2020 06 03 Council Special MeetingCITY COUNCIL 1 JUNE 3, 2020 SPECIAL MEETING SPECIAL MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND TO THE CITY CLERK: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of the La Quinta City Council is hereby called to be held on Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. at La Quinta City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. Pursuant to Executive Orders N-25-20, N-29-20, N-33-20, and N-35-20, executed by the Governor of California in response to the state of special relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.), members of the City Council, the City Manager, City Attorney, City Staff, and City Consultants may participate in this special meeting by teleconference. The special meeting is called for the following purpose: CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6; CITY DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE: CHRIS ESCOBEDO, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY RESOURCES, AND EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION: LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES’ ASSOCIATION, AND UNREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES (SPECIFIED POSITIONS IN VARIOUS CITY DEPARTMENTS AS IDENTIFIED IN THE STAFF REPORT FOR BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 ON THIS AGENDA) BUSINESS SESSION 1. APPROVE SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN FOR CITY OF LA QUINTA Dated: June 2, 2020 /s/Linda Evans LINDA EVANS, Mayor Attest: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL 2 JUNE 3, 2020 SPECIAL MEETING DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk, do hereby declare that the foregoing notice for the City Council special meeting of June 3, 2020 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51321 Avenida Bermudas and 78630 Highway 111 on June 2, 2020. MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 1 JUNE 3, 2020 SPECIAL MEETING SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 3, 2020 AT 5:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta ***************** SPECIAL NOTICE Teleconferencing and Telephonic Accessibility In Effect Pursuant to Executive Orders N-25-20, N-29-20, N-33-20, and N-35-20, executed by the Governor of California in response to the state of special relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.), members of the City Council, the City Manager, City Attorney, City Staff, and City Consultants may participate in this special meeting by teleconference. Additionally, pursuant to the above-referenced executive orders, the public is not permitted to physically attend at City Hall the meeting to which this agenda applies, but any member of the public may listen or participate in the open session of this meeting as specified below. Members of the public wanting to listen to the open session of this special meeting may do so by tuning-in live via http://laquinta.12milesout.com/video/live.   Members of the public wanting to address the City Council during the open session, either for public comment or for a specific agenda item, or both, are requested to send an email notification to the La Quinta City Clerk’s Office at CityClerkMail@LaQuintaCA.gov, and specify the following information: 1) Full Name 4) Public Comment or Agenda Item Number 2) City of Residence 5) Subject 3) Phone Number 6) Written or Verbal Comments City Council agendas and staff reports are available on the City’s web page: www.LaQuintaCA.gov CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 2 JUNE 3, 2020 SPECIAL MEETING The email “subject line” must clearly state “Written Comments” or “Verbal Comments.” Written public comments will be distributed to the City Council, incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting, and will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Mayor, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent the City Clerk’s Office can accommodate such request. It would be appreciated that any email communications for public comments related to the items on the agenda, or for general public comment, are provided to the City Clerk’s Office at the email address listed above prior to the commencement of the meeting. If that is not possible, and to accommodate public comments on items that may be added to the agenda after its initial posting or items that are on the agenda, every effort will be made to attempt to review emails received by the City Clerk’s Office during the course of the meeting. The Mayor will endeavor to take a brief pause before action is taken on any agenda item to allow the City Clerk to review emails and share any public comments received during the meeting. All emails received by the City Clerk, at the email address above, until the adjournment of the meeting, will be included within the public record relating to the meeting. ***************** CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers: Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The City Council values your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6; CITY DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE: CHRIS ESCOBEDO, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY RESOURCES, AND EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION: LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES’ ASSOCIATION, AND UNREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES (SPECIFIED POSITIONS IN VARIOUS CITY DEPARTMENTS AS IDENTIFIED IN THE STAFF REPORT FOR BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 ON THIS AGENDA) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 3 JUNE 3, 2020 SPECIAL MEETING RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE REPORT ON ACTIONS(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION BUSINESS SESSION PAGE 1. APPROVE SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN FOR CITY OF LA QUINTA 5 MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS ADJOURNMENT ********************************* The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on June 16, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk, of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta City Council Special Meeting was posted on the City’s website, near the entrance to the Council Chambers at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at the Stater Brothers Supermarket at 78630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on June 2, 2020. DATED: June 2, 2020 MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 4 JUNE 3, 2020 SPECIAL MEETING Public Notices  The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made.  If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092. A one (1) week notice is required.  If background material is to be presented to the Councilmembers during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting.  Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Community Development counter at City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING: June 3, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN FOR CITY OF LA QUINTA RECOMMENDATION Approve a new organization plan, a reduction in work force, and voluntary furlough program for unrepresented, confidential and contract employees. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  Due to the economic impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, the City is implementing measures to ensure its financial stability.  The City reduced operational expenditures by $2.7 million to balance fiscal year (FY) 2019/20 budget and has an updated FY 2020/21 projected deficit of $2.3 million.  The pandemic has significantly impacted the City’s revenues, resulting in the use of reserves, and has changed the services that will be provided going forward.  As a result, the City must reduce its workforce including laying off 8 positions, 2 partial layoffs, furloughing 6 positions, eliminating 4 temporary positions, and defunding 8 vacant positions. FISCAL IMPACT The reduction in force includes layoffs, furloughs, elimination of vacant and temporary positions in areas where services have been reduced and programs eliminated. This would generate $1.8 million in savings and help offset the projected budget deficit. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Since March 2020, the Executive Team has been exploring options to reduce the operating budget deficit including: BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 5 Reducing operational expenditure items such as travel and training, contract services, non-essential maintenance and building improvements; Reducing and deferring capital improvement projects of a more discretionary nature while preserving critical projects; Eliminating funding for enhanced contract services; and Freezing salaries and benefits for all employees. While these measures have helped with the deficit and saved jobs, it has not been enough to bridge the projected deficit. Through this process, the Executive Team developed a new organizational plan that reduces the City’s workforce by 20.5% from the current 117 positions to a proposed 93. The recommended changes, by department, are summarized below: City Clerk’s Department Layoff of Part-Time Administrative Technician Elimination of temporary Part-Time Administrative Assistant City Manager’s Office Voluntary furlough of Management Specialist Voluntary furlough of Marketing Management Specialist Community Resources Layoff of Wellness Center Maintenance & Operations Superintendent 6 Month furlough of 1 Senior Recreation Leader 6 Month furlough 3 Recreation Leaders Lay off of Part-Time Administrative Technician Partial layoff of Part-Time Administrative Technician Elimination of a Temporary Part-Time Administrative Assistant Layoff of Human Resources Manager Layoff of Risk Management Specialist Elimination of Temporary Part-Time Code Compliance II Officer Design & Development Layoff of Hub Management Specialist Partial layoff of Executive Assistant Elimination of Temporary Plans Examiner Public Works Layoff of Streets Management Analyst Layoff of Streets Maintenance & Operations Technician Eliminate Vacant Construction Manager/Inspection Supervisor 6 The Executive Team is also recommending the following positions that are vacant remain vacant and unfunded: Community Resources, Wellness Center, 3 Recreation Leaders Design & Development, Building, Plans Examiner/Inspection Supervisor Design & Development, Hub, Part Time Software Program Writer Public Works, Construction/Inspection, Management Specialist Public Works, Administration, Administrative Technician The City will fund and fill three currently vacant positions including an Account Technician in Finance, Administrative Assistant position in the City Clerk’s Office, and a Code Compliance Officer II in Code Compliance. Without these positions filled, essential services in those divisions will be negatively impacted. If approved by the City Council, employees affected by the workforce reduction would receive notices effective on June 3, 2020. Per the City’s Personnel Policies and Procedures, the City must provide at least two weeks written notice. As such the workforce reduction would be effective June 17, 2020, which would be the last day of employment for those who would be laid off. The City has met and conferred with the La Quinta City Employees Association, has made available employee assistance programs, and outplacement services for those impacted by the workforce reduction. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to approve the workforce reductions and identify other City services to reduce in order to cover the projected budget deficit. Prepared by: Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director Approved by: Jon McMillen, City Manager Attachment: 1. Voluntary Furlough Program 7 8 SECTION I: For Completion by the EMPLOYEE Employee Name: Employee ID: Department: Voluntary Furlough Program Election I hereby elect to participate in the Voluntary Furlough Program under the following option: Option 1: Reduction of scheduled workday. Specify the hours and day(s) to be reduced Weekly Bi-Weekly Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri _____ hours per day _____ effective start date Option 2: Reduced block time off Block of Time Off (e.g. Dec. 15 – Jan. 3) ____________________________ From pay period: ___________________ To pay period: ________________ Voluntary Furlough Program Election I understand that I am agreeing to reduce my workweek or hours worked, as set forth above. I understand this adjustment shall affect my pay. I understand that the reduction in my pay as reflected in my bi-weekly paycheck for the designated period, will be based on my reduced hours or workweek. I understand that this voluntary furlough may be terminated at my request upon City Manager approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or denied. I understand that I am voluntarily waiving any rights under the City’s personnel rules, that may be inconsistent with this voluntary furlough. I understand that vacation/sick/compensatory time cannot be used to cover furlough leave. I understand that extra hours cannot be worked in a week when furlough leave is taken (to make up for the loss of pay due to furlough leave). Supervisors are to ensure that employees taking furlough do not work additional hours which reduce the furlough hours taken. I understand all benefits will remain in force; however, employees participating in this program may have a reduction in salary and thus their salary driven benefits such as retirement contributions, disability, and FICA will be affected. I understand benefits based on the number of hours worked less than forty hours per week (e.g., vacation and holiday) will be calculated as set forth in the City's personnel rules.  I understand that this voluntary furlough is subject to the City Manager’s approval and will take effect _____ days following notice of Employee Relations Officer approval. I affirm that I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of the Voluntary Furlough Agreement. __________________________ ______________________________ ___________ Employee Name Employee Signature Date City of La Quinta VOLUNTARY FURLOUGH AGREEMENT FOR UNREPRESENTED NON-EXEMPT EMPLOYEES ATTACHMENT 1 9 SECTION II: For Completion by the EMPLOYEE RELATIONS OFFICER AND CITY MANAGER Employee Relations Officer Approval: Yes No If no, reason: ________________________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ________________ Employee Relations Officer Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ________________ City Manager SECTION III: For Completion by FINANCE/PAYROLL DIVISION Unrepresented Employee: Yes No Non-Exempt: Yes No Adequate Wages to Cover Deductions: Yes No Reviewed By: _______________________________ Date: ________________       10 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS & HAND-OUTS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 3, 2020 1 Tania Flores From:r t Sent:Tuesday, June 2, 2020 3:54 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments - Council mtg. 06-02-20 AND Special Council mtg. 06-03-20 Attachments:2013 Severance Offer.pdf; CCMIN 01 02 2013.pdf ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  1) Robert Ambriz, Jr. 2) Beaumont, CA 3) 4) Study Session Item Number 3 (06-02-20) AND Closed Session 1 (06-03-20) 5) 2020 Workforce Reduction Plan - Severance request 6) Written Comments Earlier today, Angela Scott sent the e-mail below to City Council and later shared the e-mail message with myself and other co-workers who will be effected by the City's 2020 Workforce Reduction Plan by being laid off. With Angela's prior permission, I am requesting that her e-mail with attachments be put on record as written comment. Thank you. From: Angela Scott < Subject: 2020/21 Budget Recommendations Date: June 2, 2020 at 1:24:31 PM PDT Good afternoon Madame Mayor and Council members; “Thank You” for allowing me to be a part of the City of La Quinta for over 23 years. It has been a great journey filled with ups and downs but most of all growth, opportunity, and appreciation. Yesterday I was advised that as of June 17, 2020, I would be part of the Workforce Reduction Plan. With the COVID restrictions, it is clear that budget deficits are occurring throughout our valley, and it is unfortunate. I was with the City during the 2013 workforce reduction and it really was hard for everyone. I am sending this email to you because I feel like compassion and consideration for long term employees was not a part of the equation. Being let go with 2 weeks’ notice and without any type of severance during these difficult times really puts a burden on us and our families. In May 2012, the City worked really hard to achieve a balanced budget with a projected $2,187,759 deficit. As you are probably aware, this was during the elimination of redevelopment agencies resulting in loss of reserves and CIP projects. In order to accomplish this, in January 2013, 22 positions were impacted by the work force reduction. The severance package offered to all full time employees included (see attached): ꞏ One week of salary for each year of service with the City, with a minimum of 8 weeks salary for those employees who are with the City for less than 7.5 years; ꞏ A flat $4,000 per employee to fund health care costs; and ꞏ Out placement services including career coaching, resume writing and job interview assistance. ,CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 3, 2020 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - LABOR NEGOTIATIONS 2 During that January 2, 2013 meeting: Council Member Evans said that these 22 people helped build our city, participated in events, and have been part of what made this city the Gem of the Desert. This decision is not easy for Council but, faced with the demand and the work that must be done, this is the alternative Council must face. Ms. Evans supports this endeavor based on the process underwent to develop it. She feels for the employees and families of those the city will lose. Ms. Evans said the Council wanted to be fair to them and as seen in the severance package, Council went above and beyond what is required by law because these employees mean so much. Ms. Evans wished them all the best and thanked them for all their years of service, which will not be forgotten. She thanked the Executive Team and noted that the challenge is ahead to deliver in this new world. She stated that Council will be there to support and challenge staff moving forward. These words mean so much to me as your Human Resources Manager, because I know and feel that same way about our City of La Quinta team. Although I was not given any information as to who is on the reduction list, I do know that the following staff members were talked to: ꞏ Missy Mendoza, 32 years of service ꞏ James Lindsey, 24 years of service ꞏ Myself, 23 years of service ꞏ Wanda Wise-Latta, 21 years of service ꞏ Robert Ambriz, 19 years of service ꞏ Pam Nieto, 18 years of service ꞏ Toma Stoianovici, 12 years of service Each of these members are Classic (2.5% at 55) PERS members and will definitely save the City future pension costs. However, Missy, Robert and myself are not able to retire yet because we are not of age and trying to find a replacement job until we can retire is going to take more than two weeks. Today’s Study Session Budget report states that the City has General Fund Reserves in the amount of $39,333,800 and Measure G sales tax reserve balance of $10,938,675. It also requests a contingency for staffing in the amount of $400,000. This account usually allows for promotional staffing flexibility and exceeds bonus’. However, with staff cuts and salary freezes, it wouldn’t seem that this would be necessary, although it could be used toward severance. I would ask that the City Council consider a severance similar to that offered in 2013. Your consideration is greatly appreciated by all of us affected. Angela Scott City of La Quinta Human Resources Manager ,CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 3, 2020 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - LABOR NEGOTIATIONS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 3, 2020 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - LABOR NEGOTIATIONS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2013 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:31 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: Councilmembers Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Osborne, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH THE CITY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, FRANK J. SPEVACEK, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND /OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN LA QUINTA VILLAGE, EAST OF DESERT CLUB DRIVE, SOUTH OF CALLE TAMPICO, NORTH OF AVENIDA LA FONDA (APNs 770 - 123 -002, 770 - 123 -003, 770- 123-004, 770- 123 -006, 770- 123 -010, 770 -124 -002, 770- 124 -003, 770- 124 -004, 770- 124 -007, 770 - 124 -009). PROPERTY OWNERINEGOTIATOR: MARVIN INVESTMENTS, INC., WELLS MARVIN 2. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS, SKI HARRISON AND TERRY DEERINGER, REGARDING NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6 MEET AND CONFER PROCESS THE CITY COUNCIL RECESSED TO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:32 P.M. MAYOR ADOLPH RECONVENED THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:03 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT Public Speaker: Christi Salamone, La Quinta - Ms. Salamone distributed to Council a copy of the program from the first La Quinta Arts Festival. She thanked Council and the community for their support and for providing the most beautiful festival site in the nation.. Ms. Salamone said she is before Council to announce that the CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 3, 2020 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - LABOR NEGOTIATIONS La Quinta Arts Festival has just been ranked the number one fine arts festival in the nation. She noted that Festival Board Members are working hard. to produce another stellar event March 7 -10 this year. Ms. Salamone presented to the City a framed 2013 Arts Festival poster. Public Speaker: Kay Wolff, La Quinta - Ms. Wolff wondered why a plan to raise Lighting and Landscaping District revenue was not included in the Service Delivery Options staff report to offset the need to cut staff. She said that Council decided to wait on addressing these fee increases until after the Municipal elections, so now she is interested in knowing the plan and timeline for addressing increases. She believes the public needs to take its share of responsibility for balancing the city budget. Ms. Wolff asked if the new staff organization resulted in a net gain or loss in salary costs. Ms. Wolff expressed her support of the new GoRequest program but given the layoffs, was concerned about the staffing available to respond to the more numerous citizen requests. Lastly, Ms. Wolff asked if the 1.5 million in proposed technology upgrades was needed as a result of personnel layoffs or if it is needed in spite of the layoffs. Public Speaker: Kathy Housel, La Quinta - Ms. Housel noted that she is still waiting for responses from the County on California Bio Mass complaints. Mayor Adolph informed Ms. Housel that the City Attorney sent a letter out today to the County Supervisor stating enough is enough. Public Speaker: Stu Wells, Mayor of Osoyoos, British Columbia - Mayor Wells extended his best wishes to Council from a Canadian snow bird. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Council Member Franklin requested that Consent Calendar Item Nos. 5 and 6 be pulled for discussion. Council concurred. PRESENTATIONS 1. PRESENTATION OF 2012 PUBLIC WORKS AWARENESS AWARD FROM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AMERICAN PUBLIC .WORKS ASSOCIATION FOR ANNUAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT OUTREACH PROGRAM Public Works Director Jonasson presented the award, thanked his staff and noted that this is the fourth year the city has received this award. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 3, 2020 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - LABOR NEGOTIATIONS APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Council Members Evans/ Henderson to approve the minutes of December 18, 2012 as submitted. Motion passed unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 35900, ARNOLD PALMER OFFICE BUILDINGS, DAVID CHAPMAN INVESTMENTS, LLC [Resolution 2013 -0011 2. EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 35900, ARNOLD PALMER OFFICE BUILDINGS, DAVID CHAPMAN INVESTMENTS, LLC [Resolution 2013 -0021 3. EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 31681 -3, ANDALUSIA, CORAL OPTION I, LLC Resolution 2013 -0031 4. LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR PEDESTRIAN, VEHICLE AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS WITH COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A VEHICULAR CROSS ACCESS POINT, SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS AND A UTILITY CONNECTION ON COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION'S PROPERTY 5. pulled > > >A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE TALL MAN GROUP FOR REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING CONSULTING SERVICES AND APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATION 6. pulled> > >A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH GAFCON, INC. FOR REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS AND APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATION 7. APPLY TO THE CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF TRAFFIC AND SAFETY FOR THE SOBRIETY CHECKPOINT GRANT PROGRAM FUNDING FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013/2014 8. DEMAND REGISTER DATED JANUARY 2, 2013 MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Council Members Evans/ Henderson to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1 -4 and 7 -8 as recommended, with Items 1, 2, and 3 adopting Resolution Nos. 2013 -001, 2013 -002 and 2013- 003 respectively. Motion passed unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 3, 2020 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - LABOR NEGOTIATIONS BUSINESS SESSION 1., SERVICE DELIVERY OPTIONS REPORT City Manager Spevacek and Department Directors presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. In response to Council Member Osborne, Director Hylton explained that facility maintenance staff is being moved to Community Services rather than Public Works because these employees maintain city -owned buildings, most of which are managed by Community Services (library, senior center, museum, etc.) whereas Public Works maintains city infrastructure and outdoor facilities such as streets and medians. In response to Council Member Osborne, City Manager Spevacek explained that the new Assistant to the City Manager position is different from an Assistant City Manager position in that it is a lower pay grade with lesser responsibilities. The Assistant to the City Manager will administer major contracts. Mr. Spevacek said that the new Business Analyst position will provide real estate analysis, assist with revenue projections, and oversee the implementation of new technology. Mr. Spevacek explained that the volume of activity in the city is such that one person could not handle the work load of both the business analyst and the strategic planner assisting the City Manager to move the city forward. Mr. Spevacek explained that the duties of the new Housing Coordinator position are more than oversight of the Coral Mountain and Washington Street Apartment projects. He said housing matters include oversight of the 600+ affordable housing second trust deed agreements serviced by an outside consultant, which have covenants extending 25 to 45 years. In addition, La Quinta has a variety of multi - family and senior housing units that require annual compliance monitoring and someone in -house needs to do these tasks. The position was redefined and the salary reduced from the present level because of a decrease in activity, and if the workload decreases further in the future, the position will be adjusted. Mr. Spevacek explained that economic development activities will be split between the City Manager's Office and the new Community Development Department. In response to Council Member Osborne, City Manager Spevacek said that a Housing Coordinator will not possess the depth and breadth of expertise brought by the real estate consultants, Tall Man Group and Gafcon (contracts to be discussed later in this meeting): The Business Analyst to be hired will be expected to have such talents. In the meantime, it was expected that expertise to evaluate SilverRock proposals village property offers, and a change in the funding parameters for the Washington Street Apartments would be needed before the Business Analyst is hired. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 3, 2020 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - LABOR NEGOTIATIONS In response to Council Member Osborne, Public Works Director Jonasson explained that the reduction to street sweeping services last year consisted of cutting the north La Quinta contractor's holiday make -up days and eliminating sweeping during the fifth week of months. Mr. Jonasson said that current reductions and savings are due to the elimination of the contractor and reducing sweeping to every other week instead of every week. He said that city staff with city -owned sweepers can accomplish the task for $8 per mile less than a contractor. In response to Council Member Franklin, Public Works Director Jonasson said that the City Maintenance Manager would be responding to GoRequests received by his department. Council Member Franklin commented that it was great that Public Works was looking into sharing resources with other cities because it is a win -win situation for all involved. Council Member Henderson thanked staff for the thorough presentation. In response to Council Member Evans, City Manager Spevacek explained how the city's new streamlining will be communicated and introduced to the community. He said that it was included in the city newsletter and staff is embarking on an outreach campaign to dialog with community and business groups to promote an understanding of the city's financial condition and explain the changes planned. City Manager Spevacek said that staff understands that any discussion with the community regarding fee increases or revenue enhancements first requires a demonstration that the city's internal operation has been scrutinized and adjusted without cutting services. Next, tax payers who wish to enjoy the services provided will have to look at revenues. The outreach campaign will give staff an opportunity to start the dialog and provide taxpayers with an understanding of how their city operates. He noted that 55% of city revenue is generated locally and 45% of city expenses go to police and fire services. On a La Quinta house worth $300,000 paying $3,000 in property tax, the city receives about $280. Mr. Spevacek said that it's important for residents to understand the city's finances. so intelligent decisions can be made. Mayor Adolph thanked staff for doing a good job under very tough circumstances. Public Speaker: Dave Heckman, La Quinta — Mr. Heckman complimented Anthony Moreno (Senior Code Compliance Officer), and appreciates his work. He is concerned that a reduction in code enforcement will result in more cars left on the street on street sweeping days. He suggested installing signage, ticketing or towing cars, or establishing a permit system for street parking and paying for this with funds collected from fines. Mr. Heckman said that he hopes that Council maintains the high level of code enforcement. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 3, 2020 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - LABOR NEGOTIATIONS Council Member Henderson said it's challenging and difficult to realize that this is a new world. City employees understood the problem, came to the table, and dealt with it realistically. Ms. Henderson stated that she was proud of city staff, and thanked the employees who are leaving for the time they spent with the city. Council Member Evans said that these 22 people helped build our city, participated in events, and have been part of what made this city the Gem of the Desert. This decision is not easy for Council but, faced with the demand and the work that must be done, this is the alternative Council must face. Ms. Evans supports this endeavor based on the process underwent to develop it. She feels for the employees and families of those the city will lose. Ms. Evans said the Council wanted to be fair to them and as seen in the severance package, Council went above and beyond what is required by law because these employees mean so much. Ms. Evans wished them all the best and thanked them for all their years of service, which will not be forgotten. She thanked the Executive Team and noted that the challenge is ahead to deliver in this new world. She stated that Council will be there to support and challenge staff moving forward. Council Member Osborne said that the City Manager and Executive Team has done an outstanding job reorganizing city systems from an efficiency standpoint, cost standpoint, and delivery of services to citizens, which resulted in the extremely difficult layoff of 22 employees. Mr. Osborne said he believes the work of Housing Coordinator, Assistant to the City Manager and Business Analyst may be done by just two positions but he fully supports all other aspects of the report as unfortunate as it is to lose 22 good people. Council Member Franklin said that Council can give all the reasons for supporting this report but understands that it does not soften the impact for the 22 employees who will not have a job with the city. She said that no Council Member has taken this decision lightly; they have met over and over, and discussed every possible solution. Ms. Franklin said that the bottom line remains that Council has a responsibility to the community to ensure that the city remains fiscally strong. Ms. Franklin thanked staff for their presentation. Mayor Adolph said that approximately two years ago valley cities started reducing staff but after many meetings, Council and the City Manager decided to do everything possible to avoid layoffs. Then, when faced with a $2 million deficit, Council offered voluntary retirement packages resulting in staff reductions, but this did not fully resolve the deficit problem and the city continued to live off reserves. A new City Manager was hired this summer and he was charged with balancing the budget. Mayor Adolph said that every possible solution short of layoffs was examined. He noted that when the City of La Quinta hires a new employee, they do so with the idea that s /he will stay for the duration and retire from city employment. Unfortunately this is the last resort, there is no option left for CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 6 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 3, 2020 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - LABOR NEGOTIATIONS Council. Mayor Adolph expressed how much he hates taking this action due to his fondness for the employees and their great work. He feels he must support this report because as much as he hates it, the city cannot continue to draw down the reserves. Mayor Adolph complimented staff for the difficult work of developing this plan. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Council Members Henderson/ Evans to approve (1) the new organization plan that reduces the City's work force and combines the Building and Safety and Planning Departments, (2) a reduction in work force, (3) new job classifications for Assistant City Engineer, Assistant to the City Manager, Building Official /Emergency Manager, Business Analyst, Housing Coordinator and Deputy City Clerk, and (4) a revised salary schedule. Motion passed unanimously. 2. SELECT COUNCIL MEMBERS AS LA QUINTA REPRESENTATIVES ON VARIOUS COMMITTEES FOR 2013 City Clerk Maysels presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. MOTION — A motion was made by Council Members Evans /Henderson to retain all existing 2012 appointments for 2013 except that Mayor Pro Tem Franklin will become the Alternate to the Coachella Valley Association of Governments Executive Committee, and Council Member Evans will fill the vacant Alternate position for the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership. Motion passed unanimously. 3. APPOINT MEMBERS TO THE IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT'S ENERGY CONSUMERS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE, AND THE COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL BOARD City Clerk Maysels presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Council Members Franklin/ Osborne to make the following appointments: IID — Energy Consumers' Advisory Committee, 4 -year term: Mark D. Weber CV Mosquito and Vector Control Board, 4 -year term: Robert G. Cox Motion passed unanimously 4. AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY TO ENFORCE THE CITY'S RIGHTS UNDER THE BONDS, INCLUDING THE INITIATION OF LITIGATION AGAINST BOND SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY AND MARK RINDLESBACH, TRUSTEE OF THE RINDLESBACH CONSTRUCTION, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 7 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 3, 2020 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - LABOR NEGOTIATIONS INC. AS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 31852, POLO ESTATES Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. In response to Council Member Evans, City Attorney Jenson explained that the entity no longer exists so there is no one to request an extension, and staff has been extremely lenient with bond representatives with no progress. By providing staff with the three alternatives, it gives them the authority to file, but attempts to reach a settlement or tolling agreement will first be pursued. Principal Engineer Wimmer said that there are other projects with similar situations that will be brought to Council as their due dates approach. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Council Members Evans /Franklin to authorize the City Manager and the City Attorney to enforce the city's rights under the bonds, including (1) the initiation of litigation against' Bond Safeguard Insurance Company and Mark Rindlesbach, Trustee of the Rindlesbach Construction, Inc. as necessary to complete improvements for Tract 31852; and /or 2) the execution of a settlement agreement if a reasonable settlement is reached; and /or (3) the execution of a tolling agreement to suspend the running of the statute of limitations. Motion passed unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS PULLED FOR DISCUSSION 5. A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE TALL MAN GROUP FOR REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING CONSULTING SERVICES AND APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATION 6. A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH GAFCON, INC. FOR REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS AND APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATION Council Member Franklin asked that these items be delayed since State action on Redevelopment Agency funds is pending, no developer has been selected for SilverRock, and under the new organization plan, it's possible some of these services could be done in house. Public Speaker: Dave Heckman, La Quinta — Mr. Heckman suggested that the city hold off on hiring consultants until it's known what Redevelopment Agency funds the city will retain once the State Controller is done with his audit. Council Member Osborne said he believes that a consultant to provide the services noted in Item No. 5 is not needed; the new Housing Coordinator should be able to CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 8 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 3, 2020 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - LABOR NEGOTIATIONS provide this. He said Item No. 6 can wait until a developer is selected for SilverRock. That will be an extremely complicated analysis. Council Member Henderson stated that the Housing Coordinator is not going to have the expertise to complete the work noted in Item No. 5. Items taken off calendar - no action taken. STUDY SESSION 1. GOREO.UEST CITIZEN RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SOLUTION Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. In response to Council Member Evans, Director Jonasson said that requests can be made anonymously. Council Member Evans asked staff to add "FREE" to the marketing flyer, and confirmed that it was being cross - marketed on Facebook and with FG Creative to get the word out. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport Authority - Council Member Franklin said that she has asked the Airport Manager, Daryl Shippy to make a presentation to Council in February. DEPARTMENT REPORTS City Manager Spevacek informed Council that there is renewed interest in SilverRock development from Discovery Land. He offered a change in approach from Council- developer meetings to staff taking a more direct role and providing the expertise needed. The Mayor and all four Council Members concurred that staff should take the lead and involve Council as need be. City Attorney said that pursuant to Council's request a follow up letter has been sent to Supervisor Benoit regarding California Bio Mass. In response to Mayor Adolph, Director Jonasson said that the new street, Vista Coralina is a two -lane street, with two speed tables. He said at the Costco end, traffic will be controlled with stop signs. MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBER'S ITEMS - None PUBLIC HEARINGS - None CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 3, 2020 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - LABOR NEGOTIATIONS There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Council Members Evans/Henderson to adjourn at 6:24 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, SUSAN MAYSELS, bty Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 3, 2020 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - LABOR NEGOTIATIONS POWER POINTS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 3, 2020 3/25/2020 1 City Council Special Meeting June 3, 2020 at 5 p.m. City Council Special Meeting June 3, 2020 Closed Session In Progress 1 2 3/25/2020 2 City Council Meeting June 3, 2020 B1 – Approve Service Delivery Plan How We Got Here •COVID‐19  •Economic uncertainty  •Change in services and priorities  3 4 3/25/2020 3 City’s Financial Position •2019/20  ‐ $2.7 million reduction in  operational expenditures •2020/21 – Projected $2.3 million deficit Cost Saving Measures  •Reduced operational expenditures like travel and  training •Reduced contract services and non‐essential building  improvements •Reduced and deferred Capital improvement projects •Eliminated funding for enhanced contract services •Salary & benefit freeze •Projected deficit remains 5 6 3/25/2020 4 Workforce Reduction •Budgetary reasons •Elimination of programs and services •Lack of work  •Executive Team analysis of functions and divisions Positions Impacted •Layoff- 8 positions •Partial layoff - 2 positions •Furlough - 6 positions •Eliminate - 4 temporary positions •Defund 8 vacant positions 7 8 3/25/2020 5 Positions to Fund •3 Positions •Contingency in 20/21 for operational flexibility Conclusion •Generates $1.8 Million in savings •Effective June 17, 2020  •Providing transition services to impacted  employees 9 10 3/25/2020 6 Discussion 11 12 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS & HAND-OUTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2020 LA QUINTA ART CELEBRATION Experience Amazing Art! April 29, 2020  Linda Evans, Mayor  Jon McMillen, City Manager  Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director  City of La Quinta  78495 Calle Tampico  La Quinta, CA 92253  Dear Madame Mayor, Council Members, City Manager, and City Staff,  Thank you for selecting SCOPE Events, LLC to produce our new La Quinta signature art  event. We immediately embraced the community and worked tirelessly toward one  objective: “the tradition of art in La Quinta continues with Celebration!” To this end, we  have surely succeeded.   The feedback from artists and the community has been overwhelming in the best  possible way. We were blessed with beautiful weather and an incredible community  response. We were also very lucky with the timing of the event that ended right before  all public gatherings were canceled due to the COVID‐19 pandemic. We are most  grateful to the City of La Quinta which was committed, enthusiastic and supportive  throughout this endeavor. The La Quinta Art Celebration would not have been possible  with you!   Keys to Success  There were many contributing factors and individuals that all came together to make  the event successful; we refer to them as our Keys to Success. Here are a few of the  biggest from this year’s event:  Volunteers ‐ There was an amazing turnout across all four days of the event with a total  of 176 volunteers including 26 Captains and 150 volunteers. Several joined us from Tools  for Tomorrow. This volunteer force provided essential help with load in/out and with  other critical functions including registering artists, gate operations, and artist  hospitality including delivering breakfast and lunch to the artists and booth sitting to  provide the artists respite. They also worked the 24hr helpline which proved to be a vital  asset for community relations and dialogue. One example is when a local resident called  the helpline at 11:00pm to complain about the noise caused by a generator. This was an  easy fix and one that was able to be corrected within moments of the call.    Wi‐Fi ‐ SCOPE Events invested to provide a dedicated Wi‐Fi network for artists to utilize  to eliminate existing connectivity issues so sales could be conducted electronically.  We  CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2020 HANDOUT BY PAUL ANDERSON PRESENTATION NO. 1 - LQ ART CELEBRATION LA QUINTA ART CELEBRATION Experience Amazing Art! contracted with Road Wi‐Fi to design and implement the new network and, based upon  positive feedback from the artists, we plan to replicate this effort in future events.   Upscale Food and Beverages – SCOPE Events sought to elevate the food and beverages  available to both the artists and patrons. Our concept to provide higher quality upscale  food and drinks so that this domain was more on‐par with the rest of the festival. We  utilized the services of Best Beverage Catering. This well‐renowned company provides  “next generation food & beverage experiences at festivals, sporting events, clubs &  private events”. They delivered on that reputation.   Community Outreach by City of La Quinta   City Direct Mail Card with complimentary poster offer: 150 cards were turned in at the event. If a patron forgot their card and had proof they were a resident of La Quinta, they were given a poster. Resident Letter granting free admittance to Neighborhoods that border the Civic Center:  27 out of 97 letters were redeemed equaling 54 tickets. The Wellness Center was the perfect location to serve as the hub for this promotion. The campaign was extended throughout the event.  Residents who called in were told to bring the letter to the entrance for their complimentary tickets. Window Posters and Contact Information to Local Business: Highly successful as the merchants felt valued and included in the event. They also appreciated having the Helpline Phone number for 24/7 response for any questions or concerns. Colorful Pole Banners throughout the City: These reinforced the event marketing campaign and endorsed the feeling of Celebration! Coastal Glossy Magazine ads for January and February publications: These increased our branding in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego. Professional Photography and Video – SCOPE Events hired Amy Hart Productions to be  on‐site during all four days of the show to capture the event with professional quality  photography and to create a database of photos and video for future television, web,  and print marketing. We seek to build a dynamic internet presence and social media  campaign for future LQAC events. Although these goals are not yet fully realized, they  begin with having quality source materials available. We believe this was a good  investment that will prove to be a key to our future successes.   CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2020 HANDOUT BY PAUL ANDERSON PRESENTATION NO. 1 - LQ ART CELEBRATION LA QUINTA ART CELEBRATION Experience Amazing Art! LQAC 2020 Data Summary  SCOPE Events has begun analyzing data from the inaugural year and, given all the  variables, we were very pleased with the outcome. We heard from some of the artists  that this was their best show ever! We look forward to sitting down with City staff to  discuss this report and engage in further dialogue about successes, challenges and ideas  for next year. We also look forward to making a presentation to the City Council that will  showcase some of the highlights of 2020 and address questions about the next  Celebration. We are already receiving requests from both patrons and artists, so we  have announced our intention to hold the La Quinta Art Celebration 2021 during the  weekend of March 4‐7, 2021. After meeting with the City Council, we will begin the  Temporary Use Permit (TUP) process for 2021. The first “Calls for Artists” applications  will be accepted July 1, 2020.  Artists, Attendance, and Sales ‐ There were almost 13,000 total attendees throughout  the four‐day event (see “Graph 1” below for counts by day). Most ticket sales (88.05%)  were single day passes with the remaining (11.95%) being multi‐day passes. “Graph 2”  below shows the % of US ticket sales by State. There was a total of 223 participating  artists from 38 different States. We also hosted artists from Argentina, Canada, and  Nicaragua and 3 local artists from La Quinta.    We do believe attendance was ultimately affected by COVID‐19, although there are too  many variables and no historic data available to confidently attribute diminished  participation to any one factor. Next year, as an established show with a full year to  execute, we look forward to even more robust attendance!  Graph 1: Attendance Counts by Day  2921 3449 3779 2780 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 3/5/2020 3/6/2020 3/7/2020 3/8/2020 Attendance by Day; Total = 12,929 CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2020 HANDOUT BY PAUL ANDERSON PRESENTATION NO. 1 - LQ ART CELEBRATION LA QUINTA ART CELEBRATION Experience Amazing Art! Graph 2: US Ticket Sales by State  Client Feedback‐ The LQAC 2020 examined data from the independent, third‐party “Art  Fair Source Book”, an industry publication that collects and distributes data to artists  and promotors about festivals throughout the country. They collect satisfaction data  from participating artists across several domains.  “Graph 3” below shows the LQAC  2020 results based upon responses from 37 participating artists; also included is a  selection of quotes directly from participating artists below the graph.   Graph 3: Percent of Positive Responses by Domain; N=37  100% 88% 97%97% 76% 97%100%95%100%100%97%94%100%100% 86% 100% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%ExhibtorQualityFinancialFairnessPatrons SavvyDemographicsBuying EnergyAdvertisingVenueShow LayoutOrganizationStaff SupportLogistical EaseLoad‐in/outParkingArtistAmenitiesAwardsJudgingSecurityPercent of Positive Responses by Domain CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2020 HANDOUT BY PAUL ANDERSON PRESENTATION NO. 1 - LQ ART CELEBRATION LA QUINTA ART CELEBRATION Experience Amazing Art! Fantastic venue, staff, and amazing patrons!    ‐ Anonymous founding artist  Great show for us. Definitely worth the trip. Great staff and venue.    ‐ Anonymous founding artist  It’s a beautiful setting for a show! Perfect weather. Great artists!    ‐ Anonymous founding artist  Taken together, these data describe a successful endeavor that we are proud to call a  SCOPE Event. Overall, we believe it was a great inaugural year for LQAC, and we have  already turned our focus toward 2021. While it is difficult to predict anything in the  current climate, please rest assured that we have begun planning for LQAC 2021 and we  will always celebrate the artistic spirit! We are working on further event enhancements,  increasing attendance and sales, building new partnerships, and gaining new sponsors.   Thank you for designating SCOPE Events, LLC as your promotor. We hope we made the  city proud.  Sincerely,  Paul A. Anderson, CEO  Kathleen Hughes, Event Director  CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2020 HANDOUT BY PAUL ANDERSON PRESENTATION NO. 1 - LQ ART CELEBRATION 1 Monika Radeva From:Tyerman Sent:Tuesday, June 02, 2020 12:54 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written comment for today's Council meeting Attachments:Thank you for restarting Ave. 60.docx  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Dear City Clerk, Monika, Attached are my written comments for today's Council meeting in appreciation for their work on Avenue 60. I am not asking for time for a verbal comment, but appreciate you sharing this with our leadership. I plan to "join" the meeting on line today. Thanks for all you do. Dale CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY DALE TYERMAN PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - AVENUE 60 LANDSCAPING   Madam Mayor, Councilmembers, City Manager, City Attorney and staff.    Thank you for hearing and responding to our concerns on restarting the  landscaping on Avenue 60.  We were advised by Mr. McMillian last Friday that the work would  resume on Monday June 1, 2020.  Crews are in place and the work is projected to be complete in July.  We are also putting back to work members of our community.  In the face of all the challenges each of you are facing as you move our  City forward, I am once again impressed and appreciative of what you  do for our City.  Thank you for your leadership, engagement and results during these  challenging times.  With my respect and appreciation.    Dale Tyerman    La Quinta, CA  92253          CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY DALE TYERMAN PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - AVENUE 60 LANDSCAPING 1 Monika Radeva From:Steven Parker <s Sent:Tuesday, June 2, 2020 2:42 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments Regarding Short Term Rentals, If Possible Verbal Comments ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **    To the Mayor and City Council:    I would like to express my shock and dismay over the City of La Quinta's decision to allow short term rentals to  resume.  We live year round at PGA West on Oakhill in the Arnold Palmer Course, where at least 15 to 20 of  these scourges to our community currently exist.  These properties bring in the worst possible people to our  community on a regular basis, but now it's going to be even worse due to those infected by coronavirus from  L.A. and Orange Counties who want to escape to the desert from the areas in which they live, to "get away" to  our low density and safe way of life.  I wonder how many of those who will soon be showing up on our  doorstep have been involved in the recent protests/rioting standing right next to each other with no face  coverings while chanting and shouting?   Which by the way is one of the worst ways of spreading the  incredibly infectious and dangerous COVID‐19 virus.    In the meantime, the renters are hanging out and partying their butts off at our pools and other  amenities.  What else do they have to do?  It's not like they're working for a living.  It's an outrage that you are  allowing, and that we have to deal with, absentee owners who couldn't care less about our community being  able to import out‐of‐towners right next door to us.  All these slumlords want to do is to make money off of  the year round La Quinta resident's backs without a care in the world about bringing anyone who is infected  with coronavirus into our backyards.    What happened to the ban on leisure travel?  I thought that was still a State mandate.  Why are we one of the  only islands in the Coachella Valley to allow this unreasonable intrusion?  At least three other cities in the  valley have already extended the short term rental moratorium until the end of June.  Why can't we be one of  the smart cities?    Remember that when the wise among us sees danger, they seek refuge.  But the simple and stupid among us  ignore danger and keep going, and ultimately pay a very steep price.    Thank you,  Steven Parker    La Quinta    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY STEVEN PARKER PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - STVR RESTRICTIONS 1 Tania Flores From:r t Sent:Tuesday, June 2, 2020 3:54 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments - Council mtg. 06-02-20 AND Special Council mtg. 06-03-20 Attachments:2013 Severance Offer.pdf; CCMIN 01 02 2013.pdf ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  1) Robert Ambriz, Jr. 2) Beaumont, CA 3) 4) Study Session Item Number 3 (06-02-20) AND Closed Session 1 (06-03-20) 5) 2020 Workforce Reduction Plan - Severance request 6) Written Comments Earlier today, Angela Scott sent the e-mail below to City Council and later shared the e-mail message with myself and other co-workers who will be effected by the City's 2020 Workforce Reduction Plan by being laid off. With Angela's prior permission, I am requesting that her e-mail with attachments be put on record as written comment. Thank you. From: Angela Scott < Subject: 2020/21 Budget Recommendations Date: June 2, 2020 at 1:24:31 PM PDT Good afternoon Madame Mayor and Council members; “Thank You” for allowing me to be a part of the City of La Quinta for over 23 years. It has been a great journey filled with ups and downs but most of all growth, opportunity, and appreciation. Yesterday I was advised that as of June 17, 2020, I would be part of the Workforce Reduction Plan. With the COVID restrictions, it is clear that budget deficits are occurring throughout our valley, and it is unfortunate. I was with the City during the 2013 workforce reduction and it really was hard for everyone. I am sending this email to you because I feel like compassion and consideration for long term employees was not a part of the equation. Being let go with 2 weeks’ notice and without any type of severance during these difficult times really puts a burden on us and our families. In May 2012, the City worked really hard to achieve a balanced budget with a projected $2,187,759 deficit. As you are probably aware, this was during the elimination of redevelopment agencies resulting in loss of reserves and CIP projects. In order to accomplish this, in January 2013, 22 positions were impacted by the work force reduction. The severance package offered to all full time employees included (see attached): ꞏ One week of salary for each year of service with the City, with a minimum of 8 weeks salary for those employees who are with the City for less than 7.5 years; ꞏ A flat $4,000 per employee to fund health care costs; and ꞏ Out placement services including career coaching, resume writing and job interview assistance. , CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 3 - PRELIMINARY PROPOSED FY 2020/21 BUDGET 2 During that January 2, 2013 meeting: Council Member Evans said that these 22 people helped build our city, participated in events, and have been part of what made this city the Gem of the Desert. This decision is not easy for Council but, faced with the demand and the work that must be done, this is the alternative Council must face. Ms. Evans supports this endeavor based on the process underwent to develop it. She feels for the employees and families of those the city will lose. Ms. Evans said the Council wanted to be fair to them and as seen in the severance package, Council went above and beyond what is required by law because these employees mean so much. Ms. Evans wished them all the best and thanked them for all their years of service, which will not be forgotten. She thanked the Executive Team and noted that the challenge is ahead to deliver in this new world. She stated that Council will be there to support and challenge staff moving forward. These words mean so much to me as your Human Resources Manager, because I know and feel that same way about our City of La Quinta team. Although I was not given any information as to who is on the reduction list, I do know that the following staff members were talked to: ꞏ Missy Mendoza, 32 years of service ꞏ James Lindsey, 24 years of service ꞏ Myself, 23 years of service ꞏ Wanda Wise-Latta, 21 years of service ꞏ Robert Ambriz, 19 years of service ꞏ Pam Nieto, 18 years of service ꞏ Toma Stoianovici, 12 years of service Each of these members are Classic (2.5% at 55) PERS members and will definitely save the City future pension costs. However, Missy, Robert and myself are not able to retire yet because we are not of age and trying to find a replacement job until we can retire is going to take more than two weeks. Today’s Study Session Budget report states that the City has General Fund Reserves in the amount of $39,333,800 and Measure G sales tax reserve balance of $10,938,675. It also requests a contingency for staffing in the amount of $400,000. This account usually allows for promotional staffing flexibility and exceeds bonus’. However, with staff cuts and salary freezes, it wouldn’t seem that this would be necessary, although it could be used toward severance. I would ask that the City Council consider a severance similar to that offered in 2013. Your consideration is greatly appreciated by all of us affected. Angela Scott City of La Quinta Human Resources Manager , CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 3, 2020 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - LABOR NEGOTIATIONS CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 3 - PRELIMINARY PROPOSED FY 2020/21 BUDGET CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 3 - PRELIMINARY PROPOSED FY 2020/21 BUDGET CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2013 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:31 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: Councilmembers Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Osborne, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH THE CITY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, FRANK J. SPEVACEK, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND /OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN LA QUINTA VILLAGE, EAST OF DESERT CLUB DRIVE, SOUTH OF CALLE TAMPICO, NORTH OF AVENIDA LA FONDA (APNs 770 - 123 -002, 770 - 123 -003, 770- 123-004, 770- 123 -006, 770- 123 -010, 770 -124 -002, 770- 124 -003, 770- 124 -004, 770- 124 -007, 770 - 124 -009). PROPERTY OWNERINEGOTIATOR: MARVIN INVESTMENTS, INC., WELLS MARVIN 2. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS, SKI HARRISON AND TERRY DEERINGER, REGARDING NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6 MEET AND CONFER PROCESS THE CITY COUNCIL RECESSED TO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:32 P.M. MAYOR ADOLPH RECONVENED THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:03 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT Public Speaker: Christi Salamone, La Quinta - Ms. Salamone distributed to Council a copy of the program from the first La Quinta Arts Festival. She thanked Council and the community for their support and for providing the most beautiful festival site in the nation.. Ms. Salamone said she is before Council to announce that the CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 3 - PRELIMINARY PROPOSED FY 2020/21 BUDGET La Quinta Arts Festival has just been ranked the number one fine arts festival in the nation. She noted that Festival Board Members are working hard. to produce another stellar event March 7 -10 this year. Ms. Salamone presented to the City a framed 2013 Arts Festival poster. Public Speaker: Kay Wolff, La Quinta - Ms. Wolff wondered why a plan to raise Lighting and Landscaping District revenue was not included in the Service Delivery Options staff report to offset the need to cut staff. She said that Council decided to wait on addressing these fee increases until after the Municipal elections, so now she is interested in knowing the plan and timeline for addressing increases. She believes the public needs to take its share of responsibility for balancing the city budget. Ms. Wolff asked if the new staff organization resulted in a net gain or loss in salary costs. Ms. Wolff expressed her support of the new GoRequest program but given the layoffs, was concerned about the staffing available to respond to the more numerous citizen requests. Lastly, Ms. Wolff asked if the 1.5 million in proposed technology upgrades was needed as a result of personnel layoffs or if it is needed in spite of the layoffs. Public Speaker: Kathy Housel, La Quinta - Ms. Housel noted that she is still waiting for responses from the County on California Bio Mass complaints. Mayor Adolph informed Ms. Housel that the City Attorney sent a letter out today to the County Supervisor stating enough is enough. Public Speaker: Stu Wells, Mayor of Osoyoos, British Columbia - Mayor Wells extended his best wishes to Council from a Canadian snow bird. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Council Member Franklin requested that Consent Calendar Item Nos. 5 and 6 be pulled for discussion. Council concurred. PRESENTATIONS 1. PRESENTATION OF 2012 PUBLIC WORKS AWARENESS AWARD FROM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AMERICAN PUBLIC .WORKS ASSOCIATION FOR ANNUAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT OUTREACH PROGRAM Public Works Director Jonasson presented the award, thanked his staff and noted that this is the fourth year the city has received this award. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 3 - PRELIMINARY PROPOSED FY 2020/21 BUDGET APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Council Members Evans/ Henderson to approve the minutes of December 18, 2012 as submitted. Motion passed unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 35900, ARNOLD PALMER OFFICE BUILDINGS, DAVID CHAPMAN INVESTMENTS, LLC [Resolution 2013 -0011 2. EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 35900, ARNOLD PALMER OFFICE BUILDINGS, DAVID CHAPMAN INVESTMENTS, LLC [Resolution 2013 -0021 3. EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 31681 -3, ANDALUSIA, CORAL OPTION I, LLC Resolution 2013 -0031 4. LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR PEDESTRIAN, VEHICLE AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS WITH COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A VEHICULAR CROSS ACCESS POINT, SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS AND A UTILITY CONNECTION ON COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION'S PROPERTY 5. pulled > > >A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE TALL MAN GROUP FOR REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING CONSULTING SERVICES AND APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATION 6. pulled> > >A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH GAFCON, INC. FOR REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS AND APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATION 7. APPLY TO THE CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF TRAFFIC AND SAFETY FOR THE SOBRIETY CHECKPOINT GRANT PROGRAM FUNDING FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013/2014 8. DEMAND REGISTER DATED JANUARY 2, 2013 MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Council Members Evans/ Henderson to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1 -4 and 7 -8 as recommended, with Items 1, 2, and 3 adopting Resolution Nos. 2013 -001, 2013 -002 and 2013- 003 respectively. Motion passed unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 3 - PRELIMINARY PROPOSED FY 2020/21 BUDGET BUSINESS SESSION 1., SERVICE DELIVERY OPTIONS REPORT City Manager Spevacek and Department Directors presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. In response to Council Member Osborne, Director Hylton explained that facility maintenance staff is being moved to Community Services rather than Public Works because these employees maintain city -owned buildings, most of which are managed by Community Services (library, senior center, museum, etc.) whereas Public Works maintains city infrastructure and outdoor facilities such as streets and medians. In response to Council Member Osborne, City Manager Spevacek explained that the new Assistant to the City Manager position is different from an Assistant City Manager position in that it is a lower pay grade with lesser responsibilities. The Assistant to the City Manager will administer major contracts. Mr. Spevacek said that the new Business Analyst position will provide real estate analysis, assist with revenue projections, and oversee the implementation of new technology. Mr. Spevacek explained that the volume of activity in the city is such that one person could not handle the work load of both the business analyst and the strategic planner assisting the City Manager to move the city forward. Mr. Spevacek explained that the duties of the new Housing Coordinator position are more than oversight of the Coral Mountain and Washington Street Apartment projects. He said housing matters include oversight of the 600+ affordable housing second trust deed agreements serviced by an outside consultant, which have covenants extending 25 to 45 years. In addition, La Quinta has a variety of multi - family and senior housing units that require annual compliance monitoring and someone in -house needs to do these tasks. The position was redefined and the salary reduced from the present level because of a decrease in activity, and if the workload decreases further in the future, the position will be adjusted. Mr. Spevacek explained that economic development activities will be split between the City Manager's Office and the new Community Development Department. In response to Council Member Osborne, City Manager Spevacek said that a Housing Coordinator will not possess the depth and breadth of expertise brought by the real estate consultants, Tall Man Group and Gafcon (contracts to be discussed later in this meeting): The Business Analyst to be hired will be expected to have such talents. In the meantime, it was expected that expertise to evaluate SilverRock proposals village property offers, and a change in the funding parameters for the Washington Street Apartments would be needed before the Business Analyst is hired. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 3 - PRELIMINARY PROPOSED FY 2020/21 BUDGET In response to Council Member Osborne, Public Works Director Jonasson explained that the reduction to street sweeping services last year consisted of cutting the north La Quinta contractor's holiday make -up days and eliminating sweeping during the fifth week of months. Mr. Jonasson said that current reductions and savings are due to the elimination of the contractor and reducing sweeping to every other week instead of every week. He said that city staff with city -owned sweepers can accomplish the task for $8 per mile less than a contractor. In response to Council Member Franklin, Public Works Director Jonasson said that the City Maintenance Manager would be responding to GoRequests received by his department. Council Member Franklin commented that it was great that Public Works was looking into sharing resources with other cities because it is a win -win situation for all involved. Council Member Henderson thanked staff for the thorough presentation. In response to Council Member Evans, City Manager Spevacek explained how the city's new streamlining will be communicated and introduced to the community. He said that it was included in the city newsletter and staff is embarking on an outreach campaign to dialog with community and business groups to promote an understanding of the city's financial condition and explain the changes planned. City Manager Spevacek said that staff understands that any discussion with the community regarding fee increases or revenue enhancements first requires a demonstration that the city's internal operation has been scrutinized and adjusted without cutting services. Next, tax payers who wish to enjoy the services provided will have to look at revenues. The outreach campaign will give staff an opportunity to start the dialog and provide taxpayers with an understanding of how their city operates. He noted that 55% of city revenue is generated locally and 45% of city expenses go to police and fire services. On a La Quinta house worth $300,000 paying $3,000 in property tax, the city receives about $280. Mr. Spevacek said that it's important for residents to understand the city's finances. so intelligent decisions can be made. Mayor Adolph thanked staff for doing a good job under very tough circumstances. Public Speaker: Dave Heckman, La Quinta — Mr. Heckman complimented Anthony Moreno (Senior Code Compliance Officer), and appreciates his work. He is concerned that a reduction in code enforcement will result in more cars left on the street on street sweeping days. He suggested installing signage, ticketing or towing cars, or establishing a permit system for street parking and paying for this with funds collected from fines. Mr. Heckman said that he hopes that Council maintains the high level of code enforcement. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 3 - PRELIMINARY PROPOSED FY 2020/21 BUDGET Council Member Henderson said it's challenging and difficult to realize that this is a new world. City employees understood the problem, came to the table, and dealt with it realistically. Ms. Henderson stated that she was proud of city staff, and thanked the employees who are leaving for the time they spent with the city. Council Member Evans said that these 22 people helped build our city, participated in events, and have been part of what made this city the Gem of the Desert. This decision is not easy for Council but, faced with the demand and the work that must be done, this is the alternative Council must face. Ms. Evans supports this endeavor based on the process underwent to develop it. She feels for the employees and families of those the city will lose. Ms. Evans said the Council wanted to be fair to them and as seen in the severance package, Council went above and beyond what is required by law because these employees mean so much. Ms. Evans wished them all the best and thanked them for all their years of service, which will not be forgotten. She thanked the Executive Team and noted that the challenge is ahead to deliver in this new world. She stated that Council will be there to support and challenge staff moving forward. Council Member Osborne said that the City Manager and Executive Team has done an outstanding job reorganizing city systems from an efficiency standpoint, cost standpoint, and delivery of services to citizens, which resulted in the extremely difficult layoff of 22 employees. Mr. Osborne said he believes the work of Housing Coordinator, Assistant to the City Manager and Business Analyst may be done by just two positions but he fully supports all other aspects of the report as unfortunate as it is to lose 22 good people. Council Member Franklin said that Council can give all the reasons for supporting this report but understands that it does not soften the impact for the 22 employees who will not have a job with the city. She said that no Council Member has taken this decision lightly; they have met over and over, and discussed every possible solution. Ms. Franklin said that the bottom line remains that Council has a responsibility to the community to ensure that the city remains fiscally strong. Ms. Franklin thanked staff for their presentation. Mayor Adolph said that approximately two years ago valley cities started reducing staff but after many meetings, Council and the City Manager decided to do everything possible to avoid layoffs. Then, when faced with a $2 million deficit, Council offered voluntary retirement packages resulting in staff reductions, but this did not fully resolve the deficit problem and the city continued to live off reserves. A new City Manager was hired this summer and he was charged with balancing the budget. Mayor Adolph said that every possible solution short of layoffs was examined. He noted that when the City of La Quinta hires a new employee, they do so with the idea that s /he will stay for the duration and retire from city employment. Unfortunately this is the last resort, there is no option left for CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 6 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 3 - PRELIMINARY PROPOSED FY 2020/21 BUDGET Council. Mayor Adolph expressed how much he hates taking this action due to his fondness for the employees and their great work. He feels he must support this report because as much as he hates it, the city cannot continue to draw down the reserves. Mayor Adolph complimented staff for the difficult work of developing this plan. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Council Members Henderson/ Evans to approve (1) the new organization plan that reduces the City's work force and combines the Building and Safety and Planning Departments, (2) a reduction in work force, (3) new job classifications for Assistant City Engineer, Assistant to the City Manager, Building Official /Emergency Manager, Business Analyst, Housing Coordinator and Deputy City Clerk, and (4) a revised salary schedule. Motion passed unanimously. 2. SELECT COUNCIL MEMBERS AS LA QUINTA REPRESENTATIVES ON VARIOUS COMMITTEES FOR 2013 City Clerk Maysels presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. MOTION — A motion was made by Council Members Evans /Henderson to retain all existing 2012 appointments for 2013 except that Mayor Pro Tem Franklin will become the Alternate to the Coachella Valley Association of Governments Executive Committee, and Council Member Evans will fill the vacant Alternate position for the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership. Motion passed unanimously. 3. APPOINT MEMBERS TO THE IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT'S ENERGY CONSUMERS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE, AND THE COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL BOARD City Clerk Maysels presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Council Members Franklin/ Osborne to make the following appointments: IID — Energy Consumers' Advisory Committee, 4 -year term: Mark D. Weber CV Mosquito and Vector Control Board, 4 -year term: Robert G. Cox Motion passed unanimously 4. AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY TO ENFORCE THE CITY'S RIGHTS UNDER THE BONDS, INCLUDING THE INITIATION OF LITIGATION AGAINST BOND SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY AND MARK RINDLESBACH, TRUSTEE OF THE RINDLESBACH CONSTRUCTION, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 7 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 3 - PRELIMINARY PROPOSED FY 2020/21 BUDGET INC. AS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 31852, POLO ESTATES Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. In response to Council Member Evans, City Attorney Jenson explained that the entity no longer exists so there is no one to request an extension, and staff has been extremely lenient with bond representatives with no progress. By providing staff with the three alternatives, it gives them the authority to file, but attempts to reach a settlement or tolling agreement will first be pursued. Principal Engineer Wimmer said that there are other projects with similar situations that will be brought to Council as their due dates approach. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Council Members Evans /Franklin to authorize the City Manager and the City Attorney to enforce the city's rights under the bonds, including (1) the initiation of litigation against' Bond Safeguard Insurance Company and Mark Rindlesbach, Trustee of the Rindlesbach Construction, Inc. as necessary to complete improvements for Tract 31852; and /or 2) the execution of a settlement agreement if a reasonable settlement is reached; and /or (3) the execution of a tolling agreement to suspend the running of the statute of limitations. Motion passed unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS PULLED FOR DISCUSSION 5. A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE TALL MAN GROUP FOR REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING CONSULTING SERVICES AND APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATION 6. A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH GAFCON, INC. FOR REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS AND APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATION Council Member Franklin asked that these items be delayed since State action on Redevelopment Agency funds is pending, no developer has been selected for SilverRock, and under the new organization plan, it's possible some of these services could be done in house. Public Speaker: Dave Heckman, La Quinta — Mr. Heckman suggested that the city hold off on hiring consultants until it's known what Redevelopment Agency funds the city will retain once the State Controller is done with his audit. Council Member Osborne said he believes that a consultant to provide the services noted in Item No. 5 is not needed; the new Housing Coordinator should be able to CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 8 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 3 - PRELIMINARY PROPOSED FY 2020/21 BUDGET provide this. He said Item No. 6 can wait until a developer is selected for SilverRock. That will be an extremely complicated analysis. Council Member Henderson stated that the Housing Coordinator is not going to have the expertise to complete the work noted in Item No. 5. Items taken off calendar - no action taken. STUDY SESSION 1. GOREO.UEST CITIZEN RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SOLUTION Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. In response to Council Member Evans, Director Jonasson said that requests can be made anonymously. Council Member Evans asked staff to add "FREE" to the marketing flyer, and confirmed that it was being cross - marketed on Facebook and with FG Creative to get the word out. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport Authority - Council Member Franklin said that she has asked the Airport Manager, Daryl Shippy to make a presentation to Council in February. DEPARTMENT REPORTS City Manager Spevacek informed Council that there is renewed interest in SilverRock development from Discovery Land. He offered a change in approach from Council- developer meetings to staff taking a more direct role and providing the expertise needed. The Mayor and all four Council Members concurred that staff should take the lead and involve Council as need be. City Attorney said that pursuant to Council's request a follow up letter has been sent to Supervisor Benoit regarding California Bio Mass. In response to Mayor Adolph, Director Jonasson said that the new street, Vista Coralina is a two -lane street, with two speed tables. He said at the Costco end, traffic will be controlled with stop signs. MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBER'S ITEMS - None PUBLIC HEARINGS - None CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 3 - PRELIMINARY PROPOSED FY 2020/21 BUDGET There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Council Members Evans/Henderson to adjourn at 6:24 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, SUSAN MAYSELS, bty Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10 JANUARY 2, 2013 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ROBERT AMBRIZ, JR. STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 3 - PRELIMINARY PROPOSED FY 2020/21 BUDGET 1 Monika Radeva From:Steve Cherry Sent:Monday, June 01, 2020 9:28 AM To:City Clerk Mail; Monika Radeva Subject:Verbal Comments Attachments:The City Of La Quinta And The CV Link.doc; THE CORAL MOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT AND ME.doc  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     See attached Steve Cherry La Quinta, CA No specific agenda item, subject verbal comments Please tell me how to use my phone to address meeting. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 HAND-OUT BY RESIDENT STEVE CHERRY PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA The City Of La Quinta And The CV Link Steve Cherry - 2 June 2020 The Coachella Valley Association of Governments website shows that the CV Link in Cathedral City has been completed. The map indicates that this 2.4 mile path is without obstruction as there are no crossover structures joining both sides of the Whitewater Channel. Such is not the case for the CV Link in La Quinta as 4 crossover bridges are in place at Jefferson, Dune Palms, Adams and Washington. Thus, the pedestrian path is divided into 3 separate, small sections - not the best arrangement. In addition, the 40 ft of pathway (as envisaged in the Highway 111 Final report) will be difficult to obtain. The question that the city has to answer is - how serious are we in proceeding with our section of the CV Link given the chopped-up nature of the available land? Are we serious enough to hire a firm to develop options as to how the city can actually build its section of the link? So, La Quinta City Counsel - how serious are you? CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 HAND-OUT BY RESIDENT STEVE CHERRY PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA THE CORAL MOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT AND ME Steve Cherry - 2 June 2020 Introduction It started innocently enough when my son in Hanford mentioned a recent article in the Hanford Sentinel about a wave park being planned for La Quinta. This seemed to be a reprint of a LA Times story. Why would Hanford be interested in a wave park in La Quinta? A quick look at Mapquest answered this question - there is a 8-9 mile distance between Hanford and Lemoore - the latter being the site of the only other wave park in the state. Thus, what happens in La Quinta doesn't necessarily stay in La Quinta. Follow-up I then contacted Chris Aguirre, the content editor of the Hanford Sentinel and asked about any other articles written about the Lemoore wave park - there were three which he was kind enough to send to me and I distributed to the city council. None of these articles discussed any environmental impacts due to the Lemoore wave park - which is situated far away from any residential/commercial development so that there wouldn't be any significant environmental impact. This is not the case for the Coral Mountain wave park in La Quinta. I suggested to Mr. Aguirre that he assign several reporters to the next event at the Lemoore wave park to obtain an unscientific assessment of any noise and traffic impact directly attributed to the wave park. I made the same suggestion to Parker Bowman, a Hanford Sentinel staff reporter who had been tasked by his editor. (Mr. Bowman is now the Sentinel editor.) Closer To Home The Lemoore wave park, I've been told, is out in the middle of nowhere. Therefore, there shouldn't be any noise/traffic downsides. However, such is not the case for the wave park planned for the Coral Mountain development in La Quinta. Indeed, a scaled drawing of the development indicated a 1-mile distance from the middle of the wave park to the entrance to Trilogy on Avenue 60. From this point to my humble abode is another 0.45 miles, thus, I am 1.45 miles from the center of the wave park and noise levels, from the wave machinery and attendants, will be a major consideration. What Should The City Of La Quinta Do? CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 HAND-OUT BY RESIDENT STEVE CHERRY PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA In the best of all worlds the folks at the Hanford Sentinel could supply us with unscientific data about noise and traffic problems at the Lemoore facility. Failing this, the city of La Quinta could: 1. Require that the Coral Mountain development provide scientific measurements of both the noise and traffic conditions at the next major event at the Lemoore facility. 2. Require that the Coral Mountain development develop mitigation schemes to solve any potential noise and traffic problems at the La Quinta facility. 3. Require that the Coral Mountain development submit a full environmental impact report covering all aspects of the development. 4. Do nothing and let the residents of Trilogy and Andalusia enlist the aid of Manny Perez (Riverside County representative) to correct any overlooked problems. So, La Quinta city council, what is your pleasure? CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE 2, 2020 HAND-OUT BY RESIDENT STEVE CHERRY PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA