700 Heise (Altum Group) - 2019 from 01/01 to 12/31STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS COVER PAGE ,V .' A PALIC DOCUMENT %AK OF rlFn -LOV F' r: AN f. office, Agency, or Court Agency Name IDo Hair tire* The City nt t it (hnntA - a + Board Deparoaem Drsbui if ecPk4ble Yhur POSWR Sub cortiultant - Land Survey -f hwq tGr mulple poartnns W below or an an cMwhmena 00 nor use aa1 rM20 Amory P4SRgM1 2. Jurisdiction of Office lchock at 1aa:t one dui L] Stag ❑ Judge Retired .Judge Pro Tom Judge or court Corn-w1araet (Stwewd& Jurdretaon) ❑ County of �, CRy or .i 0ii nt.i -- — ❑ Other 3. Type of Statement aCheech air rwsr arrr bar) r Annual The period coAred a January 1 2019 through 0 Leaving O-ffice Dole Left- Decemba 31 21019 jCtwor one ClMlel -WThe perwd covered is r: The period covered is January 1 2019 ttr ough me date of �� -. tMaalth December 31 2019 -or- Iming oliKa Assuming Office Date assumed J— 2 - C, The period Covered r6 �� f Through the date or leaung OMM Candidate Dale Of l?lecrioo — -- _ and office sought. d dMerent than Port 1 -. --- - Schedule Summary (must comfsiete)' ■ Total number of pages including this cower page, �.— Schedules attached Schedule A-1 . fnWeSlmenft - schedule attached Schedule A•2 • fnaresMVrats - sdtedule sttechad Schedule t3 • Peef Pbpe+fy - schedule attached -or. Z Norge - No reportable anrerests on ,any schedule Schedule C - frxvme. teems & Business Posaraors - schedule alrtached C Schedule D - hxom - G+ffs - schedule almched ❑ Schedule E - Income Gags - Travel PaymenlS - $Module attached 5. Verification Mm&ikG►Ddl�Si SIRE€r qTr StAYE Zip CWE �Qr�Ftt erAP+q hi:�u �lo�Fn+id�r � Lki-�a.e.q 73-710 Fred Wanng Drive, Suite 219 Palm Desert CA 92260 --. — -.--1 .--Hire I EIAA1l ADMESS ( 619 ) 2184520 I sieve heise@theallumgroup Cam --- I N7w used ail reasenalblo atrtpencr rh pra!penrrg this steDemem I have revrtswed tha3 sWtrfnont and to the hest of my knowledge to infornVOW contained herein and in any aftolned schedules is tue read Complete I acknowledge this 6 a public document Certify under Penatty of Perjuty under the taws of the Stste of Catiforni2 that IN gii RlGp_i t[ut and correct Date Signed June 1, 2020- - FP'KForm113i ade k� �l ppc na �vr • e46 2 r3• 5272 + wrw Fp�r. n rvr F� S