2020 05 26 PCPLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 1 MAY 26, 2020 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING on TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2020 AT 5:00 P.M. ****************************** SPECIAL NOTICE Teleconferencing and Telephonic Accessibility In Effect Pursuant to Executive Orders N-25-20, N-29-20, N-33-20, and N-35-20, executed by the Governor of California in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.), members of the Planning Commission, the City Attorney, City Staff, and City Consultants may participate in this meeting by teleconference. Additionally, pursuant to the above-referenced executive orders, the public is not permitted to physically attend at City Hall the meeting to which this agenda applies, but any member of the public may listen or participate in the open session of this meeting as specified below. Members of the public wanting to listen to this meeting may do so by tuning-in live via http://laquinta.12milesout.com/video/live. Members of the public wanting to address the Planning Commission, either for public comment or for a specific agenda item, or both, are requested to send an email notification to the Planning Commission Secretary Wanda Wise-Latta at WLatta@LaQuintaCA.Gov , and specify the following information: 1) Full Name 4) Public Comment or Agenda Item Number 2) City of Residence 5) Subject 3) Phone Number 6) Written or Verbal Comments The email “subject line” must clearly state “Written Comments” or “Verbal Comments.” Planning Commission agendas and staff reports are now available on the City’s web page: www.LaQuintaCA.Gov 1 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 2 MAY 26, 2020 Verbal public comments – requests to speak must be emailed to the Commission Secretary no later than 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting; the City will facilitate the ability for a member of the public to be audible to the Planning Commission and general public for the item(s) by contacting him/her via phone and queuing him/her to speak during the discussion. Only one person at a time may speak by telephone and only after being recognized by the Planning Commission’s Chairperson. Written public comments, received prior to the adjournment of the meeting, will be distributed to the Planning Commission, incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting, and will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Planning Commission Chairperson, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent the Commission Secretary can accommodate such request. It would be appreciated that any email communications for public comments related to the items on the agenda, or for general public comment, are provided to the Design and Development Department at the email address listed above prior to the commencement of the meeting. If that is not possible, and to accommodate public comments on items that may be added to the agenda after its initial posting or items that are on the agenda, every effort will be made to attempt to review emails received by the Design and Development Department during the course of the meeting. The Planning Commission’s Chairperson will endeavor to take a brief pause before action is taken on any agenda item to allow the Commission Secretary to review emails and share any public comments received during the meeting. All emails received by the Commission Secretary, at the email address above, until the adjournment of the meeting, will be included within the public record relating to the meeting. ****************************** CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Commissioners Bettencourt, Currie, Libolt Varner, McCune, Nieto, Proctor and Chairperson Caldwell PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the Planning Commission on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please email “Written Public Comments” to WLatta@LaQuintaCA.Gov and limit your comments to three (3) minutes (approximately 350 words). The Commission values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by the Brown Act [Government Code Section 54654.2(b)]. 2 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 3 MAY 26, 2020 CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. SILVERROCK MODIFICATIONS BY APPLICANT (MBA2020-0005 AND -0006) CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 12, 2020 BUSINESS SESSION - None STUDY SESSION 1. REVIEW OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARKING IN COVE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARINGS - None REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS - None COMMISSIONERS’ ITEMS STAFF ITEMS 1. UPCOMING PROJECTS UPDATE ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on June 9, 2020, commencing at 5:00 p.m. with the Call to Order, at the City Hall Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Wanda Wise-Latta, Commission Secretary, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta Planning Commission meeting of May 26, 2020 was posted on the City’s website, near the entrance to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at the Stater Brothers Supermarket at 78- 630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas, on May 21, 2020. DATED: May 21, 2020 WANDA WISE-LATTA, Commission Secretary City of La Quinta, California 3 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 4 MAY 26, 2020 Public Notices The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the Planning Division of the Design and Development Department at 777-7118, twenty- four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Commission, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the Planning Division of the Design and Development Department at 777- 7118. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the Commission during a Planning Commission meeting, please be advised that ten (10) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Executive Assistant for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Commission regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Design and Development Department’s counter at City Hall located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. 4 TO: Honorable Chair and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Nicole Sauviat Criste, Consulting Planner DATE: May 26, 2020 SUBJECT: SilverRock Modifications by Applicant (MBA2020- 0005 and -0006) The two hotel complexes at SilverRock, the Montage and the Pendry, were originally approved through Site Development Permits 2016-0005 and 2016- 0009, respectively. The applicant has since developed building plans, which are completing their plan checks at this time. In the 4th quarter of 2019, during the first plan check, Planning Division staff identified changes in the projects which were not consistent with the Site Development Permit approvals. As a result, the City requested that the applicant file Modifications by Applicant (MBA) to assure consistency between the entitlement documents and the construction plans. The MBAs were filed by the applicant in March and reviewed by staff. When complete documentation was provided in late April, staff reviewed the changes, and determined that they were consistent with the standards allowed for minor modifications in an MBA. Staff approved both MBAs, as permitted by Municipal Code section 9.200.090 and notified the applicant. Because of the Planning Commission’s involvement in previous approvals, and the importance of this project to the City, staff wanted to provide this information to the Commission for its information. The changes are described below, and provided in the attached plan sets. MBA 2020-0005 – Montage Hotel and General Services Buildings The primary changes associated with the Montage included changes in building architecture, site plan layout and outdoor amenity/landscaping design. Specifically, the proposed changes were to: 1. Montage Main Building: Changes in building layout, floor plan and roofline (please see attached sheets H1 A03.100 and H1 A03.101, SDP approved elevation in red overlain on the current building plans). 2. Montage Hotel Rooms: Changes in room grouping layout, floor plans and roofline (please see attached sheets GR A03.101, SDP approved elevation in red overlain on the current building plans). 3. Montage Pool: Change from a rectilinear design to a freeform design ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION NO. 1 5 2 (please see attached sheets L-0.2, showing the original design, and S1 A00.503, showing the new design). 4. Montage Landscape Palette: Changes to the species and plant types proposed for the entire site (please see sheet L-0.1 for SDP plant list, and sheet P2-LP0.01 and P4-LP0.01 for modified plant list). 5. Montage Hotel Site: Changes to the distribution and number of buildings for hotel rooms (please see sheet 4, showing SDP approved site plan overlain with construction document site plan). Also attached to this Memorandum are the elevations which are now the approved plans for the project, without the redlines described above. MBA 2020-0006 – Pendry Hotel and Residences The primary changes associated with the Pendry included the addition of garages where carports had been approved with the SDP, changes to architectural features associated for the residences, changes to architecture of the bungalows, and changes to the architecture and site layout for the hotel. Specifically, the changes were to: 1. Pendry Residences Site Plan: Changes to the building, recreation and parking layout, including the addition of garages (see sheets SP-L-1.3 (SDP site plan) and A01 (construction site plan). 2. Pendry Residences Architecture: Changes to balconies and cantilevers and addition of fourth story roof structures (see sheet PR-A3.05, ADP elevation outline shown in red). 3. Pendry Bungalows: Changes to the building layout and rooflines (see sheet GB-A3.03, SDP elevation shown in red). 4. Pendry Hotel Site Plan: Changes in building articulation and layout (see sheet H2 A00.006, SDP layout shown in red). 5. Pendry Hotel Elevations: Changes to building layout and roofline (see sheets H2-M A03.101, A03.102, H2-GA A03.201, and GB A03.201, SDP elevations shown in red). 6. Golf Clubhouse: Changes in building layout and orientation (see sheet H2 A00.006) and elevations (SDP shown in red). 7. Landscape palette: Changes in species and plant types (see page P5- LP0.01 (SDP plant palette) and L-0.1 (construction plant palette). Also attached to this Memorandum are the elevations which are now the approved plans for the project, without the redlines described above. Summary The changes made to both hotel complexes result from the evolution of the design from the entitlement phase to the construction phase. Although the changes affect many components of the project, they do not detract from the intent of the Site Development Permits which were approved to create a premier resort experience at the SilverRock Resort. 6 3 The applicant will provide an overview of the MBA’s in a presentation at the meeting. Attachments 1. Montage MBA materials. 2. Pendry MBA materials. 7 May 7, 2020 Mr. John Gamlin SilverRock Development Company 3551 Fortuna Ranch Road Encinitas, CA 92024 SUBJECT: MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT (MBA) 2020-0005 MONTAGE HOTEL & SHARED SERVICES COMPLEX Dear Mr. Gamlin, The Design and Development Department has reviewed your request to modify the approved design of the Montage Hotel and Shared Services complex previously approved under Site Development Permit 2016-0005. This includes the materials you provided with the application on March 12, and the additional materials provided on April 21, 2020. It has been determined that said modifications are minor, will not result in a significant change in the original project as approved by the decision making authority and that they comply with the spirit and intent of the SilverRock Specific Plan. The proposal includes minor adjustments, substitutions, and additions to architectural features that do not result in a significant effect on the overall aesthetic or architectural style of the bulidings. Therefore, the modification is approved as shown on the attached exhibits, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The applicant shall conform to all other corresponding conditions of approval for Site Development Permit 2016-0005. 2. Building and final landscaping plans shall be consistent with the plans approved under this Modification by Applicant (attached). Thank you for your attention to these items, and if you have any questions, please contact me directly at (760) 341-4800 and/or at consultingplanner@laquintaca.gov . Sincerely, Nicole Sauviat Criste Consulting Planner $77$&+0(17 8 SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC SDP2016-0005 - Modification by Applicant March 9, 2020 Coverage: Montage Hotel & Spa, Shared Services/Conference Center ITEMS IDENTIFIED BY CITY STAFF FOR REVIEW: 1. Montage Hotel Main Building – Comment: Changes to roof lines and massing of main building elevations Response: SEE EXHIBITS 1 AND 2 OF ATTACHMENT 2. Montage Guest Units - Comment: Changes to roof plane at MH guest units Response: SEE EXHIBIT 3 OF ATTACHMENT 3. Montage Hotel pool – Comment: Change to pool geometry Response: SEE EXHIBIT 4 OF ATTACHMENT 4. MHS Conceptual Landscape Plan – SEE EXHIBITS 5, 6, AND 7 OF ATTACHMENT a.Comment: 5 out of 6 (83%) trees on the FLP Plant Palette are not listed on the SDP. This includes the Palo Blanco, Indian Rosewood, Olive, African Sumac, and Tipu Tree Response: See Attachments 5, 6, and 7. The yellow highlighting and * notations are intended to convey the broad consistency of the plant palette as proposed with the conceptual palette proposed in SDP2016- 0006. Plant selections have evolved consistent with elevation of the design. b. Comment: Layout of buildings and site is inconsistent with approved site development permit. Response: Please note that the changes to the layout are a direct result of the coordination with other site components (i.e. utilities, circulation, architecture, etc.) and responses from the hotel and golf operators, as well as city departments, including LQ Fire. These changes are considered minor in nature and do not change the fundamental intent of the programming and planning expressed in SDP2016-0005. c. Comment: Not all of the trees are meeting the minimum 36" box requirement, which is required. Response: Please note that all canopy trees are now listed as 36" box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o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‹*HQVOHU 'DWH 'HVFULSWLRQ 3URMHFW1DPH 3URMHFW1XPEHU 'HVFULSWLRQ 6FDOH 6HDO6LJQDWXUH  7HO )D[ %URDGZD\ 6XLWH 6DQ'LHJR&$ 8QLWHG6WDWHV 127)25 &216758&7,21 + 66 && 0& 3$ 3$ 3$ + *5 +6 $+ &+ 3$$ $VLQGLFDWHG 30??JHQVOHUDG?3URMHFWV?5HYLW8VHU0RGHOV??6B*(1B$UFKLWHFWXUHBB5BYHLWBNXJHOUYW6$ 6,7(3/$1 ),5($&&(66++6  6,/9(552&. 6,7( 6,/9(552&. 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6HDO6LJQDWXUH  7HO )D[ %URDGZD\ 6XLWH 6DQ'LHJR&$ 8QLWHG6WDWHV 127)25 &216758&7,21 + 66 && 0& PA 4 PA 2 PA 5 + *5 +6 $+30 ??JHQVOHUDG?3URMHFWV?5HYLW8VHU0RGHOV??+B*(1B$UFKLWHFWXUHBB5B0LFKDHOB.UDPHUUYW  0217$*(/$48,17$ 3(1'5<+27(/ 6,/9(552&. '(9(/230(17 &203$1<//& 6,/9(552&.:$< /$48,17$&$ B 3(50,76(7 B &'3HUPLW5'&<&/(% montage site lighting plan 1"= 10'-0"1 6(/ 0217$*(6,7(/,*+7,1* 29 &'3(50,75'&<&/(*03BB 30 May 12, 2020 Mr. John Gamlin SilverRock Development Company 3551 Fortuna Ranch Road Encinitas, CA 92024 SUBJECT: MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT (MBA) 2020-0006 PENDRY HOTEL AND RESIDENCES Dear Mr. Gamlin, The Design and Development Department has reviewed your request to modify the approved design of the Pendry Hotel and residences, previously approved under Site Development Permit 2016-0009. This includes the materials you provided with the application on March 12, and the additional materials provided on May 5, 2020. It has been determined that said modifications are minor, will not result in a significant change in the original project as approved by the decision making authority and that they comply with the spirit and intent of the SilverRock Specific Plan. The proposal includes minor adjustments, substitutions, and additions to architectural features that do not result in a significant effect on the overall aesthetic or architectural style of the bulidings. Therefore, the modification is approved as shown on the attached exhibits, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The applicant shall conform to all other corresponding conditions of approval for Site Development Permit 2016-0009. 2. Building and final landscaping plans shall be consistent with the plans approved under this Modification by Applicant (attached). Thank you for your attention to these items, and if you have any questions, please contact me directly at (760) 341-4800 and/or at consultingplanner@laquintaca.gov . Sincerely, Nicole Sauviat Criste Consulting Planner $77$&+0(17 31 SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC SDP2016-0009 - Modification by Applicant March 9, 2020 1 Coverage: Pendry Residences, Pendry Golf Bungalows, Pendry Hotel, Golf Club ITEMS IDENTIFIED BY CITY STAFF FOR REVIEW: PENDRY BRANDED RESIDENCES Architect’s general comment regarding the Pendry Branded Residential products: “Pendry products at SilverRock use a consistent design language emphasizing horizontal gestures with overhangs, cantilever decks and bolstered roof elements. The building silhouette mimics the local landscape of the adjacent Santa Rosa Mountains and alluvial fans rocky mountain ranges and desert plains. The building proportions are low slung and linear. The common material palette comprises of burnished CMU, white cement plaster, and painted metal elements. The Pendry Residence and Garage share design concept, and material/color palette.” Pendry Residences 1. Comment: Residences' change from carports to garages Response: The conceptual site plan approved for the SDP and the site plan submitted for purposes of construction documents illustrates the shift from carports to garages. For purposes of satisfying the required parking, the numbers remain consistent. In addition, the garages, which are an accessory use associated with specific units, include EV charging capability. Parking meets all ADA requirements, and includes 18 EV spaces. Golf cart parking space has also been added. Enclosed garage parking is regarded as an enhancement to the quality of the project and was strongly suggested by market data - SEE EXHIBITS 1 & 2 OF ATTACHMENTS PR REQUIRED PR PROVIDED Calculation - 2.5 SPACES PER 4 SLEEPING QUARTERS ;Ϯ͘ϱͬϰͿyϰϰсϮϳ͘ϱ^W^уϮϴ^W^ - 2 SPACES PER 3 SLEEPING QUARTERS 2/3 X 99 = 66 SPACES - 1.5 SPACES PER 2 SLEEPING QUARTERS - ϭ͘ϱͬϮyϮϮсϭϲ͘ϱуϭϳ^W^ 111 TOTAL SPACES Calculation - 55 GARAGED SPACES (EV CAPABLE) - 56 UNCOVERED SPACES (INCLUDING 10 VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACE, 1 ACCESSIBLE SPACE, 18 EV SPACES) 111 TOTAL SPACES - 55 GARAGED GOLF-CART SPACES 2. Comments: Residences' architecture – SEE EXHIBIT 3 OF ATTACHMENTS a. removal of balconies and bracing for previously cantilevered decks Response: Balconies and bracing for previously cantilevered decks - the deck condition was revised with slightly thicker decks and additional columns to accommodate structural needs. We’ve maintained the same deck depth as the SDP design. In the SDP there were two floorplans. The two designs were consolidated into a single layout. The new layout offers a slight asymmetry, with the 2-bedroom units and 3-bedroom units located in one building. 32 SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC SDP2016-0009 - Modification by Applicant March 9, 2020 2 b.addition of fourth floor structures and uses Response: The roof deck with operable open trellis was a progra m addition based on marketing feedback, offering more amenities for the 3rd floor suites. It is not an additional 4th story and is thus ancillary to the SDP programming. The roof deck and trellis are set back from edge of building to taper the volume as the elevation rises. The finishes at roof deck and trellis are to match the bright sky tones of La Quinta, white and silver. c.removal of 3rd floor clerestory windows Response: The clerestory windows are focused on the 3rd story living space to give more prominence to the core of the building. We reduced the heights of the guest rooms at sides and center to exaggerate the attention of the living space. The prominent peaks break up the building silhouette and mimics the ridge line of the adjacent mountains. Pendry Golf Bungalows 3. Comment: Bungalows' architecture - Removal of split roofline and clerestory - SEE EXHIBIT 4 OF ATTACHMENTS Response: The roof geometry was refined to give establish better hierarchy that emphasizes the living space in the volume of the Bungalow. The roof plane was thickened above the living area to have more prominence versus the guest room. Overall building proportion is more low-slung, which also provides a more expansive view for the units behind the front row units facing the Santa Rosa Mountains. PENDRY HOTEL & GOLF CLUB Pendry Hotel 4. Comments: Changes to site plan/building module layout. And landscape palette. a.main building layout and shape. Response: The guestroom module layout has been adjusted to standardized shorter modules to meet maximum allowable areas, fire separations and fire access. This resulted in further breaking-up of the massing and better articulation of the street façade. b.addition of two (1 and 4) and modification of layout of towers. Response: The additional two circulation towers were added to meet the required emergency responder access and to improve the guest circulation. This improves the massing of the street façade. c.reduction in lobby roof height. Response: The main building roof height has been reduced by 1’-10”, but roof articulation with large roof overhangs and varied roof planes remained. The same can be said for the plan where revision have been made to adjust to program, but the overall concept of buil ding wall articulation remained. d.reduction in hotel room building glazing Response: The guestroom glazing at the pool side had to be reduced by 18” to meet the structural systems lateral resistance requirements. e.removal of stairways on ends. Response: The stairwells at the western and eastern end of guestrooms remain consistent. 33 SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC SDP2016-0009 - Modification by Applicant March 9, 2020 3 f.addition of pool building at south end of site. Response: Please note that while the geometry of the pool has been revised, the programmatic components that were highlighted on the SDP are still being provided. Including pools (SDP pool surface = 11,540 sf / CD pool surface = 11,680 sf), spas (SDP total = 2 / CD total = 3), cabanas, stage area & event lawn, flexible lawn spaces, volleyball court, & pool restroom buildings. g.Landscape - 5 out of 6 (83%) trees on the FLP Plant Palette are not listed on the SDP. This includes the Palo Blanco, Indian Rosewood, Olive, African Sumac and Tipu tree. Response: It should be noted that we only provided three (3) canopy trees on the FLP Plant Palette. While the trees may be different in species, they have many similar aspects, size, branching habit, foliage density, etc. (ex: African Sumac - Rhus lancea - has a similar form and foliage density to the Texas Honey Mesquite - Prosopis glandulosa). It should be noted that as the site plan has been developed through the design development and construction document phases, several plants have been added to the planting list to address issues such as: visual screening, sun exposure, soil composition, water requirements, etc. The plant list provided in the SDP was intended to provide insight into the nature of the plant palette that was to be used, with the understanding that it would be expanded on as the site plan evolved to address site and program specific issues. h. Landscape - The pool area south of the Pendry is different on the FLP as compared to the SDP Response: Please note that while the geometry of the pool has been revised, the programmatic components that were highlighted on the SDP are still being provided. Including pools (SDP pool surface = 11,540 sf / CD pool surface = 11,680 sf), spas (SDP total = 2 / CD total = 3), cabanas, stage area & event lawn, flexible lawn spaces, volleyball court, & pool restroom buildings. i. Landscape - Not all the trees are meeting the minimum 36" box requirement, which is required Response: Please note that all canopy trees are now listed as 36" box. Golf Club 5. Comment: Changes to building layout and design. Response: The Golf Club remains predominantly the same footprint and program as approved by SDP2016-0009. Refinements in the programming consequently, the buildings, have occurred as a result of several factors. Discussions with the hotel and golf operator regarding the plan layout has resulted in adjustments to meet the program development of the pro-shop, the restaurant and the golf cart barn. The plan articulation with two separated volumes and the main access passing through the center has remained. The extensive roof overhangs and the articulation of the different roof planes also remain consistent. The added roof screens are a result of a change in the mechanical system and are necessary to shield the equipment from view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endry (Constructability ReviewLandscape Planting Legend* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = Plant Matches SDP Conceptual Plant List *= From same genus as plant listed in SDP Conceptual Plan List, but different species or cultivar 47 (;+,%,76'3&RQFHSWXDO/DQGVFDSH3ODQ 3ODQW3DOHWWH 48 /(9(/  +0723/2:(5522)    +0723833(5522)     +0 $ BBBBBBBBB  +0 $ BBBBBBBBB +0 $ BBBBBBBBB &3 &3 &3 %'&% 0%0&0)0+0-0.0/00 01 03 ) +   +07232)+,*+3$5$3(7    +0 $ BBBBBBBBB +0 $ BBBBBBBBB +0$ BBBBBBBBB &3   &3  +* $ BBBBBBBBB 0*0(0' +0 $ BBBBBBBBB 0$ +0 $ BBBBBBBBB  0+0.0-0'0& %/'*%%(<21'    &3 $/,*1: 75(//,6 $/,*1: 75(//,6 (4 (4 (4  /(9(/  +0723/2:(5522)    +0723833(5522)    +0 $ BBBBBBBBB +0 $ BBBBBBBBB +0 $ BBBBBBBBB &3 &3&3%$))0000000 ( '     +07232)+,*+3$5$3(7    +0 $ BBBBBBBBB +0 $ BBBBBBBBB  +0 $ BBBBBBBBB 0  000000 ),71(66&(17(5 %(<21' %/'*%%(<21'%/'*%%(<21'             $/,*1&217-2,176:/6&$3(7<3   $/,*1: *877(5      /(9(/  +0723/2:(5522)    +0723833(5522)    0000 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63 64 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 1 MAY 12, 2020 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2020 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairperson Caldwell. This meeting was held by teleconference pursuant to Executive Orders N-25-20, N- 29-20, N-33-20, and N-35-20, executed by the Governor of California in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). PRESENT: Commissioners Bettencourt, Currie, McCune, Nieto, Proctor and Chairperson Caldwell ABSENT: Commissioner Libolt Varner STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney William Ihrke, Design & Development Director Danny Castro, Planning Manager Cheri L. Flores, Senior Planner Carlos Flores and Commission Secretary Wanda Wise-Latta PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Caldwell led the Planning Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. Chairperson Caldwell shared teleconference meeting protocol. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA There were no requests to speak under the ‘Public Comment on Matters Not on the Agenda’ section of the meeting and Staff will continue to monitor emails should written comments or requests for verbal comments be received. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Currie/Proctor to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. AYES: Commissioners Bettencourt, Currie, McCune, Nieto, Proctor and Chairperson Caldwell. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Libolt Varner. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION - None CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 65 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2 MAY 12, 2020 CONSENT CALENDAR With reference to the May 12, 2020 Planning Commission meeting, Commissioner Bettencourt said he respectfully disagreed with Director Castro’s comment that fiscal impact assessment is not a matter for the Planning Commission’s consideration when reviewing a project and shared his views. With regards to Commissioner Bettencourt’s comments, Chairperson Caldwell inquired if the subject could be discussed at a future meeting and City Attorney Ihrke noted he could discuss with Director Castro and staff on how most appropriately to bring the matter back to the Commission. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED FEBRUARY 25, 2020 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Bettencourt/Currie to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. AYES: Commissioners Bettencourt, Currie, McCune, Nieto, Proctor and Chairperson Caldwell. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Libolt Varner. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed. BUSINESS SESSION - None STUDY SESSION 1. 2019 STATE OF CALIFORNIA HOUSING LEGISLATION Planning Manager Flores and City Attorney Ihrke presented the staff report which is on file in the Design and Development Department. The Planning Commission thanked City Attorney Ihrke for the presentation. Staff responded to Planning Commission inquiries and comments regarding the implementation of housing standards; impact of standards on the Cove and lack of parking requirements; impacts on homeowner associations; and allowable number of public hearings under the Permit Streamlining Act. Staff discussed remedies should auxiliary dwelling units (ADU) or junior ADUs be used as short-term vacation rentals; and added that applicants seeking a City building permit for ADUs are required to record a covenant that states ADU cannot be rented for less than 30 days. PUBLIC HEARINGS – None REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS - None COMMISSIONERS’ ITEMS 66 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3 MAY 12, 2020 Commissioner Bettencourt brought to the Planning Commission’s attention that the Governor’s Office issued a document entitled, “COVID-19 Industry Guidance for Dine-In Restaurants” and shared his thoughts regarding the challenges. STAFF ITEMS Director Castro provided an update on City operations and services. Commission Secretary Wise-Latta noted that no electronic written comments or requests to share verbal comments were received during the Planning Commission meeting. ADJOURNM ENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Bettencourt/Proctor to adjourn at 7:05 p.m. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, WANDA WISE-LATTA, Commission Secretary City of La Quinta , California 67 68 City of La Quinta PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: May 26, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: REVIEW OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARKING IN COVE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT RECOMMENDATION Review recreational vehicle parking in Cove Residential (RC) zone. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Planning Commission received a letter from a resident regarding their neighbor’s storage of recreational and other vehicles in the Cove. • Planning Commission (Commission) reviewed regulations for parking of recreational and large vehicles at a December 10, 2019 Study Session and asked that Staff bring the item back with presentation of options on policies or regulations which was presented at a January 28, 2020 Study Session. • Staff researched the amount of recreational vehicles within the RC zone. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Planning staff (Staff) received a letter from a resident regarding the storage of recreational vehicles (RV) and other vehicles on their neighbor’s property in the Cove. The letter was distributed to the City Council and Commission and the resident has followed up with multiple letters with the same message. At the October 22 meeting, the Commission asked staff to place this item on the agenda for the following meeting and present the regulations for parking RVs in residential areas. Staff presented these regulations at the December 10, 2019 Commission meeting. Commission suggested that the item come back for further discussion with options on policies and regulations, which was presented by Staff at a January 28, 2020 Commission Study Session. Commission suggested to gather more information, such as the amount of properties that have RVs within the Cove. Section 9.280.030 of the Municipal Code (Code) defines RVs as all trailers or any vehicle placed on a trailer such as a boat, watercraft, or other vehicle, plus any vehicle designed and used for temporary habitation, including motorhomes, travel trailers, “5th wheels” and camper shells. RV Parking is allowed in the RC zone as an accessory use, subject to Section 9.60.130 of the Code. This section also provides standards for orderly storage of RVs in all other residential zones. In the RC zone, RV parking is allowed in the front, side and rear yards including on the driveway, or on asphalt, gravel, or similar materials (RV parking not allowed on grass or native soil). In all other residential zones, RV parking is not allowed in the front yard but may be parked in the side or rear yard provided that a STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 69 solid wall or fence six feet in height screens the RV from abutting property and from the street. These standards do not specify the number of RVs that are allowed to be parked or stored on residential property, setbacks from neighboring properties, or other private vehicles such as large trucks or cars. These policies and regulations regarding RVs have been part of the City’s Code since 1997, after adoption of Ordinance 301 which established Section 9.60.130. Staff drove through the Cove (RC zone) on February 14th and 19th to research RVs within the Cove and found the following: • There is a total of 4,636 homes within the Cove. • There was a total of 243 properties with a vehicle that would be defined as an RV, 5.2% of total properties in the Cove. • Out of those 243 properties, 19 had multiple RVs. This is 0.04% of total homes and 7.8% of homes with an RV. • Properties with RVs were spread throughout the Cove and not concentrated within one area. • Staff did not notice any property with a vehicle that was out of compliance with our current Code. Staff presents this information to invite discussion amongst the Commission on next steps, if any. In a previous Study Session, Staff presented the following options to modify the policies and regulations: • Remove allowance of RVs in front yard within RC zone. This would restrict use of RVs in the RC zone to the side and rear, similar to other residential zones in the City. Historically, the Cove has allowed RV parking in the front yard since at least 1997. Placing RVs in the side and rear yards of many Cove residences can be difficult or not even possible due to typically smaller 5,000 sf lot sizes and narrow side yards. Staff would need to work with Code Compliance on feasibility as well as compile research and outreach to the Cove community to determine impact and if restricting RVs from parking in the front yard is desired. • Establish a setback distance from the side yard property line. For example, a setback distance of a minimum three feet may provide some relief from the view of an RV or from concern of privacy from a neighboring property. • Limit number of RVs in front yard within RC zone. For example, allowing only one RV in the front yard per property. Staff would need to work with Code Compliance on feasibility as well as compile research and outreach to the Cove community to determine impact and if limiting the number of RVs in the front yard is desired. • Require a permit to have a RV in front yard. Cities of Palm Springs and Palm Desert both have permit processes in place if a resident proposes having an RV in their front yard. An application is approved if certain findings are met. Staff would need to work with HUB team, Code Compliance, Finance, and City Attorney’s office to determine feasibility, set up process, and compile research and outreach to the Cove community to determine impact. Depending on the direction from the Commission, Staff could begin working with appropriate divisions and conducting research and outreach to try to fully understand 70 implications on possible resident complaints, compliance issues, creation of nonconformities, and other issues that may arise. The Commission could also decide to leave current policies and regulations as is. Current regulations could remain in place, with Code Compliance continuing enforcement of current policies and regulations. Prepared by: Carlos Flores, Senior Planner Approved by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director 71 72 TO: Honorable Chair and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Cheri Flores, Planning Manager DATE: May 26, 2020 SUBJECT: UPCOMING PROJECTS UPDATE As City Hall remains closed to the public, Staff continues to provide customer service and work on a number of internal projects including the archiving of planning records, working on the Housing Element update as required by state law and working with engineering on a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) CEQA threshold policy for traffic studies. All cities are required to adopt VMT threshold policies by July 1, 2020 that pertain to their jurisdictions in order to evaluate traffic impacts per CEQA. Level of Service (LOS) will no longer be a basis for determining significant impacts under CEQA. Staff intends to bring this policy to the Planning Commission for a public hearing in June. Staff also completed the Request for Proposals to continue the Highway 111 work and the project is currently out for bid. The work will consist of creating an instructional presentation on form-based codes to be presented to the Planning Commission and City Council and create a form-based code for a demonstration site in the Highway 111 Corridor. The work will also consist of preparation of design concepts pertaining to landscape, streets, utilities, etc. to ultimately have a set of engineered plans. In addition to these efforts, Staff continues to work on existing development projects and an update of these is summarized below. Pavilion Palms Shopping Center project • The public hearing was continued to July 7 in light of constraints to site plan preparation due to COVID-19 orders. At this time, revisions to the site plan do not require recirculation to the Commission. Staff Level Approval projects • Dutch Bros Coffee Shop: An application was received in April for a Site Development Permit to construct a new double-drive through coffee shop with no indoor dinning, west of Jefferson Street and south of Fred Warning. The application is currently under design review. STAFF ITEM NO. 1 73 2 Update on recently approved projects • Desert Club Apartments: The project is currently in building plan check. • Tampico Starbucks: The project is currently in building plan check. Staff is working with them on their sign program and landscape plan. • California Desert Museum of Art: The project is currently under construction. Upcoming projects for Commission consideration are summarized below. • Minor Use Permit for mechanical equipment setback waiver: Ms. Robb, who spoke at the February 11 meeting, has submitted an application for a waiver to allow mechanical equipment in the side yard setback. Per the municipal code, any requests for waivers must be heard by the Planning Commission in the form of a minor use permit. This application is under review and would likely come before the Commission in June. • Residence Inn/Marriott Hotel Landscaping: The new 108-room hotel by Residence Inn is currently under construction and they have submitted a Final Landscape Plan, currently being reviewed by Staff. Per their conditions of approval, the Planning Commission will have to approve the landscaping that abuts Highway 111. It is anticipated to come before the Commission in June. • Mountain Village Residences: Staff is currently reviewing an application for a 6-unit apartment project located south of Calle Tampico and east of Avenida Martinez. The project includes two-story buildings, a pool, and covered parking. The application could potentially come before the Commission in June or July. • Jefferson Apartments: Applications were received in early March for a new 40-unit apartment project located at the southeast corner of Jefferson Street and Palm Circle Drive, location of the formerly approved Villas at Indian Springs project. The applicant wishes to change the residential product from 16 single-family residences to 40 multi-family apartments. The applications are now under design review and are not anticipated to come before the Commission for another 6-8 months. • The Wave at Coral Mountain: The project consists of a Specific Plan to allow for a 15-acre wave pool with an associated hotel/hospitality component, 600 residential units, a neighborhood commercial center and a community farm. Staff continues to work with the applicant in preparing their environmental documentation and special studies. The 74 3 applications are still under completeness review at this time. It is anticipated that the applications will come before the Commission in late 2020. • Travertine: The project consists of a Specific Plan amendment to reduce the number of residential units from 2,300 to 1,200, reduce hotel rooms from 500 to 100 and reorganize land use patterns on the site. Staff continues to work with the applicant in preparing the environmental documentation for the project. The applications are still under completeness review at this time. It is anticipated that these applications will come before the Commission in early 2021. • Highway 111 Cell Tower: An application was received in April for a Conditional Use Permit to construct an 84’ mono-eucalyptus cell tower located in the rear of the Extra Space Storage facility, east of Adams and north of Highway 111. The application is still under completeness review at this time. Staff does not yet have an estimate when it will come before the Commission. • Mountain View Country Club Cell Tower: An application was received in April for a Conditional Use Permit to construct a 70’ monopalm cell tower within the Mountain View Country Club clubhouse area, east of Jefferson Street and south of Avenue 50. The application is under completeness review and staff does not yet have an estimate when it will come before the Commission. 75 76 POWERPOINTS PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 26, 2020 05/26/2020 1 Planning Commission Meeting May 26, 2020 Planning Commission Meeting May 26, 2020 S1 – RV Parking in Cove 1 2 05/26/2020 2 Background •Correspondence received regarding RVs and large vehicles •Item discussed at December 10, 2019 and January 28, 2020 study sessions RV Definition •All trailers or vehicles placed on trailers –Boat, watercraft or other vehicle •Vehicles used for temporary habitation –Motorhomes, travel trailers 3 4 05/26/2020 3 RV Regulations •RC Zone –May park in front, side or rear yards –Parking surface may not be native soil or grass –May park on lot adjacent to permanent residence on appropriate pad –RVs may not extend over sidewalk, curb or travelway 5 6 05/26/2020 4 12’ ROW 32’: ROW + Front  Yard  setback  5’ Side Yard 5’ Side Yard 10’ Rear Yard Cove Survey Results •Staff surveyed Cove on February 14 and 19: –Total of 4,636 homes in Cove –243 homes with a RV (5.2% of homes) –19 homes with multiple RVs –Homes were spread out and in compliance 7 8 05/26/2020 5 RV Policies and Regulations •Staff identified possible modifications to policies and regulations: –Remove allowance of RVs within front yard in RC zone –Establish side yard setbacks for RVs –Limit number of RVs in front yard within RC zone –Require permit for RV in front yard 9 10