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Work Proposal - GHD
Highway 111Corridor Form Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services Proposal Project No. 2019-05 Todd Tregenza, AICP 1 916 534 0793 June 4, 2020 GHD 943 Reserve Drive, Roseville, CA 95678 State United StatesT: + 1 916 782 8688 | F: + 1 916 782 8689 | www.ghd.com 1. COVER LETTERJune 4, 2020 Danny Castro Design and Development Director City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92247-1504 RE: Proposal for City of La Quinta Highway 111 Corridor Form Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services Dear Mr. Castro, With the adoption of the Highway 111 Complete Streets Plan, the City of La Quinta has generated no- table momentum towards establishing Highway 111 as a vibrant mixed-use corridor. The Plan lays out a compelling vision that reflects the community’s desires for a new type of “place” along this corridor. This vision presents an invitation to shop, live, work, and play within one interconnected space, accessible via Highway 111 and the CV Link and Cultural Trail multi-use paths. We are very excited about the Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services project as it presents significant opportunity to contribute to the City’s evolution and help reshape the existing surrounding urban form. We understand that the planning and design effort must go well be- yond the street right of way and establish a unifying blueprint for an entirely new urban fabric. Evidenced by our track record in La Quinta, GHD is committed to working closely with the City to implement transporta- tion projects aimed at reimagining and revitalizing streetscapes and neighborhoods. With the City’s vision in mind, GHD has partnered with Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc. (LWC), a national expert on form-based codes. Each of our firms has the experience, qualifications, and motivation to move this expan- sive vision closer to reality, and together we are confident we are the best team to do so. GHD’s proven ability to deliver complex grant-funded transportation projects combined with LWC’s expertise in form-based code writing and training will ensure your vision is successfully translated into action. GHD’s main point of contact for this project will be the proposed Project Manager, Todd Tregenza, AICP, who works out of our office located at 943 Reserve Drive, Roseville, CA 95678. He can be reached at 1 916 534 0793 or todd.tregenza@ghd.com. We have read and can comply with the tenets of the draft agreement and insurance requirements included with the RFP and remain available to refine the scope, budget or timeline at the City’s discretion. We recognize that commitment is the intangible component that drives a successful project. The GHD team will fulfill this commitment and and looks forward to working with you on this milestone project. Sincerely, Todd Tregenza, AICP Lindsey Van Parys, PE, QSD/QSP Lisa Wise, AICP Project Manager Assistant Project Manager Form-Based Code Lead Associate, GHD Associate, GHD President, Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc. Table of Contents 1. Cover Letter .............................................1 2. Statement of Qualifications .....................2 3. Project Understanding and Approach ...............................................14 4. Scope of Work .......................................16 5. Schedule/Timeline .................................26 6. References .............................................27 7. Appendix A: Forms .................................28 Signed Non-Collusion Affidavit Form ..................29 Insurance Acknowledgement .............................30 Appendix B: Resumes ................................32 Appendix C: Plans and Guidelines ............51 P8647 (11213544)-Proposal.indd 2. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 1 Transportation Services GHD has an excellent performance record with municipal and government agencies throughout California. Many of GHD’s past and current projects include the following transportation services: • Traffic Planning and Engineering • Motorized and Non-Motorized • Transportation Planning/Design • Complete Streets/Streetscape Design • Civil Engineering • Landscape Architecture/Wayfinding • Roundabout Planning/Design • Construction Management • Land/Construction Surveying • Public Outreach & Interagency Coordination Subconsultants To strategically augment the strength and efficien- cy of our team, GHD will be joined by the following subconsultants: Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc. and Geocon West, Inc. We have long-term relationships with the subconsultant firms on this team and they will bring the most appropriate, qualified staff and ex- perience to your project. Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc. Role: Form-Based Code 983 Osos Street San Luis Obispo, CA 90014 1 805 595 1345 DBE #40054 Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc. (LWC ) specializes in up- dating, modernizing and streamlining zoning codes aimed at promoting pedestrian and transit-oriented neighborhoods, and facilitating sustainable, vibrant places to live, work, and recreate. LWC is distin- guished by consistent commitment to client service and the development and application of innovative Statement of Qualifications About GHD GHD provides transportation planning and engineer- ing, environmental, advisory, digital, and construc- tion services to private and public sector clients. Operating globally and delivering services locally, we are able to offer clients the ability to develop a work- ing relationship with our local staff while having ac- cess to our global experience base. Put simply, we work where our clients work. Our business model is to work internationally and deliver locally. Firm Information Established in 1928, GHD is a wholly-owned sub- sidiary - a privately held international engineering firm owned by our people and operating across five continents. We are one of the world’s leading pro- fessional services companies operating in the global markets of: Our people can offer decades of knowledge, as well as a deep understanding of the challenges fac- ing businesses and communities today. We deliver projects with high standards of safety, quality, and ethics across the entire asset value chain. Driven by a client service-led culture, we connect the knowl- edge, skill, and experience of our people with inno- vative practices, technical capabilities, and robust systems to create lasting community benefits. GHD at a Glance 92 years in business 14 offices & 400+ people in US West 130 locations & 4,000+ people in North America $1.5B FY 2018 annual revenue in USD 200+ offices & 10,000+ people globally 135+ countries 1 connected global network About GHD Address: 943 Reserve Drive, Roseville, CA 95678 Contact: Todd Tregenza, AICP, 1 916 534 0793, todd.tregenza@ghd.com Year Established: 1928 Organization Type: Corporation Size Variation over Five Years: California Staff (year - people): 2014 - 239, 2015 - 307, 2016 - 293, 2017 - 353, 2018 - 393, 2019 - 393 Water | Energy & Resources | Environment | Property & Buildings | Transportation 2. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 2 solutions. The LWC team addresses each engage- ment with a deep understanding of zoning princi- ples and best practices, strong project management, professional writing skills, and intuitive community outreach capabilities. LWC was founded in 2006, incorporated in 2008, and has grown to a staff of 17 with offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Luis Obispo. LWC core competencies include: Zoning Ordinances, Development Codes, and Form- Based Codes, Long-Range Planning, Specific Plans, TOD Plans, and Corridor Plans, Housing Elements and Affordable Housing Policy, Economic and Market Analyses and Strategies, Public Engagement, and Community Consensus Modeling. LWC has successfully completed code updates and technical planning projects in over 100 jurisdic- tions in California, Arizona, Nevada, North Dakota, Texas, Ohio, Hawaii, Oklahoma, Maine, Iowa, and Massachusetts. Their resume includes 60 compre- hensive code updates, diagnoses, and regulatory compliance assessments; 16 sign code updates; and over 130 long-range planning, housing, econom- ic, and finance projects on time and to their client’s satisfaction. Geocon West, Inc. Role: Geotechnical 41571 Corning Place, Suite 101 Murrieta, CA 92562 1 951 304 2300 Geocon West, Inc. (Geocon) is a California corpora- tion founded in 1971 in San Diego as an earth sci- ences engineering consulting firm. Geocon specializ- es in the following areas of geo-professional services: Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Geology, Environmental Services, Construction Inspection, Materials Testing, Geotechnical Instrumentation. Geocon is comprised of over 290 employees and currently operates California offices in San Diego (corporate headquarters), Irvine, Murrieta, La Quinta, Redlands, Burbank, Livermore, Fairfield, and Rancho Cordova. Each of Geocon’s managing principals are practicing professional engineers or geologists who actively manage projects and assign and mentor technical staff. This working philosophy has been key to Geocon’s success through satisfied clients and repeat and referral business. Geocon’s experience includes work for both public and private clients, on large and small projects, straight forward and com- plex, within Coachella Valley, County of Riverside, County of San Bernardino, and throughout Southern California. Over the 48 years of their practice, they have become very familiar with the unique conditions, building practices, and issues impacting Southern California. Form-Based Codes LWC is a national leader in zoning, and form-based codes specifical- ly, with experience on over 60 citywide, district, and corridor form-based codes in California (Livermore, Benicia, Hayward), throughout the country (Austin, TX; Las Vegas, NV; Westerville, OH; Flagstaff, AZ) and the Middle East (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia). LWC’s form- based code focus is implementing the vision estab- lished in specific plans, corridor plans, and general plans to achieve community goals of protecting tradi- tional neighborhoods and creating vibrant, walkable, well-designed places in key nodes and corridors. Their commitment to form-based codes goes beyond work in the field; LWC is part of the leadership of the Form-Based Codes Institute (FBCI), a non-profit or- ganization dedicated to advancing the knowledge and application of form-based codes. LWC President, Lisa Wise, served as Treasurer and Chair of the FBCI, and LWC Director, Roger Eastman, serves on the FBCI Steering Committee. Both are certified instruc- tors for the FBCI training courses (Form-Based Code 101, 201, 301) and have taught online and in-person classes to hundreds of students across the country and in the Middle East. Continuity of Personnel We are committed to keeping the same project team we are proposing throughout the duration of the pro- ject. Should an unexpected change result in a team member being unavailable to serve the City on this project, we are backed with the resources of a global network. No changes will be made to the project team without consent by the City. Specific commit- ment as to the time each team member can allocate to the project is included in the separately sealed cost proposal. 2. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 3 GHD Team Structure and Members GHD is fully staffed and capable of providing the right services to our clients in a timely fashion, hav- ing learned the importance of flexibility and respon- siveness. Based on our understanding of your di- verse project needs, we propose a team structure that spans the anticipated needed services. The organiza- tional chart below details our proposed staff, includ- ing disciplinary-based roles tailored to your project. Additional staff may be called on if needed/desired. Resumes We have also provided full, detailed resumes for all staff on our organizational chart in Appendix B. Your Project Team Project Manager Todd Tregenza, AICP Assistant Project Manager Lindsey Van Parys, PE, QSD/QSP Principal-in-Charge Kamesh Vedula, PE, TE Environmental Charles Smith, AICP, LEED AP BD+C Active Transportation Planning Emily Shandy, LCI Geometrics Myung Choo, PE, TE Form-Based Code Lisa Wise, AICP Roger Eastman, AICP Kathryn Slama Adam Pisarkiewicz Lise Wise Consulting Design Lead Daniel Kehrer, PE, QSD/QSP Landscape Lucas Piper, LLA,QSD/QSP Hydraulics Brandon Willnecker, PE, QSD/QSP Urban Planning Jonathan Linkus, AICP, LEED AP Stormwater Nathan Towlerton, PE, QSD/QSP, QISP Survey Brian Howard, PLS Geotechnical Lisa Battiato, CEG, APM, LEED AP Geocon West Team Biographies GHD provides the largest capacity and amount of re- sources available. GHD is fully staffed and capable of providing the right services to our clients in a time- ly fashion having learned the importance of flexibility and responsiveness. For this contract, we have iden- tified key project staff to serve the City. Todd Tregenza, AICP Project Manager Todd will serve as GHD’s Project Manager and as the primary point of contact. Todd will be responsible for project administration, technical review, managing the project specifics, and public outreach, as needed, to provided you with a successful project. Todd has extensive experience as a transportation planner for local agencies, assisting in the preparation of transportation studies and grant applications, 2. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 4 reports, peer reviews, and studies. He works collab- oratively with staff in providing civil engineering design and traffic engineering support. Daniel is well-versed in roadway software design programs, preparing project reports, PS&E, right of way certifi- cation, utility coordination, and plan review. He has worked on several relevant projects including the Orchard Avenue Extension Feasibility Study, and La Quinta Village Complete Street, a Road Diet Project. Jonathan Linkus, AICP, LEED AP Urban Planning Jonathan is an urban design and planning professional, with eight years of delivering public and private planning projects based on thoughtful client and stakeholder relationships and integrated thinking across urban scales. His roles range from detail-ori- ented designer, to managing large multi-disciplinary master planning efforts. His project types include university campus long-range development plans, sports/entertainment district concepts, transit-orien- tated design specific plans, and living waterfronts with sea level rise resiliency, and aerotropolis proj- ects. Notable experience includes Civic Centre Transit-Oriented Study, Caesars Resort East Side District Mixed-Use and Open Space Study, and Vision 2045: Downtown Las Vegas Symphony. Emily Shandy, LCI Active Transportation Planning Emily has a decade of experience helping communities make walking and bicycling safe, comfortable, and convenient for people of all ages and abilities. She has led development of ATP’s, SRTS plans, and bicycle/pedestrian master plans for small unincorporated towns in rural counties, urban and suburban cities, as well as contributing significantly to California’s first statewide bicycle and pedestrian plan. With a focus to engage/empower residents to shape their community, she helps clients develop tailored plans that position them competitively for appropriate funding and grant programs. Brandon Willnecker, PE, QSD/QSP Hydraulics Brandon will perform Hydraulics with the development of historical, exist- ing, and proposed hydrologic/ hydraulic models using agency accepted methodol- ogies and software platforms. He has over 23 years of experience in providing practical and technical performing peer reviews of impact studies, and devel- oping CEQA impact analyses for development proj- ects. These planning efforts have led to numerous successfully funded projects through the Active Transportation Program (ATP) and HSIP for cities and counties throughout California. Todd’s planning prac- tice is focused on finding safe implementable solutions to complex mobility challenges. Kamesh Vedula, PE, TE Principal-in-Charge Kamesh will be your Principal-in- Charge of the project and will be actively involved to ensure your expectations and project requirements are fulfilled. He has overseen an assortment of public works and infrastructure projects for over 15 years. He will supervise schedule adherence, technical review, and ongoing communication with our clients. His responsibilities include staff management, train- ing, project management, quality control, scheduling, and client relationships. He has worked on several relevant projects including the La Quinta Village Complete Streets, Halcyon Road Complete Streets, and Diestelhorst to Downtown Redding Non-Motorized Improvements. Lindsey Van Parys, PE, QSD/QSP Assistant Project Manager Lindsey will serve as your Assistant Project Manager, supporting Todd, on a variety of services and activities as well as leading the PS&E Phase, as needed. With over 14 years of experience, Lindsey manages transporta- tion projects from the conceptual phases through to construction, including preliminary engineering, envi- ronmental assessments, and detail design for various types of roadway, highway, roundabout, complete street and active transportation projects, with a key focus on delivering to clients’ time, budget, and qual- ity expectations. Her most recent complete street success is the La Quinta Village Complete Streets Project. Daniel Kehrer, PE, QSD/QSP Design Lead Daniel Kehrer, your Design Lead, will provide civil engineering design including assembling computer draw- ing plans/exhibits using AutoCAD software, quantity calculations, and cost estimations. Daniel is a project manager who has assisted on numerous civil engi- neering roadway and site development projects, 2. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 5 solutions for projects and clients. Brandon’s expertise is in stormwater and stormwater quality, as well as large-scale development projects in the retail, commercial, and industrial sectors, and the associ- ated infrastructure and watercourse impacts associ- ated with them. Nathan Towlerton, PE, QSD/QSP/QISP Stormwater Nathan will assist with your Stormwater needs. His stormwater capabilities include local and regional watershed determinations, development of historical, existing, and proposed hydrologic/hydraulic models using agency accepted methodologies and software platforms. Nathan has 10 years of experience work- ing on a multitude of stormwater projects throughout California. His expertise includes NPDES permit compliance, green streets/complete streets design and Caltrans stormwater BMP implementation. Nathan specializes in the design of structural stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP’s) including bioretention/biofiltration systems, hydrody- namic separators, media filtration, and detention/ retention /rainwater harvesting systems. Lucas Piper, LLA, QSD/QSP Landscape Lucas has over 12 years of habitat restoration, private development, and transportation/roadway related design experience. He has worked on a number of storm water pollution management, stabilization, and low-impact development projects. Lucas provides an array of services including site analysis, site planning, resource/existing condition mapping, geospatial anal- ysis, conceptual design development, 3D renderings, construction document PS&E, SWPPP development and storm water quality compliance monitoring and reporting, and best management practices imple- mentation. Lucas has worked on several relevant projects including the Imola Avenue Median Landscape, La Quinta Village Complete Street, a Road Diet Project, and Downtown Ripon Main Street Master Plan and PS&E. Brian Howard, PLS Survey Brian manages GHD’s Northern California surveying projects and will provide survey and appropriate right of way documentation. He supervises our team of surveyors, including scheduling field and office personnel. Throughout his over 30 year career, he has performed a full range of surveying work, serving in roles as Party Chief, Chainman, and Instrumentman. He has extensive experience with topographic, boundary, and construction surveying. Myung Choo, PE, TE Geometrics Myung will be responsible for leading the geometric design component of the PS&E. He is a licensed civil and traffic engineer with over 19 years of experience on a wide range of transportation and traffic engineering projects, including street improve- ments, roundabouts, traffic signals, signing and strip- ing, temporary traffic control, traffic impact analysis, travel demand modeling, and safety analysis. He has extensive experience working throughout Southern California designing and implementing transportation improvements and cost effective safety measures. Charles Smith, AICP, LEED AP BD+C Environmental Charles has over 25 years of experi- ence in environmental impact assessment services for planning, development, and public works infrastructure proj- ects. He has held leadership roles in project/ program management, operations management, business development, and corporate programs in education/professional development. Charles’ professional interests include CEQA/NEPA compli- ance, land use planning, sustainable development, and historic preservation, with a geographic focus on Southern California and the western US. He has extensive experience managing large as-needed contracts for public agencies. Subconsultants Lisa Wise, AICP Form-Based Code: President/ Owner | LWC Lisa, as LWC’s Principal, will be ulti- mately responsible for LWC’s adher- ence to tenets of the contract, ability to provide appropriate staff for the duration of the project and working closely with Roger Eastman and Kathryn Slama to guide LWC’s approach and review and approval of final deliverables. As a certified instructor for the FBCI, Lisa will develop, review, and edit material for public presentations on form-based codes. She has over 30 years of professional experi- 2. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 6 ence in zoning ordinances, form based codes, long- range planning, economic development strategies, fiscal analysis and managing complex engagements. Lisa has been directly responsible for over 34 code updates, 35 economic projects, 23 master and specific plans, and 20 housing policy engagements. Lisa is considered a national expert in the field of zoning, and code reform, served as the Chair and is currently a certified instructor for the FBCI. Roger Eastman, AICP Form-Based Code: Project Director | LWC Roger will serve as the LWC Project Director, working closely with Kathryn Slama (Project Manager) and Adam Pisarkiewicz (Associate) to set the framework for deliv- erables, advice and direct on the development of the form-based code, review draft documents, and track project performance. As a certified instructor for the FBCI, Roger will work closely with Lisa to develop and edit form based code presentation content, conduct public presentation, and field questions. His experi- ence includes serving as the Comprehensive Planning and Code Administrator for the City of Flagstaff for over 10 years and as Senior Planner with the City of Sedona, AZ from 1991 to 2006. Roger serves on the Steering Committee of the FBCI and has managed form based code projects in Flagstaff, Las Vegas, Tehachapi, and Riyadh. Kathryn Slama Form-Based Code: Project Manager | LWC Kathryn, as the LWC Project Manager, will be responsible for day-to-day communication with GHD and the consultant team. She will work closely with Roger, Adam, and LWC staff to conduct site analysis on the Highway 111 Corridor and draft, review and edit find- ings, alternatives and the form-based code. Kathryn will be responsible for ensuring deliverables are complete, correct, exceed client expectations, submitted on time, and within budget, and will work with the LWC Business Manager to assure invoices are complete, correct, and timely. Kathryn has over seven years of experience in project management, policy development, and community engagement, specializing in zoning and development code updates, form-based codes, specific plans, and affordable housing policy. Adam Pisarkiewicz, AICP Form-Based Code: Associate | LWC Adam, as the LWC Project Associate, will work closely with Kathryn to review and summarize archival reports, conduct case study research, evaluate of existing conditions, compile zoning, market and real property data, create and develop draft reports, memos, and attractive and informative graphics. Adam will also be responsible for project-scale file management and archiving. He brings strong public and private sector experience in project and policy review, zoning code updates and amendments, and form-based codes, as well as implementation of land use policy aimed at achieving community objectives and economic feasibility. His experience has focused on code diagnosis and comprehensive code updates in Long Beach, CA; Fargo, ND; and Kingman, AZ. Lisa Battiato, CEG, APM, LEED AP Geotechnical | Geocon Lisa has 24 years of experience providing geotechnical services in Riverside County. She has been active in Coachella Valley Branch of America Public Works Association since 2007 and knows the City of La Quinta’s policies and proce- dures. As Regional Manager for the Riverside County Geocon offices, Lisa is responsible for several On- Call Public Works contracts including RCTD, RCFC, and WCD Cities of Indio, Rancho Mirage, Murrieta, Temecula, Wildomar, Menifee, and Chino and San Bernardino County Public Works. Lisa’s broad ex- perience will enable the geotechnical services under this contract be performed in an effective, efficient, and complete manner. Relevant Experience Within the following section, we present our most relevant experience providing civil engineering and form based code projects led by our key team members. 2. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 7 La Quinta was seeking to improve their pedestrian and bicycle safety with the use of roundabouts. The goal was to transform three heavily vehi- cle-dominated corridors with three parks, an elementary school, and other destinations into pedestrian, bicycle, and neighborhood electric vehi- cle-friendly complete streets with five roundabouts. GHD provided the preliminary costs estimates, cost/benefit analysis, and assisted with preparation of the conceptual design, and assisted with the preparation of various narrative responses for the Cycle 3 Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant application. The project will provide three complete street corridors that include five roundabouts, a road diet that reduced travel lanes to provide bicycle lanes, and various pedestrian crossing improvements. The roundabouts will reduce the four-lane facilities to two lanes and close gaps in existing bicycle facilities by providing Class II bicycle lanes and shared-use paths. The drainage improvements for the project include mitigating the 150-year event and decreasing flood risks in areas near the roundabout intersections. GHD provided storm water quality Low Impact Development (LID) design and flood mitigation via a detention basin to reduce the flooding impacts and enhance water quality treatment to the maximum extent practicable, while reusing existing infrastructure. Services included: • Complete and Green Street • LID and Storm Water Quality • Flood Attenuation of the 150-year Event • Road Diet • Roundabouts • Utility Relocation • Roadway Lighting La Quinta Complete Street/Road Diet Project, La Quinta, CA Reference Bryan McKinney City Engineer City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 1 760 777 7045 Date 2017 - Ongoing 2. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 8 GHD developed a transformative vision study for Civic Center Canberra at the heart of the capital city by designing a mixed-use development integrating an underground bus and light rail transit center, which will drive deeper analysis and investment. Project planning and detailed design was performed by our Irvine urban planning and transportation teams, while traffic and transit use analysis was performed by GHD in Canberra. Retail, housing, offices, media production studios, transit/active mobility uses, and a new public realm were all prepared together for analysis of impacts, costs, constructability, and market readiness. By using building layers to coordinate circulation and other uses, we were able to determine the leasable yields that balanced the needs of transit/ public realm improvements. To meet Canberra’s vision for active transportation in 2040 and transit capacity in 2066, GHD reimagined uses and facilities for the entire neighborhood such as a street accessible termi- nal for shared and active mobility, a public droneport, and more. We are proceed- ing to the next stage for submission to the Treasury for approval. The study has already inspired surrounding theatre and placemaking projects to link by design across the district. Almost completed, the Imola Avenue Corridor Complete Streets Improvement Plan will provide NVTA, the City/County of Napa, and Caltrans with a flexible and achievable road map to create a safer, more accessible multimodal corri- dor for the community. The corridor extends 3.5 miles and includes align- ments within Caltrans right of way (SR 121). The goal of the corridor plan is to meet the diverse needs of the residential neighborhoods, businesses, and destinations and implement the community vision for a vibrant, complete street. The solutions require context-sensitive solutions that adapt to the char- acter on each segment and block. The plan presents the project overview, summarizes previous planning efforts and community outreach, and outlines a bold vision statement with supporting goals that recommend corridor improvements. Improvement concepts are presented in a graphically-rich lay- out that walks readers through the corridor. A strategic plan prioritizes improvements, assesses benefits, and identifies funding sources suitable for design and construction of the improvements. Imola Avenue Corridor Complete Streets Improvement Plan, Napa, CA Reference Diana Meehan Senior Program Planner Napa Valley Transportation Authority (NVTA) 625 Burnell Street Napa, CA 94559 1 707 259 8327 Date November 2018 - Ongoing Civic Centre Transit-Oriented Study, Canberra, ACT, Australia Reference John Pooley Project Director Canberra City Renewal Authority Canberra Nara Centre 1 Constitution Avenue Canberra City GPO Box 158 Canberra City ACT 2601 +61 406 991 084 Date April 2019 - January 2020 2. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 9 The Downtown Redding area suffers from a lack of multi-modal transportation connectivity, primarily in the core street network. Safety associated with non-motorized travel is also a primary concern. GHD prepared a transporta- tion plan that included the following components: • Robust community participation essential for the planning process including a dynamic and user-friendly website, stakeholder communications database, workshops, and stakeholder meetings. • Develop a safe and secure system of Class I, II, III, and IV bicycle facilities and sidewalks connecting natural resources and link regional parks, residential, schools and commercial, including the core downtown area. • Recommendations for encouraging transit use to and from Downtown, accommodating bicycle travel, and encouraging walking • Developed and presented strategies for creating connectivity through and between the downtown area and Sacramento River Trail System • Developed strategies for the balance of sustainable parking facilities and encou-rage other modes of travel • Opportunities for green infrastructure, including addressing stormwater runoff and a urban street tree plan • Strategy for effective implementation of the new vision GHD redeveloped a two-mile segment of East Broadway to create a multimodal street that will improve overall mobility and the quality of life for area residents. The segment started just east of downtown at Alamitos Avenue ending at Redondo Avenue. The before-project conditions were a four-lane undivided roadway with no left-turn lanes and a two-lane roadway with two-way left-turn lanes. The project converted it to a two-lane roadway with left-turn lanes at each signalized inter- section, cycle tracks (on-street bicycle lanes), and side boarding island transit stops (in-street raised refuge islands dedicated to waiting and boarding areas for transit pas- sengers). All this created a “complete street” that is safe and accessible. The project addressed transit facilities locations, public outreach, pavement design, coordination with multiple agencies, roadway profile improvements, Americans with Disabilities (ADA) compliance, and improving a steep roadway cross-slope due to abandoned/ buried railroad tracks and existing develop- ment throughout the segment. East Broadway Complete Street, Long Beach, CA Reference Onofre Ramirez Senior Engineer City of Long Beach 411 West Ocean Boulevard Long Beach, CA 90802 1 562 570 6183 Date 2017 - 2018 Downtown Streets Community-Based Transportation Plan, Redding, CA Reference Linda Burke Transportation Planner City of Redding 777 Cypress Avenue Redding, CA 96001 1 530 225 4030 Date July 2014 - November 2016 2. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 10 The City of Fairfield developed the Heart of Fairfield Plan (HOFP), which envisioned a transformation of the Downtown and West Texas Street areas. The City used community input to develop the HOFP to guide decisions and investment in the area. The HOFP identified numerous complete streets techniques and guide- lines for the proposed reconfiguration of W. Texas Street, between Beck and Pennsylvania Avenues, to balance the existing context with the future vision and the need for phased improvements to match funding availability and development stimulus. GHD prepared the initial feasibility study for private funding opportunities with planned area redevelopment. The concepts include implementation of bicycle facilities, pedestrian and motor vehicle safety, a opportunities and constraints comparison, evaluation/alternatives of the roadway reconfiguration of a five-lane street section, and intersection control for both traffic signal and roundabout upgrades. GHD has produced a variety of financing option study documents, transportation corridor study technical memorandum and four plan line concepts and analysis of construc- tion phasing and grant funding opportunities, including for ATP, HSIP, and urban greening. GHD is currently assisting the City with grant writing for cur- rent funding opportunities. Reference George Hicks Project Manager City of Fairfield 1000 Webster Street Fairfield, CA 94533 1 707 702 1962 Date 2018 - Ongoing In 2017, the City of Las Vegas hired LWC to complete a Form-Based Code (FBC) to implement the recently adopted Vision 2045 Downtown Las Vegas Master Plan. LWC was tasked with creating a structure for the Downtown FBC and writing the standards for four downtown districts/phases, starting with the Las Vegas Medical District. LWC completed a micro-scale analysis and developed an efficient and user-friendly way of incorporating the FBC into the City’s Unified Development Code and collaborated with the FBCI to conduct five form-based code workshops to educate staff, developers, com- munity members, and officials on the benefits of FBC’s. The 1st phase, the Las Vegas Medical District (adopted October 2018) making it the first FBC in Nevada. The 2nd phase, the Fremont East District (adopted October 2019). In May 2020, LWC submitted the Public Review Draft of the 3rd phase, the Historic Westside District, to staff with anticipated adoption by the end of 2020. In 2019, the FBC was recognized by the Nevada Chapter of the APA with an Outstanding Implementation Plan award. 2045 Downtown Las Vegas Plan Form-Based Code, Las Vegas, NV Reference Michael Howe Urban Design Coordinator City of Las Vegas 333 North Rancho Drive Las Vegas, NV 89106 1 702 229 6821 Date April 2017 - Ongoing Heart of Fairfield - West Texas Complete Street, Fairfield, CA 2. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 11 As part of a multidisciplinary consultant team, LWC was hired by the City of Compton to complete the Blue Line Artesia Station Transit- Oriented Development (TOD) Specific Plan. The current development pattern around the station features industrial uses, “big-box” stores with underutilized park- ing lots, high volume and high speed traffic on surrounding roads, and a lack of pedestrian connectivity. The City envisions the Artesia station as an inte- gral component of a vibrant mixed-use area with connectivity to existing employment centers, educational and civic institutions and increased rider- ship on the Blue Line. LWC identified where and how the existing regulations impede the promotion of higher density, transit- supportive land uses, inte- gration of nearby riparian habitat, open-space and recreational amenities, and multi-modal access and connectivity. LWC then developed a Transit Overlay Zone (TOZ), which supplements the zoning regulations to implement the Preferred Scenario for the Blue Line Specific Plan. The new TOZ includes revised development regulations to pro- mote new revenue-generating commercial uses supported by medium to high density residential land uses, reduced parking requirements, additional regulations to ensure pedestrian oriented frontage design and placement, and integration of open space. LWC also amended the City’s day- care facilities regulations to be compliant with State law. Transit-Oriented Development Specific Plan and Transit Overlay Zone - Compton Blue Line Artesia Station, Compton, CA Reference Robert Delgadilo Senior Planner City of Compton 205 South Willowbrook Avenue Compton, CA 90220 1 310 605 5532 Date July 2016 - Ongoing LWC was hired by the City of Hayward to lead the update the South Hayward BART/Mission Boulevard and Mission Boulevard Corridor Form- Based Codes. As part of the project, LWC conducted a thorough code-re- view to identify internal inconsisten- cies and developed a recommended approach to streamline the docu- ments and make them easier to use, understand, and administer. The updated regulations facilitate new development to transform the Mission Boulevard corridor into a vibrant, pedestrian- and transit- oriented mixed- use place and ensure high-quality public spaces, and encourage a variety of building types and uses including housing, retail, and office space. The revised Code combines the two Codes into one unifying document to regu- late the boulevard and includes updated and simplified frontage type, build- ing form, large site, and land use standards; as well as new procedures to streamline the approval process. These new elements will be updated as needed to implement the principles of urbanism, planning, and smart growth, consistent with the community vision. The overarching goal is to achieve better implementation of the Hayward 2040 General Plan and the City’s Economic Development Strategy Plan through clear and consistent rules and regulations. City of Hayward Form-Based Code Update, Hayward, CA Reference Jeremy Lochirco Principal Planner City of Hayward 777 B Street Hayward, CA 94541 1 510 583 4200 Date 2018 - Ongoing 2. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 12 Geocon performed pavement investigation, determined cement ratio for cement treated subgrade. Geocon also performed testing and observation during cement treatment of subgrade, aggregate base compaction, and asphalt placement during project construction. Cal Oaks Road Rehabilitation, Murrieta, CA Reference Jeff Hitch Principal Civil Engineer City of Murrieta 1 Town Square Murrieta, CA 92562 1 951 461 6076 Date November 2018 - January 2020 Geotechnical and rippability investigation to widen Scott Road from I-215 west to the City boundary with Wildomar. Challenges included performing drilling in difficult conditions including narrow roadway, no shoulders, and utility conflicts. Work was performed at night to reduce traffic disruption. Scott Road Expansion Investigation, Menifee, CA Reference Carlos Geronimo Capital Improvement Projects City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 1 951 723 3722 Date August 2019 - February 2020 Geotechnical and rippability investigation to widen Scott Road from I-215 west to the City boundary with Wildomar. Challenges included performing drilling in difficult conditions including narrow roadway, no shoulders, and utility conflicts. Work was performed at night to reduce traffic disruption. La Quinta Complete Streets, Menifee, CA Reference Bryan McKinney Public Works Director/City Engineer City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 1 760 777 7045 Date August 2017 - September 2018 3. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 13 Our proposal to provide Highway 111 Corridor Form- Based Code Planning Services and Engineering Services represents the first implementation step towards achieving the vision of the Highway 111 Corridor Plan. The work phases outlined in the re- quest for proposals demonstrate a proactive, yet measured approach towards that implementation. Because this project will greatly influence the im- plementation momentum of the entire Highway 111 Corridor Plan, it truly demands a multidisciplinary team of experts in taking the goals and vision of the plan through to reality - which is exactly what you will get with the GHD and Lisa Wise Consulting (LWC) team. Our team will identify and address possible challenges towards implementation of the Corridor Plan vision by providing a realistic phased approach to transform Highway 111 into a vibrant community and complete street corridor. This project will assess and demonstrate application of the first form-based code in the City. Therefore, it is critical that this project be driven by a team that understands and can explain the complexities involved in establishing a form-based zoning code to decision makers. This phase will be led by LWC, a national leader in writing form-based codes. LWC have worked with more than 21 jurisdictions on form-based code projects. LWC will include a demonstration of how the code would apply to a demonstration site, how the code would benefit that site, and what regulatory amendments or repeals would be necessary to implement the code at that site. The results of this phase will in turn inform whether form- based code will be beneficial and im- plementable along the entire corridor. The complete streets corridor con- cepts illustrated in the corridor plan are aspirational. Phase 2, led by GHD, will ensure these aspirations are achiev- able from a planning and engineer- ing perspective. The design concepts produced in the second phase of the project must consider real-world phys- ical constraints and possibly modi- fy, if needed, elements of the corridor plan vision to deliver a viable complete streets project. This phase will daylight the tradeoffs of implementing proposed improvements, quantify- ing changes to traffic operations, changes to how visitors access existing businesses, and changes to the safety and comfort levels of all corridor users. Improvement benefits will be monetized in a benefit/ cost calculation to illustrate return-on-investment for this corridor. This phase will serve as a foundational building block for further design in Phase 3, also led by GHD. It is critical that these concept designs are prepared by a team well versed in preparing improve- ment plans for construction. Once the feasibility of complete streets improve- ments along the corridor has been demonstrated in Phase 2, Phase 3 will continue the implementation path of the corridor plan. The Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant application will heavily draw on the analyses and design prepared in Phase 2, includ- ing demonstration of a positive return-on-investment. The ATP grant application process, which now re- quires Project Study Report (PSR) equivalent design, will be able to proceed confidently having established a realistic design, potential conflicts and constraints, and consistency with the community’s vision, as doc- umented in the corridor plan’s out- reach process. Phase 3 also seeks preparation of engineered Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E). Acknowledging that the corridor improvements may not realistically be implemented in one fell swoop, Phase 3 will be based on the more realistically developable demonstra- tion site selected in Phase 1 and the complete streets improvements that will support it. Lastly, Phase 4 seeks a full form- based code to be developed for the City, provided the results of preced- ing phases demonstrate the bene- fits and viability of doing so. Phase 4, led by LWC, will bring all preced- ing phases of this project, including the corridor plan itself, into a single holistic regulatory framework that will guide implementation of the vision for years to come. Phase 4, in this sense, represents the culmination preparing the Highway 111 Corridor Plan for full implementation, from public realm to private realm, cohesively. Project Understanding 3. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 14 Approach We have carefully tailored our approach to this proj- ect to match our understanding of what the City needs to obtain from this effort. We are proposing a close collaboration with LWC to complete this mul- tidisciplinary effort. GHD has successfully teamed with LWC in the past, and our firms are both strongly committed to helping the City succeed in moving the Highway 111 Corridor Plan vision closer towards im- plementation. Our combined approach is grounded in extensive coordination with City staff, civic lead- ers, and community members, as well as thorough, transparent, and objective research and analysis. Our team has experience not only applying, but also shaping industry best practices, from form-based code to complete streets transportation design. Form-Based Code Approach Each LWC form-based code project is unique, and reflects the vision, character, and economic realities of the specific community. Each effort also reflects our philosophy that form-based codes should be vi- able, context-based, prescriptive, flexible, and clear. LWC’s approach to zoning relies on an understand- ing of the interrelation of visioning, policy-direction, and effective implementation. LWC’s approach is based on knowledge and experience applying zoning and implementation tools with focus on progressive, place-based analyses and standards. We will begin our code proj- ect with targeted research of existing development patterns, test the draft form-based stan- dards on the ability to achieve the community vision, and en- sure desired results are feasible. LWC understands that form- based code is often the most effective and elegant strategy to implement a community vision, but that they are novel and often misunderstood. As such, we prioritize community involvement and for- mal and informal education, and training to achieve community, Planning Commission, and City Council buy-in and approval. Transportation Planning and Design Approach Just as each form-based code project is unique, so is each transportation planning and design project. The Highway 111 Corridor Plan vision is unique in that it seeks to build safe, comfortable active trans- portation facilities and connections adjacent to a major high-volume regional transportation corridor. GHD understands the need to balance the compet- ing roles and priorities of these somewhat conflicting street purposes. Our approach is to quantify pre- and post-project operational, safety, and mobility conditions of the corridor against applicable perfor- mance measures like Level of Service (LOS), Vehicles Miles Travelled (VMT), bicycle and pedestrian Level of Traffic Stress (LTS), transit service, and collision re- duction potential. Defensible and transparent analy- sis of the project builds stakeholder confidence in our approach, particularly with respect to any possible impacts to any potential quality-of-service trade-offs between travel modes. Building on this data-driven approach, GHD will work with the City to identify project selection, prioritization, and phasing criteria. These often include stakeholder and community driven criteria weighting factors. Any criteria that can be monetized will be using defensible economic parameters (such as Caltrans’) to monetize project benefits and produce return-on-investment metrics. These steps are important to inform com- petitive grant applications through programs like ATP and build stakeholder support for expenditures. Other important criteria will include physical factors like utility conflicts, right of way impacts, and business accessi- bility and environmental factors, like climate adaptabil- ity, effect on air quality, and consistency with low-im- pact development principles. As a full-service transportation planning and engi- neering firm, we understand how to take transpor- tation projects from inception to construction and how to navigate every intermediate step, from putting pen to paper to shovels in the ground, efficiently and successfully. The last step of a planning effort is only the first of many steps in the life of a transportation project, and we are equipped to tackle every stage. GHD’s design engineers will be engaged on the de- sign of the Demonstration Project from the very be- ginning. Our Phase 2 scope of work, as such, will lay a solid foundation for Phase 3, including identifi- cation of environmental or right of way constraints. GHD is committed to delivering a project that builds on the vision of a vibrant, walkable, complete street, while looking for opportunities to improve safety, vi- sual aesthetics, hydraulic capacity, and water qual- ity. As a fully-multidisciplinary engineering services firm, our integrated delivery approach means our landscape architects, environmental specialists, and surveyors will all be seamlessly integrated into project development phases. 4. SCOPE OF WORK GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 15 Scope of Work Method of Approach, Analysis, and Skills Our approach to delivering this project, is rooted in our deep understanding and unique qualifications to de- liver this project. We hand-selected each individual on this team in order to bring together the best team to deliver a Form-Based Code that is implementable. The GHD and LWC team developed the following Scope of Services based upon the Request for Proposal (RFP), visits to the project site, our knowledge of form-based codes, successful grant write, and successful imple- mentation of complete streets. All tasks required in the RFP are included in our Scope of Services, however, it is noted the optional future tasks are based on a variety of assumptions and are provid- ed to give the City an idea of the level of effort anticipat- ed to complete all of the tasks identified in the Scope of Services. However, it is intended these future scopes, should the City elect to use the GHD team, be refined at that time to ensure the best product is delivered. Task 1. Project Management Task 1.1 - Project Initiation and Coordination Responsible Parties: GHD, LWC, and City GHD will facilitate an overall Project Kick-Off Meeting with LWC and City staff, which may be complet- ed in-person or virtually. During this meeting, over- all project goals and objectives will be reviewed. Communication protocols will be established. Each Phase of the Project (Tasks 2 through 5 below) will warrant a separate initiation meeting, focused on the deliverables associated with that Phase. These will ei- ther be standalone meetings or performed at a regular bi-weekly check-in meeting (Task 1.2). During the Kick-Off Meeting, the Scope of Work will be reviewed along with Schedule to identify any neces- sary changes. This includes discussion of work scope shown for Optional Phases 3 and 4 (Tasks 4 and 5). GHD will work with City staff to identify key staff from other City departments and/or key stakeholders to engage during the Project. GHD will present sample monthly progress reports, which will subsequently be submitted monthly as part of routine invoice submittals. Task 1.2 - Regular Project Team Meetings Responsible Parties: GHD, LWC, and City GHD will facilitate bi-weekly check-in meetings with the Project Team, including LWC and City staff for the duration of the project. GHD will prepare a Short- Term Action List that will identify the action, the de- sired date for completion, responsible party, and sta- tus notes. This list will be maintained and updated throughout the duration of the project. The Short- Term Action List will serve as both the agenda and task tracking mechanism for the project team check- in meetings and will be updated prior to every check- in meeting. All check-in meetings will be teleconfer- enced, hosted by GHD. Task 1 Products/Deliverables (Electronic Unless Otherwise Noted) • Kick-Off Meeting Agenda and Minutes • Finalized Scope of Work and Schedule • Bi-Weekly Short-Term Action Lists • Monthly Progress Reports Task 2. Form-Based Code Assessment (Phase 1) Task 2.1 - Form-Based Code Initiation Meeting and Presentation Responsible Parties: LWC, GHD, and City Following up on the Kick-Off Meeting from Task 1.1, GHD and LWC will prepare for and attend an initiation meeting for the Form-Based Code (FBC) phase with City staff, which may be completed in-person or virtu- ally. LWC will review the finalized Scope of Work and Schedule, based on the outcome of Task 1.1, and confirm the desired Demonstration Project. LWC will facilitate one (1) internal (Project Team and City staff) presentation on FBC, including an explana- tion of what FBC’s are, why they can be more effec- tive than conventional coding approaches, and offer case study examples in other cities. LWC will work with the City and GHD to identify doc- uments that are pertinent to the FBC, including re- cent amendments to the Zoning Code, key policies from the General Plan, the Highway 111 Corridor Plan, the applicable Specific Plan(s), and the rele- vant Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s) and/or other relevant information. LWC will submit a document request memo to City staff for documents, reports, etc. identified in the project initiation meeting. Task 2.2 - Microscale Analysis and Specific Plan Evaluation Responsible Party: LWC LWC will document block and lot development pat- terns in areas relevant to the Demonstration Project and/or adjacent to the Corridor in-person or virtual- ly via Google Earth. LWC’s evaluation of this data will inform the development of sample form-based stan- dards that account for existing urban patterns and unique features in the City. Additionally, LWC will con- duct an evaluation of the applicable Specific Plan reg- ulations and CC&R’s to determine the existing limita- tions and impediments to development and use of the Demonstration Project. 4. SCOPE OF WORK GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 16 Task 2.3 - Sample FBC Responsible Parties: LWC, GHD, and City LWC will develop a Sample FBC for the Demonstration Project with standards for transect zone(s), build- ing types, frontage types, and civic space types. The Sample FBC will include a Regulating Plan that es- tablishes the location of the transect zones on the Demonstration Project. The Sample FBC will provide sample standards that implement the vision established in the Highway 111 Corridor Plan. LWC will work col- laboratively with City staff and the landowner(s) to un- derstand the most effective development outcome(s). LWC will provide the Sample FBC in a recommended format and organization, including a preferred meth- od of integration into the existing Code and informa- tion related to necessary Code amendments in order to effectively integrate the two (2) approaches. Task 2.4 - City Council and Planning Commission Joint Study Session Responsible Parties: LWC, GHD, and City LWC and GHD will facilitate one (1) joint study ses- sion with the City Council and Planning Commission, which may be conducted in-person or via video con- ference (of the City’s preference). The study session will include a PowerPoint presentation on the back- ground analysis, existing conditions, and Sample FBC standards and approaches. LWC and GHD will pro- vide a summary notes the Joint Study Session. The City is responsible for securing a meeting space, no- ticing, and distributing outreach materials. Task 2 Products/Deliverables (Electronic Unless Otherwise Noted) • FBC Presentation • Sample FBC • Draft & Final Joint Study Session Presentation • Joint Study Session Summary Notes Task 3. Corridor Design Concept (Phase 2) Task 3.1 Assemble Baseline Data and Develop Corridor Base Map Responsible Parties: GHD and City GHD will collect and compile existing corridor trans- portation, demographic, environmental, and infra- structure data in order to document and map existing corridor conditions. This data will inform the concept designs and will provide a basis for the design concept assessment in Task 3.2. GHD will review all available background conditions information collected for and presented in the Highway 111 Corridor Plan. After as- sessing the availability of traffic data from the City and publicly available sources, GHD may request the City to gather or supplement the available data with new roadway segment counts, turning movement counts, and/or other data within the project area. Transportation Data. GHD will gather available da- ta from public sources like U.S. Census (Decennial Census, American Community Survey, Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics), FHWA (Highway Performance Monitoring System for VMT and National Performance Management Research Data Set for Travel Speed), and Caltrans (Traffic Census, Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System). If the City desires, GHD can also contract with or utilize available data from commercial providers like StreetLight to better under- stand travel characteristics along the corridor - particu- larly for non-work travel like shopping and recreation. GHD will summarize and illustrate existing travel pat- terns, crash history, congestion, multimodal service levels, and count information for vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, transit (ridership data, bus headways), and ride-sharing/Transportation Network Companies (TNC’s) usage, as available. Survey. GHD will perform surveys and necessary base mapping for the preliminary engineering, and design required by the project’s parameters. Project surveying and mapping shall include, but not be lim- ited to establishing a datum; setting vertical and hor- izontal control; aerial photogrammetric mapping; and right of way mapping. Mapping product will be a digital base map with surface, with supplemental digital rectified orthophotograph, all tied to the required datums. Project control and mapping will meet the Caltrans Orders of Survey Accuracy at a mapping scale of 1” = 20’ and a one-foot contour interval. All work un- der this phase will be performed under the direction of a California Licensed Land Surveyor. Project Survey Datum and Control. The horizon- tal control survey will be based on the North American Datum of 1983 using the California Coordinate System of 1983 (CCS83). The Vertical Datum will be the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). The survey datum for the project will be determined by Continuously Operating reference Stations (CORS), if not directed otherwise by the City. Semi-permanent control monuments will be positioned for aerial map- ping and to facilitate construction staking in the future. Aerial Photography. Aerial control will be established using Global Positioning System (GPS) methods and a digital level to establish elevations. Aerial photogra- phy and mapping of the project will be obtained from AEROTECH. The results being a design level map- ping product and a scalable digital orthophoto of the project, georeferenced to the project datum. The initial submittal will be the scaled digital orthophoto of the 4. SCOPE OF WORK GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 17 entire two-mile project length. A subsequent submittal will be complete topographic mapping from the aeri- al photos of a yet to be determined one-quarter mile segment of the route. Land Net Boundary Base. Record data will be com- piled to create a land net base map of the project. Sufficient monumentation will be located and posi- tioned to reference the record boundary data to the topographic base map. No monuments will be set and right of way engineering is not anticipated for this phase of the project. Aerial Mapping Integration, CAD File Setup, and DTM. Aerial, terrestrial and boundary surveys will be combined to form a complete mapping product. Computer files will be prepared to include field con- trol points, topographic surveys, utility data, property surveys, and preparation of the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) used for Three-Dimensional (3D) calculations, (i.e., earthwork, cross-sections, and profiles). Utility Verification. GHD will coordinate with all utili- ties to accurately locate and map the existing utilities within the project boundaries. GHD will draft letters requesting existing atlas maps from all utility purvey- ors in the corridor. Letters will be prepared in draft form for placement on the City letterhead and signa- ture by the City. GHD will digitize the received utili- ty mapping and update the project base mapping as required to include all utility information received. Task 3.2 - Develop and Assess Preliminary Corridor Design Concepts Responsible Parties: GHD and LWC GHD will develop up to three (3) alternative design concepts to illustrate the Highway 111 Corridor Plan complete streets vision elements (travel lanes, on- street parking/curb space, bicycle and shared use fa- cilities, transit stops and enhancements, landscap- ing, planting, and LID features, and transitions from public to private realm space) within the right of way. The alternatives will illustrate trade-offs, emphasize different modal priorities, or they may illustrate simi- lar functionality within different configurations. The al- ternatives will also demonstrate a range of construc- tion-cost scenarios. To maximize the value of the alternatives design process, different alternatives may apply to differ- ent segments, with an emphasis on the selected Demonstration Project. Alternatives will be present- ed from an aerial perspective using the corridor base map developed in Task 3.1 in addition to cross-sec- tions illustrating the street profile. GHD will work with LWC to incorporate typical amenities and building el- evations from the FBC developed in Phase 1 (Task 2) to illustrate transition between public/private realms. GHD will develop an assessment matrix to illustrate the following benefits or impacts of each alternative. Criteria may include: • Consistency with Highway 111 Corridor Plan vision • Vehicle travel (LOS) • Bicycle and Pedestrian comfort (LTS, potential to increase mode share) • Transit enhancements (stop-siting, reliability, po- tential to increase mode share) • Safety benefits (collision reduction potential, pro- active safety countermeasures) • Curb space (on-street parking, flexible curb space potential for MaaS) • Multimodal connectivity (diversity of travel modes, ease of transitions between modes) • Public and private realm transition (connectivity, streetscape amenities) • Climate adaptation strategies (including drought, flood, and heat wave events) • Environmental justice (impacts on/benefits to dis- advantaged populations) • Economic development (investment multiplier, freight reliability) • Emergency response (response times, accessibility) • Cost (Construction, utility conflicts, right of way) • Grant eligibility (improvement components eligible for grant funding) The results of the assessment matrix will be present- ed in a memorandum alongside the illustrations pre- pared for each concept design, for distribution to the City for review and discussion in Task 3.3. Task 3.3 - Review and Discuss Preliminary Corridor Design Concepts Responsible Parties: GHD, LWC, and City GHD will facilitate a virtual or in-person internal work- shop (Project Team and City) to review the preliminary design concept alternatives and assessment ma- trix developed in Task 3.2. GHD will go through the evaluation metrics and results. Based on City direc- tion, additional City department staff and/or external stakeholders may be invited to this discussion to pro- vide input. The results of Task 3.3 will influence the preparation of the Draft Corridor Design Concept in Task 3.4. Task 3.4 - Prepare Draft Corridor Design Concept Responsible Parties: GHD GHD will incorporate written comments and feedback received in Task 3.3 to develop a comprehensive cor- ridor-wide scaled design concept on the base maps developed in Task 3.1. The corridor design concept 4. SCOPE OF WORK GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 18 will likely be a hybrid of the alternatives explored in the previous task and will likely vary along the corri- dor to respond to specific conditions. The draft con- cept will be provided for review by City staff along with a planning-level cost estimate. Task 3.5 - Prepare Corridor Visualizations and Cross-Sections Responsible Parties: GHD GHD will prepare illustrative graphics to communicate the existing conditions and proposed improvements to the public. GHD will illustrate these concepts within the context of the Demonstration Project. The follow- ing exhibits will be prepared: • Plan layout rendered over aerial photo (1” = 20’ or similar scale) • 3D model of typical block segment • Cross sections • Existing conditions with traffic, vegetation, safety concerns, key businesses, opportunity sites, and major constraints noted (1” = 20’ or similar scale) • Perspective before-and-after rendering Optionally, a 3D simulated traffic model can be devel- oped to accompany the rendering graphics. Task 3.6 - Prepare Corridor Design Phasing and Implementation Plan Responsible Parties: GHD, LWC, and City GHD will work with LWC and the City to understand how the corridor concept may be implemented in phases that best support the vision of the Highway 111 Corridor Plan. The corridor concept may be di- vided into a baseline project, implementable in the near-term, and an ultimate project that includes addi- tional features dependent on adjacent property devel- opment and funding availability. GHD will craft a phasing strategy based on the likely construction budget scenario, construction sequenc- ing, and the City’s and community’s priorities. The phasing and prioritization will be based on the crite- ria established in Task 3.2 for corridor assessment, as well as a benefit/cost analysis and grant eligibility of project components. This analysis will be presented in a memorandum that includes the final corridor design concept developed in Task 3.7 and the visualizations prepared in Task 3.5. Task 3.7 - Prepare Final Corridor Design Concept Responsible Parties: GHD GHD will revise the draft concept prepared in Task 3.4 according to one (1) set of consolidated, internally consistent comments received from the City. GHD will also finalize the planning-level cost estimate for the corridor based on the final concept. The final concept will be delivered to the City. Task 3 Products/Deliverables (Electronic Unless Otherwise Noted) • Existing data inventory • Utility mapping request letters • Survey control base, right of way, and topographic mapping. • Corridor base map • Preliminary concept design drawings and exhibits • Preliminary concept design assessment memo and exhibits • Draft & Final corridor design concept and cost estimate • Corridor visualizations and cross-sections • Corridor phasing and implementation memorandum Task 4. ATP Grant Application and PS&E (Optional Phase 3) It is assumed the ATP Grant Application will be for the entire Highway 111 Corridor Plan. The PS&E will be for only the Demonstration Site identified in Phase 1, which will also include implementation of the com- plete street concept developed as part of Phase 2. At the time this scope was prepared, the Demonstration Project had not been developed and therefore, the PS&E Tasks 4.4 to 4.13 of this scope and associated fee are intended to be revised as needed to assess accuracy of the tasks. It is assumed the Demonstration Site will not exceed ¼ mile for bud- geting purposes. It is also assumed any vertical site development work is not included in this scope and fee and right of way acquisition is not required. Task 4.1 - Prepare Draft ATP Grant Application Responsible Parties: GHD and City GHD will review the prior ATP application submitted for the La Quinta Village Complete Streets project in Cycle 3, and flag any integral information to be repur- posed for the Cycle 5 application on Highway 111. Comments from Caltrans regarding the scoring, as well as the scoring sheet itself, will also be reviewed for guidance. GHD will coordinate an application preparation kick-off call to review the Cycle 5 guid- ance and identify any key changes to requirements and scoring criteria Assemble Grant Application Materials. We will also confirm the project description, approach, and the time- line for preparation and review. Following this meeting, GHD will initiate preparation of the narrative components 4. SCOPE OF WORK GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 19 of the application, including: • Application Part A: General Project Information. This section of the application is utilized to complete the Master Agreement if funding is awarded. Much of the information in Part A is generated in development of Parts B and C, so part A is typically completed after the other two components. • Application Part B: Narrative Questions. This section of the application includes the application screening criteria, the project priority status, engagement of the local community in development of the project, design progress, any funding leverage the agency is able to secure, and coordination with the California Conservation Corps (CCC) and/or a certified community conservation corps. The following tasks/data are required to complete Part B: • Part C: Application Attachments. In addition to the narrative development for Parts A and B, GHD will utilize work completed in preced- ing work phases to develop the following re- quired attachments: o Project Programming Request o Engineer’s Checklist o Project Projects (Cross-Section) o Project Cost Estimate • The City will be responsible for compiling the fol- lowing attachments: o Application Signature Page o Letters of Support o Confirmation of CCC Coordination Draft Application. GHD will prepare a Draft Application for the City to review. This package will include all mate- rials and attachments. Task 4.2 - Review and Discuss Draft ATP Grant Application Responsible Parties: GHD and City GHD will facilitate a virtual meeting with the City to re- view the Draft ATP grant application developed in Task 4.1. Based on City direction, additional City de- partment staff and/or external stakeholders may be invited to this discussion to provide input. The results of Task 4.2 will influence the preparation of the Final ATP grant application in Task 4.3 Task 4.3 - Prepare Final ATP Grant Application Responsible Parties: GHD GHD will revise the Draft Application according to one set of consolidated, internally-consistent comments received from the City. We assume that the City will collect required signatures, and submit the final ap- plication by email and hardcopy, as required. GHD is able to provide printing/compilation and submission as an optional service if desired. Task 4.4 - Demonstration Project Environmental Clearance Responsible Parties: GHD This Task assumes that no federal funding and there- fore, NEPA clearance is not required and only CEQA will be required. It is understood that the City will con- sider the Demonstration Project as a feasibility and planning study. For such projects, CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 provides for the use of a Statutory Exemption as follows: “A project involving only feasibility or planning studies for possible future actions which the agen- cy, board, or commission has not approved, ad- opted, or funded does not require the preparation of an EIR or Negative Declaration but does require consideration of environmental factors. This sec- tion does not apply to the adoption of a plan that will have a legally binding effect on later activities.” Given that the Demonstration Project will be a plan- ning guidance document only (i.e., the City has not approved, adopted, or funded any possible future ac- tions to considered by the project), it is anticipated that the Demonstration Project will be exempt from CEQA as described above. GHD will develop a written description of the project to support environmental review pursuant to CEQA. It is assumed that no resource agency permit appli- cations will be needed for this project. The descrip- tion will cover the Demonstration Project, including a summary of the project location, project characteris- tics, construction methods, operational characteris- tics, minimization measures, and graphics. A draft de- scription will be submitted to the City for review prior and approval prior to any further work. The following database reviews will be used to con- firm that no significant environmental concerns are presented by the Demonstration Project and to con- firm no regulatory agency approvals: • Biological database review (historic aerial pho- tos and habitat; special-status species records; wetland databases (both federal and state); soil survey data; CDFW California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB/Bios); USFWS Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC); USFWS Online Critical Habitat Mapper). 4. SCOPE OF WORK GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 20 • Cultural resources record search, background in- formation review. • Hazardous materials database report (e.g., EDR) to identify any areas of known contamination near the Demonstration Project. If the project is determined to qualify for a CEQA Statutory Exemption, GHD will submit a CEQA Exemption Review Memorandum and Notice of Exemption form to the City for review. It is assumed that the City will file the Notice of Exemption and pay the fil- ing fee with the County Clerk and Office of Planning and Research after the project has been approved. If the project is determined to not qualify for a CEQA Exemption, GHD will complete an Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) subject to the City’s approval of an amended scope and fee. Task 4.5 - Geotechnical Investigation and Report Responsible Parties: Geocon and GHD GHD has partnered with Geocon to perform the geotechnical investigation and report. At the time this scope was put together the extent of the geotechnical investigation was not known, therefore a general outline of what may be needed is provided below. A detail scope will be provided once the com- ponents of the project are determined, and a fee will be provided at that time. The scope of services may consist of: • Performing geotechnical borings and pavement corings needed to inform the design. This will in- clude: preparing a no fee encroachment permit, measure the pavement and base thicknesses, log the geotechnical borings based on Unified Soils Classification System criteria, collect soil samples for laboratory testing, and backfill boring. • Collect soil samples and have agricultural nutri- ent tests performed for the proposed landscaping amendment design. • Perform laboratory testing, which is anticipat- ed to include maximum density/optimum mois- ture, in-situ density and moisture, corrosion, and R-value testing. • Perform percolation testing to determine infiltra- tion rates. • Prepare a geotechnical report. Task 4.6 - Utility Coordination Responsible Parties: GHD and City GHD will prepare conflict maps for all proposed utili- ty conflicts based on the 65% design plans. One (1) map will be prepared for each utility involvement. It is assumed up to six (6) utility purveyors will have con- flicts. The maps will be sent to each utility along with the required Relocation Letter. GHD will coordinate with each utility company on the proposed relocation of their facilities. GHD will partici- pate in up to six (6) meetings. It is assumed, if in-per- son meetings are conducted, all six (6) meetings will take place over the span of two (2) days. It is as- sumed the relocation plans will be done by the utili- ty company and GHD will review and approved the plans. This Task excludes preparation of relocation plans for City-owned facilities. GHD will prepare signature-ready utility agreements and notices to relocate to the affected purveyors. All letters and notices under this task will be prepared on blank letterhead and submitted electronically to the City for placement on City letterhead, signature, and delivery to the utility companies. GHD will prepare the Report of Investigation packag- es under this task as well. Utility potholing is not in- cluded in this scope, however, can be provided at an additional cost. Task 4.7 - 35% Plans and Estimate Responsible Parties: GHD GHD will refine the approved conceptual design to a 35% geometric design level. The plans will incor- porate basic horizontal geometric design elements. The submittal is anticipated to consist of the following sheets: title, general notes, demolition, plan/layout, typical sections, signing, and pavement delineations. This submittal will also include an overall landscape design concept for the project. The landscape con- cept will illustrate all proposed planting areas and tree layout; a plant schedule of proposed plant materials; and a description of the irrigation system proposed. Once the concept is approved, GHD will prepare one (1) 3D “Sketch-Up” model illustrating the design con- cepts proposed. Various images will be captured from this model and will be provided to the City. GHD will provide a Project Estimate, which will identi- fy appropriate bid items and quantities. Costs will be based on the historical cost index associated with the identified bid items. Task 4.8 - 65% PS&E Responsible Parties: GHD GHD will incorporate all revisions based on review comments of the 35% plans and prepare the 65% Plans. The following plan sheets are anticipated, for 4. SCOPE OF WORK GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 21 budget purposes, it is assumed no more than 45 sheets will be provided: • Title • General Notes • Typical Sections • Key Map, Line Index, Survey Control • Demolition • Plan and Profiles • Construction Details • Grading Plan • Utility Plan • Drainage Plan and Profile • Construction Area Signs • Stage Construction and Traffic Control • Pavement Delineation • Sign Plans and Details • Irrigation Notes, Plans and Details • Planting Plans and Details • Electrical Plans GHD will update the bid items and costs and pro- vide an updated opinion of probable cost. GHD will prepare the Draft Project Specifications and Bid Documents per City Standards. It is assumed the City will provide any front-end contract boiler plate lan- guage required. Task 4.9 - 90% PS&E Responsible Parties: GHD The plans, cost estimate, and specifications prepared as part of the 65% PS&E will be supplemented with additional details and information as necessary to re- spond to comments received. Task 4.10 - Final Bid Documents Responsible Parties: GHD The PS&E prepared as part of the 90% PS&E will be supplemented with additional details and informa- tion as necessary to respond to comments received for final submittal of sealed plans and specifica- tions to the City. This submittal will represent the fi- nal contract documents that will be issued for bid and construction. Task 4.11 - Hydraulics/Stormwater Design Responsible Parties: GHD GHD will prepare a Drainage Report for the project. Elements for the report include the existing and pro- posed drainage shed maps and narrative of the drain- age conditions prior to and after the project. This assumes the project will maintain the exist- ing drainage patterns and drainage systems within the limits of the proposed improvements and major storm drain infrastructure is not required. The scope of work includes minor modifications and/or addi- tions to the existing underground storm drain sys- tem needed to adequately accommodate the run-off from the project. GHD will prepare a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) to comply with the NPDES permit require- ments and the Coachella Valley Water District’s Water Management Plan Update. A draft drainage report and WQMP will be submitted with the 65% PS&E submittal and a final report with the 90% PS&E submittal. This Task assumes water quality requirements can be met through the use of natural on-site Best Management Practices, such as bioretention swales, rain gardens, and/or self-retaining areas such as land- scaped medians. This Task also assumes that any existing run-on will not need to be treated within the project limits or as part of this project. This Task also assumes the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan will be prepared by the construction contractor. Task 4.12 - Assistance During Bidding Responsible Parties: GHD and City GHD will provide support to the City during Bidding and the Advertising phase. This work includes at- tending the pre-bid meeting and answer up to four (4) questions from bidders. GHD will also provide sup- port to the City in response to requests for informa- tion from bidders. We will also provide support to the City to provide up to two (2) addenda as a result of re- quests for information. Task 4.13 - Construction Support Responsible Parties: GHD and City It is anticipated that the City will retain a third party firm to provide construction management and inspec- tion services. Under this task, engineering support will be provided on an as-requested basis to respond to the requests of the Resident Engineer (RE). These re- quests include requests for information, review of ma- terial submittals, interpretation of plans and spec- ifications, plan changes and revisions, and other construction related requests. GHD will provide up to 40 person hours for this task. GHD will also prepare record drawings based on the RE’s As-Built mark-ups for City records at the com- pletion of the construction. 4. SCOPE OF WORK GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 22 Task 4 Products/Deliverables (Electronic Unless Otherwise Noted) • Draft & Final ATP Application and Attachments • Draft & Final IS/MND • Geotechnical Report • Utility Conflict Maps (11”x17”), Relocation Letters, Utility Agreement, Notice to Owner, and Report of Investigation • 35%, 65%, 90%, and Final Plans, Landscape Concept and Estimate • Draft & Final WQMP and Drainage Report • Bidding Assistance Meeting Minutes, Responses to RFIs, Addenda Materials • Construction Support Responses to RFIs, Plan or Specification Revisions, Record Drawings. Task 5. Corridor Form Based Code (Optional Phase 4) Task 5.1 - Administrative Draft FBC Responsible Parties: LWC Based on the Sample FBC and the recommendations and study area boundary established in the Highway 111 Corridor Plan, LWC will develop an Administrative Draft FBC for the Corridor. The Administrative Draft FBC will establish standards for transect zones, build- ing types, frontage types, and civic space types, as well as land use regulations, administrative provisions, and the design concepts developed with GHD, as necessary for cohesion. The Administrative Draft FBC will also include a Regulating Plan. The City will provide one (1) round of consolidat- ed, non-conflicting comments on the Administrative Draft FBC. Task 5.2 - Design Workshop Responsible Parties: LWC, GHD, and City LWC will facilitate one (1) design workshop to educate community members on FBC’s, receive feedback on work completed to-date, and confirm the communi- ty’s vision for the Corridor. The workshop will include a PowerPoint presentation describing background, context, and project objectives, as well as an over- view of where the FBC applies in the City and its or- ganization and tools. LWC staff members will facilitate small group dis- cussions with accompanying materials (e.g., ques- tionnaire, handout, maps, building type images, flip charts, etc.). LWC will submit draft workshop material for City staff review, then LWC will prepare final work- shop materials based on City staff comments. Large- scale maps for the workshop will be produced by the City. LWC will provide summary notes of the work- shop. The City is responsible for securing a meeting space, noticing, and distributing outreach materials. Task 5.3 - Public Drafts of the FBC Responsible Parties: LWC LWC will prepare a Public Review Draft FBC based on the consolidated, non-conflicting comments provid- ed by City staff. The City will manage the public rollout and comment timeframe. LWC will review comments on the Public Review Draft FBC with City staff and prepare a Public Hearing Draft FBC. LWC will prepare for and attend one teleconfer- ence to discuss public comments with City staff. As necessary, LWC will also revise the Regulating Plan. Upon completion of the Public Hearing Draft FBC, LWC will provide the Adobe InDesign source files of the document to City staff. Task 5.4 - Highway 111 Corridor Environmental Technical Studies Responsible Parties: GHD In support of the environmental document to be pre- pared under Task 5.5, GHD anticipates that technical studies will be needed to address the following envi- ronmental disciplines: • Biological Resources • Cultural Resources • Traffic The extent of environmental analyses contained in these studies, and others if needed, will be deter- mined once the extent of improvements proposed un- der Phases 3 and 4 are defined. Task 5.5 - Highway 111 Corridor Environmental Document Responsible Parties: GHD This Task assumes that no federal funding and there- fore, NEPA clearance is not required and only CEQA will be required. As noted in responses to questions raised per the RFP, we understand that the City will determine the CEQA document type at the time that the City chooses to implement Phases 3 and 4. At this time, given the length of the Corridor, the extent of street improvements, bicycle and pedestrian facil- ities, other active recreation, and visual resources to include landscaping and public art, we expect that a CEQA IS/MND will likely be the appropriate form of documentation for this effort. The IS/MND will consist of the following tasks: 4. SCOPE OF WORK GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 23 • Project Initiation (Kick-Off Meeting, information needs request) • Project Description • Draft IS/MND (addressing applicable topics from CEQA Appendix G, Environmental Checklist Form): o Aesthetics o Air Quality o Biological Resources o Cultural Resources o Energy o Geology/Soils o Greenhouse Gas Emissions o Hazards and Hazardous Materials o Hydrology/Water Quality o Land Use/Planning o Noise o Population/Housing o Public Services o Recreation o Transportation o Tribal Cultural Resources o Utilities/Service Systems o Wildfire • Final IS/MND (including responses to comments, and Mitigation and Monitoring Plan) • Public Hearing and Notice of Determination. With this approach, as future segments of the Corridor are developed, and additional design refine- ments identified, future environmental review can ti- er from the IS/MND (for example, as a Categorical Exemption). This will enable future projects requiring CEQA review to make maximum use of the environ- mental analyses conducted under the present scope of work, thereby reducing the extent and cost of fu- ture analyses. Task 5.6 - Specific Plan Repeal Amendments Responsible Parties: LWC, City If necessary and directed by City Council and Planning Commission, LWC will prepare amend- ments for the repeal of the 11 Specific Plans along the Corridor. Task 5.7 - Final FBC Responsible Parties: LWC LWC will coordinate with and provide guidance to City staff to prepare a Final FBC. While not includ- ed in the budget, LWC and GHD can assist or lead all formal presentations to, and hearings with, Planning Commission and City Council. Task 5 Products/Deliverables (Electronic Unless Otherwise Noted) • Administrative Draft FBC • Draft & Final Design Workshop Presentation and Group Discussion Materials • Design Workshop Summary Notes • Public Review Draft FBC • Public Hearing Draft Teleconference agenda • Public Hearing Draft FBC • Specific Plan Repeal Amendments • Electronic and Hardcopy Final FBC M Meeting / WorkshopDDeliverable MilestoneAAgency ReviewTask 1 Project Management1.1 Project Initiation & CoordinationM1.2 Regular Project Team MeetingsTask 2 Form-Based Code Assessment (Phase 1)2.1 Form-Based Code Initiation Meeting & PresentationM2.2 Microscale Analysis & Specific Plan Evaluation2.3 Sample Form-Based CodeDA2.4 City Council & Planning Commission Joint Study SessionMTask 3 Corridor Design Concept (Phase 2)3.1 Assemble Baseline Data & Develop Corridor BasemapD3.2 Develop & Assess Preliminary Corridor Design ConceptsDA3.3 Review & Discuss Preliminary ConceptsM3.4 Prepare Draft Corridor Design ConceptDA3.5 Prepare Corridor Concept Visualizations and Cross-SectionsD3.6 Prepare Corridor Design Phasing & Implementation PlanDA3.7 Prepare Final Corridor Design ConceptDTask 4 ATP Grant Application and PS&E (Optional Phase 3)4.1 Prepare Draft ATP Grant ApplicationD4.2 Review & Discuss Draft ATP Grant ApplicationAM4.3 Prepare Final ATP Grant Application (Assumes Cycle 6 Grant Date)D4.4 Demonstration Project Environmental ClearanceAD4.5 Geotechnical InvestigationD4.6 Utility CoordinationD4.7 35% Plans & EstimateDA4.8 65% PS&EDA4.9 95% PS&EDA4.10 Final Bid DocumentsD4.11 Hydraulics/Stormwater Design & ReportingDDADADAD4.12 Assistance During Bidding (TBD)4.13 Construction Support (TBD)Task 5 Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code (Optional Phase 4)5.1 Administrative Draft Form-Based CodeDA5.2 Design WorkshopM5.3 Public Drafts of the Form-Based CodeDADA5.4 Highway 111 Corridor Environmental Technical StudiesDA5.5 Highway 111 Corridor Environmental DocumentDA5.6 Specific Plan Repeal AmendmentsDA5.7 Final Form-Based CodeDPROJECT SCHEDULE Aug-22Sep-22Oct-22Nov-22Jun-22Jul-22May-22Feb-21Mar-21Apr-21May-21Jun-21Jan-22Feb-22Aug-21Sep-21Oct-21Nov-21Dec-21Mar-22Task DescriptionDec-20Jan-21Jul-21Apr-22Jul-20Aug-20Sep-20Oct-20Nov-20GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 24 5. SCHEDULE | TIMELINE 6. REFERENCES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 25 2. City of Compton Robert Delgadilo Senior Planner 205 South Willowbrook Avenue Compton, CA 90220 1 310 605 5532 Project: Transit-Oriented Development Specific Plan and Transit Overlay Zone - Compton Blue Line Artesia Station, Compton, CA 3. City of Hayward Jeremy Lochirco Principal Planner 777 B Street Hayward, CA 94541 1 510 583 4200 Project: City of Hayward Form-Based Code Update, Hayward, CA Geocon References 1. City of Murrieta Jeff Hitch Principal Civil Engineer 1 Town Square Murrieta, CA 92562 1 951 461 6076 Project: Cal Oaks Road Rehabilitation, Murrieta, CA 2. City of Menifee Carlos Geronimo Capital Improvement Projects 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 1 951 723 3722 Project: Scott Road Expansion Investigation, Menifee, CA 3. City of La Quinta Bryan McKinney Public Works Director/City Engineer 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 1 760 777 7045 Project: La Quinta Complete Streets, Menifee, CA The references listed below have expressed satisfac- tion with our work and will attest to the excellence of our services. GHD References 1. Napa Valley Transportation Authority Diana Meehan Senior Program Planner 625 Burnell Street Napa, CA 94559 1 707 259 8327 Project: Imola Avenue Corridor Complete Streets Improvement Plan, Napa, CA 2. City of Fairfield George Hicks Project Manager 1000 Webster Street Fairfield, CA 94533 1 707 702 1962 Project: Heart of Fairfield - West Texas Complete Street, Fairfield, CA 3. City of Redding Linda Burke Transportation Planner 777 Cypress Avenue Redding, CA 96001 1 530 225 4030 Project: Downtown Streets Community-Based Transportation Plan, Redding, CA LWC References 1. City of Las Vegas Michael Howe Urban Design Coordinator 333 North Rancho Drive Las Vegas, NV 89106 1 702 229 6821 Project: 2045 Downtown Las Vegas Plan Form- Based Code, Las Vegas, NV References Appendix A: Forms 7. APPENDIX A: FORMS GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 30 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal I, __________________________________ (name) hereby declare as follows: I am ______________________________ of _________________________, (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that tall statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Proposer Signature: _______________________________________ Proposer Name: _______________________________________ Proposer Title: ______________________________________ Company Name: _______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ ATTACHMENT 4 Todd Tregenza, AICP a Project Manager GHD Inc. Todd Tregenza, AICP Project Manager GHD Inc. 943 Reserve Drive, Roseville, CA 95678 7. APPENDIX A: FORMS GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 31 Insurance Acknowledgement GHD acknowledges that we have sufficuent insurance to meet the requirements of the RFP, per the sam- ple certificate below. Upon award of the contract, our insurance carrier will issue a policy required in the Insurance Provisions, naming the City as additional insured. SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER F : INSURER E : INSURER D : INSURER C : INSURER B : INSURER A : NAIC # NAME:CONTACT (A/C, No):FAX E-MAILADDRESS: PRODUCER (A/C, No, Ext):PHONE INSURED REVISION NUMBER:CERTIFICATE NUMBER:COVERAGES IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. OTHER: (Per accident) (Ea accident) $ $ N / A SUBRWVDADDLINSD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. $ $ $ $PROPERTY DAMAGE BODILY INJURY (Per accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT AUTOS ONLY AUTOSAUTOS ONLY NON-OWNED SCHEDULEDOWNED ANY AUTO AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y / N WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED?(Mandatory in NH) DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS belowIf yes, describe under ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE $ $ $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT EROTH-STATUTEPER LIMITS(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EXP(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EFFPOLICY NUMBERTYPE OF INSURANCELTRINSR DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) EXCESS LIAB UMBRELLA LIAB $EACH OCCURRENCE $AGGREGATE $ OCCUR CLAIMS-MADE DED RETENTION $ $PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $GENERAL AGGREGATE $PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $MED EXP (Any one person) $EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTED $PREMISES (Ea occurrence) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY PRO-JECT LOC CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) CANCELLATION AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2016/03) © 1988-2016 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. CERTIFICATE HOLDER The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD HIREDAUTOS ONLY Willis of Massachusetts, Inc. c/o 26 Century Blvd P.O. Box 305191 Nashville, TN 372305191 USA GHD Inc. 4747 N. 22nd Street, Suite 200 Phoenix, AZ 85016 Additional Insured status can be granted as above only where required by written contract. General Liability policy can be Primary and Non-contributory with any other insurance in force for or which may be purchased by Additional Insured where required by contract or agreement. Waiver of Subrogation can be applied as above in favor of Certificate Holder where required by contract or agreement. Umbrella/Excess Liability Follows Form over General Liability, Auto Liability and Employer's Liability. To Whom It May Concern-GHD Inc 11/22/2019 1-877-945-7378 1-888-467-2378 certificates@willis.com Allied World Assurance Company US Inc 19489 Zurich American Insurance Company Beazley Insurance Company Inc 16535 37540 W13952898 A 1,000,000 1,000,000 25,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 Y Y 0310-4497 12/01/2019 12/01/2020 B 1,000,000 07/01/202007/01/2019 Coll Ded: $500 Hired Physical DamagComp Ded: $250 Y Y BAP 3757423-04 100000 A 1,000,000 Y Y 0310-4498 12/01/2019 12/01/2020 1,000,000 WC 0380936-04BY 1,000,000No07/01/2019 07/01/2020 1,000,000 1,000,000 C Professional Liability Each Claim:V29594190101 12/01/2019 12/01/2020 Aggregate: 146830018847015SR ID:BATCH: $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Page 1 of 1 Appendix B: Resumes APPENDIX B: RESUMES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 33 Todd Tregenza has 13 years of professional experience in various areas of transportation consulting with an emphasis on transportation planning projects. He has assisted dozens of agencies on short and long-range planning efforts, including the development of travel demand models, general plan circulation elements, specific plans and master plans, corri- dor studies, capital improvement programs, nexus and fee studies, transportation operational analysis, and impact analyses. His experience spans public and private sector work for a broad range of projects that require circulation, safety, and operational analysis from a transportation perspective. Todd also has extensive experience as an On-Call trans- portation planner for local agencies, assisting in the preparation of trans- portation studies and grant applications, performing peer reviews of impact studies, and developing CEQA impact analyses for development projects of all sizes. Project Experience • Project Manager | Imola Corridor Complete Streets Improvement Plan | Napa, CA | Managing the development of a 3.5-mile multimodal complete streets plan for Imola Avenue in the City and County of Napa. The plan addresses on- and off-street corridor improvements, including improved pedestrian realm and safety and mobility improvements for all road users. Plan develop- ment includes agency and community stakeholders to ensure the process is community-driven. Improvements will be prioritized and programmed according to various measures of effectiveness, includ- ing benefit-cost, constructability, and environmental stewardship. • Senior Transportation Planner | Heart of Fairfield Infrastructure Planning | Fairfield, CA | Assisted in development of corridor improvement design concept on West Texas Street. Project includes road diet, Class IV protected bikeways, improved sidewalks and new traffic control. Prepared the comparative benefit/cost analysis between alternatives, including parking-protected versus land- scape-buffered bikeways and roundabout versus signal control. Prepared crash analysis and currently supporting City in preparation of ATP and HSIP grant applications for implementation of prioritized project phases. • Senior Transportation Planner | Pajaro to Prunedale Corridor Study (G12 Corridor) | Monterey County, CA | Assisted in deliv- ery of corridor travel analysis of G12 and SR 1. Oversaw develop- ment of final report, including selection of preferred improvements, segment performance measures, illustrating improvement concepts, and developing lifecycle benefit / cost comparisons. Led and facili- tated community outreach meetings, and oversaw the preparation of supporting physical and digital collateral. • Project Manager | Valley Springs Town Center Connectivity Plan | Valley Springs, CA | Managing the development of a multimodal complete streets plan for the “Town Center” of Valley Springs at the intersection of SR 12 and SR 26, with a focus on multimodal and school safety. Quantified conditions for bicycle, pedestrian, transit, and auto users, including intersection operations, LTS, safety, and connectivity. Developing implementable, cost-effective grant-eligible, prioritized infrastructure recommendations for plan. • Senior Transportation Planner | Coloma Sustainable Community Mobility Plan | El Dorado County, CA | Oversaw development of performance measures for existing and proposed improvements for all travel modes on Lotus Road and SR 49 through the State Park. Todd Tregenza, AICP Project Manager Education BS, Community and Regional Development, University of California Davis, 2007 Licenses/Registration AICP Certified Planner #29678 Memberships/Affiliations • Young Professionals in Transportation Sacramento Chapter • American Planning Association APPENDIX B: RESUMES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 34 Kamesh Vedula has over 20 years in the disciplines of transportation engineering, planning, and modeling. His present roles include Principal- in-Charge, Business Development, Project Manager, and Transportation Operations Leader, depending on project needs. He oversees the work- load balance of the transportation planning/engineering group and coor- dinates with other groups and regions to level staff resources. He is a specialist of ICE and has completed several ICE projects within a major- ity of Caltrans Districts, and conducted ICE analysis training classes in Caltrans District 11 and Headquarters. His project management experi- ence includes PSR-PDS, PA/ED, ICE studies, roundabout planning/ design, advanced roundabout operations analysis/design, complete streets studies, corridor studies, traffic impact studies, and traffic safety studies. Kamesh oversees daily operations including team meetings, scheduling, invoicing, and client coordination through active communi- cation. He contributes to business development through conference attendance, positioning with clients and strategic teaming partners, preparation of qualifications and proposals, and interviews for projects. Project Experience • Traffic Engineer | La Quinta Village Complete Street, a Road Diet Project | La Quinta, CA | Led the traffic operations effort for the roundabouts and complete street elements. • Traffic Engineer | Heart of Fairfield Infrastructure Planning | Fairfield, CA | Led traffic operations for the corridor improvement design concept on West Texas Street. Project includes road diet, Class IV protected bikeways, improved sidewalks, and new traffic control. Oversaw the comparative benefit/cost analysis between alternatives, including parking-protected versus landscape-buffered bikeways and roundabout versus signal control. Prepared crash analysis and currently supporting City in preparation of ATP and HSIP grant applications for implementation of prioritized phases. • Engineer | Downtown Redding Community-Based Transportation Study | Redding, CA | Assisted with the project meetings, circulation, and congestion plan. Involved in inventory of the existing private and public parking and responsible for identifying the existing conditions, peak hour traffic operations, and website public engagement. • Traffic Engineer | Old Redwood Highway Complete Street Improvement and Design | Cotati, CA | Responsible for traf- fic study to address the transportation impacts associated with the proposed Village Main Street roadway improvement project that proposes to improve Old Redwood Highway Corridor to a pedestrian-oriented two-lane facility for use in completing the proj- ect’s California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) environmental documents. • Traffic Engineer | Rohnert Park Expressway Corridor Study TIS and Roadway Rehabilitation | Rohnert Park, CA | Oversaw travel time runs and responsible for preparation of calibrated operations model to match field conditions and propose mitigations to improve traffic operations summarized in a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) report. • Principal-in-Charge, Traffic Engineer | Valley Springs Town Center Connectivity Plan (Valley Springs Complete Streets) | Calaveras County, CA | Responsible for overseeing the traffic fore- casting and operations and assisting with identification of improve- ments for consistency against the project need and purpose and reviewing cost estimates. Kamesh Vedula, PE, TE Principal-in-Charge Education • BS, Civil Engineering, Nagarjuna University, Bapatla, India, 2000 • MS, Transportation, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 2004 Licenses/Registrations • Civil Engineer, CA #79926 • Traffic Engineer, CA #2546 Foreign Languages • Hindi • Telugu Professional Skills • Roundabout Planning/Design • Transportation Planning • Transportation Engineering • Travel Demand Modeling • Master Planning • Traffic Operations Analysis • Traffic Circulation Studies APPENDIX B: RESUMES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 35 Lindsey Van Parys is a registered civil engineer in multiple states and holds a certificate in Traffic Collision Investigation. She has been deliver- ing transportation projects since 2008, and is currently a project manager. Lindsey manages transportation projects from the conceptual phases through to construction, including preliminary engineering, envi- ronmental assessments, and detail design for various types of roadway, highway, roundabout, complete street and active transportation proj- ects, with a key focus on delivering to clients’ time, budget and quality expectations. Her projects have ranged from major highway inter- changes to innovative intersection and safety solutions, to shared use paths. Lindsey specializes in delivering projects on the State Highway System and has worked on dozens of concepts and designs, as well as project delivery for projects spanning North America. Project Experience • Project Manager | La Quinta Village Complete Street, a Road Diet Project | La Quinta, CA | Responsible for the overall delivery of the environmental documentation, PS&E, right of way and utility clearance for the three-mile, three-street corridor complete street project consisting of five roundabouts, water quality infrastructure, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, golf cart facilities, and landscape/ beautification elements. Also coordinating stakeholder outreach, one-on-one meetings with impacted property owners and business owners and performing community outreach. Coordinating utility relocations with six different utility purveyors and coordinating with two adjacent projects being constructed concurrently. • PID Phase Project Manager | SR 29 Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan | Napa County, CA | Managing the Project Initiation Document (PID) portion of the this multi-disciplinary corridor study which identifies a preferred SR 29 corridor concept and associated infrastructure improvements that will best meet both the local and regional goals, while providing the highest return on investment of limited regional transportation funding for the next 20 years. The plan will be developed consistent with the 2018 Comprehensive Multi-Modal Corridor Plan Guidelines. The PID will focus on a segment of improvement of SR 29 through American Canyon. • Project Manager | Kings Beach Western Approach | Kings Beach, CA | Responsible for the overall delivery of the Preliminary Approval and Environmental Documentation (PA/ED) phase of the project. In charge of the development of four intersection and corri- dor alternatives, associated traffic operations analysis and ICE for transforming the intersection of SR 267 and SR 28 into an intersec- tion that accommodates all modes of travel, including a road diet along SR 28. Overseeing and preparing various technical investiga- tions, project approval reports, technical memorandum, and project documentation in the environmental document and project report. Also coordinating stakeholder outreach, one-on-one meetings with impacted property owners and business owners and performing community outreach. Also responsible for coordinating with various agencies, including Caltrans and Tahoe Regional Planning Agency to obtain design and environmental approvals. • Assistant Project Manager | First and Second Street Roundabouts along California Boulevard | Napa, CA | Responsible for overseeing the preparation of the permitting, techni- cal investigations, project approval reports, technical memorandum, and project documentation in the environmental document and proj- ect approval phase of the project. Lindsey Van Parys, PE, QSD/QSP Assistant Project Manager Education • BS, Civil Engineering, California State University, Sacramento, CA, 2009 • BS, Health Science and Spanish, California State University, San Jose, CA, 2004 Licenses/Registration • Civil Engineer, CA #79989, FL #83571 • Qualified SWPPP Developer/ Practitioner, CA #23897 Memberships/Affiliations • Transportation Research Board: Standing Committee on Roundabouts • American Society of Civil Engineers • Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), International Roundabout Committee, Co-Chair • Women’s Transportation Seminar • Young Professionals in Transportation APPENDIX B: RESUMES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 36 Daniel Kehrer is a project manager who has been a part of numerous civil engineering designs for roadways, interchanges, complex intersec- tions, rail crossings, and site development projects for over 13 years. He works collaboratively with our staff in providing civil engineering design and traffic engineering support including the following: Feasibility stud- ies, environmental documents, traffic reports, project reports, plan line studies, safety analysis, peer reviews, plan preparation, specifications, estimates, and construction support. He is well-versed in assembling computer plans/exhibits using CAD software (AutoCAD and Microstation), quantity calculations, and cost estimations, as well as roadway software design programs, right of way certification, utility coordination, and construction plan reviews. He is very familiar with design codes such as the Caltrans Highway Design Manual, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)/Public Rights of Way Accessibility Guidelines, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Roadside Design Guide, and CA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Project Experience • Project Engineer | La Quinta Village Complete Street, a Road Diet Project | La Quinta, CA | Lead designer for the Active Transportation Plan (ATP) grant application and project PS&E. The grant application of three complete street corridors includes five roundabouts, a road diet, and various pedestrian crossing improve- ments. The preliminary analysis and design assisted the City to acquire ATP grant funding. Project began construction in June 2019. • Project Manager | Orchard Avenue Extension Feasibility Study | Mendocino County, CA | Overseeing the preparation of a feasibil- ity study for a proposed road extension in Mendocino County, just north of Ukiah. The project goal is to address the needs of future developments and to alleviate traffic along the State Street Corridor and US 101 to provide additional access and alternative routes through the greater Ukiah Valley area. The Orchard Avenue complete street improvements will extend from the existing north-south road- way at Brush Street and extend to Lake Mendocino Drive. • Project Engineer | Windsor River Road/Windsor Road Roundabout Improvements | Windsor, CA | Lead designer for ICE for the single-lane roundabout design that accommodates existing and future light-rail corridor passing through the intersec- tion. Assisted in cost estimation for ATP grant funding application. Performed the roundabout performance checks, right of way analy- sis, and incorporation of plaza areas where pedestrians can gather near transit centers. • Project Engineer | East Joiner Parkway/Twelve Bridges Drive Pavement Rehabilitation | Lincoln, CA | Lead designer for the PS&E for rehabilitation of two major corridors, East Joiner Parkway and Twelve Bridges Drive. Project included roadway rehabilitation, sidewalk extensions, and various ADA upgrades to the corridor. • Engineer | SR 101/SR 116 (Gravenstein Highway) Interchange Modification PSR/PR and PS&E | Cotati, CA | Provided design support for multiple signal and highway realignment alternatives for a traffic study involving construction of a Safeway. Alternatives were developed for scenarios using Caltrans and local standards. • Project Engineer | 17 Mile Drive/Holman Highway 68/Highway 1 Intersection ICE, PS&E | Monterey, CA | Lead designer for project report, PS&E, project bid documents, and construction support for this award-winning roundabout project. Daniel Kehrer, PE, QSD/QSP Design Lead Education BS, Civil Engineering, California State University, Sacramento, CA, 2012 Licenses/Registrations • Civil Engineer, CA #82663 • Qualified SWPPP Developer/ Practitioner, CA #25976 Memberships/Affiliations GHD Young Professionals Recognized Sutter Health ADA Accessibility Seminar, March 2017 APPENDIX B: RESUMES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 37 Jonathan Linkus is an urban design and planning professional whose eight years delivering public and private planning projects are based on thoughtful client and stakeholder relationships and integrated thinking across urban scales. Jonathan’s role ranges from detail-oriented designer, to managing large multi-disciplinary master planning efforts. His work pioneers innovative place-making, which has garnered eight regional, state, and national planning awards as lead planner or project manager. His project types include university campus long range devel- opment plans, mixed-use district and streetscape concepts, transit-ori- ented specific plans, living waterfronts with coastal resiliency, and airport-connected projects. Project Experience • Co-Project Manager, Lead Planner, Urban Designer | Canberra City Centre Transit-Oriented Study | Canberra, ACT, Australia | Prepared high-rise concepts that integrate multi-block transit infra- structure and walkable mixed-use development to activate the heart of Canberra as a national crossroads (12-acre study area). • Lead Planner, Urban Designer | Caesars East-Side Live/Work/ Play Master Plan | Las Vegas, CA | Prepared district mixed-use and open space options that introduce a walkable living and work- place setting adjacent to the famed “Strip”* (3.46M GSF, 106-acre study area). • Planner, Urban Designer | Vision 2045: Downtown Las Vegas Master Plan | Las Vegas, NV | Responsible for preparing Symphony Park mixed-use residential and arts transit-oriented hubs* (3.46M GSF, 106-acre study area). • Team Planner, Urban Designer | Eau Claire West: Mixed-Use Urban Village | Calgary, AB | Responsible for preparing multi-func- tion open space proposals within a mixed-use hotel and residential project. Prepared yield summaries and solar impact studies* (2.0M GSF, 6.5-acre study area). • Team Planner, Urban Designer | Dominion Bridge at Ramsay Exchange | Calgary, AB | Responsible for site plan options, mixed- use development yield summaries, architectural façade concepts, and outreach graphics* (1.5M GSF, 18-acre study area). • Lead Planner, Urban Designer | Bridgeville Community Center Vision | Humboldt County, CA | Responsible for space needs anal- ysis, public outreach events, building design, pricing, and concep- tual site layout (3 acres). • Planner, Urban Designer | Australian War Memorial 50-Year Master Plan | Canberra, ACT, Australia | Proposed long-range adaptation scenarios in a memorial development framework with campus visioning (35 acres). • Project Manager, Lead Planner | Amazon HQ2 Nevada • Las Vegas Economic and Urban Development Department | Las Vegas, NV | City-sponsored development concept for new 50,000-employee Amazon headquarters across three sites* (8.07M GSF, 70 acres). • Project Manager, Lead Planner | Peachtree Corners Innovation Hub Master Plan | Peachtree Corners, GA | Oversaw and devel- oped two mixed-use gateway districts, prepared adaptive reuse/ infill and transit framework as land use subconsultant* (8.27M GSF, 950-acre study area). • Lead Planner, Urban Designer | UHWO Long Range Development Plan | Kapolei, HI | Developed conceptual site plan options and preferred space need analysis. Jonathan Linkus, AICP, LEED AP Urban Planning Education • BS, Architecture: University of Southern California, CA, 2008 • MS, Architecture: Urban Design, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, 2011 Licenses/Registration • AICP Certified Planner • LEED Accredited Professional Memberships/Affiliations American Institute of Certified Planners APPENDIX B: RESUMES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 38 Emily Shandy, LCI Active Transportation Planning Education BA, Urban Studies and Planning, University of California, San Diego, CA, 2012 Licenses/Registrations League of American Bicyclists, League Cycling Instructor #4752 Memberships/Affiliations • Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals, Sacramento Region Chapter Founder, Co-Chair • City of Davis Planning Commission Awards Caltrans Excellence in Transportation Award: Highway as Main Street, for Bridgeport Main Street Revitalization (CA 395), 2015 Emily Shandy has nearly a decade of experience in public engagement and active transportation planning. Her expertise includes developing bicycle and pedestrian plans at the city, county, and statewide level; developing, implementing, and evaluating SRTS plans and programs; conducting trail and corridor studies; and writing successful state and regional grant applications for local agencies. With a focus on commu- nity needs and unique contexts, Emily excels at delivering projects that help clients advance their vision for their community while tailoring approaches to use resources efficiently. Project Experience • Senior Planner | Imola Avenue Corridor Complete Streets Study | Napa, CA | Serving as lead author and senior planner on a corri- dor study to increase multimodal comfort and accessibility, improve traffic operations, and create a vibrant and inviting streetscape. The visually rich plan will include documentation of existing conditions and needs identified by the community alongside recommended improvements and a strategic implementation plan that considers funding opportunities and maintenance. • Senior Planner | Heart of Fairfield West Texas Street Corridor Study | Fairfield, CA | Provided draft concept improvement review and consulted on strategies to maximize active transportation benefits and competitiveness of the project for California’s Active Transportation Program (ATP) and other competitive grant funding opportunities. • Senior Planner | SR 29 Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan | Napa County, CA | Serving as lead author to develop a comprehensive multimodal corridor plan for SR 29 through Napa County and the cities of Napa and American Canyon. The plan will be aligned with Caltrans’ Smart Mobility Framework and Solutions for Congested Corridors guidelines. It will support the pursuit of competitive grant funding for implementation. • Senior Planner | Valley Springs Town Center Connectivity Plan | Valley Springs, CA | Serving as lead author and providing active transportation planning support for the development of a commu- nity-driven multimodal complete streets plan for the “Town Center” area of Valley Springs in Calaveras County. Assisting with develop- ment of cost-effective grant-eligible, prioritized infrastructure recom- mendations for plan to improve safety and connectivity near an elementary school and within the Town Center as a whole. • Assistant Project Manager | Elk Grove Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Trails Master Plan | Elk Grove, CA | Assisting the project manager and serving as the planning lead for a three-firm project team in the development of an update to the Elk Grove Bicycle, Pedestrian and Trails Master Plan, which will prepare the City to seek grant funding and quickly implement high-priority recommendations. The plan will include context-appropriate network recommendations for the urban, suburban, and rural areas of the City, and will recommend strategies to leverage new development to construct a well-con- nected active transportation network. • Assistant Project Manager | San Francisco Bay Trail, Doolittle Drive Segment | Oakland, CA | Assisting the project manager for a new shared-use path to close a critical gap in the Bay Trail along SR 61 in Oakland. The effort includes coordinating multiple deliverables on an accelerated timeline to secure necessary environmental clear- ances and Caltrans approvals within the funding deadline to deliver a project ready for construction in spring of 2021. APPENDIX B: RESUMES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 39 Brandon Willnecker has over 23 years of experience in leadership and in providing practical and technical solutions for projects and clients. His expertise is in land development, stormwater and wet utilities, stormwater quality, as well as civil site design, municipal projects, and associated infrastructure and watercourse impacts. Whether local or regional, Brandon has been responsible for the planning, design, and management through construction for projects ranging from stormwater and water quality studies, water and sewer projects and studies, stormwater general permitting compliance, to large-scale land develop- ment and redevelopment projects, as well as public water infrastructure improvements. Project Experience • Project Manager | State College Boulevard Regional BMP System Retrofit | Anaheim, CA | Leading the preliminary design phase for a regional sewer conversion to stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP’s). Identifying project variables and constraints up front and gain concurrence from the City of Anaheim and Orange County Department of Public Works for the ultimate solution. GHD provided a feasibility study for repurposing an aban- doned sewer system into a stormwater capture system for regional water quality treatment. The feasibility study lead to incorporating design retrofit details into OCSD’s sewer replacement plan. The details included modifying abandoned manhole structures to outlet stormwater runoff and infiltrate into the ground below. The next steps for this project are to submit a conceptual plan to Orange County Department of Public Works for concept approval prior to the preparation of final construction documents. • Project Manager | La Palma Avenue and Richfield Road Storm Drain Improvement | Anaheim, CA | Responsible for a storm drain system extension project, which included grant funding require- ments, including schedule, budget, and project costs. The primary objective of the project was stormwater capture and groundwater recharge. GHD was tasked to provide hydrology and hydraulic calculations to show annual capture of stormwater runoff. Also included in the scope is final design of the storm drain extension into the ground water recharge basin, and the design of a pre-treatment system that includes a full capture alternative. A secondary objective of the project was to alleviate flooding within the intersection of La Palma Avenue and Richfield Road. • Project Manager | Boysen Park Stormwater Master Planning | Anaheim, CA | Overseeing planning efforts to repurpose an exist- ing park and sports fields for added stormwater benefits. Project to include analysis of upstream watersheds and determine runoff values from an OCPW storm drain and City of Anaheim areas. Analyze existing infrastructure and determine alternatives for divert- ing peak flow rates into above ground areas for temporary storage and mitigated release back into the storm drain system after the peak flows dissipate. Also responsible for preparation of financial analysis for alternatives is included in the project. • Project Engineer | South Coast Water District Doheny Desalination Plant | Dana Point, CA | Managed development of the preliminary grading plan and water quality management design for design development permitting approval for a design build proj- ect. Tasks included leading the preparation of a watershed level hydraulic study to incorporate sea level rise, off-flow drainage, and on-site drainage. Brandon Willnecker, PE, QSD/QSP Hydraulics Education BS, Civil Engineering, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, 1997 Licenses/Registration • Civil Engineer, CA #64681, AL, OH • Self-Certified Qualified SWPPP Developer/Practitioner, CA Memberships/Affiliations • American Society of Civil Engineers • Water Environment Federation APPENDIX B: RESUMES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 40 Nathan Towlerton is a licensed professional engineer with extensive experience on a variety of water quality, flood control, and integrated water management projects throughout California. His experience includes hydraulic & hydrologic analysis, green streets/complete streets design, MS4 compliance program improvement, Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) development, regional BMP implementation, land develop- ment, and structural BMP design. He specializes in the area of water quality with particular emphasis on MS4 and Industrial General Permit compliance. Project Experience • Project Manager | Storm Water Quality Management Plan Review | Oceanside, CA | Acted as expert reviewer of Storm Water Quality Management Plans (SWQMP’s) on behalf of the City of Oceanside Engineering Division for projects subject to the current San Diego Region NPDES MS4 Permit. Also developed, in conjunction with the GHD team, the City’s BMP Design Manual and SWQMP templates to comply with the current permit. Additional responsibilities include City staff permit compliance training and consultation with CIP staff for evaluation of current/future projects. • Project Engineer | Kelly Drive & Park Drive Road Diet | Carlsbad, CA | Provided green streets conceptual design and SWQMP support for multi-modal operational improvement project in Carlsbad. The project consisted of a complete streets approach with stormwater BMP’s, buffered bike lanes, enhanced sidewalks, protected trails, and intersection roundabouts. • Project Engineer | La Palma Avenue and Richfield Road Stormwater Infiltration Project System | Anaheim, CA | Provided hydrologic/hydraulic analysis and design of grant-funded storm drain improvement/infiltration project. The project included construction of new storm drain lines to divert stormwater flows to existing regional infiltration basins and mitigate local roadway flooding. Project tasks included hydraulic modeling (PCSWMM), system design, and construction support. • Project Engineer | Live Oak and Trabuco Canyon WQMP | Orange County, CA | Developed Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for Orange County Public Works safety improvement proj- ect along rural highway in unincorporated Orange County. Tasks included specification and design of green streets stormwater BMP’s, development of long-term operation and maintenance speci- fications, and WQMP document and appendices. • Project Engineer | Anaheim Alley Sewer Improvements | Anaheim, CA | Designed City right of way stormwater BMP’s as part of sewer improvement project for City of Anaheim Department of Public Works. Project utilized grant funding based on stormwater volume capture. Used Orange County stormwater methodology to design custom biochar BMP’s and permeable pavement to meet volume capture requirements. • Project Engineer | Lambert Road WQMP | Orange County, CA | Developed WQMP for Orange County Public Works bikeway project. Development included site evaluation, hydrologic analysis, and specification and design of stormwater BMP’s in accordance with Orange County Model WQMP and US EPA’s Green Streets Handbook. Nathan Towlerton, PE, QSD/QSP, QISP Stormwater Education BS, Chemical Engineering - Environmental Process, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 2006 Licenses/Registration • Civil Engineer, CA #81643 • Qualified SWPPP Developer/ Practitioner, CA #26239 • Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner Memberships/Affiliations • American Society of Civil Engineers • California Stormwater Quality Association APPENDIX B: RESUMES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 41 Lucas Piper is a registered landscape architect with over 11 years of habitat restoration, private development, and transportation/roadway related design experience. He is a certified Qualified SWPPP Developer/ Practitioner (QSD/QSP) and has worked on a number of storm water pollution management, stabilization, and low-impact development proj- ects. Lucas supports a multitude of GHD consulting projects by provid- ing an array of services including site analysis, site planning, resource/ existing condition mapping, geospatial analysis, conceptual design development, 3D renderings, construction document Plans, Specifications and Estimates, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan development, and storm water quality compliance monitoring, reporting, and best management practices implementation. Project Experience • Landscape Architect | La Quinta Complete Streets, a Road Diet Project | La Quinta, CA | Assisted with preparation of streetscape design for five roundabouts and approximately 0.5 miles of roadway. Desert plant materials, indigenous or adaptable to the area were incorporated in the design. Each roundabout represents a different planting theme. Water quality swales/basins are incorporated in many of the parkway strips to provide storm water detention and water quality Best Management Practices (BMP’s). • Landscape Architect | Imola Avenue Median Landscape | Napa, CA | Assisted in the development of the PS&E package for the Imola Avenue corridor that provides planting and irrigation in four existing medians on a roadway that is considered a gateway in the City of Napa. Plant materials were selected for their sustainability, low main- tenance, and color/texture. Provided the City with construction level PS&E for a project that will to provide an inviting roadway landscape as a first impression when visiting the City of Napa. • Landscape Architect | Visalia Road (Avenue 280) Streetscape Design | Exeter, CA | Assisted with the preparation of complete landscape plans associated with roadway improvements. The road- way improvements included landscape medians and parkways between the sidewalk and curb. Plant materials proposed were selected to provide year-round interest, relatively low maintenance needs, and low water use. • Landscape Architect | Trinity East Connector Roadway | Weaverville, CA | This project was an in-depth and collaborative project requiring the integration of roadway and bridge construc- tion with mitigation and landscaping design. As the lead land- scape architect for the subconsultant team to Quincy Engineering, Provided all aspects of the roadside landscaping and wetland and riparian mitigation design from concept to construction support. Under supervision, a series of construction drawings and specifica- tions were developed. These included 65%, 90%, and 100% plans and written specifications that were used for implementation of the approved mitigation strategy. The mitigation design for this project required consistent collaboration with our client’s roadway engi- neering team to ensure storm water control in compliance with the project’s permits as well as keeping the mitigation areas within the property boundaries and right of way. In addition to the mitigation design, lead efforts in the development of the roadside landscaping plans, as well as written specifications and engineer’s cost estimates at each stage of plan development. Work performed while employed at a different firm. Lucas Piper, LLA, QSD/QSP Landscape Education BS, Landscape Architecture, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, 2006 Licenses/Registration • Landscape Architect, CA #5873 • Qualified SWPPP Developer/ Practitioner, CA #25768 Software & Equipment Skills • AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 • ArcGIS 10.2 (ESRI) • Total station, RTK R10 system, laser level, Trimble GPS • California Natural Diversity Database • Sketchup • LandFx • Photoshop APPENDIX B: RESUMES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 42 Brian Howard manages the firm’s northern California surveying projects and supervises surveyors scheduling field and office personnel. Throughout his over 30-year career, he has performed surveying and ROW engineering on a full range of surveying work, including Chainman, Instrumentman, and Party Chief. He has extensive experience with topographic, boundary, and construction surveying, as well as expertise with geodetic and photogrammetric control, hydrographic surveying, aids to navigation, optical tooling, machine alignment, movement, and settlement surveys. Brian has surveyed in all types of environments from the highly industrial settings of chemical plants, steel mills, and oil refin- eries, to remote areas staking slide repairs and establishing boundary lines in the vast majority of California’s counties from Orange and Riverside, to Modoc and Siskiyou. He has additional surveying experi- ence in Nevada, Oregon, and Hawaii. Project Experience • Project Manager | Road 108 Widening Project Approval/ Environmental Documents (PA/ED) | Tulare, CA | Performed the preparation of the design base mapping and right of way acquisi- tions, establish project control using fast static GPS surveys based upon NGS Control using Caltrans specifications, topographic mapping was prepared by integrating ground surveys into the aerial base mapping, resolved existing right of ways, property lines, and easements. Base mapping was prepared by integrating the topo- graphic mapping with resolved property data; preparing +/-200 legal descriptions and plats for proposed right of way acquisitions, utility easements, other easements and quit claims of existing easements of relocated utilities; and preparing an overall appraisal map. Also responsible for preparing a record of survey filed with the County for the widening 2.75 miles of Road 108 to a four-lane divided highway from Leland Avenue in the City of Tulare, north to Caldwell Avenue in the City of Visalia. • Surveyor | Shastina Drive Reconstruction Project PSR/PR and PS&E | Weed, CA | Performed the as-built surveys, field topo- graphic survey, research of road records, Caltrans oversight, topo- graphic mapping preparation, right of way surveys, control, and construction staking. Provided turn key services, including inspec- tion, surveying, the resident engineer, labor compliance, and pay estimates to prepare the PSR, PR, PS&E, and construction manage- ment for a long portion of the corridor of Shastina Drive - a major local truck route and collector within the City. The project extended from the Vista Drive interchange, North to South Weed Boulevard. • Survey Manager, Party Chief | Avenue 54 Widening Project | Riverside County, CA | Performed the topographic and right of way surveying for new median and widening of 1.5 miles of Avenue 54 and Van Buren Street bordering and accessing the Augustine Indian Reservation in Coachella, Riverside County. • Surveyor | Houston Avenue Pedestrian Accessibility Improvements | Visalia, CA | Provided topographic surveying, right of way determination, and mapping. This project was to improve mobility with ADA improvements and bike lane additions on existing city streets in the City of Visalia. • Surveyor | Flores Avenue Access Road | Tehama County, CA | Services included setting up the control site survey using Trimble RTK, and fast static GPS, along with Trimble S6 Total Stations survey instruments, preparing legal descriptions and legal plats for future right of way acquisition. Brian Howard, PLS Survey Education • BS, Survey and Photogrammetry, California State University, Fresno, CA, 1986 • AS, Engineering, College of the Siskiyous, Weed, CA, 1982 Licenses/Registration Professional Land Surveyor, CA #7250 Memberships/Affiliations California Land Surveyor Association Software/Equipment Experience • AutoDesk Civil3D • Differential Levels • Digital Level • Needed Accessories • Trimble Geomatics Office • Trimble R-8 GPS Receivers • Trimble S-6 Robotic Total Stations • Trimble 5700 GPS Receivers • TSC2 Survey Controllers Published APPENDIX B: RESUMES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 43 Myung Choo is a licensed civil and traffic engineer with over 17 years of experience on a wide range of transportation and traffic engineering projects, including street improvements, roundabouts, traffic signals, signing and striping, temporary traffic control, traffic impact analysis, travel demand modeling, and safety analysis. Project Experience • Project Engineer | Canberra Crossing Civic Centre Transit- Oriented Study | Canberra, ACT, Australia | Prepared alternative layouts for the bus interchange station within the Canberra Crossing project, a multi-use development combining a state-of-the-art underground bus interchange with market-focused development within Canberra’s City Hill Precinct. Using Austroads standards, multiple layouts for bus stops and layovers were designed and coordinated with structural designs to determine the feasibility of an underground transit station. • Traffic Engineer | Valley Corridor Specific Plan Traffic Impact Analysis | San Bernardino County, CA | In charge of preparing a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for the Valley Corridor Specific Plan. This project included 355 acres along a 1.25-mile corridor of Valley Boulevard in the unincorporated community of Bloomington in San Bernardino County. • Project Engineer | Off-Site Improvements for Terramor (Previously Toscana) Specific Plan | Riverside County, CA | Responsible for designing off-site transportation improvements for a 1,400+ dwelling unit residential development. The project included widening 1.5 miles roadway, two new access roadways to the development, two traffic signals, signing & striping, temporary traf- fic control, and coordination with structural engineers in designing two bridges over Temescal Wash. The project challenges included constrains due to protected oak trees, existing utilities, Temescal Wash, and existing hydrology. • Project Engineer, Traffic Engineer | Traffic Impact Analysis and Off-Site Improvements for Goodman Commerce Center Eastvale | Eastvale, CA | In charge of preparing a TIA for a 205-acre mixed-use development. After the project was entitled, in charge of designing the off-site transportation improvements. The project included widening 1.5 miles of roadway, six traffic signals, signing & striping, and temporary traffic control. The design of these improvements was challenging because they needed to be flexible depending on what on-site land use was ultimately developed. • Project Engineer | Off-Site Improvements for Goodman Logistics Center Rancho Cucamonga | Rancho Cucamonga, CA | Designed off-site transportation improvements for a 1.5+ million- square-foot distribution center development. The project included widening one mile of roadway, three traffic signals, signing & strip- ing, and temporary traffic control. The most challenging aspect of this project was utility coordination due to the significant number of underground facilities, including a 144-inch MWD water main. • Project Engineer | Harley Knox Boulevard and Webster Avenue Roundabout | Perris, CA | Designed a two-lane roundabout at the intersection of Harley Knox Boulevard and Webster Avenue in the City of Perris. This area has a high percentage of heavy trucks due to the large number of industrial developments nearby. The design of this roundabout was challenging due to the City’s requirement of accommodating two STAA design vehicles side-by-side through the roundabout while keeping design speeds at reasonable levels. Myung Choo, PE, TE Geometrics Education BS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 2000 Licenses/Registration • Civil Engineer, CA #79651 • Traffic Engineer, CA #2451 Memberships/Affiliations Institute of Transportation Engineers APPENDIX B: RESUMES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 44 Charles Smith has over 25 years of experience in environmental impact assessment services for planning, development, and public works infra- structure projects. He has held leadership roles in project/program management, operations management, business development, and corporate programs in education/professional development. Charles’ professional interests include CEQA/NEPA compliance, land use plan- ning, sustainable development, and historic preservation, with a geographic focus on Southern California and the western US. He also has extensive experience managing large as-needed contracts for public agencies. Project Experience • Project Manager | City of Oceanside Coast Highway Corridor Plan EIR CEQA Addendum | Oceanside, CA | Managed a CEQA addendum for the City of Oceanside Coast Highway Corridor Plan EIR. The project involved the proposed revitalization and enhance- ment of the Coast Highway corridor between Harbor Drive and Buena Vista Lagoon. The intent is to transform Coast Highway from an auto-oriented thoroughfare into a complete street that serves all modes of transportation. Proposed improvements include pedes- trian and bicycle infrastructure, access to transit, roundabouts, park- ing, economic development, and the application of Smart Growth principles. Also managed addendum under an expedited schedule. • CEQA/NEPA Task Manager | Westside Parkway Tier II EA/EIR | Bakersfield, CA | Managed the preparation of a Tier II EA/EIR for a new nine-mile parkway connecting downtown Bakersfield with a growing residential population to the west. Led the environmental document preparation, coordinated with technical discipline task managers and subconsultants, and served as primary CEQA/NEPA point of contact with the City of Bakersfield and Caltrans. • Project Manager | Mt. Vernon Avenue Viaduct over BNSF Railroad Environmental Review | San Bernardino, CA | Managed a NEPA EA addressing potential environmental impacts associ- ated with replacement of the Mt. Vernon Avenue Bridge in San Bernardino. Key issues involved historic structures and visual resources, and extensive Caltrans coordination. • Project Director | California High-Speed Train Project from Los Angeles to Anaheim EIS/EIR | Los Angeles and Orange Counties, CA | Project involved CEQA/NEPA environmental documentation and permitting for this statewide high-speed train segment. Key environmental issues included right of way, aesthetics, noise/vibration, traffic, historic resources, and community involve- ment. Performed principal coordination with the engineering prime, leadership of the environmental project team, contract and budget management, and overall project delivery. • Project Manager | General Plan/Coastal Land Use Plan EIR and Supplemental EIR | Goleta, CA | Managed the EIR for the City of Goleta’s first general plan/coastal land use plan, as well as a supplemental EIR for revisions to the plan. Upon incorporation, the City conducted an extensive public involvement program to solicit input on alternative planning scenarios. Managed the preparation of the draft and final EIR’s, including project and alternatives descrip- tions, setting and impact analyses for all applicable environmental disciplines, and mitigation measures to reduce potentially significant impacts. Provided public hearing support to the Planning Agency and City Council, and led consultant team responses to over 950 comments on the draft EIR within a compressed timeframe. Charles Smith, AICP, LEED AP BD+C Environmental Education • MPl, Urban and Regional Planning, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 1990 • BS, Business Administration, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 1984 Licenses/Registration • AICP Certified Planner • LEED Accredited Professional, Building Design + Construction Memberships/Affiliations • University of Southern California Price School Alumni Association Board of Directors • American Planning Association, Orange Section • US Green Building Council APPENDIX B: RESUMES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 45 As a certified planner and public accountant, Lisa Wise has over 30 years of experience in land development codes, zoning code updates, specific plans, housing policy, financial feasibility analysis, and the economic assessment of land use. Lisa is considered a national expert on code reform and housing policy and the former Treasurer and Chair of the Form-Based Code Institute (FBCI) and certified instructor for the FBCI instructional courses. Lisa has been directly responsible for a breadth of projects that assess land use regulation, economic and fiscal performance, and makes recommendations for more vibrant and resilient communities. These include over 34 code updates, 35 economic projects, 23 master and specific plans, 20 housing elements, and several inclusionary and employee housing studies. Her work also includes Project Manager of Form-Based Code Framework and Update in Riyadh (7 million popula- tion), and a Framework and Form-Based Code in the western part of Saudi Arabia. Prior to starting LWC in 2006, Lisa worked for land use planning firm Crawford, Multari & Clark Associates. From 1990 to 1999, Lisa was a Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), one of the “Big Four” inter- national accounting, financial services, and management consulting firms. Project Experience • Alameda County, CA, Ashland Cherryland Business District Specific Plan Update and Form-Based Code • Austin, TX, Land Development Code Update • Benicia, CA, Mixed-Use Master Plan and Form-Based Code • Beverly Hills, CA, Economic Sustainability Plan • Cincinnati, OH, Neighborhood Annexation Form-Based Code Study • Flagstaff, AZ, Zoning Ordinance Update • Grover Beach, CA, Zoning Code Update and West Grand Ave. Master Plan • Hayward, CA, Downtown Specific Plan and Form-Based Code • Kingsburg, CA, Development Code Update, Form-Based Code, and Economic Study • Las Vegas, NV, Downtown Form-Based Code • Livermore, CA, Development Code Update • Lompoc, CA, Zoning Code Update • Long Beach, CA, Short Term Rental Housing Program and Regulations • Malibu, CA, Zoning Code and Local Implementation Plan Update • Mesa, AZ, Form-Based Code and Regulating Plan • Petaluma, CA, SMART Rail Station Areas: TOD Master Plan • Richmond, CA, Livable Corridors Plan and Form-Based Code • San Luis Obispo, CA, Economic Development Strategic Plan • San Luis Obispo, CA, San Luis Ranch Specific Plan and Code • Soledad, CA, Downtown Specific Plan, Vision, and Form-Based Code • Tehachapi, CA, Zoning Code Update, Housing Element 4th/5th Cycle • Westerville, OH, Zoning Code Update Lisa Wise, AICP Form-Based Code: President/Owner Education • MS, City & Regional Planning, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA, 2001 • MS, Accountancy, DePaul University, Chicago, IL, 1990 • BS, Business Administration in Marketing & Finance, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, 1987 Licenses/Registrations • Certificate, Public Accountant • Certificate, American Institute of Certified Planners #______ Memberships/Affiliations • American Planning Association • Congress for the New Urbanism • Form-Based Code Institute • Chair, 2015 - 2018; Treasurer, 2014 - 2015 • Dean’s Leadership Council, California Polytechnic State University, College of Architecture and Environmental Design APPENDIX B: RESUMES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 46 Roger Eastman brings over 30 years of land use planning experience to LWC with an emphasis on writing effective land development and sign codes, form-based codes, and corridor plans, strong public engage- ment skills and experience, and ensuring consistency and compliance across all jurisdictional land use policy. As the Director of Development Codes and Planning at LWC, Roger is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all deliverables on Development Code engagements, with a focus on effective streamlining, compliance with applicable law, consistency across jurisdictional land use policy framework, and client satisfaction. Roger also serves on the Steering Committee of the Form-Based Code Institute (FBCI) and is a certified instructor of FBCI training courses. The FBCI is a national non-profit dedicated to education, enhancement and application of Form-Based Codes. Roger’s previous experience includes 10 years as the Comprehensive Planning and Code Administrator for the City of Flagstaff where he oversaw a comprehensive citywide zoning code update that was approved unanimously by City Council and won two Arizona APA Chapter awards. Roger also served as Senior Planner with the City of Sedona, AZ from 1991 to 2006. Roger’s experience also includes direct responsibility on a dozens of zoning and long range plan- ning projects as highlighted below: Project Experience • Comprehensive sign code and Design Review Manual, City of Sedona, AZ • Comprehensive amendments to the City of Flagstaff’s sign stan- dards following Reed v. Town of Gilbert, sign code updates for the City of Arlington, MA, City of Lompoc, County of Marin, City of Orange, City of Portland, ME, and City of Vallejo, CA • Environmentally Sensitive Lands regulations • Programs and standards to support and incentivize affordable housing • Property Maintenance Ordinance regulations • Design Review Manual • Building Height, FAR and massing standards • Austin, TX, Citywide Land Development Code Update • Compton, CA, Artesia Station Transit-Oriented Development Specific Plan • Henderson, NV, Zoning Ordinance Update • Flagstaff, AZ, Dark Skies Ordinance • Iowa City, IA, Form-Based Code • Kingman, AZ, Zoning Code Update • Las Vegas, NV, Downtown Form-Based Code • Lompoc, CA, Zoning Code Update • Marin County, CA, Code Amendments, including Sign Code Rewrite • Orange, CA, Sign Regulations Update • Portland, ME, Comprehensive Sign Code Update • Richmond, CA, South Shore Specific Plan • Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Form-Based Code Strategy • Rohnert Park, CA, Form-Based Code for the Downtown District Amenity Zone • Sedona, AZ, Subdivision Ordinance Update • San Carlos, CA, Strategic Zoning Ordinance Amendments • Tempe, AZ, Transportation Overlay District Code Update • Vallejo, CA, Zoning Ordinance Update • Westerville, OH, Zoning Code Update Roger Eastman, AICP Form-Based Code: Project Director Education BS, Town and Regional Plannin, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg Licenses/Registrations Certificate, American Institute of Certified Planners #019153 Memberships/Affiliations • Congress for the New Urbanism FBCI, Steering Committee Member, Former Vice-Chair, Form-Based Codes Training Instructor • American Planning Association • Member, Arizona Chapter • Southwest Leadership Program for State and Local Governments APPENDIX B: RESUMES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 47 Kathryn Slama has over seven years of hands-on zoning code, housing, station area planning, and project management experience, and is the Senior-in-Charge of LWC’s Los Angeles office. Kathryn leads the team on updating, modernizing, and streamlining development codes, detailed policy and regulatory analysis, formulation of implementation strategies, and housing policy. Kathryn has worked with communities throughout California and across the country to reach consensus on priorities and develop strategies to update development codes, with a focus on economic revitalization, resilience, and a strong sense of place. Kathryn was Project Manager of the Hayward Downtown Specific Plan, Code Update, a $1.1 million project funded by the Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) and was responsible for coordinat- ing a multi-disciplinary team of 7seven firms, facilitating day-to-day communication with City staff, and managing deliverables and public presentations and hearings for the 2.5-year project. The project focused on revitalizing once thriving downtown that had suffered loss of retail to regional malls, job flight with the bankruptcy, and shuttering of the Mervyn’s Headquarters and a bypass for SR 238 that runs through the heart of the study area. The final plan was adopted unanimously in April of 2019 with strong support from the community and local unions that pledged to help Hayward build a better city. Kathryn holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Master of City and Regional Planning degree from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, where she graduated at the top of her class. Project Experience • Alameda County, CA, Ashland Cherryland Business District Specific Plan, Update and Form-Based Code • Alameda County, CA, Castro Valley General Plan Implementation, Zoning, Code Update, and Specific Plan • Austin, TX, Land Development Code Update • Burbank, CA, Mixed Use Development Standards Ordinance • Calipatria, CA, Zoning Ordinance Update • Compton, CA, Artesia Station Transit-Oriented Development Specific Plan • Fargo, ND, Land Development Code Diagnostic • Hayward, CA, Downtown Specific Plan and Form-Based Code • Hayward, CA, Form-Based Codes Update • Hermosa Beach, CA, General Plan Update • Kaua’i County, HI, West Kaua’i Form-Based Code • Las Vegas, NV, Downtown Master Plan • Lompoc, CA, Zoning Code Update • Long Beach, CA, Zoning Code Audit • Malibu, CA, Zoning Code and Local Implementation Plan Update • Pacific Grove, CA, Development Code Update • San Luis, CA, San Luis Ranch Specific Plan and Code • Soledad, CA, Downtown Specific Plan, Vision, and Form-Based Code • Tehachapi, CA, Zoning Code Update Kathryn Slama Form-Based Code: Project Manager Education • MS, City & Regional Planning, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA • BA, Environmental Studie, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA Memberships/Affiliations • American Planning Association • Cal Poly Graduate Student Planning Association APPENDIX B: RESUMES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 48 Adam Pisarkiewicz brings strong public-sector experience in zoning code updates, form-based codes, long-range planning and implementa- tion of land use policy aimed at achieving community objectives and economic feasibility. His experience has fostered a keen awareness of the relationship between zoning and urban design and how to apply a holistic approach to each community. Adam also brings expertise in graphic design and modeling software (Adobe Creative Suite, GIS, and SketchUp) and contributes to all aspects of LWC projects from condi- tions analysis to public adoption hearings and edits to final drafts. Prior to LWC, Adam worked for the Village of Port Chester, NY where he assisted in the creation of a village-wide Form-Based Code, writing downtown design guidelines, implementing the downtown Mobility Plan and the review of several high-density Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) projects. He also authored staff reports, reviewed RFP’s, inter- viewed prospective consultants, and administered federal and state grants. His experience also includes facilitating community outreach events and charrettes, creating outreach materials, and gathering and assessing community feedback. Adam holds a Masters degree in Urban Planning, with a specialization in Urban Design, from the University at Buffalo in Buffalo, NY and a Bachelor of Arts from Ithaca College in Political Science. Project Experience • Artesia, CA, Mixed Use Overlay Zone Analysis and Recommendations • Castro Valley, CA, General Plan Implementation • Fargo, ND, Land Development Code Diagnosis • Greenwich, CT, Village-Centers Zoning & Parking Study • Greenwich, CT, Downtown Zoning & Parking Study • Hayward, CA, Form-Based Codes Update • Huntington Beach, CA, Short-Term Rental Ordinance • Indio, CA, Zoning Code Update • Kingman, AZ, Zoning Ordinance Update • Long Beach, CA_ Housing Element Update • Long Beach, CA, Zoning Code Audit • Morgan Hill, CA, Form-Based Code, Monterey Corridor • Neom/ Morphosis, Zoning Code Framework, Saudi Arabia • Rancho Cucamonga, CA, General Plan Update, Implementation/ Zoning • Redwood City, CA, Single-Family Residential Design Guidelines • Village of Port Chester, NY, Form-Based Code • Village of Port Chester, NY, Downtown Design Guidelines Adam Pisarkiewicz Form-Based Code: Associate Education • MS, Urban Planning Specialization: Urban Design, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY • BA, Political Science, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY Licenses/Registrations Certificate, American Institute of Certified Planners #31216 Memberships/Affiliations American Planning Association APPENDIX B: RESUMES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 49 Lisa Battiato has 24 years of experience providing geotechnical services in Riverside County. She has been active in Coachella Valley Branch of America Public Works Association since 2007 and knows the City of La Quinta’s policies and procedures. As Regional Manager for the Riverside County Geocon offices, Lisa is responsible for several On-Call Public Works contracts including RCTD, RCFC, and WCD Cities of Indio, Rancho Mirage, Murrieta, Temecula, Wildomar, Menifee, and Chino and San Bernardino County Public Works. Lisa’s broad experience will enable the geotechnical services under this contract be performed in an effective, efficient, and complete manner. Project Experience • Senior Geologist | Highway 111 Phase 3 Improvements | Indian Wells, CA | Provided testing and observation during construction. • Senior Geologist | North Indio Pavement GI and Dry Well Testing | Indio, CA | Provided geotechnical investigation and testing and observation during Phase 1 construction. • Senior Geologist | Jefferson Street and Varner Road Improvements | Indio, CA | Provided geotechnical investigation for new intersection. • Senior Geologist | Indian Canyon Drive at the UPRR Overcrossing | Palm Springs, CA | Provided geotechnical investi- gation for design of new bridge. • Senior Geologist | South Palm Canyon Drive | Palm Springs, CA | Provided geotechnical investigation for project design. • Senior Geologist | San Pablo Avenue Re-Design | Palm Desert, CA | Provided geotechnical investigation for Phase I and II. • Senior Geologist | La Quinta Complete Streets | La Quinta, CA | Provided geotechnical investigation. • Senior Geologist | CV LINK | Coachella Valley, CA | Geocon provided testing & observation during project construction. • Senior Geologist | Madison Avenue Improvements | Indio, CA | Provided testing and observation during project construction. • Geotech Project Manager | East Palm Canyon Bridge Widening at West Cathedral Canyon Channel | Cathedral City, CA | Provided geotechnical investigation for this bridge widening project. • Senior Geologist | Bear Valley Road Bridge | Hesperia, CA | Provided geotechnical investigation for new bridge design. • Senior Geologist | I-15/Los Alamos Road Overcrossing | Murrieta, CA | Provided testing and special inspection. • Senior Geologist | Cal Oaks Road | Murrieta, CA | Provided geotechnical investigation, testing, and observation during construction. • Senior Geologist | Riverside County Transportation Department On-Call Services | Riverside County, CA | Provided On-Call geotechnical services. Lisa Battiato, CEG, APM, LEED AP Geotechnical Education • BS, Geology, University of California, Riverside, CA • OSHA 40-Hour Licenses/Registrations • Geologist Engineer, CA #2316 • Geologist, CA #7512 • Accredited Pavement Manager • LEED Accredited Professional • Envision Sustainability Credential • Geothermal Professional Memberships/Affiliations • American Public Works Association • American Engineers Group • American Society of Civil Engineers • California Administrator Performance Assessment • IGS Group Appendix C: Plans and Guidelines Plans and Guidelines As requested in the RFP, listed below are links to two samples of related area plans and design guidelines for other City agencies that are comparable to yours. Please note that these links expire one month from today, on July 4, 2020. 1. GHD - City of Redding, CA | Victor Avenue Corridor Study http://ghd.2big4email.com/en/downloadfiles. aspx?param=gBNbVg6UKeTwS1nPCgF6KweQuAleQuAl 2. LWC - City of Las Vegas, NV | 19.09 Form-Based Code Fremont East Update http://ghd.2big4email.com/en/downloadfiles. aspx?param=QAjCPlUsx7TL9pQ6dOATkaj4weQuAleQuAl APPENDIX C: PLANS AND GUIDELINES GHD | Proposal for City of La Quinta: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services | 51 GHD is one of the world’s leading professional services companies operating in the global markets of water, energy and resources, environment, property and buildings, and transportation. We provide engineering, environmental, and construction services to private and public sector clients. Todd Tregenza, AICP todd.tregrenza@ghd.com T: 1 916 534 0793 www.ghd.com About GHD