WoolPert Proposal 1120 I STREET | REEDLEY, CA 93654 559.326.2589 | WOOLPERT.COM June 27, 2013 Mr. Chris Escobedo, Assistant to the City Manager City of La Quinta City Hall Front Desk 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Request for Proposals - Permitting System Software and Implementation Services for the City of La Quinta Dear Mr. Escobedo: We are pleased to submit this proposal in response to the the City of La Quinta’s RFP for a new permitting software. Per the RFP Woolpert includes the following required information:  Proposer’s legal name and corporate structure. Woolpert, Inc.  A high-level statement of the Proposer’s credentials to deliver the services sought under the RFP. Woolpert is a leader in Infrastructure Management services for public utilities, local and state governments, and institutions.  Primary proposal contact name, mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number. The Primary Contact is Larry Cooper, 1120 I Street, Reedley, CA, 93654, ph 559.326.2590, email larry.cooper@woolpert.com  Identification of use of subcontractor(s), if any, and scope of work to be performed by subcontractor(s). Woolpert will not be using a subcontractor for this project.  Identification of any pending litigation against Proposer. As a national firm in existence since 1911 and with approximately 600 staff and over 23 offices located throughout the United States, Woolpert has been involved with occasional litigation, which we view as an unfortunate cost of being in business. Below is the only pending matter of litigation and Woolpert is predicting a favorable outcome. Woolpert would be happy to provide additional information upon request. - Mac H. Vanover v. Elkhart County, Indiana, et al. (filed in 2010) – claim for alleged injuries while riding a motorcycle that encountered debris on a roadway attributed to landscaping contractor performing seeding along the roadway. Plaintiff also alleges that the roadway design, which was completed four years earlier as part of separate roadway relocation project, was negligent because it included a steep (4:1 slope) embankment and inadequate shoulder. The roadway design was performed by another June Page  D N  A Th  A is W  St an re m th or Pl pr  Si th W th Since Woolp Larry Proje Phone Larry. 27, 2013 2 engineerin motion for isclosure of a None statement in This proposal statement th s free of any c Woolpert verif tatement of a nd accepted equiring adju modifications he proposer is r qualificatio lease see the rovided in re ignature of a his RFP and a Woolpert prov he RFP and co rely, pert, Inc. Cooper ct Director e: 559.326.25 .Cooper@woo ng firm and W r dismissal pe any bankruptc ndicating the is to remain hat the Propo conflict of int fies that as a acknowledgem with or witho stment or mo to the contra s capable of p n to the cont e pages follow sponse of thi company off ny contract a vides a signat ontract award 590 olpert.com Woolpert was ending. cy or insolven proposal rem valid for 120 oser or any in terest (e.g., e a company or ment that the out qualificat odification m act. If no mod performing a tract. wing the Cove is RFP. ficer empowe awarded purs ture below, w d. not involved ncy proceedin mains valid fo days followi ndividual who employment any employe e City’s legal tion. If qualifi ust be identif difications are ll normal task er letter for a ered to bind t uant to it. with the powe K A P K 112 d with the pro ngs in the las or at least 120 ing submittal o will perform by the City). ee is free of c l documents h ications are i fied and liste e noted, the ks and service a listing of W the Proposer t er to bind the Kirk McClurki Authorized Re Phone: 303.3 Kirk.McClurki 20 I STREET | RE 559.326.2589 oject. Woolpe t 10 years. 0 days. . m work for the conflict of int have been rev involved, tho ed along with City will assu es without re Woolpert exce to the provisi e company to in, GISP epresentative 328.5858 in@Woolpert. EEDLEY, CA 9365 | WOOLPERT.CO ert has a e Proposer terest. viewed se items suggested ume that eservation eptions ions of o provisions o e .com 54 OM of Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Reques EXCE Woolpert be accep clarificat to discuss mutually • RFP, S the City w by the Co provided guarante services a • Contra project. is familia with thes • Contra that the by memb • Contra contract sentence • Contra words “E • Contra that the to subsec second se “negotiat • Contra reasonab provision damages caused by employee Consultan from see fees are c g Software , California 2013 st for Pro EPTIONS t has reviewe table althoug tions or modif sing alternati acceptable t Section 1.1, p will enter int onsultant and in the softwa es applicable agreement be act, Section 1 Please replac ar with the ty se types of se act, Section 1 services shall bers of the sa act, Section 3 sum should b e accordingly. act, Section 5 rrors and Om act, Section 5 policy shall p ction (2), plea entence. With te” with the w act, Section 6 bly control the that states t , liabilities, a y the neglige es of either. nt to defend king its reaso caused by Co oposals S d the terms o gh Woolpert w fications if fo ives and is co terms. page 4/Sectio to the license d that all war are license be e to implemen etween the C .4, page 39 – ce the first se ypical types o ervices. .5(b), page 4 l be performe me professio 3.3, page 41 – be equitably a 5.1, page 43 – missions Liabil 5.3, pages 44- provide or be ase add the w h respect to s words “an eq 6.1, pages 47- e risk. With r that the Cons and expenses nce or willfu Please note t the City but onable attorn onsultant’s ne of the RFP an would like to ortunate enou onfident that n 6.23, page e directly with ranties and g etween the C ntation and in City and the C – The provisio entence with f facilities, d 40 – Please re ed in accorda nal currently – If the Agree adjusted to a – Please add t ity” on page -46 – With res endorsed to words “Excep subsection 11 quitable adjus -48 – Indemni espect to sub sultant shall i (including re l misconduct that the indem the absence eys’ fees as p egligence. Ple nd sample con have the opp ugh to be awa the parties w 36 – Please r h the third pa guarantees ap City and the s ntegration se Consultant. on is better su a statement difficulties an eplace the pro ance with tha y practicing u ement is delay account for su the words “P 43 similar to spect to subs provide the a pt as prohibite 1, please repl stment to the ification shou bsections 6.1 ndemnify and easonable def of Woolpert, mnification e of the duty t part of its dam ease revise th ntract and ge portunity to r arded the con will be able to revise the pro arty software pplicable to t software prov ervices shall b uited for a de that the Con nd restrictions ovision with a at standard of nder similar c yed by a Forc uch delay. Ple rofessional Li o the usage on section (1), p additional ins ed by law,” t lace the word e fee”. uld be tailore (a) and 6.1(b d hold the Cit fense attorne , its subcontr expressly excl o defend sha mages where he provisions Exc enerally finds request certa ntract. Woolp o develop and ovisions to pr e provider rec he software s vider. The wa be as provide esign or const nsultant repre s commonly a a sentence th f care ordinar circumstance ce Majeure ev ease revise th iability or” be n page 44. lease provide sured status. to the beginni ds after the w ed to a party’ b), please rep ty harmless f ey’s fees) to t ractors, and t ludes the dut ll not preclud e and to the e accordingly. ceptions page the terms to ain pert is open d agree on ovide that commended shall be as arranties and d in the truction esents that it associated hat states rily exercised es. vent, the he last efore the e language With respect ing of the word s ability to place with a from the extent the ty of the de the City extent such 1 o d t Permitting Software La Quinta, California 2 June 28, 2013 • Contract, Section 7.3, page 49 – Please add clarification language that ownership of software and copyright to affiliated documentation and user manuals shall remain the property of the party that developed the software. • Contract, Section 8.9, page 51 – Please add the words “in proportion to the judgment” to the end of the provision. Permitting System Software and Implementation Svcs City of LaQuinta June 28, 2013 1 Request for Proposals TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ............................................................................. XX Section 1.0 - Company Background .......................................................... 1-1 Section 2.0 – Company Qualifications ........................................................ 2-1 Section 3.0 – References ....................................................................... 3-1 Section 4.0 – Proposed Solution ............................................................... 4-1 Section 5.0 – Implementation Approach ..................................................... 5-1 Section 6.0 – Other Requirements ............................................................ 6-1 Section 7.0 – Pricing ............................................................................ 7-1 Section 8.0 – Additional Information ......................................................... 8-1 Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Reques EXEC The City and inspe AS 400 sy meet the The new enough to moving p In additio direct go perspecti Accela pr that addr leveragin 500 custo American interact w The Woo systems h and ongo Office, IV A FOR Our solut true ente functiona the ways agency. I significan to add on Accela Au and plan approval photos, a Mobile Of PROD The Acce communi to zoning of the Cit g Software , California 2013 st for Pro CUTIVE of La Quinta ection activit ystem, to pro e needs of the application w o meet future products forw on to our eng vernment ex ive. rovides today ress the diver ng the Accela omers in the n Disabilities A with its citize lpert team’s have raised th oing developm VR, etc.) offe RWARD T tion is to utili erprise solutio ality of Accel in which its In selecting A nt flexibility i n to this flexi utomation en submittal, do , issuance, in and drawings ffice from ins DUCT HIG ela Automatio ity developme g, code enforc ty to be fully oposals SUMMA (the City) wa ies. It is the d vide updated e Community will need to m e needs and f ard to meet t ineering and perience, wh y’s most prove rse and comp Automation United States Act (ADA) - S ens with disab expertise in i he bar in cust ment of add-o er the City a d THINKIN ize Accela Au on, where the a Automation users can int Accela Automa in how users bility as the nables the pe ocument revi nspections, an through Acce spection sites GHLIGHT on Land Man ent activities cement, and y met. ARY ants a solutio desire of the d functionality Developmen meet the curr functionality. the specific a programming ho guide the d en technolog plex needs of platform has s. This expan ection 508 co bilities and m implementing tomer service on products th durable and s G ENTER utomation’s p e initiation of n supports thi eract with th ation as its p can initiate a need arises. rmitting proc iew via the w nd closure. U ela’s web por s), and in the TS nagement sys s ranging from more. Its pow on for its Insp City that the y, navigation nt Departmen rent needs of . The Woolpe and changing g teams, we e development ies to deliver the public se assisted in t sive user bas ompliance wh many more. g needs-spec e and regulat hat interface sustainable pr RPRISE S permitting dev f activities ca is approach, he system dat permitting sol and complete cess to seamle web, internal sers and citiz rtal (Accela C e office, to su stem, guides m addressing, werful functi ection Divisio e new system n, and expand t. f La Quinta as ert team is de requirement employ a num of their prod r functionally ector marketp he client bas e comes with hich improves ific solutions tory complian e other techno roduct. SOLUTIO velopment, w an occur in va gives clients ta, regardless lution, partic e the applicat essly move fr office applic zens can atta Citizen Access upport each o agencies thro , plan review onality will a on to support m will replace ded content t s well as be f edicated to co ts of governm mber of speci duct from the y-rich softwar place. Woolp e to grow to h benefits suc s the ability o is unmatche nce. Semiann ologies (GIS, ON which has bee arious ways. the option of s of role, dep ipating agenc tion process, rom applicati ation process ch electronic s), from the f of these steps ough all land , permitting, allow the lice t permitting the legacy to better lexible onstantly ment agencies ialists with e business-use re solutions ert more than ch as Federal of the City to d, and our ual upgrades Mobile en to create a The add-on f selecting partment, or cies will have and options on initiation sing, permit c documents, field (Accela s. use and inspections, ensing needs 1 . e a e Permitting Software La Quinta, California 2 June 28, 2013 The Accela Automation system functionality is extended by the add-on modules which include:  Citizen Access – Accela Automation includes consoles and capabilities for a government’s customers via the Citizen Access module. Accela Citizen Access provides a Business Express service to citizens, permit/license holders and stakeholders providing transparency between the public and the government. Whether online renewals, checklists for permits/licenses with automated email, or receiving filings, the City can offer services to customers and the public to reduce calls to the City’s office and subsequent manual processing.  Mobile Office – This add-on module brings the office to the field for mobile staff. Users can assign, reschedule, or cancel examinations/inspections and send last minute updates/alerts to the examiner’s mobile device automatically, keeping field personnel up to date on any schedule changes  GIS – This interface provides bi-directional integration of the City’s GIS data warehouses to the Accela Land Management Licensing system. Built on the ESRI ArcGIS platform, Accela GIS provides automated maps from a central database and gives staff direct access to view geographic representations of all data. Among the numerous benefits of Accela Automation include:  Shared system administration and report development knowledge across departments  Shared GIS and address, parcel and owner data, leveraging your investment in ESRI  Centralized Accela Citizen Access web portal for all activities within the City  Permitting, Inspection, Code Enforcement processes through our automated centralized solution  Electronic Plan Review features (Integration to Adobe 10x) that can be shared across multiple departments  Data Manager tool that allows you to move records and configurations from one environment to another, seamlessly  A powerful workflow engine configured to the City’s business practices, involving several departments and multiple steps, or a single department and just a few steps WHY CHOOSE THE WOOLPERT TEAM? Embarking on a partnership with Woolpert will ensure success in meeting the City of La Quinta’s current and future functional requirements. The City will receive a flexible COTS solution, delivered using true project management methodologies, from financially and structurally stable companies with positive reputations.  Market Leader – Our team provider Accela has over 30 years of experience in developing, implementing, and supporting regulatory government work for more than 500 customers, and we are the leader in the marketplace. We are extremely dedicated to government software solutions. Woolpert is presenting the best product line available to the permitting space.  Complete Web Solution – Accela Automation is a complete web based solution that brings trusted maturity and reliability to your operations.  Focus on Ease of Use – Configurable screens, portlets, and overall look and feel allows the City to create an interface that best suits the way City staff works with and views data. Users are not locked into one set screen for every user; instead, screen portlets are customizable, search fields can be added at will, and display values, dashboard tab names, and more, can be changed.  Solid Foundation with Flexible Design – A common code base allows for ease of upgrade for all clients without disruption to their day-to-day business environment. All of our Accela Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 A c  In st 1  S ti A m ti CONC Accela Au with imp allow the Inspectio City’s rea economic The Woo systems h and ongo g Software , California 2013 Automation cl onfiguration a ntegration – T tandards such 68 compatibi trong User C ips, and netw Accela’s Annu managers, and ps and more. CLUSION utomation is lementing Ac e City a solut on Solution. W alization that c sense for th lpert team’s have raised th oing developm lients are run and sophistica The Accela A h as Single Sig ility) to integ Community – work to take f al User Event d other gover . the right cho ccela Automa tion that will We welcome t t choosing the he City, its pa expertise in i he bar in cust ment of add-o ning on the s ation of the sy utomation sy gn On, User C grate with oth National and full advantage t brings toget rnment officia oice for the C tion will not replace the f the opportuni e Woolpert te artners, and t implementing tomer service on products th ame code ba ystem. ystem has inh Configurable her systems u regional Acc e of the oppo ther hundreds als for four d ity of La Quin only provide functionality ity to present eam’s solutio the clients it g needs-spec e and regulat hat interface ase, yet each erent capabi Portlets, Web used by the Ci cela user grou ortunities the s of users, ad ays of produc nta. The Woo a successful currently wi t our system on makes stra serves ific solutions tory complian e other techno client is uniqu lity (using ind b Services, RS ity. ups discuss pr e affiliation p dministrators, ct training, be olpert team e implementat thin the exist to further su tegic, functio is unmatche nce. Semiann ologies. ue in their dustry SS, and JSR- roducts, share rovides. , IT est practices, experience tion but also ting Permit pport the onal, and d, and our ual upgrades 3 e Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Reques SECT 1.1 - BACK Woolpert services i founder C Woolpert In 1938, t Rural Ele the Ralph Services airport p environm afterward limited-li converte WOO ORGA Woolpert employee elect a b officers a chairman Flannery executive chief fina Paul Gro responsib functions technical sales, hu planning. Woolpert officer. A through d g Software , California 2013 st for Pro TION 1.0 A BRIEF GROUND t’s history spa included civil Charlton D. P t. the firm bega ctrification A h L. Woolpert added in the lanning and d mental studies d, Woolpert b iability partn d to a corpor OLPERT ANIZAT t is a corporat e shareholder oard of direc are Gary Stew n of the board y, PE, preside e officer; Jos ancial officer decki, PE, se ble for directi s: operations, l developmen man resource . t has three st Approximately design, geosp oposals 0 – COM DESCRI D AND O ans a century l engineering Putnam. In 19 an engineerin Administration t Company, C 1960s and 19 design, park p s. In 1979, th began providi ership, and t ration and cha ION tion consistin rs who annua ctors. Compan wart, RLA, d; Michael R. ent/chief sh Heid, CPA /treasurer; a ecretary. The ing the follow , finances, nt, marketing es, and busine rategic servic y 600+ profes patial and inf Figu MPANY B PTION O RGANIZA y of client sat , land survey 31, a partner ng projects fu n. The compa Consulting Eng 970s included planning, land e firm’s name ing GIS and a he name was anged its nam ng of lly ny , and ey are wing g, ess ce lines, each ssional and te frastructure ure X1: Woolp BACKGR OF THE P ATIONAL tisfaction. Fo ying, and land rship was esta unded by the any rapidly ex gineers. d community dscape archit e was change rchitectural s s changed to W me to Woolpe h with a direc echnical pers managemen pert's organiz ROUND PROPOSE L HISTO unded in 191 dscape engine ablished in th Rural Electri xpanded and development tecture, traff ed to Woolpe services. In 1 Woolpert LLP ert, Inc. ctor who repo onnel deliver nt services. zational struc ER’S RY. 1, the firm’s eering perform he name of P c Cooperative in 1942 beca t, photogramm fic engineerin rt Consultant 997, the firm P. In 2005, Wo orts to the ch r Woolpert’s s 1- ture original med by utnam & e under the ame known as metry, ng, and ts. Soon m became a oolpert hief executive services 1 s e Permitting Software La Quinta, California 1-2 June 28, 2013 1.2 - A STATEMENT OF HOW LONG THE PROPOSER HAS BEEN PERFORMING THE SERVICES REQUIRED BY THIS RFP. Woolpert is an experienced software system integrator, the proposed team is composed of the acquired Kings Canyon Technology (KCT) personnel, a land management services group, which was implementing the best of breed land management solution Accela Automation. Woolpert acquired KCT to leverage the expertise and experience of implementing the Accela Automation system. With a combined experience of more than 40 years and more than 40 Accela projects under its belt, our proposed Woolpert team will deliver the Accela Automation system to meet the City’s business needs. Woolpert will work closely with the City’s staff to ensure a timely, well managed, and successful implementation. Through significant years of experience implementing complex IT solutions to local governments, and an expert in enterprise interfaces, Woolpert provides real world proven methodologies and strategies that will be applied to ensure a successful implementation. This experience, coupled with its vast product knowledge and government market best practices, has been captured in the Accela Automation Implementation Methodology. This translates into immediate, sustainable, and measurable results for the city. 1.3 - IDENTIFY THE LOCATION OF HEADQUARTERS, TECHNICAL SUPPORT, AND FIELD OFFICES. The headquarters of Woolpert is located at the following address: 4454 Idea Center Boulevard Dayton, Ohio 45430-1500 937.461.5660 937.461.0743 fax www.woolpert.com Woolpert with approximately 600 staff and over 23 offices are located throughout the United States. Technical Support is located in California, and our support to the City of La Quinta would be provided from Woolpert Southern California office. 1.4 - IDENTIFY THE LOCATION OF OFFICE THAT WOULD SERVICE THE CITY. The Woolpert California based office that will service the City of La Quinta is based in Reedley California. Woolpert 1120 I Street Reedley, CA 93654 Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 1.5 - EMPL Woolpert for emplo 1.6 - ACQU WITH PROV None 1.7 – LARG Woolpert 1.8 - PROP FOR T Woolpert financial g Software , California 2013 A DESCR OYEES A t has over 600 oyees is an av IDENTIF UISITIONS IN THE L VIDING RE IDENTIF ER PARE t is the paren DOCUME OSER’S A THE LAS t is a privatel information RIPTION AND LON 0 employees verage of 15 y FY WHET S, OR SA LAST FIV ELEVANT FY IF THE ENT COM nt company. ENTATIO ANNUAL T 3 COM y owned com in proposals. OF THE NGEVITY and has been years. THER TH ALES OF VE YEAR T DETAI E ORGAN MPANY. ON THAT L COMPA MPANY F mpany that pr E ORGAN Y. n existence fo ERE HAV THE PR RS (IF SO LS). NIZATIO IF SO, W T SHOWS ANY REV FISCAL Y refers not to m NIZATION or over 100 ye VE BEEN ROPOSER O, AN EXP N IS A SU WHOM? S THAT T VENUES A YEARS. make broad p N’S NUM ears, our long N ANY ME RCOMPAN PLANAT UBSIDIA THE AND PRO public disclos 1- 3 BER OF gevity period ERGERS, NY TION RY TO A OFIT sures of 3 , A Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Reques SECT 2.1 - SECTO AND E OF CA Woolpert technical based off Woolpert expertise line. The the servic under its agencies 2.2 - SYSTE WITH Communi Automati Communi as well a features and Ideas features Automati evolving Accela’s streamlin and socia automate between flexible g lifecycle provide C efficientl opposed apps on a make it e g Software , California 2013 st for Pro TION 2.0 DESCRIB OR PERM EXPERIE ALIFORN t has set the f l engineers, a fice in the Fre t office was f e in land man e proposed Wo ces and suppo belt, the pro business nee DESCRIB EM IN CO IN CALIF ity Developm ion platform ity Developm s enhanced s are driven by s and direct i are in direct ion users with e-Governmen Platform4Gov nes the devel al apps for go e the County’ Accela Autom graphical wor using an intu Code Enforcem ly both in the to a single ap a Smartphone easier for inve oposals 0 – COM BE YOUR MITTING NCE WIT NIA. foundation of as well as sale esno area and ormerly the h agement imp oolpert team ort that is ex oposed team eds with fami BE YOUR OMMUNIT FORNIA M ment departme delivers unpr ment departme upport for th y valuable cu nteraction w response to c h the very be nt marketplac v continues t opment and m overnment bu ’s Developme mation and A rkflow engine uitive parent- ment officers e back office, pplication. W e, iPad, or iPh estigators or MPANY Q R FIRM’S SYSTEM TH THE R f the compan es and marke d is ready to headquarters plementation has over 40 y xpected by ou will deliver t liarity of com R EXPERI TY DEVE MUNICIP ents have bee recedented ca ents with its he growing are stomer feedb with customer current mark est tools and f ce. to be enhance management ilt around Ac ent review an Adobe Pro 10 f e, and the abi child manage s and inspecto , as well as th Whether using hone, the Acc inspectors to QUALIF FAMILIA MS AND B REQUIRE ny by combini eting personn assist the Cit s of Kings Can specifically w years of com ur customers. the Accela Au mplexities of i IENCE IN ELOPMEN PALITIES en the lead o apabilities. A Platform4Go eas of Mobile back, from ou rs at various A ket direction functionality ed to provide t of productiv ccela Automa d Permitting for “interacti ility to manag ement structu ors the tools he field. Acce our Accela M cela mobility o complete th FICATIO ARITY W BUSINESS EMENTS ing a diverse el. Woolpert ty of La Quint nyon Technolo with the Acce bined experie . With more t utomation sys implementati N IMPLEM NT DEPA S. on which the Accela will co ov and ongoin e and Social. M ur client base Accela events and best prac to meet the e a dynamic c vity and citize tion enterpri activities, in ive electronic ge projects th ure. Accela A necessary to ela views mob Mobile Office y platform pro heir tasks. ONS WITH PUB S PROCE OF THE team of expe maintains a ta. The Califo ogy (KCT), wh ela Automatio ence our team than 40 Accel stem to meet ion projects. MENTING ARTMENT Woolpert Acc ontinue to foc g support for Many new pro e, the Accela s. Other new ctices to arm demands of t cloud-based p en-engageme se platform. ncluding integ c plan review hrough their Automation ca o do their job bility as a pla solution, or l ovides solutio 2- BLIC ESSES, E STATE erienced California ornia hich has the on product m provides la projects t your G YOUR TS cela cus on r the Cloud, oduct Community product m Accela the ever- platform that nt mobile To better gration w,” a highly entire an effectively s more atform as leveraging ons which 1 y 2-2 2.3 - IDENT VERSI PROP CALIF Californi The follo procurem Alameda Benicia Berkeley Concord Contra Co Culver Ci Downey Grass Val Hesperia Larkspur Los Gatos Martinez Mono Cou Monterey Oakland OSHPD Palo Alto Petaluma DISCUSS TIFYING ION/REL OSING. C FORNIA P a Public Age owing list doe ment process osta County ty lley s unty y County o a S YOUR E THE NU EASE OF CLEARLY PUBLIC A ncy Clients u s not include or agency’s c Co Ci EXISTING MBER O F THE SO Y IDENT AGENCY using Accela e agencies wh currently in th ounties ties G CLIENT F EXISTI OFTWAR TIFY THE Y INSTAL Software here the Acce he implemen Pleasant Hil Pleasanton Paradise Port of San Roseville Tahoe Regio Sacramento Sacramento San Mateo C San Bernard San Diego Co San Francisc San Mateo C Santa Barba Santa Monic Solano Coun Stanislaus C Ventura Cou West Sacram T BASE I ING CLIE RE YOU A ENUMBER LLATIONS ela Automatio ntation proces ll Francisco onal Planning County County dino ounty co County ara County ca nty County unty mento Perm La Qu INCLUDI ENTS US ARE R OF S. on system is s ss. mitting Softwar uinta, Californi June 28, 201 NG ING THE selected via e a 3 E Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Reques SECT REFER These pro Kings Can Automati Referenc Custome Custome Title, Ad E-mail Brief Pro # of User Current S Current S Version Database Modules Go-Live Impleme (months Impleme g Software , California 2013 st for Pro TION 3.0 RENCES ovided refere nyon Technol ion software. ce # 1 er Name er Contact Na ddress, Phone oject Descrip rs Status of Pro Software Rel e Environme s Implemente Date entation Perio ) entation Cost oposals 0 – REF ences are bas ogy’s implem Ven ame, e, and Joe 930 ption Ven serv per ope acti Aut Pub offi inte the proj 30 U oject Live lease Acc ent Win ed Lan May od 1 Ye t $3M ERENCE ed on the wo mentation tea ntura County, e Clark, VPN A 009, phone – ntura County vices such as mitting. The erations and p ivities. Ventu omation’s en blic Works, an ce. The Add- egration, and implementat ject’s comple Users e cela Automati ndows d Managemen y 2012 ear M (Initial and ES ork provided b am; these refe CA Administrator 805.477.7135 selected Acc integrated w system allow procedures fo ura County ha nterprise-wide nd Code Enfo -on technolog Mobile appli tion services etion. ion 7.2 nt, Citizen Ac Ending) by Woolpert’ erences are u r, 800 South V 5, email – jos ela Automati workflow man ws County dep or its permit a as taken adva e capabilities rcement mod gy allows for ications. The that assisted ccess, Mobile s acquired co using the prop Victoria Ave, seph.clark@ve ion solution in nagement and partments to and construct antage of Acc s for Building dules in its Pe Citizen Acces proposed tea d the county t e Office, GIS 3- ompany, posed Accela Ventura, CA entura.org ncludes d Internet streamline tion-related ela , Planning, ermitting ss, GIS am provided through the 1 Permitting Software La Quinta, California 3-2 June 28, 2013 Reference # 2 Customer Name City of Downey, CA Customer Contact Name, Title, Address, Phone, and E-mail David Blumenthal, Project Manager, 11111 Brookshire Avenue, Downey, CA 90241, phone – 562.904.7155, email – dblumenthal@downeyca.org Brief Project Description The City of Downey selected Accela Automation solution includes services such as integrated workflow management and Internet permitting. The system allows County departments to streamline operations and procedures for its permit and construction-related activities. The City uses Accela Automation’s enterprise-wide capabilities for Building, Planning, Public Works, and Code Enforcement modules in its Community Development activities. The Add-on technology allows for Citizen Access, GIS integration, and Mobile applications. The proposed team provided the implementation services that assisted the county through the project’s successful completion. # of Users 15 Users Current Status of Project Live Current Software Release Version Accela Automation 7.2 Database Environment Cloud Modules Implemented Land Management, Citizen Access, Mobile Office, GIS Go-Live Date July 2010 Implementation Period (months) 1 Year Implementation Cost $525K (Initial and Ending) Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Referenc Custome Custome Title, Ad E-mail Brief Pro # of User Current S Current S Version Database Modules Go-Live Impleme (months Impleme g Software , California 2013 ce # 3 er Name er Contact Na ddress, Phone oject Descrip rs Status of Pro Software Rel e Environme s Implemente Date entation Perio ) entation Cost City ame, e, and Deb Circ ema ption The serv per ope acti cap Enfo The and imp proj 18 U oject Live lease Acc ent Clou ed Lan Jun od 1 Ye t $75 y of Concord, borah Herman cle, Concord, ail – dherman e City of Conc vices such as mitting. The erations and p ivities. The C pabilities for B orcement mo e Add-on tech d Mobile appli plementation ject’s succes Users e cela Automati ud d Managemen e 2012 ear 0K (Initial an CA n, Application CA 94519, D n@ci.concord cord selected integrated w system allow procedures fo City uses Acce Building, Plan odules in its C hnology allow ications. The services that ssful completi ion 7.2 nt, Citizen Ac nd Ending) ns Project Ma Downey, CA 94 .ca.us d Accela Auto workflow man ws County dep or its permit a ela Automatio nning, Public Community De ws for Citizen proposed tea t assisted the ion. ccess, Mobile anager, 2727 4519, p – 925 mation soluti nagement and partments to and construct on’s enterpris Works, and C evelopment a Access, GIS i am provided e county throu e Office, GIS 3-3 Parkside 5.671.3245, ion includes d Internet streamline tion-related se-wide Code activities. ntegration, the ugh the Permitting Software La Quinta, California 3-4 June 28, 2013 Reference # 4 Customer Name Mohave County, AZ Customer Contact Name, Title, Address, Phone, and E-mail Lori Kimbrough, System Services Manager, 303 East Oak Street, Kingman, AZ 86402, p – 928.753.0740, email - Lori.kimbrough@co.mohave.az.us Brief Project Description Mohave County selected Accela Automation solution includes services such as integrated workflow management and Internet permitting. The system allows County departments to streamline operations and procedures for its permit and construction-related activities. Mohave County has taken advantage of Accela Automation’s enterprise-wide capabilities for Building, Planning, Public Works, and Code Enforcement modules in its Permitting office. The Add-on technology allows for Citizen Access, GIS integration, and Mobile applications. The proposed team provided the implementation services that assisted the county through the project’s completion. # of Users 22 Users Current Status of Project Live Current Software Release Version Accela Automation 7.2 Database Environment Cloud Modules Implemented Land Management, Citizen Access, Mobile Office, GIS Go-Live Date November 2010 Implementation Period (months) 1 Year Implementation Cost $400K (Initial and Ending) Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Referenc Custome Custome Title, Ad E-mail Brief Pro # of User Current S Current S Version Database Modules Go-Live Impleme (months Impleme g Software , California 2013 ce # 5 er Name er Contact Na ddress, Phone oject Descrip rs Status of Pro Software Rel e Environme s Implemente Date entation Perio ) entation Cost Salt ame, e, and Ken 145 801 ption The incl Inte stre con ent and acti inte the the 25 U oject Live lease Acc ent Clou ed Lan July od 1 Ye t $1.5 t Lake City, U nt Overly, Tec 490, 451 Sou .535.7920, e e City of Salt ludes services ernet permitt eamline opera struction-rela erprise-wide d Code Enforc ivities. The A egration, and implementat project’s suc Users e cela Automati ud d Managemen y 2009 ear 5M (Initial an UT chnical Consu th State Stre mail - kent.o Lake City sel s such as inte ting. The syst ations and pr ated activitie capabilities f cement modu Add-on techno Mobile appli tion services ccessful comp ion 7.2 nt, Citizen Ac nd Ending) ultant, Buildin eet, Salt Lake overly@slcgov lected Accela egrated workf tem allows Co rocedures for es. The City u for Building, ules in its Com ology allows f ications. The that assisted pletion. ccess, Mobile ng Departme City UT 8411 v.com a Automation flow managem ounty departm its permit an uses Accela A Planning, Pu mmunity Deve for Citizen Ac proposed tea d Salt Lake Ci e Office, GIS 3-5 nt, PO Box 14-5490, p - solution ment and ments to nd Automation’s blic Works, elopment ccess, GIS am provided ty through Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Reques SECT 4.1 - OF SY PROP For nearl Since the in-breed packages Managem (nearly 2 or R&D), Accela ha departme g Software , California 2013 st for Pro TION 4.0 PROPOS YSTEM, R OSED ly 30 years, A e Accela Auto solution that s. Accela rem ment space (a 00 for Accela the Accela so as designed t ental, and ev oposals 0 – PRO SED SOLU RELEASE Accela has bee omation 1.0 re t incorporates ains nearly 4 ccording to G a, over 650 fo oftware tech he Accela Au ven multi-juri OPOSED UTION O E HISTOR en the unque eleased in Ju s all the best times larger Gartner). Whe or Woolpert), nology outpe tomation pro sdictional, su SOLUT OVERVIEW RY, CUR estioned leade uly 2000, the t practices an r than our nex ether measur over 500 ind erforms them oduct to prov upport via the TION W IDENT RENT RE er in the Lan Accela Autom nd sets the ba xt nearest co red in terms o dividual client all. ide scalabilit e data model TIFYING ELEASE B d Managemen mation system ar for all othe mpetitor in t of number of t sites, financ ty and enable l. La Quinta h 4- ORIGIN BEING nt space. m is the best- er software the Land employees cial stability, e multi- has the 1 Permitting Software La Quinta, California 4-2 June 28, 2013 opportunity to move from an aging, unsupported system to the next generation solution – which is a proven, flexible, and sustainable IT platform. This opportunity is further enhanced by the fact that you can leverage an existing relationship with Accela. Accela Automation’s enterprise approach, allows the permit process to be streamlined and managed across the agency, improving the accessibility of licensing and permitting processes. This can be achieved City-wide where projects start from over the counter application and move through the permitting process to eventual Certificate of Occupancy issuance. Our methodology allows each department to follow specific business processes but also selectively share, manage, and present processes and task across the agency, fostering greater collaboration, ease of use, and better customer service. There are numerous benefits of Accela Automation which include:  Accela Best Practice Templates allow the City to deploy e-government services right out of the box, including pre-configured workflows, data structures, fees, business logic, standard reports, and web forms.  Shared system administration and report development knowledge across departments  Shared GIS and address, parcel and owner data, leveraging your investment in ESRI  The proposed team has significant experience with the installation of the Laserfiche interface primarily related to the fact we joined the Partner Development Program and on a yearly basis ensure that we maintain that relationship. Furthermore, our team has spent significant time in learning to develop against the Laserfiche and Accela SDK platforms.  Centralized Accela Citizen Access web portal for all activities within the City  Permitting, Inspection, Code Enforcement processes through our automated centralized solution  Electronic Plan Review features (Integration to Adobe 10x) that can be shared across multiple departments  Data Manager Tool that allows you to move records and configurations from one environment to another, seamlessly  A powerful workflow engine configured to the City’s business practices, involving several departments and multiple steps, or a single department and just a few steps Woolpert has leveraged Accela’s cutting edge of technology as shown by new Accela Automation product features advance our focus on providing our customers with solutions that:  Drive maximum user productivity  Increase efficiency and ROI  Improve customer interactions with government  Support growth and change with a flexible and scalable business framework Woolpert is proud of Accela’s development and focus on its Platform4Gov and ongoing support for the Cloud, as well as enhanced support for the growing areas of Mobile and Social. Many new product features are driven by valuable customer feedback, gleaned from posts on Accela Community and Ideas and direct interaction with customers at various Accela events. Other new product features are in direct response to current market direction and best practices to arm Accela Automation users with the very best tools and functionality to meet the demands of the ever-evolving e-Government marketplace. Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 4.2 - MODU FORM Appendix reflective across th 4.3 - SERVI PROV FUNC All propo The follo g Software , California 2013 PROVIDE ULE/ITEM MAT IN A x B follows th e of the Acce e country and IDENTIF ICES THA VIDE A DE CTIONS O osed modules owing pages c E A WRIT M IDENT APPENDIX is section of ela Automatio d internation FY ANY A AT WERE ESCRIPT OF EACH and services ontain Appen TTEN RE IFIED IN X B. our proposal, on system 7.2 nally. ADDITION E NOT ID TION OF PROPO are identifie ndix B provide ESPONSE SECTIO , individual re 2 currently liv NAL PRO DENTIFIE THE FEA SED MOD ed and presen ed by the RFP E TO EAC N 3, USI esponses to e ve at over 500 OPOSED ED IN SE ATURES DULE. nted in this p P. CH ING THE each requirem 0 individual in MODULE ECTION 3 AND roposal. 4-3 E ment are nstallations ES OR 3 AND RFP  Num 3.1  Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Reques APPE WOOLPE Require mber  g Software , California 2013 st for Pro ENDIX B ERT PROVID ement Req Gen The cha  The incl asso  The ema diff thro trac  The atta from  Elec digi are ent oposals B – RESP DES THE FOL quirement  neral System e City seeks a aracteristics: e ability to ge uded on the ociated ema e Accela Aut ails internal ferent types  ough the Wo ck all corresp e ability to im ach to the  m within the ctronic docu ital photos,  e submitted  terprise to vi PONSE R LOWING AN m Characteri a system tha   enerate ema e application ail correspon tomation sys lly and exter of applicati orkflow eng pondence to mport Word application,  e application uments, incl may be att to system,  iew and trac REQUIR NSWERS TO  istics   at provides t ail from with n or to other ndence from stem comes rnally to allo ion approva gine allowing o be saved w d, Excel, Pow with the a n record.  luding Micro tached to ap they are im ck.  REMENT THE RFP RE the following hin the appli r contacts, a m within the  s with the ab ow for comm al processes. g for all con within the re werPoint and ability to vie osoft office  pplication re mmediately a TS TEMP QUIREMENT g general sys ication to pa nd to view t application  bility to set u munication f  This is set u ntacts to view ecord.   d PDF docum ew the atta files, sketch ecords. Once available ac   4a- PLATE TS.   stem  arties  the  record.  up  for all  up  w and  ments to  achments  hes, and  e records  cross the  1 Permitting Software La Quinta, California 4a-2 June 28, 2013 RFP Requirement  Number  Requirement   Comprehensive search ability into active and historic records by street  name, street number, APN, developer, contractor, plan check number,  building permit number, owner name, general project description,  tract number, parent parcel number, business name, etc.   The ability to query for address, parcel, asset, and GIS feature are all  inherent to the system, all information entered into the system can  be reported upon and searched through partial or wildcard queries.   Search fields exist throughout the system, searching for a street  names for example is a standard field that can be  used to query  street names.    Contain master files for architects, contractors, owners, tenants,  engineers and developers including contact information (including  multiple telephone numbers and email addresses) and license  numbers.    Accela Automation comes with a people tab which allows for users  to add an unlimited amount of names for owners, contractors,  licensed professionals to be entered into the system in a reference  table which can be used at any point, which matches addresses,  phone numbers, license numbers, etc.   The ability to add warnings or flags with notices or restrictions.  RFP  Num Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Require mber  g Software , California 2013 ement Req  The add the  Aud  Acc wit  Calc card  Calc form fun ema  Pro  Acc ma fun fun cas pay  Util  Fee high nee be  lice  Pro quirement  e system allo dress or parc  workflow e dit trails to r cela Automa th an Audit t culate appli d), and gene culating fe mulas and  ctionality of ailed or repr vide the abi cela Automa ny GAAP pr ctions such ctions of th hiering sys yment proce lize the City’ e types can  hly flexible  eded by the  set to be  ensing, etc. vide an onli ow for speci cel in the pr engine so it w ecord user a ation keeps  trail for tran icable fees, erate a paym ees and ge tables is  f the system rinted as ne lity to issue  ation’s  fees  rinciples, off h as refun he system. A tems or us ess for all fee s accounting be set to d number sc city’s busin different f ne knowledg ial notes suc roperty file a will appear  activity.  track of wo nsactions per  accept pa ment receipt enerating r s accomplis m. These rec eeded.  refunds or a and cash fers full acc nds and fe Additionally, sed with ca e‐based acti g codes asso determine t cheme can  ness needs.  for code e ge base to a ch as alerts t and flags ca at key point orkflow histo rformed in t yments (ca .  receipts acc shed throu ceipts and in adjustments hiering fun count reconc ee adjustm , the system ash drawer ivities.   ociated with the exact re be made t  For examp enforcement ssist users w to be attach an be set up  ts.  ory as well a the system. sh, check o cording to  ugh the ca nvoices can s to fees.  nctionality  ciliation, acc ents are s m may be us rs to comp  fees.  ecord numb to match th ple the num t, permittin with applicat 4-3 hed to an  through  as comes  or credit  specific  ashiering  n then be  employs  counting  standard  sed with  plete the  bers, this  he order  bers can  ng, plan,  tion use.  RFP  Num 4a-4 Require mber  ement Req  Thr nav and and syst  Inte lice  Acc dat the for  ent  Ma  The diff cha  Pro  The dat syst upo quirement  roughout the vigation and d links to ass d self‐paced  tem.   erface with t nses are act cela Automa ta is provide  state licens cut and pa try.  intain multip e Accela A ferent fee sc anged.   vide user de e Accela Aut ta, adding u tem. All dat on.   e system the d use of syste sist the user training doc the State lic tive.  ation allows ed througho sing databa aste data int ple fee sche utomation  chedules and efined fields  tomation sys user defined  ta entered in ere are help em features rs throughou cuments kee censing data s the use o out the syste ase for licens to text boxe dules with e system all d can track  for added in stem allows d fields on th nto the syste p buttons to  s. Additiona ut the system ep users up    abase to det of links to c em.  The ab sing of cont es is allowe effective dat lows the a dates when nformation f s for tracking he fly is an i em can be q Perm La Qu allow the us lly, online m m. Online tr to date in th termine if co codes and r bility to look tractors is ac ed to minim es.  ability to m n effective d flexibility.  g of many fi inherent pa queried and r mitting Softwar uinta, Californi June 28, 201 ser easy  manuals  raining  he  ontractor  reference  k up into  ccessible  mize data  maintain  dates are  ields and  art of the  reported  e a 3 RFP  Num 3.2  Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Requireme mber  g Software , California 2013 nt Req Plan The indu  Des com  The inte pro A fe ‐  ‐  eng ‐  prio ‐  prin cash pay ‐  syst of e ‐  dat bus   Calc  The cus hun coll  Trac the  calc rem stat and be  Pro stat quirement  n Check App e system w ustrial and r scribe the sy mments, mee e overall flex elligence th ocesses, inclu ew of the sys Audit tr Event M gine, offers a Require or to an acti Fees an nciples, offe hiering syst yment proce Abunda tem data, e errors; and  Robust  ta and proc siness rules i culate fees. e flexible  tomers defin ndreds of ste lection and r ck applicatio required r culate the da minders to id tus of comm d conditions  repeated a vide the ab tus of the ap plication Fee ill support  esidential de ystem’s abili eting schedu xibility of Ac hat maintain uding planni ystem attribu rails docume Manager Sc action/inact ed Condition ivity occurrin nd Cashier ers full acco tems or us ess for all fee ant use of R eliminate du administrat cesses, ensu in place.  configuratio ne and man eps involved related reve on submissio reviewers b ate the com dentify late  ments.  Allow for approva s additiona bility to view pproval.    e Calculation the plan re evelopment ity to suppo ules, record  ccela Autom ins vigilance ing and perm utes are the ent changes  cript Engine tion based a ns confirm  ng;  ring functio ount reconci sed with ca e‐based acti Reference D uplicate data tor tools sup uring all ac on of Acc nage the seq d in a workfl enue genera on date, dat both inside  ments are d comments.  w consolidat al into one do l comments w and list a n and Tracki eview proce t.    ort activity,  actions, and mation is sup e over all  mitting proc e following f made to cri e (EMSE),  automation c that all req onality emp iliation, and ash drawer ivities;  Data tables  a entry, and pport ongoi ctivities adh cela Land  quence and  low includin ating purpos te(s) notices and outsid due from the  Provide th ion of all pla ocument; th s and cond all required  ing  ess for com including du d attach doc pported by  Land Mana cesses.    features:   itical system the system capabilities; quirements  ploys many d may be us rs to comp appropriate d reduce the ing manage here to the Manageme requiremen ng fee calcul ses.  s were forw de of the C e reviewers.  e ability to  an review co he consolida itions are r approvals  4-5 mmercial,  ue dates,  uments.  business  agement  m areas;   m’s script  ;    are met  y GAAP  sed with  plete the  ely reuse  e chance  ement of  e specific  ent lets  nts of the  lation for  warded to  City, and   Provide  view the  omments  tion may  received.  with the  Permitting Software La Quinta, California 4a-6 June 28, 2013 RFP Requirement  Number  Requirement   Accela Land Management manages and guides all land and permit  activities from initiation to closure. Core to the system design is its  unique flexibility to adhere to the exact business processes of  individual government agencies. Further, users are presented with  the exact business information needed to perform their individual  job functions. The flexible configuration of Accela Land Management  lets customers define and manage the sequence and requirements of  the hundreds of steps involved in a workflow, including initial  applications, plan reviews, letters, permits code enforcement, fee  calculation/ collection, inspections, notices, and approvals.  3.3 Public Works Improvement Plan Processing  Improvement plan application processing may require project review  and approvals from city departments, and from organizations outside  of the City.  When the conditions of approval are established and  construction is underway, inspections are conducted by the Building  Inspectors.       Public Works Improvement Plan Processing Activities are handled  through the Accela Automation Land Management system, which  manages and guides all land and permit activities from initiation to  closure. Core to the system design is its unique flexibility to adhere to  the exact business processes of individual government agencies.  Further, users are presented with the exact business information  needed to perform their individual job functions.   Provide the ability to add or overwrite fees to support specific  negotiations for developer(s).   Accela Automation allows for users to overwrite fees and track those  fees throughout the application.   Present subtypes in a drop down menu based on the specific class code.  Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 g Software , California 2013  App clas Aut  Per  Acc gra upd com wor  Pro eng  Acc add prof can lice plication typ ss codes, the tomation sys mit expiratio  Track th ordinan  Provide  specifie mail me  Change   Allow th expiratio record i cela Automa ave’ allows  dates to be mmunication rked into the vide a mast gineers, soil e cela Automa d an unlimit ofessionals t n be used a nse number pes and subt ese are view stem organi    on:  he permit  ces..   a report  d number of erge to gene the status o he expiratio on date, the dentifying th ation’s robus for permits e changed  n via a notifi e workflow  ter file for c engineers, e ation comes ted amount to be entere t any point, rs, etc.  types are pr wable throu izes these in expiration d with the p f days, and e rate permit  of an expired on date to b e modified e he user that ust ability to ts to have  and modi fication ema process of t contractors a electricians,  s with a peo t of names  ed into the s t, which ma resented in m ughout the s n a very logic date, as de permits that export the in expiration le d permit.  be extended expiration da t made the c o track appli expiration  ified. Exten ail or letter is that applica and subcont mechanical, ople tab wh for owners system in a  atches addre menu basis b system and  cal manner. elineated in t will expir nformation i etters to app d.  Record t ate and crea change.    lication from dates, and nding due  is a process  tion record. tractors, i.e. , plumbing, e hich allows f s, contractor reference t esses, phone 4-7 based upon  d the Accela  .    the City’s  e within a  into a Word  plicants.     the original  ate an audit  m ‘cradle to  d all status  dates and  that can be     . architects,  etc.  for users to  rs, licensed  table which  e numbers,  7 Permitting Software La Quinta, California 4a-8 June 28, 2013  A comprehensive ability to calculate various fees is required. The screen  should prompt the operator to enter the appropriate fee criteria based on  the type of fee.   The flexible configuration of Accela Land Management lets customers  define and manage the sequence and requirements of the hundreds of  steps involved in a workflow including fee calculation for collection and  related revenue generating purposes.  3.4 Building Permit Application Processing  Building permit application processing may require project review and  approvals from city departments, and from organizations outside of the  City.  When the conditions of approval are established and construction  is underway, inspections are conducted by the Building Inspectors.       Building Permit Application Processing Activities are handled through  the Accela Automation Land Management system, which manages and  guides all land and permit activities from initiation to closure. Core to  the system design is its unique flexibility to adhere to the exact business  processes of individual government agencies. Further, users are  presented with the exact business information needed to perform their  individual job functions.   Provide the ability to add or overwrite fees to support specific  negotiations for developer(s).   Accela Automation allows for users to overwrite fees and track those  fees throughout the application.   Present subtypes in a drop down menu based on the specific class code.  Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 g Software , California 2013  App clas Aut  Per  Acc gra upd com wor  Pro eng  Acc add prof can lice plication typ ss codes, the tomation sys mit expiratio  Track th ordinan  Provide  specifie mail me  Change   Allow th expiratio record i cela Automa ave’ allows  dates to be mmunication rked into the vide a mast gineers, soil e cela Automa d an unlimit ofessionals t n be used a nse number pes and subt ese are view stem organi    on:  he permit  ces..   a report  d number of erge to gene the status o he expiratio on date, the dentifying th ation’s robus for permits e changed  n via a notifi e workflow  ter file for c engineers, e ation comes ted amount to be entere t any point, rs, etc.  types are pr wable throu izes these in expiration d with the p f days, and e rate permit  of an expired on date to b e modified e he user that ust ability to ts to have  and modi fication ema process of t contractors a electricians,  s with a peo t of names  ed into the s t, which ma resented in m ughout the s n a very logic date, as de permits that export the in expiration le d permit.  be extended expiration da t made the c o track appli expiration  ified. Exten ail or letter is that applica and subcont mechanical, ople tab wh for owners system in a  atches addre menu basis b system and  cal manner. elineated in t will expir nformation i etters to app d.  Record t ate and crea change.    lication from dates, and nding due  is a process  tion record. tractors, i.e. , plumbing, e hich allows f s, contractor reference t esses, phone 4-9 based upon  d the Accela  .    the City’s  e within a  into a Word  plicants.     the original  ate an audit  m ‘cradle to  d all status  dates and  that can be    . architects,  etc.  for users to  rs, licensed  table which  e numbers,  Permitting Software La Quinta, California 4a-10 June 28, 2013  A comprehensive ability to calculate various fees is required. The screen  should prompt the operator to enter the appropriate fee criteria based on  the type of fee.   The flexible configuration of Accela Land Management lets customers  define and manage the sequence and requirements of the hundreds of  steps involved in a workflow including fee calculation for collection and  related revenue generating purposes, prompting the user to enter  appropriate data can be incorporated into the related workflow  process.   Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Reques SECT 5.1 - HIGHL ACCO Woolpert trained p energy of project f local leve Woolpert individua project. service c These ind lead this of this te project m g Software , California 2013 st for Pro TION 5.0 PROVIDE LIGHTIN OMPLISH t’s greatest st professionals w f proven perf or many year els, demonstr t has acquired als comprise t The organiza omponent. dividuals are effort. Wool eam and its in manager and oposals 0 – IMPL E A PRO G THE K THE WO trength is in o who work eff formers who h rs. We have a rate the highe d the implem the proposed tion chart de well versed i pert’s Projec nteraction wit assigned proj LEMENT JECT OR KEY PEO ORK REQ our project m ficiently as a have been inv assembled a t est degree of mentation grou Project Team epicts the line n the Accela ct Manager sh th key City re ject personne TATION RGANIZA PLE BEIN QUIRED B management team. Our m volved in eve team of profe f expertise av up of Kings C m operating n es of authorit Automation hall assume fu esources assig el follow the N APPRO ATIONAL NG ASSIG BY THIS and producti methods use th ery area of th essionals who vailable. Canyon Techn now as Woolp ty, and indivi application, ull responsibi gned to the e organizationa OACH L CHART GNED TO RFP on personnel he talents an he City of La Q o, on both the ology; the fo pert, for the L dual assigned and are well lity for the co effort. Resum al chart. 4- T O —highly nd creative Quinta e national and llowing La Quinta d for each qualified to oordination mes of the 1 d 5-2 staff pr ERIC PROJ Mr. Koon with the Accela Au exceedin Manager Eric Koon Director involved Deployme experienc Maryland Library Sy compiler business implemen PROJE Mohave C Trainer o the Build and inter City of P impleme Accela G impleme City of Sa Planning, Inspector (Accela W least two impleme King Cou Developm customiz City of C Engineeri are all in rofile KOONT ECT MAN tz has over 2 last six years utomation. E g customer e and Lead Con ntz, has previ of Services W with well ove ents for diffe ce includes a , middleware ystems devel developmen and has expe ntation. ECT EXPER County, Ariz of Accela Auto ding, Planning rfacing with E eoria, Arizon nting over 55 IS, 6 Interfac ntation. (Prio alt Lake City , Code Enforc rs) are includ Wireless, Acce o Interfaces a ntation. (Prio unty, Washing ment and Spe ed data conv Concord, Calif ing and Code cluded in thi TZ NAGER 1 years of tec s focused on i ric has a prov expectations a nsultant. iously held th Western Regio er 40 Accela A erent Agencie assistant Dean e software de opment, and t. He has own ertise in all el RIENCE ona. Lead Co omation 7.0 u g, Health, and EDMS. (Prior e na. Project M 5 Application ces, and 2 Dat or experience y, Utah. Proje cement, Fire, ed in this city ela Citizen Ac are part of thi or experience gton. Project cial Use perm versions and m fornia. Proje Enforcement s implementa chnology exp implementati ven track rec as both a Pro he role of Acc on, and has be Automation es. Eric’s prio n at the Unive evelopment fo Object-orien ned his owne lements of a onsultant. Pro upgrade from d Flood Contr experience) Manager. Build Types in this ta Conversion e) ect Manager / , Transportati y wide One S ccess, Accela is single phas e) t Manger. Thi mitting proces multiple inter ect Manager / t department ation. (Prior e perience ion of ord for oject cela’s een r industry ersity of or ADP, nted ed project oject Manage m Permits Plus rol Departme ding, Plannin project. Acc ns are all incl / Consultant. ion, Engineer top Solution. a GIS, and Acc se project tha is project mig sses to Accel rfaces with O / Lead Consul ts. EDMS Inte experience) er, Implement s. The projec ents. It also in g, and Code cela Wireless, luded in this s . Nine City Di ring, Licensin . All of Accela cela IVR), 11 at is schedule grated Constr a Automation Oracle Financi ltant / Traine rface and his Years of Ex 21 years Education Bachelor o Science, C Certificatio Certificate Design wit Certificate Application Certificate and tuning Perm La Qu tation Consul ct includes 25 ncludes data c Enforcement , Accela Citiz single phase visions (Build ng, Permitting a’s Enterprise Data Convers ed for a nine ruction, Land n. It also inclu ial. (Prior exp er. Building, P storical Data xperience of Science, Com Colorado State ons e, MQ700 Appl th WebSphere e, MQ100 Web n Programmin e, Performanc g for HP NonSt mitting Softwar uinta, Californi June 28, 201 ltant, and 5 permits for conversions are zen Access, ding, g, and e solutions sions, and at month d udes perience) Planning, Conversions mputer University lication MQ bSphere MQ ng e analysis top systems e a 3 Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Culver C Code Enf Accela Ci single ph City of D Trainer. T Building, conversio Town of Direction Permits P with EDM City of F impleme from AA C Boulder Vantage Citizen A and inter quarter o staff pr LARR PROJ Mr. Coop industrie include m financial Larry has and e-bu As the ow group in private b a Directo previous included Previousl includes developm account i the busin g Software , California 2013 ity, Californi forcement are itizen Access ase impleme Downey, Calif This project i Planning, Co ons and interf Brookhaven, n, Training, an Plus upgrade MS and data co ort Collins, C ntation of Ac Classic to AA County, Colo 360 for Build Access, and Ac rfaces for File of 2008. (Prio rofile RY COO ECT DIR er’s knowled s, technologi manufacturing technology, s led engagem siness implem wner of Kings providing har businesses and or in Accela’s role as an Ac planning, ma ly, Larry was the Technica mental team ( implementati ness aspects o ia. Project Ma e implementi , Accela GIS, ntation. (Prio fornia. Projec is an Enterpri ode Enforcem facing with E , New York. nd Implemen for the Build onversion. (P Colorado. Tec cela Automat V360. (Prior orado. Projec ing, Planning ccela GIS are eNet and Dep or experience PER, JR RECTOR/ ge covers a b es, and funct g technology, and educatio ments ranging mentations to Canyon Tech rdware, softw d government Services dep ccela Regiona anagement, a responsible f al Installation (Reports, Jav ions for Acce of public agen anager / Lead ng over 55 Ap six Interface or experience ct Manager / ise Implemen ment, Fire, an DMS and Cash Project Mana tation Consu ing Departme Prior experien chnical Consu tion for first experience) ct Manager. 6 g, and Code E also part of partment of H e) R FUNCTIO broad range o tions. His exp , software tec onal environm g from e-comm o ERP program hnology, he le ware, and ser t agencies. La partment. Lar al Services Dir and operation for managing team, the Da va Scripting, a la peripheral ncies. d Consultant pplication Ty es, and 2 Data e) Lead Consult ntation of Acc d Public Wor hiering Softw ager / Lead C lting for Agen ent to Accela nce) ultant. Lead t phase of Plan 60 Application Enforcement D the Enterpris Health. This p ONAL LE of periences chnology, ments. merce ms. ed the rvices to arry was rry’s rector nal activities Accela’s Tec ata Migration and Interface s for all perm / Trainer. Bu ypes in this pr a Conversions tant. Project cela Automat rks Departmen ware. (Prior ex Consultant / T ncy Implemen a Automation technical con nning Departm n Types were Departments. se solution as project was d EAD within a pre- chnical Servic n Team, and t es), as well as mitting produc Years of Ex 12 years Education Bachelor o Science, P Certificatio Microsoft C Profession uilding, Plann roject. Accela s are all inclu t Manager, Co tion version 7 nts. It include xperience) Trainer. Provi ntation. This and includes nsultant for ment. Include implemente . Accela Wire s well as data eployed in th -defined regio ces departme the Custom s, building/se cts. Larry is w xperience of Science, Com Park University ons Certified, MCS al 5-3 ning, and a Wireless, uded in this onsultant and 7.0 for es data iding Project project is a interfacing ed upgrade d using eless, Accela a conversions he first on. nt, which elling add-on well versed in mputer y SA and MCSE n Permitting Software La Quinta, California 5-4 June 28, 2013 Prior to joining Accela, Mr. Cooper Managed the Information Technology department for a manufacturing company, Equipment Parts Wholesale/MEC Aerial Platforms that specialized in the production of Aerial Lifts. Mr. Cooper also has worked for the State Community College system as an Adjunct teacher of Information Technology classes. Mr. Cooper also worked for UpRight, Inc as a programmer/ analyst and EDI specialist. Lastly, Mr. Cooper served six years in the United States Marine Corps. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Abu Dhabi, UAE. Technical and Testing Lead for the Emirates of Abu Dhabi Licensing Project. Managed and team lead for installing the Accela Software, HP Rack software, vmWare, vSphere, in the Abu Dhabi Production, QA, Development and Disaster Recovery environment. Team lead in system testing using HP Load Runner software, security testing using COTS software, and managing the User Acceptance Testing Process. (Prior experience) State of Oregon. Technical Lead for the State of Oregon ePermittng Project. Part of the team that Installed and Configured Accela Citizen Access (ACA) for a deployment of 33 initial jurisdictions across the state. Part of the team that developed technical specifications. Project Manager for the State of Oregon State Wide Services (Elevators) project. Developed a project plan, project charter, and resource management schedule. (Prior experience) County of Sacramento, California. Responsible for the oversight of the Implementation of Accela Automation and all add-ons. Part of the team that Installed and Configured Accela Citizen Access (ACA). Part of the team that Configured Accela Automation. Part of the team that created SRS reports and made final changes before go-live. Lead Technical resource on the configuration of V360. (Prior experience) City of Sacramento, California. Responsible for the oversight of all aspects of the Technical Implementation. Lead Technical Resource on the Configuration and Implementation of ACA. Lead Resource on the configuration of V360. Lead Resource on all other Technical Configuration in supporting the configuration with Partner TruePoint Solutions on Accela Automation, Accela IVR, Accela Wireless, and Accela IVR. (Prior experience) Napa County, California. Responsible for the oversight of all aspects of the Technical Implementation. Lead Technical Resource on the installation of Accela Automation, Accela Report Writer, and Accela Wireless. Trained and assisted the County in Mapping Permits Plus data to Accela Automation. (Prior experience) City of Fort Collins, Colorado. Responsible for the oversight of all aspects of the Technical Implementation. Lead Technical Resource on the installation of Accela Automation, Accela Report Writer, and Accela Wireless. Trained and assisted the City in Mapping Permits Plus data to Accela Automation. Provided support to internal staff and contractors on how to configure and implement Accela Automation. (Prior experience) Weld County, Colorado. Responsible for the oversight of all aspects of the Technical Implementation. Lead Technical Resource on the installation of Accela Automation, Accela Report Writer, and Accela Wireless. Trained and assisted the County in Mapping Permits Plus data to Accela Automation. Provided support to internal staff and contractors on how to configure and implement Accela Automation. (Prior experience) City of New Orleans, Louisiana. Member of the team on the ground for the Rapid Damage Assessment deployment for the Katrina Relief efforts, which included the installation of Accela Wireless and Accela GIS. Lead Technical Resource that moved the City from Accela Hosted to Self- Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Hosted. A environm Pinal Cou and Acce Implemen (Prior exp Macomb V360 Rep success o and enfo County tr staff pr JASO TECH Mr. Jacks provides to private experienc that has implemen Jason’s b managed System In Wholesal PROJE State of for a Stat Plumbing County o the Plann configura City of P install of experien g Software , California 2013 As well as, tra ment. Lead Re unty, Arizona ela Wireless. R ntation. Lead perience) County, Mich ports in an Ac of the implem rcement divis raining. (Prio rofile ON JACK NICAL L son is a Techn hardware, so e and public ce in the buil allowed him ntation of Ac background in d services for nfrastructure le/MEC Aerial ECT EXPER Oregon. Imp te Wide roll-o g, Electrical, of Sacrament ning Departm ation of V360 aradise, Ariz SQL Server 2 ce) ained them o esource assign a. Project Ma Responsible f d Resource in higan. Led th ccela hosted e mentation. Le sion. Respons or experience) KSON LEAD nology Busine oftware, and agencies. Jas lding and con to be success cela software ncludes provid the entire Ne for Equipme l Platforms, w RIENCE lementation out of a Citize and Mechanic to, California ent. Part of t . (Prior exper zona. Implem 2005, SQL Rep on how to ma ned to implem anager respon for the oversi configuring t he implement environment. d the analysi sible for busin ) ess owner who professional son has sever nstruction bus sful in the e. ding professio etwork and B nt Parts which special Consultant. P en Access imp cal permit ty a. Implementa the team tha rience) mentation Con porting Servic intain the Ac ment ACA for nsible for the ight of all asp the CAPS, Fee tation of Acce . Project Man is and configu ness analysis, o services ral years siness onal usiness lized in the p Part of the te plementation pes. (Prior ex ation Consult t created SRS nsultant. Tech ces, and the A ccela system i r the City. (Pr e implementa pects of the T es, Workflow ela Automati nager respons uration for Pu , product con roduction of eam that Conf n that consist xperience) tant. Configur S reports. Tec hnical resour Accela Autom Years of Ex 6 years Education KCT Educa Automatio in a Self-Host rior experien ation of Accel Technical Inst w, and base co on, Accela W sible for the o ublic Works p nfiguration, te Aerial Lifts. figured Accel ted of implem red Accela Au chnical resou rce that assist mation Suite. xperience ation Program on 5-5 ted nce) a Automation tall and onfiguration. Wireless, and overall ermitting, esting, and la Automation menting utomation fo urce on the ted with the (Prior in Accela n n r 5-6 staff pr DEAN TECH Ms. Hoop She has b implemen Deanna is expert w develope Automati deployed Deanna’s for Techn Realogic/ Lakeland Bradley, PROJE State of Elevator State of M Licensing State of licensing configura Crystal R  Lead the O confi  Lead 40 pr script and X  Lead the O confi Cobb Cou developm Town of rofile NNA HO NICAL R ps has over 25 been a lead te ntations of Ac s the stronge ithin the enti ed several inte ion and exter d multiple tim s prior experie nolutions, Inc /Computer As Community and Honeywe ECT EXPER Oregon. Lead and Boiler pr Montana. Lea g Division. (Pr South Carolin solution for 4 ation, scriptin Reports and XS technical co Office of Elev guration, scr technical co rofessional lic ting, data co XSLT (Wireles technical co Office of Elev guration, scr unty, Georgia ment. (Prior e Framingham OOPS RESOURC 5 years of tec echnical cons ccela Automa st Event Man ire Accela ec erfaces betw rnal system th mes. ence includes c., Senior Man ssociates, par College, Soft ell/Sperry Fli RIENCE d technical co rogram. (Prio ad technical rior experienc na. Lead tech 40 profession ng, data conv SLT (Wireless nsultant for i ators and Am ripting, report nsultant for i cense boards. nversion, and ss reports). nsultant for i ators and Am ripting, report a. Technical experience) m, Massachuse CE hnology expe sultant for ma ation softwar ager Script E osystem. She ween Accela hat have been s technical ex nager for rt-time instru ware Enginee ght Systems D onsultant for r experience) consultant fo ce) hnical consul nal license bo version, and r s reports). (Pr implementati musement Rid ts and data c implementati . Participatin d report deve implementati musement Rid ts and data c consultant re etts. Technic erience. any re. ngine e has n xpertise uctor for er Manager fo Division respe r implementat ) or implement tant for impl oards. Particip report develo rior experien ion of Accela es. Duties inc conversion. ion of Accela g in business elopment. Rep ion of Accela es. Duties inc conversion. esponsible for cal consultant or MicroDime ectively. tion of Accela tation of Acce ementation o pating in busi opment. Repo nce) Automation cluded busine Automation analysis, pro ports develop Automation cluded busine r scripting an t responsible Years of Ex 26 years Education Master of S Informatio State Univ Bachelor o Engineerin Perm La Qu nsions, Inc., A a Automation ela Automatio of Accela Aut iness analysis orts develope as a licensing ess analysis, p as a licensing oduct configu ped using Cry as a licensing ess analysis, p nd batch prog for scripting xperience Science, Comp on Science, Cle versity of Science, Ele ng, Purdue Un mitting Softwar uinta, Californi June 28, 201 Allen n for the on for the tomation as a s, product d using g solution for product g solution for ration, ystal Reports g solution for product gram , batch puter and eveland ectrical iversity e a 3 r r r Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 program Delivered City of N developm (Prior exp City of So batch pro Administr Develope City of Ev configura City of C configura County o product c City of C configura staff pr CALE REPO Mr. Wade of Accela various p and confi Consultan uses his e in Analys Developm report de Schema. MCITP ce PROJE County o Consultan Automati Planning, experien g Software , California 2013 development d Accela Auto ew Braunfel ment and repo perience) outhlake, Te ogram develo ration trainin ed interface b vanston, Illin ation, scriptin olumbus, Oh ation, scriptin of Onslow, No configuration harlotte, No ation, scriptin rofile EB WAD ORT WRIT e has detailed a Automation projects as a t igurations pro nt with six ye expertise to a is, Configurat ment. He has evelopment a Caleb is Micr ertifications. ECT EXPER of Mohave, A nt. Part of th ion for the Co , Enforcemen ce) t and reports. omation Admi s, Texas. Tec orts (Crystal) exas. Technic opment and re ng class. Deliv between Acce nois. Technic ng, batch pro hio. Technica ng, batch pro orth Carolina , scripting, b rth Carolina. ng, batch pro DE TER d experience software. He technical reso ojects. As an ears of techno aid our client tion, SSRS an also provided against the Au rosoft Certifie RIENCE rizona. Imple he team that ounty of Moha nt, and Zoning . Reports dev inistration tra chnical consu . Delivered A cal consultant eports (Crysta vered Accela ela Automatio al consultant gram develop l consultant r gram develop a. Technical c batch program . Technical co gram develop in the config e has worked ource on repo Implementat ology experie base with sp d Crystal Rep d client train utomation Da ed with MCSE ementation Configured A ave Building, g department veloped using aining class. ( ultant respons Accela Autom t responsible al, Wireless ( Automation R on and MUNIS t responsible pment. (Prior responsible fo pment and re consultant re m developmen onsultant res pment. (Prior guration on orting tion ence he pecialties port ing for atabase E and Accela t. (Prior g SQL Server R (Prior experi sible for scrip ation Adminis for product c (XSLT). Delive Report Writin S financial sys for business r experience) or business a eport develop esponsible for nt. (Prior exp sponsible for r experience) Years of Ex 4 years Education Bachelor o Technolog Governors KCT Admin Accela Aut Certificatio Microsoft C Microsoft C Administra Microsoft C Engineer Completed Intermedia training Reporting Ser ence) pting, batch p stration train configuration ered Accela A ng Using Cryst stem. (Prior e analysis, prod ) nalysis, produ pment. (Prior r business ana perience) business anal ) xperience of Science in In gy from Wester University nistrative Trai tomation ons Certified Profe Certified Syste ator Certified Syste d Beginner to ate Crystal Re 5-7 rvices. program ning class. n, scripting, Automation tal class. experience) duct uct r experience) alysis, lysis, product nformation rn ning on essional ems ems ports t Permitting Software La Quinta, California 5-8 June 28, 2013 State of California, OSHPD. Implementation Consultant. Developing Reports specifications and Crystal Reports. (Prior experience) County of Ventura, California. Implementation Consultant. Part of the team that Configured Accela Automation for the County of Ventura focusing on the Reporting functionality. (Prior experience) City of Concord, California. Implementation Consultant. Technical lead for report specification and development for the City of Concord. (Prior experience) Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 5.2 - AND A Woolpert Methodol deployme products below. IMPLEM Thorough througho from six for both y an agreed Woolpert own proj each stag AIM stage These six as approp and assoc subset of Employin understa project is Initiatio Initiation and the S activities the Initia  State  Basel  Proje  Proje g Software , California 2013 DESCRIB APPROAC t will deliver logy (AIM). Th ent, thereby . Project deli MENTATIO h execution o out the projec months to on your staff and d upon projec t utilizes Acce ect objective ge of this pro es are presen x stages of the priate to avoi ciated delive f all available ng this deliver nds the comp s delivered w on n represents t SOW are final s and delivera ation Phase is ement of Wor line Project P ect Status Rep ect Initiation BE YOUR CH. its Services t his is a prove increasing th ivery through ON LIFEC of these six st ct engagemen ne year, howe d for our proj ct schedule, ela’s impleme es, activities cess. A draft ted in the illu e project del id unnecessar rables. Depen e deliverables rables-based position and ‘ with quality an the first stage lized, project ables are com s as follows: rk, Plan, port Templat Meeting. R IMPLEM to the City of n methodolog he chances of h execution of CYCLE AN ages ensures nt. The exact ever the meth ject team. W upon selectio entation met and defined d of this plan i ustration belo livery flow in ry project de nding on the s will be deliv approach ens ‘downstream’ nd in a timely e in the lifecy t scope and o mpleted. In te te, MENTATI La Quinta by gy that guide f successfully f this Implem D TIMELIN that our clie t timeline for hodology and Woolpert will p on or shortlist thodology is c deliverables. is included in ow. linear direct elays. Each sta exact scope vered through sures that Wo ’ impact of e y manner. ycle. During t objectives are erms of specif ION MET y employing t es the project implementin mentation Life NE ents receive h r this project d approach en provide a det t of this prop comprised of A detailed p n this proposa tion, although age has pre-d of the projec h the services oolpert and t ach project d the Initiation e reviewed, a fic deliverabl THODOLO the Accela Im t from incept ng Accela soft e Cycle is des high-quality s is anticipate nsures success tailed scope o posal. six stages, ea project sched al for review, h many tasks defined objec ct, a full com s defined for the City of La deliverable to stage, proje and project p les, common 5-9 OGY mplementation tion to tware scribed services d to take sful results of work and ach with its ule defines and the six run parallel ctives, tasks plement or the project. Quinta o ensure the ct contracts lanning output from n Permitting Software La Quinta, California 5-10 June 28, 2013 Analysis Analysis is the second stage in the lifecycle. During the Analysis stage, Woolpert reviews documentation, interviews agency staff, and conducts workshops to understand the “As-Is” code enforcement processes in scope, as well as the “To-Be” vision of the Agency that can be executed with the help of Accela Automation. Agency - Business Processes (4 Department’s)  Building  Planning  Code (Animal Control)  Public Works It is during this Phase that Woolpert gains a deeper understanding of Agency processes and business rules; simultaneously, the Agency begins to gain a deeper understanding of the methodology and Accela Automation capabilities. A key output of this Phase is the Software Configuration Document(s), which serves as the ‘blueprint’ for configuration of Accela Automation to support germane elements of the Agency “To-Be” vision. Augmenting the System Configuration Document(s) and all other configuration specifications related to data conversion, interfaces, reports, and event scripts. Configuration Configuration is the third stage in the lifecycle, and it may begin at the same time as the 3rd stage Build, but ends after the Build stage is complete. During the Configuration stage, Accela Automation will be configured to match the configuration agreed to in the Analysis stage. Core to this effort is the configuration of the Record (Complaint, Case, Citation, Violation, etc) types that were agreed to during the Analysis phase. Configuration of in-scope record types is comprised of:  User-defined fields (Application-Specific Information and Task-Specific Information),  Workflows and statuses,  Fines/Fee structures and rules,  Inspection data. Best Practice Templates The Implementation team will be deploying the Best Practice Templates as the Solution Foundation of the Accela Automation product in accordance with requirements established and documented below. In terms of specific output Best Practice Templates, the following record types (and associated workflow’s and processes) will be delivered: Accela Best Practice Template for Land Management Record Category Record Type Permitting Commercial Commercial Addition Commercial Alteration Commercial Demolition Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Code Enf g Software , California 2013 forcement Electric Mechan Multi-F Plumbi Pool/Sp Residen Fencing Sign Shed Case Inciden cal nical Family ing pa ntial g nt Comme Comme Residen Comme Residen Multi-Fa Multi-Fa Multi-Fa Multi-Fa Comme Residen Comme Residen Residen Residen Residen Residen Residen Comme Sign Per Sign Per Residen Compla Animal Graffiti Noise N Tree Vio Abando Overgro Grading Illegal O Sub-Sta Working Compla Compla Garbage Junk on Fence D ercial New ercial Electric ntial Electrica ercial Mechan ntial Mechanic amily Additio amily Alterat amily Demolit amily New ercial Plumbin ntial Plumbing ercial Pool/Sp ntial Pool/Spa ntial Addition ntial Alteratio ntial Demoliti ntial New ntial Fencing ercial Fencing rmit – Perman rmit – Tempo ntial Shed int Violation Removal uisance olation ned Vehicle own Weeds g Violation Occupancy andard Proper g Without Per int Against La int Against T e Service n Property Dispute cal al ical cal on ion tion ng g pa a on on g nent orary rty rmit andlord enant 5-111 Permitting Software La Quinta, California 5-12 June 28, 2013 Build Build serves as the fourth stage in the lifecycle, and execution of this stage overlaps Configuration, but ends before Configuration is complete. During the Build stage, all defined elements during the Analysis stage beyond the core configuration will be implemented. This includes conversions, event scripts, interfaces and reports. In terms of specific deliverables, common output from the Build Phase is as follows:  Event Script Development,  Report Specifications and Development,  Data Conversion Specifications and Development,  Install and configure Accela add-on Modules – Mobile Office, Citizen Access and GIS. Home Occupation Violation Illegal Sign Vacant Building Planning Application Conditional Use Design Review Final Map Home Occupation Permit Lot Line Adjustment Plan Amendment Planned Unit Development Preliminary Map Revocable Permit Rezoning Subdivision Variance Project Annexation General Plan Update Specific Plan Zoning Text Amendment Special Request Appeal Pre-Application Meeting Time Extension Modification to Prior Approval Confirmation Letter Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Readine Readines tested, e addition, members terms of  User  End-U Deploy Deploy is moved to complete the Acce (‘CRC”) f CRC that tracking enhancem Center. I  Pre-P  Move  Post  Form 5.3 - THE C PHAS Woolpert Project im proper da its workf using the La Quinta with the additiona same per appropria systems. tools, to during th Technolo Super Use g Software , California 2013 ess s is the fifth errors are iden system adm s are prepare specific deliv Acceptance T User Training s the sixth and o production; ed, and post- la Automatio for ongoing su instructs the system) and ment request n terms of sp Production Ch e to Productio Production A mal Transition DESCRIB CITY STA E/COMP t/La Quinta - mplementatio ata import an low many of e powerful too a staff must f Woolpert Eng al resources a rson. In addit ate modificat These resour make the req he timeframe ogy Manager, er trainers, a stage in the ntified and co inistrators an d to use and verables, com Testing, g. d final stage all requisite production an n application upport. A form e agency on a use of the Ac ts will be tran pecific delive hecklist Deve on, Analysis, to the CRC f BE THE R AFF AND ONENT O - Roles and R on will be a c nd in keeping the current w ols of the Acc fill the appro gagement Te as needed for ion, Agency w tions within a rces must be quired change of these Serv and Business and others as lifecycle. Dur orrected, and nd end users a maintain the mmon output in the lifecyc pre-producti nalysis and re ns are transiti mal transition available com ccela knowled nsitioned from rables, comm lopment, Tra for Ongoing S ROLES A D PROPO OF IMPL Responsibiliti collaborative with the city workflows and cela Automat priate roles w am for these r the Services will provide a any Agency sy proficient in es to their so vices. Agenc Lead(s) for e appropriate. ring the Read d the softwar are trained so e software on from the Rea cle. During th ion activities eview is comp ioned to the A n will occur b mmunication c dge base. Las m the Service mon output fr acking and Ex upport AND RESP OSER STA LEMENTA ies: effort betwe y’s current bu d processes w tion system. with the appr Services and s to be succes all necessary ystems wishin Agency codin oftware to en cy roles includ each Division diness stage A re is prepared o that all app ce the move adiness Phase he Deploy sta are identifie pleted. Upon Accela Custo between the channels (tele stly, all docu es team to the rom the Deplo xecution, PONSIBIL AFF DUR ATION. een the City a usiness pract will be stream ropriate perso d that Agency ssful. Agency technical res ng to integrat ng/developm able integrat de Sponsor, P /department Accela Autom d for deploym propriate age to productio e is as follows ge the applic ed, tracked an moving to pr mer Resource Services team ephone, emai umented issue e Customer R oy Phase is as LITIES O RING EAC and Woolpert ices. Using ou mlined and au onnel to work y will make av y roles can be sources to ma te with any Ac ment environm tion and must Project Manag t being implem 5-13 mation is fully ment. In ency staff n occurs. In s: cations are nd roduction, e Center m and the il, online es or Resource s follows: OF BOTH CH t. Ensuring ur system and utomated k together vailable e filled by the ake ccela ment and t be available ger, mented, 3 d e e Permitting Software La Quinta, California 5-14 June 28, 2013 City Resources Description Project Sponsor Responsibilities include:  Ultimate responsibility for the success of the project,  Creating an environment that promotes project buy-in,  Driving the project through all levels of the agency,  High-level oversight throughout the duration of the project,  Serving as the primary escalation point to address project issues in a timely manner. Project Manager Responsibilities include:  Overall administration, coordination, communication, and decision- making associated with the implementation;  Planning, scheduling, coordinating and tracking the implementation with Accela and across departments within the agency;  Ensuring that the project team stays focused, tasks are completed on schedule, and that the project stays on track. Division/Departmental Business Leads A user representative for each affected department must be appointed to facilitate analysis and configuration and serve as a decision-making entity for that group. These critical appointments may well determine the success of the implementation for their respective areas. Responsibilities include:  Attending requirements workshop sessions;  Willing and able to gather data and make decisions about business processes;  Assist in the creation of specifications for reports, interfaces & conversions  Review and test the system configuration;  Participating in the implementation of the Accela Automation solution. Division/Departmental Subject Matter Expert (SME) Responsibilities include: Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Technic Woolp well ve assigne its inte Woolper Project g Software , California 2013 cal Lead pert will assig ersed in the A ed Project Ma eraction with rt Resources Director gn key resourc Accela Autom anager shall a h key Agency ces for this e mation applica assume full re resources ass  A A  A  A c c  A s  A A Responsi  e   W  M   A f  engagement w ation, and ar esponsibility signed to the Descript The Proj progress Manager quality i The Proj project Director monthly Being trained Automation s Administratio Being fully en Analysis and activities; Assist interna creation of re conversions; Assist in the system config Actively part implementat Automation s ibilities inclu Primary respo environment implementat Ensure that s network, des available for and meet min Work with Ac during implem Maintain test databases; Perform day- the system a releases; Act as the pr for troublesh Establish and archival, and maintenance activities. with the City. re well qualifi for the coord effort. The m tion ject Director s/direction an r to ensure ef in delivery of ject Director director/exe r will meet w y or upon req d on the Acce system at a Sy on level; ngaged in the system config al efforts tow eports, interf review and te guration; ticipate in the tion of the Ac solution. ude: onsibility for during the so tion; servers, datab sktops, printe system imple nimum stand ccela technic mentation; t and product -to-day maint nd install ma rimary technic hooting proble d maintain ba d other custom e and houseke These indivi ied to lead th dination of th main roles ar r oversees the nd works with fficiency, con f Accela imple r actively part ecutive role. T with Agency Ex uest througho 5-15 ela ystem e Business guration wards the faces & esting of the e full ccela the technica oftware bases, ers, are ementation ards; al personnel tion tenance of aintenance cal resource ems; ackup, mary eeping duals are his effort. Ou his team and e as follows: e project’s h the Project nsistency and ementations. ticipates in a The Project xecutives out the 5 al r t d Permitting Software La Quinta, California 5-16 June 28, 2013 duration of the project. Project Manager The Project Manager is responsible for the overall project management and works directly with the client throughout all aspects of Accela implementations: from the initial scoping, planning, staffing to delivery. The Project Manager undertakes the project administration tasks including:  Project plan management,  Change order management,  Issue log management and escalation,  Status reporting,  Project workspace management,  Resources management,  Work plan management,  Meetings management,  Project review with Project Executive. In addition, the Project Manager will actively participate in leading the System Configuration Analysis sessions and will be responsible for the creation of the System Configuration Document. Senior Implementation Consultant The Senior Implementation Consultant assigned to the project will have major experience in the business process as well as the product functionality and is responsible for:  Business analysis activities: Mapping the client’s business processes and requirements to the functionality of Accela’s products and the creation of solution design,  Leading system configuration activities,  Providing training/mentoring to agency staff,  Recommend industry best practices to agency to enhance business processes,  Guide agency on how best to configure the system based on past experiences and software expertise. Implementation Consultant Implementation Consultant resources support the project and typically focus on the flowing tasks.  The configuration of the system to match the System Configuration document.  Build activities within the project, such as conversion data mapping, creation of reports and interface Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Technic Training 5.4 - YOU E OPER SAMP It is our i Agency’s importan the impo Unless ot Customiz Agency e schedule are based Failure to material system d Please se 5.5 - METH DURIN g Software , California 2013 cal Consultan g Consultant DESCRIB ENSURE RATE AND LE TRAI ntention to p success of th nt for the Age ortance of this therwise spec zed Material. ensure that cl d with Agenc d on approxim o meet these to proper pe eployment. ee the Additio DESCRIB HODOLOG NG IMPL nt BE YOUR USERS A D MANAG NING DO provide traini he project an ency Project M s investment cified, trainin Based on the ass participa cy resources a mately seven guidelines ca rsonnel, and onal Informat BE YOUR GY AND EMENTA R TRAINI ARE PRE GE THE OCUMEN ng that is rel nd its deploym Management . ng is provided e class and th nts are qualif and full atten hour days an an result in c ultimately ch tion section fo R PROJEC ACTIVIT ATION. Technic that req consider such as:      Training Accela T Impleme nature o NG MET EPARED T NEW SY TATION levant, comp ment. In orde and Oversigh d using Standa he curriculum fied for the c ndance should nd should be a class delays, i hallenges in p or samples of CT MANA TIES THA specification al Consultant quire knowled rations and A : Application i (Accela Auto Accela Wirel Access), Report defin Event Manag programming Database Co mapping assi Interface spe development g Consultants Training class entation cons of the specifi HODOLO TO IMPL YSTEM. P . rehensive and er to meet thi ht to properly ard Training M m provided, it course. Traini d be required attended pro insufficient d project imple f training doc AGEMEN AT WILL n. ts are involve dge and serve Accela add-on installation a omation, Acce ess, and Acce ition and cre ger Script defi g, nversions and istance, ecifications a t. are responsi ses with assis sultants, depe c project. OGY AND LEMENT, PROVIDE d beneficial t is objective, y emphasize w Material, not is imperative ing should be d. Class Durat omptly by all issemination ementation an cumentation. NT BE PERF 5-17 ed in all areas er-side n products nd setup ela GIS, ela Citizen ation, inition and d data and ble for tance from ending on the D HOW to the it is with its team Agency e that the e well tions listed participants. of course nd successful FORMED 7 s e l D Permitting Software La Quinta, California 5-18 June 28, 2013 Project Management success is determined by the planning and execution of a good management plan. Our proposed teams Project Management Philosophy is our internal set of standards to ensure efficient and best results for our clients during the implementation process. CREATING OUR PROJECT PLAN WITH AN “AGILE” APPROACH IN MIND. Agile project management is a method of determining requirements for a implementation projects in a highly flexible and interactive manner. Not following a linear clunky process oriented approach that doesn’t easily allow for changes and flexibility. Changes in the fast environment of software implementation will cause missed deadlines and adjustments to schedules. Agile Project Management Approach over Traditional Methods Individuals and interactions over processes and tools, self-organization and motivation are important, as are interactions like co-location and pair programming. Working software over comprehensive documentation, working software will be more useful and welcome than just presenting documents to clients in meetings. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation, requirements cannot be fully collected at the beginning of the software development cycle, therefore continuous customer or stakeholder involvement is very important. Provide quick response to reasonable changes over following a hard “strict” plan by focusing on adjustments and continuous improving working software. 5.6 - DESCRIBE YOUR CHANGE MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY. Change management is handled at the operations management level, where our project manager is empowered to make decisions and approvals relative change. Often change orders can be affected through appropriate management of other tasks, without change in costs or significant changes to project timelines. All change orders will be documented and approved prior to execution. 5.7 - DESCRIBE YOUR USER ACCEPTANCE METHODOLOGY AND THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY STAFF DURING TESTING. A User Acceptance plan will be developed and is used as a guideline in User Acceptance Testing. Approval of completion of this deliverable confirms that the Woolpert team has successfully met the requirements of the new system and the system is ready to be deployed. It is critical that the Agency reviews and approves each project deliverable at each step of our implementation, to confirm that our team is meeting your expectations. Upon completion of each Deliverables Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Acceptan 5.8 - WILL OF TH Data conv Our team successfu Data conv inputs an the final The time being con the data signs-off The Woo where th expertise great exp 5.9 - DELIV Woolpert modules provided to give us Accela w necessary The City documen g Software , California 2013 nce Form, our DESCRIB BE USED HIS, REC version is a c m is highly exp ul transition t version relea nd outputs. Th data convers e and complex nverted, the is currently s on the activi lpert team w eir data will e of our propo pertise in the DESCRIB VERED D t provides eac and add-ons, since it is inh sers and syste will provide on y for the Acce will have the ntation as nec r team will pr BE YOUR D TO IMP COMMEN common activ perienced in to the Accela ase notes will he city is req sion into the xity of the da cleanliness o stored in. No ties and outc will work with be stored in osed staff fro e transition in BE WHAT URING T ch client with , which the ag herently part em administr ne soft copy i ela Automati e right of repr cessary for tra roceed towar R CONVE PLEMENT D WHAT vity performe this process a Automation be provided uired to sign production da ata conversion f the data, a work on any comes of such the City to u Accela Autom om working w nto the new sy T DOCUM THE IMPL h the docume gency has acq t of the imple rators’ knowle n portable do on modules a roduction so aining or subs rds the next m ERSION M T THE N T SHOUL ed at virtually and will work system. after each co off on the da atabase. n process is d nd City perso conversion o h services. understand th mation and th with many inst ystem. MENTAT LEMENTA entation nece quired and is ementation to edge about th ocument file and add-ons a that as many sequent purp milestone. METHOD EW SYST D BE CO y every Accela k closely with onversion to ata conversio dependent on onnel’s knowl of existing dat he data sourc he quality of talled legacy TION IS T ATION. essary for the s implementin ools and docu he facets and (.pdf) forma acquired unde y copies can b poses. OLOGY T TEM. AS ONVERTE a Automation h City staff to verify record on before pro n the number ledge of the s ta is perform es, how they that data. Du systems, we TO BE e Accela Auto ng. This docu uments that a d operation o t, of all docu er the propos be made of th 5-19 THAT S PART ED. n project site o ensure a d counts of ceeding with of fields systems that med until the y are used, ue to the foresee a mation mentation is are necessary of the system. umentation sed contract. he 9 . y . Permitting Software La Quinta, California 5-20 June 28, 2013 All Accela product documentation is available to clients on Accela Community. Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 5.10 IDENT LA QU Project im proper da its workf using the La Quinta with the additiona support a integrate complem for the p understa project is Quinta pe software g Software , California 2013 - PROVID TIFIES RE INTA / W mplementatio ata import an low many of e powerful too a staff must f Woolpert Eng al resources a and technical e with any Ac ment or subset roject. Emplo nds the comp s delivered w ersonnel, wil available on DE DETA ESOURC OOLPERT on will be a c nd in keeping the current w ols of the Acc fill the appro gagement Te as needed for l resources to cela systems. t of all availa oying this del position and ‘ with quality an l lead to succ the market. AILED TA ES, LEVE T COLLAB collaborative with the city workflows and cela Automat priate roles w am for these r the Services o make appro . Depending o able deliverab liverables-bas ‘downstream’ nd in a timely cessful union ASK/ACT EL OF EF BORATION effort betwe y’s current bu d processes w tion system. with the appr Services and s to be succes priate modifi on the exact bles will be d sed approach ’ impact of e y manner. Wo providing sta TIVITY LI FFORT, N een the City a usiness pract will be stream ropriate perso d that Agency ssful. La Quin ications withi scope of the elivered thro h ensures that ach project d oolpert worki aff and consti STING T AND TIM and Woolpert ices. Using ou mlined and au onnel to work y will make av nta providing in City system project, a fu ough the servi t Woolpert an deliverable to ing seamlessl ituents the be 5-21 THAT MELINE. t. Ensuring ur system and utomated k together vailable all necessary ms wishing to ull ices defined nd the City o ensure the ly with La est of breed 1 d y Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Reques SECT 6.1 - RELEA Help d telepho Woolpert package The Acce all client The follo Maintena  Telep Cente Frida  E-Ma custo will a  Onlin infor  Remo provi accep  On-S which charg incid Hours Woolpert package Telephon Center (C p.m. Pac g Software , California 2013 st for Pro TION 6.0 DESCRIB ASE/UPG desk proces one, etc.) t is proposing would contai ela Customer issues and ro owing items a ance (not prop phone Suppo er (CRC), whi ay, excluding ail Support: A omer may sub address durin ne Support: A mation in Acc ote Support: ide remote as ptable remot ite Support: h will be bille ges, compens ental expens of support t is proposing would contai ne Support: A CRC), Accela’ ific time, Mo oposals 0 – OTH BE ONGO GRADE, A sses and pr a Time and M n the followi Resource Cen outes technic re considered posed). ort: Accela pr ich is availab Accela’s obse Accela will pro bmit routine o g its regular Accela will pr cela’s online When requir ssistance via te communica If remote sup ed at Accela’ sation for asso es will be bil t (stated in a Time and M n the followi Accela provid s live technic nday through HER REQ OING MA AND SUP rocedures t Material Supp ng informatio nter (CRC), A cal incidents a d Maintenanc rovides a tele le from 4:00 erved holiday ovide one or or non-critica business hour rovide access support data red to proper the Adobe Co ations method pport is not a s then-curren ociated airfa led as accrue Pacific Sta Material Supp ng informatio des a telepho cal support fa h Friday, excl QUIREM AINTENAN PPORT S to include m port package, on: Accela’s live t accordingly b ce Services, a ephone numb a.m. until 6: ys. more electro al support req rs. s to archived abases, which rly resolve a m onnect enviro d. acceptable, A nt time and m re, lodging, r ed. andard Tim port package, on: ne number to acility, which luding Accela MENTS NCE, SERVICES methods of , however a T technical sup based on the and included i er to contact 00 p.m. Paci onic mail add quests 24 hou software upd h are availabl maintenance onment or an Accela can pr materials rate rental transpo me) , however a T o contact the h is available a’s observed h S. f support (i Tier 2 Accela port facility, nature of the in the Accela t the Custome fic time, Mon resses to whi urs a day, whi dates and oth e 24 hours a request, Acc other mutual ovide on-site es. In addition ortation, mea Tier 2 Accela e Customer Re from 4:00 a. holidays. 4- i.e. online, Support responds to e incident. a’s Annual er Resource nday through ich a ich Accela her technical day. cela will lly- e assistance, n to these als, and othe Support esource m. until 6:00 1 r Permitting Software La Quinta, California 6-2 June 28, 2013 After-hours support Woolpert is proposing a Time and Material Support package. However, in a Tier 2 support package, by Accela, a website and a telephone support package can be arranged to provide a 24 hour package. Escalation procedures In a Tier 2 support package, by Accela, when the CRC is receives an incident report, it is tracked until final resolution. The assigned CRC representative communicates incident progress, and email notifications are sent at critical milestones. The escalation process follows the following path:  Initiation: All information provided to the Customer Resource Center is entered into Accela’s tracking system; the incident is assigned an identification number and a CRC Representative.  For Requests for Information: the CRC Representative provides the information and either closes the incidents or escalates to the appropriate resource.  For Usage Questions: the CRC Representative explains to the customer how to accomplish the task in question. The incident is then closed.  For Software Issues: After confirming that the issue is not related to usage, the CRC representative performs an issue analysis to determine the cause of the incident.  For Enhancements: The CRC representative gathers information about the requested enhancement, and escalates the incident to the appropriate resource within Accela, based on the request.  For Service Requests: The CRC Representative communicates and escalates the request to the appropriate Accela sales representative. Analysis: Once a software issue is reported, the CRC will attempt to replicate, analyze, research, and diagnose the cause of the issue. The customer may be asked to provide additional information, screenshots, or files to demonstrate the issue. Once resolved, and prior to closing the incident, the customer is asked to test the resolution. In the event that the CRC representative cannot resolve the issue, it is escalated to the appropriate resource.  Escalation to Sales: Incident escalation to Accela’s Sales team occurs when a product enhancement or service is requested. The Sales representative will coordinate with Accela’s Engineering and/or Services teams to prepare a cost estimate for the requested service. Upon customer approval, a purchase order is generated and Accela will provide the requested enhancement or service.  Escalation to Engineering: Escalation to Accela’s Engineering Team occurs when a modification to an existing product or module is required or requested. After an initial evaluation, the Engineering Team provides an estimated completion date. Accela’s Quality Assurance staff evaluates each fix, patch, or workaround before it is sent to the CRC for distribution. Once the CRC receives the fix, patch, or workaround, it is delivered to by e-mail or through Accela’s FTP site. Response time commitments Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Response the Wool incurred 6.2 - AND/O ACCEL Accela us products the users (http://w Communi Committe in terms ACCEL This annu other gov networki Conferen more det summary Accela U g Software , California 2013 e times are de lpert team wi by the client IDENTIF OR USER LA USER G ser groups dis . These group s. Accela post www.accela.c ity, which ke ee monitors t of product re LA ANNUA ual event in A vernment offi ng events, pa nce will be he tails, visit htt y-e680184c3c0 User Conferen etermined by ill provide sup t. FY IF THE R CONFE GROUPS scuss product ps are designe ts all user gro com/compan eps clients in the communit eleases, docu AL USER C August brings icials for four artner solutio eld in San Die tp://www.cve 054b5c91128 nce General S y the type of pport with re ERE ARE ERENCES ts and share e ed as a resou oup events in y/events). W nformed of us ty for concep mentation, c CONFEREN together hun r-days of prod ons, exciting a go at the She ent.com/eve d74d61dd491 Session Videos maintenance esponse times E SOLUT S. experiences t urce for, and the events s We also offer a ser group act pts and feedb customer serv NCE ndreds of use duct training activities, an eraton Hotel a ents/accela-e .aspx s e package agr s on a Time a ION USE to improve th by, those wh section on the a National Us ivities. The N back to presen vice and the a ers, administr , breakout se nd more. This and Marina fr engage-2013-u reed upon, in and Material b ER GROU he use of thei ho know the p e Accela web ser Group blo National User nt to Accela m annual user c rators, IT man essions, prese year’s Annua rom August 1 user-conferen 6-3 this instance basis as UPS ir Accela product best— site g on Accela Group Core management conference. nagers, and entations, al User 2-16. For nce/event- e — Permitting Software La Quinta, California 6-4 June 28, 2013 6.3 - DESCRIBE ONGOING TRAINING RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO USERS. The Training Resources the City can take advantage of, for example Computer Based Training. Computer Based Training (CBT) modules are self-paced movies that demonstrate how to use the software, and reinforce learning with practice sessions and review questions. These CBTs can be generic, or Accela can create custom CBTs that match the City’s configuration. CBTs provide self-paced learning to all users. They are especially helpful to users who were not a part of the initial classroom training, as well as to users who need more knowledge or a refresher. The trainers can also use the CBT courses as hard copy guides to supplement the classroom training. The Accela Online Community (see below) also offers CBTs in the form of Quick Tips (located at http://community.accela.com/accela_automation/m/aatraining/default.aspx). With input from our Community members and popular Customer Resource Center requests, we have already launched a number of these Quick Tips including:  Overview of QuickQueries  Creating Global QuickQueries  Setting a Primary QuickQuery  Overview of the My Tasks Portlet  Partial Refunds  Adding the My Tasks Portlet to the Console  Editing and Deleting My QuickQueries  Creating My QuickQueries  Setting Preferences 6.4 - DESCRIBE USER AND ADMINISTRATION DOCUMENTATION THAT IS AVAILABLE TO THE CITY. PROVIDE REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLES OF USER AND ADMINISTRATION DOCUMENTATION. Woolpert provides each client with the documentation necessary for the Accela Automation modules and add-ons, which the agency has acquired and is implementing. This documentation is provided at no additional charge since it is inherently part of the implementation tools and documents that are necessary to give users and system administrators’ knowledge about the facets and operation of the system. We will provide one soft copy in portable document file (.pdf) format, of all documentation necessary for the Accela Automation modules and add-ons acquired under the proposed contract. The City will have Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 the right for traini Available Our newe  A d  A A f  A f  A t  A in c g Software , California 2013 of reproduct ng or subseq e Accela Prod est release, A Accela Autom data for Stand Accela Autom Accela Autom for performing Accela Autom for implement Accela Autom the main Acce Accela Autom nstructions to configured for tion so that a uent purpose duct Documen Accela Autom ation Configu dard Choices ation Migrati ation deploym g complete a ation Scriptin ting the Acce ation Concep ela Automatio ation Docume o modify and r your organiz s many copie es. ntation ation 7.2, int uration Refer and Function on Guide: Th ment from on and increment ng Guide: Thi ela Automatio ptual Overview on concepts. entation Cust publish prod zation. The p es can be mad troduces the rence: This do n Identificatio his document ne environme tal migration is document p on scripting to w: This docu tomization G duct documen procedures in de of the doc following new ocument prov ons (FIDs). provides inst ent to anothe ns. provides a ce ool. ment provide uide: This do ntation that m volve using t cumentation a w documents vides detailed tructions for er. It provides entral informa es a high leve ocument prov matches the f he same auth 6-5 as necessary s: d reference migrating an s instructions ation source el overview of vides functionality horing and f Permitting Software La Quinta, California 6-6 June 28, 2013 publishing tools (Adobe Technical Communications Suite) used by the Technical Publications Department.  All Accela product documentation is available to clients on Accela Community. Product documentation is available to customers on the Accela Community. Please see the Additional Information Section for samples of our documentation. 6.5 - RECOMMEND A HARDWARE CONFIGURATION AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE NEW SYSTEM. IN ADDITION, IDENTIFY THE BACKEND DATABASE THAT WILL BE REQUIRED. AS PART OF PROPOSER RESPONSE, CONFIRM YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE CITY’S TECHNICAL STANDARDS. IF YOUR PROPOSED SOLUTION DEVIATES FROM THE STANDARDS, PLEASE JUSTIFY YOUR RECOMMENDATION. Woolpert is proposing the Subscription as a Service (SaaS) version of the Accela Automation system, the cloud based software schema as well as the Hardware/Software specifications to the County. Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Cloud Inf Users wil via our A Accela Au tried and Automati pricing m 99.9% up IT staff c expense updates a Operated environm uptime d Technica g Software , California 2013 formation l be able to a ccela Mobile utomation is d true solution ion to manage model allows a time and full can focus on t to the City, A and monitorin d by Equinix i mental, and lo uring the pas al Environme access the so products. a 100% web-b n. Cities rang e critical bus agencies to le disaster reco things other t Accela profes ng. n San Jose, C ogical security st two years. ent - Support lution from a based solutio ging from New siness process everage Acce overy over a s than maintain sionals have CA, our Tier II y controls. 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At n system maint perior physic er than 99.9 p tions 6-7 well as acces r 10 years—a ge Accela subscription- at provides eans Agency no additional enance, al, percent s  J  J JBoss 4.2.3 w Tomcat 6.x Java EE 6 SD 6-8 ACCE User W a Web S Accela- provide softwar with integrated DK 6.6 - CLIEN ANY D The tech 6.7 – LA AUTOMA Workst ations Pe be IB 1+ 10 In Server - ed re: d M m 2v 8G Au Au an RA 8G so 1G Ad ba ne DESCRIB NT/SERV DESKTOP nical details DESCRIB ATION entium Dual C etter, 3 GHz BM Compatibl + GB RAM or 00MB free sp ternet Conne ulticore Intel ultisocket) – vCPUs GB RAM (ass utomation We utomation Ad nd OS RAM) AID-1 (or bett GB free space oftware Gbps NIC dditional serv alancing and eeded BE THE N ER, THIN P REQUI of the system BE REQU Suppo Hardw Require Core Process e PC r more ace on HD ection Processor (si if Virtualized, sumes Accela eb Server, Ac min Web Ser ter) storage w e for Accela vers for load high availabil NEW SYS N CLIENT REMENT m are include UIREMENT orted ware ements sor or O W In A E S J P S ingle or O o a ccela rver R re C with lity if STEM CL T, ZERO TS FOR T d in the abov TS FOR O/S: Windows Windows XP S nternet Explo Adobe Acroba Electronic Doc Silverlight Run RE 6.x to sup Process Diagr Screen resolut O/S: Microsoft or 2003 Railo (open so ecommended ColdFusion 7.x LIENT (I.E CLIENT THE CITY ve answer for MAINTA Perm La Qu Sup So Requ s 7; Windows SP3 rer 8 or 9 at Reader 9 to cument Revie n Time Edition pport SmartC ram tion is 1024x7 t Windows Se ource CFMX e d as alternativ x Enterprise E E. 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There is where new con DESCRIB UMENT M CITY’S IN m has significa o the fact we tain that rela against the La - DISCUS OACH TO NEW SYS t is proudly p after project, utomation so competitor in T SEPAR T. ts with separ live technica BE THE F D RELEA PAST TW E ROLES E UPDAT ual software r ers allowing e o incorporate nt release is lished by any vironment co window for e review and va le between m also a config nfigurations c BE HOW MANAGEM NVESTME ant experienc e joined the P ationship. Fur aserfiche and SS YOUR O ONGO STEM. resenting the year after ye lution, Accela the Land Ma RATE FR rate log in cre al environmen FREQUEN ASES HAV WO YEAR AND RE TES. release cycle, each custome e into their co also provided y client on an ontains a stag each environm alidate new fe major release guration or su can be create THE NEW MENT AN ENT IN L ce with the in Partner Devel rthermore, W d Accela SDK R COMPA OING RES e proposed im ear after yea a’s client bas anagement sp ROM THE edentials are nts. NCY THA VE BEEN RS. IN AD ESPONSIB , version upg er to decide w onfigured sys d. All upgrade y module or ging, support, ment when a eatures prior es with hot fix upport enviro ed and tested W SYSTE ND THE A LASERFIC nstallation of lopment Prog Woolpert has s platforms. ANY’S PH SEARCH A mplementatio ar. Woolpert p se remains ne pace (accordin E PRODU provided to t AT APPL MADE A DDITION BILITIES rades and oth what portions stems. Docum es are design add-on of the and product new version to its push in xes and patch nment availa d. EM SUPP ABILITY CHE. the Laserfich gram and on a spent signific HILOSOP AND DEV on team which provides the early four tim ng to Gartner CTION the agency fo LICATION AVAILAB , CLEAR OF THE her point rele s of these upg mentation sup ed to not affe e Accela Auto tion environm is applied. T nto productio hes provided able to Accela PORTS TO LEV he interface a yearly basis cant time in l PHY AND VELOPM h has continu City of La Qu mes larger tha r). Whether m 6-9 or N LE RLY E CITY eases are grades and pporting each ect any omation ment. There This allows on. Accela as needed in a Cloud VERAGE primarily s ensure that earning to MENT OF ued to deliver uinta the an our next measured in r Permitting Software La Quinta, California 6-10 June 28, 2013 terms of number of employees (nearly 200 for Accela, over 600 for Woolpert, customers (over 500 client sites) or Research &Development ($40M spent on latest version of Accela Automation solutions), the Accela software technology outperforms them all. The Woolpert team expertise in implementing needs-specific solutions is unmatched, and our systems have raised the bar in customer service and regulatory compliance. Semiannual upgrades and ongoing development of add-on products that interface other technologies (GIS, Mobile Office, IVR, etc.) offer the City a durable and sustainable product. City of La Quinta Implementation Services Price Sheet   Proposer Name: Woolpert, Inc. Service Category Hours Rate Implementation Fee Notes / Assumptions Project Initiation 60 145.00$ 8,700$ Best Practices Configuration Analysis - (4 Depts; Building, Planning, Code (Animal Control), Public Works 124 145.00$ 17,980$ Using Best Practice Templates Best Practices Configuration - (4 Depts; Building, Planning, Code (Animal Control), Public Works 136 145.00$ 19,720$ Standard Reporting Set and 5 additional reports (low to medium) 60 145.00$ 8,700$ 5 Reports Low to Medium complexity Go Live and Post Production Support 96 145.00$ 13,920$ Project Management 192 145.00$ 27,840$ 8 months PM time Post Implementation Support TBD 145.00$ $ Billed as incurred - $145/hr rate User Acceptance Testing Support 80 145.00$ 11,600$ Interface - Document Storage Administrative Training 16 145.00$ 2,320$ Interface - Service Request End User Training 40 145.00$ 5,800$ Interface (City GIS) 80 145.00$ 11,600$ Interface (Laserfiche) 80 145.00$ 11,600$ Interface (Go Request) - Service Request 80 145.00$ 11,600$ Accela Mobile Office 40 145.00$ 5,800$ Accela Citizen Access 24 145.00$ 3,480$ Accela GIS 40 145.00$ 5,800$ Subtotal - Project Management 1,148 2,320.00$ 166,460$ Service Category Hours Rate Implementation Fee Notes / Assumptions Project Management - -$ -$ Training - -$ -$ - -$ -$ - -$ -$ - -$ -$ - -$ -$ Subtotal - Other Modules - -$ -$ Total - Implementation Services - 2,320.00$ 166,460.00$ Permitting Application Other Modules RFP # 10‐2010‐1 Page 1 of 1 Permitting La Quinta, June 28, 2 Reques SECT THE F INFOR EXA EXA STA PRO g Software , California 2013 st for Pro TION 8.0 FOLLOW RMATION AMPLE O AMPLE O ANDARD ODUCT IN oposals 0 – ADD WING PAG N ELEME F THE U F A TRA SUBSCR NSERTS DITIONA GES ARE ENTS AS USER AND AINING M IPTION A AL INFO THE AD REQUES D ADMIN MANUAL AGREEM ORMATIO DDITIONA STED IN NISTRATI MENTS ON AL THE RFP IVE MAN 8- P: NUALS 1   Course Guide | Accela, Inc Core T Logg Loggin 1. O 2. N Y 3. F a b c. 4. C If proble have c.| © 2012 eam Trai ging In a ng In Open Internet Navigate to th Your system a ill in the follo . Enter you . Enter the . Enter you Click Login. f you are unab em persists, c not used you ning and Ou t Explorer. he Accela Au dministrator c owing fields: r agency’s na user name a r password. ble to log in, c contact your s ur account rec ut of Ac tomation log can provide y ame assigned to y confirm that y system admin cently and hav ccela Au in page. you with the U ou by your sy you have ente nistrator. You ve reached an utomat URL for your s ystem admin ered the log in might be pre n expiration li ion site. nistrator. n information c evented from l imit. Log correctly. If th logging in if y 1 ging In & Ou he you ut Course Guide | Accela, Inc Core T Loggin For secur 1. C If a s administra message Relat You can f Getting S AA 7.2 U c.| © 2012 eam Trai ng Out rity purposes Click Sign Ou session is inac ator configure with the sess ted Doc find the follow Started (Com ser Guide (M ning s, log off of A ut. ctive for a set ed a session t sion time rema cument wing related puter-Based Manual) Accela Autom t period of tim time-out limit aining and the ts documents o Training) PD ation when y me, Accela Au and you reac e option to co on the Accela DF Lesson 1 you complete tomation auto ch the limit, yo ontinue the se a Community e your work. omatically log ou will receive ession or to lo y web site: Log gs you out. If y e a warning og out. 2 ging In & Ou your 2 ut Course Guide | Accela, Inc Core T Logg Loggin 1. O 2. N Y 3. F a b c. 4. C If proble have c.| © 2012 eam Trai ging In a ng In Open Internet Navigate to th Your system a ill in the follo . Enter you . Enter the . Enter you Click Login. f you are unab em persists, c not used you ning and Ou t Explorer. he Accela Au dministrator c owing fields: r agency’s na user name a r password. ble to log in, c contact your s ur account rec ut of Ac tomation log can provide y ame assigned to y confirm that y system admin cently and hav ccela Au in page. you with the U ou by your sy you have ente nistrator. You ve reached an utomat URL for your s ystem admin ered the log in might be pre n expiration li ion site. nistrator. n information c evented from l imit. Log correctly. If th logging in if y 1 ging In & Ou he you ut Course Guide | Accela, Inc Core T Loggin For secur 1. C If a s administra message Relat You can f Getting S AA 7.2 U c.| © 2012 eam Trai ng Out rity purposes Click Sign Ou session is inac ator configure with the sess ted Doc find the follow Started (Com ser Guide (M ning s, log off of A ut. ctive for a set ed a session t sion time rema cument wing related puter-Based Manual) Accela Autom t period of tim time-out limit aining and the ts documents o Training) PD ation when y me, Accela Au and you reac e option to co on the Accela DF Lesson 1 you complete tomation auto ch the limit, yo ontinue the se a Community e your work. omatically log ou will receive ession or to lo y web site: Log gs you out. If y e a warning og out. 2 ging In & Ou your 2 ut Accela Subscription Terms and Conditions (Version 0113a) Page 1 of 4 ACCELA SUBSCRIPTION TERMS AND CONDITIONS Version 0113a 1. As used herein, “Accela” refers to Accela, Inc. and “Customer” refers to the subscribing customer designated on the attached Order. Accela and Customer are collectively designated as the “Parties”. 2. These Subscription Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) are effective upon execution of the Order by Customer and are for the exclusive benefit of the Parties. Nothing herein will be construed to create any benefits, rights, or responsibilities in any other parties. 3. Customer’s subscription term commences on the date Accela provides appropriate access credentials to Customer’s designated technical contact, indicating that the application services identified in the Order (“Subscribed Services”) are available for Customer’s subscription use. Said date is Customer’s “Service Date” for purposes of designating the start of any subscription term. 4. Subscription terms are twelve (12) calendar months in duration. At the end of Customer’s subscription term or, if a multi-term subscription is indicated on the Order, the last of Customer’s subscription terms, Customer’s subscription will renew for an additional term. The per-unit pricing during said additional term will be the same as the prior term’s annual fees unless Accela notifies Customer otherwise not less than ninety (90) calendar days prior to the end of said prior term. Any price increase will be effective at the start of the renewal term. No such price increase will exceed seven percent (7%) of the prior term’s annual pricing. Customer may opt-out from said automatic renewal by providing written notice to Accela not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the Service Date anniversary which begins the renewal term. During said sixty-day period, Customer may decrease the number of users for which it has subscribed; said decrease will be effective during the next subscription term. Customer may not decrease its number of subscribed users at any other time during a subscription term. At any time during a subscription term, Customer may increase its number of subscribed users by submitting an order to Accela and paying the fees associated with the increase. Such fees will be calculated as the pro-rata remaining portion of the subscription term, rounded-up to the nearest full month. 5. In exchange for its use of the Subscribed Services, Customer will pay to Accela the amounts indicated in the Order. Said amounts are based on services purchased and not actual usage; payment obligations are non-cancelable and fees paid are non- refundable, except as otherwise specifically-provided herein. Unless otherwise stated, such fees do not include any taxes, levies, duties or similar governmental assessments of any nature, including but not limited to value-added, sales, use or withholding taxes, assessable by any local, state, provincial, federal or foreign jurisdiction (“Taxes”). Customer is responsible for paying all Taxes associated with its purchases hereunder. If Accela has the legal obligation to pay or collect Taxes for which Customer is responsible, the appropriate amount will be invoiced to and paid by Customer, unless Accela is provided with a valid tax exemption certificate authorized by the appropriate taxing authority. Accela is solely responsible for taxes assessable against it based on its income, property and employees. 6. The Subscribed Services are protected under the laws of the United States and the individual states and by international treaty provisions. Accela retains full ownership in the Subscribed Services and grants to Customer a limited, nonexclusive, nontransferable right to use the Subscribed Services, subject to the following terms and conditions: a) The Subscribed Services are provided for use only by Customer employees and to the extent of their duties for Customer, Customer’s agents, contractors and officials; b) Customer may not make any form of derivative work from the Subscribed Services, although Customer is permitted to develop additional or alternative functionality for the Software using tools and/or techniques provided to Customer by Accela; c) Customer may not obscure, alter, or remove any confidentiality or proprietary rights notices; d) Customer may use the Subscribed Services only to Accela Subscription Terms and Conditions (Version 0113a) Page 2 of 4 process transactions relating to properties within both its own geographical and political boundaries and may not sell, rent, assign, lend, or share any of its rights hereunder; e) Customer is responsible for all activities conducted using its user credentials and for its users’ compliance with the provisions of these Terms; and f) All rights not expressly granted to Customer are retained by Accela. Accela will make the Subscribed Services available to Customer pursuant to these Terms during a subscription term. Customer agrees that its purchases hereunder are neither contingent on the delivery of any future functionality or features nor dependent on any oral or written public comments made by Accela regarding future functionality or features. 7. Accela warrants that it has full power and authority to agree to these Terms and that, as of the effective date hereof, the Subscribed Services do not infringe on any existing intellectual property rights of any third party. If a third party claims that the Subscribed Services do infringe, Accela may, at its sole option, secure for Customer the right to continue using the Subscribed Services or modify the Subscribed Services so that these do not infringe. Accela will have the sole right to conduct the defense and will defend any legal action and conduct all negotiations for its settlement or compromise. 8. Accela has no obligation for any claim based upon a modified version of the Subscribed Services, where such modifications were not made or authorized by Accela, or the combination or operation of the Subscribed Services with any product, data, or apparatus not provided by Accela. Accela provides no warranty whatsoever for any third-party hardware or software products. Except as expressly set forth herein, Accela disclaims any and all express and implied warranties, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. 9. The Subscribed Services will be hosted by Accela on Accela-owned equipment at a physically- secure commercial third-party hosting facility. Accela will perform system administration duties as required to maintain the service levels described below and to facilitate timely restoration of Customer’s data and operations, if necessary, following unanticipated interruptions of the Subscribed Services. Accela will implement suitable network security measures to minimize the likelihood of unanticipated interruptions of the Subscribed Services. 10. Accela will endeavor to provide Customer with no less than twenty-four (24) hours’ notice prior to Subscribed Services unavailability due to planned maintenance (other than during Accela’s standard maintenance window between the hours of 9:00 PM [21:00] Thursday and 1:00 AM [1:00] Friday Pacific time); Accela will endeavor to provide as much notice as is practicable under the circumstances for updates and fixes which may be applied on a more urgent basis. Accela will provide five (5) business days’ notice prior to any planned network, server hardware, operating environment, or database modifications of a material nature. 11. Excluding the foregoing events, Accela warrants that the Subscribed Services will be available no less than ninety-nine point nine percent (99.9%) of each calendar month. For each month during which the availability of the Subscribed Services does not achieve the established standard, Accela will provide a credit to Customer’s account as liquidated damages calculated pursuant to Section 12 below, provided that the substandard availability is timely identified by Customer in writing and can be objectively verified. Credits accumulated pursuant to this Section may be applied to additional Accela products and/or services, but will not be refunded to Customer. 12. The performance requirements for the Subscribed Services, excluding planned maintenance downtime, are below. Uptime is calculated on a calendar month basis as U=O/(M-P)*100, where U is Uptime, O is the amount of operational uptime for the Subscribed Services during a given month, M is the number of minutes in the month, and P is the number of minutes of planned downtime during the month. Credits are calculated on pro-rated monthly fees. Uptime Credit ≥99.9% None <99.9% but ≥99.0% 15% <99.0% but ≥95.0% 35% <95.0% 100% 13. In support of the Subscribed Services, Accela will provide Customer with a) a telephone number to contact the Customer Resource Center (CRC), Accela’s live technical support facility, which is Accela Subscription Terms and Conditions (Version 0113a) Page 3 of 4 available from 4:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Pacific time Monday through Friday, excluding Accela’s observed holidays; b) one or more electronic mail addresses to which Customer may submit routine or non-critical support requests, which Accela will address during its regular business hours; and c) access to archived software updates and other technical information in Accela’s online support databases, which are continuously available. Where support is needed to address non-functioning or seriously impaired Services and there is no reasonable workaround available, Accela will promptly respond to the support request and use commercially reasonable efforts to provide updates toward resolution of the issue. 14. The following are not covered by these Terms, but may be separately available at rates and on terms which may vary from those described herein: a) Services required due to misuse of the Subscribed Services; b) Services required by Customer to be performed by Accela outside of Accela’s usual working hours; c) Services required due to external factors including, but not necessarily limited to, Customer’s use of software or hardware not authorized by Accela; or d) Services required to resolve or work-around conditions which cannot be reproduced in Accela’s support environment. 15. Customer warrants that it owns or has been authorized to provide the data to Accela. Customer retains full ownership of said data and grants to Accela a limited, nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use said data only to perform Accela’s obligations in accordance with these Terms. 16. Throughout the term of the agreement, upon the request of Customer, not less than or more than once per quarter, Accela will provide Customer with a copy of its data in an Oracle database dump file. Within thirty (30) calendar days following the end of its final Subscribed Services term (“End of Term”), Customer may request that Accela provide a complete copy of Customer’s data, as updated or modified by Customer’s use of the Subscribed Services, in an Oracle database dump file format. Accela will comply in a timely manner with such request, provided that Customer a) pays all costs of and associated with such copying, as calculated at Accela’s then-current time-and-materials rates; and b) pays any and all unpaid amounts due to Accela. Provision of the data on a more frequent basis than once per quarter can be accomplished upon request for an additional fee. 17. Subject to the limitations of Section 6, Customer may authorize access to the Subscribed Services by creating unique user names and passwords (“Logins”) up to the number of users indicated in the Order. 18. Each Login must be assigned to a single individual and may not be shared or used by more than one such user. Customer may reassign any Login to another individual, provided that such reassignments do not circumvent the “single individual” requirement described in this Section. 19. Customer acknowledges that transmissions and processing of Customer’s electronic communications are fundamental to Customer’s use of the Subscribed Services. Customer further acknowledges that portions of such transmissions and processing may occur within various computer networks not owned or operated by Accela. Customer agrees that Accela is not responsible for any delays, losses, alterations, interceptions, or storage of its electronic communications which occur in computer networks not owned or operated by Accela. 20. Either party may end Customer’s access to the Subscribed Services if the other materially breaches these Terms and, after receiving a written notice describing the circumstances of the default, fails to correct the breach within thirty (30) calendar days. Upon any termination for cause by Customer, Accela will refund any prepaid subscription fees covering the remainder of the subscription term after the effective date of termination. 21. “Disclosing Party” and “Recipient” refer respectively to the party which discloses information and the party to which information is disclosed in a given exchange. Either Accela or Customer may be deemed Disclosing Party or Recipient depending on the circumstances of a particular communication or transfer of information. “Confidential Information” means all disclosed information relating in whole or in part to non-public data, proprietary data compilations, computer source codes, compiled or object codes, scripted programming statements, byte codes, or data codes, entity-relation or workflow diagrams, financial records or information, client records or information, organizational or personnel information, business Accela Subscription Terms and Conditions (Version 0113a) Page 4 of 4 plans, or works-in-progress, even where such works, when completed, would not necessarily comprise Confidential Information. The foregoing listing is not intended by the Parties to be comprehensive, and any information which Disclosing Party marks or otherwise designates as “Confidential” or “Proprietary” will be deemed and treated as Confidential Information. Information which qualifies as “Confidential Information” may be presented to Recipient in oral, written, graphic, and/or machine- readable formats. Regardless of presentation format, such information will be deemed and treated as Confidential Information. Notwithstanding, the following specific classes of information are not “Confidential Information” within the meaning of this Section: a) information which is in Recipient’s possession prior to disclosure by Disclosing Party; b) information which is available to Recipient from a third party without violation of this Section or Disclosing Party’s intellectual property rights; c) information which is in the public domain at the time of disclosure by Disclosing Party, or which enters the public domain from a source other than Recipient after disclosure by Disclosing Party; d) information which is subpoenaed by governmental or judicial authority; and e) information subject to disclosure pursuant to a state’s public records laws. Recipient will protect the confidentiality of Confidential Information using the same degree of care that it uses to protect its own information of similar importance, but will in any case use no less than a reasonable degree of care to protect Confidential Information. Recipient will not directly or indirectly disclose Confidential Information or any part thereof to any third party without Disclosing Party’s advance express written authorization to do so. Recipient may disclose Confidential Information only to its employees or agents under its control and direction in the normal course of its business and only on a need-to-know basis. In responding to a request for Confidential Information, Recipient will cooperate with Disclosing Party, in a timely fashion and in a manner not inconsistent with applicable laws, to protect the Confidential Information to the fullest extent possible. 22. ACCELA WILL, AT ALL TIMES DURING THE AGREEMENT, MAINTAIN APPROPRIATE INSURANCE COVERAGE. TO THE EXTENT NOT OFFSET BY ITS INSURANCE COVERAGE AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAWS, IN NO EVENT WILL ACCELA’S CUMULATIVE LIABILITY FOR ANY GENERAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, COMPENSATORY, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER SUFFERED BY CUSTOMER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY EXCEED THE FEES PAID TO ACCELA BY CUSTOMER DURING THE TWELVE (12) CALENDAR MONTHS IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH GIVE RISE TO SUCH CLAIM(S) OF LIABILITY, EVEN IF ACCELA OR ITS AGENTS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 23. If Accela is delayed in its performance of any obligation hereunder to causes or effects beyond its control, Accela will give timely notice to Customer of such circumstances and will act in good faith to resume performance as soon as practicable. 24. Accela may assign its rights and obligations hereunder for purposes of financing or pursuant to corporate transactions involving the sale of all or substantially all of its stock or assets. 25. The Parties expressly disclaim any alternate terms and conditions accompanying drafts and/or purchase orders issued by Customer. 26. Section 5 will survive the End of Term for so long as is required to complete collection of unpaid amounts. The limitations and waivers described in Sections 8, 19, 22, and 27 will survive the End of Term. Section 12 will survive the End of Term for a period of thirty (30) calendar days. Section 16 will survive the End of Term for a period of thirty (30) calendar days or for so long as is required for Accela to complete its response to a Customer request made during said thirty-days period. Section 21 will survive the End of Term for a period of two (2) years. With the exceptions of the foregoing surviving sections, the remainder of these Terms will terminate at the End of Term. 27. If any particular provision of these Terms is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, that determination will not affect the other provisions, which will be construed in all respects as if the invalid or unenforceable provision were omitted. No extension, modification, or amendment of these Terms will be effective unless it is described in writing and signed by the Parties.