Edgesoft ProposalEdgesoft a mobile intelligence company RESPONSE TO RFP: Permitting System Software and Implementation Services Submitted To Mr. Chris Escobedo: City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Submitted By: Edgesoft Inc. 6133 Bristol Parkway Suite 220 Culver City, CA 90230 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Cover Letter Proposer’s Legal Name and Corporate Structure Legal Name: Edgesoft Inc. Corporate Structure: California S Corporation Edgesoft Inc. Credentials Edgesoft has successfully implemented and supported its software in large and complex cities such as the City of Glendale, CA and smaller cities with more centralized business proces ses such as Eastvale, CA. Our implementation approach and project managers have not changed since the formation of the company. La Quinta will enjoy all of the experience and firsthand knowledge of the Edgesoft Inc. project team. Our team’s credentials not only include Edgesoft’s technical implementation staff, but the executive knowledge and experience of former city management executives that regularly advise Edgesoft Inc. We are pleased to include within our team’s credentials for this specific project the leadership and experience of Rod Wood, former City Manager for the City of Beverly Hills, CA. Mr. Wood will be Edgesoft’s executive sponsor and will work directly on the project to ensure La Quinta succeeds in its implementation of Edgesoft Inc.’s software. Primary Proposal Contact Ryen Tarbet, Exec. VP 6133 Bristol Parkway, Suite 220 Culver City, CA 90230 RTarbet@EdgesoftInc.com 775.560.9909 (Direct) 310.215.1022 (Main) Subcontractors Edgesoft can implement its software either entirely with Edgesoft’s implementation staff, or by using an exclusive and certified Edgesoft Inc. implementation partner (SI). An SI is a company that has worked directly under Edgesoft implementation staff to implement, train, and support Edgesoft customers. An SI is required by Edgesoft to make substantial investments into becoming a subject matter expert in all facets of the software. In order to be considered for acceptance into Edgesoft‘s SI program, the company must be a well-established consultancy to City and/or County governments for planning, building & permitting, and public works. It is critical the City understand that Edgesoft is extremely selective of its Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 subcontractors. The benefit of using an SI for this project is to marry Edgesoft’s implementation team with that of an SI to provide the City of La Quinta access to both Edgesoft’s own implementation staff as well as the staff of the SI; where the SI has worked with many dozens of Cities and has former planners, building department staff, and public works staff on its project team : professionals that have actually sat in the very same chairs as the City’s staff sit today. The implementation for the City of La Quinta will be led by Edgesoft, given executive oversight by Mr. Rod Wood, and will include as part of its implementation team Rue kert Mielke Engineering (RME), an Edgesoft Inc. SI. Pending Litigation There is no current or pending litigation against Edgesoft Inc. or its officers. Bankruptcy or Insolvency Disclosure Edgesoft Inc. has had no bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings. Proposal Expiration This proposal is valid for 180 days beginning June 28th, 2013. Conflict of Interest Edgesoft Inc. and all individuals who will perform work for Edgesoft Inc. arising from any contract resulting from this proposal are free of any conflict of interest. Acceptance of City’s Legal Documents Edgesoft Inc. has reviewed and accepts the City’s legal documents without qualification or exception. BY _______________________ (Signature of Authorized Representative) ____Ryen Tarbet__________________________________________ (Print or Type Above Name and Title) ___6.19.13_____________ 775.560.9909 (Date) (Telephone) Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Table of Contents Executive Summary……………………………………………………….…..i Section 1 – Company Background…………………………….………..1 Section 2 – Company Qualifications………………………….………..3 Section 3 – References…………………………………….………….…..…10 Section 4 – Proposed Solution…………………………………………….14 Section 5 – Implementation Approach…………………………..…..18 Section 6 – Other Requirements………………….……………….…….46 Section 7 – Price…………………………………………………………….…..47 Section 8 – Additional Information………………………………….….55 Appendix A – City Professional Services Agreement…………...56 Appendix B - Functional Requirements / Response to Section 3 of RFP………………………………………...57 Appendix C - Sample Administrative Manual………………….…..69 Appendix D – Sample Training Manual…………………………….….70 Appendix E – Software License & Maintenance Agreements ………………………………………….…….73 i Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 June 19, 2013 City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mr. Escobedo, We would like to thank the City of La Quinta for releasing an RFP that so clearly portrays the need for, and value of, a seamless plan review, permitting, and fee issuance process. Per the City’s request in the RFP, we have endeavored to provide a concise response that is focused on completeness and clarity. Edgesoft Inc. develops and implements its Enterprise Land Management System, or eLMS ™. The Our entire software system is web-based, GIS compatible enterprise-level planning, permitting, inspection, code enforcement, fee calculation and issuance, business license & tax, and public works software suite. Edgesoft’s eLMS™ boosts interdepartmental communication and dramatically streamlines business processes for both the City and the Public. City users – whether behind-the-scenes or interacting with the public – can access every City business activity at a given location, in real time, by referencing any number of search fiel ds (owner, occupant, address, parcel, etc.) or through a web map interface. eLMS™ empowers cities to maximize staff resources and elevate levels of citizen service by reducing the number of City staff a member of the public must interact with. The eGOV module directly addresses the City’s desired goal of providing a permit center that allows customers to obtain permits at on location without the need to make multiple trips to different counter locations. Our eGOV module has been recognized by:  The League of California Cities when it granted the prestigious Helen Putnam Award for Excellence to the City of Beverly Hills for its implementation of the Online Business Center (eGOV).  The Online Business Center (eGOV) won the Government Computer News (GCN) Ag ency Award for the application at the City of Beverly Hills. Our objective is to provide the City with a comprehensive and scalable system built on our web based technology that will not only address the points that were outlined in the RFP, but will also be capable of fully leveraging the City’s current and future planning and permitting needs. The following is a listing of some of the advantages of our approach and solution:  Edgesoft’s eLMS™ system is scalable to service every City Department, and can provide data for any fee transaction to the City’s new finance system. ii Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0  Edgesoft’s eLMS™ system is 100% mobile – meeting the City’s desire to allow inspectors to use mobile devices while in the field to conduct inspections and provide inspection results.  Edgesoft’s eLMS™ system meets the City’s desire to provide inspectors with real time access to inspector routes and inspection status – across any department (e.g. building inspections, code enforcement inspections, fire department inspections, and more).  Edgesoft’s eLMS™ system supports a complete capability to submit plans online, pay fees, resubmit, route multiple reviews, schedule inspections, and much more.  Edgesoft eLMS™ allows the City to maximize revenue through automatic enforcement of cash flow dependent business processes and transactions.  Edgesoft has a full public works module for permitting and inspections specific to the needs of public works departments, which is seamlessly interconnected to all other modules. In addition, Edgesoft can provide a full suite of infrastructure asset manag ement modules.  Our implementation team is unmatched, including veteran Edgesoft staff that have implemented and supported the system at Beverly Hills, Burbank, and Glendale CA; and also includes Mr. Rod Wood, former City Manager for Beverly Hills, CA. We are confident that this response meets your requirements and expectations. On behalf of the Edgesoft team, we look forward to the possibility of working with the City of La Quinta on this challenging and important project. If you have any questions or c oncerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Ryen Tarbet, B.s. M.a. Executive VP Edgesoft Inc. 6133 Bristol Parkway, #220 Culver City, CA 90230 775.560.9909 (Direct) RTarbet@EdgesoftInc.com www.EdgesoftInc.com 1 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Section 1.0 - Company Background Founded in 1997, Edgesoft provides world-class enterprise software products that empower local governments to deliver superior citizen services. As technological innovation occurs at a rapid rate and public sector organizations face heightened citizen expectations and new challenges in the delivery of services, Edgesoft offers timely, unique solutions. Created shoulder to shoulder with local governments, our flexible, scalable software systems help to integrate business processes and ensure maximum productivity. Based in Southern California and recognized as an industry leader by IBM and Microsoft, Edgesoft has executed flagship implementations in leading cities that are revolutionizing the way that government data i s managed. While the Company currently concentrates on local government sector applications, Edgesoft has a solid history of implementing projects for Fortune 500 companies. Private sector experience includes BAXTER, Hyundai, MGM, Medtronic MiniMed, Countrywide, Gateway and the Los Angeles County Registrar Recorder’s Office. This lends Edgesoft a unique expertise which brings best-of-business practices from private industry to municipal government. In 2001, Edgesoft forged a partnership with a leading Southern California city that recognized our diverse experience as a strong value potential for satisfying their municipal software needs. The software product created as a result of this partnership ma de great strides in breaking down silos of exclusive information within the City and achieved tremendous accolades in local government. From this experience, Edgesoft has dedicated itself to the local government sector, creating land planning and permitting software that provides autonomy for cities and requires minimal IT involvement and support. By structuring data in a way that boosts interdepartmental communication and coordination, our leading product, the Enterprise Land Management System (eLMS™) facilitates user-friendly integration, elevates customer service and ensures cost efficiency. Edgesoft upholds a collaborative approach that assures the immediate and long-term success of the installations of our clients, and results in mutual respect and long-term partnerships between Edgesoft and the local government entity. Our growing company is built on five fundamental core values:  Delivering solutions to make a difference for the local community,  Providing extraordinary service and commitment to get the job done,  Empowering the users to be as autonomous as possible,  Upholding expertise, integrity and accountability,  Assuring superior quality services and highest standards of technical excellence. 2 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft’s roots lie in process re-engineering, conversion of business requirements into technical requirements, and system design by business objectives. Our product development utilizes state-of-the-art technologies, and our key competencies include: o Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) proficiency o Web Services o Integration expertise with Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Financial, Document Imaging, Workflow and E-Mail systems o Database modeling and design (DB2, Oracle, SQL Server) o Emerging technologies such as Services Oriented Architecture (SOA), WEB 2.0, etc. o Java, J2EE, NET, XML, and SOAP o Rational Unified Process (RUP) and Agile methodologies o GIS, ArcSDE, ArcINFO, ArcIMS o Software design using Unified Modeling Language (UML) o System architecture o Rapid Development o Quality control and validation o Web portal and content management o Industry leading project management methodologies o Business process consulting Edgesoft specializes in rapid implementations. Our mission is to provide our award winning eLMS™ solution and business transformation services necessary to bring cities and counties to the next level. To date, Edgesoft has completed all its implementations on time and on budget , in Southern California cities the size of Glendale down to the size of Calabasas. 3 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Section 2.0 – Company Qualifications Edgesoft Inc. is highly and uniquely qualified to provide planning, permitting and fee issuance software and implementation services to the City of La Quinta. Our team includes leading figures in the field of city management (see Section 4 for team composition), as well as implementation staff with years of project experience across dozens of Cities. We bring to La Quinta a depth and breadth of implementation expertise that no other company local to La Quinta can offer. Our qualifications speak for themselves regarding our ability to produce best in class software and to implement and retain demanding clients. We have provided a list of customers in Figure 1 to illustrate Edgesoft’s success with cites of many shapes and sizes in the Southern California. Because the company is headquartered in Culver City, CA we able to provide a very high level of accessibility to La Quinta during the implementation and for many years to come. Our executive sponsor for the project, who will maintain direct lines communication to Frank Spevacek throughout the project is Mr. Rod Wood, former City Manager of Beverly Hills and well respected leader within the city management community and the California League of Cities. Edgesoft’s own substantial company qualifications are augmented by our subcontractor Ruekert Mielke Engineers (RME). Edgesoft has established a deep intercompany partnership with RME to meet market demands for the eLMS™ system in other parts of the US and to bring additional implementation capacity to Edgesoft as our company grows. RME’s implementation staff is composed of individuals that have actually worked in the very municipal departments for which Edgesoft produces software. RME staff have “been there done that” in real life, and are solely focused on consulting with municip al governments to improve their land planning and permitting business processes. Finally, RME has deep expertise with public works infrastructure asset management. Edgesoft also has executive staff with deep professional expertise in infrastructure asset management. Both RME and Edgesoft are business partners with Vueworks – a leading GIS centric, web based enterprise asset management system. As shown in the optional items section Appendix C – Price, the City will find that Edgesoft and RME can offer not only world class planning and permitting software, but a best in class asset management system that is integrated with Edgesoft’s eLMS™ and for which the same implementation methodology is used. 4 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Figure 1 – Select Customer Profiles by eLMS™ Modules 5 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 6 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 7 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 8 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 9 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 10 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Section 3 – References Reference # 1 Customer Name City of Beverly Hills, CA Customer Contact Name, Title, Address, Phone, email David Schirmer, Chief Information Officer (310) 285-2590, dschirmer@beverlyhills.org 455 N Rexford Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Brief Project Description The City of Beverly Hills envisioned a technology based solution to increasing citizen service and breaking down silos between internal City departments. Working side by side with the City’s staff at all levels, Edgesoft implemented the permitting and fee calculation and issuance modules of its eLMS™ system, as well as eGOV. The eGOV module is called the “Online Business Center”, which allows citizens to apply for and receive permits, schedule inspections, and pay fees entirely online. The Online Business Center was awarded the prestigious Helen Putnam Award for Excellence by the California League of Cities. # Users 300+ Internal Staff / 30,000+ General Public Current Project Status Good Standing – Live system in daily use. Current Software Release Version 4.3 – Latest Version Database Environment IBM DB2 Modules Implemented eGOV, Building & Inspections, Planning, Public Works, Code Enforcement, Parking Go-Live Date 2004 Implementation Period (months) 6 months for standard software – custom work was done in addition that was ongoing. Implementation Cost > $250,000 Reference # 2 Customer Name City of Burbank, CA Customer Contact Name, Title, Address, Phone, email Tom Sloan, Deputy Building Official 818.238.5238, tsloan@ci.burbank.ca.us Michael Forbes, AICP, Principal Planner 818.238.5273, mforbes@ci.burbank.ca.us Kevin Woodruff, IT (contact for GIS-related questions) 818.238.5089, kwoodruff@ci.burbank.ca.us 150 N 3rd St # 2, Burbank, CA 91502 Brief Project Description The City of Burbank implemented Edgesoft’s modules for permitting and licensing to replace its aging permitting system and custom mainframe applications. Burbank immediately realized return on investment due to the eLMS™ Land, Structure, Occupancy (LSO) data model. The project scope 11 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 included eLMS™ installation, address data migration, permit data conversion, and integration with Assessor, Financial, and GIS systems. # Users 200 Internal Staff Current Project Status Good Standing – Live system in daily use. Current Software Release Version 4.3 – Latest Version Database Environment Oracle 11g Modules Implemented eGOV, Building & Inspections, Planning, Public Works, Code Enforcement, Business License, Business Tax, Parking Go-Live Date 2005 Implementation Period (months) Implementation was not done all at one time to all departments. Some modules take longer than others to implement. In general – implementation was 6 months. Implementation Cost > $250,000 Reference # 3 Customer Name City of Glendale, CA Customer Contact Name, Title, Address, Phone, email Anthony de la Sota, Information Services Project Manager (818) 548-3378, ADeLaSota@ci.glendale.ca.us Hagop Hovsepian, Information IT Administrator (818) 551-3024, hhovsepian@ci.glendale.ca.us 613 E. Broadway Glendale, CA 91206 Brief Project Description The City of Glendale implemented the Edgesoft eLMS™ system to replace its enterprise permitting system across the City. Edgesoft implemented the entire eLMS™ system around the City’s enterprise needs. This is a large city with and complex and demanding business processes. Edgesoft’s success at the City lead to the Fire Department approaching Edgesoft to bring the eLMS™ system’s underlying technology into its business environment. The result has been the creation of software that seamlessly connects the Fire Department to the rest of the City. # Users 700 Current Project Status Good Standing – Live system in daily use. Current Software Release Version 4.3 – Latest Version Database Environment Oracle 10g Modules Implemented Building & Inspections, Planning, Code Enforcement, Request for Service, Fire Prevention, Public Works Go-Live Date 2008 12 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Implementation Period (months) Implementation was not done all at one time to all departments. Some modules take longer than others to implement. In general – implementation was 6 months. Implementation Cost > $250,000 Reference # 4 Customer Name Temple City, CA Customer Contact Name, Title, Address, Phone, email Geoffrey Starns, AICP, Planning Manager (626) 285.2171, gstarns@templecity.us 9701 Las Tunas Dr., Temple City CA 91780 Brief Project Description Temple City desired a planning and permitting system that was completely web based and inherently broke down data silos and increased staff efficiency through seamless sharing of City planning and permitting data to all system users. # Users 12 Internal Staff Current Project Status Good Standing – Live system in daily use. Current Software Release Version 4.3 – Latest Version Database Environment Oracle 11g Modules Implemented Building & Inspections, Planning, Code Enforcement, Request for Service, Public Works, Business License, eGOV Go-Live Date 2013 Implementation Period (months) Implementation was not done all at one time to all departments. Some modules take longer than others to implement. In general – implementation was 6 months. Implementation Cost Less than $175,000 Reference # 5 Customer Name City of Eastvale, CA Customer Contact Name, Title, Address, Phone, email Carol Jacobs, City Manager (951) 361-0900 CJacobs@EastvaleCA.gov 12363 Limonite Ave., Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 Brief Project Description The City of Eastvale is a contract city that desired an extremely cost effective planning and permitting system that could be rapidly implemented and maintained by staff without the need for costly professional services from the software vendor. # Users 12 Current Project Status Good Standing – Live system in daily use. Current Software Release Version 4.3 – Latest Version 13 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Database Environment Oracle 11g Modules Implemented Building & Inspections, Planning, Code Enforcement, Request for Service, Public Works, Business License, eGOV Go-Live Date 2012 Implementation Period (months) Implementation was not done all at one time to all departments. Some modules take longer than others to implement. In general – implementation was 6 months. Implementation Cost Less than $175,000 Reference # 5 Customer Name City of Kyle, TX Customer Contact Name, Title, Address, Phone, email Wendy Bates, Finance Officer, (512) 262-3981 wbates@cityofkyle.com Brief Project Description The City of Kyle is a contract city that desired an extremely cost effective planning and permitting system that could be rapidly implemented and maintained by staff without the need for costly professional services from the software vendor. The City also needed a system with strong integration capabilities with their new financial system. # Users 10 Current Project Status Good Standing – Live system in daily use. Current Software Release Version 4.3 – Latest Version Database Environment SQL 2005 Modules Implemented Building & Inspections, Planning, Code Enforcement, Business License, eGOV Go-Live Date 2011 Implementation Period (months) Implementation was not done all at one time to all departments. Some modules take longer than others to implement. In general – implementation was 6 months. Implementation Cost Less than $125,000 14 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Section 4 – Proposed Solution 4.1 – Overview Origin: Edgesoft built the first version of the eLMS™ system in 2000 to meet the enterprise land management needs of the City of Beverly Hills. Prior to this project, Edgesoft was an information technology and software development compa ny primarily focused on Fortune 500 companies. Building the eLMS™ system shoulder to shoulder with City of Beverly Hills allowed the company to combine its private sector business best practices with the subject matter expertise of senior members of the Beverly Hills staff. Beverly Hill’s use of the eLMS™ system was awarded the Helen Putnam Award for Excellence by the California League of Cities. For the past 13 years Edgesoft has been solely focused on providing the highest quality planning and permitting software to its customers. We would like to acknowledge the City’s endeavor to become a true “City of the Future”. It is refreshing to see local governments making real investments in technology to enable fast access to City business processes – for internal staff and for the public. To this end, we are also proud to be able to say that Edgesoft is the selected planning and permitting system for the City of Lavasa (http://www.lavasa.com/), and we were invited by the City Manager Scott Wrighton to the recent Smart Cities gala in San Francisco (http://www.lavasa.com/lavasaadmin/pdfs/Press_Release_April_04_2013_Lavasa_and_21_global_cities .pdf) where Lavasa and only 20 other cities in the world were recognized for their efforts to be true global leaders in building “Cities of the Future”. Release: The eLMS™ system is currently on release v4.3. The software has undergone 4 major releases and 16 minor releases. Proposed Version: Version 4.3 Number of Operational Installations: 11 Proposed Modules (per the City’s request to limit use of promotional material and marketing brochures, we have kept our module descriptions concise): eLMS™ Core: The solid foundation of the Land, Structure, and Occupancy (LSO) Model naturally provides for an orderly progression of increasingly complex data. The LSO model is a primary resource for address, structure, and land use information, as well as owner/tenant, infrastructure and asset information. Each location in the LSO model has a unique identifier by which all activities related to that specific location are tracked and administered. The Projects, Subprojects, Activities (PSA) structure enables the department to customize its activities, easily view all information at a Project level, and quickly drill-down to sub-levels to enter or view information, so that other departments can review the processes and identify any interdepartmental issues before proceeding with activities. 15 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 eLMS™ Permits & Inspections: This module automates workflow related to building permits, inspections, people and activities. It enables City staff within Building & Safety and similar divisions to view and print fee schedules, cashiering, payment transaction history, business tax and business license information, and track plan checks rela ted to building permits. Users can schedule, track and maintain history of inspections related to a specific location, as well as maintain lists of and links to external people associated with the City, such as owners, applicants, architects, and contractors. eLMS™ Public Works: Module extends the permits and inspections module to include permits, plan reviews, and fees specific to public works departments. Permits can be issued to both location specific activities and to non-locational activities (e.g. such as barricade permits or activities in the right of way). eLMS™ Planning & Planner Update Module: This module automates the processes and captures all information related to the City’s Planning activities. Functions include issuing, tracking and logging planning cases; appointment scheduling and notification, which reduces scheduling conflicts for planning board hearings; assigning, scheduling and routing planning cases; and cashiering and fee appraisal. This centralized database of customer records pr ovides accurate, timely information to customers who are submitting development plans for approval. eLMS™ Code Enforcement Module: This module tracks and maintains data related to code violations in the City. Users can identify violations by parcel, provide notifications to responsible parties, generate and issue notices, and establish follow-up inspection programs to ensure that corrections are made. This module also provides users with the ability to place a “hard,” “soft” or “warning” hold on a Land, Structure or Occupancy. When creating a code violation, the system validates data input and utilizes list-of-values (pull-down lists), reducing human error in data entry. eLMS™ eGOV Module: This module allows the public to apply for a permit online via a step by step workflow. The public can manage existing permits, start new permits, schedule inspections, review permit and inspection status, pay fees, and submit plans. 4.2 – Itemized Response to Section 3 --- Appendix B A complete response to each module/item described in Section 3 of the RFP is provided in Appendix B per section 4.2, page 26 of the RFP. See Attachment 1 – Product and Module Descriptions, for additional information supplementing our response to Section 3 contained in Appendix B. 16 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 4.3 Hardware Requirements 17 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 4.4 – Additional Proposed Modules & Services The City desires electronic plan review functionality. The eLMS™ system can work with leading electronic plan review software packages. Because Edgesoft’s eLMS™ system is agnostic to the electronic plan review system selected by the City, we allow a best of breed solution. We believe planning, permitting, and fee issuance is best handled by companies that do only that, and do it exceptionally well. We also believe that electronic plan review best approached in a similar fashion. In our experience, planning and permitting vendors that also provide their own electronic plan review modules do a poor job. We have provided costs for connecting the eLMS™ system to the City’s selected electronic plan review package. Edgesoft has had success with ProjectDox by Avolve Software at both the City of Burbank and the City of Beverly Hills. Asset Management Software – Edgesoft maintains an extremely tight corporate relationship with Vueworks Software. Vueworks is a GIS centric, web based work and asset management system. It provides condition and risk based planning tools to prioritize annual maintenance programs as well as capital improvement projects. Edgesoft’s implementation partner, Ruekert Mielke Engineering is a 6 year implementation partner with Vueworks, and a key member Edgesoft’s executive staff hails from Vueworks and has over 20 implementations to his cre dit. We have provided pricing for a full suite of the Vueworks asset management modules. Implementation for the Vueworks system utilizes the same implementation methodology as that used by Edgesoft for its eLMS™ system; making the transition to a true “City of the Future” as risk free and simple as possible. 18 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Section 5 – Implementation Approach 5.1.1 – Organizational Chart 5.1.2 – Roles and Lines of Authority Edgesoft Executive Sponsor: The executive sponsor for Edgesoft’s implementation team is Mr. Rod Wood. Mr. Wood has the unique experience of being both a career city manager in multiple cities in southern California, as well as a city manager that has und ergone the implementation process of the eLMS™ system while being a city manager. In his capacity as executive sponsor, Mr. Wood will maintain direct contact with Mr. Frank Spevacek, General Manager for the City and the City’s executive sponsor. Mr. Wood’s role is to provide oversight and advisory support to Mr. Spevacek as the project moves through the initial and advanced Thomas Tym Implementation Lead Business Process Shan Sundar CEO Rod Wood Executive Sponsor Anand Belaguly Implementation Lead Technology La Quinta Project Manager Gaurav Garg Solution Architect IT Dept. Frank Spevacek General Manager Executive Sponsor Sunil Vijaykumar Solution Architect Community Development Dept. Public Works Dept. Edgesoft La Quinta La Primary Communication Primary Communication Secondary Communication Brian Seefeldt Process Engineer David Flack Process Engineer 19 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 phases of implementation as well as going live. Mr. Wood will provide authoritative guidance and recommendations regarding organizational change (both internal to the City and external to the Public as the City embraces its vision of becoming a “City of the Future”). Mr. Wood will appraise Shan Sundar, Edgesoft CEO, of project status from the perspective of a city manager. Business Process Implementation Lead: Mr. Thomas Tym will be responsible for working with the City’s project manager to identify and define all of the City’s business processes and fees to be configured in the system. Mr. Tym will work directly with the City’s project manager, and in turn is expected to work directly with key individuals from all of the affected City departments. Mr. Tym will directly manage his team of business process engineers, which will be tasked to carry out the more laborious aspects of business process configuration and to work with appropriate city staff on detailed aspects of system configuration. Mr. Tym will also directly manage system testing, go-live, training, and post implementation support for system configuration and business process continual improvement. Technology Implementation Lead: Mr. Anand Belaguly will be responsible for the installation of the system on the City’s network and integrating with the financial system and all other systems as needed (e.g. GIS, IVR, asset management system at a later date, etc.), and providing all training to City IT staff for system administration and back up. Mr. Belaguly will work directly with the City’s appointed IT staff. Mr. Belaguly will directly manage his team of software architects which will be responsible for data migration and system testing. Data Migration: Data migration will be led by Mr. Tym who will work directly with City staff to identify data to be migrated. Mr. Tym will oversee the Edgesoft technical team which wil l actually do the physical migration of the data. This allows the City to focus on the business process aspects of the data and to not get into the technical details of actually migrating the data. 5.1.3 – Brief Resumes of Project Personnel See following pages. 20 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 21 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 22 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 23 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 24 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 25 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 26 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 27 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 28 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 5.2 – Implementation Methodology & Approach 5.2.1 Executive Summary Edgesoft provides full service implementation and training to new and existing Clients both directly and through our elite certified partners. What follows this executive summary is a detailed implementation and training plan for the City of La Quinta which uses standard Edgesoft implementation and training best practices. Edgesoft will subcontract portions of the implementation to its certified partner Ruekert Mielke Engineering (RME). RME will work side by side with both Edgesoft and the City in both o nsite and remote capacities throughout the implementation. RME offers its own City and County clients full service land use planning, permitting, code enforcement, and public works business services to optimize fee structures, capital improvement planning, land use planning, and economic viability. RME brings experience from dozens of cities of similar size and complexity as La Quinta. Edgesoft has included in this proposal the following professional services: 1. Four (4) implementation iterations as follows: a. Two (2) Tier 1 Implementation Iterations (described in Section 1). One iteration will be focused on the Community Development Department and one iteration will be focused on the Public Works Department. Each Tier 1 iteration will contain:  2 Days on-site and 4 remote sessions,  Business process discovery and findings,  Information systems discovery and findings,  Edgesoft configuration and software orientation. b. Two (2) Tier 2 Implementation Iterations (described in Section 1). One (1) iteration will be focused on the Community Development Department and one (1) iteration will be focused on the Public Works Department. The first Tier 2 Iteration is standardized and includes 6 days of on-site configuration and training, and 3 remotely held planning workshops to facilitate the on-site sessions. Subsequent tier 2 iterations will be based on the standard format but will be tailored to meet evolving implementation goals and the growing skills of the City to take over portions of the implementation process. We have included additional tier 2 implementation iterations as options in the price sheet. Implementation services will provide the City with the following:  16 total days on-site (total from both tier 1 and tier 2)  5 total days on-site with the Edgesoft Executive Sponsor,  Specific hands on training for each Community Development and Public Works activity, Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 29 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0  Fully functional planning, permitting, or code enforcement activities configured and ready for daily use (the rationale behind not specifically defining the number of activities that can be implemented is explained in detail in the following scope of work),  Reports configured and ready for daily use,  Integration with other City software systems complete and ready for daily use,  Data migration completed Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 30 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 5.2.2 Implementation Methodology Edgesoft implementation is completed in two tiers, described below. Regardless of implementation tier (e.g. Tier 1 or Tier 2), all tasks and deliverables are described within the limits of a fixed number of consulting hours and budget. At the end of each task, remaining hours and budget will be assessed. This ensures the project will be completed within budget and provides the basis for identifying any need for additional implementation “iterations”. All implementations are performed in “iterations”. An iteration is a defined implementation scope of work that results in deliverable(s) in the case of tier 1 implementations or useable software in the case of tier 2 implementations. Complete system implementation and training for an entire department or an entire City is carried out over a series of “iterations”. A best practice is to start each department with a singe tier 1 implementation iteration and then proceed to subsequent tier 2 interations until the department is fully implemented. Edgesoft does not advocate “all at one time” implementations for several reasons: 1. The Edgesoft eLMS™ system lends itself to organic implementation as the customer learns how to adminsiter the system, therefore as the customer is able to take over more of the system Edgesoft’s services are reduced, 2. Large and monolithic implementations promote scope creep and unaccountability for both the vendor and the customer, 3. We believe organizational change and its management is best achieved by releasing small amounts of fully operational software in increments, The use of implementation interations stems from the fields of Agile Development in the software busniess, and from Continual Improvement in the manufactuing business (known as Kaizen). Where agile methods are used to produce fully configured, useable software in small increments where each increment promotes adaptive planning and encourages rapid and flexible response to change as the software is rolled out across the City’s departments. This is essential for the success of each iteration. Continual improvement is the process o f refining and enhancing business processes from one iteration to the next. This is inevitable with the use of Edgesoft’s eLMS™ platform, and will occur during the course of the implementation and continually thereafter as the City matures in its use of o ur award winning technology. Implementation iterations keep implementation highly focused and results oriented, they minimize scope creep, provide for well planned and incremental change across the organization, and they empower staff to take ownership of the system during the course of implementation. Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 31 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft believes good implementation is the key to success. We also believe that our customers should not have to chose between good implementation and constraining budgets. To this end, it is Edgesoft’s policy to credit unused implementation budget towards software maintenance. This ensures the City will receive value for every dollar it invests into the eLMS ™ system, regardless of where that dollar is originally budgeted. A tier 1 implementation followed by a series of tier 2 implementation iterations is appropriate for clients that have not previously implemented Edgesoft’s eLMS™ system. This is the proposed approach. 5.2.3 Tier 1 Implementation A Tier 1 Implementation has three objectives: 1. Orient Edgesoft to the business processes, reporting needs, and larger information systems context within which the eLMS™ system will exist. The RFP document and pre-submittal communication is no substitute for face to face, thorough discussion of the business environement at the City. 2. Install and configure the Edgesoft software; Expose the project management team to:  Where existing systems (e.g. GIS, Finanical, etc.) may need to interact with Edgesoft,  The flexibility of the system to address complex business processes,  Potential areas where business processes are poorly understood, under resourced, or both – and how this will negatively impact the success of the Edgesoft system.  Begin data migration: address information is manditory, legacy data migration for planning, permitting, fees, and code enforcement will be determined. 3. Organize the management team for a successful tier 2 implementation; initial community devleopment and public works activities are identified for implementation. The purpose of the Tier 1 Implementation objectives are to unify the management team’s understanding of how the eLMS™ system works at a fundamental level as well as to unify the team’s understanding of how a successful tier 2 implementation will be conducted. A tier 1 implementation results in a highly unified management team, an installed instance of the Edgesoft system, and findings reports that provide a clear road map to undertake a successful tier 2 implementation. In short, the tier 1 implementation sets th e appropriate expectations and understanding of project risks with the City’s executive sponsor and project manager. It is essential these individuals understand the staff time commitments and resource needs to implement the system within the project’s timeline. Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 32 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 The tier 1 Implementation is composed of 1 onsite session and 4 remote meetings as detailed below. Remote sessions are an extremely cost effective and schedule effective way to cover topics that can be addressed in a couple of hours. This is essential, as topics addressed are high level and require input from management team staff (e.g. very busy people with conflicting schedules). The onsite and remote sessions will provide the basis for composing findings reports (see deliverables, below) for objectives 1 and 2. There is considerable work for the Edgesoft team between each task. The three objectives of the Tier 1 Implementation form the Tier 1 Implementation Tasks Task 1 – Kickoff Meeting, Remote, 2 Hours (1 each for CDD and PWD) The objective of this meeting is to clearly identify the City’s Project Manager and the subject matter experts that will provide critical information on business processes, fees, reporting needs, and the software ecosystem currently in place as they relate to the Edgesoft system. The meeting will also identify other points of contact between Edgesoft and the City’s staff. The meeting will establish dates and the overall project timeline for the Tier 1 Implementation. Identification of the business process subject matter expert(s) (SME) for both the Community Development Department (CDD) and Public Works Department (PWD) is a critical task. The SME(s) need to understand the entire workflow for the planning, permit, and fee issuance activities but they do not necessarily need to be the employee(s) who perform the work. The purpose of the SME(s) are to break down these activities into a step by step series of events (e.g. the business process), where at each step key information to be collected is identified, and the actions necessary to move to the next step are defined, where existing software systems are in place (and not in place) to support these steps, and to articulate needed reports . The tier 1 implementation should have two (2) project managers: on e (1) from CDD and one (1) from PWD. The project managers should be management level individuals with a primary or significant job duty to manage that department’s core business functions. The Project Manager does not need to be a SME, but must be able t o gain access to the appropriate SME(s). The Edgesoft staff that will participate in the tier 1 implementations are: Executive Sponsor (Mr. Wood), Business Process Implementation Lead (Mr. Tym), Technology Implementation Lead (Mr. Belaguly). Edgesoft will task the Project Managers with action items to prepare for Task 2, and will rely on the Project Manager to schedule and coordinate the SME(s). Edgesoft recognizes that the City may have already spent considerable time defining its business processes. This will expedite the tier 1 implementation. As with all implementation Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 33 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 iterations, unused budget can be used for other implementation efforts or for pre -paid software maintenance. Task 2 – Edgesoft Orientation #1 , Remote, 3 Hours (1 each for CDD and PW D) The purpose of the two orientation meetings are to o rient Edgesoft to the business processes, reporting needs, and larger information systems context within which the Edgesoft software will exist. This gives both Edgesoft and the City a clear understanding which elements of the CDD and PWD business processes will be handled by the Edgesoft system, and which elements will be handled by other systems (e.g. GIS, Laserfiche, asset management system, etc.) – this is a critical and often overlooked or assumed step. The Edgesoft system is capable of doing many things, but optimal City business processes should dictate which software is ideally suited to which task. The two orientation sessions are more concerned with which business processes, software systems, and reports should be included in a tier 2 implementation than with detailed documentation of the actual business processes, software systems, and reports themselves (that is part of the tier 2 implementation). The two orientation sessions are also con cerned with early identification of gaps in knowledge, process, resources (human and software), and data needed for at tier 2 implementation. Edgesoft will lead exploratory discussions with the City’s project managers and SME(s). The first orientation will generate a variety of action items directed at information gathering and concensus building on the what the most critical planning and permitting activities are, what a minimum viable implementation can look like, and the gaps that need to be addressed. Task 3 – Edgesoft Orientation #2 , Remote, 3 Hours (1 each for CDD and PWD) The purpose of this task is to incorporate information collected since the first orientation meeting, and to then finalize and agree to a common understanding of which planning and permitting activities will be implemented first , what a minimum viable implementation can be for these activities, and the gaps that need to be addressed before the activities can go live within the City. Tasks 2 and 3 result in a large amount of project management work for the Edgesoft team. This is composed of digesting the information provided and using it for preparation of Task 4. Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 34 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Task 4 - Install and configure the Edgesoft software; Expose the project management team to the system. Onsite, 2 Days After tasks 2 and 3 have been completed, Edgesoft will take the City’s project managers and executive sponsor through an orientation of the Edgesoft system with the specific goal of making elements of Tasks 2 and 3 (above) demonstrable within the software. It is literally a directed walk through of selected portions of the system for the sole purpose of discussing the level of understanding within CDD and PWD surrounding the business processes to be included in a tier 2 implementation and concomitant resource requirements of those processes when set up in the Edgesoft system, and what to expect in terms of time and effort to go live with these business processes in the Edgesoft system given any gaps in clarity, process, resources, or data. This is a powerful step in giving the City’s project managers a concrete understanding of how missing data, resources, or mis-understood business process will affect the system; which inturn empowers them to work with their SME(s) in the most effective manner. This task will not take two full 8 hour days. This task is structured around 2 to 3 hour blocks of time. Each block of time will include the appropriate SME(s) to their areas of impact in the Edgesoft system. Typically there are 2 to 3 software orientation sessions on each day. The project managers will be required at all orientation sessions, SME(s) will be required as needed, the City’s executive sponsor will be required at well managed and clearly established times. Task 4 typcially provides additional information to augment Tasks 2 and 3. Task 5 – Findings Report Presentation, Remote, 3 Hours (1.5 hour for each report) This meeting is held with the City’s project managers to present the findings reports, which are detailed below. Depending on the findings, this remote meeting may be slight ly longer or shorter, or broken into two separate meetings on different days (to accommodate schedules). The City’s executive sponsor is encouraged to attend. However, the Edgesoft executive sponsor will hold an exclusive meeting the City’s executive sponsor to provide an appropriate summary of the findings. Tier 1 Implementation deliverables are: 1. Findings report on information systems environment. The findings report will identify the initial software systems that will need to interact with the Edges oft system, to what extent (one way data sharing, two way data sharing, frequency of data sharing/real time), and in what nature (transparent to the user versus launching another system from Edgesoft – interacting with the system – then closing and continuing in Edgesoft). The findings report is high level and Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 35 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 used solely to provide a basis for developing a tier 2 implementation for the Edgesoft system, and is typically 3 to 5 pages in length. It is not an IT – IS Needs Assessment. 2. Findings report on business process environment. The findings report will identify the business processes to be considered for tier 2 implementations and the gaps in knowledge, resource(s), data, and process that were discovered. This report is high level and used solely to orient management as to whom will be required to take ownership of elements of the Edgesoft system and concomitant business processes during implementation and over the long term. The report forms a basis for understanding the limits to implementation c aused by deficiencies in business process knowledge, resource(s), data, or other processes. The report is typically 3 to 5 pages in length. It is not an Organizational Assessment of the Department. 3. Installed and configured Edgesoft system. Both CDD and PWD will be ready to proceed with tier 2 implementation using the installed Edgesoft system. 5.2.4 Tier 2 Implementation Tier 2 Implementation Description: The scope of work is developed by Edgesoft and is based on formal scoping meetings and/or previous tier 1 implementation(s). An implementation scope of work, timeline, and budget are developed for tier 2 implementation and approved by the client prior to starting work. A tier 2 implementation iteration results in the Edgesoft system being fully configured as a turn key system ready for use by the organization for a target set of activities. Multiple iterations result in more and more activities becoming operational in the system. Tier 2 i mplementation is appropriate for organizations that have well understood and documented business processes, sufficient resources to execute business processes, data to support these business processes, and complete processes (e.g. have clear start and stop). Tier 2 implementation can include the following as part of the scope of work:  Exhaustive workflow and business process mapping,  Creation of reports and dashboards,  Integration with 3rd party software systems ,  Training all levels of system users, Tier 2 implementation can be provided to any Edgesoft client at any time to assist with expanding the system into new areas of the organization or to improve existing use of the Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 36 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 system. Tier 2 implementation can be scaled to include myriad services as mentioned above, or it can be tighly focused on a single business process. Tier 2 implementations are tightly focued on a small number of very well understood and documented business processes. The City is also prepared to take ownership of the configuration and subsequent administration of the Edgesoft syst em during the course of the tier 2 implementation. This deepens the City’s participation in the implementation and training process, typically resulting in significant progress being made in the City becoming self- sufficient in implementing or improving business processes without Edgesoft’s professional services. Edgesoft will provide two tier 2 implementation iterations to CDD and two iterations to PWD, with each containing up to 4 planning and/or permitting activities. Additional iterations will be provided at the City’s request and can be taylored based on the City’s experience from the first iterations. The Tier 2 Implementation Scope of Work follows (Same for CDD and PWD): Task 1. Kickoff Meeting (Remote, 2 hrs.) The goal of this meeting is to assign implementation action items to the project managers and subject matter experts based on the outcomes from the tier 1 implementation. In addition, an Edgesoft Administrator(s) will be identified. The Edgesoft Administrator(s) will be responsible for the technical administration of the eLMS™ system, and as such are commonly though not always IT staff. The meeting will establish dates and the overall project timeline. Standard action items include:  Put into motion the City’s task of providing data to Edgesoft for conversion into the eLMS™ system,  Begin integrations with other City software systems,  Task project managers to prepare for Task 2 – Workflow Definition Workshop After the kickoff meeting, the Edgesoft implementation team will compile the information gathered. Edgesoft will create any additional action times needed in preparation for Task 2. Task 2. Workflow Definition Workshop (Remote, 4 hrs.) Implementing the planning and permitting modules in Edgesoft requires careful identification of the work activities to be managed in the system and the relevant data to be recorded at the Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 37 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 activity level. Activities are the most granular level of permit or planning management and form the basis for permit status, approvals, conditions, holds, fees and billing, reporting, and analysis. During the workflow definition workshop, City staff will identify 1 - 4 well understood planning and permitting activities (typically taken from the tier 1 implementation) and from these select the first activity to be configured in the eLMS™ system (e.g. taken through tasks 2 through 6). If the first activity is completed in less than the allotted time, a second permit activity can be started. It must be recognized that additional hours may be needed to complete tasks 2 through 6 for subsequent activities (hence 1 -4 activities to be implemented under each iteration). This stems from the great variability in complexity from one activity to the next, as well as the incrementally easier each activity becomes to configure. For the selected activity, any supporting documents such as paper based permits, plan review policies or adopted ordinances, notices, inspection forms, workflow diagrams, any check points or approval points in the permit and/or plan review process, fees, required reports, etc. will be provided to Edgesoft via email. Edgesoft will review the information prior to the workshop. Edgesoft will hold 2 separate GoToMeeting workshops for 2 hours each (4 hours total) to step through the selected permit activity’s associated materials, business processes and reporting requirements. The goals of the remote workshops are to begin defining how the eLMS™ system will be configured before the first onsite workshop. The process of defining permit or planning activities in a planning and permitting system can be complex initially. This stems from the fact that any given activity is composed of several parts: work plann ing, work assignment, doing the actual work, and closing out the task or work correctly (e.g. plan review (multiple departments and/or divisions), inspections (sometimes multiple departments), setting conditions, etc.). The challenge in implementing any planning & permit management system is that the above steps are often not completely understood by a single individual; in fact it is more common for these steps to be handled in a sequential fashion with different staff largely confined to one or two parts of the sequence. In addition, when the City works with Edgesoft to define these steps it is common for changes to be introduced to the work flow process now that it’s being completely reviewed. Finally, Edgesoft can bring a great deal of flexibility to the entire workflow. Collectively, these factors create a time period during the implementation where the workflow surrounding an activity is somewhat fluid. Therefore, the initial remote meeting is designed to get the City thinking about all these moving parts so the actual onsite meetings can be as productive as possible. Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 38 Typical Workflow Diagram Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 39 The Edgesoft Administrator is the lead person(s) responsible for administering the application. The Edgesoft Administrator is responsible for taking ownership of the system and will expand it over time. As such, they will need to understand the workflows, how to use the various configuration user interfaces to build new workflows, master the system reports, and more. This task generates a lot of workflow discovery, report discovery, and data (presence/absence) discovery for the Edgesoft team to process in advance of Task 3, below. Task 3. 1st Onsite Workflow Workshop (2 Days) The first onsite workshop has three goals: 1. Finalize and sign off on the planning and permit activities, and the associated workflows. We will spend a half day on each workflow with significant input from the workflow SME(s). The Edgesoft Administrator must attend. 2. Expose the SME(s) and Edgesoft Administrator to the actual planning and permitting modules in Edgesoft to begin designing custom fields, reports, and dashboards. Furthermore, any new or additional data migration needs will be identified. 3. Finalize the system reports that will need to be generated for the selected activity. The onsite workflow workshop will produce action items for the Edgesoft implementation team to complete prior to Task 4. Including but not limited to initial activity configuration in the system, creating portions of system documentation that are specifi c to the City of La Quinta, and refining workflow processes with the project managers and SME(s). Task 4. Workshop for Activity Specification (Remote, 4 hrs.) The actual content of the permit or planning activity in the eLMS™ system is highly configurable. The content of the activity has two drivers: 1) the workflow of the activity, 2) data to be captured in the course of performing the activity that is suitable for Edgesoft to contain (e.g. data for storm pipe diameter may be better held in a GIS or as set management system). This workshop will be scheduled for 1 hour for each activity being configured in Edgesoft (or 4 hours total if addressing less than 4 permit activities). Based on the completed workflow exercise, Edgesoft will create a draft activity specification (e.g. what fields need to be present for collecting all necessary data) for each permit or planning activity, and an intial draft of the activity (based on the spec.) will be set up in the software for live interaction during the next onsite workshop. The goals of the remote activity specification workshop are: Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 40 1. Sign off on draft permit or planning activities which will be finalized during the second onsite workshop, 2. Have live activity forms in the system for the Edgesoft Administrator to begin interacting with prior to the second onsite workshop. 3. Have draft reports set up in Edgesoft for the Edgesoft Administrator to begin interacting with prior to the second onsite workshop. 4. Confirm the activity specification will support reporting requirements. Task 5. 2nd Onsite Workflow Workshop (2 Days) This workshop marks a turning point in the implementation process. Based on the City’s interaction with the eLMS™ system and the permit or planning activity as configured from the specification, final changes will be made to the activity specification documents as well as the actual activity configuration in the eLMS™ system. Edgesoft will update the specification documents during the workshop. The Edgesoft Administrator will perform updates to the permit or planning activity in Edgesoft for adding or removing custom fields and managing domain values. The SME(s) and the Edgesoft Administrator will step through the workflow process in a role playing exercise to test drive the configuration. We will step through the generation of reports in the system, and the Edgesoft Administrator (and others in attendance as appropriate) will run reports and learn how to create their own reports. The goals of the 2nd onsite workshop are: 1. Sign off on the activity specifications, 2. Final configuration of the activity in Edgesoft, 3. Edgesoft Administrator is now responsible for existing activity configuration (both the workflow and the content of the actual permit or planning activity’s user interface in the eLMS™ system), 4. Edgesoft Administrator is now responsible for creating reports. Task 6. 3rd Onsite - End User Training (2 Days) Edgesoft will step through the use of the system with actual end users in a classroom setting (Conference / Board room). The Edgesoft Administrator , project managers and the SME(s) will attend and will play a dual role: they are both receiving training as well as assisting with the training. The format is informal, where Edgesoft staff will take the new system users through an overview of the application, and then proceed to walk through each permit or planning activity. It is critical that the Edgesoft Administrator and the SME(s) understand that their role Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 41 throughout the implementation process has been to correctly define and articulate the workflow process, with signoff at key steps along the way. As such, the Edgesoft Administrator and the SME(s) are expected to actively participate in training the new users. The Edgesoft Administrator will be expected to have already taken ownership of the Edgesoft configuration prior to the end user training, and will be fully capable of modifying the system as necessary to refine the processes, workflows, and configurations. Training should occur in a room/facility where trainees can sit at a computer that has access to the eLMS™ system. Doubling up or sharing a computer is often beneficial. A projector and screen is useful so students can follow along with the instructor. A sample of the course content for end user training on the Planning Module is provided on the following pages. The course is completely structured around the real world planning activities that have been configured in the eLMS™ during the tier 2 implementation iteration. Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 42 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 43 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 44 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 5.2.5 Implementation Timeline Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 45 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 5.2.6 Change Management Change management is addressed in section 5.2.2 Implementation Methodology, above. It is critical to note that change management is inherently controlled and managed through the iteration approach to implementation. 5.2.7 Acceptance Testing Methodology System Configuration & Reporting It is critical to note that acceptance testing is continuously embedded into the implementation process. At each task in both the tier 1 and tier 2 implementation iterations, the City’s implementation team is required to accept and/or approve the action times and to take ownership of the system at that stage. Since subsequent tasks cannot proceed without correct and completed subordinate tasks – both Edgesoft and the City are largely insulated from the risks so common to “all at one time” implementation methods; where the vendor and customer have invested enormous time and expense in vast amounts of system configuration without any incremental validation along the way. Data Migration Acceptance Testing Edgesoft uses data migration routines to populate t he application database with flat files provided by the City. Edgesoft will provide the City with excel files containing the columns and formats of the necessary data. Edgesoft can receive the data in excel, csv, ascii, and other common flat file formats . This process contains the following steps: 1. Validate format of import data 2. Import data 3. Validate data in the eLMS™ system The City shall include a set of validation records in the data set(s) to be migrated. These records will be accessed from the eLMS™ system after being loaded. Edgesoft will request signoff from the Edgesoft Administrator that the validation records were correctly loaded, are accessible, and are correctly displayed. This shall constitute that all records have been successfully migrated. Any errors or inconsistencies in the import data will be propagated into the eLMS™ system. Edgesoft is not responsible for the cleanliness of the pre/post loaded data. Edgesoft will load all violation, permit, code, fee and other information into the system as part of this scope of work if the data can be provided in the appropriate format . Edgesoft does not include any building codes with the application. Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 46 Section 6 – Other Requirements 6.1 Maintenance, Upgrades and Support Services Appendix C contains the Edgesoft Software Maintenance and Technical Support Policy. The policy contains a complete description of support methods, escalation processes, and options for afterhours and/or enhanced support. All customers current on their annual software maintenance plan are entitled to support, mid-year service packs, and full version upgrades as made available. 6.2 User Groups and/or User Conferences Edgesoft is currently developing its first formal user group meeting, scheduled for the spring of 2014. Because the company enjoys a strong customer base in Southern California, we anticipate a strong turnout. While the total number of Edgesoft clients is small, the diversity of our clients rivals that of any leading software company. Due to the intimate and long lasting relationships we have established with our customers, we expect to have a user group meeting that is rich with both client presentations and discussion as well as exciting software developments in the pipeline. 6.3 Ongoing Training Resources Edgesoft is available to provide onsite or remote training to its customers at any time. Training can be focused on new users, re-training long time users, rolling out new workflows or modules, and much more. Training can be conducted at customer facilities or at an Edgesoft training facility. 6.4 Administrative Documentation The eLMS™ system contains complete administrative documentation. As sample is contained in Appendix D. 6.5 Recommended Hardware Configuration See Appendix E for the recommended hardware configuration. Edgesoft accepts the City’s technical standards. 6.6 New System Client The eLMS™ system runs in Internet Explorer on any PC computer or tablet device. If the City virtualizes the system, it can be run on any tablet device with the appropriate receiver. 6.7 Requirement for Test Environment Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 47 A second instance of the eLMS™ system will be installed on a physical or virtual server for test environment purposes. It is recommended that a copy of the production database be used to seed the test environment. 6.8 Frequency of Updates & Releases Over the past 24 months Edgesoft has made quarterly service pack releases and has made one full version release. The company makes full version releases every 12 to 24 months. Service packs and full version releases can be applied by either the City’s Edgesoft Administrator or by Edgesoft at no charge as part of the annual maintenance fee. Full version releases and service packs are designed to be applied over the current installation. There are no additional fees, professional services, or data migration requirements. 6.9 Laserfiche The eLMS™ system is fully compatible with Laserfiche. Our staff have experience with the Laserfiche API and SDK for integrating Laserfiche with the eLMS™ system. There will be no requirement for the City of move away from its investment in Laserfiche. 6.10 Philosophy & Approach to Research and Development Edgesoft reinvests substantially in R&D. As an award winning software vendor, we know firsthand the benefits to both the company and its customers to be current…..as well as ahead of the technology curve. To this end, the company has already released its first iPad native apps for mobile inspections and code enforcement (rated 10 out of 10 by Apple Public Sector), we are completely revising our reporting features, and we have created a seamless integration with a leading GIS centric, web based asset management company to extend our public works offerings into work orders and work management as well as condition and risk based capital improvement planning and project prioritization. Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 48 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Section 7 – Price Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 49 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 50 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 51 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 52 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 53 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 54 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 55 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Section 8 – Additional Information 8.1 Provide an example of the user and administrative manuals See Appendix C 8.2 Provide an example of a training manual See Appendix D 8.3 Provide your standard software license and maintenance agreements See Appendix E 56 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Appendix A – City of La Quinta Professional Services Agreement Edgesoft takes no exceptions to the City’s professional services agreement. 57 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Appendix B – Functional Requirements / Response to Section 3 of RFP 58 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 59 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 60 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 61 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 62 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 63 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 64 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 65 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 66 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 67 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 68 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 69 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Appendix C – Sample Administrative Manual SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION MANUAL Enterprise Land Management System (eLMS™) Table of Contents Introduction ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Enterprise Land Management System Overview ............ Error! Bookmark not defined. eLMS™ Admin Module .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. eLMS™ Building Module ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. eLMS™ Planning Module ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. eLMS™ Code Enforcement Module ............................... Error! Bookmark not defined. eLMS™ Business License Module ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. eLMS™ Citizen Complaint Module ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Logging In and Security ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. eLMS™ Login page ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. User Maintenance .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Fees Maintenance ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Fees Lookup .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Fees Schedule ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Fee Initialization ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Conditions Library Maintenance ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Land, Structure, Occupancy (LSO) Maintenance ............... Error! Bookmark not defined. Project, Sub-Project, Activity (PSA) Maintenance .............. Error! Bookmark not defined. Move Project .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Project Maintenance ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Sub Project Name .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Sub Project Type ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Sub Project Sub Type .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Activity Type ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Activity Type Mapping .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Year-End Maintenance ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Reload Application ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Web Application Deployment ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. CRON jobs ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. LDAP Import ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Lookup Data Import............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Digital Library Management ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Smart Name ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Digital Library Exception Log .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Access to the document imaging system ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Synchronization Utility ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Overview ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Import Assessor Data ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 70 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Appendix D – Sample Training Manual Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 71 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 72 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 73 Proposal Response Permitting System & Implementation Services City of La Quinta, CA No. 062813-0 Appendix E – Software License and Maintenance Agreements The remainder of this page intentionally left blank. 74 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom ENTERPRISE LAND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (eLMS™) Software License Agreement Submitted to: [City Shield] Name Title City of _________ Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Month day, 2013 Table of Contents 1. GRANT OF LICENSE .................................................................................... 76 2. LICENSE FEE ................................................................................................ 77 Created by: Edgesoft Inc. 6133 Bristol Parkway © Copyright 2007 Suite 220 Confidential Culver City, CA 90230 Software License Agreement Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 75 3. LICENSE PERIOD ......................................................................................... 77 4. CONDITIONS OF LICENSE .......................................................................... 77 5. CITY OBLIGATIONS ..................................................................................... 77 6. RESTRICTIONS ............................................................................................. 78 7. TRADEMARKS, TRADE SECRETS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. ... 78 8. REQUESTS FOR CHANGES TO THE SOFTWARE ..................................... 79 9. REVERSE ENGINEERING ............................................................................ 80 10. SECURITY ..................................................................................................... 80 11. OWNERSHIP ................................................................................................. 80 12. RISK ............................................................................................................... 80 13. ESCROW OF SOURCE CODE ...................................................................... 80 14. WARRANTIES & DISCLAIMERS .................................................................. 81 15. USE OF THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE ........................................................... 83 16. TERMINATION .............................................................................................. 83 17. ASSIGNMENT BY EDGESOFT ..................................................................... 84 18. ENTIRE AGREEMENT .................................................................................. 84 19. NOTICES ....................................................................................................... 84 20. CORRESPONDENCE .................................................................................... 85 21. LAW ............................................................................................................... 85 22. WAIVER ......................................................................................................... 85 23. SEVERABILITY ............................................................................................. 85 24. ATTORNEY FEES ......................................................................................... 85 25. INTERPRETATION ........................................................................................ 85 26. DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................. 86 Software License Agreement Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 76 Software License Agreement Between Edgesoft, Inc. (“Edgesoft”) And City of _______ (“City”) This Software License Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into by the City of ______ (“City”) located at [City address / facilities] and Edgesoft, Inc. (“Edgesoft”) located at 6133 Bristol Parkway, Suite 220, Culver City, CA 90230, on the following terms and conditions and as of the date executed by both Parties: Edgesoft owns the rights and possesses the intellectual property to certain computer Software products and related services from which Edgesoft derives substantial independent economic value; and Edgesoft desires to supply City with Software licensing and related services under the terms and conditions set forth, and; City desires to obtain licensing for the use of the defined computer Software products and access to related services covered under the Edgesoft-owned copyrights, trademarks, trade names, patents and intellectual property rights; Therefore, in consideration of mutual promises set forth, the parties agree as follows: 1. GRANT OF LICENSE 1.1. Edgesoft grants to City the non-exclusive and non-transferable right to install and use the eLMS™ Edition Version 2.0 software and other associated written materials and documentation (referred to separately and collectively as “the Software”) for the duration of the License Period, subject to the terms and conditions set out below. 1.2. City recognizes that Edgesoft is and shall continue to be the owner of the Software and that the Software is not rented, loaned, or sold to City. All rights not specifically granted in this Agreement are reserved to Edgesoft. 1.3. The license granted under this Agreement authorizes City to use the Software subject to the terms and restrictions set forth in this Agreement. Neither this license Agreement, the license provided for herein, nor the Software may be assigned, sublicensed, or otherwise transferred to any person or entity by City. 1.4. Specific to City of ______ City is purchasing the unlimited, enterprise site license for its use only. City can install the site license on any of its machines with an eLMS™-certified platform. Software License Agreement Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 77 2. LICENSE FEE 2.1. The License Fees have been set forth as per the proposal. Please note that the annual maintenance fees will be based on the original value of the License Fee. 3. LICENSE PERIOD 3.1. The license granted by this Agreement is for perpetuity, unless violated by the licensee or otherwise cancelled by City. This Agreement shall automatically terminate without notice if City fails to comply with any material provision of this Agreement. City shall return to Edgesoft all of the Software, updates, and any whole or partial copies, codes, modifications, and merged portions in any form excepting data upon termination or cancellation of this Agreement. The parties hereby agree that all provisions which operate to protect the rights of Edgesoft shall remain in force should a breach occur, and shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 4. CONDITIONS OF LICENSE 4.1. Software may only be installed on computer equipment under the effective control of City. 4.2. The License is non-exclusive to City. 4.3. The License does not include a License to use the source code except as provided in terms of Escrow of Source Code. 5. CITY OBLIGATIONS 5.1. City acknowledges that it is responsible for maintaining the data. 5.2. City must provide the System and Environment as specified and as reasonably requested by Edgesoft with the City’s concurrence. Without limiting the generality of this clause, City must prepare the Location in accordance with the System and Environment or under Edgesoft’s direction for enabling delivery and installation of the Software on or before the Installation Date. 5.3. City is responsible for any direct costs (consequential damages are specifically excluded) incurred by Edgesoft arising from the failure of City to properly comply with its obligations under this clause. Software License Agreement Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 78 6. RESTRICTIONS 6.1. City shall not modify, copy, duplicate, reproduce, license or sub-license the Software, transfer or convey the Software, or any right in the Software to anyone else without the prior written consent from Edgesoft; provided the City may make one copy of the Software for backup or archival purposes. 6.2. City must notify Edgesoft immediately on becoming aware of any unauthorized use or copying of the whole or part of the Software. 6.3. Derivative Works and Trade Secrets. City shall not create or allow any other person or entities to create any derivative work or product based on or derived from the Software, data model or documentation or modify any Software, data model, or documentation without the prior written consent of Edgesoft. In the event of a breach of this provision (and without limiting Edgesoft’s remedies) said modification, derivative work or product based on the Software or documentation is hereby deemed assigned to Edgesoft. City acknowledges that the Software and related output (including procedures, printed output, screen displays, formats, menus, graphics, audio output, etc.) are trade secrets of, and proprietary to, Edgesoft. City agrees not to: (i) use any of the Software and related output except in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, (ii) disclose any of the Software and related output to any other person, or (iii) allow any other person to inspect, use or copy any of the Software and related output. This section shall also protect and be applicable to these trade secrets even if they are modified or changed by City. 7. TRADEMARKS, TRADE SE CRETS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. 7.1. City acknowledges and recognizes that the Software, including but not limited to Object and Source Codes, Source Materials and all associated intellectual property rights are the property of Edgesoft and that Edgesoft holds the copyright interests therein, the Programs and Documentation being treated as unpublished works. City also recognizes and acknowledges the trademarks, trade names, copyrights, patents, intellectual property and trade secrets of any proprietary software utilized within or in connection with the Software (e.g. Oracle). City and its employees agree to cooperate in good faith to secure and preserve Edgesoft’s right and title to the trademarks, trade names, copyrights, patents, intellectual property and trade secrets. City and its employees understand: (1) that Edgesoft’s trademarks, trade names, copyrights, patents, trade secrets and intellectual property have independent economic value; (2) that the independent economic value derives from the fact that Edgesoft’s information is not generally known to the public nor known to Edgesoft’s competitors or others in the public works Software field; (3) that this Agreement to maintain Edgesoft information secrecy is reasonable; and (4) that they owe a duty to Edgesoft to maintain and protect secrecy. Software License Agreement Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 79 7.2. City and its employees expressly agree to retain in confidence all information, formula, compilations, programs, methods, techniques, processes, ideas and concepts imparted by Edgesoft regarding the trade secrets of eLMS™, including but not limited to eLMS™ data element dictionary, data definition language, data model, technical and instructional manuals, documentation, descriptions, computer screens, reports, table codes, forms, schema, flow diagrams, instructions and any other information provided by Edgesoft to City. 7.3. City agrees to limit its use of any knowledge obtained from Edgesoft to those activities covered under the terms of this Agreement. Specifically, City and its employees are explicitly prohibited from the design, development, or reverse engineering of any product. City also is explicitly prohibited from modifying, changing, customizing, improving, or enhancing eLMS™ products. Furthermore, City understands that any individual characteristic or component supplied by Edgesoft, each of which, by itself, may be in the public domain, but is contained in the unified eLMS™ process, design and operation of its products, represents a unique combination, affords a competitive advantage and is a protectable secret. 7.4. eLMS™ products are copyrighted by Edgesoft. Except as provided for herein, City agrees not to remove any copyright notices or confidential or proprietary legends from the Software, incorporated products or Software tools without Edgesoft’s prior written consent. Except as provided for herein, neither Edgesoft nor City shall use the other’s trademarks or trade names on products or other materials without the prior written consent of the other. 7.5. City shall require that the eLMS™ Software and associated materials be maintained in a manner so as to reasonably preclude unauthorized persons from having access thereto. City shall use reasonable efforts to assist Edgesoft in identifying any unauthorized use, copying, or disclosure of any portion of the eLMS™ Software by any present or former staff member, upon being provided reasonable evidence that such unauthorized disclosure, use, or copying may have occurred. 8. REQUESTS FOR CHANGES TO THE SOFTWARE 8.1. City must submit to Edgesoft written requests of proposed modifications or enhancements when seeking Edgesoft’s consent. 8.2. Unless otherwise directed by Edgesoft, the modifications must be made in accordance with the written request submitted by City to Edgesoft, subject to any conditions or amendments imposed by Edgesoft to the modifications. 8.3. City indemnifies and holds Edgesoft harmless against any liability incurred should any modifications made by City (whether authorized or not) infringe upon the intellectual property rights of a third person. Software License Agreement Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 80 9. REVERSE ENGINEERING 9.1. City may not reverse assemble or reverse compile the Software, or any part of the Software, without the express written consent of Edgesoft. 10. SECURITY 10.1. City is responsible for protecting the Software at all times from damage or unauthorized access or use. 11. OWNERSHIP 11.1. Edgesoft retains ownership of the Software, whether in its original form or as modified by City or Edgesoft, for the duration of this Agreement. 12. RISK 12.1. Risk of loss or of damage to the Software and Media passes to City upon delivery and acceptance of the Software to the Location. 13. ESCROW OF SOURCE CODE 13.1. The parties will enter into an agreement with an escrow company in the event that City wishes to have the source code placed in escrow. 13.2. The fees in respect to the escrow of the source code are to be paid by City to the escrow company. 13.3 Notwithstanding the foregoing and providing City is not in breach of this Agreement, (a) in the event that Edgesoft or its successor in interest becomes insolvent or discontinues providing support or maintenance for the Software, Edgesoft or its successor agrees to provide City with the source code; and (b) in the event that Edgesoft or its successor in interest merges, is bought or sold, traded, transferred or changes ownership, the successor in interest resulting from such transaction shall upon City’s request (which shall be made within ninety (90) days from the date that City shall have received notice of such transaction) provide City with an express undertaking in writing that it shall continue to be bound by this Agreement and shall provide support and maintenance services to Software License Agreement Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 81 City in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Agreement. If such successor in interest fails to provide such express undertaking, it shall be obligated to provide City with the source code. 14. WARRANTIES & DISCLAIMERS 14.1. Edgesoft warrants that the Software will perform substantially in accordance with the Specifications and Custom Specifications for a period specified in the proposal. 14.2. If during the warranty period, City notifies Edgesoft in writing that the Software is not performing substantially in accordance with the Specifications and Custom Specifications, giving reasons for so claiming, Edgesoft will examine the Software within seven working days of receiving notice and, as soon as practicable, not to exceed 15 days, repair or replace the Software such that it complies with the Specifications and Custom Specifications. 14.3. The warranty contained in clause Section 14.1: a) is not a guarantee that the results obtained from the Software will be in accordance with City’s expectations; and b) does not operate where the substantial non-performance arises in any respect from either the installation of the Software by unauthorized personnel or the use of unauthorized equipment, materials or third party software. For purposes of this clause Section 14.3(b), “unauthorized” means not provided by, approved by or accepted by Edgesoft 14.4. City’s sole and exclusive remedy for breach of the above warranty in clause Section 14.1 is either Edgesoft supplying, replacing or repairing the goods, supplying again the services or refunding the fees paid by City for such goods and or services. Edgesoft will provide the remedy promptly upon notification to Edgesoft of the breach of the warranty. 14.5. Edgesoft makes no express warranties under this Agreement except under clause Section 14. 14.6. City acknowledges that the Software cannot be guaranteed Error-free and further acknowledges that the existence of any such Errors will not constitute a breach of this License, so long as the Software performs substantially in accordance with the Specifications and Custom Specifications. 14.7. Edgesoft excludes from this Agreement: Software License Agreement Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 82 a. all conditions, warranties and terms implied by statute, general law, international convention or custom, except any implied condition or warranty, by which the exclusion of, would contravene any statute or would cause this clause to be void (‘Non-excludable Condition’); b. all liability to City in contract for consequential or indirect damages arising out of or in connection with this Agreement even if i. Edgesoft knew they were possible ii. they were otherwise foreseeable, including without limitation, lost profits and damage suffered as a result of claims by any third person, such as a customer of City 14.8. Edgesoft’s liability to City for breach of: a) The warranty given under clause Section 14.1 is subject to the provisions of clause Section 14.3. b) any express provision of this Agreement is limited to the amount paid for the goods or services; and c) Any Non-excludable Condition is limited, at Edgesoft’s option, to any one supplying, replacing or repairing the goods or supplying again the services, in respect of which the breach occurred, except for claims under clause Section 14.1. 14.9. On request by City, Edgesoft will refund any amount paid by Customer for the goods or services in respect of which the breach occurred, rather than the remedy referred to in clause Section 14.8 (c). 14.10. Except as provided for in this License, Edgesoft makes no representation of any kind, express or implied, with respect to the services provided or any work product delivered, including their quality performance, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 14.11. Edgesoft makes no warranty for the performance of third party software or hardware. Software License Agreement Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 83 15. USE OF THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE 15.1. City is solely responsible for the maintenance of and observance of the terms of any license in relation to all third party software and all physical infrastructures maintained by City. 16. TERMINATION 16.1. Each party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and the license granted herein upon the occurrence of one or more of the following events (“DefauIt”): a. The other violates any provision of this Agreement; b. The other party terminates or suspends its business; c. The other party becomes subject to any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding under federal or state statute; d. The other party becomes insolvent or subject to direct control by a trustee, receiver or similar authority; e. Any event described in this Agreement as a terminating event; or f. The purchase of the Software by City pursuant to an agreement between the parties. 16.2. Upon the occurrence of an event of Default specified in clauses Section 16.1(a) - (f) the non-defaulting party shall deliver to the defaulting party a Notice of intent to Terminate identifying in detail the event of Default. If the event of Default remains uncured for thirty (30) days, the non-defaulting party may terminate this Agreement and the License granted herein by delivering to the defaulting party a Notice of Termination identifying the effective Date of Termination, which shall not be less than thirty (30) days after the date of delivery of the Notice of Intent to Terminate. 16.3. Except in the event of Default as set forth in clause Section 16.1(c), if City defaults, City must immediately return to Edgesoft the Software and all copies of the Software (whether or not authorized). Alternatively, if Edgesoft requests, City must destroy such Software and all copies of the Software (whether or not Software License Agreement Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 84 authorized) by erasing them from the Media and must certify in writing to Edgesoft that they have been destroyed. 16.4. Any termination of this Agreement does not affect any accrued rights or liabilities of either party, nor does it affect any provision of this Agreement that is, expressly or by implication, intended to continue in force after such termination. 17. ASSIGNMENT BY EDGESOFT 17.1. Edgesoft may, with the written consent of City, assign, sub-contract or sub-let the whole or any part of this Agreement. 18. ENTIRE AGREEMENT 18.1. This Agreement consists of the eLMS™ License and the Proposal submitted by Edgesoft, all of which are incorporated herein by reference, and together referred to as the Entire Agreement. In the event of any inconsistencies, the provisions of this Agreement govern over all other documents, including the provisions of the Proposal submitted by Edgesoft. This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements, arrangements and undertakings between the parties and constitutes the Entire Agreement between the parties relating to City’s License to use the Software and receive maintenance based on that License. No addition to or modification of any provision of this Agreement is binding upon the parties unless made by written instrument signed by a duly authorized representative of each party. 19. NOTICES 19.1. All notices which are required to be given under this Agreement must be in writing and sent to the address of the recipient as below, or such other address as the recipient may designate by notice given in accordance with this clause. a) Edgesoft, Inc. 6133 Bristol Parkway, Suite 220 Culver City, CA 90230 City of _______ Address Line 1 Address Line 2 19.2. Any notice may be delivered by hand, post-marked-paid letter or facsimile. 19.3. Any such notice is deemed to have been served: a) When hand delivered, or b) Three (3) Business Days after posting (if by post-marked-paid letter); or Software License Agreement Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 85 c) On transmission of facsimile by the sender. 20. CORRESPONDENCE 20.1. Day to day business correspondence may be sent via electronic mail in addition to the methods set forth in clause Section 19.3. 21. LAW 21.1. This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws currently in force in the State of California and in the United States, and the parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of California and the United States. 22. WAIVER 22.1. No forbearance, delay or indulgence by a party in enforcing the provisions of this Agreement prejudices or restricts the rights of that party, nor does any waiver of those rights operate as a waiver of any subsequent breach. 23. SEVERABILITY 23.1. Should any part of this Agreement be or become invalid, that part is severed from this Agreement. Such invalidity does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. 24. ATTORNEY FEES 24.1. In the event that either party commences any legal action or proceeding to enforce or interpret the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs including reasonable attorney’s fees. 25. INTERPRETATION 25.1. Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa and words importing one gender include all other genders. Headings are for ease of reference only and do not affect the interpretation of this Agreement. Software License Agreement Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 86 26. DEFINITIONS ‘Agreement’ means this Agreement, together with all appendices, exhibits, schedules, attachments, and addenda as the same may be amended, modified or supplemented. ‘Custom Specifications’ means use of the eLMS™ Software by inputting of City data without altering any Source Code of the off-the-rack Software as specified in the separate Service Agreement. ‘Error’ means any non-material problems or inconsistencies within the program that are unanticipated and/or unexpected but which do not affect the overall functionality of the program such that the Software functions according to the Specifications and/or Custom Specifications. ‘Installation Date’ shall be the day Edgesoft installs the Software on City equipment. ‘License’ means the License to use the Software granted pursuant to this Agreement. ‘License Period’ means the period so specified. ‘Location’ means the place at which the Software is to be delivered and installed. ‘Media’ means the media on which the Software is recorded or printed, including media in which copies of the Software are contained, whether or not authorized. ‘Software’ means the computer programs, in object or executable form, which Edgesoft offers for license to its customers, and related user documentation. Products covered by this Agreement include Edgesoft’s product offering of a Web Services-based Enterprise Land Management System (eLMS™) Edition Version 2.0, but not limited to, the software described in Exhibits A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, and other associated products and related services as may be included in this Agreement or as part of any future addenda. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term “products” includes any improvements, enhancements, changes, alterations, modifications, or amendments to the products provided by Edgesoft. ‘Source Code’ means a collection of statements making up a Software program, whether in written form or in magnetic or other machine-readable form, and characterized by the fact that it is intelligible in written form. ‘Source Materials’ means a computer program’s source code; printed copies (listings) of the source code; all related written materials, comments, and Software License Agreement Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 87 documentation; database schemas, and any and all other materials used by Edgesoft in the development, maintenance and support of the products. ‘Specifications’ means the specifications as denoted in any and all documentation and deliverables, due to the City from Edgesoft in connection with their respective duties and obligations herein. These specifications include, but are not limited to, the successful functioning of the Software with respect to providing a functional web application system that allows the City to use eLMS™ for many different business processes with a single portal. ‘System and Environment’ means the software, computer system and environment. ‘Third Party Software’ means Software used on the system that is not owned or licensed for use by Edgesoft. Software License Agreement Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom 88 Executed for and on behalf of EDGESOFT, INC by authority of the directors in the presence of: _____________________ Signature of Authorized Representative Shan Sundar Date President EDGESOFT, INC. CITY OF ________ ATTEST: _____________________________ (SEAL) City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ________________________ ___________________________ City Attorney 89 Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInccom This page intentionally left blank. Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 90 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT PLAN ADDENDUM TO CUSTOMER LICENSE AGREEMENT OR SAAS AGREEMENT Software maintenance and technical support are provided to customers current on their software maintenance and technical support plan fees and/or SaaS subscription fees. The software maintenance and technical support plan is composed of two separate parts: 1. Software Maintenance: Edgesoft provides unlimited software maintenance to all Edgesoft CUSTOMERS. Software maintenance includes reporting software defects and a defined response and escalation process. Software maintenance also entitles CUSTOMER to product upgrades and full version releases as made available. Software maintenance is available from 8:00am to 5:00pm Pacific Time, on all weekdays other than Federal holidays. Increased or time zone specific hours for Software maintenance and/or specialized response times to CUSTOMER incidents can be provided on an individualized basis as an addendum to this standard policy. Software maintenance is described in detail in Section 1: Software Maintenance. 2. Technical Support: Edgesoft provides scalable technical support. Technical support is defined as CUSTOMER calls and/or requests that are not directly related to deficiencies in the software. Examples include (but are not limited to) questions of a training nature, questions related to CUSTOMER business processes, software configuration, improvement suggestions, and questions related to changes in the customers’ IT environment. Technical Support is offered in 2 tiers, which are described in Section 2: Technical Support. Section 1 – Software Maintenance 1. Software maintenance representatives are available from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Pacific Time, on all weekdays other than Federal holidays. Software maintenance includes answering questions from CUSTOMER over the telephone or e-mail regarding defects in the software and the commercially reasonable effort to have the SOFTWARE functioning properly in accordance with the documented product features and specifications . 2. Extended telephone and email hours for software maintenance, or specialized response times, can be provided through a software maintenance addendum to this policy. 3. CUSTOMERS that work directly with EDGESOFT for implementation and training: Software maintenance issues must be initiated either through calling the support line (310) 215-1022 or Support Email: support@Edgesoft.com. EDGESOFT recommends the use of email as it serves as a written record of the event. 4. CUSTOMERS that work with an EDGESOFT Certified Partner for implementation and training: Software maintenance issues shall be directed to CUSTOMER’s Certified Partner. EDGESOFT will Technical Support Policy Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 91 5. receive and respond to software maintenance calls from CUSTOMER, but will refer follow -up resolution to the EDGESOFT Certified Partner responsible for CUSTOMER. 6. CUSTOMER shall designate one individual to serve as the primary software maintenance contact. Other arrangements will be addressed on a case by case basis and must be agreed to in writing by CUSTOMER and EDGESOFT or the EDGESOFT Certified Partner. 7. The initial contact whether invoked by email or telephone for a particular issue defines the beginning of a software maintenance incident. 8. When CUSTOMER uses email to initiate a software maintenance incident, CUSTOMER will include in the message their name, their organization, a thorough description of the steps that preceded the problem, and a call back number. Screen shots and complete descriptions of the problem, activities leading to the problem and any related detail are most helpful. 9. Software maintenance incidents are defined as problems related to defects in the software. a. If the incident involves a defect in the SOFTWARE, EDGESOFT will provide the commercially reasonable effort to fix the defect(s) at no charge. i. A defect is defined as an issue with the software during the normal course of operation where the software does not function as documented due to an error in the software code. ii. A defect is often, but not always, accompanied by an error message. b. If the incident does not involve a defect in the SOFTWARE, it becomes a TECHNICAL SUPPORT incident (See Section 2 – Technical Support). 10. Software maintenance does not include support for ANY OTHER software used by CUSTOMER. 11. EDGESOFT handles software maintenance incidents in the following manner: Each incident logged will be given a priority of 0 to 4. EDGESOFT will first attempt to resolve the incident with CUSTOMER upon initial response. If the incident cannot be resolved during initial response then EDGESOFT will respond based on the priority of the incident as defined in the following sections: Priority 0: Critical - Edgesoft will start working on the issue within 4 business hours of initial response and continue to work on the issue during normal business hours until the issue is resolved. Examples of Critical Issues:  No user at the Customer site can log on to Edgesoft.  No user at the Customer’s site can issue fees.  No user at the Customer’s site can perform an inspection. Priority 1: Severe - Edgesoft will start working on the incident within one business day of initial response and continue to work during normal business hours until the issue is resolved if any of the following occurs:  Edgesoft generates information that is obviously and substantially incorrect. Technical Support Policy Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 92  A feature produces an error messages that causes an application feature to stop functioning or not produce results. Priority 2: Important - If the incident cannot be resolved through the initial response process then Edgesoft will start working on the incident within 5 business days and resolve the incident within 30 days thereafter if any of the following occurs:  An incident reported by CUSTOMER that can be resolved by providing help on using a specific feature  Issues that cause an error message but do not cause the application to stop functioning or do not create results that are substantially incorrect  Issues acknowledged by Edgesoft as a defect that can be avoided without loss of functionality through a work around process Priority 3: Low Priority - If the incident cannot be resolved through the initial response process then Edgesoft will document the incident but not be obligated to respond within any specific time frame for the following types of issues:  Issues or questions that are not directly related to the functionality of the product  Non-contractual application enhancement request (the”Wish list”). Priority 4: Incident is not directly related to Edgesoft software - If an incident is determined to be related to hardware, browser, or operating system malfunction Edgesoft will notify Customer that the issue must be resolved by the Customer. These cases are usually substantiated if the issue occurs on only one user computer and cannot be replicated on another user computer or at Edgesoft’ test environment. Such incidents are the specific domain of Technical Support (See Section 2 – Technical Support). Direct Server Access: In order for EDGEDOFT or an EDGESOFT Certified Partner to provide adequate software maintenance, CUSTOMER agrees to provide the means to remotely control and transfer files with CUSTOMER server and the database server through the Internet. This requirement allows EDGESOFT or an EDGESOFT Certified Partner to directly access the SOFTWARE and all network facilities associated with the SOFTWARE at the CUSTOMER site for the purpose of investigating issues reported by the CUSTOMER. CUSTOMER understands and agrees that if remote access to CUSTOMER servers is not provided then the all response times documented above will not apply. Technical Support Policy Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 93 Section 2 – Technical Support Technical Support: Technical support is defined as CUSTOMER calls and/or requests that are not directly related to deficiencies in the software. Examples include (but are not limited to) questions of a training nature, questions related to CUSTOMER business processes, software configuration, improvement suggestions, and questions related to changes in the customers’ IT environment. EDGESOFT and EDGESOFT Certified Partners provide scalable technical support on a tiered basis. Tier 1 Standard Support: Tier 1 support is included in the annual software maintenance and technical support plan. Technical support will be provided for up to 30 minutes per incident at no charge if the incident is determined to be anything other than a defect in the SOFTWARE. After 30 minutes of technical support has been provided, at the sole discretion of EDGESOFT or the EDGESOFT Certified Partner, additional technical support may be provided at the rate of $200/hr. billable in one-half hour increments. Customers are limited to the amount of free technical support they receive based on the annual maintenance fee tied to their software license purchases. Tier 2 Enhanced Support: Edgesoft provides technical support in addition to the included Tier 1 support through its Tier 2 plan. The Tier 2 plan allows CUSTOMER to pre-purchase a defined number of technical support hours to be available during the current software maintenance and technical support billing cycle. At the end of the billing cycle, unused hours (e.g. amounts not billed to CUSTOMER’s pre-paid account) can be used as follows: 1. Rolled over to the next billing cycle, 2. Credited to the standard annual software maintenance and technical support fee, 2. Used to purchase additional SOFTWARE, 3. Used to purchase additional training and/or implementation services, 4. Used to purchase any other service offered by EDGESOFT or an EDGESOFT Certified Partner. Technical Support Procedure 1. Technical support representatives are available from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Pacific Time, on all weekdays other than Federal holidays. Technical support includes answering questions from CUSTOMER over the telephone or e-mail regarding issues not defined as a defect (see Section 1 – Software Maintenance). 2. Extended or time zone specific hours for technical support, or specialized response times, can be provided under the Tier 2 Support option. 3. CUSTOMERS that work directly with EDGESOFT for implementation and training: Technical support issues must be initiated either through calling the support line (310) 215 -1022 or Support Email: support@Edgesoft.com. EDGESOFT recommends the use of email as it serves as a written record of the event. 4. CUSTOMERS that work with an EDGESOFT Certified Partner for implementation and training: EDGESOFT will receive and respond to technical support calls from CUSTOMER, but will refer follow-up resolution to the EDGESOFT Certified Partner responsible for CUSTOMER. 5. CUSTOMER shall designate one individual to serve as the primary technical support contact. Other arrangements will be addressed on a case by case basis and must be agreed to in writing by CUSTOMER and EDGESOFT or the EDGESOFT Certified Partner. Technical Support Policy Edgesoft Inc. | 6133 Bristol Parkway | Culver City, CA 90230 | 310.215.1022 | www.EdgesoftInc.com 94 6. The initial contact whether invoked by email or telephone for a particular issue defines the beginning of a technical support incident. 7. When CUSTOMER uses email to initiate a technical support incident, CUSTOMER will include in the message their name, their organization, a thorough description of the steps that preceded the issue, and a call back number. Screen shots and complete descriptions of the issue, activities leading to the issue and any related details are most helpful. 8. Technical support incidents include (but are not limited to) operational questions, improvement suggestions, problems related to training deficiencies, problems related to changes in CUSTOMER business processes, and problems related to changes in CUSTOMER network and/or IT environment. a. If the incident involves a defect in the SOFTWARE, EDGESOFT will provide the commercially reasonable effort to fix the defect(s) at no charge per the above Section 1 – Software Maintenance. b. If the incident does not involve a defect in the SOFTWARE, it is a TECHINCAL SUPPORT incident .