2020 07 09 STVRP AD-HOC MinutesSTVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE Page 1 of 3 JULY 9, 2020 MINUTES SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE MINUTES THURSDAY, JULY 9, 2020 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Short-Term Vacation Rental Program Ad-Hoc Committee (Committee) was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by Lori Lorett. This meeting was held by teleconference pursuant to Executive orders N -25- 20, N-29-20, N-33-20, and N-35-20, executed to by the Governor of California in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). ROLL CALL PRESENT: Committee Members Best, Butler, Caldwell, Church, Coronel, Franco, Grotsky, Jonasson, McDonough, Monroe, Navarro, Schutz, Shelton, Spinney, and Tamm ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Design & Development Director Danny Castro, Hub Manager Tommi Sanchez, Permit Technician Michelle Lopez, Administrative Assistant/Committee Secretary Lori Lorett, Public Safety Manager Martha Mendez, Code Compliance Supervisor Kevin Meredith, and Community Resources Director Chris Escobedo PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Committee Secretary Lori Lorett led the committee in the Pledge of Allegiance PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA Committee Secretary Lorett announced that WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS were provided by Jeff and Val Smith, Linda Williams, Maria Puente, Barb Montavon, and Suzanna Banana all in opposition of Short-Term Vacation Rentals, which were distributed to the Committee, and incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting. STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE Page 2 of 3 JULY 9, 2020 MINUTES CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED JUNE 4, 2020 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Committee Members Church/Best to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. Motion passed unanimously. COMMITTEE ITEMS 1. CHAIRPERSON SCHUTZ TO REVIEW COMMITTEE PLAN AND FUTURE MEETING TOPIC SCHEDULE Chairperson Schutz presented the Committee with a presentation which included a Committee plan overview, Committee guidelines to follow, and proposed meeting topics for the duration of the Committee. Chairperson Schutz encouraged Committee Members to use the chat feature for questions throughout the meeting to eliminate interruptions. 2. CITY STAFF TO PROVIDE SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AND CODE ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION Staff gave a detailed presentation that provided the following information: • STVR objective; • Current number of active, registered STVR’s is 1,320, which is 5.3% of the total 25,022 dwelling units; • STVR unit density on maps throughout the City; • Overview of Staff involved with STVR Program; • STVR Program available services online; • STVR revenue from fiscal year 2015/16 to current; • STVR Program enhancements, including added Permit Technician position, website updates, 24/7 hotline, community outreach, and online services; • 2018 STVR City Ordinance update; • Code Compliance role with STVR’s which includes managing hotline calls, conducting inspections, responding to and inspecting STVR complaints, issuing citations, and forming sub-committees. Committee Members used the chat feature during the presentation to pose clarifying questions regarding the information presented; Chairperson Schutz STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE Page 3 of 3 JULY 9, 2020 MINUTES read the compiled questions relating to STVR density maps, enforcement issues, City revenue, and STVR workshops and Staff members responded to each of the questions. 3.TOPICS TO COVER AT NEXT MEETING - COMMUNITY PERCEPTION, GUEST BEHAVIOR, AND GUEST EXPECTATIONS Staff suggested a Sub-Committee be formed with a focus on STVR compliance enforcement – to review the current enforcement process and formulate recommendations, report back to the Committee, and then provide those recommendations to City Council. The Committee reached a consensus to appoint Committee Members Caldwell, Monroe, Chairperson Schutz, and Vice- Chair McDonough to serve on the Enforcement Sub-Committee. Topics for the next meeting were amended due to the formation of the Enforcement Sub-Committee. At the next Committee meeting, the Committee will discuss enforcement issues and review the Enforcement Sub-Committee recommendations. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, LORI LORETT, Committee Secretary City of La Quinta, California