Water Park in LQ 2019-08-02_Redacted1
Nichole Romane
From:John Pena
Sent:Tuesday, April 28, 2020 4:44 PM
To:Nichole Romane
Subject:FW: Water Park in La Quinta
Follow Up Flag:Follow up
Flag Status:Flagged
From: Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov>
Sent: Friday, August 2, 2019 6:04 PM
To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Teresa Thompson <Tthompson@laquintaca.gov>; Marcie Graham <mgraham@laquintaca.gov>; Gilbert Villalpando
Subject: Re: Water Park in La Quinta
Good evening Mayor and Council Members,
Here is a preliminary draft statement as well as talking points regarding the surf park coming to LQ article:
The City of La Quinta has been made aware of an article printed by The Desert Sun on July 31st regarding a surf park that
was proposed by Meriwether Companies. The article mentions that this park would be built on land West of Andalusia
Country Club. The discussions that have taken place have been preliminary and information gathering only from
Meriwether Companies. The proposed plan would require:
o General Plan Amendment
o Zone Change
o Specific Plan Amendment
o Tentative Tract Map
o Site Devleopment Permit
o Planning Commission and City Council Review
o Environmental Assessment Form
Talking Points:
Proposed project site consist of approximately 377 acres on vacant land west of Madison Street, South of
Avenue 58.
Submitted project proposes to develop the site with an artificial wave facility with an associated 100 room hotel
and 650 residential units over the 377 acres.
The project also proposes a small golf course and other outdoor amenities such as an outdoor amphitheater,
rope courses and trails.
Current General Plan land use and Zoning designations for the site are Low Density Residential (RL) and Golf
Course (GC).
Hotel and wave parks are not allowed in RL zone or the Specific Plan; therefore the Specific Plan would need to
be amended to allow these uses. Since the Specific Plan would. Need to be amended, the General Plan and
zoning designations would also need to be changed to accommodate the project.
Environmental Review would be needed
Application Requirements needed:
o General Plan Amendment
o Zone Change
o Specific Plan Amendment
o Tentative Tract Map
o Site Devleopment Permit
o Planning Commission and City Council Review
o Environmental Assessment Form
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 2, 2019, at 4:20 PM, Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov> wrote:
Linda Evans | Mayor
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7030
C: 760.899.3279
E: levans@laquintaca.gov
Begin forwarded message:
From: Lynn Smilow >
Date: August 2, 2019 at 3:28:59 PM PDT
To: levans@laquintaca.gov, kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov,
jpena@laquintaca.gov, rradi@laquintaca.gov, ssanchez@laquintaca.gov
Subject: Water Park in La Quinta
** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper
judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for
information. **
To Mayor Evans and City Council Members:
The “Gem of the Desert” is quickly losing its luster for residents like us. On the
scenic drive along both Washington Avenue and Jefferson Avenue beginning at
Avenue 50 towards the mountains and Trilogy, we always feel an immediate
release from the chaotic world we left behind. That peaceful feeling will now be
challenged by the Silverrock expansion. While we understand the need to keep
La Quinta economically sound, we don’t have to “keep up with the Joneses” of
the Valley. Which brings us to why we are writing to you…
An article this week indicated that the new owner of land across from the
Andalusia Resort is seriously considering the idea of using at least part of the
land for a water/surf park. We raise our voices in loud protest! Such a park is
clearly not a good fit (in fact, out of place) for the quiet residential area which
includes Trilogy, Andalusia, PGA West and The Quarry. It would certainly have a
negative effect on home values and add traffic congestion, noise and crime. Let
us not forget that park would sit right on the edge of the Coral Mountain
containing ancient petroglyphs and a short distance from the Lake Cahuilla
Recreational Area, both of which would be highly impacted by a water/surf
As stated in Friday’s Desert Sun opinion: “With growth, changes occur and often
the very qualities that made a city attractive are diminished or lost completely.
Unless its leaders are mindful of the qualities that were attractive originally, a
city may slip easily into a place where pride is no more and commonplace is the
norm.” We would hate to see that happen. Such a change to our area would
likely cause us and other residents to leave the “Gem of the Desert”. Therefore,
we request that you reject any water park proposal at or anywhere near Avenue
58 and Madison.
Ed and Lynn Smilow
La Quinta, CA 92253