2020 03 11 HCHOUSING COMMISSION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING 1 March 6, 2020 HC agendas and staff reports are now available on the City’s web page: www.laquintaca.gov HOUSING COMMISSION AGENDA CITY HALL STUDY SESSION ROOM 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2020 AT 4:00 P.M. Roll Call: Commissioners Casto, Davidson, McDonough, Pacheco, and Chairperson Gaeta-Mejia PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the Housing Commission on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The Housing Commission values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENT, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION - NONE CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MINUTES DATED JANUARY 29, 2020 BUSINESS SESSION 1. RECOMMEND REVISED FUNDING OPTION FOR AREA HOMELESS PREVENTION PROGRAMS 2. RECOMMEND FUNDING FOR HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY STUDY SESSION - NONE DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1. LOCAL EARLY ACTION PLANNING (LEAP) GRANTS PROGRAM APPLICATION City of La Quinta HOUSING COMMISSION MEETING: March 11, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECOMMEND REVISED FUNDING OPTION FOR AREA HOMELESS PREVENTION PROGRAMS RECOMMENDATION Recommend approval to the Housing Authority (Authority) one of the funding options presented to provide assistance to area homeless service providers and homeless prevention partners: Coachella Valley Rescue Mission (CVRM), Martha’s Village and Kitchen (MVK), Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG), and Linc Housing. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The Housing Commission (Commission) and Authority agreed on the allocation of $266,666 of Authority funds to area homeless service providers and homeless prevention partners in previous Fiscal Year (FY) 2018/2019. • Staff has acquired metrics regarding the success of this funding and is able to track how it positively impacts the City of La Quinta and greater Coachella Valley community. • Staff offers two funding options for consideration: o Option 1: Provide $83,333 to CVRM, $83,333 to MVK, and $83,333 to CVAG. o Option 2: Provide $83,333 to CVRM, $83,333 to MVK, and $100,000 to CVAG. FISCAL IMPACT Authority funds are available in account number 243-0000-60532. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS After receiving direction on a funding option to present to the Authority, during a special session meeting of the Commission on January 29, 2020, Staff received notice that Desert Healthcare District (DHD) will no longer match BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 funds provided to CVAG for homelessness prevention. Additionally, discussion around the previously approved $10,000 funding proposed for Linc Housing to use for a homeless prevention program, similar to the current program at Coral Mountain Apartments, has since been designated to require more discussion to ensure the success of the program for all parties involved. As such, the $10,000 funding will be removed from options currently proposed for recommendation for approval to the Authority. Staff proposes the following revised funding options: Option 1: Provide $250,000 in total contributions as follows: • Provide CVRM with $83,333 using Authority funding. • Provide MVK with $83,333 for their continued services that were implemented last year, including a program known as the “Homeless Prevention Trial Program”, a partnership between the City of La Quinta, MVK, and Coral Mountain Apartments, to provide rapid rehousing services, which has been successful at a trial capacity; and • Provide $83,333 in funding to CVAG, which will not be matched by DHD this year. Option 2: Provide $266,667 in total contributions as follows: • Provide CVRM with $83,333 using Authority funding. • Provide MVK with $83,333 for their continued services that were implemented last year, including a program known as the “Homeless Prevention Trial Program”, a partnership between the City of La Quinta, MVK, and Coral Mountain Apartments, to provide rapid rehousing services, which has been successful at a trial capacity; and • Provide $100,000 in funding to CVAG, their requested amount for FY 2019/2020, which, unlike last year, will not be matched by DHD this year. Each organization will continue to be required to provide a quarterly report on their use of the funds. ALTERNATIVE The Housing Commission can direct staff with a new option. Prepared by: Doug Kinley, Management Specialist Approved by: Gil Villalpando, Assistant to City Manager City of La Quinta HOUSING COMMISSION MEETING: March 11, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECOMMEND FUNDING FOR HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY RECOMMENDATION Recommend approval to the Housing Authority an option to fund Habitat for Humanity of the Coachella Valley (Habitat) with an initial contribution of up to $20,000, contingent upon the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Habitat recently met with the City Manager’s Office to discuss assistance opportunities that have been provided in the Coachella Valley. • Staff reviewed the request for funding and discussed an option to provide up to $20,000 under the condition an MOU is signed. • Habitat was awarded the 2017 Non-Profit of the Year by the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce for their outstanding service in the community. FISCAL IMPACT Authority funds are available in the Low-Mod Housing Fund. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Habitat for Humanity of the Coachella Valley was created as an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity on July 18, 1989. It is a religious nonprofit housing organization dedicated to eliminating substandard housing locally and worldwide through constructing, rehabilitating and preserving homes; by advocating for fair and just housing policies; and by providing training and access to resources to help families improve their shelter conditions. In February, staff met with the newly appointed Executive Director of Habitat, Dave Thornton, a discussion was held regarding the recent success and growth of the organization, and local efforts and services that can be provided to La Quinta residents. In addition to the home building effort they are known for, BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 2 the organization has provided assistance to locals with the “A Brush with Kindness” program, helping low-income homeowners impacted by age, disability and family circumstances, who struggle to ma intain the exterior of their homes, to reclaim their homes with pride and dignity. Additionally, Habitat has been known to provide services beyond this, such as major appliance repair such as broken-down AC Units in the summer, to temporary housing during times of need such as an unexpected flooding or fire. Funding will be accompanied by an agreed upon MOU that defines the use of these funds, which will be primarily used for City of La Quinta low-income seniors. Services could include critical repairs such as leaking roofs, broken AC units, overgrowth of landscaping, emergency needs, etc. Through earnest networking and a track record of care, Habitat boasts the ability to call upon miscellaneous tradesmen, shops, and charitable individuals, that work together to provide affordable solutions to those in need, and have stated they will be able to do the same with this funding for La Quinta residents. ALTERNATIVE The Housing Commission can direct staff to: 1) Not provide funding 2) Provide funding of a different amount Prepared by: Doug Kinley, Management Specialist Approved by: Gil Villalpando, Assistant to City Manager City of La Quinta HOUSING COMMISSION MEETING DEPARTMENT REPORT TO: Madam Chair and Members of the Housing Commission FROM: Doug Kinley, Management Specialist City Manager’s Office DATE: March 11, 2020 SUBJECT: Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Grants Program Application The Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Grants Program is part of the broader program formerly known as the Local Government Planning Support Grants Program, which was established as part of the 2019-20 Budget Act. The 2019-20 Budget Act provides a spectrum of support, incentives, resources and accountability to meet California’s housing goals. Some specific elements include: • Planning Support (local and regional planning grants) • Incentives (Pro-housing preference and infill incentive grants) • Funding Resources • Accountability (penalties for noncompliant housing plans) • Reform (collaborative processes to reform regional housing needs) LEAP provides one-time grant funding to regions and jurisdictions for technical assistance, preparation and adoption of planning documents, and process improvements. The over-arching goals of the Program are to (1) accelerate housing production; and (2) facilitate compliance to implement the sixth cycle of the regional housing need assessment (RHNA). Maximum award amounts are based on population estimates as of January 1, 2019. The maximum award amount the City of La Quinta is eligible for is $150,000 based on an estimated population size of 40,000 residents. Pending the Housing Authority’s Approval, Staff will be submitting the City’s application by the end of April 2020. It is anticipated that the $150,000 will assist in the creation of a minimum 10-15 Affordable Housing Multi-Family Units and provide opportunity to streamline implementation of the sixth cycle RHNA requirements within our General Plan’s Housing Element update. City of La Quinta HOUSING COMMISSION MEETING DEPARTMENT REPORT TO: Madam Chair and Members of the Housing Commission FROM: Doug Kinley, Management Specialist City Manager’s Office DATE: March 11, 2020 SUBJECT: Brown Act Information The Ralph M. Brown Act is an act of the California State Legislature passed in 1953 that guarantees the public’s right to attend and participate in meetings of local legislative bodies, as well as acting as a guide for conduct and decorum of said meetings. To better interpret the standards applied by the act, and suit needs within the City of La Quinta, the City adopted Rules of Procedure, Resolution 2015-023. Types of meetings stipulated within the Brown Act: • Regular Meetings – Have a set agenda and allow for public comment, including an opportunity to address items not on the agenda. Must have their agenda posted 72 hours in advance. • Special Meetings – Requires discussion and actions to be limited to matters listed on the agenda. Must have their agenda posted 24 hours in advance. • Joint Meetings – Meetings that allow for local agency boards, commissions and committees to meet and discuss items together, but must follow the same rules as Special Meetings, such as an agenda posted 24 hours in advance, and discussion to be limited to matters listed on the agenda. • Teleconference Meetings – Meetings may be conducted by teleconferencing (i.e., any electronic audio or video connection) but must adhere to a set of regulations that provide for accessibility to the public at any venue the teleconference takes place. Should a regular or special meeting be via teleconference, the agenda requirements would be applied accordingly. The Housing Commission conducts regular meetings every 2nd Wednesday of September, December, March and June at 4:00 p.m., and holds special meetings as necessary. DEPARTMENT REPORT ITEM NO. 2 POWER POINTS HOUSING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 11, 2020 6/15/2020 1 Housing Commission March 11, 2020 Housing Commission March 11, 2020 Business Session Item No. 1 RECOMMEND REVISED FUNDING OPTION FOR AREA HOMELESS PREVENTION PROGRAMS 1 2 6/15/2020 2 2019 Homeless Program Funding •In 2019, the Housing Authority approved a budget allocation for the following contributions: –$83,333 to the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission –$83,333 to Martha’s Village and Kitchen –$100,000 to Path of Life Ministries, run by Coachella Valley Association of Governments •Matching donation of $100,000 provided by Desert Healthcare District 2020 Homeless Program Funding Proposed (Revised) •Previous Recommended Option: $276,666 Total - The January 29, 2020’s option that was recommended for approval previously, which was the same funding as FY 18/19, with an added $10,000 allotment for a Homeless Prevention Trial Program with Linc Housing. •Reasons for Revised Options: No longer proposing $10,000 funding for homeless prevention program to Linc Housing until further discussions are held. Desert Healthcare District is no longer matching funding provided by local cities. •Revised Option 1: $250,000 Total - $83,333 equally provided to CVRM, MVK and CVAG. •Revised Option 2: $266,666 Total - $83,333 provided to CVRM and MVK, with $100,000 provided to CVAG per their request. 3 4 6/15/2020 3 Thoughts? Housing Commission March 11, 2020 Business Session Item No. 2 RECOMMEND FUNDING FOR HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY 5 6 6/15/2020 4 Habitat for Humanity of the Coachella Valley Staff recently met with the Executive Director. A request for funding was discussed, with an internal proposal of up to $20,000 is being proposed. Funding to be accompanied by Memorandum of Understanding with reporting requirements defined for all expenditures. Thoughts? 7 8 6/15/2020 5 Housing Commission March 11, 2020 Department Report No. 1 LOCAL EARLY ACTION PLANNING (LEAP) GRANTS PROGRAM APPLICATION Housing Commission March 11, 2020 Department Report No. 1 LOCAL EARLY ACTION PLANNING (LEAP) GRANTS PROGRAM APPLICATION 9 10 6/15/2020 6 Housing Commission March 11, 2020 Department Report No. 2 BROWN ACT INFORMATION 11 12 6/15/2020 7 Housing Commission: Brown Act and Meetings Review March 11, 2020 The Brown Act and Council Resolution 2015-023 The City of La Quinta adopted Rules of Procedure which were drafted in accordance with the Brown Act and unique to the City, stipulating further requirements in Resolution 2015-023. Ralph M. Brown Act (GC § 54950 et seq.) 13 14 6/15/2020 8 Brown Act (1953) Meetings – all meetings of the legislative body of a local agency shall be open and public, and all persons shall be permitted to attend any meeting of the legislative body of a local agency, unless an exception applies (Gov. Code, Section 54953). Regular Meetings – occur at dates, times, and location set by resolution, ordinance, or other formal action. Agenda must be posted 72 hours in advance. Brown Act (1953) Special Meetings – may be called by the presiding officer or the staff liaison to the Commission. Notice must be posted 24 hours in advance. Actions may be taken ONLY on matters listed on the agenda. Joint Meetings – meetings of the legislative body with local agency’s boards, commissions, and committees. The same procedures for Special meetings would apply for Joint meetings. 15 16 6/15/2020 9 Brown Act (1953) Teleconferences – Meetings may be conducted by teleconferencing (i.e., any electronic audio or video connection) under all the following conditions (Gov. Code, Section 54953 (a) and (b).): Agendas must be posted at teleconference locations specifying all teleconference locations.(Cannot be last minute) There is public access to teleconference locations meaning compliance with all ADA Regulations.(Cannot be from car or plane while traveling) This is a public opportunity to speak at each teleconference location.(Make sure there is public access to home, hotel room or other location of teleconference) All votes are taken by roll call. TIME TO POST THE AGENDA? Regular Meetings 72 hours prior to the meeting Special Meetings 24 Hours Prior to Meeting Agenda Packet = Agenda & Staff Reports Before every meeting, staff shall prepare and publish an agenda containing a brief description of all items to be acted upon; these items are further elaborated on in a staff report which provides recommended action(s) as well as background on the necessity and implications of the action to be taken. 17 18 6/15/2020 10 HC SCOPE OF PURVIEW AND REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS Housing Authority Annual Report Housing Successor Annual Report Housing Annual Budget Federal/State Housing Legislation Oversight Advisory to Housing Authority Advisory to Staff Meets – 2 nd Wednesday of September, December, March, June at 4:00 p.m. QUESTIONS 19 20 6/15/2020 11 Housing Commission Meeting Next Meeting Date April 15, 2020 21 22