2020 03 05 STVRP AD-HOCSHORT-TERM RENTAL PROGRAM MARCH 5, 2020 AD-HOC COMMITTEE AGENDA SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE CITY HALL - STUDY SESSION ROOM 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta MEETING THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 2020 4:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL DISCUSSION ITEMS 1.INTRODUCTIONS OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS AND STAFF 2.PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE OF COMMITTEE 3. MEETING FORMAT •Agenda Items •Chair and Vice Chair – Roles and Responsibilities •Addressing Public Comments •Research and Materials 4.IDENTIFY TOPICS TO COVER THROUGHOUT COMMITTEE DURATION 5.TOPICS TO COVER FOR NEXT MEETING ADJOURNMENT The next meeting of the Short-Term Rental Program Ad-Hoc Committee will be Thursday, April 2, 2020. POWER POINTS STVR AD-HOC COMMITTEE MEETING MARCH 5, 2020 STVR Ad‐Hoc Committee Regular Meeting 3/5/2020 1 Welcome!! Short-Term Vacation Rental Program Ad-Hoc Committee CITY STAFF MEMBERS: DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: •Danny Castro – Design & Development Director •Tommi Sanchez – HUB Manager •Missy Mendoza – Management Specialist •Michelle Lopez – Permit Technician •Lori Lorett – Administrative Assistant CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT: •Martha Mendez – Public Safety Manager •Kevin Meredith – Code Compliance Supervisor COMMUNITY RESOURCES DEPARTMENT: •Chris Escobedo – Community Resources Director 1 2 STVR Ad‐Hoc Committee Regular Meeting 3/5/2020 2 STVRP MISSION STATEMENT Our foremost priority is preserving the quality of life for La Quinta residents. Creating an environment where renters are welcome in our community as we strongly encourage them to respect the neighbors and neighborhoods in which they are renting. Therefore, protecting the balance of government and property ownership, and ultimately to ensure a safe and effective program. STVRP COMMITTEE OBJECTIVES Review STVRP related information and provide recommendations for Council consideration: o Historical Information o Outreach and Marketing o Compliance and Enforcement o Application Process o Online Access o Enhancement Alternatives 3 4 STVR Ad‐Hoc Committee Regular Meeting 3/5/2020 3 MEETING FORMAT Agenda Items Chair & Vice Chair – Roles/Responsibilities Addressing Public Comments Research & Materials TOPICS FOR MEETINGS Let us know what topics  YOU would like to  cover??  5 6 STVR Ad‐Hoc Committee Regular Meeting 3/5/2020 4 THANK YOU FOR COMING! NEXT Short-Term Vacation Rental Program Ad-Hoc Committee Meeting: Thursday April, 2, 2020 7