2020 06 04 STVRP AD-HOC Minutes Page 1 of 4 STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITEEE JUNE 4, 2020 MINUTES SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2020 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Short-Term Vacation Rental Program Ad-Hoc Committee (Committee) was called to order at 4:03 p.m. by Lori Lorett. This meeting was held by teleconference pursuant to Executive orders N -25- 20, N-29-20, N-33-20, and N-35-20, executed to by the Governor of California in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). ROLL CALL PRESENT: Committee members Best, Butler, Caldwell, Church, Coronel, Franco, Grotsky, Jonasson, McDonough, Monroe, Navarro, Schutz, Shelton, Spinney, and Tamm ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Design & Development Director Danny Castro, Hub Manager Tommi Sanchez, Permit Technician Michelle Lopez, Administrative Assistant/Committee Secretary Lori Lorett, Public Safety Manager Martha Mendez, Code Compliance Supervisor Kevin Meredith, Community Resources Director Chris Escobedo, and City Attorney Bill Ihrke PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Committee Secretary Lori Lorett led the committee in the Pledge of Allegiance Page 2 of 4 STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITEEE JUNE 4, 2020 MINUTES PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA Committee Secretary Lorett said the following WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS were submitted by La Quinta resident David Dinnel regarding the cancellation of Committee meetings in April and May 2020, which were distributed to the Committee, and incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting. COMMITTEE ITEMS 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED MARCH 5, 2020 The Committee expressed general support of the March 5, 2020 meeting minutes; and Committee Members Schutz/Church moved and seconded, respectively, to approve the minutes as submitted; motion passed unanimously. 2. APPOINT TWO MEMBERS TO SERVE AS COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON AND VICE-CHAIRPERSON FOR THE DURATION FOR WHICH THE COMMITTEE REMAINS ACTIVE The committee reached a consensus and appointed Committee Members Schutz and McDonough to serve as Chairperson and Vice -Chairperson, respectively. 3. REVIEW COMMITTEE OBJECTIVES The Committee’s objective is to provide recommendations to City Council regarding the Short-Term Vacation Rental Program. 4. DISCUSS AMENDMENT FIVE TO CITY EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 7 RELATED TO SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL (STVR) GUIDELINES The Committee discussed the City’s COVID-19 related health and safety precaution measures put into place in accordance with the California Department of Public Health and Riverside County Public Health Officer directives and guidance; the City’s effective communication of the constantly changing COVID-19 directives; the STVR restrictions and related enforcement; and Executive Order No. 7 multiple amendments. Further Committee discussion followed regarding STVR owners not adhering to the restrictions and occupancy limits. Page 3 of 4 STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITEEE JUNE 4, 2020 MINUTES The Committee expressed general displeasure with the complexity of Executive Order No. 7, which caused confusion; the communication channels and speed; and prolonged enforcement. Committee discussion followed regarding La Quinta Executive Order No. 5 related to limited uses for outdoor recreation at parks, trails, and recreational courts in the City; and La Quinta Executive Order No. 6 related to limited use of private shared-use swimming pools and spas in the City. Code Compliance Supervisor Meredith gave a detailed presentation on: • The number of current open/closed STVR-related cases, complaints, citations, and suspensions; • STVR hotline call center and step-by-step process for receiving and responding to complaints; • Adverse effects to the STVR program due to a limited number of properties not complying; • Ability to submit a request for public records with the Clerk’s Office in order to determine the number of STVR properties in a neighborhood prior to purchasing a home. 5. DISCUSS LIST OF TOPICS FOR COMMITTEE TO COVER Staff provided the list of topics the Committee compiled during the March 5, 2020 meeting. 6. DISCUSS POST COVID-19 BEST PRACTICES GOING FORWARD Staff provided a list of recommended guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding proper cleaning and disinfecting. 7. TOPICS TO COVER FOR NEXT MEETING – OVERVIEW OF SHORT- TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM INCLUDING CODE ENFORCEMENT • The Committee reached a consensus and directed Committee Chair Schutz and Committee Vice Chair McDonough to arrange discussion topics into categories for the Committee’s review and consideration. • The Committee reached a consensus and directed Staff to prepare a STVR density map and present it to the Committee for consideration at the next meeting. Page 4 of 4 STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITEEE JUNE 4, 2020 MINUTES • The Committee reached a consensus and directed Staff to provide a summary of the STVR hotline process and enforcement statistics to the Committee for review. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee members Caldwell/McDonough to adjourn this meeting at 5:32 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, LORI LORETT, Committee Secretary City of La Quinta, California