1ST SUBMITTAL - ANDALUSIA WEST CONSISTENCY WITH GENERAL PLAN 2035 ANDALUSIA WEST CONSISTENCY WITH GENERAL PLAN 2035 The Proposed Specific Plan Amendment, General Plan Amendment, Change Of Zone and Tentative Tract Map is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan.The City of La Quinta General Plan 2035 contains the following elements: Land Use, Circulation, Livable Community, Economic Development, Parks, Recreation and Trails; Housing; Air Quality; Energy and Mineral Resources; Biological Resources; Cultural Resources; Water Resources; Open Space and Conservation; Noise; Soils and Geology; Flooding and Hydrology; and Hazardous Materials. Each element of the General Plan 2035 contains a summary of goals which reflect the City’s values, aims, and aspirations. They also address the physical development of the City, the protection of people and property from man-made hazards, and the preservation of the City’s assets. Each element’s relevant goals are used in the Specific Plan and in this document as the basis for evaluating the Andalusia West community’s consistency with the City's General Plan 2035. Applicable goals are stated below followed by a statement of how the project conforms thereto. LAND USE ELEMENT GOAL LU-1: Land use compatibility throughout the City. o The site components (neighborhood commercial, low density residential, resort residential, resort hotel, resort amenities, wave basin, and recreational open space amenities) are compatible with surrounding residential and neighborhood commercial uses, surrounding streets, and natural barriers. GOAL LU-2: High quality design that complements and enhances the City. o The Specific Plan includes detailed design guidelines in Section 2.7 to guide high - quality development throughout the Specific Plan area. The high -quality design, amenities, and mix of land uses on the site work to offset any variation from the zoning ordinance in this Specific Plan. GOAL LU-5: A broad range of housing types and choices for all residents of the City. o Andalusia West proposes high-quality, non-golf housing access to resort and recreational amenities not offered elsewhere in the area, thus enhancing housing choice for potential buyers. o The Specific Plan land use plans provides for a broad range of housing types in Planning Areas VIII and IX, designed to promote a broad range of housing options on the site. Planning Area VIII, designated as Low Density Residential in the land use plan, anticipates detached residential dwelling units with densities ranging from 0.8-2.8 dwelling units per acre. The land use plan for Planning Area IX anticipates attached residential dwelling units with densities ranging from 2.5-2.8 dwelling units per acre. GOAL LU -6: A balanced and varied economic base which provides a broad range of goods and services to the City’s residents and the region. o The Specific Plan land use plan includes both neighborhood commercial and tourist commercial land uses which will generate revenue and create employment opportunities. The proposed project would increase services associated with tourism and neighborhood commercial uses. CIRCULATION ELEMENT GOAL CIR-1: A transportation and circulation network that efficiently, safely and economically moves people, vehicles, and goods using facilities that meet the current demands and projected needs of the City. o The project proposes a private circulation system to provide safe and efficient passage for pedestrians and motorists throughout the site. GOAL CIR-2: A circulation system that promotes and enhances transit, alternative vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian networks. o The project proposes a private circulation system with low -speed, low-volume internal streets that will safely accommodate both vehicles and ped estrians. LIVABLE COMMUNITY ELEMENT GOAL SC-1: A community that provides the best possible quality of life for all its residents. o The Specific Plan includes elements to address the goal of the Livable Community Element, which generally is intended to assist the City in developing a more united community through resource conservation, built environment enhancement, promotion of alternative forms of transportation, and improvement of community health. The Specific Plan is consistent with this goal by promotin g a high-quality mix of uses that will greatly enhance the built environment, will promote walkability in the resort center of the project, and will provide ample opportunities for active recreation. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT GOAL ED-1: Provide a balanced and varied economic base which provides fiscal stability to the City, and a broad range of goods and services to its residents and the region. o The project promotes a balanced and varied economic base for the City by introducing a resort with up to 150 hotel keys, a water-based active recreation amenity, and resort residences that will boost tourism and promote fiscal stability. Additionally, the residential use will incrementally increase demand for commercial goods and services in the region, thus enha ncing the economy. GOAL ED‐2: The continued growth of the tourism and resort industries in the City. o Andalusia West promotes the continued growth of the tourism and resort industries in La Quinta by providing a resort featuring a hotel with up to 150 keys, a water-based active recreation amenity, and supporting uses to enhance the resort experience. PARKS, RECREATION AND TRAILS ELEMENT GOAL PR-1: A comprehensive system of parks, and recreation facilities and services that meet the active and passive needs of all residents and visitors. o The Project designates up to 54 acres for recreational open space uses, which includes a water-based active recreational amenity that will provide recreational opportunities currently not available in the City. HOUSING ELEMENT GOAL H-1: Provide housing opportunities that meet the dive rse needs of the City’s existing and projected population. o The Andalusia West Sub-community anticipates the development of up to 696 attached and detached dwelling units with densities ranging from 0.8-2.8 dwelling units per acre, thus contributing to and diversifying the City’s market rate housing stock. GOAL H-2: Assist in the creation and provision of resources to support housing for lower and moderate income households. o This site is not identified as a vacant or underutilized property on Exhibit II -14 of the General Plan. Rather, the site will be developed into high -end single-family attached and detached residential dwelling units in keeping with the character of surrounding developments. Due to the project location, this goal is not applicable to the project. GOAL H-3: Create a regulatory system that does not unduly constrain the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing affordable to all La Quinta residents. o The project does not establish a regulatory program that would constrain affordable housing. Therefore, this goal is not applicable to this project. GOAL H-4: Conserve and improve the quality of existing La Quinta neighborhoods and individual properties. o The project will complement the surrounding residential communities. Development of the property into a boutique hotel, neighborhood commercial, recreational open space, and residential uses will add value and amenities to neighboring communities and the City. GOAL H-5: Provide equal housing opportunities for all persons. o The project does not establish housing policy for the City but does contribute to this goal by providing quality housing for a segment of the population. GOAL H-6: Provide a regulatory framework that facilitates and encourages energy and water conservation through sustainable site planning, project design, and green technologies and building materials. o The project promotes water conservation through the use of drought tolerant plant materials and water efficient irrigation techniques. The project will comply with all City and water district regulations and building codes for water conservation, energy efficiency, and building standards. The project will also comply with all applicable green building requirements. AIR QUALITY ELEMENT GOAL AQ-1: A reduction in all air emiss ions generated within the City. o An analysis of the Air Quality impacts of the project has been prepared in conjunction with Amendment V of the Specific Plan. All perceived impacts associated with this project proposal will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. o The Applicant will utilize blow sand and dust control measures in accordance with the Municipal Code and the Uniform Building Code and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Particular care shall be exercised during periods of extreme wind activity. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES ELEMENT GOAL EM-1: The sustainable use and management of energy and mineral resources. o The project will comply with all applicable green building requirements, including the installation of private rooftop solar sys tems on residences. GOAL EM-2: The conservation and thoughtful management of local mineral deposits to assure the long-term viability of limited resources. o The project is not located in an area with significant mineral deposits and does not include any mining activities. Therefore, because of its location, the goal is not applicable to the project. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ELEMENT GOAL BIO-1: The protection and preservation of native and environmentally significant biological resources and their habitats. o An analysis of the biological impacts of the project has been prepared in conjunction with Amendment V of the Specific Plan. All perceived impacts associated with this project proposal will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. CULTURAL RESOURCES ELEMENT GOAL CUL-1: The protection of significant archaeological, historic and paleontological resources which occur in the City. o An analysis of the Cultural Resource impacts of the project has been prepared in conjunction with Amendment V of the Specific Plan. All perceived impacts associated with this project proposal will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. WATER RESOURCES ELEM ENT GOAL WR-1: The efficient use and conservation of the City’s water resources. o The project promotes water conservation through the use of drought tolerant plant materials and water efficient irrigation techniques. The project will comply with all City and Coachella Valley Water District regulations and building codes for water conservation. OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION ELEMENT GOAL OS-1: Preservation, conservation and management of the City’s open space lands and scenic resources for enhanced recreational, environ mental and economic purposes. o The project includes significant open space amenities. It includes a water -based recreational amenity for use by community residents and guests. In addition, it designates approximately 54 acres as open space. The project incorporates connections to the public sidewalk and public trail system for convenient walking, jogging, and biking activities. GOAL OS-2: Good stewardship of natural open space and preservation of open space areas. o The property contains no geologic hazard zones or significant biological resources, suitable for preservation as active or passive open space. However, the development does incorporate a significant open space amenity through the development of the water-based recreational amenity. GOAL OS-3: Preservation of scenic resources as vital contributions to the City’s economic health and overall quality of life. o The project is not located in an area designated as open space nor is it elevated or visually prominent. The project does not propose excessively high residential, commercial, or mixed-use structures out of character with the surrounding community that would excessively block mountain views. NOISE ELEMENT GOAL N-1: A healthful noise environment which complements the City’s residential and resort character. o The project establishes residential, resort residential, and neighborhood commercial uses with compatible noise levels in an existing residential area. These uses maintain and enhance the City’s residential and resort character and will be subject to the City’s noise ordinance. Noise levels on 58th Avenue and Madison Street are not excessive and the project is buffered by a 10 -foot high perimeter wall. The project with comply with any noise mitigations identified during the project CEQA review. SOILS AND GEOLOGY ELEMENT GOAL GEO-1: Protection of the residents’ health and safety, and of their property, from geologic and seismic hazards o The project is not subject to any on -site geologic or seismic hazards. Therefore, construction of new uses does not threaten the health and safety of project residents or guests. FLOODING AND HYDROLOGY ELEMENT GOAL FH-1: Protection of residents from the potential impacts of flooding and hydrological hazards. o The project is not located in a floodplain. The project desi gn will comply with all mandatory drainage and stormwater management regulations. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ELEMENT GOAL HAZ-1: Protection of residents from the potential impacts of hazardous and toxic materials. O The project is not expected to generate any hazardous waste beyond those commonly found with residential, resort residential, and neighborhood commercial uses. The routine transport, use or disposal of hazardous or toxic materials is not anticipated. Hazardous waste will be disposed of properly through the City and County’s Hazardous Waste Management Plan (HWMP). EMERGENCY SERVICES ELEMENT GOAL ES-1: An effective and comprehensive response to all emergency service needs. o The project design provides adequate access and circulation for emergency service vehicles. The development is in close proximity to urban fire and police services. Additionally, the design will comply with all City design standards and building codes and will undergo standard review by the Police and Fire Departments during entitlement approvals. WATER, SEWER & OTHER UTILITIES ELEMENT GOAL UTL-1: Domestic water facilities and services which adequately serve the existing and long-term needs of the City. o Each project component, including each residential lot, will be provided with domestic water service from CVWD’s public water system. The domestic and irrigation water systems will be built to City and CVWD standards. GOAL UTL-2: Sanitary sewer facilities and services which adequately serve the existing and long-term needs of the City. o Each project component, including each residential lot, will be provided with sanitary sewer service from CVWD’s public wastewater collection and treatment system. The sanitary sewer system will be built to City and CVWD standards. PUBLIC FACILITIES ELEMENT GOAL PF-1: Public facilities and services that are available, adequate and convenient to all City residents. o The proposed project has access to a full range of public services, including public schools through the Coachella Valley Unified School District, a public library and senior center at the La Quinta Civic Center, as well as police, fire, paramedic, and waste disposal services.