Coral Mtn Noise Impact Analysis Report_UXR 2020-05-21 Coral Mountain Specific Plan NOISE IMPACT ANALYSIS CITY OF LA QUINTA PREPARED BY: Bill Lawson, PE, INCE blawson@urbanxroads.com (949) 336-5979 MAY 21, 2020 12642-07 Noise Study Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study ii Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study iii TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................... III APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................... IV LIST OF EXHIBITS ............................................................................................................................... V LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................. V LIST OF ABBREVIATED TERMS ........................................................................................................... VI EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................... 1 Off-Site Traffic Noise Analysis .................................................................................................................. 1 On-Site Traffic Noise Analysis .................................................................................................................. 1 Operational Noise Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 3 Construction Noise Analysis .................................................................................................................... 3 Construction Vibration Analysis............................................................................................................... 4 Summary of CEQA Significance Findings ................................................................................................. 4 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Site Location .................................................................................................................................. 7 1.2 Project Description ........................................................................................................................ 7 2 FUNDAMENTALS ....................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Range of Noise .............................................................................................................................. 3 2.2 Noise Descriptors .......................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Sound Propagation ........................................................................................................................ 4 2.4 Noise Control ................................................................................................................................ 5 2.5 Noise Barrier Attenuation ............................................................................................................. 5 2.6 Land Use Compatibility With Noise .............................................................................................. 5 2.7 Community Response to Noise ..................................................................................................... 6 2.8 Exposure to High Noise Levels ...................................................................................................... 7 2.9 Vibration ....................................................................................................................................... 7 3 REGULATORY SETTING ............................................................................................................. 11 3.1 State of California Noise Requirements ...................................................................................... 11 3.2 State of California Building Code ................................................................................................ 11 3.3 City of La Quinta General Plan Environmental Hazards Element ............................................... 11 3.4 Operational Noise Standards ...................................................................................................... 14 3.5 Construction Noise Standards .................................................................................................... 14 3.6 Construction Vibration Standards ............................................................................................... 15 4 SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA ........................................................................................................... 17 4.1 CEQA Guidelines Not Further Analyzed ...................................................................................... 17 4.2 Noise-Sensitive Receivers ........................................................................................................... 17 4.3 Significance Criteria Summary .................................................................................................... 18 5 EXISTING NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS .................................................................................. 21 5.1 Measurement Procedure and Criteria ........................................................................................ 21 5.2 Noise Measurement Locations ................................................................................................... 21 5.3 Noise Measurement Results ....................................................................................................... 22 6 METHODS AND PROCEDURES .................................................................................................. 27 6.1 FHWA Traffic Noise Prediction Model ........................................................................................ 27 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study iv 6.2 Vibration Assessment ................................................................................................................. 33 7 OFF-SITE TRANSPORTATION NOISE IMPACTS ........................................................................... 35 7.1 Traffic Noise Contours ................................................................................................................ 36 7.2 Existing Conditions Project Traffic Noise Level Increase ............................................................ 51 7.3 EA Project Traffic Noise Level Increase ....................................................................................... 53 7.4 EAC 2021 Project Traffic Noise Level Increase ............................................................................ 55 7.5 EAC 2023 Project Traffic Noise Level Increase ............................................................................ 57 7.6 EAC 2026 Project Traffic Noise Level Increase ............................................................................ 59 7.7 EAC 2026 Project Special Events Traffic Noise Level Increase .................................................... 61 7.8 General Plan 2040 Project Traffic Noise Level Increase ............................................................. 63 8 ON-SITE TRANSPORTATION NOISE IMPACTS ............................................................................ 65 8.1 Exterior Noise Analysis ................................................................................................................ 65 8.2 Interior Noise Analysis ................................................................................................................ 66 9 SENSITIVE RECEIVER LOCATIONS .............................................................................................. 69 10 OPERATIONAL NOISE IMPACTS ................................................................................................ 73 10.1 Reference Noise Levels ............................................................................................................... 73 10.2 CadnaA Noise Prediction Model ................................................................................................. 76 10.3 Project Operational Noise Levels ................................................................................................ 77 10.4 Project Operational Noise Level Compliance .............................................................................. 78 10.4 Project Operational Noise Level Increase ................................................................................... 79 11 CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS ........................................................................................................ 81 11.1 Construction Noise Levels ........................................................................................................... 81 11.2 Construction Reference Noise Levels ......................................................................................... 81 11.3 Construction Noise Analysis ........................................................................................................ 83 11.4 Construction Noise Level Compliance ........................................................................................ 85 11.5 Construction Vibration Impacts .................................................................................................. 85 12 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 87 13 CERTIFICATION ........................................................................................................................ 89 APPENDICES APPENDIX 3.1: CITY OF LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE APPENDIX 5.1: STUDY AREA PHOTOS APPENDIX 5.2: NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENT WORKSHEETS APPENDIX 7.1: OFF-SITE TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL CONTOURS APPENDIX 8.1: ON-SITE TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL CALCULATIONS APPENDIX 10.1: CADNAA OPERATIONAL NOISE MODEL INPUTS APPENDIX 11.1: CADNAA CONSTRUCTION NOISE MODEL INPUTS Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study v LIST OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT ES-A: SUMMARY OF ON-SITE RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................... 5 EXHIBIT 1-A: LOCATION MAP ............................................................................................................. 8 EXHIBIT 1-B: PRELIMINARY LAND USE PLAN ....................................................................................... 1 EXHIBIT 2-A: TYPICAL NOISE LEVELS ................................................................................................... 3 EXHIBIT 2-B: NOISE LEVEL INCREASE PERCEPTION .............................................................................. 7 EXHIBIT 2-C: TYPICAL LEVELS OF GROUND-BORNE VIBRATION ............................................................ 9 EXHIBIT 3-A: LAND USE COMPATIBILITY FOR COMMUNITY NOISE ENVIRONMENTS .......................... 13 EXHIBIT 5-A: NOISE MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS .............................................................................. 25 EXHIBIT 9-A: RECEIVER LOCATIONS .................................................................................................. 71 EXHIBIT 10-A: OPERATIONAL NOISE SOURCE AND RECEIVER LOCATIONS .......................................... 74 EXHIBIT 11-A: CONSTRUCTION NOISE SOURCE AND RECEIVER LOCATIONS ....................................... 82 LIST OF TABLES TABLE ES-1: SUMMARY OF CEQA SIGNIFICANCE FINDINGS ................................................................. 4 TABLE 3-1: OPERATIONAL NOISE STANDARDS .................................................................................. 14 TABLE 4-1: SIGNIFICANCE OF NOISE IMPACTS AT NOISE-SENSITIVE RECEIVERS .................................. 18 TABLE 4-2: SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA SUMMARY ................................................................................. 19 TABLE 5-1: 24-HOUR AMBIENT NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS ......................................................... 24 TABLE 6-1: OFF-SITE ROADWAY PARAMETERS ................................................................................. 29 TABLE 6-2: AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC VOLUMES ................................................................................ 30 TABLE 6-3: TIME OF DAY VEHICLE SPLITS .......................................................................................... 32 TABLE 6-4: DISTRIBUTION OF TRAFFIC FLOW BY VEHICLE TYPE (VEHICLE MIX) ................................... 32 TABLE 6-5: ON-SITE ROADWAY PARAMETERS .................................................................................. 32 TABLE 6-6: VIBRATION SOURCE LEVELS FOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ........................................ 33 TABLE 7-1: EXISTING 2019 WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ................................. 37 TABLE 7-2: EXISTING 2019 WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ....................................... 38 TABLE 7-3: EA WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ................................................... 39 TABLE 7-4: EA WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS .......................................................... 40 TABLE 7-5: EAC 2021 WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ......................................... 41 TABLE 7-6: EAC 2021 WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ............................................... 42 TABLE 7-7: EAC 2023 WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ......................................... 43 TABLE 7-8: EAC 2023 WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ............................................... 44 TABLE 7-9: EAC 2026 WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ......................................... 45 TABLE 7-10: EAC 2026 WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS .............................................. 46 TABLE 7-11: EAC 2026 WITHOUT PROJECT WITHOUT SPECIAL EVENTS NOISE CONTOURS .................. 47 TABLE 7-12: EAC 2026 WITH PROJECT WITH SPECIAL EVENTS NOISE CONTOURS ............................... 48 TABLE 7-13: GENERAL PLAN 2040 WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ...................... 49 TABLE 7-14: GENERAL PLAN 2040 WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ............................ 50 TABLE 7-15: EXISTING 2019 OFF-SITE PROJECT-RELATED TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS ............................. 52 TABLE 7-16: EA OFF-SITE PROJECT-RELATED TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS ............................................... 54 TABLE 7-17: EAC 2021 OFF-SITE PROJECT-RELATED TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS ..................................... 56 TABLE 7-18: EAC 2023 OFF-SITE PROJECT-RELATED TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS ..................................... 58 TABLE 7-19: EAC 2026 OFF-SITE PROJECT-RELATED TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS ..................................... 60 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study vi TABLE 7-20: EAC 2026 SPECIAL EVENT OFF-SITE PROJECT-RELATED TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS ............. 62 TABLE 7-21: GENERAL PLAN 2040 OFF-SITE PROJECT-RELATED TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS ................... 64 TABLE 8-1: UNMITIGATED EXTERIOR TRAFFIC NOISE LEVELS ............................................................. 65 TABLE 8-2: MITIGATED EXTERIOR TRAFFIC NOISE LEVELS .................................................................. 66 TABLE 8-3: UNMITIGATED INTERIOR NOISE LEVELS (CNEL) ................................................................ 67 TABLE 10-1: REFERENCE NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS .................................................................... 76 TABLE 10-2: DAYTIME PROJECT OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVELS ............................................................ 77 TABLE 10-3: OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVEL COMPLIANCE ..................................................................... 78 TABLE 10-4: DAYTIME PROJECT OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVEL INCREASES ........................................... 79 TABLE 11-1: CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE NOISE LEVELS .................................................................... 83 TABLE 11-2: PHASE 1 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NOISE LEVEL SUMMARY ..................................... 84 TABLE 11-3: PHASE 2 & 3 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NOISE LEVEL SUMMARY ............................... 84 TABLE 11-4: CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT VIBRATION LEVELS .......................................................... 86 LIST OF ABBREVIATED TERMS (1) Reference ADT Average Daily Traffic ANSI American National Standards Institute Calveno California Vehicle Noise CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CNEL Community Noise Equivalent Level dBA A-weighted decibels FHWA Federal Highway Administration FTA Federal Transit Administration INCE Institute of Noise Control Engineering Leq Equivalent continuous (average) sound level Lmax Maximum level measured over the time interval Lmin Minimum level measured over the time interval mph Miles per hour PPV Peak Particle Velocity Project Coral Mountain Specific Plan REMEL Reference Energy Mean Emission Level RMS Root-mean-square VdB Vibration Decibels Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Urban Crossroads, Inc. has prepared this noise study to determine the noise exposure and the necessary noise mitigation measures for the proposed Coral Mountain Specific Plan development (“Project”). The Project site is located on the southwest corner of re-aligned Madison Street at 58th Avenue in the City of La Quinta. The Project is proposed to consist a master planned themed resort comprised of a recreational pool (wave basin), a 150-key hotel, 104 attached dwelling units, 496 detached dwelling units, 60,000 square feet of retail. The wave basin is a private facility. This study has been prepared consistent with applicable City of La Quinta noise standards, and significance criteria based on guidance provided by Appendix G of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. (1) OFF-SITE TRAFFIC NOISE ANALYSIS Traffic generated by the operation of the proposed Project will influence the traffic noise levels in surrounding off-site areas. To quantify the traffic noise increases on the surrounding off-site areas, the changes in traffic noise levels on 29 roadway segments surrounding the Project site were calculated based on the change in the average daily traffic (ADT) volumes. The traffic noise levels provided in this analysis are based on the traffic forecasts found in Coral Mountain Specific Plan Traffic Impact Analysis. (2) Based on the significance criteria in outlined in Section 4, the Project-related noise level increases are considered potentially significant under Existing with Project conditions at the following two roadway segments: • Madison Street north of Avenue 58 (Segment 8) • Avenue 60 west of Madison Street (Segment 27) All other roadway segments are shown to experience less than significant noise level impacts under Existing plus Project conditions. However, this scenario is provided solely for analytical purposes and will not occur, since the Project will not be full developed (Phase 1, 2 & 3) and occupied under Existing 2019 conditions. Therefore, no mitigation measures are considered to reduce the Existing with Project condition traffic noise level increases, and impacts are considered less than significant since they will not actually occur. The analysis shows that the unmitigated Project-related traffic noise level increases under all traffic scenarios will be less than significant. ON-SITE TRAFFIC NOISE ANALYSIS An on-site exterior noise impact analysis has been completed to determine the traffic noise exposure and to identify potential necessary noise abatement measures for the proposed Coral Mountain Specific Plan Project. It is expected that the primary source of noise impacts to the Project site will be traffic noise from Avenue 58 and Madison Street. EXTERIOR NOISE MITIGATION To satisfy the City of La Quinta 65 dBA CNEL exterior noise level standards for residential land use, the construction of 6-foot high noise barriers is required for the low-density residential Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 2 development within Planning Area VIII. With the recommended noise barriers shown on Exhibit ES-A, the mitigated future exterior noise levels at th e outdoor living areas (backyards) of single- family residential uses in Planning Areas VIII will be reduced to less than 65.0 dBA CNEL. This noise analysis shows that the planned 6-foot high noise barriers will satisfy the City of La Quinta 65 dBA CNEL exterior noise level standards for single-family residential use. Therefore, future on-site exterior traffic noise impacts will be less than significant. The barriers shall provide a weight of at least 4 pounds per square foot of face area with no decorative cutouts or line-of-sight openings between shielded areas and the roadways. The barrier must present a solid face from top to bottom. Unnecessary openings or deco rative cutouts shall not be made. All gaps (except for weep holes) should be filled with grout or caulking. The noise barrier shall be constructed using one of the following materials: • Masonry block; • Stucco veneer over wood framing (or foam core), or one-inch thick tongue and groove wood of sufficient weight per square foot; • Glass (1/4-inch-thick), or other transparent material with sufficient weight per square foot capable of providing a minimum transmission loss of 20 dBA; • Earthen berm; • Any combination of these construction materials. INTERIOR NOISE MITIGATION To satisfy the City of La Quinta 45 dBA CNEL residential interior noise level standard the low density single-family residential uses in Planning Areas VIII will require a Noise Reduction (NR) of up to 22.5 dBA and a windows-closed condition requiring a means of mechanical ventilation (e.g. air conditioning). Therefore, the future on-site interior traffic noise impacts will be less than significant with the following noise mitigation measures: • Windows: All residential lots require first and second-floor windows and sliding glass doors that have well-fitted, well-weather-stripped assemblies, with minimum sound transmission class (STC) ratings of 27. • Doors (Non-Glass): All exterior doors shall be well weather-stripped and have minimum STC ratings of 25. Well-sealed perimeter gaps around the doors are essential to achieve the optimal STC rating. (3) • Walls: At any penetrations of exterior walls by pipes, ducts, or conduits, the space between the wall and pipes, ducts, or conduits shall be caulked or filled with mortar to form an airtight seal. • Roof: Roof sheathing of wood construction shall be per manufacturer’s specification or caulked plywood of at least one-half inch thick. Ceilings shall be per manufacturer’s specification or well- sealed gypsum board of at least one-half inch thick. Insulation with at least a rating of R-19 shall be used in the attic space. • Ventilation: Arrangements for any habitable room shall be such that any exterior door or window can be kept closed when the room is in use and still receive circulated air. A forced air circulation system (e.g. air conditioning) or active ventilation system (e.g. fresh air supply) shall be provided which satisfies the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 3 • Final Noise Study: A final noise study shall be prepared prior to obtaining building permits for the project. This report would finalize the mitigation measures described in this study using the precise grading plans and actual building design specifications, and shall include additional mitigation, if necessary, to meet the interior noise level standards for residential (45 dBA CNEL) land uses. OPERATIONAL NOISE ANALYSIS Using reference noise levels to represent the expected noise sources from the Coral Mountain Specific Plan site, this analysis estimates the Project-related stationary-source noise levels at nearby sensitive receiver locations. The normal activities associated with the proposed Coral Mountain Specific Plan are anticipated to include wave basin/wave machine activity, outdoor pool/spa activity, outdoor activity and neighborhood commercial land use activity . The operational noise analysis shows that the Project -related stationary-source noise levels at the nearby sensitive receiver locations will satisfy the City of La Quinta daytime exterior noise level standards, with no planned nighttime activities. Therefore, the operational noise impacts are considered less than significant at all existing off-site receiver locations Further, this analysis demonstrates that the Project will contribute a less than significant long- term unmitigated operational noise level increase to the existing daytime ambient noise environment at all existing off-site receiver locations. CONSTRUCTION NOISE ANALYSIS Construction-related noise impacts are expected to create temporary and intermittent high -level noise conditions at receivers surrounding the Project site. Using sample reference noise levels to represent the planned construction activities of the Coral Mountain Specific Plan site, this analysis estimates the Project-related construction noise levels at nearby sensitive receiver locations. Since the City of La Quinta General Plan and Municipal Codes do not identify specific construction noise level thresholds, a threshold is identified based on the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) limits for construction noise. The Project Phase 1 construction noise levels are expected to range from 58.0 to 76.5 dBA Leq at the nearby receiver locations. The Project Phase 2 and Phase 3 construction noise levels are expected to range from 63.7 to 75.8 dBA. The construction noise analysis shows that the nearby receiver locations will satisfy the 85 dBA Leq significance threshold during Project construction activities. Therefore, the noise impacts due to Project construction noise is considered less than significant at all receiver locations Though construction noise and vibration are temporary, intermittent and of short duration, and will not present any long-term impacts, the following mitigation measures would reduce noise and vibration levels produced by construction equipment to nearby noise -sensitive uses. Temporary construction-related noise and vibration impacts will be reduced to less than significant impacts with the incorporation of the following mitigation measures: Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 4 • Prior to approval of grading plans and/or issuance of building permits, plans shall include a note indicating that Project construction activities shall comply with the City of La Quinta Municipal Code requirements. • During all Project site construction, the construction contractors shall equip all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly operating and maintained mufflers, consistent with manufacturers’ standards. The construction contractor shall place all stationary construction equipment so that emitted noise is directed away from the noise sensitive receptors nearest the Project site. • The construction contractor shall locate equipment staging in areas that will create the greatest distance between construction-related noise sources and noise-sensitive receivers nearest the Project site during all Project construction (i.e., to the center). • The contractor shall design delivery routes to minimize the exposure of sensitive land uses or residential dwellings to delivery truck-related noise. CONSTRUCTION VIBRATION ANALYSIS Construction activity can result in varying degrees of ground vibration, depending on the equipment and methods used, distance to the affected structures and soil type. It is expected that ground-borne vibration from Project construction activities would cause only intermittent, localized intrusion. This analysis shows the highest construction vibration levels are expected to range from 0.000 to 0.009 in/sec RMS, which is below the vibration standard of 0.01 in/sec RMS at all receiver locations Therefore, based on the results of this analysis, all nearby sensitive receiver locations will experience less than significant impacts due to Project construction noise levels. SUMMARY OF CEQA SIGNIFICANCE FINDINGS The results of this Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis are summarized below based on the significance criteria in Section 4 of this report consistent with Appendix G of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. (1). Table ES-1 shows the findings of significance for each potential noise and/or vibration impact under CEQA before and after any required mitigation measures described below. TABLE ES-1: SUMMARY OF CEQA SIGNIFICANCE FINDINGS Analysis Report Section Significance Findings Unmitigated Mitigated Off-Site Traffic Noise 7 Less Than Significant - On-Site Traffic Noise 8 Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Operational Noise 10 Less Than Significant - Construction Noise 11 Less Than Significant - Construction Vibration Less Than Significant - Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 5 EXHIBIT ES-A: SUMMARY OF ON-SITE RECOMMENDATIONS Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 6 This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 7 1 INTRODUCTION This noise analysis has been completed to determine the noise impacts associated with the development of the proposed Coral Mountain Specific Plan (“Project”). This noise study briefly describes the proposed Project, provides information regarding noise fundamentals, describes the local regulatory setting, provides the study methods and procedures for transportation noise analysis, and evaluates the future exterior noise environment. In addition, this study includes an analysis of the potential Project-related long-term operational noise and short-term construction noise and vibration impacts. 1.1 SITE LOCATION The Project site is located on the southwest corner of re-aligned Madison Street at 58th Avenue in the City of La Quinta, as shown on Exhibit 1-A. 1.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project consists of a master planned themed resort comprised of a recreational pool (wave basin), a 150-key hotel, 104 attached dwelling units, 496 detached dwelling units, 60,00 0 square feet of retail. The wave basin is a private facility. The preliminary Project land use plan is presented on Exhibit 1-B. The Project is anticipated to be constructed in phases, with Phase 1 (2021) including resort (wave basin and hotel uses), 104 attached dwelling units, 26 detached dwelling units, and 10,000 square feet of retail. Project Phase 2 (2023) adds 25,000 square feet of retail. Project Phase 3 (2026) adds 470 detached dwelling units and 25,000 square feet of retail. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 8 EXHIBIT 1-A: LOCATION MAP Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 1 EXHIBIT 1-B: PRELIMINARY LAND USE PLAN Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 2 This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 3 2 FUNDAMENTALS Noise is simply defined as "unwanted sound." Sound becomes unwanted when it interferes with normal activities, when it causes actual physical harm or when it has adverse effects on health. Noise is measured on a logarithmic scale of sound pressure level known as a decibel (dB). A - weighted decibels (dBA) approximate the subjective response of the human ear to broad frequency noise source by discriminating against very low and very high frequencies of the audible spectrum. They are adjusted to reflect only those frequencies which are audible to the human ear. Exhibit 2-A presents a summary of the typical noise levels and their subjective loudness and effects that are described in more detail below. EXHIBIT 2-A: TYPICAL NOISE LEVELS 2.1 RANGE OF NOISE Since the range of intensities that the human ear can detect is so large, the scale frequently used to measure intensity is a scale based on multiples of 10, the logarithmic scale. The scale for measuring intensity is the decibel scale. Each interval of 10 decibels indicates a sound energy ten times greater than before, which is perceived by the human ear as being roughly twice as loud. (4) The most common sounds vary between 40 dBA (very quiet) to 100 dBA (very loud). Normal conversation at three feet is roughly at 60 dBA, while loud jet engine noises equate to 110 dBA at approximately 100 feet, which can cause serious discomfort. (5) Another important aspect of noise is the duration of the sound and the way it is described and distributed in time. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 4 2.2 NOISE DESCRIPTORS Environmental noise descriptors are generally based on averages, rather than instantaneous, noise levels. The most commonly used figure is the equivalent level (Leq). Equivalent sound levels are not measured directly but are calculated from sound pressure levels typically measured in A- weighted decibels (dBA). The equivalent sound level (Leq) represents a steady state sound level containing the same total energy as a time varying signal over a given sample period and is commonly used to describe the “average” noise levels within the environment. Peak hour or average noise levels, while useful, do not completely describe a given noise environment. Noise levels lower than peak hour may be disturbing if they occur during times when quiet is most desirable, namely evening and nighttime (sleeping) hours. To acc ount for this, the Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL), representing a composite 24-hour noise level is utilized. The CNEL is the weighted average of the intensity of a sound, with corrections for time of day, and averaged over 24 hours. The time of day corrections require the addition of 5 decibels to dBA Leq sound levels in the evening from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., and the addition of 10 decibels to dBA Leq sound levels at night between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. These additions are made to account for the noise sensitive time periods during the evening and night hours when sound appears louder. CNEL does not represent the actual sound level heard at any time, but rather represents the total sound exposure. The City of La Quinta relies on the 24-hour CNEL level to assess land use compatibility with transportation related noise sources. 2.3 SOUND PROPAGATION When sound propagates over a distance, it changes in level and frequency content. The way noise reduces with distance depends on the following factors. 2.3.1 GEOMETRIC SPREADING Sound from a localized source (i.e., a stationary point source) propagates uniformly outward in a spherical pattern. The sound level attenuates (or decreases) at a rate of 6 dB for each doubling of distance from a point source. Highways consist of several localized noise sources on a defined path and hence can be treated as a line source, which approximates the effect of several point sources. Noise from a line source propagates outward in a cylindrical pattern, often refe rred to as cylindrical spreading. Sound levels attenuate at a rate of 3 dB for each doubling of distance from a line source. (4) 2.3.2 GROUND ABSORPTION The propagation path of noise from a highway to a receiver is usuall y very close to the ground. Noise attenuation from ground absorption and reflective wave canceling adds to the attenuation associated with geometric spreading. Traditionally, the excess attenuation has also been expressed in terms of attenuation per doubling of distance. This approximation is usually sufficiently accurate for distances of less than 200 ft. For acoustically hard sites (i.e., sites with a reflective surface between the source and the receiver, such as a parking lot or body of water), no excess ground attenuation is assumed. For acoustically absorptive or soft sites (i.e., those Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 5 sites with an absorptive ground surface between the source and the receiver such as soft dirt, grass, or scattered bushes and trees), an excess ground attenuation value of 1.5 dB per doubling of distance is normally assumed. When added to the cylindrical spreading, the excess ground attenuation results in an overall drop-off rate of 4.5 dB per doubling of distance from a line source. (6) 2.3.3 ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS Receivers located downwind from a source can be exposed to increased noise levels relative to calm conditions, whereas locations upwind can have lowered noise levels. Sound levels can be increased at large distances (e.g., more than 500 feet) due to atmospheric temperature inversion (i.e., increasing temperature with elevation). Other factors such as air temperature, humidity, and turbulence can also have significant effects. (4) 2.3.4 SHIELDING A large object or barrier in the path between a noise source and a receiver can substantially attenuate noise levels at the receiver. The amount of attenuation provided by shielding depends on the size of the object and the frequency content of the no ise source. Shielding by trees and other such vegetation typically only has an “out of sight, out of mind” effect. That is, the perception of noise impact tends to decrease when vegetation blocks the line -of-sight to nearby residents. However, for vegetation to provide a substantial, or even noticeable, noise reduction, the vegetation area must be at least 15 feet in height, 100 feet wide and dense enough to completely obstruct the line-of sight between the source and the receiver. This size of vegetation may provide up to 5 dBA of noise reduction. The FHWA does not consider the planting of vegetation to be a noise abatement measure. (6) 2.4 NOISE CONTROL Noise control is the process of obtaining an acceptable noise environment for an observation point or receiver by controlling the noise source, transmission path, receiver, or all three. This concept is known as the source-path-receiver concept. In general, noise control measures can be applied to these three elements. 2.5 NOISE BARRIER ATTENUATION Effective noise barriers can reduce noise levels by up to 10 to 15 dBA, cutting the loudness of traffic noise in half. A noise barrier is most effective when placed close to the noise source or receiver. Noise barriers, however, do have limitations. For a noise barrier to work, it must be high enough and long enough to block the path of the noise source. (6) 2.6 LAND USE COMPATIBILITY WITH NOISE Some land uses are more tolerant of noise than others. For example, schools, hospitals, churches, and residences are more sensitive to noise intrusion than are commercial or industrial developments and related activities. As ambient noise levels affect t he perceived amenity or livability of a development, so too can the mismanagement of noise impacts impair the economic Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 6 health and growth potential of a community by reducing the area’s desirability as a place to live, shop and work. For this reason, land use compatibility with the noise environment is an important consideration in the planning and design process. The FHWA encourages State and Local government to regulate land development in such a way that noise -sensitive land uses are either prohibited from being located adjacent to a highway, or that the developments are planned, designed, and constructed in such a way that noise impacts are minimized. (7) 2.7 COMMUNITY RESPONSE TO NOISE Community responses to noise may range from registering a complaint by telephone or letter, to initiating court action, depending upon everyone’s susceptibility to noise and personal attitudes about noise. Several factors are related to the level of community annoyance including: • Fear associated with noise producing activities; • Socio-economic status and educational level; • Perception that those affected are being unfairly treated; • Attitudes regarding the usefulness of the noise-producing activity; • Belief that the noise source can be controlled. Approximately ten percent of the population has a very low tolerance for noise and will object to any noise not of their making. Consequently, even in the quietest environment, some complaints will occur. Another twenty-five percent of the population will not complain even in very severe noise environments. Thus, a variety of reactions can be expected from people exposed to any given noise environment. (8) Surveys have shown that about ten percent of the people exposed to traffic noise of 60 dBA will report being highly annoyed with the noise, and each increase of one dBA is associated with approximately two percent more people being highly annoyed. When traffic noise exceeds 60 dBA or aircraft noise exceeds 55 dBA, people may begin to complain. (8) Despite this variability in behavior on an individual level, the population can be expected to exhibit the following responses to changes in noise levels as shown on Exhibit 2 -B. An increase or decrease of 1 dBA cannot be perceived except in carefully controlled laboratory experiments (9), a change of 3 dBA are considered barely perceptible, and changes of 5 dBA are considered readily perceptible. (6) Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 7 EXHIBIT 2-B: NOISE LEVEL INCREASE PERCEPTION 2.8 EXPOSURE TO HIGH NOISE LEVELS The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sets legal limits on noise exposure in the workplace. The permissible exposure limit (PEL) for a worker over an eight-hour day is 90 dBA. The OSHA standard uses a 5 dBA exchange rate. This means that when the noise level is increased by 5 dBA, the amount of time a person can be exposed to a certain noise level to receive the same dose is cut in half. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has recommended that all worker exposures to noise should be controlled below a level equivalent to 85 dBA for eight hours to minimize occupational noise induced hearing loss. NIOSH also recommends a 3 dBA exchange rate so that every increase by 3 dBA doubles the amount of the noise and halves the recommended amount of exposure time. (10) OSHA has implemented requirements to protect all workers in general i ndustry (e.g. the manufacturing and the service sectors) for employers to implement a Hearing Conservation Program where workers are exposed to a time weighted average noise level of 85 dBA or higher over an eight-hour work shift. Hearing Conservation Programs require employers to measure noise levels, provide free annual hearing exams and free hearing protection, provide training, and conduct evaluations of the adequacy of the hearing protectors in use unless changes to tools, equipment and schedules are made so that they are less noisy and worker exposure to noise is less than the 85 dBA. This noise study does not evaluate the noise exposure of workers within a project or construction site based on CEQA requirements, and instead, evaluates Project-related operational and construction noise levels at the nearby sensitive receiver locations in the Project study area. 2.9 VIBRATION Per the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Transit Noise Impact and Vibration Assessment (11), vibration is the periodic oscillation of a medium or object. The rumbling sound caused by the vibration of room surfaces is called structure-borne noise. Sources of ground-borne vibrations include natural phenomena (e.g., earthquakes, volcanic erup tions, sea waves, landslides) or human-made causes (e.g., explosions, machinery, traffic, trains, construction equipment). Vibration sources may be continuous, such as factory machinery, or transient, such as explosions. As is the case with airborne sound, ground-borne vibrations may be described by amplitude and frequency. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Just Perceptible Barely Perceptible Readily Perceptible Twice as Loud Noise Level Increase (dBA) Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 8 There are several different methods that are used to quantify vibration. The peak particle velocity (PPV) is defined as the maximum instantaneous peak of the vibration signal. The PPV is most frequently used to describe vibration impacts to buildings but is not always suitable for evaluating human response (annoyance) because it takes some time for the human body to respond to vibration signals. Instead, the human body responds to average vibration amplitude often described as the root mean square (RMS). The RMS amplitude is defined as the average of the squared amplitude of the signal and is most frequently used to describe the effect of vibration on the human body. Decibel notation (VdB) is commonly used to measure RMS. Decibel notation (VdB) serves to reduce the range of numbers used to describe human response to vibration. Typically, ground-borne vibration generated by man-made activities attenuates rapidly with distance from the source of the vibration. Sensitive receivers for vibration include structures (especially older masonry structures), people (especially residents, the elderly, and sick), vibration-sensitive equipment and/or activities The background vibration-velocity level in residential areas is generally 50 VdB. Ground-borne vibration is normally perceptible to humans at approximately 65 VdB. For most people, a vibration-velocity level of 75 VdB is the approximate dividing line between barely perceptible and distinctly perceptible levels. Typical outdoor sources of perceptible ground-borne vibration are construction equipment, steel-wheeled trains, and traffic on rough roads. If a roadway is smooth, the ground-borne vibration is rarely perceptible. The range of interest is from approximately 50 VdB, which is the typical background vibration-velocity level, to 100 VdB, which is the general threshold where minor damage can occur in fragile buildings. Exhibit 2-C illustrates common vibration sources and the human and structural response to ground-borne vibration. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 9 EXHIBIT 2-C: TYPICAL LEVELS OF GROUND-BORNE VIBRATION Source: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Transit Noise Impact and Vibration Assessment. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 10 This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 11 3 REGULATORY SETTING To limit population exposure to physically and/or psychologically damaging as well as intrusive noise levels, the federal government, the State of California, various county governments, and most municipalities in the state have established standards and ordinances to control noise. In most areas, automobile and truck traffic is the major source of environmental noise. Traffic activity generally produces an average sound level that remains constant with time. Air and rail traffic, and commercial and industrial activities are also major sources of noise in some areas. Federal, state, and local agencies regulate different aspects of environmental noise. Federal and state agencies generally set noise standards for mobile sources such as aircraft and motor vehicles, while regulation of stationary sources is left to local agencies. 3.1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOISE REQUIREMENTS The State of California regulates freeway noise, sets standards for sound transmission, provides occupational noise control criteria, identifies noise standards, and provides guidance for local land use compatibility. State law requires that each county and city adopt a General Plan that includes a Noise Element which is to be prepared per guidelines adopted by the Govern or’s Office of Planning and Research. (12) The purpose of the Noise Element is to limit the exposure of the community to excessive noise levels. In addition, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that all known environmental effects of a project be analyzed , including environmental noise impacts. 3.2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE The State of California’s noise insulation standards are codified in the California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Building Standards Administrative Code, Part 2, and the California Building Code. These noise standards are applied to new construction in California for the purpose of controlling interior noise levels resulting from exterior noise sources. The regulations specify that acoustical studies must be prepared when noise-sensitive structures, such as residential buildings, schools, or hospitals, are developed near major transportation noise sources, and where such noise sources create an exterior noise level of 6 0 dBA CNEL or higher. Acoustical studies that accompany building plans for noise-sensitive land uses must demonstrate that the structure has been designed to limit interior noise in habitable rooms to acceptable noise levels. For new residential buildings, schools, and hospitals, the acceptable interior noise limit for new construction is 45 dBA CNEL. 3.3 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS ELEMENT The City of La Quinta has adopted an Environmental Hazards Element (Chapter 4), Noise section, of the General Plan which identifies areas where noise levels are expected to reach unacceptable levels, and provides policies and programs which will assure that noise levels do not negatively impact the community. (13) The Noise Element specifies the maximum exterior and interior noise levels for new developments impacted by transportation noise sources such as arterial roads, Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 12 freeways, airports and railroads. To protect City residents from excessive noise, th e Environmental Hazards Element contains the following goal related to the Project: N-1 A healthful noise environment which complements the City’s residential and resort character. The noise policies specified in the City of La Quinta Environmental Hazards Element provide the guidelines necessary to satisfy this goal. To minimize noise impacts to noise-sensitive land uses, the City has established Policy N-1.1 to identify noise standards consistent with the Land Use Compatibility for Community Noise Environments, Table IV-3, for various land uses. The Noise Element also provides several policies to minimize noise impacts from transportation, such as Policy N-1.2, which requires a noise study and any necessary mitigation measures for new developments along roadways where the noise levels are in excess of 65 dBA CNEL. The noise criteria identified in the City of La Quinta Environmental Hazards Element, Noise section, are guidelines to evaluate the land use compatibility of transportation related noise. T he compatibility criteria, shown on Exhibit 3-A, provides the City with a planning tool to gauge the compatibility of land uses relative to existing and future exterior noise levels. The Land Use Compatibility for Community Noise Environments (Table IV-3) matrix in the City of La Quinta General Plan provides guidelines to evaluate the acceptability of transportation-related noise level impacts. The Project residential and hotel uses, are considered normally acceptable with exterior noise levels below 60 dBA CNEL and conditionally acceptable with exterior noise levels of up to 70 dBA CNEL. For conditionally acceptable land use, the General Plan indicates new construction or development should be undertaken only after a detailed analysis of the noise reduction requirements is made and needed noise insulation features are included in the design. (13) Based on the City of La Quinta land use compatibility guidelines for the Project land uses, this noise study has been prepared to satisfy an exterior noise level criteria of 65 d BA CNEL in outdoor living areas, and an interior noise standard of 45 dBA CNEL consistent with the State of California Building Code. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 13 EXHIBIT 3-A: LAND USE COMPATIBILITY FOR COMMUNITY NOISE ENVIRONMENTS Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 14 3.4 OPERATIONAL NOISE STANDARDS To analyze noise impacts originating from a designated fixed location or private property such as the Project, stationary-source (operational) noise such as the expected wave basin/wave machine activity, outdoor pool/spa activity, outdoor activity and neighborhood commercial land use activity are typically evaluated against standards established under a jurisdiction’s Municipal Code. The City of La Quinta Municipal Code, Ordinance 550, Sections 9.100.210 (B) and (C) establish the noise level standards for stationary noise sources. For residential properties, the exterior noise level shall not exceed 65 dBA L₅₀ during the daytime hours (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) and 50 dBA L₅₀ during the nighttime hours. (14) The exterior noise level standards shall apply for a cumulative period of 30 minutes in any hour, as well as plus 5 dBA cannot be exceeded for a cumulative period of more than 15 minutes in any hour, or the standard plus 10 dBA for a cumulative period of more than 5 minutes in any hour, or the standard plus 15 dBA for a cumulative period of more than 1 minute in any hour, or the standard plus 20 dBA for any period of time. The City of La Quinta operational noise level standards are shown on Table 3-1 and included in Appendix 3.1. TABLE 3-1: OPERATIONAL NOISE STANDARDS City Land Use Time Period Exterior Noise Level Standards1 L50 (30 mins) L25 (15 mins) L8 (5 mins) L2 (1 min) Lmax (<1 min) La Quinta2 Residential, Schools, Hospitals & Churches 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 65 70 75 80 85 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 50 55 60 65 70 1 The noise level exceeded "n" percent of the time during the measurement period. L₂₅ is the noise level exceeded 25% of the time. 2 Source: City of La Quinta Municipal Code, Ordinance 550, Section 9.100.210 (B) & (C) (Appendix 3.1). 3.5 CONSTRUCTION NOISE STANDARDS To analyze noise impacts originating from the construction of Coral Mountain Specific Plan, noise from construction activities are typically evaluated against standards established under a City’s Municipal Code. The Municipal Code noise standards for construction are described below for the City of La Quinta to determine the potential noise impacts at nearby receiver locations. To control noise impacts associated with the construction of the proposed Project, the City has established limits to the hours of operation. The City of La Quinta Municipal Code, Section 6.08.050 indicates that construction, shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mondays to Fridays during the months of October to April, and to the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Mondays to Fridays during the months of May to September. All year, construction activities are limited to 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, with no activity allowed on Sundays. (14) However, the City’s General Plan and Municipal Code do not establish numeric maximum acceptable construction source noise levels at potentially affected receivers, which would allow for a quantified determination of what CEQA constitute s as the generation of noise levels in Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 15 excess of standards or as a substantial temporary or periodic noise increase, the following construction noise level thresholds are used in this noise study. To evaluate whether the Project will generate potentially s ignificant temporary construction noise levels at off-site sensitive receiver locations, a construction-related noise level threshold is adopted from the Criteria for Recommended Standard: Occupational Noise Exposure prepared by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). (15) A division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NIOSH identifies a noise level threshold based on the duration of exposure to the source. The construction related noise level threshold starts at 85 dBA for more than eight hours per day, and for every 3 dBA increase, the exposure time is cut in half. This results in noise level thresholds of 88 dBA for more than four hours per day, 92 dBA for more than one hour per day, 96 dBA for more than 30 minutes per day, and up to 100 dBA for more than 15 minutes per day. (15) For the purposes of this analysis, the lowest, more conservative construction noise level threshold of 85 dBA L eq is used as an acceptable threshold for construction noise at the nearby sensitive receiver locations. Since this construction-related noise level threshold represents the energy average of the noise source over a given time, they are expressed as Leq noise levels. Therefore, the noise level threshold of 85 dBA Leq over a period of eight hours or more is used to evaluate the potential Project-related construction noise level impacts at the nearby sensitive receiver locations. 3.6 CONSTRUCTION VIBRATION STANDARDS Since the City of La Quinta does not identify specific construction vibration level standards, the County of Riverside General Plan Noise Element Policy N 16.3 vibration standards are used in this noise study. Policy N 16.3 identifies a motion velocity perception threshold for vibration due to passing trains of 0.01 inches per second (in/sec) over the range of one to 100 Hz. (16) For the purposes of this analysis, the perception threshold of 0.01 in/sec shall be used to a ssess the potential impacts due to Project construction at nearby sensitive receiver locations. Typically, the human response at the perception threshold for vibration includes annoyance in residential areas as previously shown on Exhibit 2-C, when vibration levels expressed in vibration decibels (VdB) approach 75 VdB. The County of Riverside, however, identifies a vibration perception threshold of 0.01 in/sec. For vibration levels expressed in velocity, the human body responds to the average vibration amplitude often described as the root-mean-square (RMS). The RMS of a signal is the average of the squared amplitude of the signal, typically calculated over a one-second period. As with airborne sound, the RMS velocity is often expressed in decibel notation as vibration decibels (VdB), which serves to reduce the range of numbers used to describe human response to vibration. Therefore, the County of Riverside vibration standard of 0.01 in/sec in RMS velocity levels is used in this analysis to assess the human perception of vibration levels due to Project-related construction activities. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 16 This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 17 4 SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA The following significance criteria are based on currently adopted guidance provided by Appendix G of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. (1) For the purposes of this report, impacts would be potentially significant if the Project results in or causes: A. Generation of a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? B. Generation of excessive ground-borne vibration or ground-borne noise levels? C. For a project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip or an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? While the City of La Quinta General Plan provide direction on noise compatibility and establish noise standards by land use type that are sufficient to assess the significance of noise impacts, they do not define the levels at which increases are considered substantial for use under Significance Criteria A. CEQA Appendix G Significance Criteria C applies to nearby public and private airports, if any, and the Project’s land use compatibility. 4.1 CEQA GUIDELINES NOT FURTHER ANALYZED The Project site is located roughly 19 miles southeast of Palm Springs International Airport, and five miles west of the Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport. Therefore, the Project site is not located within two miles of a public airport or the vicinity of a private airstrip, and as such, no impact related to the exposure of people residing or working in the Project area to excessive airport related noise levels is anticipated. 4.2 NOISE-SENSITIVE RECEIVERS Noise level increases resulting from the Project are evaluated ba sed on the Appendix G CEQA Guidelines described above at the closest sensitive receiver locations. Under CEQA, consideration must be given to the magnitude of the increase, the existing ambient noise le vels, and the location of noise-sensitive receivers to determine if a noise increase represents a significant adverse environmental impact. Unfortunately, there is no completely satisfactory way to measure the subjective effects of noise or of the corresponding human reactions of annoyance and dissatisfaction. This is primarily because of the wide variation in individual thresholds of annoyance and differing individual experiences with noise. Thus, an important way of determining a person’s subjective reaction to a new noise is the comparison of it to the existing environment to which one has adapted—the so-called ambient environment. In general, the more a new noise exceeds the previously existing ambient noise level, the less acceptable the new noise will typically be judged. The Federal Interagency Comm ittee on Noise (FICON) (17) developed guidance to be used for the assessment of project-generated increases in noise levels that consider the ambient noise level. The FICON recommendations are based on Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 18 studies that relate aircraft noise levels to the percentage of persons highly annoyed by aircraft noise. Although the FICON recommendations were specifically developed to assess aircraft noise impacts, these recommendations are often used in environmental noise impact assessment s involving the use of cumulative noise exposure metrics, such as the average -daily noise level (CNEL) and equivalent continuous noise level (Leq). For example, if the ambient noise environment is quiet (<60 dBA) and the new noise source greatly increases the noise levels, an impact may occur if the noise criteria may be exceeded. Therefore, for this analysis, FICON identifies a readily perceptible 5 dBA or greater project-related noise level increase is considered a significant impact when the noise criteria for a given land use is exceeded. Per the FICON, in areas where the without project noise levels range from 60 to 65 dBA, a 3 dBA barely perceptible noise level increase appears to be appropriate for most people. When the without project noise levels already exceed 65 dBA, any increase in community noise louder than 1.5 dBA or greater is considered a significant impact if the noise criteria for a given land use is exceeded, since it likely contributes to an existing noise exposure exceedance. Table 4-1 below provides a summary of the potential noise impact significance criteria, based on guidance from FICON. TABLE 4-1: SIGNIFICANCE OF NOISE IMPACTS AT NOISE-SENSITIVE RECEIVERS Without Project Noise Level Potential Significant Impact < 60 dBA 5 dBA or more 60 - 65 dBA 3 dBA or more > 65 dBA 1.5 dBA or more Federal Interagency Committee on Noise (FICON), 1992. 4.3 SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA SUMMARY Noise impacts shall be considered significant if any of the following occur as a direct result of the proposed development. The significance criteria is shown on Table 4-2. OFF-SITE TRAFFIC NOISE • When the noise levels at existing and future noise-sensitive land uses (e.g. residential, etc.): o are less than 60 dBA CNEL and the Project creates a readily perceptible 5 dBA CNEL or greater Project-related noise level increase; or o range from 60 to 65 dBA CNEL and the Project creates a barely perceptible 3 dBA CNEL or greater Project-related noise level increase; or o already exceed 65 dBA CNEL, and the Project creates a community noise level increase of greater than 1.5 dBA CNEL (FICON, 1992). ON-SITE TRAFFIC NOISE • If the on-site exterior noise levels exceed 65 dBA CNEL at the private outdoor living areas of residential homes, or common outdoor areas at hotel uses. Interior noise levels shall not exceed 45 dBA CNEL for residential homes and the hotel building (City of La Quinta Municipal Code, Ordinance 550, Section 9.100.210 (B) & General Plan Noise Element Policy N-1.2). Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 19 OPERATIONAL NOISE • If Project-related operational (stationary-source) noise levels: o exceed the exterior 65 dBA Leq daytime or 50 dBA Leq nighttime noise level standards for residential and hotel land uses. (City of La Quinta Municipal Code, Ordinance 550, Section 9.100.210 (B) & (C)); • If the existing ambient noise levels at the nearby noise-sensitive receivers near the Project site: o are less than 60 dBA Leq and the Project creates a readily perceptible 5 dBA Leq or greater Project-related noise level increase; or o range from 60 to 65 dBA Leq and the Project creates a barely perceptible 3 dBA Leq or greater Project-related noise level increase; or o already exceed 65 dBA Leq, and the Project creates a community noise level increase of greater than 1.5 dBA Leq (FICON, 1992). CONSTRUCTION NOISE & VIBRATION • If Project-related construction activities create noise levels which exceed the 85 dBA Leq acceptable noise level threshold at the nearby sensitive receiver locations (NIOSH, Criteria for Recommended Standard: Occupational Noise Exposure). • If short-term Project generated construction vibration levels exceed the County of Riverside vibration standard of 0.01 in/sec RMS at sensitive receiver locations (County of Riverside General Plan Noise Element, Policy N 16.3). TABLE 4-2: SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA SUMMARY Analysis Receiving Land Use Condition(s) Significance Criteria Daytime Nighttime Off-Site Traffic Noise1 Noise- Sensitive If ambient is < 60 dBA CNEL ≥ 5 dBA CNEL Project increase If ambient is 60 - 65 dBA CNEL ≥ 3 dBA CNEL Project increase If ambient is > 65 dBA CNEL ≥ 1.5 dBA CNEL Project increase On-Site Traffic Noise Exterior Noise Level Criteria 65 dBA CNEL Interior Noise Level Standard 45 dBA CNEL Operational Noise3 Exterior Noise Level Standards See Table 3-1. if ambient is < 60 dBA Leq ≥ 5 dBA Leq Project increase if ambient is 60 - 65 dBA Leq ≥ 3 dBA Leq Project increase if ambient is > 65 dBA Leq ≥ 1.5 dBA Leq Project increase Construction4 Noise Level Threshold 85 dBA Leq n/a Vibration Level Threshold 0.01 in/sec RMS n/a 1 Source: FICON, 1992. 2 Sources: City of La Quinta General Plan Noise Element & California Building Code. 3 Sources: City of La Quinta Municipal Code, Section 6.08.050 (Appendix 3.1) and FICON guidance. 4 Sources: NIOSH, Criteria for Recommended Standard: Occupational Noise Exposure and County of Riverside General Plan Noise Element, Policy 16.3. "Daytime" = 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; "Nighttime" = 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.; "n/a" = No nighttime construction activity is permitted, so no nighttime construction noise level limits are identified; "RMS" = root-mean-square Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 20 This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 21 5 EXISTING NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS To assess the existing noise level environment, 24-hour noise level measurements were taken at ten locations in the Project study area. The receiver locations were selected to describe and document the existing noise environment within the Project study area. Exhibit 5-A provides the boundaries of the Project study area and the noise level measurement locations. To fully describe the existing noise conditions, noise level measurements were collected by Urban Crossroads, Inc. on Wednesday October 16th, 2019. Appendix 5.1 includes study area photos. 5.1 MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE AND CRITERIA To describe the existing noise environment, the hourly noise levels were measured during typical weekday conditions over a 24-hour period. By collecting individual hourly noise level measurements, it is possible to describe the daytime and nighttime hourly noise levels and calculate the 24-hour CNEL. The long-term noise readings were recorded using Piccolo Type 2 integrating sound level meter and dataloggers. The Piccolo sound level meters were calibrated using a Larson-Davis calibrator, Model CAL 150. All noise meters were programmed in "slow" mode to record noise levels in "A" weighted form. The sound level meters and microphones were equipped with a windscreen during all measurements. All noise level measurement equipment satisfies the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard specifications for sound level meters ANSI S1.4-2014/IEC 61672-1:2013. (18) 5.2 NOISE MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS The long-term noise level measurements were positioned as close to the nearest sensitive receiver locations as possible to assess the existing ambient hourly noise levels surrounding the Project site. Both Caltrans and the FTA recognize that it is not reasonable to collect noise level measurements that can fully represent every part of a private yard, patio, deck, or balcony normally used for human activity when estimating impacts for new development projects. This is demonstrated in the Caltrans general site location guidelines which indicate that, sites must be free of noise contamination by sources other than sources of interest. Avoid sites located near sources such as barking dogs, lawnmowers, pool pumps, and air conditioners unless it is the express intent of the analyst to measure these sources. (4) Further, FTA guidance states, that it is not necessary nor recommended that existing noise exposure be determined by measuring at every noise-sensitive location in the project area. Rather, the recommended approach is to characterize the noise environment for clusters of sites based on measurements or estimates at representative locations in the community. (11) Based on recommendations of Caltrans and the FTA, it is not necessary to collect measurements at each individual building or residence, because each receiver measurement represents a group of buildings that share acoustical equivalence. (11) In other words, the area represented by the receiver shares similar shielding, terrain, and geometric relationship to the reference noise source. Receivers represent a location of noise sensitive areas and are used to estimate the future noise level impacts. Collecting reference ambient noise level measurements at the nearby sensitive receiver locations allows for a comparison of the before and after Project noise levels Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 22 and is necessary to assess potential noise impacts due to the Project’s contribution to the ambient noise levels. 5.3 NOISE MEASUREMENT RESULTS The noise measurements presented below focus on the average or equivalent sound levels (Leq). The equivalent sound level (Leq) represents a steady state sound level containing the same total energy as a time varying signal over a given sample period. Table 5-1 identifies the hourly daytime (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) and nighttime (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) noise levels at each noise level measurement location. Additional median noise levels (L₅₀) are provided on Table 5- 1 consistent with the City of La Quinta Municipal Code exterior noise level standards. Appendix 5.2 provides a summary of the existing hourly ambient noise levels described below: • Location L1 represents the noise located on 58th Avenue in front of entrance to Coral Mountain and west of Salida del Sol. The noise levels at this location consist primarily of traffic noise from 58th Avenue and background residential land use noise source activities. The noise level measurements collected show an overall 24-hour exterior noise level of 58.5 dBA CNEL. The energy (logarithmic) average daytime noise level was calculated at 54.2 dBA L eq with an average nighttime noise level of 51.5 dBA Leq. • Location L2 represents the noise levels on 58th Avenue south of a single-family residential home at 57925 Barristo Circle. The noise levels at this location consist primarily of traffic noise from 58th Avenue and background residential land use noise source activities. The noise level measurements collected show an overall 24-hour exterior noise level of 67.6 dBA CNEL. The energy (logarithmic) average daytime noise level was calculated at 62.5 dBA L eq with an average nighttime noise level of 60.7 dBA Leq. • Location L3 represents the noise levels located northeast of Madison Street and 58th Avenue adjacent to wall enclosing golf course. The noise levels at this location consist primarily of traffic noise from 58th Avenue and Madison Street. The noise level measurements collected show an overall 24-hour exterior noise level of 63.6 dBA CNEL. The energy (logarithmic) average daytime noise level was calculated at 61.2 dBA Leq with an average nighttime noise level of 55.6 dBA Leq. • Location L4 represents the noise levels southeast of Madison Street and 58th Avenue. The noise level measurements collected show an overall 24-hour exterior noise level of 60.1 dBA CNEL. The energy (logarithmic) average daytime noise level was calculated at 54.5 dBA L eq with an average nighttime noise level of 53.2 dBA Leq. The noise levels at this location consist primarily of traffic noise from Street and 58th Avenue • Location L5 represents the noise levels south of 58th Avenue outside northwest corner of the Analusia Country Club. The 24-hour CNEL indicates that the overall exterior noise level is 63.3 dBA CNEL. The energy (logarithmic) average daytime noise level was calculated at 59.7 dBA Leq with an average nighttime noise level of 56.1 dBA Leq. Noise levels at this location are primarily due to traffic from Madison Street, 58th Avenue, and background residential land use activities. • Location L6 represents the noise levels on Calle Conchita southeast of an existing single-family residential home at 80900 Calle Conchita. Noise levels at this location are primarily from traffic on Madison Street. The noise level measurements collected show an overall 24-hour Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 23 exterior noise level of 63.0 dBA CNEL. The energy (logarithmic) average daytime noise level was calculated at 58.7 dBA Leq with an average nighttime noise level of 55.8 dBA Leq. • Location L7 represents noise levels on 60th Avenue north of gated entrance to a future single- family residential community. The noise level measurements collected show an overall 24- hour exterior noise level of 63.1 dBA CNEL. The energy (logarithmic) average daytime noise level was calculated at 57.9 dBA Leq with an average nighttime noise level of 56.1 dBA Leq. The noise levels at this location primarily consist of traffic on 60th Ave. and background residential land use. • Location L8 represents noise levels on the western end of 60th Avenue south of an existing single-family residential home at 80800 60th Avenue. Noise levels at this location are primarily from background residential use. The noise level measurements collected show an overall 24-hour exterior noise level of 47.3 dBA CNEL. The energy (logarithmic) average daytime noise level was calculated at 43.8 dBA Leq with an average nighttime noise level of 39.9 dBA Leq. • Location L9 represents noise levels on Jefferson Street north of Quarry Lane. Noise levels at this location are primarily from traffic on Jefferson Street. The noise level measurements collected show an overall 24-hour exterior noise level of 56.0 dBA CNEL. The energy (logarithmic) average daytime noise level was calculated at 51.7 dBA Leq with an average nighttime noise level of 48.9 dBA Leq. • Location L10 represents the noise levels on 58th Avenue. east of 58th Avenue. and Stone Creek Way intersection. Noise levels at this location primarily consist of traffic on 58th Avenue. The noise level measurements collected show an overall 24-hour exterior noise level of 63.3 dBA CNEL. The energy (logarithmic) average daytime noise level was calculated at 61.9 dBA Leq with an average nighttime noise level of 54.2 dBA Leq. Table 5-1 provides the (energy average) noise levels used to describe the daytime and nighttime ambient conditions. These daytime and nighttime energy average noise levels represent the average of all hourly noise levels observed during these time periods expressed as a single number. Appendix 5.2 provides summary worksheets of the noise levels for each hour as well as the minimum, maximum, L1, L2, L5, L8, L25, L50, L90, L95, and L99 percentile noise levels observed during the daytime and nighttime periods. The background ambient noise levels in the Project study area are dominated by the transportation-related noise associated with the arterial roadway network. The 24-hour existing noise level measurements shown on Table 5-1 present the existing ambient noise conditions. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 24 TABLE 5-1: 24-HOUR AMBIENT NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS Location1 Description Energy Average Noise Level (dBA Leq)2 CNEL Daytime Nighttime L1 Located on 58th Ave. in front of entrance to Coral Mountain and west of Salida del Sol. 54.2 51.5 58.5 L2 Located on 58th Ave. south of home at 57925 Barristo Cir. 62.5 60.7 67.6 L3 Located northeast of Madison St. and 58th Ave. adjacent to wall enclosing golf course. 61.2 55.6 63.6 L4 Located on the southeast corner of 58th Ave, and Madison St. 54.5 53.2 60.1 L5 Located south of 58th Ave. outside northwest corner of the Analusia Country Club. 59.7 56.1 63.3 L6 Located on Calle Conchita southeast of home at 80900 Calle Conchita. 58.7 55.8 63.0 L7 Located on 60th Ave. north of gated entrance to single family homes. 57.9 56.1 63.1 L8 Located towards the western end of 60th Ave. south of home at 80800 60th Ave. 43.8 39.9 47.3 L9 Located on Jefferson St. north of Quarry Ln. 51.7 48.9 56.0 L10 Located on 58th Ave. slightly east of 58th Ave. and Stone Creek Way intersection. 61.9 54.2 63.3 1 See Exhibit 5-A for the noise level measurement locations. 2 Energy (logarithmic) average levels. The long-term 24-hour measurement worksheets are included in Appendix 5.2. "Daytime" = 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; "Nighttime" = 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 25 EXHIBIT 5-A: NOISE MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 26 This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 27 6 METHODS AND PROCEDURES The following section outlines the methods and procedures used to model and analyze the future traffic noise environment. 6.1 FHWA TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL The expected roadway noise level increases from vehicular traffic were calculated using a computer program that replicates the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Traffic Noise Prediction Model- FHWA-RD-77-108. (19) The FHWA Model arrives at a predicted noise level through a series of adjustments to the Reference Energy Mean Emission Level (REMEL). In California the national REMELs are substituted with the California Vehicle Noise (Ca lveno) Emission Levels. (20) Adjustments are then made to the REMEL to account for: the roadway classification (e.g., collector, secondary, major or arterial), the roadway active width (i.e., the distance between the center of the outermost travel lanes on each side of the roadway), the total average daily traffic (ADT), the travel speed, the percentages of automobiles, medium trucks, and heavy trucks in the traffic volume, the roadway grade, the angle of view (e.g., whether th e roadway view is blocked), the site conditions ("hard" or "soft" relates to the ab sorption of the ground, pavement, or landscaping), and the percentage of total ADT which flows each hour throughout a 24-hour period. Research conducted by Caltrans has shown that the use of soft site conditions is appropriate for the application of the F HWA traffic noise prediction model used in this analysis. (21) This methodology is consistent with the County of Riverside Office of Industrial Hygiene Requirements for Determining and Mitigating Traffic Noise Impacts to Residential Structures, which specifically requires the FHWA RD-77-108 model to be used in analysis within the County’s jurisdiction. (22) 6.1.1 OFF-SITE TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL INPUTS Table 6-1 presents the roadway parameters used to assess the Project’s off-site transportation noise impacts. Table 6-1 identifies the 29 study area roadway segments, the distance from the centerline to adjacent land use based on the functional roadway classifications per the City of La Quinta General Plan Circulation Element, and the posted vehicle speeds . Consistent with Coral Mountain Specific Plan Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Urban Crossroads, Inc. (2) the off-site traffic noise analysis maintains a peak hour to average daily traffic (peak-to-daily) relationship of approximately 9.30% and includes the following traffic scenarios. • Existing (2019) • Existing Plus Project (E+P) • Existing Plus Ambient Growth Plus Project (EAP) • Existing Plus Ambient Growth Plus Cumulative Projects without and with Project for each of the following phases (EAC and EAPC): o Project Phase 1 (2021) o Project Phase 2 (2023) Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 28 o Project Buildout (Phase 3, 2026) o Project Buildout (Phase 3, 2026) – Special Event • General Plan buildout (2040) Without Project Conditions – establishes future year baseline to evaluate the proposed Project • General Plan buildout (2040) With Project Conditions – represents future year baseline traffic conditions with the proposed Project The average daily traffic (ADT) volumes used for this study are presented on Table 6 -2. Table 6- 3 provides the time of day (daytime, evening, and nighttime) vehicle splits and Table 6-4 presents the traffic flow distributions (vehicle mix) used for this analysis. The vehicle mix provides the hourly distribution percentages of automobile, medium trucks, and heavy trucks for input into the FHWA noise prediction model. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 29 TABLE 6-1: OFF-SITE ROADWAY PARAMETERS ID Roadway Segment Location Adjacent Land Use1 Roadway Classification2 Distance From Centerline To Nearest Adjacent Land Use (Feet)2 Vehicle Speed (mph)3 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 City of La Quinta GC/LDR Major Arterial 64' 55 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 City of La Quinta LDR/MHR/OS/GC Major Arterial 64' 55 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 City of La Quinta MHR/OS Major Arterial 64' 55 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 City of La Quinta Festival District Primary Arterial 54' 50 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 City of La Quinta LDR Primary Arterial 54' 50 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 City of La Quinta LDR Primary Arterial 54' 50 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. City of La Quinta LDR/OS Primary Arterial 54' 50 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 City of La Quinta LDR/OS Primary Arterial 54' 50 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 City of La Quinta LDR/GC Secondary Arterial 51' 45 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 City of Indio LDR Boulevard 64' 50 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 City of Indio LDR Boulevard 64' 50 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 City of La Quinta LDR Primary Arterial 54' 50 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. City of La Quinta LDR Primary Arterial 54' 50 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 City of La Quinta LDR/GC Primary Arterial 54' 50 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 City of La Quinta LDR/GC Primary Arterial 54' 50 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. City of La Quinta LDR/GC Primary Arterial 54' 50 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. City of La Quinta LDR/GC Primary Arterial 54' 50 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. City of Indio LDR Boulevard 64' 50 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. City of La Quinta GC/OS Primary Arterial 54' 50 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. City of La Quinta LDR/MHR/GC/OS Primary Arterial 54' 50 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. City of La Quinta LDR/MHR/OS Primary Arterial 54' 50 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. City of La Quinta LDR/OS Primary Arterial 54' 50 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. City of La Quinta LDR/MHR Secondary Arterial 51' 45 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. City of La Quinta LDR/MCF Secondary Arterial 51' 45 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 30 ID Roadway Segment Location Adjacent Land Use1 Roadway Classification2 Distance From Centerline To Nearest Adjacent Land Use (Feet)2 Vehicle Speed (mph)3 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. Riverside County LDR Major 59' 50 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. Riverside County LDR Major 59' 50 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. City of La Quinta LDR Collector 40' 40 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. City of La Quinta LDR/MHR/OS Secondary Arterial 51' 45 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. Riverside County LDR/MHR Arterial 64' 50 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 Distance to adjacent land use based on the right-of-way distances for each functional roadway classification provided in the General Plan Circulation Element. 3 Source: The Wave-Coral Mountain Traffic Impact Analysis, Urban Crossroads, Inc. "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space TABLE 6-2: AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC VOLUMES ID Roadway Segment Average Daily Traffic (1,000's)1 Existing 2019 EA EAC 2021 EAC 2023 EAC 2026 EACSE 2026 General Plan No Project With Project No Project With Project No Project With Project No Project With Project No Project With Project No Project With Project No Project With Project 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 22.8 23.3 28.2 28.7 32.0 32.1 33.8 33.9 36.5 37.0 36.5 37.0 51.5 52.0 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 16.2 16.9 19.4 20.1 22.9 23.0 24.0 24.1 25.8 26.5 25.8 26.5 34.3 35.0 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 12.7 13.6 16.3 17.2 18.4 18.6 19.8 20.0 21.7 22.5 21.7 22.6 32.2 33.0 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 5.9 6.4 9.0 9.5 8.2 8.3 9.1 9.2 10.8 11.3 10.8 11.3 22.5 23.0 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 6.9 7.7 11.3 12.1 9.4 9.5 10.9 11.0 13.3 14.0 13.3 14.0 32.3 33.0 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 4.5 5.8 7.5 8.8 7.5 7.8 8.6 8.9 10.4 11.7 10.4 11.8 23.7 25.0 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. 9.4 11.9 15.2 17.7 13.8 14.4 15.3 16.0 18.2 20.7 18.2 21.0 42.5 45.0 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 6.7 9.7 10.7 13.7 11.3 12.1 12.3 13.3 14.3 17.4 14.3 18.0 31.0 34.0 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 2.8 3.9 5.1 6.2 4.7 5.0 5.4 5.8 6.6 7.6 6.6 7.9 19.0 20.0 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 9.6 10.1 10.2 10.7 12.8 12.9 13.2 13.3 13.8 14.3 13.8 14.3 15.1 15.6 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 31 ID Roadway Segment Average Daily Traffic (1,000's)1 Existing 2019 EA EAC 2021 EAC 2023 EAC 2026 EACSE 2026 General Plan No Project With Project No Project With Project No Project With Project No Project With Project No Project With Project No Project With Project No Project With Project 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 7.5 8.2 9.7 10.4 10.7 10.8 11.7 11.8 13.1 13.8 13.1 13.8 19.3 20.0 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 5.1 5.9 8.9 9.7 8.5 8.6 10.3 10.4 12.9 13.6 12.9 13.6 31.3 32.0 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. 3.9 4.6 7.6 8.3 6.8 6.9 9.2 9.3 12.6 13.3 12.6 13.3 34.3 35.0 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 3.4 4.4 6.1 7.1 6.7 6.9 9.0 9.3 12.0 13.1 12.0 13.2 24.9 26.0 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 2.7 2.9 5.2 5.4 6.4 6.4 9.2 9.2 12.6 12.8 12.6 12.9 26.8 27.0 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. 12.9 13.4 13.0 13.5 16.7 16.8 16.8 16.9 17.0 17.5 17.0 17.5 17.2 17.7 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. 11.2 11.4 14.6 14.8 14.6 14.6 15.7 15.7 17.4 17.6 17.4 17.7 27.8 28.0 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. 9.3 9.5 11.9 12.1 11.1 11.1 11.9 11.9 13.3 13.5 13.3 13.6 20.8 21.0 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. 7.9 8.3 11.2 11.6 11.5 11.6 12.6 12.7 14.2 14.6 14.2 14.6 25.7 26.0 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. 8.6 9.5 12.8 13.7 10.9 11.1 12.4 12.6 14.7 15.5 14.7 15.6 30.2 31.0 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. 5.3 5.6 7.7 8.0 6.5 6.6 7.7 7.8 9.3 9.7 9.3 9.7 17.7 18.0 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. 2.0 2.3 4.0 4.3 2.9 3.0 3.5 3.6 4.4 4.8 4.4 4.8 16.7 17.0 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. 1.6 2.2 2.8 3.4 4.8 5.1 5.0 5.5 5.7 6.2 5.7 6.7 11.9 12.5 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. 2.3 4.1 3.8 5.6 4.8 5.3 5.2 5.8 5.9 7.8 5.9 8.2 12.2 14.0 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. 1.8 2.7 3.8 4.7 2.7 2.9 3.6 3.8 4.9 5.7 4.9 5.8 18.2 19.0 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. 1.4 2.0 2.6 3.2 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.3 3.9 3.3 4.0 9.4 10.0 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. 0.1 1.3 0.6 1.8 0.7 0.9 0.8 1.0 1.1 2.3 1.1 2.3 20.8 22.0 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. 3.2 4.5 6.0 7.3 4.7 5.1 5.4 5.9 6.9 8.2 6.9 8.5 22.7 24.0 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. 1.2 1.9 2.5 3.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.1 5.7 6.4 5.7 6.6 14.3 15.0 1 Source: Coral Mountain Specific Plan Traffic Impact Analysis, Urban Crossroads, Inc. "EA" = Existing plus Ambient Growth; "EAC" = EA plus Cumulative; "EACSE"= EAC Special Event Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 32 TABLE 6-3: TIME OF DAY VEHICLE SPLITS Vehicle Type Time of Day Splits1 Total of Time of Day Splits Daytime Evening Nighttime Autos 77.50% 12.90% 9.60% 100.00% Medium Trucks 84.80% 4.90% 10.30% 100.00% Heavy Trucks 86.50% 2.70% 10.80% 100.00% 1 Source: Typical Southern California vehicle mix. "Daytime" = 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; "Evening" = 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.; "Nighttime" = 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. TABLE 6-4: DISTRIBUTION OF TRAFFIC FLOW BY VEHICLE TYPE (VEHICLE MIX) Classification Total % Traffic Flow Total Autos Medium Trucks Heavy Trucks All Roadways1 97.42% 1.84% 0.74% 100.00% 1 Source: Typical Southern California vehicle mix and the County of Riverside Office of Industrial Hygiene. 6.1.2 ON-SITE TRAFFIC NOISE PREDICTION MODEL INPUTS The on-site roadway parameters including the average daily traffic (ADT) volumes used for this study are presented on Table 6-5. To predict the future on-site noise environment at the Project site, parameters including the number of lanes and daily volume thresholds were obtained from the City of La Quinta General Plan Transportation Element and Coral Mountain Specific Plan Traffic Impact Analysis. For the purposes of this analysis, soft site conditions were used to analyze the on-site traffic noise impacts for the Project study area. Soft site conditions account for the sound propagation loss over natural surfaces such as normal earth and ground vegetation. Research by Caltrans has shown that the use of soft site conditions is appropriate for the application of the FHWA traffic noise prediction model used in this analysis. (21) TABLE 6-5: ON-SITE ROADWAY PARAMETERS Roadway Lanes Classification1 Average Daily Traffic Volume1 Speed Limit (mph)2 Site Conditions Avenue 58 4 Secondary Arterial 12,500 45 Soft Madison Street 4 Secondary Arterial 20,000 45 Soft 1 Source: The Wave at Coral Mountain Traffic Impact Analysis General Plan Buildout (2040) 2 Posted speed limit. The site plan is used to identify the relationship between the roadway centerline elevation, the pad elevation and the centerline distance to any intervening noise barriers, and the building façade. The exterior noise level impacts were placed five feet above the finished floor elevation at the outdoor living areas and proposed building façades. Second-floor receivers were located 14 feet above the finished floor elevation. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 33 6.2 VIBRATION ASSESSMENT This analysis focuses on the potential ground-borne vibration associated with vehicular traffic and construction activities. Ground-borne vibration levels from automobile traffic are generally overshadowed by vibration generated by heavy trucks that roll over the same uneven roadway surfaces. However, due to the rapid drop -off rate of ground-borne vibration and the short duration of the associated events, vehicular traffic-induced ground-borne vibration is rarely perceptible beyond the roadway right-of-way, and rarely results in vibration levels that cause damage to buildings in the vicinity. However, while vehicular traffic is rarely perceptible, construction has the potential to resu lt in varying degrees of temporary ground vibration, depending on the specific construction activities and equipment used. Ground vibration levels associated with various types of construction equipment are summarized on Table 6-6. Based on the representative vibration levels presented for various construction equipment types, it is possible to estimate the potential Project construction vibration levels using the following vibration assessment methods defined by the FTA. The FTA provides the following equation: PPVequip = PPVref x (25/D)1.5 TABLE 6-6: VIBRATION SOURCE LEVELS FOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Equipment PPV (in/sec) at 25 feet Small bulldozer 0.003 Jackhammer 0.035 Loaded Trucks 0.076 Large bulldozer 0.089 Source: Federal Transit Administration, Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 34 This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 35 7 OFF-SITE TRANSPORTATION NOISE IMPACTS To assess the off-site transportation CNEL noise level impacts associated with development of the proposed Project, noise contours were developed based on Coral Mountain Specific Plan Traffic Impact Analysis. (2) Noise contour boundaries represent the equal levels of noise exposure and are measured in CNEL from the center of the roadway. Noise contours were developed for the following traffic scenarios: • Existing Without / With Project: This scenario refers to the existing present-day 2019 noise conditions, without and with the development of the full Project (Phase 3). The Existing With Project scenario will not actually occur since the Project would not be fully constructed and operational until Phase 3 2026 conditions. • Existing plus Ambient (EA) Without / With Project: This scenario refers to the existing present- day 2019 noise conditions plus the estimated 7 years of background growth in ambient traff ic conditions without and with the development of the full Project (Phase 3). • Existing plus Ambient plus Cumulative (EAC) 2021 Without / With Project: This scenario refers to the existing plus ambient plus cumulative noise conditions at 2021 without and with the proposed Project Phase 1. Project Phase 1 includes the 12-acre wave basin facility, a 150-key hotel, 96 multifamily attached dwelling units, 26 single family detached dwelling units, and 10,000 square feet of retail • Existing plus Ambient plus Cumulative (EAC) 2023 Without / With Project: This scenario refers to the existing plus ambient plus cumulative noise conditions at 2023 without and with the proposed Project Phase 2. In addition, to Project Phase 1, Project Phase 2 includes an additional 25,000 square feet of retail for a total of 12-acre wave basin facility, a 150-key hotel, 104 multifamily attached dwelling units, 26 single family detached dwelling units, and 35,000 square feet of retail • Existing plus Ambient plus Cumulative (EAC) 2026 Without / With Project: This scenario refers to the existing plus ambient plus cumulative noise conditions at 2026 without and with the proposed Project Phase 3. In addition, to Project Phase 1 and 2, Project Phase 3 includes an additional 25,000 square feet of retail and 470 single family detached dwelling units for a total of 12-acre wave basin facility, a 150-key hotel, 104 multifamily attached dwelling units, 496 single family detached dwelling units, 60,000 square feet of retail. • Existing plus Ambient plus Cumulative (EAC) 2026 Special Events: This scenario refers to the existing plus ambient plus cumulative plus special events noise conditions at 2026 with the proposed Project Phase 3. The applicant anticipates the potential occurrence of special events at this location involving attendance of not-to-exceed 2,500 guests per day arriving or departing on Saturdays (up to 4 events per year). • General Plan (GP) 2040 Without / With Project: This scenario refers to the future General Plan buildout conditions at Year 2040 without and with the proposed Project. This scenario represents buildout of the General Plan land use and includes all cumulative projects identified in the Traffic Impact Analysis. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 36 7.1 TRAFFIC NOISE CONTOURS Noise contours were used to assess the Project's incremental traffic-related noise impacts at land uses adjacent to roadways conveying Project traffic. The noise contours represent the distance to noise levels of a constant value and are measured from the center of the roadway for th e 70, 65, and 60 dBA noise levels. The noise contours do not consider the effect of any existing noise barriers or topography that may attenuate ambient noise levels. In addition, because the noise contours reflect modeling of vehicular noise on area roadways, they appropriately do not reflect noise Increase from the surrounding stationary noise sources within the Project study area. Tables 7-1 and 7-14 present a summary of the exterior traffic noise levels for each traffic condition. Appendix 7.1 includes the traffic noise level contours worksheets for each traffic condition. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 37 TABLE 7-1: EXISTING 2019 WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 71.8 85 182 393 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 70.3 67 145 313 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 69.3 57 123 266 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 65.6 28 59 128 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 66.3 31 66 142 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 64.4 23 50 107 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 67.6 38 81 175 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 66.2 30 65 139 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 61.5 14 30 64 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 66.2 36 77 166 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 65.1 30 65 141 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 65.0 25 54 116 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 63.8 21 45 97 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 63.2 19 41 89 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 62.2 16 35 76 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 69.0 46 100 216 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 68.4 42 91 196 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 66.1 35 75 162 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 66.9 33 72 155 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 67.3 35 76 165 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 65.2 26 55 119 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 60.9 13 29 62 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 59.1 10 20 44 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 60.6 12 26 56 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 59.4 12 25 54 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 58.3 10 21 45 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 46.9 1 2 5 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 62.1 15 33 70 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 57.3 9 20 42 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 38 TABLE 7-2: EXISTING 2019 WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 71.9 86 185 398 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 70.5 69 149 322 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 69.6 60 129 278 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 66.0 29 63 135 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 66.8 33 71 153 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 65.5 27 59 127 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 68.7 44 95 204 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 67.8 38 83 178 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 62.9 17 37 80 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 66.4 37 80 172 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 65.5 32 69 149 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 65.6 28 59 128 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 64.5 23 50 108 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 64.3 23 49 105 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 62.5 17 37 80 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 69.2 48 103 221 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 68.5 43 92 199 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 66.2 36 76 165 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 67.1 35 75 161 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 67.7 38 82 176 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 65.4 27 57 124 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 61.5 15 32 68 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 60.4 12 25 55 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 63.1 18 38 83 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 61.2 15 33 70 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 59.9 12 27 58 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 58.0 6 14 30 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 63.5 19 41 88 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 59.3 12 27 57 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 39 TABLE 7-3: EA WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 72.7 97 210 452 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 71.1 76 164 353 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 70.4 68 146 314 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 67.5 37 79 170 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 68.4 43 92 197 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 66.7 32 70 150 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 69.7 52 112 240 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 68.2 41 88 190 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 64.1 21 44 96 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 66.5 37 80 173 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 66.3 36 78 167 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 67.4 36 78 168 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 66.7 33 70 152 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 65.8 28 61 131 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 65.1 25 55 118 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 69.1 47 101 217 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 69.6 50 109 234 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 67.1 41 89 192 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 68.4 42 91 196 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 69.0 46 100 214 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 66.8 33 71 153 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 63.9 21 46 99 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 61.5 14 30 64 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 62.8 17 36 79 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 62.6 19 41 88 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 61.0 15 32 69 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 54.7 4 8 18 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 64.8 23 49 107 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 60.5 15 32 69 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 40 TABLE 7-4: EA WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 72.8 99 212 458 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 71.3 78 168 361 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 70.6 70 151 325 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 67.7 38 82 176 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 68.7 45 96 207 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 67.4 36 78 167 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 70.4 57 124 266 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 69.3 48 104 224 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 64.9 23 51 109 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 66.7 38 83 178 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 66.6 38 81 175 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 67.8 38 83 178 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 67.1 35 75 161 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 66.4 31 67 145 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 65.2 26 56 121 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 69.2 48 103 222 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 69.6 51 110 236 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 67.2 42 90 194 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 68.6 43 93 201 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 69.3 48 104 224 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 66.9 34 73 157 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 64.2 22 48 104 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 62.3 16 34 73 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 64.5 22 47 102 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 63.6 22 47 102 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 61.9 17 37 79 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 59.4 8 17 37 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 65.6 26 56 121 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 61.5 17 38 81 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 41 TABLE 7-5: EAC 2021 WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 73.3 106 228 492 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 71.8 85 183 394 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 70.9 73 158 340 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 67.1 34 74 159 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 67.6 38 81 175 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 66.7 32 70 150 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 69.3 49 105 225 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 68.4 43 92 197 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 63.7 19 42 91 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 67.5 43 93 201 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 66.7 38 83 178 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 67.2 35 76 163 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 66.2 30 65 141 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 66.2 30 65 139 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 66.0 29 63 135 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 70.1 55 119 256 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 69.6 50 109 234 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 66.8 39 85 183 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 68.5 43 93 200 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 68.3 42 89 193 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 66.0 29 63 137 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 62.5 17 37 80 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 63.8 20 43 92 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 63.8 20 43 92 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 61.2 15 33 70 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 60.1 13 28 60 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 55.3 4 9 20 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 63.7 19 42 91 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 62.9 22 47 100 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 42 TABLE 7-6: EAC 2021 WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 73.3 106 229 493 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 71.9 85 183 395 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 70.9 74 159 343 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 67.1 35 75 161 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 67.7 38 82 176 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 66.8 33 72 154 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 69.5 50 108 232 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 68.7 45 96 207 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 64.0 20 44 94 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 67.5 44 94 202 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 66.7 39 83 180 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 67.3 35 76 165 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 66.3 31 66 142 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 66.3 31 66 142 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 66.0 29 63 135 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 70.2 55 119 257 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 69.6 50 109 234 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 66.8 39 85 183 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 68.6 43 93 201 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 68.4 42 91 195 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 66.1 30 64 138 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 62.7 18 38 82 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 64.1 21 44 96 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 64.3 21 46 98 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 61.5 16 34 74 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 60.5 14 29 63 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 56.4 5 11 23 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 64.1 21 44 96 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 63.1 22 48 103 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 43 TABLE 7-7: EAC 2023 WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 73.5 110 237 510 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 72.0 88 189 406 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 71.2 77 166 357 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 67.5 37 79 171 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 68.3 42 89 193 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 67.3 35 76 165 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 69.8 52 112 242 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 68.8 45 97 209 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 64.3 21 46 99 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 67.6 44 95 205 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 67.1 41 88 189 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 68.0 40 86 186 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 67.6 37 80 172 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 67.5 37 79 170 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 67.6 37 80 172 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 70.2 55 119 257 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 69.9 53 114 246 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 67.1 41 89 192 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 68.9 46 99 212 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 68.8 45 97 210 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 66.8 33 71 153 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 63.4 19 42 90 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 64.0 20 44 94 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 64.2 21 45 97 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 62.4 18 40 85 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 60.8 14 31 67 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 55.9 5 10 21 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 64.3 21 46 99 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 63.3 23 49 106 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 44 TABLE 7-8: EAC 2023 WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 73.5 110 237 511 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 72.1 88 189 407 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 71.2 78 167 360 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 67.6 37 80 172 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 68.3 42 90 194 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 67.4 36 78 168 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 70.0 54 116 249 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 69.2 47 102 220 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 64.6 22 48 104 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 67.6 44 96 206 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 67.1 41 88 190 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 68.1 40 87 187 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 67.6 37 80 173 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 67.6 37 80 173 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 67.6 37 80 172 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 70.2 56 120 258 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 69.9 53 114 246 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 67.1 41 89 192 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 69.0 46 99 213 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 68.9 46 99 212 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 66.8 33 72 154 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 63.5 20 43 92 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 64.4 22 47 101 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 64.6 22 48 104 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 62.6 19 41 88 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 61.2 15 33 70 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 56.9 5 12 25 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 64.7 23 49 105 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 63.6 24 51 111 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 45 TABLE 7-9: EAC 2026 WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 73.9 116 249 537 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 72.4 92 198 426 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 71.6 82 176 380 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 68.2 41 89 191 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 69.2 47 102 220 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 68.1 40 87 187 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 70.5 58 126 271 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 69.5 50 107 231 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 65.2 24 53 113 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 67.8 46 98 211 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 67.6 44 95 204 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 69.0 46 100 216 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 68.9 46 99 212 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 68.7 44 95 205 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 68.9 46 99 212 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 70.2 56 120 259 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 70.3 57 122 263 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 67.6 44 96 206 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 69.4 50 107 230 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 69.6 51 109 235 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 67.6 37 80 173 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 64.3 23 49 105 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 64.6 22 48 103 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 64.7 23 49 105 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 63.7 23 49 105 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 62.0 17 37 81 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 57.3 6 12 26 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 65.4 25 54 117 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 64.0 26 55 119 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 46 TABLE 7-10: EAC 2026 WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 73.9 117 252 542 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 72.5 94 201 434 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 71.8 84 181 389 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 68.4 43 92 197 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 69.4 49 106 228 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 68.6 44 94 202 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 71.1 64 137 295 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 70.3 57 122 263 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 65.8 27 58 125 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 67.9 47 100 216 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 67.8 46 98 211 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 69.2 48 104 223 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 69.2 47 102 220 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 69.1 47 101 218 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 69.0 46 100 214 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 70.3 57 123 264 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 70.4 57 123 265 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 67.7 45 97 208 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 69.6 50 109 234 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 69.8 52 113 244 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 67.8 38 83 178 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 64.7 24 52 112 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 64.9 23 51 109 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 65.9 27 59 127 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 64.4 25 54 116 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 62.8 19 42 90 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 60.5 9 20 43 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 66.2 28 61 131 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 64.5 28 60 129 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 47 TABLE 7-11: EAC 2026 WITHOUT PROJECT WITHOUT SPECIAL EVENTS NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 73.9 116 249 537 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 72.4 92 198 426 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 71.6 82 176 380 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 68.2 41 89 191 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 69.2 47 102 220 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 68.1 40 87 187 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 70.5 58 126 271 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 69.5 50 107 231 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 65.2 24 53 113 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 67.8 46 98 211 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 67.6 44 95 204 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 69.0 46 100 216 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 68.9 46 99 212 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 68.7 44 95 205 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 68.9 46 99 212 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 70.2 56 120 259 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 70.3 57 122 263 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 67.6 44 96 206 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 69.4 50 107 230 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 69.6 51 109 235 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 67.6 37 80 173 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 64.3 23 49 105 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 64.6 22 48 103 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 64.7 23 49 105 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 63.7 23 49 105 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 62.0 17 37 81 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 57.3 6 12 26 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 65.4 25 54 117 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 64.0 26 55 119 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 48 TABLE 7-12: EAC 2026 WITH PROJECT WITH SPECIAL EVENTS NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 73.9 117 252 542 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 72.5 94 201 434 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 71.8 84 181 390 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 68.4 43 92 197 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 69.4 49 106 228 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 68.6 44 94 203 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 71.1 64 138 298 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 70.5 58 125 269 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 66.0 28 59 128 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 67.9 47 100 216 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 67.8 46 98 211 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 69.2 48 104 223 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 69.2 47 102 220 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 69.1 47 102 219 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 69.0 46 100 216 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 70.3 57 123 264 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 70.4 57 124 266 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 67.7 45 97 209 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 69.6 50 109 234 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 69.8 53 114 245 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 67.8 38 83 178 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 64.7 24 52 112 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 65.3 25 53 115 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 66.2 28 61 131 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 64.5 25 54 117 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 62.9 20 42 92 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 60.5 9 20 43 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 66.3 29 62 134 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 64.7 28 61 131 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 49 TABLE 7-13: GENERAL PLAN 2040 WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 75.4 146 314 676 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 73.6 111 239 515 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 73.3 106 229 494 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 71.4 67 145 312 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 73.0 86 185 398 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 71.7 70 150 323 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 74.2 103 222 477 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 72.8 83 180 387 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 69.8 49 107 230 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 68.2 48 104 224 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 69.2 57 123 264 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 72.9 84 181 389 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 73.3 89 192 414 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 71.9 72 155 334 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 72.2 76 163 351 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 70.3 56 121 261 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 72.4 77 167 360 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 69.6 60 129 278 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 72.0 74 158 341 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 72.7 82 176 380 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 70.4 57 124 266 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 70.1 55 119 256 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 67.8 36 78 168 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 67.9 37 79 171 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 69.4 54 117 251 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 66.6 35 75 162 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 70.1 40 87 188 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 70.6 56 120 259 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 68.0 47 102 220 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 50 TABLE 7-14: GENERAL PLAN 2040 WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS NOISE CONTOURS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Nearest Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Distance to Contour from Centerline (Feet) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 75.4 147 316 680 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 73.7 113 243 522 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 73.4 108 233 502 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 71.5 68 147 317 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 73.1 87 187 403 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 71.9 72 156 335 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 74.4 107 230 496 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 73.2 89 191 411 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 70.0 51 110 238 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 68.3 49 106 229 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 69.4 58 126 271 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 73.0 85 183 395 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 73.4 90 195 419 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 72.1 74 160 344 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 72.2 76 164 353 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 70.4 57 124 266 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 72.4 78 168 361 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 69.6 60 130 280 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 72.1 74 160 344 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 72.8 83 180 387 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 70.5 58 125 269 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 70.2 56 120 259 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 68.0 37 81 174 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 68.5 40 87 187 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 69.6 56 120 259 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 66.8 36 78 169 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 70.3 42 90 195 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 70.8 58 125 268 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 68.2 49 105 227 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the adjacent land use. "RW" = Location of the respective noise contour falls within the right-of-way of the road. "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 51 7.2 EXISTING CONDITIONS PROJECT TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL INCREASE This analysis relies on a comparative review of the off-site traffic noise level increases, without and with project ADT traffic volumes from the Project traffic study. Using the incremental off- site traffic noise significance criteria outlined in Section 4, the impacts on nearby study area roadway segments for all the with the Project traffic conditions are evaluated. The incremental relative significance criteria identify potential impacts if the ambient noise environment is quiet (<60 dBA) and the new noise source greatly increases the noise levels by a readily perceptible 5 dBA or greater. In areas where the without project noise levels range from 60 to 65 dBA, a 3 dBA barely perceptible noise level increase is used and when the without project noise levels already exceed 65 dBA, any increase in community noise louder than 1.5 dBA or greater is considered a significant impact. An analysis of existing traffic noise levels plus traffic noise generated by the proposed Project has been included in this report for informational purposes. However, the analysis of existing traffic noise levels plus traffic noise generated by the proposed Project scenario will not actually occur since the Project would not be fully constructed (Phase 1, 2 & 3) and operational until year 2026 cumulative conditions. Table 7-1 presents the Existing without Project conditions CNEL noise levels. The without Project exterior noise levels are expected to range from 46.9 to 71.8 dBA CNEL, without accounting for any noise attenuation features such as noise barriers or topography. Table 7-2 shows the Existing with Project conditions will range from 58.0 to 71.9 dBA CNEL. As shown on Table 7-15 the Project will generate a noise level increase of up to 11.1 dBA CNEL on the study area roadway segments. Based on the significance criteria in Section 4, the Project- related noise level increases are considered potentially significant under Existing with Project conditions at the following two roadway segments: • Madison Street north of Avenue 58 (Segment 8) • Avenue 60 west of Madison Street (Segment 27) All other roadway segments are shown to experience less than significant noise level impacts under Existing plus Project conditions. However, this scenario is provided solely for analytical purposes and will not occur, since the Project will not be full developed (Phase 1, 2 & 3) and occupied under Existing 2019 conditions. Therefore, no mitigation measures are considered to reduce the Existing with Project condition traffic noise level increases, and impacts are considered less than significant since they will not actually occur. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 52 TABLE 7-15: EXISTING 2019 OFF-SITE PROJECT-RELATED TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Off-Site Traffic Noise Threshold3 Threshold Exceeded?3 No Project With Project Project Addition 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 71.8 71.9 0.1 1.5 No 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 70.3 70.5 0.2 1.5 No 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 69.3 69.6 0.3 1.5 No 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 65.6 66.0 0.4 1.5 No 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 66.3 66.8 0.5 1.5 No 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 64.4 65.5 1.1 3.0 No 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 67.6 68.7 1.1 1.5 No 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 66.2 67.8 1.6 1.5 Yes 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 61.5 62.9 1.4 3.0 No 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 66.2 66.4 0.2 1.5 No 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 65.1 65.5 0.4 1.5 No 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 65.0 65.6 0.6 1.5 No 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 63.8 64.5 0.7 3.0 No 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 63.2 64.3 1.1 3.0 No 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 62.2 62.5 0.3 3.0 No 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 69.0 69.2 0.2 1.5 No 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 68.4 68.5 0.1 1.5 No 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 66.1 66.2 0.1 1.5 No 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 66.9 67.1 0.2 1.5 No 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 67.3 67.7 0.4 1.5 No 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 65.2 65.4 0.2 1.5 No 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 60.9 61.5 0.6 3.0 No 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 59.1 60.4 1.3 5.0 No 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 60.6 63.1 2.5 3.0 No 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 59.4 61.2 1.8 5.0 No 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 58.3 59.9 1.6 5.0 No 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 46.9 58.0 11.1 5.0 Yes 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 62.1 63.5 1.4 3.0 No 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 57.3 59.3 2.0 5.0 No 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the nearest adjacent land use. 3 Significance Criteria (Section 4). "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 53 7.3 EA PROJECT TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL INCREASE Table 7-3 presents the EA without Project conditions CNEL noise levels which are expected to range from 54.7 to 72.7 dBA CNEL, without accounting for any noise attenuation features such as noise barriers or topography. Table 7-4 shows the EA with Project conditions will range from 59.4 to 72.8 dBA CNEL. As shown on Table 7-16 the Project will generate a noise level increase of up to 4.7 dBA CNEL on the study area roadway segments. However, this scenario is provided solely for analytical purposes and will not occur, since the Project will not be full developed (Phase 1, 2 & 3) and occupied under EA with Project conditions. Therefore, no mitigation measures are considered to reduce the EA with Project condition traffic noise level increases, and impacts are considered less than significant since they will not actually occur. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 54 TABLE 7-16: EA OFF-SITE PROJECT-RELATED TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Off-Site Traffic Noise Threshold3 Threshold Exceeded?3 No Project With Project Project Addition 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 72.7 72.8 0.1 1.5 No 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 71.1 71.3 0.2 1.5 No 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 70.4 70.6 0.2 1.5 No 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 67.5 67.7 0.2 1.5 No 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 68.4 68.7 0.3 1.5 No 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 66.7 67.4 0.7 1.5 No 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 69.7 70.4 0.7 1.5 No 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 68.2 69.3 1.1 1.5 No 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 64.1 64.9 0.8 3.0 No 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 66.5 66.7 0.2 1.5 No 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 66.3 66.6 0.3 1.5 No 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 67.4 67.8 0.4 1.5 No 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 66.7 67.1 0.4 1.5 No 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 65.8 66.4 0.6 1.5 No 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 65.1 65.2 0.1 1.5 No 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 69.1 69.2 0.1 1.5 No 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 69.6 69.6 0.0 1.5 No 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 67.1 67.2 0.1 1.5 No 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 68.4 68.6 0.2 1.5 No 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 69.0 69.3 0.3 1.5 No 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 66.8 66.9 0.1 1.5 No 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 63.9 64.2 0.3 3.0 No 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 61.5 62.3 0.8 3.0 No 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 62.8 64.5 1.7 3.0 No 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 62.6 63.6 1.0 3.0 No 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 61.0 61.9 0.9 3.0 No 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 54.7 59.4 4.7 5.0 No 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 64.8 65.6 0.8 3.0 No 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 60.5 61.5 1.0 3.0 No 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the nearest adjacent land use. 3 Significance Criteria (Section 4). "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 55 7.4 EAC 2021 PROJECT TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL INCREASE Table 7-5 presents the EAC 2021 without Project conditions CNEL noise levels are expected to range from 55.3 to 73.3 dBA CNEL, without accounting for any noise attenuation features such as noise barriers or topography. Table 7-6 shows the EAC 2021 with Project conditions will range from 56.4 to 73.3 dBA CNEL. As shown on Table 7-17 the Project will generate a noise level increase of up to 1.1 dBA CNEL on the study area roadway segments. Based on the significance criteria in Section 4, the Project-related noise level increases are considered less than significant under EAC 2021 with Project conditions at the land uses adjacent to roadways conveying Project traffic. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 56 TABLE 7-17: EAC 2021 OFF-SITE PROJECT-RELATED TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Off-Site Traffic Noise Threshold3 Threshold Exceeded?3 No Project With Project Project Addition 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 73.3 73.3 0.0 1.5 No 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 71.8 71.9 0.1 1.5 No 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 70.9 70.9 0.0 1.5 No 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 67.1 67.1 0.0 1.5 No 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 67.6 67.7 0.1 1.5 No 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 66.7 66.8 0.1 1.5 No 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 69.3 69.5 0.2 1.5 No 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 68.4 68.7 0.3 1.5 No 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 63.7 64.0 0.3 3.0 No 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 67.5 67.5 0.0 1.5 No 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 66.7 66.7 0.0 1.5 No 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 67.2 67.3 0.1 1.5 No 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 66.2 66.3 0.1 1.5 No 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 66.2 66.3 0.1 1.5 No 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 66.0 66.0 0.0 1.5 No 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 70.1 70.2 0.1 1.5 No 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 69.6 69.6 0.0 1.5 No 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 66.8 66.8 0.0 1.5 No 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 68.5 68.6 0.1 1.5 No 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 68.3 68.4 0.1 1.5 No 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 66.0 66.1 0.1 1.5 No 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 62.5 62.7 0.2 3.0 No 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 63.8 64.1 0.3 3.0 No 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 63.8 64.3 0.5 3.0 No 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 61.2 61.5 0.3 3.0 No 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 60.1 60.5 0.4 3.0 No 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 55.3 56.4 1.1 5.0 No 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 63.7 64.1 0.4 3.0 No 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 62.9 63.1 0.2 3.0 No 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the nearest adjacent land use. 3 Significance Criteria (Section 4). "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 57 7.5 EAC 2023 PROJECT TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL INCREASE Table 7-7 presents the EAC 2023 without Project conditions CNEL noise levels are expected to range from 55.9 to 73.5 dBA CNEL, without accounting for any noise attenuation features such as noise barriers or topography. Table 7-8 shows the EAC 2023 with Project conditions will range from 56.9 to 73.5 dBA CNEL. As shown on Table 7-18 the Project will generate a noise level increase of up to 1.0 dBA CNEL on the study area roadway segments. Based on the significance criteria in Section 4, the Project-related noise level increases are considered less than significant under EAC 2023 with Project conditions at the land uses adjacent to roadways conveying Project traffic. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 58 TABLE 7-18: EAC 2023 OFF-SITE PROJECT-RELATED TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Off-Site Traffic Noise Threshold3 Threshold Exceeded?3 No Project With Project Project Addition 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 73.5 73.5 0.0 1.5 No 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 72.0 72.1 0.1 1.5 No 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 71.2 71.2 0.0 1.5 No 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 67.5 67.6 0.1 1.5 No 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 68.3 68.3 0.0 1.5 No 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 67.3 67.4 0.1 1.5 No 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 69.8 70.0 0.2 1.5 No 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 68.8 69.2 0.4 1.5 No 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 64.3 64.6 0.3 3.0 No 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 67.6 67.6 0.0 1.5 No 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 67.1 67.1 0.0 1.5 No 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 68.0 68.1 0.1 1.5 No 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 67.6 67.6 0.0 1.5 No 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 67.5 67.6 0.1 1.5 No 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 67.6 67.6 0.0 1.5 No 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 70.2 70.2 0.0 1.5 No 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 69.9 69.9 0.0 1.5 No 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 67.1 67.1 0.0 1.5 No 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 68.9 69.0 0.1 1.5 No 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 68.8 68.9 0.1 1.5 No 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 66.8 66.8 0.0 1.5 No 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 63.4 63.5 0.1 3.0 No 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 64.0 64.4 0.4 3.0 No 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 64.2 64.6 0.4 3.0 No 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 62.4 62.6 0.2 3.0 No 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 60.8 61.2 0.4 3.0 No 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 55.9 56.9 1.0 5.0 No 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 64.3 64.7 0.4 3.0 No 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 63.3 63.6 0.3 3.0 No 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the nearest adjacent land use. 3 Significance Criteria (Section 4). "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 59 7.6 EAC 2026 PROJECT TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL INCREASE Table 7-9 presents the EAC 2026 without Project conditions CNEL noise levels are expected to range from 57.3 to 73.9 dBA CNEL, without accounting for any noise attenuation features such as noise barriers or topography. Table 7-10 shows the EAC 2026 with Project conditions will range from 60.5 to 73.9 dBA CNEL. As shown on Table 7-19 the Project will generate a noise level increase of up to 3.2 dBA CNEL on the study area roadway segments. Based on the significance criteria in Section 4, the Project- related noise level increases are considered less than significant under EAC 2026 with Project conditions at the land uses adjacent to roadways conveying Project traffic. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 60 TABLE 7-19: EAC 2026 OFF-SITE PROJECT-RELATED TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Off-Site Traffic Noise Threshold3 Threshold Exceeded?3 No Project With Project Project Addition 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 73.9 73.9 0.0 1.5 No 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 72.4 72.5 0.1 1.5 No 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 71.6 71.8 0.2 1.5 No 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 68.2 68.4 0.2 1.5 No 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 69.2 69.4 0.2 1.5 No 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 68.1 68.6 0.5 1.5 No 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 70.5 71.1 0.6 1.5 No 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 69.5 70.3 0.8 1.5 No 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 65.2 65.8 0.6 1.5 No 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 67.8 67.9 0.1 1.5 No 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 67.6 67.8 0.2 1.5 No 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 69.0 69.2 0.2 1.5 No 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 68.9 69.2 0.3 1.5 No 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 68.7 69.1 0.4 1.5 No 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 68.9 69.0 0.1 1.5 No 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 70.2 70.3 0.1 1.5 No 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 70.3 70.4 0.1 1.5 No 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 67.6 67.7 0.1 1.5 No 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 69.4 69.6 0.2 1.5 No 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 69.6 69.8 0.2 1.5 No 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 67.6 67.8 0.2 1.5 No 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 64.3 64.7 0.4 3.0 No 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 64.6 64.9 0.3 3.0 No 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 64.7 65.9 1.2 3.0 No 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 63.7 64.4 0.7 3.0 No 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 62.0 62.8 0.8 3.0 No 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 57.3 60.5 3.2 5.0 No 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 65.4 66.2 0.8 1.5 No 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 64.0 64.5 0.5 3.0 No 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the nearest adjacent land use. 3 Significance Criteria (Section 4). "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 61 7.7 EAC 2026 PROJECT SPECIAL EVENTS TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL INCREASE Table 7-11 presents the EAC 2026 without Project conditions CNEL noise levels are expected to range from 57.3 to 73.9 dBA CNEL, without accounting for any noise attenuation features such as noise barriers or topography. The applicant anticipates the potential occurrence of special events at this location involving attendance of not-to-exceed 2,500 guests per day arriving or departing on Saturdays (up to 4 events per year). Table 7-12 shows the EAC 2026 with Project with Special Event conditions will range from 60.5 to 73.9 dBA CNEL. As shown on Table 7-20 the Project will generate a noise level increase of up to 3.2 dBA CNEL on the study area roadway segments. Based on the significance criteria in Section 4, the Project-related noise level increases are considered less than significant under EAC 2026 with Project Special Event conditions at the land uses adjacent to roadways conveying Project traffic. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 62 TABLE 7-20: EAC 2026 SPECIAL EVENT OFF-SITE PROJECT-RELATED TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Off-Site Traffic Noise Threshold3 Threshold Exceeded?3 No Project With Project Project Addition 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 73.9 73.9 0.0 1.5 No 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 72.4 72.5 0.1 1.5 No 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 71.6 71.8 0.2 1.5 No 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 68.2 68.4 0.2 1.5 No 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 69.2 69.4 0.2 1.5 No 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 68.1 68.6 0.5 1.5 No 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 70.5 71.1 0.6 1.5 No 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 69.5 70.5 1.0 1.5 No 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 65.2 66.0 0.8 1.5 No 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 67.8 67.9 0.1 1.5 No 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 67.6 67.8 0.2 1.5 No 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 69.0 69.2 0.2 1.5 No 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 68.9 69.2 0.3 1.5 No 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 68.7 69.1 0.4 1.5 No 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 68.9 69.0 0.1 1.5 No 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 70.2 70.3 0.1 1.5 No 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 70.3 70.4 0.1 1.5 No 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 67.6 67.7 0.1 1.5 No 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 69.4 69.6 0.2 1.5 No 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 69.6 69.8 0.2 1.5 No 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 67.6 67.8 0.2 1.5 No 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 64.3 64.7 0.4 3.0 No 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 64.6 65.3 0.7 3.0 No 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 64.7 66.2 1.5 3.0 No 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 63.7 64.5 0.8 3.0 No 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 62.0 62.9 0.9 3.0 No 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 57.3 60.5 3.2 5.0 No 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 65.4 66.3 0.9 1.5 No 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 64.0 64.7 0.7 3.0 No 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the nearest adjacent land use. 3 Significance Criteria (Section 4). "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 63 7.8 GENERAL PLAN 2040 PROJECT TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL INCREASE Table 7-13 presents the General Plan 2040 without Project conditions CNEL noise levels are expected to range from 66.6 to 75.4 dBA CNEL, without accounting for any noise attenuation features such as noise barriers or topography. Table 7-14 shows the General Plan 2040 with Project conditions will range from 66.8 to 75.4 dBA CNEL. As shown on Table 7-21 the Project will generate a noise level increase of up to 0.6 dBA CNEL on the study area roadway segments. Based on the significance criteria in Section 4, the Project-related noise level increases are considered less than significant under General Plan 2040 with Project conditions at the land uses adjacent to roadways conveying Project traffic. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 64 TABLE 7-21: GENERAL PLAN 2040 OFF-SITE PROJECT-RELATED TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS ID Road Segment Adjacent Land Use1 CNEL at Adjacent Land Use (dBA)2 Off-Site Traffic Noise Threshold3 Threshold Exceeded?3 No Project With Project Project Addition 1 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 50 GC/LDR 75.4 75.4 0.0 1.5 No 2 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR/MHR/OS/GC 73.6 73.7 0.1 1.5 No 3 Jefferson St. n/o Avenue 54 MHR/OS 73.3 73.4 0.1 1.5 No 4 Madison St. n/o Avenue 50 Festival District 71.4 71.5 0.1 1.5 No 5 Madison St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 73.0 73.1 0.1 1.5 No 6 Madison St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 71.7 71.9 0.2 1.5 No 7 Madison St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR/OS 74.2 74.4 0.2 1.5 No 8 Madison St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/OS 72.8 73.2 0.4 1.5 No 9 Madison St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 69.8 70.0 0.2 1.5 No 10 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 50 LDR 68.2 68.3 0.1 1.5 No 11 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 52 LDR 69.2 69.4 0.2 1.5 No 12 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 54 LDR 72.9 73.0 0.1 1.5 No 13 Monroe St. n/o Airport Bl. LDR 73.3 73.4 0.1 1.5 No 14 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 58 LDR/GC 71.9 72.1 0.2 1.5 No 15 Monroe St. n/o Avenue 60 LDR/GC 72.2 72.2 0.0 1.5 No 16 Avenue 50 w/o Jefferson St. LDR/GC 70.3 70.4 0.1 1.5 No 17 Avenue 50 w/o Madison St. LDR/GC 72.4 72.4 0.0 1.5 No 18 Avenue 50 e/o Monroe St. LDR 69.6 69.6 0.0 1.5 No 19 Avenue 52 w/o Monroe St. GC/OS 72.0 72.1 0.1 1.5 No 20 Avenue 54 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR/GC/OS 72.7 72.8 0.1 1.5 No 21 Avenue 54 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 70.4 70.5 0.1 1.5 No 22 Airport Bl. w/o Monroe St. LDR/OS 70.1 70.2 0.1 1.5 No 23 Avenue 58 w/o Madison St. LDR/MHR 67.8 68.0 0.2 1.5 No 24 Avenue 58 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MCF 67.9 68.5 0.6 1.5 No 25 Avenue 58 w/o Jackson St. LDR 69.4 69.6 0.2 1.5 No 26 Avenue 58 e/o Jackson St. LDR 66.6 66.8 0.2 1.5 No 27 Avenue 60 w/o Madison St. LDR 70.1 70.3 0.2 1.5 No 28 Avenue 60 w/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR/OS 70.6 70.8 0.2 1.5 No 29 Avenue 60 e/o Monroe St. LDR/MHR 68.0 68.2 0.2 1.5 No 1 Sources: City of La Quinta, City of Indio and County of Riverside General Plan Land Use Map. 2 The CNEL is calculated at the boundary of the right-of-way of each roadway and the property line of the nearest adjacent land use. 3 Significance Criteria (Section 4). "LDR" = Low Density Residential; "MHR" = Medium/High Density Residential; "GC" = General Commercial; "MCF" = Major Community Facility; "OS" = Open Space Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 65 8 ON-SITE TRANSPORTATION NOISE IMPACTS An on-site exterior noise impact analysis has been completed to determine the noise exposure levels that would result from adjacent traffic noise sources in the Project study area, and to identify potential noise mitigation measures that would achieve acceptable Project exterior and interior noise levels. The primary source of traffic noise affecting the Project site is anticipated to be from Avenue 58 and Madison Street. The Project will also experience some background traffic noise impacts from its internal streets and parking lots, however, due to the low traffic volume and low speeds of vehicles travelling on these roadways, traffic noise will not make a significant contribution to the noise environment beyond of the right-of-way of each road. 8.1 EXTERIOR NOISE ANALYSIS Using the FHWA traffic noise prediction model and the parameters outlined in Tables 6-3 to 6-5, the expected future exterior noise levels for the on-site building were calculated. Table 8-1 presents a summary of future exterior noise level impacts for the future low-density residential development within Planning Area VIII. The on-site traffic noise level impacts indicate that the single-family residential development adjacent to Avenue 58 and Madison Street will experience unmitigated exterior noise levels ranging from 66.7 to 68.8 dBA CNEL. Since the unmitigated on- site traffic noise levels exceed the City of La Quinta 65 dBA CNEL exterior noise level standards, the on-site traffic noise impacts are considered potentially significant. TABLE 8-1: UNMITIGATED EXTERIOR TRAFFIC NOISE LEVELS Receiver Location Roadway Unmitigated Noise Level (dBA CNEL)1 Exterior Noise Level Threshold (dBA CNEL)2 Threshold Exceeded? Planning Area VIII-LDR Avenue 58 66.7 65 Yes Madison Street 68.8 65 Yes 1 On-site traffic noise calculations included in Appendix 8.1. 2 City of La Quinta exterior noise criteria (See Section 4). To satisfy the City of La Quinta 65 dBA CNEL exterior noise level standards for residential land use, the construction of 6-foot high noise barriers is required for the private outdoor living areas (backyards) of single-family residential uses adjacent to Avenue 58 and Madison Street in Planning Area VIII. With the recommended noise barriers shown on Exhibit ES-A, the mitigated future exterior noise levels at the outdoor living areas (backyards) of single-family residential uses in Planning Area VIII will be reduced to levels ranging fro m 57.4 to 59.4 dBA CNEL as shown on Table 8-2. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 66 TABLE 8-2: MITIGATED EXTERIOR TRAFFIC NOISE LEVELS Receiver Location Roadway Mitigated Noise Level (dBA CNEL)1 Exterior Noise Level Threshold (dBA CNEL)2 Threshold Exceeded? Barrier Height (Feet) Planning Area VIII-LDR Avenue 58 57.4 65 No 6.0 Madison Street 59.4 65 No 6.0 1 On-site traffic noise calculations included in Appendix 8.1. 2 City of La Quinta exterior noise criteria (See Section 4). With the planned noise barriers shown on Exhibit ES-A, the future exterior noise levels represent a less than significant noise impact. This noise analysis shows that the planned noise barriers will satisfy the City of La Quinta 65 dBA CNEL exterior noise level standards. The effective noise barrier height represents the minimum wall and/or berm combination height to satisfy the City of La Quinta exterior noise level standards. The on -site traffic noise analysis calculations are provided in Appendix 8.1. 8.2 INTERIOR NOISE ANALYSIS To ensure that the interior noise levels comply with the City of La Quinta interior noise level standards, future noise levels were calculated at the estimated building façade locations. 8.2.1 NOISE REDUCTION METHODOLOGY The interior noise level is the difference between the predicted exterior noise level at the building facade and the noise reduction of the structure. Typical building construction will provide a Noise Reduction (NR) of approximately 12 dBA with "windows open" and a minimum 25 dBA noise reduction with "windows closed." (23) (6) However, sound leaks, cracks and openings within the window assembly can greatly diminish its effectiveness in reducing noise. Several methods are used to improve interior noise reduction, including: (1) weather -stripped solid core exterior doors; (2) upgraded dual glazed windows; (3) mechanical ventilation/air condition ing; and (4) exterior wall/roof assembles free of cut outs or openings. 8.2.2 INTERIOR NOISE LEVEL ASSESSMENT Table 8-2 shows that the Project buildings will require a windows-closed condition and a means of mechanical ventilation (e.g. air conditioning). Table 8-2 shows that the future exterior noise levels at the building façades are expected to range from 59.5 to 66.2 dBA CNEL. The interior noise level analysis shows that the City of La Quinta 45 dBA CNEL residential interior noise standards can be satisfied using standard STC ratings of 27 for all lots/units. Therefore, the future on-site interior traffic noise impacts will be less than significant. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 67 TABLE 8-3: UNMITIGATED INTERIOR NOISE LEVELS (CNEL) Building (Façade) Floor Noise Level at Façade1 Required Interior NR2 Minimum Estimated Interior NR3 Upgraded Windows4 Interior Noise Level5 Threshold Threshold Exceeded? Avenue 58 1 56.3 11.3 25 No 31.3 45 No 2 65.5 20.5 25 No 40.5 45 No Madison St. 1 58.3 13.3 25 No 33.3 45 No 2 67.5 22.5 25 No 42.5 45 No 1 Exterior noise level at the facade with a windows closed condition requiring a means of mechanical ventilation (e.g. air conditioning). 2 Noise reduction required to satisfy the 45 dBA CNEL interior noise standard for residential uses. 3 Estimated minimum interior noise reduction with the recommended windows and standard building construction. 4 Does the required interior noise reduction trigger upgraded windows with a minimum STC rating of greater than 27? 5 Estimated interior noise level with minimum STC rating for all windows. "NR" = Noise Reduction Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 68 This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 69 9 SENSITIVE RECEIVER LOCATIONS To assess the potential for long-term operational and short-term construction noise impacts, the following sensitive receiver locations, as shown on Exhibit 8-A, were identified as representative locations for analysis. Sensitive receivers are generally defined as locations where people reside or where the presence of unwanted sound could otherwise adversely affect the use of the land. Noise-sensitive land uses are generally considered to include schools, hospitals, single-family dwellings, mobile home parks, churches, libraries, and recreation areas. Moderately noise - sensitive land uses typically include multi-family dwellings, hotels, motels, dormitories, out- patient clinics, cemeteries, golf courses, country clubs, athletic/tennis clubs, and equestrian clubs. Land uses that are considered relatively insensitive to noise include business, commercial, and professional developments. Land uses that are typically not affected by noise include: industrial, manufacturing, utilities, agriculture, undeveloped land, parking lots, warehousing, liquid and solid waste facilities, salvage yards, and transit terminals. Receiver locations are located in outdoor living areas (e.g., backyards) at 10 feet from any existing or proposed barriers or at the building façade, whichever is closer to the Project site, based on FHWA guidance, and consistent with additional guidance provided by Caltrans and the FTA, as previously described in Section 5.2. Sensitive receiver locations in the Project study area include the nearby residential uses, as described below. Other sensitive land uses in the Project study area that are located at greater distances than those identified in this noise study will experience lower noise levels than those presented in this report due to the additional attenuation from distance and the shielding of intervening structures. R1: Located approximately 154 feet north of the Project site, R1 represents existing residential homes north of 58th Avenue. A 24-hour noise measurement was taken near this location, L1, to describe the existing ambient noise environment. R2: Location R2 represents the existing residential homes located north of the Project site at roughly 181 feet, on the north side of 58th Avenue. A 24-hour noise measurement was taken near this location, L2, to describe the existing ambient noise environment. R3: Location R3 represents the existing residential homes northeast of the intersection at 58th Avenue and Madison Street at approximately 231 feet from the Project site. A 24- hour noise measurement near this location, L3, is used to describe the existing ambient noise environment. R4: Location R4 represents the existing residential homes southeast of the intersection at 58th Avenue and Madison Street at approximately 185 feet from the Project site. A 24- hour noise measurement near this location, L4, is used to describe the existing ambient noise environment. R5: Location R5 represents the existing residential homes on the east side of Madison Street at approximately 352 feet from the Project site. A 24-hour noise measurement was taken near this location, L5, to describe the existing ambient noise environment. R6: Location R6 represents the existing residential home located north of Calle Conchita about 134 feet from the project site. A 24-hour noise measurement was taken near this location, L6, to describe the existing ambient noise environment. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 70 R7: Location R7 represents the existing residential homes located north of Avenue 60 about 37 feet from the project site. A 24-hour noise measurement was taken near this location, L7, to describe the existing ambient noise environment. R8: Location R8 represents the existing residential homes located south of Avenue 60 about 38 feet from the project site. A 24-hour noise measurement was taken near this location, L8, to describe the existing ambient noise environment. R9: Location R9 represents the existing residential homes located about 1,451 feet west of the Project site along Quarry Ranch Road. A 24-hour noise measurement was taken near this location, L9, to describe the existing ambient noise environment. R10: Location R10 represents the existing residential homes located about 1,378 feet northwest of the Project site north of 58th Avenue. A 24-hour noise measurement was taken near this location, L10, to describe the existing ambient noise environment. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 71 EXHIBIT 9-A: RECEIVER LOCATIONS Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 72 This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 73 10 OPERATIONAL NOISE IMPACTS This section analyzes the potential stationary-source operational noise impacts at the nearby receiver locations, identified in Section 9, resulting from operation of the proposed Coral Mountain Specific Plan Project. Exhibit 10-A identifies the representative off-site receiver locations, on-site receiver locations and noise source locations used to assess the operational noise levels. Appendix 10.1 includes the detailed calculations for the Project operational noise levels presented in this section. 10.1 REFERENCE NOISE LEVELS To estimate the Project operational noise impacts, reference noise level measurements were collected from similar types of activities to represent the noise levels expected with the development of the proposed Project. This section provides a detailed description of the reference noise level measurements shown on Table 10-1 used to estimate the Project operational noise impacts. It is important to not e that the following projected noise levels assume the worst-case noise environment with the wave basin/wave machine activity, outdoor pool/spa activity, outdoor activity and neighborhood commercial land use activity all operating simultaneously. These noise level impacts will likely vary throu ghout the day. The operational noise sources will be limited to the daytime hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. with no planned nighttime activity. 10.1.1 WAVE BASIN/WAVE MACHINE ACTIVITY To describe the wave basin/wave machine activity, Urban Crossroads, Inc. collected reference noise level measurements at the existing Surf Ranch located at 18556 Jackson Avenue in the City of Lemoore, California. The Surf Ranch is a private facility with a proprietary wave machine technology capable of generating waves every 3 to 4 minutes. To create each wave, a large “sled” is pulled through the water using a cable system on metal rollers. Two buildings at each end of the cable system house the mechanical equipment and cable system. To measure the noise levels associated with the wave machine, Urban Crossroads, Inc. collected reference noise level measurements at eight different locations around the Surf Ranch. The noise level measurement locations were selected to identify the unique noise characteristics associated with different stages of each wave. Prior to each wave, the control tower announces the event over the public address system. This is followed by the noise gene rated from the movement of the sled and an increase in noise levels from the mechanical equipment buildings. As the sled moves through the lagoon, noise from the cable and metal rollers is clearly audible. However, throughout each wave event, the primary noise source is simply the movement of water from each wave in the lagoon. Over a period of 53 minutes, ten wave events were measured at eight different locations on April 13, 2020. The reference noise levels suggest that during peak wave events, the Wave basin generates noise levels ranging from 62.6 dBA Leq at end of the lagoon, 73.8 dBA Leq in the lifeguard tower and 75.7 dBA Leq near the cable roller system. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 74 EXHIBIT 10-A: OPERATIONAL NOISE SOURCE AND RECEIVER LOCATIONS Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 75 To describe the worst-case reference noise level conditions, the highest reference noise level describing each peak wave noise event of 75.7 dBA Leq at a distance of 12 feet is used. This reference noise level likely overstates the expected noise levels f rom the wave basin/wave machine activity at the Coral Mountain Specific Plan since it only describes the actual wave event. In addition, improved designs plan for the Project have placed the cable roller system under the water surface to eliminate this noise source. The wave basin/wave machine activities will be limited to the daytime hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. with no planned nighttime activities. 10.1.2 OUTDOOR POOL/SPA ACTIVITY To determine the noise levels associated with outdoor hotel pool and spa activity, Urban Crossroads collected a reference noise level measurement on March 16th, 2005 at the Westin Hotel in the City of Rancho Mirage. The measured reference noise level at 50 feet is 57.8 dBA Leq. The outdoor pool/spa activity noise levels include a waterfall, people talking, and children and adults swimming and playing in a pool. The outdoor pool/spa activities will be limited to the daytime hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. with no planned nighttime activities. 10.1.3 OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES To represent the potential noise level impacts associated with the Project’s outdoor or beach club activities, a reference noise level measurement was collected on Wednesday, October 8 th, 2014 at the Founders Park in the unincorporated community of Ladera Ranch in the County of Orange. The reference noise levels collected at the Founders Park are expected to overestimate the noise level activities within the outdoor fields and game areas at the Project site, since the reference noise level measurement includes parents speaking on cell phones, kids playing, and background youth soccer games, with coaches shouting instructions and people cheering and clapping. Using the uniform reference distance of 50 feet, the reference playground activity noise level is 43.4 dBA Leq. The outdoor field activities will be limited to the daytime hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. with no planned nighttime activities. 10.1.4 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL To describe the potential noise level impacts associated the proposed neighborhood commercial center a reference noise level measurement was collected at the Destination Ramon Commercial Center in Cathedral City on April 18, 2018. The noise level measurements collected show a peak hourly noise level of 54.8 dBA Leq when measured at 50 feet. The neighborhood commercial use will be limited to the daytime hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. with no planned nighttime activities. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 76 TABLE 10-1: REFERENCE NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS Noise Source Duration (hh:mm:ss) Ref. Distance (Feet) Noise Source Height (Feet) Min./Hour5 Reference Noise Level (dBA Leq) Sound Power Level (dBA)6 Day Night @ Ref. Dist. @ 50 Feet Wave Basin/Wave Machine1 00:10:00 12' 5' 60 0 75.7 63.3 112.0 Outdoor Pool/Spa Activity2 00:10:00 5' 5' 60 0 77.8 57.8 103.3 Outdoor Activity3 00:15:00 5' 5' 60 0 63.4 43.4 84.3 Neighborhood Commercial4 00:01:00 20' 5' 60 0 62.8 54.8 99.6 1 As measured by Urban Crossroads, Inc. on 4/13/2020 at the Surf Ranch in the City of Lemoore, CA. 2 As measured by Urban Crossroads, Inc. on 3/16/2005 at the Westin Hotel in the City of Rancho Mirage. 3 As measured by Urban Crossroads, Inc. on 10/8/2014 by Urban Crossroads, Inc. at the Founder's Park in the County of Orange. 4 As measured by Urban Crossroads, Inc. on 4/18/2018 by Urban Crossroads, Inc. at Destination Ramon Commercial Center 5 Anticipated duration (minutes within the hour) of noise activity during typical hourly conditions expected at the Project site. "Day" = 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; "Night" = 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 6 Sound power level represents the total amount of acoustical energy (noise level) produced by a sound source independent of distance or surroundings. Sound power levels calculated using the CadnaA noise model at the reference distance to the noise source. Numbers may vary due to size differences between point and area noise sources. 10.2 CADNAA NOISE PREDICTION MODEL To fully describe the exterior operational noise levels from the Project, Urban Crossroads, Inc. developed a noise prediction model using the CadnaA (Computer Aided Noise Abatement) computer program. CadnaA can analyze multiple types of noise sources using the spatially accurate Project site plan, georeferenced Nearmap aerial imagery, topography, buildings, and barriers in its calculations to predict outdoor noise levels. Using the ISO 9613 protocol, CadnaA will calculate the distance from each noise source to the noise receiver locations, using the ground absorption, distance, and barrier/building attenuation inputs to provide a summary of noise level at each receiver and the partial noise level contributions by noise source. Consistent with the ISO 9613 protocol, the CadnaA noise prediction model relies on the reference sound power level (PWL) to describe individual noise sources. While sound pressure levels (e.g. Leq) quantify in decibels the intensity of given sound sources at a reference distance, sound power levels (PWL) are connected to the sound source and are independent of distance. Sound pressure levels vary substantially with distance from the source and diminish as a result of intervening obstacles and barriers, air abso rption, wind, and other factors. Sound power is the acoustical energy emitted by the sound source and is an absolute value that is not affected by the environment. The operational noise level calculations provided in this noise study account for the dis tance attenuation provided due to geometric spreading, when sound from a localized stationary source (i.e., a point source) propagates uniformly outward in a spherical pattern. Hard site conditions are used in the operational noise analysis which result in noise levels that attenuate (or decrease) at a rate of 6 dBA for each doubling of distance from a point source. A default ground attenuation factor of 1.0 was used in the CadnaA noise analysis to account for hard site conditions. Appendix Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 77 10.1 includes the detailed noise model inputs used to estimate the Project operational noise levels presented in this section. 10.3 PROJECT OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVELS Using the reference noise levels to represent the proposed Project operations that include wave basin/wave machine activity, outdoor pool/spa activity, outdoor activity and neighborhood commercial land use activity, Urban Crossroads, Inc. calculated the off-site and on-site operational source noise levels that are expected to be generated at the Project site and the Project-related noise level increases that would be experienced at each of the receiver locations. Tables 10-2 shows the Project operational noise levels during the daytime hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The daytime hourly noise levels at the off-site receiver locations are expected to range from 39.8 to 53.3 dBA Leq. The on-site project receiver locations are expected to range from 51.8 to 64.5 dBA Leq. TABLE 10-2: DAYTIME PROJECT OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVELS Receiver Location1 Project Operational Noise Levels (dBA Leq)2 Wave Basin/ Wave Machine Outdoor Pool/ Spa Activity Outdoor Activity Neighborhood Commercial Total R1 44.2 36.0 19.0 41.8 46.6 R2 38.0 30.3 11.8 45.7 46.5 R3 37.4 29.7 10.9 42.5 43.8 R4 38.2 30.9 11.4 40.9 43.0 R5 39.3 32.3 12.1 37.7 42.1 R6 51.4 44.0 19.5 31.5 52.2 R7 45.0 38.9 11.5 28.9 46.0 R8 46.6 36.5 13.5 23.2 47.0 R9 41.1 30.3 15.3 23.5 41.5 R10 38.6 29.0 13.5 31.4 39.8 P1 58.3 43.8 37.2 32.4 58.5 P2 53.1 51.4 23.8 34.5 55.4 P3 61.1 46.7 29.2 30.5 61.3 P4 53.7 40.8 15.8 23.3 53.9 P5 53.9 48.6 22.0 32.8 55.1 P6 53.2 46.4 29.5 36.0 54.1 P7 50.4 45.6 23.5 37.6 51.8 P8 44.7 37.3 18.7 53.0 53.7 P9 62.2 47.9 38.6 32.5 62.4 P10 64.0 55.1 24.7 31.4 64.5 1 See Exhibit 10-A for the off-site (R)eceiver and on-site (P)roject locations. 2 Unmitigated CadnaA noise model calculations are included in Appendix 10.1. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 78 10.4 PROJECT OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVEL COMPLIANCE To demonstrate compliance with local noise regulations, the Project-only operational noise levels are evaluated against exterior noise level thresholds based on the City of La Quinta exterior noise level standards at the off-site and on-site receiver locations. Table 10-3 shows the operational noise levels associated with Coral Mountain Specific Plan Project will satisfy the City of La Quinta daytime exterior noise level standards with no planned nighttime operational noise source activity. Therefore, the operational noise impacts are considered less than significant at all receiver locations. TABLE 10-3: OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVEL COMPLIANCE Receiver Location1 Project Operational Noise Levels (dBA Leq)2 Noise Level Standards (dBA Leq)3 Noise Level Standards Exceeded?4 R1 46.6 65 No R2 46.5 65 No R3 43.8 65 No R4 43.0 65 No R5 42.1 65 No R6 52.2 65 No R7 46.0 65 No R8 47.0 65 No R9 41.5 65 No R10 39.8 65 No P1 58.5 65 No P2 55.4 65 No P3 61.3 65 No P4 53.9 65 No P5 55.1 65 No P6 54.1 65 No P7 51.8 65 No P8 53.7 65 No P9 62.4 65 No P10 64.5 65 No 1 See Exhibit 10-A for the off-site (R)eceiver and on-site (P)roject locations. 2 Proposed Project daytime operational noise levels as shown on Tables 10-2. 3 Exterior noise level standards for residential land use, as shown on Table 4-2. 4 Do the estimated Project operational noise source activities exceed the noise level standards? Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 79 10.4 PROJECT OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVEL INCREASE To describe the Project operational noise level Increase, the Project operational noise levels are combined with the existing ambient noise levels measurements for the nearby receiver locations potentially impacted by Project operational noise sources. Since the units used to measure noise, decibels (dB), are logarithmic units, the Project-operational and existing ambient noise levels cannot be combined using standard arithmetic equations. (4) Instead, they must be logarithmically added using the following base equation: SPLTotal = 10log10[10SPL1/10 + 10SPL2/10 + … 10SPLn/10] Where “SPL1,” “SPL2,” etc. are equal to the sound pressure levels being combined, or in this case, the Project-operational and existing ambient noise levels. The difference between the combined Project and ambient noise levels describe the Project noise level Increase to the existing ambient noise environment. As indicated on Tables 10-4 the Project will generate unmitigated daytime operational noise level increase ranging from 0.0 to 4.9 dBA Leq at nearby off-site receiver locations. This increase satisfies the incremental operational noise level criteria presented in Table 4-2. Therefore, the incremental Project operational noise level increase is considered less than significant at all receiver locations. TABLE 10-4: DAYTIME PROJECT OPERATIONAL NOISE LEVEL INCREASES Receiver Location1 Total Project Operational Noise Level2 Meas. Location3 Reference Ambient Noise Levels4 Combined Project and Ambient5 Project Increase6 Threshold7 Threshold Exceeded?7 R1 46.6 L1 54.2 54.9 0.7 5.0 No R2 46.5 L2 62.5 62.6 0.1 3.0 No R3 43.8 L3 61.2 61.3 0.1 3.0 No R4 43.0 L4 54.5 54.8 0.3 5.0 No R5 42.1 L5 59.7 59.8 0.1 5.0 No R6 52.2 L6 58.7 59.6 0.9 5.0 No R7 46.0 L7 57.9 58.2 0.3 5.0 No R8 47.0 L8 43.8 48.7 4.9 5.0 No R9 41.5 L9 51.7 52.1 0.4 5.0 No R10 39.8 L10 61.9 61.9 0.0 3.0 No 1 See Exhibit 9-A for the off-site sensitive receiver locations. 2 Total Project operational noise levels as shown on Table 10-3. 3 Reference noise level measurement locations as shown on Exhibit 5-A. 4 Observed daytime ambient noise levels as shown on Table 5-1. 5 Represents the combined ambient conditions plus the Project activities. 6 The noise level increase expected with the addition of the proposed Project activities. 7 Significance Criteria as defined in Section 4. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 80 This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 81 11 CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS This section analyzes potential impacts resulting from the short-term construction activities associated with the development of the Project. Exhibit 11-A shows the construction noise source locations in relation to the nearby sensitive receiver location s previously described in Section 8. In addition, Exhibit 11-A outlines the Project Phase 1 boundaries to describe the potential construction impacts from on planned residential development in Phase 3. 11.1 CONSTRUCTION NOISE LEVELS Noise generated by the Project construction equipment will include a combination of trucks, power tools, concrete mixers, and portable generators that when combined can reach high levels. The number and mix of construction equipment is expected to occur in the following stages: • Site Preparation • Grading • Building Construction • Paving • Architectural Coating This construction noise analysis was prepared using reference noise level measurements taken by Urban Crossroads, Inc. to describe the typical construction activity noise levels for each stage of Project construction. The construction reference noise level measurements represent a list of typical construction activity noise levels. Noise levels generated by heavy construction equipment can range from approximately 68 dBA to more than 80 dBA when measured at 50 feet. However, these noise levels diminish with distance from the construction site at a rate of 6 dBA per doubling of distance. For example, a noise level of 80 dBA measured at 50 feet from the noise source to the receiver would be reduced to 74 dBA at 100 feet from the source to the receiver, and would be further reduced to 68 dBA at 200 feet from the source to the receiver. 11.2 CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE NOISE LEVELS To describe the Project construction noise levels, measurements were collected for similar activities at several construction sites. Table 11-1 provides a summary of the construction reference noise level measurements. Since the reference noise levels were collected at varying distances, all construction noise level measurements presented on Table 11-1 have been adjusted to describe a uniform reference distance of 50 feet. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 82 EXHIBIT 11-A: CONSTRUCTION NOISE SOURCE AND RECEIVER LOCATIONS Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 83 TABLE 11-1: CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE NOISE LEVELS Construction Stage Reference Construction Activity1 Reference Noise Level @ 50 Feet (dBA Leq) Highest Reference Noise Level (dBA Leq) Site Preparation Scraper, Water Truck, & Dozer Activity 75.3 75.3 Backhoe 64.2 Water Truck Pass-By & Backup Alarm 71.9 Grading Rough Grading Activities 73.5 73.5 Water Truck Pass-By & Backup Alarm 71.9 Construction Vehicle Maintenance Activities 67.5 Building Construction Foundation Trenching 68.2 71.6 Framing 62.3 Concrete Mixer Backup Alarms & Air Brakes 71.6 Paving Concrete Mixer Truck Movements 71.2 71.2 Concrete Paver Activities 65.6 Concrete Mixer Pour & Paving Activities 65.9 Architectural Coating Air Compressors 65.2 65.2 Generator 64.9 Crane 62.3 11.3 CONSTRUCTION NOISE ANALYSIS Using the reference construction equipment noise levels and the CadnaA noise prediction model, calculations of the Project construction noise level impacts at the nearby sensitive receiver locations were completed. To assess the worst-case construction noise levels, the Project construction noise analysis relies on the highest noise level impacts when the equipment with the highest reference noise level is operating at the closest point from the edge of primary construction activity (Project site boundary) to each receiver location. As shown on Table 11-2, the Project Phase 1 construction noise levels are expected to range from 58.0 to 76.5 dBA Leq at the nearby receiver locations. The Project Phase 2 and Phase 3 construction noise levels are expected to range from 63.7 to 75.8 dBA Leq as shown on Table 11- 3. Appendix 11.1 includes the detailed CadnaA construction noise model inputs. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 84 TABLE 11-2: PHASE 1 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NOISE LEVEL SUMMARY Receiver Location1 Construction Noise Levels (dBA Leq) Site Preparation Grading Building Construction Paving Architectural Coating Highest Levels2 R1 65.6 63.8 61.9 61.5 55.5 65.6 R2 65.8 64.0 62.1 61.7 55.7 65.8 R3 63.0 61.2 59.3 58.9 52.9 63.0 R4 62.3 60.5 58.6 58.2 52.2 62.3 R5 61.6 59.8 57.9 57.5 51.5 61.6 R6 71.3 69.5 67.6 67.2 61.2 71.3 R7 72.5 70.7 68.8 68.4 62.4 72.5 R8 76.5 74.7 72.8 72.4 66.4 76.5 R9 58.7 56.9 55.0 54.6 48.6 58.7 R10 58.0 56.2 54.3 53.9 47.9 58.0 1 Noise receiver locations are shown on Exhibit 11-A. 2 Construction noise level calculations based on distance from the project site boundaries (construction activity area) to nearby receiver locations. CadnaA construction noise model inputs are included in Appendix 11.1. TABLE 11-3: PHASE 2 & 3 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NOISE LEVEL SUMMARY Receiver Location1 Construction Noise Levels (dBA Leq) Site Preparation Grading Building Construction Paving Architectural Coating Highest Levels2 R1 74.8 73.0 71.1 70.7 64.7 74.8 R2 69.9 68.1 66.2 65.8 59.8 69.9 R3 67.9 66.1 64.2 63.8 57.8 67.9 R4 68.8 67.0 65.1 64.7 58.7 68.8 R5 70.6 68.8 66.9 66.5 60.5 70.6 R6 75.8 74.0 72.1 71.7 65.7 75.8 R7 68.6 66.8 64.9 64.5 58.5 68.6 R8 67.5 65.7 63.8 63.4 57.4 67.5 R9 63.7 61.9 60.0 59.6 53.6 63.7 R10 64.0 62.2 60.3 59.9 53.9 64.0 P1 82.8 81.0 79.1 78.7 72.7 82.8 P2 76.8 75.0 73.1 72.7 66.7 76.8 P3 82.3 80.5 78.6 78.2 72.2 82.3 P4 70.6 68.8 66.9 66.5 60.5 70.6 P5 82.5 80.7 78.8 78.4 72.4 82.5 P6 82.9 81.1 79.2 78.8 72.8 82.9 P7 83.2 81.4 79.5 79.1 73.1 83.2 P8 83.1 81.3 79.4 79.0 73.0 83.1 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 85 Receiver Location1 Construction Noise Levels (dBA Leq) Site Preparation Grading Building Construction Paving Architectural Coating Highest Levels2 P9 75.3 73.5 71.6 71.2 65.2 75.3 P10 72.6 70.8 68.9 68.5 62.5 72.6 1 Noise receiver locations are shown on Exhibit 11-A. 2 Construction noise level calculations based on distance from the project site boundaries (construction activity area) to nearby receiver locations. CadnaA construction noise model inputs are included in Appendix 11.1. 11.4 CONSTRUCTION NOISE LEVEL COMPLIANCE The construction noise analysis shows that the highest construction noise levels will occur when construction activities take place at the closest point from primary Project construction activity to each of the nearby receiver locations. To evaluate whether the Project will generate potentially significant short-term noise levels at nearby receiver locations, a construction-related the NIOSH noise level threshold of 85 dBA Leq is used as acceptable thresholds to assess construction noise level impacts. The construction noise analysis shows that the nearby receiver locations will satisfy the 85 dBA Leq significance threshold during Project construction activities as shown on Tables 11-2 and 11-3. Therefore, the noise impacts due to Project construction noise is considered less than significant at all receiver locations. 11.5 CONSTRUCTION VIBRATION IMPACTS Construction activity can result in varying degrees of ground vibration, depending on the equipment and methods used, distance to the affected structures and soil type. It is expected that ground-borne vibration from Project construction activities would cause only intermittent, localized intrusion. The proposed Project’s construction activities most likely to cause vibration impacts are: • Heavy Construction Equipment: Although all heavy mobile construction equipment has the potential of causing at least some perceptible vibration while operating close to buildings, the vibration is usually short-term and is not of sufficient magnitude to cause building damage. • Trucks: Trucks hauling building materials to construction sites can be sources of vibration intrusion if the haul routes pass through residential neighborhoods on streets with bumps or potholes. Repairing the bumps and potholes generally eliminates the problem. Ground-borne vibration levels resulting from construction activities occurring within the Project site were estimated by data published by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Construction activities that would have the potential to generate low levels of ground-borne vibration within the Project site include grading. Using the vibration source level of construction eq uipment provided on Table 6-6 and the construction vibration assessment methodology published by the FTA, it is possible to estimate the Project vibration impacts. Table 11 -4 presents the expected Project related vibration levels at the nearby receiver locations. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 86 At distances ranging from 90 to 1,451 from Project construction activities, construction vibration velocity levels are estimated to range from 0.000 to 0.009 in/sec RMS and will remain below the threshold of 0.01 in/sec RMS at all receiver locations, as shown on Table 11-4. Therefore, the Project-related vibration impacts are considered less than significant during the construction activities at the Project site. TABLE 11-4: CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT VIBRATION LEVELS Receiver1 Distance to Const. Activity (Feet) Receiver Levels (in/sec) PPV2 RMS Velocity Levels (in/sec)3 Threshold (in/sec) RMS4 Threshold Exceeded?5 Small Bulldozer Jack- hammer Loaded Trucks Large Bulldozer Peak Vibration R1 154' 0.000 0.002 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.01 No R2 181' 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.003 0.01 No R3 323' 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.01 No R4 519' 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.01 No R5 352' 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.01 No R6 134' 0.000 0.003 0.006 0.007 0.007 0.005 0.01 No R7 90' 0.000 0.005 0.011 0.013 0.013 0.009 0.01 No R8 90' 0.000 0.005 0.011 0.013 0.013 0.009 0.01 No R9 1,451' 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.01 No R10 1,378' 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.01 No 1 Receiver locations are shown on Exhibit 11-A. 2 Based on the Vibration Source Levels of Construction Equipment included on Table 6-6. 3 Vibration levels in PPV are converted to RMS velocity using a 0.71 conversion factor identified in the Caltrans Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual, September 2013. 4 Source: County of Riverside General Plan Noise Element, Policy N 16.3. 5 Does the vibration level exceed the maximum acceptable vibration threshold? Moreover, the impacts at the site of the closest sensitive receiv ers are unlikely to be sustained during the entire construction period but will occur rather only during the times that heavy construction equipment is operating adjacent to the Project site perimeter. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 87 12 REFERENCES 1. State of California. California Environmental Quality Act, Appendix G. 2018. 2. Urban Crossroads, Inc. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Traffic Impact Analysis. April 2020. 3. Harris, Cyril M. Noise Control in Buildings. s.l. : McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1994. 4. California Department of Transportation Environmental Program. Technical Noise Supplement - A Technical Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol. Sacramento, CA : s.n., September 2013. 5. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Noise Abatement and Control. Information on Levels of Environmental Noise Requisite to Protect Public Health and Welfare with an Adequate Margin of Safety. March 1974. EPA/ONAC 550/9/74-004. 6. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Environment and Planning, Noise and Air Quality Branch. Highway Traffic Noise Analysis and Abatement Policy and Guidance. December 2011. 7. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. Highway Traffic Noise in the United States, Problem and Response. April 2000. p. 3. 8. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Noise Abatement and Control. Noise Effects Handbook-A Desk Reference to Health and Welfare Effects of Noise. October 1979 (revised July 1981). EPA 550/9/82/106. 9. California Department of Transportation. Technical Noise Supplement. November 2009. 10. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Standard 29 CRF, Part 1910. 11. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. September 2018. 12. Office of Planning and Research. State of California General Plan Guidelines. 2018. 13. City of La Quinta. General Plan Environmental Hazards Element, Noise. December 2013. 14. —. Municipal Code, Sections 9.100, 6.08. 15. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Criteria for Recommended Standard: Occupational Noise Exposure. June 1998. 16. County of Riverside. General Plan Noise Element. December 2015. 17. Federal Interagency Committee on Noise. Federal Agency Review of Selected Airport Noise Analysis Issues. August 1992. 18. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Specification for Sound Level Meters ANSI S1.4- 2014/IEC 61672-1:2013. 19. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model. December 1978. FHWA-RD-77-108. 20. California Department of Transportation Environmental Program, Office of Environmental Engineering. Use of California Vehicle Noise Reference Energy Mean Emission Levels (Calveno REMELs) in FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Prediction. September 1995. TAN 95-03. 21. California Department of Transportation. Traffic Noise Attenuation as a Function of Ground and Vegetation Final Report. June 1995. FHWA/CA/TL-95/23. 22. County of Riverside, Office of Industrial Hygiene. Requirements for Determining and Mitigating Traffic Noise Impacts to Residential Structures. April 2015. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 88 23. California Department of Transportation. Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol. May 2011. 24. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Environment and Planning, Noise and Air Quality Branch. Highway Traffic Noise Analysis and Abatement Policy and Guidance. June, 1995. Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 89 13 CERTIFICATION The contents of this noise study report represent an accurate depiction of the noise environment and impacts associated with the proposed Coral Mountain Specific Plan Project. The information contained in this noise study report is based on the best available data at the time of preparation. If you have any questions, please contact me directly at (949) 336-5979. Bill Lawson, P.E., INCE Principal URBAN CROSSROADS, INC. 260 E. Baker Street, Suite 200 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (949) 336-5979 blawson@urbanxroads.com EDUCATION Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo • December, 1993 Bachelor of Science in City and Regional Planning California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo • June, 1992 PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS PE – Registered Professional Traffic Engineer – TR 2537 • January, 2009 AICP – American Institute of Certified Planners – 013011 • June, 1997–January 1, 2012 PTP – Professional Transportation Planner • May, 2007 – May, 2013 INCE – Institute of Noise Control Engineering • March, 2004 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS ASA – Acoustical Society of America ITE – Institute of Transportation Engineers PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS Certified Acoustical Consultant – County of Orange • February, 2011 FHWA-NHI-142051 Highway Traffic Noise Certificate of Training • February, 2013 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-05 Noise Study 90 This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-05 Noise Study APPENDIX 3.1: CITY OF LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE 91 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-05 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 92 La Quinta Municipal Code Up Previous Next Main Search Print No Frames Title 9 ZONING Chapter 9.100 SUPPLEMENTAL NONRESIDENTIAL REGULATIONS 9.100.210 Noise control. A. Purpose. The noise control standards for nonresidential land use districts set forth in this section are established to prevent excessive sound levels which are detrimental to the public health, welfare and safety or which are contrary to the public interest. B. Noise Standards. Exterior noise standards are set forth below. Residential property, schools, hospitals, and churches are considered noise sensitive land uses, regardless of the land use district in which they are located. All other uses shall comply with the “other nonresidential” standard. All noise measurements shall be taken using standard noise measuring instruments. Measurements shall be taken within the receiving property at locations determined by director to be most appropriate to the individual situation. Land Use Compatibility for Community Noise Environments Land Uses CNEL (dBA) 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Residential – Single-Family Dwellings, Duplex, Mobile Homes A B C D Residential – Multiple Family A B C D Transient Lodging: Hotels and Motels A B C D School Classrooms, Libraries, Churches, Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Convalescent Hospitals A B C D Auditoriums, Concert Halls, Amphitheaters B C Sports Arenas, Outdoor Spectator Sports B C Playgrounds, Neighborhood Parks A C D Golf Courses, Riding Stables, Water Recreation, Cemeteries A C D Office Buildings, Business, Commercial and Professional A B D Industrial, Manufacturing, Utilities, Agriculture A B D Source: California Department of Health Services, “Guidelines for the Preparation and Content of the Noise Element of the General Plan,” 1990. 93 Chart Legend A Normally Acceptable: With no special noise reduction requirements assuming standard construction. B Conditionally Acceptable: New construction or development should be undertaken only after a detailed analysis of the noise reduction requirement is made and needed noise insulation features included in the design. C Normally Unacceptable: New construction is discouraged. If new construction does proceed, a detailed analysis of the noise reduction requirements must be made and needed noise insulation features included in the design. D Clearly Unacceptable: New construction or development should generally not be undertaken. Exterior Noise Standards Receiving Land Use Noise Standard Time Period Noise sensitive 65 dB(A)7:00 a.m.—10:00 p.m. 50 dB(A)10:00 p.m.—7:00 a.m. Other nonresidential 75 dB(A)7:00 a.m.—10:00 p.m. 65 dB(A)10:00 p.m.—7:00 a.m. If the noise consists entirely of impact noise, simple tone noise, speech or music, or any combination thereof, each of the noise levels specified in the table in this section shall be reduced by five dB(A). C. Noise Limits. It is unlawful for any person at any location within the city to create any noise, or to allow the creation of any noise on property owned, leased, occupied or otherwise controlled by such person, when such noise causes the noise level, when measured on any adjacent property, to exceed: 1. The noise standard for a cumulative period of more than thirty minutes in any hour; 2. The noise standard plus five dB(A) for a cumulative period of more than fifteen minutes in any hour; 3. The noise standard plus ten dB(A) for a cumulative period of more than five minutes in any hour; 4. The noise standard plus fifteen dB(A) for a cumulative period of more than one minute in any hour; or 5. The noise standard plus twenty dB(A) for any period of time. For purposes of this section, the term “cumulative period” means the number of minutes that a noise occurs within any hour, whether such minutes are consecutive or not. D. Ambient Noise Level. If the ambient or background noise level exceeds any of the preceding noise categories, no increase above such ambient noise level shall be permitted. E. Exemptions. The following are exempt from the noise restrictions of this section: 1. Emergency vehicles or other emergency operations. 2. City maintenance, construction or similar activities. 3. Construction activities regulated by Section 6.08.050 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. 4. Golf course maintenance activities between five-thirty a.m. and ending no later than eight p.m. on any given day. F. Enforcement. The city manager or designee shall have the responsibility and authority to enforce the provisions of this section. (Ord. 565 § 1, 2017; Ord. 550 § 1, 2016) View the mobile version. 94 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-05 Noise Study APPENDIX 5.1: STUDY AREA PHOTOS 95 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-05 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 96 JN: 12642 Study Area Photos L1_E 33, 37' 39.900000", 116, 15' 13.400000" L1_N 33, 37' 39.830000", 116, 15' 13.430000" L1_S 33, 37' 39.830000", 116, 15' 13.430000" L1_W 33, 37' 39.900000", 116, 15' 13.400000" L2_E 33, 37' 39.670000", 116, 15' 5.000000" L2_N 33, 37' 39.670000", 116, 15' 5.030000" 97 JN: 12642 Study Area Photos L2_S 33, 37' 39.680000", 116, 15' 5.030000" L2_W 33, 37' 39.680000", 116, 15' 4.970000" L3_E 33, 37' 40.370000", 116, 15' 1.730000" L3_N 33, 37' 40.600000", 116, 15' 1.870000" L3_S 33, 37' 40.600000", 116, 15' 1.870000" L3_W 33, 37' 40.370000", 116, 15' 1.730000" 98 JN: 12642 Study Area Photos L4_H 33, 37' 36.210000", 116, 15' 1.040000" L4_N 33, 37' 35.640000", 116, 14' 59.700000" L4_S 33, 37' 36.190000", 116, 15' 1.100000" L4_W 33, 37' 36.220000", 116, 15' 1.040000" L5_E 33, 37' 38.390000", 116, 15' 1.730000" L5_N 33, 37' 37.150000", 116, 15' 1.700000" 99 JN: 12642 Study Area Photos L5_S 33, 37' 38.460000", 116, 15' 1.700000" L5_W 33, 37' 38.350000", 116, 15' 1.700000" L6_E 33, 36' 56.080000", 116, 15' 2.250000" L6_N 33, 36' 53.960000", 116, 14' 58.540000" L6_S ,  L6_W 33, 36' 55.980000", 116, 15' 2.200000" 100 JN: 12642 Study Area Photos L7_E 33, 36' 46.100000", 116, 15' 7.170000" L7_N ,  L7_S ,  L7_W 33, 36' 45.940000", 116, 15' 7.060000" L8_E 33, 36' 45.670000", 116, 15' 21.180000" L8_N 33, 36' 53.960000", 116, 14' 58.540000" 101 JN: 12642 Study Area Photos L8_S 33, 36' 45.670000", 116, 15' 21.180000" L8_W 33, 36' 45.660000", 116, 15' 21.150000" L9_E 33, 37' 28.040000", 116, 16' 13.330000" L9_N 33, 38' 49.930000", 116, 16' 5.310000" L9_S 33, 37' 28.020000", 116, 16' 13.330000" L9_W 33, 37' 28.050000", 116, 16' 13.310000" 102 JN: 12642 Study Area Photos L10_E 33, 37' 39.780000", 116, 15' 47.190000" L10_N 33, 37' 39.760000", 116, 15' 47.190000" L10_S 33, 37' 39.760000", 116, 15' 47.190000" L10_W 33, 37' 39.820000", 116, 15' 47.210000" 103 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-05 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 104 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-05 Noise Study APPENDIX 5.2: NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENT WORKSHEETS 105 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-05 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 106 Date:Location:Meter:Piccolo I JN:12642 Project:1840 The Wave at Coral Mountain Analyst:P. Mara Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99%L eq Adj.Adj. L eq 0 40.8 61.3 36.3 43.0 43.0 42.0 42.0 42.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 40.8 10.0 50.8 1 36.5 43.9 36.3 39.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.5 10.0 46.5 2 38.2 58.0 36.3 45.0 42.0 39.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 38.2 10.0 48.2 3 42.3 64.6 36.3 52.0 48.0 43.0 41.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 42.3 10.0 52.3 4 51.0 71.7 36.3 64.0 62.0 56.0 52.0 43.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 51.0 10.0 61.0 5 57.7 80.3 36.3 68.0 67.0 64.0 62.0 53.0 46.0 39.0 39.0 36.0 57.7 10.0 67.7 6 56.9 80.5 41.0 68.0 67.0 63.0 59.0 51.0 48.0 44.0 43.0 42.0 56.9 10.0 66.9 7 55.8 76.5 41.8 67.0 66.0 63.0 60.0 50.0 46.0 43.0 42.0 42.0 55.8 0.0 55.8 8 56.7 80.1 39.3 67.0 65.0 62.0 60.0 51.0 44.0 41.0 41.0 39.0 56.7 0.0 56.7 9 54.0 75.0 39.1 66.0 64.0 60.0 58.0 47.0 42.0 39.0 39.0 39.0 54.0 0.0 54.0 10 55.6 77.9 37.6 67.0 65.0 61.0 59.0 49.0 43.0 39.0 39.0 39.0 55.6 0.0 55.6 11 55.3 74.7 41.0 67.0 65.0 62.0 59.0 49.0 43.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 55.3 0.0 55.3 12 54.8 73.0 40.9 66.0 64.0 61.0 60.0 49.0 43.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 54.8 0.0 54.8 13 57.4 80.0 39.2 68.0 65.0 62.0 60.0 53.0 45.0 41.0 39.0 39.0 57.4 0.0 57.4 14 55.3 78.2 38.7 66.0 65.0 61.0 59.0 50.0 44.0 40.0 39.0 39.0 55.3 0.0 55.3 15 54.8 76.3 36.3 66.0 64.0 61.0 58.0 49.0 43.0 39.0 39.0 36.0 54.8 0.0 54.8 16 53.6 73.1 36.3 66.0 64.0 60.0 57.0 45.0 40.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 53.6 0.0 53.6 17 50.0 67.7 36.3 62.0 60.0 57.0 54.0 45.0 41.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 50.0 0.0 50.0 18 47.7 67.4 36.3 60.0 57.0 53.0 50.0 44.0 41.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 47.7 0.0 47.7 19 51.9 80.5 36.3 62.0 59.0 53.0 49.0 43.0 41.0 39.0 39.0 37.0 51.9 5.0 56.9 20 44.7 66.7 36.3 58.0 51.0 45.0 43.0 41.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 44.7 5.0 49.7 21 47.4 74.1 36.3 58.0 54.0 47.0 45.0 43.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 47.4 5.0 52.4 22 42.3 65.9 36.3 48.0 43.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 42.3 10.0 52.3 23 39.4 45.9 36.3 42.0 42.0 41.0 41.0 39.0 39.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 39.4 10.0 49.4 Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99% Min 47.7 67.4 36.3 60.0 57.0 53.0 50.0 44.0 40.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 Max 57.4 80.1 41.8 68.0 66.0 63.0 60.0 53.0 46.0 43.0 42.0 42.0 54.9 65.7 63.7 60.3 57.8 48.4 42.9 39.4 39.0 38.6 Min 44.7 66.7 36.3 58.0 51.0 45.0 43.0 41.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 Max 51.9 80.5 36.3 62.0 59.0 53.0 49.0 43.0 41.0 39.0 39.0 37.0 49.0 59.3 54.7 48.3 45.7 42.3 39.7 37.0 37.0 36.3 Min 36.5 43.9 36.3 39.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 Max 57.7 80.5 41.0 68.0 67.0 64.0 62.0 53.0 48.0 44.0 43.0 42.0 51.5 52.1 50.3 47.2 45.7 42.2 39.4 37.3 37.1 36.7 Evening L1 - Located along 58th Ave. in front of entrance to Coral Mountain and west of Salida del Sol. 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Hourly L eq dBA Readings (unadjusted) Night Day Night L eq (dBA) Day Energy Average Average: 24-Hour Daytime Nighttime Evening 24-Hour CNEL (dBA) 53.4 54.2 51.5 Energy Average Average:58.5Night Energy Average Average:40.836.538.242.351.057.756.955.856.754.055.655.354.857.455.354.853.650.047.751.944.747.442.339.435. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23Hourly Leq(dBA)Hour Beginning \\Uxr-fs\ucdata\UcJobs\_12600-13000\_12600\12642\Field Work\Measurements\12642_L1_B 107 Date:Location:Meter:Piccolo I JN:12642 Project:1840 The Wave at Coral Mountain Analyst:P. Mara Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99%L eq Adj.Adj. L eq 0 56.0 67.2 36.1 64.0 64.0 63.0 59.0 56.0 55.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 56.0 10.0 66.0 1 52.1 62.0 36.1 57.0 57.0 56.0 56.0 55.0 47.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 52.1 10.0 62.1 2 43.9 64.1 36.1 57.0 54.0 46.0 42.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 43.9 10.0 53.9 3 47.7 71.9 36.1 59.0 55.0 51.0 48.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 47.7 10.0 57.7 4 57.9 77.2 36.1 71.0 68.0 64.0 61.0 53.0 43.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 57.9 10.0 67.9 5 65.5 90.3 36.1 77.0 74.0 70.0 68.0 61.0 55.0 46.0 44.0 40.0 65.5 10.0 75.5 6 66.2 91.4 42.1 77.0 73.0 68.0 66.0 59.0 56.0 50.0 48.0 45.0 66.2 10.0 76.2 7 64.2 87.0 43.7 76.0 73.0 69.0 66.0 58.0 54.0 48.0 47.0 45.0 64.2 0.0 64.2 8 62.4 84.2 39.7 74.0 71.0 67.0 65.0 58.0 53.0 46.0 44.0 41.0 62.4 0.0 62.4 9 61.2 79.7 39.1 72.0 70.0 67.0 65.0 59.0 53.0 45.0 43.0 41.0 61.2 0.0 61.2 10 64.0 91.2 36.1 73.0 71.0 68.0 66.0 59.0 53.0 44.0 41.0 38.0 64.0 0.0 64.0 11 64.2 88.2 36.1 76.0 72.0 69.0 67.0 60.0 54.0 45.0 43.0 38.0 64.2 0.0 64.2 12 66.3 90.2 39.1 79.0 75.0 70.0 67.0 59.0 54.0 46.0 44.0 41.0 66.3 0.0 66.3 13 62.8 84.0 38.1 73.0 71.0 68.0 66.0 60.0 55.0 46.0 44.0 40.0 62.8 0.0 62.8 14 63.4 86.5 38.4 74.0 72.0 68.0 66.0 60.0 55.0 45.0 43.0 40.0 63.4 0.0 63.4 15 61.5 82.8 40.3 71.0 69.0 66.0 65.0 59.0 55.0 48.0 46.0 43.0 61.5 0.0 61.5 16 63.2 89.8 36.1 74.0 72.0 67.0 64.0 57.0 52.0 45.0 42.0 36.0 63.2 0.0 63.2 17 58.4 79.8 36.1 69.0 68.0 64.0 62.0 55.0 51.0 40.0 39.0 36.0 58.4 0.0 58.4 18 60.8 80.7 36.1 72.0 70.0 67.0 65.0 56.0 51.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 60.8 0.0 60.8 19 62.1 88.0 36.1 70.0 68.0 66.0 64.0 57.0 49.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 62.1 5.0 67.1 20 55.5 75.4 36.1 68.0 64.0 59.0 58.0 52.0 44.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 55.5 5.0 60.5 21 55.1 79.5 36.1 67.0 63.0 60.0 58.0 51.0 45.0 39.0 38.0 36.0 55.1 5.0 60.1 22 61.4 76.4 36.1 74.0 74.0 66.0 58.0 55.0 49.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 61.4 10.0 71.4 23 51.8 67.0 36.1 65.0 64.0 57.0 55.0 47.0 44.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 51.8 10.0 61.8 Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99% Min 58.4 79.7 36.1 69.0 68.0 64.0 62.0 55.0 51.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 Max 66.3 91.2 43.7 79.0 75.0 70.0 67.0 60.0 55.0 48.0 47.0 45.0 63.1 73.6 71.2 67.5 65.3 58.3 53.3 44.7 42.7 39.6 Min 55.1 75.4 36.1 67.0 63.0 59.0 58.0 51.0 44.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 Max 62.1 88.0 36.1 70.0 68.0 66.0 64.0 57.0 49.0 39.0 38.0 36.0 58.8 68.3 65.0 61.7 60.0 53.3 46.0 38.7 36.7 36.0 Min 43.9 62.0 36.1 57.0 54.0 46.0 42.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 Max 66.2 91.4 42.1 77.0 74.0 70.0 68.0 61.0 56.0 50.0 48.0 45.0 60.7 66.8 64.8 60.1 57.0 51.1 46.8 38.7 38.2 37.4 Energy Average Average:67.6Night Energy Average Average: Evening 24-Hour CNEL (dBA) 61.9 62.5 60.7 Night L eq (dBA) Day Energy Average Average: 24-Hour Daytime Nighttime Evening L2 - Located along 58th Ave. South of home at 57925 Barristo Cir. 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Hourly L eq dBA Readings (unadjusted) Night Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23Hourly Leq(dBA)Hour Beginning \\Uxr-fs\ucdata\UcJobs\_12600-13000\_12600\12642\Field Work\Measurements\12642_L2_M 108 Date:Location:Meter:Piccolo I JN:12642 Project:1840 The Wave at Coral Mountain Analyst:P. Mara Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99%L eq Adj.Adj. L eq 0 39.5 56.6 36.2 51.0 49.0 44.0 41.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 39.5 10.0 49.5 1 35.9 50.2 36.2 42.0 41.0 39.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 35.9 10.0 45.9 2 42.0 63.3 36.2 54.0 52.0 46.0 41.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 42.0 10.0 52.0 3 48.8 74.1 36.2 60.0 57.0 53.0 50.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 48.8 10.0 58.8 4 54.6 72.6 36.2 67.0 63.0 60.0 58.0 52.0 43.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 54.6 10.0 64.6 5 59.4 79.5 36.2 69.0 67.0 64.0 62.0 58.0 55.0 46.0 43.0 37.0 59.4 10.0 69.4 6 62.9 85.3 46.0 73.0 70.0 67.0 65.0 61.0 57.0 50.0 49.0 47.0 62.9 10.0 72.9 7 63.8 89.4 44.5 72.0 70.0 67.0 65.0 60.0 56.0 50.0 49.0 46.0 63.8 0.0 63.8 8 60.3 82.8 39.2 69.0 67.0 64.0 63.0 59.0 55.0 47.0 45.0 42.0 60.3 0.0 60.3 9 61.4 80.5 39.2 71.0 69.0 67.0 65.0 61.0 57.0 47.0 44.0 41.0 61.4 0.0 61.4 10 63.9 90.7 36.2 72.0 70.0 67.0 64.0 60.0 56.0 47.0 43.0 36.0 63.9 0.0 63.9 11 63.1 84.5 36.2 74.0 71.0 67.0 65.0 60.0 56.0 48.0 46.0 39.0 63.1 0.0 63.1 12 60.1 79.9 39.1 70.0 67.0 64.0 63.0 59.0 55.0 46.0 44.0 41.0 60.1 0.0 60.1 13 63.1 85.5 40.0 74.0 70.0 67.0 65.0 60.0 55.0 47.0 45.0 41.0 63.1 0.0 63.1 14 62.9 83.7 40.0 75.0 71.0 68.0 65.0 60.0 56.0 49.0 46.0 42.0 62.9 0.0 62.9 15 62.9 84.1 40.2 75.0 71.0 66.0 64.0 59.0 56.0 49.0 47.0 43.0 62.9 0.0 62.9 16 62.7 89.1 36.2 71.0 68.0 64.0 62.0 58.0 55.0 47.0 44.0 39.0 62.7 0.0 62.7 17 57.6 78.0 36.2 67.0 65.0 62.0 60.0 56.0 53.0 42.0 39.0 36.0 57.6 0.0 57.6 18 55.9 73.8 36.2 66.0 64.0 61.0 59.0 55.0 51.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 55.9 0.0 55.9 19 56.1 83.6 36.2 63.0 61.0 58.0 56.0 52.0 46.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 56.1 5.0 61.1 20 53.6 76.4 36.2 66.0 64.0 58.0 56.0 50.0 43.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 53.6 5.0 58.6 21 53.1 79.2 36.2 61.0 58.0 55.0 53.0 47.0 42.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 53.1 5.0 58.1 22 46.5 68.0 36.2 58.0 56.0 52.0 50.0 41.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 46.5 10.0 56.5 23 42.7 59.1 36.2 55.0 53.0 49.0 45.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 42.7 10.0 52.7 Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99% Min 55.9 73.8 36.2 66.0 64.0 61.0 59.0 55.0 51.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 Max 63.9 90.7 44.5 75.0 71.0 68.0 65.0 61.0 57.0 50.0 49.0 46.0 62.0 71.3 68.6 65.3 63.3 58.9 55.1 46.5 44.0 40.2 Min 53.1 76.4 36.2 61.0 58.0 55.0 53.0 47.0 42.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 Max 56.1 83.6 36.2 66.0 64.0 58.0 56.0 52.0 46.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 54.5 63.3 61.0 57.0 55.0 49.7 43.7 37.7 36.0 36.0 Min 35.9 50.2 36.2 42.0 41.0 39.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 Max 62.9 85.3 46.0 73.0 70.0 67.0 65.0 61.0 57.0 50.0 49.0 47.0 55.6 58.8 56.4 52.7 49.9 44.1 41.4 38.7 38.2 37.3 Energy Average Average:63.6Night Energy Average Average: Evening 24-Hour CNEL (dBA) 59.9 61.2 55.6 Night L eq (dBA) Day Energy Average Average: 24-Hour Daytime Nighttime Evening L3 - Located northeast of Madison St. and 58th Ave. adjacent to wall enclosing golf course. 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Hourly L eq dBA Readings (unadjusted) Night Day 39.535.942.048.854.659.462.963.860.361.463.963. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23Hourly Leq(dBA)Hour Beginning \\Uxr-fs\ucdata\UcJobs\_12600-13000\_12600\12642\Field Work\Measurements\12642_L3_L 109 Date:Location:Meter:Piccolo I JN:12642 Project:1840 The Wave at Coral Mountain Analyst:P. Mara Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99%L eq Adj.Adj. L eq 0 46.5 59.1 35.0 52.0 50.0 48.0 47.0 46.0 46.0 44.0 39.0 36.0 46.5 10.0 56.5 1 45.2 50.8 36.4 48.0 47.0 47.0 46.0 45.0 45.0 43.0 41.0 38.0 45.2 10.0 55.2 2 44.1 60.7 35.0 54.0 52.0 48.0 46.0 44.0 39.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 44.1 10.0 54.1 3 46.2 65.0 35.0 59.0 56.0 51.0 49.0 41.0 38.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 46.2 10.0 56.2 4 53.5 69.7 35.4 65.0 62.0 60.0 58.0 51.0 45.0 38.0 38.0 37.0 53.5 10.0 63.5 5 56.9 77.2 41.8 66.0 64.0 61.0 60.0 56.0 53.0 46.0 45.0 42.0 56.9 10.0 66.9 6 59.8 81.8 45.7 66.0 65.0 63.0 62.0 59.0 56.0 51.0 50.0 48.0 59.8 10.0 69.8 7 58.0 77.8 46.8 66.0 63.0 61.0 60.0 57.0 54.0 50.0 49.0 48.0 58.0 0.0 58.0 8 54.5 66.0 40.8 62.0 61.0 59.0 58.0 55.0 51.0 46.0 45.0 42.0 54.5 0.0 54.5 9 54.1 67.7 39.8 63.0 61.0 59.0 58.0 54.0 51.0 43.0 42.0 40.0 54.1 0.0 54.1 10 53.0 70.4 37.4 62.0 60.0 58.0 57.0 53.0 49.0 42.0 40.0 38.0 53.0 0.0 53.0 11 54.4 77.2 37.9 63.0 61.0 58.0 57.0 53.0 49.0 42.0 41.0 38.0 54.4 0.0 54.4 12 51.8 69.4 38.0 61.0 58.0 56.0 55.0 51.0 47.0 41.0 40.0 38.0 51.8 0.0 51.8 13 51.7 70.1 38.0 61.0 59.0 56.0 55.0 52.0 47.0 41.0 40.0 39.0 51.7 0.0 51.7 14 52.5 72.3 38.0 62.0 60.0 57.0 55.0 52.0 48.0 42.0 41.0 39.0 52.5 0.0 52.5 15 52.5 67.8 39.7 61.0 59.0 57.0 56.0 53.0 49.0 43.0 42.0 40.0 52.5 0.0 52.5 16 56.6 82.2 37.3 66.0 62.0 58.0 57.0 54.0 49.0 41.0 39.0 38.0 56.6 0.0 56.6 17 55.5 77.8 37.9 68.0 62.0 59.0 57.0 54.0 49.0 41.0 39.0 38.0 55.5 0.0 55.5 18 56.3 76.2 38.0 66.0 63.0 60.0 58.0 54.0 51.0 43.0 40.0 38.0 56.3 0.0 56.3 19 55.6 77.7 37.9 62.0 61.0 58.0 57.0 54.0 52.0 51.0 50.0 39.0 55.6 5.0 60.6 20 53.7 66.3 43.3 60.0 59.0 57.0 56.0 53.0 52.0 51.0 51.0 49.0 53.7 5.0 58.7 21 51.2 69.9 37.7 60.0 58.0 55.0 54.0 52.0 46.0 38.0 38.0 38.0 51.2 5.0 56.2 22 48.2 62.9 35.0 59.0 59.0 57.0 52.0 42.0 38.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 48.2 10.0 58.2 23 42.8 59.4 35.0 55.0 52.0 47.0 45.0 39.0 37.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 42.8 10.0 52.8 Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99% Min 51.7 66.0 37.3 61.0 58.0 56.0 55.0 51.0 47.0 41.0 39.0 38.0 Max 58.0 82.2 46.8 68.0 63.0 61.0 60.0 57.0 54.0 50.0 49.0 48.0 54.7 63.4 60.8 58.2 56.9 53.5 49.5 42.9 41.5 39.7 Min 51.2 66.3 37.7 60.0 58.0 55.0 54.0 52.0 46.0 38.0 38.0 38.0 Max 55.6 77.7 43.3 62.0 61.0 58.0 57.0 54.0 52.0 51.0 51.0 49.0 53.9 60.7 59.3 56.7 55.7 53.0 50.0 46.7 46.3 42.0 Min 42.8 50.8 35.0 48.0 47.0 47.0 45.0 39.0 37.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 Max 59.8 81.8 45.7 66.0 65.0 63.0 62.0 59.0 56.0 51.0 50.0 48.0 53.2 58.2 56.3 53.6 51.7 47.0 44.1 40.2 39.2 37.9 Evening L4 - Located on the southeast corner of 58th Ave. and Madison St. 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Hourly L eq dBA Readings (unadjusted) Night Day Night L eq (dBA) Day Energy Average Average: 24-Hour Daytime Nighttime Evening 24-Hour CNEL (dBA) 54.1 54.5 53.2 Energy Average Average:60.1Night Energy Average Average:46.545. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23Hourly Leq(dBA)Hour Beginning \\Uxr-fs\ucdata\UcJobs\_12600-13000\_12600\12642\Field Work\Measurements\12642_L4_H 110 Date:Location:Meter:Piccolo I JN:12642 Project:1840 The Wave at Coral Mountain Analyst:P. Mara Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99%L eq Adj.Adj. L eq 0 37.6 42.8 35.7 39.0 39.0 39.0 38.0 38.0 37.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 37.6 10.0 47.6 1 40.2 63.6 35.7 45.0 39.0 38.0 38.0 38.0 36.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 40.2 10.0 50.2 2 37.2 44.5 35.7 39.0 39.0 38.0 38.0 37.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 37.2 10.0 47.2 3 43.9 72.7 35.7 46.0 40.0 38.0 38.0 36.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 43.9 10.0 53.9 4 55.3 78.7 35.7 68.0 66.0 60.0 54.0 43.0 38.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 55.3 10.0 65.3 5 62.8 81.3 35.7 74.0 73.0 70.0 68.0 57.0 49.0 40.0 38.0 37.0 62.8 10.0 72.8 6 61.1 81.4 40.3 74.0 72.0 67.0 63.0 51.0 47.0 42.0 41.0 40.0 61.1 10.0 71.1 7 65.6 81.6 38.6 77.0 76.0 73.0 71.0 58.0 47.0 41.0 40.0 38.0 65.6 0.0 65.6 8 62.8 81.6 40.0 75.0 73.0 69.0 66.0 55.0 50.0 42.0 41.0 40.0 62.8 0.0 62.8 9 58.9 77.5 38.7 71.0 69.0 65.0 62.0 56.0 50.0 44.0 43.0 41.0 58.9 0.0 58.9 10 61.2 80.8 35.7 73.0 71.0 68.0 66.0 51.0 40.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 61.2 0.0 61.2 11 60.9 84.5 35.7 73.0 72.0 68.0 65.0 50.0 42.0 38.0 35.0 35.0 60.9 0.0 60.9 12 62.0 86.0 35.7 74.0 71.0 66.0 63.0 48.0 42.0 36.0 35.0 35.0 62.0 0.0 62.0 13 60.4 82.4 35.7 72.0 70.0 66.0 64.0 53.0 44.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 60.4 0.0 60.4 14 59.4 78.0 35.7 72.0 70.0 67.0 64.0 48.0 40.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 59.4 0.0 59.4 15 59.1 78.9 35.7 71.0 69.0 66.0 63.0 48.0 41.0 36.0 35.0 35.0 59.1 0.0 59.1 16 56.7 78.8 35.7 70.0 68.0 62.0 56.0 42.0 37.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 56.7 0.0 56.7 17 50.2 71.6 35.7 65.0 60.0 51.0 47.0 40.0 36.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 50.2 0.0 50.2 18 46.7 69.9 35.7 56.0 52.0 50.0 48.0 41.0 40.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 46.7 0.0 46.7 19 51.1 77.7 35.7 62.0 56.0 48.0 46.0 42.0 40.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 51.1 5.0 56.1 20 39.5 49.2 35.7 44.0 44.0 42.0 41.0 40.0 38.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 39.5 5.0 44.5 21 50.1 74.6 35.7 64.0 59.0 49.0 45.0 38.0 36.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 50.1 5.0 55.1 22 48.7 74.0 35.7 56.0 50.0 49.0 48.0 46.0 40.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 48.7 10.0 58.7 23 44.0 48.8 35.7 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 44.0 44.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 44.0 10.0 54.0 Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99% Min 46.7 69.9 35.7 56.0 52.0 50.0 47.0 40.0 36.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 Max 65.6 86.0 40.0 77.0 76.0 73.0 71.0 58.0 50.0 44.0 43.0 41.0 60.6 70.8 68.4 64.3 61.3 49.2 42.4 37.3 36.6 36.2 Min 39.5 49.2 35.7 44.0 44.0 42.0 41.0 38.0 36.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 Max 51.1 77.7 35.7 64.0 59.0 49.0 46.0 42.0 40.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 49.0 56.7 53.0 46.3 44.0 40.0 38.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 Min 37.2 42.8 35.7 39.0 39.0 38.0 38.0 36.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 Max 62.8 81.4 40.3 74.0 73.0 70.0 68.0 57.0 49.0 42.0 41.0 40.0 56.1 54.0 51.4 49.3 47.8 43.3 40.1 36.3 36.0 35.8 Evening L5 - Located south of 58th Ave. outside the northwest corner of the Analusia Country Club. 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Hourly L eq dBA Readings (unadjusted) Night Day Night L eq (dBA) Day Energy Average Average: 24-Hour Daytime Nighttime Evening 24-Hour CNEL (dBA) 58.7 59.7 56.1 Energy Average Average:63.3Night Energy Average Average:37.640.237.243.955.362.861.165.662.858.961.260.962.060.459.459.156.750.246.751.139.550.148.744. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23Hourly Leq(dBA)Hour Beginning \\Uxr-fs\ucdata\UcJobs\_12600-13000\_12600\12642\Field Work\Measurements\12642_L5_I 111 Date:Location:Meter:Piccolo I JN:12642 Project:1840 The Wave at Coral Mountain Analyst:P. Mara Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99%L eq Adj.Adj. L eq 0 41.4 63.8 34.8 49.0 43.0 41.0 40.0 37.0 37.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 41.4 10.0 51.4 1 45.9 66.9 34.8 58.0 56.0 53.0 48.0 39.0 37.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 45.9 10.0 55.9 2 46.4 69.8 34.8 60.0 53.0 45.0 44.0 39.0 37.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 46.4 10.0 56.4 3 49.8 73.5 35.6 64.0 58.0 50.0 45.0 40.0 37.0 37.0 37.0 36.0 49.8 10.0 59.8 4 54.8 75.1 37.6 67.0 65.0 61.0 58.0 46.0 41.0 37.0 37.0 37.0 54.8 10.0 64.8 5 60.0 76.9 37.8 70.0 69.0 67.0 65.0 58.0 50.0 41.0 40.0 39.0 60.0 10.0 70.0 6 62.5 85.9 43.1 71.0 70.0 68.0 66.0 61.0 55.0 49.0 48.0 44.0 62.5 10.0 72.5 7 59.8 75.9 44.3 70.0 68.0 66.0 64.0 59.0 53.0 48.0 47.0 46.0 59.8 0.0 59.8 8 59.0 72.8 44.1 68.0 67.0 65.0 64.0 59.0 53.0 47.0 46.0 45.0 59.0 0.0 59.0 9 58.9 73.4 39.5 68.0 67.0 65.0 63.0 59.0 53.0 43.0 41.0 39.0 58.9 0.0 58.9 10 57.9 73.9 39.4 67.0 66.0 64.0 63.0 58.0 50.0 42.0 41.0 40.0 57.9 0.0 57.9 11 58.2 78.8 37.8 67.0 66.0 64.0 63.0 58.0 50.0 41.0 40.0 38.0 58.2 0.0 58.2 12 58.3 73.6 37.8 68.0 66.0 64.0 63.0 58.0 51.0 42.0 40.0 37.0 58.3 0.0 58.3 13 58.3 73.4 40.7 67.0 66.0 64.0 63.0 59.0 51.0 44.0 43.0 41.0 58.3 0.0 58.3 14 59.6 73.0 39.6 68.0 67.0 66.0 65.0 60.0 52.0 42.0 41.0 40.0 59.6 0.0 59.6 15 60.1 74.5 37.8 69.0 68.0 66.0 65.0 61.0 51.0 40.0 39.0 38.0 60.1 0.0 60.1 16 59.6 75.9 34.8 69.0 67.0 66.0 65.0 60.0 51.0 39.0 37.0 37.0 59.6 0.0 59.6 17 59.5 74.4 34.8 69.0 69.0 66.0 65.0 58.0 49.0 39.0 37.0 35.0 59.5 0.0 59.5 18 60.7 80.2 37.7 71.0 69.0 67.0 66.0 56.0 47.0 39.0 37.0 37.0 60.7 0.0 60.7 19 56.2 71.7 34.8 67.0 66.0 64.0 62.0 53.0 44.0 37.0 37.0 35.0 56.2 5.0 61.2 20 54.5 71.3 34.8 67.0 66.0 62.0 58.0 46.0 39.0 37.0 35.0 35.0 54.5 5.0 59.5 21 54.6 75.6 34.8 68.0 66.0 59.0 54.0 39.0 37.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 54.6 5.0 59.6 22 51.5 75.0 34.8 66.0 62.0 51.0 46.0 37.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 51.5 10.0 61.5 23 46.4 71.9 34.8 57.0 49.0 40.0 38.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 46.4 10.0 56.4 Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99% Min 57.9 72.8 34.8 67.0 66.0 64.0 63.0 56.0 47.0 39.0 37.0 35.0 Max 60.7 80.2 44.3 71.0 69.0 67.0 66.0 61.0 53.0 48.0 47.0 46.0 59.2 68.4 67.2 65.3 64.1 58.8 50.9 42.2 40.8 39.4 Min 54.5 71.3 34.8 67.0 66.0 59.0 54.0 39.0 37.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 Max 56.2 75.6 34.8 68.0 66.0 64.0 62.0 53.0 44.0 37.0 37.0 35.0 55.2 67.3 66.0 61.7 58.0 46.0 40.0 36.3 35.7 35.0 Min 41.4 63.8 34.8 49.0 43.0 40.0 38.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 Max 62.5 85.9 43.1 71.0 70.0 68.0 66.0 61.0 55.0 49.0 48.0 44.0 55.8 62.4 58.3 52.9 50.0 43.6 40.4 37.7 37.4 36.8 Energy Average Average:63.0Night Energy Average Average: Evening 24-Hour CNEL (dBA) 57.8 58.7 55.8 Night L eq (dBA) Day Energy Average Average: 24-Hour Daytime Nighttime Evening L6 - Located along Cll Conchita southeast of home at 80900 Cll Conchita. 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Hourly L eq dBA Readings (unadjusted) Night Day 41.445.946.449.854.860.062.559.859.058.957.958.258.358.359.660.159.659.560.756.254.554.651.546.435. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23Hourly Leq(dBA)Hour Beginning \\Uxr-fs\ucdata\UcJobs\_12600-13000\_12600\12642\Field Work\Measurements\12642_L6_N 112 Date:Location:Meter:Piccolo I JN:12642 Project:1840 The Wave at Coral Mountain Analyst:P. Mara Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99%L eq Adj.Adj. L eq 0 56.2 58.8 52.3 58.0 58.0 57.0 57.0 56.0 56.0 54.0 53.0 52.0 56.2 10.0 66.2 1 55.5 57.9 52.1 57.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 56.0 55.0 53.0 52.0 52.0 55.5 10.0 65.5 2 54.9 57.4 51.7 57.0 57.0 56.0 56.0 55.0 54.0 52.0 52.0 52.0 54.9 10.0 64.9 3 55.4 63.8 52.9 57.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 55.0 55.0 54.0 53.0 53.0 55.4 10.0 65.4 4 56.0 59.9 52.7 58.0 58.0 58.0 57.0 57.0 55.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 56.0 10.0 66.0 5 55.9 67.8 52.7 60.0 58.0 57.0 57.0 56.0 55.0 54.0 53.0 53.0 55.9 10.0 65.9 6 57.5 78.4 53.3 64.0 62.0 59.0 58.0 57.0 56.0 54.0 54.0 53.0 57.5 10.0 67.5 7 60.6 86.4 52.9 66.0 64.0 60.0 59.0 57.0 57.0 55.0 54.0 53.0 60.6 0.0 60.6 8 60.2 74.4 53.2 64.0 63.0 62.0 62.0 61.0 59.0 56.0 55.0 54.0 60.2 0.0 60.2 9 58.6 75.6 52.0 65.0 63.0 62.0 62.0 60.0 55.0 53.0 53.0 52.0 58.6 0.0 58.6 10 54.5 64.2 52.3 57.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 55.0 54.0 53.0 53.0 52.0 54.5 0.0 54.5 11 54.0 69.0 50.6 62.0 58.0 55.0 55.0 53.0 52.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 54.0 0.0 54.0 12 56.0 74.1 50.8 62.0 60.0 59.0 58.0 56.0 55.0 52.0 51.0 51.0 56.0 0.0 56.0 13 58.2 65.8 54.1 64.0 64.0 63.0 63.0 58.0 56.0 54.0 54.0 54.0 58.2 0.0 58.2 14 61.3 85.9 51.9 67.0 64.0 63.0 62.0 59.0 57.0 53.0 53.0 52.0 61.3 0.0 61.3 15 54.2 68.1 51.3 60.0 59.0 57.0 56.0 53.0 53.0 52.0 52.0 51.0 54.2 0.0 54.2 16 58.3 84.6 52.5 65.0 61.0 57.0 57.0 56.0 54.0 53.0 53.0 52.0 58.3 0.0 58.3 17 57.8 68.2 54.0 61.0 60.0 59.0 58.0 58.0 57.0 56.0 55.0 54.0 57.8 0.0 57.8 18 57.4 71.6 53.6 62.0 59.0 58.0 58.0 57.0 57.0 55.0 55.0 53.0 57.4 0.0 57.4 19 56.1 63.0 52.7 58.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 56.0 56.0 54.0 54.0 53.0 56.1 5.0 61.1 20 55.5 60.9 52.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 56.0 55.0 53.0 53.0 52.0 55.5 5.0 60.5 21 57.0 65.6 53.1 58.0 58.0 58.0 58.0 57.0 57.0 55.0 55.0 53.0 57.0 5.0 62.0 22 56.7 58.8 53.8 58.0 58.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 56.0 55.0 55.0 54.0 56.7 10.0 66.7 23 56.1 58.5 52.2 57.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 56.0 56.0 54.0 53.0 52.0 56.1 10.0 66.1 Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99% Min 54.0 64.2 50.6 57.0 56.0 55.0 55.0 53.0 52.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 Max 61.3 86.4 54.1 67.0 64.0 63.0 63.0 61.0 59.0 56.0 55.0 54.0 58.2 62.9 60.9 59.3 58.8 56.9 55.5 53.6 53.3 52.4 Min 55.5 60.9 52.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 56.0 55.0 53.0 53.0 52.0 Max 57.0 65.6 53.1 58.0 58.0 58.0 58.0 57.0 57.0 55.0 55.0 53.0 56.2 57.7 57.3 57.3 57.3 56.3 56.0 54.0 54.0 52.7 Min 54.9 57.4 51.7 57.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 55.0 54.0 52.0 52.0 52.0 Max 57.5 78.4 53.8 64.0 62.0 59.0 58.0 57.0 56.0 55.0 55.0 54.0 56.1 58.4 57.9 57.1 56.9 56.1 55.3 53.7 53.1 52.7 Energy Average Average:63.1Night Energy Average Average: Evening 24-Hour CNEL (dBA) 57.3 57.9 56.1 Night L eq (dBA) Day Energy Average Average: 24-Hour Daytime Nighttime Evening L7 - Located along 60th Ave. north of gated entrace to single family homes. 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Hourly L eq dBA Readings (unadjusted) Night Day 56.255.554.955.456.055.957.560.660.258.654.554. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23Hourly Leq(dBA)Hour Beginning \\Uxr-fs\ucdata\UcJobs\_12600-13000\_12600\12642\Field Work\Measurements\12642_L7_T 113 Date:Location:Meter:Piccolo I JN:12642 Project:1840 The Wave at Coral Mountain Analyst:P. Mara Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99%L eq Adj.Adj. L eq 0 34.9 39.4 36.4 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 34.9 10.0 44.9 1 35.0 41.1 36.4 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 35.0 10.0 45.0 2 35.3 42.3 36.4 38.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 35.3 10.0 45.3 3 35.6 45.7 36.4 41.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 35.6 10.0 45.6 4 37.4 47.3 36.4 44.0 43.0 41.0 40.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 37.4 10.0 47.4 5 42.7 56.1 36.4 53.0 50.0 47.0 45.0 42.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 42.7 10.0 52.7 6 46.4 67.4 39.3 56.0 53.0 50.0 48.0 45.0 43.0 41.0 41.0 39.0 46.4 10.0 56.4 7 48.9 70.0 39.3 58.0 57.0 53.0 51.0 47.0 44.0 41.0 41.0 40.0 48.9 0.0 48.9 8 46.0 58.3 40.0 54.0 53.0 50.0 49.0 46.0 43.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 46.0 0.0 46.0 9 41.7 60.4 36.4 48.0 46.0 45.0 44.0 41.0 40.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 41.7 0.0 41.7 10 45.9 66.5 36.4 58.0 53.0 50.0 49.0 42.0 40.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 45.9 0.0 45.9 11 40.0 60.1 36.4 49.0 46.0 43.0 41.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 40.0 0.0 40.0 12 45.5 67.4 36.4 57.0 52.0 47.0 45.0 41.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 45.5 0.0 45.5 13 40.9 55.2 36.4 49.0 48.0 44.0 42.0 41.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 40.9 0.0 40.9 14 46.7 68.0 36.4 58.0 56.0 50.0 48.0 43.0 41.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 46.7 0.0 46.7 15 42.1 56.9 36.4 51.0 49.0 47.0 45.0 42.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 42.1 0.0 42.1 16 44.5 71.7 36.4 53.0 49.0 45.0 43.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 44.5 0.0 44.5 17 40.5 54.5 36.4 50.0 48.0 46.0 43.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 40.5 0.0 40.5 18 39.2 52.2 36.4 48.0 47.0 44.0 42.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 39.2 0.0 39.2 19 40.5 60.9 36.4 53.0 47.0 42.0 40.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 40.5 5.0 45.5 20 38.6 58.4 36.4 50.0 45.0 39.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 38.6 5.0 43.6 21 36.4 55.8 36.4 42.0 40.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.4 5.0 41.4 22 35.4 46.4 36.4 42.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 35.4 10.0 45.4 23 35.0 42.5 36.4 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 35.0 10.0 45.0 Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99% Min 39.2 52.2 36.4 48.0 46.0 43.0 41.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 Max 48.9 71.7 40.0 58.0 57.0 53.0 51.0 47.0 44.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 44.5 52.8 50.3 47.0 45.2 41.5 39.1 37.1 36.8 36.8 Min 36.4 55.8 36.4 42.0 40.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 Max 40.5 60.9 36.4 53.0 47.0 42.0 40.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 38.8 48.3 44.0 39.7 38.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 Min 34.9 39.4 36.4 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 Max 46.4 67.4 39.3 56.0 53.0 50.0 48.0 45.0 43.0 41.0 41.0 39.0 39.9 42.8 40.8 39.3 38.8 37.7 37.1 36.6 36.6 36.3 Energy Average Average:47.3Night Energy Average Average: Evening 24-Hour CNEL (dBA) 42.7 43.8 39.9 Night L eq (dBA) Day Energy Average Average: 24-Hour Daytime Nighttime Evening L8 - Located towards the western end of 60th Ave. south of home at 80800 60th Ave. 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Hourly L eq dBA Readings (unadjusted) Night Day 35.035.335.637.442.746.448.946.041.745.940.045.540.946.742.144.540.539.240.538.636.435.435. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23Hourly Leq(dBA)Hour Beginning \\Uxr-fs\ucdata\UcJobs\_12600-13000\_12600\12642\Field Work\Measurements\12642_L8_S 114 Date:Location:Meter:Piccolo I JN:12642 Project:1840 The Wave at Coral Mountain Analyst:P. Mara Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99%L eq Adj.Adj. L eq 0 35.2 45.0 36.3 37.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 35.2 10.0 45.2 1 39.1 63.0 36.3 50.0 44.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 39.1 10.0 49.1 2 36.2 45.8 36.3 41.0 39.0 39.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.2 10.0 46.2 3 36.6 55.3 36.3 39.0 38.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.6 10.0 46.6 4 40.8 62.7 36.3 52.0 49.0 44.0 41.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 40.8 10.0 50.8 5 54.4 83.7 36.3 61.0 59.0 55.0 52.0 43.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 54.4 10.0 64.4 6 55.8 82.8 41.1 66.0 62.0 57.0 54.0 49.0 46.0 43.0 42.0 42.0 55.8 10.0 65.8 7 55.9 78.6 41.1 68.0 62.0 57.0 55.0 49.0 46.0 43.0 42.0 42.0 55.9 0.0 55.9 8 51.8 72.8 39.2 63.0 60.0 57.0 54.0 49.0 45.0 42.0 41.0 40.0 51.8 0.0 51.8 9 51.1 69.8 36.3 63.0 61.0 56.0 53.0 47.0 44.0 39.0 39.0 36.0 51.1 0.0 51.1 10 49.6 72.2 36.3 62.0 59.0 54.0 51.0 44.0 40.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 49.6 0.0 49.6 11 51.4 71.9 36.3 64.0 60.0 56.0 54.0 46.0 42.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 51.4 0.0 51.4 12 54.4 79.8 36.3 66.0 62.0 56.0 53.0 45.0 41.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 54.4 0.0 54.4 13 56.6 84.2 36.3 68.0 64.0 57.0 54.0 47.0 42.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 56.6 0.0 56.6 14 51.3 74.6 36.3 64.0 60.0 55.0 52.0 44.0 41.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 51.3 0.0 51.3 15 53.4 78.0 36.3 66.0 62.0 57.0 54.0 47.0 41.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 53.4 0.0 53.4 16 49.0 74.5 36.3 60.0 56.0 52.0 49.0 40.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 49.0 0.0 49.0 17 44.2 69.2 36.3 56.0 52.0 47.0 44.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 44.2 0.0 44.2 18 43.2 69.5 36.3 53.0 50.0 45.0 42.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 43.2 0.0 43.2 19 50.4 79.7 36.3 59.0 56.0 49.0 46.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 50.4 5.0 55.4 20 37.2 51.0 36.3 46.0 42.0 39.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 37.2 5.0 42.2 21 38.9 60.1 36.3 50.0 46.0 40.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 38.9 5.0 43.9 22 40.3 63.2 36.3 51.0 47.0 40.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 40.3 10.0 50.3 23 35.5 48.5 36.3 42.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 35.5 10.0 45.5 Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99% Min 43.2 69.2 36.3 53.0 50.0 45.0 42.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 Max 56.6 84.2 41.1 68.0 64.0 57.0 55.0 49.0 46.0 43.0 42.0 42.0 52.5 62.8 59.0 54.1 51.3 44.5 40.8 37.5 37.2 36.8 Min 37.2 51.0 36.3 46.0 42.0 39.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 Max 50.4 79.7 36.3 59.0 56.0 49.0 46.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 46.1 51.7 48.0 42.7 40.3 37.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 Min 35.2 45.0 36.3 37.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 Max 55.8 83.7 41.1 66.0 62.0 57.0 54.0 49.0 46.0 43.0 42.0 42.0 48.9 48.8 45.9 42.4 40.7 38.2 37.4 36.8 36.7 36.7 Evening L9 - Located along Jefferson St. north of Quarry Ln. 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Hourly L eq dBA Readings (unadjusted) Night Day Night L eq (dBA) Day Energy Average Average: 24-Hour Daytime Nighttime Evening 24-Hour CNEL (dBA) 50.9 51.7 48.9 Energy Average Average:56.0Night Energy Average Average: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23Hourly Leq(dBA)Hour Beginning \\Uxr-fs\ucdata\UcJobs\_12600-13000\_12600\12642\Field Work\Measurements\12642_L9_G 115 Date:Location:Meter:Piccolo I JN:12642 Project:1840 The Wave at Coral Mountain Analyst:P. Mara Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99%L eq Adj.Adj. L eq 0 56.0 67.2 36.1 64.0 64.0 63.0 59.0 56.0 55.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 56.0 10.0 66.0 1 52.1 62.0 36.1 57.0 57.0 56.0 56.0 55.0 47.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 52.1 10.0 62.1 2 43.9 64.1 36.1 57.0 54.0 46.0 42.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 43.9 10.0 53.9 3 47.7 71.9 36.1 59.0 55.0 51.0 48.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 47.7 10.0 57.7 4 57.9 77.2 36.1 71.0 68.0 64.0 61.0 53.0 43.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 57.9 10.0 67.9 5 57.7 80.3 36.3 68.0 67.0 64.0 62.0 53.0 46.0 39.0 39.0 36.0 57.7 10.0 67.7 6 57.1 74.2 37.3 68.0 67.0 64.0 62.0 54.0 47.0 41.0 39.0 39.0 57.1 10.0 67.1 7 64.2 87.0 43.7 76.0 73.0 69.0 66.0 58.0 54.0 48.0 47.0 45.0 64.2 0.0 64.2 8 62.4 84.2 39.7 74.0 71.0 67.0 65.0 58.0 53.0 46.0 44.0 41.0 62.4 0.0 62.4 9 61.2 79.7 39.1 72.0 70.0 67.0 65.0 59.0 53.0 45.0 43.0 41.0 61.2 0.0 61.2 10 64.0 91.2 36.1 73.0 71.0 68.0 66.0 59.0 53.0 44.0 41.0 38.0 64.0 0.0 64.0 11 64.2 88.2 36.1 76.0 72.0 69.0 67.0 60.0 54.0 45.0 43.0 38.0 64.2 0.0 64.2 12 61.0 83.8 36.1 72.0 70.0 66.0 64.0 58.0 53.0 46.0 43.0 40.0 61.0 0.0 61.0 13 62.8 84.0 38.1 73.0 71.0 68.0 66.0 60.0 55.0 46.0 44.0 40.0 62.8 0.0 62.8 14 63.4 86.5 38.4 74.0 72.0 68.0 66.0 60.0 55.0 45.0 43.0 40.0 63.4 0.0 63.4 15 61.5 82.8 40.3 71.0 69.0 66.0 65.0 59.0 55.0 48.0 46.0 43.0 61.5 0.0 61.5 16 63.2 89.8 36.1 74.0 72.0 67.0 64.0 57.0 52.0 45.0 42.0 36.0 63.2 0.0 63.2 17 58.4 79.8 36.1 69.0 68.0 64.0 62.0 55.0 51.0 40.0 39.0 36.0 58.4 0.0 58.4 18 60.8 80.7 36.1 72.0 70.0 67.0 65.0 56.0 51.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 60.8 0.0 60.8 19 62.1 88.0 36.1 70.0 68.0 66.0 64.0 57.0 49.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 62.1 5.0 67.1 20 44.7 66.7 36.3 58.0 51.0 45.0 43.0 41.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 44.7 5.0 49.7 21 47.4 74.1 36.3 58.0 54.0 47.0 45.0 43.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 47.4 5.0 52.4 22 42.3 65.9 36.3 48.0 43.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 42.3 10.0 52.3 23 39.4 45.9 36.3 42.0 42.0 41.0 41.0 39.0 39.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 39.4 10.0 49.4 Timeframe Hour L eq L max L min L1%L2%L5%L8%L25%L50%L90%L95%L99% Min 58.4 79.7 36.1 69.0 68.0 64.0 62.0 55.0 51.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 Max 64.2 91.2 43.7 76.0 73.0 69.0 67.0 60.0 55.0 48.0 47.0 45.0 62.5 73.0 70.8 67.2 65.1 58.3 53.3 44.7 42.6 39.5 Min 44.7 66.7 36.1 58.0 51.0 45.0 43.0 41.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 Max 62.1 88.0 36.3 70.0 68.0 66.0 64.0 57.0 49.0 39.0 36.0 36.0 57.5 62.0 57.7 52.7 50.7 47.0 42.3 37.0 36.0 36.0 Min 39.4 45.9 36.1 42.0 42.0 41.0 41.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 Max 57.9 80.3 37.3 71.0 68.0 64.0 62.0 56.0 55.0 41.0 39.0 39.0 54.2 59.3 57.4 54.4 52.4 47.2 42.8 37.0 36.7 36.3 Energy Average Average:63.3Night Energy Average Average: Evening 24-Hour CNEL (dBA) 60.3 61.9 54.2 Night L eq (dBA) Day Energy Average Average: 24-Hour Daytime Nighttime Evening L10 - Located along 58th Ave slighty east of 58th Ave. and Stone Creek Way. 24-Hour Noise Level Measurement Summary Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Hourly L eq dBA Readings (unadjusted) Night Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23Hourly Leq(dBA)Hour Beginning \\Uxr-fs\ucdata\UcJobs\_12600-13000\_12600\12642\Field Work\Measurements\12642_L10_F 116 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-05 Noise Study APPENDIX 7.1: OFF-SITE TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL CONTOURS 117 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-05 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 118 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:Existing (2019) 22,800 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,120 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.44 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -16.80 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -20.75 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.5 68.9 67.1 61.1 70.369.7 63.9 63.9 62.7 56.3 54.8 63.563.2 62.8 53.8 55.0 63.563.4 Vehicle Noise:72.1 70.6 67.7 62.8 71.871.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 79 169 786365 85 182 846393 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:Existing (2019) 16,200 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,507 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.04 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -18.28 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -22.24 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.0 67.4 65.6 59.6 68.868.2 62.4 62.4 61.2 54.8 53.3 62.061.8 61.3 52.3 53.5 62.061.9 Vehicle Noise:70.6 69.1 66.2 61.3 70.369.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 63 135 626291 67 145 674313 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:Existing (2019) 12,700 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,181 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.10 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -19.34 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -23.29 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.9 66.4 64.6 58.5 67.867.2 61.3 61.4 60.2 53.8 52.2 60.960.7 60.3 51.2 52.5 61.060.8 Vehicle Noise:69.5 68.1 65.1 60.2 69.368.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 53 115 532247 57 123 573266 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:Existing (2019) 5,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:549 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.02 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -22.25 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -26.21 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.2 62.6 60.8 54.8 64.063.4 57.8 58.2 56.6 50.2 48.7 57.357.1 57.1 48.0 49.3 57.857.6 Vehicle Noise:65.9 64.4 61.4 56.6 65.665.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 26 55 257119 28 59 276128 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 119 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:Existing (2019) 6,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:642 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.34 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.57 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.53 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.9 63.3 61.5 55.4 64.764.1 58.4 58.9 57.2 50.9 49.3 58.057.8 57.7 48.7 50.0 58.458.3 Vehicle Noise:66.6 65.1 62.1 57.3 66.365.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 28 61 285132 31 66 306142 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:Existing (2019) 4,500 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:419 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.19 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -23.43 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.39 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.0 61.4 59.6 53.6 62.862.2 56.6 57.0 55.4 49.0 47.5 56.255.9 55.9 46.9 48.1 56.656.5 Vehicle Noise:64.7 63.3 60.2 55.4 64.464.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 46 21499 23 50 230107 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:Existing (2019) 9,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:874 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.99 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.23 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.19 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.2 64.6 62.8 56.8 66.065.4 59.8 60.2 58.6 52.2 50.7 59.459.1 59.1 50.1 51.3 59.859.7 Vehicle Noise:67.9 66.5 63.4 58.6 67.667.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 75 350162 38 81 376175 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:Existing (2019) 6,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:623 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.46 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.70 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.66 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.7 63.1 61.4 55.3 64.563.9 58.3 58.7 57.1 50.8 49.2 57.957.7 57.6 48.6 49.8 58.358.2 Vehicle Noise:66.4 65.0 61.9 57.2 66.265.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 28 60 279130 30 65 300139 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 120 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:Existing (2019) 2,800 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:260 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -7.79 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -25.03 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -28.99 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.9 58.3 56.5 50.5 59.759.1 53.7 54.5 52.5 46.1 44.6 53.353.0 53.4 44.4 45.6 54.154.0 Vehicle Noise:61.7 60.3 57.2 52.5 61.561.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 13 28 12960 14 30 13864 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:Existing (2019) 9,600 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:893 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.90 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.14 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.10 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.8 63.2 61.4 55.4 64.664.0 58.3 58.8 57.1 50.8 49.2 57.957.7 57.6 48.6 49.9 58.358.2 Vehicle Noise:66.5 65.0 62.0 57.2 66.265.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 33 72 333154 36 77 358166 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:Existing (2019) 7,500 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:698 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.97 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.21 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.17 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.7 62.1 60.3 54.3 63.562.9 57.3 57.7 56.1 49.7 48.2 56.956.6 56.6 47.5 48.8 57.357.1 Vehicle Noise:65.4 63.9 60.9 56.1 65.164.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 28 61 282131 30 65 303141 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:Existing (2019) 5,100 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:474 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.65 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -22.89 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -26.84 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.5 62.0 60.2 54.1 63.462.8 57.1 57.5 55.9 49.6 48.0 56.756.5 56.4 47.4 48.6 57.157.0 Vehicle Noise:65.2 63.8 60.8 56.0 65.064.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 23 50 233108 25 54 250116 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 121 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:Existing (2019) 3,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:363 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.81 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -24.05 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -28.01 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.4 60.8 59.0 53.0 62.261.6 56.0 56.4 54.8 48.4 46.9 55.555.3 55.3 46.2 47.5 56.055.8 Vehicle Noise:64.1 62.6 59.6 54.8 63.863.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 19 42 19590 21 45 20997 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:Existing (2019) 3,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:316 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -7.41 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -24.65 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -28.60 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.8 60.2 58.4 52.4 61.661.0 55.4 55.8 54.2 47.8 46.3 55.054.7 54.7 45.6 46.9 55.455.2 Vehicle Noise:63.5 62.0 59.0 54.2 63.262.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 18 38 17882 19 41 19189 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:Existing (2019) 2,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:251 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -8.41 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -25.65 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -29.60 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 60.8 59.2 57.4 51.4 60.660.0 54.4 54.8 53.2 46.8 45.3 54.053.7 53.7 44.6 45.9 54.454.2 Vehicle Noise:62.5 61.0 58.0 53.2 62.261.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 15 33 15271 16 35 16476 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jefferson St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:Existing (2019) 12,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,200 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.62 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.86 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.81 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.6 66.0 64.2 58.2 67.466.8 61.2 61.6 60.0 53.6 52.1 60.760.5 60.5 51.4 52.7 61.261.0 Vehicle Noise:69.3 67.8 64.8 60.0 69.068.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 93 432201 46 100 464216 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 122 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:Existing (2019) 11,200 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,042 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.23 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.47 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.43 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.0 65.4 63.6 57.5 66.866.2 60.5 61.0 59.3 53.0 51.4 60.159.9 59.9 50.8 52.1 60.560.4 Vehicle Noise:68.7 67.2 64.2 59.4 68.467.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 39 85 393183 42 91 423196 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:Existing (2019) 9,300 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:865 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.04 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.28 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.23 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.6 63.0 61.3 55.2 64.463.8 58.2 58.6 57.0 50.6 49.1 57.857.6 57.5 48.5 49.7 58.258.1 Vehicle Noise:66.3 64.9 61.8 57.1 66.165.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 33 70 326151 35 75 350162 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:Existing (2019) 7,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:735 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.75 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.99 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.94 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.4 63.9 62.1 56.0 65.364.7 59.0 59.4 57.8 51.5 49.9 58.658.4 58.3 49.3 50.5 59.058.9 Vehicle Noise:67.1 65.7 62.7 57.9 66.966.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 31 67 312145 33 72 335155 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:Existing (2019) 8,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:800 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.38 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.62 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.57 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.8 64.2 62.5 56.4 65.665.0 59.4 59.8 58.2 51.8 50.3 59.058.8 58.7 49.7 50.9 59.459.3 Vehicle Noise:67.5 66.1 63.0 58.2 67.366.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 33 71 330153 35 76 354165 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 123 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:Existing (2019) 5,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:493 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.48 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -22.72 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -26.68 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.7 62.1 60.4 54.3 63.562.9 57.3 57.7 56.1 49.7 48.2 56.956.6 56.6 47.6 48.8 57.357.2 Vehicle Noise:65.4 64.0 60.9 56.1 65.264.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 24 51 239111 26 55 257119 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Airport Bl. Scenario:Existing (2019) 2,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:186 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -9.71 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -26.95 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -30.91 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.5 57.9 56.1 50.1 59.358.7 53.1 53.5 51.9 45.5 44.0 52.652.4 52.4 43.3 44.6 53.152.9 Vehicle Noise:61.2 59.7 56.7 51.9 60.960.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 12 27 12558 13 29 13462 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:Existing (2019) 1,600 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:149 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -10.22 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -27.46 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -31.42 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 57.5 55.9 54.1 48.1 57.356.7 51.2 52.1 50.1 43.7 42.1 50.850.6 51.0 41.9 43.2 51.751.6 Vehicle Noise:59.3 57.9 54.7 50.1 59.158.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 9 19 8941 10 20 9544 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:Existing (2019) 2,300 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:214 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -8.65 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -25.89 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -29.84 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.0 57.5 55.7 49.6 58.958.3 52.8 53.7 51.6 45.3 43.7 52.452.2 52.6 43.5 44.8 53.353.1 Vehicle Noise:60.9 59.5 56.3 51.6 60.660.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 11 24 11352 12 26 12156 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 124 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:Existing (2019) 1,800 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:167 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -10.17 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -27.41 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -31.37 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 57.9 56.4 54.6 48.5 57.857.2 51.5 51.9 50.3 44.0 42.4 51.150.9 50.8 41.8 43.0 51.551.4 Vehicle Noise:59.6 58.2 55.2 50.4 59.458.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 11 23 10850 12 25 11654 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:Existing (2019) 1,400 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:130 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -11.26 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -28.50 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -32.46 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 56.9 55.3 53.5 47.4 56.756.1 50.4 50.8 49.2 42.9 41.3 50.049.8 49.7 40.7 42.0 50.450.3 Vehicle Noise:58.6 57.1 54.1 49.3 58.357.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 9 20 9142 10 21 9845 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:Existing (2019) 100 9.30% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:9 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 40 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:23 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -21.75 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 1.58 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 77.72 -38.99 1.62 -1.20 0.000 0.000 82.99 -42.95 1.61 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 66.51 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 38.636 38.406 38.429 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 45.1 43.5 41.8 35.7 45.044.4 39.1 40.5 37.9 31.6 30.0 38.738.5 39.4 30.3 31.6 40.039.9 Vehicle Noise:47.2 45.7 42.5 37.9 46.946.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 1 2 115 1 2 125 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:Existing (2019) 3,200 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:298 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -7.21 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -24.45 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -28.41 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 60.5 58.9 57.1 51.1 60.359.7 54.3 55.1 53.1 46.7 45.2 53.953.6 54.0 45.0 46.2 54.754.6 Vehicle Noise:62.3 60.9 57.7 53.1 62.161.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 14 30 14165 15 33 15170 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 125 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:Existing (2019) 1,200 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:112 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:48 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -11.93 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.24 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -29.17 -1.22 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -33.13 -1.23 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 59.540 59.391 59.406 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 55.8 54.2 52.5 46.4 55.755.0 49.4 49.8 48.2 41.9 40.3 49.048.8 48.7 39.7 40.9 49.449.3 Vehicle Noise:57.5 56.1 53.0 48.3 57.356.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 8 18 8539 9 20 9142 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:E+P 23,300 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,167 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.54 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -16.70 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -20.66 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.6 69.0 67.2 61.2 70.469.8 64.0 64.0 62.8 56.4 54.9 63.663.3 62.9 53.9 55.1 63.663.5 Vehicle Noise:72.2 70.7 67.8 62.9 71.971.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 80 172 798370 86 185 858398 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:E+P 16,900 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,572 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.86 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -18.10 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -22.05 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.2 67.6 65.8 59.8 69.068.4 62.6 62.6 61.4 55.0 53.5 62.261.9 61.5 52.5 53.7 62.262.1 Vehicle Noise:70.8 69.3 66.4 61.5 70.570.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 64 139 644299 69 149 693322 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:E+P 13,600 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,265 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.80 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -19.04 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -23.00 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.2 66.7 64.9 58.8 68.167.5 61.6 61.7 60.4 54.1 52.5 61.261.0 60.6 51.5 52.8 61.361.1 Vehicle Noise:69.8 68.4 65.4 60.5 69.669.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 56 120 557259 60 129 599278 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 126 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:E+P 6,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:595 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.66 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.90 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.86 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.5 62.9 61.2 55.1 64.363.7 58.1 58.5 56.9 50.6 49.0 57.757.5 57.4 48.4 49.6 58.158.0 Vehicle Noise:66.2 64.8 61.7 57.0 66.065.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 27 58 271126 29 63 291135 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:E+P 7,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:716 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.86 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.10 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.05 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.3 63.7 62.0 55.9 65.164.5 58.9 59.3 57.7 51.4 49.8 58.558.3 58.2 49.2 50.4 58.958.8 Vehicle Noise:67.0 65.6 62.5 57.8 66.866.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 31 66 306142 33 71 329153 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:E+P 5,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:539 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.09 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -22.33 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -26.28 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.1 62.5 60.7 54.7 63.963.3 57.7 58.1 56.5 50.1 48.6 57.357.0 57.0 48.0 49.2 57.757.6 Vehicle Noise:65.8 64.4 61.3 56.5 65.565.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 25 55 254118 27 59 273127 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:E+P 11,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,107 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.97 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.21 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.16 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.2 65.6 63.9 57.8 67.066.4 60.8 61.2 59.6 53.2 51.7 60.460.2 60.1 51.1 52.3 60.860.7 Vehicle Noise:68.9 67.5 64.4 59.7 68.768.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 88 410190 44 95 440204 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 127 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:E+P 9,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:902 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.86 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.09 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.05 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.3 64.7 63.0 56.9 66.265.5 59.9 60.3 58.7 52.4 50.8 59.559.3 59.2 50.2 51.4 59.959.8 Vehicle Noise:68.0 66.6 63.5 58.8 67.867.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 36 77 357166 38 83 384178 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:E+P 3,900 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:363 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.36 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -23.59 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -27.55 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.3 59.8 58.0 51.9 61.260.6 55.1 56.0 53.9 47.6 46.0 54.754.5 54.9 45.8 47.1 55.655.4 Vehicle Noise:63.2 61.8 58.6 53.9 62.962.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 16 35 16175 17 37 17280 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:E+P 10,100 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:939 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.68 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.92 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.87 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.0 63.4 61.6 55.6 64.864.2 58.6 59.0 57.4 51.0 49.5 58.157.9 57.9 48.8 50.1 58.658.4 Vehicle Noise:66.7 65.2 62.2 57.4 66.466.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 34 74 344160 37 80 370172 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:E+P 8,200 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:763 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.59 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.82 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.78 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.1 62.5 60.7 54.7 63.963.3 57.6 58.1 56.5 50.1 48.5 57.257.0 57.0 47.9 49.2 57.757.5 Vehicle Noise:65.8 64.3 61.3 56.5 65.565.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 30 65 300139 32 69 322149 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 128 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:E+P 5,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:549 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.02 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -22.25 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -26.21 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.2 62.6 60.8 54.8 64.063.4 57.8 58.2 56.6 50.2 48.7 57.357.1 57.1 48.0 49.3 57.857.6 Vehicle Noise:65.9 64.4 61.4 56.6 65.665.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 26 55 257119 28 59 276128 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:E+P 4,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:428 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.10 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -23.33 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.29 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.1 61.5 59.7 53.7 62.962.3 56.7 57.1 55.5 49.1 47.6 56.356.0 56.0 46.9 48.2 56.756.6 Vehicle Noise:64.8 63.4 60.3 55.5 64.564.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 22 47 217101 23 50 234108 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:E+P 4,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:409 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.29 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -23.53 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.48 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.9 61.3 59.5 53.5 62.762.1 56.5 56.9 55.3 48.9 47.4 56.155.8 55.8 46.8 48.0 56.556.4 Vehicle Noise:64.6 63.2 60.1 55.3 64.363.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 45 21198 23 49 227105 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:E+P 2,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:270 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -8.10 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -25.34 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -29.29 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.1 59.5 57.7 51.7 60.960.3 54.7 55.1 53.5 47.1 45.6 54.354.0 54.0 44.9 46.2 54.754.6 Vehicle Noise:62.8 61.3 58.3 53.5 62.562.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 16 34 16074 17 37 17280 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 129 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jefferson St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:E+P 13,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,246 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.45 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.69 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.65 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.7 66.1 64.4 58.3 67.667.0 61.3 61.7 60.1 53.8 52.2 60.960.7 60.6 51.6 52.8 61.361.2 Vehicle Noise:69.4 68.0 64.9 60.2 69.268.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 44 96 443206 48 103 476221 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:E+P 11,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,060 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.15 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.39 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.35 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.0 65.4 63.7 57.6 66.966.2 60.6 61.0 59.4 53.1 51.5 60.260.0 59.9 50.9 52.1 60.660.5 Vehicle Noise:68.7 67.3 64.2 59.5 68.568.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 40 86 398185 43 92 428199 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:E+P 9,500 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:884 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.95 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.18 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.14 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.7 63.1 61.4 55.3 64.563.9 58.3 58.7 57.1 50.7 49.2 57.957.6 57.6 48.6 49.8 58.358.2 Vehicle Noise:66.4 65.0 61.9 57.1 66.265.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 33 71 330153 36 76 355165 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:E+P 8,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:772 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.53 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.77 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.73 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.7 64.1 62.3 56.2 65.564.9 59.2 59.7 58.0 51.7 50.1 58.858.6 58.5 49.5 50.8 59.259.1 Vehicle Noise:67.4 65.9 62.9 58.1 67.166.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 32 69 322150 35 75 346161 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 130 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:E+P 9,500 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:884 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.95 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.18 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.14 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.2 64.7 62.9 56.8 66.165.5 59.8 60.2 58.6 52.3 50.7 59.459.2 59.1 50.1 51.3 59.859.7 Vehicle Noise:67.9 66.5 63.5 58.7 67.767.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 76 353164 38 82 379176 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:E+P 5,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:521 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.24 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -22.48 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -26.44 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.9 62.4 60.6 54.5 63.863.2 57.5 57.9 56.3 50.0 48.4 57.156.9 56.8 47.8 49.1 57.557.4 Vehicle Noise:65.6 64.2 61.2 56.4 65.464.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 25 53 248115 27 57 266124 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Airport Bl. Scenario:E+P 2,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:214 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -9.11 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -26.34 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -30.30 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 60.1 58.5 56.7 50.7 59.959.3 53.7 54.1 52.5 46.1 44.6 53.353.0 53.0 43.9 45.2 53.753.5 Vehicle Noise:61.8 60.3 57.3 52.5 61.561.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 14 30 13764 15 32 14768 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:E+P 2,200 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:205 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -8.84 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -26.08 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -30.04 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 58.9 57.3 55.5 49.4 58.758.1 52.6 53.5 51.4 45.1 43.5 52.252.0 52.4 43.3 44.6 53.152.9 Vehicle Noise:60.7 59.3 56.1 51.4 60.460.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 11 24 11051 12 25 11855 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 131 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:E+P 4,100 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:381 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.14 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -23.38 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -27.33 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.6 60.0 58.2 52.2 61.460.8 55.3 56.2 54.1 47.8 46.2 54.954.7 55.1 46.0 47.3 55.855.6 Vehicle Noise:63.4 62.0 58.8 54.1 63.162.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 17 36 16677 18 38 17883 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:E+P 2,700 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:251 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -8.41 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -25.65 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -29.60 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.7 58.1 56.4 50.3 59.558.9 53.3 53.7 52.1 45.7 44.2 52.952.6 52.6 43.6 44.8 53.353.2 Vehicle Noise:61.4 60.0 56.9 52.1 61.260.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 14 30 14166 15 33 15270 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:E+P 2,000 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:186 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -9.71 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -26.95 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -30.91 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 58.4 56.8 55.1 49.0 58.257.6 52.0 52.4 50.8 44.4 42.9 51.651.3 51.3 42.3 43.5 52.051.9 Vehicle Noise:60.1 58.7 55.6 50.8 59.959.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 12 25 11654 12 27 12458 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:E+P 1,300 9.30% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:121 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 40 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:23 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -10.62 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 1.58 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 77.72 -27.85 1.62 -1.20 0.000 0.000 82.99 -31.81 1.61 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 66.51 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 38.636 38.406 38.429 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 56.3 54.7 52.9 46.9 56.155.5 50.3 51.6 49.1 42.7 41.2 49.949.6 50.5 41.5 42.7 51.251.1 Vehicle Noise:58.3 56.9 53.6 49.1 58.057.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 6 13 5928 6 14 6430 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 132 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:E+P 4,500 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:419 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.73 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -22.97 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -26.93 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.0 60.4 58.6 52.6 61.861.2 55.7 56.6 54.5 48.2 46.6 55.355.1 55.5 46.4 47.7 56.256.0 Vehicle Noise:63.8 62.4 59.2 54.5 63.563.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 18 38 17782 19 41 18988 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:E+P 1,900 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:177 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:48 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -9.94 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.24 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -27.17 -1.22 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -31.13 -1.23 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 59.540 59.391 59.406 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 57.8 56.2 54.5 48.4 57.757.0 51.4 51.8 50.2 43.8 42.3 51.050.8 50.7 41.7 42.9 51.451.3 Vehicle Noise:59.5 58.1 55.0 50.3 59.358.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 11 25 11553 12 27 12357 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EA 28,200 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,623 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.36 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -15.87 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -19.83 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.4 69.8 68.1 62.0 71.270.6 64.8 64.8 63.6 57.3 55.7 64.464.2 63.7 54.7 55.9 64.464.3 Vehicle Noise:73.0 71.5 68.6 63.7 72.772.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 91 195 906421 97 210 975452 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EA 19,400 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,804 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.26 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -17.50 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -21.45 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.8 68.2 66.4 60.4 69.669.0 63.2 63.2 62.0 55.6 54.1 62.862.5 62.1 53.1 54.3 62.862.7 Vehicle Noise:71.4 69.9 67.0 62.1 71.170.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 71 152 706328 76 164 760353 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 133 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EA 16,300 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,516 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.02 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -18.25 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -22.21 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.0 67.4 65.7 59.6 68.868.2 62.4 62.5 61.2 54.9 53.3 62.061.8 61.4 52.3 53.6 62.161.9 Vehicle Noise:70.6 69.2 66.2 61.3 70.469.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 63 135 629292 68 146 676314 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EA 9,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:837 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.18 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.42 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.38 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.0 64.4 62.7 56.6 65.865.2 59.6 60.0 58.4 52.0 50.5 59.258.9 58.9 49.9 51.1 59.659.5 Vehicle Noise:67.7 66.3 63.2 58.4 67.567.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 34 73 340158 37 79 365170 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EA 11,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,051 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.19 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.43 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.39 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.0 65.4 63.6 57.6 66.866.2 60.6 61.0 59.4 53.0 51.5 60.259.9 59.9 50.9 52.1 60.660.5 Vehicle Noise:68.7 67.3 64.2 59.4 68.468.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 40 85 396184 43 92 425197 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EA 7,500 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:698 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.97 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.21 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.17 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.2 63.6 61.9 55.8 65.064.4 58.8 59.2 57.6 51.2 49.7 58.458.2 58.1 49.1 50.3 58.858.7 Vehicle Noise:66.9 65.5 62.4 57.6 66.766.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 30 65 301140 32 70 324150 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 134 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EA 15,200 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,414 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.91 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.14 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.10 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.3 66.7 64.9 58.9 68.167.5 61.9 62.3 60.7 54.3 52.8 61.561.2 61.2 52.1 53.4 61.961.7 Vehicle Noise:70.0 68.5 65.5 60.7 69.769.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 48 104 482224 52 112 518240 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EA 10,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:995 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.43 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.67 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.62 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.8 65.2 63.4 57.4 66.666.0 60.3 60.8 59.1 52.8 51.2 59.959.7 59.7 50.6 51.9 60.360.2 Vehicle Noise:68.5 67.0 64.0 59.2 68.267.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 38 82 382177 41 88 410190 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EA 5,100 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:474 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.19 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -22.43 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -26.38 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.5 60.9 59.2 53.1 62.361.7 56.3 57.1 55.1 48.7 47.2 55.955.6 56.0 47.0 48.2 56.756.6 Vehicle Noise:64.3 62.9 59.8 55.1 64.163.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 19 41 19289 21 44 20696 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EA 10,200 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:949 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.64 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.88 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.83 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.0 63.4 61.7 55.6 64.864.2 58.6 59.0 57.4 51.0 49.5 58.258.0 57.9 48.9 50.1 58.658.5 Vehicle Noise:66.7 65.3 62.2 57.5 66.566.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 75 347161 37 80 372173 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 135 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EA 9,700 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:902 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.86 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.09 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.05 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.8 63.2 61.5 55.4 64.664.0 58.4 58.8 57.2 50.8 49.3 58.057.7 57.7 48.7 49.9 58.458.3 Vehicle Noise:66.5 65.1 62.0 57.2 66.365.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 34 72 335156 36 78 360167 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EA 8,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:828 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.23 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.47 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.42 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.0 64.4 62.6 56.6 65.865.2 59.5 60.0 58.3 52.0 50.4 59.158.9 58.9 49.8 51.1 59.559.4 Vehicle Noise:67.7 66.2 63.2 58.4 67.466.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 34 73 338157 36 78 363168 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EA 7,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:707 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.92 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.15 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.11 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.3 63.7 61.9 55.9 65.164.5 58.9 59.3 57.7 51.3 49.8 58.458.2 58.2 49.1 50.4 58.958.7 Vehicle Noise:67.0 65.5 62.5 57.7 66.766.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 30 65 304141 33 70 326152 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EA 6,100 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:567 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.87 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -22.11 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -26.06 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.3 62.7 61.0 54.9 64.163.5 57.9 58.3 56.7 50.3 48.8 57.557.3 57.2 48.2 49.4 57.957.8 Vehicle Noise:66.0 64.6 61.5 56.8 65.865.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 26 57 262122 28 61 282131 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 136 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EA 5,200 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:484 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.56 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -22.80 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -26.76 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.6 62.0 60.3 54.2 63.462.8 57.2 57.6 56.0 49.7 48.1 56.856.6 56.5 47.5 48.7 57.257.1 Vehicle Noise:65.3 63.9 60.8 56.1 65.164.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 24 51 236110 25 55 253118 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jefferson St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EA 13,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,209 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.58 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.82 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.78 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.6 66.0 64.3 58.2 67.466.8 61.2 61.6 60.0 53.6 52.1 60.860.5 60.5 51.5 52.7 61.261.1 Vehicle Noise:69.3 67.9 64.8 60.0 69.168.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 94 435202 47 101 467217 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EA 14,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,358 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.08 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.32 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.27 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.1 66.5 64.8 58.7 67.967.3 61.7 62.1 60.5 54.1 52.6 61.361.1 61.0 52.0 53.2 61.761.6 Vehicle Noise:69.8 68.4 65.3 60.5 69.669.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 47 101 470218 50 109 504234 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EA 11,900 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,107 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.97 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.21 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.16 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.7 64.1 62.3 56.3 65.564.9 59.3 59.7 58.1 51.7 50.2 58.958.6 58.6 49.5 50.8 59.359.1 Vehicle Noise:67.4 66.0 62.9 58.1 67.166.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 38 83 384178 41 89 413192 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 137 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:EA 11,200 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,042 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.23 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.47 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.43 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.0 65.4 63.6 57.5 66.866.2 60.5 61.0 59.3 53.0 51.4 60.159.9 59.9 50.8 52.1 60.560.4 Vehicle Noise:68.7 67.2 64.2 59.4 68.467.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 39 85 393183 42 91 423196 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EA 12,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,190 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.65 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.89 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.85 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.5 66.0 64.2 58.1 67.466.8 61.1 61.5 59.9 53.6 52.0 60.760.5 60.4 51.4 52.6 61.161.0 Vehicle Noise:69.2 67.8 64.7 60.0 69.068.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 93 430200 46 100 462214 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EA 7,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:716 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.86 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.10 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.05 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.3 63.7 62.0 55.9 65.164.5 58.9 59.3 57.7 51.4 49.8 58.558.3 58.2 49.2 50.4 58.958.8 Vehicle Noise:67.0 65.6 62.5 57.8 66.866.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 31 66 306142 33 71 329153 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Airport Bl. Scenario:EA 4,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:372 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.70 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -23.94 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.90 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.5 60.9 59.1 53.1 62.361.7 56.1 56.5 54.9 48.5 47.0 55.755.4 55.4 46.3 47.6 56.155.9 Vehicle Noise:64.2 62.7 59.7 54.9 63.963.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 20 43 19892 21 46 21399 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 138 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EA 2,800 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:260 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -7.79 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -25.03 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -28.99 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.9 58.3 56.5 50.5 59.759.1 53.7 54.5 52.5 46.1 44.6 53.353.0 53.4 44.4 45.6 54.154.0 Vehicle Noise:61.7 60.3 57.2 52.5 61.561.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 13 28 12960 14 30 13864 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EA 3,800 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:353 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.47 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -23.71 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -27.66 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.2 59.6 57.9 51.8 61.060.4 55.0 55.8 53.8 47.4 45.9 54.654.4 54.7 45.7 47.0 55.455.3 Vehicle Noise:63.1 61.6 58.5 53.8 62.862.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 16 34 15873 17 36 16979 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EA 3,800 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:353 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.93 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -24.16 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -28.12 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.2 59.6 57.8 51.8 61.060.4 54.8 55.2 53.6 47.2 45.7 54.454.1 54.1 45.0 46.3 54.854.6 Vehicle Noise:62.9 61.5 58.4 53.6 62.662.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 18 38 17782 19 41 19188 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EA 2,600 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:242 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -8.57 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -25.81 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -29.77 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.5 58.0 56.2 50.1 59.458.8 53.1 53.5 51.9 45.6 44.0 52.752.5 52.4 43.4 44.6 53.153.0 Vehicle Noise:61.2 59.8 56.8 52.0 61.060.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 14 30 13864 15 32 14869 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 139 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EA 600 9.30% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:56 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 40 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:23 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -13.97 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 1.58 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 77.72 -31.21 1.62 -1.20 0.000 0.000 82.99 -35.17 1.61 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 66.51 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 38.636 38.406 38.429 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 52.9 51.3 49.6 43.5 52.752.1 46.9 48.2 45.7 39.4 37.8 46.546.3 47.1 38.1 39.3 47.847.7 Vehicle Noise:54.9 53.5 50.2 45.7 54.754.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 4 8 3616 4 8 3818 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EA 6,000 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:558 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.48 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.72 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.68 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.2 61.6 59.9 53.8 63.062.4 57.0 57.8 55.8 49.4 47.9 56.656.3 56.7 47.7 48.9 57.457.3 Vehicle Noise:65.1 63.6 60.5 55.8 64.864.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 46 21499 23 49 229107 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EA 2,500 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:233 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:48 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -8.74 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.24 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -25.98 -1.22 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -29.94 -1.23 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 59.540 59.391 59.406 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.0 57.4 55.7 49.6 58.858.2 52.6 53.0 51.4 45.0 43.5 52.252.0 51.9 42.9 44.1 52.652.5 Vehicle Noise:60.7 59.3 56.2 51.5 60.560.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 14 30 13864 15 32 14869 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAP 28,700 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,669 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.44 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -15.80 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -19.75 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.5 69.9 68.1 62.1 71.370.7 64.9 64.9 63.7 57.3 55.8 64.564.2 63.8 54.8 56.0 64.564.4 Vehicle Noise:73.1 71.6 68.7 63.8 72.872.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 92 197 917425 99 212 986458 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 140 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAP 20,100 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,869 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.11 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -17.34 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -21.30 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.9 68.3 66.6 60.5 69.869.2 63.3 63.4 62.1 55.8 54.2 62.962.7 62.3 53.2 54.5 63.062.8 Vehicle Noise:71.5 70.1 67.1 62.2 71.370.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 72 156 723336 78 168 778361 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAP 17,200 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,600 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.78 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -18.02 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -21.98 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.3 67.7 65.9 59.9 69.168.5 62.7 62.7 61.5 55.1 53.6 62.362.0 61.6 52.6 53.8 62.362.2 Vehicle Noise:70.8 69.4 66.4 61.6 70.670.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 65 140 652302 70 151 701325 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAP 9,500 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:884 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.95 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.18 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.14 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.2 64.7 62.9 56.8 66.165.5 59.8 60.2 58.6 52.3 50.7 59.459.2 59.1 50.1 51.3 59.859.7 Vehicle Noise:67.9 66.5 63.5 58.7 67.767.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 76 353164 38 82 379176 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAP 12,100 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,125 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.90 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.13 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.09 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.3 65.7 63.9 57.9 67.166.5 60.9 61.3 59.7 53.3 51.8 60.560.2 60.2 51.1 52.4 60.960.8 Vehicle Noise:69.0 67.6 64.5 59.7 68.768.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 89 414192 45 96 445207 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 141 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAP 8,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:818 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.28 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.52 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.47 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.9 64.3 62.6 56.5 65.765.1 59.5 59.9 58.3 51.9 50.4 59.158.9 58.8 49.8 51.0 59.559.4 Vehicle Noise:67.6 66.2 63.1 58.3 67.466.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 34 72 335156 36 78 360167 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAP 17,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,646 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.24 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.48 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.44 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.9 67.4 65.6 59.5 68.868.2 62.5 62.9 61.3 55.0 53.4 62.161.9 61.8 52.8 54.1 62.562.4 Vehicle Noise:70.6 69.2 66.2 61.4 70.469.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 53 115 534248 57 124 573266 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAP 13,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,274 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.36 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.59 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.55 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.8 66.2 64.5 58.4 67.767.0 61.4 61.8 60.2 53.9 52.3 61.060.8 60.7 51.7 52.9 61.461.3 Vehicle Noise:69.5 68.1 65.0 60.3 69.368.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 45 97 450209 48 104 483224 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAP 6,200 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:577 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.34 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.58 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.54 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.4 61.8 60.0 53.9 63.262.6 57.1 58.0 55.9 49.6 48.0 56.756.5 56.9 47.8 49.1 57.657.4 Vehicle Noise:65.2 63.8 60.6 55.9 64.964.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 22 47 219101 23 51 235109 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 142 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAP 10,700 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:995 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.43 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.67 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.62 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.2 63.6 61.9 55.8 65.164.4 58.8 59.2 57.6 51.3 49.7 58.458.2 58.1 49.1 50.3 58.858.7 Vehicle Noise:66.9 65.5 62.4 57.7 66.766.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 36 77 358166 38 83 384178 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAP 10,400 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:967 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.55 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.79 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.75 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.1 63.5 61.8 55.7 64.964.3 58.7 59.1 57.5 51.1 49.6 58.358.0 58.0 49.0 50.2 58.758.6 Vehicle Noise:66.8 65.4 62.3 57.5 66.666.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 76 351163 38 81 377175 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAP 9,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:902 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.86 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.09 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.05 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.3 64.7 63.0 56.9 66.265.5 59.9 60.3 58.7 52.4 50.8 59.559.3 59.2 50.2 51.4 59.959.8 Vehicle Noise:68.0 66.6 63.5 58.8 67.867.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 36 77 357166 38 83 384178 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAP 8,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:772 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.53 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.77 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.73 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.7 64.1 62.3 56.2 65.564.9 59.2 59.7 58.0 51.7 50.1 58.858.6 58.5 49.5 50.8 59.259.1 Vehicle Noise:67.4 65.9 62.9 58.1 67.166.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 32 69 322150 35 75 346161 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 143 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAP 7,100 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:660 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.21 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.45 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.41 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.0 63.4 61.6 55.6 64.864.2 58.6 59.0 57.4 51.0 49.5 58.257.9 57.9 48.8 50.1 58.658.4 Vehicle Noise:66.7 65.2 62.2 57.4 66.466.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 29 63 290135 31 67 312145 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAP 5,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:502 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.40 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -22.64 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -26.59 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.8 62.2 60.4 54.4 63.663.0 57.4 57.8 56.2 49.8 48.3 57.056.7 56.7 47.6 48.9 57.457.3 Vehicle Noise:65.5 64.0 61.0 56.2 65.264.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 24 52 242112 26 56 260121 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jefferson St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAP 13,500 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,256 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.42 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.66 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.61 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.8 66.2 64.4 58.4 67.667.0 61.3 61.8 60.2 53.8 52.2 60.960.7 60.7 51.6 52.9 61.461.2 Vehicle Noise:69.5 68.0 65.0 60.2 69.268.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 45 96 446207 48 103 479222 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAP 14,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,376 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.02 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.26 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.22 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.2 66.6 64.8 58.8 68.067.4 61.7 62.2 60.6 54.2 52.6 61.361.1 61.1 52.0 53.3 61.861.6 Vehicle Noise:69.9 68.4 65.4 60.6 69.669.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 47 102 474220 51 110 509236 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 144 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAP 12,100 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,125 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.90 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.13 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.09 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.8 64.2 62.4 56.4 65.665.0 59.3 59.8 58.1 51.8 50.2 58.958.7 58.7 49.6 50.9 59.359.2 Vehicle Noise:67.5 66.0 63.0 58.2 67.266.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 39 84 388180 42 90 417194 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:EAP 11,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,079 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.08 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.32 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.27 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.1 65.5 63.8 57.7 66.966.3 60.7 61.1 59.5 53.1 51.6 60.360.1 60.0 51.0 52.2 60.760.6 Vehicle Noise:68.8 67.4 64.3 59.5 68.668.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 40 87 403187 43 93 433201 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EAP 13,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,274 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.36 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.59 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.55 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.8 66.2 64.5 58.4 67.767.0 61.4 61.8 60.2 53.9 52.3 61.060.8 60.7 51.7 52.9 61.461.3 Vehicle Noise:69.5 68.1 65.0 60.3 69.368.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 45 97 450209 48 104 483224 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EAP 8,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:744 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.69 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.93 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.89 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.5 63.9 62.1 56.1 65.364.7 59.1 59.5 57.9 51.5 50.0 58.758.4 58.4 49.4 50.6 59.159.0 Vehicle Noise:67.2 65.8 62.7 57.9 66.966.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 31 68 314146 34 73 338157 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 145 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Airport Bl. Scenario:EAP 4,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:400 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.39 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -23.63 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.58 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.8 61.2 59.4 53.4 62.662.0 56.4 56.8 55.2 48.8 47.3 56.055.7 55.7 46.7 47.9 56.456.3 Vehicle Noise:64.5 63.1 60.0 55.2 64.263.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 45 20896 22 48 223104 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAP 3,400 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:316 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.95 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -24.19 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -28.15 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 60.7 59.2 57.4 51.3 60.660.0 54.5 55.4 53.3 47.0 45.4 54.153.9 54.3 45.2 46.5 55.054.8 Vehicle Noise:62.6 61.2 58.0 53.3 62.361.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 15 32 14668 16 34 15773 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAP 5,600 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:521 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.78 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -22.02 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.98 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.9 61.3 59.6 53.5 62.762.1 56.7 57.5 55.5 49.1 47.6 56.356.0 56.4 47.4 48.6 57.157.0 Vehicle Noise:64.8 63.3 60.2 55.5 64.564.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 20 44 20495 22 47 219102 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAP 4,700 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:437 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.00 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -23.24 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.20 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.1 60.5 58.8 52.7 61.961.3 55.7 56.1 54.5 48.1 46.6 55.355.1 55.0 46.0 47.2 55.755.6 Vehicle Noise:63.8 62.4 59.3 54.5 63.663.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 20 44 20495 22 47 220102 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 146 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAP 3,200 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:298 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -7.67 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -24.91 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -28.87 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 60.4 58.9 57.1 51.0 60.359.7 54.0 54.4 52.8 46.5 44.9 53.653.4 53.3 44.3 45.5 54.053.9 Vehicle Noise:62.1 60.7 57.7 52.9 61.961.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 16 34 15873 17 37 17079 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAP 1,800 9.30% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:167 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 40 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:23 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -9.20 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 1.58 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 77.72 -26.44 1.62 -1.20 0.000 0.000 82.99 -30.40 1.61 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 66.51 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 38.636 38.406 38.429 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 57.7 56.1 54.3 48.3 57.556.9 51.7 53.0 50.5 44.1 42.6 51.351.1 51.9 42.9 44.1 52.652.5 Vehicle Noise:59.7 58.3 55.0 50.5 59.459.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 7 16 7434 8 17 7937 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAP 7,300 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:679 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.63 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -20.87 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -24.83 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.1 62.5 60.7 54.7 63.963.3 57.8 58.7 56.6 50.3 48.7 57.457.2 57.6 48.5 49.8 58.358.1 Vehicle Noise:65.9 64.5 61.3 56.6 65.665.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 24 53 244113 26 56 262121 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAP 3,200 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:298 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:48 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -7.67 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.24 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -24.91 -1.22 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -28.87 -1.23 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 59.540 59.391 59.406 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 60.1 58.5 56.7 50.7 59.959.3 53.7 54.1 52.5 46.1 44.6 53.353.0 53.0 43.9 45.2 53.753.5 Vehicle Noise:61.8 60.4 57.3 52.5 61.561.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 16 35 16375 17 38 17581 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 147 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAC21 32,000 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,976 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.91 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -15.32 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -19.28 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.0 70.4 68.6 62.5 71.871.2 65.4 65.4 64.2 57.8 56.3 65.064.7 64.3 55.2 56.5 65.064.9 Vehicle Noise:73.5 72.1 69.1 64.3 73.372.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 99 212 986458 106 228 1,060492 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAC21 22,900 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,130 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.46 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -16.78 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -20.73 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.5 68.9 67.1 61.1 70.369.7 63.9 63.9 62.7 56.3 54.8 63.563.3 62.8 53.8 55.0 63.563.4 Vehicle Noise:72.1 70.6 67.7 62.8 71.871.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 79 170 789366 85 183 848394 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAC21 18,400 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,711 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.49 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -17.73 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -21.68 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.5 68.0 66.2 60.1 69.468.8 63.0 63.0 61.8 55.4 53.9 62.562.3 61.9 52.8 54.1 62.662.5 Vehicle Noise:71.1 69.7 66.7 61.9 70.970.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 68 147 682316 73 158 733340 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC21 8,200 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:763 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.59 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.82 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.78 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.6 64.0 62.2 56.2 65.464.8 59.2 59.6 58.0 51.6 50.1 58.858.5 58.5 49.5 50.7 59.259.1 Vehicle Noise:67.3 65.9 62.8 58.0 67.166.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 32 69 320148 34 74 343159 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 148 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC21 9,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:874 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.99 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.23 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.19 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.2 64.6 62.8 56.8 66.065.4 59.8 60.2 58.6 52.2 50.7 59.459.1 59.1 50.1 51.3 59.859.7 Vehicle Noise:67.9 66.5 63.4 58.6 67.667.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 75 350162 38 81 376175 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC21 7,500 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:698 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.97 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.21 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.17 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.2 63.6 61.9 55.8 65.064.4 58.8 59.2 57.6 51.2 49.7 58.458.2 58.1 49.1 50.3 58.858.7 Vehicle Noise:66.9 65.5 62.4 57.6 66.766.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 30 65 301140 32 70 324150 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC21 13,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,283 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.32 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.56 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.52 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.9 66.3 64.5 58.5 67.767.1 61.4 61.9 60.3 53.9 52.3 61.060.8 60.8 51.7 53.0 61.561.3 Vehicle Noise:69.6 68.1 65.1 60.3 69.368.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 45 97 452210 49 105 486225 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC21 11,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,051 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.19 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.43 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.39 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.0 65.4 63.6 57.6 66.866.2 60.6 61.0 59.4 53.0 51.5 60.259.9 59.9 50.9 52.1 60.660.5 Vehicle Noise:68.7 67.3 64.2 59.4 68.468.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 40 85 396184 43 92 425197 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 149 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC21 4,700 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:437 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.55 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -22.78 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -26.74 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.1 60.6 58.8 52.7 62.061.4 55.9 56.8 54.7 48.4 46.8 55.555.3 55.7 46.6 47.9 56.456.2 Vehicle Noise:64.0 62.6 59.4 54.7 63.763.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 18 39 18284 19 42 19591 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC21 12,800 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,190 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.65 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.89 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.85 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.0 64.4 62.7 56.6 65.865.2 59.6 60.0 58.4 52.0 50.5 59.258.9 58.9 49.9 51.1 59.659.5 Vehicle Noise:67.7 66.3 63.2 58.4 67.567.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 40 87 403187 43 93 433201 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC21 10,700 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:995 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.43 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.67 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.62 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.2 63.6 61.9 55.8 65.164.4 58.8 59.2 57.6 51.3 49.7 58.458.2 58.1 49.1 50.3 58.858.7 Vehicle Noise:66.9 65.5 62.4 57.7 66.766.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 36 77 358166 38 83 384178 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC21 8,500 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:791 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.43 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.67 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.62 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.8 64.2 62.4 56.4 65.665.0 59.3 59.8 58.1 51.8 50.2 58.958.7 58.7 49.6 50.9 59.359.2 Vehicle Noise:67.5 66.0 63.0 58.2 67.266.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 33 71 327152 35 76 352163 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 150 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC21 6,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:632 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.40 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.64 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.59 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.8 63.2 61.4 55.4 64.664.0 58.4 58.8 57.2 50.8 49.3 58.057.7 57.7 48.6 49.9 58.458.3 Vehicle Noise:66.5 65.1 62.0 57.2 66.265.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 28 61 282131 30 65 303141 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC21 6,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:623 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.46 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.70 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.66 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.7 63.1 61.4 55.3 64.563.9 58.3 58.7 57.1 50.8 49.2 57.957.7 57.6 48.6 49.8 58.358.2 Vehicle Noise:66.4 65.0 61.9 57.2 66.265.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 28 60 279130 30 65 300139 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC21 6,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:595 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.66 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.90 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.86 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.5 62.9 61.2 55.1 64.363.7 58.1 58.5 56.9 50.6 49.0 57.757.5 57.4 48.4 49.6 58.158.0 Vehicle Noise:66.2 64.8 61.7 57.0 66.065.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 27 58 271126 29 63 291135 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jefferson St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAC21 16,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,553 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.50 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.73 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.69 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.7 67.1 65.3 59.3 68.567.9 62.3 62.7 61.1 54.7 53.2 61.961.6 61.6 52.5 53.8 62.362.2 Vehicle Noise:70.4 69.0 65.9 61.1 70.169.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 51 111 514238 55 119 552256 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 151 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAC21 14,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,358 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.08 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.32 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.27 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.1 66.5 64.8 58.7 67.967.3 61.7 62.1 60.5 54.1 52.6 61.361.1 61.0 52.0 53.2 61.761.6 Vehicle Noise:69.8 68.4 65.3 60.5 69.669.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 47 101 470218 50 109 504234 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAC21 11,100 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,032 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.27 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.51 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.46 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.4 63.8 62.0 56.0 65.264.6 59.0 59.4 57.8 51.4 49.9 58.658.3 58.3 49.2 50.5 59.058.8 Vehicle Noise:67.1 65.7 62.6 57.8 66.866.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 37 79 367170 39 85 394183 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:EAC21 11,500 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,070 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.12 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.36 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.31 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.1 65.5 63.7 57.7 66.966.3 60.7 61.1 59.5 53.1 51.6 60.260.0 60.0 50.9 52.2 60.760.5 Vehicle Noise:68.8 67.3 64.3 59.5 68.568.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 40 86 400186 43 93 430200 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EAC21 10,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,014 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.35 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.59 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.54 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.8 65.3 63.5 57.4 66.766.1 60.4 60.8 59.2 52.9 51.3 60.059.8 59.7 50.7 51.9 60.460.3 Vehicle Noise:68.5 67.1 64.1 59.3 68.367.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 39 83 386179 42 89 415193 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 152 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EAC21 6,500 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:605 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.59 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.83 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.79 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.6 63.0 61.2 55.2 64.463.8 58.2 58.6 57.0 50.6 49.1 57.857.5 57.5 48.5 49.7 58.258.1 Vehicle Noise:66.3 64.9 61.8 57.0 66.065.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 27 59 274127 29 63 294137 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Airport Bl. Scenario:EAC21 2,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:270 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -8.10 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -25.34 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -29.29 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.1 59.5 57.7 51.7 60.960.3 54.7 55.1 53.5 47.1 45.6 54.354.0 54.0 44.9 46.2 54.754.6 Vehicle Noise:62.8 61.3 58.3 53.5 62.562.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 16 34 16074 17 37 17280 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAC21 4,800 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:446 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.45 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -22.69 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -26.65 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.2 60.7 58.9 52.8 62.161.5 56.0 56.9 54.8 48.5 46.9 55.655.4 55.8 46.7 48.0 56.556.3 Vehicle Noise:64.1 62.7 59.5 54.8 63.863.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 18 40 18486 20 43 19892 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAC21 4,800 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:446 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.45 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -22.69 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -26.65 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.2 60.7 58.9 52.8 62.161.5 56.0 56.9 54.8 48.5 46.9 55.655.4 55.8 46.7 48.0 56.556.3 Vehicle Noise:64.1 62.7 59.5 54.8 63.863.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 18 40 18486 20 43 19892 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 153 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAC21 2,700 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:251 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -8.41 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -25.65 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -29.60 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.7 58.1 56.4 50.3 59.558.9 53.3 53.7 52.1 45.7 44.2 52.952.6 52.6 43.6 44.8 53.353.2 Vehicle Noise:61.4 60.0 56.9 52.1 61.260.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 14 30 14166 15 33 15270 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAC21 2,100 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:195 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -9.50 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -26.74 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -30.70 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 58.6 57.0 55.3 49.2 58.457.8 52.2 52.6 51.0 44.6 43.1 51.851.6 51.5 42.5 43.7 52.252.1 Vehicle Noise:60.3 58.9 55.8 51.0 60.159.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 12 26 11955 13 28 12860 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAC21 700 9.30% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:65 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 40 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:23 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -13.30 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 1.58 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 77.72 -30.54 1.62 -1.20 0.000 0.000 82.99 -34.50 1.61 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 66.51 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 38.636 38.406 38.429 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 53.6 52.0 50.2 44.2 53.452.8 47.6 48.9 46.4 40.0 38.5 47.247.0 47.8 38.8 40.0 48.548.4 Vehicle Noise:55.6 54.2 50.9 46.4 55.354.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 4 8 3918 4 9 4220 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAC21 4,700 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:437 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.55 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -22.78 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -26.74 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.1 60.6 58.8 52.7 62.061.4 55.9 56.8 54.7 48.4 46.8 55.555.3 55.7 46.6 47.9 56.456.2 Vehicle Noise:64.0 62.6 59.4 54.7 63.763.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 18 39 18284 19 42 19591 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 154 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAC21 4,400 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:409 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:48 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.29 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.24 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -23.53 -1.22 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.48 -1.23 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 59.540 59.391 59.406 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.5 59.9 58.1 52.1 61.360.7 55.0 55.5 53.9 47.5 45.9 54.654.4 54.4 45.3 46.6 55.154.9 Vehicle Noise:63.2 61.7 58.7 53.9 62.962.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 20 43 20193 22 47 216100 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EACP21 32,100 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,985 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.93 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -15.31 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -19.27 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.0 70.4 68.6 62.6 71.871.2 65.4 65.4 64.2 57.8 56.3 65.064.7 64.3 55.3 56.5 65.064.9 Vehicle Noise:73.5 72.1 69.1 64.3 73.372.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 99 213 988458 106 229 1,063493 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EACP21 23,000 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,139 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.48 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -16.76 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -20.71 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.5 68.9 67.2 61.1 70.369.7 63.9 64.0 62.7 56.4 54.8 63.563.3 62.9 53.8 55.1 63.563.4 Vehicle Noise:72.1 70.7 67.7 62.8 71.971.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 79 170 791367 85 183 851395 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EACP21 18,600 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,730 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.44 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -17.68 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -21.64 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.6 68.0 66.2 60.2 69.468.8 63.0 63.0 61.8 55.4 53.9 62.662.4 61.9 52.9 54.1 62.662.5 Vehicle Noise:71.2 69.7 66.8 61.9 70.970.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 69 148 687319 74 159 739343 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 155 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP21 8,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:772 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.53 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.77 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.73 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.7 64.1 62.3 56.2 65.564.9 59.2 59.7 58.0 51.7 50.1 58.858.6 58.5 49.5 50.8 59.259.1 Vehicle Noise:67.4 65.9 62.9 58.1 67.166.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 32 69 322150 35 75 346161 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP21 9,500 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:884 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.95 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.18 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.14 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.2 64.7 62.9 56.8 66.165.5 59.8 60.2 58.6 52.3 50.7 59.459.2 59.1 50.1 51.3 59.859.7 Vehicle Noise:67.9 66.5 63.5 58.7 67.767.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 76 353164 38 82 379176 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP21 7,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:725 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.80 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.04 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.00 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.4 63.8 62.0 56.0 65.264.6 59.0 59.4 57.8 51.4 49.9 58.658.3 58.3 49.2 50.5 59.058.8 Vehicle Noise:67.1 65.6 62.6 57.8 66.866.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 31 67 309143 33 72 332154 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP21 14,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,339 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.14 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.38 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.33 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.0 66.5 64.7 58.6 67.967.3 61.6 62.0 60.4 54.1 52.5 61.261.0 60.9 51.9 53.2 61.661.5 Vehicle Noise:69.7 68.3 65.3 60.5 69.569.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 47 100 465216 50 108 500232 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 156 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP21 12,100 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,125 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.90 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.13 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.09 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.3 65.7 63.9 57.9 67.166.5 60.9 61.3 59.7 53.3 51.8 60.560.2 60.2 51.1 52.4 60.960.8 Vehicle Noise:69.0 67.6 64.5 59.7 68.768.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 89 414192 45 96 445207 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP21 5,000 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:465 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.28 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -22.51 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -26.47 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.4 60.8 59.1 53.0 62.261.6 56.2 57.0 55.0 48.6 47.1 55.855.6 55.9 46.9 48.1 56.656.5 Vehicle Noise:64.3 62.8 59.7 55.0 64.063.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 19 41 18988 20 44 20394 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP21 12,900 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,200 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.62 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.86 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.81 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.0 64.5 62.7 56.6 65.965.3 59.6 60.0 58.4 52.1 50.5 59.259.0 58.9 49.9 51.1 59.659.5 Vehicle Noise:67.7 66.3 63.3 58.5 67.567.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 87 405188 44 94 435202 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP21 10,800 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,004 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.39 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.63 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.58 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.3 63.7 61.9 55.9 65.164.5 58.8 59.3 57.7 51.3 49.7 58.458.2 58.2 49.1 50.4 58.958.7 Vehicle Noise:67.0 65.5 62.5 57.7 66.766.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 36 78 360167 39 83 387180 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 157 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP21 8,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:800 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.38 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.62 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.57 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.8 64.2 62.5 56.4 65.665.0 59.4 59.8 58.2 51.8 50.3 59.058.8 58.7 49.7 50.9 59.459.3 Vehicle Noise:67.5 66.1 63.0 58.2 67.366.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 33 71 330153 35 76 354165 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP21 6,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:642 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.34 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.57 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.53 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.9 63.3 61.5 55.4 64.764.1 58.4 58.9 57.2 50.9 49.3 58.057.8 57.7 48.7 50.0 58.458.3 Vehicle Noise:66.6 65.1 62.1 57.3 66.365.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 28 61 285132 31 66 306142 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP21 6,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:642 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.34 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.57 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.53 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.9 63.3 61.5 55.4 64.764.1 58.4 58.9 57.2 50.9 49.3 58.057.8 57.7 48.7 50.0 58.458.3 Vehicle Noise:66.6 65.1 62.1 57.3 66.365.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 28 61 285132 31 66 306142 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP21 6,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:595 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.66 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.90 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.86 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.5 62.9 61.2 55.1 64.363.7 58.1 58.5 56.9 50.6 49.0 57.757.5 57.4 48.4 49.6 58.158.0 Vehicle Noise:66.2 64.8 61.7 57.0 66.065.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 27 58 271126 29 63 291135 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 158 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jefferson St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EACP21 16,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,562 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.47 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.71 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.66 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.7 67.1 65.4 59.3 68.567.9 62.3 62.7 61.1 54.7 53.2 61.961.7 61.6 52.6 53.8 62.362.2 Vehicle Noise:70.4 69.0 65.9 61.2 70.269.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 52 111 516239 55 119 554257 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EACP21 14,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,358 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.08 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.32 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.27 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.1 66.5 64.8 58.7 67.967.3 61.7 62.1 60.5 54.1 52.6 61.361.1 61.0 52.0 53.2 61.761.6 Vehicle Noise:69.8 68.4 65.3 60.5 69.669.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 47 101 470218 50 109 504234 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EACP21 11,100 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,032 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.27 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.51 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.46 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.4 63.8 62.0 56.0 65.264.6 59.0 59.4 57.8 51.4 49.9 58.658.3 58.3 49.2 50.5 59.058.8 Vehicle Noise:67.1 65.7 62.6 57.8 66.866.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 37 79 367170 39 85 394183 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:EACP21 11,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,079 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.08 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.32 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.27 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.1 65.5 63.8 57.7 66.966.3 60.7 61.1 59.5 53.1 51.6 60.360.1 60.0 51.0 52.2 60.760.6 Vehicle Noise:68.8 67.4 64.3 59.5 68.668.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 40 87 403187 43 93 433201 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 159 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EACP21 11,100 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,032 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.27 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.51 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.46 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.9 65.3 63.6 57.5 66.766.1 60.5 60.9 59.3 52.9 51.4 60.159.9 59.8 50.8 52.0 60.560.4 Vehicle Noise:68.6 67.2 64.1 59.4 68.467.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 39 84 391182 42 91 420195 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EACP21 6,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:614 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.53 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.77 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.72 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.7 63.1 61.3 55.3 64.563.9 58.2 58.7 57.0 50.7 49.1 57.857.6 57.6 48.5 49.8 58.258.1 Vehicle Noise:66.4 64.9 61.9 57.1 66.165.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 28 60 277128 30 64 297138 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Airport Bl. Scenario:EACP21 3,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:279 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -7.95 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -25.19 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -29.15 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.2 59.6 57.9 51.8 61.160.5 54.8 55.2 53.6 47.3 45.7 54.454.2 54.1 45.1 46.3 54.854.7 Vehicle Noise:62.9 61.5 58.4 53.7 62.762.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 16 35 16376 18 38 17682 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EACP21 5,100 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:474 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.19 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -22.43 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -26.38 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.5 60.9 59.2 53.1 62.361.7 56.3 57.1 55.1 48.7 47.2 55.955.6 56.0 47.0 48.2 56.756.6 Vehicle Noise:64.3 62.9 59.8 55.1 64.163.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 19 41 19289 21 44 20696 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 160 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EACP21 5,300 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:493 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.02 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -22.26 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -26.22 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.7 61.1 59.3 53.3 62.561.9 56.4 57.3 55.3 48.9 47.3 56.055.8 56.2 47.2 48.4 56.956.8 Vehicle Noise:64.5 63.1 59.9 55.3 64.363.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 20 42 19791 21 46 21198 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EACP21 2,900 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:270 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -8.10 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -25.34 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -29.29 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 60.0 58.4 56.7 50.6 59.859.2 53.6 54.0 52.4 46.0 44.5 53.253.0 52.9 43.9 45.1 53.653.5 Vehicle Noise:61.7 60.3 57.2 52.4 61.561.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 15 32 14869 16 34 15974 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EACP21 2,300 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:214 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -9.11 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -26.34 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -30.30 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.0 57.4 55.7 49.6 58.858.2 52.6 53.0 51.4 45.0 43.5 52.251.9 51.9 42.9 44.1 52.652.5 Vehicle Noise:60.7 59.3 56.2 51.4 60.560.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 13 27 12759 14 29 13663 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EACP21 900 9.30% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:84 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 40 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:23 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -12.21 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 1.58 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 77.72 -29.45 1.62 -1.20 0.000 0.000 82.99 -33.41 1.61 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 66.51 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 38.636 38.406 38.429 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 54.7 53.1 51.3 45.3 54.553.9 48.7 50.0 47.5 41.1 39.6 48.348.0 48.9 39.9 41.1 49.649.5 Vehicle Noise:56.7 55.3 52.0 47.5 56.456.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 5 10 4722 5 11 5023 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 161 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EACP21 5,100 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:474 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.19 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -22.43 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -26.38 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.5 60.9 59.2 53.1 62.361.7 56.3 57.1 55.1 48.7 47.2 55.955.6 56.0 47.0 48.2 56.756.6 Vehicle Noise:64.3 62.9 59.8 55.1 64.163.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 19 41 19289 21 44 20696 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EACP21 4,600 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:428 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:48 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.10 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.24 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -23.33 -1.22 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.29 -1.23 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 59.540 59.391 59.406 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.7 60.1 58.3 52.3 61.560.9 55.2 55.7 54.0 47.7 46.1 54.854.6 54.6 45.5 46.8 55.355.1 Vehicle Noise:63.4 61.9 58.9 54.1 63.162.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 45 20796 22 48 222103 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAC23 33,800 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,143 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.15 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -15.09 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -19.04 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.2 70.6 68.8 62.8 72.071.4 65.6 65.6 64.4 58.0 56.5 65.265.0 64.5 55.5 56.7 65.265.1 Vehicle Noise:73.8 72.3 69.4 64.5 73.573.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 102 220 1,022475 110 237 1,100510 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAC23 24,000 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,232 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.66 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -16.57 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -20.53 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.7 69.1 67.4 61.3 70.569.9 64.1 64.1 62.9 56.6 55.0 63.763.5 63.0 54.0 55.2 63.763.6 Vehicle Noise:72.3 70.8 67.9 63.0 72.071.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 81 175 814378 88 189 875406 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 162 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAC23 19,800 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,841 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.17 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -17.41 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -21.37 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.9 68.3 66.5 60.5 69.769.1 63.3 63.3 62.1 55.7 54.2 62.962.6 62.2 53.2 54.4 62.962.8 Vehicle Noise:71.5 70.0 67.0 62.2 71.270.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 72 154 716332 77 166 770357 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC23 9,100 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:846 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.13 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.37 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.33 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.1 64.5 62.7 56.6 65.965.3 59.6 60.1 58.4 52.1 50.5 59.259.0 58.9 49.9 51.2 59.659.5 Vehicle Noise:67.8 66.3 63.3 58.5 67.567.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 34 74 343159 37 79 368171 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC23 10,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,014 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.35 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.59 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.54 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.8 65.3 63.5 57.4 66.766.1 60.4 60.8 59.2 52.9 51.3 60.059.8 59.7 50.7 51.9 60.460.3 Vehicle Noise:68.5 67.1 64.1 59.3 68.367.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 39 83 386179 42 89 415193 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC23 8,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:800 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.38 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.62 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.57 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.8 64.2 62.5 56.4 65.665.0 59.4 59.8 58.2 51.8 50.3 59.058.8 58.7 49.7 50.9 59.459.3 Vehicle Noise:67.5 66.1 63.0 58.2 67.366.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 33 71 330153 35 76 354165 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 163 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC23 15,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,423 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.88 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.12 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.07 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.3 66.7 65.0 58.9 68.167.5 61.9 62.3 60.7 54.3 52.8 61.561.3 61.2 52.2 53.4 61.961.8 Vehicle Noise:70.0 68.6 65.5 60.7 69.869.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 48 104 484225 52 112 520242 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC23 12,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,144 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.82 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.06 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.02 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.4 65.8 64.0 58.0 67.266.6 60.9 61.4 59.8 53.4 51.8 60.560.3 60.3 51.2 52.5 61.060.8 Vehicle Noise:69.1 67.6 64.6 59.8 68.868.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 42 90 419194 45 97 450209 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC23 5,400 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:502 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.94 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -22.18 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -26.14 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.8 61.2 59.4 53.3 62.662.0 56.5 57.4 55.3 49.0 47.4 56.155.9 56.3 47.2 48.5 57.056.8 Vehicle Noise:64.6 63.2 60.0 55.3 64.363.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 20 43 19993 21 46 21499 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC23 13,200 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,228 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.52 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.76 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.71 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.1 64.6 62.8 56.7 66.065.4 59.7 60.1 58.5 52.2 50.6 59.359.1 59.0 50.0 51.2 59.759.6 Vehicle Noise:67.8 66.4 63.4 58.6 67.667.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 89 412191 44 95 442205 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 164 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC23 11,700 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,088 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.04 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.28 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.24 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.6 64.0 62.3 56.2 65.464.8 59.2 59.6 58.0 51.6 50.1 58.858.6 58.5 49.5 50.7 59.259.1 Vehicle Noise:67.3 65.9 62.8 58.1 67.166.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 38 82 380176 41 88 408189 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC23 10,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:958 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.60 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.83 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.79 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.6 65.0 63.2 57.2 66.465.8 60.2 60.6 59.0 52.6 51.1 59.859.5 59.5 50.5 51.7 60.260.1 Vehicle Noise:68.3 66.9 63.8 59.0 68.067.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 37 80 372173 40 86 400186 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC23 9,200 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:856 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.09 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.32 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.28 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.1 64.5 62.7 56.7 65.965.3 59.7 60.1 58.5 52.1 50.6 59.359.0 59.0 50.0 51.2 59.759.6 Vehicle Noise:67.8 66.4 63.3 58.5 67.667.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 74 345160 37 80 371172 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC23 9,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:837 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.18 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.42 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.38 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.0 64.4 62.7 56.6 65.865.2 59.6 60.0 58.4 52.0 50.5 59.258.9 58.9 49.9 51.1 59.659.5 Vehicle Noise:67.7 66.3 63.2 58.4 67.567.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 34 73 340158 37 79 365170 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 165 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC23 9,200 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:856 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.09 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.32 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.28 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.1 64.5 62.7 56.7 65.965.3 59.7 60.1 58.5 52.1 50.6 59.359.0 59.0 50.0 51.2 59.759.6 Vehicle Noise:67.8 66.4 63.3 58.5 67.667.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 74 345160 37 80 371172 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jefferson St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAC23 16,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,562 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.47 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.71 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.66 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.7 67.1 65.4 59.3 68.567.9 62.3 62.7 61.1 54.7 53.2 61.961.7 61.6 52.6 53.8 62.362.2 Vehicle Noise:70.4 69.0 65.9 61.2 70.269.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 52 111 516239 55 119 554257 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAC23 15,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,460 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.76 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.00 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.96 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.4 66.8 65.1 59.0 68.267.6 62.0 62.4 60.8 54.4 52.9 61.661.4 61.3 52.3 53.5 62.061.9 Vehicle Noise:70.1 68.7 65.6 60.9 69.969.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 49 106 493229 53 114 529246 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAC23 11,900 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,107 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.97 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.21 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.16 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.7 64.1 62.3 56.3 65.564.9 59.3 59.7 58.1 51.7 50.2 58.958.6 58.6 49.5 50.8 59.359.1 Vehicle Noise:67.4 66.0 62.9 58.1 67.166.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 38 83 384178 41 89 413192 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 166 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:EAC23 12,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,172 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.72 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.96 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.91 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.5 65.9 64.1 58.1 67.366.7 61.0 61.5 59.9 53.5 51.9 60.660.4 60.4 51.3 52.6 61.160.9 Vehicle Noise:69.2 67.7 64.7 59.9 68.968.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 92 426198 46 99 457212 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EAC23 12,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,153 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.79 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.03 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.98 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.4 65.8 64.0 58.0 67.266.6 61.0 61.4 59.8 53.4 51.9 60.660.3 60.3 51.3 52.5 61.060.9 Vehicle Noise:69.1 67.7 64.6 59.8 68.868.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 42 91 421195 45 97 452210 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EAC23 7,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:716 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.86 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.10 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.05 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.3 63.7 62.0 55.9 65.164.5 58.9 59.3 57.7 51.4 49.8 58.558.3 58.2 49.2 50.4 58.958.8 Vehicle Noise:67.0 65.6 62.5 57.8 66.866.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 31 66 306142 33 71 329153 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Airport Bl. Scenario:EAC23 3,500 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:326 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -7.28 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -24.52 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -28.48 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.9 60.3 58.6 52.5 61.761.1 55.5 55.9 54.3 47.9 46.4 55.154.8 54.8 45.8 47.0 55.555.4 Vehicle Noise:63.6 62.2 59.1 54.3 63.462.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 18 39 18184 19 42 19590 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 167 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAC23 5,000 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:465 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.28 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -22.51 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -26.47 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.4 60.8 59.1 53.0 62.261.6 56.2 57.0 55.0 48.6 47.1 55.855.6 55.9 46.9 48.1 56.656.5 Vehicle Noise:64.3 62.8 59.7 55.0 64.063.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 19 41 18988 20 44 20394 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAC23 5,200 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:484 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.11 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -22.34 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -26.30 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.6 61.0 59.2 53.2 62.461.8 56.4 57.2 55.2 48.8 47.3 56.055.7 56.1 47.1 48.3 56.856.7 Vehicle Noise:64.4 63.0 59.9 55.2 64.263.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 19 42 19490 21 45 20997 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAC23 3,600 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:335 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -7.16 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -24.40 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -28.35 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.0 59.4 57.6 51.5 60.860.2 54.5 55.0 53.3 47.0 45.4 54.153.9 53.8 44.8 46.1 54.554.4 Vehicle Noise:62.7 61.2 58.2 53.4 62.461.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 17 37 17179 18 40 18485 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAC23 2,500 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:233 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -8.74 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -25.98 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -29.94 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.4 57.8 56.0 50.0 59.258.6 52.9 53.4 51.8 45.4 43.8 52.552.3 52.3 43.2 44.5 53.052.8 Vehicle Noise:61.1 59.6 56.6 51.8 60.860.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 13 29 13462 14 31 14467 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 168 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAC23 800 9.30% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:74 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 40 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:23 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -12.72 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 1.58 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 77.72 -29.96 1.62 -1.20 0.000 0.000 82.99 -33.92 1.61 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 66.51 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 38.636 38.406 38.429 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 54.2 52.6 50.8 44.8 54.053.4 48.2 49.5 47.0 40.6 39.1 47.847.5 48.4 39.3 40.6 49.148.9 Vehicle Noise:56.2 54.8 51.5 46.9 55.955.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 4 9 4320 5 10 4621 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAC23 5,400 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:502 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.94 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -22.18 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -26.14 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.8 61.2 59.4 53.3 62.662.0 56.5 57.4 55.3 49.0 47.4 56.155.9 56.3 47.2 48.5 57.056.8 Vehicle Noise:64.6 63.2 60.0 55.3 64.363.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 20 43 19993 21 46 21499 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAC23 4,800 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:446 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:48 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.91 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.24 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -23.15 -1.22 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.11 -1.23 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 59.540 59.391 59.406 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.9 60.3 58.5 52.4 61.761.1 55.4 55.8 54.2 47.9 46.3 55.054.8 54.7 45.7 47.0 55.455.3 Vehicle Noise:63.6 62.1 59.1 54.3 63.362.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 46 21399 23 49 229106 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EACP23 33,900 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,153 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.16 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -15.07 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -19.03 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.2 70.6 68.9 62.8 72.071.4 65.6 65.6 64.4 58.1 56.5 65.265.0 64.5 55.5 56.7 65.265.1 Vehicle Noise:73.8 72.3 69.4 64.5 73.573.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 102 221 1,024475 110 237 1,102511 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 169 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EACP23 24,100 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,241 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.68 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -16.56 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -20.51 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.7 69.1 67.4 61.3 70.569.9 64.1 64.2 62.9 56.6 55.0 63.763.5 63.1 54.0 55.3 63.763.6 Vehicle Noise:72.3 70.9 67.9 63.0 72.171.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 82 176 816379 88 189 878407 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EACP23 20,000 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,860 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.13 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -17.37 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -21.32 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.9 68.3 66.6 60.5 69.769.1 63.3 63.4 62.1 55.8 54.2 62.962.7 62.2 53.2 54.5 62.962.8 Vehicle Noise:71.5 70.0 67.1 62.2 71.270.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 72 155 721334 78 167 775360 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP23 9,200 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:856 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.09 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.32 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.28 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.1 64.5 62.7 56.7 65.965.3 59.7 60.1 58.5 52.1 50.6 59.359.0 59.0 50.0 51.2 59.759.6 Vehicle Noise:67.8 66.4 63.3 58.5 67.667.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 74 345160 37 80 371172 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP23 11,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,023 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.31 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.55 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.50 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.9 65.3 63.5 57.5 66.766.1 60.5 60.9 59.3 52.9 51.4 60.159.8 59.8 50.7 52.0 60.560.3 Vehicle Noise:68.6 67.1 64.1 59.3 68.367.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 39 84 389180 42 90 418194 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 170 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP23 8,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:828 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.23 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.47 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.42 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.0 64.4 62.6 56.6 65.865.2 59.5 60.0 58.3 52.0 50.4 59.158.9 58.9 49.8 51.1 59.559.4 Vehicle Noise:67.7 66.2 63.2 58.4 67.466.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 34 73 338157 36 78 363168 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP23 16,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,488 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.68 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.92 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.88 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.5 66.9 65.2 59.1 68.367.7 62.1 62.5 60.9 54.5 53.0 61.761.4 61.4 52.4 53.6 62.162.0 Vehicle Noise:70.2 68.8 65.7 60.9 70.069.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 50 108 499232 54 116 536249 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP23 13,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,237 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.49 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.72 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.68 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.7 66.1 64.3 58.3 67.566.9 61.3 61.7 60.1 53.7 52.2 60.960.6 60.6 51.6 52.8 61.361.2 Vehicle Noise:69.4 68.0 64.9 60.1 69.268.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 44 95 441205 47 102 474220 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP23 5,800 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:539 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.63 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.87 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.83 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.1 61.5 59.7 53.7 62.962.3 56.8 57.7 55.6 49.3 47.7 56.456.2 56.6 47.5 48.8 57.357.1 Vehicle Noise:64.9 63.5 60.3 55.7 64.664.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 45 20997 22 48 224104 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 171 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP23 13,300 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,237 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.49 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.72 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.68 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.2 64.6 62.8 56.8 66.065.4 59.7 60.2 58.6 52.2 50.6 59.359.1 59.1 50.0 51.3 59.859.6 Vehicle Noise:67.9 66.4 63.4 58.6 67.667.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 89 414192 44 96 444206 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP23 11,800 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,097 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.00 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.24 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.20 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.7 64.1 62.3 56.3 65.564.9 59.2 59.6 58.0 51.7 50.1 58.858.6 58.5 49.5 50.8 59.259.1 Vehicle Noise:67.4 65.9 62.9 58.1 67.166.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 38 82 382177 41 88 410190 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP23 10,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:967 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.55 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.79 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.75 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.6 65.0 63.3 57.2 66.565.8 60.2 60.6 59.0 52.7 51.1 59.859.6 59.5 50.5 51.7 60.260.1 Vehicle Noise:68.3 66.9 63.8 59.1 68.167.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 37 81 374174 40 87 402187 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP23 9,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:865 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.04 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.28 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.23 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.1 64.6 62.8 56.7 66.065.4 59.7 60.1 58.5 52.2 50.6 59.359.1 59.0 50.0 51.3 59.759.6 Vehicle Noise:67.8 66.4 63.4 58.6 67.667.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 75 348161 37 80 373173 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 172 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP23 9,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:865 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.04 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.28 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.23 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.1 64.6 62.8 56.7 66.065.4 59.7 60.1 58.5 52.2 50.6 59.359.1 59.0 50.0 51.3 59.759.6 Vehicle Noise:67.8 66.4 63.4 58.6 67.667.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 75 348161 37 80 373173 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP23 9,200 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:856 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.09 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.32 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.28 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.1 64.5 62.7 56.7 65.965.3 59.7 60.1 58.5 52.1 50.6 59.359.0 59.0 50.0 51.2 59.759.6 Vehicle Noise:67.8 66.4 63.3 58.5 67.667.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 74 345160 37 80 371172 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jefferson St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EACP23 16,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,572 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.44 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.68 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.64 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.7 67.2 65.4 59.3 68.668.0 62.3 62.7 61.1 54.8 53.2 61.961.7 61.6 52.6 53.9 62.362.2 Vehicle Noise:70.4 69.0 66.0 61.2 70.269.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 52 112 518240 56 120 556258 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EACP23 15,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,460 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.76 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.00 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.96 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.4 66.8 65.1 59.0 68.267.6 62.0 62.4 60.8 54.4 52.9 61.661.4 61.3 52.3 53.5 62.061.9 Vehicle Noise:70.1 68.7 65.6 60.9 69.969.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 49 106 493229 53 114 529246 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 173 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EACP23 11,900 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,107 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.97 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.21 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.16 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.7 64.1 62.3 56.3 65.564.9 59.3 59.7 58.1 51.7 50.2 58.958.6 58.6 49.5 50.8 59.359.1 Vehicle Noise:67.4 66.0 62.9 58.1 67.166.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 38 83 384178 41 89 413192 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:EACP23 12,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,181 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.69 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.92 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.88 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.5 65.9 64.1 58.1 67.366.7 61.1 61.5 59.9 53.5 52.0 60.760.4 60.4 51.4 52.6 61.161.0 Vehicle Noise:69.2 67.8 64.7 59.9 69.068.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 92 428199 46 99 460213 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EACP23 12,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,172 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.72 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.96 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.91 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.5 65.9 64.1 58.1 67.366.7 61.0 61.5 59.9 53.5 51.9 60.660.4 60.4 51.3 52.6 61.160.9 Vehicle Noise:69.2 67.7 64.7 59.9 68.968.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 92 426198 46 99 457212 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EACP23 7,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:725 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.80 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.04 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.00 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.4 63.8 62.0 56.0 65.264.6 59.0 59.4 57.8 51.4 49.9 58.658.3 58.3 49.2 50.5 59.058.8 Vehicle Noise:67.1 65.6 62.6 57.8 66.866.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 31 67 309143 33 72 332154 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 174 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Airport Bl. Scenario:EACP23 3,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:335 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -7.16 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -24.40 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -28.35 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.0 60.4 58.7 52.6 61.861.2 55.6 56.0 54.4 48.1 46.5 55.255.0 54.9 45.9 47.1 55.655.5 Vehicle Noise:63.7 62.3 59.2 54.5 63.563.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 18 40 18586 20 43 19892 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EACP23 5,500 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:512 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.86 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -22.10 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -26.06 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.8 61.2 59.5 53.4 62.762.0 56.6 57.5 55.4 49.1 47.5 56.256.0 56.3 47.3 48.6 57.056.9 Vehicle Noise:64.7 63.2 60.1 55.4 64.464.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 20 43 20294 22 47 217101 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EACP23 5,800 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:539 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.63 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.87 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.83 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.1 61.5 59.7 53.7 62.962.3 56.8 57.7 55.6 49.3 47.7 56.456.2 56.6 47.5 48.8 57.357.1 Vehicle Noise:64.9 63.5 60.3 55.7 64.664.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 45 20997 22 48 224104 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EACP23 3,800 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:353 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.93 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -24.16 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -28.12 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.2 59.6 57.8 51.8 61.060.4 54.8 55.2 53.6 47.2 45.7 54.454.1 54.1 45.0 46.3 54.854.6 Vehicle Noise:62.9 61.5 58.4 53.6 62.662.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 18 38 17782 19 41 19188 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 175 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EACP23 2,700 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:251 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -8.41 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -25.65 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -29.60 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 59.7 58.1 56.4 50.3 59.558.9 53.3 53.7 52.1 45.7 44.2 52.952.6 52.6 43.6 44.8 53.353.2 Vehicle Noise:61.4 60.0 56.9 52.1 61.260.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 14 30 14166 15 33 15270 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EACP23 1,000 9.30% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:93 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 40 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:23 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -11.75 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 1.58 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 77.72 -28.99 1.62 -1.20 0.000 0.000 82.99 -32.95 1.61 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 66.51 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 38.636 38.406 38.429 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 55.1 53.5 51.8 45.7 55.054.4 49.1 50.5 47.9 41.6 40.0 48.748.5 49.4 40.3 41.6 50.049.9 Vehicle Noise:57.2 55.7 52.5 47.9 56.956.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 5 11 5023 5 12 5325 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EACP23 5,900 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:549 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.56 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.80 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.75 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.1 61.6 59.8 53.7 63.062.4 56.9 57.8 55.7 49.4 47.8 56.556.3 56.7 47.6 48.9 57.357.2 Vehicle Noise:65.0 63.6 60.4 55.7 64.764.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 46 21298 23 49 227105 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EACP23 5,100 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:474 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:48 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.65 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.24 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -22.89 -1.22 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -26.84 -1.23 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 59.540 59.391 59.406 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.1 60.5 58.8 52.7 61.961.3 55.7 56.1 54.5 48.1 46.6 55.355.1 55.0 46.0 47.2 55.755.6 Vehicle Noise:63.8 62.4 59.3 54.5 63.663.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 22 48 222103 24 51 238111 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 176 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAC26 36,500 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,395 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.49 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -14.75 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -18.71 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.5 70.9 69.2 63.1 72.371.7 65.9 66.0 64.7 58.4 56.8 65.565.3 64.9 55.8 57.1 65.665.4 Vehicle Noise:74.1 72.7 69.7 64.8 73.973.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 108 232 1,076499 116 249 1,158537 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAC26 25,800 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,399 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.98 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -16.26 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -20.22 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.0 69.4 67.7 61.6 70.870.2 64.4 64.5 63.2 56.9 55.3 64.063.8 63.4 54.3 55.6 64.063.9 Vehicle Noise:72.6 71.2 68.2 63.3 72.471.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 85 184 854396 92 198 919426 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAC26 21,700 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,018 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.23 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -17.01 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -20.97 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.3 68.7 66.9 60.9 70.169.5 63.7 63.7 62.5 56.1 54.6 63.363.0 62.6 53.6 54.8 63.363.2 Vehicle Noise:71.8 70.4 67.4 62.6 71.671.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 76 164 761353 82 176 818380 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC26 10,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,004 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.39 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.63 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.58 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.8 65.2 63.4 57.4 66.666.0 60.4 60.8 59.2 52.8 51.3 60.059.7 59.7 50.7 51.9 60.460.3 Vehicle Noise:68.5 67.1 64.0 59.2 68.267.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 38 83 384178 41 89 413191 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 177 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC26 13,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,237 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.49 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.72 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.68 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.7 66.1 64.3 58.3 67.566.9 61.3 61.7 60.1 53.7 52.2 60.960.6 60.6 51.6 52.8 61.361.2 Vehicle Noise:69.4 68.0 64.9 60.1 69.268.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 44 95 441205 47 102 474220 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC26 10,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:967 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.55 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.79 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.75 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.6 65.0 63.3 57.2 66.565.8 60.2 60.6 59.0 52.7 51.1 59.859.6 59.5 50.5 51.7 60.260.1 Vehicle Noise:68.3 66.9 63.8 59.1 68.167.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 37 81 374174 40 87 402187 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC26 18,200 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,693 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.12 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.36 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.32 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.1 67.5 65.7 59.7 68.968.3 62.6 63.1 61.5 55.1 53.5 62.262.0 62.0 52.9 54.2 62.762.5 Vehicle Noise:70.8 69.3 66.3 61.5 70.570.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 54 117 544252 58 126 584271 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC26 14,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,330 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.17 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.41 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.36 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.0 66.4 64.7 58.6 67.867.2 61.6 62.0 60.4 54.0 52.5 61.261.0 60.9 51.9 53.1 61.661.5 Vehicle Noise:69.7 68.3 65.2 60.5 69.569.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 46 100 463215 50 107 497231 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 178 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC26 6,600 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:614 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.07 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.31 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.26 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.6 62.0 60.3 54.2 63.462.8 57.4 58.2 56.2 49.8 48.3 57.056.8 57.1 48.1 49.4 57.857.7 Vehicle Noise:65.5 64.0 60.9 56.2 65.264.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 23 49 228106 24 53 245113 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC26 13,800 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,283 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.32 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.56 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.52 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.3 64.8 63.0 56.9 66.265.6 59.9 60.3 58.7 52.4 50.8 59.559.3 59.2 50.2 51.4 59.959.8 Vehicle Noise:68.0 66.6 63.6 58.8 67.867.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 42 91 424197 46 98 455211 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC26 13,100 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,218 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.55 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.79 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.75 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.1 64.5 62.8 56.7 65.965.3 59.7 60.1 58.5 52.1 50.6 59.359.0 59.0 50.0 51.2 59.759.6 Vehicle Noise:67.8 66.4 63.3 58.5 67.667.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 88 409190 44 95 440204 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC26 12,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,200 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.62 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.86 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.81 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.6 66.0 64.2 58.2 67.466.8 61.2 61.6 60.0 53.6 52.1 60.760.5 60.5 51.4 52.7 61.261.0 Vehicle Noise:69.3 67.8 64.8 60.0 69.068.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 93 432201 46 100 464216 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 179 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC26 12,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,172 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.72 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.96 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.91 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.5 65.9 64.1 58.1 67.366.7 61.0 61.5 59.9 53.5 51.9 60.660.4 60.4 51.3 52.6 61.160.9 Vehicle Noise:69.2 67.7 64.7 59.9 68.968.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 92 426198 46 99 457212 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC26 12,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,116 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.93 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.17 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.13 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.3 65.7 63.9 57.8 67.166.5 60.8 61.3 59.6 53.3 51.7 60.460.2 60.1 51.1 52.4 60.860.7 Vehicle Noise:69.0 67.5 64.5 59.7 68.768.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 89 412191 44 95 443205 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC26 12,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,172 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.72 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.96 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.91 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.5 65.9 64.1 58.1 67.366.7 61.0 61.5 59.9 53.5 51.9 60.660.4 60.4 51.3 52.6 61.160.9 Vehicle Noise:69.2 67.7 64.7 59.9 68.968.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 92 426198 46 99 457212 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jefferson St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAC26 17,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,581 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.42 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.66 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.61 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.8 67.2 65.4 59.4 68.668.0 62.3 62.8 61.2 54.8 53.3 61.961.7 61.7 52.6 53.9 62.462.2 Vehicle Noise:70.5 69.0 66.0 61.2 70.269.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 52 112 520241 56 120 558259 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 180 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAC26 17,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,618 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.32 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.56 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.51 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.9 67.3 65.5 59.5 68.768.1 62.5 62.9 61.3 54.9 53.4 62.061.8 61.8 52.7 54.0 62.562.3 Vehicle Noise:70.6 69.1 66.1 61.3 70.369.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 53 114 528245 57 122 567263 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAC26 13,300 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,237 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.49 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.72 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.68 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.2 64.6 62.8 56.8 66.065.4 59.7 60.2 58.6 52.2 50.6 59.359.1 59.1 50.0 51.3 59.859.6 Vehicle Noise:67.9 66.4 63.4 58.6 67.667.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 89 414192 44 96 444206 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:EAC26 14,200 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,321 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.20 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.44 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.40 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.0 66.4 64.6 58.6 67.867.2 61.6 62.0 60.4 54.0 52.5 61.260.9 60.9 51.8 53.1 61.661.4 Vehicle Noise:69.7 68.2 65.2 60.4 69.469.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 46 99 461214 50 107 495230 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EAC26 14,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,367 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.05 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.29 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.24 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.1 66.6 64.8 58.7 68.067.4 61.7 62.1 60.5 54.2 52.6 61.361.1 61.0 52.0 53.2 61.761.6 Vehicle Noise:69.8 68.4 65.4 60.6 69.669.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 47 102 472219 51 109 507235 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 181 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EAC26 9,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:865 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.04 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.28 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.23 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.1 64.6 62.8 56.7 66.065.4 59.7 60.1 58.5 52.2 50.6 59.359.1 59.0 50.0 51.3 59.759.6 Vehicle Noise:67.8 66.4 63.4 58.6 67.667.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 75 348161 37 80 373173 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Airport Bl. Scenario:EAC26 4,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:409 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.29 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -23.53 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.48 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.9 61.3 59.5 53.5 62.762.1 56.5 56.9 55.3 48.9 47.4 56.155.8 55.8 46.8 48.0 56.556.4 Vehicle Noise:64.6 63.2 60.1 55.3 64.363.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 45 21198 23 49 227105 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAC26 5,700 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:530 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.71 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.95 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.90 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.0 61.4 59.6 53.6 62.862.2 56.8 57.6 55.6 49.2 47.7 56.456.1 56.5 47.5 48.7 57.257.1 Vehicle Noise:64.8 63.4 60.2 55.6 64.664.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 45 20796 22 48 222103 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAC26 5,900 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:549 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.56 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.80 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.75 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.1 61.6 59.8 53.7 63.062.4 56.9 57.8 55.7 49.4 47.8 56.556.3 56.7 47.6 48.9 57.357.2 Vehicle Noise:65.0 63.6 60.4 55.7 64.764.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 46 21298 23 49 227105 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 182 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAC26 4,900 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:456 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.82 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -23.06 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.02 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.3 60.7 58.9 52.9 62.161.5 55.9 56.3 54.7 48.3 46.8 55.555.2 55.2 46.1 47.4 55.955.8 Vehicle Noise:64.0 62.6 59.5 54.7 63.763.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 45 21098 23 49 226105 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAC26 3,300 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:307 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -7.54 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -24.78 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -28.73 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 60.6 59.0 57.2 51.2 60.459.8 54.2 54.6 53.0 46.6 45.1 53.753.5 53.5 44.4 45.7 54.254.0 Vehicle Noise:62.3 60.8 57.8 53.0 62.061.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 16 35 16175 17 37 17381 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAC26 1,100 9.30% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:102 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 40 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:23 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -11.34 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 1.58 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 77.72 -28.58 1.62 -1.20 0.000 0.000 82.99 -32.53 1.61 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 66.51 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 38.636 38.406 38.429 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 55.5 54.0 52.2 46.1 55.454.8 49.6 50.9 48.4 42.0 40.5 49.148.9 49.8 40.7 42.0 50.550.3 Vehicle Noise:57.6 56.2 52.9 48.3 57.356.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 5 11 5325 6 12 5726 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAC26 6,900 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:642 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.88 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.12 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.07 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.8 62.2 60.5 54.4 63.663.0 57.6 58.4 56.4 50.0 48.5 57.257.0 57.3 48.3 49.5 58.057.9 Vehicle Noise:65.7 64.2 61.1 56.4 65.464.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 23 51 235109 25 54 252117 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 183 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAC26 5,700 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:530 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:48 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.17 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.24 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -22.40 -1.22 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -26.36 -1.23 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 59.540 59.391 59.406 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.6 61.0 59.2 53.2 62.461.8 56.2 56.6 55.0 48.6 47.1 55.855.5 55.5 46.5 47.7 56.256.1 Vehicle Noise:64.3 62.9 59.8 55.0 64.063.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 24 51 239111 26 55 257119 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EACP26 37,000 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,441 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.54 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -14.69 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -18.65 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.6 71.0 69.2 63.2 72.471.8 66.0 66.0 64.8 58.4 56.9 65.665.3 64.9 55.9 57.1 65.665.5 Vehicle Noise:74.2 72.7 69.8 64.9 73.973.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 109 234 1,086504 117 252 1,168542 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EACP26 26,500 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,465 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.09 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -16.14 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -20.10 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.1 69.5 67.8 61.7 71.070.4 64.5 64.6 63.3 57.0 55.4 64.163.9 63.5 54.4 55.7 64.264.0 Vehicle Noise:72.7 71.3 68.3 63.4 72.572.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 87 187 869403 94 201 935434 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EACP26 22,500 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,093 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.38 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -16.85 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -20.81 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.4 68.8 67.1 61.0 70.269.6 63.8 63.9 62.6 56.3 54.7 63.463.2 62.8 53.7 55.0 63.563.3 Vehicle Noise:72.0 70.6 67.6 62.7 71.871.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 78 168 779362 84 181 838389 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 184 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP26 11,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,051 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.19 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.43 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.39 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.0 65.4 63.6 57.6 66.866.2 60.6 61.0 59.4 53.0 51.5 60.259.9 59.9 50.9 52.1 60.660.5 Vehicle Noise:68.7 67.3 64.2 59.4 68.468.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 40 85 396184 43 92 425197 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP26 14,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,302 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.26 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.50 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.46 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.9 66.3 64.6 58.5 67.767.1 61.5 61.9 60.3 54.0 52.4 61.160.9 60.8 51.8 53.0 61.561.4 Vehicle Noise:69.6 68.2 65.1 60.4 69.468.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 46 98 457212 49 106 490228 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP26 11,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,088 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.04 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.28 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.24 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.1 65.6 63.8 57.7 67.066.4 60.7 61.1 59.5 53.2 51.6 60.360.1 60.0 51.0 52.3 60.760.6 Vehicle Noise:68.8 67.4 64.4 59.6 68.668.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 87 405188 44 94 435202 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP26 20,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,925 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.44 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.80 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -20.76 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.6 68.0 66.3 60.2 69.468.8 63.2 63.6 62.0 55.7 54.1 62.862.6 62.5 53.5 54.7 63.263.1 Vehicle Noise:71.3 69.9 66.8 62.1 71.170.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 59 128 593275 64 137 637295 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 185 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP26 17,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,618 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.32 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.56 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.51 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.9 67.3 65.5 59.5 68.768.1 62.5 62.9 61.3 54.9 53.4 62.061.8 61.8 52.7 54.0 62.562.3 Vehicle Noise:70.6 69.1 66.1 61.3 70.369.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 53 114 528245 57 122 567263 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EACP26 7,600 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:707 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.46 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -20.70 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -24.65 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.2 62.7 60.9 54.8 64.163.5 58.0 58.9 56.8 50.5 48.9 57.657.4 57.8 48.7 50.0 58.458.3 Vehicle Noise:66.1 64.7 61.5 56.8 65.865.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 25 54 250116 27 58 269125 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP26 14,300 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,330 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.17 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.41 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.36 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.5 64.9 63.1 57.1 66.365.7 60.1 60.5 58.9 52.5 51.0 59.759.4 59.4 50.3 51.6 60.159.9 Vehicle Noise:68.2 66.8 63.7 58.9 67.967.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 94 434201 47 100 466216 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP26 13,800 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,283 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.32 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.56 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.52 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.3 64.8 63.0 56.9 66.265.6 59.9 60.3 58.7 52.4 50.8 59.559.3 59.2 50.2 51.4 59.959.8 Vehicle Noise:68.0 66.6 63.6 58.8 67.867.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 42 91 424197 46 98 455211 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 186 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP26 13,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,265 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.39 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.63 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.58 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.8 66.2 64.4 58.4 67.667.0 61.4 61.8 60.2 53.8 52.3 61.060.7 60.7 51.7 52.9 61.461.3 Vehicle Noise:69.5 68.1 65.0 60.2 69.268.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 45 96 448208 48 104 481223 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP26 13,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,237 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.49 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.72 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.68 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.7 66.1 64.3 58.3 67.566.9 61.3 61.7 60.1 53.7 52.2 60.960.6 60.6 51.6 52.8 61.361.2 Vehicle Noise:69.4 68.0 64.9 60.1 69.268.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 44 95 441205 47 102 474220 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP26 13,100 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,218 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.55 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.79 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.75 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.6 66.1 64.3 58.2 67.566.9 61.2 61.6 60.0 53.7 52.1 60.860.6 60.5 51.5 52.7 61.261.1 Vehicle Noise:69.3 67.9 64.9 60.1 69.168.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 44 94 437203 47 101 469218 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EACP26 12,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,190 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.65 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.89 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.85 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.5 66.0 64.2 58.1 67.466.8 61.1 61.5 59.9 53.6 52.0 60.760.5 60.4 51.4 52.6 61.161.0 Vehicle Noise:69.2 67.8 64.7 60.0 69.068.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 93 430200 46 100 462214 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 187 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jefferson St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EACP26 17,500 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,628 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.29 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.53 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.49 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.9 67.3 65.5 59.5 68.768.1 62.5 62.9 61.3 54.9 53.4 62.161.8 61.8 52.8 54.0 62.562.4 Vehicle Noise:70.6 69.2 66.1 61.3 70.369.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 53 114 530246 57 123 569264 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EACP26 17,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,637 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.27 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.51 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.46 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.9 67.3 65.6 59.5 68.768.1 62.5 62.9 61.3 54.9 53.4 62.161.9 61.8 52.8 54.0 62.562.4 Vehicle Noise:70.6 69.2 66.1 61.4 70.469.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 53 115 532247 57 123 571265 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EACP26 13,500 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,256 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.42 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.66 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.61 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.2 64.7 62.9 56.8 66.165.5 59.8 60.2 58.6 52.3 50.7 59.459.2 59.1 50.1 51.3 59.859.7 Vehicle Noise:67.9 66.5 63.5 58.7 67.767.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 42 90 418194 45 97 449208 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:EACP26 14,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,358 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.08 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.32 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.27 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.1 66.5 64.8 58.7 67.967.3 61.7 62.1 60.5 54.1 52.6 61.361.1 61.0 52.0 53.2 61.761.6 Vehicle Noise:69.8 68.4 65.3 60.5 69.669.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 47 101 470218 50 109 504234 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 188 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EACP26 15,500 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,442 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.82 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.06 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.01 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.4 66.8 65.0 59.0 68.267.6 61.9 62.4 60.8 54.4 52.8 61.561.3 61.3 52.2 53.5 62.061.8 Vehicle Noise:70.1 68.6 65.6 60.8 69.869.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 49 105 489227 52 113 525244 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EACP26 9,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:902 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.86 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.09 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.05 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.3 64.7 63.0 56.9 66.265.5 59.9 60.3 58.7 52.4 50.8 59.559.3 59.2 50.2 51.4 59.959.8 Vehicle Noise:68.0 66.6 63.5 58.8 67.867.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 36 77 357166 38 83 384178 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Airport Bl. Scenario:EACP26 4,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:446 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.91 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -23.15 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.11 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.3 61.7 59.9 53.9 63.162.5 56.9 57.3 55.7 49.3 47.8 56.556.2 56.2 47.1 48.4 56.956.7 Vehicle Noise:65.0 63.5 60.5 55.7 64.764.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 22 48 224104 24 52 240112 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EACP26 6,200 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:577 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.34 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.58 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.54 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.4 61.8 60.0 53.9 63.262.6 57.1 58.0 55.9 49.6 48.0 56.756.5 56.9 47.8 49.1 57.657.4 Vehicle Noise:65.2 63.8 60.6 55.9 64.964.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 22 47 219101 23 51 235109 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 189 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EACP26 7,800 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:725 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.35 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -20.58 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -24.54 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.3 62.8 61.0 54.9 64.263.6 58.1 59.0 56.9 50.6 49.0 57.757.5 57.9 48.8 50.1 58.658.4 Vehicle Noise:66.2 64.8 61.6 56.9 65.965.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 25 55 255118 27 59 273127 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EACP26 5,700 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:530 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.17 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -22.40 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -26.36 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.9 61.4 59.6 53.5 62.862.2 56.5 56.9 55.3 49.0 47.4 56.155.9 55.8 46.8 48.1 56.556.4 Vehicle Noise:64.6 63.2 60.2 55.4 64.463.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 23 50 232108 25 54 250116 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EACP26 3,900 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:363 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.81 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -24.05 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -28.01 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.3 59.7 58.0 51.9 61.160.5 54.9 55.3 53.7 47.3 45.8 54.554.2 54.2 45.2 46.4 54.954.8 Vehicle Noise:63.0 61.6 58.5 53.7 62.862.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 18 39 18084 19 42 19490 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EACP26 2,300 9.30% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:214 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 40 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:23 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -8.14 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 1.58 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 77.72 -25.38 1.62 -1.20 0.000 0.000 82.99 -29.33 1.61 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 66.51 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 38.636 38.406 38.429 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 58.8 57.2 55.4 49.3 58.658.0 52.8 54.1 51.6 45.2 43.7 52.352.1 53.0 43.9 45.2 53.753.5 Vehicle Noise:60.8 59.4 56.1 51.5 60.560.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 9 19 8740 9 20 9343 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 190 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EACP26 8,200 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:763 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.13 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -20.37 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -24.32 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.6 63.0 61.2 55.2 64.463.8 58.3 59.2 57.2 50.8 49.2 57.957.7 58.1 49.0 50.3 58.858.7 Vehicle Noise:66.4 65.0 61.8 57.2 66.265.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 26 57 263122 28 61 283131 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EACP26 6,400 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:595 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:48 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.66 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.24 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.90 -1.22 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.86 -1.23 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 59.540 59.391 59.406 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.1 61.5 59.8 53.7 62.962.3 56.7 57.1 55.5 49.1 47.6 56.356.0 56.0 47.0 48.2 56.756.6 Vehicle Noise:64.8 63.4 60.3 55.5 64.564.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 26 56 258120 28 60 277129 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAC26SE 36,500 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,395 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.49 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -14.75 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -18.71 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.5 70.9 69.2 63.1 72.371.7 65.9 66.0 64.7 58.4 56.8 65.565.3 64.9 55.8 57.1 65.665.4 Vehicle Noise:74.1 72.7 69.7 64.8 73.973.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 108 232 1,076499 116 249 1,158537 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAC26SE 25,800 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,399 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.98 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -16.26 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -20.22 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.0 69.4 67.7 61.6 70.870.2 64.4 64.5 63.2 56.9 55.3 64.063.8 63.4 54.3 55.6 64.063.9 Vehicle Noise:72.6 71.2 68.2 63.3 72.471.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 85 184 854396 92 198 919426 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 191 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAC26SE 21,700 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,018 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.23 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -17.01 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -20.97 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.3 68.7 66.9 60.9 70.169.5 63.7 63.7 62.5 56.1 54.6 63.363.0 62.6 53.6 54.8 63.363.2 Vehicle Noise:71.8 70.4 67.4 62.6 71.671.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 76 164 761353 82 176 818380 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC26SE 10,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,004 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.39 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.63 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.58 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.8 65.2 63.4 57.4 66.666.0 60.4 60.8 59.2 52.8 51.3 60.059.7 59.7 50.7 51.9 60.460.3 Vehicle Noise:68.5 67.1 64.0 59.2 68.267.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 38 83 384178 41 89 413191 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC26SE 13,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,237 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.49 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.72 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.68 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.7 66.1 64.3 58.3 67.566.9 61.3 61.7 60.1 53.7 52.2 60.960.6 60.6 51.6 52.8 61.361.2 Vehicle Noise:69.4 68.0 64.9 60.1 69.268.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 44 95 441205 47 102 474220 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC26SE 10,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:967 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.55 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.79 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.75 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.6 65.0 63.3 57.2 66.565.8 60.2 60.6 59.0 52.7 51.1 59.859.6 59.5 50.5 51.7 60.260.1 Vehicle Noise:68.3 66.9 63.8 59.1 68.167.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 37 81 374174 40 87 402187 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 192 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC26SE 18,200 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,693 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.12 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.36 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.32 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.1 67.5 65.7 59.7 68.968.3 62.6 63.1 61.5 55.1 53.5 62.262.0 62.0 52.9 54.2 62.762.5 Vehicle Noise:70.8 69.3 66.3 61.5 70.570.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 54 117 544252 58 126 584271 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC26SE 14,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,330 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.17 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.41 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.36 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.0 66.4 64.7 58.6 67.867.2 61.6 62.0 60.4 54.0 52.5 61.261.0 60.9 51.9 53.1 61.661.5 Vehicle Noise:69.7 68.3 65.2 60.5 69.569.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 46 100 463215 50 107 497231 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAC26SE 6,600 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:614 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.07 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.31 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.26 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.6 62.0 60.3 54.2 63.462.8 57.4 58.2 56.2 49.8 48.3 57.056.8 57.1 48.1 49.4 57.857.7 Vehicle Noise:65.5 64.0 60.9 56.2 65.264.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 23 49 228106 24 53 245113 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC26SE 13,800 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,283 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.32 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.56 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.52 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.3 64.8 63.0 56.9 66.265.6 59.9 60.3 58.7 52.4 50.8 59.559.3 59.2 50.2 51.4 59.959.8 Vehicle Noise:68.0 66.6 63.6 58.8 67.867.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 42 91 424197 46 98 455211 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 193 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC26SE 13,100 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,218 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.55 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.79 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.75 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.1 64.5 62.8 56.7 65.965.3 59.7 60.1 58.5 52.1 50.6 59.359.0 59.0 50.0 51.2 59.759.6 Vehicle Noise:67.8 66.4 63.3 58.5 67.667.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 88 409190 44 95 440204 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC26SE 12,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,200 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.62 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.86 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.81 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.6 66.0 64.2 58.2 67.466.8 61.2 61.6 60.0 53.6 52.1 60.760.5 60.5 51.4 52.7 61.261.0 Vehicle Noise:69.3 67.8 64.8 60.0 69.068.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 93 432201 46 100 464216 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC26SE 12,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,172 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.72 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.96 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.91 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.5 65.9 64.1 58.1 67.366.7 61.0 61.5 59.9 53.5 51.9 60.660.4 60.4 51.3 52.6 61.160.9 Vehicle Noise:69.2 67.7 64.7 59.9 68.968.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 92 426198 46 99 457212 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC26SE 12,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,116 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.93 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.17 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.13 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.3 65.7 63.9 57.8 67.166.5 60.8 61.3 59.6 53.3 51.7 60.460.2 60.1 51.1 52.4 60.860.7 Vehicle Noise:69.0 67.5 64.5 59.7 68.768.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 89 412191 44 95 443205 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 194 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAC26SE 12,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,172 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.72 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.96 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.91 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.5 65.9 64.1 58.1 67.366.7 61.0 61.5 59.9 53.5 51.9 60.660.4 60.4 51.3 52.6 61.160.9 Vehicle Noise:69.2 67.7 64.7 59.9 68.968.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 92 426198 46 99 457212 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jefferson St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAC26SE 17,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,581 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.42 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.66 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.61 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.8 67.2 65.4 59.4 68.668.0 62.3 62.8 61.2 54.8 53.3 61.961.7 61.7 52.6 53.9 62.462.2 Vehicle Noise:70.5 69.0 66.0 61.2 70.269.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 52 112 520241 56 120 558259 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAC26SE 17,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,618 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.32 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.56 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.51 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.9 67.3 65.5 59.5 68.768.1 62.5 62.9 61.3 54.9 53.4 62.061.8 61.8 52.7 54.0 62.562.3 Vehicle Noise:70.6 69.1 66.1 61.3 70.369.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 53 114 528245 57 122 567263 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAC26SE 13,300 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,237 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.49 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.72 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.68 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.2 64.6 62.8 56.8 66.065.4 59.7 60.2 58.6 52.2 50.6 59.359.1 59.1 50.0 51.3 59.859.6 Vehicle Noise:67.9 66.4 63.4 58.6 67.667.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 89 414192 44 96 444206 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 195 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:EAC26SE 14,200 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,321 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.20 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.44 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.40 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.0 66.4 64.6 58.6 67.867.2 61.6 62.0 60.4 54.0 52.5 61.260.9 60.9 51.8 53.1 61.661.4 Vehicle Noise:69.7 68.2 65.2 60.4 69.469.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 46 99 461214 50 107 495230 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EAC26SE 14,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,367 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.05 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.29 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.24 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.1 66.6 64.8 58.7 68.067.4 61.7 62.1 60.5 54.2 52.6 61.361.1 61.0 52.0 53.2 61.761.6 Vehicle Noise:69.8 68.4 65.4 60.6 69.669.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 47 102 472219 51 109 507235 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EAC26SE 9,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:865 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.04 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.28 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.23 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.1 64.6 62.8 56.7 66.065.4 59.7 60.1 58.5 52.2 50.6 59.359.1 59.0 50.0 51.3 59.759.6 Vehicle Noise:67.8 66.4 63.4 58.6 67.667.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 75 348161 37 80 373173 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Airport Bl. Scenario:EAC26SE 4,400 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:409 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.29 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -23.53 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.48 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.9 61.3 59.5 53.5 62.762.1 56.5 56.9 55.3 48.9 47.4 56.155.8 55.8 46.8 48.0 56.556.4 Vehicle Noise:64.6 63.2 60.1 55.3 64.363.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 45 21198 23 49 227105 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 196 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAC26SE 5,700 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:530 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.71 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.95 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.90 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.0 61.4 59.6 53.6 62.862.2 56.8 57.6 55.6 49.2 47.7 56.456.1 56.5 47.5 48.7 57.257.1 Vehicle Noise:64.8 63.4 60.2 55.6 64.664.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 45 20796 22 48 222103 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAC26SE 5,900 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:549 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.56 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.80 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.75 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.1 61.6 59.8 53.7 63.062.4 56.9 57.8 55.7 49.4 47.8 56.556.3 56.7 47.6 48.9 57.357.2 Vehicle Noise:65.0 63.6 60.4 55.7 64.764.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 46 21298 23 49 227105 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAC26SE 4,900 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:456 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.82 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -23.06 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.02 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.3 60.7 58.9 52.9 62.161.5 55.9 56.3 54.7 48.3 46.8 55.555.2 55.2 46.1 47.4 55.955.8 Vehicle Noise:64.0 62.6 59.5 54.7 63.763.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 21 45 21098 23 49 226105 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAC26SE 3,300 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:307 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -7.54 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -24.78 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -28.73 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 60.6 59.0 57.2 51.2 60.459.8 54.2 54.6 53.0 46.6 45.1 53.753.5 53.5 44.4 45.7 54.254.0 Vehicle Noise:62.3 60.8 57.8 53.0 62.061.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 16 35 16175 17 37 17381 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 197 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAC26SE 1,100 9.30% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:102 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 40 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:23 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -11.34 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 1.58 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 77.72 -28.58 1.62 -1.20 0.000 0.000 82.99 -32.53 1.61 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 66.51 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 38.636 38.406 38.429 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 55.5 54.0 52.2 46.1 55.454.8 49.6 50.9 48.4 42.0 40.5 49.148.9 49.8 40.7 42.0 50.550.3 Vehicle Noise:57.6 56.2 52.9 48.3 57.356.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 5 11 5325 6 12 5726 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAC26SE 6,900 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:642 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.88 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.12 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.07 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.8 62.2 60.5 54.4 63.663.0 57.6 58.4 56.4 50.0 48.5 57.257.0 57.3 48.3 49.5 58.057.9 Vehicle Noise:65.7 64.2 61.1 56.4 65.464.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 23 51 235109 25 54 252117 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAC26SE 5,700 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:530 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:48 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.17 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.24 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -22.40 -1.22 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -26.36 -1.23 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 59.540 59.391 59.406 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 62.6 61.0 59.2 53.2 62.461.8 56.2 56.6 55.0 48.6 47.1 55.855.5 55.5 46.5 47.7 56.256.1 Vehicle Noise:64.3 62.9 59.8 55.0 64.063.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 24 51 239111 26 55 257119 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAPC26SE 37,000 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,441 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.54 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -14.69 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -18.65 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.6 71.0 69.2 63.2 72.471.8 66.0 66.0 64.8 58.4 56.9 65.665.3 64.9 55.9 57.1 65.665.5 Vehicle Noise:74.2 72.7 69.8 64.9 73.973.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 109 234 1,086504 117 252 1,168542 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 198 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAPC26SE 26,500 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,465 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.09 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -16.14 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -20.10 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.1 69.5 67.8 61.7 71.070.4 64.5 64.6 63.3 57.0 55.4 64.163.9 63.5 54.4 55.7 64.264.0 Vehicle Noise:72.7 71.3 68.3 63.4 72.572.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 87 187 869403 94 201 935434 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:EAPC26SE 22,600 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,102 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.40 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -16.83 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -20.79 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.4 68.9 67.1 61.0 70.369.7 63.8 63.9 62.7 56.3 54.7 63.463.2 62.8 53.7 55.0 63.563.3 Vehicle Noise:72.0 70.6 67.6 62.7 71.871.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 78 168 782363 84 181 841390 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAPC26SE 11,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,051 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.19 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.43 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.39 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.0 65.4 63.6 57.6 66.866.2 60.6 61.0 59.4 53.0 51.5 60.259.9 59.9 50.9 52.1 60.660.5 Vehicle Noise:68.7 67.3 64.2 59.4 68.468.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 40 85 396184 43 92 425197 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAPC26SE 14,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,302 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.26 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.50 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.46 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.9 66.3 64.6 58.5 67.767.1 61.5 61.9 60.3 54.0 52.4 61.160.9 60.8 51.8 53.0 61.561.4 Vehicle Noise:69.6 68.2 65.1 60.4 69.468.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 46 98 457212 49 106 490228 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 199 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAPC26SE 11,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,097 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.00 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.24 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.20 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.2 65.6 63.8 57.8 67.066.4 60.8 61.2 59.6 53.2 51.7 60.460.1 60.1 51.0 52.3 60.860.6 Vehicle Noise:68.9 67.4 64.4 59.6 68.668.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 41 88 407189 44 94 438203 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAPC26SE 21,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,953 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.50 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.74 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -20.70 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.7 68.1 66.3 60.3 69.568.9 63.3 63.7 62.1 55.7 54.2 62.962.6 62.6 53.5 54.8 63.363.1 Vehicle Noise:71.4 69.9 66.9 62.1 71.170.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 60 129 598278 64 138 643298 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAPC26SE 18,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,674 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.17 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.41 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.37 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.0 67.4 65.7 59.6 68.868.2 62.6 63.0 61.4 55.0 53.5 62.262.0 61.9 52.9 54.1 62.662.5 Vehicle Noise:70.7 69.3 66.2 61.4 70.570.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 54 116 540251 58 125 580269 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:EAPC26SE 7,900 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:735 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.29 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -20.53 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -24.48 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.4 62.8 61.1 55.0 64.263.6 58.2 59.0 57.0 50.6 49.1 57.857.5 57.9 48.9 50.1 58.658.5 Vehicle Noise:66.2 64.8 61.7 57.0 66.065.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 26 55 257119 28 59 276128 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 200 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAPC26SE 14,300 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,330 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.17 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.41 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.36 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.5 64.9 63.1 57.1 66.365.7 60.1 60.5 58.9 52.5 51.0 59.759.4 59.4 50.3 51.6 60.159.9 Vehicle Noise:68.2 66.8 63.7 58.9 67.967.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 94 434201 47 100 466216 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAPC26SE 13,800 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,283 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.32 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.56 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.52 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.3 64.8 63.0 56.9 66.265.6 59.9 60.3 58.7 52.4 50.8 59.559.3 59.2 50.2 51.4 59.959.8 Vehicle Noise:68.0 66.6 63.6 58.8 67.867.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 42 91 424197 46 98 455211 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAPC26SE 13,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,265 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.39 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.63 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.58 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.8 66.2 64.4 58.4 67.667.0 61.4 61.8 60.2 53.8 52.3 61.060.7 60.7 51.7 52.9 61.461.3 Vehicle Noise:69.5 68.1 65.0 60.2 69.268.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 45 96 448208 48 104 481223 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAPC26SE 13,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,237 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.49 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.72 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.68 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.7 66.1 64.3 58.3 67.566.9 61.3 61.7 60.1 53.7 52.2 60.960.6 60.6 51.6 52.8 61.361.2 Vehicle Noise:69.4 68.0 64.9 60.1 69.268.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 44 95 441205 47 102 474220 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 201 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAPC26SE 13,200 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,228 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.52 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.76 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.71 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.7 66.1 64.3 58.3 67.566.9 61.3 61.7 60.1 53.7 52.2 60.860.6 60.6 51.5 52.8 61.361.1 Vehicle Noise:69.4 67.9 64.9 60.1 69.168.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 44 95 439204 47 102 472219 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:EAPC26SE 12,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,200 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.62 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.86 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.81 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.6 66.0 64.2 58.2 67.466.8 61.2 61.6 60.0 53.6 52.1 60.760.5 60.5 51.4 52.7 61.261.0 Vehicle Noise:69.3 67.8 64.8 60.0 69.068.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 43 93 432201 46 100 464216 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jefferson St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAPC26SE 17,500 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,628 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.29 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.53 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.49 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.9 67.3 65.5 59.5 68.768.1 62.5 62.9 61.3 54.9 53.4 62.161.8 61.8 52.8 54.0 62.562.4 Vehicle Noise:70.6 69.2 66.1 61.3 70.369.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 53 114 530246 57 123 569264 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAPC26SE 17,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,646 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.24 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.48 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.44 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.9 67.4 65.6 59.5 68.868.2 62.5 62.9 61.3 55.0 53.4 62.161.9 61.8 52.8 54.1 62.562.4 Vehicle Noise:70.6 69.2 66.2 61.4 70.469.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 53 115 534248 57 124 573266 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 202 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:EAPC26SE 13,600 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,265 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.39 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.63 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.58 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.3 64.7 62.9 56.9 66.165.5 59.8 60.3 58.7 52.3 50.7 59.459.2 59.2 50.1 51.4 59.959.7 Vehicle Noise:68.0 66.5 63.5 58.7 67.767.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 42 90 420195 45 97 451209 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:EAPC26SE 14,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,358 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.08 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.32 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.27 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.1 66.5 64.8 58.7 67.967.3 61.7 62.1 60.5 54.1 52.6 61.361.1 61.0 52.0 53.2 61.761.6 Vehicle Noise:69.8 68.4 65.3 60.5 69.669.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 47 101 470218 50 109 504234 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EAPC26SE 15,600 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,451 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.79 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.03 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.99 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.4 66.8 65.0 59.0 68.267.6 62.0 62.4 60.8 54.4 52.9 61.661.3 61.3 52.3 53.5 62.061.9 Vehicle Noise:70.1 68.7 65.6 60.8 69.869.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 49 106 491228 53 114 527245 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:EAPC26SE 9,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:902 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.86 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.09 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.05 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.3 64.7 63.0 56.9 66.265.5 59.9 60.3 58.7 52.4 50.8 59.559.3 59.2 50.2 51.4 59.959.8 Vehicle Noise:68.0 66.6 63.5 58.8 67.867.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 36 77 357166 38 83 384178 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 203 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Airport Bl. Scenario:EAPC26SE 4,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:446 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.91 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -23.15 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.11 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.3 61.7 59.9 53.9 63.162.5 56.9 57.3 55.7 49.3 47.8 56.556.2 56.2 47.1 48.4 56.956.7 Vehicle Noise:65.0 63.5 60.5 55.7 64.764.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 22 48 224104 24 52 240112 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAPC26SE 6,700 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:623 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.01 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -21.24 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -25.20 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.7 62.1 60.3 54.3 63.562.9 57.5 58.3 56.3 49.9 48.4 57.156.8 57.2 48.2 49.4 57.957.8 Vehicle Noise:65.5 64.1 61.0 56.3 65.364.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 23 50 230107 25 53 247115 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAPC26SE 8,200 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:763 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -3.13 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -20.37 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -24.32 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.6 63.0 61.2 55.2 64.463.8 58.3 59.2 57.2 50.8 49.2 57.957.7 58.1 49.0 50.3 58.858.7 Vehicle Noise:66.4 65.0 61.8 57.2 66.265.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 26 57 263122 28 61 283131 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAPC26SE 5,800 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:539 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -5.09 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -22.33 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -26.28 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.0 61.4 59.7 53.6 62.862.2 56.6 57.0 55.4 49.0 47.5 56.256.0 55.9 46.9 48.1 56.656.5 Vehicle Noise:64.7 63.3 60.2 55.5 64.564.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 24 51 235109 25 54 253117 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 204 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:EAPC26SE 4,000 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:372 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -6.70 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -23.94 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -27.90 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 61.4 59.8 58.1 52.0 61.260.6 55.0 55.4 53.8 47.4 45.9 54.654.3 54.3 45.3 46.5 55.054.9 Vehicle Noise:63.1 61.7 58.6 53.8 62.962.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 18 40 18485 20 42 19792 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAPC26SE 2,300 9.30% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:214 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 40 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:23 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -8.14 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 1.58 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 77.72 -25.38 1.62 -1.20 0.000 0.000 82.99 -29.33 1.61 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 66.51 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 38.636 38.406 38.429 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 58.8 57.2 55.4 49.3 58.658.0 52.8 54.1 51.6 45.2 43.7 52.352.1 53.0 43.9 45.2 53.753.5 Vehicle Noise:60.8 59.4 56.1 51.5 60.560.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 9 19 8740 9 20 9343 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAPC26SE 8,500 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:791 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.97 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -20.21 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -24.17 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 64.7 63.1 61.4 55.3 64.563.9 58.5 59.3 57.3 50.9 49.4 58.157.9 58.2 49.2 50.5 58.958.8 Vehicle Noise:66.6 65.1 62.0 57.3 66.365.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 27 58 270125 29 62 289134 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:EAPC26SE 6,600 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:614 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:48 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -4.53 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.24 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -21.77 -1.22 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -25.72 -1.23 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 59.540 59.391 59.406 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 63.2 61.7 59.9 53.8 63.162.5 56.8 57.2 55.6 49.3 47.7 56.456.2 56.1 47.1 48.3 56.856.7 Vehicle Noise:64.9 63.5 60.4 55.7 64.764.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 26 57 263122 28 61 283131 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 205 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:GP40 51,500 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,790 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.98 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -13.26 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -17.21 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 74.0 72.4 70.7 64.6 73.873.2 67.4 67.5 66.2 59.9 58.3 67.066.8 66.4 57.3 58.6 67.066.9 Vehicle Noise:75.6 74.2 71.2 66.3 75.474.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 135 292 1,354628 146 314 1,456676 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:GP40 34,300 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,190 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.22 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -15.02 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -18.98 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.3 70.7 68.9 62.8 72.171.5 65.7 65.7 64.5 58.1 56.6 65.365.0 64.6 55.6 56.8 65.365.2 Vehicle Noise:73.8 72.4 69.4 64.6 73.673.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 103 222 1,032479 111 239 1,111515 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:GP40 32,200 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,995 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.94 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -15.30 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -19.25 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.0 70.4 68.6 62.6 71.871.2 65.4 65.4 64.2 57.8 56.3 65.064.7 64.3 55.3 56.5 65.064.9 Vehicle Noise:73.6 72.1 69.2 64.3 73.372.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 99 213 990459 106 229 1,065494 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:GP40 22,500 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,093 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.80 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.44 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -20.40 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.0 68.4 66.6 60.6 69.869.2 63.6 64.0 62.4 56.0 54.5 63.262.9 62.9 53.8 55.1 63.663.4 Vehicle Noise:71.7 70.2 67.2 62.4 71.471.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 63 135 626291 67 145 673312 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 206 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:GP40 32,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,004 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.37 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.87 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -18.83 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.6 70.0 68.2 62.1 71.470.8 65.1 65.6 63.9 57.6 56.0 64.764.5 64.4 55.4 56.7 65.165.0 Vehicle Noise:73.3 71.8 68.8 64.0 73.072.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 80 172 797370 86 185 856398 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:GP40 23,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,204 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.02 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.21 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -20.17 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.2 68.6 66.9 60.8 70.069.4 63.8 64.2 62.6 56.2 54.7 63.463.2 63.1 54.1 55.3 63.863.7 Vehicle Noise:71.9 70.5 67.4 62.6 71.771.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 65 140 649301 70 150 697323 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:GP40 42,500 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,953 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.56 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -13.68 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -17.63 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.7 71.2 69.4 63.3 72.672.0 66.3 66.7 65.1 58.8 57.2 65.965.7 65.6 56.6 57.9 66.366.2 Vehicle Noise:74.4 73.0 70.0 65.2 74.273.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 96 206 957444 103 222 1,028477 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:GP40 31,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,883 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.19 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.05 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.00 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.4 69.8 68.0 62.0 71.270.6 65.0 65.4 63.8 57.4 55.9 64.664.3 64.3 55.2 56.5 65.064.8 Vehicle Noise:73.1 71.6 68.6 63.8 72.872.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 78 167 776360 83 180 833387 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 207 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:GP40 19,000 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,767 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.52 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -16.72 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.67 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.2 66.6 64.9 58.8 68.067.4 62.0 62.8 60.8 54.4 52.9 61.661.4 61.7 52.7 53.9 62.462.3 Vehicle Noise:70.1 68.6 65.5 60.8 69.869.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 46 99 461214 49 107 495230 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:GP40 15,100 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,404 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.93 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.17 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.13 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.7 65.1 63.4 57.3 66.565.9 60.3 60.7 59.1 52.7 51.2 59.959.7 59.6 50.6 51.8 60.360.2 Vehicle Noise:68.4 67.0 63.9 59.2 68.267.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 45 97 450209 48 104 484224 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:GP40 19,300 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,795 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.13 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.11 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.06 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.8 66.2 64.4 58.4 67.667.0 61.4 61.8 60.2 53.8 52.3 61.060.7 60.7 51.6 52.9 61.461.2 Vehicle Noise:69.5 68.1 65.0 60.2 69.268.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 53 114 530246 57 123 570264 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:GP40 31,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,911 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.23 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.01 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -18.96 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.4 69.8 68.1 62.0 71.270.6 65.0 65.4 63.8 57.4 55.9 64.664.4 64.3 55.3 56.5 65.064.9 Vehicle Noise:73.1 71.7 68.6 63.9 72.972.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 78 168 781362 84 181 839389 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 208 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:GP40 34,300 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,190 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.63 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.61 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -18.56 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.8 70.2 68.5 62.4 71.671.0 65.4 65.8 64.2 57.8 56.3 65.064.8 64.7 55.7 56.9 65.465.3 Vehicle Noise:73.5 72.1 69.0 64.3 73.372.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 83 179 830385 89 192 891414 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:GP40 24,900 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,316 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.24 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.00 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.96 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.4 68.8 67.1 61.0 70.269.6 64.0 64.4 62.8 56.5 54.9 63.663.4 63.3 54.3 55.5 64.063.9 Vehicle Noise:72.1 70.7 67.6 62.9 71.971.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 67 144 670311 72 155 720334 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:GP40 26,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,492 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.56 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.68 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.64 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.7 69.2 67.4 61.3 70.670.0 64.3 64.7 63.1 56.8 55.2 63.963.7 63.6 54.6 55.9 64.364.2 Vehicle Noise:72.4 71.0 68.0 63.2 72.271.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 70 152 704327 76 163 756351 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jefferson St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:GP40 17,200 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,600 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.37 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.61 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.56 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.8 67.2 65.5 59.4 68.668.0 62.4 62.8 61.2 54.8 53.3 62.061.8 61.7 52.7 53.9 62.462.3 Vehicle Noise:70.5 69.1 66.0 61.3 70.369.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 52 113 524243 56 121 563261 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 209 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:GP40 27,800 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,585 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.72 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.52 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.48 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.9 69.3 67.6 61.5 70.770.1 64.5 64.9 63.3 56.9 55.4 64.163.8 63.8 54.8 56.0 64.564.4 Vehicle Noise:72.6 71.2 68.1 63.3 72.471.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 72 155 721335 77 167 775360 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:GP40 20,800 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,934 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.46 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.78 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -20.74 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.1 66.5 64.8 58.7 67.967.3 61.7 62.1 60.5 54.1 52.6 61.361.1 61.0 52.0 53.2 61.761.6 Vehicle Noise:69.8 68.4 65.3 60.5 69.669.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 56 120 557259 60 129 599278 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:GP40 25,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,390 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.38 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.86 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.82 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.6 69.0 67.2 61.2 70.469.8 64.1 64.6 63.0 56.6 55.0 63.763.5 63.5 54.4 55.7 64.264.0 Vehicle Noise:72.3 70.8 67.8 63.0 72.071.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 68 147 685318 74 158 735341 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:GP40 30,200 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,809 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.08 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.16 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.12 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.3 69.7 67.9 61.9 71.170.5 64.8 65.3 63.7 57.3 55.7 64.464.2 64.2 55.1 56.4 64.964.7 Vehicle Noise:73.0 71.5 68.5 63.7 72.772.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 76 164 762354 82 176 819380 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 210 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:GP40 17,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,646 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.24 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.48 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.44 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.9 67.4 65.6 59.5 68.868.2 62.5 62.9 61.3 55.0 53.4 62.161.9 61.8 52.8 54.1 62.562.4 Vehicle Noise:70.6 69.2 66.2 61.4 70.469.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 53 115 534248 57 124 573266 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Airport Bl. Scenario:GP40 16,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,553 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.50 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.73 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.69 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.7 67.1 65.3 59.3 68.567.9 62.3 62.7 61.1 54.7 53.2 61.961.6 61.6 52.5 53.8 62.362.2 Vehicle Noise:70.4 69.0 65.9 61.1 70.169.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 51 111 514238 55 119 552256 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:GP40 11,900 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,107 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.51 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -18.75 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -22.70 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.2 64.6 62.8 56.8 66.065.4 60.0 60.8 58.8 52.4 50.9 59.659.3 59.7 50.7 51.9 60.460.3 Vehicle Noise:68.0 66.6 63.4 58.8 67.867.3 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 34 73 338157 36 78 362168 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:GP40 12,200 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,135 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.40 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -18.64 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -22.60 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.3 64.7 62.9 56.9 66.165.5 60.1 60.9 58.9 52.5 51.0 59.759.4 59.8 50.8 52.0 60.560.4 Vehicle Noise:68.1 66.7 63.6 58.9 67.967.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 34 74 343159 37 79 368171 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 211 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:GP40 18,200 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,693 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.12 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.36 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.32 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.0 66.4 64.6 58.6 67.867.2 61.6 62.0 60.4 54.0 52.5 61.260.9 60.9 51.8 53.1 61.661.5 Vehicle Noise:69.7 68.3 65.2 60.4 69.469.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 50 109 504234 54 117 541251 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:GP40 9,400 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:874 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.99 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -20.23 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -24.19 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.1 63.5 61.8 55.7 64.964.3 58.7 59.1 57.5 51.1 49.6 58.358.1 58.0 49.0 50.2 58.758.6 Vehicle Noise:66.8 65.4 62.3 57.6 66.666.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 32 70 324151 35 75 349162 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:GP40 20,800 9.30% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,934 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 40 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:23 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.43 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 1.58 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 77.72 -15.81 1.62 -1.20 0.000 0.000 82.99 -19.77 1.61 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 66.51 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 38.636 38.406 38.429 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.3 66.7 65.0 58.9 68.167.5 62.3 63.6 61.1 54.8 53.2 61.961.7 62.5 53.5 54.7 63.263.1 Vehicle Noise:70.3 68.9 65.6 61.1 70.169.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 38 81 378175 40 87 404188 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:GP40 22,700 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,111 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.29 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -15.94 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -19.90 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.0 67.4 65.6 59.6 68.868.2 62.8 63.6 61.6 55.2 53.7 62.462.1 62.5 53.5 54.7 63.263.1 Vehicle Noise:70.8 69.4 66.3 61.6 70.670.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 52 112 519241 56 120 557259 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 212 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:GP40 14,300 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,330 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:48 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.17 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.24 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.41 -1.22 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.36 -1.23 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 59.540 59.391 59.406 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.6 65.0 63.2 57.2 66.465.8 60.2 60.6 59.0 52.6 51.1 59.859.5 59.5 50.4 51.7 60.260.0 Vehicle Noise:68.3 66.9 63.8 59.0 68.067.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 44 95 441205 47 102 474220 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:GPP40 52,000 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,836 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 4.02 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -13.22 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -17.17 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 74.1 72.5 70.7 64.7 73.973.3 67.5 67.5 66.3 59.9 58.4 67.166.8 66.4 57.4 58.6 67.167.0 Vehicle Noise:75.6 74.2 71.2 66.4 75.474.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 136 294 1,362632 147 316 1,466680 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:GPP40 35,000 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,255 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.30 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -14.94 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -18.89 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.3 70.8 69.0 62.9 72.271.6 65.7 65.8 64.6 58.2 56.6 65.365.1 64.7 55.6 56.9 65.465.2 Vehicle Noise:73.9 72.5 69.5 64.6 73.773.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 105 225 1,046486 113 243 1,126522 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Jefferson St. Scenario:GPP40 33,000 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,069 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 55 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:71 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.05 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.54 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 82.40 -15.19 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 86.40 -19.15 -0.52 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 71.78 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 53.486 53.320 53.337 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 72.1 70.5 68.7 62.7 71.971.3 65.5 65.5 64.3 57.9 56.4 65.164.9 64.4 55.4 56.6 65.165.0 Vehicle Noise:73.7 72.2 69.3 64.4 73.472.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 101 217 1,006467 108 233 1,082502 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 213 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:GPP40 23,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,139 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.89 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.34 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -20.30 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.1 68.5 66.7 60.7 69.969.3 63.7 64.1 62.5 56.1 54.6 63.363.0 63.0 53.9 55.2 63.763.5 Vehicle Noise:71.8 70.3 67.3 62.5 71.571.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 64 137 636295 68 147 683317 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:GPP40 33,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,069 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.46 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.78 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -18.73 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.6 70.1 68.3 62.2 71.570.9 65.2 65.6 64.0 57.7 56.1 64.864.6 64.5 55.5 56.8 65.265.1 Vehicle Noise:73.3 71.9 68.9 64.1 73.172.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 81 174 809375 87 187 869403 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:GPP40 25,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,325 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.26 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.98 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.94 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.4 68.9 67.1 61.0 70.369.7 64.0 64.4 62.8 56.5 54.9 63.663.4 63.3 54.3 55.6 64.063.9 Vehicle Noise:72.1 70.7 67.7 62.9 71.971.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 67 145 672312 72 156 722335 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:GPP40 45,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:4,185 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 3.81 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -13.43 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -17.39 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 73.0 71.4 69.6 63.6 72.872.2 66.6 67.0 65.4 59.0 57.5 66.265.9 65.9 56.9 58.1 66.666.5 Vehicle Noise:74.7 73.3 70.2 65.4 74.474.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 99 214 994462 107 230 1,068496 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 214 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:GPP40 34,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,162 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.59 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.65 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -18.60 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.8 70.2 68.4 62.4 71.671.0 65.4 65.8 64.2 57.8 56.3 65.064.7 64.7 55.6 56.9 65.465.2 Vehicle Noise:73.5 72.0 69.0 64.2 73.272.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 82 178 825383 89 191 886411 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Madison St. Scenario:GPP40 20,000 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,860 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.74 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -16.49 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -20.45 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.4 66.9 65.1 59.0 68.367.7 62.2 63.1 61.0 54.7 53.1 61.861.6 62.0 52.9 54.2 62.762.5 Vehicle Noise:70.3 68.9 65.7 61.0 70.069.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 48 103 477222 51 110 512238 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 50 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:GPP40 15,600 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,451 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.79 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.03 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.99 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.9 65.3 63.5 57.5 66.766.1 60.4 60.9 59.2 52.9 51.3 60.059.8 59.8 50.7 52.0 60.560.3 Vehicle Noise:68.6 67.1 64.1 59.3 68.367.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 46 99 460214 49 106 494229 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 52 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:GPP40 20,000 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,860 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.29 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.95 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -20.91 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.9 66.4 64.6 58.5 67.867.2 61.5 61.9 60.3 54.0 52.4 61.160.9 60.8 51.8 53.0 61.561.4 Vehicle Noise:69.6 68.2 65.2 60.4 69.468.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 54 117 543252 58 126 583271 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 215 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 54 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:GPP40 32,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,976 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.33 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.91 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -18.87 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.5 69.9 68.2 62.1 71.370.7 65.1 65.5 63.9 57.5 56.0 64.764.5 64.4 55.4 56.6 65.165.0 Vehicle Noise:73.2 71.8 68.7 63.9 73.072.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 79 171 792368 85 183 851395 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Airport Bl. Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:GPP40 35,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:3,255 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.72 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -14.52 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -18.48 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.9 70.3 68.6 62.5 71.771.1 65.5 65.9 64.3 57.9 56.4 65.164.8 64.8 55.8 57.0 65.565.4 Vehicle Noise:73.6 72.2 69.1 64.3 73.472.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 84 181 841390 90 195 904419 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 58 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:GPP40 26,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,418 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.43 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.81 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.77 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.6 69.0 67.3 61.2 70.469.8 64.2 64.6 63.0 56.6 55.1 63.863.6 63.5 54.5 55.7 64.264.1 Vehicle Noise:72.3 70.9 67.8 63.0 72.171.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 69 149 690320 74 160 741344 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:n/o Avenue 60 Road Name:Monroe St. Scenario:GPP40 27,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,511 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.59 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.65 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.60 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.8 69.2 67.4 61.4 70.670.0 64.4 64.8 63.2 56.8 55.3 64.063.7 63.7 54.6 55.9 64.464.2 Vehicle Noise:72.5 71.0 68.0 63.2 72.271.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 71 152 707328 76 164 760353 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 216 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jefferson St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:GPP40 17,700 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,646 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.24 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.48 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.44 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.9 67.4 65.6 59.5 68.868.2 62.5 62.9 61.3 55.0 53.4 62.161.9 61.8 52.8 54.1 62.562.4 Vehicle Noise:70.6 69.2 66.2 61.4 70.469.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 53 115 534248 57 124 573266 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:GPP40 28,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,604 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.75 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.49 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.45 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.9 69.3 67.6 61.5 70.870.2 64.5 64.9 63.3 57.0 55.4 64.163.9 63.8 54.8 56.0 64.564.4 Vehicle Noise:72.6 71.2 68.1 63.4 72.471.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 72 156 725336 78 168 779361 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 50 Scenario:GPP40 21,000 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,953 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:43 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.50 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.34 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -16.74 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -20.70 -1.33 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 60.488 60.341 60.355 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.2 66.6 64.8 58.8 68.067.4 61.7 62.2 60.5 54.2 52.6 61.361.1 61.0 52.0 53.3 61.761.6 Vehicle Noise:69.9 68.4 65.4 60.6 69.669.1 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 56 121 561260 60 130 602280 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 52 Scenario:GPP40 26,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,418 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.43 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.81 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.77 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 70.6 69.0 67.3 61.2 70.469.8 64.2 64.6 63.0 56.6 55.1 63.863.6 63.5 54.5 55.7 64.264.1 Vehicle Noise:72.3 70.9 67.8 63.0 72.171.6 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 69 149 690320 74 160 741344 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 217 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:GPP40 31,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,883 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 2.19 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -15.05 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -19.00 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 71.4 69.8 68.0 62.0 71.270.6 65.0 65.4 63.8 57.4 55.9 64.664.3 64.3 55.2 56.5 65.064.8 Vehicle Noise:73.1 71.6 68.6 63.8 72.872.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 78 167 776360 83 180 833387 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 54 Scenario:GPP40 18,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,674 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.17 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.41 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.37 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.0 67.4 65.7 59.6 68.868.2 62.6 63.0 61.4 55.0 53.5 62.262.0 61.9 52.9 54.1 62.662.5 Vehicle Noise:70.7 69.3 66.2 61.4 70.570.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 54 116 540251 58 125 580269 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Airport Bl. Scenario:GPP40 17,000 9.30% 54.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,581 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 54.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:51 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.42 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.18 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.66 0.21 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.61 0.20 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.67 -4.87 -5.39 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 47.862 47.677 47.695 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.8 67.2 65.4 59.4 68.668.0 62.3 62.8 61.2 54.8 53.3 61.961.7 61.7 52.6 53.9 62.462.2 Vehicle Noise:70.5 69.0 66.0 61.2 70.269.7 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 52 112 520241 56 120 558259 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:GPP40 12,500 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,163 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -1.30 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -18.54 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -22.49 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.4 64.8 63.0 57.0 66.265.6 60.2 61.0 59.0 52.6 51.1 59.859.5 59.9 50.9 52.1 60.660.5 Vehicle Noise:68.2 66.8 63.7 59.0 68.067.5 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 35 75 349162 37 81 374174 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 218 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:GPP40 14,000 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,302 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.80 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -18.04 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -22.00 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.9 65.3 63.5 57.5 66.766.1 60.7 61.5 59.5 53.1 51.6 60.360.0 60.4 51.4 52.6 61.161.0 Vehicle Noise:68.7 67.3 64.2 59.5 68.568.0 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 38 81 376175 40 87 404187 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:GPP40 19,000 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,767 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 0.06 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -17.17 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -21.13 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.2 66.6 64.8 58.8 68.067.4 61.8 62.2 60.6 54.2 52.7 61.361.1 61.1 52.0 53.3 61.861.6 Vehicle Noise:69.9 68.4 65.4 60.6 69.669.2 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 52 112 519241 56 120 557259 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Jackson St. Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:GPP40 10,000 9.30% 59.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:930 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 59.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:36 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -2.72 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.89 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -19.96 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -23.92 -0.87 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.69 -4.88 -5.35 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.409 56.252 56.268 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.4 63.8 62.0 56.0 65.264.6 59.0 59.4 57.8 51.4 49.9 58.658.3 58.3 49.2 50.5 59.058.8 Vehicle Noise:67.1 65.7 62.6 57.8 66.866.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 34 73 338157 36 78 363169 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Madison St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:GPP40 22,000 9.30% 40.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,046 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 40.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 40 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:23 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.67 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 1.58 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 77.72 -15.57 1.62 -1.20 0.000 0.000 82.99 -19.52 1.61 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.59 -4.87 -5.56 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 66.51 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 38.636 38.406 38.429 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.6 67.0 65.2 59.2 68.467.8 62.6 63.9 61.4 55.0 53.5 62.261.9 62.8 53.7 55.0 63.563.3 Vehicle Noise:70.6 69.2 65.9 61.3 70.369.9 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 39 84 392182 42 90 420195 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 219 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:w/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:GPP40 24,000 9.30% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,232 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 51.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.54 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% 0.43 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 79.45 -15.70 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 84.25 -19.66 0.46 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.65 -4.87 -5.42 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 68.46 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 46.041 45.848 45.867 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 69.2 67.6 65.9 59.8 69.168.4 63.0 63.9 61.8 55.5 53.9 62.662.4 62.7 53.7 55.0 63.463.3 Vehicle Noise:71.1 69.6 66.5 61.8 70.870.4 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 54 116 539250 58 125 578268 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave-Coral Mountain Job Number:12642 Road Segment:e/o Monroe St. Road Name:Avenue 60 Scenario:GPP40 15,000 9.30% 64.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,395 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 64.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Road Grade:0.0% Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 50 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:48 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.96 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.24 Finite Road -1.20 Left View:-90.0 Right View:90.0 degrees degrees Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 0.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):0.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType 81.00 -18.20 -1.22 -1.20 0.000 0.000 85.38 -22.16 -1.23 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -4.70 -4.88 -5.31 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: 70.20 Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 59.540 59.391 59.406 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.8 65.2 63.5 57.4 66.666.0 60.4 60.8 59.2 52.8 51.3 60.059.7 59.7 50.7 51.9 60.460.3 Vehicle Noise:68.5 67.1 64.0 59.2 68.267.8 Centerline Distance to Noise Contour (in feet) CNEL: Ldn: 70 dBA 65 dBA 55 dBA60 dBA 46 98 455211 49 105 489227 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 220 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-05 Noise Study APPENDIX 8.1: ON-SITE TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL CALCULATIONS 221 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-05 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 222 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CALVENO) - 10/1/2012 SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave Job Number:12462 Analyst:B. LawsonLot No:Planning Area VIII-LDR Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:Backyard No Wall 12,500 10% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,250 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 61.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Barrier Elevation:0.0 Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.98 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.95 Finite Road -1.20 Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 10.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):1.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType -18.22 -0.93 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -22.18 -0.93 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -0.95 -1.15 -1.69 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.919 56.763 56.778 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.2 64.3 62.5 56.5 65.765.1 57.3 57.8 55.8 49.4 47.9 56.656.3 56.4 47.4 48.6 57.157.0 Vehicle Noise:67.3 65.5 62.9 57.6 66.766.2 Mitigated Noise Levels (with Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.2 64.3 62.5 56.5 65.765.1 57.3 57.8 55.8 49.4 47.9 56.656.3 56.4 47.4 48.6 57.157.0 Vehicle Noise:67.3 65.5 62.9 57.6 66.766.2 77.62 82.14 69.34 Road Grade:0.0% feet Monday, November 11, 2019 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CALVENO) - 10/1/2012 SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave Job Number:12462 Analyst:B. LawsonLot No:Planning Area VIII-LDR Road Name:Madison Street Scenario:Backyard No Wall 20,000 10% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,000 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 61.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Barrier Elevation:0.0 Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:0.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.06 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.95 Finite Road -1.20 Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 10.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):1.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType -16.18 -0.93 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -20.13 -0.93 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -0.95 -1.15 -1.69 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.919 56.763 56.778 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.3 66.4 64.6 58.5 67.867.2 59.3 59.9 57.8 51.4 49.9 58.658.4 58.5 49.4 50.7 59.159.0 Vehicle Noise:69.3 67.5 64.9 59.7 68.868.2 Mitigated Noise Levels (with Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.3 66.4 64.6 58.5 67.867.2 59.3 59.9 57.8 51.4 49.9 58.658.4 58.5 49.4 50.7 59.159.0 Vehicle Noise:69.3 67.5 64.9 59.7 68.868.2 77.62 82.14 69.34 Road Grade:0.0% feet Monday, November 11, 2019 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CALVENO) - 10/1/2012 SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave Job Number:12462 Analyst:B. LawsonLot No:Planning Area VIII-LDR Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:Backyard With Wall 12,500 10% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,250 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 61.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Barrier Elevation:0.0 Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:6.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.98 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.87 Finite Road -1.20 Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 10.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):1.0 -6.720 -9.720 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType -18.22 -0.84 -1.20 -6.160 -9.160 -22.18 -0.83 -1.20 -5.100 -8.100 0.19 0.12 0.01 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.210 55.968 55.862 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 66.3 64.4 62.6 56.6 65.865.2 57.4 57.9 55.9 49.5 48.0 56.656.4 56.5 47.5 48.7 57.257.1 Vehicle Noise:67.3 65.5 63.0 57.7 66.866.3 Mitigated Noise Levels (with Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 56.6 54.7 52.9 46.9 56.155.5 48.2 49.8 46.7 40.3 38.8 47.547.3 48.4 39.4 40.6 49.149.0 Vehicle Noise:57.9 56.1 53.3 48.3 57.456.9 77.62 82.14 69.34 Road Grade:0.0% feet Monday, November 11, 2019 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CALVENO) - 10/1/2012 SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave Job Number:12462 Analyst:B. LawsonLot No:Planning Area VIII-LDR Road Name:Madison Street Scenario:Backyard With Wall 20,000 10% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,000 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 61.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Barrier Elevation:0.0 Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:6.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.06 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -0.87 Finite Road -1.20 Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 10.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):1.0 -6.720 -9.720 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType -16.18 -0.84 -1.20 -6.160 -9.160 -20.13 -0.83 -1.20 -5.100 -8.100 0.19 0.12 0.01 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 56.210 55.968 55.862 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 68.3 66.4 64.7 58.6 67.867.2 59.4 60.0 57.9 51.5 50.0 58.758.5 58.6 49.5 50.8 59.359.1 Vehicle Noise:69.4 67.6 65.0 59.8 68.868.3 Mitigated Noise Levels (with Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 58.6 56.7 55.0 48.9 58.157.5 50.2 51.9 48.7 42.4 40.8 49.549.3 50.5 41.4 42.7 51.251.0 Vehicle Noise:59.9 58.2 55.4 50.3 59.458.9 77.62 82.14 69.34 Road Grade:0.0% feet Monday, November 11, 2019 223 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CALVENO) - 10/1/2012 SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave Job Number:12462 Analyst:B. LawsonLot No:Planning Area VIII-LDR Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:First Floor With Wall 12,500 10% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,250 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 71.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Barrier Elevation:0.0 Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:6.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.98 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.93 Finite Road -1.20 Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 20.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):1.0 -6.800 -9.800 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType -18.22 -1.91 -1.20 -6.080 -9.080 -22.18 -1.90 -1.20 -4.900 -7.900 0.20 0.11 0.00 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 66.185 65.943 65.837 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.2 63.3 61.6 55.5 64.764.1 56.3 56.9 54.8 48.4 46.9 55.655.3 55.4 46.4 47.7 56.156.0 Vehicle Noise:66.3 64.5 61.9 56.7 65.765.2 Mitigated Noise Levels (with Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 55.4 53.5 51.8 45.7 54.954.3 47.2 49.0 45.7 39.3 37.8 46.546.3 47.5 38.5 39.8 48.248.1 Vehicle Noise:56.8 55.0 52.2 47.2 56.355.8 77.62 82.14 69.34 Road Grade:0.0% feet Monday, November 11, 2019 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CALVENO) - 10/1/2012 SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave Job Number:12462 Analyst:B. LawsonLot No:Planning Area VIII-LDR Road Name:Madison Street Scenario:First Floor With Wall 20,000 10% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,000 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 71.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Barrier Elevation:0.0 Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:6.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):5.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.06 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -1.93 Finite Road -1.20 Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 20.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):1.0 -6.800 -9.800 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType -16.18 -1.91 -1.20 -6.080 -9.080 -20.13 -1.90 -1.20 -4.900 -7.900 0.20 0.11 0.00 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 66.185 65.943 65.837 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.3 65.4 63.6 57.6 66.866.2 58.3 58.9 56.8 50.5 48.9 57.657.4 57.5 48.5 49.7 58.258.1 Vehicle Noise:68.3 66.5 63.9 58.7 67.867.3 Mitigated Noise Levels (with Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 57.5 55.6 53.8 47.8 57.056.4 49.3 51.0 47.7 41.4 39.8 48.548.3 49.6 40.6 41.8 50.350.2 Vehicle Noise:58.9 57.1 54.2 49.3 58.357.8 77.62 82.14 69.34 Road Grade:0.0% feet Monday, November 11, 2019 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CALVENO) - 10/1/2012 SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave Job Number:12462 Analyst:B. LawsonLot No:Planning Area VIII-LDR Road Name:Avenue 58 Scenario:Second Floor With Wall 12,500 10% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:1,250 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 71.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Barrier Elevation:0.0 Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:6.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):14.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance -0.98 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -2.18 Finite Road -1.20 Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 20.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):1.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType -18.22 -2.14 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -22.18 -2.07 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -0.51 -0.70 -1.30 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 68.780 68.350 67.607 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.0 63.1 61.3 55.3 64.563.9 56.1 56.7 54.6 48.2 46.6 55.355.1 55.3 46.2 47.5 56.055.8 Vehicle Noise:66.0 64.2 61.6 56.4 65.565.0 Mitigated Noise Levels (with Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 65.0 63.1 61.3 55.3 64.563.9 56.1 56.7 54.6 48.2 46.6 55.355.1 55.3 46.2 47.5 56.055.8 Vehicle Noise:66.0 64.2 61.6 56.4 65.565.0 77.62 82.14 69.34 Road Grade:0.0% feet Monday, November 11, 2019 FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL (CALVENO) - 10/1/2012 SITE SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Project Name:The Wave Job Number:12462 Analyst:B. LawsonLot No:Planning Area VIII-LDR Road Name:Madison Street Scenario:Second Floor With Wall 20,000 10% 51.0 NOISE MODEL INPUTS Average Daily Traffic (Adt): Peak Hour Percentage: Peak Hour Volume:2,000 vehicles Centerline Dist. to Barrier: 71.0Centerline Dist. to Observer: Highway Data feet feet vehicles Road Elevation:0.0 Barrier Elevation:0.0 Pad Elevation:0.0 Site Data Site Conditions (Hard = 10, Soft = 15) Medium Trucks (2 Axles):15 Heavy Trucks (3+ Axles):15 Autos:15 Vehicle Mix feet feet Lane Equivalent Distance (in feet) Barrier Height:6.0 Observer Height (Above Pad):14.0 feet feet 45 mphVehicle Speed: Near/Far Lane Distance:45 feet REMEL Traffic Flow Distance 1.06 VehicleType Day Evening Night Daily Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:77.5%12.9%9.6%97.42% 84.8%4.9%10.3%1.84% 86.5%2.7%10.8%0.74% -2.18 Finite Road -1.20 Barrier Atten FHWA Noise Model Calculations 20.0Barrier Distance to Observer:feet Barrier Type (0-Wall, 1-Berm):1.0 0.000 0.000 Fresnel Berm Atten Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType -16.18 -2.14 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -20.13 -2.07 -1.20 0.000 0.000 -0.51 -0.70 -1.30 Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: Noise Source Elevations (in feet) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos:0.000 2.297 8.006 68.780 68.350 67.607 Grade Adjustment:0.0 Unmitigated Noise Levels (without Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.0 65.1 63.4 57.3 66.565.9 58.1 58.7 56.6 50.2 48.7 57.457.1 57.3 48.3 49.5 58.057.9 Vehicle Noise:68.1 66.3 63.7 58.5 67.567.0 Mitigated Noise Levels (with Topo and barrier attenuation) Medium Trucks: Heavy Trucks: Autos: VehicleType Leq Peak Hour Leq Day Leq Evening Leq Night CNELLdn 67.0 65.1 63.4 57.3 66.565.9 58.1 58.7 56.6 50.2 48.7 57.457.1 57.3 48.3 49.5 58.057.9 Vehicle Noise:68.1 66.3 63.7 58.5 67.567.0 77.62 82.14 69.34 Road Grade:0.0% feet Monday, November 11, 2019 224 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-05 Noise Study APPENDIX 10.1: CADNAA OPERATIONAL NOISE MODEL INPUTS 225 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-05 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 226 13103 CadnaA Noise Prediction Model: 12642_7.cna Date: 22.04.20 Analyst: B. Lawson Receiver Noise Levels Name M.ID Level Lr Limit. Value Land Use Height Coordinates Day Night CNEL Day Night CNEL Type Auto Noise Type X Y Z (dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) RECEIVERS R1 46.6 40.8 48.3 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6559701.83 2172082.13 5.00 RECEIVERS R2 46.5 44.8 51.3 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6561160.17 2172103.84 5.00 RECEIVERS R3 43.8 41.5 48.1 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6561607.22 2172116.86 5.00 RECEIVERS R4 43.0 39.9 46.7 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6561919.72 2171422.41 5.00 RECEIVERS R5 42.1 36.7 44.1 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6561963.81 2170753.38 5.00 RECEIVERS R6 52.2 30.6 49.4 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6561014.44 2167755.55 5.00 RECEIVERS R7 46.0 27.9 43.5 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6560134.29 2166770.74 5.00 RECEIVERS R8 47.0 22.2 44.1 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6559827.00 2166505.11 5.00 RECEIVERS R9 41.5 22.5 38.9 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6556013.28 2170127.57 5.00 RECEIVERS R10 39.8 30.4 39.5 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6557185.16 2172188.76 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P1 58.5 31.4 55.6 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6558248.54 2169368.52 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P2 55.4 33.6 52.6 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6560358.05 2168812.35 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P3 61.2 29.6 58.2 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6558335.40 2168327.62 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P4 53.9 22.3 50.9 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6559349.69 2167313.33 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P5 55.0 31.8 52.2 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6560520.02 2168225.59 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P6 54.1 35.0 51.4 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6559481.73 2169654.00 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P7 51.8 36.6 49.7 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6560454.00 2169587.98 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P8 53.7 52.0 58.6 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6560808.11 2171442.51 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P9 62.4 31.5 59.4 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6558690.22 2168964.96 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P10 64.5 30.4 61.6 65.0 50.0 0.0 5.00 a 6559589.56 2167959.31 5.00 Area Source(s) ID Result. PWL Result. PWL''Lw / Li Operating Time Moving Pt. Src Height Day Evening Night Day Evening Night Type Value Day Special Night Number (dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(min)(min)(min)Day Evening Night (ft) WAVE 112.3 112.3 112.3 63.3 63.3 63.3 Lw"63.3 900.00 0.00 0.00 5 POOL 103.3 103.3 103.3 57.8 57.8 57.8 Lw"57.8 900.00 0.00 0.00 5 GAME 84.3 84.3 84.3 43.4 43.4 43.4 Lw"43.4 900.00 0.00 0.00 5 COMMERCIAL 99.6 99.6 99.6 54.8 54.8 54.8 Lw"54.8 900.00 0.00 540.00 5 Name Height Coordinates Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) AREASOURCE 5.00 a 6558236.55 2169133.37 5.00 0.00 6558251.42 2169142.54 5.00 0.00 6558267.31 2169149.78 5.00 0.00 6558283.98 2169154.98 5.00 0.00 6558301.16 2169158.06 5.00 0.00 6558318.60 2169158.98 5.00 0.00 6558336.02 2169157.71 5.00 0.00 6558353.14 2169154.28 5.00 0.00 6558369.70 2169148.74 5.00 0.00 6558385.44 2169141.18 5.00 0.00 6558400.12 2169131.72 5.00 0.00 6558435.14 2169103.86 5.00 0.00 6558468.72 2169074.26 5.00 0.00 6558500.75 2169043.00 5.00 0.00 6558531.16 2169010.15 5.00 0.00 6558559.87 2168975.82 5.00 0.00 6558586.81 2168940.07 5.00 0.00 6558611.51 2168895.01 5.00 0.00 6558634.64 2168849.11 5.00 0.00 6558656.15 2168802.43 5.00 0.00 6558676.02 2168755.03 5.00 0.00 6558680.23 2168738.82 5.00 0.00 6558686.60 2168723.34 5.00 0.00 6558695.01 2168708.86 5.00 0.00 6558705.32 2168695.66 5.00 0.00 6558717.33 2168683.99 5.00 0.00 6558897.00 2168509.30 5.00 0.00 6559075.57 2168333.49 5.00 0.00 6559253.04 2168156.56 5.00 0.00 6559429.40 2167978.53 5.00 0.00 6559452.47 2167962.10 5.00 0.00 6559476.93 2167947.83 5.00 0.00 6559502.58 2167935.84 5.00 0.00 6559529.22 2167926.22 5.00 0.00 6559556.61 2167919.05 5.00 0.00 6559583.34 2167909.42 5.00 0.00 Urban Crossroads, Inc.227 Name Height Coordinates Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) 6559609.25 2167897.75 5.00 0.00 6559634.18 2167884.12 5.00 0.00 6559657.98 2167868.61 5.00 0.00 6559680.52 2167851.31 5.00 0.00 6559714.17 2167825.86 5.00 0.00 6559746.60 2167798.87 5.00 0.00 6559777.72 2167770.39 5.00 0.00 6559807.49 2167740.49 5.00 0.00 6559835.82 2167709.23 5.00 0.00 6559850.27 2167695.76 5.00 0.00 6559863.14 2167680.78 5.00 0.00 6559874.29 2167664.48 5.00 0.00 6559883.58 2167647.06 5.00 0.00 6559890.90 2167628.71 5.00 0.00 6559896.15 2167609.68 5.00 0.00 6559899.29 2167590.18 5.00 0.00 6559900.26 2167570.45 5.00 0.00 6559897.10 2167551.51 5.00 0.00 6559892.16 2167532.96 5.00 0.00 6559885.50 2167514.95 5.00 0.00 6559877.15 2167497.66 5.00 0.00 6559867.21 2167481.24 5.00 0.00 6559799.89 2167417.19 5.00 0.00 6559731.74 2167354.02 5.00 0.00 6559710.33 2167328.19 5.00 0.00 6559687.16 2167303.92 5.00 0.00 6559662.35 2167281.33 5.00 0.00 6559117.12 2167821.00 5.00 0.00 6558573.02 2168361.80 5.00 0.00 6558030.04 2168903.73 5.00 0.00 AREASOURCE 5.00 a 6560031.78 2168962.36 5.00 0.00 6560181.94 2168783.47 5.00 0.00 6560029.61 2168652.28 5.00 0.00 6559914.14 2168522.71 5.00 0.00 6559575.47 2168140.72 5.00 0.00 6559551.37 2168137.40 5.00 0.00 6559493.20 2167947.91 5.00 0.00 6559453.95 2167969.83 5.00 0.00 6559409.39 2168010.75 5.00 0.00 6558982.88 2168435.44 5.00 0.00 6559100.09 2168547.96 5.00 0.00 6559287.09 2168386.72 5.00 0.00 6559482.36 2168622.99 5.00 0.00 6559599.72 2168519.46 5.00 0.00 6559843.67 2168794.31 5.00 0.00 AREASOURCE 5.00 a 6558439.55 2169176.11 5.00 0.00 6558437.01 2169554.16 5.00 0.00 6558495.37 2169546.54 5.00 0.00 6558551.19 2169559.23 5.00 0.00 6558749.09 2169412.07 5.00 0.00 6558749.09 2169351.18 5.00 0.00 6558764.32 2169280.14 5.00 0.00 6558794.76 2169216.70 5.00 0.00 6558596.86 2169011.19 5.00 0.00 AREASOURCE 5.00 a 6560600.13 2171905.47 5.00 0.00 6561327.49 2171892.11 5.00 0.00 6561350.10 2171875.67 5.00 0.00 6561362.42 2171617.81 5.00 0.00 6561376.81 2171481.17 5.00 0.00 6561395.30 2171370.22 5.00 0.00 6561237.09 2171332.21 5.00 0.00 6561169.28 2171311.66 5.00 0.00 6561164.15 2171339.40 5.00 0.00 6560600.13 2171698.97 5.00 0.00 Barrier(s) Name M.ID Absorption Z-Ext.Cantilever Height Coordinates left right horz.vert.Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) BARRIERS BARRIERS00001 6.00 a 6556068.34 2169655.74 6.00 0.00 6556072.25 2169787.25 6.00 0.00 6556087.88 2170034.64 6.00 0.00 6556095.69 2170198.70 6.00 0.00 6556095.69 2170295.06 6.00 0.00 6556056.63 2170382.30 6.00 0.00 6555961.57 2170490.37 6.00 0.00 Urban Crossroads, Inc.228 Name M.ID Absorption Z-Ext.Cantilever Height Coordinates left right horz.vert.Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) 6555886.05 2170543.76 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00002 6.00 a 6557284.27 2172169.91 6.00 0.00 6557254.76 2172131.72 6.00 0.00 6557208.75 2172123.04 6.00 0.00 6557131.50 2172067.48 6.00 0.00 6557060.31 2172050.99 6.00 0.00 6556932.71 2172050.99 6.00 0.00 6556792.95 2172051.86 6.00 0.00 6556711.36 2172079.64 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00003 6.00 a 6557153.20 2172059.67 6.00 0.00 6557222.64 2172046.65 6.00 0.00 6557325.94 2172044.91 6.00 0.00 6557427.50 2172050.12 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00004 6.00 a 6561351.48 2172027.86 6.00 0.00 6561102.87 2172020.92 6.00 0.00 6561104.95 2172050.09 6.00 0.00 6560961.89 2172050.78 6.00 0.00 6560757.73 2172048.00 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00005 6.00 a 6561761.78 2172032.47 6.00 0.00 6561668.72 2172044.27 6.00 0.00 6561565.95 2172042.88 6.00 0.00 6561527.75 2172067.19 6.00 0.00 6561507.61 2172141.49 6.00 0.00 6561504.14 2172241.49 6.00 0.00 6561506.92 2172305.38 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00006 6.00 a 6562036.78 2171815.10 6.00 0.00 6562077.75 2171758.85 6.00 0.00 6561990.25 2171672.05 6.00 0.00 6561978.45 2171678.30 6.00 0.00 6561885.39 2171597.74 6.00 0.00 6561777.06 2171550.52 6.00 0.00 6561777.75 2171540.80 6.00 0.00 6561698.58 2171485.24 6.00 0.00 6561619.42 2171384.55 6.00 0.00 6561618.03 2171366.49 6.00 0.00 6561622.89 2171360.94 6.00 0.00 6561606.92 2171297.74 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00007 6.00 a 6561650.93 2171132.10 6.00 0.00 6561698.67 2171027.94 6.00 0.00 6561730.14 2170950.90 6.00 0.00 6561778.97 2170829.37 6.00 0.00 6561832.14 2170754.50 6.00 0.00 6561854.92 2170726.29 6.00 0.00 6561861.43 2170734.97 6.00 0.00 6561913.52 2170592.82 6.00 0.00 6561937.39 2170571.12 6.00 0.00 6561958.00 2170535.32 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00008 6.00 a 6561606.92 2171297.74 6.00 0.00 6561606.67 2171224.32 6.00 0.00 6561616.63 2171169.23 6.00 0.00 6561631.23 2171167.24 6.00 0.00 6561650.93 2171132.10 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00009 6.00 a 6560093.69 2166604.65 6.00 0.00 6560092.73 2166983.08 6.00 0.00 Ground Absorption(s) Name M.ID G Coordinates x y (ft)(ft) GROUND 0 1.0 6558802.37 2167864.72 6558996.92 2167822.26 6559662.48 2167250.25 6559909.37 2167450.59 6560022.45 2167364.58 6560089.35 2167366.17 6560082.98 2166545.88 6559426.75 2166545.88 6558818.29 2166794.36 Urban Crossroads, Inc.229 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-05 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 230 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-05 Noise Study APPENDIX 11.1: CADNAA CONSTRUCTION NOISE MODEL INPUTS 231 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-05 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank 232 13103 CadnaA Noise Prediction Model: 12642_ConstructionP1.cna Date: 22.04.20 Analyst: B. Lawson Receiver Noise Levels Name M.ID Level Lr Limit. Value Land Use Height Coordinates Day Night CNEL Day Night CNEL Type Auto Noise Type X Y Z (dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) RECEIVERS R1 65.6 65.6 72.3 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6559701.83 2172082.13 5.00 RECEIVERS R2 65.8 65.8 72.4 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6561160.17 2172103.84 5.00 RECEIVERS R3 63.0 63.0 69.7 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6561607.22 2172116.86 5.00 RECEIVERS R4 62.3 62.3 69.0 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6561919.72 2171422.41 5.00 RECEIVERS R5 61.6 61.6 68.3 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6561963.81 2170753.38 5.00 RECEIVERS R6 71.3 71.3 78.0 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6561014.44 2167755.55 5.00 RECEIVERS R7 72.5 72.5 79.1 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6560134.29 2166770.74 5.00 RECEIVERS R8 76.5 76.5 83.2 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6559827.00 2166505.11 5.00 RECEIVERS R9 58.7 58.7 65.4 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6556013.28 2170127.57 5.00 RECEIVERS R10 58.0 58.0 64.6 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6557185.16 2172188.76 5.00 Area Source(s) ID Result. PWL Result. PWL''Lw / Li Operating Time Moving Pt. Src Height Day Evening Night Day Evening Night Type Value Day Special Night Number (dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(min)(min)(min)Day Evening Night (ft) ABSORPTION00001 132.1 132.1 132.1 75.3 75.3 75.3 Lw"75.3 8 ABSORPTION00002 120.2 120.2 120.2 75.3 75.3 75.3 Lw"75.3 8 Name Height Coordinates Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) ABSORPTION 8.00 a 6557934.33 2168936.33 8.00 0.00 6558256.13 2169202.16 8.00 0.00 6558429.62 2169196.57 8.00 0.00 6558438.01 2169563.14 8.00 0.00 6558555.54 2169563.14 8.00 0.00 6558745.82 2169409.23 8.00 0.00 6558785.00 2169484.79 8.00 0.00 6558880.14 2169568.73 8.00 0.00 6558936.10 2169599.52 8.00 0.00 6559056.43 2169599.52 8.00 0.00 6559702.83 2169543.55 8.00 0.00 6559800.77 2169487.59 8.00 0.00 6559823.15 2169423.23 8.00 0.00 6559828.75 2169344.87 8.00 0.00 6559825.95 2169269.32 8.00 0.00 6559851.13 2169202.16 8.00 0.00 6559915.49 2169115.42 8.00 0.00 6560150.55 2169302.90 8.00 0.00 6560200.92 2169370.06 8.00 0.00 6560248.49 2169336.48 8.00 0.00 6560878.10 2169328.08 8.00 0.00 6560880.89 2168919.54 8.00 0.00 6560879.41 2168899.56 8.00 0.00 6560875.68 2168879.87 8.00 0.00 6560869.76 2168860.73 8.00 0.00 6560861.71 2168842.39 8.00 0.00 6560851.64 2168825.07 8.00 0.00 6560839.68 2168809.00 8.00 0.00 6560825.98 2168794.38 8.00 0.00 6560810.71 2168781.40 8.00 0.00 6560794.08 2168770.22 8.00 0.00 6560776.30 2168761.00 8.00 0.00 6560757.58 2168753.84 8.00 0.00 6560738.18 2168748.84 8.00 0.00 6560547.90 2168751.64 8.00 0.00 6560447.16 2168734.85 8.00 0.00 6560312.85 2168639.71 8.00 0.00 6560421.98 2168505.40 8.00 0.00 6560433.99 2168479.82 8.00 0.00 6560443.75 2168453.31 8.00 0.00 6560451.21 2168426.06 8.00 0.00 6560456.30 2168398.27 8.00 0.00 6560458.99 2168370.15 8.00 0.00 6560459.25 2168341.90 8.00 0.00 6560457.09 2168313.73 8.00 0.00 6560452.52 2168285.85 8.00 0.00 6560445.57 2168258.46 8.00 0.00 6560436.30 2168231.78 8.00 0.00 Urban Crossroads, Inc.233 Name Height Coordinates Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) 6560424.78 2168205.98 8.00 0.00 6560262.48 2168029.69 8.00 0.00 6560237.74 2168020.87 8.00 0.00 6560213.84 2168009.97 8.00 0.00 6560190.95 2167997.09 8.00 0.00 6560169.23 2167982.32 8.00 0.00 6560148.85 2167965.76 8.00 0.00 6560129.94 2167947.52 8.00 0.00 6560112.65 2167927.75 8.00 0.00 6560097.09 2167906.59 8.00 0.00 6560083.39 2167884.18 8.00 0.00 6560091.78 2166546.61 8.00 0.00 6559428.60 2166546.61 8.00 0.00 6558812.98 2166798.46 8.00 0.00 6558790.59 2167912.16 8.00 0.00 ABSORPTION 8.00 a 6560597.19 2171907.41 8.00 0.00 6561333.34 2171899.09 8.00 0.00 6561352.76 2171878.74 8.00 0.00 6561357.38 2171666.04 8.00 0.00 6561372.18 2171550.44 8.00 0.00 6561373.10 2171506.97 8.00 0.00 6561396.22 2171365.48 8.00 0.00 6561170.57 2171310.91 8.00 0.00 6561165.02 2171342.36 8.00 0.00 6560599.04 2171700.26 8.00 0.00 Barrier(s) Name M.ID Absorption Z-Ext.Cantilever Height Coordinates left right horz.vert.Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) BARRIERS BARRIERS00001 6.00 a 6556068.34 2169655.74 6.00 0.00 6556072.25 2169787.25 6.00 0.00 6556087.88 2170034.64 6.00 0.00 6556095.69 2170198.70 6.00 0.00 6556095.69 2170295.06 6.00 0.00 6556056.63 2170382.30 6.00 0.00 6555961.57 2170490.37 6.00 0.00 6555886.05 2170543.76 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00002 6.00 a 6557284.27 2172169.91 6.00 0.00 6557254.76 2172131.72 6.00 0.00 6557208.75 2172123.04 6.00 0.00 6557131.50 2172067.48 6.00 0.00 6557060.31 2172050.99 6.00 0.00 6556932.71 2172050.99 6.00 0.00 6556792.95 2172051.86 6.00 0.00 6556711.36 2172079.64 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00003 6.00 a 6557153.20 2172059.67 6.00 0.00 6557222.64 2172046.65 6.00 0.00 6557325.94 2172044.91 6.00 0.00 6557427.50 2172050.12 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00004 6.00 a 6561351.48 2172027.86 6.00 0.00 6561102.87 2172020.92 6.00 0.00 6561104.95 2172050.09 6.00 0.00 6560961.89 2172050.78 6.00 0.00 6560757.73 2172048.00 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00005 6.00 a 6561761.78 2172032.47 6.00 0.00 6561668.72 2172044.27 6.00 0.00 6561565.95 2172042.88 6.00 0.00 6561527.75 2172067.19 6.00 0.00 6561507.61 2172141.49 6.00 0.00 6561504.14 2172241.49 6.00 0.00 6561506.92 2172305.38 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00006 6.00 a 6562036.78 2171815.10 6.00 0.00 6562077.75 2171758.85 6.00 0.00 6561990.25 2171672.05 6.00 0.00 6561978.45 2171678.30 6.00 0.00 6561885.39 2171597.74 6.00 0.00 6561777.06 2171550.52 6.00 0.00 6561777.75 2171540.80 6.00 0.00 6561698.58 2171485.24 6.00 0.00 6561619.42 2171384.55 6.00 0.00 6561618.03 2171366.49 6.00 0.00 6561622.89 2171360.94 6.00 0.00 6561606.92 2171297.74 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00007 6.00 a 6561650.93 2171132.10 6.00 0.00 6561698.67 2171027.94 6.00 0.00 Urban Crossroads, Inc.234 Name M.ID Absorption Z-Ext.Cantilever Height Coordinates left right horz.vert.Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) 6561730.14 2170950.90 6.00 0.00 6561778.97 2170829.37 6.00 0.00 6561832.14 2170754.50 6.00 0.00 6561854.92 2170726.29 6.00 0.00 6561861.43 2170734.97 6.00 0.00 6561913.52 2170592.82 6.00 0.00 6561937.39 2170571.12 6.00 0.00 6561958.00 2170535.32 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00008 6.00 a 6561606.92 2171297.74 6.00 0.00 6561606.67 2171224.32 6.00 0.00 6561616.63 2171169.23 6.00 0.00 6561631.23 2171167.24 6.00 0.00 6561650.93 2171132.10 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00009 6.00 a 6560093.69 2166604.65 6.00 0.00 6560092.73 2166983.08 6.00 0.00 Urban Crossroads, Inc.235 13103 CadnaA Noise Prediction Model: 12642_ConstructionP23.cna Date: 22.04.20 Analyst: B. Lawson Receiver Noise Levels Name M.ID Level Lr Limit. Value Land Use Height Coordinates Day Night CNEL Day Night CNEL Type Auto Noise Type X Y Z (dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) RECEIVERS R1 74.8 74.8 81.5 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6559701.83 2172082.13 5.00 RECEIVERS R2 69.9 69.9 76.6 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6561160.17 2172103.84 5.00 RECEIVERS R3 67.9 67.9 74.6 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6561607.22 2172116.86 5.00 RECEIVERS R4 68.8 68.8 75.5 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6561919.72 2171422.41 5.00 RECEIVERS R5 70.6 70.6 77.2 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6561963.81 2170753.38 5.00 RECEIVERS R6 75.8 75.8 82.5 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6561014.44 2167755.55 5.00 RECEIVERS R7 68.6 68.6 75.3 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6560134.29 2166770.74 5.00 RECEIVERS R8 67.5 67.5 74.2 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6559827.00 2166505.11 5.00 RECEIVERS R9 63.7 63.7 70.3 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6556013.28 2170127.57 5.00 RECEIVERS R10 64.0 64.0 70.7 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6557185.16 2172188.76 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P1 82.8 82.8 89.5 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6558248.54 2169368.52 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P2 76.8 76.8 83.4 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6560358.05 2168812.35 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P3 82.3 82.3 89.0 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6558335.40 2168327.62 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P4 70.6 70.6 77.3 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6559349.69 2167313.33 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P5 82.5 82.5 89.1 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6560520.02 2168225.59 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P6 82.9 82.9 89.5 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6559481.73 2169654.00 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P7 83.2 83.2 89.9 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6560454.00 2169587.98 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P8 83.1 83.1 89.8 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6560808.11 2171442.51 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P9 75.3 75.3 82.0 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6558690.22 2168964.96 5.00 PRJRECEIVERS P10 72.6 72.6 79.3 85.0 0.0 0.0 5.00 a 6559589.56 2167959.31 5.00 Area Source(s) ID Result. PWL Result. PWL''Lw / Li Operating Time Moving Pt. Src Height Day Evening Night Day Evening Night Type Value Day Special Night Number (dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(min)(min)(min)Day Evening Night (ft) P2P3CONSTRUCTION00002 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lw"0 P2P3CONSTRUCTION00002 135.7 135.7 135.7 75.3 75.3 75.3 Lw"75.3 8 Name Height Coordinates Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) P2P3CONSTRUCTION 0.00 a 6561352.29 2171907.14 0.00 0.00 6561351.77 2171917.28 0.00 0.00 6561352.08 2171917.24 0.00 0.00 P2P3CONSTRUCTION 8.00 a 6561351.52 2171922.05 8.00 0.00 6561351.77 2171917.28 8.00 0.00 6561393.19 2171387.33 8.00 0.00 6561448.74 2171172.05 8.00 0.00 6561525.13 2170963.71 8.00 0.00 6561650.13 2170692.88 8.00 0.00 6561733.46 2170533.16 8.00 0.00 6561851.52 2170331.77 8.00 0.00 6561914.02 2170206.77 8.00 0.00 6562011.24 2169949.83 8.00 0.00 6562087.63 2169685.94 8.00 0.00 6562122.35 2169428.99 8.00 0.00 6562129.30 2169102.60 8.00 0.00 6562108.46 2168838.71 8.00 0.00 6562073.74 2168678.99 8.00 0.00 6561983.46 2168387.33 8.00 0.00 6561858.46 2168095.66 8.00 0.00 6561712.63 2167845.66 8.00 0.00 6561594.57 2167623.44 8.00 0.00 6561518.19 2167435.94 8.00 0.00 6561441.80 2167158.16 8.00 0.00 6561434.85 2167887.33 8.00 0.00 6560093.22 2167888.99 8.00 0.00 6560083.39 2167884.18 8.00 0.00 6560097.09 2167906.59 8.00 0.00 6560112.65 2167927.75 8.00 0.00 6560129.94 2167947.52 8.00 0.00 6560148.85 2167965.76 8.00 0.00 6560169.23 2167982.32 8.00 0.00 6560190.95 2167997.09 8.00 0.00 6560213.84 2168009.97 8.00 0.00 6560237.74 2168020.87 8.00 0.00 6560262.48 2168029.69 8.00 0.00 6560424.78 2168205.98 8.00 0.00 6560436.30 2168231.78 8.00 0.00 Urban Crossroads, Inc.236 Name Height Coordinates Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) 6560445.57 2168258.46 8.00 0.00 6560452.52 2168285.85 8.00 0.00 6560457.09 2168313.73 8.00 0.00 6560459.25 2168341.90 8.00 0.00 6560458.99 2168370.15 8.00 0.00 6560456.30 2168398.27 8.00 0.00 6560451.21 2168426.06 8.00 0.00 6560443.75 2168453.31 8.00 0.00 6560433.99 2168479.82 8.00 0.00 6560421.98 2168505.40 8.00 0.00 6560312.85 2168639.71 8.00 0.00 6560447.16 2168734.85 8.00 0.00 6560547.90 2168751.64 8.00 0.00 6560738.18 2168748.84 8.00 0.00 6560757.58 2168753.84 8.00 0.00 6560776.30 2168761.00 8.00 0.00 6560794.08 2168770.22 8.00 0.00 6560810.71 2168781.40 8.00 0.00 6560825.98 2168794.38 8.00 0.00 6560839.68 2168809.00 8.00 0.00 6560851.64 2168825.07 8.00 0.00 6560861.71 2168842.39 8.00 0.00 6560869.76 2168860.73 8.00 0.00 6560875.68 2168879.87 8.00 0.00 6560879.41 2168899.56 8.00 0.00 6560880.89 2168919.54 8.00 0.00 6560878.10 2169328.08 8.00 0.00 6560248.49 2169336.48 8.00 0.00 6560200.92 2169370.06 8.00 0.00 6560150.55 2169302.90 8.00 0.00 6559915.49 2169115.42 8.00 0.00 6559851.13 2169202.16 8.00 0.00 6559825.95 2169269.32 8.00 0.00 6559828.75 2169344.87 8.00 0.00 6559823.15 2169423.23 8.00 0.00 6559800.77 2169487.59 8.00 0.00 6559702.83 2169543.55 8.00 0.00 6559056.43 2169599.52 8.00 0.00 6558936.10 2169599.52 8.00 0.00 6558880.14 2169568.73 8.00 0.00 6558785.00 2169484.79 8.00 0.00 6558745.82 2169409.23 8.00 0.00 6558555.54 2169563.14 8.00 0.00 6558438.01 2169563.14 8.00 0.00 6558429.62 2169196.57 8.00 0.00 6558256.13 2169202.16 8.00 0.00 6557934.33 2168936.33 8.00 0.00 6558790.59 2167912.16 8.00 0.00 6558789.02 2167901.22 8.00 0.00 6557490.41 2167915.10 8.00 0.00 6557455.69 2170838.71 8.00 0.00 6559601.52 2170817.88 8.00 0.00 6559594.57 2171928.99 8.00 0.00 Barrier(s) Name M.ID Absorption Z-Ext.Cantilever Height Coordinates left right horz.vert.Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) BARRIERS BARRIERS00001 6.00 a 6556068.34 2169655.74 6.00 0.00 6556072.25 2169787.25 6.00 0.00 6556087.88 2170034.64 6.00 0.00 6556095.69 2170198.70 6.00 0.00 6556095.69 2170295.06 6.00 0.00 6556056.63 2170382.30 6.00 0.00 6555961.57 2170490.37 6.00 0.00 6555886.05 2170543.76 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00002 6.00 a 6557284.27 2172169.91 6.00 0.00 6557254.76 2172131.72 6.00 0.00 6557208.75 2172123.04 6.00 0.00 6557131.50 2172067.48 6.00 0.00 6557060.31 2172050.99 6.00 0.00 6556932.71 2172050.99 6.00 0.00 6556792.95 2172051.86 6.00 0.00 6556711.36 2172079.64 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00003 6.00 a 6557153.20 2172059.67 6.00 0.00 6557222.64 2172046.65 6.00 0.00 Urban Crossroads, Inc.237 Name M.ID Absorption Z-Ext.Cantilever Height Coordinates left right horz.vert.Begin End x y z Ground (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) 6557325.94 2172044.91 6.00 0.00 6557427.50 2172050.12 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00004 6.00 a 6561351.48 2172027.86 6.00 0.00 6561102.87 2172020.92 6.00 0.00 6561104.95 2172050.09 6.00 0.00 6560961.89 2172050.78 6.00 0.00 6560757.73 2172048.00 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00005 6.00 a 6561761.78 2172032.47 6.00 0.00 6561668.72 2172044.27 6.00 0.00 6561565.95 2172042.88 6.00 0.00 6561527.75 2172067.19 6.00 0.00 6561507.61 2172141.49 6.00 0.00 6561504.14 2172241.49 6.00 0.00 6561506.92 2172305.38 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00006 6.00 a 6562036.78 2171815.10 6.00 0.00 6562077.75 2171758.85 6.00 0.00 6561990.25 2171672.05 6.00 0.00 6561978.45 2171678.30 6.00 0.00 6561885.39 2171597.74 6.00 0.00 6561777.06 2171550.52 6.00 0.00 6561777.75 2171540.80 6.00 0.00 6561698.58 2171485.24 6.00 0.00 6561619.42 2171384.55 6.00 0.00 6561618.03 2171366.49 6.00 0.00 6561622.89 2171360.94 6.00 0.00 6561606.92 2171297.74 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00007 6.00 a 6561650.93 2171132.10 6.00 0.00 6561698.67 2171027.94 6.00 0.00 6561730.14 2170950.90 6.00 0.00 6561778.97 2170829.37 6.00 0.00 6561832.14 2170754.50 6.00 0.00 6561854.92 2170726.29 6.00 0.00 6561861.43 2170734.97 6.00 0.00 6561913.52 2170592.82 6.00 0.00 6561937.39 2170571.12 6.00 0.00 6561958.00 2170535.32 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00008 6.00 a 6561606.92 2171297.74 6.00 0.00 6561606.67 2171224.32 6.00 0.00 6561616.63 2171169.23 6.00 0.00 6561631.23 2171167.24 6.00 0.00 6561650.93 2171132.10 6.00 0.00 BARRIERS BARRIERS00009 6.00 a 6560093.69 2166604.65 6.00 0.00 6560092.73 2166983.08 6.00 0.00 Urban Crossroads, Inc.238 Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study 90 This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study APPENDIX 3.1: CITY OF LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study APPENDIX 5.1: STUDY AREA PHOTOS Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study APPENDIX 5.2: NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENT WORKSHEETS Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study APPENDIX 7.1: OFF-SITE TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL CONTOURS Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study APPENDIX 8.1: ON-SITE TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL CALCULATIONS Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study APPENDIX 10.1: CADNAA OPERATIONAL NOISE MODEL INPUTS Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study APPENDIX 11.1: CADNAA CONSTRUCTION NOISE MODEL INPUTS Coral Mountain Specific Plan Noise Impact Analysis 12642-07 Noise Study This page intentionally left blank