Opposed - Jensens 2020-03-05_Redacted1
Cheri Flores
Sent:Friday, March 6, 2020 12:50 PM
To:Cheri Flores
Subject:Re: Surf park development
Follow Up Flag:Follow up
Flag Status:Flagged
** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening
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The name on the article in question was Danny Castro.
I apologize for the error.
On Mar 5, 2020 5:21 PM, J wrote:
Hello Ms. Flores,
I have attempted to contact the Planning Commission on email with no response for weeks. Please let me know their
correct email that will illicit a timely response.
Also yet another Planning Commission meeting has been cancelled. Please let me know the date of the next meeting
that will not be cancelled.
Now to the main subject of our email, I understand your department is in review of the Meriwether surf park
development between Ave 58 and 60 off Madison.
First, we were extremely dismayed to read in a promotional media article that the City of La Quinta planning
department had already made a positive statement to the media about this supposedly "proposed" development. It
was a male with the same last name as yours. He said the city is "excited" and it fits right in with
"wellness". Definitely not our wellness!
It's very difficult to understand why the city is in favor of the COMPLETE disruption in lifestyle to those seniors living a
half mile away at Trilogy at La Quinta other than pure mercenary reasons.
We purchased our property in Trilogy at La Quinta as all around us it is zoned for residential and golf course. We are
completely against a zoning change. Also it is over 55 and very quiet.
Perhaps most importantly, the noise level of the waves, wave machinery, jet skis, hydrofoils, motorcycles,
loudspeakers to direct surfers,music 12 hours per day that must be louder than the sound level of the above will be
We have been residents of La Quinta for over 10 years and have paid property and sales taxes on time. Should this
project move forward, we will be forced to move out of our community and La Quinta.
Housing prices will plummet for this senior community.
Please use your influence to stop this ridiculous project before it begins.
Thank you for your attention to this matter,
The Jensens