracing shown is for m-plane requirements. For out -of -plane requirements, referto BCSI-133 published by the SBCA 5) The fabrication tolerance for this roof truss is 20 %(Cq = 0.80). 6) Provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. 7)At least one web of this truss has been designed with a panel point in the web. All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe thus- Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " of each web panel point 8)A creep factor of 1.00 has been applied for this truss analysis 9) Due to negative reactions in gravity bad cases, special connections to the bearing surface atjohts 6, 7, 8, 10 may need to be considered 10) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading I I ) ParapetTL: 0 13 irL 2L/409 (I I-1),Allowable 2L/120 ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECITNG OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO TtueBuild rOTruss Software v5.6.326 REFER TO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONSANDQUALIFICATIONS SET FORIHINTHE EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE NETALCONNECTORS ARE USED, OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 760423-9479 Truss: B JobName: lot-6 quarry Date: 12/12/19 16:01:54 Page: lofl SPAN PITCH 34-5-0 125 / 12 QTY 26 OHL OHR CANT L 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 CANT R 0-M PLYS 1 SPACING WGT/PLY 18 in 181 ibs 4 'J 10 4 3-i 0 4 3 t 0 4-3-10 4-3 10 4 3-10 4-3-10 4 3 10 4-3-10 8-7-4 12-10 14 17-2-8 21-6-2 25 9-12 30-1-6 34-5-0 34/ 2X/41 61/ '+? x c� t4A42 / 6r I 6U6X82Bz8b 1 1 10z10:�� q4 zX2 15 77\ 5z8 / $ 5z8 \ 10z10 I 12 1.75 T 2X4, 0-0-0 4-3-10 4-3-10 4-3-10 4-3-10 4-310 4-3-10 1 4-3-10 7- 4-3-10 8-7-4 12-10-14 12-8 21-6-2 25-9-12 30-1-6 otherwise All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless noted Loading (pso General CSI Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code: CBC 2016/ TC: 032 (56) VertTL: 129 in L /318 (13-14) L /240 TCDL: 15 TPR-2014 BC: 0.86(12-13) VertLL: 0,47in L/875 (13-14) L/360 BCLL : 0 Rep Mbr: Yes Web : 0.76 (9-11) Horr TL: 0.09 in 10 BCDL : 10 Lumber D.O.L- : 115 % Reaction JT II > Combo Big Wdb Ii c d Rr P lhdth Max React Max Grav Uplift Max VAnd Uplift Max Uplift Mar Honz 18 1 15 in — 1,4141bs -05 Ibs 65 Ibs 157lbs 10 1 15 in — 1,425 lbs -90 Ibs -90 Ibs Material Bracing TC: DFL # l 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed BC: DFL SS 2 x 6 BC: Sheathed orHvl ns at9-2-0, Purlin design by Others- Vkb: DFL #2 2 x 4 Loads 1) This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live bad plus dead bads. 2) This miss has been designed for the effects of wind loads in accordance withASCE7 -10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Factored), Exposure C, Enclosed, GableTlip, Risk Category IL Overall Bldg Dims 25 ft x 60 ft, h =15 $ End Zone Thus, Both end webs considered. DOL =160 3) Minimum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with BC 1607A 4)A 250 Ibs moving/sprinkler point load has been applied to the BC concunent with other dead+ live bads Memher Forces T4IPiMin -.V—J—rn—rcr a s n(-- TC 1-2 230381 0210 2,2061bs A12216s 34 4-5 OSII 0-In -5,5321bs 6,469It* 56 a-7 0.720 0.58] -6,4701bs .0'NIths 7-8 8-9 0580 0348 -6,2801bs 3.W11bs 9C I 1-12 0466 _,unl It% (5W Ibs) 13-14 0 -862 ¢,.'9 9 ft (ON lbs] 1$46 0.393 4,095 1bs (652 Ibs) I2-1] 0864 �_�rvlbs (X6Ihs) 14-1S 0520 5,55•5Ibs (539lbs 1&17 U= '_'151bs (-4I1Ihr) WEk-I8 0-M -1,34QIbs 3.16 11III -r 71bs 6-14 0092 4791bs {-',Hn) 9-11 0.760 34581bq (-%iib;) I-17 0-163 1-4131bs (-31516s 3-15 0296 1,54016s (1971W7-12 0035 -31'_Ibs 9-10 0141 '-1,2961bs 2-17 0-154 -1,2001bs 4-15 0074 6231bs 8-12 0547 2,9471bs W--38ra) 2-16 0393 1-0461bs (266lbs) 4-T4 0188 9791bs (-1181bs) 8-11 0120 -1,0971bs Notes 1) Unless noted otherwise, do not cutor alter any truss member or plate without prior approval from a Professional Engineer 2) The fabrication tolerance for this roof truss is 20 %(Cq = 0 80). 3) Hangers are for graphical intrepretation only. Install hangers per manufactur& s recommendations- 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheathing or purins per Bracing Summary. 5)A creep factor of 1.00 has been applied for this truss analysis 6) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading �b 71/ 1-6-1 2N 1 TT 5-0-4 6 j I 4-3-10 5 4 34-5-0 �J 1 T41 _z Fxp, 6/30/20 ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO TrueBuilcMTruss Software v5.6.326 REFEP TOALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LINUTATTONSAND QUALIFICATIONS SETFOFJH IN THEEAGLEIVETAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNE TORS ARE USED. V— I L f L OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: C 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName: lot-6<tlarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:02:03 760-423-9479 Page: lofl SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 16-3-0 025 /12 6 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 74lbs 16-3-0 3-3-8 , 3-3-8 3-3-11 3-3-8 3-1-0 3-3-8 6-7-0 9_10-8 13 2-0 16-3-0 13 o 5x5 0.25 12 2 4 2x4 61 - 6 6 4 -tb b T6 - z 13 o p 24EJ 6x8 - 5x5 - 6x6 - 6x6 - O 0 3-3-8 3-3-8 3-3-8 3-3-8 3-1-0 0-0-0 3-3-8 6-7-0 9_10-8 13-2-0 16-3-0 All plates shownto be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (ps f) General CSI Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code . CBC 2016/ TC: 0.67 (3-4) VertTL: 026 in L /695 (9-10) L /240 TCDL: 15 TPI1-2014 BC: 051(9-10) VertLL: 0.07inUP L/999 (10-11) L/360 BCLL: 0 Rep Mbr. Yes VVeb: 051(1-11) HorzTL: 0.03in 7 BCDL : 10 Lumber-D.O.L.:. 115 % Reaction JT BrgCombo BrgVvidth R d Brg Widdi Max React Max Grav U lift Max %d U lift Max Uplift Max Honz 12 1 5.5 in 150 in 1,176 Ibs 230 lbs 7 1 5.5 in 1.50 in 1,21 I lbs Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Pudrtrs at 2-8-0, Purlin design by Others BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Padins at 10-M, Purlin design by Others. Vlhb: DFL #2 2 x 4 Loads 1) This truss has been designed for the effecls due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. 2) This truss has been designed for the effects of wind loads in accordance withASCE7 -10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Factored), Exposure C, Enclosed, Gable/Hip, Risk Category IL Overall Bldg Dims 25 ft x 60 ft, h =15 ft, End Zone Truss, Both end webs considered DOL =160 3) Minimum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607 1 4)A250 lbs moving/sprinkler point load has been applied to the BC concurrent with other dead+ live bads. 5) •' - Indicates parapet wind loading has been applied to member 13- l LoadCase DI: StdDead Load Point Loads Member Locaton Duu lion Load Tnb WKfih Top 8-5-8 Down 600lbs Member Forces Tableindicates:kknibaID,n CS, =analbfu?,(macoD fir.faceifdilibmtSanmacanalfor. Only facegmWthni300lbsaeshowninthis table. TC 1-2 0.199-2,482lbs 34 0.665-3,920Ibs 56 0165-2,057lbs 4' 23 0311-3,1115•lbs 4-5 0.311 19I7lbs BC 8A 0256 2,054lbs 10-11 0368 2,478lbs (4671bs) _ 940 0509 3.912lbs 11-12 0084 -420lbs 1W) 1-17 0485 -Lll1 llb 2-10 0,-1)5 1,53'tlbs Sji 0..391 2.039ibs 6-7 0.130-1,t511bs 6/30/20 [it 0 509 1-649 lbs 3-10 0 054 -509 lbs 5-8 0107 A55 lbs � x p 1--11 0086-777lbs +-V 0075 -693lbs 6-8 0446 2,321lbs Notes ; 1) Unless noted otherwise, do notcut or after any truss member or plate without prior approval from a Professional Engineer -J 2) The fabncahon tolerance for this roof truss is 20 %(Cq = 0.80). 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheathing or purlins per Bracing Summary. 5)At least one web of this truss has been designed wide a panel point in the web All panel points on such webs shall be braced lam* perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " of each web panel point 6)A creep factor of 100 has been applied for this truss an*sis 7) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading 8) ParapetTL: 013 in, 21- 399 (13-1 Allowable 2L/120 ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASF UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO TrueBuildVTruss Software v5.6.326 REFER TOALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SET FORTH IN THE EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNICIORS ARE USED. OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: C3-DT 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName:lot-rquarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:02:17 760-423-9479 Page: loft SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 16-3-8 025 / 12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 2 24 in 71 lbs 16-3-8 3-3-8 3-3-8 3-3-8 3-3-8 3-1-8 3-3-8 6-7-0 9-10-8 13-2-0 16-3-8 — 1 41 025 12 2V I 2x44 4V4 - 1 - o 21 4z6 - 4xR - 4.94 - 4x6 - j 0 0 0 3-3-8 3-3-8 3-3-8 3-3-8 1 3-1-8 0-0-0 3-3-8 6-7-0 9-10-8 13-2-0 1 16-3-8 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading(psf) General CSI Deflection U (loc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code . CBC 2016/ TC: 0,36 (3-4) VertTL: 0.13 in L /999 (9-10) L /240 TCDL: 15 TP11-2014 BC: 0.28(9-10) VertLL: 005in L/999 (10-11) L/360 BOLL: 0 RepMbr: No Web: 0,26(1-11) HorzTL: 0.02in 7 BCDL: l0 Lumber D0L 115% Reaction IT Brg Combo BrK Width Rqd Bng Width Max React Max Grav Uplift Max Wind Uplift MaxUplift Max Horiz 12 1 5.5 in 150 in 1,179 Ibs 230 Ibs 7 1 5 5 in 1.50 in 1,213 lbs Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Purlins at 6-3-0, Pudin design by Others BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Purihs at 10-M, Purlin design by Others. Vkb: DFL #2 2 x 4 Loads 1) This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live bad plus dead loads. 2) This truss has been designed for the effects due to drag load distributed along shear walls along the bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 16-5-8: 200 plf 3) This mass has been designed for the effects of wind loads in accordance wilhASCE7 -10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Factored), Exposure C, Enclosed, Gable/Hip, Risk CategoryQ, Overall Bldg Dons 25 ft x 60 $ h =15 ft, End Zone Truss, Both end webs considered. DOL = 1,60 4) Minunum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607.1 5)A 250 lbs moving/sprinkler point load has been applied to the BC concurrent with other dead+ live loads. 6)'• - Indicates parapetwind loading has been applied to member 13-1 LoadCase DI: StdDeadLoad Pout Loads Member Location Direction Load TnbWidth Top 8-5-8 Down 6001bs Member Forces Table indicates: Manba m, nmc CSI, rrmc aaal b= (mac axrprforce ifdff=t limn nmc mdal fare). Only miN }7us Em 30011b; are shown in this table TC 1-2 0110 -1,244 lbs 34 0360-1,969lbs 56 0092 -1,043 lbs - f- 23 0.172 4,966 M 4-5 0.174 .1,9671bs �J eC 1-8 11.044 3161hs 9-10 0-110 1,965lbs 11-12 0-055-333lbs S-4 0,211 1,0411bs 16-11 0235 E -a2lbs (a331ts) 6/30/20 Web 1-12 0243 -557 lbs 2-10 0-163 1.194lbs (261W 5-8 0-051 »377 it8 ` "i u. 1-11 0255 1,328lbs 4-90036 377lbs 6-8 0215 111731bs 2-11 0042 415 lbs 5A 0-195 12177 lbs 6-7 0062 -576 lbs Notes ; r.•;• . 1) Unless noted otherwise, do not cut or alter any truss member orplate without prior approval from a Professional Engineer 2) The fabrication tolerance for this roof truss is 20 %(Cq = 0 80)• = 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheathing or purli ns per Bracing Summary. 5)At least one web of this puss has been designed with a panel point in the web. All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " of each web panel point 6)A creep factor of 100 has been applied for this truss analysis. ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO TrueBuilMTmss Software v5.6 326 REFER TO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONSAND QUALIFICATIONS SET FORTH IN THE EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Pmducts THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNECTORS ARE USED. OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: C3-DT 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName: lot-6Siarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:02:17 760423-9479 Page: 2of2 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 16-3-8 025 / 12 1 0-" 0-" 0-0-0 0-" 2 24 in 71 lbs 7) The forces shown for firs multi -ply truss are per ply and the reactions are for all plies. Two identical muses shall be built and attached as follows, per ply: 16d Nails or Gun Nails[min .135"01 TC - i row @ 12 inoc, BC - 1 row @ 12 in oc , Webs -1 row @ 12 m oc Pmv ided the hanger connections do not adequably transfer the applied bad to all plies: in addition to connectors shown above, attach each pair of girder plies with supplemental 16d Nails orGun Nails[min 135". 3] as follows within 24" of the location shown: TC: 8-5-8,(4)Connectors Connectors shall not encroach on other girder ply connectors ortnus-to-truss connectors in accordance with the NDS or the connector manufacturer recommendations. 8) When applied loads are on one side of girder; do not flip girder during girder connector installation, install connectors on the girder side where supported loads are applied. When applied bads are on both sides of girdq double the spacing and install half of the connectors on one side of girder and then flip the girder to install the other half of the connectors on the opposite side (at double the connector spacing) Connectors on opposite sides ofthe girder shall be offset 9) Lateral bracing shall be attached to each ply. 10)All fasteners minimum 2-1/2" long, unless otherwise noted 11) Nails in 1st and 2nd ply shall be offset from successive plies by 12 the nail spacing. 12) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading 13) Parapet TL: 0 07 in, 2LJ799 (13-1),Allowable 211120. L ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO I TrueBuil(MTruss Software v5.6.326 REFER TO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SET FORTH IN THE EAGLE MEIAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE VErAL CONNBCIORS ARE USED. I LL OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: C4 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName:lotbcluairy PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:02:20 760-423-9479 Page: lofl SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 15-84 025 / 12 1 0-M 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 711bs 1 SB-4 3 3.8 3-3-8 3.3-8 3 3 8 2-6-4 3-3-8 6-7-0 9-10-8 13-2-0 15-8-4 13 J 12 2>�4 2.t 1 61- 61- _ 460.26 2 r� � N C6 2 6.19 - 4x6 - 6x6 -, 6 6 - 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 3-3-8 3-3-8 r 3-3-8 3-3-8 2-6-4 3-3-8 6-7-0 9-10-8 13 2-0 158-4 All plates shownto be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (pst) General CSI Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code CBC 2016/ TC: 0.75 (3-4) VertTL: 0 25 in L / 707 10 L / 240 TCDL: 15 TPI1-2014 BC: 056(9-10) VertLL: 0.07inUP L/999 (10-11) L/360 BCLL: 0 RepMbr: No Web: 0,49(1-11) HorzTL: 003in 7 BCDL : 10 Lumber D.O.L.: 115 % Reaction JT Brg Combo Brg Width Rqd Brg Width Max React Max Grav Uplift Max Wand Uplift Max Uplift Max Horiz 12 1 5.5 in 150 in 1,134lbs 230lbs 7 1 5.5 in 1.50 in 1,1921bs Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Purlins at2-7-0, Pudin design by Others BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Purlms at 10-M, Purhn design by Others Vkb: DFL 92 2 x 4 Loads 1) This miss has been designed for the effects due I0 10 psfbothm chord live load plus dead loads. 2) This miss has been designed for the effects of wind loads in accordance whhASCE7 -10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Factored), Exposure C, Enclosed, GableEip, Risk Category M Overall Bldg Dims 25 ft x 60 f( h =15 ft( End Zone Thus, Both end webs considered DOL = 1.60 3) Minimum storage atric loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607.1 4)A250 lbs movinWsprinkler point load has been applied to the BC concurrent with other dead+ live loads, 5) •• - Indicates parapet wind loading has been applied to member 13-1 Load Case DI: StdDeadLoad Point Loads Member Location Direction Load TnbWidth Top 8-5-8 Down 600lbs Member Forces Table irtdic-da: Herber D, nac C4 rrex coal fofm (ma oxrpr. fore if diffeeit from mac coal fbim). Only fbim rgwer don 300lbs ae shown m this table TC i 2 0 211 -2,389 8u 34 0 753 -3,675 lbs 5-6 0.146 -1,674 lbs '• _-3 0-32I ].o70lbs 0 0 84 3.672.1h5 - 1BL' x�r 02266 1.6T-16s 10-I1 0429 2,385lbs F1851bs) ?1O 0-561 3,t,67 tlrs 11-12 0-094 320lbs '.%di 1-12 0-485-1,072lbs 2-10 0,264 1,3811hs SaO 0.420 1I9416 6-7 0.129-1,1421bs 1-11 0-490 2,549 lbs 3-10 0.051 5-8 0,109 . I• 6/30/20 -482lbs -9751bs *� �•�N• 2-11 0mo -729 lbs 49 OD79 -723 lbs 6-8 0-382 1,989 lbs *J Notes C I V I_ 1) Unless noted otherwise, do notcut or atterany Tws memberorpiate without prior approval from a Professional Engineer. 2) The fabrication tolerance for this roof truss is 20 %(Cq = 0.80). 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheathing or pudins per Bracing Summary. 5)At least one web of this thus has been designed with a panel point in the web. All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " of each web panel point 6)A creep factor of 1.00 has been applied for this truss analysis 7) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading 8)ParapetTL:0.13 in,2L/397(l3-l),Allowable2L/l20 ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO TrueBuild%)Tnus Software v5.6.326 REFER TO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONSAND QUALIFICATIONS SET FORIH IN THE EAGLEMETAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNECTORS ARE USED. in, I L I L OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: C5 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName:lot-6,quarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:02:23 760-423-9479 Page: loft SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 14-11-6 025/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24in 63Ins 14-11-6 3-3-6 3-3.8 3-3-8 5 0.14 3-3-8 6-7-0 9-10-8 14-11-6 0.25 12 2x44 61 - 211 1 � - 3 6xf - 4X TT o ligg ggLi 1 6x6 - 4x5 - 6z8 - 0-0-0 3-3-8 3-3-8 3-3-8 5-0-14 0-0-0 3-3-8 6-7-0 9-10-8 14-11-6 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (psi) General CSI Deflection I/ (loc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code CBC 2016/ TC: 0.76 (3-4) VertTL: 0 27 in L /623 8 L /240 TCDL : 15 TPI 1-2014 BC 0,57 (7-8) VertLL: 0 06 in L /999 8 L /360 BCLL : 0 Rep Mbr : No Vkb : 0,67 (5-7) Horz TL: 0 02 in 6 BCDL: 10 LumberD-O.L-: 115% Reaction JT Brg Combo Brg WMih Rqd Brg Width Max React Max Grav Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Horiz 10 1 5 5 in 150 in 1,082 Ibs 76 lbs 6 1 55 in 1.50 in 1,162 Ins Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Purlms at 2-9-0, Pudin design by Others. BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Pudins at 10-M, Purlin design by Others. Web: DFL 92 2 x 4 Loads 1) This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads. 2) This truss has been designed for the effects of wind bads in accordance withASCE7 -10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Factored), Exposure C, Enclosed, Gable/Hip, Risk Category IL Overall Bldg Duns 25 It x 60 ft, h =15 ft, End Zone Truss, Both end webs considered. DOL =1.60 3) Minimum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607-1 4)A 250 Ins moving/sprinklerpoint load has been applied Do the BC concunentwith otrerdead+ live loads- LoadCase D1: StdDeadl-oad Part Loads Member Location Direction Load Tnb Width Top 8-5-8 Down 600lbs Member Forces Table indicates: 1vlembm ID, max CSI, mac a" tome, (mac wW.. face ifdi9emit fmm max axial fbrm). Only fats gm=thin 300lbs are shown in dus table TC 1-2 0.MO '2-r 51 Ihs Ni95 33281bs 3-4 G-WC 3331 Ihs 4-5 0.416 3.330lbs W. 74 0573 ] '5 bs 8+f]. LC4 "48 ihs . Web 0112 -1,023 lbs 2-9 0 075 -679 tbs 3-8 0047 - 4_ 16s 5-7 0.66a 3,478 ibs � ✓- II-10 l-9 0463 2,4091bs '-s 0226 1,177lbs 4-7 0086-7831bs 56 0-121-1,078lbs Notes i 6/30/2. 1) Unless noted otherwise, do notcutor alterany truss memberorplate withoutprior approval from aPmfessional Engineer 2) The fabrication tolerance for this rooftruss is 20 %(Cq= 0.80). ' 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding f 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheathing or purlins per Bracing Summary. 5)A creep factor of 100 has been applied for this truss analysis. 6) Lisled wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLINGANY -[BUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWINGARE INSTRUCTED TO TrueBuildXTrusss Software v5.6.326 REFER TO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONSAND QUALIFICATIONS SET' FORTH IN THE EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNECTORS ARE USED. OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: C6 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName:lot-rqumrry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:02:26 760423-9479 Page: lofl SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 13-11-0 025/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24in 59lbs 13-iT-u 2-8-12 I 3-3-9 I 3-3-8 4-7-4 2-8-12 6-0-4 9-3-12 13-11-0 0.25 12 2.441 61 - 2V I 6x 4 T� �04Tri TiLi 1 6x6 - 4x5 - 6z8 - 1 0-0-0 2-8-12 f 3-3-8 3-3-8 r 4-7-4 0-0-0 2-8-12 6-0-4 9-3-12 ' 13-11-0 All plates shownto be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (pst) General CSI Deflection L/ 0oc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code . CBC 2016/ TC: 0.74 (3-4) VertTL: 021 in L / 736 8 L / 240 TCDL: 15 TPI1-2014 BC: 0.51(7-8) VVedLL: 005in L/999 (8-9) L/360 BCLL : 0 Rep Mbr : No Vkb : 0.59 (5-7) HorzTL: 0 02 m 6 BCDL : 10 Lumber D.O.L. 1 l5 % Reaction JT Brg Combo Brg VAdth Rqd Brg Wdth Max React Max Grav Uplift Max Wmd Uplift Uplift Max Honz _Max 10 1 55 in 150 in 1,024 Ibs 75 Ibs 6 1 5 5 in 1.50 in 1,107lbs Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed orPurfms at3-M, Purlin design by Otters. BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Purlins at 10-M, Purlin design by Others. Web: DFL #2 2 x 4 Loads 1) This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live bad plus dead loads. 2) This taus has been designed for the effects of wind loads in accordance withASCE7 -10 with the following user defined 'input 125 mph (Factored), Exposure C, Enclosed, Gable/Hip, Risk Category IL Overall Bldg Duns 25 R x 60 ft h = 15 ft, End Zone Tnus, Both end webs considered. DOL =1.60 3) Mimm rn storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607,1 4)A 250 Ibs movir*sprinkler point load has been applied to the BC concurrent with other dead + live bads LoadCase DI: StdDeadLoad Pond Loads Member Location Direction Load Tnb Width Top 7-10-12 Down 600lbs Member Forces Table Wicaz:MenbaID, max CS[max &ialface,(fretaorrgxforce ifdidaartfiomrtmatialJbimlOrdybrcmW[rdw300lbsaeshown inthistable TC I = 0.138-10RAbs 23 G. R) _J lhs � + +1739 ;+17lbs -F5 0388 2935lbs DC 7.9 Q512 2,u30lbs 8?7 U39h 1.tP?5lIts Wb I -to 0108-9821hs 2A 0.074 6721bs 3-8 0048 -454lbs 5.7 .0,5W 3,0931hv IA 0383 1,9971bs 2S 0232 1,1191bs 4-7 0083-7621bs 56 0.116-1,033lbs Z Notes - ( 6/30/20 1) Unless noted otherwise, do not cut or alter any ttussmember orplate without prior approval fromaProfessional Engineet _ 2) The fabrication tolerance for this roof truss is 20 %(Cq = 0 80) * JA 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. � C I V 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheathing or purlmSummary.s per Bracing Summary. 5)A creep factor of 1.00 has been applied for this truss analysis C 6) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLINGANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO Tn eBuiliMTtuss Software v5.6.326 REFERTOALLOFTHE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMTATIONSAND QUALIFICATIONS SETFORIH N THE EAGLE NERLPRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNECTORS ARE USED. r i OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: C7 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName:lot-6<uarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:02:29 760-423-9479 Page: l of t SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 9-10-12 025/12 1 0-M 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24in 411bs 9-10-12 241-12 3-3-8 3-1" 2-8-12 6-0-4 9-10-12 6 0.25 12 4 I 211 SxdS - x� - rT l 2 6x6 - 5x5 - 0 0 0-0-0 1 2-8-12 3-3-8 3-10-8 2-&12 6-0-4 9-10-12 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (ps f) General CSI Deflection L✓ (loc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code: CBC 2016/ TC: 0b8 (2-3) Vert TL: 008 in L / 999 (5-6) L / 240 TCDL : 15 TPI 1-2014 BC: 0,28 (6-7) Vert LL: 0-02 in L / 999 (5-6) L / 360 BCLL: 0 RepMbr: No Web: 0.35(1-7) HorzTL: 001 in 5 BCDL: 10 LumberD.O.L . 115% Reaction TT Erg Combo Br' Nhclth Rqd Brg Width Max React Max Grav Uplift Max Wind Uplift Max Uplift Max Honz 8 1 5.5 in 150 in 876 lbs 74 lbs 5 1 5.5 in 1.50 in 812 lbs Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Purlins a14-2-0, Purlin design by Others. BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Puriins at 10-M, Purlin design by Others. Vkb: DFL #2 2 x 4 Loads 1) This thus has been designed for the effect due to 10 psfbottom chord live bad plus dead bads. 2) This truss has been designed for the effects of wind bads in accordance withASCE7 -10 with the fotowing user defined input 125 mph (Factored), Exposure C, Enclosed, Gable/Hip, Risk Category II, Overall Bldg Dims 25 ft x 60 It, h =15 $ End Zone Truss, Both end webs considered. DOL = 1.60 3) Minimum storage atftc loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607.1 4)A 250 lbs moving/sprinkler point load has been applied to the BC concurrent with other dead + live loads. LoadCase DI: StdDeadLoad Point Loads Member Location Direction Load TnbWidth Top 4-5-4 Down 600lbs Member Forces Table iodides: Ntanber ID, max CSI, n a" fomG (mac curt/ force if diet %m n anal br* Only 6ru. genes thn 300Ibs ae shown in this table TC: 1 2 v 3" -LtiPt 1= 0.04 -LcN lbs 13-1 0. tsc1 a.4n lbs I 1-7 0348 1,810lbs 116 0063 -578 lbs 14-3 0081-720lbs Notes 1) Unless noted otherwise, do notcutor alter any truss memberor plate without prior approval from aProfessional Engineer 2) The fabrication tolerance for this roof truss is 20 %(Cq = 0.80). 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheathing orpurlins per Bracing Summary. 5)Acreep factor of 1.00 has been applied for this truss analysis. 6) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only load ng- Lxp 6/30/20 yy L T Civ'' f ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO REFER TO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SET FORIH IN THE EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE MEIAL CONNECTORS ARE USED. TrueBuild9Truss Software v5.6.326 Eagle Metal Products I SPAN 54-8 Tj L OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 760-423-9479 PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R 0.25/12 1 0-M 0-M 0-0-0 0-M JCC-.4.-O 5-4-8 Truss: C8 JobName: lot-6giarry Date: 12/12/19 16:02:33 Page: i of 1 PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 1 24 in 25 lbs 3x4 - 0.25 12 31 - 0-0-0 0-0-0 2-8-4 2-8-4 2-8-4 5-4-8 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (psf) General CS1 Deflection U (foe) Allowed TCLL: 20 Bldg Code CBC2016/ TC: 0.89(1-2) VertTL: 0.01 in L/999 (3-4) L/240 TCDL : 15 TPI 1-2014 BC: 0-08 (3-4) VertLL: 0 hn L /999 (3-4) L /360 BCLL: 0 RepMbr: No Vibb: 0-09(1-5) HorzTL: Din 3 BCDL : 10 Lumber D.O.L.: 1 l5 % Reaction if_ 1_ gCom_ bo Brg Wdlh Rqd Brg WShch Max Rmrr Mwr Grav Upliii M•,Ix Weed Uplift Max Uplift Max Hrnix 5 1 5 5 in 150 in 819 lbs 71 lbs 3 1 5 5 in 1.50 in 416 lbs Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Purtins at 6-3-0, Puriin design by Others. BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed ot-Purlms at 10-M, Purlin design by Others Vkb: DFL 92 2 x 4 Loads 1) This fins has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads 2) This fins has been designed for the effects of wind loads in accordance withASCE7 -10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (FactDrcdj Exposure C, Enclosed, GableMp, Risk Category II, Overall Bldg Duns 25 ft x 60 ft, h =15 ft, End Zone Thus, Both end webs considered. DOL =1-60 3) Minimum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607.1 4)A250 lbs moving/sprinkler pointload has been applied to the BC concurrentwith other dead+ live loads. LoadCase DI: StdDeadLoad Porto Loads Member Location Direction Load TnbWidth Top 0-11-12 Down 600lbs �. Member Forces Table indicfa: Mamba m, rtmc CSI, r a" b= (mac cmV Tome ifddre t 8orn nmc seal lbree} Only forts geitar d= 300lbs are shown m this table r-, TC P ildj la Aakl7 761lbs 2-3 0045-34511- Notes 41 1) Unless noted otherwise, do notcut or aller any truss member or plate without prior approval from a Professional Engineer �6/30/20 2) The fabrication tolerance for this rooftruss is 20 %(Cq= 0.80). L x p' 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent pondng. 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheathing or purf¢u per Bracing Summary. 5)A creep factor of 1.00 has been applied for this truss analysis,' 6) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading. L ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLINGANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO 1 TrueBuil&Truss Software v5.6326 REFER TO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SETFORIH IN THE EAGLE MEI]AL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLEMETAL CONNECIORS ARE USED- F L OMEGA EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: C-DT 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName:lot-6<parry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:57 760-423-9479 Page: lof2 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 16-3-0 025 / 12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 2 24 in 71 lbs 16-3-0 3-3-8 3-3-8 3-3-8 3.34 3-1-0 3-3-8 6-7-0 9-10-8 13-2-0 16-3-0 1 0.25 12 2 4 I 2 4 I 4V - 41 - 4. �T 4K4 2 00 TY pp ggLl 21 4z6 - 4z4 - 4x4 - 4x6 - 0-0-0 3-3-8 3-3-8 I 3-3-8 I 3-3-8 0-0-0 3-1-0 3-3-8 6-7-0 9-10-8 13-2-0 16-3-0 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (psi) General CSI Deflection L✓ (loc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code : CBC 2016/ TC: 0.36 (3-4) VertTL: 0 13 in L /999 (9-10) L /240 TCDL: 15 TPII-2014 BC: 028(9-10) VertLL: 0.05in L/999 (10-11) L/360 BCLL: 0 RepMbr: No Vtbb: 025(1-11) HOrzTL: 002m 7 BCDL: 10 LumberDO.L.: 115% Reaction JT BrgCornbo B Width R d Brg Width Max React Max Grav Uplift Max Wind Uplift Max Uplift Max Horiz 12 1 5.5 in 1 50 in 1,176 Ibs 2301bs 7 1 5.5 in 150 in 1,211 lbs Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Pudms at 6-3-0, Pudin design by Others BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Parh ns at 10-M, Purlin design by Others Vkb: DFL 92 2 x 4 Loads 1) This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. 2) This truss has been designed for the effects due to drag load distributed along shear walls along the bottom chord from 0-M tc 16-5-8: 200 plf 3) This truss has been designed for the effects of wind loads in accordance withASCE7 -10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Factored), Exposure C, Enclosed, Gable/Hip, Risk Category II, Overall Bldg Duns 25 ft x 60 ft, h =15 d( End Zone Truss, Both end webs considered DOL =160 4) Minimum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607.1 5)A250 Ibs moving/sprinklerpoint load has been applied to the BC concurrent with other dead+ live bads 6) " - Indicates parapet wind loading has been applied to member 13-1 Load Case DI: StdDeadLoad Porto Loads Member Location Direction Load TnbWidth Top 8-5-8 Down 6001bs Member Forces Table india3a: Menba ID, mac CSI, max a aal brae, (mac eanpr. fare if dif mt from mac axial forml Only Exm "w rhn 3001bs are shown N this table TC 1-2 0.1Io-1,241Ibs 34 0359-1,9601bs 56 0.091-1,028lbs �•. ' �' •Z 23 R 71 •.1,°h-71bs 4F) 0.t75 -1,9!M bs l 8241 �- `{' T ?3C' 7.8 O.ii54-3121ba w10 [i. I,r 1,9361bs I 1-12 01156-3331bs • :3.9 0.2t0 I,uloibs I411 0?u� I,'191bs iSIIh:I 6/30/20 web 1.12 0243-55611as 2-10 0163 1,182lbs (-3116s) 5-8 0051 477IN rX� 1-11 0254 1,324lbs 4A 0036-378lbs 6S 0 22 3 1,160lbs �[ 2-11 0042 414lbs 5-9 0196 1,282lbs 6-7 0062-575lbs Notes C I'd 1 - 1) Unless noted otherwise, do not cut or alter any truss member or plate without prior approval from a Professional Engineer 2) The fabrication tolerance for this roof truss is 20 %(Cq = 0.80). 3) Provide adequate: drainage to prevent ponding. 4) Brace bottom chord with approved sheathing or purlms per Bracing Summary. 5)At least one web of this truss has been designed with a panel point in the web. All panel points on such webs shall be braced brerally perpendicular to the plane ofihe truss Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " of each web panel point 6)A creep factor of 100 has been applied for this truss analysis. ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO TmeBuild&Truss Software v5.6.326 REFER TOALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LINaTATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SET FORTH IN THE EAGLE' ETAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNECTORS ARE USED. L L OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: C-DT 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName:lot-6-quarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:01:58 760-423-9479 Page: 2of2 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 16-3-0 025 / 12 1 0-M 0-0-0 0-M 0-M 2 24 in 71 Ibis 7) - the foray shown foram multiply truss are per ply and the reactions are for all plies. -Iwo identical trusses shall be built and attached as follows, per ply: I bd Nam or Gun Nats[min 135"x3] TC -1 row @ 12 in oc, BC - 1 row @ 12 in oc, Webs - l row @ 12 in oc Provided the hanger connections do not adequately transfer the applied load to all plies: in addition to connectors shown above attach each pair of girder plies with supplemental 16d Nails or Gun Nads[min 135"x3] as follows within 24" ofthe location shown: TC: 8-5-8,(4)Connectors Connectors shall not encroach on other girder ply connectors or truss -to -truss connectors in accordance with the NDS orthe connector manufacturer recommendations 8) When applied loads are on one side of girder; do not flip girder during girder connector installation, install connectors on the girder side where supported loads are applied. When applied loads are on both sides ofgirder; double the spacing and install half of the connectors on one side of girder and then flip the girder to install the other halfofdv connectors on the opposite side (at double the connector spacing). Connectors on opposite sides ofthe girder shall be offset 9) Lateral bracing shall be arlached to each ply. 10)All fasteners minimum 2-12" long unless otherwise noted 11) Nails in 1 st and 2nd ply shall be offset from successive plies by 12 the nail spacing 12) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading. 13) PardNtTL:0 07 in, 21-1199 (13-1JAtowable 21JI20 � Z _41 m Exp. 6/30/20 J OF CALtiF'.- 1 ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO I Tn]eStuld1)TIuss Software v5.6.326 REFER TO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LQv1ITATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SET FORTH IN THE EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNECTORS ARE USED. 'r L OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: C-GBDT 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName:lot-6cprany PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:02:00 760-423-9479 Page: loft SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 16-3-0 025 / 12 1 0-M 0-M 0-0-0 0-" 1 24 in 79 Ibs 16-3-0 3-3.8 3-3-8 3-3 8 3-3-8 3-1-0 3-3-8 6-7-0 9-10-8 13-2-0 16-3-0 13 T 0.25 12 314 2x44 3V - 3)g 0 3 4 0 1 2r1e 1 3144- 3x - 41- 3x4- 2x4 0 0 0 0-0-0 3-3-8 3-3-8 3-3-8 3-3-8 I 3-1-0 3-3-8 6-7-0 9-10-8 13-2-0 I 16-3-0 1 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted Loading (pst) General CSI Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed TCLL : 20 Bldg Code CBC 2016/ TC: 0,67 (34) VertTL: 001 in L /999 (11-12) L /240 TCDL : 15 TPI 1-2014 BC: 0.09 (11-12) VertLL: 0 01 in L/999 (11-12) L /360 BCLL : 0 Rep Mbr No Vkb : 0.49 (l3-l) Horz TL: 0 in BCDL: 10 LumberDO.L.. 115% Reaction Brg Combo Brg Width Red Brg Width Max React Max Grav Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Honz 1 197 5 in N/A 376lbs -228 lbs -10 lbs -228 Ibs -327 lbs 1 197 5 in N/A 312 lbs -01 lbs -61 lbs 52 lbs 1 197 5 in N/A 807 lbs -858 lbs l 197-5 in N/A 653 lbs 136 lbs I 197 5 in N/A 339 Ibs -66 lbs -06 lbs 272 lbs 1 197.5 in N/A 2921bs-137lbs -441bs-137lbs-348lbs Material Bracing TC: DFL SS 2 x 4 TC: Sheathed or Purlins at 6-3-0, Purlin design by Others. BC: DFL SS 2 x 4 BC: Sheathed or Purlms at 10-M, Purlin design by Others Web: DFL 92 2 x 4 Loads l) This truss has been designed for the effects due to drag load distributed along shear walls along the bottom chord from 0-0-0 10 16-5-8: 200 plf. 2) This truss has been designed for the effects of wind bads in accordance wit hASCE7 -10 with the following user defined input 125 mph (Factored), Exposure C, Enclosed, Gable/Hip, Risk Calegory II, Overall Bldg Dams 25 R x 60 $ h = 15 It, End Zone Truss, Both end webs considered. DOL =1,60 3) Minimum storage attic loading has been applied in accordance with IBC 1607 1 4)A 250 lbs moving/spnnklerpoint bed has been applied to the BC concurrent with other dead+ live bads. 5) s: _ Indicates parapet wind leading has been applied to member 13-1 LoadCase D 1: Std Dead Load �� ^ Point Leads Member Lopton Direction Load TnbWidth Top 8-5-8 Down 600lbs Member Forces Table indic3a: Manba m, rnax CSk axial fine, (m aorrpc fwcz if dilTaert fiom rrec aaal from) Only fx= goW ihm 300lbs ae sho n m this tale (654 On),67lb6) > 0094 5661bs (54816s1 TC '_3 6/30/20 0-2443-5731bs 44 0.367 (MIb5 * t—Xp BC 8-9 0.078 -333 lbs 10-11 0085 -333 lbs 9-10 0,074 -333 lbs t1-12 0-085-319lbs - Llt!b 1-11 0,094 5901bs (5771bs) 3-10 0-057-707lbs 5-90-146 -8041 lbs 6-7 0035 350 lbs t' ., 1. 2-I1 0.027-3021bs 3-9 0,156 -872lbs 5-8 0041-354lbs - 2-10 0-123 713lbs (694 65) 4A 0-072 642lbs 48 0-103 672lbs— Notes 1) Unless noted otherwise, do not cut or alter any truss member or plate without prior approval from a Professional Engineer 2) Gable webs placed at24 " OC, U N.O. 3)Attach structural gable blocks with 2x4 20ga plates, U.N.O. 4) Bracing shown is for in -plane requirements. For out -of -plane requirements, refer to BCSI-133 published by the SBCA 5) The fabrication tolerance for this roof truss is 20 %(Cq = 0.80), 6) Provide adequate drainage to prevent pending. ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO TnteBuilMTruss Software v5.6.326 REFER TO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SErFORIH IN THE EAGLEMML PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTS ISSUED W17H Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE MEIAL CONNFS'IORS ARE USED. L OMEGAEQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING Truss: C-GBDT 1301 MONTALVO WAY, STE 4 JobName:lot-6-quarry PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 Date: 12/12/19 16:02:01 760-423-9479 Page: 2 of2 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 16-3-0 025112 l 0-M 0-M 0-M 0-M 1 24 in 79 Ibs 7)At least one web of ithis truss has been designed with a panel point in the web At panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe Ms. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " of each web panel point 8)A creep factor of 100 has been applied for this truss analysis 9) Due to negative reactions in gravity bad cases, special connections to the bearing surface atjomts 7,12 may need to be considered. 10) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading l 1) ParapetTL: 0.12 in, 2L/418 (13-1), Allowable 2L/120. f I 1 *.. 6/30/20 ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCTED TO I TrueBuild�Truss Software v5 6326 REFER TO ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SET FOFUHIN THE EAGLE MEIALPRODUCTS DESTGNNOTESISSUED WITH Eagle Metal Products THIS DESIGN AND AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST. DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE METAL CONNBCTORS ARE USED.