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BRES2017-0010 Structural Calcs
JOVEN ENGINEERING S T R U C T U R A L E N G I N E E R I N G P.O. Box 5098 La Quinta, CA 92248-5098 (760) 408-6441 Structural Calculations for Daddino/Bevan Residence Patio Remodel 78-613 Peerless Drive La Quinta, CA RECEIVED FEB 2 3 2017 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Table of Contents: Title page: Material Plan Roof Framing Seismic Data USGS Lateral Analysis Cantilevered Columns Design: South West Concepts Revised February, 2017 CITY OF LA'00INTA APPROVED FOR CONSTLION ❑ a 3U`� 7 W. Page Number Design Criteria Code: 2013 California Building Code T1 1 STRUCTURAL SYSTEM: 2 thru 2A Plywood Diaphragm with Plywood Shear Walls R = 6.5 3 thru 4 Plywood Diaphragm with Cantilevered Columns R = 2.5 5 L1 thru L5 C1 thru C2 Seismic: Risk Category = I; Site Class = D; Seismic Design Category = D Sds = 1.000; Sd1 =.627; Rho = 1.3; Importance = I =1.0 WIND ult: 115 M.P.H. Exposure C Snow Load = 0.0 psf . -^ Joven Engineering j.. P. 0, Box 5098 La Quints, CA 9224E-5098 .___- (760) 408-6441 LUMBER: AI 1 eTQI Ir-.TI IPA! LUMBER IMBER SHAi I BP N)l Ir I AR FIR -I ARCH ALLOWABLE STRESSES IN P.S.1 JOB # BY: DATE: SHEET: T FROM 2012 NDS GRADING RULES WWPA & WCLIB Fb Ft Fv E Fc Fc-L STUDS & 4x4 POST - DOUGLAS FIR # 2 850 525 180 1.6 1350 625 jOiSTS 2"-4" THICK, Less than 6" Wide - DOUGLAS FIR # 2 850 760 180 1.6 1350 625 JOISTS 2"-4" THICK, 6" & WIDER - DOUGLAS FIR # 1 1000 675 180 1.7 1500 625 JOIST 2"- 4"THICK, X 12" & 14 - DOUGLAS FIR 91 & BETTER 1 1150 760 180 1.7 1650 625 BEAMS 5" & THICKER RECTANGULAR - DOUGLAS FIR #1 1300 675 180 1.6 925 625 POST & TIMBERS: 4 x 6 - DOUGLAS FIR # 1 1200 825 180 1.6 1000 625 POST & TIMBERS: 5x5 & LARGER - SELECT STRUCTURAL 1500 1000 170 1.6 1100 625 2"-4" T&G DECKING - SELECT DEX 1750 -- -- 1.8 ---- 625 LAMINATED BEAMS - (24F-V8) values are about the x-x axis (24F-V4) values are about the x-x axis 2400 2200 1100 1100 265 265 1.8 1.8 1650 1650 650 650 1.9E Microllam LVL Western Species 2600 2600 285 1.9 2510 750 1.3E TimberStrand LSL WesternSpecies 1400 1700 285 1.3 1400 285 1.55E TimberStrand LSL Western Species 2050 2250 285 1.55 1950 650 2.0E & 2.2E Parallam PSL Western Species 2900 2400 290 2.0 2900 750 TJI Pro Series Joist 2600 2000 285 1.9 2310 750 CONCRETE: THE 28 DAY STRENGTH & TYPE OF CONCRETE SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: SLABS ON GRADE: 2500 P.S.I. 150 P.C.F. FOOTINGS: 2500 P.S.I. 150 P.C.F. GRADE BEAMS: 2500 P.S.I. 150 P.C,F. MASON RY; REINFORCED CONCRETE BLOCK: GROUTED SOLID REINFORCED CONCRETE BLOCK: GROUTED AT STEEL CONCRETE BLOCK (Normal Weight) A.S.T.M C-90 Grade N-1 MORTAR: GROUT: SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIRED? NO REINFORCING: TYPICAL REINFORCING: STIRRUPS, TIES, & NON-STRUCTURAL ITEMS: REINFORCING TO BE WELDED: A.S.T.M. A-706 STRUCTURAL STEEL: STRUCTURALSHAPES: STRUCTURAL PLATES: PIPE COLUMNS: STEEL TUBES: BOLTS: FOUNDATIONS: NO SOILS REPORT PROVIDED: DESIGN VALUES : SOIL BEARING PRESSURE: ISOLATED SQ. OR RECT. 1300 CONT. FOOTINGS: 1200 MAXIUM SOIL PRESSURE: 1500 PASSIVE EARTH PRESSURE: 250 EQUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE: 35 FRICTION: 0.36 A.S.T.M. A-992 A.S.T.M. A36 A.S.T.M. A-53 Grade B A.S.T.M. A-600 Grade B A.S.T.M. A-307 1500 P.S.I. 1350 P.S.I. 1900 P.S.I. (Avg of 3) 1800 P.S.I. 2000 P.S.I. GRADE 60 GRADE 40 GRADE 60 50 K.S.I. 36 K.S.I. 36 K.S.I. 46 K.S.I. P.S.F. P.S.F. P.S.F. P.S.F.IFT. P.S,F.1FT. TIMES THE NORMAL DEAD LOAD C:UOVENV08SL014%748MOR-I.Q\CALC MATERI-I.NPD foj 2 f� 2p, N ]OVEN ENGINEERING Project Daddino Patio Remodel _ Job # 879 P. 0. Box 5098 7"13 Peerless Drive by JV La Quinta, California 92248-5098 La .Quinta, CA Date 02119/2017 (Phone (760)408-6441 South WestCnncepts Sheet 3 of Retrieve/Save drive = work diF 7 > wk4 Filespec: C:UOVEN\2016\879DAD-1.(SIMCALC'S\VERTIN--1 WK4 Load drive = C: filespec = li loading? Loath g* LA If 10-2-09 Vertical Flat Roof Flat Roof Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Roofg/floor'g 0.0 psf 4.0 psf sht'g 0.0 1.8 rafters/joists 3.0 3.0 clg 0.0 10.0 pme 0.0 1.0 misc 1.5 1.2 Dead Load 4.5 psf- ldl 21.0 psf- 2dl Live Load 10.0 psf- 111 20.0 psf- 211 x / 12 R1 Factors 0 psf 0 Roof Rafters Sloped Roof Sloped Roof Pattern 3 Pattern 4 12,0 psf 12.0 psf 1.8 1.8 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.0 2.0 0.0 1.2 1.7 22.0 psf- 3dk 18.0 psf- 4dl 20.0 psf- 311 20.0 psf- 411 4 4 RR- 1 Existing bml Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam 10-1-08 Span = 20.50 ft. T.A. = 21 sq. ft. mount trib = 1.00 ft. Axial React. M@x = L.L. = 20.0 psf >>> 0 205 1051 D.L. = 21.0 psf >>> 0 215 1103 Extra = 0 #/ft >>> 0 0 (dead line load) _ `totals > 0 420 2154 R1 =1.00 R2 =1.00 20.0 Live Load Reduction Factor: Reduced Live Load RR- 2 bml Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam 10-1-08 Span = 6.00 ft. T.A. = 12 sq. ft. mount trib = 2.00 ft. Axial React. M@x = L.L. = 10.0 psf >>> 0 60 90 D.L. = 4.5 psf >>> 0 27 41 Extra = 0 #/ft >>> 0 0 (dead line load) Totals > 0 87 131 R1 =1.00 R2 =1.00 20.0 Live Load Reduction Factor: Reduced Live Load Sloped Roof Floor Pattern 5 Pattern 6 12.0 psf 6.0 psf 1.8 3.0 2.2 4.5 0.0 2.8 0.0 1.5 1.0 ,1 Q 17.0 psf- 5dl 18.8 psf- 6dl 20.0 psf- 511 60.0 psf- 61l 4 20 Use these Loadings Floor Pattern 7 2.0 psf 2.3 30 2.8 1.5 _1.0_ 12.6 psf- 7dl 100 0 psf- 711 >> sawn05a» options: glb, tji, lam, cone, masonry, steel & csteel 10,25 dfl05prp size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb> inch Ft> Try >> 202#1 (df#1) 16.88 31.64 178.0 1.50 11.25 1000 675 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 34 psi fb= 817 psi fa = 0 psi fa/Fa = 0.00 Ch = 125 Fvh = 113 psi Fb= 1250 psi Fa = 1333 psi fb/Fb = 0.65 Deflections » LL = 0.26 in. = L / 936 combined stress 0.30 Number of DL = 0.28 in. = L / 892 0.653 % pieces 1 TL = 0.54 in. = L / 457 Deflection control 1 roof USE 2x12#1 grade= (df#1) min. bearing= 0.45 inches >>sawn05a» options: glb, tji, lam, cone, masonry, steel & csteel 3,00 dfl05prp size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb> inch Ft> Try » 6x8#1 (df #1) 41.25 51.56 193.4 5.50 7.50 1350 675 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 3 psi fb= 30 psi fa = 0 psi fa/Fa = 0.00 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 106 psl Fb= 1688 psi Fa = 925 psi fb/Fb = 0.02 Deflections >> LL = 0.00 in. = L / 37993 combined stress 0.02 Number of DL = 0.00 in. = L / 83888 0.018 % pieces 1 TL = 0.00 in. = L / 26245 Deflection control 1 roof USE 6x8#1 grade= (df#1) min. bearing= 0.03 inches Roof Beams RB- 1 bml Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam 10-1-08 Span = 29.25 ft. T.A. = 336 sq. ft. mount trib = 11.50 ft. Axial React. M@x = L.L. = MO psf >>> 0 3364 24597 D.L. = 22.0 psf >>> 0 3700 27057 Extra = 30 #/ft >>> 439 3208 (dead line load) Totals > 0 7503 54863 R1 = 0.86 R2 =1.00 17.3 Live Load Reduction Factor: Reduced Live Load RB- 2 bml Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam 10-1-08 Span = 10.33 ft. T.A. = 62 sq. ft. mount trib = 6.00 ft. Axial React. M@x = L.L. = 10.0 psf >>> 0 310 800 D.L. = 4.5 psf >>> 0 139 360 Extra = 5 #/ft >>> 26 67 (dead line load) Totals > 0 475 1227 R1 =1.00 R2 =1.00 20.0 Live Load Reduction Factor: Reduced Live Load >> gib >> options: sawn, tji, lam, cone, masonry, steel & csteel 14.63 gluprop E size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb Ft Try» 5x21 24F-V8 107.63 376.69 3955.2 5.13 21.00 2400 1100 C(D) = 1,25 fvh = 92 psi fb= 1748 psi pa= 0 psi fa/Fa = 0.00 C(v) = 0.997 Fvh = 265 psi Fb= 2991 psi Pa= 2282 psi fb/Fb = 0.58 Deflections » LL = 0.56 in. = L / 623 combined stress 0.35 Number of DL = 0.69 in. = L / 506 0.584 % pieces 1 TL = 1.26 in. = L / 279 Deflection control 1 roof Existing 5.125x21 glu-lam 24F-V8 min. bearing= 2.25 inches 1.04 in. Camber; 1.00 DF/DF >> sawn05a» options: glb, tji, lam, cone, masonry, steel & csteel 5.17 dfl05prp size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb> incli Ft> Try >> 3x8#1 (df #1) 18.13 21.90 79.4 2.50 7.25 1200 810 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 35 psi fb= 672 psi fa = 0 psi fa/Fa = 0.00 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 113 psi Fb= 1500 psi Fa = 1575 psi fb/Fb = 0.45 Deflections » LL = 0.11 in. = L / 1088 combined stress 0.31 Number of DL = 0.06 in. = L / 2040 0.448 % pieces 1 TL = 0.17 in. = L / 710 Deflection control 1 roof USE 3x8#1 grade = (df #1) min. bearing= 0.30 inches ]OVEN ENGINEERING Project Daddino Patin Remodel _ _. Job # 879 P. 0. Box 5098 78-613 Peerless Drive by JV La Quinta, California 92248-5098 La Quinta, CA _ Date 02/19/2017 Phone (760) 408-WI South West Concepts _T Sheet A of > ver. 7-1-08 RBtrlevelSave drive = C worK air = 15 M. > wk4 Filespec: C:WOVEN\2016\879DAD-1.(SW\CALC'S\VERTIN-1.WK4 Load drive = C: filespec= RB• 3 W5x16 TS6x4x0.25 bm1 Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam 10-1-08 Span = 20.67 ft. T.A. = 124 sq. ft. >> steel >> options: sawn, glb, tji, lam, conc, masonry & csteel mount trib = 6.00 ft. Axial React. M@x = 10.34 stlprop size Fy area Sxx I xx r xx S yy lyy r yy L.L. = 10.0 psf >>> 0 620 3204 Try >> T35x4x0. 50 5.83 7.5 18.7 1.79 6.6 132 1.50 D.L. = 4.5 psf >>> 0 279 1442 C(D) = 1.00 fb= 9 ksi pa= 0.0 ksi Extra = 5 #/ft >>> 52 267 Axis = yy KL = 5.00 ft. Fb= 30.0 ksi Pa= 30 ksi (dead line load) Deflections » LL = 0.64 in. = L / 385 combined stress Totals > 0 951 4913 Number of DL = 0.34 in. = L / 722 0.299 % pieces 1 TL = 0.99 in. = L / 251 Deflection control R1 =1.00 R2 =1.00 20.0 1 roof Live Load Reduction Factor: Reduced Live Load USE TS5x4x0.375 Fy = 50 RB- 4 bm f Uniformly loaded simple span joist, rafter or beam 10-1-08 Span = 11.00 ft. T.A. = 55 sq. ft. mount trib = 5.00 ft. Axial React. M@x = L.L. = 10.0 psf >>> 0 275 756 D.L. = 4.5 psf >>> 0 124 340 Extra = 48 #/ft >>> 264 726 (dead line load) 'totals > 0 663 1823 R1 = 1.00 R2 =1.00 20.0 Live Load Reduction Factor: Reduced Live Load >>sawn05a» options: glb, tji, lam, conc, masonry, steel. & Csteei 5.50 d o5prp size grade area sect Inertia width depth Fb> inck Ft> Try s> 6x10#2 (df #2) 52.25 82.73 393.0 5.50 9.50 B75 425 C(D) = 1.25 fvh = 16 psi fb= 264 psl fa = 0 psi fa/Fa - 0.00 Ch = 1.25 Fvh = 106 psl Fbp 1094 psl Fa = 600 psi fb/Fb = 0.24 Deflections» LL = 0.03 in. = L / 4093 combined stress 0.15 Number of DL = 0.05 in. = L / 2903 0.242 % pieces 1 TL = 0.08 in. = L / 1699 Deflection control 1 roof USE 6x10#2 grade = (df #2) min. bearing= 0.19 inches 1/4/2017 Design Maps Summary Report ZGS Design Maps Summary Report User -Specified Input Report Title Daddino Remodl 78613 Peerless Drive La Quinta, CA Wed January 4, 2017 08:54:28 UTC Building Code Reference Document ASCE 7-10 Standard (which utilizes USGS hazard data available in 2008) Site Coordinates 33.67030N, 116.29071°W Site Soil Classification Site Class D - `Stiff Soil" Risk Category I/II/III - kancho _ I� Mirage _ ti Palm Deserto. 49. Jt =Mates USGS-Provided Output Ss = 1.500 g S" = 1.500 g SDS = 1.000 g Sl = 0.627 g Sn,, = 0.940 g SDI = 0.627 g For information on how the SS and S1 values above have been calculated from probabilistic (risk -targeted) and deterministic ground motions in the direction of maximum horizontal response, please return to the application and select the "2009 NEHRP" building code reference document. MCEa Response Spectrum 1.65 1.50 1.35 1.20 1.05 y D.75 D.60-- 0.45 D.3D 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.90 1.09 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.90 2.00 Period, T (sec) Design Response Spectrum 1.10 0.99 0.98 D.77 IT 0.66 0.55 0.44 0.33 0.22 0.11 0' 00 0.00 0.20 DAD 0.60 0.90 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.90 2.00 Period, T (set) For PGA, T, CRs, and CR1 values, please view the detailed report. Although this Wbrmatlon is a product of the U.S. Geological Survey, we provide no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the data contained therein. This tool is not a substitute for technical subject -matter knowledge. f9 5 http://earthquake.usgs.gov/designmaps/us/sum mary.php?tem plate=m inimall &latitude=33.670297&longitude=-116.290711&siteclass=3&riskcategory=0&edition=... 1/1 Joven Engineering Project Daddino Patio Remodel Job # 879 P. O. Box 5098 78-613 Peerless Drive by JV La Quinta, California 92248-5098 La Quints. CA Date 02/17/2017 Phone 760 408-6441 South West Concepts Sheet L j of > ver, 11-12-15 Retrieve/Save drive = C work dir = 879 > wk4 Filespec: C:\JOVEN\2016\879DAD-1.(SW\CALC'S\16WDLA-1.WK4 Load drive = C: filespec = WdLat-3 11-12-1LATERAL ANALYSIS Allowable Stress Design Venuti Seismic Force Site Class = Risk Catagory = Importance Factor = R value = Wo = Cd = R value = Cd = Wo Structure is regular, irregular Mapped Spectral Acc = Site Coefficients = Seismic Design Catagory = Max. Considered EQ (MCEr) = Design Spectral Acc = Governing Codes: CBC 2013 (CBC, DSA, LA) (Sect. 20.1 or Soils Report) II {Tablel-1 Roman Numerials 1.00 I(Tablel.5-1) 2.5 (table12.2-1) G. Cantiliver Column 2. ASCE -10 Approx. Period = Ta = 0.1748 sec TL = 8 Fig. 22-1: ct 0.02 Table 12.8-2 T = x 0.75 Table 12.8-2 h = 18.00 ft. 125 Footnote g. t2.5 (tablel2.2-1) G. Cantiliver Column 2. Rho Factor= r- 1.30 (Sec. 6.5 (table12.2-1) A. Bearing Wall 15. Complies with Table 12.3-3 for Shear Walls n 4 (tablel2.2-1) A. Bearing Wall 15. 2.5 Footnote g. From USGS web site = http://geohazards.usgs.gov/designmaps/us/application.php Keauiar riod Accel Ss f 1 Second Accel S1 Ss = 1.500 USGS Haz Map I S1 = 0.627 Fa = 1.0 (Table 11.4-1) Fv = 1.5 Short Period D able 11.6-11 SDC - 1 Sec. Period D Sms = Fa`Ss 1.500 Sm1 = Fv'S1 0.941 Sds = 031'Sms = 1.000 Sd1 = (213)•Sml 0.627. Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure Sec 12.8 per Table 12.6-1 Open Structure Enclosed Structure Open Structure Enclosed Structure Cs max. = IF Ta<TL = Shc / (Ta'(R/le )) = 1.435 0.552 V = Cs'W = 0.400 W 0.154 W Strength Level Desigi Cs max. = IF TL>=Ta = Sd1'TL / (Ta^2'( R/le)) = N/A V = Cs`W = 0.280 W 0.110 W ASD Design Cs = Sds / (R/le) = 0.400 0.154 Cs min. = IF S1>=0.6 = 0.5'S1 / (R/le) = 0.010 0.010 Cs min. = IF Cs-0.01 = 0.044'Sdsle = 0.044 0.044 ROOF DIAPHGRAM AREA 1 27.4.3 Open Buildings with Flat Roof Wind Force: Chapter 27 - Directional Proceedure P = qs Kzt G Cn Rise/Run = "X" / 12 Rigid Structure 5.72 Wind Speed: V = E 115 ;rnPh (Sect. 26.5.1 Figure 26.5-1A) Roof Slope: ! 14.036 deg Rise ft. 3.000 Importance Factor = 1.00 Surface Roughness = C (Sect. 26.7.2) Kz = 0.85 qz = .00256 Kz Kzt Kd V^2 1 Exposure Category = C . (Sect. 26.7.3) Kd = 085 Max Height.(mean) = 15 lft G - 000 qz = 24.46 psf Topographic Factor: Kzt = 1.00 (Sect. 26.8.2) GCpi = 085 Figure 27.4-5 1= 1.21 Design Wind Pressure: ps = lambda*Kzt'I'ps30 = a varibles = .1 x w 2.2 ft. .4xh 6 ft. _ . 04 x w 0.88_ ft. a = 3.0 ft. Lo Non Directional Pressure Parapet Pressure C & C Zone Case A I case B Wind Lee Net Wall 3 2 1 ranverse 1.2 0.3 1 -1.1 1 -0.1 1.5 -1.0 2.5 21.2 -3.3 1.8 1 1.2 24.5 24.5 24.5 1 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 - <a^2 <4a^2 >4a^2 rib. Area 90.0 90.0 1 90.0 1 90.0 90.0 90.0 150.0 180.0 180.0 1 B0.0 400.0 •orce P= 2642 660 -2422 -220 3302 2201 11007 3812 594 1441 480 Igitudinal -0-8 -0.6 0.8 0.5 1.5 -1.0 2.5 21.2 -3.3 1.8 1.2 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 24-5 24.5 24.5 - <a^2 <4a^2 I >4a^2 'rib. Area 66.0 66.0 66.0 66.0 33.0 33.0 66.0 66.0 1 2120 80.0 368.0 ?orce P= -1292 -9_6 9-1 1292 8071 1211 -8071 4036 1398 -700 144 442 ROOF DIAPHGRAM 1 Plan Dimensions in "Y" Direction = 22.00 ft Plan Dimensions in "X" Direction = 30.00 ft. Roof Rise (Plt to Ridge)/ Parapet Ht 3.00 ft. Roof Overhang Width = Y =1 0.00 ft. X = 0.00 ft Sill to Top Plate Height 1 10.10 ft Avg. Number of Interior Walls = 0 (each direction) Roof Tributary Area = 550 sq.ft. Roof Dead Load = 22.0 psf = 14520 # total Avg. Ext. Wall DL 15.0 psf = 3000 #total (both directions) Avg. Int. Wall DL- 10.0 psf 0 #total (both directions) Fireplace DL = 0 # - 0 # total Total Mass 17520 # Diaphragm Edge Shear= V(ydir)= v(ydir)= V(xdir)= v(xdir)= Chord Force = F(ydir)= F(xdir)= -ou.I C Y .LJ GJ.JJ� J� Y Direction Roof Loadings -Transverse T Total Wind = 11007 # = 367 # / ft. governs Total Seismic = 6500 # = 217 # / ft. X direction roof loadings -Longitudinal L Total Wind = 4036 # = 183 # / ft. Total Seismic = 6316 # = 287 # / ft. governs minus = sq.ft. _ Ab= 660 sq.ft. x1/61 1.001= 550 sq. ft. Y X Use diaphragm type LIB 5504 # D Bending= 0.0107 0.0024 USE 15/32 CDX Plywood or O.S.B. Sheathing 250 plf Shear = 0.0679 0.039 v diaph = - - - - - - -- 250 #/ ft. 3158 # D Nail Slip= 10.092 9E-07 Nailing: Boundary 10d @ 6 " o.c. 105 plf Chord = 0.0086 0.0009 Edge- 10d @ 6 " o.c. D = 25.45 0.11 Field- 10d @ 12 " o.e. 1876 # Framing: 2x v allow= 0 #/ft 579 # Blocking no Case= 1or2-6 2-6 'Joven Engineering Project Daddino Patio Remodel Job# 879 T-F I P. O. Box 5098 78-613 Peerless Drive by JV La Quinta, California 92248-5098 La Quinta, CA Date 02/17/2017 Phone 760 408-6441 South West Concepts Sheet L ?_ of > ver. 11-12-15 RetrievefSave drive = C: work dir = 879 > wk4 Filespec: C:\JOVEN\2016\879DAD-1.(SW\CALC'S\16WDLA-1.WK4 Load drive = C: filespec= WdLat-3 ROOF DIAPHGRAM AREA 2 Wind Force: Chapter 2_6 - Envelope Proceedure Method 2 Ps = lambda Kzt DS30 RiselRun = "X' 112 Rigid Structure 4.68 Wind Speed: V = 11 5_J mph (Sect. 26.5.1 Figure 26.5-1A) Roof Slope: 2d_624 deg Rise ft. 5:500 Importance Factor = 1.00 Surface Roughness = C (Sect. 26.7.2) Exposure Category (Sect. 26.7.3) Max. Ht. (mean) = 15 ft Topographic Factor: Kzt = 1.00 (Sect. 26.8.2) Height & Exposure Adjustment Coefficient = I = 1.21 Design Wind Pressure: ps = lambda*Kzt*I*ps30 = a varibles = T .1xw 3ft. .4xh 0 ft. l _.04xw 1.2 ft. a = 3.0 ft. Lor Horizontal Pressure Vertioai Pressure Overha Zone A B C I D E I F G j H Eoh Goh ranverse 31.8 5.1 23.1 1 5.2 -14.2 -19.2 10.3 15.5 26.4 -22.4 rib. Area 25.8 33.10 103.2 1132.0 96 96 384 384 3.00 2.00 F-Forcel 225 158 2385 687 -1359 1847 -3949 -5947 -79 -45 Egitudinal 31.8 - 23.1 - -14.2 -19.2 -10.3 -15.5 -26.4 -22.4 rib. Area 34 1 - 143.9 - 90 90 390 390 2.00 3.00 Force 297 - 3325 - 1274 -1732 -4011 -6040 -53 -67 ROOF DIAPHGRAM 2 Plan Dimensions in "Y" Direction = 1 Plan Dimensions in "X" Direction = . Roof Rise (Plt to Ridge)/ Parapet Ht. %Of(teach Roof Overhang Width = Y =. X = 3.00 ft. Sill to Top Plate Height = . Avg. Number of Interior Walls = direction) Roof Tributary Area = 1122 sq.ft. Roof Dead Load = 22.0 psf = 24684 # total Avg. Ext. Wall DL 15.0 psf 7998 # total (both directions) Avg. Int. Wall DL - 10.0 ?psf = 0 # total (both directions) Mech Units DL = 50n # - 500 # total Total Mass 33182 # Roof Diaphragm Loading Y Direction Roof Loadings -Transverse T Total Wind = 3516 # = 117 # / ft. Total Seismic = 4470 # = 149 # / ft. governs X direction roof loadings -Longitudinal L Total Wind = 3622 # = 113 # / ft. - Total Seismic = 4510 # = 141 # / ft. governs minus = 0.0 sq.ft. Ab= 960 sq.ft. x% 1.00 = 550 sq. ft. Y X Use dia hra m e UB Diaphragm Edge Shear= V(ydir)= 2235 # D Bending= 0.003 0.0036 USE 1513 Struetl Plywood or O.S.B. Sheathing v(ydir)= 70 plf Shear = 0.0251 0.0253 v diaph = - - - - - - -- 75 #/ fL V(xdir)= 2255 # D Nail Slip= 0.0002 0.0003 Nailing: Boundary 10d @ 6 " o.c. v(xdir)= 75 plf Chord = 0 0027 0.0029 Edge- 10d @ 6 " o.c. D = 0.08 0.08 Field- 10d @ 12 " o.c. Chord Force = F(ydir)= 524 # Framing: 2x v allow- 285 *ft. F(xdir)= 601 # Blockinq no Case = 1.or2-6 1 ROOF DIAPHGRAM AREA 3 Wind Force: Chapter 28 - Envelope Proceedure Method 2 P = lambda Kzt 00 RiselRun = "X" 112 Rigid Structure Wind Speed: V = 115 mph (Sect. 26.5.1 Figure 26 5-1A) Roof Slope: 26.565 deg Rise ft.1 6.000 Importance Factor = i 1.00 Surface Roughness = C (Sect. 26.7.2) Exposure Category = ©(Sect. 26.7.3) Max. Ht. (mean) = 15 ft Topographic Factor: Kzt = 1.00 (Sect. 26.8.2) Height & Exposure Adjustment Coefficient = I = 1.21 Design Wind Pressure: ps = lambda*Kzt*I*ps30 = a varibles = T .1 x w 0.73 ft. .4xh 0 ft. 1 .04 x w 0.292 ft. a = 3.0 ft, Lor Horizontal Pressure Vertical Pressure Overhang Zone A B C D E F G H Eoh Goh ranverse 28.6 14.8 17.2 11.9 2.2 -17.3 T 0.7 -14.9 -10.0 11.5 rib..Area - -- -- - 7.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1- - 27.3 36.0 5.9 56 56 12 12 1 0.00 1.00 Force 311 531 102 92 121 -960 9 -179 0 -11 --11.5 igitudinal 28.6 - 17.2 - 2.2 17.3 0.7 -14.9 -10.0 .- - - 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 - - rit Are�36.313 - 75.6 - 22 22' 46 46 1.00 0.00 Forc 1299 48 -379 33 -679 -101 0 ROOF DIAPHGRAM 3 Plan Dimensions in "Y" Direction =MOO Plan Dimensions in X' Direction = Roof Rise (Plt to Ridge)/ Parapet Ht Roof Overhang Width = Y = XSill to Top Plate Height = Avg. Number of Interior Walls =ach direction) Roof Tributary Area = 142 sq.ft. Roof Dead Load = 18.0 psf 2562 # total Avg. Ext. Wall DL 15.0 psf = 0 # total (both directions) Avg Int. Wall DL 10.0 psf = 0 # total (both directions) Mech Units DL = 0 # - 0 #total Total Mass 2562 # Diaphragm Edge Shear= V(ydir)= v(ydir)= V(xdir)= v(xdir)= Chord Force = F(ydir)= F(xdir)= Roof Diaphragm Loading Y Direction Roof Loadings -Transverse T Total Wind = 1036 # = 142 # / ft. governs Total Seismic = 394 # = 54 # / ft. X direction roof loadings -Longitudinal L Total Wind = 1712 # Total Seismic = 394 # minus = 0.0 sq. ft. Ab= 135 sq.ft. x% 93 # / ft. governs 21 #/ft. 550 sq. ft. Y X Use diaphTaqm lype UR 518 # D Bending= 7E-05 0.0019 USE 1 ,32 CDX Plywood or O.S.B. Sheathing 28 plf Shear = 0.0064 0.0106 v diaph = - - - - - - - 117 #/ ft. 856 # D Nail Slip= 3E-06 0 0008 Nailing: Boundary 10d @ 6 " o.c. 117 plf Chord = -6E-04 -0.002 Edge- 10d @ 6 " o.c. D = 0.01 0.03 Field- 10d @ 12 " o.c. 51 # Framing: 2x v allow= 0 #/ft. 542 # Blockling no Case = 1or2-6 2-6 4.68 Joven Engineering P. O. Box 5098 La Quinta, California 92248-5098 Phone 760 408-6441 Project Daddino Patio Remodel _ 78-613 Peerless Drive La Quinta, CA South West Coneep^ts > ver. 11-12-15 neineverz>av > wk4 Filespec: C:\JOVEN\2016\879DAD•-1.(SW\CALC'S\16WDLA-1.WK4 Load drive = SDPWS-2012 TABLE 4.3A Nominal Unit Shear Capacities For Wood -Frame Shear Walls Panel Nominal Min. Nails Fasteners acin {inches 1 i 3 4 Grade Panel Fastens is 4 3 2 Thickne Penn. STRUC 3/8 1-3/8 8d 230 360 460 610 1 15/32 1-3/8 8d 280 430 550 730 15/32 1-1/2 10d 340 510 665 870 3/8 1-114 6d 200 300 390 510 3/8 1-3/8 8d 220 320 410 530 CDX 15/32 1-3/8 8d 260 380 490 640 15/32 1-1/2 10d 310 460 600 770 19/32 1-1/2 10d 340 510 665 870 Holdown Lookup. Table, Simpson 2013.2014 2500vs! cancret 2 pours HD # 1 CBC Table 100% 75% ! CBC Corner table None Re uired 0 0 0 DTT2Z 1334 1002 800 HDU2 3075 2309 1845 HDU4 i 4565 3428 2739 HDUS 5645 4239 3387 HDQ8 6970 5234 4182 HDQ8 7630 5730 4578 HDQ8 9230 6932 5538 HHDQ11 11810 8869i 7086 HHD 1 13710 10296 8226 HDU14 14445 10848 8667 IHD19 16775 1 12598 10065 IHD19 19070 14322 11442 Min stud 0.751 Job # 879 by JV Date 02/17/2017 Sheet �.� of = C: wotOr= 879 C: filespec= WdLat-3 D = 8" min. stem 0.105 - 2x ]CC-ESR No. 2330 LA-25720 0.088 - 4x [CC-ESR No. 2330 LA-25720 0.114 - 4x ICC-ESR No. 2330 LA-25720 0.115 - 4x ICC-ESR No. 2330 LA-25720 0.116 - 4x ICC-ESR No. 2330 LA-25720 0.094 - 4x ICC-ESR No. 2330 LA-25720 0.095 -6x6 ICC-ESR No. 2330 LA-25720 0.131 -6x6 ICC-ESR No. 2330 LA-25720 0.107 -6x6 ICC-ESR No. 2330 LA-25720 0.177 -6x6 ICC-ESR No. 2330 LA-25720 0.177 -6x6 1.125" NER No. 5708 LA-25528 0.137 -6x6 1.25" NER No. 5708 LA-25528 sillbolt Cd = 1.33 Load Duration Factor Ct = 0.6 Temperture Factor 100< T <125 degrees Default bolt 5/8" x 3x sill = 1138 it/bolt (Bolt size Bolt size 1.33 x 0.80 x 2x4 sill 515 wbolt 1/2" 5/8,, F 3/4" 1 718" 1" 1/2" F 5/8" 1.33 x 0,00 x 246 sill 915 #!bolt Bolt values x adlustment & duration factors Ib Ba[t values in nds Sin le bolt in 2000 si concrete 2x4 sill 628 9151 1170 12611 1197 590 8601 12001 15801 1800 Single bolt In 2000 sl concrete 24 sill 6281 915 1277 1681 1915 590 860 1200 1580 1800 Singe bait In 1500 si�r�! S€ngle aan#1 vend It baft in 3x4 sill plate Single C2nUkwered sill bolt in 3x6 sill.9tata 904 6681 777 1415 1138 1138 1894 1365 1490 2043 1373 1830 2181 1483 2373 850 13301 1780 1920 730 i 1070 14001 1720 730 �7-D70 1400 t 1720 2050 _ 2230 � 2234_ [Animum value from table above 6281 9 s 5 1170 12G i 1197 590 I I 860 1 12001 1580 180F1 i adie.Da9eo on pressure ireateo nem-rir sin piates tz�.u. _ .•w t Itl It; r.o. 1 « I - I — I SDPWS-2012 TABLE 4.2A & 4.2C Nominal Unit Shear Capacities For Wood -Frame Diaphragms Panel Grade Nominal Panel Thickne Min. Fastener Pen_ Nails Nominal Width of Framing BLOCKED A 6 6 DIAPHRAGMS UNBLOCKED B C D DIAPHRAGMS 4 2-1l2 2 6 4 3 °Casel Case2-6 STRUC 3/8 1-3/8 8d 2x 270 360 530 600 240 180 I 3x 300 400 600 675 265 200 15/32 1-1/2 10d 2x 320 425 640 730 285 215 3x 360 480 720 820 320 240 CDX 3/8 1-3/8 8d 2x 240 320 480 545 215 160 3x 270 360 540 610 240 180 15/32 1-3/8 8d 2x 270 360 530 600 240 180 3x 300 400 600 675 265 200 15/32 1-1/2 10d 2x 290 385 575 655 255 190 3x 325 430 650 735 290 215 19/32 1-1/2 10d 2x 320 425 640 730 285 215 3x 360 480 720 820 320 240 Joven Engineering Dadd.ino Patio Remodel Job # 879 P. O. Box 5098 7M13 Peerless Drive by JV i La Quinta, California 92248-5098 La Quinta, CA Date 02/17/2017 Phone 760 408-6441 South West Concepts Sheet Lt} of >ver. 11-i?-15 - einevelSavedrive= work dr= 879 > wk4 Filespec: C:IJOVEN120161879DAD-1.(SW\CALC'S116WDLA-1.WK4 Load drive = C: filespec= 15WdLat xwall Redundancy factor for "X" direction walls r- 1.30 X Walls Story Strength (max) = 5610 ASCE 7 Sec. a. ' X' Shearwall - Line A adjustment % End Wall Condition if A or 1 E Between 6 8, 8 Diaphragm no: 1 Wind Seismic ... 1/0 Total Minus % Trib. width (1)= 17.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 1 1.0 0.000 Trib. width (2)= 0.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 Trib. width (3)= 0.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 "X" Wind F(x) = 3119 # x 1.00 + added wind = 0 # = total "Y" wind = 3119 # Corrected Wind Load per Column = 1559 # "X" Seismic F(x)= 4880 # x 1.00 + added seismic = 0 # = total "X" seismic = 4880 # Total Columns 2 c r- 6344 # governs R Corrected Seismic Load per Column = 3172 # Stud depth = 5.5 in. R (cant. cols) = 2.5 Correction for R = 1.00 Provide 2 Cantilevered Columns this wall Line see sheet Loads to Columns Roof Trib Area = 345.0 sq.ft. Roof Live = 20 psf Divided by Wall Trib Area = 0 sq.ft. Roof Dead = 22 psf 2 Wall Dead = 15 psf Columns Worst Case Equations for Columns with Highest Lateral Load at this Area of Structure Roof Dead Wall Dead Roof Live Floor Live Eq. 2 D + L 3795 and/or 0 + 3450 and/or 0 Eq. 5 +(1.0 + .14Sds)D + .7omega o x Qe 4326.3 and/or 0.0 Eq. 5 +(1.0 + .14Sds)D + W 4326.3 and/or 0.0 Eq.6 (1+.105Sds)D+.75(Lr+L)+.525Emh 4193.5 and/or 0.0 + 2587.5 + 0.0 Eq. 6 (1+.105Sds)D+.75(Lr+ L)+ W 4193.5 and/or 0.0 + 2587.5 + 0.0 Eq. 7 +(.6-.14Sds)D + W 1745.7 and/or 0.0 Eq. 8 +(.6-.14Sds)D + .7omega o x Qe 1745.7 and/or 0.0 Roof Live = 3450 Ibs Roof Dead = 3795 ibs Wall Dead = 0 Ibs OMEGA o = 1 25 7 OMEGA o Wind OMEGA, Emh = OMEGA o x Qe Eh = rho x Qe = 4124 Ibs. -4124 Ibs. Ev = .2 Sds D = 0.2 D + Emh = 3965 Ibs Roof D = 3795.0 psf Roof L (Lr) = 3450 0 psf Wall D = 0.0 psf Floor L1 : 0.0 psf Floor 1-2 : Eq 2 = 7245 Ibs 3795 Ibs Eq.5 = 7102lbs Eq. 5w = 5886 Ibs Eq. 6 = 8863 Ibs Worst Case See Sheet 6275 Ibs Eq.6w = 8340 Ibs 5753 Ibs Eq.7 = 3305lbs Eq.8 =-1030lbs for Column Design Eq.2 = 7245lbs Eq.5 = 8292lbs Eq. 5w = 5886 Ibs Eq.6 = 10746lbs Eq. 6w = 8340 Ibs Eq.7 = 3305lbs Eq.8 = -2220lbs 2776 0 1559 2082 0 1559 0 1559 -2776 - Emh = -3965 Ibs 0.0 W = 1.140 3965 1.140 1.105 3965 1.105 0.46 0.46 -3965 1559 Ibs Worst Case Footing Design von Engineering O. Box 5098 Qulnta, California 92248-5098 one 760 408-6441 Daddino Patio Remodel 7&613 Peerless Drive La Qulnta, CA South West Concepts > wk4 Filespec: C:\JOVEN\2016\879DAD-1.(SW\CALC'S\16WDLA-1.WK4 "X" Shearwall - Line F adjustment % End Wall Condition if A or 1 E Diaphragm no.= 2 Wind Seismic ... 1 / 0 Total Minus % Trib. width (1)= 0.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 144 72.2 0.500 Trib. width (2)= 16.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 1 Trib. width (3)= 0.00 ft. 1.000 1.000 0 "X" Wind F(x) = 1811 # x 1.00 USE + added wind = 297 # = total "Y" wind = 2108 # "X" Seismic F(x)= 2255 # x 1.00 2094 # + added seismic = 0 # = total "X" seismic = 2255 # ASD Total wall length 3.00 ft. c M 2931 # governs Stud depth = 3.50 in. Header Hgt.= 7 ft. Wall location trib rf dl= 22 Left lintel Wall length Right lintel trib width 200 0.00 ft. 1.50 ft. 0.00 ft. int./ext. = 0 / 1 Trib. dead load = 44 Wft. 44 #/ft. 44 #/ft. wall loc.= 1 Wall dead load = 24 #/ft. 129 #/ft. 24 #/ft. left right Uplift r x.7'Qe 7022 # 7022 # Load Combo 5 Jamb load (1.0+.14Sds)D -148 # -148 # Load Combo 8 Jamb load (0.6-.14Sds)D -60 # -60 # added down load (-) 0 # 0 # Gross down load -7170 # -7170 # Load Combo 5 Net uplift - 0.75 x dl = 6911 # 6911 # Load Combo 8 Net uplift 0.46 x dl = 6995 # 6995 # Top rebar 0.19 sq.ins. 0.19 sq.ins. Bott. rebar = 0.05 sq.ins. 0.05 sq.ins. Wall location trib rf dl= 22 Left lintel Wall length Right lintel trib width 2.00 0.00 ft. 1.50 ft. 0 00 ft. int./ext. = 0 / 1 Trib. dead load = 44 #/ft. 44 #/ft. 44 #/ft. wall loc.= 1 Wall dead load = 129 #/ft. 129 #fft. 129 #/ft. left right Uplift r x .7'Qe 7711 # 7711 # Load Combo 5 Jamb load (1.0+.14Sds)D -148 # -148 # Load Combo 8 Jamb load (0 6-.14Sds)D -60 # -60 # added down load (-) 0 # 0 # Gross down load -7859 # -7859 # Load Combo 5 Net uplift - 0.75 x dl = 7600 # 7600 # Load Combo 8 Net uplift 0.46 x dl = 7683 # �- I 7683 # Top rebar = 0.23 sq.lns. 0.23 sq.ins. Bott. rebar = 0.06 sq.ins. 0.06 sq.ins. Ketneve/save ornre = Load drive = Between 1 & 3 Job # 879 by JV Date 02/17/2017 Sheet of C N pr•: uir = 879 C: filespec = 15WdLat Use wall bIpe Wood Strang -Wall 1 vwall=------> 698 #/ft. ASD Strong -Wall Allowable Shear: 960 #/ft. Provide: 2 -WSW 18x9 0.73 Wall ht v wall = H/L = 5.7 8.60 ft. 698 #/ft. Resisting couple reduction 4 ins. min. stud thickness = 3.30 ins (based on T to grain bearing ) Footing data F(a) soil = 1000 psf width = 2.50 ft. depth = 2.00 ft. eff. depth = 20 in. Wall ht v wall = H/L = 5.7 8.60 ft. 698 #/ft. Resisting couple reduction 5.25 ins. min. stud thickness = 3.62 ins. (based on T to grain bearing) Footing data F(a) soil = 1000 psf width = 2.50 ft. depth = 2.00 ft. eff. depth = 20 in. ]OVEN ENGINEERING P. 0. Box 5098 La Quinta, California 92248-5098 Phone (760) 408-6441 Daddino Patio Remodel 78-613 Peerless Drive Le Quinta CA South West Concepts > ver. 1 -I--I :S- ! 5 > wk4 Filespec: C:WOVEN\2016\879DAD-1.(SW\CALC'S\CCOL-B-I.WK4 Grid Line A Worst Case ASD / Strength = 0 7143 Applied Load Top of Column From Lateral Design ASD Level Seismic Loads = Applied Load Top of Column From Lateral DesigStrength Level Seismic Loads = ASCE-10 Table 12.2.4 Section G Item 2 R = 25 DO = 125 Cd = 2.5 Job # by Date Sheet Load drive = C: 879 JV 01118/2017 G1 of work dir = 879 filespec = CCoI-bsE 2286 Ibs Wind Load per Column = 1600 lbs./col. 3200lbs Importance = 1.0 Seismic Governs Design so delta from Seismic is used in Drift Calculation cant -col Cantilevered Column Design Wind input Wind Load 4 sq. ft. V wind= 92 # x ht = 841 ft. # H - 9.10 ft Speed 120 mph - Applied Load 1 2286 Lbs. x Height 9.10 ft. = 20800 ft. # Ht. 7.75 ft. Applied Load 2 0 Lbs. x Height 7.00 ft. = 1 ft. # Exposure(BCD] C Column width = 0 ft V col = 0 # x ht = 0 ft. # Importance = 1.0 ________ _____-: = End Wall Pressure = 34.7 psf V total= 2286 OTM= 20801 Wall Pressure = 23.1 psf Leeward pressure = Center or pressure = OTM/ V total = 9.10 ft. Windward pressure = Cantilevered steel column for Design ASD level Forces TS8x6x0.25 TS7x7x0.375 TS6x6x0.5 W8x18 Cant ft): 1 2 Cant = 9.10 7.00 React. Momn't. Delta size Fy area Sxx I xx r xx S yy lyy r yy V 1 = 2286 # 2286 20801 0.404 Try » TS7x7x0. 42 12.40 24.2 84.6 2.62 24.2 84.6 2 62 V 2 = 0 # >>> 0 1 0.000 C(D) = 1.40 K = 2A fb= 21.7 ksi pa= 0.5 ksi 0.026 Extra = 0 #/ft >>> 0 0 0.000 Axis = xx Fb= 44.1 ksi Pa= 19.5 ksi 0.491 ___-_ = ===_== Deflections» V 1 0.40 in. = L / 270 combined stress Axial = 6275 # 2286 20802 0.404 < totals V 2 0.00 in. = L / "`*"'**" 0.517 OK Worst Load Case Eq. 6 Extra 0.00 in. = L Emh =OMEGA o x Qe = 3965 Ibs 36082 Total = 0.40 in. = L / 270 0.546 in. = .005 x h Worst Load Case Eq. 6 USE TS7x7x0.5 Fy = 42 ksi OK Cantilevered steel column Strength Level forces for Deflection Only Cant (ft.): 1 2 Cant = 9.10 7.00 React. Momn't. Delta size Fy area Sxx I xx r xx S yy lyy r yy V 1 = 2462 # 2462 22400 0.435 Try >> TS7x7x0 42 12.40 24.2 84.6 2.62 24.2 84.6 2.62 V 2 = 0 # >>> 0 1 0 000 C(D) = 1,70 K = 2A fb= 23.3 ksi pa= 0.5 ksi 0.080 Extra = 0 #/ft >>> 0 0 0.000 Axis = xx Fb= 50.0 ksi Pa= 6.3 ksi 0.467 -- ------ -- -�_= Deflections» V 1 0.44 in. = L / 251 Axial = 6275 # 2462 22401 0.436 < totals V 2 0.00 in. = L / *****""" Extra 0.00 in. = L / ****....- Total = 0.44 in. = L / 251 delta x =Cd delta xe/ 1 1.09 in. < 2.18 in. = .02 x h Therefore: OK Base plate welding fb = 21.7 ksi = 10.8 kips / inch weld on 1 sides = 10.8 kips / inch / side ( tubes and pipes and only be fillet welded on 1 side ) Fy ( base metal = 50 ksi Fy (filler) = 70 ksi fillet sizes capacity = filler base min. Full penetration - 45 degree ( t -1/8 ) 3/16 = 0.19 2 8 3.75 2.8 No Good 11.25 kips / inch 1/4 = 0.25 3.7 5 3.7 No Good ' 5/16 = 0.31 4.6 6.25 4.6 No Good 3/8 = 0.38 5.6 7.5 5.6 No Good baseplt Base Plate mdf Axial load= 6.3 kips Material properties: Max. concrete bearing stress: O.T.M.= 22.4 k-ft. Fy= 50 ksi d+I fbrg.= 0.032 ksi <Fbrg. OX Reaction= 30.0 kips F'c= 2500 psi d+l+s fbrg.= 0.7147 ksi <1 .33Fbrg. 0. K Baseplate dimensions Allowable stresses: Max. plate bending stress: Width= 14 in. Fb= 37.5 ksi fb= 3.0735 ksi <Fb OX length= 14 in. F'brg.= 750 psi fb= 38.595 ksi <1.33Fb OX thk.= 1 in. Splt= 2.3333 inA3 bolt edge dist.= 2 in. col. width 6 USE:1 1 in. thick Base late 14 wide X 14 Ion bolt spacing= 10 in. Caisson Design Caisson widths (in.) Width = 48.00 in. 12 16 18 24 30 36 Ac = 1810 in.A2 P on structure = 2332 # b x d = 40.528 in.A2 # of poles loaded= 1 poleftg UBC POLE FOOTING, (1806.8.2.1) n y Millet P/pole = 2332 # unconstrained formula (6-1) constrained formula (6-2) h = 9.10 ft. A = 2.897 S3 = 999 b = 5.66 ft. S1 = 333 F(soil) = 300 #/sf d = 7.00 ft. (calculated) d = 4.00 ft. (calculated) d = 3.33 ft. (estimated) 12' max. NO GOOD 0. K. df = 1.33 duration factor As factor fy = 60000 psi 1.44 Grade 40 fc = 2500 psi 1.7 Grade 60 f ]OVEN ENGINEERING Daddino Patio Remodel SP. O. Box 5098 7"13Peerless Drive La Quints, California 92248-5098 La quintPhone (760)408-6441 South Westyer Reb iev aye drive = > wk4 Filespec: C:WOVEN\2016\879DAD-1.(SW\CALC'S\CCOL-B-1.WK4 Load drive = Determine Reinforcement As min.=3(F'c)1.5/Fy(Ag) = 4.52 in.A2 As min.=200/Fy x Ag = 6.03 in A2 CBC 1910.5.1 As min. of = 4.52 in.12 o 1.06 in.112 Reber on ea side = 3 Bolt = 14 in. Nplt = 14 in. Vert. bar Size = # 5 No. bars required = d = 20.30 in. column M = 21224 Ib.ft. Design As = 0.26 in A2 Increase As by 35% Use: As = 0.35 in A2 per bar 1 7 x Design As 4 it sq. X 4.0 ft. deepcaisson 4 - # 5 vertical rebar w/ #3 stirrups @ 12" o.c. and w/ 3- 93 s€irru s n 3" o.0 top of caisson Job # by Date Sheet C: ACI 318-11 Appendix D Anchor bolts (Ultimate) Fastner Head Type (1=Square, 2=Heavy Square, 3=Hex, 4=Heavy Hex, 5=Hardened Washers) Bolt forces on entrire group: Try: 7/8 in. dia. bolts Ass = 0.452 inA2 Db = 0.875 in Shea-2462 # hef = 24 in. embedment Ab = 1A65 in"2 1 = 7 in Tension= 30018 # S1 = 11 in. S2 = 10 in. C1 = 13 in. C2 = 13.0 in cmin = No. of bolts resisting force An = 1332 Ano = 676 hef =cmin/1.5 hef = 8.6667 in Shea2 Av = 433.33 Avo = 760.5 Tension= 2 Tensile Strength: (ACI 318, D.5.1.2) Design force for each bolt= F Ns = phi .75 n Ase(futa) = 30.146 k > Nua Good Shea-1.2 k = Vua Tension= 15.0 k = Nua Concrete Breakout Strength: Tension (ACI 318, D.5.1.2) fc= 2500 psi F Ncbg = phi .75 An/Ano ec,N ed,N c,N Nip fs= 60000 psi Nb = 24(fe.5) hefA1.5 30617 futa = 58 ksi y ec,N = 1.0 for no eccentricity 1.0 F = 0.75 tension y ed,N = 1.0 for no side effects 0.808 F = 0.65 shear y c,N =1.0 for concrete likely to cra- 1.0 F Ncbg = 27430 k > Nua Good Concrete Pullout Strength: (ACI 318, D.5.3.1) F Npn = phi .75 n cp,N(AbBfc) = 33.0 k > Nua Good y c,N =1.0 for concrete likely to crack 1.0 Side -Face Blowout Strength: (ACI 318, D.5.4.1) cmin > .4 he 13 in > 9.6 in Good Design Tensile Strength: F Nn = min(phi Ns, Phi Ncbg, Phi Npn) = 30.15 k Shear Strength: (ACI 318, D.6.1.2) F Vs = phi .75 n .BAse(futa) = 15.676 k > Vua Good Concrete Breakout Strength: Shear (ACI 318, D.6.2.2) F Vcbg =phi .75 Av/Avo ec,V cd,V c,V Vb Vb=7(1/Db)A.2*d1.5*c964.5*i89111.5 23260 y ec,V =1.0 for no eccentricity 1.0 y ed,V =1.0 for no side effects 0.9 y c,V =1.0 for concrete likely to crack 1.0 I =1.0 for concrete likely to crack 7.0 F Vcbg = 6709 5 k > Vua Good Concrete Pryout Strength: Shear (ACI 318, D.6.3.1) F Vcpg =phi .75 kcp An/Ano ed,V c,V Nip Nb=24(fe.5) heA1.5 30617 y ec,N =1.0 for no side effects 0.808 y ad,N =1.0 for concrete likely to crack 1.0 kcp = he > 2.5 in. 2.0 F Vcpg = 54861 k > Vua Good Design Shear Strength: F Vn = min(phi Vs, Phi Vcbg, Phi Vcpg) = 15.68 k Tension & Shear Interaction: (ACI 318, D.7) Since Nua > .2 phi Nn 6.03 k & Vua > .2 phi Vn 3.14 k Nua/phi Nn + Vualphi Vn < 1.2 0.4979 + 0.0785 = 0.576 <1.2 Therefore; O.K. Therefore use F -4- 718 in. Diameter ASTM F-1554 Gr. 36 Anchor Rods 4 879 JV 01/18/2017 C It of work dir = 879 filespec = CCol-bse Heavy Hex 13 in