Mirage (Plans 1-3) 2015 Geotechnical Update• __tea �
y .41
j -May 7, 2015,
- J.N. 15-216'
Mr. Brian Jacobson BT. -
355 East Rincon Street, Suite 300 a FOR CONS- UCTION
Corona, California 92879
Subject: Geotechnical Update Report, Palo Verde Prglect,_L. 3a h
22, 29 and 30, of. Tract 32279 and Lots 1 through 23 of Tr c 336, City of La
Quinta, Riverside County, California
Dear Mr. Jacobson:
At your request, Petra Geosciences, Inc. (Petra) is providing herewith updated geotechnical
recommendations for development of Lots 2, 9 through 12, 16 .through 22, 29 and 30 of Tract 32279 and '
Lots 1 through 23 ' of Tract 33336 within the Palo Verde project located in the City of La Quinta,
California. This report is based on our,review.of available geotechnical reports by the previous consultant
during original site grading Stoney -Miller Consultants, Inc. (SMC, ' 2006a, 2006b), our previous
involvement within the two tracts during post -grading improvements, the requirements of the 2013
California Building Code (CBC), and our engineering judgment and professional opinion. The purpose
of this report is to present geotechnical recommendations for site precise grading, and for the design and
construction of the foundations for the proposed residential structures and other site improvements that
are based on the current site conditions and the 2013 CBC.
Site Background
Site grading was performed during early- to mid -2006 under the geotechnical observation and testing by
Stoney -Miller Consultants, Inc. (SMC, 2006a, 2006b). Removal or overexcavation of unsuitable surface
soils was performed to competent native alluvial soils and replaced with compacted engineered fill to
design grades. Engineered fills ranged in thickness between 3 and 6 feet within Tract 32279 and between
3 to 4 feet in Tract 33336. The SMC "reports concluded that, based on the observation and testing, the '
subject earthwork was performed in conformance with their, recommendations and with the City of La
Quinta grading code.
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Site soils are very consistent throughout the project site and consist of fine-grained silty sand (14 percent
silt) that have little cohesion. Maximum density and optimum moisture content of the fill materials range
from 106 to 112 pounds per cubic. foot (pcf) at optimum moisture contents between 11 and. 14 percent.
Laboratory testing performed during rough grading indicated the soils are non -expansive (SMC, 2006a,
SMC continued with post -grading testing (SMC, 2007) through early 2007 and .Petra took over as
geotechnical consultant of record in March 2007 until site work was suspended in September of 2009.
The conditions within the site are essentially the same as those completed, by 2009 with the following few
exceptions. Masonry block walls have been constructed along the perimeter of the development; building
foundations and -slabs have been constructed on Lots 2, 29 and 30 'of Tract 32279; minor erosion has
occurred on the vertical cuts along the front yards of many of the buildings pads; an approximately 10=
foot by 10 -foot by 1 foot deep depression is located on Lot 10 of Tract 32279; and a number of boulders
have been dumped on Lot 12 of Tract 33336.
Recent Geotechnical Testing and Evaluation
Petra has performed a recent site reconnaissance . and a representative returned to the site on April 27; .
2015 to perform in-situ density testing of near; finish pad grade soils and sampling of shallow subsurface
soils for laboratory testing for moisture content. The observed fine-grained silty fine sand fill materials
were generally observed to be dense in consistency and very dry, in the upper 1 to 1.5 feet below pad
grades with slightly increasing moisture with increasing depth. The results of the field and laboratory
testing is provided within Table III at the end of this report.
Proposed Precise Grading and Construction
The subject lots are presently close to their previous rough grade elevations, and -minor cuts and fills of
less than 1 foot are assumed within the subject lots in order to establish proper drainage away from the
proposed residences and side- yard swales. We understand that two-story, single-family homes with
attached garages are proposed. The proposed single-family' residences. will be . of wood -frame,
construction with first floor slabs constructed on -grade. Concrete driveways will provide access to the.
adjacent streets, walkways will provide access from the, driveways to the front doors, and patios will be
constructed outside of the rear doors as wells as within interior courtyards areas. The rear and side yards
will be graded to collect any'surface water and deliver it to the curb and gutter of the adjacent streets. ,
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Based on the current design and our involvement with the project, the.*proposed residential construction
within the site is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint if accomplished in accordance with the City of
La Quinta requirements and our following recommendations.
Site Preparation and Precise Gradin? .
The surficial soils within the building pad areas have been somewhat desiccated. and eroded with the .
passage of time: Therefore, remedial grading will be required to reprocess all disturbed, desiccated and .
eroded surficial soils and create suitable pads for the construction of the proposed improvements. That is,
following any necessary clearing operations (boulders, erosion control materials etc.), the near surface
soils, should be thoroughly moisture -conditioned to near two percent above optimum to a depth of at least
12 inches below grade and then recompacted: in-place to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent
based on ASTM D1557. Scarification of :the upper building pad surfaces will not be required if the
moisture conditioning is freely infiltrating into the surface.
Additionally, all structural materials associated with the existing foundations on Lots 2, 29 and 30 of
Tract 32279, including utility line pipes under the slab -on -grade areas, should be removed from the site.
Following removal of the foundations, the building pads for these three lots should be overexcavated to a
depth of 2 feet below finish grade : and the soils replaced as properly compacted fill. The limit of
overexcavation should extend a minimum of 5 feet beyond the perimeter footings. Prior to placing the
fill, the exposed bottom surfaces should be scarified to a depth of at least 10 inches, watered as necessary
to achieve a moisture content that is slightly above optimum moisture, and then recompacted in place to a
minimumrelative compaction of 90 percent. A representative . of the project geotechnical consultant
should be present during all remedial grading and fill operations.
In addition to the building pad areas, any eroded soils or low areas that exist between the existing adjacent
street curbs or sidewalks and the front of the .lots should also be scarified and recompacted to achieve a
compacted subgrade suitable for construction of driveways and any'remaming sidewalks. Street area
subgrade for Cherrywood Place may also require minor preside grading and final street subgrade should
be compacted to 95 percent minimum relative compaction.
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It should be noted that the sequence of precise grading,. as recommended above, is left to grading
.contractor's discretion. However, our experience indicates that for conditions where site surficial soils,
exist at a moisture content well below optimum, the grading operation may be performed more efficiently
if the soils, are thoroughly moisture conditioned utilizing a temporary sprinkler system for at least several
days prior to recompaction.
Exposed bottom surfaces areas to receive compacted fill should be observed and approved by the project
geotechnical consultant prior to fill placement. No fill should be placed without prior approval from.the
geotechnical consultant. The project geotechnical consultant should also be present on site during
grading operations to document, proper- placement and adequate compaction of fill, as well as to observe
compliance with the other recommendations presented herein.
Post-Grading Considerations
Precise Grading and Drainage
We presume that surface drainage systems consisting of sloping concrete flatwork and graded swales will
be constructed on the subject lots to collect and direct all surface. water to the curb and gutter of the
adjacent streets. In addition, the :ground surface around the proposed buildings should be sloped to .
provide a positive drainage gradient away from the structures. The purpose of the drainage systems is to
prevent ponding of surface water within the level areas of the site and against building foundations and
associated site improvements. The drainage systems should be properly maintained throughout the life of
the proposed development.
Section 1804.3 of the 2013 CBC requires that "The ground immediately adjacent to the foundation shall
be sloped away from the building at a slope of not less than one unit vertical in 20 units horizontal (5-
percent slope) for a minimum distance of 10 feet (3048 mm) measured perpendicular to the face of the
wall." Further,. "Swales used for this purpose shall be sloped a minimum of 2 percent where located
within 10 feet (3048 mm) of-the building foundation."
These provisions fall under the purview of the Design Civil Engineer. However, exceptions to allow
modifications to these criteria are provided within the same section of the code as "Where climatic or soil
conditions warrant, the slope of the ground away from 'the building foundations is permitted to be
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reduced to not.less than one unit in 48 units horizontal- (2 percent slope).". This exemption provision
appears to fall under the purview of the Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record.
It is our understanding that the state-of-the-practice for projects in various cities and unincorporated areas
of Riverside County, as well as throughout Southern California, has been to construct earthen slopes at 2
percent minimum gradient away from the foundations and at. 1 percent minimum for. earthen swale
gradients. Structures constructed and properly. maintained under those criteria have performed
satisfactorily. Therefore, considering the semi-arid climate, site soilconditions and an appropriate
irrigation regime, Petra considers that the implementation of 2 percent slopes away from the structures
and 1 percent swales to be acceptable for the subject lots.
It should be emphasized that the homeowners,are cautioned that the slopes away from the structures and.
swales to be properly maintained, not .to be obstructed, and that future improvements not to alter
established gradients unless replaced with suitable alternative drainage systems.. Further,. where the flow
line of the swale exists within five feet of the structure, adjacent footings shall be deepened appropriately
to maintain minimum embedment requirements, measured from the flow. line of the swale:
Utility Trench Backfill
All utility trench backfill. should be compacted to_a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent. Trench
backfill materials should be placed in. approximately 8J 12 inch-thick maximum lifts, moisture
conditioned as necessary to .achieve near optimum moisture conditions, .and mechanically compacted in
place with a hydra-hammer,, pneumatic, tamper or similar- equipment to achieve a minimum relative
compaction of 90 percent. Native soils are generally fine-grained silty sand and. may. be used as backfill
material, although the sand equivalent of these materials is anticipated to be less than 30: I A
representative .of this firm should probe and .test the backfills, to document the adequate compaction has
been achieved.
For shallow trenches where pipe or utilities might be damaged by mechanical compaction equipment,
imported sand having a .Sand Equivalent (SE) value of 30 or greater may be used for backfill. Sand
backfill materials should be watered to achieve optimum (or above) moisture conditions, and then tamped
with hand-operated pneumatic'tampers to ensure proper consolidation of the backfill. No specific relative
compaction will be required; however,. observation, probing and, if deemed necessary, testing should be
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.performed by a representative of this firm to verify that the backfill is adequately compacted and will not
be subject to excessive settlement:
Where an exterior or interior utility trench is proposed in a direction that is parallel to a building footing,
the bottom of the. trench should not extend below a 1:1 plane projected downward from the bottom edge
of the adjacent footing. Where this condition occurs, the adjacent footing should be deepened or the
trench backfilled and compacted prior to construction of the footing.
Foundation Design Considerations
Seismic Design Coefficients
Earthquake loads on earthen structures and buildings are a function of ground acceleration which may be
determined from the site-specific. acceleration response. spectrum. To provide the design team with the .
parameters necessary to construct .the site-specific acceleration response spectrum for this project, we
used the computer applications that are available on . the United States -Geological Survey (USGS)
website, http://geohazards.usgs.gov/. Specifically, the. Design Maps website
http://earthquake.usgs.gov/designmaps/us/application.php was used to calculate the ground motion
parameters. _
To run the above computer applications, site latitude, longitude, , risk category and knowledge of "Site
Class" are required. The site class definition depends on the average shear wave velocity, Vs30, within the.
upper 30 meters (approximately. 100 feet) of site soils. _A shear wave velocity of 600 to 1,200 feet per
second for the upper 100 feet was used for the site based on engineering experience and judgment.
The following table, Table 1, provides parameters required_ to construct the site-specific acceleration
response spectrum based' on 2013 CBCguidelines:
Palo Verde/La Quinta
Table 1
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Ground Motion Parameters
Latitude (North)
Longitude (West)
Site Class Definition
Table 20.3-1, ASCE 7-10
Assumed Risk Category
Table 1604.5, CBC 2013
S, - Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration
Figure 1613.3.1(1), CBC 2013
SI -Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration
Figure 1613.3.1(2), CBC 2013
Fa - Site Coefficient
Table 1613.3.3(1), CBC 2013
F,, - Site Coefficient
Table 1613.3.3(2), CBC 2013
SMs - Adjusted Maximum Considered Earthquake
Spectral Response Acceleration
Equation 16-37, CBC 2013
SM, - Adjusted Maximum Considered Earthquake
Spectral Response Acceleration
Equation 16-38, CBC 2013
SDs - Design Spectral Response Acceleration
Equation 16-39, CBC 2013
SDI - Design Spectral Response Acceleration
Equation 16-40, CBC 2013
To - (0.2 SDI/ SDs)
Section 11.3, ASCE 7-10
TS- (SDI/ SDs)
Section 11.3, ASCE 7-10
TL- Long Period Transition Period
Figure 22-12, ASCE 7-10
FPGA - Site Coefficient
Figure 22-7, ASCE 7-10
PGAM - Peak Ground Acceleration at MCE
Equation 11.8-1, ASCE 7-10
Design PGA (0.4 SDs) — Short Retaining Walls
Equation 11.4-5, ASCE 7-10
CRs - Short Period Risk Coefficient 2
Figure 22-17, ASCE 7-10
CRI - Long Period Risk Coefficient
Figure 22-18, ASCE 7-10
Seismic Design Category'
Section 1613.3.5, CBC 2013
PGA Calculated at the MCE return period of 2475 years (2 percent chance of exceedance in 50 years).
Z PGA Calculated at the Design Level of 2/3 of MCE which is approximately equivalent to a return period of 475 years (10 percent chance of
exceedance in 50 years).
' Seismic Design Category may be calculated by the structural engineer in accordance with the alternate design procedures of Section 1613.3.5.1 based
on structural characteristics in addition to the ground motion parameters, this may supersede the category listed herein.
References: USGS Seismic Design Web Application— http://peohazards.uses.eov/designmaps/us/application.phhp
California Building Code (CBC), 2013, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, Volume I and IL
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE/SEI), 2010, Minimum Design Load for Buildings and Other Structures, Standards 7-10.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 2009, NEHERP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program)
Recommended Seismic Provision for New Building and Other Structures (FEMA P-750).
.Allowable Soil Bearink Capacities
A basic allowable soil bearing capacity of 17,'5500_pounds per square:foot; including dead and live loads, ,
may be utilized for design of 247inch-quare-.pad-f6oting and 12 inch_wide continuous footings;founded at
a minimum-depth-of-l2,inches=below the lowest adjacent final grade. This value may be increased by 20
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percent for each additional foot of depth and by 10 percent for each additional foot of width to a
maximum value of 2,500-pounds_per_square=foot:, Recommended allowable bearing values include both ,
dead and live loads, and may be=increased-by-on fo short duration wind and seismic forces.
Footing Settlements
Based on the. allowable bearing values provided above, total settlement of the footings under the
anticipated loads is estimated to be less than 1 inch. Differential settlement is expected to be less than '/?
inch over a horizontal span of 40 feet. The majority of settlement.is likely to take place as footing loads
are applied or shortly thereafter.
Lateral Resistance
A passive earth pressure of 250pounds per square foot per foot of depth, to a maximum value of 2,500
pounds per square foot, may be used to determine lateral bearing resistance for footings. In addition, a
coefficient of friction of 0.30 times the dead load forces may be used between concrete and the supporting .
soils to determine lateral sliding resistance. The above values may be increased by one-third when
designing for transient wind or seismic forces. It should be noted that, the above values are based on the ,
condition where footings are cast in direct contact with compacted fill or competent native soils. In cases
where the footing sides are formed, all backfill placed against the footings upon removal of forms should
be compacted to at least 90 percent of the applicable maximum dry density.
Guidelines for Footings and Slabs on -Grade Design and Construction
Very Low Expansion Potential (EI = 0 to 20) ,
The results of laboratory tests performed on representative samples of near -surface soils within the site at
the completion of grading indicate that these material exhibit expansion potentials that are within the
Very Low range (Expansion Index from 0 to 20). As such, the design of slabs -on -grade is considered to
be exempt from the procedures outlined in Sections 1803.5.3 and 1808.6.2 of the 2013 CBC and may be
performed using any method deemed rational and appropriate by the project structural engineer.
However, the following minimum recommendations are presented herein for conditions where the_project
design team may require geotechnical engineering.guidelines for design and construction of footings and .
slabs on -grade the project site.
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The. design and construction guidelines. that follow are based on the above soil conditions and
may be considered for reducing the effects of variability in fabric, composition and, therefore, the
detrimental behavior of the site soils such as excessive short- and long-term total and differential
settlements. These guidelines have been I developed on the basis of the previous experience of this
firm on projects with similar soil conditions. 'Although construction performed in accordance
with these guidelines has been found to reduce post-construction. movement.and/or distress, they
generally do not positively eliminate all potential effects of variability in soils characteristics and
future settlement.
It should also be noted that the suggestions for dimension and reinforcement provided herein are
performance-based and intended only as preliminary guidelines to achieve adequate performance
under the anticipated soil conditions: However, they should not be.construed as replacement for
structural engineering analyses, experience and judgment. The projectstructural engineer,
architect and/or civil engineer should make appropriate adjustments to slab and footing
dimensions, and reinforcement type, size and spacing to account for internal concrete forces
(e.g., thermal, shrinkage and expansion) as well as external forces (e.g., applied loads) . as
deemed necessary. Consideration should also be given to minimum design criteria as dictated by
local building code requirements.
Conventional Slabs on-Grade System (Very Low Expansion)
Given the very low expansion potential exhibited by onsite soils, we recommend that footings and floor
slabs be designed and constructed in accordance with the following minimum criteria.
1. Exterior continuous footings supporting one- and two-story structures should be founded at a
minimum_depthof-1-7 inches-below the lowest adjacent final grade. Inter-ior continuous footings
may be founded at a miniiiium_depth=of=l:0-inches below the tops of the adjacent finish floor
2. All continuous footings should have minimum widths of d_22and"1"5= ches for one- and two-story
construction, respectively. All continuous footings should be reinforced with a -minimum of two;
No..4. bars,_one top and-one-bottom:
3. Aminimum_12 inch-wide grade beam founded at the same depth as adjacent footings should be
provided across garage entrances or similar openings (such as large doors or bay windows). The
grade beam should be reinforced with a similar manner as provided above.
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4. Interioriso-lated,pad'footings, if required,.should be a minimumTof 24Tinches square and foundedE
at a=minimum-depth=of 12 -inches -below the bottoms of the adjacent floor.slabs. Pad footings"
should be reinforced with No=4--bars-spaced�a�maximum of=TS`inclieson centers, both ways,,
placed near the bottoms of the footings.
.5. r isolated pad footings intended'for support of roof overhangs. such as second-story-decks,I
patio -covers and similar construction should be a minimum,of 24`mches.square.and founded at a''
minimu_m=deptt► ofsl8tiinches below the lowest adjacent finalgrade. The pad footings should be •
reinforced with No: 4'bars spaced,a maximutii of -f8 inches on -centers, both ways, placed'near the,
bottoms of the footings. Exterior isolated pad footings may need to be connected to adjacent.pad
and/or continuous footings .via tie beams at the discretion of the; project structural engineer.
6.•- The minimum footing dimensions and reinforcement recommended herein may be modified
(increased or decreased subject -to the constraints. of Chapter 18 of the 2013 CBC) by the
structural engineer responsible for foundation design based - on his/her calculations, engineering
experience and judgment.
Building Floor Slabs
1. Concrete floor slabs should be a�minimum:4:inchas tl'iick and reinforced with No..3-bars,spaceda7
maxifrium:ofr24ninches-on.,centers,..6-oil ways. ''Alternatively, the structural engineer may -
recommend the use of prefabricated welded wire mesh for slab reinforcement. For this condition,
the welded wire mesh should be of sheet'type (not rolled) and should consist of 6x6/W2.9xW2.9
(per the Wire Reinforcement Institute, WRI, designation) or stronger. All slab reinforcement
should be supported on concrete chairs or�brick to ensure the desired placement near mid -depth. '
Care should.be exercised to prevent warping of the welded wire mesh between the chairs in order
to ensure its placement at the desired mid -slab position.
2. Living area concrete floor slabs and areas to receive moisture sensitive floor coveringshould be,
underlain with a moisture vapor retarder consisting of a minimum 10 -mil -thick polyethylene or.,
polyolefin membrane that meets the minimum requirements of ASTM E96 and ASTM E1745 for
vapor retarders (such as Husky Yellow Guard®, Stego® Wrap, or equivalent). All laps within.,
the membrane should be sealed,'.and at least 2 inches of.clean sand should be placed over the
membrane to promote uniform curing of the concrete. • To reduce the potential for punctures, the
membrane should be placed on a pad surface that has. been graded smooth without any sharp
-protrusions. If a smooth surface cannot be achieved by grading, consideration should be given to,,
lowering the pad finished grade an additional inch and then placing a 1 -inch -thick leveling course '
of sand across the pad surface prior to the placement of the membrane.
At the present time, some slab designers, geotechnical professionals and concrete experts
-view view the sand layer below, the slab (blotting sand) , as a place for entrapment of excess-
-moisture that could adversely impact moisture -sensitive floor coverings. Asa preventive
measure, the potential for moisture intrusion into the concrete slab could be reduced if
the concrete is placed directly on the vapor retarder. However, if this sand layer is
'omitted, appropriate curing methods must be implemented to ensure that the concrete
- slab cures uniformly. A qualified materials engineer with experience in slab design and
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construction should provide recommendations for alternative methods of curing and
supervise the construction process to ensure. uniform slab curing. Additional steps would
also need to be taken to prevent puncturing of the vapor retarder during concrete
3. Garage floor slabs should be a minimum 4 inches thick and reinforced in a similar manner as
living area floor slabs. Garage slabs should also be poured separately from adjacent wall footings
with a positive separation maintained using '/o=inch-minimum felt expansion joint material. To
control the propagation of shrinkage cracks, garage floor slabs should be quartered with
weakened plane joints. Consideration should be given to placement of a moisture vapor retarder
below the garage slab, similar to that provided in Item 2 above; should the garage slab be overlain
with moisture sensitive floor covering.
4. Pre saturation of the subgrade below floor slabs will not be required; however, prior to placing
concrete, the subgrade below all dwelling and garage floor slab areas should be thoroughly
moistened to achieve a moisture content that is at least equal to or slightly greater than optimum
moisture content. This moisture content should penetrate to a minimum depth of 12 inches below
the bottoms of the slabs.
5. The minimum dimensions and reinforcement recommended herein for building floor slabs may
be modified (increased or decreased) by the structural engineer responsible for foundation design
based on his/her calculations, engineering experience and judgment.
Alternative Post-Tensioned Slabs on-Grade System (Very Low Expansion)
In consideration of the very low expansion potential exhibited by onsite soils, any rational and appropriate ,
procedure may be ' chosen by the project structural engineer for the design of post-tensioned slabs on
grade. Should the design engineer choose to follow the most current procedure published by the Post
Tensioning Institute (PTI), the following minimum design criteria are provided.
Soil Information
Approximate Depth of Constant Suction, feet
Approximate Soil Suction, pF '
Inferred Thomthwaite Index:..
Average. Edge Moisture Variation Distance, em in. feet:;
Center Lift ." ..
Edge Lift '
Anticipated well, ym in. inches:
Center Lift
_ 0.20
Edge Lift
0.40 '
Modulus of Subgrade Reaction �-
The modulus ofsub grade reaction'for design of_load bearing partitions may be_assumed to be 125 pounds r
per cubic'inch. x r j
Minimum Design Recommendations1.'-
The soil values provided above may be utilized by the project structural engineer to design post -tensioned
slabs on -ground in accordance with Section • 1808:6.2 of tNe 2013 CBC'and the P,TI publication. Thicker
flooi slabs and larger footing sizes may, required for structural reasons and should govern the design if
more restrictive than the minimum recommendations provided below, I
• i., 3
1. Perimeter footings for both one-story and two-story structures_'should be founded at a minimum
depth of 12 inches below the lowest adjacenf finished ground surface. Interior footings may, be f
founded at`a minimum depth'.of 10 inches below the tops of the adjacent finish floor slabs, All !
continuous footings should be reinforced with'aminimum of two No.; 4:bars, one top and one ;
bottom. Alternatively, post -tensioned tendons maybe utilized in . the perimetercontinuous
footings .in lieu of the reinforcement bars.F
` 2 A minimum 12'inch-wide grade beam founded at the, same depth asradjacent footings should be
provided across the.garage'entrances or similar openings (such as large doors or bay windows).
The grade beam•should be reinforced in a similar.ma' nner as provided above...:
3 Exterior isolated pad footings intended for support ^of roof overhangs such as second -story decks, t .
^,•''.patio covers and similar construction..should.be a•minimum.of 24 inches square and founded at a i
minimum depth of 18 inches. below, the lowest adjacent final grade. The pad footings should be
reinforced with No: 4 bars spaced a maximum of 18 inches"on centers, both ways, placed near the
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bottoms.of the footings. Exterior isolated pad footings may need to be connected to adjacent pad
and/or continuous footings via tie beams at the discretion of the project structural engineer.
4. The thickness of the floor slabs should be determined by the project structural engineer with
consideration given to the expansion potential of the onsite soils; however; we recommend that a
minimum slab thickness of inches be considered.
5. As an .alternative. to designing 47inch-thick post -tensioned slabs with perimeter footings as
described in Items 1 and 2 above, the structural engineer may design the foundation system using
a thickened slab design. The minimum thickness of this uniformly thick slab should be 8 inches.
The engineer in charge of post -tensioned slab design may also opt to use any combination of slab
thickness and footing embedment depth as deemed appropriate based on their engineering
experience. and judgment.
6. Living area concrete floor slabs and areas to receive moisture sensitive floor covering should be
underlain with a moisture vapor retarder consisting of a minimum 10 -mil -thick polyethylene or
polyolefin membrane that meets the minimum requirements of ASTM E96 and ASTM E1745 for
vapor retarders (such as Husky Yellow Guard®, Stego® Wrap, or equivalent). All laps within
the membrane should be sealed; and at least 2 inches of .clean sand should be placed over the
membrane to promote uniform curing of the concrete. To reduce the potential for punctures, the
membrane should be placed on a pad surface that has been graded smooth without any sharp
protrusions. If a smooth surface cannot be achieved by grading, consideration should be given to
lowering the pad finished grade an additional. inch and then placing a 1 -inch -thick leveling course
of sand across the pad surface prior to the -placement of the membrane.
At the present time, some. slab. designers, geotechnical professionals and concrete experts
view the sand layer below the slab (blotting sand) as a place for entrapment of excess
moisture that could adversely impact moisture -sensitive floor coverings. As a preventive
measure, the potential for moisture intrusion into the concrete slab could be reduced if
the concrete is placed directly on the vapor retarder. However, if this sand layer is
omitted, appropriate curing methods must be implemented to ensure that the concrete
slab cures uniformly. A qualified materials engineer with experience in slab design and
construction should provide recommendations for alternative methods of curing and
supervise the construction process to ensure uniform slab curing. Additional steps would
also need to be taken to prevent puncturing of the vapor retarder during concrete
7. Garage floor slabs should be designed in a. similar manner as living area floor slabs.
Consideration should be given to placement of a moisture vapor retarder below the garage slab,
similar to that provided in Item 6 above, should the garage slab be overlain with moisture
sensitive floor covering.
8. Presaturation of the subgrade below floor slabs will not be required; however, prior to placing .
concrete, the subgrade below all dwelling and garage floor slab areas should be thoroughly
moistened to achieve a moisture content that is at least equal to or slightly greater than optimum
moisture content. This moisture content should penetrate to a minimum depth of 12 inches below
the bottoms of the slabs.
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9. The minimum footing dimensions and reinforcement recommended herein. may be modified
(increased or decreased subject to the constraints of Chapter 18 of the 2013 CBC) by the
structural engineer responsible for foundation design based on his/her calculations, engineering.
experience and judgment...
Foundation Excavation Observations
Foundation excavations should be.observed by a representative of this firm to document that they have
been excavated into competent bearing. soils prior to the placement of forms, reinforcement or concrete.
The excavations should be trimmed neat, level and square. -All loose, sloughed or moisture-softened soils
and/or any construction debris should be removed prior to placing of concrete. Excavated soils derived
from footing and/or utility trenches should not be placed in building slab-on-grade areas or exterior
concrete flatwork areas unless the soils are compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density.
Retaining Walls
Allowable Bearing Values and Lateral Resistance
Retaining wall footings may be designed using the allowable soil bearing and lateral resistance values
recommended previously :for design of residential footings founded in fill. These values are repeated
below for convenience. , However, when calculating passive resistance, the upper 6 inches of the footings
should be ignored in areas where the footings will not covered with concrete flatwork, or where the
thickness of soil cover over the top of the footing is less than 12. inches.. Stepped retaining walls do not
appear to be an element of the current design, however, if utilized, the structural design should consider
the surcharge load of any superjacent walls or foundations.
Allowable Soil Bearing Capacities
A basic allowable soil bearing capacity of 1,500 pounds per square foot, including dead and live loads,
may be utilized for design of 12-inch-wide continuous footings founded at a minimum depth of 12 inches*,
below the lowest adjacent final grade. This value may be increased by 20 percent for each additional foot
of depth and by.10 percent for each additional foot of width to a maximum value of 2,500 pounds per
square foot. Recommended allowable bearing values include both dead and live loads, and may. be
increased by one-third for short duration wind and seismic forces.
Palo Verde/La Quinta J.N. 15-216
Page 15
Lateral Resistance
A passive earth pressure of 250 pounds per square foot per foot of depth, to a maximum value of 2,500
pounds per square foot, may be used to determine lateral bearing resistance for footings. In addition, a
coefficient of friction of 0.30 times the dead load forces maybe used between.concrete and the supporting
soils to determine lateral sliding resistance. The above values may be increased by one-third when
designing for transient wind or seismic forces. It should be noted that the above values are based on the
condition where footings are cast in direct contact with compacted fill or competent native soils. In cases
where the footing sides are formed, all backfill placed against the footings upon removal of forms should
be compacted to at least 90 percent of the applicable maximum dry density.
Active and At -Rest Earth Pressures
On-site soil materials have very low expansion potentials, therefore, for this condition, active earth
pressures equivalent to fluids having densities of 40 and 61 pounds per cubic foot should be used for
design of cantilevered walls retaining a level backfill and ascending 2:1 backfill, respectively. For walls.
that are restrained at the top, at -rest earth pressures of 60 and 92 pounds per cubic foot (equivalent fluid
pressures) should be used. The above values are for retaining walls that have been supplied with a proper.
subdrain system (see Figure RW71). All walls should be designed to support any adjacent structural
surcharge loads imposed by other nearby walls or footings in addition to the above -recommended active
and at -rest earth pressures.
The soil type for on-site soils used for wall backfill by the structural designer should be clearly depicted
on the retaining wall plans. All structural calculations and detailed plans for the proposed retaining walls
should be provided to this firm for verification purposes prior to grading and construction phases. During
construction, Petra should observe the foundation excavation prior to placement of reinforcement or
forms to verify the anticipated soil conditions. As with structural foundations, the foundation excavations
should be free of deleterious material and loose soils prior to placing concrete. Foundation soils should
be pre -moistened to near optimum moisture content prior to placement of concrete.
Palo Verde/La Quinta J.N. 15-216
Page 16
Geotechnical Observation and Testing
All grading and construction phases associated with retaining . wall construction, including backcut
excavations, footing trenches, installation of the subdrainage systems, and placement of backfill should .be
observed and tested by a representative of the project geotechnical consultant.
Drainage and Waterproofing
Perforated pipe and gravel .subdrains should be installed behind all retaining walls to prevent entrapment
of water in the backfill (see Figure RW -1). Perforated pipe should consist of 4 -inch -minimum diameter
PVC Schedule 40, or ABS SDR -35, with the perforations lain down. The pipe should be encased in a 1-
foot -wide column of 3/4 -inch to 1V2 -inch open -graded gravel and the open -graded gravel should extend
above the wall, footings to a minimum height equal to one-third the wall height, or to a minimum height
of 1.5 feet above the footing, whichever is greater. The open -graded gravel should be completely
wrapped in filter fabric consisting of.Mirafi 140N, or equivalent. Solid outlet pipes should be connected
to the subdrains and then routed to a suitable area for discharge of accumulated water. The backfilled .
portions of retaining walls should be coated with an approved waterproofing compound or covered with a
similar material 'to inhibit migration of moisture through the walls.
Wall Backfill .
Recommended active and at -rest earth pressures for design of retaining walls are based on the physical
and mechanical properties of the on-site soil materials. On-site soils used for backfill should be placed in' .
approximately 6- to 8 -inch -thick maximum lifts, watered as necessary to achieve near optimum moisture
conditions, and then mechanically compacted in place to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent..
Flooding or -jetting of the backfill ' materials should ' be avoided. A representative of the project
geotechnical consultant should observe the backfill :procedures and test the wall backfill to verify
adequate compaction.
Masonry Block Screen Walls
Footings for masonry block walls may be designed in accordance with the bearing and lateral resistance
values provided previously for building footings. However, as a minimum, the wall footings should be
embedded at a minimum depth of 18 inches below the lowest adjacent final grade. The footings should
Palo Verde/La Quinta J.N. 15-216
Page 17
also be reinforced with a minimum of four No. 4 bars, two top and two bottom. In order. to minimize the
potential for unsightly cracking related to the possible effects of differential settlement and/or expansion,
positive separations (construction joints) should also be provided in. the block, walls at each corner and at
horizontal intervals of approximately 20 to 25 feet. The separations should be provided in the blocks and,
not extend through the footings.. The footings should be . poured monolithically with continuous
reinforcement bars to serve as effective "grade beams" below the walls.
Exterior Concrete Flatwork
Very Low Expansion Potential (Expansion Index 0 — 20) .
The guidelines that follow should be considered,as minimums and are subject to review and revision:by
the project architect, structural engineer arid/or landscape consultant as deemed appropriate.
Thickness and Joint Spacing
To reduce the potential of unsightly cracking, concrete walkways, patio-type slabs, large decorative slabs
and concrete subslabs to be covered with decorative pavers should be at least 4 inches thick and provided
with construction joints or expansion joints every 6 feet or less. Private driveways that will be designed
for the use of passenger cars for access to private garages should also be at least 4 inches thick and
provided with construction joints or expansion joints every 10 feet or less. Concrete pavement that will
be designed based on an unlimited number of :applications of an 18-kip single-axle load in public access .
areas, segments of road that will be paved with concrete (such as bus stops and cross-walks) or access
roads and driveways, which serve multiple residential units or garages, that will be subject to heavy truck
loadings should have a. minimum thickness of 5 inches and be provided with control joints spaced at
maximum 10-foot intervals. A modulus of subgrade reaction of 125 pounds per cubic foot,may be used
for design of the public and access roads.
Reinforcement .
All concrete_ flatwork having their, largest plan"view panel dimension exceeding 10 feet should be
reinforced with a minimum of No. 3 bars spaced 24 inches on centers, both ways. Alternatively, the slab
reinforcement may consist of welded wire mesh of the sheet type (not rolled) with 6x6/W1.4xW1.4,
Palo Verde/La Quinta . J.N. 15-216.
Page 18
designation, in accordance with the Wire Reinforcement Institute (,WRI).. The reinforcement should be.
properly positioned near the middle of the slabs.
The reinforcement recommendations provided herein. are intended as. guidelines ,to achieve
adequate performance for anticipated soil conditions. The project architect, civil and/or
structural engineer should make appropriate adjustments in reinforcement type, size and spacing
to account for concrete internal (e.g., shrinkage and thermal) and external (e.g., applied loads)
forces as deemed necessary._
Edge Beams (Optional)
Where the outer edges of concrete flatwork are to be bordered by landscaping, it is recommended that
consideration .be given to the use of edge beams (thickened edges) to prevent excessive infiltration and
accumulation of water under the slabs. Edge beams, if used, should be 6 to 8 inches wide, extend 8
inches below the tops ofthe finish slab surfaces:. Edge beams are not mandatory; however, their inclusion
in flatwork construction adjacent to landscaped areas is intended to reduce the potential for vertical and
horizontal movement and subsequent cracking of the flatwork related to uplift forces that can develop in
expansive soils.
Subgrade Preparation
To reduce the potential for distress to concrete flatwork, the subgrade soils below concrete flatwork areas
to a minimum depth of 12 inches (or deeper; as either prescribed elsewhere in this report or determined in
the field) should be moisture conditioned to at least equal to, or slightly greater than, the optimum
moisture content and then compacted to a minimum relative compaction of.90 percent. Where concrete
public roads, concrete segments of roads and/or concrete access driveways are proposed, the upper 6
inches of subgrade soil should be compacted to a minimum 95 percent relative compaction. .
As a furthermeasure to reduce the potential for concrete flatwork cracking, subgrade soils should be
thoroughly moistened prior to placing concrete. The moisture content of the soils should be at least 1.2
times the optimum moisture content and penetrate to a minimum depth of 12 inches.into the subgrade.
Palo Verde/La Quinta J.N. 15-216
Page 19
Flooding or ponding of the subgrade is not .considered feasible to achieve the above moisture conditions
since this method would likely require construction of numerous earth berms to contain the water.
Therefore, moisture conditioning should be achieved with sprinklers or a light spray applied to the
subgrade over a period of few to several days just prior to pouring concrete. Pre -watering of the soils is
intended to promote uniform curing of the concrete, reduce the development of shrinkage cracks and
reduce the potential for differential expansion pressure on freshly poured flatwork. A representative of
the project geotechnical consultant should observe and. verify the density and moisture content of the
soils, and the depth of moisture penetration prior to pouring concrete:
Drainage from patios and other flatwork areas should be directed to local area drains and/or graded earth
swales designed to carry runoff water to the adjacent streets or other approved drainage structures. The
concrete flatwork should be sloped at a minimum gradient of one percent, or as prescribed by project civil
engineer or local codes, away from building foundations, retaining walls, masonry garden walls and slope
Tree Wells
Tree wells are not recommended in concrete flatwork areas since they introduce excessive water into the
subgrade soils and allow root invasion, both of which can cause heaving and cracking of the flatwork.
Plan Reviews, Future Improvements and/or Grading
Petra should review the precise grading plans when they become available and issue an addendum letter
to this report. If additional site improvements are considered in the future, our firm should be notified so
that we may provide design recommendations to mitigate movement, settlement and/or tilting of the
structures. Construction of additional improvements is particularly critical on or near the tops of
descending slopes. Potential problems can develop when drainage on the pads and slopes is altered in any
way such as placement of fill and construction of new walkways, patios, landscape walls, swimming
pools, spas and/or planters. Therefore, it is recommended that we be engaged to review the final design
drawings, specifications and grading plan prior to any new construction. If we are not provided the
opportunity to review these documents with respect to the geotechnical aspects of new construction and
Palo Verde/La Quinta J.N. 15-216
Page 20
grading, it. should not be assumed that the recommendations provided herein are wholly or inpart
applicable to the proposed improvements.
Post Grading Observations and Testing
Petra should be notified at the appropriate times in order that-we may provide the following observation
and testing services during the various phases of construction and precise grading. .
1. Building Construction.
• Observe all footing trenches when first excavated to .verify adequate depth and competent
bearing conditions.
• . Re-observe all footing trenches,. if necessary, if trenches are found to be excavated to
inadequate depth and/or found to contain' significant slough, saturated or compressible.
2. Concrete Flatwork Construction
Observe and test subgrade soils below all concrete flatwork areas to verify adequate '
compaction, moisture content and moisturepenetration prior to pouring concrete.
3. Utility Trench Backfill
Observe and test placement of all utility trench backfill mains and laterals to verify adequate
4. Remedial and Precise Gradin
• Following foundation demolition,'observe the overexcavation bottoms for the building pads
of Lots 2,30 and 39 of Tract 32279 -prior to engineered fill placement:
• Observe and test placement of any fill to be placed on the subject lots or during building pad
recertification to verify, adequate compaction and moisture content.
• Issue lot recertification letters, if required, during each phase of construction.
Palo Verde/La Quinta J.N. 15-216
Page 21
5. Street Construction (Cherrywood Place) .
• Observe street subgrade soils to verify adequate compaction and moisture content.
• ..Observe and test all imported base and asphalt materials to verify adequate compaction -
during street construction:
6: Masonry Screen and Retaining .
• Observe all retaining and screen wall footing trenches when first excavated to verify adequate
depth and competent bearing conditions.
• Observe and document placement. of all retaining wall backdrains and waterproofing.
• Observe and test placement of all retaining wall backfill soils to.verify adequate materials and
This report is based on the two proposed residential Tracts; our previous geotechnical information and our
literature review of the prior consultant's grading reports. This report has been prepared consistent with
that level of care being provided by other, professionals providing similar services at the same locale and
in the same time period. The contents of this report are professional opinions and as such, are not to be
considered a guaranty or warranty.
This report should be reviewed and updated after a period of one year or if the -site ownership or project
concept changes from that described herein. This report. has not been prepared for use by parties or
projects other than those named or described herein. This report may not contain sufficient information
for other parties or other purposes.
This report may be subject to review by the controlling authorities for this project.
.. .
Palo Verde/La Quinta J.N. 15-216
Page 23,
International Building Code, 2012, 2013 California Building Code, California Code of Regulations, Title
24, Par 2, Volume 2 of 2, California Building Standards Commission, Title 24, Par 8, 2013
California Existing Building Code, Title 24, Part 10.
Petra Geotechnical, Inc., 2008; Seismic Design. Parameters Updated for 2007 CBC, Palo Verde, Tract
32279 and 33336, La Quinta, California, prepared for. Standard Pacific Homes, JN 250-07, dated
June 26.
Stony -Miller Consultants, Inc., 2006a, Earthwork Observation and Testing Report, Rough Grading, Lots 1
through 30, Tract 32279, La Quinta; California, prepared for Standard Pacific Homes Coachella
Valley Division, dated August 24.
2006b, Earthwork Observation and Testing Report, Rough Grading, Lots 1 through 23, Tract
33336, La Quinta; California, prepared for. Standard Pacific Homes Coachella Valley Division,
dated August 24: .
2007, Earthwork Observation/Testing, Report, Street Improvements, Tract 32279, Rosewood
Court, Cherrywood Place and Adjacent Avenue 58 La Quinta, California, prepared for Standard
Pacific Homes Coachella Valley Division, dated August 24.
'Wire Reinforcement Institute (WRI), 1996, Design of Slabs on Ground.
Palo Verde/La Quinta J.N. 15-216;
Page 24'
t' In -Situ Dry Density/Moisture Content
$toped or level ground surface
++:? ::•{?�•.'r { ti{�7+';irs 7+/ yf,{�•.•:,+1 .� Via.
.ICompacted on-sfte soil
- .• '- A[�' `�iiAY+�• • t71 :••7t••r •7i •i �t .�77 �• i/,�•�4/., ..
.. , v � f t :�i+;' •' •••••'„�l irl ala.; I S 'i,•„ \,<S,
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;t;: ` :,,•. -.Recommended backcut*
♦�1,: l.*?..?�ti�t„•. .•. (� l.. l �.f l., f, <J�iaio��a i�rJ` r�.. ��r•la�
-g 'Y tT; ,r, ,fa /al,fa Jt: :, ,,S. a, •• J, J1.
H ��41 ` ''7t /1 �4?,J, !.I l\' 4 4 J,• ,I,J,(S
ll •• • '4l '' ''J ../,. f.• /•, lift 42., ,♦l,.
,`,:1Naferproofing compound
F *v ` o�-�� ��; °:;.• Antall subdraln system
WQk. � 1 b H.. 1<i1,.•� YI.I
',Nlinimum'12-Inch-wide column of 314” -1 1/2"
;open graded gravel wrapped in filter fabric.
tiQ�o �'.;;.; j; % • ai ' ;Flfter fabric (should consist of
too I ' a ; \ �MW 14ON or equivalent)
A Inch perforated pipe. Perforated pipe should
.i: 1,:.� ,::'��E'itis:it::i:•itil•1'11i,�it;i.::;:: i•j�il{':; ijy ;.�i •J,•`r • ,'; I \ J ,aA diameter ABS SDR
of 4-35 or PVC
;; Schedule 40 or approved equivalent with the
;perforations laid down. Pi eshould be laid on
.a �4, ``OM1♦41J`,a,J;,;Ja,, ..; '��A��'���x Ya��• ��5 ria ,a •a- ,s la a, -f ,•,
.�. r:r •.,�'la. 1,�}zryt ; 1`•Ia; r I la - F'
•,,i,;;;;•; a;;;";•''�' ',,. l ����1��a�7��� �� •J, J ��,.et least 2 Inches of open -graded gravel.'
'I; ,J ,JS••, 4 ' , Y. ri �Ykt T N!'�h�'4i4 �Y; t','���}.{1. \ Ja`I',^ r. , l;' .
\'•,j♦ �a � V.k Tri •.,,,,iii S 1 •, ;, .,r•..r I I;
' , LL,C♦ , alai r
�W , a1/ ai`,'I�,I ;Ja;r f•♦. •'.- .
�t;,lr•,,, era �,a, Y
�. 1. :a\ ,e a!,.••, r.,,,i♦< ra,�. `ttL
I, r,r Sri •f,1,/,f, pY,sf�i. � ,, ,\ �,Ja.,<,J,S� IS♦ .,J,<,Iyr•
,',,,.♦'• r J �t• •: J r<,�/,'/�r�l i.i,•�/�'r :••'t♦'ate, 'r
,�.i,relc ra.� ♦.. •.,,,4
;; J..,<,J.:,.,1 ., l\r,•..,•J,<•J,.,l,f.l,J,..LJ * Vertical height (h) and slope angle
" +,,♦ ,la ♦ , � 7, `a it i,-t'J is ,.•,a,../alar,,.,
•=.;"-.,.,<,ta1a/\la/�/a /\.♦.41\�lJ\.•M1/ ofbackcutper soilsreport. Based
"'•''''"'' on geologic conditions, configuration
,x610•♦..a�,: ,I♦/, f,J•'-•: ••ww.'\,,
of backcut may require revisions
(i.e. reduced vertical height,
revised slope angle, etc.)