2020/21 Terrorism Coverage - Opt-Out NoticePOLICYHOLDER DISCLOSURE NOTICE OF TERRORISM INSURANCE COVERAGE You are hereby notified that under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002, as amended ("TRIA"), that you now have a right to purchase insurance coverage for losses arising out of facts of terrorism, as defined in Section 102(1) of the Act, as amended: The term "act of terrorism" means any act that is certified by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General of the United States, to be an act of terrorism; to be a violent act or an act that is dangerous to human life, property, or infrastructure; to have resulted in damage within the United States, or outside the United States in the case of an air carrier or vessel or the premises of a United States mission; and to have been committed by an individual or individuals, as part of an effort to coerce the civilian population of the United States or to influence the policy or affect the conduct of the United States Government by coercion. Any coverage you purchase for "acts of terrorism" shall expire at 12:00 midnight December 31, 2020,the date on which the TRIA Program is scheduled to terminate, or the expiry date of the policy whichever occurs first, and shall not cover any losses or events which arise after the earlier of these dates. YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT COVERAGE PROVIDED BY THIS POLICY FOR LOSSES CAUSED BY CERTIFIED ACTS OF TERRORISM IS PARTIALLY REIMBURSED BY THE UNITED STATES UNDER A FORMULA ESTABLISHED BY FEDERAL LAW. HOWEVER, YOUR POLICY MAY CONTAIN OTHER EXCLUSIONS WHICH MIGHT AFFECT YOUR COVERAGE, SUCH AS AN EXCLUSION FOR NUCLEAR EVENTS. UNDER THIS FORMULA, THE UNITED STATES PAYS 85% THROUGH 2015; 84% BEGINNING ON JANUARY 1, 2016; 83% BEGINNING ON JANUARY 1, 2017; 82% BEGINNING ON JANUARY 1, 2018; 81% BEGINNING ON JANUARY 1, 2019 AND 80% BEGINNING ON JANUARY 1, 2020; OF COVERED TERRORISM LOSSES EXCEEDING THE STATUTORILY ESTABLISHED DEDUCTIBLE PAID BY THE INSURER(S) PROVIDING THE COVERAGE. YOU SHOULD ALSO KNOW THAT THE TERRORISM RISK INSURANCE ACT, AS AMENDED, CONTAINS A USD100 BILLION CAP THAT LIMITS U.S. GOVERNMENT REIMBURSEMENT AS WELL AS INSURERS' LIABILITY FOR LOSSES RESULTING FROM CERTIFIED ACTS OF TERRORISM WHEN THE AMOUNT OF SUCH LOSSES IN ANY ONE CALENDAR YEAR EXCEEDS USD100 BILLION. IF THE AGGREGATE INSURED LOSSES FOR ALL INSURERS EXCEED USD100 BILLION, YOUR COVERAGE MAY BE REDUCED. THE PREMIUM CHARGED FOR THIS COVERAGE IS PROVIDED BELOW AND DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY CHARGES FOR THE PORTION OF LOSS COVERED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT UNDER THE ACT. LMA9104 12 January 2015 I hereby elect to purchase coverage for acts of terrorism for a prospective premium of USD $13,500 X I hereby elect to have coverage for acts of terrorism excluded from my policy. I understand that I will have no coverage for losses arising from acts of terrorism. Policyholder/Applicant's Signature AFB 2623 / AFB 623 Syndicate on behalf of certain underwriters at Lloyd's &Wu'x�, TBD Print Name Policy Number Date LMA9104 12 January 2015 IMPORTANT NOTICE: 1. The insurance policy that you are applying to purchase is being issued by an insurer that is not licensed by the State of California. These companies are called "nonadmitted" or "surplus line" insurers. 2. The insurer is not subject to the financial solvency regulation and enforcement that apply to California licensed insurers. 3. The insurer does not participate in any of the insurance guarantee funds created by California law. Therefore, these funds will not pay your claims or protect your assets if the insurer becomes insolvent and is unable to make payments as promised. 4. The insurer should be licensed either as a foreign insurer in another state in the United States or as a non -United States (alien) insurer. You should ask questions of your insurance agent, broker, or "surplus line" broker or contact the California Department of Insurance at the toll-free number 1-800-927-4357 or internet website www.insurance.ca.gov. Ask whether or not the insurer is licensed as a foreign or non -United States (alien) insurer and for additional information about the insurer. You may also visit the NAIC's internet website at www.naic.org. The NAIC—the National Association of Insurance Commissioners—is the regulatory support organization created and governed by the chief insurance regulators in the United States. 5. Foreign insurers should be licensed by a state in the United States and you may contact that state's department of insurance to obtain more information about that insurer. You can find a link to each state from this NAIC internet website: https:Hnaic.org/state_web_map.htm. 6. For non -United States (alien) insurers, the insurer should be licensed by a country outside of the United States and should be on the NAIC's International Insurers Department (IID) listing of approved nonadmitted non -United States insurers. Ask your agent, broker, or "surplus line" broker to obtain more information about that insurer. 7. California maintains a "List of Approved Surplus Line Insurers (LASLI)." Ask your agent or broker if the insurer is on that list, or view that list at the internet website of the California Department of Insurance: www.insurance.ca.gov/01-consumers/120-company/07- lasli/lasli.cfm. 8. If you, as the applicant, required that the insurance policy you have purchased be effective immediately, either because existing coverage was going to lapse within two business days or because you were required to have coverage within two business days, and you did not receive this disclosure form and a request for your signature until after coverage became effective, you have the right to cancel this policy within five days of receiving this disclosure. If you cancel coverage, the premium will be prorated and any broker's fee charged for this insurance will be returned to you. Date: a' (,e D-1 (Effective January 1, 2020)