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08784 (SFD) Title 24
'1' rlwE is [P i';ia= r, PiR r , West Facing La Wnintap-C& - I•�'i•�<�:J;.1F.ia„ I• IyFr.;-� J:I;ii\U-cl�: � . R<-c6C'i'io l:.:L•lriyon Lake Design - a Sawa a ve Second St. Unit A 6k B Lake Elsinorep, La. 9P22() 714-674-6974 r" • i Tate: 101811990 _ r • t II-tFi: L.'OMPL Y 24 cc?flilmuter pr•'ggr"am has k.}pr..;-f used to perform the sldiimari.amh in this c!trpJ.ictr'ice r"':d?(:ior"t.. 1his.[71'C:rr)T'.cim has Li"1'i:erim C3i:)t'1'i"n ra.i. aYM is rttl.r.J..t(_rr•'i 7Pd by 'ta•rn f...ayi.'for hi.a Energy Commission.for 't_R(•-e wi.'tl..'t the , `i' l =sYr Pld Generation \onrF.ttFr1:aBuilding K'H"g Efficiency ':=rdciKi tJC:+i t:"'=a'?rtIElLFf,"sY" :'r. `F'(i(3'rhra:ii"Residential LCri33 i(:Fh, 3lfwr to comply with th't. S, S")rf rgr am co1"11'or(ii to the results J.'ts }3rC,ifJl. ced by the I•-'ohlic 1)fa(rain I-oi.r"t ;iystF.mp (1o+✓F.aJt:+l:ed by 'tliF',{.ali.'f(:i}"'t"l:la Er'iet...(:y l._:(:if(i:rti.ssinn.. Fhi.s; :) o!_fr am developed I ✓ 7'}=lDodd ti:e-ci:iir(416) 400 a - . i H ii r! a .. .• - . ' ' . . )able UI Contents for litlO P4 Report �v -------�-'------_--__--_ -r----------- r ` ` WverPagp ...................................... 1 � [able of Contents ....... '............. ...�........... ................ 2 \ | ! Fnrm LF -1H Certificate of Cwmplia6ce: Residential ................'..' 3 � ' ` ' � Fnrm M�-1HMandatory Meakures Checklist: Residential ......,'......,. 6 ` ` ' Form P -PR Pnint-System Summary .........'.................`........... 8 ^ /Fn;m S Coefficient "SL> Worksheet. ............................ 9 Fimm U-5 Cnnstruction Assemblies .... ......................... Points Che -mal Mass Worksheet .................... �.....'. W0 . ' � Fvrm WS -PH lnt+«'pn]ation Worksheet .................................. �1 . ' . ' �omesti'� Hot Watqr.Wnrksheet ............^.....^,..'..........,.,'.... �£ . . . . HVAU Znnp & Spare Loads Somwary ,....................^.'...�..... p:,4_ ' ' ' ' ^ ' ' ' UF /0MF1-lANuI&: R I bsidential (part 1of 3) CK-1R . page 3 of A5 . - . PAPjert: Swalve �' ` _-_'________-_-__�_____-___-___-_-`_-_ '' . � . 03MPLY £4 v 3.40 /.0esigner� Rancho Canyon Lak ^ 0esign ' | 8uilding' Permit Nn / .' & � . , Lncation: ('a Quinta � � � � � � Oates 10/8/1990 1 | _________-------- _ ChTrked 8y 0nromentatinn: Amber Ener ` . | --------------------------- _____________-'--_ Uate (User # 101H) P8!� _ �JH.` � A80H�SS Job #: ` ' . ' Wpst Faring | a Auinta Cd.o ,� �'� ~"^''~= 1 . . . . / INFOHMN IQN' ' ' kamp} i anre Method-s Point System Ciima4e zone: 15 ' ` ^ lnta] Cnnditioned Floor'Area: � 1397 sqft Wilding �]rrupanry: ' ` Single Fam Olt |� Front Entry brientation: West Numh�r nf 0welling Unit�: � . ' . � 1 . F}nnr Construction Type: 1 . �B]ab ' . Infiltration Control. " ` -� Standard `~ � h\|lL DI NB SHF1 i` INSUL Al IUN' ^ ^ ` ` � Area U-Value 'Location/Comments ` 1Frame Wall' 1R1 ' 0.0918 Whole House _....H-1 H- Ronf/i�yp Cei king 138 ` 0'o35b Whole House Carpeted Slab 1397 1 ' 0.7200 Whole House / /ln4u1= R-0'0 '1���MA| MA�S ' ' 1hick ` ' Mass Material . Arpi"a --------------'----'— (in) rype, Location/0escriptinn --'— T----- Conrrete, Heayyweight 110i ---�--- ----------------------'-----'- 31500 Kxpnsed Whole House / lnt Mass (I'nrrete, Heavyweight 1P47 � ' � 3.500 Covered Whn] e House . . � /lnt Mass ' . J . x , . . | ` ` ' . .. ' . ` . - . ` e5 �+ h 1 a- nLI % Y ?� P T !C.n . ,– ; �•� ,.. •.. rte, .., t `J: 3 3 -_ — T vim... Cr+, i .• 1 n i �i I ` f -\ I :Y • s $i• bel ;li ?s �; -Cl ; + �' (1 -KI X}(A\L W COMF1-IAL»h: Residential (part 3' of 3)` UF -1H poge b of 25` swalve 1 LUMPLY 24 v 3.10 ^� . | ___________---'--_ /)esig�ver : ��ncho' Canynn |-ak�� 0esign | 8uilding Perm\ t No Location: |'a Quinta /)ate: 10/8/1990 ( Cherkv�d 8y ` | __________________ 0nnunentation: Amber Energy 0esign | 0ate (User ,# 10M) HVAC SYSYMS'Minimum output Ouct Ouct Manufacturer/Model No. System -------_--� )ype Efficiency ���������� Wtuh> Location RVal ������ �����0 ���������� (or apprnyed equalY Hxat Pump >'550 HRFT . 56000 Vent. Attic Space 5.0 lrane TWD 736A or = ' Heat Pump 9.800 BEER 16400 Vent. Attic Space ]Max. Furnare Output: 45000 Htuh + [(80% - 71%) x 70003 = 10906Y btuh Gnniing � Exr' ptinn: __�___lQqM Cooling (tee Load Calrs) requires 8tuh H(�/ WA\F.H SYw|WS Tank Manufacturer/Model No. #'nf Ebergy R-1� -'SyStHm fype Volume (nr'approved equal) Sys ' Credits Blanket Heat , F�mp .... ........ .......... --____'______-_________ 50.0 �E (ech B10+9 or = (HPWH) __ `--_'_- 1 0 . N WKWAL Fbk\i|RFL:/RFMARKS (Add extra sheets if necessary) _� ---'----........ "--------- _---- ` I � __---------------------------- h rtifirate'of Compliance lists the building features and pprformanre sph&fKations needed to'comply with fitle 249 Chapter 2-�53 and [itle d0, i1/apter P, Sid`chapter 4, Article 1 of the California Admjnjstr6tive CnOp. [his '�ertificate has been signed by the individual' with overall design responsibility and the building owner, who shall retain a copy of it and transmit the rertifirate to any.subsequent purchaser of the Wilding. When this Certificate of Lomplianr*" is submitted for a single building plan to be -built in multiple orientations; ail building conservation features whidh vary are indirated in the Special Features/Remarks section. ova [G1/o , '8UlLUlN|3 /DWNEH Kjrenne 3ioned:_ ------------------ I (0ate) =:UMVIV\A\ liAN A(|k,HOH A"ohar Kne'qy 0esign P9H8h Sp/ond'St. Unit A & / � \'ake Plsinnre, Ca. 9R330 714m674-6974 Rjgned:\ � _ .... ... .... -�� _~ v Signed: ______----___ ' (Oats) ENFURCEMFNl AWNCY mame:_�______________________ Agency:___________________________ felephone:________--______________ Signed:_________________________I_ ' (0aW NU Q: Lnwrise residenti` l buildings subject to the Standards must cnntain thpse measures regardless of the comp]ianck approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may be'puperseded by more stringint compliance ' rpq4irements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklP.'t , K inrnrhorated Anto the permit docum6nts9 the features noted shall���e considered by all parties at binding minimum'component p�"rformanc�-! s9eri[ications fpr the mandatory measures whether -they are shown.elsewhere in thp dorumpnts or on thjs'checklist only. N>IK0[NG HVVH/jPI MEA%M.� . Enfyrc~m»snt n SO. P-bA&P(a): Minimum ceilinq insv lati/n R-1� 'ei`lhted �~ o her. P'53bP(h): Loose fill insulation manufacturers MAN)�A/�RY MFAK\\H% CHF[xiISl � (part 1 of 2) MF -1R 6 nf 25 Prpjert: Swa]ve- ' ` |.CbMPiY 24 v 3.10 0esigner: Rancho Canyon Lak' 0eqign ' [ --1------P-A-� ' '- ' Y ioratinn: 'a ' Date: 10/8/1990 1 C__d - ' 0onuoentatinn: � -�-__--._- Amher ��n��gyUesign ____�_' �.0ate (User ------------ _---------------------- -___ # 10Y8) NU Q: Lnwrise residenti` l buildings subject to the Standards must cnntain thpse measures regardless of the comp]ianck approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may be'puperseded by more stringint compliance ' rpq4irements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklP.'t , K inrnrhorated Anto the permit docum6nts9 the features noted shall���e considered by all parties at binding minimum'component p�"rformanc�-! s9eri[ications fpr the mandatory measures whether -they are shown.elsewhere in thp dorumpnts or on thjs'checklist only. N>IK0[NG HVVH/jPI MEA%M.� . Enfyrc~m»snt n SO. P-bA&P(a): Minimum ceilinq insv lati/n R-1� 'ei`lhted �~ o her. P'53bP(h): Loose fill insulation manufacturers la| l �� �� ' ` n Sec. �P-h35P(r)`: Minimum wall insulatipn in framed walls R-11 weight�d average (does not apply to exterior mass walls), � n Ser. P -5950k): Slats edge, insulation - water ahsorption ratp ' no greater than 0.3%, water vapor`transmissimn rate n' than 2.0 preatpr perm/jnc�.'� . . o_Ser. A-1311: Ins ulation specified or installed meets Califnrnia Ener:y Commission (i��C> quality standards. ' .[n�'ii'�ate type and form. ^ ' ' . nvJ n Se&. P-535Hf>: Vapor harriers -mandatory 46C]im��te Znn�� 14 and 16 only.^ . n Neu. 4:017n lnfiltration/^xfiltration Controls a. Oonrs and -windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. h. 0onrs and windnWs certified. r. Doors and windows wealherstripped, all joints and . penetrations caulkedand sealed . F\�) o � ' n Scr. P-b3bp(P): Special infiltration barrier installed to romply with bec. 2-1311 meets CYC quality standards. ' n Ser. P-=['(0): Installation of Fjrsplacks I. Masonry and foctory-built fireplaces have: ` a. light fitting, c]nseah]e metal or glass dnor � b. Outside air Stake'with damper and control r. F]"e damder and control ' 9. No cnntin"nus burning ^ 'gas pilots a}lowQdw . . > , .(part 2 of Q) M�-1H nf --------------------------------------------- v __--_____-__-__-_-__-___________--_----__ v 3,10 Designers Rancho Canyon Lake 0esign | Building Permit Nn , |'ocation: Ka Quinta Me: 10/8/1990 | Cherked 8y ' 0ocu!nentation: Amber Knergy 0esign | Date (Uger # 1010) ............ ___-_-_-_____'___�___�__'__-_--____��____'___-____-_-__-�__'-_-___ _ \ HVAC' AN0 P|)/M8[NG SYS[B1 MK'UHES ~Enforcement . . , n Sec. �'���5�(�> and 2-�303: Sace conditioning equipment � siz�o']: � attach h. Wratherproof instruction plate on heater. calculations.' ` � n Syr. P-=Kh) and 2-5315: Sethack thermostat on a]l� � 8pV11rable heating systems. i-[[}HrlkkG AND APPL[AMIS MVASU{%S . , n -Ser. P'~51116(a): � Ducts construrtedi installed and insulated perChapter 10, 1976 MIT. . . ` 0 /� n Mr. B -5316(b) : Exhaust systems have' damper cnntrols. ___4��_ . o Sec.'3-1314(�) : Gas''fired spare heating equipment has ` . _ intermjttent ignition dpvj`ces. . . ' . n Ser' R 'G314: - HVAC equipment, Mater heaters, shnwerhea�s a��d � n^� faucets certifieO by thp Cor. `. . o 1-1210<i): Water heat6r insulation blanket (R-12- or greater) for storage & backup`tAnks for solar water h*,ating syntems; first5feet of pzpes�clnse�t to tank insulated ' ' (R-3 or grpater). ' * Ser. 2-1312(Exreption l.): Pipe insulation on steam and steam rnn�ensatr return & recirculating piping. ' yJ /U - ' ' ........... n Sec. H -1318(d): Swimming Pool Heating . ` 1. Fystrm has: ^ . ' a, Un/nff�switrh on heater, h. Wratherproof instruction plate on heater. c. Plumbnd'tn allow for solar. Y. 75 pr/'rpnt thermal efficiency. 3 -Pool cover. . . 4. /imr_clnrk. ' b^ lhti] tile/t `reconawater n ^ i-[[}HrlkkG AND APPL[AMIS MVASU{%S . � � Sec. �-b3�p(j>: Lighting - '�� lumens/watt or greater for general li']hting in kitchens and bathrooms.,. __ '---_ n her. P -03140)n Vas fired appliances e'qu5pped with . Axermittent ignition devi&es. 0 �} , n ner. P'5314(a): Refrigerators, refrigerator-freprers, ^ frwereps and fluorescent lamp ballasts certified by the � ]n�iratp make and model number. . . . . . ` . H18403 Mod 1-4 (4aa4sliam mjw aas) Bk. j4vaH JoqRm ,Ej ;n 10-e Ila 00 08"0 M MUS-008"6 walsAg Bulcum 131\1 j:Uj4UOj JEUU! AAB SOM, AAR 43nO ESt:: M JOSMOMV RT- 014 AS 0 00 0 Y),r jewj2;9q3 A01joy") -6 • 47 C.) X 970 0"0 440,rA4, P 6"0 SWO 99"0 X 0, W, 9-j 00"T ii IM"O K MR .0"Of 6p"O W6 O"M ry 99"0 its O"M x 119 1 V3 is ssele eaAw Pasall Opw4q 13 ff"O TO O,B - 4qbjjAjS 0 R"I = q8"O x AWO 9"1 O"qm 454M "P 0 MR = 00"I m JIM WE O"Of qjnoS R- 8"9 = TWO K AWC 416 OMET Isma "q T - P, F! WD TV 016P MAON 41�i % F:-- % 0 PAepuels 1- Ph) U01jeInsul a5py qPIS u T 1 1 (OnTOA-5) f' i edsImeAn, "UaA 1 (a"Teh-n) DOWD U914FInsui AQOTA POSTUm "s IT,& A r U014eTnsuy 11sm R. (an jeA.H) WCO"O Sjulad QH53 loop-3 qag wey WAA AnupdYnop T sajjaqS a jaqwnN MUS 46RI eajy jau[j PaUUMPUTU vivo EN30 13M.1 AS paywaMD ---------------------- 1 066110101 NaleG equinn ej mallena-1 691PI1:nod --- ------------------ u5jsag>jPj uaAuen aqwey 4 Amp I ma(�j 01"E A up NOW= i pp. Ao 1 p5ed at wi RMns ---------------------------- Rimm MAWCO W03 SAS .` . ��1A0JN/� C0+lFF[ClQN[ (�C) W+AHKS����[ . FORM S page '/ of �- 15 ` ----'-r-------------------------'-------------------'--------------�--'-'--- ' y�pje`�t: ��walve | C(�KLY �4 v 3.10 '' �` ~ . | ______________--__ 0esiquer: Rancho Canyon Lake Uesigri 1 8uilding Permit No � , _____________-''-_ ioratinn: |'a Uutnta 0ate: 10/8/1990 | Checked By ' 0odumentation: Amber Energy Design ' . | Date (User # 1018) ` ... -..... ... -_'__-_--_'--------------------- �_-_____'_-_-_______-_-___--_-_-'-_ ' . ' ORNKFAL [NFUHMACUON . In Blazing lyre: ` )xouble 3. Framing [ype: Metal w/o Mullions ' 5. Framing/Mul]inn Factnri 0,8H Wrnm 7ahle G-10> 6V Interior Shade fy9e: 0o6ble/Nonwhite 0rapes 7..SC Shade [yen: 0.8B (from Tahle G"9 or show calculation) S. SC Sh4de Closed: 0.75 (from [able G-9 or show calculation) .. ` C-il ]NSHl[R SHADE & FRAMING 9a. WHO (SC #7) x 0,08 (FMF #5) = 0^71 SC Shade Upt.,�n ' ` . . 1(�a.(�'7b (S[�#��) x 0.8B (FMF #5) � 0.66. SC Shade C]nsed ' . . - . VXYRHTO8 KHA0E -Exterior Shade Type: NO w8wOR SHAW". . `. . . --___ _-_____--__--_____-__-__--'_-__'__'_-__�'- . ^ ' . )}VRRHAM3 FACRNR ' Glass Uyrhr-ig' })ist Glass Proj UH Factor 01-1 Factor Orion' Area 0epth Above Height Ratio Shade Open Shade Clad West, �25.0 I-G / ( 0.1 + 4.0) =.0.49 0.85 0.AU . ' . , . . . - . ' WA=N CUFFFI[JENT (SC) ` WOR<SHF0 FORM 10 of 25 ------------------------------------------------ � jec P��t: Swa]ve � | CDMF'LY B4 v 3.10 0esigner: 8anrh��anynn Lake 0esign � Duilding ��rmit No Kocation: |'a Quinta , � � Date: ___________ ___ 10/8/1990 | Checked 8y 0orumWatinn: Amber KnArgY besign ' | -------------------------`---- . ` Glazi n lypp: � ' Do uble 3. Wramin0 [ype: Metal w/o Mullions h. Framing/Mullion Factor: 0.68 (from Table G-10) ` � 6._ [nterior Shade (ypet . 8ouble/Light 8linds 7.10 Shade [�pnn: � ' 0.8H � from Table G-9 or shpw palrulation> 8,�SC Sha']e ClosedN 0.33 (from [able G-9 or show calculation) � 6!A/lNG" ]NUHJOH SHADE & FRANIN� ` ` 9w 0.88 WC 07> x 0.00 WMF 01> = 0.11 SC Shade Open 10a'.0.39 (SO #8) x 0.8H ' (FMF #5) = 0.29 SC Shade Closed EX'[SRIUR SHAW. , . -[-�]-H. ' Exterior Sh�de . ----' -------�-----^ --------------------- � [ype: NO EX [EHI8R SHA0E ' ' .. -' ---------. ` ,O-V-�-8-H-A'N,-F/-'�—A[ -r-- -t Blass Uv hng- Dist Glass Proj UH Factor OHa-r-' n � Urientatinn Area 0epth Above Height Ratio Shade Open Shade Cled `___-- 135.0 ` ' ' . . . . - . . - . ' . '..... ..... _ _-___ 2.0' / ( 0. 1 + 6:0) ' . . . . , ' . . . ---------- = 0.33 0.Y1 ' 0, . . ' . . ` . ' . ` . ` . . ^ ' ' L'OFFFlCIENU (W) kKU\KSHFB S paUe 11 n{ 25 | COMPLY e4 v 3.10 � \ __________________ 0esignOr: Rancho Canyon|-ak ' Design | Building Permit No | ________________ |/ocatioo: Ka Quinta ° Qate: 10/8/1990 1 Checked 8y Documentation: Amber Energy Design . | Oate (User # 1018) ____-__-_-___-________-___________--�'___-_ ' [NpU8MAC[/}N ' . 1.'6]azing \yp*": ' Sub ]e . .3.�Fryming |`ype: Metal w/o Mullions ' W'Framing/M^,llion Factor: 0QH (from Table G-10) . ,6.n Werin\' Shade [ype: 0ouble7White Drapes j.'8C Shade Uppp: 0.8[/ (from lahle 8-9 or show calculation) 01 SC Shade Clnsed: 8.A5 (from rahle 0-9 or show calculation) �^ . n ' . . HIARlNU, lNlER]UR SHAOE & P ` ING Na� 0,80 (SC 07) x 0.88 WMF 05)= O.W.SC Shade Upon . . . 10va.0.5h (W #k) x 0^88 (W 00) = 0.48 SC Shade Closed ' ' - EXW8OH.SHA0Exterior Shade [ype: NU EX{lHRlU8 SHAW ' .. ` __-_-____'--___-____''-____-___-__�_--____-__________'-_-_-___'-._ � ' 0V��H|1ANG FAC[��� ` . _ ^ Wass Uvrhng Dist ^ Glass Proj UH Factor UH Factor Orientation Area Depth Above. Height Ratio Shade Open Shade Clsd _ -_______-_ -____- -_'-- __--�'_--__ -_-'_- '-- ' t � ' `hk}'/YV8TI Wh3b - . . ' � ' ' . ' : . ` , El ��h4D��� Ci/�F�ICIFNl (SC> W[�HKSHFFl FUKM S pa�p 12 �f 2� -__-_____'_'� '-__--_-�__-_-____-__'__-__-___�'_-.-- . F'r!�ject: Swalve } LUMF'|Y P4 v 3.10 0esiym*r: Rancho Canyon Cake 0esign 8uildingPermit No Location: La Quinta' 0ate: 10/8/1990 | ��hecked 8y 0oamoentation: Amber Energy Uesign | 0ate (User # 1018) ---------------------------------- ` ���N�8A�' lN�]RMA(lUN . � 1.'G]azjng'lyps: Uouble A. Wrami!g Cype:- Metal w/o Mullions 5. Framing/Mullion Factor: C.88 (from Table G-10> 6s [oterior Shade [ype: 66uble/No Int Shades ' 7. SU 9�`ade U`en: ' 0.88 <from Table U-9 or show calculation) 13, SC Ahade Clnsbd: 0.82 (from [able 6-9 or show calculation) - ` ' WAZ]NS, lN|W[/H SHADE & FHAMINR 9a. 0,51 (SC W) x 0.88 (VMS #5) = 0./1 SC Shade Open . � . 1Va.0.�� (F1W #R} x 0.88 (FMf� #�'} = 0.?7, SC Shade Clmsed ' ' �X}fH[1.1A0E Exterior Ghade Vybe: NU EX(ERlU8 S}6AW�.: '- '_'' _�-__--_---_-_--___-_-_--_---_-_..... ..... '......... ........ .... ........ __-___ ]V'HH ' � �AN�� PAC AC[0H ' Wass Uvrhmg Dist Glass Proj UH Actor UH Factor Orientation Area 0epth Above Height Ratio Shade Open Shade Clod NO QVSRHANGS . ` . ' � ` ` - � � ' � � . � - � ` . , t 1090KU(Il(I` Y CiVFiIANl* FiRM . , ' CF�3 paur 13 of 25 PrPjert: Swalve | COMPLY Q v.A.10 � 0esign.�r: Hanchn Canyon |'ake_0esign � _--- � 8uiIdzng Permit No . � |.nratioo: \'a Quinta 0ate: 10/8/1990 ______________-___ | Checked By 0ocumenUation: Amber Energy :0esi9-6 _________-___-__'__�__`-__'___-�--__-=___'______'___'---__ ' / Assemhly Name: H-11 kram& W�ll v ' A.Femhly 1ype: Wall ' . ' Assembly [ilt: 96 deg (Vertical) - + ' ' ( )h` H-Va]up Construction Components. _ ___ _----------------------------------------------- _-' -_ -_ __-- '_ Fr ( in\ Summer WinLer . Uutsi'je Air FiPm 0�2 0. 1/ I. Stucco � ' 0.815 0111 0. 1// R. Mombrane, Vapor-Permeab 'e Felt 0'010 0`06 0.06A- Insulation, ' Mineral Wool, R-11 * �.500 11.00 11100 `4~ Gypsom or Plast��r 8oar� � . . 0.100 0.45 0.45 ' �. inside Air Film . _..... ......... --____________--_-_'-^__-__-____-__---_ ' . 0.6H 0.68 ' 1otal 1e.61 � ^ Framing Percentage: 1�.0 ' - 1 "� l n . wm. S ft '.� Douglas ir L h F- ��c . -�---_-------- '-----� Galrulation. for Framing Adjustment Summer U-Value 0.0792 x 0.85 + 0.1969 x 0.1b = . O.006� Winter U-Va]ue ^ . 0.0198 x 0.0s + 0.1000 x 0.11 = 010978 UVFHAL A\/JUS|ED FUR FHAMlNf-i R-Value .^ 10.32 10.ER -----------------'---�--��----- U-Va]ue . 0.0969 0.09>8 Sketrh of Construction Aswmbly ' ====== ====== AA`sorptimity: "0.0) ' - 8oughn'eon: Aturcn, Wood Shingles ' W/Agf/lb/sqft ' ' Heat Capacity; ^ ^ .88 o . ` . J ' HiV1Ji8V ABBEMNUY UUMPIlAN(:E. FUHM [F-3 page 14 ni 2t, ... ........ -__-__�------- ` . . . Pr/pjert: Swa]ve` , �-___--____-'_^_--_-_._'_ . | CUMPLY 24 v 3,10 / 0esiyner. : Rancho Canyon |-ake Design | 8uilding Permit A , ' �o'�ation: |.a Quinta ` '` ' 10/8/i 90 0ate: ` 1 ------------------ | 0n umeo`tation: Amber Knergywesign --------------------- '__-_-__-__-_____-_-__----____�___.-___---'---_ " .` | ------------------ ' Assekly Name: H-30 Knof/Hyp Ceiling ` ` ' Assembly )ypp: Hnnf , . ' 'Ayse"31y filt: ' 0 deg (Horiznqtal Roof) � . ' � � lh R- value Conk 'r''cttnn Components ` ' ' ..... ___`__-_-__-_'_____ ' Yr ( in) Summer __--____-_-__-_'-- Winter ..... ... .__-_-__'.... .... ... ..... .... ......... ____-__-____-_-... � .OUtwi'|e Air Film - ` 1. Hnnf &g , Asbestos-Cemeni Shing] es 0.Ub0 0.E1 0.31 " 2y Plywood �, � � 0.500 0.63 0.6/3 No Air Spare / Q.000 1.00 _ 0.93 44 [nsolatinn, Mineral Wool, 4 9.100 30.00 30 ,00 K.'6ypeum or P}a&ter board, 0.500 0.45 0.45 `. . Inside Air Fi]m ° -_____---______-_____-_-________---_____________--_____--____-______---____ ' ' � 0.92 0.61 . ` . \ota] �3'46 22.8? . +rami�v] Percentage: 10 .0 % � ` / ��raming Matpria]: Snftwood, Douglas . Fir -Larch -��' ' -----�-�`- -^---- ----'----- ' 1 ` Calculation for . ' Kraming AdjusbARot, Summer U -Value | '� ' "� | / U.0299 x. 0.90 + 0.0778 x 0.10 = 0.0P47 , Winter U-Valoe 0.0304 x 0.90 0.0815 x 0.10 = 0,0A* -J \ � OVERALL VA1 U�S A\�Ji�� �D FENFKAMIN"'i ^ --'-'------------------'--'........ ....... -U-Value � . 0.0347 O'O3h� Hketch of Construction Asswohbly . n . � o Ai'snrptj vi ty :'P.Y0 ' Hnu`1hness: Concrete, Asph . "Shingles Heat Capacity: � . / / ] ` ' ' ` ' , (:(0V�/|RI|i1]iUV ASHFMMY CUMFLIAN!��,FL/KM. ^ up -3 1b ni 2� � Prhjert: Swalve . . | UM f 24 v 3'10 0esi ner Rancho .anynn Cake 0esign | --------------'--- | 8uzlding Permit No Uocatinn: |-a Quinta �` Oster * 10/8/1990 | y ( . � . 0n�um�ntatinn: Amber �nergy0esign - _________'--__ � | 0ate (U�er # 101H} ''r------... ... .... ---'-----'----''/�—'-------T-'-----------------^-�_-----' ` ) ` ----- Aspemhly Name: Carpeted 11 ah AnkeoJb}y lypp`: Floor Aw4lemhly rill: 180 deg (>fnriz` ontal Floor) lh R'Va]"e Gonstcortion components |' Fr (in) Summer Winter . ` 0.25 0.11/ / 1. Conrrete, 340 lb, mot Ur/ed 0.PH 0.R8 2. Flonring,,Carpet anq Fibrous Pad y' ' ^ 0 .0H '��'08 4. . ' . �. ^ 1 - . inside Air Fj]m ` 0.61 (/.W? ' . A. up A.4b UMHALL VA6'U��� A)(�US)L}� �U� FHAMlNk . . � Ai' 'rptivity: . 0�>V Hnuqhnevs: Concrete, Asph. Shingles Wrighi': 40.9 lhMqft Heat Wpavity: 9o01 � ` 1 . " � R-Vplue 2. PP U -Value 0.�1O� ====== ' A. Q, � ' � ` ` , ♦ I MUGMAAMP f.,l..l'L ptlt, loll, c:• a :}. a r m o.}aus i:iu s lae w jaw fm I :,._...... :par.....,.... "-_ /�'{ t►lf�•: :•�� l..F�:a LL{. 111..11.: t..V?!�► J o t..{-yjii•s?•{t: e r 7..{ir.{ MHA X1.3-1 x'19 i.511' 1W ,931 IVA -3lV'- 9AQ , -:f i`d l :i t" i (>_? E: _l :a :a. >~' { { ?t_1 c u?w .1-{ o O^(,f-•:aia>9}t..14:,!.a+�I (�tt'f.tl.!C�._t•1, sq f 19"T l 59"('? 69"o 0000 :391 1 it 0 0 ------------------------------- SM) W114 MW apTSWO jr9.'11.1lm ..1atlfwnS (!1'1:) 04 4a :.tt.Utt_t�It:.it}J�:1'I t.ltlY.'.1.o1"i,t4•-,t•o'•► . Bul. tib Cq a,c?dA, A jt.:jt!fc3'-f' --j <apwt_{r. }l� y , .i �::,hi/ �'1: c�r,�,Cl ,; ,-•,t.��eN ,`. L r.;ls,,:_>:n k—, ( sj.t,l'I, __._..._.r ...._._..._.._..._...__..__..__..__.__.._ ._t&sn ) a=1•' o i 1 t..tB'L'_Jao f\L1..k&l_tq ..Aat'.;t±1W : t i V j jpj l..t%-atur,:. o(:j /�.?:j {:?i .'•{ ?r91.! ( { Of.r j:%(:;!(jj �♦?11�'(.t G•'1.t.t'CI"o Pq gl.lo7.',)`i•.,Go..► am w W..lc-.• o 1:11.1 T.{., j T.i"t1::1 is-0le ► l..lt)al..teD Ot,.l::)LteH :...ti:att(.;'t.4 a(j qa X a q g HiedR-•-•C1 I.duld ' 13i`•iVT 1•11113:3 A •1;,411L:ir..,H i i►7'i: ►.:31'iLl ►.i:;P.ft 3: t . ^ . � ^ iIU�f)HU(1l[/N AS6FMHiY COMPiIAN[F FORM __'--_-_____---- --____-_-_^....................... ^ ` CF-3 paue ' Kp'jert: Swalve ____'_-_____'_._-_--_-� ' | COMPLY 24 v 3.10 0epigmer: RanchoCanyonKake Design � | --�--�---�--��� ... ... ..... - locatUuinta � La : lnn ' ' ^ 0ate: 10/8/1990 | ------------------ '.necxen �y ^ . oo'�umentation: Amber Kne�'gy�0esign --------------------------- T----------'---'----'--------_---------------�.--- ` | �____________--___ | Date (User # 1018) ` . Assemhly NAme: Double/Nonwhite Urapes ' A�semhly lype": (,]aring ' ' . . - Ah � � R-Valup Mistruction CoAnnents � � ` -_...... ..... -'.... .... __-^'_--____-___'_�_-___'�_--_—_-___'__-_____--_-__-_-___--_�_-_-_ . Fr (in) Summer Winter ^ /]u1/nide Air Kilm ` . 0.25 0.1'/ 1� C4c Double � ]aring ' ' - . ' 0 �00 0 69 . . 0 6V . � ' | � � 4. ' ^ ' ' 6 ' ' 8 ` � lnFidp Air hilm ' ' ' ` --------------- 0.68 - 0.6H � ' . _ l'ramiivJ /,ercentage: 0.0 Framigg Matprial: NUNF ^ . --_____--___-____�__ . , � . 1 |. � ^ ' UV1� F4Ai.L VALL|FS Al/Ji|SlED FOR FHAMINR R-Value 1.62 1.M `--�-----'--''-----'------''4-- U-Value 0.6179 0.6500 Sketnh of Construction Assamhly . , 1 Winter S},adipg Lneff j cient : 0.8R Summer Shading Coeffic i*nnt : 041A . � 1 . . , � .. ` ' . � (1/NS)Hi�1l0N ARSEMHiY CwMP|lAN[��,FUHM -----�----r�--------------- � ` ' � . CF-3 paOp ------------------------------- 13 oi 25 '�'rnje�t: Swa]ve ----------------- ` | COMPLY 24` v 3.10 ' 0es\i'ju^*r: Rancho Canyon iake 0esign ' ` | Building Permit No incation: Ka Quints ^ 0ate: 10/8/19'/0 Checked �erked 8y_' ' . Amber Energy�0esign | | ' 00770er ( 0ate�(User # # 1018) . --_______-__-__________________________ . As '*mhly Name: 0oub1e/Whitej0rapes ;. Ajspmhly )ype: blazing ` ' � ' ' /h F<-Va]ue Csh�b'ortio' Components ' ` ` � Fr (in) Summer Winter 110side Air Film kv CW Double Blazing , . ' Wh0O OZ69 0.60' £' ^ . � ` | ' ' )nsiHe Air ��lm __---'-___________�__-__'___________-. . . � 0.6h � -r----' -- ` � / lnta] ' 1.6a 1.b4 Vrami!ng Percentage: 0.0 % . Framing Material: ' .NKNF ''''-----'----�---'------+-- \ � ^ | | ' ' ` � UVERAiL VALUES A}WielEJO FOR FHAMINti . -------- : U- U-Value 0.61>9 0 6ho0 ' ' � Sketch of /�onstruction Assembly ` Wntpr S�'adinO Loefficient: l 0.6H ' ` �u�m'�r �|`a`]ing Coefficie`�t: ' . A.bj , ` - ' � ." . . . . .~ ~ - C(INA|KN1][U1 ASGEM11Y CUMFITAN(A FORM CF -3 paup, 1Y 01 Pb ------------------------------------------------ . Pqpjett: 'Swa]vp � _ | .[I8MFiY 24 v 3.10 ------------------ ` 0,st'],er: Hancho\Canynn {'ake 0esign � | Building Permit No '| ,onattn": 'a Quinta �~ 0a±:' 10/8/1990 '1 ____ __ 0on/mentation: Amber Energy Design ` ' | 0ate (User # �O18> ---------------------------------------- _____-_______________-- - Assombly Name: Double/Light 81inds Assembly lype: 8]azing ' � . � � /U�nstrurtinn Components ;A n) Summer Winter Outside Air Film ` � . 0.21 0.1,/ T. CFO 11n'tb3p Blazing ' ' 0.�00 O.69 � 0.69 ..�^ . . . 6. � Y. ' Insidp Air Film ................................................-_ 0.6U 0'68 . . ` '' ' . Intal 1.6P 1.54 FrAmi"^] Perceo'age: 0.0 % ' �r a" in� Matsr� a '� . ' . . | � | | 0WHAL1- VAl iFS A})JiGIED FOR FHAMlNO � ` | R -Value ' 1.62' 1.54 ` - -�----------- --- �------------- U' Value 0.6179 0.6500 ' Sketch of Construrtion Assembly ` ' . W.� ntpr �,il/a�in0 Coefficient: 0.8R ' . suoxoer Shading Coefficieoti 0.33 . . . � , vi T T Fri 77, i C- Oj rs j,.r. On 91 cr tn eo D 2 ct T 0�- "D 10 is- OP V�i '21 Z7 CT in. t ol < ail < ai -C Mu IT, r- 4 -L! UC MO I T "C3 ai < ro [NKE: HKA[ PUMP WA|fH HYARH� page As of ?-j Project: Swalve .. ' heating budgp^t ' ` | | OjMPLY 24 '* 3,10 0e��i���er: Rancho Canyon iake 0esign . ' � ___________--_____ 8uilding Permit No '. LoCation: Ka Quinta 4, � Date: 10/8/1990 | . ..................... Checked 8y 0orumentatinn: Amber Energy 0esign T�- � { - ---'------ .......... ____________--__�_ Oate (User # 101�) A 'KQU[PMQNf 0A[A ) � . ' ' 1 Water heat6r type HPWH _____---____-___-'-_______-____---_----_-_ Heat Pump Water Heater ' P Marufart"rer & Prom building plans (total) 8 Nuo`,her nf pnm/ps 3 MoWIe�] numher From building plans E lech h1O8 or = (HPWH) ' 41' Ignition device I[U I10, int. ignition device . 5 Energy Fartnr 2.50 From UAMA Directory - 6 'Nk/mher of Heaters 1 From building plans (total) N L&BkAlINN DNA 1 'Climate zone . It See Appendix -0 eWater heating budgp^t 18V00 KHtu/yr/unit, see lah]e 1 3 fank set temp. - 140 V, fixed input - 4, Watpr`lain tpmp' V0.0 'F, see lah]e 1 I 0aily hot water load ��0 r- 50 or 35 gallons/unit, see [able 1 6 -Am!'jent air tomp. N/A F, see lable 1 I No, dwelling units 1 Prom building plans (total) 8 Nuo`,her nf pnm/ps � 0 From building plans ' 9 pumping energy 6.0 Watt-kr/yr per Pump, see fable 3 1v � Adj Fnprgy Fartnr ' . P. 4P / Hpat Pumps Only, See 1ahle ` 4 . C WA/f�H H��A[[N�� �N+HGY . C8�01r!�-' 1_'Credit name __ See fable �_; P 'An/ua) savings 0.0 KHtu/yr/dwe]lim] unit, s*e \a\.]e 5 . ' ANNUAL WA[KR RforTNG EN453Y (K8tu/yr) ` ... ....... ... ''_--'+'-__-__`____-_�_'�-___-'_______�'_-'. � 1 8acovery load 1053..4 {[85 x 8.25 x(140 -84)x 365 x 0.001J-C2}x 81 " ` �� Hp�nvery en�rgy 4346.1 D3 / 8J0 3 P'/mping energy 0.0 . ^ .4 Iota] ener` y 150aR.4 6 Water heati-obudget g . ' cnmparisnn 5661.6 � 'I Water heating budget 8.1 ' ^ 88 x 09 x 3.413 x 3 x 0.001 [(DP. x 3) + U3] / 8� �\ KBtu/yr/6nit hP - D4 . Points (06 / floor Area) x 2 x 8:� . ^ " H\4A� /(NF Hf: A\INN & QLKiJNO LUAN S(!MMAHY --------------------------------- Pau? is 91 Q, ` Q0 j or t : Q/'jert: Swa]vp -____-_'____-_____-_'__'__-__- CLIMR1Y 24 v -_ 3.10 0e*ignar: Hanrhq Canyon Lake 0esign | 8uildin@ Permit No iocatinn: (a Quinta ' - 0ate: 10/8/19'y8 |8y . 0ocmoeotation: Amber Energy Design __-....................... ____________-___-_--__'-____________--'----_'_-_- | ___________ ` � I. -)ate (User # 101H) . ' ' . HVAL: . . Whole Hn"se . / Heaki�v] System Name: � � Vrane [W0 13hAnr � . (I*ling Systpm Name: ' Systpo/ Mu]tip]ier: 1 Heating Schrdule: 8esidential Heating Cooling Sr}ed'Jp'� Residential Lou]inO ' panSrhadule: Residential HVAC & Fans Peak Load Method:: [�)lNi�ID�N3 Relati*e !h4nidity: ` �0 % ` ` . vyfaw:^/1[N:OHls Z}NO. ' 'PEAK ' H�A|[NG Wh�le ||no�e (Jan loam) -__'_... ..... P8851 .... ..... __ (Ag 2pm) 28417 1048 row SPADE LUA0 28851 28411 .... _... 1048 bypass Vpnti]atinn Air ( 0cfm> 0 ( 0' cfm) 0 '` -0 Supply 0uct ConductiAn389 284 Fit ipp I y \xnt Leakage ' ' �>7 � � 56H 21 ` .�upp l Gain ` .. -109 509y WFQ0flVE SPACE ('UA0 29H07 ��9119 1 9 `nti]atinn . ( 0.cfm> 0 ( ' 0 cfm) 0 -{) Return Air Lighting Saih 0 H(turn L)urt L:nndI trtinn 501` 'Return Duat ('eakage 492 298 HQUrn Fan Heat Wain 0 0 o . \ ' {0A\ SY,B1 LOA� ' 300B4 ' 30672 10HO 2.6 tons 0.1 tnus . . ' SYS[EM PY8AIRMANCS P61&2 . 3£519 0 Al mSI8N CUNVlD[*S 2.7 tons 0.0 tons U ` , 'KaS[' N/'[;�:. !-31`1,4�10 HFACING |.I}A0 SUMMARY page 44 '/l Aq6januu 8walvf,--? 8walve � _ � 0U1H-Y 24 v 3,10 ________ 0esi']oy`': Rancho Canyon Lake Uesign | 8uildin__ g Permi__ t Nn_ ______________�___ .Lo�atioo: |'a Quints � hate: 10/8/1990 } ��he'�ked 8/ . � Uoc«mentatinn: Amber RnRr']y 0esign -------------------------------------------- Whole __-____________-_--________-----_'-'_---_ . . . . ' . Whole House � }xvsiOn Indoor \xry ���lb lyn'pirature: ?0 Moi`}n Autdoor Winter 0ry,8ulb |'emperatVre: 31 |� ` }xnign0pmperature Difference: .0 N F � � i::, vi ` .... _... ... ' Area ......... ..... .... _ U -Value f ' Btu/hr H11 Krame Wall � - , M15.0 x 0.0978 x 39.0 = 4635 10uh]c/NnnwhitP Drapes 10R.0 x 0.6500 x 39.0 MR6 0nuhle/ii']ht 8lihds 135.0 x 0.6500 x 39.0 = 340£ )/nuh]e/W|'jte Drapes ` 20.0 x 0.6b00 x 39.0 = qw/ H-00 ROOF/Gyp Ceiling 1389.0 x 0.0351 1 39.0 = 1905 }Whle/Nn Int Shades ' 8.0 x 0.6500 x 39.0 = P03 / Ca0patro Slah . , Perim = 184.0 x 49 = 7108 ]n{'i]tratin�n: 1.00 x 0.018 x 1397 sqft A 8.0 ft x 1.00 A(� x 39.0 = >H46 ' ' [U[Ai H0|}HLY HEA[ LUSS FOR SPACE H8851 ` � SUPPLY AIR QUANMY ~ « ^ —'------..... .... '..... -----�- KRating: `28Hh1 Bt"/hr / | L1.10 * (10b F E�upp]y'- 6h F TStaW = 6h6 cfm . - ` ' . ^ . ^ , � ' , � / . ' ` ` k0SCN�N/�[A|' SP/��� C/��'[NG |/]A0 S|]MMAHY � page 21 of 05 � --�--r---'------------'------r-------'-------~-------'-------'------------- � ��nject: Swalve 1 COMPLY 24 v 3,10 | 0esi']ner: Rancho Canyon Lake/Design � } -Building Permit No -�--�-------�'--- |mnsuion: }'a Quinta 0ate: 10/8/1910 ( Checked 8y . ' 1 ------------------- Amber ___________--_'__Amber Energy 0esign � ' | 0ate (User # 1018) _-__--- __-_--__'�_-__- ^ ' ' Soecs Name: }o-MCn ]n^\oor }wy bulb leo4erature: 0es\qn Outdoor Summer Ory Bulb (emperatur(i }hmidn \pw4'prature Difference: Whole House 78 F 113 F 3b F . �v w� o /`o ] ti n ' � ' Area U -Value DE 1-0 8Ko/hr 8~1 1 K\'ame Wal l � tP15.' x 0.0969 x P8.1 = . 3309 }^`hh��/Kk'nwhi te Drapes 102.0 x 0.6179 x &.0 = PMn 0ouh iw/Kiqht 8linds . 135.0 x 0,6179 x 35.0 = M19 \x'ob]e/W|/j tp" }`rapps ' E0.0 x 0.6179 x 35.0 = 43� R-10 800f` 8yp Cei 1 inJ 1389.0 x 0.0341 x' 48.1 = 2136 }o"Ale/Nr` Int Shades ` ` 8.0 x 0.6179 x '3b.0 = 1>3 ' [nfilLratinn: 1.00 x 0.018 x 1397 sqft x 8.0 ft -9 1.00 AC x 35.0 = 1041 ` ' Shaded ' Unshaded Solar Gain Orient. Area SSF A SOK SC 8hr Suble/Nnnwhite 0rapes Went L 9,4 x 15 + 15.6 x 133 x 6. = 8�6 }0""h}p/Nnmwhitp- Drapes North- [e 0.0 x 15 + 5j.0 x 153 x 0.66 = 564 0nuhle/| j1ht Blinds cast ' L 33.8 x 15 ; 101.3 x 133 x 0.29 = 8193 Drapes Sc`uth [ 0.0-x IN +' 20.0 x 321 x 0.66 = 4�� 0nuble/Whi te 0rapes ' South ' [ . 0.0 x 15,+ 20-0 x 323 x 0.48 . = 310 l/o!'hle/Nu Int, E�`adps - Sk�] i�ht [ 0.0 x 35 + B.x152] ' x 0.?7 = 94 �0 [nhprnal wain . ' Op Vrac . Area _____ Heat Gain _________ Convi _____ 8tuv!r __ ____ . . 1.00 _ x 1391.0 x 0.500 x 3.413 = £384 Flmipmrnt 1.00 x 13Y7,0 x 0.250 x 3.413 = 11%.:.! Uccu�aot� 1.00 x 1397.0 ` x .£15 / 300 = 104H ' . ' 0][AL-K]i]R|'Y SQNSI8|-E NEA[ QAlN FOR a,A/> 014A'/ | ate`/t Hain Up Frar. Area Heat Gain Conv. ` Ht"/hr 1.00 x 1397.0 x ______- 0.000 x 3.433 = 0 Ocn/panKi 1.00 x 1397.0 x 225 / 300 = 104.1-3 MAL HOURLY KAFFNF HEA[ GAIN FOR SPACK 10Q8 ` R�]PPKY AIR QUAN[[[Y Lwn]ing: M41? btu/hr / Ll OB * ( 78 F lStat 55F Supply)] = 1144 rfm . , . . . . ` �