MOU 2020-22 Riverside Co, Indio, Coachella - Fire Ladder Truck Purchase1st July IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CITIES hereto have caused this MOU to be executed by their duly authorized representatives on the dates set forth below: CITY OF LA QUINTA: By: MILLEN City Manager Dated: -..CF 1U/ 202-0 ATTEST: By: MONIKA RADE A, City Clerk Dated: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: By,..G._._- WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney Exhibit A City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 15, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITIES OF LA QUINTA, INDIO, AND COACHELLA TO SHARE THE ACQUISITION COST FOR A LADDER TRUCK AND ASSOCIATED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS RECOMMENDATION Approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the Cities of La Quinta, Indio, and Coachella to share the acquisition cost for a ladder truck, in an amount not to exceed $350,000 for La Quinta’s portion; approve a budget appropriation of $350,000 from Fire Service Reserves for fiscal year 2020/21; and authorize the City Manager to execute the Memorandum of Understanding. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •In 2006, the original ladder truck was purchased using tribal gaming grant funds to expand fire response capabilities in the region. •The proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will split the acquisition cost among the three cities as follows; La Quinta 25%, Indio 50%, and Coachella 25%. •The County of Riverside (County) is not participating in the acquisition cost for the ladder truck. •The Cities of La Quinta, Indio, Coachella (Cities), as well as the County will share the maintenance and staffing costs. •The new ladder truck will replace the existing 13-year-old ladder truck that has exceeded its useful life. FISCAL IMPACT Approval of this MOU will allow for the ladder truck to be ordered and payment would coincide with delivery, which would be February of 2022. The total truck cost is expected to be $1,400,000; City’s expected share is $350,000. If approved, a budget adjustment from Fire Service Reserves, (Account No. 101- 0000-12610) would increase the Machinery & Equipment budget (Account No. 101-2002-80101) for FY 2020/21. BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 3 227 In addition, the Cities and County will continue to share the cost of the maintenance and staffing of the ladder truck company. The estimated cost for La Quinta in FY 2020/21 is $250,000 and budgeted in Account No. 101-2002- 60140 (MOU – Ladder Truck). The expectation is that the maintenance costs will decrease once the new truck is in operation. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS City staff has engaged in extensive discussions with County Fire regarding the participation of all benefactors in sharing the acquisition cost for a ladder truck. The County has chosen not to contribute even though the ladder truck had 199 emergency calls for service to the County area in 2019 compared to 94 within La Quinta over the same time period. The County’s policy position is that they will provide support for staffing and maintenance and only contribute to a purchase when the County owns the equipment. County Fire uses this model throughout the County and is directly tied to County Fire’s budget limitations. Under this agreement, the City of Indio would own the ladder truck and properly maintain and insure the vehicle. On January 22, 2020, the City retained Matrix Consulting to conduct a comprehensive review of fire services. As the ladder truck has exceeded its anticipated useful life, staff had the analysis of the Ladder Truck prioritized in order for Matrix to review its cost and provide a recommendation. Based on the Ladder Truck Analysis provided by the Fire Matrix Study (Attachment 2), the City should continue to be a partner in the current Cooperative Agreement for the ladder truck. Per the study, the ladder truck provides the following benefits to the City: •Ability to rescue persons at heights above those reachable by ground ladders •Providing elevated water streams •Horizontal reach to buildings with limited roadway access or terrain issues and roof access when there are limited personnel available to hoist ground ladders •Equipment for assisting with special rescue operations, salvage and overhaul in structure fires •Tools for forcible entry, ventilation and search and rescue tasks The initial one-time equipment purchase cost for La Quinta's portion of $350,000 is not currently budgeted, therefore a budget appropriation from Fire Service Reserves is recommended. This reserve account has a current balance of $10,303,000. If approved the remaining balance would be $9,953,000. Overall, the regional approach to providing a ladder truck company service to La Quinta is a benefit to the community and provides a method to ensure truck coverage when it is needed to serve the City. 228 ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to approve this MOU. Prepared by: Zander Johnston, Sr. Emergency Management Coordinator Approved by: Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director Attachments: 1. Memorandum of Understanding between Cities of La Quinta, Indio and Coachella for Fire Ladder Truck Acquisition Agreement 2.Matrix Fire Study – Ladder Truck Analysis 229