CC Resolution 2020-032 DWCG-1 - Dune Palms Bridge Clarification RESOLUTION NO. 2020 – 032 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 2019-039 TO CLARIFY DESCRIPTIONS REGARDING THE DUNE PALMS BRIDGE PROJECT PROJECT: DUNE PALMS BRIDGE NO. 2011-05 / 111205 APN: 600-030-018 WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta is attempting to acquire portions of property located at 46400 Dune Palms Road for the purposes of making public roadway improvements pursuant to the circulation element of the General Plan of the City of La Quinta; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 2019, after no less than fifteen (15) days written notice to the owners of the Property referenced above, and more specifically described in the legal descriptions and plat maps attached hereto as Exhibits 1-6, which legal descriptions and plat maps are incorporated herein by reference (“Property”), the City Council of the City of La Quinta held a hearing for the purposes of allowing the record owners and occupants of such property reasonable opportunity to appear and be heard regarding the City's identification of the “Project” as the Dune Palms Bridge Project (“Project”), and on the following matters: A. Whether the public interest and necessity require the project; B. Whether the Project is planned or located in a manner which is most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; C. Whether the Property proposed to be acquired is necessary for the Project; D. Whether the offer required by Government Code § 7267.2 had been given to the owners of record; and E. Whether the City had properly exercised all of its statutory responsibilities and duties antecedent to the exercise of eminent domain against the Property including environmental review under NEPA and CEQA; and WHEREAS, the City Council, as a result of such hearing, determined that the public health, safety and welfare required that the City acquire the Resolution No. 2020-032 Dune Palms Bridge Project – Amendment to Resolution of Necessity No. 2019-039; APN: 600-030-018 Adopted: September 15, 2020 Page 2 of 6 Property more particularly described herein for the purposes of the Project; and passed its Resolution No. 2019-039. Thereafter, the City filed an action in the Riverside County Superior Court entitled City of La Quinta v. DWCG1, LLC, et al. RCSC Case No. PSC 1909315 (“Action”); and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to amend Resolution No. 2019-039, not to alter any portion of or property interests legally described therein, but to clarify statements made in Resolution No. 2019-039 relating to the relationship of the Project as described therein to the ultimate right of way for Dune Palms Road, and to specify the roadway widths of the Project as it abuts Assessor Parcel No. 600-030-018 from which those acquisitions are proposed; and to clarify the scope of the permanent roadway easement acquired; and WHEREAS, on September 15, 2020, after no less than fifteen (15) days written notice to the owners of the Property referenced above, and more specifically described in the legal descriptions and plat maps attached hereto as Exhibits 1-6, which legal descriptions and plat maps are incorporated herein by reference (“Property”), the City Council of the City of La Quinta held a hearing for the purposes of allowing the record owners and occupants of such property reasonable opportunity to appear and be heard regarding amendments to Resolution No. 2019-039, clarifying descriptions of the Project as it varies in different locations, and clarifying that the Project is not intended, and does not, preclude reserved pedestrian and vehicular access of the adjacent property to Dune Palms Road; and WHEREAS, the Project for which the Property to be acquired is sought has previously been reviewed under applicable environmental review procedures, including the Mitigated Negative Declaration (“MND”), EA 2017- 0013, approved on February 14, 2018, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) and a National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”) Categorical Exclusion, approved by the Federal Highway Administration (“FHWA”) on January 17, 2018; and WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta is authorized to acquire the Property under authority of its own charter, and Government Code §§ 37350.5 and 40404. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, that the City Council does hereby amend Resolution No. 2019-039, as follows: SECTION 1. SECTION 1 of Resolution No. 2019-039 is hereby amended to read as follows: Resolution No. 2020-032 Dune Palms Bridge Project – Amendment to Resolution of Necessity No. 2019-039; APN: 600-030-018 Adopted: September 15, 2020 Page 3 of 6 The project for which the property is being acquired is the Dune Palms Bridge Project, a project to replace the existing low water crossing with an all-weather access bridge on Dune Palms Road at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel (“channel”). The Project will improve Dune Palms Road to accommodate four through lanes, a bike lane and sidewalk south of the channel, and to its General Plan designated roadway and ultimate right of way width north of the channel. North of the channel, the final configuration of the roadway will consist of 72 feet curb-to-curb of street, with two 11-foot travel lanes in both directions, a 12-foot wide raised median, an 8-foot bicycle/golf cart lane along each side of the road (adjacent to the curb), and a 6-foot sidewalk to allow for two lanes of travel along Dune Palms Road in either direction and provide other streetscape improvements. South of the channel, and adjacent to Assessor Parcel no. 600-030-018, the roadway configuration will consist of a 67 feet to 72 feet curb to curb street section, with two 11-foot travel lanes in both directions, a 12-foot wide median, a northbound bicycle/golf cart lane (adjacent to the curb), and a 5-foot sidewalk. SECTION 2. SECTION 2, Subsection (1) of Resolution No. 2019-039 is hereby amended to read as follows: (1) a permanent roadway and public utilities easement over approximately 9,926 square feet, as more specifically described in Exhibit 1 hereto, and depicted in Exhibit 2 hereto, as follows: A perpetual exclusive easement for public right-of-way, street, drainage, pedestrian and utility purposes, including all use of the permanent roadway and public utilities easement area for purposes incident to public right-of-way use, including but not limited to the construction, maintenance, and operation of a roadway, or other transportation facilities, underground and above ground utilities and appurtenances, cable communication or telecommunication facilities; directional, street identification, or roadway informational signage; traffic control devices; curbs; gutters; sidewalks; drainage and sewage facilities; and transportation facilities such as bus bays, benches, bus or train stops, bicycle pathways, or facilities for railway or other public transportation vehicles or manners of conveyance. Such easement reserves to the owner of the servient tenement abutter’s rights to vehicular and pedestrian access to and from any abutting public roadway or street as may be otherwise permissible under, and consistent with, all applicable zoning or engineering standards. Resolution No. 2020-032 Dune Palms Bridge Project – Amendment to Resolution of Necessity No. 2019-039; APN: 600-030-018 Adopted: September 15, 2020 Page 4 of 6 SECTION 3. SECTION 2, Subsection (2) of Resolution No. 2019-039 is hereby amended to read as follows: (2) a non-exclusive permanent slope easement over approximately 2,848 square feet of the property, more specifically described in Exhibit 3, and depicted in Exhibit 4 hereto, as follows: The slope easement is a permanent, nonexclusive easement allowing the holder thereof to place, maintain, landscape, irrigate, grade, protect, and utilize slopes on and over the property more specifically described and depicted in Exhibit 3 and 4 hereto (“slope easement area”), for the purposes of providing and maintaining lateral and subjacent support of bridge, roadway, and related improvements to be constructed consistent with the approved construction plans for the Dune Palms Bridge Project (“Project’). The holder of the slope easement shall access the slope easement area only from adjacent public rights of way, shall limit all construction, maintenance, or grading activity to the slope easement area, and except in cases of emergency posing an immediate threat to public health and safety, shall provide not less than seventy two (72) hours’ notice to the owner of the underlying property of any entry for any construction, maintenance, or grading activity on the slope easement area. Such easement reserves to the owner the right to pedestrian or vehicular access to and from any abutting public roadway or street, as may be otherwise permissible under, and consistent with, all applicable zoning or engineering standards, and not in conflict with the slope easement improvements to be constructed by the Project. SECTION 4. SECTION 4 of Resolution No. 2019-039 is hereby amended to read as follows: The Project is located in a manner most compatible with the greatest public good and least private injury, in that the design of the roadway widening must of necessity occupy land which is immediately adjacent to the existing roadway, in order to maintain the continuity of the alignment of the road for all users. The Project is designed in a manner compatible with the greatest public good, in that the Project will involve improvements to allow, north of the channel, for two lanes of travel along Dune Palms Road in either direction, and provide other streetscape improvements, in addition to constructing a low water crossing over the channel at Dune Palms Road. In addition to enhanced RESOLUTION NO. 2020-032 EXHIBIT 1 ADOPTED: SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-032 EXHIBIT 1 ADOPTED: SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-032 EXHIBIT 2 ADOPTED: SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-032 EXHIBIT 3 ADOPTED: SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-032 EXHIBIT 3 ADOPTED: SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-032 EXHIBIT 4 ADOPTED: SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-032 EXHIBIT 5 ADOPTED: SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-032 EXHIBIT 5 ADOPTED: SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-032 EXHIBIT 6 ADOPTED: SEPTEMBER 15, 2020