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Cost Proposal - GHD
GHD 943 Reserve Drive Roseville California 95678 United States T +1 916 782 8688 F +1 916 782 8689 W www.ghd.com June 4, 2020 Danny Castro, Design and Development Director City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92247-1504 RE: Cost Proposal for Highway 111 Corridor Form Based Code Planning Services & Engineering Services Dear Mr. Castro, The GHD and LWC Team has collectively brought together firms and individuals who have expertise in all areas needed to bring the Highway 111 concept to life. Each member of our team took the time to ensure we thoroughly understood the project and the services each of us needed to take the plan from a high level concept to something implementable, fundable, and shovel ready. Our team has developed a scope of work and subsequent estimate of the effort needed to by our team to deliver this project based on our deep understanding and unique qualifications in form-based code, the active transportation program, and complete street implementation. All tasks required in the RFP are included in our budget, however, it is noted the optional future tasks are based on a variety of assumptions and are provided to give the City an idea of the level of effort anticipated to complete all of the tasks identified in the Scope of Services. However, it is intended these future scopes and fees, should the City elect to use the GHD team, be refined at that time to ensure the best product is delivered. GHD’s main point of contact for this project will be the proposed Project Manager, Todd Tregenza, AICP, who works out of our office located at 943 Reserve Drive, Roseville, CA 95678. He can be reached at 1 916 534 0793 or todd.tregenza@ghd.com. We recognize that commitment is the intangible component that drives a successful project, each one of our key team members level of commitment is noted on the following page. The GHD team will fulfill this commitment and we look forward to working with you on this milestone project. Sincerely, Todd Tregenza, AICP Lindsey Van Parys, PE, QSD/QSP Lisa Wise, AICP Project Manager Assistant Project Manager Form-Based Code Lead Associate, GHD Associate, GHD President, Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc. GHD Cost Proposal for City of La Quinta Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services Engineering ServicesKamesh VedulaTodd TregenzaLindsey Van ParysDaniel KehrerJonathan LinkusLucas PiperMyung ChooBrian HowardNathan TowlertonBrandon WillneckerCharles SmithEmily ShandyPrincipal-in-ChargeProject ManagerAssistant PM / PS&E LeadTransportation Design LeadUrban Planning LeadLandscape Architecture LeadGeometric Design LeadSurvey LeadStormwaterHydraulicsEnvironmental LeadActive Transportation Lead20% 45% 45% 50% 30% 40% 50% 25% 35% 35% 40% 30% 20%40%-60%40%-60% 20%Task Description245$ 210$ 210$ 180$ 160$ 170$ 200$ 190$ 180$ 240$ 275$ 165$ 215$ 195$ 155$ 125$ Task 1 Project Management1.1 Project Initiation & Coordination (cost includes Phases 1 & 2 only) 24 2448 288$ 10,368$ 22 4,102$ 70 14,470$ 1.2 Regular Project Team Meetings (cost includes Phases 1 & 2 only) 2424444 4 64 384$ 13,164$ 44 8,864$ 108 22,028$ Task 2 Form-Based Code Assessment (Phase 1)2.1 Form-Based Code Initiation Meeting & Presentation 8 4 820 120$ 3,920$ 56 9,756$ 76 13,676$ 2.2 Microscale Analysis & Specific Plan Evaluation- -$ -$ 58 9,678$ 58 9,678$ 2.3 Sample Form-Based Code 4 4 8 16 8 40 240$ 7,240$ 316 54,996$ 356 62,236$ 2.4 City Council & Planning Commission Joint Study Session 8 8 420 120$ 4,120$ 46 8,386$ 66 12,506$ Task 3 Corridor Design Concept (Phase 2)3.1 Assemble Baseline Data & Develop Corridor Basemap 8 4 16 4 46 16 4020 40 194 12,319$ 46,599$ - -$ 194 46,599$ 3.2 Develop & Assess Preliminary Corridor Design Concepts 2 16 16 2416 8 16 8 16 80 20 222 1,332$ 38,962$ 10 1,770$ 232 40,732$ 3.3 Review & Discuss Preliminary Concepts 8 4 2 4 16 34 204$ 6,224$ 8 1,658$ 42 7,882$ 3.4 Prepare Draft Corridor Design Concept 2 16 16 40 8 8 16 16 80 20 222 1,332$ 39,122$ 10 1,770$ 232 40,892$ 3.5 Prepare Corridor Concept Visualizations and Cross-Sections 4 432 32 4 8 40 124 744$ 19,884$ - -$ 124 19,884$ 3.6 Prepare Corridor Design Phasing & Implementation Plan 8 8 8 40 64 384$ 11,264$ 12 2,332$ 76 13,596$ 3.7 Prepare Final Corridor Design Concept 8 8 24 16 8 16 8 60 20 168 1,008$ 28,928$ 12 2,332$ 180 31,260$ Task 4 ATP Grant Application and PS&E (Optional Phase 3)4.1 Prepare Draft ATP Grant Application 4 16 40 16 76 456$ 13,736$ 10 1,770$ 86 15,506$ 4.2 Review & Discuss Draft ATP Grant Application 2 8 8 18 108$ 3,528$ 8 1,658$ 26 5,186$ 4.3 Prepare Final ATP Grant Application 2 8 24 8 42 252$ 7,552$ 12 2,332$ 54 9,884$ 4.4 Demonstration Project Environmental Clearance 2 4 40 60 24 130 780$ 25,180$ - -$ 130 25,180$ 4.5 Geotechnical Investigation- -$ TBD TBD TBD - -$ - TBD4.6 Utility Coordination 16 8 40 48 16 128 1,568$ 23,808$ - -$ 128 23,808$ 4.7 35% Plans & Estimate 24 48 48 48 40 40 120 40 408 2,448$ 74,288$ - -$ 408 74,288$ 4.8 65% PS&E 4 32 80 48 60 24 24 200 40 512 3,072$ 91,412$ - -$ 512 91,412$ 4.9 95% PS&E24 60 40 40 16 16 120 32 348 2,088$ 62,048$ - -$ 348 62,048$ 4.10 Final Bid Documents 4 16 40 24 24 8 8 80 16 220 1,320$ 39,500$ - -$ 220 39,500$ 4.11 Hydraulics/Stormwater Design & Reporting 4 16 24 8 40 48 88 16 244 1,464$ 45,224$ - -$ 244 45,224$ 4.12 Assistance During Bidding 4 16 4 16 4 4 24 4 76 456$ 13,956$ - -$ 76 13,956$ 4.13 Construction Support 12 2448844 404 108 648$ 19,668$ - -$ 108 19,668$ Task 5 Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code (Optional Phase 4)5.1 Administrative Draft Form-Based Code 4 4 8 8 4 28 168$ 5,148$ 372 63,632$ 400 68,780$ 5.2 Design Workshop 16 16 8 8 8 56 336$ 11,016$ 76 13,656$ 132 24,672$ 5.3 Public Drafts of the Form-Based Code 2 2 4 4 4 16 96$ 2,916$ 228 39,468$ 244 42,384$ 5.4 Highway 111 Corridor Environmental Technical Studies 480 40 124 744$ 23,384$ - -$ 124 23,384$ 5.5 Highway 111 Corridor Environmental Document 8 8 40 56 120 20 252 1,512$ 47,572$ - -$ 252 47,572$ 5.6 Specific Plan Repeal Amendments 44 24$ 864$ 66 11,166$ 70 12,030$ 5.7 Final Form-Based Code 8 8 4 4 4 28 168$ 5,508$ 44 8,204$ 72 13,712$ Total Hours (without Optional Phases)4 136 124 110 96 76 52 46 8 0 0 84 40 0 304 140 1220 0 5941,814 Total Hours - Optional Phases Only8 42 208 292 24 228 244 8 136 144 80 92 0 136 964 212 2818 0 8163,634 Total Budget (without Optional Phases) $ 980 $ 28,560 $ 26,040 $ 19,800 $ 15,360 $ 12,920 $ 10,400 $ 8,740 $ 1,440 $ - $ - $ 13,860 $ 8,600 $ - $ 47,120 $ 17,500 $ 18,475 $229,795 $ - $105,644 $335,439 Project Totals - Optional Tasks Only $ 1,960 $ 8,820 $ 43,680 $ 52,560 $ 3,840 $ 38,760 $ 48,800 $ 1,520 $ 24,480 $ 34,560 $ 22,000 $ 15,180 $ - $ 26,520 $ 149,420 $ 26,500 $ 17,708 $ 516,308 $ - $ 141,886 $ 658,194 Total Project CostPROJECT TOTALSLWCTotal Project Hours Total Hours Total CostGHD TEAMGeocon Total Hours Total CostGHDGHD Total HoursGHD Total CostGHD Direct ExpensesEngineering / Planning / Surverying StaffAdministrative / Support Staff1-Person Survey CrewPercent Available Environmental SupportPage 1 GHD Cost Proposal for City of La Quinta Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Planning Services Engineering ServicesLisa WiseRoger E. EastmanKathryn SlamaAdam PisarkiewiczPrincipalDirectorSenior AssociateAssociate275$ 205$ 180$ 145$ Task 1 Project Management1.1 Project Initiation & Coordination 2 4 8 8 22 132$ 4,102$ 1.2 Regular Project Team Meetings 8 8 20 8 44 264$ 8,864$ Task 2 Form-Based Code Assessment (Phase 1)2.1 Form-Based Code Initiation Meeting & Presentation 2 8 16 30 56 336$ 9,756$ 2.2 Microscale Analysis & Specific Plan Evaluation 2 4 12 40 58 348$ 9,678$ 2.3 Sample Form-Based Code 16 40 80 180 316 1,896$ 54,996$ 2.4 City Council & Planning Commission Joint Study Session 4 6 16 2046 276$ 8,386$ Task 3 Corridor Design Concept (Phase 2)3.1 Assemble Baseline Data & Develop Corridor Basemap 0 0 0 0 - -$ -$ 3.2 Develop & Assess Preliminary Corridor Design Concepts 0 2 4 4 10 60$ 1,770$ 3.3 Review & Discuss Preliminary Concepts 2 2 2 2 8 48$ 1,658$ 3.4 Prepare Draft Corridor Design Concept 0 2 4 4 10 60$ 1,770$ 3.5 Prepare Corridor Concept Visualizations and Cross-Sections 0 000 - -$ -$ 3.6 Prepare Corridor Design Phasing & Implementation Plan 2 2 4 4 12 72$ 2,332$ 3.7 Prepare Final Corridor Design Concept 2 2 4 4 12 72$ 2,332$ Task 4 ATP Grant Application and PS&E (Optional Phase 3)4.1 Prepare Draft ATP Grant Application 0 2 4 4 10 60$ 1,770$ 4.2 Review & Discuss Draft ATP Grant Application 2 2 2 2 8 48$ 1,658$ 4.3 Prepare Final ATP Grant Application 2 2 4 4 12 72$ 2,332$ 4.4 Demonstration Project Environmental Clearance 0 0 0 0 - -$ -$ 4.5 Geotechnical Investigation 0 0 0 0 - -$ -$ 4.6 Utility Coordination 0 0 0 0 - -$ -$ 4.7 35% Plans & Estimate 0 0 0 0 - -$ -$ 4.8 65% PS&E 0 0 0 0 - -$ -$ 4.9 95% PS&E 0 0 0 0 - -$ -$ 4.10 Final Bid Documents 0 0 0 0 - -$ -$ 4.11 Hydraulics/Stormwater Design 0 0 0 0 - -$ -$ 4.12 Assistance During Bidding 0 0 0 0 - -$ -$ 4.13 Construction Support 0 0 0 0 - -$ -$ Task 5 Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code (Optional Phase 4)5.1 Administrative Draft Form-Based Code 12 40 100 220 372 2,232$ 63,632$ 5.2 Design Workshop 4 16 20 36 76 456$ 13,656$ 5.3 Public Drafts of the Form-Based Code 8 20 80 120 228 1,368$ 39,468$ 5.4 Highway 111 Corridor Environmental Technical Studies 0 0 0 0 - -$ -$ 5.5 Highway 111 Corridor Environmental Document 0 0 0 0 - -$ -$ 5.6 Specific Plan Repeal Amendments 2 4 20 40 66 396$ 11,166$ 5.7 Final Form-Based Code 4 8 16 16 44 264$ 8,204$ Total Hours (without Optional Phases)40 80 170 304 594Total Hours - Optional Phases Only34 94 246 442 816Total Budget (without Optional Phases) $ 11,000 $ 16,400 $ 30,600 $ 44,080 $ 3,564 $105,644 Total Budget - Optional Phases Only $ 9,350 $ 19,270 $ 44,280 $ 64,090 $ 4,896 $141,886 Task DescriptionLWC Total CostsLWC Total HoursLisa Wise Consulting, Inc. (LWC)LWC Direct ExpensesPage 2