2020 05 11 CC Minutes Special MeetingCITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 4 MAY 11, 2020 SPECIAL MEETING STATE OF LOCAL EMERGENCY COVID-19 SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MONDAY, MAY 11, 2020 CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Mayor Evans. The meeting was held by teleconference pursuant to Executive Orders N-25- 20, N-29-20, N-33-20, and N-35-20, executed by the Governor of California in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Jon McMillen, City Clerk Monika Radeva, and City Attorney Bill Ihrke PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Evans led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA The following La Quinta residents, listed in alphabetical order by last name, provided WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS, which were distributed to Council, and incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting, were received by 7:09 p.m.:  Sylvia Benoit – in support of wearing facial coverings while in public  Elena Bonilla – in opposition of short-term vacation rental (STVR) restrictions  Mindy Fiddler – in support of wearing facial coverings while in public  Chantel Foti – in opposition of STVR restrictions  Mary Ellen Hart – in support of wearing facial coverings while in public  Chris and Kristin Hermann – in opposition of STVR restrictions  Jack Powell – in support of wearing facial coverings while in public  Margaret Powell – in support of wearing facial coverings while in public  Brenda Rockwell – in support of wearing facial coverings while in public CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 4 MAY 11, 2020 SPECIAL MEETING STATE OF LOCAL EMERGENCY COVID-19 PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELEPHONIC ACCESSIBILITY: David Dinnel, La Quinta – spoke in opposition of STVR restrictions imposed due to COVID-19. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed CLOSED SESSION 1. THREAT TO PUBLIC SERVICES OR FACILITIES, PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (a) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957. CONSULTATION WITH: ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, SENIOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR; WILLIAM H. IHRKE, CITY ATTORNEY COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 7:10 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 10:44 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELEPHONIC ACCESSIBILITY: David Vazquez, La Quinta – spoke in opposition of STVR restrictions imposed due to COVID-19. Mayor Evans thanked the La Quinta community for providing comments, and said Council continues to monitor health and safety updates provided by federal, state, and county agencies, as well as La Quinta’s COVID-19 numbers, and trends not only across the Coachella Valley, but throughout the state in order to determine on how best to move forward and make decisions based on facts and real data, which changes daily. REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported the following pursuant to Government Code section 54950 et seq. (Brown Act) – the City Council discussed the threat to public services and closure of facilities caused by the threat of the spread of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and the proclaimed local and statewide public health emergencies; and took the following actions:  MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick directing the City Manager to amend the executive orders related to golf and outdoor recreational activities and allow private golf and tennis lessons, and use of golf driving ranges, as long as social distancing is practiced. Motion passed unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 of 4 MAY 11, 2020 SPECIAL MEETING STATE OF LOCAL EMERGENCY COVID-19  MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick directing the City Manager to issue an executive order, in light of the Riverside County Board of Supervisors decision last week, for the following:  Require the continued use of face masks and social distancing at grocery and drug stores in La Quinta, in line with the Governor of California stay-at-home executive order; and  Strongly recommend the continued use of face masks and social distancing at all other stores and businesses in La Quinta, and to post notices to notify the public of the policies regarding the use of face masks and social distancing; and  Stores and businesses shall follow the “COVID-19 Industry Guidance” issued by the California Department of Public Health, posted on the state’s website for respective industries, regarding use of face masks and social distancing by employees, customers, and clients. Motion passed unanimously.  MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Sanchez/Fitzpatrick directing the City Manager to amend Executive Order No. 7 to:  Apply to short-term rentals for 30 days or less, instead of 60 days or less; and  Require at least 24 hours to pass between a guest’s departure and next guest’s arrival at the same rental; and  Requirements limiting the types of rentals, such as for essential workers, are to remain in place as currently in the order; and  Pre-approval by City staff, shall remain in place as currently in the order. Motion passed unanimously.  City Council unanimously consented for the Mayor to sign, on behalf of La Quinta, a letter from Riverside County and other cities to be sent to the California Governor requesting and authorizing local and regional control for re-opening businesses in the Coachella Valley.  City Council unanimously consented to support the League of California Cities “Support Local Recovery” coalition, and authorized the Mayor to send a notification letter to this effect. Council thanked the community for their comments, involvement, and patience, and for following the health and safety directives and restrictions CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 of 4 MAY 11, 2020 SPECIAL MEETING STATE OF LOCAL EMERGENCY COVID-19 over the last few weeks because collectively, we have flattened the curve and prevented anticipated deaths in the Coachella Valley and Riverside County; noted the move toward re-opening the economy and establishing a sense of normality for the community must be done in a cautious and prudent manner in order to sustain it; explained the City must follow the state’s restrictions on short-term vacation rentals, which are currently still in place; said Council is aware of the economic impacts COVID-19 has had on the community and is trying to help in any way possible, including approving the launch of a ‘COVID- 19 Small Business Emergency Economic Relief Program’; said striking a balance between maintaining the health and safety of the community and opening the economy is difficult, and La Quinta continues to communicate with agencies regionally to achieve a uniform approach. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to adjourn at 11:06 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California