2017/18 Catastrophe Risk SummaryPage 1 of 1 Subj: Marketing Summary - City of La Quinta Date: 1/30/2017 4:21:50 P.M. Pacific Standard Time From: terra. mullinsaamwins.com To: IVi14800 aol.corn CC: lulies(d)htri nsu re.com Dear Ray: Find below the latest update on the status of our marketing efforts for the following account: INSURED: La Quinta, City of LINE OF BUSINESS: Difference in Conditions PROPOSED EFF DATE: 2/7/2017 Please let me know if you have any questions about this or if you would like to discuss in more detail. MARKETING SUMMARY Market Status Comments AmRisc _ Sent to Market Waiting for response ARCH Insurance Group Declined Unable to compete as their max capacity is $5mi1 Arrowhead General Insurance Agency Sent to Market Waiting for response Aspen Insurance Declined Unable to compete Atlas General Insurance Services Avondale Insurance Associates, Inc. AXIS Insurance Catalytic Risk Managers & Insurance Agency, LLC Colony Specialty Endurance ICAT Declined Declined Sent to Market Declined Declined Declined Declined Unable to compete Unable to compete Waiting for response Unable to compete. Would need closer to $100,000 Unable to compete Unable to compete Unable to compete Insurance Company of the West Sent to Market Waiting for response Liberty International Underwriters Sent to Market Waiting for response Markel Sent to Market Waiting for response RLI Insurance Company Declined Unable to compete RSUI Declined Unable to compete with incumbent carrier SN, LLC Sent to Market Waiting for response Tokio Marine HCC — Specialty Group Declined Unable to compete due to PML. Would have to attach excess in order to quote due to PML V3 Insurance Partners LLC Declined Unable to compete due to PML Validus Underwriters, Inc. Sent to Market Waiting for response VIKCO Insurance Services Declined Unable to compete Westchester, A Chubb Company Declined Beazley USA Quoted - Lloyd's of London Sincerely, Terra Mullins Assistant Vice President I AmWINS Insurance Brokerage of California, LLC T 714.480.3928 1 F 714.541.7148 1 terra.mullins@amwins.com 1551 N. Tustin Ave. I Suite 7001 Santa Ana, CA 92705 1 amwins.com 01/30/17 terra.mullins@amwins.com Unable to Compete $78,000 for a $10mil limit This e-mail and any attachments may contain information that is privileged or confidential and is meant solely for the use of person(s) to whom it was intended to be addressed. If you have received this e-mail by mistake, or you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorized to read, print, keep, copy or distribute this message, attachments, or any part of the same. If you have received this email in error, please immediately inform the author and permanently delete the original, all copies and any attachments of this email from your computer. Thank you Tuesday, January 31, 2017 AOL: M14800 .*LmWINS Croup, Itic. T11FRE'S A 6ETT EIt WATT -k2 -- .......... • „. c�. _ dl -gin i Lr W La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUMMARY January 19, 2017 Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row Drive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28210 Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Detailed Loss Analysis 4-5 Average Annual Loss (AAL) by Location 6 Top 10 Loss Causing Events 7 Discussion of RMS Methodology for Modeling PMLs and AALs 8 Earthquake Intensity Definitions (Richter Scale) 9 Catastrophe Modeling Terms 10 Limitations 11 Exposure Analysis 12 AWNVINS Grtiup.1 ttt•. 01EIFS 4IFTTU WA1. 0I La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUMMARY January 19, 2017 Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row Drive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28210 Executive Summary AmWINS Group, Inc. performed a California earthquake analysis to calculate the potential loss for La Quinta based on Risk Management Solutions (RMS) RiskLink Version 15.0 software. The analysis was performed to include the primary peril of Earthquake Shaking and the secondary perils of Fire Following, Earthquake Sprinkler Leakage (EQSL), and Loss Amplification using the RMS Stochastic Event Rate Set. The data for this analysis was provided by La Quinta and represents the most recent exposure for this account. AmWINS Group, Inc. reviewed and formatted the data for use in the RMS model based on the original data received. Exposure Summary The La Quinta account has 11 locations with a total insured value (TIV) of $55,135,000. Building Values account for 85.2% of the TIV while Contents accounts for 11.2% of the TIV and Business Interruption accounts for 3.6% of the TIV. For further exposure details see the Exposure Analysis section of the report which starts on page 12. Analysis Summary The analysis was performed with a deductible structure of 5% per unit and with no limits. Loss Summary Based on RMS RiskLink Version 15.0 there is a 0.4% annual chance of one earthquake event causing $7,544,613 or more in loss net of the deductible structure and within the coverage layers being analyzed. This corresponds to a 250 year return period. The Average Annual Loss (AAL), which corresponds to a pure premium number, for the La Quinta account based on RMS RiskLink version 15.0 is $105,388 net of the deductible structure and within the coverage layers being analyzed. This means that on a long-term average annual basis, the La Quinta account is expected to sustain $105,388 in earthquake losses to the insurance carrier. **Note: loss amounts stated above are for the peril of Earthquake Shaking including Fire Following, Earthquake Sprinkler Leakage (EQSL), and Loss Amplification using the RMS Stochastic Event Rate Set For further loss details see the Detailed Loss Analysis section of the report on pages 4 - 5. For a breakdown of the locations that contribute the most to the AAL see the AAL by Location section of the report on page 6. The Loss Estimates produced will help the La Quints account to: - Identify areas of exposure concentration - Identify locations that contribute the most to modeled loss estimates - Understand earthquake loss potential La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUMMARY January 19, 2017 Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row Drive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28210 Detailed Loss Analysis Exceedance Probability Analysis for California Earthquake The tables below illustrate the probability of losses exceeding various amounts due to one event in a given year as described by the Occurrence Exceedance Probability (OEP) curve. Losses are shown as Ground Up (no deductible or layering contemplated), Deductible (loss to deductible layer), and Net of Deductible and Layering (takes deductible into account and isolates layer being analyzed). The Average Annual Loss (AAL) is also shown along with the variability of this amount (Standard Deviation) which is representative of the uncertainty in the magnitude of losses from an occurring event. For a discussion of RMS methodology for modeling PMLs and AALs see page 8. California Earthquake Key Return Period Losses - Shake Only Return Period Critical Probabilit ( ears) Ground Up Loss Deductible Loss Loss Net of Deductible and Layering 0.010% 10,000 20,681.825 1,945,783 19,616,431 0.020% 5,000 18,538,423 1,918,441 16,948,166 0.100% 1.000 13,117,362 1,662,094 11,671,769 0.200% 500 10,582,879 1.454,368 9,218,763 0.400% 250 7,935,136 1,337,890 6,634,086 1.000% 100 4,332,901 1,306,448 3,106,026 2.000% 50 1,849,597 993,442 822,547 4.000% 25 426,879 417,577 0 10.000% 10 7,203 7,225 0 20.000% 15 0 0 0 Average Annual Loss 137,627 47,266 90,361 Standard Deviation 955,557 214,546 797,590 California Earthquake Key Return Period Losses - Shake and Fire Following Return Period Critical Probability (years) Ground Up Loss Deductible Loss Loss Net of Deductible and Layerin 0.010% 10,000 20,699,693 1,943,048 19,630,898 0.020% 5.000 18,554,206 1,915,742 16,963,208 0.100% 1.000 13,127,900 1,659,887 11,683,235 0.200% 500 10,590,994 1,452,716 9,227,692 0.400% 250 7,940,774 1,336,057 6.641,464 1.000% 100 4335.307 1,305,062 3,109,805 2.000% 50 1,850,116 992,940 824,017 4.000% 25 426,890 417,947 0 10.000% 10 7,202 7,232 0 20.000% 5 0 0 0 Average Annual Loss 137,702 47,235 90,467 Standard Deviation 956,238 214,352 798,450 "Note: loss amounts stated above use the RMS Stochastic Event Rate Set La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUMMARY January 19, 2017 Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row Drive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28210 Detailed Loss Analysis Exceedance Probability Analysis for California Earthquake The tables below illustrate the probability of losses exceeding various amounts due to one event in a given year as described by the Occurrence Exceedance Probability (OEP) curve. Losses are shown as Ground Up (no deductible or layering contemplated), Deductible (loss to deductible layer), and Net of Deductible and Layering (takes deductible into account and isolates layer being analyzed). The Average Annual Loss (AAL) is also shown along with the variability of this amount (Standard Deviation) which is representative of the uncertainty in the magnitude of losses from an occurring event. For a discussion of RMS methodology for modeling PMLs and AALs see page 8. California Earthquake Key Return Period Losses - Shake including Loss Amplification Return Period Critical Probability (years) Ground Up Loss Deductible Loss Loss Net of Deductible and Layering 0.010% 10,000 23,921,224 2,008,343 21,741,620 0.020% 5,000 21,119,430 1,980,429 19,819,161 0.100% 1,000 14,451,966 1,739,183 13,069,207 0.200% 500 11,518,248 1,505,366 10,120,602 0.400% 250 8,547,703 1,356,251 7,207,072 1_000% 100 4,618,870 1,306,844 3,391,217 2.000% 50 1,958,301 998,907 918,581 4.000% 25 446,765 437,220 0 10.000% 10 7,411 7,408 0 20.000% 5 0 0 0 Average Annual Loss 148,037 48,215 99,822 Standard Deviation 1,046,836 217,983 887,803 California Earthquake Key Return Period Losses - Shake, Fire Following, EQSL including Loss Amplification Return Period Critical Probability (years) Ground Pp Loss Deductible Loss Loss Net of Deductible and Layering 0.010% 10,000 24,604,415 2,024,579 22,505,186 0.020% 5,000 21,748,537 1,998,534 20,330,318 0.100% 1,000 14,951,047 1,771,716 13,472,156 0.200% 500 11,961,081 1 1,551,348 10,511,611 0.400% 250 8,927,941 1,401,873 7,544,613 1.000% 100 4,885,161 1,351,870 3,613,666 2.000% 50 2,086,652 1,037,974 1,016,286 4.000% 25 465,797 455,468 0 10.000% 10 7,473 7,472 0 20.000% 5 0 0 0 Average Annual Loss 155,201 49,812 105,388 Standard Deviation 1,090,261 225,239 924,819 **Note: loss amounts stated above use the RMS Stochastic Event Rate Set La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUMMARY January 19, 2017 Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row Drive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28210 Average Annual Loss (AAL) by Location AAL Analysis for California Earthquake Locations are listed below based on AAL contribution in descending order. A maximum of 25 locations are shown. Using Loss Net of Deductible and Layering as the financial perspective Location Number Location Name City State TIV TIV % AAL AAL % 6 78-725 CALLE TAMPICO - LII LA QUINTA CA 9555,000 17.33% 19.210 18.23% 5 79-179 AHMANSON LANE - C LA QUINTA CA 3,300,000 5.99% 18,716 17.76% 1 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - Cr LA QUINTA CA 11,411,000 20.70% 17,236 16.36% 3 78-450 AVENIDA LA FONDA LA QUINTA CA 1 6,240,000 11.32% 1 11,509 10.92% 2 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA CA 7,325,000 13.29% 1 9,627 9.13% 9 42-800 WASHINGTON AVE. - LA QUINTA CA 5,529,000 10.03% 8,180 7.76% 7 44-555 ADAMS STREET - FIR LA QUINTA CA 2,325,000 4.22% 5,833 5.53% 11 78-111 AVENUE 52 - FIRE ST LA QUINTA CA 2.550,000 4.63% 5,572 5.29% 4 78-450 AVENIDA LA FONDA LA QUINTA CA 2,665,000 4.83% 5,269 5.00% 10 77-885 AVENIDA MONTEZIA LA QUINTA CA 1 3,025,000 5.49% 3,758 3.57% 8 54-001 MADISON - FIRE STA LA QUINTA CA 1,210,000 2.19% 1 480 0.46% TOTAL 55,135,000 100.00% 105,388 100.00% *"Note: loss amounts stated above are for the peril of Earthquake Shaking including Fire Following, Earthquake Sprinkler Leakage (EQSL), and Loss Amplification using the RMS Stochastic Event Rate Set La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUAMARY January 19, 2017 Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row Drive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28210 Top 10 Loss Causing Events Top Events Analysis for California Earthquake Events are listed below based on loss amount in descending order. The top 10 events are shown. Using Loss Net of Deductible and Layering as the financial perspective "Note: loss amounts stated above are for the peril of Earthquake Shaking including Fire Following, Earthquake Sprinkler Leakage (EQSL), and Loss Amplification using the RMS Stochastic Event Rate Set Richter Return Mean Damage Event ID Event Description Magnitude Rate Period fvrsl Loss Amount Exposed Value Ratio Crustal Fault A -Type, California, Southern 2006844 California. Multi-seement Cascade 8.4 0.0001266% 789.771 14,50 #,538 68,454,258 21.2% Crustal Fault A -Type, California, Southern 2006823 California. Multi-seement Cascade 8.4 0.0000007% 137.277.405 14.502,119 68.444.080 21.2% Crustal Fault A -Type, California, Southern 2006813 California, Multi-segment Cascade 8.3 0.0001199% 834,321 12,923,801 68,517,655 18.9% Crustal Fault A -Type, California, Southern 2006789 California. Multi-segment Cascade 8.3 0.0000011% 90,505,109 12,922,653 68,512,160 18.9% Crustal Fault A -Type, California, Southern 2006845 California, Multi-segment Cascade 8.2 0.0038737% 25,815 12,868,820 68,491,522 18.8% Crustal Fault A -Type, California, Southern 2006824 California, Multi-segment Cascade 8.2 0.0000133% 7,494,735 12,867,715 68,486,226 18.8% Crustal Fault A -Type, California, Southern 2006762 California. Multi-segment Cascade 8.2 0.0001323% 755.669 12,866,538 68,480,534 18.8% Crustal Fault A -Type, California, Southern 2006709 California, Multi-segment Cascade 8.1 0.0002243% 445,931 12,558,188 68,469,202 18.3% Crustal Fault A -Type, California, Southern 2006750 California, Multi-segment Cascade 8.2 0.0001398% 715,410 12,256,265 68,522,672 17.9% Crustal Fault A -Type, California, Southern 2006801 California. Multi-segment Cascade 8.3 0.0000227% 4,405.907 12,134,600 68,551,979 17.7% "Note: loss amounts stated above are for the peril of Earthquake Shaking including Fire Following, Earthquake Sprinkler Leakage (EQSL), and Loss Amplification using the RMS Stochastic Event Rate Set La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUMMARY January 19, 2017 Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row Drive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28210 Discussion of RMS Methodology for Modeling PMLs and AALs _ RMS determines catastrophic losses using complex software that simulates catastrophic events and determines losses from those events based on building characteristics. The process begins by entering building information into RMS (construction type, year built, occupancy, etc.) and the better information you have, the better (more accurate) the results will be. For missing characteristics, RMS uses default values based on attributes of the industry exposure. Once information is loaded, RMS will run a series of catastrophic events (both historical and simulated) against those buildings. Each event run has a probability associated with it so as to tell how "likely" that type of event is to occur in a given year. Losses are determined on a per building, per event basis based on how the attributes of each event (wind speed, quake magnitude, etc.) would affect that type of building (based on the building characteristics entered). Engineering information has been gathered based on actual claim data and inspections to see how different types of buildings (age, construction, etc.) will react to either wind, storm surge, or an earthquake. Losses from each building -event combination are used to come up with a distribution of losses based on probability of occurrence. Statistical methods determine this distribution which is called the EP (Exceedance Probability) Curve and it is used to derive Probable Maximum Loss (PML) numbers. This curve shows probability of exceedance on the y-axis and amount of loss on the x-axis so points on the curve are defined as the loss amount (from x-axis) that will be exceeded a certain percentage of the time (from y-axis) in a given year. Certain points from this curve are focused on, like a 1% probability of exceedance in a given year (the 1 -in -100 year event, or 100 -year PML) which means that losses will be greater than or equal to that loss amount 1% of the time in a given year. Different points can be chosen, but it must be understood that no one event in RMS is what you would call the 1 -in -100 year (or 1 -in -X year) event. All events are combined to generate a curve that tells what losses would be from a 1 -in 100 year (or 1 -in -X year) event. Average Annual Loss (AAL) is also generated and this tells the amount of loss to be expected on an annual basis. This acts as a pure premium number even though catastrophes are not something that occur "on average" in insurance. AALs are calculated on a per building basis as the losses from each event are multiplied by the probability of such event occurring in a given year. These are then added up across all events. Once these are calculated for each building, all building AALs are added up to get the overall account AAL. No curve generation is done here so these numbers don't depend on the statistical methods employed in the generation of the EP Curve. In short, RMS uses simulated and historical catastrophic events (hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.) to determine the exposure and vulnerability of a book of business to catastrophic losses. Engineering and claims data are used to determine vulnerability of buildings, and seismology and meteorology are used to determine the probability of earthquakes, hurricanes, or other events along with quake magnitudes, storm size, and event location. Simulated losses for buildings are generated and combined to give the overall loss picture for the account. La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUMMARY January 19, 2017 Analysis Performed by: Im AmWINS Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row Drive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 25210 Earthquake Intensity Definitions (Richter Scale) RICHTER MAGNITUDE DESCRIPTION EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE Less than 2.0 Micro Micro earthquakes, not felt. Continual (not recorded) 2.0-2.9 Minor Generally not felt, but recorded. 1,300,000 per year (est.) 3.0-3.9 Minor Often felt, but rarely cause damage. 130,000 per year (est.) 4.0-4.9 Light Noticeable shaking of indoor items, rattling noises. 13,000 per year (est.) Significant damage unlikely. 5.0-5.9 Moderate Can cause major damage to poorly constructed 1,319 per year buildings over small regions. At most slight damage to well-designed buildings. 6.0-6.9 Strong Can be destructive in areas up to about 160 kilometers 134 per year (100 miles) across in populated areas. 7.0-7.9 Major Can cause serious damage over larger areas. 13 per year 8.0-8.9 Great Can cause serious damage in areas several hundred 1 per year miles across. 9.0-9.9 Great Devastating in areas several thousand miles across 1 per 10 years (est.) 10.0+ Epic Never recorded; widespread devastation across Extremely Rare (unknown) extremely large areas "Note: Based on U.S. Geological Survey documents La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUMMARY January 19, 2017 Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row Drive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 211210 Catastrophe Modeling Terms TERM: I DEFINITION: Aggregate Exceedance Probability (AEP) The probability that the total cost of one or more occurrences will combine in a year to exceed a certain threshold. Average Annual Loss (AAL) I The expected annual loss on a long-term basis. Mathematically, it is the expected value of the aggregate loss distribution. Coefficient Variation (CV) IThe spread of loss around the mean, reflecting the secondary uncertainty in the size of loss. Loss Amplification Post loss inflation" of building materials/labor, typically applied only to building damage, and not to contents or business interruption components. Exceedance Probability (EP) The probability of exceeding specified loss thresholds. In risk analysis, this probability relationship is commonly represented as a curve which defines the probability of various levels. Exposure Value The total reported values at risk, potentially subject to a peril or event against which it is insured. Geocoding The process of associating an address with an estimate of latitude and longitude coordinates. Gross Loss The insurer's loss after deductibles, attachment point(s), and limits are applied, but before reinsurance. Ground Up Loss The total amount of loss sustained before deductibles, underlying coverages and reinsurance are applied. Mean Damage Ratio The ratio of the expected loss to the replacement value of exposed properties. Occurrence Exceedance Probability (OEP) The probability that a single occurrence will exceed a certain threshold. Return Period The expected length of time between recurrences of two events with similar characteristics. The return period can also refer to specific level of loss. Secondary Peril (Subperil) Hazards that are an additional source of loss to the primary peril. Examples include "storm surge" as a result of a hurricane, or "fire" as a direct result of an earthquake. La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUMMARY January 19, 2017 Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row Drive, Suite 600 Limitations Charlotte, NC 28210 AmWINS Group, Inc recommends that the results in this report are not relied upon in isolation when making decisions that may affect the solvency of the company. AmWINS Group, Inc. makes no warranty about the accuracy of the modeled results and has made no attempt to independently verify them. Results of this analysis are for the sole use of AmWINS Group, Inc and its clients and should not be presented to insurance carriers. This report, and the analyses, models and predictions contained herein ('Information'), are based on data provided by La Quinta to AmWINS Group, Inc. and compiled using proprietary computer risk assessment technology of Risk Management Solutions, Inc. ('RMS'). The technology and data used in providing this Information is based on the scientific data, mathematical and empirical models, and encoded experience of scientists and specialists (including without limitation: earthquake engineers, wind engineers, structural engineers, geologists, seismologists, meteorologists, geotechnical specialists and mathematicians). As with any model of physical systems, particularly those with low frequencies of occurrence and potentially high severity outcomes, the actual losses from catastrophic events may differ from the results of simulation analyses. Furthermore, the accuracy of predictions depends largely on the accuracy and quality of the data provided to and used by AmWINS Group, Inc. The Information is provided under license to AmWINS Group, Inc. and is RMS' proprietary and confidential information and may not be shared with any third party without the prior written consent of both AmWINS Group, Inc. and RMS. Furthermore, this Information may only be used for the specific business purpose specified by AmWINS Group, Inc. and for no other purpose, and may not be used under any circumstances in the development or calibration of any product or service offering that competes with RMS. The recipient of this Information is further advised that RMS is not engaged in the insurance, reinsurance, or related industries, and that the Information provided is not intended to constitute professional advice. RMS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL RESPONSIBILITIES, OBLIGATIONS AND LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO ANY DECISIONS OR ADVICE MADE OR GIVEN AS A RESULT OF THE INFORMATION OR USE THEREOF, INCLUDING ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF NON -INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL RMS (OR ITS PARENT, SUBSIDIARY, OR OTHER AFFILIATED COMPANIES) BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY DECISIONS OR ADVICE MADE OR GIVEN AS A RESULT OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS INFORMATION OR USE THEREOF." La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUMMARY January 19, 2017 Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row Drive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28210 Exposure Analysis La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUNIIVIARY January 19, 2017 Exposure by Occupancy **Note: Chart shows exposure based on TTV Occupancy General Services Emergency Response Services Permanent Dwelling (multi family housing) Personal and Repair Services Entertainment and Recreation Analysis Performed by: AmWM Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row (hive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28210 ■ General Services ■ Emergency Response Services Permanent Dwelling (multi family housing) Personal and Repair Services Entertainment and Recreation TIV Percentage Locations 37,556,000 68.1% 5ry 6,085,000 11.0% 3 5,529,000 10.0% 1 3,300,000 6.0% 1 2,665,000 4.8% 1 Grand Total 55,135,000 100.0% 11 La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUADIARY January 19, 2017 Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row Drive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28210 Exposure *"Note: Chart shows exposure based on TIV Construction WOOD Tilt -Up Unreinforced Concrete Block Masonry Reinforced Masonry Grand Total TIV Percentage Locations 39,730,000 72.1% 8 9,555,000 17.3% 1 3,300,000 6.0% 1 2,550,000 4.6% 1 55,135,000 100.0% 11 La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUMMARY January 19, 2017 Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row Drive, Sane 600 Charlotte, NC 28210 Exposure by Geocoding **Note: Chart shows exposure based on TIV Geocoding TIV Percentage Locations Street Name _ 55,135,000 100.0% 11 Grand Total 55,135,000 100.0% 11 e Street Name La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUMMARY January 19, 2017 Exposure by Coverage "Note: Chart shows exposure based on TIV Coverage TIV Percentage Building 46,984,000 85.2% Contents 6,160,000 11.2% Business Interruption 1,991,000 3.6% Grand Total 55,135,000 100.0% Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row Drive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28210 s Building Contents Business Interruption La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUAMARY January 19, 2017 Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Ine. 4775 Piedmont Row Drive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28210 Exposure by Flood Zone **Note: Chart shows exposure based on TIV Flood Zone TIV _ Percentap Locations N/A 55,135,000_ 100.0% 11 Grand Total 55,135,000 100.0% 11 a N/A La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUNUM[ARY January 19, 2017 Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row (hive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28210 Exposure by State *eNote: Darker reds indicate higher concentration of exposure (TW) State TIV Percentage Locations CA 55,135,000_ _ 1_00.0% _ 11 Grand Total 55,135,000 _ 100.0°l0 11 La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUMMARY January 19, 2017 Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row Drive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28210 Exposure by County **Note: Map is focused on states/region with highest concentration of exposure (TIV) **Note: Darker reds indicate higher concentration of exposure (TIV) County TIV Fes_ Locations RIVERSIDE COUNTY 55,135,000 100.0% 11 Grand Total 55,135,000 100.0% 11 W La Quinta Locations in Slue La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUAMARY January 19, 2017 Exposure by CRESTA Zone Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Inc. 4725 Piedmont Row Drive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28210 **Note: CRESTA Zones only apply to California locations CRESTA Zone TIV Percentage Locations E 55,135,000 100.0% 11 Grand Total 55,135,000 100.0% 11 J�f ice, Ff' .._ ............ ......... f C - p« v2 ... ....;�r'. �� ._ •,_ . Ire `� �,..L......�.. ••�.. .�.� e.-.- ..... h.—.. ;1, -L• i...i---Y. **Note: CRESTA Zones only apply to California locations CRESTA Zone TIV Percentage Locations E 55,135,000 100.0% 11 Grand Total 55,135,000 100.0% 11 La Quinta Locations in Blue La Quinta CATASTROPHE RISK SUMMARY January 19, 2017 Earthquake Hazard d -n11 C.Iil er f�a1m�lato 5d1I" U N I T E D S T A T E S Clalila Clralula��d Vnnnna ifals f)wl�,ld '7 _1'asadana 5rl't -_� r�6arnardinn Lob Analrlesg ,TPalnnnr Ingluwnnd�• - e' 'Alloy M • +rat los Ar�ryelo-s v{lay 7orranceQ Fuila[7onn Carana e Huntinp[oll Irvine Mch Oceanside oEscondldo Pacific Ocean ,San D1epo Chula Vista - -W.�....�.� Tijuana C/U.IFORNIA M E X I C O Analysis Performed by: AmWINS Group, Ina. 4725 Piedmont Row Drive, Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28210 A R I Z 0 W A **Note: Colored areas of map show earthquake loss hazard as derived from actual RMS version 11.0 insults. Dark colors exhibit higher loss potential than light colors when exposures with consistent values and characteristics are modeled.