2020 American Express Golf Tournament - Day Tickets - B/C & Staff1. Agency Name
Division, Dept or Region
(If Applicable)
Designated Agency Contact
(Name, Title)
1 have read and understand
Signature of Agency Head or
Agency Report of:
Ceremonial Role Events
and Ticket/Pass Distributions
A Public Document
City of La Quinta
Jon McMillen,
Area Code/Phone
Number 760-777-7030
Email imcmillen@lai
18944.1 and 18942. 1 have verified that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the requirements.
..� Print Name Jan McMillen
Month, Day, Yearl 2/6/2020
I If Amendment - Date of original Filing
(Month, Day. Y.a►)
2. Function or Event Information
Does the agency
Was ticket distribution
have ticket policy
Face Value of each Event Description
provided by Agency?
made at the behest of
if yes, list Name of Official
TickeUPass (Provide Title/Explanation)
Event Date(s)
If no, list Name of Source
agency official? (Y/N)
Last, First
$35/$50 American Express
3. Recipients
(Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. Use Section B to identify an individual Use Section C to identify an outside organization.)
A. B. C.
Identify one of the Name of Outside
Number of following: Description of Organization
Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Ticket(s)i (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Role" or (Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made
Name of Agency, Department or Unit Ticket(sy Pass(es) pursuant to the agency's policy (Last, First) Pass(es) Other, or Income) "Other" description) Ticket(s)/ Pass(es) pursuant to the agency's policy
Planning Commission Promotion of City growth and Mary Caldwell Other
development; tourish; and
recognition, visibility and
profile on a local, national and
worldwide scale
Planning Commission Promotion of City growth and
development; tourish; and
recognition, visibility and
profile on a local, national and
worldwide scale
Michael Proctor I iOther
Promotion of City growth and development;
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
on a local, national and worldwide scale
Promotion of City growth and development;
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
on a local, national and worldwide scale
FPPC Form 802x (20I2)
FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov
Agency Report of:
Ceremonial Role Events
and Ticket/Pass Distributions
A Public Document
I IIIAmendment - Date of Original Filing
(Month, Day. Yea►)
1. Agency Name City of La Quinta
Division, Dept or Region Area Code/Phone
(If Applicable) Number 760-777-7030
Designated Agency Contact
(Name, Title) Jon McMillen, City Manager I Email imcmillen@lacluintaca.gov
I have read and understand FPPC Reg ulo0ons 18944.1 and 18942. 1 have verified that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the requirements.
Signature of Agency Head or
Designee Print Name Jon McMillen
Title City Manager Month, Day, Year 1 2/6/2020
2. Function or Event Information
Does the agency
Was ticket distribution
have ticket policy
Face Value of each
Event Description
provided by Agency?
made at the behest of If yes, list Name of Official
(Provide Title/Explanation)
Event Date(s)
If no; list Name of Source
agency official? (YIN) Last, First
American Express
3. Recipients
(w,- Section A to identify the agencys department or unit Use Section B to identify an individual Use Section C to identrty an outside organization.)
A. B. C.
I Identify one of the Name of Outside
Number of following: Description of Organization
Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Ticket(s)/ (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Role" or (Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made
Name of Agency, Department or Unit Ticket(s)/ Pass(es) pursuant to the agency's policy (Last, First) Pass(es) Other, or Income) "Other' description) Ticket(sy Pass(es) pursuant to the agency's policy
Planning Commission Kevin McCune Other
Promotion of City growth and
development; tourish; and
1 recognition, visibility and
profile on a local, national and
worldwide scale
Planning Commission Philip Bettencourt
Promotion of City growth and
development; tourish; and
1 recognition, visibility and
profile on a local, national and
worldwide scale
Planning Commission
development; tourish; and
recognition, visibility and
orofile on a local. national and
Stephen Nieto I Other
Promotion of City growth and development;
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
on a local, national and worldwide scale
Promotion of City growth and development;
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
on a local, national and worldwide scale
Promotion of City growth and development;
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
on a local, national and worldwide scale
FPPC Form 802x(2012)
FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov
Agency Report of:
Ceremonial• Role Events
and Ticket/Pass Distributions
A Public Document
1. Agency Flame lCfty of La Quinta
Division, Dept or Region Area Code/Phone
(If Applicable)
Number 760-777-7030
Designated Agency Contact
(Name, Title) Jon McMillen, City Manager Email imcmillen@lal
1 have read and understand IFPPCReaulations 18944-1 and 18942. 1 have verified that the distribution set forth. is in accordance with the reauirements.
It Amendment - Date of original Filing
(Month. Day, Y«►)
Signature of Agency Head or
Tole �
Print Name
Jon McMillen
City Manager
D Year
Month, ay,
2. Function or Event Information
Does the agency
Was ticket distribution
have ticket policy
Face Value of each
Event Description
provided by Agency?
made at the behest of If yes, list Name of Official
(Provide Title/Explanation)
Event Dates)
If no, list Name of Source
agency official? (Y/N) (Last, First)
American Express
3. Recipients
(Use Section A to identify the agencys department or unit. Use Section B to identify an individual. Use Section C to identify an outside organization)
A. B. C.
Identify one of the Name of Outside
Number of following: Description of Organization
Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Ticket(s)I (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Role" or (Include address and Number of Oesuibe the public purpose made
Name of Agency Department or Unit Ticket(s)/ Pass(es) pursuant to the agency's policy (Last, First) Pass(es) Other, or Income) "Other" description) Ticket(s)/ Pass(es) pursuant to the agency's policy
Community Serivices Commission
Promotion of City growth and
Gail Biondi
development; tourish; and
recognition, visibility and
profile on a local, national and
Housing Commission
Promotion of City growth and
Gias Casto
development; tourish; and
recognition, visibility and
profile on a local, national and
Housing Commission
Promotion of City growth and
development; tourish; and
recognition, visibility and
profile on a local, national and
Promotion of City growth and development;
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
on a local, national and worldwide scale
Promotion of City growth and development;
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
on a local. national and worldwide scale
Other Promotion of City growth and development;
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
on a local, national and worldwide scale
FPPC Form 802x(2012)
FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov
Agency Report of:
Ceremonial Role Events
and Ticket/Pass Distributions
A Public Document
1. Agency Name I City of La Quinta
Division, Dept or Region Area Code/Phorm
(If Applicable) Number
Designated Agency Contact
(Name, Tine) Jon McMillen, City Manager Email
1 have read and understand FPPC kegulations 18944.1 and 18942. 1 have verified that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the I
Signature of Agency Head or
Designee I � 1 Print Name Jon McMillen
City Manager
Month, Day, Year 2/6/2020
If Amendment - Date of Original Filing
(North, Day, Yew)
2 Function or Event Information
Does the agency
Was ticket distribution
have ticket policy
Face Value of each
Event Description
provided by Agency?
made at the behest of
If yes, list Name of Official
(Provide Title/Explanation)
Event Date(s) (YIN)
If no, list Name of Source
agency official? (Y/N)
(Last, First)
American Express
1/15-1/19/20 yes
3. Recipiertts
(Use Section A to identity the agencys department or unit. Use Section B to identify an individual. Use Section C to identify an outside organization.)
A. B. C.
Identify one of the Name of Outside
Number of following: Description of Organization
Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Ticket(s)/ (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Role" or (Include address and Number of iDeanrihe the public purpose made
Name of Agency Department or Unit Ticket(s)/ Pass(es) pursuant to the agency's policy (Last, First) Pass(es) Other, or Income) "Other" description) Ticket(s)/ Pass(es) I pursuant to the agency's policy
City Clerk's Office Staff
Promotion of City growth and
development; tourish; and
6 recognition, visibility and
profile on a local, national and
worldwide scale
Community Resources Department
Staff Promotion of City growth and
development; tourish; and
60 recognition, visibility and
profile on a local, national and
worldwide scale
Promotion of City growth and development;
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
on a local, national and worldwide scale
Promotion of City growth and development;
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
on a local. national and worldwide scale
FPPC Form 802x (2012)
FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov
Agency Report of:
Ceremonial Role Events
and Ticket/Pass Distributions
A Public Document
1. Agency Name City of La Quinta
Division, Dept or Region
(ff Applicable)
Designated Agency Contact
(Name, Title) Jon McMillen, City Manager Email imcmillenl
1 have read and understand FPPC Regulations 18944.1 and 18942. 1 have verified that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the requirements.
Signature of Agency Head or I t:t
Print Name Jon McMillen
Month, Day,
Ii amendment - Date of original Filing
(Month. Day. Yw►)
2. Function or Event Information
Does the agency
Was ticket distribution
have ticket policy
Face Value of each
Event Description
provided by Agency?
made at the behest of
If yes, list Name of Official
(Provide Title/Explanation)
Event Date(s)
If no, list Name of Source
agency official? (Y/N)
tLast,. First)
American Express
3. Recipients
( Use Section A to identifv the aaencv s department or unit. Use Section B to identifv an individual. Use Section C to identify an outside organization.)
Identify one of the
Name of Outside
Number of following: Description of
Number of Describe the public purpose made
Name of Individual Ticket(s)/ (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Role" or
(Include address and
Number of
17"glb0 the public purpose made
Name of Agency, Department or Unit Ticket(s)/ Pass(es) pursuant to the agency's policy
(Last, First) Pass(es) Other, or Income) "Other'
Ticket(s)/ Pass(es)
pursuant to the agency's policy
Design & Development Dept Staff
Promotion of City growth and
development; tourish; and
Promotion of City growth and development;
32 recognition, visibility and
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
profile on a local, national and
on a local, national and worldwide scale
worldwide scale
Public Works/Engineering
Promotion of City growth and
development; tourish; and
Promotion of City growth and development;
recognition, visibility and
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
profile on a local, national and
on a local, national and worldwide scale
worldwide scale
City Manager's Office Staff
Promotion or city growth and
Other Promotion of City growth and development;
development; tourish; and
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
recognition, visibility and
on a local, national and worldwide scale
profile on a local, national and
FPPC Form 802x 12012)
FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov
Agency Report of:
Ceremonial Role Events
and Ticket/Pass Distributions
A Public Document
1. Agency Name ICity of La Quinta
If Amendment - Date of Original Filing
(Month, Day, Year)
Division, Dept or Region Area Code/Phone
(If Applicable) Number 760-777-7030
Designated Agency Contact
(Name, Title) Jon McMillen, City Manager Email mCmlllen la uintaca. ov
I have read and understand Fill"PCBeaulations 18944.1 and 18942. 1 have verified that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the requirements.
Signature of Agency Head or
Designee ' Print Name Jon McMillen
Tine City Manager Month, Day, Year 2/6/2020
2. Function or Event information
Does the agency
Was ticket distribution
have ticket policy
Face Value of each
Event Description
provided by Agency?
made at the behest of
If yes, list Name of Official
(Provide Title/Explanation)
Event Date(s)
If no, list Name of Source
agency official? (YIN)
(Last, First)
American Express
3. Recipients
(Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. Use Section B to identify an individual. Use Section C to identify an outside organization.)
A. B. C.
Identify one of the Name of Outside
Number of I following: Description of Organization `I
Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Ticket(s)/ t (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Role" or (Include address and Number of (Describe the public purpose made
Name of Agency, Department or Unit Ticket(s)/ Pass(es) pursuant to the agency's policy (Last, First) Pass(es) Other, or Income) "Other' description) Ticket(s)/ Pass(es) PI pursuant to the agency's policy
Finance Dept Staff Promotion of City growth and Other
18 development; tourish; and
recognition, visibility and
profile on a local, national and
Council Promotion of City growth and Mayor Evans 4
16 development; tourish; and
recognition, visibility and
profile on a local, national and
Mayor Pro Tern I 2
Promotion of Cdy growth and development,
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
on a local, national and worldwide scale
Promotion of City growth and development;
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
on a local, national and worldwide scale
Promotion of City growth and development; I
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile I
on a local, national and worldwide scale
Promotion of City growth and development;
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
on a local, national and worldwide scale
FPPC Form 802x(2012)
FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov
Agency Report of:
Ceremonial Role Events
and Ticket/Pass Distributions
A Public Document
if Amendment - Date of Original Ring
1111i Day, Year)
1. Agency Name City of La Quinta
Division, Dept. or Region Area Code/Phone
(If Applicable) Number 760-777-7030
Designated Agency Contact
(Name, Title) Jon McMillen, City Manager Email jmcmilien�a7laquintaca.>;av
I have read and understand FPPC Regulations 18944.1 and 18942. 1 have verified that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the requirements.
Signature of Agency Head or
Designee Print Name Jan McMillen
Title City Manager Month, Day, Year 2/6/2020
2. Function or Event Information
Does the agency
Was ticket distribution
have ticket policy
Face Value of each
Event Description
provided by Agency?
made at the behest of
If yes, list Name of Official
Ticket/Pass ket/Pass
(Provide Title/Explanation)
American Express
Event Dates)
If no, list Name of Source
agency_ official? (Y/N)
(Last, First)
3. Recipients
(Use Section A to identify the agencys department or unit. Use Section B to identity an individual Use Section C to identify an outside organization.)
Identify one of the
Name of Outside
Number of
Description of
Number of Describe the public purpose made
Name of Individual
(Ceremonial Role,
"Ceremonial Role" or
(Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made
Name of Agency, Department or Unit Ticket(s)/ Pass(es) pursuant to the agency's policy
(Last, First)
Other, or Income)
description) Ticket(s)/ Pass(es) pursuant to the agency's policy
Promotion of City growth and development;
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
on a local, national and worldwide scale
Promotion of City growth and development;
tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile
on a local, national and worldwide scale
FPPC Form 802m(2012)
FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov