700 Gray 2020 ElectionRECEIVED CALIFORNIA STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS Date Initial Filinci . - Hing 011Mv FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION COVER PAGE AUG 4 2020 Please type or print in ink. A PUBLIC DOCUMENT CITY OF LA OUINTA NAME OF FILER (LAST) y fFl 1. Office, Agenc , or Court Agency Name (Do not use acorn ms) I Division, Board, Dep a enl, District, if applicable Your Position C �.���-1 //,/Z ► If filing for multiple positions, list below or on an attachment (Do not use acronyms) % Agency: Position: 2. Jurisdiction of Office (check at least one box) ❑ State ❑ Judge, Retired Judge, Pro Tem Judge, or Court Commissioner (Statewide Jurisdiction) ❑ Iti-County _ _ ElCounty of. City of �-1 k( -} _ __ ❑ Other 3. Type of Statement (check at least one box) ❑ Annual: The period covered is January 1, 2019, through ❑ Leaving Office: Date Left I J- -or- December -or- December 31, 2019. (Check one circle.) The period covered is I I through O The period covered is January 1, 2019, through the date of December 31, 2019. -or-leaving office. ❑ Assuming Office: Date assumed O The period covered is I I through the date of leaving office. ©'Candidate: Date of Election 11 c3 zo AL- and office sought, if different than Part 1: Schedule Summary (must complete) 0. Total number of pages including this cover page: Schedules attached ❑ Schedule A-1 - Investments — schedule attached ❑ Schedule A-2 - Investments — schedule attached ❑ Schedule B - Real Property — schedule attached -or- CVINone - No reportable interests on any schedule ! Verification I;?- Cpm [c U4 czounIr" r ❑ Schedule C - Income, Loans, & Business Positions - schedule attached ❑ Schedule D - Income — Gifts — schedule attached ❑ Schedule E - Income — Gifts — Travel Payments — schedule attached MAILING ADDRESS STREET on STATE ZIP CODE j88�uu&n= orrAgeerwy Address Recwmnde�d - Public Documenn % ? r7�-- CG //C--iLII�I/J] C'� , Y�' Girt C 12 2 s3 DAYTIME TELEPHONE Nil 8Eft 1 1 EMAIL ADDRESS - -- I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement I have reviewed this statE nd to best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in any attached schedules is true and complete. I acknowledge this is a public document I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and p Date Signed'■�� Signature l(mOMh,ft,,yt&) (He UM-yiney 410peperstafunun;YAhyour 8 olfoo, FPPC Form 700 . Cover Page t201912020) advice@fppc.w.g0v - 866-275-3772 • www.fppc.Ca.g0V Page - 5