Landscape Clarifications 2019-10-10Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 13:15:38 Pacific Daylight Time Page 1 of 4 Subject:RE: 2553 Andalusia West (The Wave ) - Landscape Clarifica?ons [2553-MSA1.NRzf] Date:Thursday, October 10, 2019 at 8:58:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time From:Cheri Flores To:Nicole Criste AEachments:image009.png, image010.png, image011.png, image012.png, image013.png, image014.png, image015.jpg, image016.png, image017.png, image018.png, image019.png, image020.png, image021.png, image022.png Thanks Nicole, This sounds good. I was also going to say that they can use their illustrative landscape plan from the SP. What’s your thought on that? Cheri L. Flores | Planning Manager City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760-777-7067 Website | Map hwy111LQ.com From: Nicole Criste <ncriste@terranovaplanning.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2019 8:09 AM To: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov> Subject: FW: 2553 Andalusia West (The Wave ) - Landscape Clarifica?ons [2553-MSA1.NRzf] ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and cau?on when opening aaachments, clicking links or responding to requests for informa?on. ** Cheri, I will put in my two cents based on what you and I discussed, and if you concur I can reply to Paul: The public street frontage should be supplemented by, at a minimum, the landscaping concept for the spine road. Our standard is usually not ‘typicals,’ but a concept for the en?re area covered. You can do ‘typicals’ for public areas that will be on leaered lots within the map. Nicole Page 2 of 4 Nicole Sauviat Criste Principal 
TERRA NOVA PLANNING & RESEARCH, INC.® 42635 Melanie Place, Ste 101
 (760) 341-4800
 FAX#: 760-341-4455
 E-Mail: ncriste@terranovaplanning.com From: "Depala?s, Paul" <pdepala?s@msaconsul?nginc.com> Date: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 6:37 PM To: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov> Cc: "Vann, Nicole" <nvann@msaconsul?nginc.com>, 'Danny Castro' <dcastro@laquintaca.gov>, "ncriste@laquintaca.gov" <ncriste@laquintaca.gov>, "Rowe, Mike" <mrowe@msaconsul?nginc.com> Subject: 2553 Andalusia West (The Wave ) - Landscape Clarifica?ons [2553-MSA1.NRzf] Resent-From: <ncriste@laquintaca.gov> Hi Cheri: We are gekng close to having our SPA and TTM ready to submit for the Wave project. With that in mind, I wanted to elaborate a bit more on Nicole’s ques?on below. We know the checklist calls for TTMs to have conceptual landscape plans on public frontage and leaered lots. However, our map is very large (386 acres) and we don’t yet have detailed design for the interior por?ons to the project. We agree that a conceptual landscape plan should be done now for the public street frontages along Madison and 58th Ave (in red below). So we have two specific requests: Can we defer the conceptual landscape plans for leaered (common) lots in the interior of the project (resort, wave basin, residen?al) un?l we can come back with SDPs for those areas since the architecture and landscape designs are interrelated. For the conceptual design along Madison and 58th, is it sufficient to use typical treatments to describe our design approach or must the concepts detail out the en?re length of those roads. Page 3 of 4 Paul DePalatis, AICP Vice President / Director of Planning Services MSA Consulting, Inc. From: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov> Sent: Friday, October 4, 2019 3:47 PM To: Vann, Nicole <nvann@msaconsul?nginc.com> Cc: Brizuela, Christopher <cbrizuela@msaconsul?nginc.com> Subject: RE: 2553 Andalusia West - The Wave [2553-MSA1.NRzf] HI Nicole For the Landscape Plan, you may submit a conceptual plan. We’d like to have it for the public frontage and any lettered lots. Will this be a large lot TTM? Cheri L. Flores | Planning Manager City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760-777-7067 Website | Map hwy111LQ.com From: Vann, Nicole <nvann@msaconsul?nginc.com> Sent: Friday, October 04, 2019 9:18 AM To: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Brizuela, Christopher <cbrizuela@msaconsul?nginc.com> Subject: 2553 Andalusia West - The Wave [2553-MSA1.NRzf] ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and cau?on when opening aaachments, clicking links or responding to requests for informa?on. ** Good morning Cherie, I have a quick question about the landscape plan the City would like to see as part of the TTM submittal for the Wave project. Can we provide a conceptual landscape plan for just the project’s public frontage and if so, would you want to see a plan for the whole frontage or can we do typicals? We are just trying to ascertain the level of detail that will need to be provided at this stage. Thank you for your help. Nicole Vann Planner Page 4 of 4 MSA CONSULTING, INC. 34200 Bob Hope Drive | Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 office 760.320.9811 website | map | email