Trilogy (Products 1-3; 2007 Code Update)'Bin # City of. La Quin'ta., Building*8t Safety Divisiol`V P.0 Box 1504,78-495 Calle Taimpic - 0 La Quinta, CA 92253 - �(760) -777-7012 it Apolicat n dingPerm io' 'and3racking Sheet. Permit.# Proj 6ct Address:�' QPD-AiS Owner's Name: 64� SM4- I- 45S� A. P. Number Y 3 Address.: Legal Description: Contractor: Address: Vo -(]A LAI� qs��, C 0. City, ST, Zip: IL Telephone:' Project Description: Cify,'ST, Zip: A Telephone: Z— + (L State Lic. # - City. Lic. #: Arch.,, Engr., Designer- Rkx I 'Address: City, ST, zip: 'bo 14� : fA& Telephone: State Lic�. i: fl N n: ame of Contact Perso LDb�ie Y)� e,- Construction Type:, Occupancy: Project type (circle.one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Sq.,Ft.:. # Stories: - 1 -#.Units: Telephone # of Contact Peiion:, Estimated Valu'e"of Project: APPLICANT:, DO NOT WRITE BELOWiHIS 6NE 7 Sub�iittal Req'd Rcc.1d . TRACKHNG PERMIT FEES'. Plan Set§. Plan Check submitted -Itc.- Amount Structural Cates. Review ed, ready for corrections Plan Check Depogit Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance Energy Calcs. Plans �icked up Construction Flood plain plan. Plans resubmitted Mechanie'l Grading plan' 2 d Review, re ady for li:::!��ssue q a I Electric af Subcontactor List Called Colutact'Person 41 ta4pfl Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked'up� S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted 'Grading IN HOUSE: - Review, ready for eorrections/issue Develo�er Impact Fee Plannin g�kpproval Called Contact Person Pub.'Wks. Appr Date of perinit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees Lefter of Transmiftal To: City, of La Quinta Today's Date: 78-495 Calle Tampico City Dui,Date 7-3 La Quinta, Ca 92253 Project Address: Attn: Pla Check,#: Submittal: El i St El 4 th 2 nd 5 th 3 rd El Other: /1'—. We are forwarding: By Messenger By Mail (Fed Ex or U PS) Your. Pickup Includes: # Of Descriptio I ns: lr;cludes: # Of Descriptions: Copies: Copies: El Structural Plans I tK I- Revised Plans Structural Calcs ­'Structural Revised Structural Calcs Truss Cales Revised Truss Calcs Soils Report Revised Soils Report ET Correction List El Approved Structural Plans Structural Plans El Approved Structural Calcs Redlined Structural'Calcs El Approved Truss Calcs Redlined Truss Calcs Approved Soils Report Hedlined Soils Reports Other: Comme nts: q0k4dLf Thank you! This -Material -Sent f o r El Your Files Per Your Fl6quest Your Review' E] Approval Checking E] At the' request of: Other: 0 rx4 By: CHO Palm Desert Office: Lj W (760) 360-5770 Washington Office: Lj # (760) 404-9556 Mr. Kyle Tibbitts Shea Homes - La Quinta 60-800 Desert Rose Dr .La Quinta, CA 92253 Regarding: .4948 Trilogy at La Quinta S�bject: Structural. Tr uss Shop -Drawing Review De& Mr. Tibbitts, Acdornpanying this letter, we are returning (2 sets of shop drawings bearing the, same imprint as drawings were reviewed- for gene ral conformance with design at the base of this letter. The' concept- of the -pr Ject as indicated by the structural documents prepared b -our office. Wehave oJ y not reviewed quantities -or dimensions.. We have not reviewed fabrication processes, techn.iqu"es of construction, or coordination of the work with that of any other trade. We have not reviewed the manner in which the workwould be performed or if it may be performed in a safe and satisfactory - manner. -Should.we have made any comments or corrections on the drawings, these comments or corrections do -not relieve the contractor from compliance with the structUral douirnent8. 1n as,. much as we have reviewed the drawings only for general conformance with -the design concept, - unless deviations from the design intenthaVe been clearly indicated as such, We may not haVe ith the structural made note of them and the contractor is not relieved from compliance Wl documents. Our review of these drawings is not an indication of their preparation..under dur' . supervision. These shoo drawings are being returned with no objection taken to their u'se'. If you have any questions,,pjease contact our office. Nssqcl RIES. Very truly yours, BORM ASSOCIATES, INC. to, Brandon Winter Project Engineer BW:1/4948 651909 Truss Review REFERENCE Distribution: (1) Addressee via overnight (1) File 4�48 9 4- 8. -.2 3 lEncl.: (2) "Roof Truss Shop Drawings," dated 5/14/2009 ACCEPTABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION JUN 0, Earth Systems Southwest 79-811 B Country dub Drive Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 (760) 345-1588 (800) 924-7015 FAX (760) 345-7315 March 19,2008 File No.: 07711-28 Doc*., No 08-03-751 Shea La Quinta, LLC 60-311 Trilogy Parkway La Quinta, California 92253 Attention: Mr. Kyle Tibbitts Project: Trilogy, Tract 30023-6 La Qpinta, California Subject: Plan Review of Product 1, 2, and 3 Reference: 1. Earth,Systems Southwest, Liquefactioh Evaluation., Report and Supplemental, Recommendations, Tract 30023-06; Trilogy, Northwest Corner of Avenue 62. and Mon ' roe Street, La QWnta, California,' File No.: 0771.1-26, date& December 14,2007. 2. Sunc'oast, Post Tension Foundation' Calculation� for: -Product 1, 2, and 3, 'Shea Homes, Trilogy @ La Quinta, California (Three Sets' Total), each Six pages. with Cover Sheet and Post7Tension - Loading' Calculations Sheet, Undated. 3. Bassehian/Lagoni, Project Plans for Product 1, Trilogy at La Quinta� Shea Homes, Active Adult Division, .81-260 Avenue 62, La Quinta, California, 165 Sheets, Job No. 147-00214, I�st revision dated February 25, 2008.. 4 Bassenian/Lagoni, Project Plan's for Product 2, Trilogy at La Quinta, Shea Homes, Active Adult Division, 81-260 Avenue 62, La Quinta, California, 105 Sheets, Job No. 147-00215, last revision dated February 25, 2008. 5. Bassenian/Lagoni, Project Plans for Product 3, Trilogynt La Quinta, Shea Homes, Active Adult Division, 81-260 Avenue 62, La Quinta, California, 79., Sheets, Job No. 147-00216, last revision dated February 25, 2008. As requested, this letter has been prepared for your use with regards to our review of the project plans that include: General Notes, Energy Compliance, Electrical, Architectural for the various floor plans, Structural Notes and . Details, Post -Tension Foundation, Mechanical, and.Pi 's lumbing a they relate to the geotechnical recommendations previously submitted. Based on -our review it is bur opinion that the referenced plans are in compliance with the geotechnical recommendations provided by ESSW. March 19, 2008 -2- File No.: 67711-28 Doc. No.: 08-03-751 Closing Except 8 modified in this report, it is our opinion that the referenced documents are applicable to the proposed development. We make no representation as to the accuracy of the dimensionsi. measurements, calculations� or any pqrtion of the design. This report is issued with the understanding that the owner, or the owner's representative, has the responsibility to bring the information and recommendations contained herein to the attention of the architect and engineers for the project so, that they are incorporated into the plans and specificationis for the project. The owner, or' the owner�s representative, also has the responsibility to take the necessary steps to see that the general contractor and all subcontractors follow such recommendations. It is further understood that the owner or the owner's representative is responsible for submittal of this re'ort to theappropriate governing agencies. p Earth Systems Southwest (ESSW) has striven 'to provide our services in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices in this locality at this time. No warranty or. guarantee- is express or implied. This report was prepared. for the exclusive use of the Client and the Client's authorized agents. 'This report is based on the assumption that an adequate program of client consultation, construction monitoring, and testing will be performed during the final design and construction phases to check compliance with these recommendations. Maintaining ESSW as the geotechnical consultant from beginning to end of the project will provide continuity of services. The geotechnical engineering firm providing tests and observations shall assume the responsibility of Geotechnical Engineer of Record. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact this office Respectftilly submitted EARTH SYSTE ST 5 CE 38234 Z a rn UJ Exp. 03/31/09 CraigS.Hill CE 38234 OF Letter/csh/dac Distribution: 4/Shea La Quinta, LLC I /RC File 2/131) File EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST -I-