Integrated Solutions Consulting (ISC) The City of La Quinta FEMA Project Administration Services Request for Proposals May 15, 2020, 5:00PM Prepared By: Integrated Solutions Consulting 555 West Fifth Street, 31st Floor Los Angeles, CA 90013 i-s-consulting.com/covid19.html 847-306-3541 1 | Page Table of Contents STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................2 REFERENCES WITH SIMILAR PROJECTS .........................................................................................5 REMOTE ACCESS TECHNOLOGY ........................................................................................................5 KEY PERSONNEL .....................................................................................................................................9 COST ESTIMATE ................................................................................................................................... 10 2 | Page Statement of Qualifications Integrated Solutions Consulting, Inc. (ISC) is pleased to present our response to the City of La Quinta’s (the City’s) Request for Proposals: FEMA Project Administration Services. Over the past two decades, the ISC Team has responded to hundreds of natural hazards, human-caused disasters, and incidents of national significance to provide technical support to the disaster’s recovery operations. The ISC Team’s catastrophic response and recovery experience includes the 2004/05 Florida Hurricanes as well as Hurricanes Katrina, Ike, Sandy, Harvey, Irma; pandemic outbreaks such as H1N1 and COVID-19, and a countless number of floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, terrorist attacks, oil spills, and other natural and human-caused disasters across the country. Our knowledge of the programmatic guidelines of the 93 disaster recovery assistance programs is unmatched. We have leveraged this expertise to develop innovative tools, technologies, and best practices to assist in the management of the procedures, policies, and plans that are required by federal regulations and disaster assistance programs. From the estimated $7.05 million shortfall in revenue to limited food distribution sites and testing sites, ISC understands the pressure the COVID-19 pandemic has placed on your community. ISC is intimately familiar with the legal requirements of the COVID- 19 relief set forth by the federal government, as well as the grant programs made available to local governments by FEMA, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). ISC has been supporting the COVID-19 response efforts since the outbreak of the pandemic. Our knowledge of the disaster assistance programs is unmatched. This expertise in tandem with our pre-existing relationships with FEMA Region IX and Headquarters, HHS, and CDC will ensure that the City is best positioned to maximize federal stimulus revenue through the various disaster assistance programs and the CARES Act of 2020. As both a sub-applicant for the FEMA Public Assistance (PA) program and California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services’ (Cal OES’) federal funding under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES Act) of 2020, the City should prioritize experience and proven expertise in selecting a contractor. Whether working in rural communities or major metropolitan areas, ISC is knowledgeable about the mechanisms of project delivery, from the identification of funding sources through post-construction support. We have worked with many government agencies to take advantage of alternative delivery methods, including public-private partnerships that enable major infrastructure and facility initiatives to move forward. ISC understands that the Finance Department is seeking a qualified contractor to manage documentation associated with COVID-19, help navigate through Federal and State processes under the CARES Act, FEMA Section 404/406 Programs, and California Disaster Assistance Act (CDAA), and support tracking donations and hours. Beyond expertise, however, the Finance Department needs a dedicated partner. Collaboration is key. Notwithstanding the urgency of receiving reimbursement, the situation will continue to evolve. Soon, the pandemic may necessitate, for instance, modifying the drive-by testing site at the Riverside County Fairgrounds, or even increasing the food access sites beyond the two at Benjamin Franklin Elementary School and the FIND Mobile Market Distribution, and possibly working with Dr. Cameron Kaiser on developing a regional approach to recovery. Irrespective of future outcomes, the unpredictable trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic will directly impact the Finance Department. Accordingly, ISC anticipates and is flexible to the uncertainty that lies ahead. Specifically, ISC offers the City the following:  Proven high-quality financial and grant management services. As earlier noted, contracting with ISC, our clients have not been subject to adverse findings from the Office of Inspector General (OIG) and have not had any funds de-obligated. Given New York City’s recent $5.3 million False Claims Act settlement resulting from the mismanagement of Superstorm Responded to 150+ disasters to include H1N1, Ebola, and COVID-19. Almost two decades of working public health emergencies for our Nation’s largest communities. ISC is a proven industry leader, having $0 funds de-obligated EMAP Recognized Best Practice Approach $10's of Billions in 404/406 HMGP Projects Identified & Implemented 7,000 Communities Supported in Implementing Mitigation Actions Tens of Thousands of Mitigation Actions Identified 500+ counties & municipalities with Local Mitigation Strategies Riverside County staff tending to a nearby drive-up testing site 3 | Page Sandy recovery efforts, we believe it is essential to note this significant difference. As industry leaders dedicated to helping communities recover from natural disasters, ISC believes results speak to the quality of work completed.  Unmatched pandemic response and recovery experience. From H1N1 and Ebola to COVID-19, ISC has worked with major metropolitan areas similar to the City in their pandemic response efforts. Crucially, this experience is diverse, including planning and developing Strategic National Stockpiles (SNSs), providing high consequence infectious disease (HCID) services, and serving as county and state-level Incident Commanders for H1N1 operations and similar outbreaks.  Thorough understanding of the CARES Act of 2020, Coronavirus Emergency Spending Bill, and HHS and CDC funding. Through additional appropriations to include the Coronavirus Emergency Spending Bill, National Emergency Declaration, and the CARES Act of 2020, the Federal government has released over $2 trillion in emergency aid in response to COVID-19. The funding includes hundreds of billions of dollars, specifically to hospitals, schools, and local and state governments. ISC is intimately familiar with the legal requirements of the COVID-19 relief set forth by the federal government, as well as the grant programs made available to local governments by FEMA, HHS, and CDC. ISC has been supporting the COVID-19 response efforts since the pandemic outbreak.  One of the highest-rated Dun & Bradstreet Top Supplier Performance Rated emergency management and homeland security consulting services. After evaluating over 50 ISC consulting engagements, Dun & Bradstreet awarded ISC a Top Supplier Performance Rating. This significant rating is for reliability, cost, order accuracy, timeliness, quality, business relations, personnel, customer support, and responsiveness with an average 97.1% score amongst all categories, representing as much as a 25% higher rating than comparable firms. Cook County DREMS COVID-19 Response & Recovery Services Project Highlights: • Providing in-person and virtual staff to support the EOC for the second-most populous county in the US (5.2 million population) • Developing the County’s Fatality Management Operations Plan, identifying $25 million in FEMA PA Funding ISC has been supporting the unprecedented response to COVID-19 for the second-most populous county in the US. Cook County, Illinois, with a population of over 5 million residents, requested the assistance of ISC to support their Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Specifically, ISC has dedicated both in-person and virtual staff to assist various sections of the Incident Command System (ICS). General responsibilities have included collecting, evaluating, and disseminating incident situation information and daily summary/lessons learned reports; conducting briefings and planning meetings; maintaining and building information dashboards; developing Incident Action Plans (IAPs); and providing guidance on disaster cost recovery and reimbursement through the various federal disaster assistance programs and new legislation. The ISC Team continues to be instrumental in the development and implementation of multiple operations-based plans and activities. Cook County DREMS COVID-19 Response & Recovery Services COVID-19 Appropriated Funding Coronavirus Emergency Spending Bill ($6 Billion) $950 million to state/local public health and community health centers National Emergency Declaration ($40 Billion) Fund Emergency Protective Measures under Stafford Act CARES Act of 2020 $339.8 Billion to state/local governments $179.5 to public services (hospitals, schools, etc.) ISC Top Supplier Performance Rating Reliability 97% Cost 95% Order Accuracy 95% Timeliness 97% Quality 97% Business Relations 98% Personnel 99% Customer Support 98% Responsiveness 98% 4 | Page  Cost Recovery Reimbursement Guidance: Since the beginning of the incident, ISC has encouraged a “recovery starts now” approach, enabling the client to leverage ISC’s legacy of disaster recovery experience and lessons learned from H1N1 to implement critical financial strategies and policies. Best practices, such as proper documentation, decision-making, contracting, and other processes, were shared at the onset of the crisis to reduce eligibility and cost reimbursement pitfalls later proactively. Using our vast cadre of recovery experts, ISC developed multiple cost recovery guides to support the Finance/Admin section. To aid in this historical crisis, the client has utilized the Odysseus Enterprise System (OES) to assist in the real-time and ever- changing planning environment to ensure proper and effective situational awareness, version control, and accessibility to all relevant stakeholders. Hamilton County, OH COVID-19 Disaster Adaptive Recovery & Re-Opening Project Highlights: • Selected to draft the County’s Re-Opening Strategic Plan • Requested to aid County Disaster Adaptive Recovery Support Services ISC was recently selected by the Hamilton County Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (EMHSA) to develop a COVID-19 Re-opening Strategic Plan. Under this contract, ISC will form a County COVID-19 Planning Team to analyze hazard risks and impacts and assess the County’s overall capacity and capabilities. Following the Gap Analysis, ISC will draft the Re-Opening Strategic Plan and Findings report for County approval. After the Re-opening Strategic Plan is activated, ISC will develop an adaptive continuity of operations and reclosing strategy to support the County and each of its 48 jurisdictions. Milwaukee County COVID-19 Response & System Implementation Project Highlights: • Assisting COVID-19 Operations and Fatality Statement Management Operations Support Services • Developing COOP, COG, and Fatality Management Plans The Milwaukee County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) recently requested ISC to assist in COVID-19 Operations, Continuity of Operations (COOP) Planning, Departmental Planning, and Fatality Management Operations Support. ISC also anticipates supporting the County OEM in the following support missions: • Response Operations (COVID-19) o Guidance Design and Development o Planning Design and Development o Education, Training, and Exercise Process o After-Action Report and Improvement Planning (AAR/IP) Process o Operations Analysis Process o EOC Operations Support o COOP Continuity of Government (COG) Operations Support o Fatality Management Operations Support • Recovery (COVID-19) o Cost Accounting Support o Cost Reimbursement • Knowledge Management System (KMS) Operations Milwaukee County, WI COVID-19 Response & System Implementation Hamilton County, OH COVID-19 Disaster Adaptive Recovery & Re-Opening 5 | Page Additionally, the County is currently using ISC's OES to manage its Emergency Preparedness Program. Utilized by over 500 jurisdictions as well as the US Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and the State of Illinois. As earlier noted, Odysseus™ is ISC's proprietary, cloud-based system that offers a suite of tools and systems designed and dedicated to the efficient management of comprehensive preparedness efforts. Leveraging the KMS tool, the Milwaukee County OEM has an online tool dedicated to the development and maintenance of programs, plans, policies, and guidance as well as standardization and flexibility. References with Similar Projects FEMA Nationwide Disaster Response & Recovery Technical Support Services Point of Contact: Guy Frearson, Project Manager guy.frearseon@aecom.com 703-682-4911 2017 California Floods – Implementation of the New FEMA PA Program Delivery Model Point of Contact: Eugene Greenberg, Infrastructure Branch Director eugene.greenberg@fema.dhs.gov 201-245-1085 Cook County COVID-19 Response & Recovery Professional Services Point of Contact: Gene Ryan, Chief Planner gene.ryan@cookcountyil.gov 312-603-8180 Remote Access Technology ISC will conduct a thorough assessment of all COVID-19 costs and expenditures leveraging our primary remote access technology, the Grant Management Tool (GMT). The ISC Team has developed a web-based tool that can be utilized to manage data and track the grant management process for a variety of Federal disaster assistance programs to include FEMA PA, Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD’s) Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR), CDBG – Mitigation, Health and Human Services’ Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) grants, CDC Public Health Preparedness and Response, and many more. The Odysseus™ | GMT provides users with a ready-to-use or customized grant management system to allow your organization to track, administer, and report grant funding. The Odysseus™|GMT serves as a centralized location to collaborate on projects and automates workflow to increase efficiency. Personalized dashboards highlight pending tasks and can help gauge the overall progress of the disaster and funding. This database is customizable to meet our clients’ needs. It can easily integrate with a web-based application to increase accuracy in data reporting as well as transparency and compliance across your organization. Below we specifically address how ISC will leverage the GMT to complete the key tasks identified in Section 4.2 Proposed Workflow and Scope of Work. • Compile a list of disaster-related repairs, damage mitigation efforts, and compile cost documentation. Upon approval of the Request for Public Assistance (RPA), ISC, on behalf of the City, will coordinate, prepare for, and participate in the Exploratory Call with the FEMA Program Delivery Manager and the State representative. To prepare for this meeting, ISC will assist in assembling the inventory of impacts from the disaster and any questions that may need further clarification from FEMA. Following the Exploratory Call, ISC will assist the client in developing a list of disaster-related damages and agenda items to be discussed at the Recovery Scoping Meeting (R.S. M). During the RSM, a meeting schedule will be agreed upon between FEMA and the client to ensure progress in recovery and establish a timeline of deliverables. All identified expenditures and damages will be analyzed for eligibility under the FEMA PA program. Projects funded under the PA program must be the legal responsibility of the eligible Applicant and damaged as a direct result of the disaster event. Substantial documentation is needed to support all eligibility claims. Therefore, the ISC Team will use best practices and acquired knowledge in formulating detailed projects to ensure 6 | Page reimbursement and prevent future eligibility concerns. For those projects that are not eligible for FEMA PA funding, ISC will investigate the eligibility of funding through other federal disaster assistance programs as well as COVID-19 specific appropriations such as the CARES Act of 2020. • Identify and report all eligible costs and damages All identified expenditures and damages will be analyzed for eligibility under the FEMA PA program. Projects funded under the PA program must be the legal responsibility of the eligible Applicant and damaged as a direct result of the disaster event. Substantial documentation is needed to support all eligibility claims. Therefore, the ISC Team will use best practices and acquired knowledge in formulating detailed projects to ensure reimbursement and prevent future eligibility concerns. For those projects that are not eligible for FEMA PA funding, ISC will investigate the eligibility of funding through other federal disaster assistance programs as well as COVID-19 specific appropriations such as the CARES Act of 2020. The ISC Team will obtain, analyze, and gather all relevant documentation and records to extract pertinent information necessary for submittal, including timekeeping and staff assignment records as applicable. The ISC Team will utilize their best practice quality control methods to review all projects and supporting documentation for clarity and completeness, as well as consistency and accuracy. The ISC Team will assist the client in identifying, evaluating and applying for federal disaster assistance funding through other programs to include the CDC, HHS as well as $2 trillion in COVID-19 specific emergency funds made available through the Coronavirus Emergency Spending Bill, National Emergency Declaration, and the CARES Act of 2020. These COVID-19 emergency funding sources include hundreds of billions of dollars, specifically to hospitals, schools, and local and state governments. The ISC Team will assist the client in identifying, developing, and evaluating opportunities for hazard mitigation programs to reduce or eliminate risk from future events. Our team of hazard mitigation specialists have extensive experience with Section 404 and 406 hazard mitigation programs and leveraging these additional funds to best benefit the client and its facilities. • Collaborate with the City on damage assessments, information gathering, project development, and project submittals. ISC support staff will utilize the GMT to work closely with the assigned client personnel to make sure an accurate representation of all associated costs, including potential damages caused by COVID-19. A detailed and quantifiable damage description is essential in formulating a project scope that is eligible for Federal disaster assistance funding. For those projects that are not eligible for FEMA PA funding, ISC will investigate the eligibility of the financing through other federal disaster assistance programs as well as COVID-19 specific appropriations such as the CARES Act of 2020. Team ISC will work with the client to develop a detailed damage description for each facility that was affected by the disaster event. Once the damage description has been agreed upon by FEMA, the State, and the client, ISC’s knowledgeable PA Specialists will assist in the development of the proposed SOW for each of its projects, including the hazard mitigation proposal (HMP) if appropriate. If the work is finished, ISC will document the completed scope of work (SOW). SOWs for emergency work projects address the costs associated with the purchase of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or other medical supplies, temporary space for essential medical facilities, school closures, cancelation of elections, staffing surge for emergency operations, or additional costs associated with the emergency measures or measures to protect the health, life, and safety of the public. Although the President’s current Disaster Declaration only covers federal funding for Category B – Emergency Protective Measures, the declaration does provide a provision that “Additional designations may be made at a later date if requested by the state and warranted by the results of further assessments” [FEMA, 2020]. If the City is designated additional funding for permanent work (Categories C-G) under the FEMA PA program, ISC will prepare permanent work project documentation which includes those activities to repair or restore a facility to its pre-existing condition and will consist of a description of ISC’s COVID-19 Cost Reimbursement Expertise Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, ISC has been supporting its clients across the Nation on a wide variety of COVID-19 needs, to include disaster cost documentation and reimbursement. Our staff have obtained thorough understanding of the CARES Act and the disaster assistance provided through FEMA’s PA Program as well as other grant programs administered by the CDC and HHS. The culmination of this knowledge led to ISC’s creation of a COVID-19 GMT. 7 | Page the damage to the facility and how the client plans to repair or restore the damage, including repair dimensions and HMP description and dimensions. In instances where the SOW has the potential of impacting environmental or historic resources, ISC will coordinate with the State and FEMA to review the SOW to determine if modifications could reduce potential impacts. FEATURES OF THE ODYSSEUS™ | GMT ADMINISTER AND EXPEDITE GRANT FUNDING ALLOCATIONS The Odysseus™|GMT offers organizations with real-time tracking and reporting of grant funding allocations. Track the status of vital community grant funding and measure the performance of project funding. The Odysseus™| GMT allows you to track every dollar from beginning to end. LARGE INDEX OF GRANT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM TOOLS The Odysseus™|KMS provides secure access, creating a safe and collaborative environment to promote increased participation. Our unique architecture allows for plans or portions of plans to be shared with other systems in a controlled environment. CUSTOMIZED DASHBOARD & REPORTING The Odysseus™|GMT gives users ready access to easy-to-interpret data reporting and graphic analytics or the option to build customize dashboard reports to analyze important metrics to their grant programs. FLEXIBLE WORKFLOW MANAGEMENT The Odysseus™|GMT offers a unique balance of standardization and flexibility, allowing organizations to modify the GMT's workflow to adhere to their programs, processes, and procedures. INCREASED TRANSPARENCY & COMPLIANCE The Odysseus™|GMT can be accessed by multiple users and are concise and easy to interpret dashboard reports that allow everyone in the need-to-know the status and performance of grant funded programs. 8 | Page Table 2: Specifications and Requirements of the GMT Requirement Description Capability of the GMT Accessibility Ability to allow for backend database access OR open documented API such that the City can independently configure and integrate with the solution  User-Friendly Ability for I.T. for each agency to be trained and serve as system administrators. Ability to be leveraged for tracking various sized and types of projects and portfolios.  Cloud Computing Ability to store and access data over the web and be utilized by multiple entities, which will each require different levels of access. All cloud data must reside in the continental US  Roles/ Permissions Ability to have customized roles/permission settings that trained admins can easily configure  Change Requests Ability to facilitate change requests within the application to address user support  Platform Compatibility Ability to be compatible with iOS/Android, Microsoft Office applications, .csv files, and legacy/third-party outside stakeholder systems  Audit Logs Ability to identify historical data and date/time/username that have made an entry and/or alteration to system data  Tracking Ability to track portfolio and project lifecycles, schedules, resources, budgets, invoice payments, and service level agreements  Reporting Ability to produce reports  Dashboards Ability to develop dashboards  Notifications/ Alerts Ability to deliver real-time notifications/alerts through email and in-application  Scalability Ability to handle increased demand for database access, processing, networking, or system resources.  Configuration Ability to be configurable by the City, to include reports, dashboards, geospatial data, templates, notifications/alerts, service level agreements, and project and portfolio prioritization.  Exportable Ability for data, including audit logs, to be exported to be accessed by the end-user(s). The system is envisioned to be able to generate federally required quarterly reports and other detailed level performance management reporting.  Scheduling Ability to serve as a scheduling tool to include user set warnings when deadlines are approaching, when they are late, and when they should be escalated. Additionally, ability to perform if-then analysis by portfolio.  Forms Ability to easily create and roll-out forms (project scopes, change orders, requests, inspections, lessons learned).  Proprietorship The City will be the sole owner of all data, as well as any custom-built technology/software.  Security Ability to have Authentication, Single Sign-On (SSO) that aligns with the City’s current platform environment with Microsoft Active Directory authorization, comprehensive log files, and integrated user management.  Licenses Ability to have multiple user licenses for the City and each corresponding Department.  Backup Ability to have levels of redundancy with only 24- hour durations of downtime (for both programming changes, as well as other failures) and cloud vs. server-based backup.  Upgrades Ability to upgrade new releases, but not within the first two years of installation.  Document Management Ability to manage documents, including photos applicable to projects  Desktop / laptop / workstation Dell, Microsoft Surface Pro, Hewlett Packard  ERP system Tyler Technologies Munis  Collaboration platform SharePoint  Productivity Tools Microsoft Office / Office 365  Workstation Operating Systems Windows 7, 8, 10  Web Browsers Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge  Email Microsoft Exchange/Office 365  Connectivity (Internet/ MAN) viNGN via Smartnet 1Gig Connection  Storage Azure Cloud System, Dell Equallogic PS4100X SAN  9 | Page Backup System Disaster Recovery Backup Solution, Datto Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Appliance (SIRIS 3 Professional 4000)  Network Switches Hewlett Packard, Cisco 2960 PoE Switches  Data Center Operating System Microsoft Server 2012, 2016, 2019  Anti-Virus McAfee, Symantec EndPoint Protection  Key Personnel ISC has drawn from our extensive pool of highly experienced and qualified resources to propose the following team to support the City. In addition to proven subject matter expertise in each FEMA recovery program, our Team have or are currently engaged in COVID-19 disaster recovery cost reimbursement projects. ISC is happy to provide additional information about our staff upon the City’s request. Daniel Martin, Ph.D., CEM – Project Executive Dr. Martin is a managing principal of Integrated Solutions Consulting ISC and has more than 23 years of experience working with local, state, and federal governments, as well as international corporations and private-public partnerships in environmental engineering and emergency management consulting industries. Throughout his career, Dr. Martin has consulted and/or managed over 200 emergency management consulting engagements. Bob Stewart – Project Manager Mr. Stewart has spent over 27 years working in the private sector insurance industry, responding to and assessing claims for catastrophic disaster events. Additionally, he has over 20 years of experience working on public sector disaster response projects under FEMA. While supporting the FEMA PA TACs, Mr. Stewart has worked over 30 disasters in six regions and 19 states. He has worked with FEMA senior level management on FEMA PA policy as it relates to insurance, assessing damages, and estimating reasonable repair costs involving catastrophic disasters and infrastructure recovery processes. Glen LaFond – Subject Matter Expert Mr. Lafond is a disaster recovery expert with more than 23 years of experience. Serving as an Insurance Specialist for the 400+ member Florida League of Cities, he prevented over $120 million in duplication benefits by analyzing coverage under complex commercial package insurance policies. Mr. LaFond has also accomplished writing more than $50 million in PA PWs for New York State following Hurricane Sandy. Patrick O. Massey – Sr. Recovery Specialist Mr. Patrick Massey is a Project Manager / Field Instructor, serving as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) implementing the FEMA PA program under the provisions Title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. Focused on key outcomes, customer service, team management, training, and business operations. While deployed to Maria DR-4339-PR as a Trainer / Field Instructor, he was a Lead responsible for delivering the PA Program training for Grants Manager and Grants Portal and facilitating special projects with Other Federal Agencies (OFA). Gregory L. Sondergeld, CFM – Sr. Recovery Specialist Mr. Gregory L. Sondergeld is a professional technical consultant with a solid background and proven track history in disaster recovery, project management, construction management, and superior client relations/customer service. As an expert in disaster recovery, he has accomplished impressive feats such as personally developing proper CEF estimates in conjunction with other technical specialists up to $5,600,000.00 for permanent repair or replacement of eligible facilities. Lauren Martin, MPH – PA Specialist Ms. Martin possesses a vast knowledge of federal regulations, policy, and laws applicable to the PA grant program, including the PAAP. She has served as a Reports Specialist, Task Force Lead, Program Analyst, and Closeout Specialist for several disasters throughout the country. Ms. Martin has developed disaster recovery and hazard mitigation plans for local and state-level clients. She has participated in exercises, utilizing her skills to develop interactive computer-based training. The training has guided exercise plans, covering long- term recovery, active shooter, evacuation, public health, medical countermeasures, and more. 10 | Page Cost Estimate Position Title Pre-Disaster Rate (no travel) Rate + Travel Project Office / Principle $ 195.46 $ 195.46 Project Manager $ 179.94 $ 209.94 Project Assistants/Coordinators $ 135.15 $ 139.33 FEMA Coordinator $ 152.68 $ 182.88 GIS Analyst $ 123.40 $ 123.40 Billing/Invoicing Analyst $ 60.32 $ 60.32 Data Manager $ 77.43 $ 107.43 Technical Consultant (Plan Updates: Debris Management, COOP, CRS) $ 139.98 $ 139.98 FEMA PA Program Specialist $ 172.22 $ 202.22 Disaster Recovery Consultant I $ 112.91 $ 142.91 Disaster Recovery Consultant II $ 135.35 $ 165.35 Disaster Recovery Consultant III $ 172.22 $ 202.22 Drone Operator $ 157.85 $ 187.85 Hazus Specialist $ 172.22 $ 172.55 Insurance Adjuster $ 221.15 $ 251.15 Mitigation Specialist $ 151.96 $ 181.96 Appeals Specialist $ 147.55 $ 177.55 CDBG-DR Program Manager $ 147.55 $ 177.55 Project Accountant $ 108.87 $ 138.87 Engineer/ Cost Estimator $ 172.22 $ 202.22 Environmental Specialist $ 133.64 $ 163.64 Floodplain Manager $ 127.46 $ 157.46 Subject Matter Expert $ 196.57 $ 226.57 Operations Manager $ 91.25 $ 121.25 FEMA Reimbursement Manager $ 135.15 $ 165.15 Operations Specialist $ 52.84 $ 82.84 Field Supervisors $ 67.39 $ 97.39 Engineer/Scientist/Professional $ 172.22 $ 202.22 Environmental Consultant $ 137.07 $ 167.03 Environmental Field Technician $ 118.24 $ 148.24 Administrative Support $ 69.47 $ 69.47 DMA Monitor $ 40.80 $ 40.80 Field Monitor $ 40.11 $ 40.11 Call Center Operator $ 49.02 $ 49.02 11 | Page Integrated Solutions Consulting, Inc. (ISC) is a professional services firm focused on developing and implementing comprehensive crisis and consequence management solutions. We are recognized as innovative problem solvers, dedicated to the profession of emergency management and proficient in the disciplines that support it. As recipients of the Dun & Bradstreet Top Supplier Performance Rating for reliability, cost, order accuracy, timeliness, quality, business relations, personnel, customer support, and responsiveness, ISC proudly offers your community over 775+ years of experience, technical expertise, and unparalleled performance.