2020 10 20 Council & Special Joint Study Session with PCSPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING 1 OCTOBER 20, 2020 LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE AND CALL OF SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND TO THE CITY CLERK: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Joint Study Session Meeting of the La Quinta City Council and La Quinta Planning Commission is hereby called to be held on Tuesday, October 20, 2020, commencing at 6:00 p.m. (or soon thereafter) at La Quinta City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. Pursuant to Executive Orders N-25-20, N-29-20, N-33-20, and N-35-20, executed by the Governor of California in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.), members of the City Council, Planning Commission, City Manager, City Attorney, City Staff, and City Consultants may participate in this meeting by teleconference. The special meeting is called for the following purpose: STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSS PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 9 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO HOME OCCUPATIONS, COVE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, AND IMAGE CORRIDOR STANDARDS Dated: October 16, 2020 /s/Linda Evans LINDA EVANS, Mayor Attest: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING 2 OCTOBER 20, 2020 LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk, do hereby declare that the foregoing notice for the Special Joint Study Session Meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, on October 20, 2020 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51321 Avenida Bermudas and 78630 Highway 111 on October 16, 2020. DATED: October 16, 2020 MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 1 OCTOBER 20, 2020 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL, AND SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2020 3:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION | 4:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION JOINT SESSION – 6:00 P.M. (or shortly thereafter) ****************************** SPECIAL NOTICE Teleconferencing and Telephonic Accessibility In Effect Pursuant to Executive Orders N-25-20, N-29-20, N-33-20, and N-35-20, executed by the Governor of California in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.), members of the City Council, the Planning Commission, the City Manager, City Attorney, City Staff, and City Consultants may participate in this meeting by teleconference. Members of the public wanting to listen to this meeting may do so by tuning-in live via http://laquinta.12milesout.com/video/live. Members of the public wanting to address the City Council during the open session, either for public comment or for a specific agenda item, or both, may do so in person or via teleconference by sending an email notification to the La Quinta City Clerk’s Office at CityClerkMail@LaQuintaCA.gov, and specify the following information: City Council agendas and staff reports are available on the City’s web page: www.LaQuintaCA.gov CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 6 WAS MOVED & CONSIDERED AS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 3 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 2 OCTOBER 20, 2020 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION 1) Full Name 4) Public Comment or Agenda Item Number 2) City of Residence 5) Subject 3) Phone Number 6) Written or Verbal Comments The email “subject line” must clearly state “Written Comments” or “Verbal Comments.” Verbal public comments via teleconference – requests to speak must be emailed to the City Clerk no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting; the City will facilitate the ability for a member of the public to be audible to the City Council and general public for the item(s) by contacting him/her via phone and queuing him/her to speak during the discussion. Only one person at a time may speak by telephone and only after being recognized by the Mayor. Written public comments must be received by the City Clerk’s Office no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting, and will be distributed to the City Council, incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting, and will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Mayor, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent the City Clerk’s Office can accommodate such request. ****************************** CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers: Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda by emailing written public comments or requests to provide verbal public comments via teleconference as indicated above. Members of the public attending the meeting in-person are requested to complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The City Council values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 3 OCTOBER 20, 2020 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION CLOSED SESSION 1. THREAT TO PUBLIC SERVICES OR FACILITIES, PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (a) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957. CONSULTATION WITH: ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, SENIOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR; WILLIAM H. IHRKE, CITY ATTORNEY (Review Continued Need and Response to Proclaimed State and Local Emergencies Caused by COVID-19.) 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION; SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (2) OR (3) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CASES: 1) RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE AT 4:00 P.M. REPORT ON ACTIONS(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The City Council values your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY – 5TH ANNUAL STUDENT ART CONTEST PRESENTATION BY SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE; AND THANK YOU TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR ITS SPONSORSHIP 2. CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION COMMENDING STUDENTS FOR RAISING ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS BY KAYAKING ACROSS THE SALTON SEA CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. PAGE 1. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED OCTOBER 2 AND 9, 2020 9 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 4 OCTOBER 20, 2020 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION 2. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 37823 LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MILES AVENUE AND WASHINGTON STREET [RESOLUTION NO. 2020-035] 25 3. ACCEPT AVENIDA BERMUDAS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED ON AVENIDA BERMUDAS BETWEEN MAIN STREET AND CALLE CADIZ IN OLD TOWN (PROJECT NO. 2019-09/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECT NO. 4.LQ.38-19) 35 4. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH HERMANN DESIGN GROUP, INC FOR ADDITIONAL DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE SILVERROCK EVENT SITE (PROJECT NO. 2016-08) 39 5. ADOPT RESOLUTION DESIGNATING SPEED LIMITS FOR EISENHOWER DRIVE: FROM CALLE SINALOA TO AVENIDA MONTEZUMA; FROM AVENIDA MONTEZUMA TO CALLE TAMPICO; AND FROM CALLE TAMPICO TO AVENUE 50 [RESOLUTION NO. 2020-036] 47 6. Pulled from Consent Calendar by Mayor Evans and considered as Business Session Item No. 3 >>> APPROVE A CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICER I POSITION TO THE COMMUNITY RESOURCES DEPARTMENT, CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION AND RELATED BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 63 BUSINESS SESSION PAGE 1. INTERVIEW AND APPOINT ONE RESIDENT TO THE FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION 67 2. APPROVE MODIFIED ROUND III COVID-19 SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ECONOMIC RELIEF PROGRAM FOR LA QUINTA BUSINESSES IMPACTED BY COVID-19 69 3. Pulled from Consent Calendar by Mayor Evans and considered as Business Session Item No. 3 >>> APPROVE A CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICER I POSITION TO THE COMMUNITY RESOURCES DEPARTMENT, CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION AND RELATED BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 63 PUBLIC HEARINGS – NONE RECESS REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING TO CONDUCT SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 5 OCTOBER 20, 2020 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION (6:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter) CALL TO ORDER – Planning Commission ROLL CALL: Commissioners Bettencourt, Caldwell, Currie, Libolt Varner, McCune, Nieto, and Chairperson Proctor STUDY SESSION – City Council and Planning Commission PAGE 1. DISCUSS PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 9 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO HOME OCCUPATIONS, COVE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, AND IMAGE CORRIDOR STANDARDS 73 ADJOURNMENT – Planning Commission RECONVENE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING STUDY SESSION – City Council PAGE 2. DISCUSS SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE’S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 89 3. RECEIVE AND FILE ANNUAL REPORT OF ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS 123 4. DISCUSS TRAFFIC STUDY FOR ADAMS STREET NEAR LA PALMA DRIVE 135 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER – MARKETING QUARTERLY REPORT – JULY – SEPTEMBER 2020 159 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK 4. COMMUNITY RESOURCES - QUARTERLY REPORT – JULY – SEPTEMBER 2020 163 5. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 6. FINANCE 7. PUBLIC WORKS 8. POLICE - QUARTERLY REPORT – JULY – SEPTEMBER 2020 169 9. FIRE - QUARTERLY REPORT – JULY – SEPTEMBER 2020 171 MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 20, 2020 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. CVAG CONSERVATION COMMISSION (Evans) 2. CVAG ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE (Evans) 3. CVAG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Evans) 4. GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU (Evans) 5. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES DELEGATE (Evans) 6. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT JOINT POLICY COMMITTEE (Evans) 7. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (Evans) 8. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE (Evans & Peña) 9. COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (Fitzpatrick) 10. DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & Radi) 11. COACHELLA VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & Peña) 12. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (Fitzpatrick) 13. SILVERROCK EVENT SITE AD HOC COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick) 14. CANNABIS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Peña and Sanchez) 15. CVAG PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (Peña) 16. CVAG VALLEY-WIDE HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE (Peña) 17. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES – PUBLIC SAFETY POLICY COMMITTEE (Peña) 18. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT – ENERGY CONSUMERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Peña) 19. COVID-19 SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ECONOMIC RELIEF PROGRAM AD HOC COMMITTEE (Peña and Radi) 19. CVAG TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (Radi) 20. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY (Radi) 21. CITYWIDE SECURITY CAMERAS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Radi) 22. GREATER CV CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (Radi) 23. DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Radi & Sanchez) 24. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (Sanchez) 25. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES – TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC WORKS POLICY COMMITTEE (Sanchez) 26. RIVERSIDE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (Sanchez) 27. FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 5, 2020 175 28. SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 181 ADJOURNMENT ********************************* CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 7 OCTOBER 20, 2020 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on November 3, 2020, at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk, of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting was posted on the City’s website, near the entrance to the Council Chambers at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at the Stater Brothers Supermarket at 78630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on October 16, 2020. DATED: October 16, 2020 MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices  The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777- 7092, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made.  If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092. A one (1) week notice is required.  If background material is to be presented to the Councilmembers during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting.  Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Community Development counter at City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 1 OCTOBER 20, 2020 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL, AND SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2020 3:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION | 4:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION JOINT SESSION – 6:00 P.M. (or shortly thereafter) ****************************** SPECIAL NOTICE Teleconferencing and Telephonic Accessibility In Effect Pursuant to Executive Orders N-25-20, N-29-20, N-33-20, and N-35-20, executed by the Governor of California in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.), members of the City Council, the Planning Commission, the City Manager, City Attorney, City Staff, and City Consultants may participate in this meeting by teleconference. Members of the public wanting to listen to this meeting may do so by tuning-in live via http://laquinta.12milesout.com/video/live. Members of the public wanting to address the City Council during the open session, either for public comment or for a specific agenda item, or both, may do so in person or via teleconference by sending an email notification to the La Quinta City Clerk’s Office at CityClerkMail@LaQuintaCA.gov, and specify the following information: City Council agendas and staff reports are available on the City’s web page: www.LaQuintaCA.gov CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 2 OCTOBER 20, 2020 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION 1) Full Name 4) Public Comment or Agenda Item Number 2) City of Residence 5) Subject 3) Phone Number 6) Written or Verbal Comments The email “subject line” must clearly state “Written Comments” or “Verbal Comments.” Verbal public comments via teleconference – requests to speak must be emailed to the City Clerk no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting; the City will facilitate the ability for a member of the public to be audible to the City Council and general public for the item(s) by contacting him/her via phone and queuing him/her to speak during the discussion. Only one person at a time may speak by telephone and only after being recognized by the Mayor. Written public comments must be received by the City Clerk’s Office no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting, and will be distributed to the City Council, incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting, and will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Mayor, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent the City Clerk’s Office can accommodate such request. ****************************** CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers: Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda by emailing written public comments or requests to provide verbal public comments via teleconference as indicated above. Members of the public attending the meeting in-person are requested to complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The City Council values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 3 OCTOBER 20, 2020 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION CLOSED SESSION 1. THREAT TO PUBLIC SERVICES OR FACILITIES, PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (a) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957. CONSULTATION WITH: ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, SENIOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR; WILLIAM H. IHRKE, CITY ATTORNEY (Review Continued Need and Response to Proclaimed State and Local Emergencies Caused by COVID-19.) 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION; SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (2) OR (3) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CASES: 1) RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE AT 4:00 P.M. REPORT ON ACTIONS(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The City Council values your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY – 5TH ANNUAL STUDENT ART CONTEST PRESENTATION BY SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE; AND THANK YOU TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR ITS SPONSORSHIP 2. CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION COMMENDING STUDENTS FOR RAISING ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS BY KAYAKING ACROSS THE SALTON SEA CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. PAGE 1. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED OCTOBER 2 AND 9, 2020 9 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 4 OCTOBER 20, 2020 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION 2. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 37823 LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MILES AVENUE AND WASHINGTON STREET [RESOLUTION NO. 2020-035] 25 3. ACCEPT AVENIDA BERMUDAS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED ON AVENIDA BERMUDAS BETWEEN MAIN STREET AND CALLE CADIZ IN OLD TOWN (PROJECT NO. 2019-09/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECT NO. 4.LQ.38-19) 35 4. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH HERMANN DESIGN GROUP, INC FOR ADDITIONAL DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE SILVERROCK EVENT SITE (PROJECT NO. 2016-08) 39 5. ADOPT RESOLUTION DESIGNATING SPEED LIMITS FOR EISENHOWER DRIVE: FROM CALLE SINALOA TO AVENIDA MONTEZUMA; FROM AVENIDA MONTEZUMA TO CALLE TAMPICO; AND FROM CALLE TAMPICO TO AVENUE 50 [RESOLUTION NO. 2020-036] 47 6. APPROVE A CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICER I POSITION TO THE COMMUNITY RESOURCES DEPARTMENT, CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION AND RELATED BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 63 BUSINESS SESSION PAGE 1. INTERVIEW AND APPOINT ONE RESIDENT TO THE FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION 67 2. APPROVE MODIFIED ROUND III COVID-19 SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ECONOMIC RELIEF PROGRAM FOR LA QUINTA BUSINESSES IMPACTED BY COVID-19 69 PUBLIC HEARINGS – NONE RECESS REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING TO CONDUCT SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 5 OCTOBER 20, 2020 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION (6:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter) CALL TO ORDER – Planning Commission ROLL CALL: Commissioners Bettencourt, Caldwell, Currie, Libolt Varner, McCune, Nieto, and Chairperson Proctor STUDY SESSION – City Council and Planning Commission PAGE 1. DISCUSS PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 9 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO HOME OCCUPATIONS, COVE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, AND IMAGE CORRIDOR STANDARDS 73 ADJOURNMENT – Planning Commission RECONVENE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING STUDY SESSION – City Council PAGE 2. DISCUSS SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE’S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 89 3. RECEIVE AND FILE ANNUAL REPORT OF ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS 123 4. DISCUSS TRAFFIC STUDY FOR ADAMS STREET NEAR LA PALMA DRIVE 135 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER – MARKETING QUARTERLY REPORT – JULY – SEPTEMBER 2020 159 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK 4. COMMUNITY RESOURCES - QUARTERLY REPORT – JULY – SEPTEMBER 2020 163 5. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 6. FINANCE 7. PUBLIC WORKS 8. POLICE - QUARTERLY REPORT – JULY – SEPTEMBER 2020 169 9. FIRE - QUARTERLY REPORT – JULY – SEPTEMBER 2020 171 MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 20, 2020 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. CVAG CONSERVATION COMMISSION (Evans) 2. CVAG ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE (Evans) 3. CVAG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Evans) 4. GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU (Evans) 5. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES DELEGATE (Evans) 6. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT JOINT POLICY COMMITTEE (Evans) 7. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (Evans) 8. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE (Evans & Peña) 9. COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (Fitzpatrick) 10. DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & Radi) 11. COACHELLA VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & Peña) 12. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (Fitzpatrick) 13. SILVERROCK EVENT SITE AD HOC COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick) 14. CANNABIS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Peña and Sanchez) 15. CVAG PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (Peña) 16. CVAG VALLEY-WIDE HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE (Peña) 17. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES – PUBLIC SAFETY POLICY COMMITTEE (Peña) 18. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT – ENERGY CONSUMERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Peña) 19. COVID-19 SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ECONOMIC RELIEF PROGRAM AD HOC COMMITTEE (Peña and Radi) 19. CVAG TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (Radi) 20. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY (Radi) 21. CITYWIDE SECURITY CAMERAS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Radi) 22. GREATER CV CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (Radi) 23. DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Radi & Sanchez) 24. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (Sanchez) 25. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES – TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC WORKS POLICY COMMITTEE (Sanchez) 26. RIVERSIDE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (Sanchez) 27. FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 5, 2020 175 28. SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 181 ADJOURNMENT ********************************* CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 7 OCTOBER 20, 2020 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on November 3, 2020, at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk, of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting was posted on the City’s website, near the entrance to the Council Chambers at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at the Stater Brothers Supermarket at 78630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on October 16, 2020. DATED: October 16, 2020 MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices  The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777- 7092, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made.  If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092. A one (1) week notice is required.  If background material is to be presented to the Councilmembers during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting.  Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Community Development counter at City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 20, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED OCTOBER 2 AND 9, 2020 RECOMMENDATION Approve demand registers dated October 2 and 9, 2020. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – None FISCAL IMPACT Demand of Cash: City 4,228,098.49$ Successor Agency of RDA -$ Housing Authority 19,895.63$ 4,247,994.12$ BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Routine bills and payroll must be paid between Council meetings. Attachment 1 details the weekly demand registers for October 2 and 9, 2020. Warrants Issued: 202938-202983 1,309,258.05$ 202984-203069 2,194,240.76$ EFT 106 59.96$ Wire Transfers 506,407.49$ Payroll Tax Transfers 42,327.45$ Payroll Direct Deposit 195,700.41$ 4,247,994.12$ CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 9 The most significant expenditures on the demand register are: Account Name Amount Riverside County Various 1,216,802.94$ Aug 2020 Police Svcs Sheriff Dept Urban Habitat Various 428,618.26$ Aug 2020 SilverRock Park Venue Jones Bros Construction 413,298.45$ Sep 2020 SilverRock Construction Company Way Street Improv Coachella Valley Various 353,000.00$ SilverRock Way Water District Temp Irrigation Lines Southstar Engineering Construction 236,240.01$ Complete Streets & Consulting Construction Mgmt PurposeVendor Wire Transfers: Eight transfers totaled $506,407. Of this amount, $340,443 was for Granite Construction payment and $155,212 for PERS. (See Attachment 2 for a full listing). Investment Transactions: There was no investment activity during this time period. ALTERNATIVES All payments were reviewed by the Finance Department for completeness, proper approvals, and if applicable, in accordance with underlying contracts. All items were properly supported; therefore, no alternatives are recommended. Prepared by: Derrick Armendariz, Account Technician Approved by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Attachments:1. Demand Registers 2.Wire Transfers 10 10/12/2020 10:05:15 AM Page 1 of 4 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT02562 - BC 10/02/2020 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 100.00Escheated Outstanding Checks10/01/20 - OUTSTANDING CH…202939BRATTRUD, DANIELLE 101-0000-20267 118.55Coronavirus Expenses08/30-09/26/20 - POL SVC SIN…202940BURRTEC ENVIRONMENTAL 101-1007-60195 73,708.56Due to Waste Management10/01/20 - FY 19/20 PROPERTY…202941BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING…101-0000-20307 71,214.70Due to Waste Management10/01/20 - FY 19/20 PROPERTY…202941BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING…101-0000-20307 -7,357.09Franchise Taxes - Burrtec10/01/20 - FY 19/20 PROPERTY…202941BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING…101-0000-41505 -7,108.17Franchise Taxes - Burrtec10/01/20 - FY 19/20 PROPERTY…202941BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING…101-0000-41505 189.55Materials/Supplies09/02/20 - MATERIALS202942CALIFORNIA DESERT NURSERY,…101-3005-60431 71.08Materials/Supplies09/10/20 - MATERIALS202942CALIFORNIA DESERT NURSERY,…101-3005-60431 71.08Materials/Supplies09/15/20 - MATERIALS202942CALIFORNIA DESERT NURSERY,…101-3005-60431 2,780.70Due to Other Agencies10/01/20 - 103359 REFUND J…202943CHIAMES, PAUL 101-0000-20300 35.00Travel & Training09/30/20 - LEGISLATIVE AFFAI…202945CITY CLERK ASSOCIATION OF C…101-1005-60320 3,381.88Water - Civic Center Park - Utili…09/24/20 - WATER SERVICE202946COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61202 17.68Water -Seasons Park - Utilities09/24/20 - WATER SERVICE202946COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61208 10,083.45Water -Community Park - Utilit…09/24/20 - WATER SERVICE202946COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61209 292.55Water - Utilities09/24/20 - WATER SERVICE202946COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-2002-61200 253.24Water -Eisenhower Park - Utilit…09/24/20 - WATER SERVICE202946COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61203 138.42Water -Velasco Park - Utilities09/24/20 - WATER SERVICE202946COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61205 30.00Business Licenses07/10/20 - LIC-764090 REFUND…202948COPPLE CONCIERGE SERVICES …101-0000-41600 66.00Business Licenses08/27/20 - LIC-768867 REFUND…202949DE WINTER, NADIA 101-0000-41600 100.00Home Occupations08/27/20 - HO2020-0061 REF…202949DE WINTER, NADIA 101-0000-42447 100.13Materials/Supplies09/21/20 - MATERIALS202951DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 101-3005-60431 20.00Travel & Training09/28/20 - DVBA MTG CARLOS…202952DESERT VALLEYS BUILDERS AS…101-6002-60320 161.42Materials/Supplies09/10/20 - CITY HALL PAINT202953DUNN-EDWARDS CORPORATI…101-3008-60431 2,635.12GPSCVB10/01/20 - FY 19/20 CITY FUN…202955GREATER PALM SPRINGS CVB 101-3007-60151 42,207.00GPSCVB10/01/20 - Q2 FY 20-21 CITY F…202955GREATER PALM SPRINGS CVB 101-3007-60151 2,298.00Map/Plan Checking08/28/20 ON-CALL ENG PLAN …202957HR GREEN PACIFIC INC 101-7002-60183 70.69Tools/Equipment09/21/20 - SAW BLADES202959INLAND POWER EQUIPMENT …101-7003-60432 5,387.50Plan Checks09/30/20 ON-CALL BUILDING …202960INTERWEST CONSULTING GR…101-6003-60118 10,167.86Janitorial08/2020 JANITORIAL SERVICES…202961MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…101-3008-60115 10,303.86Janitorial09/2020 JANITORIAL SERVICES…202961MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…101-3008-60115 116.54Fritz Burns Pool Maintenance09/24/20 - FRITZ BURNS POOL…202963OCEAN SPRINGS TECH INC 101-3005-60184 37.44Office Supplies09/24/20 - OFFICE SUPPLIES202964OFFICE DEPOT 101-1006-60400 8,242.18Sales Tax Reimbursements10/01/20 - SALES TAX REIMB …202965ONE ELEVEN LA QUINTA LLC 101-1007-60535 100.00Over Payments, AR Policy09/28/20 - LIC-0000007 REFU…202966PAOLINI, CHRISTOPHER AND D…101-0000-20330 414.99Postage09/28/20 - INK FOR MAIL POS…202967QUADIENT FINANCE USA, INC.101-1007-60470 334.84Operating Supplies08/2020 - RADIO MAINT202968RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMAT…101-2001-60420 173.85Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites09/23-10/22/20 - EOC SATELLI…202969ROADPOST USA INC.101-2002-61304 194.72Materials/Supplies09/10/20 - MATERIALS202970SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 101-3005-60431 92.05Materials/Supplies09/10/20 - MATERIALS202970SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 101-3005-60431 -21.03Materials/Supplies09/10/20 - MATERIALS202970SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 101-3005-60431 842.04Annual Permits/Inspections09/01/20 - CH ELEC GEN DIESE…202971SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY M…101-3008-60196 136.40Annual Permits/Inspections09/01/20 - WC EMISSIONS LAT…202971SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY M…101-3008-60196 105.00Over Payments, AR Policy08/13/20 - LIC-765111 REFUND…202973SPARKLE MEDIA 101-0000-20330 39.36Office Supplies09/25/20 - OFFICE SUPPLIES202974STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-3005-60400 24.34Office Supplies09/25/20 - OFFICE CALENDARS202974STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-7001-60400 196.75Materials/Supplies09/24/20 - MATERIALS202975THE LOCK SHOP, INC 101-3005-60431 350.13Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism09/24/20 - GRAFFITI/VANDALI…202976THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.101-3005-60423 135.39Materials/Supplies09/23/20 - FRITZ BURNS PARK202976THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.101-3008-60431 4.42Materials/Supplies09/23/20 - FRITZ BURNS PARK202976THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.101-3008-60431 40.00Pest Control09/28/20 - FRITZ BURNS PEST …202978TRULY NOLEN INC 101-3008-60116 1,309.10Maintenance/Services09/22/20 - FRITZ BURNS PARK…202980VINTAGE E & S INC 101-3005-60691 920.10Maintenance/Services09/22/20 - PW YARD MAINT202980VINTAGE E & S INC 101-3008-60691 ATTACHMENT 1 11 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02562 - BC 10/02/2020 10/12/2020 10:05:15 AM Page 2 of 4 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 404.00Consultants09/2020 WELLNESS WORKS - …202981WELLNESS WORKS 101-1004-60104 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total:235,731.37 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 455.31Paint/Legends09/23/20 - AIRLESS REPAIRS F…202938BRAD'S AIRLESS REPAIR 201-7003-60433 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total:455.31 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 2,538.23Janitorial08/2020 JANITORIAL SERVICES…202961MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…202-3004-60115 609.53Janitorial08/2020 JANITORIAL SERVICES…202961MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…202-3006-60115 2,538.23Janitorial09/2020 JANITORIAL SERVICES…202961MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…202-3004-60115 640.01Janitorial09/2020 JANITORIAL SERVICES…202961MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…202-3006-60115 31.55Maintenance/Services09/23/20 - LIBRARY KEY CAM202975THE LOCK SHOP, INC 202-3004-60691 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total:6,357.55 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 7,863.36Water - Medians - Utilities09/24/20 - WATER SERVICE202946COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 370.48Electric - Utilities09/24/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…202958IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 211.47Electric - Medians - Utilities09/24/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…202958IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 4,181.87Administration10/01-12/31/20 WILLDAN FIN…202982WILLDAN FINANCIAL SERVICES 215-7004-60102 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total:12,627.18 Fund: 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND -374.11Burrtec AB 939 Fee10/01/20 - FY 19/20 PROPERTY…202941BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING…221-0000-41506 -387.21Burrtec AB 939 Fee10/01/20 - FY 19/20 PROPERTY…202941BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING…221-0000-41506 -1,800.00AB 939 Recycling Solutions10/01/20 - FY 19/20 PROPERTY…202941BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING…221-0000-60127 Fund 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND Total:-2,561.32 Fund: 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 4.00SB 1186 Revenue07/10/20 - LIC-764090 REFUND…202948COPPLE CONCIERGE SERVICES …230-0000-42130 4.00SB 1186 Revenue08/27/20 - LIC-768867 REFUND…202949DE WINTER, NADIA 230-0000-42130 Fund 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 Total:8.00 Fund: 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 8,310.42Small Bus.Emer. Econ. Relief P…09/30/20 – COVID-19 EMERG …202944CHULA CAFES LLC 247-0000-60510 11,531.17Small Bus.Emer. Econ. Relief P…09/30/20 – COVID-19 EMERG …202977TQLAS INC 247-0000-60510 4,734.60CARES Small Business Rebate P…09/30/20 – COVID-19 EMERG …202983WONDERCUTS INC 247-0000-60520 Fund 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND Total:24,576.19 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 353,000.00Construction03/17/20 - TEMP IRRIGATION L…202947COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…401-0000-60188 600.00Professional Services09/21/20 TRAFFIC CONSULTIN…202954FORBES TRAFFIC SOLUTIONS I…401-0000-60103 985.50Design08/31/20 SRR EVENT SITE DES…202956HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 12,255.00Technical06/28-08/01/20 SRR PARK WA…202962NV5 401-0000-60108 97,838.80Construction07/2020 LQ VILLAGE COMPLE…202972SOUTHSTAR ENGINEERING & …401-0000-60188 138,401.21Construction07/2020 LQ VILLAGE COMPLE…202972SOUTHSTAR ENGINEERING & …401-0000-60188 -22,558.86Retention PayablePO 1920-0128-R1 RETENTION …202979URBAN HABITAT 401-0000-20600 451,177.12Construction08/01-08/31/20 2016-08 SILV…202979URBAN HABITAT 401-0000-60188 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total:1,031,698.77 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 5.00Technology Enhancement Sur…08/27/20 - HO2020-0061 REF…202949DE WINTER, NADIA 502-0000-43611 360.00Software Licenses07/10/20 DELL FIREWALL SSL …202950DELL MARKETING LP 502-0000-60301 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total:365.00 Grand Total:1,309,258.05 12 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02562 - BC 10/02/2020 10/12/2020 10:05:15 AM Page 3 of 4 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 235,731.37 201 - GAS TAX FUND 455.31 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 6,357.55 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 12,627.18 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND -2,561.32 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 8.00 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 24,576.19 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 1,031,698.77 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 365.00 Grand Total:1,309,258.05 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20267 Escheated Outstanding C…100.00 101-0000-20300 Due to Other Agencies 2,780.70 101-0000-20307 Due to Waste Manageme…144,923.26 101-0000-20330 Over Payments, AR Policy 205.00 101-0000-41505 Franchise Taxes - Burrtec -14,465.26 101-0000-41600 Business Licenses 96.00 101-0000-42447 Home Occupations 100.00 101-1004-60104 Consultants 404.00 101-1005-60320 Travel & Training 35.00 101-1006-60400 Office Supplies 37.44 101-1007-60195 Coronavirus Expenses 118.55 101-1007-60470 Postage 414.99 101-1007-60535 Sales Tax Reimbursements 8,242.18 101-2001-60420 Operating Supplies 334.84 101-2002-61200 Water - Utilities 292.55 101-2002-61304 Mobile/Cell Phones/Satell…173.85 101-3005-60184 Fritz Burns Pool Maintena…116.54 101-3005-60400 Office Supplies 39.36 101-3005-60423 Supplies-Graffiti and Van…350.13 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 894.33 101-3005-60691 Maintenance/Services 1,309.10 101-3005-61202 Water - Civic Center Park -…3,381.88 101-3005-61203 Water -Eisenhower Park -…253.24 101-3005-61205 Water -Velasco Park - Utili…138.42 101-3005-61208 Water -Seasons Park - Util…17.68 101-3005-61209 Water -Community Park -…10,083.45 101-3007-60151 GPSCVB 44,842.12 101-3008-60115 Janitorial 20,471.72 101-3008-60116 Pest Control 40.00 101-3008-60196 Annual Permits/Inspectio…978.44 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 301.23 101-3008-60691 Maintenance/Services 920.10 101-6002-60320 Travel & Training 20.00 101-6003-60118 Plan Checks 5,387.50 101-7001-60400 Office Supplies 24.34 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 2,298.00 101-7003-60432 Tools/Equipment 70.69 201-7003-60433 Paint/Legends 455.31 202-3004-60115 Janitorial 5,076.46 202-3004-60691 Maintenance/Services 31.55 202-3006-60115 Janitorial 1,249.54 215-7004-60102 Administration 4,181.87 215-7004-61116 Electric - Utilities 370.48 215-7004-61117 Electric - Medians - Utiliti…211.47 215-7004-61211 Water - Medians - Utilities 7,863.36 221-0000-41506 Burrtec AB 939 Fee -761.32 13 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02562 - BC 10/02/2020 10/12/2020 10:05:15 AM Page 4 of 4 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 221-0000-60127 AB 939 Recycling Solutions -1,800.00 230-0000-42130 SB 1186 Revenue 8.00 247-0000-60510 Small Bus.Emer. Econ. Rel…19,841.59 247-0000-60520 CARES Small Business Reb…4,734.60 401-0000-20600 Retention Payable -22,558.86 401-0000-60103 Professional Services 600.00 401-0000-60108 Technical 12,255.00 401-0000-60185 Design 985.50 401-0000-60188 Construction 1,040,417.13 502-0000-43611 Technology Enhancement…5.00 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 360.00 Grand Total:1,309,258.05 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount **None**277,440.73 141513CT 353,000.00 151603CT 236,240.01 201608CT 451,177.12 201608D 985.50 201608RP -22,558.86 201608T 12,255.00 2021TMIP 600.00 CORONAMS 118.55 Grand Total:1,309,258.05 14 10/12/2020 9:56:05 AM Page 1 of 9 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT02571 - JD 10/09/20 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 110.00Blood/Alcohol Testing08/15/20 - BLOOD/ALCOHOL …202985AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES …101-2001-60174 275.00Blood/Alcohol Testing08/31/20 - BLOOD/ALCOHOL …202985AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES …101-2001-60174 2,500.00Grants & Economic Developm…10/08/20 - CS GRANT FUNDIN…202986ANIMAL SAMARITANS 101-3001-60510 138.29PM 10 - Dust Control09/28-10/25/20 - PM10 ANSW…202987ANSAFONE CONTACT CENTERS 101-7006-60146 26.23Tools/Equipment10/01/20 - DURALAST SOCKET…202988AUTOZONE 101-7003-60432 125.00Membership Dues09/1/20 PIHRA-C.ESCOBEDO202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-1004-60351 249.00Travel & Training09/01/20 GFOA TRAINING-K.B…202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-1006-60320 395.00Travel & Training09/11/20 GOVT. TAX WEBINAR…202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-1006-60320 120.00Travel & Training09/1/20 WLG COURSES-K.BLO…202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-1006-60320 120.00Travel & Training09/1/20 WLG-C.MARTINEZ202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-1006-60320 70.03Community Experiences09/10/20 9/11-FLOWER BOQU…202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-3003-60149 1,069.31Materials/Supplies9/10/20 POTTERY/PLANT MAT…202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-3005-60431 20.00Travel & Training09/15/20 CAPIO WEBINAR-K.C…202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60320 40.30Travel & Training09/06/20 CC MTG SNACKS202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-1001-60320 99.35Travel & Training09/15/20 CC MTG FOOD202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-1001-60320 169.00Coronavirus Expenses09/22/20 HEALTH CHAMPION …202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-1007-60195 739.63Coronavirus Expenses09/16-10/15/20 ZOOM LICENS…202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-1007-60195 120.82Operating Supplies09/02/20 SURPLUS STICKERS202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-1007-60401 60.00Special Enforcement Funds09/22/20 SEARCH WARRANT F…202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-2001-60175 2,332.79Materials/Supplies09/02/20 FIND FOOD BANK/P…202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-3005-60431 1,430.37Materials/Supplies09/18/20 PALM TREE LIGHTS-C…202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-3005-60431 1,252.45Materials/Supplies09/21/20 PALM TREE LIGHTS-C…202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-3005-60431 84.99Membership Dues09/05/20 MAILCHIMP202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60351 97.69Marketing & Tourism Promoti…09/7-09/19/20 FB ADS202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60461 74.77Marketing & Tourism Promoti…09/07/20 FB BOOST ADS202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60461 0.99Marketing & Tourism Promoti…09/22/20 ICLOUD-K.CAMARE…202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60461 14.99Marketing & Tourism Promoti…09/10/20 APPLE MUSIC202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60461 742.96Materials/Supplies09/02/20 FIND FOOD BANK/CI…202989BANK OF THE WEST 101-3008-60431 725.00Blood/Alcohol Testing09/15/20 - BLOOD/ALCOHOL …202993BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 101-2001-60174 2,337.00Blood/Alcohol Testing09/15/20 - BLOOD/ALCOHOL …202993BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 101-2001-60174 2,000.00Grants & Economic Developm…10/08/20 - CS GRANT FUNDIN…202999COACHELLA VALLEY AUTISM S…101-3001-60510 1,195.63Water -Pioneer Park - Utilities10/07/20 - WATER SERVICE203000COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61207 2,171.10Water -Fritz Burns Park - Utiliti…10/01/20 - WATER SERVICE203000COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61204 640.11Water - Utilities10/01/20 - WATER SERVICE203000COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3008-61200 500.00Grants & Economic Developm…10/08/20 - CS GRANT FUNDIN…203001COACHELLA VALLEY WATERKE…101-3001-60510 87.33Maintenance/Services10/06/20 - FS #93 MAT'LS203002CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DI…101-2002-60691 750.00Special Enforcement Funds09/24/20 - CRIME SCENE CLE…203004CRIME SCENE STERI-CLEAN, LLC 101-2001-60175 19,794.50Animal Shelter Contract Service07/2020 - ANIMAL SERVICES203005DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SER…101-6004-60197 14,811.96Animal Shelter Contract Service08/2020 - ANIMAL SERVICES203005DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SER…101-6004-60197 3,500.00Grants & Economic Developm…10/08/20 - CS GRANT FUNDIN…203006DESERT CANCER FOUNDATION 101-3001-60510 5,890.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…11/2020-06/2021 LOCAL PRINT…203007DESERT HEALTH 101-3007-60461 94.65Cable - Utilities09/22-10/21/20 - EOC CABLE203008DISH NETWORK 101-2002-61400 100.00Subscriptions & Publications10/07/20 - REIMB ICC RENEW …203011FUSON, JACOB 101-6003-60352 496.58Uniforms08/12/20 - PW INSPECTOR SHI…203012GALLS LLC 101-7006-60690 496.57Uniforms08/12/20 - PW INSPECTOR SHI…203012GALLS LLC 101-7006-60690 36.00Leisure Enrichment10/06/20 - CREDIT CARD REF…203014GREENFIELD, LESLIE 101-0000-42200 5,000.00Grants & Economic Developm…10/08/20 - CS GRANT FUNDIN…203015HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 101-3001-60510 3,000.00Grants & Economic Developm…10/08/20 - CS GRANT FUNDIN…203016HARC, INC.101-3001-60510 1,200.00Buildings07/31/20 SRR EVENT SITE DES…203017HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 101-1007-71050 3,129.79Consultants08/31/20 - CONTRACT/AUDIT …203018HINDERLITER DE LLAMAS & AS…101-1006-60104 2,351.65Consultants09/16/20 - CONTRACT/AUDIT …203018HINDERLITER DE LLAMAS & AS…101-1006-60104 209.32Coronavirus Expenses08/19/20 - PLAYGROUND CLO…203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-1007-60195 391.48Coronavirus Expenses07/29/20 - CITY HALL CLENZ (2)203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-1007-60195 15 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02571 - JD 10/09/20 10/12/2020 9:56:05 AM Page 2 of 9 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 20.68Fire Station08/24/20 - FS #93 SUPPLIES203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-2002-60670 58.63Fire Station07/28/20 - FS #32 MANUAL AI…203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-2002-60670 108.48Maintenance/Services08/27/20 - FS #93 MAT'LS203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-2002-60691 869.31Operating Supplies08/17-08/19/20 - OP SUPPLIES…203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3002-60420 48.76Materials/Supplies08/27/20 - MATERIALS203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60431 32.59Tools/Equipment08/19/20 - PRESSURE WASHER203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60432 18.47Operating Supplies08/04/20 - STORAGE BINS POL…203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3007-60420 195.49Safety Gear08/19/20 - SAFETY GEAR203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60427 32.23Safety Gear08/07/20 - SAFETY GEAR203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60427 288.08Materials/Supplies08/19/20 - OLD 32 SHOP203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 64.73Materials/Supplies08/26/20 - OLD 32 SHOP203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 55.40Materials/Supplies08/19/20 - WELLNESS CENTER…203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 69.45Materials/Supplies08/20/20 - OLD 32 SHOP203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 74.09Materials/Supplies08/20/20 - OLD 32 SHOP203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 84.86Materials/Supplies08/25/20 - CITY HALL MAT'LS203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 91.15Tools/Equipment08/27/20 - TOOLS203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60432 50.38Operating Supplies08/26/20 - STORAGE BIN & GL…203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-7003-60420 120.24Tools/Equipment08/03/20 - 16 GAL VAC203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-7003-60432 2,463.26Electricity - Utilities10/01/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-2002-61101 2,400.42Electric - Civic Center Park - Uti…10/01/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61103 847.73Electric - Fritz Burns Park - Utili…10/01/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61105 13.51Electric - Velasco Park - Utilities10/01/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61111 22.18Electric - Eisenhower Park - Util…10/01/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61113 15,489.85Electricity - Utilities10/01/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3008-61101 26.55Electric - Monticello Park - Utili…10/07/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61102 12.34Electric - Colonel Paige - Utiliti…10/07/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61108 1,573.22Electric - Community Park - Util…10/07/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61109 5.55Electric - Adams Park - Utilities10/07/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61110 26.20Electric - Desert Pride - Utilities10/07/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61114 163.11Safety Gear07/13/20 - SAFETY BOOTS R A…203021JERNIGAN'S, INC 101-3005-60427 5,000.00Grants & Economic Developm…10/08/20 - CS GRANT FUNDIN…203022JOHN F. KENNEDY MEMORIAL …101-3001-60510 150.00Instructors10/06/20 - STRETCH & RESTO…203023JOHNSON, KAREN T. PAYNE 101-3002-60107 150.00Instructors10/06/20 - SCULPT FIT CORE203023JOHNSON, KAREN T. PAYNE 101-3002-60107 1,000.00Grants & Economic Developm…10/08/20 - CS GRANT FUNDIN…203025KVCR EDUCATIONAL FOUNDAT…101-3001-60510 5,000.00Community Experiences10/05/20 - SPONSORSHIP PLE…203029MODERNISM WEEK 101-3003-60149 155.00Consultants09/2020 Ave La Fonda Fiber C…203030NAI CONSULTING INC 101-7006-60104 330.00Consultants09/2020 DBE (9B)/QAP/ADA C…203030NAI CONSULTING INC 101-7006-60104 1,603.33Marketing & Tourism Promoti…09/11-10/08/20 DIGITAL ADS203031NATIONAL CINEMEDIA LLC 101-3007-60461 1,950.00Fritz Burns Pool Maintenance10/2020 FRITZ BURNS POOL …203033OCEAN SPRINGS TECH INC 101-3005-60184 2,800.00Grants & Economic Developm…10/08/20 - CS GRANT FUNDIN…203034PALM SPRINGS CULTURAL CEN…101-3001-60510 2,200.00Community Experiences10/09/20 - SPONSORSHIP203034PALM SPRINGS CULTURAL CEN…101-3003-60149 2,500.00Grants & Economic Developm…10/08/20 - CS GRANT FUNDIN…203036PDLQ YOUTH FOOTBALL INC.101-3001-60510 31.29Tools/Equipment08/20-09/20/20 - CYLINDER R…203038PRAXAIR INC 101-3008-60432 274.68Tools/Equipment09/30/20 - CYLINDER 55 SIZE203038PRAXAIR INC 101-3008-60432 286.60Machinery & Equipment10/05/20 - FS #70 MAINT203040QUINN COMPANY 101-2002-80101 212.50Machinery & Equipment10/05/20 - FS #93 MAINT203040QUINN COMPANY 101-2002-80101 183.90Machinery & Equipment10/05/20 - YMCA GENERATOR203040QUINN COMPANY 101-2002-80101 334.84Operating Supplies07/2020 - RADIO MAINT203041RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMAT…101-2001-60420 761,736.81Sheriff Patrol07/30-08/26/20 - BP2 POLICE …203042RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60161 25,402.08Police Overtime07/30-08/26/20 - BP2 POLICE …203042RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60162 119,680.20Target Team07/30-08/26/20 - BP2 POLICE …203042RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60163 56,039.85Community Services Officer07/30-08/26/20 - BP2 POLICE …203042RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60164 14,102.40Gang Task Force07/30-08/26/20 - BP2 POLICE …203042RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60166 14,102.40Narcotics Task Force07/30-08/26/20 - BP2 POLICE …203042RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60167 116,971.22Motor Officer07/30-08/26/20 - BP2 POLICE …203042RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60169 38,526.80Dedicated Sargeants07/30-08/26/20 - BP2 POLICE …203042RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60170 22,187.20Dedicated Lieutenant07/30-08/26/20 - BP2 POLICE …203042RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60171 40,892.34Sheriff - Mileage07/30-08/26/20 - BP2 POLICE …203042RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60172 522.90Special Enforcement Funds07/30-08/26/20 - BP2 POLICE …203042RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60175 24.00Attorney878541 - PERSONNEL GENERAL203043RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 16 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02571 - JD 10/09/20 10/12/2020 9:56:05 AM Page 3 of 9 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 2,812.00Attorney878552 - STVR APPEAL203043RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 840.00Attorney878551 - IP CEASE AND DESIST203043RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 432.00Attorney878550 - STVR APPEAL203043RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 576.00Attorney878549 - STVR APPEAL203043RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 3,038.50Attorney878548 - COVID-19203043RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 216.00Attorney878547 - WASHINGTON PLAZA…203043RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 9,983.50Attorney878546 - DUNE PALMS PROJE…203043RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 747.00Attorney878545 - SILVERROCK RESORT203043RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 11,000.00Attorney878544 - RETAINER MATTER203043RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 602.00Attorney878543 - CODE ENFORCEMENT203043RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 8,820.00Attorney878540 - GENERAL ACCOUNT203043RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 2,448.00Attorney/Litigation878542 - LITIGATION GENERAL203043RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60154 149.55Operating Supplies10/02/20 - DRINKING WATER203045SPARKLETTS 101-7003-60420 69.45Citywide Conf Room Supplies10/02/20 - CITYWIDE DRINKIN…203045SPARKLETTS 101-1007-60403 1,752.09Vision Insurance Pay10/2020 - VSP VIA THE STAND…203046STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20945 290.10Life Insurance Pay10/2020 - LIFE INSURANCE203047STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20947 2,554.39Disability Insurance Pay10/2020 - DISABILITY203047STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20955 441.46Add'l Life Insurance Pay10/2020 - ADD'L LIFE INSURA…203048STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20948 212.01Forms, Copier Paper09/24/20 - COPY PAPER 8 1/2 X…203049STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1007-60402 101.52Office Supplies10/02/20 - OFFICE SUPPLIES T…203049STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-7001-60400 88.48Office Supplies10/03/20 - OFFICE SUPPLIES203049STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6004-60400 121.78Coronavirus Expenses10/07/20 - HAND SANITIZER203049STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1007-60195 95.25Coronavirus Expenses10/07/20 - SANITIZER SUPPLIES203049STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1007-60195 59.56Office Supplies10/07/20 - OFFICE SUPPLIES203049STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-7003-60400 58.83Operating Supplies10/07/20 - OFFICE SUPPLIES203049STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-7003-60420 597.42Building Permits10/09/20 - BRES2019-0310 REF…203051STEVENS, GERALD AND JANINE 101-0000-42400 309.49Plumbing Permits10/09/20 - BRES2019-0310 REF…203051STEVENS, GERALD AND JANINE 101-0000-42401 309.49Mechanical Permits10/09/20 - BRES2019-0310 REF…203051STEVENS, GERALD AND JANINE 101-0000-42402 182.52Electrical Permits10/09/20 - BRES2019-0310 REF…203051STEVENS, GERALD AND JANINE 101-0000-42403 32.02Grading Permits10/09/20 - BRES2019-0310 REF…203051STEVENS, GERALD AND JANINE 101-0000-42408 1,039.00Cash Over/Short10/02/20 - BRES2020-0152 REF…203052SUNRISE LQ LLC 101-0000-42300 306.00Special Enforcement Funds08/05-08/10/20 - GPS LOCATE203053T MOBILE USA INC 101-2001-60175 163.58Building Permits09/17/20 - BRES2020-0179 REF…203054TESTER, VANCE 101-0000-42400 21.46Electrical Permits09/17/20 - BRES2020-0179 REF…203054TESTER, VANCE 101-0000-42403 14.79Gas - Utilities08/18-9/17/20 - FS #32 GAS S…203055THE GAS COMPANY 101-2002-61100 41.70Gas - Utilities08/18-09/17/20 - CITY HALL G…203055THE GAS COMPANY 101-3008-61100 14.79Gas-Utilities FB Pool08/18-09/17/20 - FRITZ POOL …203055THE GAS COMPANY 101-3005-61100 66.36Gas - Utilities08/18-09/17/20 - WC GAS SER…203055THE GAS COMPANY 101-3008-61100 61.42Materials/Supplies10/05/20 - MATERIALS203056THE LOCK SHOP, INC 101-3005-60431 90.07Cable - Utilities09/16-10/15/20 - FS #32 CABLE…203058TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 41.69Cable - Utilities09/16-10/15/20 - FS #70 CABLE…203058TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 163.13Materials/Supplies09/10/20 - CITY HALL MAT'LS203059TOP OF THE LINE SIGNS 101-3008-60431 1,471.22Telephone - Utilities09/23-10/22/20 - PHONE LINE …203062TPX COMMUNICATIONS 101-2002-61300 72.00United Way DeductionsCONTRIBUTION203065UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 101-0000-20981 52.47Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites08/14-09/13/20 - EOC CELL P…203066VERIZON WIRELESS 101-2002-61304 1,685.37Maintenance/Services09/22/20 - MAINT SEASONS D…203067VINTAGE E & S INC 101-3005-60691 255.00Sheriff - Other09/04/20 - POLICE TOW LA201…203069WOOD, RUSSELL DAVID 101-2001-60176 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total:1,397,565.37 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 407.83Materials/Supplies09/16/20 - MATERIALS202996CALIFORNIA COMMERCIAL AS…201-7003-60431 941.67Electricity - Utilities10/01/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 201-7003-61101 185.96Traffic Control Signs09/30/20 - TRAFFIC CONTROL …203060TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 88.58Traffic Control Signs09/30/20 - TRAFFIC CONTROL …203060TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 287.26Traffic Control Signs10/07/20 - TRAFFIC CONTROL …203060TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 72.70Materials/Supplies10/01/20 - DIG ALERT FEES203064UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 201-7003-60431 26.13Materials/Supplies10/01/20 - CA STATE FEE DIG …203064UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 201-7003-60431 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total:2,010.13 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 4,795.75Electricity - Utilities10/01/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 202-3004-61101 1,513.02Electricity - Utilities10/01/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 202-3006-61101 17 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02571 - JD 10/09/20 10/12/2020 9:56:05 AM Page 4 of 9 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 2,120.00Coronavirus Expenses06/25/20 - LIBRARY GLASS PA…203035PALMS TO PINES MIRROR & G…202-3004-60195 1,659.00Coronavirus Expenses09/08/20 - LIBRARY GLASS PA…203035PALMS TO PINES MIRROR & G…202-3004-60195 17.03Gas - Utilities08/18-09/17/20 - LIBRARY GAS…203055THE GAS COMPANY 202-3004-61100 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total:10,104.80 Fund: 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 6,638.74COPS Robbery Prevention07/30-08/26/20 - BP2 POLICE …203042RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…212-0000-60178 Fund 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND Total:6,638.74 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 808.51Materials/Supplies09/21/20 PALM TREE LIGHTS-V…202989BANK OF THE WEST 215-7004-60431 607.75Materials/Supplies09/18/20 PALM TREE LIGHTS-V…202989BANK OF THE WEST 215-7004-60431 169.71Materials/Supplies09/24/20 - MATERIALS202997CALIFORNIA DESERT NURSERY,…215-7004-60431 13,618.28Water - Medians - Utilities10/01/20 - WATER SERVICE203000COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 196.15Water - Medians - Utilities10/07/20 - WATER SERVICE203000COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 178.00Maintenance/Services06/26/20 - LQ MONUMENT SI…203003CREATIVE LIGHTING & ELECTR…215-7004-60691 67.57Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism08/24/20 - GRAFFITI203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60423 2,305.49Electric - Utilities10/01/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 1,499.65Electric - Medians - Utilities10/01/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 3,519.20Electric - Utilities10/07/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 866.89Electric - Medians - Utilities10/07/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 5,478.00SilverRock Way Landscape09/2020 FY 20/21 SRR PERIME…203026LANDMARK GOLF MANAGEM…215-7004-60143 2,700.00Maintenance/Services09/11/20 - TREE REMOVAL203039PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60691 38.61Materials/Supplies09/17/20 - MATERIALS203044SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 215-7004-60431 94.65Materials/Supplies10/06/20 - MATERIALS203056THE LOCK SHOP, INC 215-7004-60431 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total:32,148.46 Fund: 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 171.55Electricity - Utilities10/01/20 - ELECTRICITY SERVI…203020IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 235-0000-61101 Fund 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND Total:171.55 Fund: 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 4,975.00Professional Services09/2020 HOUSING COMPLIAN…202995CAHA, BECKY 241-9101-60103 2,700.00Professional Services09/11/20 - DUNE PALMS PHAS…203009EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC 241-9101-60103 Fund 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Total:7,675.00 Fund: 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 1,442.98Marketing & Tourism Promoti…09/01-09/30/20 93.7 KCLB CO…202984ALPHA MEDIA LLC 247-0000-60461 1,444.52Marketing & Tourism Promoti…09/01-09/30/20 MIX 100.5 CO…202984ALPHA MEDIA LLC 247-0000-60461 100.23Marketing & Tourism Promoti…09/07/20 COVID FB BOOST202989BANK OF THE WEST 247-0000-60461 105.36Marketing & Tourism Promoti…08/22-8/30/20 COVID FB BOO…202989BANK OF THE WEST 247-0000-60461 152.31Marketing & Tourism Promoti…09/7-09/19/20 COVID FB ADS202989BANK OF THE WEST 247-0000-60461 9,693.90Marketing & Tourism Promoti…10/01/20 CALLE TAMPICO SIG…202992BEST SIGNS INC 247-0000-60461 1,299.87CARES Small Business Rebate P…10/08/20 – COVID-19 EMERG …202994BODY WORK AND ESTHETICS C…247-0000-60520 2,048.84Small Bus.Emer. Econ. Relief P…10/09/2020 COVID 19 EMERG …203027LQEWC INC 247-0000-60510 3,960.00Small Bus.Emer. Econ. Relief P…10/08/20 – COVID-19 EMERG …203050STEPHEN HARGETT AND POLS…247-0000-60510 1,512.02Small Bus.Emer. Econ. Relief P…10/08/20 – COVID-19 EMERG …203068WONDERCUTS INC 247-0000-60510 Fund 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND Total:21,760.03 Fund: 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 422.33APP Fees10/09/20 - BRES2019-0310 REF…203051STEVENS, GERALD AND JANINE 270-0000-43201 Fund 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND Total:422.33 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 4,964.51DesignJULY 2020 DUNE PALMS BRID…202991BENGAL ENGINEERING INC 401-0000-60185 -8,916.41Retention PayablePO 1920-0218-R1 RETENTION 1203013GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO…401-0000-20600 178,328.14Construction08/31/20 2019-09 AVENIDA B…203013GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO…401-0000-60188 6,415.00Design07/31/20 STANDARD LANDSC…203017HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 325.00Design07/31/20 RANCHO OCOTILLO …203017HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 1,935.00Design07/31/20 SRR EVENT SITE DES…203017HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 375.00Design08/31/20 STANDARD LANDSC…203017HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 -21,752.55Retention PayablePO 1920-0195-R1 RETENTION 3203024JONES BROS CONSTRUCTION …401-0000-20600 435,051.00Construction09/28/20 2014-13 SILVERROCK…203024JONES BROS CONSTRUCTION …401-0000-60188 4,569.50Design08/31/20 SRR PHASE II INFRAS…203028MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIO…401-0000-60185 495.00Professional Services09/2020 AVE 50 BRIDGE SPAN…203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 18 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02571 - JD 10/09/20 10/12/2020 9:56:05 AM Page 5 of 9 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 6,592.50Professional Services09/2020 MONROE STREET PA…203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,435.00Professional Services09/2020HSIP TRAFFIC SIGNAL …203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 7,520.00Professional Services09/2020 DUNE PALMS BRIDGE …203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 2,182.50Professional Services09/2020 HIGHWAY 111 CORRI…203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 3,645.00Professional Services09/2020 WASHINGTON STREET…203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,352.50Professional Services09/2020 LA QUINTA LANDSCA…203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 310.00Professional Services09/2020 FRITZ BURNS PARK - S…203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 6,155.00Professional Services09/2020 SILVERROCK RESORT …203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 367.50Professional Services09/2020 REGIONAL SCOUR AN…203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 230.00Professional Services09/2020 EISENHOWER DRAIN…203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 4,112.50Professional Services09/2020 LA QUINTA VILLAGE …203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 3,442.50Professional Services09/2020 PAVEMENT MANAG…203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 3,832.50Professional Services09/2020 SILVERROCK EVENT S…203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 2,757.50Professional Services09/2020 CITYWIDE PUBLIC SA…203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 682.50Professional Services09/2020 DUNE PALMS ROAD S…203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,837.50Professional Services09/2020 CITYWIDE MISC. ADA …203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 37.50Professional Services09/2020 JEFFERSON STREET AT…203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 4,082.50Professional Services09/2020 WASHINGTON STREET…203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,522.50Professional Services09/2020 FIRE STATION 70 REV…203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 775.00Professional Services09/2020 LA QUINTA X PARK203030NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 2,620.00Technical08/02-08/29/20 SSR PARK VE…203032NV5 401-0000-60108 17,035.00Technical08/02-08/29/20 SRR PARK WA…203032NV5 401-0000-60108 14,853.74Retention PayablePO 2021-0094 RETENTION PA…203057THREE PEAKS CORP 401-0000-20600 9,000.00Construction08/13/20 COVE RESTROOM & …203057THREE PEAKS CORP 401-0000-60188 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total:698,170.43 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 663.59Fuel & Oil08/2020 - FUEL CHARGES203010FUELMAN 501-0000-60674 1,109.70Fuel & Oil09/2020 - FUEL CHARGES203010FUELMAN 501-0000-60674 27.12Fuel & Oil08/26/20 - DEF FLUID BUCKET …203019HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 501-0000-60674 118.31Machinery & Equipment09/21/20 - MACHINERY REPAIR203037POWERPLAN BF 501-0000-80100 2,142.02Fuel & Oil09/01-09/15/20 - VEHICLE FUEL203061TOWER ENERGY GROUP 501-0000-60674 3,144.13Fuel & Oil09/16-09/30/20 - VEHICLE FUEL203061TOWER ENERGY GROUP 501-0000-60674 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total:7,204.87 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 59.96Software Licenses10/09/20 - REIMB HOME BAS…106DELGADO, JESSICA 502-0000-60301 239.88Software Licenses9/10/20 ADOBE LICENSE-D.HA…202989BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-60301 669.50Software Licenses09/16/20 SCANNING SOFTWA…202989BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-60301 1,485.00Software Licenses09/21/20 ANNL' BLUE BEAM …202989BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-60301 50.00Software Licenses09/13/20 BASECAMP202989BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-60301 0.99Software Licenses09/14/20 ICLOUD STORAGE-M…202989BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-60301 431.82Machinery & Equipment09/10/20 DOCKING STATIONS…202989BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-80100 382.77Machinery & Equipment09/22/20 W.CONF. RM SPEAK…202989BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-80100 16.26Machinery & Equipment09/24/20 IPHONE BELT CLIP-A…202989BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-80100 86.98Machinery & Equipment09/22/20 2-POWER ADAPTERS202989BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-80100 235.93Machinery & Equipment09/15/20 DOCKING STATION-D…202989BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-80100 286.78Machinery & Equipment08/31/20 HEADSET202989BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-80100 2,438.91Computers08/31/20 MACBOOK-M.GRAH…202989BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-80103 862.88Software Licenses09/28/20 CUST DISASTER REC…202998CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-60301 8.83Cable - Utilities09/20-10/19/20 - WC CABLE (…203058TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 2,742.04Telephone - Utilities09/23-10/22/20 - PHONE LINE …203062TPX COMMUNICATIONS 502-0000-61300 430.48Software Licenses10/01/20 - ANNUAL MAINT FE…203063TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 502-0000-60301 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total:10,429.01 Grand Total:2,194,300.72 19 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02571 - JD 10/09/20 10/12/2020 9:56:05 AM Page 6 of 9 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 1,397,565.37 201 - GAS TAX FUND 2,010.13 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 10,104.80 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 6,638.74 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 32,148.46 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 171.55 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 7,675.00 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 21,760.03 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 422.33 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 698,170.43 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 7,204.87 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 10,429.01 Grand Total:2,194,300.72 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20945 Vision Insurance Pay 1,752.09 101-0000-20947 Life Insurance Pay 290.10 101-0000-20948 Add'l Life Insurance Pay 441.46 101-0000-20955 Disability Insurance Pay 2,554.39 101-0000-20981 United Way Deductions 72.00 101-0000-42200 Leisure Enrichment 36.00 101-0000-42300 Cash Over/Short 1,039.00 101-0000-42400 Building Permits 761.00 101-0000-42401 Plumbing Permits 309.49 101-0000-42402 Mechanical Permits 309.49 101-0000-42403 Electrical Permits 203.98 101-0000-42408 Grading Permits 32.02 101-1001-60320 Travel & Training 139.65 101-1003-60153 Attorney 39,091.00 101-1003-60154 Attorney/Litigation 2,448.00 101-1004-60351 Membership Dues 125.00 101-1006-60104 Consultants 5,481.44 101-1006-60320 Travel & Training 884.00 101-1007-60195 Coronavirus Expenses 1,726.46 101-1007-60401 Operating Supplies 120.82 101-1007-60402 Forms, Copier Paper 212.01 101-1007-60403 Citywide Conf Room Suppl…69.45 101-1007-71050 Buildings 1,200.00 101-2001-60161 Sheriff Patrol 761,736.81 101-2001-60162 Police Overtime 25,402.08 101-2001-60163 Target Team 119,680.20 101-2001-60164 Community Services Offic…56,039.85 101-2001-60166 Gang Task Force 14,102.40 101-2001-60167 Narcotics Task Force 14,102.40 101-2001-60169 Motor Officer 116,971.22 101-2001-60170 Dedicated Sargeants 38,526.80 101-2001-60171 Dedicated Lieutenant 22,187.20 101-2001-60172 Sheriff - Mileage 40,892.34 101-2001-60174 Blood/Alcohol Testing 3,447.00 101-2001-60175 Special Enforcement Funds 1,638.90 101-2001-60176 Sheriff - Other 255.00 101-2001-60420 Operating Supplies 334.84 101-2002-60670 Fire Station 79.31 101-2002-60691 Maintenance/Services 195.81 101-2002-61100 Gas - Utilities 14.79 101-2002-61101 Electricity - Utilities 2,463.26 101-2002-61300 Telephone - Utilities 1,471.22 101-2002-61304 Mobile/Cell Phones/Satell…52.47 20 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02571 - JD 10/09/20 10/12/2020 9:56:05 AM Page 7 of 9 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-2002-61400 Cable - Utilities 226.41 101-2002-80101 Machinery & Equipment 683.00 101-3001-60510 Grants & Economic Devel…27,800.00 101-3002-60107 Instructors 300.00 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 869.31 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 7,270.03 101-3005-60184 Fritz Burns Pool Maintena…1,950.00 101-3005-60427 Safety Gear 163.11 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 6,195.10 101-3005-60432 Tools/Equipment 32.59 101-3005-60691 Maintenance/Services 1,685.37 101-3005-61100 Gas-Utilities FB Pool 14.79 101-3005-61102 Electric - Monticello Park -…26.55 101-3005-61103 Electric - Civic Center Park…2,400.42 101-3005-61105 Electric - Fritz Burns Park -…847.73 101-3005-61108 Electric - Colonel Paige - U…12.34 101-3005-61109 Electric - Community Park …1,573.22 101-3005-61110 Electric - Adams Park - Util…5.55 101-3005-61111 Electric - Velasco Park - Uti…13.51 101-3005-61113 Electric - Eisenhower Park …22.18 101-3005-61114 Electric - Desert Pride - Uti…26.20 101-3005-61204 Water -Fritz Burns Park - …2,171.10 101-3005-61207 Water -Pioneer Park - Utili…1,195.63 101-3007-60320 Travel & Training 20.00 101-3007-60351 Membership Dues 84.99 101-3007-60420 Operating Supplies 18.47 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro…7,681.77 101-3008-60427 Safety Gear 227.72 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 1,542.70 101-3008-60432 Tools/Equipment 397.12 101-3008-61100 Gas - Utilities 108.06 101-3008-61101 Electricity - Utilities 15,489.85 101-3008-61200 Water - Utilities 640.11 101-6003-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati…100.00 101-6004-60197 Animal Shelter Contract S…34,606.46 101-6004-60400 Office Supplies 88.48 101-7001-60400 Office Supplies 101.52 101-7003-60400 Office Supplies 59.56 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 258.76 101-7003-60432 Tools/Equipment 146.47 101-7006-60104 Consultants 485.00 101-7006-60146 PM 10 - Dust Control 138.29 101-7006-60690 Uniforms 993.15 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 561.80 201-7003-60431 Materials/Supplies 506.66 201-7003-61101 Electricity - Utilities 941.67 202-3004-60195 Coronavirus Expenses 3,779.00 202-3004-61100 Gas - Utilities 17.03 202-3004-61101 Electricity - Utilities 4,795.75 202-3006-61101 Electricity - Utilities 1,513.02 212-0000-60178 COPS Robbery Prevention 6,638.74 215-7004-60143 SilverRock Way Landscape 5,478.00 215-7004-60423 Supplies-Graffiti and Van…67.57 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 1,719.23 215-7004-60691 Maintenance/Services 2,878.00 215-7004-61116 Electric - Utilities 5,824.69 215-7004-61117 Electric - Medians - Utiliti…2,366.54 215-7004-61211 Water - Medians - Utilities 13,814.43 21 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02571 - JD 10/09/20 10/12/2020 9:56:05 AM Page 8 of 9 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 235-0000-61101 Electricity - Utilities 171.55 241-9101-60103 Professional Services 7,675.00 247-0000-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro…12,939.30 247-0000-60510 Small Bus.Emer. Econ. Rel…7,520.86 247-0000-60520 CARES Small Business Reb…1,299.87 270-0000-43201 APP Fees 422.33 401-0000-20600 Retention Payable -15,815.22 401-0000-60103 Professional Services 53,367.50 401-0000-60108 Technical 19,655.00 401-0000-60185 Design 18,584.01 401-0000-60188 Construction 622,379.14 501-0000-60674 Fuel & Oil 7,086.56 501-0000-80100 Machinery & Equipment 118.31 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 3,798.69 502-0000-61300 Telephone - Utilities 2,742.04 502-0000-61400 Cable - Utilities 8.83 502-0000-80100 Machinery & Equipment 1,440.54 502-0000-80103 Computers 2,438.91 Grand Total:2,194,300.72 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount **None**1,483,070.90 091004P 682.50 111205D 4,964.51 111205P 7,520.00 141513CT 435,051.00 141513P 6,155.00 141513RP -21,752.55 151603P 4,112.50 151609P 775.00 151612P 230.00 201602P 1,435.00 201603D 7,115.00 201603P 1,352.50 201608D 1,935.00 201608P 3,832.50 201608T 19,655.00 201701P 3,645.00 201709D 4,569.50 201709P 37.50 201722P 310.00 201801CT 9,000.00 201801RP 14,853.74 201806D 1,200.00 201902P 495.00 201905P 2,182.50 201907P 1,522.50 201909CT 178,328.14 201909RP -8,916.41 201919P 367.50 201924P 3,442.50 202001P 6,592.50 202002P 1,837.50 202003P 2,757.50 202004P 4,082.50 9/11E 70.03 CORONAMISC 7,192.53 22 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02571 - JD 10/09/20 10/12/2020 9:56:05 AM Page 9 of 9 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount CORONAMS 4,379.80 CORONANR 217.03 Grand Total:2,194,300.72 23 City of La Quinta Bank Transactions 09/26 – 10/09/2020 Wire Transaction Listed below are the wire transfers from 09/26 – 10/09/2020 Wire Transfers: 10/02/2020 - WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 39,195.45$ 10/02/2020 - WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA 4,525.29$ 10/02/2020 - WIRE TRANSFER - LQCEA 405.00$ 10/06/2020 - WIRE TRANSFER - AF FSA 3,732.90$ 10/07/2020 - WIRE TRANSFER - AF FSA 1,231.70$ 10/07/2020 - WIRE TRANSFER - TEXAS LIFE 857.35$ 10/08/2020 - WIRE TRANSFER - PERS HEALTH 116,016.42$ 10/09/2020 - WIRE TRANSFER - GRANITE CONST INC 340,443.38$ TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT 506,407.49$ ATTACHMENT 2 24 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 20, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 37823 LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MILES AVENUE AND WASHINGTON STREET RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution approving Final Parcel Map No. 37823 located on the southeast corner of Miles Avenue and Washington Street. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •Sheri Wen Hsu and CP Development La Quinta, LLC (Owner) proposes to subdivide a 2.35-acre parcel into two parcels. •All conditions of approval for Tentative Parcel Map 37823 (TPM) have been completed and the owner has requested approval of the Final Parcel Map. •Approving the final map is a ministerial action that is required after the conditions of approval have been satisfied. FISCAL IMPACT - None BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The property is within the Centre Pointe development on the southeast corner of Miles Avenue and Washington Street (Attachment 1). The TPM was approved by Director’s decision on February 11, 2020. The TPM proposes to subdivide the 2.35-acre parcel into two parcels. One parcel has an existing, non-operational building with parking spaces, and the other parcel is vacant land with parking spaces (Attachment 2). No development is proposed at this time. Future developments of the proposed parcels are subject to future review and considerations by City staff through entitlement and/or construction permits. Final Parcel Map 37823 (Attachment 2) has passed technical review by the City Surveyor and has been signed by the property owner; Staff recommends approval of the final map. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 25 ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend an alternative action. Prepared by: Amy Yu, Associate Engineer Approved by: Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director / City Engineer Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Parcel Map 37823 26 RESOLUTION NO. 2020 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING APPROVAL OF FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 37823 WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 37823 was approved by Director’s decision on February 11, 2020, as permitted under the Subdivision Map Act, subject to conditions of approval; and WHEREAS, the developer has completed the conditions of approval for final map approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, that the City Council does hereby grant approval of Final Parcel Map No. 37823, as referenced in the title of this Resolution, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 20th day of October 2020, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: _______________________ LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: ________________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 27 Resolution No. 2020- Parcel Map No. 37823 Adopted: October 20, 2020 Page 2 of 2 (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 28 V I C I N I T Y M A P NOT TO SCALE PARCEL MAP NO. 37823 29 30 ____ ___________________ ____ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________31ATTACHMENT 2ATTACHMENT 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________N.T.S.VICINITY MAPSITEMILES AVENUEWESTWARD HO DR.HIGHWAY 111WASHINGTON STREETSEELEY DRIVEADAMS STREETDUNE PALMS RD.CITY OFLA QUINTACITY OFINDIOCITY OFINDIAN WELLSCITY OFPALMDESERT____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________32 33 34 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 20, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ACCEPT AVENIDA BERMUDAS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED ON AVENIDA BERMUDAS BETWEEN MAIN STREET AND CALLE CADIZ IN OLD TOWN (PROJECT NO. 2019-09/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECT NO. 4.LQ.38-19) RECOMMENDATION Accept the Avenida Bermudas Americans with Disabilities Act Miscellaneous Improvements Project as complete; authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Office of the County Recorder; and authorize staff to release retention in the amount of $8,916, thirty-five days after the Notice of Completion is recorded. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The Avenida Bermudas American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Miscellaneous Improvements project included reconstructing curb ramps, sidewalk, and pavement to bring them up to current code. •The work is complete and Council acceptance will close the contract and allow final payment. FISCAL IMPACT The following is the financial accounting for Project No. 2019-09: Original Contract Amount $ 175,771 Quantity Adjustment No. 1 $ 2,557 Final Contract Amount $ 178,328 CITY Project Budget CDBG Contribution Project Budget Total $ 54,806 $ 173,867 $ 228,673 Final Contract Amount ($ 178,328) CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 3 35 Design, Professional, & Personnel Costs ($ 22,848) Inspection, Survey, Plans, & Other Construction Costs ($ 12,416) Anticipated Funds Remaining* $ 15,081 * All costs to date have been accounted for and no further costs are anticipated. There are adequate funds to close this project; the final retention amount of $8,916 will be paid from account number 401-0000-20600. The anticipated savings ($15,081) will remain available for future eligible projects. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On April 21, 2020, Council awarded a $175,771 contract to Granite Construction Company. On June 30, 2020, a Notice to Proceed was issued with a 30-working day completion time starting on July 13, 2020 and ending on August 21, 2020. The project was deemed substantially complete on August 20, 2020. No liquidated damages or early completion incentives are recommended. Contract Change Order No. 1 was issued to allow for additional concrete demolition. The project construction effort is complete and in compliance with the plans and specifications. Staff recommends acceptance and release of the retention thirty-five days after the Notice of Completion is recorded. ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend an alternative. Prepared by: Carley Escarrega, Management Assistant Approved by: Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachment: 1. Vicinity Map 36 *IMPORTANT* Maps and data are to be used for reference purposes only. Map features are approximate, and are not necessarily accurate to surveying or engineering standards. The County of Riverside makes no warranty or guarantee as to the content (the source is often third party), accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any of the data provided, and assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained on this map. Any use of this product with respect to accuracy and precision shall be the sole responsibility of the user. © Riverside County GIS Feet Legend Attachment 1 Notes Avenida Bermudas ADA Miscellaneous Improvements 0 REPORT PRINTED ON...12/6/2018 9:36:04 AM Project Map 6,019 12,037 Blueline Streams City Areas World Street Map ATTACHMENT 1 37 38 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 20, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH HERMANN DESIGN GROUP, INC FOR ADDITIONAL DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE SILVERROCK EVENT SITE (PROJECT NO. 2016-08) RECOMMENDATION Approve Amendment No. 3 to Agreement for Contract Services with Hermann Design Group, Inc. for SilverRock Event Site design services to include additional construction support and overflow parking lot irrigation design in the scope of services; increase the total not to exceed contract amount to $357,300; and authorize the City Manager to execute the amendment. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •On July 3, 2018, Council approved a Contract Services Agreement with Hermann Design group, Inc. for the SilverRock Event Site (Agreement). •In March 2020, Amendment No. 1 extended the contract term, and in June 2020, Amendment, No. 2 revised the scope of services. •Amendment No. 3 (Attachment 1) proposes to add construction support and design of the overflow parking irrigation to the scope of services; and will increase the contract sum by $17,800. FISCAL IMPACT There is sufficient funding in the SilverRock Event Site project budget for this amendment (Account No. 401-0000-60185, Project No. 201608D). Contract Services Agreement $339,500 Amendment No. 1 $0 Amendment No. 2 $0 Amendment No. 3 $17,800 Revised Not to Exceed $357,300 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 4 39 The following is the total revised SilverRock Venue Site project budget: Design $ 569,159 Design to be paid by Alongi Budget $ (46,955) Professional $ 60,000 Construction Manager $ 125,000 Inspection/Testing/Survey/Monitors $ 89,921 Pre-Construction (Mass Grading) $ 88,630 Bidding Costs $ 4,741 Restroom Building $ 115,291 Construction $ 5,065,312 Change Order to be paid by Alongi Budget $ (98,161) Utility Fees $ 288,021 Contingency $ 60,941 TOTAL $ 6,321,900 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On July 3, 2018, Council approved an Agreement with Hermann Design Group to design the SilverRock Venue Site (Project 2016-08) with a not to exceed amount of $339,500. In April 2020, Amendment No. 1 extended the contract term. In June 2020, Amendment No. 2 amended the scope of services to include tasks related to the design of Alongi building and remove tasks related to plumbing and structural design. Due to the additional Alongi building design and the length of construction, additional construction support is needed. Irrigation design services are required for the overflow parking lot and were not included in the original contract scope. Amendment No. 3 includes additional construction support in the amount of $12,800 and overflow parking lot irrigation design in the amount of $5,000 to the scope of services and contract sum. ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend other alternatives. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachment: 1. Amendment No. 3 to Agreement for Contract Services 40 AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH HERMANN DESIGN GROUP, INC. This Amendment No. 3 to Agreement for Contract Services (“Agreement”) with Hermann Design Group, Inc. ("Amendment No. 3") is made and entered into as of the 21st day of October 2020 ("Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA ("City"), a California municipal corporation and Hermann Design Group, Inc. (“Contracting Party”). RECITALS WHEREAS, on or about July 19, 2018, the City and Contracting Party entered into an Agreement to provide those services related to Design of the SilverRock Event Site, Project No. 2016-08. The term of the Agreement expires on June 30, 2021; and WHEREAS, Amendment No. 1, executed on or about April 28, 2020, amended Section 3.4 Term to extend the contract term through June 30, 2021 and Section 4.2 Contract Officer, to designate Bryan McKinney, Public Works Director/City Engineer as the contract officer; and WHEREAS, Amendment No. 2, executed on or about June 12, 2020, amended the Scope of Services to include tasks related to the design of Alongi building and remove tasks related to plumbing and structural design/construction support services for the SilverRock Event Site; and WHEREAS, the City and Contracting Party mutually agree to amend Section 1.1 Scope of Services of the Agreement to include additional construction support and design of overflow parking lot irrigation; and WHEREAS, the City and Contracting Party mutually agree to amend Section 2.1 Contract Sum of the Agreement for a total not to exceed amount of $357,300 due to the amendment to the Scope of Services outlined in the above recital; and NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenant herein contained, the parties agree as follows: AMENDMENT In consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the covenants and promises hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1.Section 1.1 Scope of Services is amended to include the enhancements listed and depicted in the attached “Exhibit A”, incorporated herewith ATTACHMENT 1 41 by this reference. 2.Section 2.1 Contract Sum is amended to read: 2.1 Contract Sum. For the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, Contracting Party shall be compensated in accordance with “Exhibit B” (the “Schedule of Compensation”) in a total amount not to exceed Three Hundred Fifty Seven Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($357,300) (the “Contract Sum”), except as provided in Section 1.6. “Exhibit B” – Budget is amended as listed in “Exhibit B”, attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. In all other respects, the Original Agreement shall remain in effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and Consultant have executed this Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement for Contract Services on the respective dates set forth below. CITY OF LA QUINTA a California municipal corporation 42 Dated: Jon McMillen, City Manager ATTEST: Monika Radeva, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William H. Ihrke, City Attorney CONSULTANT: HERMANN DESIGN GROUP, INC. By: Dated: ________________ Name: Chris Hermann Title: CEO/President 43 HERMANN DESIGN GROUP, INC. SCOPE OF WORK SILVERROCK VENUE SITE – CITY OF LA QUINTA “EXHIBIT A” Hermann Design Group (HDG) will provide the services as outlined below. These hours represent anticipated hours spent in the months August through December for the venue site. All other provisions of the professional services agreement shall apply herein. ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Additional time will be provided by Hermann Design Group as well as their electrical and architectural subconsultants on an hourly basis not to exceed $12,800. Tasks anticipated to be included are: o RFI Responses and Coordination o Construction Layout o Planting Placement Review o Meetings and Coordination o Irrigation Coverage Testing o Final Punch List o Final Acceptance ADDITIONAL IRRIGATION DESIGN AND DRAFTING The City has tasked Hermann Design Group to provide additional irrigation and design for the overflow parking area. This is requiring the update of ten sheets of the plan set, including irrigation plan, planting plan, and irrigation/planting details. Additionally, we are coordinating with the City for distribution. These services are to be provided on a lump sum basis of $5,000. Exhibit A Scope of Services 44 Exhibit B Budget The maximum total compensation to be paid to Contracting Party for the additional services to be provided under Amendment 1 to the Agreement is Seventeen Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($17,800), for a total not to exceed Agreement amount of Three Hundred Fifty-Seven Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($357,300) (“Contract Sum”). The Contract Sum shall be paid to Consultant in conformance with Section 2.3 of the Agreement. Base Contract Amount: $ 339,500 Amendment No. 1: $0 Amendment No. 2: $0 Amendment No. 3: $17,800 Revised Contract Total: $ 357,300 45 46 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 20, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT RESOLUTION DESIGNATING SPEED LIMITS FOR EISENHOWER DRIVE: FROM CALLE SINALOA TO AVENIDA MONTEZUMA; FROM AVENIDA MONTEZUMA TO CALLE TAMPICO; AND FROM CALLE TAMPICO TO AVENUE 50 RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution approving legal speed limits on Eisenhower Drive from Calle Sinaloa to Avenida Montezuma, from Avenida Montezuma to Calle Tampico, and from Calle Tampico to Avenue 50, as recommended in the 2020 Engineering and Traffic Survey. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The City Traffic Engineer recommended that a speed survey be conducted on three street segments due to recent changes which would affect the operating conditions along each. •The engineering and speed survey accounts for: 1) prevailing speed, 2) accident history, and 3) roadway characteristics not apparent to the motorist. •The survey designated all three segments for speed limit adjustments (Attachment 1). FISCAL IMPACT Replacing these signs will cost approximately $500; Gas Tax funds are available in the Traffic Control Signs budget (Account No. 201-7003-60429). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In order to enforce speed limits using radar, speed limits must be set in accordance with the California Vehicle Code (CVC). Per the CVC, vehicle speeds are determined by the behavior of a majority of drivers during normal driving conditions. Jurisdictions may not establish arbitrary speed limits. The City of La Quinta recently made changes to several streets which would affect the operating conditions along each. As such, it is desirable to resurvey the prevailing speeds and determine if speed limit adjustments are in order. Three street segments were recently re-surveyed. The 2020 Engineering and CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 5 47 Traffic Survey presents the following recommended speed limit for these roadway segments: Street Segment Posted Proposed Eisenhower Dr. Calle Sinaloa to Avenida Montezuma 40 35 Eisenhower Dr. Avenida Montezuma to Calle Tampico 40 30 Eisenhower Dr. Calle Tampico to Avenue 50 45 40 Staff requests approval for the recommended changes and to post these street segments immediately with the new speed limits for safety reasons. The new speed limits will help drivers select a speed that is safe and consistent with the majority of other users. ALTERNATIVES No alternative is recommended. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachment: 1.Engineering and Traffic Survey 48 RESOLUTION NO. 2020 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING SPEED LIMITS WHEREAS, the California Vehicle Code authorizes cities to designate and regulate speed zones within their jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it appropriate to designate speed limits on the following local streets to facilitate safe and orderly traffic flow; and WHEREAS, said designation shall be made by resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it appropriate to designate speed limits for 3 street segments; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Title 12.20.020 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, an engineering and traffic survey has been performed on the specified streets; and WHEREAS, the following designated prima facie speed limits are based on the results of the engineering and traffic survey; and Street Segment Speed Limit (mph) Eisenhower Drive Calle Sinaloa to Avenida Montezuma 35 Eisenhower Drive Avenida Montezuma to Calle Tampico 30 Eisenhower Drive Calle Tampico to Avenue 50 40 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: the aforementioned prima facie speed limits are most appropriate to facilitate the orderly movement of traffic and to be reasonably safe. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 20th day of October 2020, by the following vote: 49 Resolution No. 2020- Designate Speed Limits on Eisenhower Drive Adopted: October 20, 2020 Page 2 of 2 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: __________________________ LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: _________________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 50 October 5, 2020 Mr. Bryan McKinney, P.E. City Engineer Public Works Department City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: 2020 Engineering and Traffic Survey Dear Mr. McKinney: As requested, Willdan has completed a review of the recommended speed zones on Eisenhower Drive from Avenue 50 to Calle Tampico, Calle Tampico to Avenue Montezuma, and Avenue Montezuma to Calle Sinaloa in the City of La Quinta. The Engineering and Traffic Survey dated January 5, 2017 is hereby amended to include the updated speed limits for these three segments that supersede the previous speed limit recommendations. We are pleased to submit the enclosed recommendation and supporting documentation for the above segments. The Engineering and Traffic Survey for the above segments was conducted in accordance with applicable provisions of the CVC, following procedures outlined in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (California MUTCD) dated November 2014, and as required by Section 627 of the California Vehicle Code. The Report is intended to satisfy the requirements of Section 40802 of the CVC to enable the continued use of radar for traffic speed enforcement. We appreciate the opportunity to serve the City of La Quinta and the assistance and cooperation afforded to us during the course of this study. Very truly yours, WILLDAN Jeffrey Lau, P.E., T.E. Traffic Engineer Enclosure 106419/R01 ATTACHMENT 1 51 2020 Engineering and Traffic Survey City of La Quinta Page 2 Table 1 Street Segments with Recommended Speed Changes No STREET FROM TO POSTED SPEEED LIMIT NEW POSTED SPEED LIMIT CHANGE 58 Eisenhower Drive Avenue 50 Calle Tampico 45 40 -5 59 Eisenhower Drive Calle Tampico Avenue Montezuma 40 30 -10 60 Eisenhower Drive Avenue Montezuma Calle Sinaloa 40 35 -5 Table 2 Speed/ Collision Data Summary Table ID Street Segment Dist. (Mi.) Dir. 85% Speed 10 Mi. Pace % in Pace ADT Accident Rate Posted Speed Limit Prop. Speed Limit Remarks Exp. Act. 58 Eisenhower Drive Avenue 50 to Calle Tampico 0.48 N/S 44 35-44 76% 11,231 1.44 0.00 45 40 CA MUTCD Option 2 59 Eisenhower Drive Calle Tampico to Avenue Montezuma 0.12 N/S 30 24-33 88% 11,231 1.44 0.00 40 30* 85th Percentile Speed 60 Eisenhower Drive Avenue Montezuma to Calle Sinaloa 0.25 N/S 38 30-39 84% 11,231 1.44 0.33 40 35 CA MUTCD Option 2 *NB is posted 25 mph when children are present 52 CITY OF LA QUINTA ENGINEERING & TRAFFIC SURVEY STREET: Eisenhower Drive between Avenue 50 and Calle Tampico DATE: 9/22/20 TIME: 11:25 OBSERVER: Steve Libring LOCATION: 58 PART I: HIGHWAY & ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS Sight Distance Obstructions? (yes or no) S/B N/B Notes 1. Horizontal No No 2. Vertical Yes Yes Crest Curve 3. Superelevation (%)None None 4. Shoulder Conditions (paved or unpaved)Paved Paved 5. Profile Conditions (grade,%) 6. Commercial Driveway Characteristics (at grade, dustpan, etc) None None Driveways only at Apts. & school 7. Pedestrian Traffic in the Roadway without sidewalks (yes or no) No No Sidewalk on both sides 8. Adjacent Land Use (residential, commercial, office, etc) Residential Residential School; 9. Intersection Spacing and Offsets (spacing, feet-offsets, yes or no) No offsets TS at Avenue 50, roundabout at Calle Tampico 10. Pavement Condition (good, satisfactory, poor) Good Good 11. Truck Traffic (heavy, moderate, light)Light Light 12. Channelization (# of lanes, divided, undivided, painted, or raised median) 2 lanes with a bike lane 2 lanes with a bike lane 4 lanes, divided with a raised median & bike lanes on both sides. – SB narrows to 1 lane 13. Street Width and Alignment (width, feet – straight or curved) 33’33’12’ raised median 14. Street Length 0.48 15. Average Daily Traffic 5,171 6,060 11,231 total Collected on 8/31/16 16. Traffic Flow Characteristics (heavy, moderate, light) Light Light 17. Uniformity with the Community (yes or no) Yes Yes 18. Heavy On-Street Parking Turnover (yes or no) No No No parking allowed on both sides 19. Street Lighting Only at traffic signal and roundabout Only at traffic signal and roundabout SB transition has lighting 53 CITY OF LA QUINTA ENGINEERING & TRAFFIC SURVEY STREET: Eisenhower Drive between Avenue 50 and Calle Tampico LOCATION: 58 Direction Bi-directional Northbound * Eastbound * Southbound * Westbound * PART II: PREVAILING SPEED MEASUREMENT Location of Radar Measurement Just S/O Crest Date of Radar Measurement 9/21/2020 Time of Radar Measurement (24 hour) 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM 50%ile (mph) 85%ile (mph) 40 44 10 mph Pace (% of Vehicles) 35-44 Average Speed (mph) 40 Number of Samples Observed 100 Posted Limit (mph) 45 PART III: ACCIDENT RECORDS Time Period Evaluated 1/1/2012 TO 12/31/2014 Number of Accidents Midblock 5 Midblock Accident Rate (Acc/MVM) Expected-Statewide/Year 1.44 per MVM Actual 0.00 per MVM PART IV: ADDITIONAL REMARKS California MUTCD Option 2 RECOMMENDED SPEED LIMIT 40 mph * May be used in cases where two or more separate roadways are provided. CERTIFICATION: I, Jeffrey Lau, do hereby certify that this Engineering and Traffic Survey within the City of La Quinta was performed under my supervision and is accurate and complete. I am duly registered in the State of California as a Professional Engineer (Traffic). TE 2835 Jeffrey Lau Date State Registration Number 54 CITY OF LA QUINTA ENGINEERING & TRAFFIC SURVEY STREET: Eisenhower Drive between Calle Tampico and Avenue Montezuma DATE: 9/21/20 TIME: OBSERVER: Steve Libring LOCATION: 59 PART I: HIGHWAY & ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS Sight Distance Obstructions? (yes or no) S/B N/B Notes 1. Horizontal No No 2. Vertical No No 3. Superelevation (%)None 4. Shoulder Conditions (paved or unpaved)Paved Paved 5. Profile Conditions (grade,%) 6. Commercial Driveway Characteristics (at grade, dustpan, etc) At-Grade At-Grade Driveways on both sides 7. Pedestrian Traffic in the Roadway without sidewalks (yes or no) No No Sidewalk on both sides 8. Adjacent Land Use (residential, commercial, office, etc) Residential Commercial 9. Intersection Spacing and Offsets (spacing, feet-offsets, yes or no) No offsets Roundabout at Calle Tampico and at Montezuma 10. Pavement Condition (good, satisfactory, poor) Satisfactory Satisfactory 11. Truck Traffic (heavy, moderate, light)Light Light 12. Channelization (# of lanes, divided, undivided, painted, or raised median) 1 lane with bike lane 1 lane with bike lane 11’ raised median 13. Street Width and Alignment (width, feet – straight or curved) 31’ 31’ 14.Street Length 0.12 15. Average Daily traffic 5,171 6,060 11,231 total Collected on 8/31/16 16.Traffic Flow Characteristics (heavy, moderate, light) Light Light 17.Uniformity with the Community (yes or no) Yes Yes 18.Heavy On-Street Parking Turnover (yes or no) Yes Yes 19. Street Lighting No No Only at roundabouts 55 CITY OF LA QUINTA ENGINEERING & TRAFFIC SURVEY STREET: Eisenhower Drive between Calle Tampico and Avenue Montezuma LOCATION: 59 Direction Bi-directional Northbound * Eastbound * Southbound * Westbound * PART II: PREVAILING SPEED MEASUREMENT Location of Radar Measurement Date of Radar Measurement 9/21/20 Time of Radar Measurement (24 hour) 12:15 PM – 1:30 PM 50%ile (mph) 85%ile (mph) 27 30 10 mph Pace (% of Vehicles) 24-33 Posted Limit Prevailing Limit 40 PART III: ACCIDENT RECORDS Time Period Evaluated 1/1/2010 TO 12/31/2012 Number of Accidents Midblock 0 Midblock Accident Rate (Acc/MVM) Expected-Statewide/Year 1.44 per MVM Actual 0.00 per MVM PART IV: ADDITIONAL REMARKS Closest to 85th Percentile Speed RECOMMENDED SPEED LIMIT 30** mph * May be used in cases where two or more separate roadways are provided. **NB is posted 25 mph when children are present. CERTIFICATION: I, Jeffrey Lau, do hereby certify that this Engineering and Traffic Survey within the City of La Quinta was performed under my supervision and is accurate and complete. I am duly registered in the State of California as a Professional Engineer (Traffic). TE 2835 Jeffrey Lau Date State Registration Number 56 CITY OF LA QUINTA ENGINEERING & TRAFFIC SURVEY STREET: Eisenhower Drive between Avenue Montezuma and Calle Sinaloa DATE: 9/22/20 TIME: OBSERVER: Steve Libring LOCATION: 60 PART I: HIGHWAY & ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS Sight Distance Obstructions? (yes or no) S/B N/B Notes 1. Horizontal No No 2. Vertical No No 3. Superelevation (%)None 4. Shoulder Conditions (paved or unpaved)Paved Paved 5. Profile Conditions (grade,%) 6. Commercial Driveway Characteristics (at grade, dustpan, etc) At-Grade At-Grade Driveways on both sides 7. Pedestrian Traffic in the Roadway without sidewalks (yes or no) No No Sidewalk on both sides 8. Adjacent Land Use (residential, commercial, office, etc) Residential Residential 9. Intersection Spacing and Offsets (spacing, feet-offsets, yes or no) No offsets Roundabout at Calle Sinaloa and at Montezuma 10. Pavement Condition (good, satisfactory, poor) Satisfactory Satisfactory 11. Truck Traffic (heavy, moderate, light)Light Light 12. Channelization (# of lanes, divided, undivided, painted, or raised median) 1 lane with bike lane 1 lane with bike lane 11’ raised median 13. Street Width and Alignment (width, feet – straight or curved) 31’ 31’ 14. Street Length 0.25 15. Average Daily Traffic 5,171 6,060 11,231 total Collected n 8/31/16 16. Traffic Flow Characteristics (heavy, moderate, light) Light Light 17. Uniformity with the Community (yes or no) Yes Yes 18. Heavy On-Street Parking Turnover (yes or no) Yes Yes 19. Street Lighting No No Only at roundabouts 57 CITY OF LA QUINTA ENGINEERING & TRAFFIC SURVEY STREET: Eisenhower Drive between Avenue Montezuma and Calle Sinaloa LOCATION: 60 Direction Bi-directional Northbound * Eastbound * Southbound * Westbound * PART II: PREVAILING SPEED MEASUREMENT Location of Radar Measurement Date of Radar Measurement 9/21/20 Time of Radar Measurement (24 hour) 1:40 PM – 2:30 PM 50%ile (mph) 85%ile (mph) 34 38 10 mph Pace (% of Vehicles) 30-39 Posted Limit Prevailing Limit 40 PART III: ACCIDENT RECORDS Time Period Evaluated 1/1/2012 TO 12/31/2014 Number of Accidents Midblock 0 Midblock Accident Rate (Acc/MVM) Expected-Statewide/Year 1.44 per MVM Actual 0.33 per MVM PART IV: ADDITIONAL REMARKS California MUTCD Option 2 RECOMMENDED SPEED LIMIT 35 mph * May be used in cases where two or more separate roadways are provided. CERTIFICATION: I, Jeffrey Lau, do hereby certify that this Engineering and Traffic Survey within the City of La Quinta was performed under my supervision and is accurate and complete. I am duly registered in the State of California as a Professional Engineer (Traffic). TE 2835 Jeffrey Lau Date State Registration Number 58 DATE:09/21/20 DAY:Monday TIME PERIOD:10:30AM 11:30AM FOR ROADWAY: SPEED TOTAL VEHICLES SURVEYED TOTAL (MPH)NORTHBOUND+SOUTHBOUND NB SB VEHICLES LIMITS (BTN):AVENUE 50 AND CALLE TAMPICO 65 0 0 0 64 0 0 0 OBSERVATION POINT: 63 0 0 0 62 0 0 0 61 0 0 0 POSTED SPEED LIMIT:45 MPH OBSERVER: 60 0 0 0 59 0 0 0 COMMENTS:WEATHER: 58 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 ROAD SURFACE: 56 0 0 0 55 0 0 0 ROAD CONDITION: 54 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 DATA COLLECTION METHOD: 52 X 0 1 1 51 X 0 1 1 50 0 0 0 49 X X 2 0 2 48 0 0 0 47 X 0 1 1 46 X X X X X X 2 4 6 45 X 0 1 1 44 X X X X X X X 3 4 7 43 X X X 1 2 3 NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND NORTHBOUND+SOUTHBOUND 42 X X X X X X X X X X 6 4 10 41 X X X X X X X X X X X X 5 7 12 40 X X X X X X X X X 5 4 9 85TH %:43 44 44 M.P.H. 39 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6 8 14 38 X X X X X 4 1 5 50TH %:39 40 40 M.P.H. 37 X X X X X X X 5 2 7 36 X X X X X X X 4 3 7 15TH %:36 35 36 M.P.H. 35 X X 1 1 2 * 34 X X X 2 1 3 *10 MPH PACE:35 - 44 37 - 46 35 - 44 M.P.H. 33 X X X X 1 3 4 * 32 X X X 1 2 3 P % IN PACE:82%73%76% 31 0 0 0 A 30 X 1 0 1 C % OVER PACE:8%6%12% 29 0 0 0 E 28 X 0 1 1 *% UNDER PACE:10%22%12% 27 0 0 0 * 26 0 0 0 *ARITHMETIC MEAN:39 40 40 M.P.H. 25 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 SAMPLE VARIANCE:16 23 19 23 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 STANDARD DEVIATION:4 5 4 M.P.H. 21 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 VARIANCE OF THE MEAN:0.32 0.45 0.19 19 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 STD. ERROR OF THE MEAN:0.56 0.67 0.44 M.P.H. 17 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 49 51 100 Eisenhower RADAR CITY OF LA QUINTA LIBRING SUNNY DRY GOOD TO C:\Users\bcruz\Desktop\L a Quinta - Edited\Eisenhower north of TampicoRADAR FORM (template) 59 DATE:09/21/20 DAY:Monday TIME PERIOD:12:15PM 1:30PM FOR ROADWAY: SPEED TOTAL VEHICLES SURVEYED TOTAL (MPH)NORTHBOUND+SOUTHBOUND NB SB VEHICLES LIMITS (BTN):MONTEZUMA AND CALLE TAMPICO 65 0 0 0 64 0 0 0 OBSERVATION POINT: 63 0 0 0 62 0 0 0 61 0 0 0 POSTED SPEED LIMIT:40 MPH OBSERVER: 60 0 0 0 59 0 0 0 COMMENTS:WEATHER: 58 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 ROAD SURFACE: 56 0 0 0 55 0 0 0 ROAD CONDITION: 54 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 DATA COLLECTION METHOD: 52 0 0 0 51 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 49 0 0 0 48 0 0 0 47 0 0 0 46 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 43 0 0 0 NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND NORTHBOUND+SOUTHBOUND 42 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 85TH %:32 29 30 M.P.H. 39 0 0 0 38 0 0 0 50TH %:28 26 27 M.P.H. 37 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 15TH %:25 24 24 M.P.H. 35 X 1 0 1 * 34 X X 2 0 2 *10 MPH PACE:25 - 34 22 - 31 24 - 33 M.P.H. 33 X X X X 3 1 4 * 32 X X 2 0 2 P % IN PACE:86%96%88% 31 X X X X X X 4 2 6 A 30 X X X X X X X X 4 4 8 C % OVER PACE:2%2%3% 29 X X X X X X X X 6 2 8 E 28 X X X X X X X X X X X 5 6 11 *% UNDER PACE:12%2%9% 27 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6 10 16 * 26 X X X X X X X X X X X X 7 5 12 *ARITHMETIC MEAN:28 26 27 M.P.H. 25 X X X X X X X X X X X 4 7 11 24 X X X X X X X X X X 2 8 10 SAMPLE VARIANCE:11 7 9 23 X X X 1 2 3 22 X X X 1 2 3 STANDARD DEVIATION:3 3 3 M.P.H. 21 X X X 2 1 3 20 0 0 0 VARIANCE OF THE MEAN:0.22 0.13 0.09 19 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 STD. ERROR OF THE MEAN:0.47 0.36 0.31 M.P.H. 17 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 50 50 100 Eisenhower RADAR CITY OF LA QUINTA LIBRING SUNNY DRY GOOD TO C:\Users\bcruz\Desktop\L a Quinta - Edited\Eisenhower south of TampicoRADAR FORM (template) 60 DATE:09/21/20 DAY:Monday TIME PERIOD:1:40PM 2:30PM FOR ROADWAY: SPEED TOTAL VEHICLES SURVEYED TOTAL (MPH)NORTHBOUND+SOUTHBOUND NB SB VEHICLES LIMITS (BTN):CALLE SINALOA AND MONTEZUMA 65 0 0 0 64 0 0 0 OBSERVATION POINT: 63 0 0 0 62 0 0 0 61 0 0 0 POSTED SPEED LIMIT:40 MPH V OBSERVER: 60 0 0 0 59 0 0 0 COMMENTS:WEATHER: 58 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 ROAD SURFACE: 56 0 0 0 55 0 0 0 ROAD CONDITION: 54 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 DATA COLLECTION METHOD: 52 0 0 0 51 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 49 0 0 0 48 0 0 0 47 0 0 0 46 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 43 X 0 1 1 NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND NORTHBOUND+SOUTHBOUND 42 X 1 0 1 41 X 1 0 1 40 X X X 1 2 3 85TH %:38 37 38 M.P.H. 39 X X X X X 4 1 5 38 X X X X X X X 4 3 7 50TH %:35 33 34 M.P.H. 37 X X X X X X X X X 5 4 9 36 X X X X X X X 4 3 7 15TH %:30 30 30 M.P.H. 35 X X X X X X X X X 5 4 9 * 34 X X X X X X X X X X X 4 7 11 *10 MPH PACE:30 - 39 30 - 39 30 - 39 M.P.H. 33 X X X X X X X X X X X 4 7 11 * 32 X X X X X X X X X X X X 5 7 12 P % IN PACE:88%81%84% 31 X X X X X X 3 3 6 A 30 X X X X X X X 4 3 7 C % OVER PACE:6%6%6% 29 X 0 1 1 E 28 X X X X 2 2 4 *% UNDER PACE:6%13%10% 27 X X 0 2 2 * 26 X 1 0 1 *ARITHMETIC MEAN:35 33 34 M.P.H. 25 X 0 1 1 24 X 0 1 1 SAMPLE VARIANCE:13 15 14 23 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 STANDARD DEVIATION:4 4 4 M.P.H. 21 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 VARIANCE OF THE MEAN:0.27 0.28 0.14 19 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 STD. ERROR OF THE MEAN:0.52 0.53 0.38 M.P.H. 17 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 48 52 100 Eisenhower RADAR CITY OF LA QUINTA LIBRING SUNNY DRY GOOD TO C:\Users\bcruz\Desktop\L a Quinta - Edited\Eisenhower south of MontezumaRADAR FORM (template) 61 LEGEND: CITY OF LA QUINTA SPEED LIMITS 62 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 20, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE A CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICER I POSITION TO THE COMMUNITY RESOURCES DEPARTMENT, CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION AND RELATED BUDGET ADJUSTMENT RECOMMENDATION Approve addition of a Code Compliance Officer I position to the Community Resources Department, Code Compliance Division and related budget adjustment. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The City currently has 85 full-time allocated positions. •Council approval is required to amend the number of full-time allocated positions. FISCAL IMPACT The total General Fund budgetary impact for the current fiscal year is approximately $49,900 with an ongoing annual expense of $85,543. If approved, a budget adjustment would reduce the contingency for staffing budget (currently at $400,000) and increase salary and benefits within the Code Compliance division. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Community Resources Department is requesting an additional Code Compliance Officer I position to fulfill the Community Resources Department's ability to respond to various evening and weekend code compliance complaints. The Code Compliance Officer I position addition will significantly increase the department's ability to effectively and efficiently provide Short Term Vacation Rental code compliance services to the community and expand its capacity to manage and direct resources as needed appropriately. If the position is approved, the City will have 86 full-time allocated positions. The 2020/21 General Fund budget includes $400,000 for contingency for staffing, which allows for operational flexibility throughout the fiscal year. If approved, this amount would be reduced to fund the position, and future years would be included in the division's salary and benefits budget. 63 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 6 PULLED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR AND CONSIDERED AS BUSINESS ITEM NO. 3 ALTERNATIVES The council may approve or deny this request. Prepared by: Carla Triplett, Human Resources Analyst Approved by: Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director Attachment: 1. Authorized Full-Time Position List 64 CITY OF LA QUINTA AUTHORIZED FULL-TIME POSITIONS EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 20, 2020 AUTHORIZED WORKING TITLE RATING ALLOCATED Administrative Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant A11 6 Administrative Technician Administrative Technician B21/B22 3 Code Administration Code Administration Technician Building Inspector I B22 1 Code Compliance Officer I B22 2 Permit Technician B22 5 Code Administration Specialist Building Inspector II B23 2 Code Compliance Officer II B23 4 Construction Inspector B23 2 Plans Examiner B24 1 Code Administration Supervisor Animal Control/Code Compliance Supervisor B32 1 Code Administration Coordinator Assistant Construction Manager C42 1 Maintenance & Operations Maintenance & Operations Worker Maintenance Worker I A11 6 Maintenance Worker II A12 3 Maintenance & Operations Technician Traffic Signal Technician B21 2 Maintenance & Operations Technician B23 1 Maintenance & Operations Coordinator Maintenance Foreman B24 1 Maintenance and Operations Coordinator B24 1 Parks/L&L Foreman B24 1 Management Administration Management Assistant Community Resources Coordinator B21 1 Management Assistant B21 5 Account Technician B22 3 Management Specialist Community Resources Specialist B24 1 Deputy City Clerk B24 1 Junior Accountant B24 1 Management Specialist B24/B25 3 Accountant B25 1 Management Coordinator C41 Management Analyst Associate Planner C42 1 Community Resources Analyst C42 1 Sr. Emergency Management Coodinator C42 1 Financial Services Analyst C42 1 Human Resources Analyst C42 1 Management Analyst C42 4 Traffic Operations Analyst C42 1 Associate Engineer C44 1 Senior Planner C44 1 Management Manager Accounting Manager D61 1 Assistant to the City Manager D61 1 Building Official D61 1 Community Resources Manager D61 1 Hub Manager D61 1 Marketing Manager D61 1 Planning Manager D61 1 Public Safety Manager D61 1 City Clerk D62 1 Facilities Deputy Director D63 1 Director Community Resources Director E82 1 Design & Development Director E82 1 Finance Director/Treasurer E82 1 Public Works Director/City Engineer E82 1 City Manager City Manager F101*1 86 CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATION * City Manager salary is determined by City Council contract ATTACHMENT 1 65 66 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 20, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: INTERVIEW AND APPOINT ONE RESIDENT TO THE FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Appoint one resident to serve on the Financial Advisory Commission for an unexpired term ending June 30, 2023. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A Financial Advisory Commissioner (Commissioner), who held an unexpired seat ending in June 2022, resigned on November 8, 2019. In April 2020, this appointment was extended to June 2023 due to the existence of a local emergency caused by novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) via Resolution No. EM 2020-006. The City has advertised this vacancy on the City’s website since November 2019 and previously unsuccessful applicants were notified of the vacancy. Two applications were received. Staff recommends Council interview the candidates and consider appointing one resident by ballot. FISCAL IMPACT Commissioners receive a stipend of $75 per meeting. Funds are available in the 2020/21 budget (Account No. 101-1006-50110, Commissions). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City established boards and commissions to facilitate broader participation in the City governance, to solicit a broad range of opinions on City issues, and to introduce citizens to the municipal government process. The Financial Advisory Commission (FAC) serves as a resource for the City Treasurer on matters such as use of financial institutions, custodians, brokers and dealers; review monthly treasury reports and notes compliance with the City’s investment policy and adequacy of cash and investments for anticipated obligations; meet with the independent auditor after completion of the annual BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 67 audit of the City's financial statements, and receives and considers the auditor's comments on auditing procedures, internal controls, and findings for cash and investment activities; and annually review the revenue derived from the one percent (1%) Transactions and Use Tax (Measure G) instituted by voters in November 2016 to ensure these funds are used to provide services, programs and capital projects in the City. The City received a resignation from Commissioner Javier Lopez on November 8, 2019, who was serving a three-year term expiring on June 30, 2022, due to relocating out of the City of La Quinta and thus becoming ineligible to serve. In November 2019, the vacancy was advertised on the City’s website, social media platforms, and staff notified interested applicants who previously applied but were not seated. Interviews were scheduled for the December 17, 2019 Council Meeting, one FAC application was received; however, the applicant was out of the country and unable to attend. Thus, Council did not make an appointment. The seat has since remained vacant and the City continued to advertise the vacancy on the City’s website. Due to the threat of COVID-19 spread, along with statewide and local emergencies, the City did not conduct its annual recruitment, from April through June 2020, to fill vacancies on its boards and commissions. To preserve the community’s health and safety, and to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, Council instead adopted Emergency Resolution No. EM 2020-006 on April 21, 2020, extending the terms of all members serving on City boards and commissions with one additional year; thus, extending this vacant term through June 30, 2023. Applications are accepted throughout the year and applicants, including previously unsuccessful applicants, are notified of vacancies. City staff contacted three residents who in the past had expressed an interest to serve on the FAC, however, they have all indicated they are not interested at this time. Two applications were received from the following candidates: Keith D. Dorsey Ellen S. Way ALTERNATIVES Council may decide not to fill the vacancy, re-advertise, and set another date for interviews and appointments. Prepared by: Tania Flores, Management Assistant Approved by: Monika Radeva, City Clerk 68 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 20, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE MODIFIED ROUND III COVID-19 SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ECONOMIC RELIEF PROGRAM FOR LA QUINTA BUSINESSES IMPACTED BY COVID-19 RECOMMENDATION Approve modified Round III COVID-19 Small Business Emergency Economic Relief Program for La Quinta businesses impacted by COVID-19 to provide mortgage/rent and utilities relief reimbursement opportunity to eligible businesses for the month of August 2020. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •In March 2020, City Council established a $1.5 million COVID-19 Small Business Emergency Economic Relief Program (Program) to help mitigate the adverse economic impacts on local businesses due to COVID-19. •As of October 9, 2020, Rounds I, II and III of the Program combined have provided $ 876,409.87 in loans and rebates to 83 businesses. •As part of Round III, the Program provided rent relief to over 40 affected businesses impacted by State Mandates that occurred in July 2020, providing $254,544.20. •Staff proposes to modify Round III Program and offer mortgage/rent and utilities reimbursement to businesses impacted by the State mandated closures for the month of August 2020. FISCAL IMPACT The Program has expended $876,410, of this $87,204 from CARES Act funds. The remaining Program budget funded with reserves is $710,794 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 2 69 On March 16, Riverside County Public Health Officer, Dr. Cameron Kaiser, ordered all County residents to stay at home to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. In addition, all non-essential businesses were directed to remain closed. The City recognizes that COVID-19 has put a difficult burden on our small business community. As a response to this unprecedented challenge, on March 25, 2020, the Council authorized the appropriation of up to $1.5 million from the City’s economic disaster reserves and directed staff to bring back for Council consideration a program offering micro-loans or similar relief to assist local businesses affected by the COVID-19 local emergency. On July 21, 2020, the Council approved a modification of the program for rent relief efforts for businesses impacted by the July 13 State Mandate to close indoor activities of certain businesses. Rounds I and II: The City provided zero interest loans to eligible businesses beginning at $5,000 and up to $20,000. Rounds I and II awarded $500,000 to 51 businesses. Round III (Revised last on July 21, 2020): The City provided a Rebate Program (Program) for La Quinta businesses with a physical storefront for investments in safety measures as part of the statewide industry guidance. The program was revised to include one-time lease/mortgage and utilities reimbursement for restaurants and other businesses affected by the State mandated closure of indoor activities that occurred on July 1 and July 13, 2020. The application period for this one-time relief closed on August 31, 2020. The rent relief Program provided to businesses allowed for over 40 different businesses to receive a total of $254,544.20 in reimbursement for their July 2020 rent and utility expenses. Proposed Round III Rebate Program Revisions: 1.Expand the existing Round III Program to include lease/mortgage and utilities reimbursement for the month of August 2020 for restaurants and other businesses affected by the State mandated closures, which remained in effect until the end of August, Businesses impacted by the mandate, required to cease all indoor operations, include nail salons; facial and esthetician services; shaving; waxing and threading; massage therapy; body art, tattoo and piercing; fitness centers; hair salons and barbershops. Funds would be available on a first come, first served basis, with a maximum of $10,000 to be reimbursed at 75% of expenses ($0.75 reimbursed for every $1.00 spent). This $10,000 would not count 70 toward the $20,000 maximum rebate allotment per business for installation of COVID-19 safety measures. 2.Expand the existing Round III Program to provide relief to those businesses experiencing hardship during the month of August 2020 due to COVID-19. Eligible businesses would be able to apply for reimbursement of lease/mortgage and utilities for the month of August 2020 at a rate of 50% of expenses ($0.50 reimbursed every $1.00 spent) a maximum of up to $10,000 reimbursed. This $10,000 would not count toward the $20,000 maximum rebate allotment per business. Eligible businesses must be small businesses with a physical storefront such as Restaurants and Retail. Those that have received prior lease/mortgage and utilities relief are eligible for this relief. If approved, eligible businesses can start submitting applications on Friday, October 23, 2020 at 8:00 a.m.; the application deadline will be Monday, November 23, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. With current applications under review and potential reimbursement amounts accounted for, there is an estimated $600,000 remaining in the Program budget. At a maximum of $10,000 per eligible business for lease/mortgage and utilities rent relief for the month of August 2020, approximately 60 businesses could receive this relief. As only 44 businesses have been awarded for the July 2020 relief, and the modification of the 75% and 50% reimbursement rate factored into potential awards, staff estimates there will be adequate funds available to provide for future rebate program applications and this proposed revision to the Program concurrently. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to approve the revisions to the program. Prepared by: Doug Kinley, Management Specialist Approved by: Jon McMillen, City Manager 71 72 City of La Quinta JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: October 20, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: DISCUSS PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 9 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO HOME OCCUPATIONS, COVE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, AND IMAGE CORRIDOR STANDARDS RECOMMENDATION Discuss and provide direction on proposed amendments to Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code related to home occupations, Cove development standards, and image corridor standards to streamline the development review process. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •Staff proposes the following modifications to Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Code) to streamline the development review process: Revise the Home Occupation standards to provide more flexibility and be consistent with State laws; Remove Cove development standards and apply the current city-wide residential design guidelines to the Cove, which provides more design flexibility and removes redundancies; Revise image corridor standards to provide flexibility on maximum heights along image corridors. FISCAL IMPACT – None. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Council has adopted annual Code amendments since 2016 to streamline the development review process and clarify development standards. Staff has identified additional amendments for Planning Commission (PC) and Council’s review and direction (Attachment 1). The proposed text amendments (Attachment 2) are summarized as follows: STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 73 Home Occupations (Section 9.60.110 & 9.210.060 Home occupations) Home occupations are allowed within the City of La Quinta (City) to operate certain commercial businesses within a single-family house as long as they are incidental and accessory. Residents can operate a business from their home with certain standards in place, and prohibits the following: signs, storage, noise, sales activity at the house, vehicular traffic, medical uses, and use of guesthouses for home occupations. A few exemptions to these rules can be found, including allowing musical instruction and academic tutoring where not more than two students are present at the house at the same time. Staff has received requests to provide more flexibility for home occupations, specifically for service-based businesses, demand for which has increased during the recent COVID-19 related industry closures. Additionally, a recently passed State assembly bill (AB 626) now allows for microenterprise home kitchen operations, which are a new type of retail food facility that allow an individual to operate a food facility in their private house. Staff is proposing the following updates: -Expand exceptions to allow visitors to home occupations. Businesses offering services would be allowed with no more than two (2) customers at a time and would have to demonstrate existence of at least one (1) off-street parking space. Businesses providing products would still not be allowed to have visitors. -Allow home occupations to occur within accessory structures, such as a guesthouse. -Allow “Microenterprise home kitchen operations,” consistent with State law. -Clean up sections to remove redundancies. All home occupations would continue to require a City of La Quinta business license and inspection from the City’s Code Compliance department prior to issuance. RC district development standards (Section 9.50.090) The Cove Residential (RC) zone is the only residential zoning district that includes specific development standards outside of the table of development standards (Section 9.50.030) and other standards that apply to all residential zones city-wide. Staff is proposing to remove the Cove specific standards and apply the city-wide “Residential Architectural Design Standards” section to the RC zone, and remove standards that are redundant or not necessary. The following is being proposed: -Section 9.50.090 would change from “RC district development standards” to “Residential Architectural Design Standards” 74 - Section 9.50.090(A)(1-2) includes standards for architectural design and variety and would remain as these standards apply city-wide. - Section 9.50.090(A)(3-5) includes development standards that are redundant and can be regulated by the City’s table of development standards and building code. - Section 9.50.090(A)(7-8) includes architectural standards for roof materials and landscaping front and side yards which can be regulated by City’s Architectural Design Guidelines. - Section 9.50.090(A)(9-11) would remain as landscape architectural standards and are applicable city-wide. - Section 9.50.090(A)(16) regarding earth fill would remain in this section as it is a useful standard and is also applied city-wide. - Every other standard in this section is redundant or not necessary as these standards are applied by another part of the Code, such as the electrical code, outdoor lighting, fencing, and parking. Image corridors (Section 9.50.020 Height limits and setbacks near image corridors) The Code currently establishes height limits within one hundred fifty feet of the edge of right of way of all general plan-designated image corridors stating that all buildings shall be limited to one story, not to exceed twenty-two feet in height. Image corridors within the City include Fred Waring Drive, Miles Avenue, Highway 111, Eisenhower Drive, Washington St, Jefferson St, Madison St, Monroe St, Calle Tampico, Airport Blvd, and Avenues 48, 50, 52, 54, 58, 60, and 62. Staff is proposing more flexibility within these standards, including: - Buildings may exceed one story within the first one hundred fifty feet of an image corridor and will be regulated by the story limitation within each zone. - Within the first one hundred fifty feet of an image corridor, building height can exceed twenty-two (22) feet with the approval of a Minor Use Permit. Maximum height allowed would be the maximum building height of the existing zone. Prepared by: Carlos Flores, Senior Planner Approved by: Cheri Flores, Planning Manager Attachments: 1. Matrix of proposed Code amendments 2. Title 9 proposed Code amendments (redline) 75 76 Affected Code Section(s)Existing Challenge/ Inefficiency Suggested Change to Code 9.60.110 Home occupations are limited in types of occupations and operations and aren't up to date with State laws, Allow for service based home occupations, with strict regulations, and for home occupations to occur within guesthouses. 9.50.090 The Cove has specific and indepndent development standards that should be applied City wide or are redundant Change this section to an "Architectural Design" section, apply these standards city wide, and remove redundant standards 9.50.020 The City's image corridor standards have strict standards on heights within the first 150 feet of an image corridor Allow for heights above twenty two (22) ft and more than one story within the first 150 ft of an image corridor, with approval of a minor use permit. Code Amendments Prepared for Planning Commission Meeting ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 177 HOME OCCUPATIONS 9.60.110 Home occupations. A. Purpose. The regulations set forth in this section are provided so that certain incidental and accessory uses may be established in residential neighborhoods under conditions that will ensure their compatibility with the neighborhood. B. Permit Required. Establishment and operation of a home occupation shall require approval of a home occupation permit processed by the director of building and safety, or his/her designee, in accordance with Section 9.210.060. Information shall be provided to ensure that the proposed home occupation complies with the requirements of this section. Additional information necessary to make the findings required for approval may be required by the city. C. Use and Development Standards. In addition to the requirements for each residential district, the following standards shall apply to the establishment and operation of home occupations: 1. The establishment and conduct of a home occupation shall be an incidental and accessory use and shall not change the principal character or use of the dwelling unit involved. 2. Only residents of the dwelling unit may be engaged in the home occupation. 3. A home occupation shall be conducted only within the enclosed living area of the principal dwelling unit or accessory structure, or within the garage provided no garage space required for off-street parking is used. The home occupation shall not occupy more than twenty-five percent of the combined floor area of the house, accessory structure and garage. 4. A home occupation shall not be conducted within a detached accessory structure, although materials may be stored in such a structure. 5. There shall be no signs, outdoor storage, parked vehicles or other exterior evidence of the conduct of the home occupation. Neither the dwelling nor the lot shall be altered in appearance so that it appears other than a residence, either by color, materials, construction, lighting, sounds, vibrations or other characteristics. No more than two parked vehicles related to the home occupation are allowed at any time. 6. Electrical or mechanical equipment which creates interference in radio, television or telephone receivers or causes fluctuations in line voltage outside the dwelling unit shall be prohibited. 7. The home occupation shall not create dust, noise or odors in excess of that normally associated with residential use. 8. No sales activity shall be conducted from the dwelling except for mail order sales. The dwelling unit shall not be the point of customer pickup or delivery of products or services, nor shall a home occupation create greater vehicular or pedestrian traffic than normal for the district in which it is located for purposes of pickup or delivery of products. Exception: Musical instruction and academic tutoring where not more than two students are present at the residence at the same time shall be permitted. 9. The following exceptions shall be permitted: Services operations where not more than two customers are present at the residence at the same time shall be permitted. Applications for service operations shall demonstrate at least one (1) off-street parking space at the residence. 9 10. Medical, dental or similar occupations in which patients are seen in the home are prohibited. 10 11. All conditions attached to the home occupation permit shall be fully complied with at all times. 11 12. Microenterprise home kitchen operations as defined and regulated in Sections 113825 and 114367 of the Health and Safety Code shall be permitted. ATTACHMENT 2 78 D. Revocation or Suspension of Permit. The director of building and safety may revoke or suspend any permit for a home occupation if the director determines that any of the performance and development standards listed in subsection C of this section have been or are being violated, that the occupation authorized by the permit is or has been conducted in violation of any state statute or city law, or that the home occupation has changed or is different from that authorized when the permit was issued. E. Permit Nontransferable. No permit issued for a home occupation shall be transferred or assigned, nor shall the permit authorize any person other than that named in the permit, to commence or carry on the home occupation for which the permit was issued. (Ord. 550 § 1, 2016; Ord. 418 § 1, 2005; Ord. 299 § 1, 1997; Ord. 284 § 1, 1996) 9.210.060 Home occupation permits. A. Purpose. The purpose of a home occupation permit is to regulate certain incidental and accessory home enterprises in residential neighborhoods under conditions that will ensure their compatibility with the neighborhood. Regulations for home occupations are set forth in Section 9.60.110. B. Applicability. A home occupation permit is required for home occupations conducted within a residence which are accessory to the main residential use of the dwelling and which are permitted pursuant to Section 9.60.110. C. Decision-Making Authority. Home occupation permits shall be reviewed administratively by the director pursuant to Section 9.60.110. D. Conditions of Approval. If a home occupation is approved, conditions may be placed on the permit to mitigate or eliminate adverse impacts on surrounding properties, residents or businesses. E. Compliance with Permit. Any use or activity authorized under a home occupation permit shall be in compliance with the specifications and conditions of approval shown on and/or attached to the approved permit. Failure to comply with such specifications and conditions of approval may result in revocation of the permit. F. Required Findings. Findings required for approval of a home occupation permit shall be deemed to have been made if the director of building and safety , or his/her designee, determines that the standards set forth in Section 9.60.110 for home occupations have been or will be satisfied. These standards consist of the following: G. The establishment and conduct of a home occupation shall be an incidental and accessory use and shall not change the principal character or use of the dwelling unit involved. H. Only residents of the dwelling unit may be engaged in the home occupation. I. A home occupation shall be conducted only within the enclosed living area of the dwelling unit or accessory structure, or within the garage provided no garage space required for off-street parking is used. The home occupation shall not occupy more than twenty-five percent of the combined floor area of the house, accessory structure and garage. J. A home occupation shall not be conducted within a detached accessory structure, although materials may be stored in such a structure. K. There shall be no signs, outdoor storage, parked vehicles or other exterior evidence of the conduct of the home occupation. Neither the dwelling nor the lot shall be altered in appearance so that it appears other than a residence, either by color, materials, construction, lighting, sounds, vibrations or other characteristics. No more than two parked vehicles are allowed at any time. L. Electrical or mechanical equipment which creates interference in radio, television or telephone receivers or causes fluctuations in line voltage outside the dwelling unit shall be prohibited. 79 M. The home occupation shall not create dust, noise or odors in excess of that normally associated with residential use. N. No sales activity shall be conducted from the dwelling except for mail order sales. The dwelling unit shall not be the point of customer pickup or delivery of products or services. The following exceptions shall be permitted: Musical instruction and academic tutoring where not more than two students are present at the residence at the same time; hairdresser operations where not more than two clients are present at the same time; home kitchens where meals are provided in the home and patrons come to the home to eat and pay for the meal. O. Create greater vehicular or pedestrian traffic than normal for the district in which it is located. P. Medical, dental or similar occupations in which patients are seen in the home are prohibited. Q. Microenterprise home kitchen operations as defined and regulated in Sections 113825 and 114367 of the Health and Safety Code shall be permitted. Q R. All conditions attached to the home occupation permit shall be fully complied with at all times. (Ord. 550 § 1, 2016; Ord. 538 § 7, 2016; Ord. 284 § 1, 1996) G. Revocation or Suspension of Permit. The director or his/her designee, may revoke or suspend any permit for a home occupation if the director determines that any of the performance and development standards listed in subsection C of this section have been or are being violated, that the occupation authorized by the permit is or has been conducted in violation of any state statute or city law, or that the home occupation has changed or is different from that authorized when the permit was issued. H. Permit Nontransferable. No permit issued for a home occupation shall be transferred or assigned, nor shall the permit authorize any person other than that named in the permit, to commence or carry on the home occupation for which the permit was issued. (Ord. 550 § 1, 2016; Ord. 418 § 1, 2005; Ord. 299 § 1, 1997; Ord. 284 § 1, 1996) 80 RC COVE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 9.30.040 RC Cove Residential District. A.Purpose. To provide for the development and preservation of the medium density “cove” residential area with one-story single-family detached dwellings on medium size lots, except as provided in Section 9.40.020, “Conditions for varying residential densities.” B.Permitted Uses. Chapter 9.40 lists permitted land uses. C.Development Standards. Chapter 9.50 provides development standards. Section 9.50.090 in the RC zone district contains additional details and illustrations regarding development standards. D.Fencing. Rear and side yards shall be completely enclosed and screened by view obscuring fencing, walls or combination per standards found in Section 9.60.030. E.Building Development Standards. In addition to the requirements of this chapter and Chapter 9.60 (Supplemental Residential Regulations), the following standards shall be required on homes built within the RC district: 1.Bedroom Dimensions. A minimum of ten-foot clear width and depth dimensions, as measured from the interior walls of the room. 2.Bathrooms. There shall not be less than one and one-half baths in one- or two-bedroom dwellings, and not less than one and three-quarters baths in dwellings with three or more bedrooms. (Ord. 550 § 1, 2016; Ord. 325 § 1, 1998; Ord. 299 § 1, 1997; Ord. 284 § 1, 1996) 9.50.090 RC district development standards. Architectural Design In addition to the requirements of Chapter 9.30 (Residential Districts) and Chapter 9.60 (Supplemental Residential Regulations) the following shall be required for homes built within residential districts the RC district: A. Requirements. 1.Architectural Design Guidelines. The city council shall, by resolution, adopt architectural design guidelines to be used as guidelines in reviewing landscape materials, architectural style, exterior building materials, colors, and mass and scale; 2.Architectural Variety. Duplication of houses having the same architectural design features on the front elevation of other houses located within two hundred feet of each other shall make provisions for architectural variety by using different colors, roof treatments, window treatments, garage door treatments, and methods; 3.Minimum Gross Livable Area. One thousand two hundred square feet, excluding the garage, as measured from the exterior walls of the dwelling; 4.Bedroom Dimensions. A minimum ten-foot clear width and depth dimensions, as measured from the interior walls of the room; 81 5.Bathrooms. There shall not be less than one and one-half baths in one- or two-bedroom dwellings, and not less than one and three-quarter baths in dwellings with three or more bedrooms; 6.Exterior building walls shall be cement plaster and may be accented with stone, brick, wood, or other similar materials; 7.Sloping roofs on new homes shall be constructed of clay, or concrete tile. Replacement of existing roofs shall also require the use of clay, or concrete tile, unless the director determines that the roof support structure will not support such materials. Building additions and accessory structures may have roofs of the same or similar materials as the existing home (All properties listed on the city’s historic building survey shall be exempt from this requirement); 8.Landscaping. All front and exterior side yards shall be landscaped to property line; 9.The landscaping shall include trees, shrubs and ground cover of sufficient size, spacing and variety to create an attractive and unifying appearance; 10.An irrigation system shall be provided for all areas required to be landscaped; 11.The landscaping shall be continuously maintained in a healthy and viable condition; 12.Screening. Refuse containers and bottled gas tanks shall be concealed by view-obscuring landscaping, fencing or walls; 13.Underground Utilities. All electric services, overhead wires, or associated structures must be installed underground; 14.Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be located and directed so as not to shine directly on adjacent properties and shall comply with the dark sky ordinance; 15.Fencing. Rear and side yards shall be completely enclosed and screened by view-obscuring fencing, walls, or combinations; 16 12. Earth fill shall not exceed what is necessary to provide minimum required drainage to the street; 17.When there is a combined retaining and garden wall, and the retaining wall exceeds three feet, the garden wall shall not exceed five feet in height; 18.Parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 9.150, Table 9-11 (Parking for Residential Land Uses). (Ord. 574 § 1, 2018; Ord. 562 § 1, 2017; Ord. 550 § 1, 2016; Ord. 505 § 1, 2012; Ord. 361 § 1, 2001; Ord. 325 § 1, 1998) 82 IMAGE CORRIDOR 9.50.020 Height limits and setbacks near image corridors. In order to facilitate noise screening for residents and preserve visual openness, it is necessary to limit building heights for residential development. Therefore, notwithstanding the height standards set forth elsewhere in this code, additional height limitations shall apply to buildings within one hundred fifty feet of the edge of right-of-way of the following general plan-designated image corridors: A.Image Corridors: All buildings shall limited to one story, not to exceed twenty-two feet in height. Any proposed building height over twenty-two feet requires minor use permit approval and shall not exceed a maximum building height of the existing zone. B.Rear yard setbacks for residential units abutting the image corridors shall be a minimum of twenty-five feet. The RVL development standard shall be required as specified in Section 9.30.020. (Ord. 550 § 1, 2016; Ord. 341 § 1, 2000; Ord. 325 § 1, 1998; Ord. 284 § 1, 1996) 9.130.010 Table of development standards. Table 9-9 contains standards for development of property within special purpose districts: Table 9-9 Special Purpose District Development Standards District Development Standard PR GC OS FP HC EOD AHO A/ER MU Minimum building site n/a n/a n/a *20,000 sf ***1 acre 10,000 sf/20,000 sf multifamily 1 acre Minimum lot frontage n/a n/a n/a n/a 100 ft.n/a 100 100 n/a Maximum structure height (ft.)1 28 28 28 *28 ***40 28 *** Maximum lot coverage n/a n/a n/a n/a 30%n/a 60%40%*** Maximum number of stories 2 2 2 *2 ***4 2 *** Minimum setbacks n/a n/a n/a n/a Front: 30 Int./Ext. Side: 10/20 Rear: 30 n/a Front: 20 Int./Ext. Side: 10/15 Rear: 20 Front: 30 Garage: 20 Side: 20 Rear: 30 *** From Highway 111 right-of-way 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 n/a ****** 83 Notes: *As required for needed flood control structures. ** As provided in the HC supplemental regulations, Section 9.140.040. *** As provided in the underlying base district regulations, subject to the additional requirements of the overlay district in Chapter 9.140. 1 Not including basements. Also, notwithstanding above table, the maximum structure height equals 22 feet for all buildings within 150 feet of any General Plan image corridor and major or primary arterials. Any proposed building height over twenty-two feet requires minor use permit approval and shall not exceed a maximum building height of the existing zone. 2 Landscape setback shall consist of landscaped area within the building setback. Number given is minimum landscaped setback from the street right-of-way. The remaining building setback may contain parking, driveways and similar facilities. 3 The image corridors as identified in the General Plan. 4 In the AHO, for interior yards, 5 ft. minimum plus 1 ft. additional setback for every foot of building height above 28 feet, or fraction thereof, up to a maximum setback of 15 ft. when said height above 17 ft. is located between 5 and 10 ft. from said side yard property line. If the building is over 28 feet in height, the setback is 10 ft. plus 1 ft. for every foot over 28 ft. in height or fraction thereof, to a maximum setback of 15 ft. The additional setback may be provided entirely at grade level or may be a combination of at grade and airspace above the 28-foot building height. (Ord. 550 § 1, 2016; Ord. 512 § 1, 2013; Ord. 445 § 4, 2007; Ord. 284 § 1, 1996) 9.90.040 Table of development standards. Table 9-6 and the illustrations in Section 9.90.050 set forth standards for the development of property within nonresidential districts. Notwithstanding Table 9-6, different standards shall apply if special zoning symbols, described in Section 9.20.030, are designated on the official zoning map. Table 9-6 Nonresidential Development Standards Minimum perimeter building/ landscape setbacks (ft.)2, t4 From perimeter street ROWs 30 30 30 *10′ min, 20′ average *** 10′ min, 20′ average 20 *** From all image corridor3 rights- of-way (except Hwy 111) and from all major and primary arterials 30/20 30/20 30/20 30/20 30/20 30/20 ********* From abutting residential property or districts 30 30 30 *************** From abutting commercial and other nonresidential property or districts 20 20 20 *************** Minimum setback from interior property lines within the same project4 0 0 0 *************** Parking and signs See Chapters 9.150 and 9.160 Fences and walls See Section 9.100.030 Landscaping and screening See Sections 9.100.040 and 9.100.050 84 Development Standard District CR CP CC CN CT CO MC VC Minimum—Maximum building site (acres) n/a n/a n/a 1-20 n/a n/a n/a n/a Maximum building height (ft.)1, 6, 7 50 35 40 35 40 40 40 45 Maximum number of stories 4 2 3 2 3 3 3 n/a Maximum floor area ratio (FAR)2 .35 .50 .30 .25 .25 .30 n/a n/a Minimum perimeter building/landscape setbacks (in ft.)4 From Highway 111 right-of-way1 50/50 50/50 50/50 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a From all image corridor3 rights-of- way1 (except Hwy 111) and from all major and primary arterials 30/20 30/20 30/20 30/20 30/20 30/20 30/20 n/a From all other perimeter street rights-of-way1 20/10 20/10 20/10 20/10 20/10 20/10 20/10 n/a From residential districts and PR, OS and GC districts1 50/10 50/10 50/10 30/155 30/155 30/155 30/155 10/0 Minimum setback from interior property lines within nonresidential districts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parking and signs See Chapters 9.150 and 9.160 Fences and walls See Section 9.100.030 Landscaping and screening See Sections 9.100.040 and 9.100.050 Notes: 1 All minimum perimeter setbacks shall be increased one foot for every foot in height that building is above thirty-five feet. Mixed use projects and projects in the Village Build-Out Plan Area are exempt from this requirement. 2 FAR means the gross floor area of all buildings divided by the building site area. 3 See General Plan Exhibit II-4. 4 Landscape setback shall consist of landscaped area within the building setback. Number given is minimum landscaped setback from the street right-of-way. The remaining building setback may contain parking, driveways and similar facilities. In addition to above landscape setbacks, interior landscaping shall be required as a percentage of the net project area as follows: parking areas: minimum five percent; nonparking areas: minimum five percent (also see Section 9.100.050). 5 For buildings over one story in CN, CT and CO districts, setbacks shall be increased to 40/20. 6 Not including basements. Also, notwithstanding above table, the maximum structure height equals twenty two feet for all buildings within one hundred fifty feet of any general plan image corridor and major or primary arterials. Any proposed building height over twenty-two feet requires minor use permit approval and shall not exceed a maximum building height of the existing zone. 7 Except in the Village Build-Out Plan Area, where the provisions of Section 9.70.110 shall apply. 85 (Ord. 577 § 1, 2019; Ord. 553 § 1, 2017; Ord. 550 § 1, 2016; Ord. 466 § 1, 2009; Ord. 325 § 1, 1998; Ord. 299 § 1, 1997; Ord. 284 § 1, 1996) 9.50.030 Table of development standards. A.Definitions. See Chapter 9.280. B.Table of Standards. Table 9-2 and the illustrations in Section 9.50.040, following, set forth standards for the development of property within residential districts. However, standards different from those in Table 9-2 shall apply if special zoning symbols described in Section 9.20.030 are designated on the official zoning map. Table 9-2 Residential Development Standards Development Standard District RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Minimum lot size for single- family dwellings (sq. ft.) 20,000 7,200 7,200 5,000 3,600 2,000 Minimum project size for multifamily projects (sq. ft.) n/a n/a n/a n/a 20,000 20,000 Minimum lot frontage for single-family dwellings (ft.)1 100 60 60 50 40 n/a Minimum frontage for multifamily projects (ft.) n/a n/a n/a n/a 100 100 Maximum structure height (ft.)2 28 28 17 28 28 40 Maximum number of stories 2 2 1 2 2 3 Minimum front yard setback (ft.)3 30 20 20 20 20 20 Minimum garage setback (ft.)4 30 25 25 25 25 25 Minimum interior/exterior side yard setback (ft.)5, 7 10/20 5/10 5/10 5/10 5/10 10/15 Minimum rear yard setback (ft.)7 30 20 for new lots and 10 for existing 10 15 15 20 86 recorded lots8 Maximum lot coverage (% of net lot area) 40 50 60 60 60 60 Minimum livable area excluding garage (sq. ft.) 2,500 1,400 1,200 1,400 1,400 (multifamily: 750) 750 for multifamily Minimum common open area6 n/a n/a n/a 30% 30% 30% Minimum/average perimeter landscape setbacks (ft.)6 10/20 10/20 n/a 10/20 10/20 10/20 Symbol Description of Special Zoning Symbols Used as per Section 9.20.030 60-RM-10,000 17/1 60-foot minimum lot frontage, medium density residential zoning, 10,000 square foot minimum lot size, 17-foot maximum building height at one story RL 10,000 17/1 Low density residential zoning, 10,000 square foot minimum lot size, 17-foot maximum building height at one story RM 17/1 Medium density residential zoning, 17-foot maximum building height at one story RL 17/1 Low density residential zoning, 17-foot maximum building height at one story *As shown on the approved specific plan for the project. ** As provided in the underlying base district. 1 Minimum lot frontage on cul-de-sacs and knuckles shall be 35 feet. Minimum lot frontage for flag lots shall be 15 feet. 2 Not including basements. Also, notwithstanding above table, the maximum structure height equals 22 feet for all buildings within 150 feet of any general plan-designated image corridor, except in the RC zone, which is 17 feet. Any proposed building height over twenty-two feet requires minor use permit approval and shall not exceed a maximum building height of the existing zone. 3 For non-garage portions of dwelling only. Also, projects with 5 or more adjacent single-family dwelling units facing the same street shall incorporate front setbacks varying between 20 feet and 25 feet or more in order to avoid streetscape monotony. 4 For all but RVL district, minimum garage setback shall be 20 feet if “roll-up” type garage door is used. Also, for side-entry type garages, the garage setback may be reduced to 20 feet in the RVL district and 15 feet in all other residential districts. 5 The following are exceptions to the minimum side setbacks shown: For interior side yards in the RL, RM and RMH districts, if the building is over 17 feet in height, the setback is 5 feet plus 1 foot for every foot over 17 feet in height or fraction thereof, to a maximum setback of 10 feet. The additional setback may be provided entirely at grade level or a combination of at grade and airspace above the 17-foot building. For RH, 5 feet minimum plus 1 foot additional setback for every foot of building height above 28 feet, or fraction thereof, up to a maximum setback of 15 feet when said height above 17 feet is located between 5 and 10 feet from said side yard property line. For interior setbacks, if the building is over 28 feet in height the setback is 10 feet plus 1 foot for every foot over 28 feet in height or fraction thereof, to a maximum setback of 15 feet. The additional setback may be provided entirely at grade level or may be a combination of at grade and airspace above the 28-foot building height. 6 Common open area and perimeter landscape requirements do not apply to single-family detached projects unless a specific plan is required. Common open area equals percent of net project area. Perimeter landscape setbacks are adjacent to 87 perimeter streets: first number equals minimum at any point; second number equals minimum average over entire frontage (thus, 10/20). See Section 9.60.230 and additional landscape/open area standards. 7 Rear and side yard setbacks for residential units abutting the image corridor shall be a minimum of 25 feet with the exception of RVL zone district where it only applies to the side yard. 8 Existing recorded lots prior to May 1, 1997. (Ord. 584 § 2, 2020; Ord. 562 § 1, 2017; Ord. 550 § 1, 2016; Ord. 466 § 1, 2009; Ord. 434 § 2, 2007; Ord. 325 § 1, 1998; Ord. 299 § 1, 1997; Ord. 284 § 1, 1996) 88 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 20, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: DISCUSS SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD- HOC COMMITTEE’S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATION Discuss and provide direction on the Short-Term Vacation Rental Program Ad Hoc Committee’s recommendations on enforcement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City has continuously sought improvements of its short-term vacation rental program (Program) to maintain a balance in ensuring residents’ quality of life and property owners’ ability to host short-term vacation rentals (STVRs). La Quinta General Plan’s Economic Development chapter states a program objective is to incorporate STVRs into the City’s transient occupancy tax (TOT) revenues, which the City has established with the current Program. STVR Program Ad-Hoc Committee (Committee) was formed to review the Program and prepare recommendations for Council’s review and consideration; the Committee’s recommendations on STVR enforcement and compliance are enclosed. FISCAL IMPACT The cost of facilitating the advisory Committee is absorbed in Fiscal Years 2019/20 and 2020/21 Operating Budgets. Costs entail staff time, research, materials, meeting noticing, and attendance at all subcommittee and Committee meetings. Staff support for the Committee includes a minimum of four Design and Development/HUB personnel, as well as personnel from Code Compliance, Community Resources, Clerk’s Office, and Finance, depending on the subject matter under review. Committee members serve on a volunteer basis with no City stipend. STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 89 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Coachella Valley’s climate, physical environment, wildlife and open space, and seasonal events and attractions has gained a reputation in the visitor and tourism industry. La Quinta has benefited as it has developed its own identity as a tourist destination. A stated goal of the Economic Development chapter of the La Quinta General Plan is for the continued growth of tourism and resort industries in La Quinta. A program objective is to incorporate STVRs into the City’s TOT revenues, which the City has established with the current STVR Program. The economic development goals and policies are intended to assure that the City provides for healthy revenues to fund City services, programs, and activities. Historically, La Quinta has always attracted visitors/tourists, and is also comprised of seasonal, part and full-time residents. In October of 2012, the City adopted its STVR regulations to maintain a balance between residential quality of life and to allow property owners to host STVRs. Over the years, the STVR regulations have been updated to provide clarify, streamline the process, and provide more enforcement tools for Program compliance. In October 2019, the City contracted with LodgingRevs to provide an on-line portal to apply for permits, make payments, renew permits annually, and remit TOT. The services also include monitoring and tracking STVR activity via data mining to assist the City with identifying unlicensed STVRs that are operating and are not remitting TOT. STVR Program Ad-Hoc Committee In November 2019, Council formed a Committee tasked to review the STVR Program, including current regulations, application and permit/licensing process, compliance and enforcement, outreach and marketing, and make advisory recommendations to Council. On February 3, 2020, Council appointed 15 individuals out of 60 who applied to serve on this Committee, following the recruitment conducted from November 19, 2019 through January 15, 2020. The Committee membership is made up of a diverse representation of STVR hosts, STVR property managers, residents who are impacted by STVR and do not host, those in support of STVR, those in opposition of STVR, HOA representatives, and representatives from the Planning and Housing Commissions. The Committee meets the first Thursday of every month and has held monthly meetings beginning in March 2020, with the exception of April and May due to COVID-19 pandemic and the transition to conducting meetings virtually via 90 Zoom. A special meeting was held on August 19, 2020 to help accelerate Committee recommendations on enforcement and to review other matters. The Committee was formed to serve for period of 12 months; the Committee can presented recommendations to Council for consideration at any time during the 12-month duration of the Committee. The meeting agendas, audio/video recordings, and minutes can be found on the City’s website and linked here: STVR Program Ad-Hoc Committee. The Committee has created four subcommittees to focus on: 1) Enforcement/Compliance – examine code compliance improvements, fines, and other recommendations relating to compliance; 2) Density/Over-concentration – examine occupancy limits within a STVR property (maximum number of persons for daytime and overnight), density/over-concentration of STVR properties by neighborhood, zone, or defined geographic area; 3) Marketing – review current marketing materials (website, good neighbor brochure, community outreach and education, conduct a survey, and review City branding for the Program; and 4) Licensing/Permitting – examine types of licenses/permits, minimum duration of stays, notification of neighbors, and home inspection requirements. During the COVID-19 pandemic, STVRs have increased when compared to this time last year and rising complaints of noise, debris, and over-occupancy of STVRs have occurred. The Committee recognizes that enforcement and compliance is a critical factor to the STVR Program. As the three other subcommittees continue their work and prepare recommendations to bring forth to the Committee for review and discussion; updates will be provided to Council in November and December. Enforcement/Compliance Recommendations At Committee meetings held in August and September 2020, the Committee approved the Enforcement Subcommittee’s recommendations (Attachment 1) on enforcement regulations and fines (August vote:10 ayes to 5 noes; September vote 8 ayes, 5 noes, and 2 absent). Staff has met with the Committee Chair and Vice Chair to discuss staff’s analysis of the implementation and practicability of the recommendations. 91 Staff’s analysis outlines the items requiring additional resources, Council discussion, or that can be readily implemented. In addition, a comparison of the proposed fines has been included along with what is currently in effect via Executive Order No. 9 and what is listed in the Municipal Code (Attachment 2). Over the last few months, staff has identified a series of additional compliance and enforcement measures aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of City resources and increasing compliance efforts (Attachment 3). Since July, the number of STVR complaints and cases have increased due to Executive Order No. 9 (effective July 15, 2020). Between July 1 – September 30, 2020, 127 citations and 31 suspensions have been issued; compared to 31 citations and 9 suspensions issued the previous quarter. During that same period, the City adjusted staffing schedules to have a code compliance officer on duty Friday – Saturday from 6 p.m. to 12 midnight from July to September. Also, in September, security services were retained to provide coverage Thursday - Saturday from 6 p.m. until 2 a.m. Staff believes that current and proposed enforcement measures will greatly enhance the Program and improve the quality of life for residents. It should also be noted that a postcard mailer was sent to all residential properties in La Quinta on or after September 26, 2020 that informed owners that operating and advertising STVRs without a City permit is a violation and must be immediately ceased. A follow-up letter will be mailed out to those properties that have been identified by LodgingRevs’ data mining system as renting for short term stays without a City STVR permit; Code enforcement citations and fines will be imposed. Prepared by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director Approved by: Jon McMillen, City Manager Attachments: 1. Ad Hoc STVR Recommendations 2. City analysis of recommendations and fines 3. Additional Enforcement Measures 92 Page 1 of 9 City of La Quinta STVR Committee Enforcement Subcommittee STVR Enforcment Recommendations - Revision 4 This report contains specific recommendations adopted by the Ad Hoc STVR Committee. Only enforcement recommendations are addressed here – additional recommendations will be presented as they are addressed by the Committee. The overall issues surrounding enforcement can be divided into three main groups: Each of these groups contain issues that must be addressed as part of a comprehensive enforcement process. This document provides a starting point for the Committee in identifying the main enforcement issues. It provides a brief discussion on each issue and outlines recommendations that will provide a solution to that specific issue. In some cases, a single recommendation may provide solutions to several problems (for example, trained and dedicated enforcement personnel). Finally, the document provides a priority matrix for discussion on suggested prioritization of recommendations. Sourcing for this document comes directly from the original list (“Lori List”) of issues identified by the Committee at its first meeting. Only issues relating directly to enforcement are covered here: other discussion topics not related to enforcement are outside the scope if this subcommittee. Issues before an enforcement event: •Communicating with the City / Verifying a Complaint •STVR Homeowner not Registering with the City •STVR Owner not aware of the rules •Renters not aware of the rules •Neighbors (or community at large) not aware of the rules •Knowledge level or outsourced services ATTACHMENT 1 93 City of La Quinta STVR Committee Enforcement Subcommittee Page 2 of 9 The enforcement event: •No contact with Owner / Representative •Noise / behavior / party events •Occupancy Limit violations •Parking •Trash •Sensitive neighbors After the enforcement event: •Repeat offenders / 3 Strikes Issues before an enforcement event Issue: Communicating with the City / Verifying a complaint Discussion: STR Owner/Managers and homeowners have expressed frustration with the City hotline. The hotline is often unmanned in times of most critical need. Even when manned the latency between phoning in and having an issue addressed is often hours (sometimes longer). Frequently, because of this delay, the issue being reported resolves itself before the City responds, but after a homeowner has endured several hours of pain. When it eventually responds, the City may therefore find no evidence of any issues, resulting in a false negative incident report, frustrating homeowners and leading to inaccurate violation statistics. Anecdotal evidence indicates this tends to be a bigger issue in STVR properties that are managed by non-resident owners (i.e. management companies). Also, if the City calls property management (starting the clock on the 45-minute rule) it simply hands off, and little or no follow up checking is done with the reporting homeowner (or STVR Owner) to confirm the issue is resolved. Also, in the case of STVR owners employing property managers, sometimes the actual owner doesn’t even know there has been a complaint. Effective and timely communications between STVR property owners, renters and neighbors with respect to notification and enforcement represents a critical path in getting the community to work together harmoniously. Recommendation: •Staff the hotline with live, (local, trained) personnel who are familiar with La Quinta geography and empowered and equipped to initiate complaint resolution immediately. 94 City of La Quinta STVR Committee Enforcement Subcommittee Page 3 of 9 •Increase field enforcement staffing by at least two additional full time STVR trained officers available for immediate dispatch during times of need. •Hotline and enforcement staff should be dynamically managed: more staff when the hotline is heavily used (evenings and weekends) and less staffing at times when complaints tend to be low (weekday mornings and afternoons). •Require a code inspection be performed on a property prior to granting an STVR license. This inspection should be for the purposes of verifying accuracy with respect to the application, particularly in the areas of occupancy limits (number of bedrooms) and living arrangements (room conversions, etc.). Issue: STVR Homeowner not Registering with the City Discussion: A significant number of homeowners who rent property do not register with the City, thereby avoiding paying fees, oversight and TOT. Enforcement of the City mandate requiring STVR owners to register is difficult as the City is often unaware of their business unless a complaint is filed against the property. Recommendation: •Require that a City of La Quinta STVR permit number be included in all property advertisements on all platforms (VRBO, print, web, etc.). •Publicize the registration requirements regularly on the web site and through social media outlets. •Include mail inserts to all residents in any surface mailings sent out to residents. •Where possible, partner with HOA communities and Management Companies to exchange information on STVR rental activities. •Assess significant monetary penalties for non-compliance. These penalties must be paid before an STVR license can be obtained. Issue: STVR Owner not aware of the rules Discussion: Some owner/operators/managers do not read the relevant statutes/ordinances governing how properties may be rented even though this is a requirement of registration. Recommendation: •Applicants, any individuals listed as contacts for the property, and any designated Management Company representatives who directly manage a property must attend a compulsory workshop prior to the issuance of permits. Applicants must sign a document asserting they have attended the workshop, understand the rules and agree to be bound by them. 95 City of La Quinta STVR Committee Enforcement Subcommittee Page 4 of 9 •STVR Owners, any individuals listed as contacts for the property, and any designated Management Company representatives who are directly responsible for managing a property that has been assessed a violation must retake the compulsory workshop at their own expense before a license for that property can be renewed. •This training workshop should also be open to the public so that interested parties (neighbors, potential new STVR licensees) can familiarize themselves with the requirements and responsibilities of STVR ownership. •False advertising (i.e. number of bedrooms, sleeping capacity, occupancy limits) will result in a citation, and count as a strike against the property. Issue: Renters not aware of the rules Discussion: Many renters who occupy STVR units are not aware of the rules for conduct or behavior. While the City ordinance requires STVR owners to provide a copy of the relevant documents, they are often ignored by many renters. When renters first occupy the property, it is often not their priority to stop and read documents. In many cases, the renters only become aware of the rules after they have caused a disruption with neighbors, which is too late. Recommendation: •The City require the property owner/manager assert that a renter has been provided with all current City ordinances governing expected behavior in advance of allowing that renter to occupy the property. •A condensed copy of the relevant ordinance(s) must be permanently fixed to a prominent location inside the property. This document will be generated by the City and outline the relevant rules in plain language. •Update and strengthen the “Good Neighbor” brochure to include specific language relating to noise and personal behavior requirements. Require a copy be included as part of every rental agreement. •Changes to City ordinances, including adoption of temporary orders must be posted in a prominent location inside the property within 48 hours of adoption, and before the property can be rented again. Issue: Neighbors not aware of the rules Discussion: Neighbors are often ill-informed about the specifics regarding STVR rules and ordinances that affect them. Many have unreasonable expectations regarding ill- defined and vaguely defined concepts such as “quiet enjoyment” and what exactly constitutes “noise levels of greater than 60dBA”. Differences between daytime and nighttime restrictions are also not well understood. (Note this issue may also apply to STVR owners and renters). Parking requirements and trash pickup rules 96 City of La Quinta STVR Committee Enforcement Subcommittee Page 5 of 9 are sometimes not clear (and may conflict with HOA rules in managed communities). For example, some communities require parking in the driveway before street parking may be used. Another example is many neighbors have expectations that any audible noise is cause for complaint. Some are unaware of the 10:00 p.m. curfew on amplified noise, while others believe that any noise after 10:00 p.m. is unacceptable. Recommendation: •ALL neighbors adjacent to (on all sides) and across the street from an STVR property be notified by the city and supplied with the same documents the Owner is required to furnish to the renter. (This could be a requirement placed on the STVR owner if the City feels it is appropriate – as long as the neighbor gets the information). These documents must include: o A copy of the City STVR Ordinance o A Copy of the “Good Neighbor” brochure o Contact information for complaints to the City. o Contact information for the Property owner and the Property Manager if applicable. o A link to the City STVR website where interim rule changes are posted. •These documents should be refreshed annually as part of the license renewal process. •A document should be provided to the neighbor explaining the meaning of any technical terms. Where possible real-life examples should be used to illustrate the terms used. This document should be provided to renters as well. The Enforcement Event Issue: No contact with Owner/Representative Discussion: In cases where a complaint is received by the City, the current process is to call the STVR owner or property management representative. This begins a 45-minute clock as required by the City ordinance. In the event the City is unable to contact the responsible party within a 45-minute window, the escalation process is to report the issue to RCS and handoff to them. This process has proven ineffective as the RCS often takes significant time to respond – if at all. In the meantime, the City has no way of verifying the complaint, and the neighbor continues to endure the problem. The issue seems to predominantly affect STVR properties where there is a non- resident or externally managed property (needs to be verified by City statistics). 97 City of La Quinta STVR Committee Enforcement Subcommittee Page 6 of 9 While a fine may be issued to the STVR property owner after the 45-minute window has expired, this does not help at all with enforcement of the actual issue being reported. In addition, the fine may be dismissed as simply a “cost of doing business” by the property owner and absorbed by them (or passed on to the offending renter if possible). Recommendation: •Implement an escalation process whereby if the first call to the designated contact goes unanswered within a 30-minute window, a call is made to RSO and a mandatory citation is issued. •As described above, increase the number of trained and dedicated enforcement personnel to levels that can actively address the situation with or without the homeowner / property manager. Issue: Noise/ Behavior/Party events Discussion: Noise and behavior related disturbances represent a significant portion of overall complaints (need to incorporate City data). Also, these complaints tend to be high profile and very visible in the community, as they potentially impact all neighbors surrounding the property and interfere directly with neighborhood quality of life. Often there is a three-way knowledge gap (STVR homeowner, renter and neighbor) about exactly how much noise is too much, and what conduct is acceptable during daylight or nighttime hours. City and county statues/ordinances are definitive and objective in this regard, however they are of little use as they rely on technical specifications such as dB(A) ratings etc., and do not supply enough guidance for measurement. This leads to deeply subjective interpretation of the relevant rules and unrealistic expectations from neighbors about exactly how much noise is acceptable. Recommendation: •A document should be prepared and provided to all parties clarifying definitively the meaning of any technical measurements and how these measurements should be interpreted. (See also above). •Enforcement personnel should be provided with and trained to use relevant noise level meters and other tools that enhance objective measurement of noise. They should also be trained to explain the results of these measurements to neighbors and renters in the event of a complaint. •Where possible, real-life examples should be used to illustrate the terms used. This document should be provided to renters as well. 98 City of La Quinta STVR Committee Enforcement Subcommittee Page 7 of 9 •The City should implement tutorial workshops that clarify what the noise and behavior rules are. These workshops should open to all community members and conducted on a regular basis (perhaps once every calendar quarter). •Quiet hours shall be between the hours of 10:00 pm and 8am. No amplified noise shall be permitted between the hours of 8pm to 8am. Issue: Occupancy Limit violations Discussion: The City places occupancy limits on all occupied dwellings, however enforcement is difficult in most cases because of privacy issues. In the case of STVR properties, the most visible issue results from parties or renters allowing additional occupants overnight on the property. This problem is also difficult to manage from an STVR owner’s perspective as often the renter declares substantially fewer occupants on the lease than actually show up. Enforcement is difficult when there are no other issues with the rental property, however when a complaint is issued, the City is empowered to ask (and verify) how many occupants are on property. (need to check legality of this). This problem is seldom an isolated issue: it usually arises as part of a complaint involving noise, vandalism, trespassing (i.e. people in pools) or some other behavior. From an STVR rental issue, this problem may not need to be addressed unless it is the cause of some other complaint. However, if such a complaint is filed (particularly in evening or nighttime hours), the City has a responsibility to respond. Recommendation: •Empower and require enforcement personnel to ask and verify (subject to legal applicability) the number of occupants at time of a complaint. •Notify the STVR owner or property manager immediately if a citation will be issued. This is will enable recovery of any fines from the occupants before security deposits are refunded, etc. •Limit overnight parking for STVR properties (see also below). (This is the way some HOA communities manage occupancy issues) Issue: Parking 99 City of La Quinta STVR Committee Enforcement Subcommittee Page 8 of 9 Discussion: Excessive vehicle parking in and around the property is disruptive to neighbors and represents safety issues on smaller, narrower streets. Often, mailboxes and fire hydrants are obstructed in violation of city codes. Recommendation : •Require the Owner/Contact person/Property Manager obtain a list of vehicle license plate numbers for renters occupying the property. This list must be available to the compliance officer upon demand. Failure to provide this list will result in a citation. •Limit the number of vehicles that may be parked on the street to a maximum of three vehicles during times the property is rented. Issue: Trash Discussion: Trash is sometimes left out on the street when renters exit the property, creating an objectionable look and possibly a health hazard. Also, trash policies can vary depending on location within the city. For example, certain HOA communities may have different trash regulations from other non HOA communities. Recommendation: •Current regulations are adequate for dealing with this issue, however during the process of getting a license, the STVR applicant should be specifically made aware of the current trash collection policy, including the availability of larger capacity bins and concierge collection services, as well as the fines associated with non-compliance. •The STVR owner must inform the renter in writing of the property specific trash policy as part of the rental agreement. After the enforcement event Issue: Repeat offenders /3 Strikes Discussion: There is evidence that while some STVR properties are repeat offenders, a vast majority of properties are not unduly disruptive from an enforcement perspective. This means that many of the enforcement issues discussed here result from a relatively small proportion of STVR properties. (Note: The issue of STVR Density, the effects on quality of life and community perspectives etc. are outside the scope of this Enforcement Subcommittee and will be addressed by the main group). 100 City of La Quinta STVR Committee Enforcement Subcommittee Page 9 of 9 Therefore, there should be a heavy focus on enforcement of repeat offenders, as they contribute disproportionately to how the overall program is perceived. The City already has measures in place that deal with “threepeat” offenders. Anecdotal evidence suggests these measures are not being used. One reason may be because the City does not have adequate dedicated resources to manage the enforcement program, allowing repeat offenders to get away with multiple offenses. It also disrupts the neighborhood, provides negative press and denies the City access to substantial revenues from the program (see above). Recommendation: •Reduce the current 3-strike rule to a 2-strike rule for noise and personal conduct violations. •In the event an STVR permit is suspended for any cause, the City shall notify the Owner, and any contact person or Property Management firm associated with the property. In addition, a notification of suspension shall be sent to all neighbors adjacent to (on all sides) and across the street from of the suspended property. •Staff the hotline with a live, (local) person who is familiar with La Quinta geography and empowered and equipped to initiate complaint resolution immediately. (See previously). •Increase field enforcement staffing by at least two full time STVR trained officers available for immediate dispatch during times of need. (See previously). 101 Page 1 of 2 City of La Quinta STVR Committee Enforcement Subcommittee Recommendations on Violations This report contains specific recommendations on violations unanimously approved by the Enforcement subcommittee. In generating these recommendations, the subcommittee has considered the relative impact of violations including - but not limited to - three primary areas: •Impact on the ability of the City to effectively regulate and manage STVR Properties •Impact of a compliance violation on neighboring properties •Aligning the interests of an STVR homeowner with the interests of the neighborhood. The subcommittee believes the magnitude of fines assessed should be strong enough to act as a behavioral modifier with respect to future conduct, with the three most serious offenses being: •Operating without a permit (bypassing the regulatory process altogether) •Noise and personal conduct violations (neighborhood and quality of life disruption) •Serial offenses (repeated violations) Research indicates the vast majority of STVR properties comply with existing regulations, however the relative few that do not tend to result in highly visible and disruptive behaviors that impact neighborhood quality of life and require significant City resources to manage. It is therefore prudent to ensure the fine structure is sufficient to discourage future activity. These recommendations are consistent with adjacent Coachella Valley Cities STVR fine structures. 1.General STVR Violations (Noise / Parking) – •First Violation: $1,000 •Second Violation: $2,000 + Suspension of STVR permit for a period of not less than 30 days and not more than 1 year 2.Operating a STVR without a valid short-term vacation rental permit – 102 City of La Quinta STVR Committee Enforcement Subcommittee Page 2 of 2 •First Violation: $4,000 + Suspension on applying for a STVR permit for a period of not less than 30 days (with every additional day being an offense) •Second Violation: $6,000 + Suspension on applying for a STVR permit for a period of not less than 1 year (with every additional day being an offense) 3.Failure to respond within the defined timeframe in person or by phone – •First Violation: $2,000 •Second Violation: $2,000 + Suspension of STVR permit for a period of not less than 30 days 4.Exceeding Occupancy Limits without a permit – •First Violation: $2,500 •Second Violation: $5,000 + Suspension of STVR permit for a period of not less than 30 days 5.The City will notify all adjacent properties as indicated in the illustration below in the event an STVR permit is revoked for any reason or any length of time. 103 2020 STVR Enforcement Recommendations OCTOBER 20, 2020 ATTACHMENT 2 ATTACHMENT 2104 105 Part 1 - Issues before an enforcement event Issue 1: Communicating with the City / Verifying a complaint 1 Committee Recommendation Resource/Cost (Staff Analysis) Implementation/Direction (Staff Analysis) 1.a Staff the hotline with live, (local, trained) personnel who are familiar with La Quinta geography and empowered and equipped to initiate complaint resolution immediately. This would require hiring 3 -4 City employees in order to provide a 24/7 hotline function. A cost of $250,000 annually. Evaluate other hotline providers who can provide text notification, regular follow up to reporting party, and require La Quinta specific training. 1.b Increase field enforcement staffing by at least two additional full time STVR trained officers available for immediate dispatch during times of need. This would require hiring 2 Code Compliance officers. A cost of $200,000 annually. Additional Code Compliance staff would greatly assist enforcement efforts. Staff recognizes the cost and has a pilot program underway of utilizing contract security services. 1.c Hotline and enforcement staff should be dynamically managed: more staff when the hotline is heavily used (evenings and weekends) and less staffing at times when complaints tend to be low (weekday mornings and afternoons). This would trigger the need to increase staffing capacity and alternate schedules, which will impact other services. Calling centers have robust call capabilities and allows for easy adjustment to staffing levels. 1.d Require a code inspection on a property prior to granting an STVR license. This inspection should be for the purposes of verifying accuracy with respect to the application, particularly in the areas of occupancy limits (number of bedrooms) and living arrangements (room conversions, etc.). Additional staff time. A third-party contractor/firm can be retained to provide on-site inspection and permit application can include photos to verify and a video inspection prior to issuance. City already inspects for discrepancies on number of bedrooms. 106 Issue 2: STVR Homeowner not registering with the City 2 Committee Recommendation Cost/Resources Implementation/Direction 2.a Require that a City of La Quinta STVR permit number be included in all property advertisements on all platforms (VRBO, print, web, etc.). Nominal cost/resource impact. Monitor compliance and increase enforcement effort through Lodging Revs and cite accordingly. 2.b Publicize the registration requirements regularly on the web site and through social media outlets. Nominal cost/resource impact. City staff will increase existing effort to provide additional outreach through print, digital, and regular notification to residents. 2.c Where possible, partner with HOA communities and Management Companies to exchange information on STVR rental activities. Nominal cost/resource impact. City will increase effort in this area. Evaluating a model agreement with HOAs to share enforcement information. 2.d Include mail inserts to all residents in any surface mailings sent out to residents. Citywide mailers cost approximately $7500. Annual mailer was issued September 26, 2020. The City utilizes the Gem on a regular basis and social media every two weeks. City decreasing amount of direct mail. City can increase direct mailers. Notifications will also be sent to property owners who live outside of La Quinta. 2.e Assess significant monetary penalties for non-compliance. These penalties must be paid before an STVR license can be obtained. Nominal cost/resource impact. The Ad Hoc Committee has recommended increased fines, which are for Council discussion. 107 Issue 3: STVR Owner not aware of the rules 3 Recommendation Cost/Resources Implementation/Direction 3.a Applicants, any individuals listed as contacts for the property, and any designated Management Company representatives who directly manage a property must attend a compulsory workshop prior to the issuance of permits. Applicants must sign a document asserting they have attended the workshop, understand the rules and agree to be bound by them. Staff will need to acquire software licenses for this activity at a cost of $5,000 annually and will factor the cost of conducting workshops into the permit fee Staff will create a new training program that is educational and encourages compliance. Will require certificate of completion and attestation of adhering to the rules. Workshop requirement prior to issuance of permit could lengthen the time to issue a permit. 3.b STVR Owners, any individuals listed as contacts for the property, and any designated Management Company representatives who are directly responsible for managing a property that has been assessed a violation must retake the compulsory workshop at their own expense before a license for that property can be renewed. Nominal cost/resource if software is procured. Cost of conducting workshop will be absorbed in the permit renewal fee for those that were assessed a violation(s). Staff will create a new training program that is educational and encourages compliance. Will require certificate of completion and attestation of adhering to the rules. Staff will follow up and verify that this takes place before permit activity can resume. 3.c This training workshop should also be open to the public so that interested parties (neighbors, potential new STVR licensees) can familiarize themselves with the requirements and responsibilities of STVR ownership. Nominal cost/resource. The training can be open to the public. 3.d False advertising (i.e. number of bedrooms, sleeping capacity, occupancy limits) will result in a citation, and count as a strike against the property. Nominal cost/resource impact. Staff will increase effort and attention to this through Lodging Revs and update Municipal Code revision to make it clearer. The City is already pursuing a Citywide enforcement of this item. 108 Issue 4: Renters not aware of the rules 4 Recommendation Cost/Resource Implementation/Direction 4.a The City require the property owner/manager assert that a renter has been provided with all current City ordinances governing expected behavior in advance of allowing that renter to occupy the property. Nominal cost/resource impact. City will enforce this provision and require the owner to attest to it as a part of the STVR permit application process. 4.b A condensed copy of the relevant ordinance(s) must be permanently fixed to a prominent location inside the property. This document will be generated by the City and outline the relevant rules in plain language. Nominal cost/resource impact if incorporated into the inspection and application process. City will review and refine the “Good Neighbor” brochure to outline the relevant rules in plain language. City will require verification of permanently fixed as a part of inspection. 4.c Update and strengthen the “Good Neighbor” brochure to include specific language relating to noise and personal behavior requirements. Require a copy be included as part of every rental agreement. Nominal cost/resource impact. Staff will update the brochure to include clear education and compliance information. Require owners to include noise and neighborly conduct (example: not exceeding occupancy or not being disruptive to the community) requirements in the STVR posting. 4.d Changes to City ordinances, including adoption of temporary orders must be posted in a prominent location inside the property within 48 hours of adoption, and before the property can be rented again. Nominal cost/resource impact. City will include this requirement as a part of the permit application. 109 Issue 5: Neighbors not aware of the rules 5 Recommendation Cost/Resource Implementation 5.a ALL neighbors adjacent to (on all sides) and across the street from an STVR property be notified by the city and supplied with the same documents the Owner is required to furnish to the renter. (This could be a requirement placed on the STVR owner if the City feels it is appropriate – as long as the neighbor gets the information). These documents must include: A copy of the City STVR Ordinance A Copy of the “Good Neighbor” brochure Contact information for complaints to the City. Contact information for the Property owner and the Property Manager if applicable. A link to the City STVR website where interim rule changes are posted Nominal cost/resource impact if incorporated into Citywide mailer and outreach program. City will incorporate all information and provide to all La Quinta households via a Citywide mailer, which will include a website link to all relevant STVR requirements. The City will ensure that all these materials are received by neighbors of STVR permit holders on an annual basis. 5.b These documents should be refreshed annually as part of the license renewal process. Nominal cost/resource impact. Staff will refresh the documents on a regular basis. 5.c A document should be provided to the neighbor explaining the meaning of any technical terms. Where possible real-life examples should be used to illustrate the terms used. This document should be provided to renters as well. Nominal cost/resource impact if incorporated into a revamped “Good Neighbor” brochure. Staff will be included in the revised “Good Neighbor” brochure. 110 Part 2 – The Enforcement Event Issue 6: No contact with Owner/Representative 6 Recommendation Cost/Resource Implementation 6.a Implement an escalation process whereby if the first call to the designated contact goes unanswered within a 30-minute window, a call is made to RSO and a mandatory citation is issued. Nominal. Existing process is set for 45- minutes. Council discussion and ordinance amendment required if changed to 30 minutes. 6.b As described above, increase the number of trained and dedicated enforcement personnel to levels that can actively address the situation with or without the homeowner / property manager. Cost information noted in Part I. Additional Code Compliance staff would greatly assist enforcement efforts. Staff recognizes the cost and has a pilot program underway of utilizing contract security services. Issue 7: Noise/Behavior/Party Events 7 Recommendations Cost/Resource Implementation 7.a A document should be prepared and provided to all parties clarifying definitively the meaning of any technical measurements and how these measurements should be interpreted. (See also above). Nominal cost/resource impact if incorporated into revised and recommended education materials. Yes, will be provided to all responsible parties. 7.b Enforcement personnel should be provided with and trained to use relevant noise level meters and other tools that enhance objective measurement of noise. They should also be trained to explain the results of these measurements to neighbors and renters in the event of a complaint. Cost unknown at this time. Code Compliance already undergoes rigorous training for this recommendation. Should new methods be developed with technology then staff will take the appropriate training. 111 7.c Where possible, real-life examples should be used to illustrate the terms used. This document should be provided to renters as well. Nominal cost/resource impact. This will be incorporated into revamped education materials. 7.d The City should implement tutorial workshops that clarify what the noise and behavior rules are. These workshops should open to all community members and conducted on a regular basis (perhaps once every calendar quarter). Nominal cost/resource impact if implemented as already recommended. Incorporate this into the new workshop and training program. 7.e Quiet hours shall be between the hours of 10:00 pm and 8am. No amplified noise shall be permitted between the hours of 8pm to 8am. Council discussion and if changed, requires ordinance amendment. Issue 8: Occupancy Limit Violations 8 Recommendations Cost/Resource Implementation 8.a Empower and require enforcement personnel to ask and verify (subject to legal applicability) the number of occupants at time of a complaint. Nominal cost/resource impact. Code Compliance and Riverside County Sheriff Department already conduct this activity if there’s a disruptive property. 8.b Notify the STVR owner or property manager immediately if a citation will be issued. This will enable recovery of any fines from the occupants before security deposits are refunded, etc. Will cost time delays in the investigatory and compliance process Staff provides timely notification to the property owner, but due to the code compliance investigatory process staff does not recommend implementation. 8.c Limit overnight parking for STVR properties (see also below). (This is the way some HOA communities manage occupancy issues) Council discussion required. If limits are established, ordinance amendment required. 112 Issue 9: Parking 9 Recommendations Cost/Resource Implementation 9.a Require the Owner/Contact person/Property Manager obtain a list of vehicle license plate numbers for renters occupying the property. This list must be available to the compliance officer upon demand. Failure to provide this list will result in a citation. Nominal cost/resource impact. Can include in the application and incorporated into municipal code. 9.b Limit the number of vehicles that may be parked on the street to a maximum of three vehicles during times the property is rented. Council discussion required and if changed, ordinance amendment required and consistency with General Plan and applicable codes needed. Issue 10: Trash 10 Recommendations Cost/Resource Implementation 10.a Current regulations are adequate for dealing with this issue, however during the process of getting a license, the STVR applicant should be specifically made aware of the current trash collection policy, including the availability of larger capacity bins and concierge collection services, as well as the fines associated with non-compliance. Nominal cost/resource impact. Staff will incorporate into the STVR permit application process and enforce. 10.b The STVR owner must inform the renter in writing of the property specific trash policy as part of the rental agreement. Nominal cost/resource impact. Staff will incorporate this into the STVR permit application process and enforce. 113 Part 3 - After the Enforcement Event Issue 11: Repeat offenders/3 strikes 11 Recommendations Cost/Resource Implementation 11.a Reduce the current 3-strike rule to a 2-strike rule for noise and personal conduct violations. Council discussion needed and if changed, requires ordinance amendment 11.b In the event an STVR permit is suspended for any cause, the City shall notify the Owner, and any contact person or Property Management firm associated with the property. In addition, a notification of suspension shall be sent to all neighbors adjacent to (on all sides) and across the street from of the suspended property. Nominal cost/resource impact if posted online. Will provide suspended property information into a City website for neighbors to view. Neighbors and reporting parties will be notified of this activity. 11.c Staff the hotline with a live, (local) person who is familiar with La Quinta geography and empowered and equipped to initiate complaint resolution immediately. (See previously). Already addressed in Part I. 11.d Increase field enforcement staffing by at least two full time STVR trained officers available for immediate dispatch during times of need. (See previously). Already addressed in Part I. 114 Part II - Recommendations on Violations Issue: Communicating with the City / Verifying a complaint Committee Recommendation Municipal Code 3.25.090 Violations. COVID-19 Emergency Response Efforts 1. General STVR Violations (Noise/ Parking) a.First Violation: $1,000 b.Second Violation: $2,000 + Suspension of STVR permit for a period of not less than 30 days and not more than 1 year General STVR Violations (Occupancy/Noise/Parking). a.First violation: $500; b.Second violation: $1,000; c.Third violation: $1,500. Plus, all properties are subject to the Three Strikes Policy: Three (3) violations of any provision of Municipal Code 3 or 3.25 within one year will result in an immediate suspension of the short-term vacation rental permit with subsequent ability to have a hearing before the city, to request a lifting of the suspension. Revisit short-term protection enforcement by fine adjustments. a.First violation: $1,000; b.Second violation: $2,000; c.Third violation: $3,000. Plus, STVR properties are subject to the Two Trike Policy: Two (2) violations of any provision of Chapter 3.25 or the LQMC within one year by any applicant, occupant, responsible person, local contact person, owner, or owner’s authorized agent or representative, with respect to any one residential dwelling will result in an immediate, minimum 30-day suspension of the short term vacation rental permit. Ability to have a hearing before the city to request a lifting of the suspension shall be governed by this order notwithstanding any administrative appeals process available in the LQMC. 115 2. Operating a STVR without a valid short- term vacation rental permit a.First Violation: $4,000 + Suspension on applying for a STVR permit for a period of not less than 30 days (with every additional day being an offense) b.Second Violation: $6,000 + Suspension on applying for a STVR permit for a period of not less than 1 year (with every additional day being an offense) Operating a STVR Without a Valid Short-Term Vacation Rental Permit. a.First violation: $1,000; b.Second violation: $1,500; c.Third violation: $2,000. Plus, all properties are subject to the Three Strikes Policy: Three (3) violations of any provision of Municipal Code 3 or 3.25 within one year will result in an immediate suspension of the short-term vacation rental permit with subsequent ability to have a hearing before the city, to request a lifting of the suspension. Operating a STVR Without a Valid Short-Term Vacation Rental Permit. a.First violation: $2,000; b.Second violation: $3,000; c.Third violation: $4,000. Plus, STVR properties are subject to the Two Trike Policy: Two (2) violations of any provision of Chapter 3.25 or the LQMC within one year by any applicant, occupant, responsible person, local contact person, owner, or owner’s authorized agent or representative, with respect to any one residential dwelling will result in an immediate, minimum 30-day suspension of the short term vacation rental permit. Ability to have a hearing before the city to request a lifting of the suspension shall be governed by this order notwithstanding any administrative appeals process available in the LQMC. 3. Failure to respond within the defined timeframe in person or by phone – a.First Violation: $2,000 b.Second Violation: $2,000 + Suspension of STVR permit for a period of not less than 30 days Failure to respond within the defined timeframe in person or by phone – a.First violation: $500; b.Second violation: $1,000; c.Third violation: $1,500. Plus, all properties are subject to the Three Strikes Policy: Three (3) violations of any provision of Municipal Code 3 or 3.25 within one year will result in an immediate suspension of the short-term vacation rental permit with subsequent Failure to respond within the defined timeframe in person or by phone – a.First violation: $1,000; b.Second violation: $2,000; c.Third violation: $3,000. Failure to respond results in an immediate 90-Day Suspension for Non-Responsiveness: Failure of the owner, the owner’s authorized agent or representative and/or the owner’s designated local contact person (as those terms are defined 116 ability to have a hearing before the city, to request a lifting of the suspension. in LQMC Section 3.25.030) to respond to calls or complaints regarding the condition, operation, or conduct of occupants and/or guests of the short- term vacation rental unit within forty-five minutes, as required by LQMC Section 3.25.070, Subsection (G), shall be subject to an immediate 90-day suspension of the short-term vacation rental permit. Ability to have a hearing before the city to request a lifting of the suspension shall be governed by this order notwithstanding any administrative appeals process available in the LQMC. 4. Exceeding Occupancy Limits without a permit – a.First Violation: $2,500 b.Second Violation: $5,000 + Suspension of STVR permit for a period of not less than 30 days Currently, this is treated as a general STVR violation. a.First violation: $500; b. Second violation: $1,000; c.Third violation: $1,500. Plus, all properties are subject to the Three Strikes Policy: Three violations of any provision of Municipal Code 3 or 3.25 within one year will result in an immediate suspension of the short- term vacation rental permit with subsequent ability to have a hearing before the city, to request a lifting of the suspension. Currently, this is treated as a general STVR violation. a.First violation: $1,000; b.Second violation: $2,000; c.Third violation: $3,000. Plus, STVR properties are subject to a Two Trike Policy: Two (2) violations of any provision of Chapter 3.25 or the LQMC within one year by any applicant, occupant, responsible person, local contact person, owner, or owner’s authorized agent or representative, with respect to any one residential dwelling will result in an immediate, minimum 30-day suspension of the short term vacation rental permit. Ability to have a hearing before the city to request a lifting of the suspension shall be governed by this order notwithstanding any administrative appeals process available in the LQMC. 117 5. The City will notify all adjacent properties as indicated in the illustration below in the event an STVR permit is revoked for any reason or any length of time. Presently, the city does not notify adjacent properties about the permit status of an adjacent property. Residents may call city staff and ask if a residential unit has an active STVR permit. N/A 6. Quiet hours shall be between the hours of 10:00 pm and 8 am. No amplified noise shall be permitted between the hours of 8 pm to 8 am. 3.25.070 Operational requirements and standard (D): The owner, the owner’s authorized agent or representative and/or the owner’s designated local contact person shall use reasonably prudent business practices to ensure that the occupants and/or guests of the short-term vacation rental unit do not create unreasonable or unlawful noise or disturbances, engage in disorderly conduct, or violate any applicable law, rule or regulation pertaining to the use and occupancy of the subject short-term vacation rental unit. Current Noise Limit. No person at a short-term vacation rental unit (whether inside or outside the unit) shall willfully make any unreasonably loud noise to the extent that it disturbs the peace and quiet of any neighborhood or imposes upon the privacy and rights of others nearby the short-term vacation rental unit. “Unreasonably loud noise” shall be determined by a city official visiting the short-term vacation rental unit and using the standards set forth in LQMC Section 11.08.040. The noise limits in this paragraph are in addition to any other noise requirements set forth in the LQMC, including LQMC Section 7. Quiet hours shall be between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am. No amplified noise shall be permitted between the hours of 8 pm to 8 am. 3.25.070 Operational requirements and standard (E): Occupants of the short-term vacation rental shall comply with the standards and regulations for allowable noise at the property in accordance with Section 9.100.210 (or successor provision, as may be amended from time to time) of this code. No radio receiver, musical instrument, phonograph, compact disk player, loudspeaker, karaoke machine, sound amplifier, or any machine, device or equipment that produces or reproduces any sound shall be used outside or be audible Currently No Sound Amplification Allowed At Any Time. Notwithstanding provisions in LQMC Section 3.25.070, Subsection (E), to the contrary, no radio receiver, musical instrument, phonograph, compact disk player, loudspeaker, karaoke machine, sound amplifier, or any machine, device or equipment that produces or reproduces any sound may be used outside or be audible from the outside of any short-term vacation rental unit at any time. 118 Staff is evaluating the recommended fine amounts with the city attorney to be proposed to council at a future meeting. from the outside of any short-term vacation rental unit between the hours of 10 pm and 7 am Pacific Standard Time. 119 120 City of La Quinta Additional Compliance and Enforcement Measures Unlicensed Property Rental Activity & Enforcement On September 26, 2020 the City issued a Citywide mailer to all households regarding unlicensed Short-Term Vacation Rental (STVR) activity. Utilizing the City’s compliance vendor LodginRevs, the City will be issuing a cease and desist letter to all identified properties who are conducting unlicensed rental. For those that do not adhere to the City’s demand, citations and fines will be assessed on those properties and it could lead to additional Code Compliance action. Noise Monitoring Devices Pilot Program Staff reached out to Noise Aware, Room Monitor and Minut who are providers of noise monitoring devices. Noise Aware and Room Monitor responded to staffs request to better understand the capabilities of their product. Both also agreed to participate in a pilot program if the City elected to initiate one where their services and devices could be assessed. The two vendors have agreed to provide the City with 10 devices at no charge. Current Municipal Code allows the City Manager to require that noise monitoring devices be installed at a STVR property as a mitigation condition. Staff would evaluate the effectiveness of requiring a device such as these at all STVR properties and report back to City Council. New factors before renewing a permit and/or modifying a permit Current Municipal Code allows the City to modify the parameters of a permit and/or consider other factors as a basis for renewal of the permit. Staff is researching modifications to permits upon renewal, which could include restricting number of rental days or requiring noise monitoring devices, or limited suspension based on: •Citations levied against a STVR property. •If a STVR has had suspension(s). •Continuing to rent while suspended. Unverified Complaints City staff receives a number of complaints that are unverifiable and use city and police resources to investigate them. Staff is aware that some of these unverifiable complaints are false due to the number of complaints received that have not been unfounded. However, currently the municipal code does not cover false complaints, and staff has no enforcement arm to cite this activity. The City encourages all complaints to be called into the STVR Hotline phone number (760) 777-7050. This is the best way for staff to follow up with ATTACHMENT 3 121 all appropriate parties and helps with a timelier investigation of complaints. Due to the rising complaints, the City has a code officer or security services on duty evenings and weekends (Thursday - Sunday) who will directly answer calls from the hotline and respond. Partnership Agreement with Homeowners Association and Enforcement City staff is working closely with PGA West Security & Enforcement members to share information on properties that have been issued a violation or suspension. This would mean that if PGA West Security has confirmed a noise violation, the City would be able to verify it with the security company and issue a citation and strike against a STVR property. In addition, staff is working with PGA West staff on the coordination of resources and streamlining our process with HOA’s. Once the details are refined, the City intends to create a model partnership agreement that could be entered into with all HOA communities who desire this service. Review of Municipal Code regarding STVR Once the AdHoc STVR completes its report and council gives direction to staff, staff will present a complete list of municipal code changes to improve the STVR program. Penalties on renter Current Municipal Code allows the City to issue administrative citation to the STVR occupant, however, that is usually not effective as the administrative citations are not collectable if the occupants live outside California, and there are no lasting consequences to their behavior at the property. However, the city can cite the owner and/or manager, and they can collect the amount of the fines from the occupant’s deposit. Outreach With Council direction and following completion of the Ad Hoc STVR Committee’s work, staff will conduct outreach and meet with various stakeholders as the full implementation of the program takes place. Stakeholders would include realtors, property managers, residents, and businesses wanting to provide input on the program. 122 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 20, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE ANNUAL REPORT OF ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS RECOMMENDATION Receive and file annual report of active development agreements. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The La Quinta Municipal Code requires annual Council review of active development agreements (DA). •Five active development agreements were identified including the Centre Pointe, Legacy Villas, Village Park Animal Hospital, Signature at PGA West, and SilverRock Resort development projects. Centre Pointe development is currently out of compliance. FISCAL IMPACT Centre Pointe, Legacy Villas and Signature at PGA West are required to pay mitigation fees as part of their DA’s. To date, all developments are up to date on their payments. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The periodic review of DAs by Council is required at least every 12 months from the date the DA was entered into until the expiration of the agreement. Five active DAs have been identified (Attachment 1). Of the five, Village Park Animal Hospital, was determined to be in full compliance with no further obligations. The remaining agreements are summarized in the table below. Active Development Agreements Project Name Applicant Project Description Effective Date Status Centre Pointe CP Development La Quinta, LLC 50-acre mixed-use development at SEC of Washington Street and Miles Avenue July 17, 2003, December 18, 2003 (Expires 2053) Compliant Mitigation fees are being collected. Casitas Units (partially constructed) STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 3 123 Applebee’s restaurant (complete) Homewood Suites by Hilton La Quinta (complete) The Palms La Quinta retirement community (complete) Eisenhower Medical Center (complete) 2nd sit-down restaurant (vacant, never constructed) Pioneer Park (complete) Legacy Villas Centex Homes 280 residential units at NWC of Coachella and Eisenhower November 20, 2003 (Expires 2053) Compliant Mitigation Fees are being collected Amount invoiced for in 2019 is $462,756.41 Signature (PGA West) Crown Pointe Partners, LLC 264 condo/townhome units at PGA West, consist of Villas, Haciendas, and Estates August 18, 2008 (Expires 2058) Compliant Mitigation Fees are being collected SilverRock Resort SilverRock Development Company, LLC Development of the SilverRock Resort including luxury hotel, lifestyle hotel, luxury branded residential, shared services and conference center, and mixed-use village. November 18, 2014 (expires November 18, 2044) Compliant The Centre Pointe, Legacy Villas and Signature developments are within a Tourist Commercial District, which is intended for and permits land uses that include specialized commercial tourist-oriented uses and resort activity that generate transit occupancy tax (TOT) revenue. DAs were executed for these projects for a per unit payment to the City based on performance measures for the collection of TOT revenue. 124 Centre Pointe The Centre Pointe development includes 42 acres at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Miles Avenue, and is currently comprised of Homewood Suites, La Quinta Desert Villas (40 residential condominium units), Applebees, Eisenhower Health Center and The Palms at La Quinta senior community. The north portion of Centre Pointe is within a Tourist Commercial District (CT). In December 2003, a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) with the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency was adopted since this was, at the time, redevelopment property that was sold to the developer. A DA with the City of La Quinta was also adopted. The DA and DDA included provisions for the construction of the mixed-use development, including 132 residential “Casitas.” These units are subject to payment of one-time and annual mitigation fees to the City, unless the City receives $546,131 minimum annual transient occupancy tax (TOT) for three consecutive years generated by the development (Attachment 2). To date, 40 of the proposed 132 Casitas units have been constructed as residential condominiums that restrict short term rental use. These are presently known as La Quinta Desert Villas. The City has invoiced the La Quinta Desert Villas Homeowners Association (HOA) for these annual mitigation fees since 2016 as the minimum TOT revenue is not being generated. The HOA is the only party being billed since these are the only units that have been issued Certificates of Occupancy. The HOA has made payments to the City and is current on these fees. Legacy Villas The Legacy Villas development is located west of Eisenhower Drive at Coachella Drive, north of the La Quinta Hotel. This development consists of 280 residential for sale units that if the owner chooses to rent them, may only be rented as short-term rentals. The rentals are required to be registered in a rental pool and report their TOT to the City on a regular basis. The units are also required to pay mitigation fees and can stop paying mitigation fees when a threshold of $1,000,000 of TOT collected for any three consecutive operating years is met. This has not been met to date and the units are still responsible for mitigation fees and are compliant with their payment obligations. A summary of the DA is provided as Attachment 3. Signature at PGA West The Signature development consists of 264 proposed resort residential units that are also subject to TOT mitigation payments. These payments are collected at the time of sale of each unit. The development is in compliance with mitigation payment obligations. A summary of this DA is provided as Attachment 4. SilverRock Agreements in place for SilverRock consist of a DA and a Purchase, Sale and Development Agreement (PSDA) which were entered into in November 2014 (Attachment 5). The PSDA was recently amended in November 2018 to modify 125 the development schedule, clarify requirements for selling planning areas 7, 8 and 9, identify phasing plan for master site infrastructure improvements, update project budgets and define ownership structures for the SilverRock Development Company (SDC). With the acquisition of a construction loan for the project, certain milestones needed to be revised to meet the loan requirements. The construction lender requires both the Montage and Pendry to open at the same time, which affects the construction schedule for both hotels. This required a time extension to complete both hotels and as a result, the Pendry would open 3 years sooner than anticipated in the original agreement. SDC is making progress toward meeting deadlines in their development schedule. A Tentative Tract Map for the Montage Residences has been approved and the Final Map is currently in design review. Tentative Tract Maps for the Pendry Residences and Golf Bungalows have been submitted and are currently in design review. Building permits for the Montage Shared Services, Montage Hotel & Spa, Pendry Resort Hotel, Golf Clubhouse, Pendry Residences, Montage Residences, Pendry Golf Bungalows, Pendry Clubhouse, and Montage Guest Rooms were submitted Fall 2019 and have been approved with conditions. ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend any alternatives. Prepared by: Cheri Flores, Planning Manager Approved by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Attachments: 1.Map of developments with active development agreements 2.Centre Pointe Development Agreement Summary 3.Legacy Villas Development Agreement Summary 4.Signature Development Agreement Summary 5.SilverRock Resort Development Agreement Summary 126 CENTRE POINTE LEGACY VILLAS SILVERROCK SIGNATURE VILLAGE PARK ANIMAL HOSPITAL SH-111 MADISON ST54TH AVEWASHINGTON ST48TH AVE EISENHOWER DRJEFFERSON ST52ND AVE MILES AVE 50TH AVE MONROE STJEFFERSON STEISENHOWER DR 50TH AVE Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community ¯ September 2020 ATTACHMENT 1 Development Agreement Project Locations 127 Center Pointe Development Agreement (DA2003-0006) Project Description: 134 room hotel, 136 condo/casita units, residential development of 54 detached homes, 14 market rate homes, 2 restaurants, medical office, surgical facility, 132 suite retirement community, 72 suite assisted living, and a 32 bed memory care facility. Applicant: Center Pointe Development LQ, LLC Case No.: Development Agreement 2003-006, Ord 385, 409, 423, 455 and 504 (4 amendments) Disposition and Development Agreement (7 amendments) Related Case: Specific Plan 2001-055, EA 2001-436, 2011-617 Effective Dates: December 18, 2003, Expires December 18, 2053 (50 YEARS) Terms: •Developer to construct 134 guest room hotel, 136 condo/casitas units, 13 courtyard cluster villas, 54 unit residential development, 14 market rate homes, 40 affordable homes, two restaurants, medical office/ surgical facility, 26 sanctuary villas. •Development of a Casitas HOA •Developer constructs a neighborhood park. •Contribution towards landscape improvements •Payment of Mitigation fees o One-time mitigation fee Casitas: $1,500 for each unit with payment due upon the first close of escrow Sanctuary Villas: $2,150 for each unit with payment due upon the first close of escrow o Annual mitigation fees: Casitas and Sanctuary Villas: $150 for each unit sold to a purchaser to be paid each July 1. Fee shall not be required for any operative year in which the City has received transient occupancy taxes derived from the Suites Hotel parcel, casitas parcel, and sanctuary villas parcel which equals or exceeds $546,131 for the applicable operative year o If City received minimal annual TOT ($546,131) in each of three consecutive operative years, the Casitas and Sanctuary Villas HOA’s obligation to pay the annual mitigation fee shall be terminated. •Public Facilities Fee: 5% of rental amount if rented for a period of time over 30 days ATTACHMENT 2 128 •Sanctuary Villas later removed from the development plan (DA Amendment 2) •DA Amendment 4 replaced the development of single-family residential homes with a senior living facility, The Palms, consisting of 132 retirement suites, four single-story duplex cottages, 72 assisted living suites, and 32 beds for memory care. To view the documentation for the CP Development La Quinta LLC Disposition and Development and Development Agreements please use the following web address: https://laqlaserweb.laquintaca.gov/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=20723&searchid=ad 833b3f-2b17-433c-9b7f-d86170883192&dbid=1&repo=CityofLaQuinta 129 LEGACY VILLAS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DA 2003-007) Project description: 280 unit Residential Resort on 44.61 Acres Applicant: Centex Homes Case No.: Development Agreement 2003-007, Ordinance 389 Related Case: Specific Plan 2003-065, Site Development Permit 2003-778, Environmental Assessment 2003-478, Tentative Tract Map 31379 Effective Dates: Development Agreement is considered effective on December 12, 2003 and expires December 11, 2053 (50 YEARS). Terms: •A one-time mitigation fee of $2,500 per unit constructed in the project due on or before the date the building permit is issued for each unit. •Annual mitigation fee which is collected by the HOA at $1,000 per year per unit that has been sold to an owner. The HOA then forwards to the City of La Quinta. •The Annual mitigation fee is reduced from $1,000 to $500 per year if the City receives TOT from rental units in the project that exceeds $500,000 for three consecutive years during the term of the Development Agreement and can be totally eliminated if the City has received TOT from rental units in the Project in excess of $1,000,000 for any three consecutive operating years during the life of the Development Agreement. •Any rentals are subject to TOT. •Rental Tracking System by HOA. To view the Centex Homes Development Agreement please use the following web address: https://laqlaserweb.laquintaca.gov/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=20844&searchid=1d 9b36aa-5311-452b-ae5d-314022a50780&dbid=1&repo=CityofLaQuinta ATTACHMENT 3 130 EDENROCK (SIGNATURE) DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DA2006-011) Project Description: 264 condo/townhome units (83 Courtyard Homes, duplexes, 79 Manor Homes, triplexes, and 102 Village Homes, sixplexes) on 41.95 acres. Applicant: Crowne Pointe Partners, LLC Case No.: Development Agreement 2006-011, Ordinance 457 Related Case: SP 83-002, Amendment No. 6, GPA 2006-107, ZC 2006-127, Tentative Tract Map 33226, SDP 2006-852 Effective Dates: August 18, 2008 and expires August 18, 2058 (50 YEARS) Assignment and Assumption Agreement entered into March 24, 2014, assigned to RREF-CWC LaQ, LLC Purpose: Development Agreement entered into for purposes of payment to City a per unit upfront payment for potential loss of anticipated general fund revenues from “Transient Occupancy Tax” as a result of the use of the site for a residential resort instead of a traditional tourist commercial use such as a 1,000 room resort hotel, conference center and 100,000 square feet of resort retail. Key points of the Agreement: •Compliance with Conditions of Approval •Recordation of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions •Payment to the City for each unit 0.75% of the developer’s full sale price of the unit upon close of escrow, inclusive of all developer-installed options and upgrades, with the amount of such sales price verified by the City. •Payment of Fair Share Improvements as identified in mitigation measures 11.0-3 and 11.0-4 of the project EIR. To view the Crowne Pointe Partners Development Agreement please use the following web address: https://laqlaserweb.laquintaca.gov/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=43952&searchid=71 ce937d-de2d-4dd9-8493-ca725aa880c4&dbid=1&repo=CityofLaQuinta ATTACHMENT 4 131 AUGUST 2019 SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DA 2014-1001) Project description: Development of a resort development as follows: Area Project Components Acres Units PA 1 Modification of existing Golf Course 173 PA 2 Montage Luxury hotel with spa and fitness center (170,000 sq. ft) 17 140 PA 3 Montage Luxury branded residential homes 14 35 PA 4 Shared service/conference facility 7.5 PA 5 Pendry Lifestyle hotel (170,000 sq. ft.) 10.5 200 PA 6 Pendry Lifestyle branded residential development 10 66 PA 7 Mixed-Use Village Area 1 10.5 150 PA 8 Resort Residential Village 22.5 160 PA 9 Mixed Use Village Area II (80 units) 15 80 PA 10A-1 Golf Course and Clubhouse 51.5 25 PA 10A-2 Residential 13.5 46 PA 10A-3 Residential 5 23 PA 10B-1 Golf Course 62 40 PA 10B-2 Residential 5.5 19 PA 10B-3 Residential 4.5 20 PA 10B-4 Residential 7 34 PA 10B-5 Residential 5.5 22 PA 10B-6 Residential 5.5 24 PA 11 Public Park 22 PA 12 Arroyo, Trails, Canal & Streets 53.5 Total 525 1084 Applicant: SilverRock Development Company, LLC Case No.: Development Agreement 2014-1001, Ordinance 520 Related Cases: SDP 2016-0005, SDP 2016-0009 Effective Dates: •Development Agreement approved on November 18, 2014 •Purchase Sale and Development Agreement (PSDA) entered into on November 19, 2014 and expires November 19, 2044 (30 YEARS). •Amendment 1 to the PSDA was entered into on October 29, 2015 •Amendment 2 to the PSDA was entered into on April 18, 2017 •Amendment 3 to the PSDA was entered into on November 28, 2018 Purpose (Amendment 3 of PSDA): Amends areas of the original PSDA that have changed based on changes in the project; Modifies the development schedule; updates project budgets and define ownership structures for the SilverRock Development Company (SDC). Amendment No. 3 also gives SDC the ability to sell and transfer planning areas 7, 8 and 9 under certain conditions. ATTACHMENT 5 132 AUGUST 2019 Key points of the Agreement: •Establishment of a vested right to execute and fulfill the development program in accordance with the SilverRock Resort Specific Plan and applicable zoning regulations. •Permit and development impact fees are to be paid in accordance with those fees in force and effect as of the effective date of the Agreement. •Any non-city development fees, such as the CVMSHCP or TUMF fees, will be collected at the rate in effect at the standard time of collection. •Developer is responsible for executing development in accordance with identified development program. •Developer acknowledges responsibility for CEQA mitigation monitoring. •The Agreement is to be reviewed at least annually in order to ensure compliance with provisions. •Use the Ahmanson House as temporary clubhouse, in lieu of constructing a temporary clubhouse, until the permanent clubhouse is operational. •Master Site Infrastructure Improvements Phasing Plan amended. To view the SilverRock DA, please use the following web address: https://laqlaserweb.laquintaca.gov/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=44821&searchid=c9 a0a048-c544-4863-b159-5d2cd849d669&dbid=1&repo=CityofLaQuinta To view Amendment #3 to the PSDA, please use the following web address: https://laqlaserweb.laquintaca.gov/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=505711&searchid=d dbc4533-fa6c-4885-89c9-49656b94dde6&dbid=1&repo=CityofLaQuinta 133 134 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 20, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: DISCUSS TRAFFIC STUDY FOR ADAMS STREET NEAR LA PALMA DRIVE RECOMMENDATION Discuss traffic study for Adams Street near La Palma Drive, and safety measure implementation options. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The City’s contract Traffic Engineer (Traffic Engineer) conducted a traffic study along Adams Street near La Palma Drive to address resident safety concerns. •The Traffic Engineer has recommended options for consideration to address the safety concerns, including: o A “road diet” along Adams Street between Miles Avenue and Fred Waring Drive o Adding self-closing gates to the existing fences at Adams Park o Continuing to enforce the speed limits along Adams Street. •Additional measures suitable for implementation are also identified and can be phased in, if needed. FISCAL IMPACT Resealing and restriping this roadway as part of a “road diet” will cost an estimated $40,000 and self-closing gates approximately $10,000. No funds are currently allocated for either of these projects. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City Council requested an analysis be performed along Adams Street near La Palma Drive to address resident’s concerns about excessive vehicular speeds and pedestrian crossings. The Traffic Engineer provided options for consideration by the City, along with recommendations for best results. (Attachment 1) Adams Street is essentially a 4-lane divided highway with painted medians, or two way turn lanes, and pedestrians cross Adams Street unassisted at uncontrolled locations. The primary concern that residents have is with the STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 4 135 speed of approaching traffic. Some drivers adhere to the posted 25 mph near the park, while others ignore that limit and reach speeds up to 50 mph in the posted 40 mph and 25 mph sections. This makes it difficult for pedestrians to select appropriate gaps when crossing. A “road diet” on Adams Street would eliminate one travel lane in each direction between Fred Waring Drive and Miles Avenue. Based on existing and projected traffic volumes, the City can still maintain reasonable circulation and capacity for future growth. The advantages of having just one lane include: •Improved sight distance for exiting side street traffic •Less lanes for drivers/pedestrians to gauge the speed of approaching vehicles •Reduced speeds on Adams Street by not allowing any passing •Adds a wide bike / golf cart lane to connect to the amenities nearby •Adds buffer zone between vehicles and golf carts, bicyclists & pedestrians •Create potential for adding right turn only lanes at key intersections •Create potential for adding acceleration lanes at key intersections •Reduces the number of travel lanes that pedestrians must cross •Provides several refuge areas for pedestrians when crossing •Potentially reduces collisions •Enhances pedestrian safety when crossing For these reasons, a “road diet” should be considered as the first feasible option for implementation on Adams Street. This resolves most of the current issues experienced by residents driving, walking along or crossing Adams Street. Two additional recommended options to consider are: •Continue to enforce the speed limit along Adams Street •Installation of self-closing gates at Adams Park to assist with controlling children possibly running into the street Additional measures considered suitable for implementation that could be added, if desired in the future, include: •Installation of a mid-block crosswalk approximately 180 ft. south of La Palma at the opening to the park and relocating advance warning signs to this crossing •Feedback signs in each direction reminding drivers of the speed limits •A Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) for the mid-block crosswalk •A raised center median on Adams Street at the mid-block crossing •Flashing beacons reinforcing when the 25-mph speed limit is in effect Pedestrian safety, walkability, expanding golf cart connectivity, bicycling and speed calming along Adams Street are some of the primary purposes for this type of project and implementation of these recommendations should assist significantly with those goals. Once implemented, a follow-up study could take 136 place to see if further traffic calming measures are justified, if any measures need to be adjusted, and if enforcement strategies are being effective. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachment(s): 1. Adams Street Crosswalk Traffic Study 137 138 CITY OF LA QUINTA Adams Street Crosswalk Study Prepared for: City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Prepared by: Willdan Engineering 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405 Industry, California 91746 Telephone (562) 908-6200 Fax (562) 695-2120 September 2020 ATTACHMENT 1 139 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study Table of Contents Page Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3 Background/Existing Conditions ...................................................................................... 3 Data Collection ................................................................................................................ 4 Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 4 Traffic Calming Measures ............................................................................................... 8 Recommendation .......................................................................................................... 13 Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 14 Exhibits Exhibit 1 – Area Map ....................................................................................................... 5 Exhibit 2 – Road Diet Only ............................................................................................ 10 Exhibit 3 – Road Diet w/ mid-block crossing ................................................................. 12 Appendix A.Speed Surveys 140 1 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study Executive Summary: The City of La Quinta requested an analysis be performed along Adams Street near La Palma Drive to address resident’s concerns about excessive vehicular speeds and pedestrian crossings. Willdan Engineering has been contracted to provide a review of the existing conditions, analyze the issues, provide options for consideration by the City, along with recommendations for best results. The findings and recommendations will be presented to City staff and/or City Council for final determinations. Adams Street is essentially a 4-lane divided highway with painted medians, or two way turn lanes, dividing the travel lanes. Left turn pockets are provided at intersections and no bike or golf cart lanes currently exist anywhere along the entire segment between Miles Avenue and Fred Waring Drive. There are controlled crossings at the signalized intersections of Fred Waring Drive and Adams Street approx. 750 ft. to the north of La Palma Drive, and at the intersection of Miles Avenue and Adams Street approx. 1,750 ft. to the south of La Palma Drive. At other adjacent intersections, pedestrians cross Adams Street unassisted at uncontrolled locations. A review of visibility indicates that visibility is acceptable for conditions and speeds at these intersections along Adams Street. Field observations also revealed light volumes along Adams Street. This is primarily due to 3 major factors a) the summer season is about half the population as the winter season b) the COVID 19 restrictions has reduced travel on all streets in the Coachella Valley and c) nearby schools are not open for attendance and classes are being held virtually online. Our review also determined that speeds are the primary issue that residents have concerns with, with some drivers adhering to the posted 25 mph near the park, and some ignoring that limit and reaching speeds up to 50 mph in the posted 40 mph and 25 mph sections, making it more difficult for pedestrians to select appropriate gaps when crossing. Recommendations: As mentioned, Willdan Engineering was tasked with analyzing conditions along Adams Street and developing mitigation measures including the possible implementation of a “road diet” on Adams Street. The road diet on Adams Street would require the elimination of one travel lane in each direction. In order to maintain a level of service “E” or better with just one lane in each direction and left turn lanes at intersections, segment traffic volumes need to be less than 17,000 vehicles per day. The entire section of Adams Street is well below that threshold. Based on the available capacity, this allows the City to consider a “road diet” solution on Adams Street and still maintain reasonable circulation and capacity with future growth. The primary advantages of having just one lane on the segment between Miles Avenue and Fred Waring Drive are: •Improved sight distance for exiting side street traffic. •Less lanes for exiting drivers to gauge the speed of approaching vehicles •Potentially reduced speeds along Adams Street by platooning vehicles into one lane and not allowing any passing •Allows for the addition of a wide bike / golf cart lane to connect to the amenities nearby 141 2 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study •Creation of a wide buffer zone between moving vehicles and golf carts, bicyclists & pedestrians •Create potential for adding right turn only lanes at key intersections •Create potential for adding acceleration lanes at key intersections •Reduces the number of moving travel lanes that pedestrians, school children, and bicyclists must cross •Provides several refuge areas for pedestrians, school children, and bicyclists when crossing •Potentially reduce collisions •Enhance pedestrian safety when crossing. For these reasons, a “road diet” should be considered as the first feasible option for implementation on Adams Street. The “road diet” resolves most of the current issues experienced by residents driving and walking along and crossing Adams Street. Additional measures are also suitable for implementation at various locations, as well as cost effective, and could be phased in or included with the initial restriping of Adams Street to include as example some of the following: 1.Continue to enforce the speed limit along Adams Street 2.Installation of a mid-block crosswalk approx. 180 ft. s/o La Palma at the opening to the park and relocating advance warning signs to this crossing 3.Speed feedback signage in each direction to remind drivers of the posted speed limits. 4.Install a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) for the mid-block crosswalk 5.Install a raised center median on Adams Street at the mid-block crossing 6.Install flashing beacons reinforcing when the 25 mph speed limit is in effect Summary: Application of various traffic calming and safety measures will help the City of La Quinta resolve issues along Adams Street in the most cost-efficient manner. The program outlined will include public comments and be tailored to the needs of the residents and the City. Traffic volumes are such that the levels of service at key intersections will be maintained with the new striping proposed yet enhancing the flow where needed. Approximate cost estimates have been provided for many of the options to allow the City to gauge how many traffic calming features they wish to pursue. Pedestrian safety, walkability, expanding golf cart connectivity, bicycling and speed calming along Adams Street are some of the primary purposes for this type of project and implementation of these recommendations should assist significantly with those goals. Meeting with staff, City Council, and residents will help ensure public input and buy-in for the proposals presented. Once implemented, a follow-up study could take place to see if further traffic calming measures are justified, if any measures need to be adjusted, and if enforcement strategies are being effective. 142 3 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study Adams Street Crosswalk Study Introduction: The City of La Quinta requested an analysis be performed along Adams Street near La Palma Drive to address resident’s concerns about excessive vehicular speeds and pedestrian crossings. Willdan Engineering has been contracted to provide a review of the existing conditions, analyze the issues, provide options for consideration by the City, along with recommendations for best results. The findings and recommendations will be presented to City staff and/or City Council for final determinations. Background/Existing Conditions: Adams Street is essentially a 4-lane divided highway with painted medians, or two way turn lanes dividing the travel lanes. Left turn pockets are provided at intersections and no bike or golf cart lanes currently exist anywhere along the entire segment between Miles Avenue and Fred Waring Drive. There are controlled crossings at the signalized intersections of Fred Waring Drive and Adams Street approx. 750 ft. to the north of La Palma Drive, and at the intersection of Miles Avenue and Adams Street approx. 1,750 ft. to the south of La Palma Drive. At other adjacent intersections, pedestrians cross Adams Street unassisted at uncontrolled locations. A review of visibility indicates that visibility is acceptable for conditions and speeds at these intersections along Adams Street. The adjacent land use along Adams Street is non-fronting residential communities with Adams Park located at the southwest corner of Adams Street and La Palma Drive. Field observations also revealed light volumes along Adams Street. This is primarily due to 3 major factors: a) the summer season is about half the population at the winter season; b) the COVID 19 restrictions has reduced travel on all streets in the Coachella Valley; and c) nearby schools are not open for attendance and classes are being handled on-line. Our review also determined that speeds are the primary issue that residents have concerns with, with some drivers adhering to the posted 25 mph near the park, and some ignoring that limit and reaching speeds up to 50 mph in the posted 40 mph and 25 mph sections, making it more difficult for pedestrians to select appropriate gaps when crossing. An area map of the study area is shown in Exhibit 1. 143 4 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study Exhibit 1- Study Area Data Collection: The existing volumes were not collected at various key locations or along Adams Street, as engineering judgment reveals that these volumes are currently much lower than peak season. However, the review of previous data indicates that none of the uncontrolled intersections would meet any warrants for upgrading to signalization based on traffic volumes or collision history. Speed surveys were collected in August 2016. Sight distances were observed at each of the uncontrolled intersections in both directions. Lane widths were measured along Adams Street and the street was driven to identify where possible placement of speed feedback signs may be helpful. Analysis: Speed Data – Initially, speed data was reviewed to see what options may be available for possible reducing of speed limits along Adams Street. Radar speed surveys were collected in this roadway segments in August 2016 for La Quinta’s Engineering and Traffic Survey. The speed survey is in Appendix A and is summarized in the table below: Roadway Segment Posted Speed Limit 85th Percentile Speed Proposed Speed Limit Adams Street: Fred Waring Drive – Miles Avenue 40 42 40 144 5 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study Roadway Segment Posted Speed Limit 85th Percentile Speed Proposed Speed Limit Adams Street: n/o Ocotillo to La Palma 25 25 The results show that the section of Adams Street from Miles Avenue to Fred Waring Drive has an 85th percentile speed of 42 mph currently. Due to the current California Vehicle Code and MUTCD standards, it is possible to reduce the speed limit to 40 mph by rounding down. It should be noted that restriping portions of Adams Street as one lane each way (road diet) could lead to lower speeds and thus resurveying Adams Street after such installations could lead to additional lowering of speed limits should the 85th percentile speed drop a few miles per hour. Sight Distance – Existing sight distances were measured at each of the uncontrolled intersections in both approaching directions. The primary purpose for this evaluation is to identify possible candidates for adjustment of the existing speed limits. The latest California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) standards for corner sight distance and minimum stopping sight distance are: Speed Corner Sight Distance (7.5 seconds) Minimum Stopping Sight Distance 25 mph 275 ft 150 ft 30 mph 330 ft 200 ft 35 mph 385 ft 250 ft 40 mph 440 ft 300 ft 45 mph 495 ft 360 ft 50 mph 550 ft 430 ft 55 mph 605 ft 500 ft Sight distances were then compared to the latest California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) standards for corner sight distance and minimum stopping sight distance. Ideally, agencies would prefer to have corner sight distance available at all intersections. However, due to location, geometric design in place, curvature of the roadway (vertical and horizontal curves), walls, trees, shrubs, monument signs, etc., corner sight distance isn’t always achievable. To that end, sight distance greater than the minimum stopping distance but less than corner sight distance is generally considered acceptable. A review of the sight distance revealed no locations that are less than the “minimum stopping sight distance” of 300’ for the existing posted speed limit of 40 mph. These are: 145 6 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study Corner and Minimum Sight Distance at Study Intersections Direction of Driver / Street Left Right Allowable Speed for Available Sight Distance WB La Palma Drive 1750’ 750’ C/M = >55mph each way EB La Palma Drive 750’ 1750’ C/M = >55mph each way WB Ocotillo Drive 700’ 1800’ C/M = 27/40mph Bold and Underlined = critical distance / direction C/M = current corner sight distance allowable speed/minimum stopping sight distance allowable speed OK = more than 605’ of sight distance (55 mph) Options like reducing the roadway width by restriping to one lane and providing a “buffer” zone between the bike / golf cart lane and travel lane or striping right turn only lanes and acceleration lanes at certain side streets, allows vehicles to creep further into the street and increase their visibility, thereby making all locations acceptable in terms of sight distance for approaching vehicles. Upon installation of a road diet, speeds along those segments may also decline as “no passing” is allowed and vehicles wanting to speed can no longer go around slower vehicles that are driving the speed limit. Re-evaluation of speeds may also lead to a lower posted speed limit in this section of Adams Street, further enhancing the opportunities for side street traffic to exit and pedestrian safety when crossing. Volume Data – Existing volumes (both 24 hour and peak hours) were measured and reviewed by Willdan Engineering to see what options were available for restriping and possible lane reductions. Twenty-four (24) hour traffic volumes conducted in September 2016 (when school was in session) along Adams Street and are shown in the table and figure below. Street Average Annual Daily Traffic (ADT) Adams Street: Fred Waring Drive - Miles Avenue 8,353 per day La Palma Drive w/o Adams Street (estimated) 1,000 per day As mentioned, Willdan Engineering was tasked with analyzing conditions on Adams Street and developing mitigation measures including the possible implementation of a “road diet”. The road diet on Adams Street would require the elimination of one travel lane in each direction. In order to maintain level of service “E” or better with just one lane in each direction and left turn lanes at intersections, segment traffic volumes need to be less than 17,000 vehicles per day. The entire street is well below that threshold and based on the available capacity, this allows the City to consider a “road diet” solution on Adams Street and still maintain reasonable circulation and capacity with future growth. The advantages of having just one lane on the segment between Fred Waring Drive and Miles Avenue are: •Improved sight distance for exiting side street traffic. 146 7 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study •Less lanes for exiting drivers to gauge the speed of approach vehicles •Potentially reduced speeds along Adams Street by platooning vehicles into one lane and not allowing any passing •Allows for the addition of a wide bike / golf cart lane to connect to the amenities nearby •Creation of a wide buffer zone between moving vehicles and golf carts, bicyclists and pedestrians •Create potential for adding right only lanes at key intersections •Create potential for adding acceleration lanes at key intersections •Reduces the number of moving travel lanes that pedestrians, school children, and bicyclists must cross •Provides several refuge areas for pedestrians, school children and bicyclists when crossing •Potentially reduces collisions •Enhance pedestrian safety when crossing. Collision Data – Existing collision data from the California Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) was researched along Adams Street between Fred Waring Drive and Miles Avenue to identify if there were any reoccurring patterns that would be considered “correctable” with the installation of traffic control devices or restriping options. The search of the collision history for the last 5 full calendar years indicated that no collisions were reported in this area, neither vehicular nor pedestrian type. 147 8 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study Traffic Calming Measures: Traffic calming measures are various techniques applied that have achieved some success over years of studies in slowing down or making streets safer for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists. The list of traffic calming options below are those that were reviewed to see which may be best suited for application to Adams Street based on a combination of geometry, volumes, collision history, sight distances, prevailing speeds, and other engineering factors. Possible Solutions Considered and Not Recommended Include: 1.Painted Crosswalk ($1,500) – Merely painting a crosswalk with paint on the ground in itself does not add any safety for pedestrians trying to select gaps and negotiate crossing 4 approaching lanes of travel. If located at the intersection of La Palma Drive as example, it is further complicated by the vehicles approaching from the side street and turning across the crossing. Painted lines on the pavement are not deterrents for drivers to slow down as commonly believed. It has been studied for decades by industry safety leaders and found that pedestrians are 6 times more likely to be struck in a painted crosswalk than in an unpainted crossing. The primary reason for this is the “false sense” of security many pedestrians assume when they step into the street in front of an approaching vehicle. It is recommended that a crosswalk not be painted without other safety enhancements put into place with it. 2.All way stop control ($4,000) – All way stop control warrants were not completed, but engineering judgment concluded that these intersections would not meet the minimum criteria for all-way stop control. Additionally, this arterial street is not designed for this type of control measure, but instead signalization is typically along an arterial street such as Adams Street. 3.Traffic Signal ($400,000) – Similarly, a signal would not meet the minimum criteria for this intersection and the cost would not be recommended with other less costly options available to consider first. 4.Pedestrian Bridge ($2,000,000) – Extremely expensive option that may not even have the r-o-w to construct and would not be recommended with other less costly options available to consider first. 5.Pedestrian Tunnel ($2,000,000) - Extremely expensive option that may not even have the r-o-w to construct and would not be recommended with other less costly options available to consider first. 6.Raised Crosswalk ($30,000) – Not appropriate design feature for an arterial roadway like Adams Street. 148 9 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study 7.Speed Humps ($40,000) – Not appropriate design feature for an arterial roadway like Adams Street. 8.Lighting ($20,000) – Adding lighting to an intersection increases the appearance and location where potential crossings may be either a vehicle or pedestrian, but not likely effective to resolving the speed concerns nor pedestrian issues with selecting gaps in traffic. Since this does not currently have a safety history, lighting isn’t recommended at this time at the intersection of La Palma Drive. 9.Roundabout ($1,000,000) - A mini traffic circle in lieu of all- way stop is an option that can be considered for assisting with slowing of traffic approaching an intersection. These work best with just one entering lane from each approach and could possibly be designed to fit within the existing right-of-way on Adams Street at La Palma Drive. An example of a mini traffic circle is shown in the image on the right. This would be instead of an all way stop or signal. With a road diet installation and an all-way stop at this intersection, traffic could back up during peak periods. The cost for such an installation is high and based on existing accident history and public acceptance for these types of designs, it may be prudent to hold off and try lessor cost options first. Solutions Considered for Possible Recommendations Include: 1.Enforcement by Police (Included in current contract) – provide monitoring and enforcement as appropriate to help control vehicle speeds. 2.Road Diet ($40,000) – Restriping the roadway to provide one lane in each direction will provide many traffic calming and safety advantages including: •Improved sight distances for side street traffic exiting •Less lanes to have to gauge the speed of approaching vehicles •No high-speed passing, potentially reducing speeds along Adams Street •Creation of wide bike/golf cart lanes w/ buffer zones between moving vehicles and bicyclists/golf carts •Creation for potential adding right only lanes or acceleration lanes at key intersections •Provide wide refuge for pedestrians, children and bicyclists when crossing 149 10 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study •Reduces the number of moving travel lanes that pedestrians, school children, and bicyclists must cross •Potentially reduces collisions / enhance pedestrian safety when crossing. 3.Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons ($30,000) – This option is to bring attention to pedestrians crossing at uncontrolled locations. The rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB), shown in the image below does not stop traffic on the major street, but when activated by the pedestrian, it flashes a yellow strobe like light warning the driver a pedestrian may be in or soon entering the roadway. This type of additional control may be beneficial at either location (at La Palma Drive or at the proposed option for a mid-block crossing approx. 180 ft s/o La Palma Drive). The combination of an RRFB and a road diet (one lane only each way) can enhance the opportunity for pedestrians to cross safely. The cost and installation for an RRFB is relatively minor and can be added in future if desired at any uncontrolled location where pedestrian activity may be higher than others. 150 11 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study 4.Raised Median ($10,000) – providing a raised refuge w/ ADA compliant ramps in the center of the roadway will give pedestrians an added option to stop crossing and allow a vehicle to pass by before continuing. If the location of the crossing has also RRFB capabilities, then the refuge area also allows for placement of push buttons to re-activate those flashing lights when pedestrians re-start their crossing. 5.Speed Feedback Signs ($25,000) – to assist drivers with monitoring their speeds, La Quinta and other cities have had success with the deployment of speed feedback signs along various streets. Adams Street is a candidate for this type of application to remind drivers to maintain speeds at the posted speed limit by displaying traveling speeds of the approaching vehicles. The suggested locations for speed feedback signs include: o NB Adams Street n/o Ocotillo Drive – where 25 MPH zone ahead sign is o SB Adams Street s/o Fred Waring Drive – at the 25 MPH sign Speed feedback signs at the suggested locations will allow the City to record and monitor speeds along these segments and recommend police enforcement strategies accordingly. The signs help remind drivers of their speed and can assist with reducing speeds along Adams Street. 6.Flashing Beacons on 25 MPH Speed Limit Signs ($20,000) – these would be to add flashing yellow beacons to the existing 25 mph signs to alert drivers when 25 mph is appropriate. (currently 6am to 10pm). This reminder may be helpful in getting driver attention to reduce from the 40 mph zone to 25 mph zone quicker 151 12 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study and/or allow the City Council to consider other hours of operation such as sunrise to sunset and flashing lights adjusted throughout the year accordingly. 7.Relocating Crossing to Mid-Block s/o La Palma Drive ($20,000) – By relocating a potential crossing of Adams Street to 180 ft s/o La Palma Drive, there is an opportunity to line up a crosswalk directly with the opening in the Adams Street Park fencing and lead pedestrians directly to a major neighborhood destination. The advantage of this location for pedestrians is that they would only have to seek a gap in traffic in one direction, walk to the center median, and then continue after seeking a gap in the opposing direction. There would not be a need to encounter turning vehicles in and out of La Palma Drive along with the 4 lanes approaching. 8.Add Gates to Park Fencing ($10,000) – Part of the concern for establishing the 25 mph zone adjacent to the Adams Streets Park may have been to help protect against a young child entering the roadway from the adjacent park site which was unfenced. Fencing has since been added and by adding self-closing gates to the 3 openings, it could add one more safety measure along this side of the roadway. 152 13 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study 9.Installing Pedestrian HAWK Signal ($45,000) – This device is designed to stop all approaching traffic when activated by a pedestrian. The signal will go solid red and have countdown pedestrian heads to get the pedestrian started. Once crossing has begun, the signal will flash red allowing cars in the opposing lanes to clear the crosswalk if the pedestrian has already crossed that half of the street. This has an advantage over the RRFB devices in that it brings all traffic to a stop, instead of just warning drivers that someone may be crossing. 10. Mid-Block Pedestrian Signal ($150,000) – This is similar to a full traffic signal at an intersection but has the advantage of less equipment needed to cross only pedestrians mid-block. The pedestrian signal stops all approaching traffic and provides crossing time to clear the entire street with countdown pedestrian signal heads. The signal would typically also include overhead safety lighting and illuminated signs on the mast arms for better identification. Recommendations: While the ten measures listed above are suitable for implementation at various locations, as well as cost effective, Willdan Engineering would recommend the following traffic calming be considered first for possible implementation: 153 14 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study Phase 1 (approx. $50,000) 1.Provide active enforcement as appropriate for the 25 mph zone 2.Road diet for one lane in each direction to include – right turn lanes at intersections, bike/golf cart lanes on each side 3.Buffer zones separating moving vehicles from bikes and golf carts 4.Install crosswalk approx. 180 ft s/o La Palma Drive with ADA ramps and appropriate signs and markings Phase 2 (if needed – approx. $55,000) 5.Add pedestrian RRFB/Flashing Beacon to crosswalk to alert drivers a pedestrian is in the roadway or about to cross 6.Speed feedback signs to remind drivers of the 25 mph speed limit and their prevailing speed. Conclusions: Application of various traffic calming measures will help the City of La Quinta resolve issues along Adams Street in a cost-efficient manner. The program outlined will include public comments and be tailored to the needs of the residents and the City. Traffic volumes are such that the levels of service at key intersections will be maintained with the new striping proposed yet enhancing the flow where needed. Approximate cost estimates have been provided for many of the options to allow the City to gauge how many traffic calming features they wish to pursue. The options recommended were selected based on the lower cost for the most benefits, helping stretch the City’s funding further. Pedestrian safety, walkability, connecting golf cart lanes, bicycling and speed calming on Adams Street are some of the primary purposes for this type of project and implementation of these recommendations should assist significantly with those goals. Meeting with staff, Council, and residents will help ensure public input and buy-in for the proposals presented. Once implemented, a follow-up study should take place to see if further speed reductions are justified, if any measures need to be adjusted, and if enforcement strategies are being effective. 154 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study Appendix 155 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study APPENDIX A SPEED SURVEYS 156 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study 157 City of La Quinta Adams Street Crosswalk Study 158 MARKETING QUARTERLY REPORTJuly 1, 2020 - September 30, 2020Traditional Marketing"Clean Up Masks & Gloves""Get Tested for COVID-19""Stay Safe During 4th of July""Labor Day Celebrations""Extra Precautions"DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 1 159 COVID-19 Testing SitesCOVID-19 Senior ServicesCOVID-19 Cover your FaceCOVID-19 Business ResourcesCOVID-19 Microsite COVID-19 Resident ResourcesCOVID-19 Nixle COVID-19 Hotline/EmailCOVID-19 UPDATES/ExecutiveOrders/Emergency ResolutionsCOVID-19 LQ App Quick LinksRivCo Public Health UpdatesCity Hall Online ServicesLive Virtual City Council MeetingCODE/COVID-19 ViolationsSTVR HotlineLQ SM Business Loan ProgramDigital MarketingSocial Media Campaign #LOVELQ Support for LocalBusinesses During COVID-199/11 Memorial Virtual TourVirtual 9/11 Memorial Ceremony9 Cities Challenge Blood DriveMuseum Digital ServicesLibrary/Creation Station ServicesNational Preparedness MonthHunger Action MonthS.C.R.A.P Gallery2020 CENSUSCIP ProjectsVillage Complete Streets2020 Election Vote CentersParks & Trails UpdatesWellness Center Fitness Classes ZoomShop Small Shop Local Campaign 160 COVID-19 MicrositeCOVID-19 Senior ServicesCOVID-19 NixleCOVID-19 Cover Up La Quinta COVID-19 Find Food Bank9 Cities Blood Drive9/11 Memorial TourSalton Sea Workshop 161 162 COMMUNITY RESOURCES QUARTERLY REPORT July 1, 2020 – September 30, 2020 Public Safety DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 4 In response to local declaration and other State and County orders,the department shifted roles to provide COVID-19 related Public Safety and Social Service needs. 162 305 165275 1391 520 251 930 696 Cases Inspections Complaints Jan-March April - June July-Sept. Code is experiencing significant increase in calls for service due to STVR executive orders.Code staff is working diligently to respond/investigate all requests/calls received. Short Term Vacation Rentals (STVR) •New cases opened this quarter: 251 last quarter: 310 •Due to Executive Order #9 (effective 7/15/20), citations and suspensions have increased significantly. •STVR Citations this quarter: 127 last quarter: 31 •Suspensions this quarter: 31 last quarter: 9 •Suspensions YTD: 40 22 65 100 174 102 223 321 542 382 Hotline Calls The STVR Hotline is managed by Code staff Monday through Saturday from 8 am to 5 pm.As part of a pilot program,the City hired a security company to patrol STVR properties and respond to hotline calls Thursday,Friday and Saturday between 6 pm to 2 am. 163 452 273 445 1068 1017 675 497 507 508 Site Inspections* Code Compliance Top Code Violations: •STVR Violations -191 •Landscaping -47 •Building Permits and Junk/Debris –15 each *Site inspections to observe reported code issues. False Alarms •$83,438 fees collected to date. •18% decline compared to same quarter last year •Outreach with excessive violators of 5 or more false alarms •Excessive false alarms this quarter: 20 last quarter: 22 Site inspections have leveled out compared to the previous quarter, which included COVID-19.This quarter saw a significant shift to STVR inspections.These inspections are required to confirm violations and include all types of inspections, including STVRs and regular code complaints (e.g.trash containers,landscaping, property maintenance issues,etc.). Due to COVID-19 emergency, non-essential businesses were mandated to close on March 19,2020.With business closures,false alarms dropped in April.As the economy started to reopen on May 8,2020,false alarms increased in May and June. As non-essential businesses were ordered to close again between July 2 to September 22,2020,false alarms decreased again. Staff continues to contact businesses with multiple false alarms to educate and reduce false alarms. 203 156 160149141 123 July August September False Alarms 2019 2020 164 Animal Control Update Riverside County Animal Services Due to COVID-19,shelters are open to pet adoption by appointment only.In the event of a pet emergency or animal control question or if you are interested in adopting, fostering or rescuing, please call 951-358-7387.Potential adopters,fosters or rescues can also send an email to shelterinfo@rivco.org or visit their website at: https://www.rcdas.org/ 75 202 52 199 Licensing Statistics New Renewed Closed Not Renewed 22 1712 19 5 Outcomes Adoption Transfer Adoption Partner Return to Owner Euthanized Untreatable In Foster Home 48 16 5 1 11 3 2 Impounds Stray Stray-Dead Stray-Known Wait Owner Surrendered Foster Return Confiscated Dispo Requested 165 Social Services & Community Programs FIND Food Distribution & Wellness Center •Distributed food to 5,200+persons at Coral Mountain,Hadley Villas, Washington Street Apartments and Wolff Waters . •FIND provided mobile pantries for food distribution five times per month at La Quinta High School and La Quinta Community Fitness Center &Park. •Wellness Center installed PPE and prepared fitness gym for use. •Wellness Center established a Friendly Caller program and assisted with 325+calls regarding Wellness Center opening/gym use,available tax services,food distribution,COVID-19 questions/testing sites,parks usage/water feature, and tennis/pickleball court use at Fritz Burns Park . Library/Museum/Creation Station Makerspace •Library offered express services to 2,498 persons with 6,158 items picked up curbside.Virtual Storytime offerings had over 5,000+participants and library staff assisted with 800+reference questions. •Museum provided the Uncertain Times virtual exhibit,Good Books Zoom book club,Desert Collective lecture series,TED Talk &Lunch with Huell Howser and Friday Fun Facts &Artifacts. •Creation Station Makerspace provided 80+express services offering craft kits,3D printing, and laser cutting projects.New virtual programs such as Paint with Michele,5-Minute MakerSpace,and Sewing Face Masks had over 500+views on Facebook and YouTube. Staff also filmed their Maker STEAM Lab video and created 100 wooden bookmarks for Ray Bradbury Centennial celebration. •SCRAP Gallery continued to provide digital instruction for at home art projects. 166 9/11 Virtual Ceremony •Provided a virtual experience that included Mayor and Council Members reflections and remarks. •Included The Making of the La Quinta 9/11 Memorial video, provided by the City of La Quinta and the La Quinta Historical Society. •Arranged free virtual tour opportunities of the 9/11 Memorial Virtual Tour in New York City. •Promoted and showed this event on Facebook, Instagram,YouTube,and the City’s website. •Received over 1,000+views on all social platforms. Community Virtual Event 167 168 LA QUINTA SHERIFF’S STATION QUARTERLY REPORT July 1, 2020 – September 30, 2020 Statistics Priority 1 –Involve circumstances that pose a clearly defined threat to human life or property; Priority 2 –Involve circumstances of an urgent but not life-threatening nature (e.g. minor assaults and batteries); Priority 3 –Involve circumstances which are neither urgent nor life threatening (e.g. disturbances of the peace); Priority 4 –Incidents occurring in the past or “cold” calls. 7.44 12.62 19.8 24.74 4.92 13.99 20.04 25.23 3.71 13.9 21.59 21.54 Priority 1: Average Response Priority 2: Average Response Priority 3: Average Response Priority 4: Average Response Average Response Time July August September 19 413 407 335 23 434 393 222 17 387 402 234 Priority 1: Calls for Service Priority 2: Calls for Service Priority 3: Calls for Service Priority 4: Calls for Service Number of Calls for Service July August September DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 8 169 0 0 2 49 0 11 3 14 0 0 4 37 1 12 3 6 Rape Homicide Aggravated Assault Larceny Robbery Burglary Vehicle Theft Simple Assault Crime Statistics* July August Special Enforcement Team & Business District •Actions: 499 •Property Recovered: $38,000 •Narcotics Seized:126.1g /183 pills •Marijuana: 600 plants Traffic Team •Actions: 2,631 Community Service Officers & Crime Prevention Specialists •Actions: 625 •Community Meetings & Trainings: 0 (COVID-19 restrictions) 23 421 862 158 Citations Seat Belt Citations Excessive Speed Citations Other Hazard Citations Citations Other 36 87 24 Collisions DUI Arrest Traffic Collisions Traffic Injury Collision School Resource Officers •Actions: 0 (COVID-19 restrictions) Narcotics Task Force •Actions in La Quinta: 28 •Narcotics Seized: 602.9g / 372 pills, 10.3 lbs. Methamphetamine Gang Task Force •Actions in La Quinta: 339 •Narcotics Seized: 100g Citizens on Patrol •Actions: 0 (COVID-19 restrictions) •Hours Donated: 0 (COVID-19 restrictions) Office Volunteers •Hours Donated: 0 (COVID-19 restrictions) Actions by Teams: *September stats were unavailable for this report and will be provided on next quarter’s report. Information provided by the Sheriff Dept. is available 30-days after the end of each month. 170 FIRE DEPARTMENT QUARTERLY REPORT July 1, 2020 – September 30, 2020 Incident Response Activity Incident Type # Medical 753 False Alarm 83 Public Service Assistance 76 Traffic Collision 34 Other Fire 12 Standby 10 Wildland Fire 7 Residential Fire 6 Ringing Alarm 4 Rescue 3 Vehicle Fire 3 Other Miscellaneous 2 Commercial Fire 1 Incident Total In La Quinta 994 Average Enroute to On-Scene Time Enroute Time: When a unit has been acknowledged as responding. On-scene Time: When a unit has been acknowledged as being on-scene. <5 Minutes +5 Minutes +10 Minutes +20 Minutes Average Min.% 0 to 5 Min. 1010 597 86 5 4.99 62.85 Truck Report Truck 86 recorded 25 responses and Truck 33 recorded 4 responses in La Quinta during this quarter. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 9 Mutual Aid LQ Resources Responding in LQ 949 LQ Resources Aiding Other Jurisdictions 666 Resources Aiding LQ 340 171 Significant Incidents 1.On July 3,2020,Firefighters responded to a reported residential structure fire.First arriving Engine Company reported a two-story single-family dwelling with the garage well involved with fire.Due to the size of the home and the adjacent threatened structures,3 additional Engines were requested.The fire started on the exterior of the residence and quickly extended into the structure and up into the attic space.Firefighters would remain on scene an additional 2-3 hours for extensive overhaul.Red Cross was requested for a total of 6 occupants needing displacement assistance.There were no reported injuries to either civilians or firefighters. 2.On July 6,2020,Firefighters responded to a reported vehicle driven into a commercial building.First arriving Engine Company reported a single passenger pick up that drove into a commercial building.The driver of the vehicle and one customer both presented minor injuries.Notification was made to the City of La Quinta and a representative from the Building and Safety Department responded to evaluate the damage and red tag the business. 3.On July 15,2020,Firefighters responded to a reported child drowning.Upon arrival firefighters encountered a 3-year old female with mild respiratory distress.The patient was treated then transported by AMR ambulance to a local area hospital with a promising outcome. 4.On July 16,2020,La Quinta Engine 70 and Engine 32 responded to a report of a child drowning.Engine 70 arrived and encountered a four-year old male conscious and breathing/crying.Family had reported that the child was found submerged at the bottom of their swimming pool -they estimated submersion time to be no longer than 1-2 minutes. Family had removed the child from the pool who was said to be unconscious and not breathing.Family implemented CPR with positive change.Engine 70 personnel continued treatment and AMR ambulance transported the patient to a local area hospital. 5.On September 10,2020,Firefighters responded to a reported trailer on fire next to a residence.The first arriving engine reported one travel trailer on fire with two immediate residential exposures.The fire was contained to the travel trailer with light smoke and heat damage to the dispatched residence. 6.On September 13,2020,Firefighters responded to a reported vegetation fire at the La Quinta City Library.The first arriving engine company found a well involved single burning palm tree next to the structure.Firefighters quickly extinguished the fire and prevented it from spreading to the library building as well as the adjacent palm trees.The cause of fire is undetermined and there were no injuries reported. 7.On September 17,2020,Firefighters arrived at the scene of a well-involved fire of a three-car garage adjacent to a two-story building which was threatened.An efficient response by the firefighters prevented any fire extensions to the adjacent building.Four engines remained at the scene for several hours to overhaul the structure.No injuries to firefighters were reported.The structure was used as a storage facility and was unoccupied at the time of the fire. 172 Fire Inspection Report Updates: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic,Office of the Fire Marshal (OFM)staff continue to maintain their modified level of services.The telecommuting operations,along with the Remote Video Inspection operations,have allowed OFM staff to maintain and return to goals for plan review turn around times and construction inspection request scheduling. Activities: •Continued observation of COVID-19 modifications that include telecommuting with 1 or more days each week to handle field inspections not able to be handled by Remote Video Inspection practices. •Coordinated plans for a reasonably modified Fire Prevention Week Activity (10/4-10/10) focusing on Social Media Campaign and community outreach. Quarterly Statistics –Office of the Fire Marshal: •Development Plan Reviews –117 •Planning Case Reviews –22 •Construction Inspections –182 •Facility Inspections -39 Plan Reviews: SilverRock project continues with the plan review process.All phases have now been submitted and have undergone initial and secondary reviews.Increased communication with the Project Management team and the various designers has been coordinated to have all issues and concerns addressed in an orderly and timely manner. The SilverRock project has submitted 7 separate Alternative Materials &Methods (AM&M) requests for the various development areas.These requests can be proposed but must be scrutinized for reasonable compliance with life and fire safety provisions.These requests often include increased mitigating measures and must be approved by the Fire Chief.One of the AM&M Requests for Grasspave2 Fire Access assembly was approved by the County Fire Chief.The others six AM&M requests have been resubmitted with additional detail and routed back to the County Fire Chief for review and expected approval. Construction Inspections: •Residence Inn by Marriott –Rough piping and wiring for Fire Sprinkler and Fire Alarm Systems •Silverrock Park Venue –Fire Access phased installation inspections •Pieology –New Tenant and Fire Protection Equipment Improvements •La Quinta Nail Bar –New Tenant improvement •Al Fresco Dining –Various restaurants that applied for varying levels of Al Fresco dining improvements •Tradition Golf Club Clubhouse –Renovations and Tenant Improvement •Costco Gas Station –Dispenser changeout •Residential Tract and Estate fire sprinkler system inspections –Griffin Ranch, Hideaway, Traditions, Madison Club, Andalusia, Floresta and the Cove area. 173 174 FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES WEDNESDAY,AugustS,2020 CALL TO ORDER A regular quarterly meeting of the Financial Advisory Commission (Commission) was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mills. This meeting was held by teleconference pursuant to Executive orders N-25- 20, N-29-20, N-33-20, and N-35-20, executed by the Governor of California in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). PRESENT: Commissioners Batavick, Hoffner, Hunter, Rosen, Twohey and Chairperson Mills ABSENT: None VACANCY: One STAFF PRESENT: Finance Director Romero, Financial Services Analyst Hallick, Management Assistant Delgado, Design and Development Director Castro, Planning Manger Flores, Building Official Ortega, Public Works Director/City Engineer McKinney, and Management Analyst Mignogna PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Twohey led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA -None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Finance Director Romero requested adding the following verbal updates under the Departmental Reports section of the Agenda: •LifeStream Annual Coachella Valley Nine Cities Blood Drive Challenge •Finance Account Technician recruitment •Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company custody account FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR QUARTERLY MEETING 1 AUGUST 5, 2020 REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEM NO. 27 175 •Fiscal year 2019/20 audit preparations •Federal Emergency Management Agency contract services with Vanir Chairperson Mills requested an update from staff on the Avenue 48 Art and Music Line regional project spearheaded by the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG). The Commission concurred. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1.CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND DEVELOPMENT UPDATES Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan {Plan} Design and Development Director Castro and Planning Manger Flores gave a brief update on the status for the Plan including the components asked for in the request for proposal (RFP) for form-based code planning and engineering services for the Plan. Planning Manager Flores said a total of three proposals were received, two firms were invited for interviews, and staff anticipates bringing this item for Council review and consideration in September 2020. Chairperson Mills shared his experience being on the interview panel for the RFP Plan. SilverRock Development (Development} Building Official Ortega gave an update on the Development including the status on the plan checks for the several projects pending, including the Pendry hotel, Pendry residences, Montage hotels, Montage residences and bungalows, shared facilities, water and pool structures. The Commission requested an update on the grand opening for the Development currently scheduled for Fall of 2021 and the status for the transition of the golf course operations from the City to the developer. Staff said they're anticipating an update from the developer on the grand opening to Council in a future meeting this Fall. Staff noted the transition of the golf course operations was originally intended to be done as early as June 2020; however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was delayed and the City's contract with Landmark Golf Management was extended until to June of 2021 to ensure continuity of operations. Finance Director Romero said that the City would continue to monitor operations for golf course and anticipated operation cost would be added to the 10-year projections after audit season at the end of October 2020. FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR QUARTERLY MEETING 2 AUGUST 5, 2020 176 The Commission asked about the median landscape at the entrance of SilverRock (SRR at the roundabout on Jefferson Street and Avenue 52. Public works Director/City Engineer McKinney said that the landscape for the roundabout in front of SRR is not part of the Development, but may be started as a median landscape project for next year. SilverRock Event Site {Site} Public works Director/City Engineer McKinney said completion of the Site project is anticipated for September 2020 and gave an update on the outstanding Site plan components pending completion. Avenue 48 Art and Music Line Project (Project) Public Works Director/City Engineer McKinney said that the City has held several meetings with CVAG regarding the Project's design; and noted CVAG was close to finalizing the plan to submit for grant funding needed to construct the Project. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 1.APPROVE SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES DATED JUNE 3, 2020 2.APPROVE SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES DATED JUNE 9,2020 3.RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED MAY 31, 2020 Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Twohey/Rosen to approve the Consent Calendar, as submitted. Motion passed: ayes 6, noes 0, vacancy 1. BUSINESS SESSION 1.APPOINT A FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSIONER CHAIRPERSON AND VICE-CHAIRPERSON TO SERVE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 Finance Director Romero presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance Department. Finance Director Romero provided the Commission with an overview of the roles and responsibilities of a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. The Commission nominated to reelect Commissioners Mills and Twohey to continue in their roles as Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, respectively, for fiscal year 2020/21; and Commissioners Mills and Twohey expressed their willingness to continue to serve in these capacities. FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR QUARTERLY MEETING 3 AUGUST 5, 2020 177 Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Rosen/Batavick to appoint Commissioners Mills and Twohey to serve as Chairperson and Vice­ Chairperson, respectively, for fiscal year 2020/21. Motion passed: ayes 6, noes 0, vacancy 1. STUDY SESSION -None DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS Staff provided a verbal update on all departmental report items. 1.LA QUINTA COVID-19 SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ECONOMIC RELIEF PROGRAM {Program) -VERBAL UPDATE The Commission and staff discussed the Program guidelines; the City's community outreach efforts; and the $10,000 cap for one-time rent/mortgage and utilities reimbursement for certain businesses with a physical storefront. The Commission recommended expanding the Programs' eligibility guidelines by either extending the application deadline, increasing the cap amount if available funding remains, or if an additional allocation is approved for the Program. 2.LIFESTREAM ANNUAL COACHELLA VALLEY NINE CITIES BLOOD DRIVE CHALLENGE Finance Director Romero said that the nine cities blood drive is going on through the end of August and encouraged anyone who can donate to do so. She mentioned successful blood donations would be tested for COVID-19 anti­ bodies. 3.FINANCE ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN RECRUITMENT Finance Director Romero noted the following: •75 applications received -Human Resources performed the initial screening; •35 qualified applicants received a supplemental exercise; •10 applicants would be interviewed on Tuesday, August 11, 2020; •Second interviews to follow for at least top two candidates; •Reference checks; selection and a formal offer are anticipated by the end of August 2020. FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR QUARTERLY MEETING 4 AUGUST 5, 2020 178 4.BANK OF NEW YORK {BNY) MELLON TRUST COMPANY CUSTODY ACCOUNT Finance Director Romero announced that Council approved a custody account agreement with BNY Mellon Trust Company at a regular meeting on Tuesday, August 4, 2020. S.FISCAL YEAR 2019/20 AUDIT PREPARATIONS Finance Director Romero said that the City is preparing for a fiscal year end audit for fiscal year 2019/20. She mentioned the final comprehensive audit is scheduled for the week of October 12th and would be done virtually. 6.FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY {FEMA) CONTRACT SERVICES WITH VANIR Finance Director Romero announced the FEMA contract was officially executed with Vanir Construction Management, Inc. on Monday, August 3, 2020 and a kickoff meeting is scheduled with the City's Finance Department and Vanir staff the week of August 17, 2020. COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS 2.SUB-COMMITTEE REVIEW OF POLICE SERVICES -VERBAL UPDATE Commissioners Batavick and Rosen shared their experience and involvement in the sub-committee tasked to review and evaluate police service levels and associated costs; to date the sub-committee has held four virtual meetings to review and discuss the City's annual study for police services prepared by Matrix Consulting Group, the different components for police expenses and patrol service levels, and the components for possible contract negotiations with other cities. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Twohey/Hunter to adjourn this meeting at 5:34 p.m. Motion passed: ayes 6, noes 0, vacancy 1. Respectfully submitted, Digitally signed by Jessica Delgado ON: cn=Jessica Delgado, o=City of La Quinta, ou=Finance Department, email=jdelgado@laquintaca.gov, c=US Date: 2020.10.01 1 5:14:53 -07'00' Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant City of La Quinta, California FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR QUARTERLY MEETING 5 AUGUST 5, 2020 179 180 STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE Page 1 of 5 SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 MEETING MINUTES SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE MINUTES THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the Short-Term Vacation Rental Program Ad-Hoc Committee (Committee) was called to order at 4:01 p.m. by Committee Secretary Lorett. This meeting was held by teleconference pursuant to Executive Orders N-25- 20, N-29-20, N-33-20, and N-35-20, executed by the Governor of California in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). ROLL CALL PRESENT: Committee Members Best, Butler, Caldwell, Church, Coronel, Franco, Grotsky, Jonasson, McDonough, Monroe, Shelton, Spinney, Tamm and Chair Schutz ABSENT: Committee Member Navarro STAFF PRESENT: Design & Development Director Castro, Hub Manager Sanchez, Permit Technician Lopez, Administrative Assistant/Committee Secretary Lorett, Public Safety Manager Mendez, Code Compliance Supervisor Meredith, and Community Resources Director Escobedo PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Committee Secretary Lorett led the Committee in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA Committee Secretary Lorett announced the following WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS were received as of 12:00 p.m., which were distributed to the Committee, and incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting: REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEM NO. 28 181 STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE Page 2 of 5 SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 MEETING MINUTES • Valerie Smith – recommendation of phasing STVRs out of the Cove; • Arlene Gotshalk, Jennifer Porter, John Hastie, and Shannon Chavez – in support of STVRs; • Rod McGuire – provided recommendations on how to enhance the STVR Program; • Bob Beebe, Lynn & Richard Reich, Laurie & Mark Parkin, Connie & Donald Nimis, Jim & Barbara Lambert, Chuck & Teri Eckman, Carrie Breeswine, Cindy Coppola, Jim & Carol Hurst, Tom & Sandy Baak, Marde & Mark Olson, Dean & Cathy Graves, Coach Woodruff, Richard De Leonardis, Tom & Andrea Thomas, Rod McGuire, Terry & Patricia Pracht, Christopher Cranfill, and Linnea Van Kirk – in opposition of STVRs; • Marie & Craig Thompson – recommending continuing the moratorium on new STVR permits; • Linda Hagood and Gary & Yvonne Velasquez – STVRs enforcement; • John Hastie, David Dinnel, and Jeanne Chalfont – Committee membership concerns. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA – Confirmed CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 6, 2020 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Committee Members McDonough/Caldwell to approve the Consent Calendar Item No. 1 as submitted. Motion passed: ayes 13, noes 0, absent 2 (Monroe and Navarro). 2. APPROVE SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 19, 2020 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Committee Members Church/Jonasson to approve the Consent Calendar Item No. 2 as submitted. Motion passed: ayes 13, noes 0, absent 2 (Monroe and Navarro). STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSS DENSITY SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT AND UPDATE 182 STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE Page 3 of 5 SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 MEETING MINUTES Design and Development Director Castro presented the staff report, which is on file in the Design and Development Department. General discussion followed regarding the Density Sub-Committee focus; efforts in reviewing research on property density and occupancy; and the goal to prepare a report with recommendations for the Committee’s review and consideration, which when approved will be presented to the City Council. The Committee reviewed a comparison spreadsheet of other local city ordinance’s and their STVR rules and regulations; and various graphs and charts showing STVR growth, complaints, and citations from January 2019 to July 2020. The Committee discussed options on how best to separate the City into areas that will allow to effectively and accurately concentrate on density. BUSINESS SESSION 1. RE-EVALUATE DENSITY SUB-COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Design and Development Director Castro presented the staff report, which is on file in the Design and Development Department. The Committee discussed whether to reaffirm or modify the existing Density Sub-Committee membership. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Committee Members Best/Shelton to approve the existing Density Sub-Committee membership. Motion passed: ayes 13, noes 0, absent 2 (Monroe and Navarro). 2. APPROVE ENFORCEMENT SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT WITH RECOMMENDATIONS TO MODIFY STVR FINES AND VIOLATIONS Community Resources Director Escobedo presented the staff report, which is on file in the Design and Development Department. General Committee discussion followed on the Enforcement Sub-Committees report and recommendations, more specifically on the following topics: • General STVR violations, such as noise, parking, etc.; • Operating a STVR without a valid permit; • Failure to respond to a complaint within the allowed timeframe; • Exceeding occupancy limits; 183 STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE Page 4 of 5 SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 MEETING MINUTES • Ability for the City to notify all adjacent properties when a STVR permit is revoked. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Committee Members Caldwell/Best to approve the report containing the Enforcement Sub- Committee Recommendations to modify STVR fines and violations as submitted. Motion passed: ayes 8 (Best, Butler, Caldwell, Church, McDonough, Shleton, Spinney, and Shutz), noes 5 (Coronel, Franco, Grotsky, Jonasson, and Tamm), abstain 0, absent 2 (Monroe and Navarro). COMMITTEE MEMBER MONROE JOINED THE MEETING AT 5:28 P.M. 3. APPROVE FORMATION OF ADDITIONAL SUB-COMMITTEES AND APPOINT RELATED MEMBERSHIP Hub Manager Sanchez presented the staff report, which is on file in the Design and Development Department. The Committee discussed the formation of additional sub-committees to conduct a focused review and research on STVR Marketing and Licensing. Committee Members Church, Grotsky, Jonasson, Shelton and Vice-Chair McDonough volunteered to serve on the Marketing Sub-Committee. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Committee Members Spinney/Monroe to approve the Marketing Sub-Committee membership. Motion passed: ayes 14, noes 0, absent 1 (Navarro). Committee Members Best, Caldwell, Jonasson, Monroe, and Chair Schutz volunteered to serve on the Licensing Sub-Committee. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Committee Members Butler/McDonough to approve the Licensing Sub-Committee membership. Motion passed: ayes 14, noes 0, absent 1 (Navarro). CHAIRPERSON AND COMMITTEE MEMBER ITEMS 1. DISCUSS EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 10 IMPOSING 90-DAY MORATORIUM ON PROCESSING ANY NEW APPLICATIONS FOR STVRS IN THE CITY, EFFECTIVE AUGUST 4, 2020 Hub Manager Sanchez read a “Statement from the Office of the City Attorney” related to the rights and powers, pursuant to state and local laws, that may be exercised to respond to the spread of COVID-19 and related public health 184 STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE Page 5 of 5 SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 MEETING MINUTES threats, and related legal authority and oversight expressly given to the City Manager in City Council Resolution No. EM 2020-001 to issue Executive Orders, such as Executive Order No. 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Caldwell/McDonough to adjourn this meeting at 5:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted, LORI LORETT, Committee Secretary City of La Quinta, California 185 186 HANDOUTS OCTOBER 20, 2020 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AND JOINT SPECIAL STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE CITY COUCNIL & PLANNING COMMISSION FINANCE ADVISORY COMMISSION AD-HOC COMMITTEES Ad Hoc Committee Fiscal Year Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Measure G Report FY 2016-17 George Batavick Javier Lopez W. Richard Mills Auditing Services FY 2016-17 George Batavick Steven Rosen ----- Measure G Report FY 2017-18 Steven Rosen Daniel Twohey ------ Reserve Policy New FY 2017-18 W. Richard Mills Daniel Twohey Mark Johnson OPEB Trust FY 2017-18 Steven Rosen W. Richard Mills ------- Measure G Report FY 2018-19 George Batavick Corry Hunter ------- Banking Services FY 2018-19 W. Richard Mills George Batavick ------- Investment Broker Services FY 2019-20 Steven Rosen John Hoffer ------ PARS Trust Investment Strategy FY 2019-20 Corry Hunter Daniel Twohey ------ 2019 DIF Study Review & Interfund Loan Write-Offs FY 2019-20 John Hoffner W. Richard Mills Daniel Twohey CIP Budget Overview FY 2019-20 Daniel Twohey George Batavick John Hoffner Small Business Loan Program FY 2019-20 John Hoffner Corry Hunter ------ 2020/21 Operating Budget FY 2019-20 Steven Rosen W. Richard Mills ------ RFP for FEMA Consulting Services FY 2019-20 W. Richard Mills Daniel Twohey ------ Measure G Report FY 2019-20 George Batavick Steven Rosen ------ Police Services Review FY 2020-21 Steven Rosen George Batavick ------ RFP for Actuarial Services FY 2020-21 Corry Hunter Daniel Twohey ------ Library Interfund Loan Analysis FY 2020-21 John Hoffner W. Richard Mills ------ 457 Plan Review FY 2020-21 Fire Services Review FY 2020-21 Sales Tax Consulting RFP FY 2020-21 Purchasing Policy Update FY 2020-21 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - HAND-OUT BY STAFF BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION RECUIRMENT Continued - Ad Hoc Committees Fiscal Year Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Cash Handling Policy Updates FY 2020-21 Annual Review of Pension Liability FY 2020-21 Short-Term Vacation Rental Program Fiscal Analysis FY 2020-21 John Hoffner Corry Hunter W. Richard Mills CIP Budget Overview FY 2020-21 2021/22 Operating Budget FY 2020-21 Auditing Services FY 2021-22 Financial Software RFP FY 2021-22 Reserve Policy Update FY 2021-22 Measure G Report FY 2020-21 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - HAND-OUT BY STAFF BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION RECUIRMENT o General permit requirements for Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations (Local environmental health permit required) Microenterprise home kitchen operation (MEHKO) defined under the California Retail Food Code (CRFC), is a food facility that is operated by a resident in a private home where food is stored, handled, and prepared for, and may be served to consumers. Beginning January 1, 2019, individuals may apply for a permit to operate from their local environmental health agency in those counties where an ordinance or resolution has been adopted to allow microenterprise home kitchen operations to operate in that jurisdiction. Please check with the local environmental health agency for the current status of any MEHKOs ordinance or resolution. A MEHKO does not include either of the following: (1) A catering operation, as defined in California Health & Safety Code (H&SC) Section 113739.1. (2) A cottage food operation, as defined in H&SC Section 113758. General permitting requirements for MEHKOs under California Retail Food Code (CRFC) H&SC Chapter 11.6 include: • Submit a permit application to the local environmental health agency; • Obtain an inspection of the microenterprise home kitchen operation facilities; • Complete an approved food manager certification; • Sales must occur directly between the MEHKO and the customer; • Food must be prepared, cooked and served on the same day; • Only 30 meals per day, or a total of 60 meals per week is allowed; • Operate within established gross annual sales limits of $50,000. To learn about the full permit and operational requirements to operate a Microenterprise home kitchen operation in your area, contact your local agency SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - HAND-OUT BY STAFF STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE UPDATES TO TITLE 9 POWERPOINTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AND JOINT SPECIAL STUDY SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 20, 2020 October 20. 2020 1 City Council Meeting October 20, 2020 City Council Meeting October 20, 2020 Closed Session In Progress 1 2 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 2 City Council Meeting October 20, 2020 P1- SunLine Annual Student Art Contest 3 4 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 3 City Council Meeting October 20, 2020 P2 – Recognition – Teens Promote Awareness to Save the Salton Sea 5 6 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 4 City Council Meeting October 20, 2020 B2 – Rebate Program Amendment March 16,  2020 COVID‐19  Pandemic  Declared March 25,  2020 Council  Direction for  Business  Relief  Program April 16,  2020 $1.5M  Economic  Relief  Program  Established May 5, 2020 Round 1 End,  Round 2  Begin Round 1  concludes with  36 Awards June 2, 2020 Round 2 End,  Round 3  Begin Round 2  concludes with  18 Awards July 21, 2020 Modified  Round 3  offering Rent  Relief 44 Awards for  Rent Relief Today,  October 20,  2020 Over 83  businesses  helped Program Timeline 7 8 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 5 Relief Program Success •Rounds 1 and 2 –Loan Program •Total Awarded: $500,000 •Total Businesses Helped: 51 Relief Program Success •Round 3 –Rebate Program •Number of Applications: 80 •Number of Awards: 56 (As of 10/15) •Total Awarded: $376,410 9 10 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 6 Map of Awards Proposed Revisions (1) •Rent relief at a rate of 75% for August 2020 to eligible businesses –Eligibility: Businesses forced to close indoor operations •Anticipated impact based on July: –20 awards in an amount of $70,000 11 12 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 7 Proposed Revisions (2) •Rent relief at a rate of 50% for August 2020 to eligible businesses –Eligibility: Small businesses experiencing severe hardship due to COVID-19, including restaurants and retail •Anticipated Impact: –>30~35 awards in an amount of $120,000 Remaining Budget Impact •$600,000* Remaining Program Budget •Maximum of $10,000 in relief to applicant at rates of 75% and 50% •Could provide for up to 60 businesses *Estimate with anticipated awards to-date (10-20-20) 13 14 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 8 Questions/Comments 15 16 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 9 Joint City Council and Planning Commission Meeting October 20, 2020 Joint Planning Commission & City Council Meeting October 20, 2020 S1 – Proposed 2020 Code Amendments to Title 9 17 18 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 10 Background •Staff annually recommends Code streamlining amendments •Planning Commission and Council consideration •Three items for discussion: Home Occupations, Cove Standards, Image Corridors Home Occupations •Propose revise for flexibility and state consistency •Allowed within residential home with prohibitions on signs, storage, noise, sales activity, vehicular traffic, medical uses, and within guesthouse 19 20 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 11 Home Occupations •Request received for more flexibility, specifically for service-based businesses •State assembly bill 626 allows for “microenterprise home kitchen operations” Home Occupations •Staff proposes following changes: –Expand to allow visitors for service businesses; no more than 2 customers at time and provide 1 parking space –Allow within guesthouse –Allow microenterprise home kitchen operations 21 22 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 12 RC Development Standards •Cove has specific development standards outside table of standards •Propose change to section 9.50.090 to city wide “Residential Architectural Design Standards” and remove redundant or unnecessary standards RC Development Standards •Proposing following changes: –9.50.090(A)(1-2) Architectural design standards would remain and apply city wide –(A)(3-5) are standards that can be regulated by table of development standards and building code 23 24 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 13 RC Development Standards –9.50.090(A)(6-7) includes standards for roof and wall materials which can be regulated by Architectural Design Guidelines –(A)(8-11) regarding landscaping would remain and apply city wide RC Development Standards –(16) regarding earth fill would remain and apply city wide –Other standards are found redundant and not necessary as they are in other parts of Code (electrical code, outdoor lighting, fencing, and parking) 25 26 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 14 Image Corridors •Code establishes 22’ height limit and one story limit within 150 ft of an image corridor •Propose more flexibility with these standards 27 28 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 15 Image Corridors •Propose following changes within the first 150 ft: –Buildings may exceed one story and will be regulated by story limitation within zone –Buildings may exceed 22 ft with the approval of a Minor Use Permit. –Max height allowed would be underlying zone’s max height 29 30 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 16 City Council Meeting October 20, 2020 S2 – STVR Ad Hoc Committee Enforcement Recommendations Background •2035 La Quinta General Plan goal - continue growth of tourism and resort industries •General Plan objective to incorporate short-term vacation rentals (STVRs) into the City’s transient occupancy tax (TOT) revenues. •Economic development goals and objectives are intended to assure that the City provides for healthy revenues to fund City services, programs, and activities. 31 32 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 17 Background •STVR Ordinance adopted in 2012 •Establish regulations to maintain a balance between residential quality of life and to allow property owners to host STVRs •Over the years, regulations have been updated, processes streamlined, and enforcement tools added. •LodgingRevs – online portal to apply for permits, renewals, TOT payments, & monitor STVR activity Purpose •Review STVR program & provide recommendations for Council consideration •Subcommittees created to focus on: –Enforcement/Compliance –Density/Over-concentration –Marketing/Education –Licensing/Permitting 33 34 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 18 Enforcement/Compliance Recommendations •Ad Hoc STVR Recommendations •City Analysis of Recommendations/Fines •Additional Enforcement Measures Enforcement/Compliance Recommendations 1 Committee Recommendation Resource/Cost (Staff Analysis) Implementation/Direction (Staff Analysis) 1.a Staff the hotline with live, (local, trained) personnel who are familiar with La Quinta geography and empowered and equipped to initiate complaint resolution immediately. This would require hiring 3 -4 City employees in order to provide a 24/7 hotline function. A cost of $250,000 annually. Evaluate other hotline providers who can provide text notification, regular follow up to reporting party, and require La Quinta specific training. 1.b Increase field enforcement staffing by at least two additional full time STVR trained officers available for immediate dispatch during times of need. This would require hiring 2 Code Compliance officers. A cost of $200,000 annually. Additional Code Compliance staff would greatly assist enforcement efforts. Staff recognizes the cost and has a pilot program underway of utilizing contract security services. 1.c Hotline and enforcement staff should be dynamically managed: more staff when the hotline is heavily used (evenings and weekends) and less staffing at times when complaints tend to be low (weekday mornings and afternoons). This would trigger the need to increase staffing capacity and alternate schedules, which will impact other services. Calling centers have robust call capabilities and allows for easy adjustment to staffing levels. 1.d Require a code inspection on a property prior to granting an STVR license. This inspection should be for the purposes of verifying accuracy with respect to the application, particularly in the areas of occupancy limits (number of bedrooms) and living arrangements (room conversions, etc.). Additional staff time. A third-party contractor/firm can be retained to provide on-site inspection and permit application can include photos to verify and a video inspection prior to issuance. City already inspects for discrepancies on number of bedrooms. 35 36 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 19 2 Committee Recommendation Cost/Resources Implementation/Direction 2.a Require that a City of La Quinta STVR permit number be included in all property advertisements on all platforms (VRBO, print, web, etc.). Nominal cost/resource impact. Monitor compliance and increase enforcement effort through Lodging Revs and cite accordingly. 2.b Publicize the registration requirements regularly on the web site and through social media outlets. Nominal cost/resource impact. City staff will increase existing effort to provide additional outreach through print, digital, and regular notification to residents. 2.c Where possible, partner with HOA communities and Management Companies to exchange information on STVR rental activities. Nominal cost/resource impact. City will increase effort in this area. Evaluating a model agreement with HOAs to share enforcement information. 2.d Include mail inserts to all residents in any surface mailings sent out to residents. Citywide mailers cost approximately $7500. Annual mailer was issued September 26, 2020. The City utilizes the Gem on a regular basis and social media every two weeks. City decreasing amount of direct mail. City can increase direct mailers. Notifications will also be sent to property owners who live outside of La Quinta. 2.e Assess significant monetary penalties for non-compliance. These penalties must be paid before an STVR license can be obtained. Nominal cost/resource impact. The Ad Hoc Committee has recommended increased fines, which are for Council discussion. Issue 2: STVR Homeowner not registering with the City Issue 3: STVR Owner not aware of the rules 3 Recommendation Cost/Resources Implementation/Direction 3.a Applicants, any individuals listed as contacts for the property, and any designated Management Company representatives who directly manage a property must attend a compulsory workshop prior to the issuance of permits. Applicants must sign a document asserting they have attended the workshop, understand the rules and agree to be bound by them. Staff will need to acquire software licenses for this activity at a cost of $5,000 annually and will factor the cost of conducting workshops into the permit fee Staff will create a new training program that is educational and encourages compliance. Will require certificate of completion and attestation of adhering to the rules. Workshop requirement prior to issuance of permit could lengthen the time to issue a permit. 3.b STVR Owners, any individuals listed as contacts for the property, and any designated Management Company representatives who are directly responsible for managing a property that has been assessed a violation must retake the compulsory workshop at their own expense before a license for that property can be renewed. Nominal cost/resource if software is procured. Cost of conducting workshop will be absorbed in the permit renewal fee for those that were assessed a violation(s). Staff will create a new training program that is educational and encourages compliance. Will require certificate of completion and attestation of adhering to the rules. Staff will follow up and verify that this takes place before permit activity can resume. 3.c This training workshop should also be open to the public so that interested parties (neighbors, potential new STVR licensees) can familiarize themselves with the requirements and responsibilities of STVR ownership. Nominal cost/resource. The training can be open to the public. 3.d False advertising (i.e. number of bedrooms, sleeping capacity, occupancy limits) will result in a citation, and count as a strike against the property. Nominal cost/resource impact. Staff will increase effort and attention to this through Lodging Revs and update Municipal Code revision to make it clearer. The City is already pursuing a Citywide enforcement of this item. 37 38 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 20 Issue 4: Renters not aware of the rules 4 Recommendation Cost/Resource Implementation/Direction 4.a The City require the property owner/manager assert that a renter has been provided with all current City ordinances governing expected behavior in advance of allowing that renter to occupy the property. Nominal cost/resource impact. City will enforce this provision and require the owner to attest to it as a part of the STVR permit application process. 4.b A condensed copy of the relevant ordinance(s) must be permanently fixed to a prominent location inside the property. This document will be generated by the City and outline the relevant rules in plain language. Nominal cost/resource impact if incorporated into the inspection and application process. City will review and refine the “Good Neighbor” brochure to outline the relevant rules in plain language. City will require verification of permanently fixed as a part of inspection. 4.c Update and strengthen the “Good Neighbor” brochure to include specific language relating to noise and personal behavior requirements. Require a copy be included as part of every rental agreement. Nominal cost/resource impact. Staff will update the brochure to include clear education and compliance information. Require owners to include noise and neighborly conduct (example: not exceeding occupancy or not being disruptive to the community) requirements in the STVR posting. 4.d Changes to City ordinances, including adoption of temporary orders must be posted in a prominent location inside the property within 48 hours of adoption, and before the property can be rented again. Nominal cost/resource impact. City will include this requirement as a part of the permit application. Issue 5: Neighbors not aware of the rules 5 Recommendation Cost/Resource Implementation 5.a ALL neighbors adjacent to (on all sides) and across the street from an STVR property be notified by the city and supplied with the same documents the Owner is required to furnish to the renter. (This could be a requirement placed on the STVR owner if the City feels it is appropriate – as long as the neighbor gets the information). These documents must include: A copy of the City STVR Ordinance A Copy of the “Good Neighbor” brochure Contact information for complaints to the City. Contact information for the Property owner and the Property Manager if applicable. A link to the City STVR website where interim rule changes are posted Nominal cost/resource impact if incorporated into Citywide mailer and outreach program. City will incorporate all information and provide to all La Quinta households via a Citywide mailer, which will include a website link to all relevant STVR requirements. The City will ensure that all these materials are received by neighbors of STVR permit holders on an annual basis. 5.b These documents should be refreshed annually as part of the license renewal process. Nominal cost/resource impact. Staff will refresh the documents on a regular basis. 5.c A document should be provided to the neighbor explaining the meaning of any technical terms. Where possible real-life examples should be used to illustrate the terms used. This document should be provided to rentersaswell. Nominal cost/resource impact if incorporated into a revamped “Good Neighbor” brochure. Staff will be included in the revised “Good Neighbor” brochure. 39 40 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 21 Part 2 – The Enforcement Event Issue 6: No contact with Owner/Representative 6 Recommendation Cost/Resource Implementation 6.a Implement an escalation process whereby if the first call to the designated contact goes unanswered within a 30-minute window, a call is made to RSO and a mandatory citation is issued. Nominal. Existing process is set for 45-minutes. Council discussion and ordinance amendment required if changed to 30 minutes. 6.b As described above, increase the number of trained and dedicated enforcement personnel to levels that can actively address the situation with or without the homeowner / property manager. Cost information noted in Part I. Additional Code Compliance staff would greatly assist enforcement efforts. Staff recognizes the cost and has a pilot program underway of utilizing contract security services. Issue 7: Noise/Behavior/Party Events 7 Recommendations Cost/Resource Implementation 7.a A document should be prepared and provided to all parties clarifying definitively the meaning of any technical measurements and how these measurements should be interpreted. (See also above). Nominal cost/resource impact if incorporated into revised and recommended education materials. Yes, will be provided to all responsible parties. 7.b Enforcement personnel should be provided with and trained to use relevant noise level meters and other tools that enhance objective measurement of noise. They should also be trained to explain the results of these measurements to neighbors and renters in the event of a complaint. Cost unknown at this time. Code Compliance already undergoes rigorous training for this recommendation. Should new methods be developed with technology then staff will take the appropriate training. 7.c Where possible, real-life examples should be used to illustrate the terms used. This document should be provided to renters as well. Nominal cost/resource impact. This will be incorporated into revamped education materials. 7.d The City should implement tutorial workshops that clarify what the noise and behavior rules are. These workshops should open to all community members and conducted on a regular basis (perhaps once every calendar quarter). Nominal cost/resource impact if implemented as already recommended. Incorporate this into the new workshop and training program. 7.e Quiet hours shall be between the hours of 10:00 pm and 8am. No amplified noise shall be permitted between the hours of 8pm to 8am. Council discussion and if changed, requires ordinance amendment. 41 42 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 22 Issue 8: Occupancy Limit Violations 8 Recommendations Cost/Resource Implementation 8.a Empower and require enforcement personnel to ask and verify (subject to legal applicability) the number of occupants at time of a complaint. Nominal cost/resource impact. Code Compliance and Riverside County Sheriff Department already conduct this activity if there’s a disruptive property. 8.b Notify the STVR owner or property manager immediately if a citation will be issued. This will enable recovery of any fines from the occupants before security deposits are refunded, etc. Will cost time delays in the investigatory and compliance process Staff provides timely notification to the property owner, but due to the code compliance investigatory process staff does not recommend implementation. 8.c Limit overnight parking for STVR properties (see also below). (This is the way some HOA communities manage occupancy issues) Council discussion required. If limits are established, ordinance amendment required. Issue 9: Parking 9 Recommendations Cost/Resource Implementation 9.a Require the Owner/Contact person/Property Manager obtain a list of vehicle license plate numbers for renters occupying the property. This list must be available to the compliance officer upon demand. Failure to provide this list will result in a citation. Nominal cost/resource impact. Can include in the application and incorporated into municipal code. 9.b Limit the number of vehicles that may be parked on the street to a maximum of three vehicles during times the property is rented. Council discussion required and if changed, ordinance amendment required and consistency with General Plan and applicable codes needed. 43 44 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 23 Issue 10: Trash 10 Recommendations Cost/Resource Implementation 10.a Current regulations are adequate for dealing with this issue, however during the process of getting a license, the STVR applicant should be specifically made aware of the current trash collection policy, including the availability of larger capacity bins and concierge collection services, as well as the fines associated with non-compliance. Nominal cost/resource impact. Staff will incorporate into the STVR permit application process and enforce. 10.b The STVR owner must inform the renter in writing of the property specific trash policy as part of the rental agreement. Nominal cost/resource impact. Staff will incorporate this into the STVR permit application process and enforce. Part 3 - After the Enforcement Event Issue 11: Repeat offenders/3 strikes 11 Recommendations Cost/Resource Implementation 11.a Reduce the current 3-strike rule to a 2-strike rule for noise and personal conduct violations. Council discussion needed and if changed, requires ordinance amendment 11.b In the event an STVR permit is suspended for any cause, the City shall notify the Owner, and any contact person or Property Management firm associated with the property. In addition, a notification of suspension shall be sent to all neighbors adjacent to (on all sides) and across the street from of the suspended property. Nominal cost/resource impact if posted online. Will provide suspended property information into a City website for neighbors to view. Neighbors and reporting parties will be notified of this activity. 11.c Staff the hotline with a live, (local) person who is familiar with La Quinta geography and empowered and equipped to initiate complaint resolution immediately. (See previously). Already addressed in Part I. 11.d Increase field enforcement staffing by at least two full time STVR trained officers available for immediate dispatch during times of need. (See previously). Already addressed in Part I. 45 46 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 24 Fine Recommendations 1 General STVR Violations (Noise/ Parking) a. First Violation: $1,000 b. Second Violation: $2,000 + Suspension of STVR permit for a period of not less than 30 days and not more than 1 year 2 Operating a STVR without a valid short-term vacation rental permit a. First Violation: $4,000 + Suspension on applying for a STVR permit for a period of not less than 30 days (with every additional day being an offense) b. Second Violation: $6,000 + Suspension on applying for a STVR permit for a period of not less than 1 year (with every additional day being an offense) 3 Failure to respond within the defined timeframe in person or by phone – a. First Violation: $2,000 b. Second Violation: $2,000 + Suspension of STVR permit for a period of not less than 30 days 4 Exceeding Occupancy Limits without a permit – a. First Violation: $2,500 b. Second Violation: $5,000 + Suspension of STVR permit for a period of not less than 30 days 5 The City will notify all adjacent properties as indicated in the illustration below in the event an STVR permit is revoked for any reason or any length of time. 6 Quiet hours shall be between the hours of 10:00 pm and 8 am.No amplified noise shall be permitted between the hours of 8 pm to 8 am. Going Forward •Additional Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations •Outreach and stakeholder input •Council Direction 47 48 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 25 City Council Meeting October 20, 2020 S3 – Annual Development Agreement Review 49 50 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 26 Active Development Agreements •Village Park Animal Hospital •Legacy Villas •Signature •SilverRock •Centre Pointe Legacy Villas •280-unit residential resort on 44.61 acres •Centex Homes •Construction complete •Mitigation fees being collected 51 52 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 27 Signature (Edenrock) •264 condo/townhome units on 41.95 acres •Crowne Pointe Partners, LLC •Mitigation fees collected SilverRock •Montage and Pendry Building Permits  approved with  conditions •Tract Maps for Pendry Residences and Golf  Bungalows under  review 53 54 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 28 Centre Pointe •134 guest room hotel •132 condo/casitas units •40 constructed & occupied •Two restaurants •Medical office/surgical facility •132 suite retirement community, 72 suite assisted living, and a 32-bed memory care facility •Park •Mitigation fees being collected 55 56 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 29 City Council Meeting October 20, 2020 S4 –Discuss Traffic Study for Adams Street near La Palma Drive Background •Resident safety concerns •Conducted Traffic Study along Adams  Street near La Palma Drive  •Recommendations and options for  consideration/discussion 57 58 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 30 Location La Palma Drive Adams StreetRecommended Options •A “road diet” along Adams Street  between Miles Ave. and Fred Waring Dr. •Add self‐closing gates to existing fences  at Adams Park  •Continue to enforce speed limits along  Adams Street 59 60 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 31 Road Diet Benefits •Improved sight distance  •Reduced speeds on Adams Street  •Adds a wide bike / golf cart lane and buffer zone •Reduces number of travel lanes pedestrians cross •Provides refuge areas for pedestrians when crossing •Potentially reduces collisions •Enhances pedestrian safety when crossing Adams Park Fence Openings 61 62 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 32 Southbound Adams Street at Adams Park Southwest Corner of Adams Street and La Palma Drive Southbound Adams Street north of La Palma Northbound Adams Street at Adams Park Fence opening at Adams Park 63 64 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 33 Additional Options •Install mid‐block crosswalk at opening to  the park  •Relocating advance warning signs to crossing •Feedback signs in each direction reminding  drivers of speed limits Additional Options •Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB)  for mid‐block crosswalk •Raised center median on Adams Street at  mid‐block crossing  •Flashing beacons reinforcing when 25‐ mph speed limit is in effect  65 66 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 34 Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon Example JM2 67 68 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION October 20. 2020 35 69 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AND JOINT SPECIAL STUDY SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 20, 2020 1 From: Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 3:32 PM To:City Clerk Mail Cc:Monika Radeva Subject:Written Comments "Vacation Rental License transfer from one STR owner to another STR owner"  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,  My name is Dimitry Chernavsky and I reside in City of La Quinta. My phone number is .  I have a written comment that I would like to bring up to the agenda regarding Vacation Rental Moratorium.  The main goal of the question is to bring to light a scenario that perhaps have not been thought of yet. When a vacation  rental home is for sale and if it can be purchased by another vacation rental licensed company operating in La Quinta.  This scenario appears to still eliminate one STR license, while keeping the Vacation Rental property operating, by  transferring ownership and operation to another EXISTING vacation rental license owner.  Please let me know if this is something the City Council would consider listening or reading. And I will prepare a  comprehensive statement, with examples and breakdown showing the benefits to everyone involved.  We are a team of vacation rental owners and take pride in operating at the most legitimate level.  DAMON CHERNAVSKY Co-Founder, Lodge Zone, LLC A 15442 Ventura Blvd., Ste 103, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 O 833 338-4782 M 310 773- 1661 E Damon@LodgeZone.com W www.LodgeZone.com Click to Schedule a Meeting  IMPORTANT: The contents of this email and any attachments are confidential. They are intended for the named recipient(s) only. If you have received this email by mistake, please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to anyone or make copies thereof. Internal Revenue Service Circular 230 Disclosure To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any U.S. tax advice contained in this communication (including attachments) is not intended to be used, and cannot be used, by you or any taxpayer, for the purpose of (i) avoiding any penalties that may be imposed on you or any other person under the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any tax-related matters addressed herein CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY DAMON CHERNAVSKY PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR 1 From:Dominique El Moussa Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 2:46 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written comments ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** 1. Dominique El Moussa 2.La Quinta 3 4.public comment 5.short term rentals 6.written comments Please add this to the written comments as well. Thank you for your help My name is Dominique El Moussa. We own a home at , La Quinta. While our family often uses the home, and we have been honorable, compliant and responsible members of this community for years, we have on occasion made it available to renters. Like our family, we required all renters to comply with both city and HOA rules. We demand strict compliance. Having the ability to rent the home during the times that our family cannot be there is extremely important to us. One of the rights of home ownership is the ability to rent it to qualified renters. But, as long as our chosen renters follow the rules, we should be able to rent it to them for any length of time. There is nothing magic about the 30 day mark-except La Quinta Municipal Code Section 3.25.030 defines any rental of 30 or fewer days as a « short term rental ». And now Executive Order 10, amended as recently as October 7, 2020, signals the elimination of the rights of homeowners to rent to renters for 30 days or less. The obvious driving force behind this policy change is not « noise » or « unruly renters » - that is just a pretext. The real driver is big hotel money. Obviously Montage and others are spending big money to develop hotels in the area and want to politically eliminate the Short-Term rental market. The easiest way to do that is to lobby this City Council and local HOAs to change the rules. I urge this City Council to reject this ploy. Don’t let the council be used as a political pawn of big hotel money. The little guys need to be protected. We are the little guys. Please protect us. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DOMINIQUE EL MOUSSA PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR From: Nelda Esmeralda    Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2020 9:44 PM  To: Lori Lorett <llorett@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Request to City Council members or STR Adhoc committee     EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Hi Lori,   I respectfully submit this request to the STVR Adhoc Committee and La Quinta city council members to  allow New Applications for STVR's in La Quinta for hosts that have shared space in their home or a casita  on their property in residential areas and be exempt  from the present moratorium.  Shared space in a  home or a casita on a property with a live‐in host, needs to be defined and differentiated from a stand  alone STVR residential dwelling with no host living on the premises.    The moratorium (Executive Order No. 10) on processing any new applications was put in place due to an  increase of complaints and violations of STVR's in residential areas of our community.  I can only guess  these complaints were not generated from shared space or casitas STVR's.  When a host shares a space  within their home or on their property, a host is physically on site and is better able to monitor guest  behavior and not impact the neighborhood.     My request is personal; I operated an STVR in my "casita" for three years with a city permit.  Due to  Covid 19 my adult son moved back in May' 20 and is presently living in the casita, therefore I did not  renew the license.  My bad!   Home stays are a unique experience; depending on guest needs, a host  becomes a personal concierge and a "self appointed" community ambassador.  During my three years as  a host, 4 of my guests purchased homes in LQ. The retired snowbirds and Europeans welcomed the  experience of having an on‐site host to interact with and share the local lifestyle and American  traditions.  Festival goers enjoyed returning to a quiet space after long evenings of festivities.    Sharing my home and my community is truly enjoyable for me and other future hosts, therefore I  sincerely request that members of La Quinta City Council consider amending Executive Order No. 10 and  exempt shared space and casita rentals from the present moratorium.      Thank you,  Nelda Esmeralda    La Quinta, Ca. 92253         CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT NELDA ESMERALDA PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR MORATORIUM 1 From:Jason Fairchild Sent:Monday, October 19, 2020 7:34 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  I would like to comment on the SHORT‐TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM.  I am a tech company CEO and we also own a second home in LaQuinta that we rent out occasionally via Airbnb.  I would like to make a couple of observations that I think are relevant.  First, is since airbnb accreted a few years go,  there has been a dramatic improvement in neighborhood look, feel and overall quality of homes.   I believe this is due to  investors coming in and redeveloping houses, resulting in increased property values and increased tax revenues.   This  positive change can be rooted to Airbnb, and to discontinue short term rentals would be to cut the source of material  redevelopment investment and tax revenues.  That doesn’t seem progressive from a business or city growth point of  view.  Relates to Covid I believe families are more likely to rent to single family home for a vacation weekend than stay at a  hotel, mainly due to the perceived increase risk associated with staying at a hotel because of a greater exposure to large  numbers of people.  Again, this would undercut tourism and associated revenues to businesses and the city.  Lastly, with regard to noise complaints, I think the city should step up involvement and penalties for repeat offenders.  One option would be to adopt a “two strikes and you’re out” type of rule for homeowners, and a zero tolerance for  renters, with potential fines for violations to both owners and renters.  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JASON FAIRCHILD PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR 1 From:Hoffman, Micah M Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 2:18 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   City Council Agenda        October 20, 2020  Special Joint Study Session ‐ La Quinta City Council & Planning Commission  1)Micah Hoffman 2)Lake Oswego, OR 3) 4)Public Comment 5)Subject: Short Term Rentals 6)Written Comments: I am adamantly against banning short term rentals in the City of La Quinta. My family has owned property in La Quinta  for 40 years. I have been visiting since I was a child and now bring my own children several times a year. For the last  three years, my brother and I have owned and operated the family property as a short term rental. It is the only way we  are able to afford to keep the house and also use it ourselves. My family alone spends over a month a year in La Quinta,  usually in two or three trips spread throughout fall, winter and spring. Hotels are not affordable for families looking to  spend that kind of time in your beautiful city. Even if we didn’t have our own home, the only way we would be able to  visit the way we do now is by renting homes on a short term basis. Hotels are expensive, lack privacy, mostly do not  have kitchens, have pet restrictions, and are not suitable in general for families (especially in our new Covid‐19 reality).  STRs also allow friends and family to visit us when we are in La Quinta. We often have groups renting several properties  over the same weekend as a way to gather together.  If short term rentals are banned, we will lose the real value of our  family home as we will no longer be able to use it, not to mention killing our business and part of our livelihoods.  Keeping the property afloat during the Covid‐19 shut down was a struggle enough. Please do not make that a  permanent crisis for us and every other STR homeowner. La Quinta is such a special place and banning STRs will make it  off‐limits to so many of us.  Thank you for your time and consideration.  Micah Hoffman   Micah M. Hoffman | Claim Counsel* | Bond & Specialty Insurance Travelers 4000 Kruse Way Place | Building 1 | Suite 100 Lake Oswego, OR 97035-5545 W: 503.534.4414 | C: 971.297.0972 *Licensed in California; Oregon Authorized House Counsel This message (including any attachments) may contain confidential, proprietary, privileged and/or private information. The information is intended to be for the use of the individual or entity designated above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please notify the sender immediately, and delete the message and any attachments. Any disclosure, reproduction, distr bution or other use of this message or any attachments by an individual or entity other than the intended recipient is prohibited. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MICAH HOFFMAN PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR 1 From:Jim Lambert Sent:Monday, October 19, 2020 10:46 AM To:james Lambert; City Clerk Mail Subject:Written comments for meeting October 20, 2020, also for ad hoc committee on STVRs distribution.  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Jim Lambert, , , Public comment, STVR,  Zoning, Written comments.  We received some info regarding Newport Beach concerning STVRs there  and in other communities.    Attached is the Staff report, of particular interest is the table on page 2  comparing some other communities  https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=77ae87a747&attid=0.1.1&pe rmmsgid=msg‐ f:1680551697015187460&th=175284dd4f452804&view=att&disp=inline   We have extrapolated that info and compared to our local situation.    Location Housing units Rental > 30 days % STVR # STVR % Newport Beach 44800 44% 1500 3.30% Carlsbad 47000 36% 690 1.40% Santa Monica 50900 71% 340 0.60% Dana Point 17317 39% 307 1.70% Huntington Beach 81396 42% 266 0.30% CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JIM LAMBERT PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR 2 San Clemente 27868 34% 172 0.60% La Quinta 24859 27% 1286 5% PGA West 3000 480 16% Legends Gate 355 87 24.50% Muirfield SBA 85 34 40% Housing units and rental percentages courtesy of Towncharts.com     The figures for La Quinta are misleading because all the gated golf  communities except PGA West do not allow STVRs. The restricted  communities have at least 3000 residences, bringing La Quinta's STVR  percentage to 6%.  The concentration of STVRs in the areas of North La Quinta, The Cove,  and PGA West are overwhelming what used to be RESIDENTIAL  neighborhoods but are now transient hotels with no on site management  or supervision of activity and number of occupants.  The 40% figure for  Muirfield in PGA West Fairways HOA is ludicrous, but similar to the Cove  and North La Quinta.    The city managers have violated the trust of the residents by  manipulating zoning rules which prohibit businesses in the very low  density and low density zoned areas. These zoning terms are consistent  with La Quintas municipal code zoning, not the commonly referred R‐1  and R‐2 of other communities.  The municipal code title 9 Zoning, section 9.60.110 Home Occupations  states under Use and development standards:    1. The establishment and conduct of a home occupation shall be an  incidental and accessory use and shall not change the principal character  or use of the dwelling involved.  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JIM LAMBERT PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR 3 2.  Only residents of the dwelling unit may be engaged in the home  occupation.    La Quinta land use element document Page 11‐26 LU‐3.1:  Encourage the  preservation of neighborhood character and ensure a consistent and  compatible land use pattern.    Page 11‐30 Goal SC‐1:  A community that provides the best quality of life  for all it's residents.    According to The Desert Sun on 10/19/2020 the TOT from STVRs in La  Quinta is $2.2 million. You have sold out the residents' quality of life  supposedly ensured by the zoning and land use documents for that $2.2  million.    You have formed an ad hoc committee to study the STVR situation and  make recommendations, the committee is made up of 15 people, 10 of  whom are STVR owners or managers.  Do you really expect this  committee to make a decision which will restrict the out of control  proliferation of these absentee landlord hotels?    The election is only 2 weeks away and not one candidate has stated they  would work to stop STVRs and bring back our neighborhood's quality of  life. Each has said they are studying the situation or have an unstated  plan. Underwhelming to us.    The La Quinta council has to act to help stop these STVR's in these  residential zones.  Don't look at the profit ‐ look at the misery it has  created with your private residents/constituents.      Jim and Barbara Lambert  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JIM LAMBERT PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR 1 From:Richard de Sam Lazaro (ELCA) Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 2:27 PM To:City Clerk Mail Cc:Jeremy Ogul Subject:Written Comments - Short Term Rentals Attachments:102020 Expedia Group re STR.pdf  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Good afternoon,  Please find attached written comments on behalf of Expedia Group to inform this afternoon’s conversation on short‐ term rentals in La Quinta. Thank you for your consideration.  Richard  Richard de Sam Lazaro Senior Manager, Government and Community T +1 206 660 8227 Email: rilazaro@expediagroup.com expediagroup.com He/Him/His CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RICHARD DE SAM LAZARO PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR Expedia Group | 1111 Expedia Group Way West | Seattle WA 98119 | United States October 20, 2020 Mayor Evans and Members of the La Quinta City Council, On behalf of Expedia Group, a family of brands including vacation rental leader Vrbo , thank you for the opportunity to provide comment on the city’s ongoing discussion around short -term rental regulations. Expedia Group applauds the work of the Ad-Hoc Committee’s enforcement recommendations, which provide a strong framework to address nuisance and community impact by clearly communicating and enforcing expectations for short-term rental operators, guests, and neighbors alike. These commonsense recommendations are a strong step toward sustainable, effective short-term rental policy in La Quinta. In order to drive a high rate of compliance with these kinds of regulations, we strongly encourage you to consider additional requirements on short-term rental platforms like Vrbo. Specifically, in addition to the Committee’s proposed requirement that short-term rental operators include license numbers on all listings and advertisements, we suggest including language that would require platforms to include license numbers on all listings. This would not only require the removal of any listing with out a license number, it would also ensure that license numbers are displayed clearly and in a consistent space on each listing —a welcome benefit for compliance staff. We also encourage you to go one step further and include language in La Quinta’s ordina nce that includes platforms as part of the compliance process, thereby driving a high rate of success while lowering enforcement cost. One option would be to create and maintain a registry of approved, valid license numbers. Platforms like Vrbo would be required to check license numbers provided by their users against the City’s registry before completing any booking. Santa Monica, California, has enacted language along these lines: Hosting platforms shall not complete any booking transaction for any res idential property or unit unless it is listed on the City’s registry. Alternatively, La Quinta could consider a more “hands-on” approach, in which the City does not need to create or maintain a certificate registry and instead notifies platforms directly of non- compliant listings. Similar language has been enacted in Seattle, Washington: [Platforms shall r]emove any listings for short-term rentals or bed and breakfast units from the platform if notified by the Department that: a) The listing is not associate d with a valid operator license or bed and breakfast operator license; or CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RICHARD DE SAM LAZARO PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR Expedia Group | 1111 Expedia Group Way West | Seattle WA 98119 | United States b) The license number provided to the platform by the operator or bed and breakfast operator for the listing is not valid; or c) The Department has revoked the operator license or bed and breakfast operator license. The platform shall remove the listing within 10 calendar days of the date of the written notification provided by the Department to the platform. With license numbers displayed on all short-term rental listings in La Quinta, the City will be able check those numbers for compliance and flag non-compliant listings for removal. By enacting these requirements in La Quinta’s ordinance, Council could ensure a level playing field across all platforms while driving a high rate of compliance with the underlying ordinance, allowing you to take swift and effective action against problem properties while allowing responsible operators to continue welcoming guests to La Quinta, generating critical TOT revenue and economic activity across the city. Thank you for your consideration of the above, and for your continued partnership as this conversation moves forward. We would be grateful for any opportunity to share our expertise and experience in short-term rental policy around the world as La Quinta discusses additional ways to balance your community’s priorities. Please feel free to contact me directly at 206-660- 8227 or rilazaro@expediagroup.com with any questions. Sincerely, Richard de Sam Lazaro Senior Manager, Government and Community Affairs Expedia Group CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RICHARD DE SAM LAZARO PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR La Quinta City Council Members, As you assess the future of STVRs in La Quinta, please consider the following. We recently closed on a property in PGA West. As a second home, it will give our young children t he opportunity t o leave an urban environment; giving them the space to play, explore, and make memories, which is invaluable during these COVID times. However, in order to make it financially viable for our family, it’s important that we have the STVR option, especially during this uncertain period. With that, we urge you to consider the following mechanisms in order to keep the STVR market feasible from both the owner and renter perspective. A couple key considerations to explore to continue towards the objective of creating a safe and effective program: 1. Remove the moratorium on STVRs for properties within HOAs ; it’s not a data-backed decision, and communities like PGA West have stricter rules and regulations than the City of La Quinta 2. Require STVR properties to have formal property management in some capacity (and thus property managers are the first responders on all issues) 3. Empower the HOAs to enforce/manage/own all complaints to take the burden off of La Quinta 4. Require STVR properties to install noise meters so that owners are notified (and thus have the opportunity to resolve) prior to potentially disturbing a neighbor These measures support the majority of diligent owners and renters who abide by the regulations (vs. the minority of owners that are exacerbating the complaint s per the data). Aside from our personal situation, retaining this key revenue stream for the city of La Quinta is a critical consideration to remain financially stable. By tweaking the STVR protocols, there can be a path forward that allows for peaceful and profitable coexistence. Thank you for your time and consideration. Laura and Graham Lucas CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS LAURA & GRAHAM LUCAS PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR 1 From:Carol Maldonado Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 10:06 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments STVR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.    Members of City Counsel LaQuinta,   I have been an STVR Airbnb host since it’s inception here in the City of La Quinta!  I do not own a rental,   I rent out rooms in MY house where I reside.  I provide this service during the music festivities of Coachella and stagecoach, and sometimes tennis and golf and an  occasional wedding!  I have hosted the most wonderful people over the years, I have never had a problem with any of them. They have all  been respectful and courteous and because of them I have been an ongoing Superhost on Airbnb in this city that I ᤻᤹᤺  love for many years!  It would be a shame for STVR’s to be discontinued because of the fault of a few multiple home rental owners that do not  abide by the laws!  Airbnb has also provided me with extra income, and as Senior citizens this income has been very helpful to my husband  and I and it allows us to afford to live here in this beautiful Gem of the Desert City.  Please be considerate of those of us that abide by the rules!  Thank you,  Carol and Joe Maldonado     Sent from my iPhone  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT CAROL MALDONADO PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR 1 From:SeanyP Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 10:10 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments - STVR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Sean Parham   La Quinta    City Council,  La Quinta is a town built on hospitality.  Without tourism, the city would not be what it is today.  I own 3 houses in the  La Quinta Cove.  One I live in and the other 2 are STVRs.  In the almost 3 years of my ownership, I have never had a  complaint or an issue with the city.  I am a responsible owner and I have worked very hard to follow the rules  and regulations and to be successful in my business.  I keep my houses cleaned and well maintained.  My two rentals  employ pool service, cleaning service, and maintenance.  The economic impact on the community cannot be denied.  If  STVRs goes away so will the tourist and all the good things it brings to our city and the Coachella Valley.  With all the  new airline service coming to Palm Springs International, where will those visitors go if there is no place for them to  stay?  Shut down the STVRS and you are shutting down the economy.    I agree that the party houses need to be shut down.  Homes with multiple violations in a 12 month period should be  shut down.  I would recommend that a house no matter how large it is can not exceed 10 guests, including children.  I  would go further and say that a 3‐night minimum should be required to weed out the party‐goers.  I would also  recommend that the city raise the TOT to cover the cost to better manage STVRs and to work with the likes of Airbnb  and VRBO to hold the guest accountable for their actions.  The city should consider issuing fines to the guest, too.  The  city needs to send a message to our guests that La Quinta is not a party town.  In closing, I would encourage the city to stop demonizing the STVRs and put more resources into the management of the  program to make this a win for all of us.  Shutting down the STVRs will only hurt our economy and our community in the  long run.  Let's work together for the better of La Quinta.  Respectfully,  Sean Parham   CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT SEAN PARHAM PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR 1 From:Adrian Pinson Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 8:47 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:STVR noise Solution!  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Greetings to you Madam Mayor and City Council Members. My name is Adrian Pinson and I have lived in the Coachella  Valley since 1973.   I am a local builder and real estate investor and have built and remodeled homes in the city of La Quinta and throughout  the Coachella Valley since the 1989. And since the inception of STVR channels like Airbnb and VRBO, my wife and I had  expanded our business portfolio to include STVRs.   I currently own three short term rental properties in the city of La Quinta and we, like many hosts you have heard from  this afternoon, we make every effort to maintain a five star rating as well as maintaining compliance with all applicable  city ordinances. In fact, not only do we have the city rules and executive orders stipulated on our channel’s platforms  but we also have it laminated on the wall near the entry doors of our properties. We further reemphasize these rules to  our guests via text or phone immediately after they book and again the day of their arrival. Certainly this may seem like  an exasperation to our guests but we do this in order to insure an enjoyable experience for our guests, ourselves as  Host, and to be a “Good Neighbor”.  I’d like to share briefly of a situation that took place earlier this year and tie that into how I derived to what I believe to  be a fair and effective solution to remedy the noise issues:  One of our properties had been given a 90 suspension and cited $1,000.00 for simply not returning a phone call from the  city’s third party that came from a random 1‐800 number late night. The call stemmed from an alleged noise violation  that was proven to be fake. The police officer can be heard on my Ring doorbell camera talking to my guest and saying  that he (officer) had been parked out front of the house for a while and he could hear no noise whatsoever. I later  contacted the officer to request a copy of his report but was told that no report was written because there was nothing  to report.  You see, we had managed that particular STR property without receiving any complaints or violations for over a year.  However… following a bad encounter I had with our next door neighbor, things began to change.   One day, my neighbor had gone over to my house while we were replacements furniture inside. When he saw me  outside, he approached me in an angry loud voice (causing a scene) and demanding that I move my commercial work  truck, which was fully parked on my driveway. I explained to him that it was just there temporarily as we were doing  interior work and all our tool were in the truck.   He replied: “I don’t care what you’re doing, just get your truck out of here! I don’t want to see it here!”  While I was trying to defuse his anger, making every effort to be respectful, I realized that he had no intentions on be  civil or understanding and began to insult me, at one point saying “You people should not be owing a house in this golf  course community! This place was better before you moved here!”  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ADRIAN PINSON PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR 2 I have no idea if that comment was racially charged but I certainly found it to be offensive. I responded by reminding  him that he was not the authority in the city nor was I violating any city ordinances and that I will move the truck when I  was done utilizing it.  His response to me: “I’m going to make your Airbnb a living hell.”  Coincidentally, we began receiving fallacious and fabricated complaints thereafter, one of which led to our “non‐ response within 45 minutes” violation which I explain above.  Unfortunately, I was unable to confront my accuser as the city allows anonymous complaints (fake or real).  This afternoon, I have listened to a number of Hosts advocating for tougher and more strict regulations to be imposed  upon us as Hosts in lieu of a complete shutdown or moratorium. I disagree. I would argue as both a 5 star Host that  overly enforces the noise rules and having gone through the city’s penalties ‐ implementing more stricter rules that  solely targets Hosts would be both inefficient and ineffective in resolving the city’s STR noise issues.  You see…… although STR channels allow Hosts to post a security deposit, Host can only collect this fee ONLY IF items  were found to be missing or damaged. If guests violates any rules or city ordinances, the Hosts cannot collect those fees  from the Guest’s security deposit but instead are told to collect these fees outside of the platform via a civil lawsuit in  court, if we’re so inclined.  A Guest can reassure the Host that they will not cause any problems and will abide by the rules but if they choose later  to not comply with the noise ordinances, they can do so without receiving any consequences other than a bad review  from the Host once they check‐out. Simply put ‐ guests can party loud for a weekend then leave back home while the  Host is left to deal with the damages of a 90 day suspension, $1,000 penalty, or even a permanent suspension of their  STR permit. This is UNFAIR to all law abiding Hosts!  That being said here is my solution advice and I believe it would be 100% effective in resolving the STR noise issues that  may arise:  As Police officers govern traffic laws – so should the City’s govern STVRs.   E.g., A driver violating traffic laws would be cited by a Police officer regardless of who’s vehicle he/she were driving. The  traffic citation would be issued to the driver NOT the vehicle owner. This is how the city should govern STVRs. Either city  Code enforcement and/or police officers should issue the citations directly to the violators (Guest) if guests were found  to be in violation.   1st violation = $1,000.00 citation to Guest  2nd violation = Immidiate eviction from property.  If implemented, Host will post this law in the Rules section of their STVR channel as well as post the penalties on an  interior wall were Guests to see. The city wins by remedying the noise problem as well as collecting significant amounts  from any Guests who do not comply with the noise ordinances. And the Hosts win because we now are less likely to  have unruly guests and less likely to be targeted by fabricated complaints made by neighbors.  Please take my advice into consideration. I strongly believe this would be a highly effective STVR law when  implemented. Thank you for your time!  Adrian Pinson    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ADRIAN PINSON PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR 1 From: Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 11:30 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Don't ban or limit short term rentals  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear members of theCity  Clerk of La Quinta.  My name Maria Sanchez  I'm a La Quinta Resident  My ph. Number    Short term rentals are important to the city in terms of promoting the economy And tourism but also to the hosts who  many wouldn’t be able to afford the mortgages without this possibility.  If we are required to only allow long term rentals we are opening up our homes to potential squatters. This is a very real  issue at the moment as the state of California has a moratorium in place relating to evictions there is no telling when it  will be lifted which could result in many people losing their homes.   I said Not to ban or limit short terms.  Maria Sanchez  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MARIA SANCHEZ PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR From: Edie hylton    Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2020 9:45 AM  To: Tommi Sanchez <Tsanchez@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Fwd: Please forward to city council and Ad Hoc committee     EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Tommi,   This is why clusters are a terrible idea. The city must find a way to correct the density and violation  issue or this program is dead in the water. Residents will put it on the ballot and it won’t be that  difficult. This idea that old people are complaining about young is silly. If you have a problem next to you  it is a problem regardless of the age. In PGA West it is golfers drinking after their rounds and whooping it  up until late at night. Residents come first…and they are not ill‐informed as the staff report indicates.   October 19, 2020 Dear Mayor Evans, Councilwoman Fitzpatrick, Councilman Pena, Councilman Radi, Councilman Sanchez: I have written to council and the Ad Hoc STVR previously expressing my concern about STVRs and the harm they bring to our neighborhoods. My wife and I have lived in La Quinta 46 years and in our current home since 1978. I'm saddened to say that our neighbors are disappearing at an alarming rate. They are replaced by strangers staying at mini-hotel businesses across and down the street. I believe there are now 5 STVRs operating on our block and a 6th starting construction. You can't have a neighborhood without neighbors! Reaction from the owners and managers of these businesses seems to be, "So What?" There's money to be made, so let's make it. Residents be damned! Then like locusts they'll move on. These are not just the mom and pop owner examples the managers and corporations frequently trot out as examples of those cruelly stripped of their property rights. These are often well financed corporations preying on communities that seem to have made it easy for them to do so. Comments from the Ad Hoc Committee and council persons' frequently say, "We just need to find a way to make STVRs work without inconveniencing or disturbing neighbors." No amount of regulation is going to maintain neighborhoods and quality of life that come with them. Palm Desert, Cathedral City, and Rancho Mirage have come up with the solution...protect resident quality of life...by eliminating non-hosted STVRs in R-1 and R-2 zoned areas. They're allowing hosted STVRs and HOAs to continue should they wish. What is so frustrating about La Quinta is the failure to plainly state, "Residents are our priority!" It's clearly not the priority of absentee owners and managers on the Ad Hoc Committee. City council is the protector of non-gate guarded neighborhoods. Where are your priorities? The moratorium extension is a positive step. However, please at least recognize that regulation is highly problematic, and may not work. At least recognize, as three other city councils have in the valley, residents are more important than profit. If you discern a note of despair in this letter you're right! For the first time ever we've considered leaving La Quinta! It's heartbreaking. We love it here. And guess what, if we sell CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JIM LAMBERT PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - IN OPPOSITION OF STVR and leave, our home will become another STVR. Please remember the residents! Sincerely, Jeffrey Smith , La Quinta, CA 92253 CC: John McMillen - City Manager Lori Lorett - Ad Hoc STVR Committee  Aid in Future COVID‐19 Relief Funding and Get Your Community Counted! Take the 2020 Census Online  Here: https://my2020census.gov/, Everyone Counts!       CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JIM LAMBERT PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - IN OPPOSITION OF STVR From: Kay Wolff    Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2020 11:21 AM  To: Teresa Thompson <Tthompson@laquintaca.gov>; Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: SHORT TERM VACATION RENTALS      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.      PLEASE FORWARD THIS MESSAGE TO OUR CITY COUNCIL     Aren’t you tired of getting dozens of emails, letters and phone calls from the public regarding the STVR problems?    You are hearing from only us “squeaky wheels”.    You need data.     Why not find out what the broader community feels about this issue? Cathedral City did a sampling their community, with a survey that resulted in numerous comments. It showed that council the mood of their residents. Please consider this approach.    Also, has a real cost analysis been done, to see what the NET revenue to the City actually is? How much revenue are hotel losing to STVRs? All the related costs for enforcement and tracking seriously impacts the bottom line.     I’m sure that, like the Rancho Mirage Council, you will put RESIDENTS’ best interests first.          Sent from Mail for Windows 10      CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT KAY WOLFF PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR 1 From:chuck Parker Sent:Monday, October 19, 2020 5:29 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Public Comment for 10-20-20 City Council Meeting  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Submitted by: Chuck Parker, resident of Desert Hot Springs,, subject: Proclamation for Students who Kayaked across the Salton Sea. Dear La Quinta City Council,  I am submitting this public comment for your meeting on October 20, to thank you for issuing a proclamation to the three valley high school students for crossing the Salton Sea in a kayak to draw attention to the need to restore it and protect our health and economy. Their effort to dramatize the need to protect our local environment are remarkable.  Our Salton Sea Coalition is sending you a new sample resolution concerning the Salton Sea to follow up on your resolution of last year. We are asking your council to place this resolution on a future agenda. Our resolution aims at recommending actions that can prevent further delays, and bring us closer to a solution for the whole sea. We believe that passing a new resolution of support for “a comprehensive analysis of ocean water import as part of a long term solution for the Salton Sea would be a perfect complement to your proclamation recognizing the achievement of the youth kayak team.   Three other cities have already passed our resolution – Coachella, Desert Hot Springs, and Indian Wells. Palm Desert and Cathedral City are preparing to do so at their next meetings. Each city has chosen to vary the wording to fit their exact intentions, and you are welcome to do the same thing if you chose to do so – we appreciate any form of support for exploring a whole sea solution using ocean water import.  We would also like to urge the council to appoint one of your number as a representative on the Engagement Committee of the Salton Sea Management Plan. Up until this time, none of the cities of the Coachella Valley have been represented on this committee. We need to be part of these discussions so that our communities CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY CHUCK PARKER PRESENTATION NO. 2 - PROCLAMATION TO STUDENTS WHO KAYAKED ACROSS THE SALTON SEA 2 are not forgotten about, and so our leaders can help give input for the best possible outcome for a restored Salton Sea and surrounding area. The Engagement Committee meets quarterly, and their next meeting will be in December. Arturo Delgado who heads the Salton Sea Management Plan has told me that he will consider requests from individuals who want to represent their cities on the Engagement Committee. Please contact Arturo Delgado, the head of the Salton Sea Management Plan with your request. His email is: arturodelgado@resources.ca.gov,   and his office phone number in Bermuda Dunes is:   (760)200-9186.  Thank you, Chuck Parker, .  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY CHUCK PARKER PRESENTATION NO. 2 - PROCLAMATION TO STUDENTS WHO KAYAKED ACROSS THE SALTON SEA 1 From:Thomas Batista Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 1:29 PM To:City Clerk Mail Cc:Lauren Batista Subject:Verbal Comments ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Name: Thomas Batista City of Residence: San Jose, CA Phone Number: Agenda Item Number: Study Session 2 - Discuss STVR Subject: Working together to continue to build on the strong STVR partnership in La Quinta Comments: My wife, Lauren, and I have enjoyed the Coachella valley for over 15 years and are so happy to call La Quinta our second home. We specifically targeted La Quinta after we had rented a room via AirBNB when we were attending Coachella one year. The city and our hosts were amazing and we were hooked and never stayed in Palm Springs or Palm Desert again. When we started our family we were in the market for a 2nd home that we could enjoy with our kids and also recoup some of our costs via STVR. We looked at Lake Tahoe as many folks from Silicon Valley do but we never got the same feel that we had in the desert. We spoke to realtor, Jon Caruana, and he explained how pro STVR the city of La Quinta was so we decided to make this our second home. Since purchasing the property in Oct. 2018 we have gladly paid over $12k in TOT as we felt the city has done a great job in managing the program. We have also contributed to the economy of the city in employing cleaners, gardeners, pool men, plumbers, appliance repair, etc. We pride ourselves in looking for La Quinta local companies to complete all of the work on our home. Every guest that we have asks for golf, food, and entertainment options and we gladly recommend the amazing courses and restaurants (we love old town!). Lately, we have heard quite a bit of chatter in the desert about limiting or banning STVRs and I want to personally express that I am 100% against that as the economic impact would be huge. In a time of a global pandemic the opportunity to have the additional income to cover the expenses of our property has been a life saver and I have to think the local businesses feel the same way. The businesses I have mentioned would suffer, the city would suffer, and real estate prices would drop dramatically. Our home and many others would go up for sale immediately as we couldn’t afford all of the expenses without STVR. You couple that with the pool of buyers reducing drastically as many young professionals will not be interested in a second home that will sit vacant for a good portion of the year. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY THOMAS BATISTA STUDY SESSION ITEM NON. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 2 We have the chance to work together and take a similar path to Palm Springs and I urge all interested parties to listen to each others views and come to an agreement to keep STVRs thriving in La Quinta, but to do so responsibly. Thanks! CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY THOMAS BATISTA STUDY SESSION ITEM NON. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS From: Shannon Chavez   Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2020 3:45 PM  To: Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>; City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Fwd: Written Comment (Agenda Item #2 STVR)       EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     See attachments. Thank you   Sent from my iPhone    Begin forwarded message:  From: schavez1981   Date: October 19, 2020 at 9:22:40 PM PDT  To: cityclerkmail@laquintaca.gov  Subject: Written Comment (Agenda Item #2 STVR)  1) Full Name - Shannon Chavez  2) City of Residence - Covina Ca  3) Phone Number -   4) Public Comment or Agenda Item Number - Agenda Item #2  5) Subject - STVR Ordinances & Reporting  6) Written Comment  Good evening,  I am representing a Short Term Rental advocacy group called Vacation Rental Owners & Neighbors of La  Quinta. Two weeks ago through a public records request we requested data on all complaints and  citations for all STRs in 2020 YTD. The data provided to us was very informative and our group would like  to address some of the trends we identified. Attached is a graph of complaints and violations that our  group put together based on the data provided. I would like this submitted as a supplement to my  verbal comments request which I have already submitted to the city. Also attached is a copy of a  complaints and citations report for the City of Palm Springs which is posted weekly on the city website,  which I would also like to address in my verbal comments.  Thank you  Shannon Chavez  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Row Labels Count of Case Count of Case2 Row Labels Count of Case Count of Case2 Row Labels Count of Date opened 52436 AVENIDA NAVARRO 39 2.53%44210 CALICO CIR 5 0.76%2020 19‐0855 24 1.56% 78955 VILLETA DR 5 0.76%Grand Total 11 20‐1594 12 0.78% 45325 BIRCHCREST CIR 5 0.76%Complaint 11 20‐1512 3 0.19% 53055 AVENIDA JUAREZ 4 0.61%COVID 19 11 78615 SANITA DR 38 2.46%55610 ROYAL ST GEORGE 4 0.61%Feb 21 20‐0575 34 2.20% 44615 SAFFRON CT 4 0.61%Complaint 19 20‐0454 2 0.13% 78615 SANITA DR 4 0.61%COVID 19 19 20‐0088 1 0.06% 46485 CAMEO PALMS DR 4 0.61%COMPLAINT COVID‐19 1 20‐0143 1 0.06% 45550 SUNBROOK LN 4 0.61%COVID 19 1 45540 COLDBROOK LN 36 2.33%53845 AVENIDA CORTEZ 4 0.61%STVRP‐Complaint 1 20‐0888 35 2.27% 78525 AVENIDA ULTIMO 3 0.46%COVID 19 1 20‐0638 1 0.06% 56585 Riviera 3 0.46%Mar 191 53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 30 1.94%51270 CALLE JACUMBA 3 0.46%Complaint 154 20‐1483 23 1.49% 52515 AVENIDA JUAREZ 3 0.46%COVID 19 149 20‐0695 7 0.45% 56980 Merion 3 0.46%Vacation Rental‐Violations 5 44185 CAMINO LAVANDA 28 1.81%44185 CAMINO LAVANDA 3 0.46%COMPLAINT COVID‐19 37 20‐1604 15 0.97% 51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 3 0.46%COVID 19 37 20‐0615 11 0.71% 78845 LA PALMA DR 3 0.46%Apr 421 20‐0900 2 0.13% 55775 PEBBLE BEACH 3 0.46%Complaint 195 44260 VIA CORONADO 28 1.81%45360 DESERT FOX DR 3 0.46%COVID 19 160 20‐1140 28 1.81% 56605 Riviera 3 0.46%STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED 32 78525 AVENIDA ULTIMO 25 1.62%79820 FIESTA DR 3 0.46%Vacation Rental‐Violations 3 20‐0524 12 0.78% 57690 BLACK DIAMOND 3 0.46%COMPLAINT COVID‐19 226 20‐1171 10 0.65% 79971 MEMORIAL PL 3 0.46%COVID 19 203 20‐0764 3 0.19% 78535 AVENIDA ULTIMO 3 0.46%STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED 23 51780 AVENIDA VILLA 19 1.23%55555 TURNBERRY WAY 3 0.46%May 141 19‐0769 19 1.23% 52436 AVENIDA NAVARRO 3 0.46% Complaint 72 53845 AVENIDA CORTEZ 19 1.23%55586 SOUTHERN HILLS 3 0.46% STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED 37 20‐1785 8 0.52% 79065 OCOTILLO DR 3 0.46% Vacation Rental‐Building Violations 11 20‐1123 7 0.45% 54060 Avenida Madero 3 0.46% Vacation Rental‐Violations 24 20‐0736 3 0.19% 79930 FIESTA DR 3 0.46%COMPLAINT COVID‐19 69 20‐0830 1 0.06% 54080 AVENIDA VALLEJO 3 0.46%STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED64 45325 BIRCHCREST CIR 15 0.97%80321 MERION 3 0.46%Vacation Rental‐Building Violations 4 20‐1396 10 0.65% 54720 Avenida Carranza 3 0.46% Vacation Rental‐Violations 1 20‐0485 2 0.13% 81240 LEGENDS WAY 3 0.46%Jun 175 20‐0101 1 0.06% 80634 SPANISH BAY 2 0.31%Complaint 170 20‐0210 1 0.06% 78750 LA PALMA DR 2 0.31%Vacation Rental‐Violations 170 20‐0435 1 0.06% 78395 SINGING PALMS DR 2 0.31%COMPLAINT COVID‐19 5 44210 CALICO CIR 15 0.97%52510 AVENIDA JUAREZ 2 0.31%Vacation Rental‐Violations 5 20‐1403 9 0.58% 51542 AVENIDA NAVARRO 2 0.31%Jul 212 20‐0388 2 0.13% 44210 MARIPOSA CT 2 0.31%Complaint 207 20‐1046 2 0.13% 57780 BLACK DIAMOND 2 0.31%Vacation Rental‐Violations 207 20‐0633 1 0.06% 52835 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 2 0.31%STVRP‐Complaint 5 20‐0920 1 0.06% 78615 BRADFORD CIR 2 0.31%Vacation Rental‐Violations 5 45540 DESERT FOX DR 15 0.97%52883 EISENHOWER DR 2 0.31%Aug 176 20‐1466 9 0.58% 51475 Calle Jacumba 2 0.31%Complaint 176 20‐0840 6 0.39% 45395 DEERBROOK CIR 2 0.31%Vacation Rental‐Violations 176 55610 ROYAL ST GEORGE 15 0.97%52030 AVENIDA VILLA 2 0.31%Sep 150 20‐1187 8 0.52% 53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 2 0.31%Complaint 150 20‐0688 3 0.19% 81185 LEGENDS WAY 2 0.31%Vacation Rental‐Violations 150 20‐1522 3 0.19% 53280 AVENIDA CARRANZA 2 0.31%Oct 45 20‐1865 1 0.06% 77400 CALLE YUCATAN 2 0.31%Complaint 45 52883 EISENHOWER DR 14 0.91%53280 AVENIDA RUBIO 2 0.31%Vacation Rental‐Violations 45 20‐1178 13 0.84% 50860 CALLE PALOMA 2 0.31%<1/6/2020 20‐0767 1 0.06% 45540 COLDBROOK LN 2 0.31%(blank) 79105 OCOTILLO DR 13 0.84%78660 BRADFORD CIR 2 0.31%1640 Actions 20‐1252 13 0.84% 45540 DESERT FOX DR 2 0.31%(blank) 79900 FIESTA DR 13 0.84%78860 SANITA DR 2 0.31%Grand Total 1543 20‐1626 13 0.84% 44210 SWEETBUSH LN 2 0.31% 78615 BRADFORD CIR 13 0.84%79340 DESERT ROCK CT 2 0.31% 20‐1253 12 0.78% 54200 AVENIDA CORTEZ 2 0.31% 20‐0577 1 0.06% 79915 HORSESHOE RD 2 0.31% 50820 CALLE GUAYMAS 12 0.78%54555 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 2 0.31% 20‐1277 11 0.71% 52230 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 2 0.31% 20‐0839 1 0.06% 44065 CAMINO LA CRESTA 2 0.31% 78660 BRADFORD CIR 12 0.78%81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGE 2 0.31% 20‐1349 9 0.58% 54745 Oakhill 2 0.31% 20‐0916 3 0.19% 81215 LEGENDS WAY 2 0.31% 54812 SOUTHERN HILLS 11 0.71%54812 SOUTHERN HILLS 2 0.31% 20‐0826 10 0.65% 77165 AVENIDA ARTEAGA 2 0.31% 20‐0884 1 0.06% 81220 GOLF VIEW DR 2 0.31% 79820 FIESTA DR 11 0.71%78380 VIA SEVILLA 2 0.31% 20‐1415 6 0.39% 81315 NATIONAL DR 2 0.31% 20‐1550 3 0.19% 78435 SINGING PALMS DR 2 0.31% 20‐1120 2 0.13% 81350 LEGENDS WAY 2 0.31% 54768 SOUTHERN HILLS 11 0.71%50945 CALLE PALOMA 2 0.31% 20‐1248 11 0.71% 81420 NATIONAL DR 2 0.31% 78955 VILLETA DR 11 0.71%51050 CALLE OBISPO 2 0.31% 20‐1657 5 0.32% 46735 HIGHLAND PALMS DR 2 0.31% 20‐0457 2 0.13% 78685 FORBES CIR 2 0.31% Unique cases (Complaints) by addressTotal Complaints by Address Complaint & Topic by Month CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 20‐1728 2 0.13% 46775 CAMEO PALMS DR 2 0.31% 20‐1599 1 0.06% 44675 MARGUERITE CT 2 0.31% 20‐1628 1 0.06% 46805 CAMEO PALMS DR 2 0.31% 79915 HORSESHOE RD 10 0.65%51420 CALLE JACUMBA 2 0.31% 20‐1395 9 0.58% 55690 BRAE BURN 2 0.31% 20‐0975 1 0.06% 79320 DESERT WIND CT 2 0.31% 79065 OCOTILLO DR 10 0.65%48748 Legacy 2 0.31% 20‐0625 5 0.32% 79795 FIESTA DR 2 0.31% 20‐1446 4 0.26% 55955 PGA Blvd 2 0.31% 20‐0628 1 0.06% 79860 FIESTA DR 2 0.31% 78635 FORBES CIR 10 0.65%56015 WINGED FOOT 2 0.31% 20‐0621 10 0.65% 45245 Seeley 2 0.31% 55775 PEBBLE BEACH 10 0.65%49499 EISENHOWER DR 2 0.31% 20‐0696 7 0.45% 80265 CEDAR CREST 2 0.31% 20‐1053 2 0.13% 50670 Santa Rosa 2 0.31% 20‐1742 1 0.06% 80409 SPANISH BAY 2 0.31% 79320 DESERT WIND CT 9 0.58%56750 Merion 2 0.31% 20‐1417 5 0.32% 80790 SPANISH BAY 2 0.31% 20‐0587 4 0.26% 56840 JACK NICKLAUS 2 0.31% 55586 SOUTHERN HILLS 9 0.58%81165 GOLF VIEW DR 2 0.31% 20‐1833 4 0.26% 50795 CALLE QUITO 2 0.31% 20‐1618 4 0.26% 81200 GOLF VIEW DR 2 0.31% 20‐1545 1 0.06% 50820 CALLE GUAYMAS 2 0.31% 79930 FIESTA DR 9 0.58%44155 MARIPOSA CT 2 0.31% 20‐0594 4 0.26% 57750 BLACK DIAMOND 2 0.31% 20‐1421 3 0.19% 54899 WINGED FOOT 2 0.31% 20‐0805 2 0.13% 81320 LEGENDS WAY 2 0.31% 46805 CAMEO PALMS DR 9 0.58%54955 WINGED FOOT 2 0.31% 20‐1627 8 0.52% 81355 NATIONAL DR 2 0.31% 20‐0773 1 0.06% 55137 SUMMER LYNN CT 2 0.31% 52515 AVENIDA JUAREZ 9 0.58%55291 WINGED FOOT 2 0.31% 20‐1281 7 0.45% 78790 LA PALMA DR 1 0.15% 20‐1473 1 0.06% 57765 SEMINOLE DR 1 0.15% 20‐0682 1 0.06% 80787 SPANISH BAY 1 0.15% 52835 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 9 0.58%51680 AVENIDA NAVARRO 1 0.15% 20‐0658 8 0.52% 44645 MARGUERITE CT 1 0.15% 20‐1927 1 0.06% 51715 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 1 0.15% 78615 VILLETA DR 8 0.52%79836 MORRIS AVE 1 0.15% 20‐0726 8 0.52% 51780 AVENIDA VILLA 1 0.15% 53335 AVENIDA BERMUDAS 8 0.52%51325 Calle Jacumba 1 0.15% 20‐1279 8 0.52% 43605 MILAN CT 1 0.15% 54190 Avenida Cortez 8 0.52%77985 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 1 0.15% 20‐0937 8 0.52% 51845 VIA BENDITA 1 0.15% 50795 CALLE QUITO 8 0.52%78615 VILLETA DR 1 0.15% 20‐1598 7 0.45% 51855 AVENIDA JUAREZ 1 0.15% 20‐1783 1 0.06% 79180 JACK RABBIT TR 1 0.15% 54745 Oakhill 8 0.52%51905 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 0.15% 20‐0622 7 0.45% 80333 Oak Tree 1 0.15% 20‐0623 1 0.06% 51985 AVENIDA MENDOZA 1 0.15% 54680 SOUTHERN HILLS 7 0.45%81075 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.15% 20‐1407 7 0.45% 45345 BRIDGETTE WAY 1 0.15% 78905 WAKEFIELD CIR 7 0.45%81335 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.15% 20‐1855 7 0.45% 52055 AVENIDA OBREGON 1 0.15% 78549 TORINO DR 7 0.45%77227 CALLE ENSENADA 1 0.15% 20‐0871 7 0.45% 52140 Avenida Mendoza 1 0.15% 53055 AVENIDA JUAREZ 7 0.45%78315 CRESTVIEW TER 1 0.15% 20‐0961 3 0.19% 52140 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 1 0.15% 20‐0486 2 0.13% 78549 TORINO DR 1 0.15% 20‐0484 1 0.06% 52175 AVENIDA OBREGON 1 0.15% 20‐0496 1 0.06% 78707 TORINO DR 1 0.15% 45550 SUNBROOK LN 7 0.45%52190 AVENIDA JUAREZ 1 0.15% 20‐1862 3 0.19% 78895 SONESTA WAY 1 0.15% 20‐0957 2 0.13% 52205 AVENIDA DIAZ 1 0.15% 19‐2551 1 0.06% 79450 AZAHAR 1 0.15% 20‐0639 1 0.06% 52230 AVENIDA MADERO 1 0.15% 80321 MERION 7 0.45%50920 CALLE PALOMA 1 0.15% 20‐1638 4 0.26% 44185 SONESTA WAY 1 0.15% 20‐1402 2 0.13% 80526 SPANISH BAY 1 0.15% 20‐1175 1 0.06% 52250 ROSEWOOD LN 1 0.15% 81400 National Drive 7 0.45%80895 VIA PUERTA AZUL 1 0.15% 20‐0784 7 0.45% 52290 AVENIDA VALLEJO 1 0.15% 81215 LEGENDS WAY 7 0.45%81155 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.15% 20‐0701 5 0.32% 52295 AVENIDA NAVARRO 1 0.15% 20‐0771 2 0.13% 81245 LEGENDS WAY 1 0.15% 44615 SAFFRON CT 7 0.45%52295 AVENIDA VALLEJO 1 0.15% 20‐0427 3 0.19% 51662 EISENHOWER DR 1 0.15% 20‐0269 2 0.13% 52420 AVENIDA JUAREZ 1 0.15% 20‐0813 1 0.06% 57927 INTERLACHEN 1 0.15% 20‐0318 1 0.06% 43676 ALBA CT 1 0.15% 51270 CALLE JACUMBA 7 0.45%77717 Tradition Drive 1 0.15% 20‐0946 3 0.19% 52500 AVENIDA VELASCO 1 0.15% 20‐1714 2 0.13% 78110 CALLE TAMPICO 1 0.15% 20‐0425 2 0.13% 52500 EISENHOWER DR 1 0.15% CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 7 0.45%48871 Legacy Dr 1 0.15% 20‐1722 5 0.32% 45405 DEERBROOK CIR 1 0.15% 20‐1950 1 0.06% 78510 AVENIDA NUESTRA 1 0.15% 20‐1684 1 0.06% 45415 ASHWOOD CT 1 0.15% 56585 Riviera 7 0.45%78595 VILLETA DR 1 0.15% 20‐0689 4 0.26% 52565 AVENIDA JUAREZ AVE 1 0.15% 20‐1752 2 0.13% 78663 COMO CT 1 0.15% 20‐0727 1 0.06% 52600 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 0.15% 46485 CAMEO PALMS DR 7 0.45%50625 GRAND TRAVERSE AVE 1 0.15% 20‐0426 3 0.19% 52770 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 1 0.15% 20‐1823 2 0.13% 78860 AURORA WAY 1 0.15% 20‐0261 1 0.06% 45420 ASHWOOD CT 1 0.15% 20‐1005 1 0.06% 44670 N HARLAND DR 1 0.15% 56605 Riviera 7 0.45%52870 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 1 0.15% 20‐0608 5 0.32% 79264 CALLE SONRISA 1 0.15% 20‐0270 1 0.06% 52880 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 0.15% 20‐0601 1 0.06% 79705 IRIS CT 1 0.15% 56750 Merion 7 0.45%45480 DEERBROOK CIR 1 0.15% 20‐0763 5 0.32% 79900 FIESTA DR 1 0.15% 20‐1822 2 0.13% 52911 AVENIDA VELASCO 1 0.15% 81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGE 7 0.45%80154 HERMITAGE 1 0.15% 20‐1696 5 0.32% 52990 AVENIDA ALVARADO 1 0.15% 20‐0718 2 0.13% 80460 HERMITAGE 1 0.15% 54899 WINGED FOOT 7 0.45%53035 Meriweather way 1 0.15% 20‐1579 6 0.39% 80682 BELLERIVE 1 0.15% 20‐0617 1 0.06% 44210 DALEA CIR 1 0.15% 55555 TURNBERRY WAY 7 0.45%80826 SPANISH BAY 1 0.15% 20‐1794 4 0.26%  Blackhawk Way 1 0.15% 20‐1445 2 0.13% 81015 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.15% 20‐0624 1 0.06% 53065 AVENIDA NAVARRO 1 0.15% 81555 TIBURON DR 7 0.45%81120 KINGSTON HEATH 1 0.15% 20‐0867 7 0.45% 53105 AVENIDA RUBIO 1 0.15% 79795 FIESTA DR 6 0.39%81175 SHINNECOCK HILLS 1 0.15% 20‐1934 3 0.19% 53120 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 0.15% 20‐1458 3 0.19% 81220 LEGENDS WAY 1 0.15% 78860 SANITA DR 6 0.39%53124 AVENIDA NAVARRO 1 0.15% 20‐1441 5 0.32% 81305 KINGSTON HEATH 1 0.15% 20‐1842 1 0.06% 53125 AVENIDA JUAREZ 1 0.15% 78535 AVENIDA ULTIMO 6 0.39%51550 AVENIDA VALLEJO 1 0.15% 20‐0935 3 0.19% 53125 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 0.15% 20‐0687 2 0.13% 48729 Legacy Dr 1 0.15% 20‐1852 1 0.06% 53125 AVENIDA RUBIO 1 0.15% 54955 WINGED FOOT 6 0.39%57780 TROON WAY 1 0.15% 20‐1674 5 0.32% 53180 AVENIDA JUAREZ 1 0.15% 20‐0716 1 0.06% 77120 AVENIDA FERNANDO 1 0.15% 54060 Avenida Madero 6 0.39%53180 AVENIDA MENDOZA 1 0.15% 20‐1188 3 0.19% 77535 CALLE CHIHUAHUA 1 0.15% 20‐0673 2 0.13% 45545 DESERT EAGLE CT 1 0.15% 20‐1563 1 0.06% 77729 Tradition 1 0.15% 53390 AVENIDA NAVARRO 6 0.39%45545 STONEBROOK CT 1 0.15% 20‐0972 6 0.39% 78039 CALLE ESTADO 1 0.15% 79899 WILLIAM STONE WAY 6 0.39%53325 AVENIDA MADERO 1 0.15% 20‐1490 6 0.39% 78120 CALLE ESTADO 1 0.15% 45245 Seeley 6 0.39%53335 AVENIDA BERMUDAS 1 0.15% 20‐0862 4 0.26% 78345 VIA CALIENTE 1 0.15% 20‐1069 2 0.13% 53385 AVENIDA MENDOZA 1 0.15% 78670 BRADFORD CIR 6 0.39%78390 SINGING PALMS DR 1 0.15% 20‐0453 6 0.39% 53390 AVENIDA NAVARRO 1 0.15% 80265 CEDAR CREST 5 0.32%78470 SINGING PALMS DR 1 0.15% 20‐1014 4 0.26% 53405 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 0.15% 20‐1596 1 0.06% 49755 AVENIDA MONTERO 1 0.15% 45415 ASHWOOD CT 5 0.32%53430 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 0.15% 20‐1265 5 0.32% 78580 AVENIDA TUJUNGA 1 0.15% 78845 LA PALMA DR 5 0.32%53535 Avenida Diaz 1 0.15% 20‐1597 2 0.13% 49895 AVENIDA MONTERO 1 0.15% 20‐0761 2 0.13% 53640 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 0.15% 20‐0226 1 0.06% 78645 SAGUARO DR 1 0.15% 55935 Pinehurst 5 0.32%53645 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 0.15% 20‐0619 5 0.32% 78685 AVENIDA ULTIMO 1 0.15% 79850 FIESTA DR 5 0.32%53725 AVENIDA DIAZ 1 0.15% 20‐1585 5 0.32% 78735 SANITA DR 1 0.15% 56015 WINGED FOOT 5 0.32%53725 AVENIDA JUAREZ 1 0.15% 20‐1002 3 0.19% 78765 LA PALMA DR 1 0.15% 20‐1770 2 0.13% 53830 AVENIDA JUAREZ 1 0.15% 54720 Avenida Carranza 5 0.32%50650 Santa Rosa 1 0.15% 20‐0677 3 0.19% 44090 CALICO CIR 1 0.15% 20‐1964 1 0.06% 50650 Santa Rosa Plz 1 0.15% 20‐1675 1 0.06% 53875 AVENIDA DIAZ 1 0.15% 53065 AVENIDA NAVARRO 5 0.32%78905 WAKEFIELD CIR 1 0.15% 20‐0913 5 0.32% 53885 EISENHOWER DR 1 0.15% 78895 SONESTA WAY 5 0.32%79150 DESERT STREAM DR 1 0.15% 20‐1367 5 0.32% 53905 AVENIDA MENDOZA 1 0.15% 50945 CALLE PALOMA 5 0.32%79205 DIANE DR 1 0.15% CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 20‐1474 3 0.19% 53920 Avenida Martinez 1 0.15% 20‐0653 2 0.13% 50777 SANTA ROSA PLAZA 1 0.15% 79264 CALLE SONRISA 5 0.32%53955 AVENIDA NAVARRO 1 0.15% 20‐1882 5 0.32% 79534 DANDELION DR 1 0.15% 46500 CAMEO PALMS DR 5 0.32%53960 AVENIDA NAVARRO 1 0.15% 20‐0974 5 0.32% 0 Torino Dr 1 0.15% 54080 AVENIDA VALLEJO 5 0.32%54015 Southern Hills 1 0.15% 20‐1082 2 0.13% 50855 WASHINGTON ST 1 0.15% 20‐1414 2 0.13% 54020 AVENIDA MADERO 1 0.15% 20‐1931 1 0.06% 44930 TORTOLA CIR 1 0.15% 78380 VIA SEVILLA 5 0.32%54020 AVENIDA VELASCO 1 0.15% 20‐1305 4 0.26% 80046 Hermitage 1 0.15% 20‐1157 1 0.06% 54035 AVENIDA MENDOZA 1 0.15% 44675 MARGUERITE CT 5 0.32%45100 COLDBROOK LN 1 0.15% 20‐1121 3 0.19% 46480 WASHINGTON ST 1 0.15% 20‐1748 2 0.13% 80418 SPANISH BAY 1 0.15% 80872 VIA PUERTA AZUL 5 0.32%54060 AVENIDA VALLEJO 1 0.15% 20‐0861 5 0.32% 80500 CHAMPIONS WY 1 0.15% 53535 Avenida Diaz 4 0.26%44260 VIA CORONADO 1 0.15% 20‐0723 4 0.26% 51240 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 1 0.15% 45210 DESERT HILLS CT 4 0.26%54120 AVENIDA CORTEZ 1 0.15% 20‐0735 4 0.26% 80705 CEDAR CREST 1 0.15% 48748 Legacy 4 0.26%54185 AVENIDA MADERO 1 0.15% 20‐1164 3 0.19% 51240 AVENIDA VELASCO 1 0.15% 20‐1944 1 0.06% 54190 Avenida Cortez 1 0.15% 78555 SAGEBRUSH AVE 4 0.26%80861 CALLE AZUL 1 0.15% 20‐0816 4 0.26% 54190 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 0.15% 54190 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 4 0.26%80940 WEISKOPF 1 0.15% 20‐1370 4 0.26% 46500 CAMEO PALMS DR 1 0.15% 46755 HIGHLAND PALMS DR 4 0.26%81045 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.15% 20‐1364 4 0.26% 54205 AVENIDA MENDOZA 1 0.15% 79527 DANDELION DR 4 0.26%45210 BIRCHCREST CIR 1 0.15% 20‐1306 4 0.26% 54265 AVENIDA ALVARADO 1 0.15% 45395 DEERBROOK CIR 4 0.26%81145 LEGENDS WAY 1 0.15% 20‐1360 3 0.19% 54278 Inverness 1 0.15% 20‐0265 1 0.06% 51295 CALLE KALIMA 1 0.15% 78435 SINGING PALMS DR 4 0.26%54295 AVENIDA MADERO 1 0.15% 20‐1845 2 0.13% 51295 CALLE QUITO 1 0.15% 20‐1003 2 0.13% 54315 AVENIDA VALLEJO 1 0.15% 44210 MARIPOSA CT 4 0.26%51360 EISENHOWER DR 1 0.15% 20‐1324 3 0.19% 54355 AVENIDA BERMUDAS 1 0.15% 20‐1124 1 0.06% 81235 MUIRFIELD VILLAGE 1 0.15% 79905 FIESTA DR 4 0.26%54380 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 0.15% 20‐1732 4 0.26% 81260 LEGENDS WAY 1 0.15% 81220 GOLF VIEW DR 4 0.26%54444 AVENIDA HERRERA 1 0.15% 20‐1694 2 0.13% 81320 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.15% 20‐0994 2 0.13% 54550 AVENIDA DIAZ 1 0.15% 52055 AVENIDA OBREGON 4 0.26%81340 NATIONAL DR 1 0.15% 20‐1680 4 0.26% 44270 VILLETA DR 1 0.15% 53280 AVENIDA CARRANZA 4 0.26%81360 NATIONAL DR 1 0.15% 20‐0584 3 0.19% 54555 WINGED FOOT 1 0.15% 20‐1681 1 0.06% 57740 SALIDA DEL SOL 1 0.15% 55581 Winged Foot 4 0.26%54636 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 0.15% 20‐1093 4 0.26% 57755 SEMINOLE DR 1 0.15% 80526 SPANISH BAY 4 0.26%54680 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 0.15% 20‐1802 4 0.26% 44095 DALEA COURT 1 0.15% 79645 CORTE BELLA 4 0.26%54688 Tangelewood 1 0.15% 20‐0450 4 0.26% 57820 BLACK DIAMOND 1 0.15% 0 Torino Dr 4 0.26%54695 WINGED FOOT 1 0.15% 20‐0740 4 0.26% 76880 Calle Mazatlan 1 0.15% 45545 STONEBROOK CT 4 0.26%54700 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 0.15% 20‐1282 4 0.26% 48772 Legacy 1 0.15% 81810 MOUNTAIN VIEW LN 4 0.26%54715 WINGED FOOT 1 0.15% 20‐1431 4 0.26% 48800 LEGACY DR 1 0.15% 79860 FIESTA DR 4 0.26%46755 HIGHLAND PALMS DR 1 0.15% 20‐1825 3 0.19% 77700 CALLE COLIMA 1 0.15% 20‐1715 1 0.06% 54740 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 1 0.15% 57740 SALIDA DEL SOL 4 0.26%77721 Tradition Dr 1 0.15% 20‐0818 4 0.26% 44370 BUTTERCUP LN 1 0.15% 55088 LAUREL VALLEY 4 0.26%77745 Tradition Dr 1 0.15% 20‐1735 4 0.26% 54768 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 0.15% 51240 AVENIDA VELASCO 4 0.26%78028 Calle Norte 1 0.15% 20‐1717 4 0.26% 54781 oakhill 1 0.15% 51855 AVENIDA JUAREZ 4 0.26%78105 CALLE ESTADO 1 0.15% 20‐1442 4 0.26% 54790 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 0.15% 57750 BLACK DIAMOND 4 0.26%78111 AVENUE 52 1 0.15% 20‐1422 3 0.19% 54795 WINGED FOOT 1 0.15% 20‐0690 1 0.06% 78190 CALLE CADIZ 1 0.15% 55137 SUMMER LYNN CT 4 0.26%44400 VILLETA DR 1 0.15% 20‐1736 3 0.19% 78340 VIA SEVILLA 1 0.15% 20‐1707 1 0.06% 54819 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 0.15% 53955 AVENIDA NAVARRO 4 0.26%78350 VIA SEVILLA 1 0.15% 20‐1555 4 0.26% 54840 AVENIDA RUBIO 1 0.15% CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 80409 SPANISH BAY 4 0.26%78390 CAMEO DUNES PL 1 0.15% 20‐0883 3 0.19% 54845 AVENIDA OBREGON 1 0.15% 20‐1767 1 0.06% 49401 AVD VISTA BONITA 1 0.15% 77400 CALLE YUCATAN 4 0.26%54860 AVENIDA RUBIO 1 0.15% 20‐1615 3 0.19% 78450 CRESTVIEW TER 1 0.15% 20‐1449 1 0.06% 54878 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 0.15% 56980 Merion 4 0.26%78505 AVENIDA TUJUNGA 1 0.15% 20‐0694 2 0.13% 54885 AVENIDA MADERO 1 0.15% 20‐1800 1 0.06% 49705 RANCHO SAN JULIAN 1 0.15% 20‐1447 1 0.06% 46815 HIGHLAND PALMS DR 1 0.15% 78707 TORINO DR 4 0.26%78541 TORINO DR 1 0.15% 20‐1837 4 0.26% 54900 AVENIDA ALVARADO 1 0.15% 81200 GOLF VIEW DR 4 0.26%78555 SAGEBRUSH AVE 1 0.15% 20‐1829 3 0.19% 54900 AVENIDA HERRERA 1 0.15% 20‐0710 1 0.06% 78585 SAGUARO DR 1 0.15% 78750 LA PALMA DR 4 0.26%54922 Tanglewood 1 0.15% 20‐0790 3 0.19% 78600 BRADFORD CIR 1 0.15% 20‐1556 1 0.06% 54940 Riviera 1 0.15% 78830 W HARLAND DR 4 0.26%49920 CALLE ESTRELLA 1 0.15% 20‐1589 4 0.26% 54945 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 0.15% 81365 GOLF VIEW DR 4 0.26%78635 FORBES CIR 1 0.15% 20‐0968 4 0.26% 47765 ENDLESS SKY 1 0.15% 78685 AVENIDA ULTIMO 4 0.26%50070 PALENCIA CT 1 0.15% 20‐1567 4 0.26% 54994 Tanglewood 1 0.15% 78685 FORBES CIR 4 0.26%78670 BRADFORD CIR 1 0.15% 20‐1334 3 0.19% 55030 Firestone 1 0.15% 20‐0683 1 0.06% 50503 MANDARINA 1 0.15% 57151 MEDINAH 4 0.26%55050 Riviera 1 0.15% 20‐0606 4 0.26% 78735 ROCKBERRY CT 1 0.15% 57295 INTERLACHEN 4 0.26%55078 Shoal Creek 1 0.15% 20‐0857 4 0.26% 78739 BOTTLEBRUSH DR 1 0.15% 81185 SHINNECOCKHILLS 3 0.19%55088 LAUREL VALLEY 1 0.15% 20‐0713 3 0.19% 78755 VILLETA DR 1 0.15% 46735 HIGHLAND PALMS DR 3 0.19%48225 VIA SOLANA 1 0.15% 20‐1363 2 0.13% 78765 VILLETA DR 1 0.15% 20‐0128 1 0.06% 55208 BIG SPRING 1 0.15% 44930 TORTOLA CIR 3 0.19%78830 W HARLAND DR 1 0.15% 20‐1629 3 0.19% 55243 Tanglewood 1 0.15% 47765 ENDLESS SKY 3 0.19%78855 LA PALMA DR 1 0.15% 20‐1857 3 0.19% 55282 Tanglewood 1 0.15% 80787 SPANISH BAY 3 0.19%78860 GALAXY DR 1 0.15% 20‐1443 3 0.19% 55285 Laurel Valley 1 0.15% 57535 SEMINOLE DR 3 0.19%78875 WAKEFIELD CIR 1 0.15% 20‐0714 3 0.19% 55290 Laurel Valley 1 0.15% 81320 LEGENDS WAY 3 0.19%78900 MORNING STAR CT 1 0.15% 20‐1761 2 0.13% 81390 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.15% 20‐1007 1 0.06% 50660 Santa Rosa Plaza 1 0.15% 57600 BALLYBUNION 3 0.19%81400 National Drive 1 0.15% 20‐0634 3 0.19% 79105 OCOTILLO DR 1 0.15% 54945 AVENIDA CARRANZA 3 0.19%48300 Vista De Nopal 1 0.15% 20‐0610 3 0.19% 79150 DIANE DR 1 0.15% 57690 BLACK DIAMOND 3 0.19%81555 TIBURON DR 1 0.15% 20‐0692 1 0.06% 79200 KARA CT 1 0.15% 20‐1646 1 0.06% 81755 BROWN DEER PARK 1 0.15% 20‐1632 1 0.06% 79210 VIOLET CT 1 0.15% 80682 BELLERIVE 3 0.19%81870 MOUNTAIN VIEW LN 1 0.15% 20‐1338 3 0.19% 50670 Santa Rosa Plaza 1 0.15% 46775 CAMEO PALMS DR 3 0.19%55412 Laurel Valley 1 0.15% 20‐1570 2 0.13% 79365 DESERT CREST DR 1 0.15% 20‐0209 1 0.06% 55491 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 0.15% 81070 LEGENDS WAY 3 0.19%79527 DANDELION DR 1 0.15% 20‐0769 3 0.19% 55493 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 0.15% 53875 AVENIDA DIAZ 3 0.19%79645 CORTE BELLA 1 0.15% 20‐1365 3 0.19% 55497 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 0.15% 81260 LEGENDS WAY 3 0.19%79778 Arnold Palmer 1 0.15% 20‐0644 3 0.19% 55534 Firestone 1 0.15% 78595 VILLETA DR 3 0.19%44890 SEELEY DR 1 0.15% 20‐0724 3 0.19% 48548 Legacy 1 0.15% 81355 NATIONAL DR 3 0.19%79850 FIESTA DR 1 0.15% 20‐1480 2 0.13% 55581 Winged Foot 1 0.15% 20‐0800 1 0.06% 79899 WILLIAM STONE WAY 1 0.15% 45360 DESERT FOX DR 3 0.19%55584 Southern Hills 1 0.15% 20‐0645 1 0.06% 79905 FIESTA DR 1 0.15% 20‐1890 1 0.06% 48605 Classic 1 0.15% 20‐1245 1 0.06% 79925 HORSESHOE RD 1 0.15% 54885 AVENIDA MADERO 3 0.19%55605 Winged Foot 1 0.15% 20‐0765 3 0.19% 44935 MALIA CIR 1 0.15% 54185 AVENIDA MADERO 3 0.19%48649 Classic 1 0.15% 20‐1489 3 0.19% 80105 CEDAR CREST 1 0.15% 79971 MEMORIAL PL 3 0.19%55615 TURNBERRY WAY 1 0.15% 20‐0417 1 0.06% 80160 VISTA GRANDE 1 0.15% 20‐1328 1 0.06% 55655 ROYAL ST GEORGE 1 0.15% 20‐0945 1 0.06% 51105 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 1 0.15% CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 78735 SANITA DR 3 0.19%55665 PEBBLE BEACH 1 0.15% 20‐1273 3 0.19% 51240 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 0.15% 80634 SPANISH BAY 3 0.19%48656 Legacy 1 0.15% 20‐0211 2 0.13% 80427 SPANISH BAY 1 0.15% 20‐0379 1 0.06% 48668 Legacy 1 0.15% 78739 BOTTLEBRUSH DR 3 0.19%80472 SPANISH BAY 1 0.15% 20‐0865 3 0.19% 55780 PEBBLE BEACH 1 0.15% 80705 CEDAR CREST 3 0.19%80505 CEDAR CREST 1 0.15% 20‐0834 3 0.19% 55825 TURNBERRY WAY 1 0.15% 54315 AVENIDA VALLEJO 3 0.19%80625 CEDAR CREST 1 0.15% 20‐1105 3 0.19% 55866 BRAE BURN 1 0.15% 80790 SPANISH BAY 3 0.19%80670 SPANISH BAY 1 0.15% 20‐0979 2 0.13% 55935 Pinehurst 1 0.15% 20‐1975 1 0.06% 80688 SPANISH BAY 1 0.15% 78855 LA PALMA DR 3 0.19%55955 PGA BLV 1 0.15% 20‐0762 3 0.19% 80764 HERMITAGE 1 0.15% 81185 LEGENDS WAY 3 0.19%48684 Legacy 1 0.15% 20‐1173 2 0.13% 80788 VIA PUERTA AZUL 1 0.15% 20‐1411 1 0.06% 56007 WINGED FOOT 1 0.15% 81545 TIBURON DR 3 0.19%80824 VIA PUERTA AZUL 1 0.15% 20‐0747 3 0.19% 48700 LEGACY 1 0.15% 81240 LEGENDS WAY 3 0.19%80844 SPANISH BAY 1 0.15% 20‐1280 1 0.06% 56055 WINGED FOOT 1 0.15% 20‐1743 1 0.06% 80872 VIA PUERTA AZUL 1 0.15% 20‐1663 1 0.06% 56405 MOUNTAIN VIEW 1 0.15% 44155 MARIPOSA CT 3 0.19%80896 CALLE AZUL 1 0.15% 20‐1329 2 0.13% 56455 JACK NICKLAUS BLV 1 0.15% 20‐0911 1 0.06% 80949 SPANISH BAY 1 0.15% 81320 GOLF VIEW DR 3 0.19%56465 legends way 1 0.15% 20‐1693 3 0.19% 81020 SHINNECOCK HILLS 1 0.15% 79210 VIOLET CT 3 0.19%48704 Legacy 1 0.15% 20‐0548 3 0.19% 81070 LEGENDS WAY 1 0.15% 81350 LEGENDS WAY 3 0.19%56600 JACK NICKLAUS 1 0.15% 20‐1762 2 0.13% 81075 NATIONAL DR 1 0.15% 20‐1010 1 0.06% 48705 Classic 1 0.15% 54688 Tangelewood 3 0.19%81115 LEGENDS WAY 1 0.15% 20‐1787 3 0.19% 56685 MOUNTAIN VIEW 1 0.15% 81420 NATIONAL DR 3 0.19%81135 LEGENDS WAY 1 0.15% 20‐1465 2 0.13% 48708 Legacy 1 0.15% 20‐0815 1 0.06% 81150 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.15% 50670 Santa Rosa 3 0.19%48712 Legacy 1 0.15% 20‐0965 2 0.13% 81160 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.15% 20‐0877 1 0.06% 56954 Merion 1 0.15% 78860 GALAXY DR 3 0.19%81165 LEGENDS WAY 1 0.15% 20‐0915 3 0.19% 56965 MOUNTAIN VIEW 1 0.15% 81185 GOLF VIEW DR 2 0.13%81185 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.15% 20‐1339 2 0.13% 48720 Classic 1 0.15% 52295 AVENIDA VALLEJO 2 0.13%81185 SHINNECOCKHILLS 1 0.15% 20‐1286 2 0.13% 57065 MOUNTAIN VIEW 1 0.15% 81390 GOLF VIEW DR 2 0.13%81205 SHINNECOCK HILLS 1 0.15% 20‐1861 2 0.13% 57151 MEDINAH 1 0.15% 78585 SAGUARO DR 2 0.13%45210 DESERT HILLS CT 1 0.15% 20‐1636 2 0.13% 57162 Merion 1 0.15% 78315 CRESTVIEW TER 2 0.13%81235 LEGENDS WAY 1 0.15% 20‐0774 2 0.13% 57295 INTERLACHEN 1 0.15% 44210 SWEETBUSH LN 2 0.13%51455 AVENIDA HERRERA 1 0.15% 20‐1909 1 0.06% 57535 SEMINOLE DR 1 0.15% 20‐0943 1 0.06% 81250 LEGENDS WAY 1 0.15% 51420 CALLE JACUMBA 2 0.13%57555 SEMINOLE DR 1 0.15% 20‐1846 1 0.06% 81290 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.15% 20‐0918 1 0.06% 57570 INTERLACHEN 1 0.15% 44065 CAMINO LA CRESTA 2 0.13%44180 TIARA PL 1 0.15% 20‐1408 1 0.06% 57575 SEMINOLE DR 1 0.15% 20‐0804 1 0.06% 45305 DESERT AIR ST 1 0.15% 52230 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 2 0.13%57600 BALLYBUNION 1 0.15% 20‐1552 1 0.06% 81335 NATIONAL DR 1 0.15% 20‐1390 1 0.06% 57600 BLACK DIAMOND 1 0.15% 45345 BRIDGETTE WAY 2 0.13%81345 KINGSTON HEATH 1 0.15% 20‐0642 2 0.13% 57660 BLACK DIAMOND 1 0.15% 80625 CEDAR CREST 2 0.13%51560 Avenida Alvarado 1 0.15% 20‐0858 2 0.13% 57670 BLACK DIAMOND 1 0.15% 54035 AVENIDA MENDOZA 2 0.13%81365 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.15% 20‐1179 2 0.13% 48720 Legacy 1 0.15% 81020 SHINNECOCK HILLS 2 0.13%57735 SEMINOLE DR 1 0.15% 20‐0686 2 0.13% 81405 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.15% 43676 ALBA CT 2 0.13%55300 Royal Saint George 1 0.15% 20‐1056 2 0.13% 81545 TIBURON DR 1 0.15% 52510 AVENIDA JUAREZ 2 0.13%55305 Shoal Crk 1 0.15% 20‐1818 1 0.06% 81600 MACBETH 1 0.15% 20‐1141 1 0.06% 55315 TURNBERRY WAY 1 0.15% 51542 AVENIDA NAVARRO 2 0.13%81810 MOUNTAIN VIEW LN 1 0.15% 20‐0705 1 0.06% 55340 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 0.15% 20‐0212 1 0.06% 55348 Riviera 1 0.15% CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 81335 GOLF VIEW DR 2 0.13%55405 PEBBLE BEACH 1 0.15% 20‐0709 2 0.13% (blank)0.00% 51550 AVENIDA VALLEJO 2 0.13% 0.00% 20‐1247 2 0.13%Grand Total 655 100.00% 78580 AVENIDA TUJUNGA 2 0.13% 20‐1236 2 0.13% 51050 CALLE OBISPO 2 0.13% 20‐1843 1 0.06% 20‐0944 1 0.06% 77165 AVENIDA ARTEAGA 2 0.13% 20‐1639 1 0.06% 20‐0627 1 0.06% 51560 Avenida Alvarado 2 0.13% 20‐0854 2 0.13% 55282 Tanglewood 2 0.13% 20‐1608 2 0.13% 51715 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 2 0.13% 20‐0347 2 0.13% 77535 CALLE CHIHUAHUA 2 0.13% 20‐1525 2 0.13% 78735 ROCKBERRY CT 2 0.13% 20‐1633 2 0.13% 55300 Royal Saint George 2 0.13% 20‐0838 2 0.13% 56840 JACK NICKLAUS 2 0.13% 20‐1801 1 0.06% 20‐0898 1 0.06% 55491 SOUTHERN HILLS 2 0.13% 20‐0996 2 0.13% 53125 AVENIDA JUAREZ 2 0.13% 20‐1780 2 0.13% 78390 SINGING PALMS DR 2 0.13% 20‐1004 2 0.13% 54200 AVENIDA CORTEZ 2 0.13% 20‐1224 1 0.06% 20‐0936 1 0.06% 81235 LEGENDS WAY 2 0.13% 20‐1371 2 0.13% 78765 LA PALMA DR 2 0.13% 20‐1009 2 0.13% 53035 Meriweather way 2 0.13% 20‐0663 2 0.13% 54205 AVENIDA MENDOZA 2 0.13% 20‐1871 2 0.13% 53960 AVENIDA NAVARRO 2 0.13% 20‐1721 2 0.13% 51240 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 2 0.13% 20‐1336 2 0.13% 81405 GOLF VIEW DR 2 0.13% 20‐0844 2 0.13% 57162 Merion 2 0.13% 20‐1969 2 0.13% 57780 BLACK DIAMOND 2 0.13% 20‐1591 1 0.06% 20‐0691 1 0.06% 78860 AURORA WAY 2 0.13% 20‐0985 2 0.13% 54994 Tanglewood 2 0.13% 20‐1162 2 0.13% 53280 AVENIDA RUBIO 2 0.13% 20‐1361 1 0.06% 20‐0629 1 0.06% 80154 HERMITAGE 2 0.13% 20‐0697 2 0.13% 50860 CALLE PALOMA 2 0.13% 20‐1827 1 0.06% 20‐1103 1 0.06% 77227 CALLE ENSENADA 2 0.13% 20‐0742 2 0.13% 55690 BRAE BURN 2 0.13% 20‐1332 1 0.06% 20‐0953 1 0.06% 55291 WINGED FOOT 2 0.13% 20‐1946 1 0.06% 20‐0770 1 0.06% 54636 SOUTHERN HILLS 2 0.13% 20‐1697 2 0.13% 51295 CALLE KALIMA 2 0.13% 20‐1895 2 0.13% 48871 Legacy Dr 2 0.13% 20‐0538 2 0.13% 77985 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 2 0.13% 20‐1314 2 0.13% CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 44095 DALEA COURT 2 0.13% 20‐1454 2 0.13% 78350 VIA SEVILLA 2 0.13% 20‐0105 2 0.13% 52911 AVENIDA VELASCO 2 0.13% 20‐1896 2 0.13% 81015 GOLF VIEW DR 2 0.13% 20‐0780 2 0.13% 79150 DESERT STREAM DR 2 0.13% 20‐0730 2 0.13% 53725 AVENIDA DIAZ 2 0.13% 20‐1933 2 0.13% 57555 SEMINOLE DR 2 0.13% 20‐0675 2 0.13% 81165 GOLF VIEW DR 2 0.13% 20‐1754 1 0.06% 20‐1050 1 0.06% 55955 PGA BLV 2 0.13% 20‐0886 2 0.13% 78390 CAMEO DUNES PL 2 0.13% 20‐0519 2 0.13% 54715 WINGED FOOT 2 0.13% 20‐0605 2 0.13% 55534 Firestone 2 0.13% 20‐0717 2 0.13% 79340 DESERT ROCK CT 2 0.13% 20‐1781 1 0.06% 20‐0917 1 0.06%  Blackhawk Way 2 0.13% 20‐0543 2 0.13% 79450 AZAHAR 2 0.13% 20‐0749 2 0.13% 78395 SINGING PALMS DR 2 0.13% 20‐1688 1 0.06% 20‐1491 1 0.06% 49499 EISENHOWER DR 2 0.13% 20‐0585 1 0.06% 20‐0528 1 0.06% 81315 NATIONAL DR 2 0.13% 20‐1771 1 0.06% 20‐0796 1 0.06% 55955 PGA Blvd 2 0.13% 20‐0809 1 0.06% 20‐0532 1 0.06% 51475 Calle Jacumba 2 0.13% 20‐1457 1 0.06% 20‐1174 1 0.06% 52030 AVENIDA VILLA 2 0.13% 20‐1903 1 0.06% 20‐0954 1 0.06% 78541 TORINO DR 2 0.13% 20‐0872 2 0.13% 48656 Legacy 2 0.13% 20‐1108 2 0.13% 55584 Southern Hills 2 0.13% 20‐1776 2 0.13% 54878 SOUTHERN HILLS 2 0.13% 20‐1100 2 0.13% 52600 AVENIDA CARRANZA 2 0.13% 20‐0855 2 0.13% 56007 WINGED FOOT 2 0.13% 20‐1894 2 0.13% 54015 Southern Hills 2 0.13% 20‐0864 2 0.13% 50777 SANTA ROSA PLAZA 2 0.13% 20‐0583 2 0.13% 54922 Tanglewood 2 0.13% 20‐1424 2 0.13% 81600 MACBETH 2 0.13% 20‐0828 2 0.13% 54555 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 2 0.13% 20‐1910 1 0.06% 20‐0822 1 0.06% 54555 WINGED FOOT 2 0.13% 20‐1351 2 0.13% 55348 Riviera 2 0.13% 20‐0310 2 0.13% 78900 MORNING STAR CT 1 0.06% 20‐1101 1 0.06% 80896 CALLE AZUL 1 0.06% 20‐0962 1 0.06% 51240 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 0.06% 20‐0369 1 0.06% CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 48300 Vista De Nopal 1 0.06% 20‐1432 1 0.06% 81250 LEGENDS WAY 1 0.06% 20‐0941 1 0.06% 55493 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 0.06% 20‐1451 1 0.06% 54278 Inverness 1 0.06% 20‐1875 1 0.06% 55497 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 0.06% 20‐1799 1 0.06% 44935 MALIA CIR 1 0.06% 20‐1613 1 0.06% 51845 VIA BENDITA 1 0.06% 20‐1690 1 0.06% 81160 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.06% 20‐1960 1 0.06% 48548 Legacy 1 0.06% 20‐1107 1 0.06% 55290 Laurel Valley 1 0.06% 20‐1974 1 0.06% 51905 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 0.06% 20‐1733 1 0.06% 79200 KARA CT 1 0.06% 20‐1841 1 0.06% 51985 AVENIDA MENDOZA 1 0.06% 20‐1908 1 0.06% 54380 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 0.06% 20‐0662 1 0.06% 48605 Classic 1 0.06% 20‐1111 1 0.06% 46480 WASHINGTON ST 1 0.06% 20‐1136 1 0.06% 55605 Winged Foot 1 0.06% 20‐0320 1 0.06% 80788 VIA PUERTA AZUL 1 0.06% 20‐0938 1 0.06% 48649 Classic 1 0.06% 20‐1893 1 0.06% 81075 NATIONAL DR 1 0.06% 20‐1772 1 0.06% 55615 TURNBERRY WAY 1 0.06% 20‐1701 1 0.06% 81205 SHINNECOCK HILLS 1 0.06% 20‐0801 1 0.06% 55655 ROYAL ST GEORGE 1 0.06% 20‐1255 1 0.06% 81335 NATIONAL DR 1 0.06% 20‐0797 1 0.06% 55665 PEBBLE BEACH 1 0.06% 20‐0827 1 0.06% 55412 Laurel Valley 1 0.06% 20‐0859 1 0.06% 52140 Avenida Mendoza 1 0.06% 20‐1262 1 0.06% 54120 AVENIDA CORTEZ 1 0.06% 20‐0258 1 0.06% 52140 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 1 0.06% 20‐0630 1 0.06% 44670 N HARLAND DR 1 0.06% 20‐0850 1 0.06% 55780 PEBBLE BEACH 1 0.06% 20‐1786 1 0.06% 79778 Arnold Palmer 1 0.06% 20‐1257 1 0.06% 55825 TURNBERRY WAY 1 0.06% 20‐1091 1 0.06% 45545 DESERT EAGLE CT 1 0.06% 20‐1405 1 0.06% 55866 BRAE BURN 1 0.06% 20‐1593 1 0.06% 80160 VISTA GRANDE 1 0.06% 20‐1569 1 0.06% 52175 AVENIDA OBREGON 1 0.06% 20‐1789 1 0.06% 80472 SPANISH BAY 1 0.06% 20‐1942 1 0.06% 52190 AVENIDA JUAREZ 1 0.06% 20‐1358 1 0.06% 80688 SPANISH BAY 1 0.06% 20‐0699 1 0.06% 52205 AVENIDA DIAZ 1 0.06% 20‐1127 1 0.06% 80844 SPANISH BAY 1 0.06% CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 20‐1876 1 0.06% 52230 AVENIDA MADERO 1 0.06% 20‐1700 1 0.06% 54845 AVENIDA OBREGON 1 0.06% 20‐0837 1 0.06% 44370 BUTTERCUP LN 1 0.06% 20‐0607 1 0.06% 81135 LEGENDS WAY 1 0.06% 20‐1808 1 0.06% 56055 WINGED FOOT 1 0.06% 20‐1631 1 0.06% 45210 BIRCHCREST CIR 1 0.06% 20‐1891 1 0.06% 56405 MOUNTAIN VIEW 1 0.06% 20‐0712 1 0.06% 44185 SONESTA WAY 1 0.06% 20‐0737 1 0.06% 56455 JACK NICKLAUS BLV 1 0.06% 20‐0680 1 0.06% 55050 Riviera 1 0.06% 20‐0995 1 0.06% 56465 legends way 1 0.06% 20‐0849 1 0.06% 55243 Tanglewood 1 0.06% 20‐1521 1 0.06% 52250 ROSEWOOD LN 1 0.06% 20‐0632 1 0.06% 55315 TURNBERRY WAY 1 0.06% 20‐0853 1 0.06% 56600 JACK NICKLAUS 1 0.06% 20‐0792 1 0.06% 78875 WAKEFIELD CIR 1 0.06% 20‐1847 1 0.06% 52290 AVENIDA VALLEJO 1 0.06% 20‐1283 1 0.06% 54060 AVENIDA VALLEJO 1 0.06% 20‐1335 1 0.06% 56685 MOUNTAIN VIEW 1 0.06% 20‐1972 1 0.06% 79150 DIANE DR 1 0.06% 20‐1928 1 0.06% 52295 AVENIDA NAVARRO 1 0.06% 20‐0825 1 0.06% 45420 ASHWOOD CT 1 0.06% 20‐1678 1 0.06% 48668 Legacy 1 0.06% 20‐1118 1 0.06% 79365 DESERT CREST DR 1 0.06% 20‐1703 1 0.06% 56954 Merion 1 0.06% 20‐1426 1 0.06% 54295 AVENIDA MADERO 1 0.06% 20‐0873 1 0.06% 56965 MOUNTAIN VIEW 1 0.06% 20‐1976 1 0.06% 54355 AVENIDA BERMUDAS 1 0.06% 20‐1096 1 0.06% 52420 AVENIDA JUAREZ 1 0.06% 20‐1097 1 0.06% 54550 AVENIDA DIAZ 1 0.06% 20‐0611 1 0.06% 57065 MOUNTAIN VIEW 1 0.06% 20‐0711 1 0.06% 79925 HORSESHOE RD 1 0.06% 20‐1482 1 0.06% 48684 Legacy 1 0.06% 20‐1176 1 0.06% 80105 CEDAR CREST 1 0.06% 20‐1863 1 0.06% 52500 AVENIDA VELASCO 1 0.06% 20‐1803 1 0.06% 44180 TIARA PL 1 0.06% 20‐0787 1 0.06% 52500 EISENHOWER DR 1 0.06% 20‐1102 1 0.06% 80427 SPANISH BAY 1 0.06% 20‐0755 1 0.06% 48700 LEGACY 1 0.06% 20‐1115 1 0.06% 80505 CEDAR CREST 1 0.06% 20‐0925 1 0.06% 48704 Legacy 1 0.06% 20‐1109 1 0.06% CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 80670 SPANISH BAY 1 0.06% 20‐0698 1 0.06% 57570 INTERLACHEN 1 0.06% 20‐1486 1 0.06% 80764 HERMITAGE 1 0.06% 20‐1872 1 0.06% 57575 SEMINOLE DR 1 0.06% 20‐0947 1 0.06% 80824 VIA PUERTA AZUL 1 0.06% 20‐1355 1 0.06% 52565 AVENIDA JUAREZ AVE 1 0.06% 20‐1125 1 0.06% 54819 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 0.06% 20‐0876 1 0.06% 57600 BLACK DIAMOND 1 0.06% 20‐1828 1 0.06% 80949 SPANISH BAY 1 0.06% 20‐1935 1 0.06% 57660 BLACK DIAMOND 1 0.06% 20‐0693 1 0.06% 54860 AVENIDA RUBIO 1 0.06% 20‐1943 1 0.06% 57670 BLACK DIAMOND 1 0.06% 20‐0810 1 0.06% 81115 LEGENDS WAY 1 0.06% 20‐1008 1 0.06% 48705 Classic 1 0.06% 20‐1553 1 0.06% 81150 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.06% 20‐0719 1 0.06% 57735 SEMINOLE DR 1 0.06% 20‐0802 1 0.06% 81165 LEGENDS WAY 1 0.06% 20‐0842 1 0.06% 52770 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 1 0.06% 20‐1492 1 0.06% 54900 AVENIDA HERRERA 1 0.06% 20‐0089 1 0.06% 48708 Legacy 1 0.06% 20‐1177 1 0.06% 43605 MILAN CT 1 0.06% 20‐1848 1 0.06% 57755 SEMINOLE DR 1 0.06% 20‐0807 1 0.06% 45305 DESERT AIR ST 1 0.06% 20‐0416 1 0.06% 57765 SEMINOLE DR 1 0.06% 20‐0808 1 0.06% 81290 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.06% 20‐1709 1 0.06% 52870 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 1 0.06% 20‐0967 1 0.06% 46815 HIGHLAND PALMS DR 1 0.06% 20‐0794 1 0.06% 57780 TROON WAY 1 0.06% 20‐0841 1 0.06% 81345 KINGSTON HEATH 1 0.06% 20‐0750 1 0.06% 57820 BLACK DIAMOND 1 0.06% 20‐0811 1 0.06% 51680 AVENIDA NAVARRO 1 0.06% 20‐1340 1 0.06% 57927 INTERLACHEN 1 0.06% 20‐1784 1 0.06% 48225 VIA SOLANA 1 0.06% 20‐0880 1 0.06% 76880 Calle Mazatlan 1 0.06% 20‐1905 1 0.06% 81755 BROWN DEER PARK 1 0.06% 20‐0860 1 0.06% 77120 AVENIDA FERNANDO 1 0.06% 20‐1906 1 0.06% 54020 AVENIDA VELASCO 1 0.06% 20‐1423 1 0.06% 52880 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 0.06% 20‐0955 1 0.06% 50650 Santa Rosa Plz 1 0.06% 20‐1450 1 0.06% 48712 Legacy 1 0.06% 20‐1104 1 0.06% 50660 Santa Rosa Plaza 1 0.06% 20‐1499 1 0.06% 48720 Classic 1 0.06% CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 20‐1516 1 0.06% 44645 MARGUERITE CT 1 0.06% 20‐0973 1 0.06% 52990 AVENIDA ALVARADO 1 0.06% 20‐1254 1 0.06% 50670 Santa Rosa Plaza 1 0.06% 20‐1565 1 0.06% 77700 CALLE COLIMA 1 0.06% 20‐1266 1 0.06% 79180 JACK RABBIT TR 1 0.06% 20‐1788 1 0.06% 77717 Tradition Drive 1 0.06% 20‐1114 1 0.06% 79205 DIANE DR 1 0.06% 20‐1181 1 0.06% 77721 Tradition Dr 1 0.06% 20‐1112 1 0.06% 45480 DEERBROOK CIR 1 0.06% 20‐1866 1 0.06% 77729 Tradition 1 0.06% 20‐1113 1 0.06% 50855 WASHINGTON ST 1 0.06% 20‐1042 1 0.06% 77745 Tradition Dr 1 0.06% 20‐0151 1 0.06% 54265 AVENIDA ALVARADO 1 0.06% 20‐1926 1 0.06% 48720 Legacy 1 0.06% 20‐1110 1 0.06% 79534 DANDELION DR 1 0.06% 20‐0703 1 0.06% 78028 Calle Norte 1 0.06% 20‐0783 1 0.06% 79705 IRIS CT 1 0.06% 20‐1704 1 0.06% 78039 CALLE ESTADO 1 0.06% 20‐0539 1 0.06% 44210 DALEA CIR 1 0.06% 20‐1453 1 0.06% 78105 CALLE ESTADO 1 0.06% 20‐0684 1 0.06% 79836 MORRIS AVE 1 0.06% 20‐1234 1 0.06% 78110 CALLE TAMPICO 1 0.06% 20‐1031 1 0.06% 54444 AVENIDA HERRERA 1 0.06% 20‐1938 1 0.06% 78111 AVENUE 52 1 0.06% 20‐1816 1 0.06% 50920 CALLE PALOMA 1 0.06% 20‐0863 1 0.06% 78120 CALLE ESTADO 1 0.06% 20‐0546 1 0.06% 44890 SEELEY DR 1 0.06% 20‐1844 1 0.06% 78190 CALLE CADIZ 1 0.06% 20‐0748 1 0.06% 51105 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 1 0.06% 20‐0451 1 0.06% 48729 Legacy Dr 1 0.06% 20‐0133 1 0.06% 80046 Hermitage 1 0.06% 20‐1560 1 0.06% 78340 VIA SEVILLA 1 0.06% 20‐0659 1 0.06% 54695 WINGED FOOT 1 0.06% 20‐1425 1 0.06% 78345 VIA CALIENTE 1 0.06% 20‐1668 1 0.06% 54700 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 0.06% 20‐0678 1 0.06% 44400 VILLETA DR 1 0.06% 20‐0820 1 0.06% 80333 Oak Tree 1 0.06% 20‐1001 1 0.06% 48772 Legacy 1 0.06% 20‐0754 1 0.06% 80418 SPANISH BAY 1 0.06% 20‐1605 1 0.06% 53105 AVENIDA RUBIO 1 0.06% 20‐1504 1 0.06% 80460 HERMITAGE 1 0.06% 20‐1758 1 0.06% CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 53120 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 0.06% 20‐1412 1 0.06% 80500 CHAMPIONS WY 1 0.06% 20‐0843 1 0.06% 53124 AVENIDA NAVARRO 1 0.06% 20‐0795 1 0.06% 54740 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 1 0.06% 20‐1362 1 0.06% 48800 LEGACY DR 1 0.06% 20‐1321 1 0.06% 45100 COLDBROOK LN 1 0.06% 20‐1595 1 0.06% 78450 CRESTVIEW TER 1 0.06% 20‐0620 1 0.06% 54781 oakhill 1 0.06% 20‐1500 1 0.06% 78470 SINGING PALMS DR 1 0.06% 20‐0791 1 0.06% 54790 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 0.06% 20‐1821 1 0.06% 78505 AVENIDA TUJUNGA 1 0.06% 20‐0772 1 0.06% 54795 WINGED FOOT 1 0.06% 20‐1769 1 0.06% 78510 AVENIDA NUESTRA 1 0.06% 20‐0616 1 0.06% 51295 CALLE QUITO 1 0.06% 20‐0037 1 0.06% 53125 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 0.06% 20‐1745 1 0.06% 80826 SPANISH BAY 1 0.06% 20‐0319 1 0.06% 53125 AVENIDA RUBIO 1 0.06% 20‐1612 1 0.06% 80861 CALLE AZUL 1 0.06% 20‐0618 1 0.06% 53180 AVENIDA JUAREZ 1 0.06% 20‐0781 1 0.06% 80895 VIA PUERTA AZUL 1 0.06% 20‐1406 1 0.06% 53180 AVENIDA MENDOZA 1 0.06% 20‐1740 1 0.06% 80940 WEISKOPF 1 0.06% 20‐1710 1 0.06% 44090 CALICO CIR 1 0.06% 20‐0654 1 0.06% 54840 AVENIDA RUBIO 1 0.06% 20‐1945 1 0.06% 49401 AVD VISTA BONITA 1 0.06% 20‐1870 1 0.06% 81045 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.06% 20‐1768 1 0.06% 53325 AVENIDA MADERO 1 0.06% 20‐1092 1 0.06% 81075 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.06% 20‐0715 1 0.06% 45405 DEERBROOK CIR 1 0.06% 20‐0526 1 0.06% 51325 Calle Jacumba 1 0.06% 20‐1193 1 0.06% 78600 BRADFORD CIR 1 0.06% 20‐1359 1 0.06% 81120 KINGSTON HEATH 1 0.06% 20‐1695 1 0.06% 53385 AVENIDA MENDOZA 1 0.06% 20‐1166 1 0.06% 81145 LEGENDS WAY 1 0.06% 20‐0779 1 0.06% 49705 RANCHO SAN JULIAN 1 0.06% 20‐1278 1 0.06% 81155 GOLF VIEW DR 1 0.06% 20‐1734 1 0.06% 53405 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 0.06% 20‐1746 1 0.06% 51360 EISENHOWER DR 1 0.06% 20‐1757 1 0.06% 53430 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 0.06% 20‐1479 1 0.06% 81175 SHINNECOCK HILLS 1 0.06% 19‐0966 1 0.06% 78645 SAGUARO DR 1 0.06% 20‐1602 1 0.06% 54900 AVENIDA ALVARADO 1 0.06% CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 20‐0757 1 0.06% 49755 AVENIDA MONTERO 1 0.06% 20‐1630 1 0.06% 51455 AVENIDA HERRERA 1 0.06% 20‐0782 1 0.06% 78663 COMO CT 1 0.06% 20‐0928 1 0.06% 54940 Riviera 1 0.06% 20‐1744 1 0.06% 53640 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 0.06% 20‐1617 1 0.06% 81220 LEGENDS WAY 1 0.06% 20‐1607 1 0.06% 53645 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 0.06% 20‐1907 1 0.06% 81235 MUIRFIELD VILLAGE 1 0.06% 20‐1702 1 0.06% 49895 AVENIDA MONTERO 1 0.06% 19‐0858 1 0.06% 81245 LEGENDS WAY 1 0.06% 20‐1864 1 0.06% 53725 AVENIDA JUAREZ 1 0.06% 20‐1939 1 0.06% 55030 Firestone 1 0.06% 20‐1380 1 0.06% 53830 AVENIDA JUAREZ 1 0.06% 20‐1687 1 0.06% 81305 KINGSTON HEATH 1 0.06% 20‐0833 1 0.06% 49920 CALLE ESTRELLA 1 0.06% 20‐1902 1 0.06% 55078 Shoal Creek 1 0.06% 20‐1662 1 0.06% 50070 PALENCIA CT 1 0.06% 20‐1142 1 0.06% 51662 EISENHOWER DR 1 0.06% 20‐0091 1 0.06% 53885 EISENHOWER DR 1 0.06% 20‐1400 1 0.06% 81340 NATIONAL DR 1 0.06% 20‐0798 1 0.06% 78755 VILLETA DR 1 0.06% 20‐0788 1 0.06% 55208 BIG SPRING 1 0.06% 20‐1444 1 0.06% 53905 AVENIDA MENDOZA 1 0.06% 20‐1699 1 0.06% 81360 NATIONAL DR 1 0.06% 20‐0799 1 0.06% 78765 VILLETA DR 1 0.06% 20‐0789 1 0.06% 55285 Laurel Valley 1 0.06% 20‐1973 1 0.06% 78790 LA PALMA DR 1 0.06% 20‐1698 1 0.06% 44270 VILLETA DR 1 0.06% 20‐0751 1 0.06% 53920 Avenida Martinez 1 0.06% 20‐0836 1 0.06% 55305 Shoal Crk 1 0.06% 20‐0672 1 0.06% 50503 MANDARINA 1 0.06% 20‐0586 1 0.06% 55340 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 0.06% 20‐1869 1 0.06% 50625 GRAND TRAVERSE AVE 1 0.06% 20‐1575 1 0.06% 81870 MOUNTAIN VIEW LN 1 0.06% 20‐1901 1 0.06% 50650 Santa Rosa 1 0.06% 20‐0966 1 0.06% 54020 AVENIDA MADERO 1 0.06% 19‐0922 1 0.06% 55405 PEBBLE BEACH 1 0.06% 20‐1773 1 0.06% (blank) 0.00% (blank) 0.00%   0.00% (blank) 0.00% Grand Total 1543 100.00% CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Row Labels Count of Case Row Labels Count of Case Row Labels Count of Action Type 52436 AVENIDA NAVARRO 6 55610 ROYAL ST GEORGE 2 2020 19‐0855 4 52436 AVENIDA NAVARRO 2 Jan 1 20‐1594 2 78535 AVENIDA ULTIMO 2 Administrative Citation 1 54812 SOUTHERN HILLS 4 45395 DEERBROOK CIR 2 COVID 19 1 20‐0826 4 53845 AVENIDA CORTEZ 2 Feb 4 79105 OCOTILLO DR 4 44095 DALEA COURT 1 Administrative Citation 4 20‐1252 4 78905 WAKEFIELD CIR 1 COVID 19 4 51855 AVENIDA JUAREZ 3 77535 CALLE CHIHUAHUA 1 Mar 10 20‐1442 3 45245 Seeley 1 Administrative Citation 10 78670 BRADFORD CIR 3 80105 CEDAR CREST 1 COVID 19 4 20‐0453 3 44185 CAMINO LAVANDA 1 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED 3 78615 SANITA DR 3 56055 WINGED FOOT 1 Vacation Rental‐Violations 3 20‐0575 3 45415 ASHWOOD CT 1 Apr 25 45395 DEERBROOK CIR 3 78615 BRADFORD CIR 1 Administrative Citation 25 20‐0265 1 45420 ASHWOOD CT 1 COVID 19 5 20‐1360 2 79795 FIESTA DR 1 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED 15 53845 AVENIDA CORTEZ 3 45540 COLDBROOK LN 1 Vacation Rental‐Violations 5 20‐1123 1 81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGE 1 May 8 20‐1785 2 45540 DESERT FOX DR 1 Administrative Citation 8 79900 FIESTA DR 3 55555 TURNBERRY WAY 1 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED 4 20‐1626 3 45550 SUNBROOK LN 1 Vacation Rental‐Building Violations 1 78615 BRADFORD CIR 2 57570 INTERLACHEN 1 Vacation Rental‐Violations 3 20‐1253 2 46755 HIGHLAND PALMS DR 1 Jun 27 77400 CALLE YUCATAN 2 78435 SINGING PALMS DR 1 Administrative Citation 27 20‐1615 2 46775 CAMEO PALMS DR 1 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED 15 55555 TURNBERRY WAY 2 44325 VIA CORONADO 1 Vacation Rental‐Building Violations 1 20‐1794 2 46805 CAMEO PALMS DR 1 Vacation Rental‐Violations 11 44260 VIA CORONADO 2 79320 DESERT WIND CT 1 Jul 36 20‐1140 2 47765 ENDLESS SKY 1 Administrative Citation 36 78535 AVENIDA ULTIMO 2 79905 FIESTA DR 1 Vacation Rental‐Violations 36 20‐0935 1 48729 Legacy Dr 1 Aug 40 20‐1852 1 80682 BELLERIVE 1 Administrative Citation 40 52515 AVENIDA JUAREZ 2 48748 Legacy 1 Vacation Rental‐Violations 40 20‐1281 2 81175 SHINNECOCK HILLS 1 Sep 23 50820 CALLE GUAYMAS 2 49755 AVENIDA MONTERO 1 Administrative Citation 23 20‐1277 2 55493 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 Vacation Rental‐Violations 23 53055 AVENIDA JUAREZ 2 50795 CALLE QUITO 1 Oct 8 20‐0961 2 44260 VIA CORONADO 1 Administrative Citation 8 55610 ROYAL ST GEORGE 2 50820 CALLE GUAYMAS 1 Vacation Rental‐Violations 8 20‐1187 1 56750 Merion 1 <1/16/2020 20‐1865 1 50945 CALLE PALOMA 1 (blank) 1 44185 CAMINO LAVANDA 2 57740 SALIDA DEL SOL 1 185 Actions 1 20‐1604 2 51240 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 (blank)1 78525 AVENIDA ULTIMO 2 78380 VIA SEVILLA 1 Grand Total 183 20‐1171 2 51240 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 1 79915 HORSESHOE RD 2 44295 VIA CORONADO 1 20‐1395 2 51295 CALLE KALIMA 1 78549 TORINO DR 2 78635 FORBES CIR 1 20‐0871 2 51360 EISENHOWER DR 1 45540 COLDBROOK LN 2 78845 LA PALMA DR 1 20‐0888 2 51780 AVENIDA VILLA 1 50795 CALLE QUITO 2 79105 OCOTILLO DR 1 20‐1598 2 51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 1 45540 DESERT FOX DR 2 79534 DANDELION DR 1 20‐1466 2 51855 AVENIDA JUAREZ 1 44210 CALICO CIR 2 79899 WILLIAM STONE WAY 1 20‐1403 2 52030 AVENIDA VILLA 1 54899 WINGED FOOT 2 79930 FIESTA DR 1 20‐1579 2 52332 AVENIDA RUBIO 1 53335 AVENIDA BERMUDAS 2 80418 SPANISH BAY 1 20‐1279 2 44210 CALICO CIR 1 81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGE 2 80896 CALLE AZUL 1 20‐1696 2 52515 AVENIDA JUAREZ 1 53640 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 2 81165 GOLF VIEW DR 1 20‐1617 2 52883 EISENHOWER DR 1 Total Citations by AddressTotal Citation Cases by Address Citation & Topic by Month CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 55088 LAUREL VALLEY 2 81320 LEGENDS WAY 1 20‐1735 2 52911 AVENIDA VELASCO 1 78635 FORBES CIR 1 55348 Riviera 1 20‐0621 1 52990 AVENIDA ALVARADO 1 80787 SPANISH BAY 1 55534 Firestone 1 20‐1443 1 53055 AVENIDA JUAREZ 1 79365 DESERT CREST DR 1 55586 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 20‐1703 1 53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 52332 AVENIDA RUBIO 1 55866 BRAE BURN 1 20‐1488 1 53065 AVENIDA NAVARRO 1 78380 VIA SEVILLA 1 56585 Riviera 1 20‐1305 1 53105 AVENIDA RUBIO 1 45420 ASHWOOD CT 1 57295 INTERLACHEN 1 20‐1678 1 53280 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 78835 BAYBERRY LN 1 57690 BLACK DIAMOND 1 20‐1665 1 53325 AVENIDA MADERO 1 44295 VIA CORONADO 1 77400 CALLE YUCATAN 1 20‐1706 1 53335 AVENIDA BERMUDAS 1 51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 1 77700 CALLE COLIMA 1 20‐1950 1 53430 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 52883 EISENHOWER DR 1 78390 CAMEO DUNES PL 1 20‐1178 1 53640 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 81235 LEGENDS WAY 1 78525 AVENIDA ULTIMO 1 20‐1371 1 53725 AVENIDA DIAZ 1 52911 AVENIDA VELASCO 1 78549 TORINO DR 1 20‐1896 1 78660 BRADFORD CIR 1 44095 DALEA COURT 1 78615 SANITA DR 1 20‐1454 1 78670 BRADFORD CIR 1 52990 AVENIDA ALVARADO 1 78640 FORBES CIR 1 20‐1254 1 78707 TORINO DR 1 78685 AVENIDA ULTIMO 1 78750 LA PALMA DR 1 20‐1567 1 78685 AVENIDA ULTIMO 1 44325 VIA CORONADO 1 53885 EISENHOWER DR 1 20‐1705 1 78735 ROCKBERRY CT 1 78955 VILLETA DR 1 53905 AVENIDA MENDOZA 1 20‐1657 1 78835 BAYBERRY LN 1 53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 54060 AVENIDA VALLEJO 1 20‐1483 1 78855 LA PALMA DR 1 79820 FIESTA DR 1 54080 AVENIDA VALLEJO 1 20‐1550 1 78955 VILLETA DR 1 53065 AVENIDA NAVARRO 1 54190 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 20‐0913 1 79200 KARA CT 1 80321 MERION 1 54200 AVENIDA CORTEZ 1 20‐1638 1 79365 DESERT CREST DR 1 53105 AVENIDA RUBIO 1 54200 AVENIDA RUBIO 1 20‐1504 1 79705 IRIS CT 1 81155 GOLF VIEW DR 1 54205 AVENIDA MENDOZA 1 20‐1734 1 79820 FIESTA DR 1 53280 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 54315 AVENIDA VALLEJO 1 20‐0584 1 79900 FIESTA DR 1 77535 CALLE CHIHUAHUA 1 54636 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 20‐1525 1 79915 HORSESHOE RD 1 53325 AVENIDA MADERO 1 54680 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 20‐1092 1 79971 MEMORIAL PL 1 78435 SINGING PALMS DR 1 54740 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 1 20‐1845 1 80321 MERION 1 45550 SUNBROOK LN 1 54768 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 20‐1862 1 80526 SPANISH BAY 1 51240 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 54812 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 20‐0369 1 80787 SPANISH BAY 1 53430 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 54840 AVENIDA RUBIO 1 20‐1479 1 80940 WEISKOPF 1 78660 BRADFORD CIR 1 54899 WINGED FOOT 1 20‐1349 1 81155 GOLF VIEW DR 1 46755 HIGHLAND PALMS DR 1 54955 WINGED FOOT 1 20‐1364 1 81165 LEGENDS WAY 1 78735 ROCKBERRY CT 1 55030 Firestone 1 20‐1633 1 81235 LEGENDS WAY 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 53725 AVENIDA DIAZ 1 55088 LAUREL VALLEY 1 20‐1933 1 81810 MOUNTAIN VIEW LN 1 78855 LA PALMA DR 1 55291 WINGED FOOT 1 20‐0762 1 55300 Royal Saint George 1 46775 CAMEO PALMS DR 1 (blank) 20‐0209 1 Grand Total 142 79200 KARA CT 1 20‐1841 1 53885 EISENHOWER DR 1 20‐1400 1 79705 IRIS CT 1 20‐1704 1 53905 AVENIDA MENDOZA 1 20‐1699 1 51780 AVENIDA VILLA 1 19‐0769 1 54060 AVENIDA VALLEJO 1 20‐1335 1 79971 MEMORIAL PL 1 20‐0417 1 54080 AVENIDA VALLEJO 1 20‐1414 1 80526 SPANISH BAY 1 20‐1802 1 54190 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 20‐1370 1 80940 WEISKOPF 1 20‐1710 1 54200 AVENIDA CORTEZ 1 20‐1224 1 81165 LEGENDS WAY 1 20‐0842 1 54200 AVENIDA RUBIO 1 20‐1497 1 52030 AVENIDA VILLA 1 20‐1903 1 54205 AVENIDA MENDOZA 1 20‐1871 1 77700 CALLE COLIMA 1 20‐1266 1 54315 AVENIDA VALLEJO 1 20‐1105 1 78390 CAMEO DUNES PL 1 20‐0519 1 54636 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 20‐1697 1 45245 Seeley 1 20‐0862 1 54680 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 20‐1407 1 50945 CALLE PALOMA 1 20‐1474 1 54740 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 1 20‐1362 1 51240 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 1 20‐1336 1 54768 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 20‐1248 1 78640 FORBES CIR 1 20‐1475 1 46805 CAMEO PALMS DR 1 20‐1627 1 51295 CALLE KALIMA 1 20‐1895 1 54840 AVENIDA RUBIO 1 20‐1945 1 78707 TORINO DR 1 20‐1837 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 47765 ENDLESS SKY 1 20‐1857 1 78750 LA PALMA DR 1 20‐1556 1 54955 WINGED FOOT 1 20‐1674 1 78845 LA PALMA DR 1 20‐1597 1 55030 Firestone 1 20‐1380 1 78905 WAKEFIELD CIR 1 20‐1855 1 81810 MOUNTAIN VIEW LN 1 20‐1431 1 51360 EISENHOWER DR 1 20‐1757 1 55291 WINGED FOOT 1 20‐1946 1 79320 DESERT WIND CT 1 20‐1417 1 55348 Riviera 1 20‐0310 1 79534 DANDELION DR 1 20‐0703 1 55493 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 20‐1451 1 79795 FIESTA DR 1 20‐1934 1 55534 Firestone 1 20‐0717 1 79899 WILLIAM STONE WAY 1 20‐1490 1 48729 Legacy Dr 1 20‐0133 1 79905 FIESTA DR 1 20‐1732 1 55586 SOUTHERN HILLS 1 20‐1618 1 79930 FIESTA DR 1 20‐1421 1 48748 Legacy 1 20‐1164 1 80105 CEDAR CREST 1 20‐1863 1 55866 BRAE BURN 1 20‐1593 1 80418 SPANISH BAY 1 20‐1605 1 56055 WINGED FOOT 1 20‐1631 1 80682 BELLERIVE 1 20‐1338 1 56585 Riviera 1 20‐1752 1 80896 CALLE AZUL 1 20‐0962 1 56750 Merion 1 20‐0763 1 45415 ASHWOOD CT 1 20‐1265 1 57295 INTERLACHEN 1 20‐0857 1 81165 GOLF VIEW DR 1 20‐1754 1 57570 INTERLACHEN 1 20‐1486 1 81175 SHINNECOCK HILLS 1 19‐0966 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 57690 BLACK DIAMOND 1 20‐1632 1 81320 LEGENDS WAY 1 20‐1761 1 57740 SALIDA DEL SOL 1 20‐0818 1 49755 AVENIDA MONTERO 1 20‐1630 1 55300 Royal Saint George 1 20‐0838 1 (blank) (blank)   (blank) Grand Total 182 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Priority CaseTopicStatus Date opened Due DateAddress NumStreetFull AddressAction TypeNormal 19-0769 COVID 19Open4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLAComplaintNormal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLAComplaintNormal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLAComplaintNormal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLAComplaintNormal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLAComplaintNormal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLAComplaintNormal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLAComplaintNormal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLAComplaintNormal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLAComplaintNormal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLAComplaintNormal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLAComplaintNormal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLAComplaintNormal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLAComplaintNormal 19-0769 COVID 19 Open 4/4/2020 8/28/202051780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLAComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 19-0858 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 4/12/2020 4/26/201949895AVENIDA MONTERO49895 AVENIDA MONTEROComplaintNormal 19-0966 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 9/8/202081175SHINNECOCK HILLS81175 SHINNECOCK HILLSCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 19-0922 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 4/12/2020 7/2/202054020AVENIDA MADERO54020 AVENIDA MADEROComplaintNormal 19-2551 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 4/12/2020 6/10/202045550SUNBROOK LN45550 SUNBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0037 COVID 19 Closed 1/6/2020 2/6/202051295CALLE QUITO51295 CALLE QUITOComplaintNormal 20-0128 COVID 19 Closed 1/9/2020 1/24/202046735HIGHLAND PALMS DR46735 HIGHLAND PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-0088 COVID 19 Closed 1/13/2020 1/27/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-0089 COVID 19Closed1/13/2020 1/24/202054900AVENIDA HERRERA54900 AVENIDA HERRERAComplaintNormal 20-0091 COVID 19 Closed 1/13/2020 1/14/202051662EISENHOWER DR51662 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-0101 COVID 19 Closed 1/13/2020 1/16/202045325BIRCHCREST CIR45325 BIRCHCREST CIRComplaintNormal 20-0105 COVID 19 Closed 1/14/2020 2/24/202078350VIA SEVILLA78350 VIA SEVILLAComplaintNormal 20-0105 COVID 19 Closed 1/14/2020 2/24/202078350VIA SEVILLA78350 VIA SEVILLAComplaintNormal 20-0133 COVID 19 Closed 1/16/2020 3/12/202048729Legacy Dr48729 Legacy DrComplaintNormal 20-0143 COVID 19 Closed 1/19/2020 1/23/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0151 COVID 19 Closed 1/24/2020 2/19/202077745Tradition Dr77745 Tradition DrComplaintNormal 20-0209 COVID 19 Closed 2/1/2020 3/4/202046775CAMEO PALMS DR46775 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-0211 COVID 19 Closed 2/1/2020 2/3/202080634SPANISH BAY80634 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-0211 COVID 19 Closed 2/1/2020 2/3/202080634SPANISH BAY80634 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-0210 COVID 19 Closed 2/3/2020 2/4/202045325BIRCHCREST CIR45325 BIRCHCREST CIRComplaintNormal 20-0212 COVID 19 Closed 2/3/2020 2/4/202051542AVENIDA NAVARRO51542 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-0226 COVID 19 Closed 2/4/2020 2/4/202078845LA PALMA DR78845 LA PALMA DRComplaintNormal 20-0258 COVID 19 Closed 2/7/2020 2/10/202054120AVENIDA CORTEZ54120 AVENIDA CORTEZComplaintNormal 20-0261 COVID 19 Closed 2/7/2020 2/10/202046485CAMEO PALMS DR46485 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-0270 COVID 19 Closed 2/7/2020 2/11/202056605Riviera56605 RivieraComplaintNormal 20-0269 COVID 19 Closed 2/8/2020 2/11/202044615SAFFRON CT44615 SAFFRON CTComplaintNormal 20-0269 COVID 19 Closed 2/8/2020 2/11/202044615SAFFRON CT44615 SAFFRON CTComplaintNormal 20-0265 COVID 19 Closed 2/10/2020 3/7/202045395DEERBROOK CIR45395 DEERBROOK CIRComplaintNormal 20-0310 COVID 19 Closed 2/18/2020 6/13/202055348Riviera55348 RivieraComplaintNormal 20-0310 COVID 19 Closed 2/18/2020 6/13/202055348Riviera55348 RivieraCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0318 COVID 19 Closed 2/18/2020 3/3/202044615SAFFRON CT44615 SAFFRON CTComplaintNormal 20-0319 COVID 19 Closed 2/18/2020 2/24/202080826SPANISH BAY80826 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-0320 COVID 19 Closed 2/18/2020 7/2/202055605Winged Foot55605 Winged FootComplaintNormal 20-0369 COVID 19 Closed 2/23/2020 4/1/202051240AVENIDA CARRANZA51240 AVENIDA CARRANZAComplaintNormal 20-0347 COVID 19 Closed 2/24/2020 6/24/202051715AVENIDA MONTEZUMA51715 AVENIDA MONTEZUMAComplaintNormal 20-0347 COVID 19 Closed 2/24/2020 6/24/202051715AVENIDA MONTEZUMA51715 AVENIDA MONTEZUMASTVRP-ComplaintNormal 20-0379 COVID 19 Closed 2/29/2020 3/27/202080634SPANISH BAY80634 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-0388 COVID 19 Closed 3/2/2020 4/1/202044210CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20-0388 COVID 19 Closed 3/2/2020 4/1/202044210CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20-0416 COVID 19 Closed 3/5/2020 4/16/202045305DESERT AIR ST45305 DESERT AIR STComplaintNormal 20-0417 COVID 19 Closed 3/5/2020 3/17/202079971MEMORIAL PL79971 MEMORIAL PLComplaintNormal 20-0425 COVID 19 Closed 3/6/2020 9/21/202051270CALLE JACUMBA51270 CALLE JACUMBAComplaintNormal 20-0425 COVID 19 Closed 3/6/2020 9/21/202051270CALLE JACUMBA51270 CALLE JACUMBAComplaintNormal 20-0426 COVID 19 Closed 3/6/2020 7/15/202046485CAMEO PALMS DR46485 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-0426 COVID 19 Closed 3/6/2020 7/15/202046485CAMEO PALMS DR46485 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-0426 COVID 19 Closed 3/6/2020 7/15/202046485CAMEO PALMS DR46485 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-0427 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 3/6/2020 8/24/202044615SAFFRON CT44615 SAFFRON CTComplaintNormal 20-0427 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 3/6/2020 8/24/202044615SAFFRON CT44615 SAFFRON CTComplaintNormal 20-0427 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 3/6/2020 8/24/202044615SAFFRON CT44615 SAFFRON CTComplaintNormal 20-0435 COVID 19 Closed 3/9/2020 3/10/202045325BIRCHCREST CIR45325 BIRCHCREST CIRComplaintNormal 20-0451 COVID 19 Closed 3/9/2020 3/13/202051105AVENIDA RAMIREZ51105 AVENIDA RAMIREZComplaintNormal 20-0450 COVID 19 Closed 3/10/2020 5/27/202079645CORTE BELLA79645 CORTE BELLAComplaintNormal 20-0450 COVID 19 Closed 3/10/2020 5/27/202079645CORTE BELLA79645 CORTE BELLAComplaintNormal 20-0450 COVID 19 Closed 3/10/2020 5/27/202079645CORTE BELLA79645 CORTE BELLAComplaintNormal 20-0450 COVID 19 Closed 3/10/2020 5/27/202079645CORTE BELLA79645 CORTE BELLAComplaintNormal 20-0453 COVID 19 Open 3/10/2020 2/7/202178670BRADFORD CIR78670 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-0453 COVID 19 Open 3/10/2020 2/7/202178670BRADFORD CIR78670 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-0453 COVID 19 Open 3/10/2020 2/7/202178670BRADFORD CIR78670 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-0453 COVID 19 Open 3/10/2020 2/7/202178670BRADFORD CIR78670 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-0453 COVID 19 Open 3/10/2020 2/7/202178670BRADFORD CIR78670 BRADFORD CIRComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-0453 COVID 19Open3/10/2020 2/7/202178670BRADFORD CIR78670 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-0454 COVID 19 Closed 3/10/2020 3/11/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0454 COVID 19 Closed 3/10/2020 3/11/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0457 COVID 19 Closed 3/10/2020 3/11/202078955VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-0457 COVID 19 Closed 3/10/2020 3/11/202078955VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-0484 COVID 19 Closed 3/16/2020 3/17/202053055AVENIDA JUAREZ53055 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-0485 COVID 19 Closed 3/16/2020 3/16/202045325BIRCHCREST CIR45325 BIRCHCREST CIRComplaintNormal 20-0485 COVID 19 Closed 3/16/2020 3/16/202045325BIRCHCREST CIR45325 BIRCHCREST CIRComplaintNormal 20-0486 COVID 19 Closed 3/16/2020 4/9/202053055AVENIDA JUAREZ53055 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-0486 COVID 19 Closed 3/16/2020 4/9/202053055AVENIDA JUAREZ53055 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0575 COVID 19 Open 3/16/2020 10/21/202078615SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-0577 COVID 19 Closed 3/16/2020 3/25/202078615BRADFORD CIR78615 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-0496 COVID 19 Closed 3/17/2020 4/9/202053055AVENIDA JUAREZ53055 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-0519 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed - Complied 3/19/2020 7/7/202078390CAMEO DUNES PL78390 CAMEO DUNES PLComplaintNormal 20-0519 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed - Complied 3/19/2020 7/7/202078390CAMEO DUNES PL78390 CAMEO DUNES PLComplaintNormal 20-0548 COVID 19Closed3/20/2020 4/16/202079210VIOLET CT79210 VIOLET CTComplaintNormal 20-0548 COVID 19Closed3/20/2020 4/16/202079210VIOLET CT79210 VIOLET CTComplaintNormal 20-0548 COVID 19Closed3/20/2020 4/16/202079210VIOLET CT79210 VIOLET CTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0594 COVID 19Closed3/20/2020 3/26/202079930FIESTA DR79930 FIESTA DRComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-0594 COVID 19Closed3/20/2020 3/26/202079930FIESTA DR79930 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-0594 COVID 19Closed3/20/2020 3/26/202079930FIESTA DR79930 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-0594 COVID 19Closed3/20/2020 3/26/202079930FIESTA DR79930 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-0524 COVID 19Closed3/21/2020 4/20/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-0524 COVID 19 Closed 3/21/2020 4/20/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-0524 COVID 19 Closed 3/21/2020 4/20/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-0524 COVID 19 Closed 3/21/2020 4/20/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-0524 COVID 19 Closed 3/21/2020 4/20/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-0524 COVID 19 Closed 3/21/2020 4/20/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0524 COVID 19 Closed 3/21/2020 4/20/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0524 COVID 19 Closed 3/21/2020 4/20/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0524 COVID 19 Closed 3/21/2020 4/20/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0524 COVID 19 Closed 3/21/2020 4/20/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0524 COVID 19 Closed 3/21/2020 4/20/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0524 COVID 19 Closed 3/21/2020 4/20/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0539 COVID 19 Closed 3/21/2020 3/21/202078039CALLE ESTADO78039 CALLE ESTADOComplaintNormal 20-0546 COVID 19 Closed 3/21/2020 3/24/202078120CALLE ESTADO78120 CALLE ESTADOComplaintNormal 20-0526 COVID 19 Closed 3/23/2020 5/8/202045405DEERBROOK CIR45405 DEERBROOK CIRComplaintNormal 20-0528 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 3/23/2020 3/25/202049499EISENHOWER DR49499 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-0532 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 3/23/2020 3/30/202055955PGA Blvd55955 PGA BlvdComplaintNormal 20-0538 COVID 19 Closed 3/23/2020 3/27/202048871Legacy Dr48871 Legacy DrComplaintNormal 20-0538 COVID 19 Closed 3/23/2020 3/27/202048871Legacy Dr48871 Legacy DrComplaintNormal 20-0543 COVID 19 Closed 3/23/2020 4/15/2020 Blackhawk WayBlackhawk WayComplaintNormal 20-0543 COVID 19 Closed 3/23/2020 4/15/2020 Blackhawk WayBlackhawk WayComplaintNormal 20-0587 COVID 19 Closed 3/24/202079320DESERT WIND CT79320 DESERT WIND CTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0587 COVID 19 Closed 3/24/202079320DESERT WIND CT79320 DESERT WIND CTComplaintNormal 20-0587 COVID 19 Closed 3/24/202079320DESERT WIND CT79320 DESERT WIND CTComplaintNormal 20-0587 COVID 19 Closed 3/24/202079320DESERT WIND CT79320 DESERT WIND CTComplaintNormal 20-0583 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 3/25/2020 4/9/202050777SANTA ROSA PLAZA50777 SANTA ROSA PLAZAComplaintNormal 20-0583 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 3/25/2020 4/9/202050777SANTA ROSA PLAZA50777 SANTA ROSA PLAZAComplaintNormal 20-0584 COVID 19 Closed 3/25/2020 7/29/202053280AVENIDA CARRANZA53280 AVENIDA CARRANZAComplaintNormal 20-0584 COVID 19 Closed 3/25/2020 7/29/202053280AVENIDA CARRANZA53280 AVENIDA CARRANZAComplaintNormal 20-0584 COVID 19 Closed 3/25/2020 7/29/202053280AVENIDA CARRANZA53280 AVENIDA CARRANZAComplaintNormal 20-0585 COVID 19 Closed 3/25/2020 3/26/202049499EISENHOWER DR49499 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-0586 COVID 19 Closed 3/25/2020 3/26/202050503MANDARINA50503 MANDARINAComplaintNormal 20-0601 COVID 19 Closed 3/26/2020 3/27/202056605Riviera56605 RivieraComplaintNormal 20-0605 COVID 19 Closed 3/27/2020 6/23/202054715WINGED FOOT54715 WINGED FOOTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0605 COVID 19 Closed 3/27/2020 6/23/202054715WINGED FOOT54715 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-0606 COVID 19 Closed 3/27/2020 4/10/202057151MEDINAH57151 MEDINAHCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0606 COVID 19 Closed 3/27/2020 4/10/202057151MEDINAH57151 MEDINAHCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0606 COVID 19 Closed 3/27/2020 4/10/202057151MEDINAH57151 MEDINAHComplaintNormal 20-0606 COVID 19 Closed 3/27/2020 4/10/202057151MEDINAH57151 MEDINAHCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0607 COVID 19 Closed 3/27/2020 3/28/202044370BUTTERCUP LN44370 BUTTERCUP LNComplaintNormal 20-0608 COVID 19 Closed 3/27/2020 4/6/202056605RIVIERA56605 RIVIERAComplaintNormal 20-0608 COVID 19 Closed 3/27/2020 4/6/202056605RIVIERA56605 RIVIERACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0608 COVID 19 Closed 3/27/2020 4/6/202056605RIVIERA56605 RIVIERACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0608 COVID 19 Closed 3/27/2020 4/6/202056605RIVIERA56605 RIVIERACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0608 COVID 19 Closed 3/27/2020 4/6/202056605RIVIERA56605 RIVIERACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0610 COVID 19 Closed 3/28/2020 6/4/202054945AVENIDA CARRANZA54945 AVENIDA CARRANZACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0610 COVID 19 Closed 3/28/2020 6/4/202054945AVENIDA CARRANZA54945 AVENIDA CARRANZAComplaintNormal 20-0610 COVID 19 Closed 3/28/2020 6/4/202054945AVENIDA CARRANZA54945 AVENIDA CARRANZAComplaintNormal 20-0611 COVID 19 Closed 3/28/2020 4/6/202054550AVENIDA DIAZ54550 AVENIDA DIAZComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-0654 COVID 19Closed3/28/2020 4/7/202044090CALICO CIR44090 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20-0630 COVID 19 Closed 3/29/2020 4/1/202052140AVENIDA MONTEZUMA52140 AVENIDA MONTEZUMAComplaintNormal 20-0615 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/21/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-0615 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/21/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0615 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/21/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-0615 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/21/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0615 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/21/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0615 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/21/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0615 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/21/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0615 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/21/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0615 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/21/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0615 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/21/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-0615 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/21/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-0616 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/6/202078510AVENIDA NUESTRA78510 AVENIDA NUESTRAComplaintNormal 20-0617 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 3/30/202054899WINGED FOOT54899 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-0618 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/10/202080861CALLE AZUL80861 CALLE AZULComplaintNormal 20-0619 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 5/8/202055935Pinehurst55935 PinehurstComplaintNormal 20-0619 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 5/8/202055935Pinehurst55935 PinehurstComplaintNormal 20-0619 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 5/8/202055935Pinehurst55935 PinehurstComplaintNormal 20-0619 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 5/8/202055935Pinehurst55935 PinehurstCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0619 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 5/8/202055935Pinehurst55935 PinehurstCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0620 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/15/202078450CRESTVIEW TER78450 CRESTVIEW TERComplaintNormal 20-0621 COVID 19 Open 3/30/2020 8/5/202078635FORBES CIR78635 FORBES CIRComplaintNormal 20-0621 COVID 19 Open 3/30/2020 8/5/202078635FORBES CIR78635 FORBES CIRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0621 COVID 19 Open 3/30/2020 8/5/202078635FORBES CIR78635 FORBES CIRComplaintNormal 20-0621 COVID 19 Open 3/30/2020 8/5/202078635FORBES CIR78635 FORBES CIRComplaintNormal 20-0621 COVID 19 Open 3/30/2020 8/5/202078635FORBES CIR78635 FORBES CIRComplaintNormal 20-0621 COVID 19 Open 3/30/2020 8/5/202078635FORBES CIR78635 FORBES CIRComplaintNormal 20-0621 COVID 19 Open 3/30/2020 8/5/202078635FORBES CIR78635 FORBES CIRComplaintNormal 20-0621 COVID 19 Open 3/30/2020 8/5/202078635FORBES CIR78635 FORBES CIRComplaintNormal 20-0621 COVID 19 Open 3/30/2020 8/5/202078635FORBES CIR78635 FORBES CIRComplaintNormal 20-0621 COVID 19 Open 3/30/2020 8/5/202078635FORBES CIR78635 FORBES CIRComplaintNormal 20-0622 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/20/202054745Oakhill54745 OakhillComplaintNormal 20-0622 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/20/202054745Oakhill54745 OakhillComplaintNormal 20-0622 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/20/202054745Oakhill54745 OakhillComplaintNormal 20-0622 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/20/202054745Oakhill54745 OakhillComplaintNormal 20-0622 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/20/202054745Oakhill54745 OakhillComplaintNormal 20-0622 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/20/202054745Oakhill54745 OakhillCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0622 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/20/202054745Oakhill54745 OakhillCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0623 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 3/31/202054745Oakhill54745 OakhillCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0624 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/13/202055555TURNBERRY WAY55555 TURNBERRY WAYComplaintNormal 20-0625 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/9/202079065OCOTILLO DR79065 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-0625 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/9/202079065OCOTILLO DR79065 OCOTILLO DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0625 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/9/202079065OCOTILLO DR79065 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-0625 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/9/202079065OCOTILLO DR79065 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-0625 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 4/9/202079065OCOTILLO DR79065 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-0627 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 3/31/202077165AVENIDA ARTEAGA77165 AVENIDA ARTEAGAComplaintNormal 20-0628 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 3/31/202079065OCOTILLO DR79065 OCOTILLO DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0645 COVID 19 Closed 3/30/2020 3/31/202045360DESERT FOX DR45360 DESERT FOX DRComplaintNormal 20-0629 COVID 19 Closed 3/31/2020 4/1/202053280AVENIDA RUBIO53280 AVENIDA RUBIOComplaintNormal 20-0632 COVID 19 Closed 3/31/2020 4/6/202052250ROSEWOOD LN52250 ROSEWOOD LNComplaintNormal 20-0633 COVID 19 Closed 3/31/2020 4/7/202044210CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-0634 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 4/3/202057600BALLYBUNION57600 BALLYBUNIONComplaintNormal 20-0634 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 4/3/202057600BALLYBUNION57600 BALLYBUNIONComplaintNormal 20-0634 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 4/3/202057600BALLYBUNION57600 BALLYBUNIONComplaintNormal 20-0638 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 4/6/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0639 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 4/21/202045550SUNBROOK LN45550 SUNBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0642 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 4/3/202045345BRIDGETTE WAY45345 BRIDGETTE WAYComplaintNormal 20-0642 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 4/3/202045345BRIDGETTE WAY45345 BRIDGETTE WAYComplaintNormal 20-0644 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 6/16/202081260LEGENDS WAY81260 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-0644 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 6/16/202081260LEGENDS WAY81260 LEGENDS WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0644 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 6/16/202081260LEGENDS WAY81260 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-0653 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 4/14/202050945CALLE PALOMA50945 CALLE PALOMAComplaintNormal 20-0653 COVID 19 Closed 3/31/2020 4/14/202050945CALLE PALOMA50945 CALLE PALOMAComplaintNormal 20-0658 COVID 19 Closed 4/1/2020 5/19/202052835AVENIDA MARTINEZ52835 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-0658 COVID 19 Closed 4/1/2020 5/19/202052835AVENIDA MARTINEZ52835 AVENIDA MARTINEZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0658 COVID 19 Closed 4/1/2020 5/19/202052835AVENIDA MARTINEZ52835 AVENIDA MARTINEZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0658 COVID 19 Closed 4/1/2020 5/19/202052835AVENIDA MARTINEZ52835 AVENIDA MARTINEZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0658 COVID 19 Closed 4/1/2020 5/19/202052835AVENIDA MARTINEZ52835 AVENIDA MARTINEZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0658 COVID 19 Closed 4/1/2020 5/19/202052835AVENIDA MARTINEZ52835 AVENIDA MARTINEZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0658 COVID 19 Closed 4/1/2020 5/19/202052835AVENIDA MARTINEZ52835 AVENIDA MARTINEZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0658 COVID 19 Closed 4/1/2020 5/19/202052835AVENIDA MARTINEZ52835 AVENIDA MARTINEZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0659 COVID 19 Closed 4/1/2020 4/7/202078340VIA SEVILLA78340 VIA SEVILLACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0662 COVID 19 Closed 4/1/2020 4/3/202054380AVENIDA MARTINEZ54380 AVENIDA MARTINEZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0663 COVID 19 Closed 4/1/2020 4/10/202053035Meriweather way53035 Meriweather wayComplaintNormal 20-0663 COVID 19 Closed 4/1/2020 4/10/202053035Meriweather way53035 Meriweather wayComplaintNormal 20-0672 COVID 19 Closed 4/2/2020 4/21/202055305Shoal Crk55305 Shoal CrkComplaintNormal 20-0673 COVID 19 Closed 4/2/2020 4/9/202054060Avenida Madero54060 Avenida MaderoComplaintNormal 20-0673 COVID 19 Closed 4/2/2020 4/9/202054060Avenida Madero54060 Avenida MaderoCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0675 COVID 19 Closed 4/3/2020 4/8/202057555SEMINOLE DR57555 SEMINOLE DRComplaintNormal 20-0675 COVID 19 Closed 4/3/2020 4/8/202057555SEMINOLE DR57555 SEMINOLE DRComplaintNormal 20-0677 COVID 19 Closed 4/3/2020 4/24/202054720Avenida Carranza54720 Avenida CarranzaComplaintNormal 20-0677 COVID 19 Closed 4/3/2020 4/24/202054720Avenida Carranza54720 Avenida CarranzaComplaintNormal 20-0677 COVID 19 Closed 4/3/2020 4/24/202054720Avenida Carranza54720 Avenida CarranzaCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0678 COVID 19 Closed 4/3/2020 4/7/202054700AVENIDA CARRANZA54700 AVENIDA CARRANZAComplaintNormal 20-0680 COVID 19 Closed 4/3/2020 4/8/202056455JACK NICKLAUS BLV56455 JACK NICKLAUS BLVComplaintNormal 20-0682 COVID 19 Closed 4/3/2020 4/8/202052515AVENIDA JUAREZ52515 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-0686 COVID 19 Closed 4/3/2020 4/8/202081020SHINNECOCK HILLS81020 SHINNECOCK HILLSCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0686 COVID 19 Closed 4/3/2020 4/8/202081020SHINNECOCK HILLS81020 SHINNECOCK HILLSCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0690 COVID 19 Closed 4/3/2020 4/5/202057750BLACK DIAMOND57750 BLACK DIAMONDCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0691 COVID 19 Closed 4/3/2020 4/5/202057780BLACK DIAMOND57780 BLACK DIAMONDCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0692 COVID 19 Closed 4/3/2020 4/8/202057690BLACK DIAMOND57690 BLACK DIAMONDCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0693 COVID 19 Closed 4/3/2020 4/15/202057660BLACK DIAMOND57660 BLACK DIAMONDCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0694 COVID 19 Closed 4/3/2020 4/10/202056980Merion56980 MerionCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0694 COVID 19 Closed 4/3/2020 4/10/202056980Merion56980 MerionComplaintNormal 20-0683 COVID 19 Closed 4/4/2020 4/4/202078685FORBES CIR78685 FORBES CIRComplaintNormal 20-0684 COVID 19 Closed 4/4/2020 4/8/202078105CALLE ESTADO78105 CALLE ESTADOComplaintNormal 20-0687 COVID 19 Closed 4/4/2020 4/8/202078535AVENIDA ULTIMO78535 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-0687 COVID 19 Closed 4/4/2020 4/8/202078535AVENIDA ULTIMO78535 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-0688 COVID 19 Closed 4/4/2020 4/20/202055610ROYAL ST GEORGE55610 ROYAL ST GEORGEComplaintNormal 20-0688 COVID 19 Closed 4/4/2020 4/20/202055610ROYAL ST GEORGE55610 ROYAL ST GEORGECOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0688 COVID 19 Closed 4/4/2020 4/20/202055610ROYAL ST GEORGE55610 ROYAL ST GEORGECOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0689 COVID 19 Closed 4/4/2020 4/14/202056585Riviera56585 RivieraCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0689 COVID 19 Closed 4/4/2020 4/14/202056585Riviera56585 RivieraCOMPLAINT COVID-19CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-0689 COVID 19Closed4/4/2020 4/14/202056585Riviera56585 RivieraComplaintNormal 20-0689 COVID 19Closed4/4/2020 4/14/202056585Riviera56585 RivieraComplaintNormal 20-0695 COVID 19Closed4/5/2020 7/6/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0695 COVID 19 Closed 4/5/2020 7/6/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0695 COVID 19 Closed 4/5/2020 7/6/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-0695 COVID 19 Closed 4/5/2020 7/6/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-0695 COVID 19 Closed 4/5/2020 7/6/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-0695 COVID 19 Closed 4/5/2020 7/6/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-0695 COVID 19 Closed 4/5/2020 7/6/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-0696 COVID 19 Closed 4/5/2020 5/19/202055775PEBBLE BEACH55775 PEBBLE BEACHCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0696 COVID 19 Closed 4/5/2020 5/19/202055775PEBBLE BEACH55775 PEBBLE BEACHCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0696 COVID 19 Closed 4/5/2020 5/19/202055775PEBBLE BEACH55775 PEBBLE BEACHCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0696 COVID 19 Closed 4/5/2020 5/19/202055775PEBBLE BEACH55775 PEBBLE BEACHCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0696 COVID 19 Closed 4/5/2020 5/19/202055775PEBBLE BEACH55775 PEBBLE BEACHCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0696 COVID 19 Closed 4/5/2020 5/19/202055775PEBBLE BEACH55775 PEBBLE BEACHCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0696 COVID 19 Closed 4/5/2020 5/19/202055775PEBBLE BEACH55775 PEBBLE BEACHCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0697 COVID 19 Closed 4/5/2020 9/10/202080154HERMITAGE80154 HERMITAGECOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0697 COVID 19 Closed 4/5/2020 9/10/202080154HERMITAGE80154 HERMITAGEComplaintNormal 20-0698 COVID 19 Closed 4/5/2020 4/9/202080670SPANISH BAY80670 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-0699 COVID 19 Closed 4/5/2020 4/8/202080688SPANISH BAY80688 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-0701 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 6/1/202081215LEGENDS WAY81215 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-0701 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 6/1/202081215LEGENDS WAY81215 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-0701 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 6/1/202081215LEGENDS WAY81215 LEGENDS WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0701 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 6/1/202081215LEGENDS WAY81215 LEGENDS WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0701 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 6/1/202081215LEGENDS WAY81215 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-0703 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/6/2020 6/19/202079534DANDELION DR79534 DANDELION DRComplaintNormal 20-0705 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 4/10/202051542AVENIDA NAVARRO51542 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-0709 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 4/20/202081335GOLF VIEW DR81335 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-0709 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 4/20/202081335GOLF VIEW DR81335 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-0710 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 4/8/202081200GOLF VIEW DR81200 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-0711 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 4/14/202057065MOUNTAIN VIEW57065 MOUNTAIN VIEWCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0712 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 4/14/202056405MOUNTAIN VIEW56405 MOUNTAIN VIEWCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0713 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 5/8/202081185SHINNECOCKHILLS81185 SHINNECOCKHILLSCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0713 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 5/8/202081185SHINNECOCKHILLS81185 SHINNECOCKHILLSComplaintNormal 20-0713 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 5/8/202081185SHINNECOCKHILLS81185 SHINNECOCKHILLSCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0714 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 4/20/202057535SEMINOLE DR57535 SEMINOLE DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0714 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 4/20/202057535SEMINOLE DR57535 SEMINOLE DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0714 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 4/20/202057535SEMINOLE DR57535 SEMINOLE DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0715 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 4/9/202081075GOLF VIEW DR81075 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-0716 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 5/5/202054955WINGED FOOT54955 WINGED FOOTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0717 COVID 19 Open 4/6/2020 7/31/202055534Firestone55534 FirestoneCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0717 COVID 19 Open 4/6/2020 7/31/202055534Firestone55534 FirestoneCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0718 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 5/15/202081105MUIRFIELD VILLAGE81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGECOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0718 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 5/15/202081105MUIRFIELD VILLAGE81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGECOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0719 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 4/10/202081150GOLF VIEW DR81150 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-0783 COVID 19 Closed 4/6/2020 4/14/202078028Calle Norte78028 Calle NorteCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0723 COVID 19 Closed 4/7/2020 4/29/202053535Avenida Diaz53535 Avenida DiazComplaintNormal 20-0723 COVID 19 Closed 4/7/2020 4/29/202053535Avenida Diaz53535 Avenida DiazComplaintNormal 20-0723 COVID 19 Closed 4/7/2020 4/29/202053535Avenida Diaz53535 Avenida DiazComplaintNormal 20-0723 COVID 19 Closed 4/7/2020 4/29/202053535Avenida Diaz53535 Avenida DiazCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0724 COVID 19 Closed 4/7/2020 4/20/202078595VILLETA DR78595 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-0724 COVID 19 Closed 4/7/2020 4/20/202078595VILLETA DR78595 VILLETA DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-0724 COVID 19Closed4/7/2020 4/20/202078595VILLETA DR78595 VILLETA DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0726 COVID 19Open4/7/2020 9/30/202078615VILLETA DR78615 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-0726 COVID 19Open4/7/2020 9/30/202078615VILLETA DR78615 VILLETA DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0726 COVID 19Open4/7/2020 9/30/202078615VILLETA DR78615 VILLETA DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0726 COVID 19Open4/7/2020 9/30/202078615VILLETA DR78615 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-0726 COVID 19Open4/7/2020 9/30/202078615VILLETA DR78615 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-0726 COVID 19Open4/7/2020 9/30/202078615VILLETA DR78615 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-0726 COVID 19Open4/7/2020 9/30/202078615VILLETA DR78615 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-0726 COVID 19Open4/7/2020 9/30/202078615VILLETA DR78615 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-0727 COVID 19Closed4/7/2020 4/13/202056585Riviera56585 RivieraComplaintNormal 20-0730 COVID 19Closed4/8/2020 6/15/202079150DESERT STREAM DR79150 DESERT STREAM DRComplaintNormal 20-0730 COVID 19Closed4/8/2020 6/15/202079150DESERT STREAM DR79150 DESERT STREAM DRComplaintNormal 20-0735 COVID 19Closed4/8/2020 5/8/202045210DESERT HILLS CT45210 DESERT HILLS CTComplaintNormal 20-0735 COVID 19Closed4/8/2020 5/8/202045210DESERT HILLS CT45210 DESERT HILLS CTComplaintNormal 20-0735 COVID 19Closed4/8/2020 5/8/202045210DESERT HILLS CT45210 DESERT HILLS CTComplaintNormal 20-0735 COVID 19Closed4/8/2020 5/8/202045210DESERT HILLS CT45210 DESERT HILLS CTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0736 COVID 19Closed4/8/2020 4/9/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZComplaintNormal 20-0736 COVID 19 Closed 4/8/2020 4/9/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0736 COVID 19 Closed 4/8/2020 4/9/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0737 COVID 19 Closed 4/8/2020 4/13/202044185SONESTA WAY44185 SONESTA WAYComplaintNormal 20-0740 COVID 19 Closed 4/8/2020 7/2/20200Torino Dr0 Torino DrComplaintNormal 20-0740 COVID 19 Closed 4/8/2020 7/2/20200Torino Dr0 Torino DrComplaintNormal 20-0740 COVID 19 Closed 4/8/2020 7/2/20200Torino Dr0 Torino DrCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0740 COVID 19 Closed 4/8/2020 7/2/20200Torino Dr0 Torino DrComplaintNormal 20-0742 COVID 19 Closed 4/9/2020 4/22/202077227CALLE ENSENADA77227 CALLE ENSENADACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0742 COVID 19 Closed 4/9/2020 4/22/202077227CALLE ENSENADA77227 CALLE ENSENADACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0748 COVID 19 Closed 4/9/2020 4/10/202078190CALLE CADIZ78190 CALLE CADIZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0747 COVID 19 Closed 4/10/2020 4/20/202081545TIBURON DR81545 TIBURON DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0747 COVID 19 Closed 4/10/2020 4/20/202081545TIBURON DR81545 TIBURON DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0747 COVID 19 Closed 4/10/2020 4/20/202081545TIBURON DR81545 TIBURON DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0749 COVID 19 Closed 4/10/2020 4/10/202079450AZAHAR79450 AZAHARCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0749 COVID 19 Closed 4/10/2020 4/10/202079450AZAHAR79450 AZAHARComplaintNormal 20-0750 COVID 19 Closed 4/10/2020 4/11/202081345KINGSTON HEATH81345 KINGSTON HEATHCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0751 COVID 19 Closed 4/10/2020 4/13/202044270VILLETA DR44270 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-0754 COVID 19 Closed 4/10/2020 4/20/202048772Legacy48772 LegacyCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0755 COVID 19 Closed 4/10/2020 4/11/202080427SPANISH BAY80427 SPANISH BAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0757 COVID 19 Closed 4/10/2020 4/11/202054900AVENIDA ALVARADO54900 AVENIDA ALVARADOCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0761 COVID 19 Closed 4/10/2020 5/5/202078845LA PALMA DR78845 LA PALMA DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0761 COVID 19 Closed 4/10/2020 5/5/202078845LA PALMA DR78845 LA PALMA DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0762 COVID 19 Open 4/10/2020 10/18/202078855LA PALMA DR78855 LA PALMA DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0762 COVID 19 Open 4/10/2020 10/18/202078855LA PALMA DR78855 LA PALMA DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0762 COVID 19 Open 4/10/2020 10/18/202078855LA PALMA DR78855 LA PALMA DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0763 COVID 19 Closed 4/11/2020 6/16/202056750Merion56750 MerionComplaintNormal 20-0763 COVID 19 Closed 4/11/2020 6/16/202056750Merion56750 MerionCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0763 COVID 19 Closed 4/11/2020 6/16/202056750Merion56750 MerionCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0763 COVID 19 Closed 4/11/2020 6/16/202056750Merion56750 MerionCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0763 COVID 19 Closed 4/11/2020 6/16/202056750Merion56750 MerionCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0764 COVID 19 Closed 4/11/2020 4/11/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-0764 COVID 19 Closed 4/11/2020 4/11/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0764 COVID 19 Closed 4/11/2020 4/11/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-0765 COVID 19 Closed 4/11/2020 4/27/202054885AVENIDA MADERO54885 AVENIDA MADEROCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0765 COVID 19 Closed 4/11/2020 4/27/202054885AVENIDA MADERO54885 AVENIDA MADEROComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-0765 COVID 19Closed4/11/2020 4/27/202054885AVENIDA MADERO54885 AVENIDA MADEROCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0767 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 4/12/202052883EISENHOWER DR52883 EISENHOWER DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0769 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 4/24/202081070LEGENDS WAY81070 LEGENDS WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0769 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 4/24/202081070LEGENDS WAY81070 LEGENDS WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0769 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 4/24/202081070LEGENDS WAY81070 LEGENDS WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0770 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 4/13/202055291WINGED FOOT55291 WINGED FOOTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0771 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 4/13/202081215LEGENDS WAY81215 LEGENDS WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0771 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 4/13/202081215LEGENDS WAY81215 LEGENDS WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0772 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 4/14/202078505AVENIDA TUJUNGA78505 AVENIDA TUJUNGACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0773 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 4/24/202046805CAMEO PALMS DR46805 CAMEO PALMS DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0774 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 4/13/202078315CRESTVIEW TER78315 CRESTVIEW TERCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0774 COVID 19 Closed 4/12/2020 4/13/202078315CRESTVIEW TER78315 CRESTVIEW TERCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0779 COVID 19 Closed 4/13/2020 4/14/202081145LEGENDS WAY81145 LEGENDS WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0780 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/13/2020 5/18/202081015GOLF VIEW DR81015 GOLF VIEW DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0780 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/13/2020 5/18/202081015GOLF VIEW DR81015 GOLF VIEW DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0781 COVID 19 Closed 4/13/2020 4/16/202053180AVENIDA JUAREZ53180 AVENIDA JUAREZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0782 COVID 19 Closed 4/13/2020 4/14/202051455AVENIDA HERRERA51455 AVENIDA HERRERACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0784 COVID 19 Closed 4/13/2020 5/15/202081400Na ional Drive81400 National DriveCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0784 COVID 19 Closed 4/13/2020 5/15/202081400Na ional Drive81400 National DriveComplaintNormal 20-0784 COVID 19 Closed 4/13/2020 5/15/202081400Na ional Drive81400 National DriveCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0784 COVID 19 Closed 4/13/2020 5/15/202081400Na ional Drive81400 National DriveCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0784 COVID 19 Closed 4/13/2020 5/15/202081400Na ional Drive81400 National DriveCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0784 COVID 19 Closed 4/13/2020 5/15/202081400Na 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4/15/202046815HIGHLAND PALMS DR46815 HIGHLAND PALMS DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0795 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/14/2020 4/17/202053124AVENIDA NAVARRO53124 AVENIDA NAVARROCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0796 COVID 19 Closed 4/14/2020 4/15/202081315NATIONAL DR81315 NATIONAL DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0797 COVID 19 Closed 4/14/2020 4/15/202081335NATIONAL DR81335 NATIONAL DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0798 COVID 19 Closed 4/14/2020 4/20/202081340NATIONAL DR81340 NATIONAL DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0799 COVID 19 Closed 4/14/2020 4/20/202081360NATIONAL DR81360 NATIONAL DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0800 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/14/2020 4/17/202081355NATIONAL DR81355 NATIONAL DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0801 COVID 19 Closed 4/14/2020 5/4/202081205SHINNECOCK HILLS81205 SHINNECOCK HILLSCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0802 COVID 19 Closed 4/14/2020 4/20/202057735SEMINOLE DR57735 SEMINOLE DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0804 COVID 19 Closed 4/14/2020 4/15/202044065CAMINO LA CRESTA44065 CAMINO LA CRESTACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0805 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/14/2020 4/17/202079930FIESTA DR79930 FIESTA DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0805 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/14/2020 4/17/202079930FIESTA DR79930 FIESTA DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0807 COVID 19 Closed 4/14/2020 4/16/202057755SEMINOLE DR57755 SEMINOLE DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0808 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/14/2020 4/18/202057765SEMINOLE DR57765 SEMINOLE DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0809 COVID 19 Closed 4/14/2020 5/1/202055955PGA Blvd55955 PGA BlvdCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0810 COVID 19 Closed 4/14/2020 4/15/202057670BLACK DIAMOND57670 BLACK DIAMONDCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0811 COVID 19 Closed 4/14/2020 4/15/202057820BLACK DIAMOND57820 BLACK DIAMONDCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0813 COVID 19 Closed 4/15/2020 4/16/202044615SAFFRON CT44615 SAFFRON CTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0815 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/15/2020 5/5/202081420NATIONAL DR81420 NATIONAL DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0816 COVID 19 Closed 4/16/2020 4/30/202078555SAGEBRUSH AVE78555 SAGEBRUSH AVECOMPLAINT COVID-19CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-0816 COVID 19Closed4/16/2020 4/30/202078555SAGEBRUSH AVE78555 SAGEBRUSH AVECOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0816 COVID 19Closed4/16/2020 4/30/202078555SAGEBRUSH AVE78555 SAGEBRUSH AVECOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0816 COVID 19Closed4/16/2020 4/30/202078555SAGEBRUSH AVE78555 SAGEBRUSH AVEComplaintNormal 20-0818 COVID 19Closed4/16/2020 7/16/202057740SALIDA DEL SOL57740 SALIDA DEL SOLCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0818 COVID 19Closed4/16/2020 7/16/202057740SALIDA DEL SOL57740 SALIDA DEL SOLComplaintNormal 20-0818 COVID 19Closed4/16/2020 7/16/202057740SALIDA DEL SOL57740 SALIDA DEL SOLCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0818 COVID 19Closed4/16/2020 7/16/202057740SALIDA DEL SOL57740 SALIDA DEL SOLComplaintNormal 20-0820 COVID 19Closed4/16/2020 5/1/202044400VILLETA DR44400 VILLETA DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0822 COVID 19Closed4/16/2020 4/24/202054555AVENIDA MARTINEZ54555 AVENIDA MARTINEZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0825 COVID 19 Closed 4/16/2020 5/6/202052295AVENIDA NAVARRO52295 AVENIDA NAVARROCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0826 COVID 19 Open 4/16/2020 5/5/202154812SOUTHERN HILLS54812 SOUTHERN HILLSCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0826 COVID 19 Open 4/16/2020 5/5/202154812SOUTHERN HILLS54812 SOUTHERN HILLSCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0826 COVID 19 Open 4/16/2020 5/5/202154812SOUTHERN HILLS54812 SOUTHERN HILLSCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0826 COVID 19 Open 4/16/2020 5/5/202154812SOUTHERN HILLS54812 SOUTHERN HILLSCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0826 COVID 19 Open 4/16/2020 5/5/202154812SOUTHERN HILLS54812 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-0826 COVID 19 Open 4/16/2020 5/5/202154812SOUTHERN HILLS54812 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-0826 COVID 19 Open 4/16/2020 5/5/202154812SOUTHERN HILLS54812 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-0826 COVID 19 Open 4/16/2020 5/5/202154812SOUTHERN HILLS54812 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-0826 COVID 19 Open 4/16/2020 5/5/202154812SOUTHERN HILLS54812 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-0826 COVID 19 Open 4/16/2020 5/5/202154812SOUTHERN HILLS54812 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-0827 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/16/2020 4/17/202055665PEBBLE BEACH55665 PEBBLE BEACHCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0828 COVID 19 Closed 4/16/2020 5/6/202081600MACBETH81600 MACBETHCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0828 COVID 19 Closed 4/16/2020 5/6/202081600MACBETH81600 MACBETHCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0830 COVID 19 Closed 4/17/2020 5/14/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0833 COVID 19 Closed 4/17/2020 5/6/202081305KINGSTON HEATH81305 KINGSTON HEATHCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0834 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/17/2020 4/20/202080705CEDAR CREST80705 CEDAR CRESTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0834 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/17/2020 4/20/202080705CEDAR CREST80705 CEDAR CRESTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0834 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/17/2020 4/20/202080705CEDAR CREST80705 CEDAR CRESTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0836 COVID 19 Closed 4/17/2020 4/20/202053920Avenida Martinez53920 Avenida MartinezCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0837 COVID 19 Closed 4/17/2020 4/17/202054845AVENIDA OBREGON54845 AVENIDA OBREGONCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0838 COVID 19 Closed 4/17/2020 7/15/202055300Royal Saint George55300 Royal Saint GeorgeCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0838 COVID 19 Closed 4/17/2020 7/15/202055300Royal Saint George55300 Royal Saint GeorgeCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0839 COVID 19 Closed 4/17/2020 4/20/202050820CALLE GUAYMAS50820 CALLE GUAYMASCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0840 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/17/2020 7/14/202045540DESERT FOX DR45540 DESERT FOX DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0840 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/17/2020 7/14/202045540DESERT FOX DR45540 DESERT FOX DRComplaintNormal 20-0840 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/17/2020 7/14/202045540DESERT FOX DR45540 DESERT FOX DRComplaintNormal 20-0840 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/17/2020 7/14/202045540DESERT FOX DR45540 DESERT FOX DRComplaintNormal 20-0840 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/17/2020 7/14/202045540DESERT FOX DR45540 DESERT FOX DRComplaintNormal 20-0840 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/17/2020 7/14/202045540DESERT FOX DR45540 DESERT FOX DRComplaintNormal 20-0841 COVID 19 Closed 4/17/2020 4/20/202057780TROON WAY57780 TROON WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0842 COVID 19 Open 4/17/2020 8/3/202081165LEGENDS WAY81165 LEGENDS WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0843 COVID 19 Closed 4/17/2020 5/6/202080500CHAMPIONS WY80500 CHAMPIONS WYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0844 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/17/2020 9/10/202081405GOLF VIEW DR81405 GOLF VIEW DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0844 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/17/2020 9/10/202081405GOLF VIEW DR81405 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-0849 COVID 19 Closed 4/18/2020 4/19/202056465legends way56465 legends wayComplaintNormal 20-0850 COVID 19 Closed 4/19/2020 4/20/202044670N HARLAND DR44670 N HARLAND DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0873 COVID 19 Closed 4/19/2020 4/21/202054295AVENIDA MADERO54295 AVENIDA MADEROComplaintNormal 20-0853 COVID 19 Closed 4/20/2020 5/6/202055315TURNBERRY WAY55315 TURNBERRY WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0854 COVID 19 Closed 4/20/2020 6/1/202051560Avenida Alvarado51560 Avenida AlvaradoCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0854 COVID 19 Closed 4/20/2020 6/1/202051560Avenida Alvarado51560 Avenida AlvaradoCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/20/2020 4/20/202052600AVENIDA CARRANZA52600 AVENIDA CARRANZACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0855 COVID 19 Closed 4/20/2020 4/20/202052600AVENIDA CARRANZA52600 AVENIDA CARRANZACOMPLAINT COVID-19CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-0857 COVID 19Open4/20/2020 5/18/202057295INTERLACHEN57295 INTERLACHENCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0857 COVID 19Open4/20/2020 5/18/202057295INTERLACHEN57295 INTERLACHENCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0857 COVID 19Open4/20/2020 5/18/202057295INTERLACHEN57295 INTERLACHENCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0857 COVID 19Open4/20/2020 5/18/202057295INTERLACHEN57295 INTERLACHENCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0858 COVID 19Closed - Complied 4/20/2020 7/1/202080625CEDAR CREST80625 CEDAR CRESTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0858 COVID 19Closed - Complied 4/20/2020 7/1/202080625CEDAR CREST80625 CEDAR CRESTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0859 COVID 19Closed4/20/2020 5/7/202055412Laurel Valley55412 Laurel ValleyCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0860 COVID 19Closed4/20/2020 5/7/202081755BROWN DEER PARK81755 BROWN DEER PARKCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0861 COVID 19Open4/20/2020 7/4/202080872VIA PUERTA AZUL80872 VIA PUERTA AZULCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0861 COVID 19Open4/20/2020 7/4/202080872VIA PUERTA AZUL80872 VIA PUERTA AZULCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0861 COVID 19Open4/20/2020 7/4/202080872VIA PUERTA AZUL80872 VIA PUERTA AZULCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0861 COVID 19Open4/20/2020 7/4/202080872VIA PUERTA AZUL80872 VIA PUERTA AZULComplaintNormal 20-0861 COVID 19Open4/20/2020 7/4/202080872VIA PUERTA AZUL80872 VIA PUERTA AZULComplaintNormal 20-0862 COVID 19Closed - Complied 4/20/2020 6/1/202045245Seeley45245 SeeleyCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0862 COVID 19Closed - Complied 4/20/2020 6/1/202045245Seeley45245 SeeleyCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0862 COVID 19Closed - Complied 4/20/2020 6/1/202045245Seeley45245 SeeleyCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0862 COVID 19Closed - Complied 4/20/2020 6/1/202045245Seeley45245 SeeleyCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0863 COVID 19Closed4/20/2020 5/6/202050920CALLE PALOMA50920 CALLE PALOMACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0864 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 9/9/202054015Southern Hills54015 Southern HillsCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0864 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 9/9/202054015Southern Hills54015 Southern HillsComplaintNormal 20-0865 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 8/28/202078739BOTTLEBRUSH DR78739 BOTTLEBRUSH DRComplaintNormal 20-0865 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 8/28/202078739BOTTLEBRUSH DR78739 BOTTLEBRUSH DRComplaintNormal 20-0865 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 8/28/202078739BOTTLEBRUSH DR78739 BOTTLEBRUSH DRComplaintNormal 20-0867 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 6/17/202081555TIBURON DR81555 TIBURON DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0867 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 6/17/202081555TIBURON DR81555 TIBURON DRComplaintNormal 20-0867 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 6/17/202081555TIBURON DR81555 TIBURON DRComplaintNormal 20-0867 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 6/17/202081555TIBURON DR81555 TIBURON DRComplaintNormal 20-0867 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 6/17/202081555TIBURON DR81555 TIBURON DRComplaintNormal 20-0867 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 6/17/202081555TIBURON DR81555 TIBURON DRComplaintNormal 20-0867 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 6/17/202081555TIBURON DR81555 TIBURON DRComplaintNormal 20-0871 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 10/27/202078549TORINO DR78549 TORINO DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0871 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 10/27/202078549TORINO DR78549 TORINO DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0871 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 10/27/202078549TORINO DR78549 TORINO DRComplaintNormal 20-0871 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 10/27/202078549TORINO DR78549 TORINO DRComplaintNormal 20-0871 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 10/27/202078549TORINO DR78549 TORINO DRComplaintNormal 20-0871 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 10/27/202078549TORINO DR78549 TORINO DRComplaintNormal 20-0871 COVID 19 Open 4/20/2020 10/27/202078549TORINO DR78549 TORINO DRComplaintNormal 20-0872 COVID 19 Closed 4/20/2020 4/21/202078541TORINO DR78541 TORINO DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0872 COVID 19 Closed 4/20/2020 4/21/202078541TORINO DR78541 TORINO DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0876 COVID 19 Closed 4/21/2020 4/22/202054819SOUTHERN HILLS54819 SOUTHERN HILLSCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0877 COVID 19 Closed 4/21/2020 4/23/202050670Santa Rosa50670 Santa RosaCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0880 COVID 19 Closed 4/22/2020 4/23/202048225VIA SOLANA48225 VIA SOLANAComplaintNormal 20-0883 COVID 19 Closed 4/22/2020 5/25/202080409SPANISH BAY80409 SPANISH BAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0883 COVID 19 Closed 4/22/2020 5/25/202080409SPANISH BAY80409 SPANISH BAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0883 COVID 19 Closed 4/22/2020 5/25/202080409SPANISH BAY80409 SPANISH BAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0884 COVID 19 Closed 4/22/2020 4/23/202054812SOUTHERN HILLS54812 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-0886 COVID 19 Closed 4/22/2020 4/22/202055955PGA BLV55955 PGA BLVCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0886 COVID 19 Closed 4/22/2020 4/22/202055955PGA BLV55955 PGA BLVCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0888 COVID 19 Open 4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0888 COVID 19 Open 4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0888 COVID 19 Open 4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19 Open 4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal20-0888STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDEDOpen4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0888 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open4/22/2020 10/13/202045540COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0898 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/23/2020 4/24/202056840JACK NICKLAUS56840 JACK NICKLAUSCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0900 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/24/2020 4/24/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0900 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/24/2020 4/24/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-0911 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/24/2020 4/25/202044155MARIPOSA CT44155 MARIPOSA CTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0913 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 4/25/2020 10/23/202053065AVENIDA NAVARRO53065 AVENIDA NAVARROCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0913 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 4/25/2020 10/23/202053065AVENIDA NAVARRO53065 AVENIDA NAVARROCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0913 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 4/25/2020 10/23/202053065AVENIDA NAVARRO53065 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-0913 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 4/25/2020 10/23/202053065AVENIDA NAVARRO53065 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-0913 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 4/25/2020 10/23/202053065AVENIDA NAVARRO53065 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-0915 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/26/2020 5/29/202078860GALAXY DR78860 GALAXY DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0915 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/26/2020 5/29/202078860GALAXY DR78860 GALAXY DRComplaintNormal 20-0915 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/26/2020 5/29/202078860GALAXY DR78860 GALAXY DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0916 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/26/2020 6/5/202078660BRADFORD CIR78660 BRADFORD CIRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0916 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/26/2020 6/5/202078660BRADFORD CIR78660 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-0916 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/26/2020 6/5/202078660BRADFORD CIR78660 BRADFORD CIRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0917 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/26/2020 5/7/202079340DESERT ROCK CT79340 DESERT ROCK CTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0918 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/27/2020 5/4/202051420CALLE JACUMBA51420 CALLE JACUMBAComplaintNormal 20-0920 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/27/2020 4/29/202044210CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20-0925 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/27/2020 5/7/202080505CEDAR CREST80505 CEDAR CRESTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0928 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/27/2020 5/6/202078663COMO CT78663 COMO CTComplaintNormal 20-0935 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 4/28/2020 10/24/202078535AVENIDA ULTIMO78535 AVENIDA ULTIMOCOMPLAINT COVID-19CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-0935 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open4/28/2020 10/24/202078535AVENIDA ULTIMO78535 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-0935 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 4/28/2020 10/24/202078535AVENIDA ULTIMO78535 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-0936 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/28/2020 4/29/202054200AVENIDA CORTEZ54200 AVENIDA CORTEZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0937 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/28/2020 9/21/202054190Avenida Cortez54190 Avenida CortezCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0937 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/28/2020 9/21/202054190Avenida Cortez54190 Avenida CortezComplaintNormal 20-0937 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/28/2020 9/21/202054190Avenida Cortez54190 Avenida CortezComplaintNormal 20-0937 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/28/2020 9/21/202054190Avenida Cortez54190 Avenida CortezComplaintNormal 20-0937 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/28/2020 9/21/202054190Avenida Cortez54190 Avenida CortezComplaintNormal 20-0937 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/28/2020 9/21/202054190Avenida Cortez54190 Avenida CortezComplaintNormal 20-0937 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/28/2020 9/21/202054190Avenida Cortez54190 Avenida CortezComplaintNormal 20-0937 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/28/2020 9/21/202054190Avenida Cortez54190 Avenida CortezComplaintNormal 20-0938 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/28/2020 5/15/202080788VIA PUERTA AZUL80788 VIA PUERTA AZULCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0941 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 4/29/2020 5/7/202081250LEGENDS WAY81250 LEGENDS WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0943 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/29/2020 5/15/202044210SWEETBUSH LN44210 SWEETBUSH LNCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0944 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/30/2020 5/9/202051050CALLE OBISPO51050 CALLE OBISPOCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0945 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/30/2020 4/30/202079971MEMORIAL PL79971 MEMORIAL PLCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0946 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/30/2020 6/2/202051270CALLE JACUMBA51270 CALLE JACUMBACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0946 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/30/2020 6/2/202051270CALLE JACUMBA51270 CALLE JACUMBAComplaintNormal 20-0946 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/30/2020 6/2/202051270CALLE JACUMBA51270 CALLE JACUMBACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0947 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/30/2020 5/1/202057575SEMINOLE DR57575 SEMINOLE DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0953 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/30/2020 7/2/202055690BRAE BURN55690 BRAE BURNCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0954 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/30/2020 5/1/202052030AVENIDA VILLA52030 AVENIDA VILLAComplaintNormal 20-0955 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/1/2020 5/2/202052880AVENIDA CARRANZA52880 AVENIDA CARRANZAComplaintNormal 20-0957 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/1/2020 5/14/202045550SUNBROOK LN45550 SUNBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0957 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/1/2020 5/14/202045550SUNBROOK LN45550 SUNBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-0973 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/2/2020 5/15/202044645MARGUERITE CT44645 MARGUERITE CTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0975 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/3/2020 5/14/202079915HORSESHOE RD79915 HORSESHOE RDCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0961 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 9/23/202053055AVENIDA JUAREZ53055 AVENIDA JUAREZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0961 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 9/23/202053055AVENIDA JUAREZ53055 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-0961 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 9/23/202053055AVENIDA JUAREZ53055 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-0962 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 6/6/202080896CALLE AZUL80896 CALLE AZULCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0965 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 5/25/202050670Santa Rosa50670 Santa RosaCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0965 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 5/25/202050670Santa Rosa50670 Santa RosaComplaintNormal 20-0966 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 5/14/202050650Santa Rosa50650 Santa RosaCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0967 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 5/4/202052870AVENIDA MONTEZUMA52870 AVENIDA MONTEZUMACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0968 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 5/26/202081365GOLF VIEW DR81365 GOLF VIEW DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0968 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 5/26/202081365GOLF VIEW DR81365 GOLF VIEW DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0968 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 5/26/202081365GOLF VIEW DR81365 GOLF VIEW DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0968 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 5/26/202081365GOLF VIEW DR81365 GOLF VIEW DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0972 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 5/25/202053390AVENIDA NAVARRO53390 AVENIDA NAVARROCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0972 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 5/25/202053390AVENIDA NAVARRO53390 AVENIDA NAVARROCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0972 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 5/25/202053390AVENIDA NAVARRO53390 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-0972 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 5/25/202053390AVENIDA NAVARRO53390 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-0972 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 5/25/202053390AVENIDA NAVARRO53390 AVENIDA NAVARROCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0972 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 5/25/202053390AVENIDA NAVARRO53390 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-0974 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 6/5/202046500CAMEO PALMS DR46500 CAMEO PALMS DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0974 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 6/5/202046500CAMEO PALMS DR46500 CAMEO PALMS DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0974 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 6/5/202046500CAMEO PALMS DR46500 CAMEO PALMS DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0974 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 6/5/202046500CAMEO PALMS DR46500 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-0974 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 6/5/202046500CAMEO PALMS DR46500 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-0979 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/5/2020 5/19/202080790SPANISH BAY80790 SPANISH BAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0979 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/5/2020 5/19/202080790SPANISH BAY80790 SPANISH BAYComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-0985 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/6/2020 5/19/202078860AURORA WAY78860 AURORA WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0985 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/6/2020 5/19/202078860AURORA WAY78860 AURORA WAYComplaintNormal 20-0994 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/7/2020 5/12/202081220GOLF VIEW DR81220 GOLF VIEW DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0994 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/7/2020 5/12/202081220GOLF VIEW DR81220 GOLF VIEW DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0995 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/7/2020 5/9/202055050Riviera55050 RivieraCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0996 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/7/2020 5/25/202055491SOUTHERN HILLS55491 SOUTHERN HILLSCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-0996 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/7/2020 5/25/202055491SOUTHERN HILLS55491 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1001 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/8/2020 5/18/202080333Oak Tree80333 Oak TreeCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1002 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/8/2020 5/22/202056015WINGED FOOT56015 WINGED FOOTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1002 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/8/2020 5/22/202056015WINGED FOOT56015 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1002 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/8/2020 5/22/202056015WINGED FOOT56015 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1003 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/8/2020 5/12/202078435SINGING PALMS DR78435 SINGING PALMS DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1003 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/8/2020 5/12/202078435SINGING PALMS DR78435 SINGING PALMS DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1004 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/8/2020 5/9/202078390SINGING PALMS DR78390 SINGING PALMS DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1004 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/8/2020 5/9/202078390SINGING PALMS DR78390 SINGING PALMS DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1005 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/8/2020 5/13/202046485CAMEO PALMS DR46485 CAMEO PALMS DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1008 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/8/2020 5/12/202081115LEGENDS WAY81115 LEGENDS WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1009 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/8/2020 5/28/202078765LA PALMA DR78765 LA PALMA DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1009 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/8/2020 5/28/202078765LA PALMA DR78765 LA PALMA DRComplaintNormal 20-1050 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/8/2020 5/18/202081165GOLF VIEW DR81165 GOLF VIEW DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1007 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/11/2020 5/15/202081320LEGENDS WAY81320 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-1010 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/11/2020 5/15/202081350LEGENDS WAY81350 LEGENDS WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1014 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/11/2020 5/28/202080265CEDAR CREST80265 CEDAR CRESTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1014 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/11/2020 5/28/202080265CEDAR CREST80265 CEDAR CRESTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1014 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/11/2020 5/28/202080265CEDAR CREST80265 CEDAR CRESTComplaintNormal 20-1014 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/11/2020 5/28/202080265CEDAR CREST80265 CEDAR CRESTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1031 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/13/2020 5/15/202078110CALLE TAMPICO78110 CALLE TAMPICOCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1042 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/14/2020 5/15/202050855WASHINGTON ST50855 WASHINGTON STCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1046 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/15/2020 6/2/202044210CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20-1046 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/15/2020 6/2/202044210CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1053 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/15/2020 5/19/202055775PEBBLE BEACH55775 PEBBLE BEACHCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1053 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/15/2020 5/19/202055775PEBBLE BEACH55775 PEBBLE BEACHCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1056 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed - Complied 5/16/2020 6/10/202043676ALBA CT43676 ALBA CTComplaintNormal 20-1056 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed - Complied 5/16/2020 6/10/202043676ALBA CT43676 ALBA CTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1069 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/19/2020 6/8/202045245Seeley45245 SeeleyComplaintNormal 20-1069 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/19/2020 6/8/202045245Seeley45245 SeeleyComplaintNormal 20-1082 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/21/2020 6/2/202054080AVENIDA VALLEJO54080 AVENIDA VALLEJOCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1082 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/21/2020 6/2/202054080AVENIDA VALLEJO54080 AVENIDA VALLEJOComplaintNormal 20-1091 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/22/2020 5/23/202055825TURNBERRY WAY55825 TURNBERRY WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1092 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/22/2020 6/24/202053325AVENIDA MADERO53325 AVENIDA MADEROComplaintNormal 20-1101 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 5/22/2020 7/24/202078900MORNING STAR CT78900 MORNING STAR CTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1093 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 5/25/2020 10/16/202055581Winged Foot55581 Winged FootCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1093 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 5/25/2020 10/16/202055581Winged Foot55581 Winged FootComplaintNormal 20-1093 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 5/25/2020 10/16/202055581Winged Foot55581 Winged FootComplaintNormal 20-1093 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 5/25/2020 10/16/202055581Winged Foot55581 Winged FootComplaintNormal 20-1096 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/26/2020 6/1/202054355AVENIDA BERMUDAS54355 AVENIDA BERMUDASCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1097 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/26/2020 6/2/202052420AVENIDA JUAREZ52420 AVENIDA JUAREZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1100 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 5/26/2020 6/7/202054878SOUTHERN HILLS54878 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1100 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 5/26/2020 6/7/202054878SOUTHERN HILLS54878 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1102 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/26/2020 6/5/202052500EISENHOWER DR52500 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-1103 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/26/2020 5/28/202050860CALLE PALOMA50860 CALLE PALOMACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1104 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/26/2020 6/4/202048712Legacy48712 LegacyCOMPLAINT COVID-19CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1105 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open5/26/2020 10/7/202054315AVENIDA VALLEJO54315 AVENIDA VALLEJOCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1105 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 5/26/2020 10/7/202054315AVENIDA VALLEJO54315 AVENIDA VALLEJOComplaintNormal 20-1105 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 5/26/2020 10/7/202054315AVENIDA VALLEJO54315 AVENIDA VALLEJOComplaintNormal 20-1107 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/26/2020 6/16/202048548Legacy48548 LegacyCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1108 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/26/2020 6/2/202048656Legacy48656 LegacyCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1108 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/26/2020 6/2/202048656Legacy48656 LegacyComplaintNormal 20-1109 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 5/26/2020 6/10/202048704Legacy48704 LegacyCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1110 Vacation Rental-Building Violations Closed 5/26/2020 5/30/202048720Legacy48720 LegacyCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1111 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/26/2020 5/27/202048605Classic48605 ClassicCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1112 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/26/2020 5/29/202077721Tradition Dr77721 Tradition DrCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1113 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/26/2020 6/5/202077729Tradition77729 TraditionCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1114 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/26/2020 6/5/202077717Tradition Drive77717 Tradition DriveCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1115 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/26/2020 5/29/202048700LEGACY48700 LEGACYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1118 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/26/2020 5/28/202048668Legacy48668 LegacyCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1120 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/27/2020 6/4/202079820FIESTA DR79820 FIESTA DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1120 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/27/2020 6/4/202079820FIESTA DR79820 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1121 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/27/2020 6/8/202044675MARGUERITE CT44675 MARGUERITE CTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1121 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/27/2020 6/8/202044675MARGUERITE CT44675 MARGUERITE CTComplaintNormal 20-1121 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/27/2020 6/8/202044675MARGUERITE CT44675 MARGUERITE CTComplaintNormal 20-1123 Vacation Rental-Building Violations Closed 5/27/2020 7/30/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZComplaintNormal 20-1123 Vacation Rental-Building Violations Closed 5/27/2020 7/30/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZComplaintNormal 20-1123 Vacation Rental-Building Violations Closed 5/27/2020 7/30/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1123 Vacation Rental-Building Violations Closed 5/27/2020 7/30/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZComplaintNormal 20-1123 Vacation Rental-Building Violations Closed 5/27/2020 7/30/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZComplaintNormal 20-1123 Vacation Rental-Building Violations Closed 5/27/2020 7/30/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZComplaintNormal 20-1123 Vacation Rental-Building Violations Closed 5/27/2020 7/30/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZComplaintNormal 20-1124 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed - Complied 5/27/2020 6/4/202044210MARIPOSA CT44210 MARIPOSA CTCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1125 Vacation Rental-Building Violations Closed 5/28/2020 6/2/202052565AVENIDA JUAREZ AVE52565 AVENIDA JUAREZ AVECOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1127 Vacation Rental-Building Violations Closed 5/28/2020 6/16/202052205AVENIDA DIAZ52205 AVENIDA DIAZCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1136 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 5/29/2020 6/1/202046480WASHINGTON ST46480 WASHINGTON STCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Building Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Building Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Building Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Building Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Building Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal20-1140 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen5/29/202010/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen5/29/2020 10/13/202044260VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOComplaintNormal 20-1142 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed5/30/2020 6/16/202050070PALENCIA CT50070 PALENCIA CTComplaintNormal 20-1141 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed6/1/2020 6/4/202052510AVENIDA JUAREZ52510 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1157 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/3/2020 6/9/202078380VIA SEVILLA78380 VIA SEVILLACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1162 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/3/2020 6/17/202054994Tanglewood54994 TanglewoodCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1162 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/3/2020 6/17/202054994Tanglewood54994 TanglewoodComplaintNormal 20-1164 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/3/2020 7/14/202048748Legacy48748 LegacyComplaintNormal 20-1164 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/3/2020 7/14/202048748Legacy48748 LegacyComplaintNormal 20-1164 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/3/2020 7/14/202048748Legacy48748 LegacyComplaintNormal 20-1166 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/4/2020 6/8/202053385AVENIDA MENDOZA53385 AVENIDA MENDOZAComplaintNormal 20-1171 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/6/2020 9/25/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-1171 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/6/2020 9/25/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-1171 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/6/2020 9/25/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-1171 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/6/2020 9/25/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-1171 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/6/2020 9/25/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-1171 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/6/2020 9/25/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-1171 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/6/2020 9/25/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-1171 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/6/2020 9/25/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-1171 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/6/2020 9/25/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-1171 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/6/2020 9/25/202078525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-1173 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/6/2020 6/10/202081185LEGENDS WAY81185 LEGENDS WAYCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1173 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/6/2020 6/10/202081185LEGENDS WAY81185 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-1174 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/6/2020 7/13/202051475Calle Jacumba51475 Calle JacumbaComplaintNormal 20-1175 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/6/2020 6/22/202080321MERION80321 MERIONComplaintNormal 20-1176 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/6/2020 7/16/202048684Legacy48684 LegacyComplaintNormal 20-1177 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/6/2020 6/9/202048708Legacy48708 LegacyComplaintNormal 20-1178 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/6/2020 8/24/202052883EISENHOWER DR52883 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-1178 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/6/2020 8/24/202052883EISENHOWER DR52883 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-1178 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/6/2020 8/24/202052883EISENHOWER DR52883 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-1178 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/6/2020 8/24/202052883EISENHOWER DR52883 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-1178 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/6/2020 8/24/202052883EISENHOWER DR52883 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-1178 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/6/2020 8/24/202052883EISENHOWER DR52883 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-1178 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/6/2020 8/24/202052883EISENHOWER DR52883 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-1178 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/6/2020 8/24/202052883EISENHOWER DR52883 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-1178 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/6/2020 8/24/202052883EISENHOWER DR52883 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-1178 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/6/2020 8/24/202052883EISENHOWER DR52883 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-1178 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/6/2020 8/24/202052883EISENHOWER DR52883 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-1178 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/6/2020 8/24/202052883EISENHOWER DR52883 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-1178 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/6/2020 8/24/202052883EISENHOWER DR52883 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-1179 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/7/2020 7/31/202054035AVENIDA MENDOZA54035 AVENIDA MENDOZAComplaintNormal 20-1179 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/7/2020 7/31/202054035AVENIDA MENDOZA54035 AVENIDA MENDOZAComplaintNormal 20-1181 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/7/2020 6/9/202079205DIANE DR79205 DIANE DRComplaintNormal 20-1187 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/8/2020 7/24/202055610ROYAL ST GEORGE55610 ROYAL ST GEORGEComplaintNormal 20-1187 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/8/2020 7/24/202055610ROYAL ST GEORGE55610 ROYAL ST GEORGEComplaintNormal 20-1187 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/8/2020 7/24/202055610ROYAL ST GEORGE55610 ROYAL ST GEORGEComplaintNormal 20-1187 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/8/2020 7/24/202055610ROYAL ST GEORGE55610 ROYAL ST GEORGEComplaintNormal 20-1187 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/8/2020 7/24/202055610ROYAL ST GEORGE55610 ROYAL ST GEORGEComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1187 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed6/8/2020 7/24/202055610ROYAL ST GEORGE55610 ROYAL ST GEORGEComplaintNormal 20-1187 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed6/8/2020 7/24/202055610ROYAL ST GEORGE55610 ROYAL ST GEORGEComplaintNormal 20-1187 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed6/8/2020 7/24/202055610ROYAL ST GEORGE55610 ROYAL ST GEORGEComplaintNormal 20-1188 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed6/8/2020 8/1/202054060Avenida Madero54060 Avenida MaderoComplaintNormal 20-1188 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/8/2020 8/1/202054060Avenida Madero54060 Avenida MaderoComplaintNormal 20-1188 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/8/2020 8/1/202054060Avenida Madero54060 Avenida MaderoComplaintNormal 20-1193 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/9/2020 6/15/202051325Calle Jacumba51325 Calle JacumbaComplaintNormal 20-1224 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/11/2020 8/10/202054200AVENIDA CORTEZ54200 AVENIDA CORTEZComplaintNormal 20-1234 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/12/2020 6/15/202079836MORRIS AVE79836 MORRIS AVEComplaintNormal 20-1236 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/12/2020 7/2/202078580AVENIDA TUJUNGA78580 AVENIDA TUJUNGAComplaintNormal 20-1236 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/12/2020 7/2/202078580AVENIDA TUJUNGA78580 AVENIDA TUJUNGAComplaintNormal 20-1245 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/15/2020 6/29/202045360DESERT FOX DR45360 DESERT FOX DRComplaintNormal 20-1247 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/15/2020 6/16/202051550AVENIDA VALLEJO51550 AVENIDA VALLEJOComplaintNormal 20-1247 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/15/2020 6/16/202051550AVENIDA VALLEJO51550 AVENIDA VALLEJOComplaintNormal 20-1248 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 8/31/202054768SOUTHERN HILLS54768 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1248 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 8/31/202054768SOUTHERN HILLS54768 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1248 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 8/31/202054768SOUTHERN HILLS54768 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1248 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 8/31/202054768SOUTHERN HILLS54768 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1248 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 8/31/202054768SOUTHERN HILLS54768 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1248 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 8/31/202054768SOUTHERN HILLS54768 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1248 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 8/31/202054768SOUTHERN HILLS54768 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1248 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 8/31/202054768SOUTHERN HILLS54768 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1248 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 8/31/202054768SOUTHERN HILLS54768 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1248 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 8/31/202054768SOUTHERN HILLS54768 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1248 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 8/31/202054768SOUTHERN HILLS54768 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1252 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/22/202079105OCOTILLO DR79105 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-1252 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/22/202079105OCOTILLO DR79105 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-1252 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/22/202079105OCOTILLO DR79105 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-1252 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/22/202079105OCOTILLO DR79105 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-1252 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/22/202079105OCOTILLO DR79105 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-1252 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/22/202079105OCOTILLO DR79105 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-1252 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/22/202079105OCOTILLO DR79105 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-1252 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/22/202079105OCOTILLO DR79105 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-1252 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/22/202079105OCOTILLO DR79105 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-1252 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/22/202079105OCOTILLO DR79105 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-1252 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/22/202079105OCOTILLO DR79105 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-1252 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/22/202079105OCOTILLO DR79105 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-1252 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/22/202079105OCOTILLO DR79105 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-1253 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/13/202078615BRADFORD CIR78615 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1253 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/13/202078615BRADFORD CIR78615 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1253 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/13/202078615BRADFORD CIR78615 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1253 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/13/202078615BRADFORD CIR78615 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1253 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/13/202078615BRADFORD CIR78615 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1253 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/13/202078615BRADFORD CIR78615 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1253 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/13/202078615BRADFORD CIR78615 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1253 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/13/202078615BRADFORD CIR78615 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1253 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/13/202078615BRADFORD CIR78615 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1253 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/13/202078615BRADFORD CIR78615 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1253 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/13/202078615BRADFORD CIR78615 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1253 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 10/13/202078615BRADFORD CIR78615 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1254 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/15/2020 7/8/202052990AVENIDA ALVARADO52990 AVENIDA ALVARADOComplaintNormal 20-1255 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/15/2020 6/16/202055655ROYAL ST GEORGE55655 ROYAL ST GEORGEComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1257 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed6/16/2020 6/17/202079778Arnold Palmer79778 Arnold PalmerComplaintNormal 20-1262 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/16/2020 6/19/202052140Avenida Mendoza52140 Avenida MendozaComplaintNormal 20-1265 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/18/2020 9/15/202045415ASHWOOD CT45415 ASHWOOD CTComplaintNormal 20-1265 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/18/2020 9/15/202045415ASHWOOD CT45415 ASHWOOD CTComplaintNormal 20-1265 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/18/2020 9/15/202045415ASHWOOD CT45415 ASHWOOD CTComplaintNormal 20-1265 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/18/2020 9/15/202045415ASHWOOD CT45415 ASHWOOD CTComplaintNormal 20-1265 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/18/2020 9/15/202045415ASHWOOD CT45415 ASHWOOD CTComplaintNormal 20-1266 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/18/2020 8/10/202077700CALLE COLIMA77700 CALLE COLIMAComplaintNormal 20-1273 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/19/2020 7/13/202078735SANITA DR78735 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-1273 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/19/2020 7/13/202078735SANITA DR78735 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-1273 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/19/2020 7/13/202078735SANITA DR78735 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-1277 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/19/2020 11/9/202050820CALLE GUAYMAS50820 CALLE GUAYMASComplaintNormal 20-1277 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/19/2020 11/9/202050820CALLE GUAYMAS50820 CALLE GUAYMASComplaintNormal 20-1277 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/19/2020 11/9/202050820CALLE GUAYMAS50820 CALLE GUAYMASComplaintNormal 20-1277 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/19/2020 11/9/202050820CALLE GUAYMAS50820 CALLE GUAYMASComplaintNormal 20-1277 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/19/2020 11/9/202050820CALLE GUAYMAS50820 CALLE GUAYMASComplaintNormal 20-1277 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/19/2020 11/9/202050820CALLE GUAYMAS50820 CALLE GUAYMASComplaintNormal 20-1277 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/19/2020 11/9/202050820CALLE GUAYMAS50820 CALLE GUAYMASComplaintNormal 20-1277 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/19/2020 11/9/202050820CALLE GUAYMAS50820 CALLE GUAYMASComplaintNormal 20-1277 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/19/2020 11/9/202050820CALLE GUAYMAS50820 CALLE GUAYMASComplaintNormal 20-1277 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/19/2020 11/9/202050820CALLE GUAYMAS50820 CALLE GUAYMASComplaintNormal 20-1277 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/19/2020 11/9/202050820CALLE GUAYMAS50820 CALLE GUAYMASComplaintNormal 20-1278 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/19/2020 8/10/202049705RANCHO SAN JULIAN49705 RANCHO SAN JULIANComplaintNormal 20-1279 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/19/2020 9/27/202053335AVENIDA BERMUDAS53335 AVENIDA BERMUDASComplaintNormal 20-1279 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/19/2020 9/27/202053335AVENIDA BERMUDAS53335 AVENIDA BERMUDASComplaintNormal 20-1279 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/19/2020 9/27/202053335AVENIDA BERMUDAS53335 AVENIDA BERMUDASComplaintNormal 20-1279 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/19/2020 9/27/202053335AVENIDA BERMUDAS53335 AVENIDA BERMUDASComplaintNormal 20-1279 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/19/2020 9/27/202053335AVENIDA BERMUDAS53335 AVENIDA BERMUDASComplaintNormal 20-1279 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/19/2020 9/27/202053335AVENIDA BERMUDAS53335 AVENIDA BERMUDASComplaintNormal 20-1279 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/19/2020 9/27/202053335AVENIDA BERMUDAS53335 AVENIDA BERMUDASComplaintNormal 20-1279 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/19/2020 9/27/202053335AVENIDA BERMUDAS53335 AVENIDA BERMUDASComplaintNormal 20-1280 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/19/2020 6/30/202081240LEGENDS WAY81240 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-1281 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/20/2020 8/31/202052515AVENIDA JUAREZ52515 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1281 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/20/2020 8/31/202052515AVENIDA JUAREZ52515 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1281 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/20/2020 8/31/202052515AVENIDA JUAREZ52515 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1281 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/20/2020 8/31/202052515AVENIDA JUAREZ52515 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1281 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/20/2020 8/31/202052515AVENIDA JUAREZ52515 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1281 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/20/2020 8/31/202052515AVENIDA JUAREZ52515 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1281 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/20/2020 8/31/202052515AVENIDA JUAREZ52515 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1282 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/20/2020 10/14/202045545STONEBROOK CT45545 STONEBROOK CTComplaintNormal 20-1282 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/20/2020 10/14/202045545STONEBROOK CT45545 STONEBROOK CTComplaintNormal 20-1282 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/20/2020 10/14/202045545STONEBROOK CT45545 STONEBROOK CTComplaintNormal 20-1282 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/20/2020 10/14/202045545STONEBROOK CT45545 STONEBROOK CTComplaintNormal 20-1283 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/22/2020 6/23/202052290AVENIDA VALLEJO52290 AVENIDA VALLEJOComplaintNormal 20-1286 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/22/2020 7/7/202052295AVENIDA VALLEJO52295 AVENIDA VALLEJOComplaintNormal 20-1286 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/22/2020 7/7/202052295AVENIDA VALLEJO52295 AVENIDA VALLEJOComplaintNormal 20-1305 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/22/2020 10/2/202078380VIA SEVILLA78380 VIA SEVILLAComplaintNormal 20-1305 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/22/2020 10/2/202078380VIA SEVILLA78380 VIA SEVILLAComplaintNormal 20-1305 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/22/2020 10/2/202078380VIA SEVILLA78380 VIA SEVILLAComplaintNormal 20-1305 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/22/2020 10/2/202078380VIA SEVILLA78380 VIA SEVILLAComplaintNormal 20-1306 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed - Complied 6/23/2020 9/1/202079527DANDELION DR79527 DANDELION DRComplaintNormal 20-1306 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed - Complied 6/23/2020 9/1/202079527DANDELION DR79527 DANDELION DRComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1306 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed - Complied 6/23/2020 9/1/202079527DANDELION DR79527 DANDELION DRComplaintNormal 20-1306 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed - Complied 6/23/2020 9/1/202079527DANDELION DR79527 DANDELION DRComplaintNormal 20-1314 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/25/2020 6/30/202077985AVENIDA MONTEZUMA77985 AVENIDA MONTEZUMACOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1314 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/25/2020 6/30/202077985AVENIDA MONTEZUMA77985 AVENIDA MONTEZUMAComplaintNormal 20-1321 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/26/2020 7/10/202048800LEGACY DR48800 LEGACY DRCOMPLAINT COVID-19Normal 20-1328 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/26/2020 6/30/202079971MEMORIAL PL79971 MEMORIAL PLComplaintNormal 20-1329 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/26/2020 6/30/202044155MARIPOSA CT44155 MARIPOSA CTComplaintNormal 20-1329 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/26/2020 6/30/202044155MARIPOSA CT44155 MARIPOSA CTComplaintNormal 20-1324 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/27/2020 10/2/202044210MARIPOSA CT44210 MARIPOSA CTComplaintNormal 20-1324 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/27/2020 10/2/202044210MARIPOSA CT44210 MARIPOSA CTComplaintNormal 20-1324 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/27/2020 10/2/202044210MARIPOSA CT44210 MARIPOSA CTComplaintNormal 20-1332 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/27/2020 6/30/202055690BRAE BURN55690 BRAE BURNComplaintNormal 20-1335 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/27/2020 7/20/202054060AVENIDA VALLEJO54060 AVENIDA VALLEJOComplaintNormal 20-1336 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/27/2020 10/20/202051240AVENIDA RAMIREZ51240 AVENIDA RAMIREZComplaintNormal 20-1336 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/27/2020 10/20/202051240AVENIDA RAMIREZ51240 AVENIDA RAMIREZComplaintNormal 20-1414 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/27/2020 8/18/202054080AVENIDA VALLEJO54080 AVENIDA VALLEJOComplaintNormal 20-1414 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/27/2020 8/18/202054080AVENIDA VALLEJO54080 AVENIDA VALLEJOComplaintNormal 20-1338 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/28/2020 9/15/202080682BELLERIVE80682 BELLERIVEComplaintNormal 20-1338 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/28/2020 9/15/202080682BELLERIVE80682 BELLERIVEComplaintNormal 20-1338 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/28/2020 9/15/202080682BELLERIVE80682 BELLERIVEComplaintNormal 20-1334 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/29/2020 7/21/202078685FORBES CIR78685 FORBES CIRComplaintNormal 20-1334 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/29/2020 7/21/202078685FORBES CIR78685 FORBES CIRComplaintNormal 20-1334 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/29/2020 7/21/202078685FORBES CIR78685 FORBES CIRComplaintNormal 20-1339 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/29/2020 8/12/202081185GOLF VIEW DR81185 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-1339 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 6/29/2020 8/12/202081185GOLF VIEW DR81185 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-1340 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 6/29/2020 8/28/202051680AVENIDA NAVARRO51680 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1349 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/1/2020 11/9/202078660BRADFORD CIR78660 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1349 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/1/2020 11/9/202078660BRADFORD CIR78660 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1349 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/1/2020 11/9/202078660BRADFORD CIR78660 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1349 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/1/2020 11/9/202078660BRADFORD CIR78660 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1349 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/1/2020 11/9/202078660BRADFORD CIR78660 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1349 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/1/2020 11/9/202078660BRADFORD CIR78660 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1349 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/1/2020 11/9/202078660BRADFORD CIR78660 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1349 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/1/2020 11/9/202078660BRADFORD CIR78660 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1349 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/1/2020 11/9/202078660BRADFORD CIR78660 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1351 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/1/2020 7/14/202054555WINGED FOOT54555 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1351 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/1/2020 7/14/202054555WINGED FOOT54555 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1355 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/1/2020 7/10/202080824VIA PUERTA AZUL80824 VIA PUERTA AZULComplaintNormal 20-1359 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/2/2020 7/13/202078600BRADFORD CIR78600 BRADFORD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1360 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/3/2020 10/23/202045395DEERBROOK CIR45395 DEERBROOK CIRComplaintNormal 20-1360 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/3/2020 10/23/202045395DEERBROOK CIR45395 DEERBROOK CIRComplaintNormal 20-1360 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/3/2020 10/23/202045395DEERBROOK CIR45395 DEERBROOK CIRComplaintNormal 20-1358 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/4/2020 7/7/202052190AVENIDA JUAREZ52190 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1361 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/4/2020 7/7/202053280AVENIDA RUBIO53280 AVENIDA RUBIOComplaintNormal 20-1362 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/4/2020 11/2/202054740AVENIDA RAMIREZ54740 AVENIDA RAMIREZComplaintNormal 20-1363 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/4/2020 7/16/202046735HIGHLAND PALMS DR46735 HIGHLAND PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1363 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/4/2020 7/16/202046735HIGHLAND PALMS DR46735 HIGHLAND PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1364 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/4/2020 9/15/202046755HIGHLAND PALMS DR46755 HIGHLAND PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1364 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/4/2020 9/15/202046755HIGHLAND PALMS DR46755 HIGHLAND PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1364 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/4/2020 9/15/202046755HIGHLAND PALMS DR46755 HIGHLAND PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1364 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/4/2020 9/15/202046755HIGHLAND PALMS DR46755 HIGHLAND PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1365 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/4/2020 7/23/202053875AVENIDA DIAZ53875 AVENIDA DIAZComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1365 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/4/2020 7/23/202053875AVENIDA DIAZ53875 AVENIDA DIAZComplaintNormal 20-1365 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/4/2020 7/23/202053875AVENIDA DIAZ53875 AVENIDA DIAZComplaintNormal 20-1367 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/6/2020 7/14/202078895SONESTA WAY78895 SONESTA WAYComplaintNormal 20-1367 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/6/2020 7/14/202078895SONESTA WAY78895 SONESTA WAYComplaintNormal 20-1367 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/6/2020 7/14/202078895SONESTA WAY78895 SONESTA WAYComplaintNormal 20-1367 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/6/2020 7/14/202078895SONESTA WAY78895 SONESTA WAYComplaintNormal 20-1367 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/6/2020 7/14/202078895SONESTA WAY78895 SONESTA WAYComplaintNormal 20-1370 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/6/2020 10/24/202054190AVENIDA MARTINEZ54190 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1370 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/6/2020 10/24/202054190AVENIDA MARTINEZ54190 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1370 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/6/2020 10/24/202054190AVENIDA MARTINEZ54190 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1370 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/6/2020 10/24/202054190AVENIDA MARTINEZ54190 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1371 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/6/2020 10/16/202081235LEGENDS WAY81235 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-1371 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/6/2020 10/16/202081235LEGENDS WAY81235 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-1380 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/7/2020 7/31/202055030Firestone55030 FirestoneComplaintNormal 20-1390 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/8/2020 7/13/202052230AVENIDA MONTEZUMA52230 AVENIDA MONTEZUMAComplaintNormal 20-1395 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/22/202079915HORSESHOE RD79915 HORSESHOE RDComplaintNormal 20-1395 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/22/202079915HORSESHOE RD79915 HORSESHOE RDComplaintNormal 20-1395 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/22/202079915HORSESHOE RD79915 HORSESHOE RDComplaintNormal 20-1395 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/22/202079915HORSESHOE RD79915 HORSESHOE RDComplaintNormal 20-1395 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/22/202079915HORSESHOE RD79915 HORSESHOE RDComplaintNormal 20-1395 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/22/202079915HORSESHOE RD79915 HORSESHOE RDComplaintNormal 20-1395 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/22/202079915HORSESHOE RD79915 HORSESHOE RDComplaintNormal 20-1395 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/22/202079915HORSESHOE RD79915 HORSESHOE RDComplaintNormal 20-1395 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/22/202079915HORSESHOE RD79915 HORSESHOE RDComplaintNormal 20-1396 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/5/202045325BIRCHCREST CIR45325 BIRCHCREST CIRComplaintNormal 20-1396 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/5/202045325BIRCHCREST CIR45325 BIRCHCREST CIRComplaintNormal 20-1396 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/5/202045325BIRCHCREST CIR45325 BIRCHCREST CIRComplaintNormal 20-1396 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/5/202045325BIRCHCREST CIR45325 BIRCHCREST CIRComplaintNormal 20-1396 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/5/202045325BIRCHCREST CIR45325 BIRCHCREST CIRComplaintNormal 20-1396 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/5/202045325BIRCHCREST CIR45325 BIRCHCREST CIRComplaintNormal 20-1396 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/5/202045325BIRCHCREST CIR45325 BIRCHCREST CIRComplaintNormal 20-1396 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/5/202045325BIRCHCREST CIR45325 BIRCHCREST CIRComplaintNormal 20-1396 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/5/202045325BIRCHCREST CIR45325 BIRCHCREST CIRComplaintNormal 20-1396 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 10/5/202045325BIRCHCREST CIR45325 BIRCHCREST CIRComplaintNormal 20-1403 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 9/16/202044210CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20-1403 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 9/16/202044210CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20-1403 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 9/16/202044210CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20-1403 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 9/16/202044210CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20-1403 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 9/16/202044210CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20-1403 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 9/16/202044210CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20-1403 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 9/16/202044210CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20-1403 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 9/16/202044210CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20-1403 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 9/16/202044210CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20-1406 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/10/2020 7/14/202080895VIA PUERTA AZUL80895 VIA PUERTA AZULComplaintNormal 20-1408 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 7/14/202044065CAMINO LA CRESTA44065 CAMINO LA CRESTAComplaintNormal 20-1417 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 12/15/202079320DESERT WIND CT79320 DESERT WIND CTComplaintNormal 20-1417 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 12/15/202079320DESERT WIND CT79320 DESERT WIND CTComplaintNormal 20-1417 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 12/15/202079320DESERT WIND CT79320 DESERT WIND CTComplaintNormal 20-1417 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 12/15/202079320DESERT WIND CT79320 DESERT WIND CTComplaintNormal 20-1417 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/10/2020 12/15/202079320DESERT WIND CT79320 DESERT WIND CTComplaintNormal 20-1400 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/11/2020 8/3/202053885EISENHOWER DR53885 EISENHOWER DRSTVRP-ComplaintNormal 20-1411 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/11/2020 7/14/202081185LEGENDS WAY81185 LEGENDS WAYComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1402 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/13/2020 7/17/202080321MERION80321 MERIONComplaintNormal 20-1402 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/13/2020 7/17/202080321MERION80321 MERIONComplaintNormal 20-1405 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/13/2020 7/14/202045545DESERT EAGLE CT45545 DESERT EAGLE CTComplaintNormal 20-1407 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/13/2020 10/14/202054680SOUTHERN HILLS54680 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1407 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/13/2020 10/14/202054680SOUTHERN HILLS54680 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1407 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/13/2020 10/14/202054680SOUTHERN HILLS54680 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1407 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/13/2020 10/14/202054680SOUTHERN HILLS54680 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1407 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/13/2020 10/14/202054680SOUTHERN HILLS54680 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1407 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/13/2020 10/14/202054680SOUTHERN HILLS54680 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1407 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/13/2020 10/14/202054680SOUTHERN HILLS54680 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1412 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/13/2020 7/14/202053120AVENIDA MARTINEZ53120 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1415 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/14/2020 10/22/202079820FIESTA DR79820 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1415 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/14/2020 10/22/202079820FIESTA DR79820 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1415 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/14/2020 10/22/202079820FIESTA DR79820 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1415 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/14/2020 10/22/202079820FIESTA DR79820 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1415 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/14/2020 10/22/202079820FIESTA DR79820 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1415 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/14/2020 10/22/202079820FIESTA DR79820 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1421 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/16/2020 10/13/202079930FIESTA DR79930 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1421 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/16/2020 10/13/202079930FIESTA DR79930 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1421 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/16/2020 10/13/202079930FIESTA DR79930 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1422 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/16/2020 7/17/202057750BLACK DIAMOND57750 BLACK DIAMONDComplaintNormal 20-1422 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/16/2020 7/17/202057750BLACK DIAMOND57750 BLACK DIAMONDComplaintNormal 20-1422 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/16/2020 7/17/202057750BLACK DIAMOND57750 BLACK DIAMONDComplaintNormal 20-1423 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/16/2020 7/17/202054020AVENIDA VELASCO54020 AVENIDA VELASCOComplaintNormal 20-1424 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/16/2020 7/22/202054922Tanglewood54922 TanglewoodComplaintNormal 20-1424 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/16/2020 7/22/202054922Tanglewood54922 TanglewoodComplaintNormal 20-1425 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/16/2020 7/17/202054695WINGED FOOT54695 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1426 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/16/2020 7/17/202056954Merion56954 MerionComplaintNormal 20-1431 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/16/2020 9/29/202081810MOUNTAIN VIEW LN81810 MOUNTAIN VIEW LNComplaintNormal 20-1431 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/16/2020 9/29/202081810MOUNTAIN VIEW LN81810 MOUNTAIN VIEW LNComplaintNormal 20-1431 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/16/2020 9/29/202081810MOUNTAIN VIEW LN81810 MOUNTAIN VIEW LNComplaintNormal 20-1431 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/16/2020 9/29/202081810MOUNTAIN VIEW LN81810 MOUNTAIN VIEW LNComplaintNormal 20-1432 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed - Complied 7/16/2020 7/18/202048300Vista De Nopal48300 Vista De NopalComplaintNormal 20-1441 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/18/2020 7/24/202078860SANITA DR78860 SANITA DRSTVRP-ComplaintNormal 20-1441 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/18/2020 7/24/202078860SANITA DR78860 SANITA DRSTVRP-ComplaintNormal 20-1441 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/18/2020 7/24/202078860SANITA DR78860 SANITA DRSTVRP-ComplaintNormal 20-1441 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/18/2020 7/24/202078860SANITA DR78860 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-1441 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/18/2020 7/24/202078860SANITA DR78860 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-1442 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/18/2020 11/4/202051855AVENIDA JUAREZ51855 AVENIDA JUAREZSTVRP-ComplaintNormal 20-1442 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/18/2020 11/4/202051855AVENIDA JUAREZ51855 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1442 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/18/2020 11/4/202051855AVENIDA JUAREZ51855 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1442 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/18/2020 11/4/202051855AVENIDA JUAREZ51855 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1443 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/18/2020 8/14/202080787SPANISH BAY80787 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-1443 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/18/2020 8/14/202080787SPANISH BAY80787 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-1443 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/18/2020 8/14/202080787SPANISH BAY80787 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-1444 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/18/2020 8/7/202055208BIG SPRING55208 BIG SPRINGComplaintNormal 20-1445 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/18/2020 7/22/202055555TURNBERRY WAY55555 TURNBERRY WAYComplaintNormal 20-1445 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/18/2020 7/22/202055555TURNBERRY WAY55555 TURNBERRY WAYComplaintNormal 20-1446 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/18/2020 9/29/202079065OCOTILLO DR79065 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-1446 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/18/2020 9/29/202079065OCOTILLO DR79065 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-1446 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/18/2020 9/29/202079065OCOTILLO DR79065 OCOTILLO DRComplaintNormal 20-1446 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/18/2020 9/29/202079065OCOTILLO DR79065 OCOTILLO DRComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1447 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/19/2020 7/22/202056980Merion56980 MerionComplaintNormal 20-1449 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/21/2020 7/21/202077400CALLE YUCATAN77400 CALLE YUCATANComplaintNormal 20-1450 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/21/2020 7/21/202050650Santa Rosa Plz50650 Santa Rosa PlzComplaintNormal 20-1451 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/21/2020 9/2/202055493SOUTHERN HILLS55493 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1453 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/21/2020 7/22/202044210DALEA CIR44210 DALEA CIRComplaintNormal 20-1454 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed - Complied 7/21/2020 10/12/202044095DALEA COURT44095 DALEA COURTComplaintNormal 20-1454 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed - Complied 7/21/2020 10/12/202044095DALEA COURT44095 DALEA COURTComplaintNormal 20-1457 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/22/2020 7/22/202051475Calle Jacumba51475 Calle JacumbaComplaintNormal 20-1458 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/22/2020 10/5/202079795FIESTA DR79795 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1458 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/22/2020 10/5/202079795FIESTA DR79795 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1458 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/22/2020 10/5/202079795FIESTA DR79795 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1465 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/23/2020 7/24/202081420NATIONAL DR81420 NATIONAL DRComplaintNormal 20-1465 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/23/2020 7/24/202081420NATIONAL DR81420 NATIONAL DRComplaintNormal 20-1466 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/24/2020 10/8/202045540DESERT FOX DR45540 DESERT FOX DRComplaintNormal 20-1466 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/24/2020 10/8/202045540DESERT FOX DR45540 DESERT FOX DRComplaintNormal 20-1466 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/24/2020 10/8/202045540DESERT FOX DR45540 DESERT FOX DRComplaintNormal 20-1466 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/24/2020 10/8/202045540DESERT FOX DR45540 DESERT FOX DRComplaintNormal 20-1466 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/24/2020 10/8/202045540DESERT FOX DR45540 DESERT FOX DRComplaintNormal 20-1466 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/24/2020 10/8/202045540DESERT FOX DR45540 DESERT FOX DRComplaintNormal 20-1466 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/24/2020 10/8/202045540DESERT FOX DR45540 DESERT FOX DRComplaintNormal 20-1466 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/24/2020 10/8/202045540DESERT FOX DR45540 DESERT FOX DRComplaintNormal 20-1466 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/24/2020 10/8/202045540DESERT FOX DR45540 DESERT FOX DRComplaintNormal 20-1479 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/24/2020 8/18/202053430AVENIDA CARRANZA53430 AVENIDA CARRANZAComplaintNormal 20-1489 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/25/2020 10/6/202054185AVENIDA MADERO54185 AVENIDA MADEROComplaintNormal 20-1489 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/25/2020 10/6/202054185AVENIDA MADERO54185 AVENIDA MADEROComplaintNormal 20-1489 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/25/2020 10/6/202054185AVENIDA MADERO54185 AVENIDA MADEROComplaintNormal 20-1490 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/25/2020 9/29/202079899WILLIAM STONE WAY79899 WILLIAM STONE WAYComplaintNormal 20-1490 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/25/2020 9/29/202079899WILLIAM STONE WAY79899 WILLIAM STONE WAYComplaintNormal 20-1490 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/25/2020 9/29/202079899WILLIAM STONE WAY79899 WILLIAM STONE WAYComplaintNormal 20-1490 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/25/2020 9/29/202079899WILLIAM STONE WAY79899 WILLIAM STONE WAYComplaintNormal 20-1490 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/25/2020 9/29/202079899WILLIAM STONE WAY79899 WILLIAM STONE WAYComplaintNormal 20-1490 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/25/2020 9/29/202079899WILLIAM STONE WAY79899 WILLIAM STONE WAYComplaintNormal 20-1499 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/25/2020 7/25/202050660Santa Rosa Plaza50660 Santa Rosa PlazaComplaintNormal 20-1500 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/25/2020 7/25/202054781oakhill54781 oakhillComplaintNormal 20-1516 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/25/2020 7/25/202048720Classic48720 ClassicComplaintNormal 20-1473 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/26/2020 7/29/202052515AVENIDA JUAREZ52515 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1474 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/26/2020 8/19/202050945CALLE PALOMA50945 CALLE PALOMAComplaintNormal 20-1474 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/26/2020 8/19/202050945CALLE PALOMA50945 CALLE PALOMAComplaintNormal 20-1474 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/26/2020 8/19/202050945CALLE PALOMA50945 CALLE PALOMAComplaintNormal 20-1480 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/27/2020 8/18/202081355NATIONAL DR81355 NATIONAL DRComplaintNormal 20-1480 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/27/2020 8/18/202081355NATIONAL DR81355 NATIONAL DRComplaintNormal 20-1482 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/27/2020 7/28/202079925HORSESHOE RD79925 HORSESHOE RDComplaintNormal 20-1512 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/27/2020 8/3/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1512 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/27/2020 8/3/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1512 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/27/2020 8/3/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/202053061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1486 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/28/2020 8/17/202057570INTERLACHEN57570 INTERLACHENComplaintNormal 20-1491 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/28/2020 7/29/202078395SINGING PALMS DR78395 SINGING PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1492 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/28/2020 8/1/202052770AVENIDA MONTEZUMA52770 AVENIDA MONTEZUMAComplaintNormal 20-1504 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/28/2020 8/20/202053105AVENIDA RUBIO53105 AVENIDA RUBIOComplaintNormal 20-1521 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/29/2020 8/3/202055243Tanglewood55243 TanglewoodComplaintNormal 20-1522 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/29/2020 8/1/202055610ROYAL ST GEORGE55610 ROYAL ST GEORGEComplaintNormal 20-1522 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/29/2020 8/1/202055610ROYAL ST GEORGE55610 ROYAL ST GEORGEComplaintNormal 20-1522 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/29/2020 8/1/202055610ROYAL ST GEORGE55610 ROYAL ST GEORGEComplaintNormal 20-1525 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/30/2020 10/14/202077535CALLE CHIHUAHUA77535 CALLE CHIHUAHUAComplaintNormal 20-1525 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 7/30/2020 10/14/202077535CALLE CHIHUAHUA77535 CALLE CHIHUAHUAComplaintNormal 20-1545 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/31/2020 7/31/202055586SOUTHERN HILLS55586 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1550 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/31/2020 8/14/202079820FIESTA DR79820 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1550 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/31/2020 8/14/202079820FIESTA DR79820 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1550 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 7/31/2020 8/14/202079820FIESTA DR79820 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1552 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/1/2020 8/1/202052230AVENIDA MONTEZUMA52230 AVENIDA MONTEZUMAComplaintNormal 20-1553 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/1/2020 8/1/202048705Classic48705 ClassicComplaintNormal 20-1556 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/2/2020 11/1/202078750LA PALMA DR78750 LA PALMA DRComplaintNormal 20-1555 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/3/2020 8/24/202053955AVENIDA NAVARRO53955 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1555 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/3/2020 8/24/202053955AVENIDA NAVARRO53955 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1555 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/3/2020 8/24/202053955AVENIDA NAVARRO53955 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1555 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/3/2020 8/24/202053955AVENIDA NAVARRO53955 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1560 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/3/2020 8/4/202080046Hermitage80046 HermitageComplaintNormal 20-1563 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/3/2020 8/10/202054060Avenida Madero54060 Avenida MaderoComplaintNormal 20-1565 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/3/2020 8/13/202050670Santa Rosa Plaza50670 Santa Rosa PlazaComplaintNormal 20-1567 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/3/2020 11/3/202078685AVENIDA ULTIMO78685 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-1567 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/3/2020 11/3/202078685AVENIDA ULTIMO78685 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-1567 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/3/2020 11/3/202078685AVENIDA ULTIMO78685 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-1567 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/3/2020 11/3/202078685AVENIDA ULTIMO78685 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-1569 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/3/2020 8/5/202080160VISTA GRANDE80160 VISTA GRANDEComplaintNormal 20-1570 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/3/2020 8/25/202046775CAMEO PALMS DR46775 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1570 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/3/2020 8/25/202046775CAMEO PALMS DR46775 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1575 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/4/2020 8/5/202050625GRAND TRAVERSE AVE50625 GRAND TRAVERSE AVEComplaintNormal 20-1579 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/5/2020 10/31/202054899WINGED FOOT54899 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1579 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/5/2020 10/31/202054899WINGED FOOT54899 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1579 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/5/2020 10/31/202054899WINGED FOOT54899 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1579 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/5/2020 10/31/202054899WINGED FOOT54899 WINGED FOOTComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1579 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/5/2020 10/31/202054899WINGED FOOT54899 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1579 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/5/2020 10/31/202054899WINGED FOOT54899 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1585 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/5/2020 9/9/202079850FIESTA DR79850 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1585 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/5/2020 9/9/202079850FIESTA DR79850 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1585 Vacation Rental-Viola ionsOpen8/5/2020 9/9/202079850FIESTA DR79850 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1585 Vacation Rental-Viola ionsOpen8/5/2020 9/9/202079850FIESTA DR79850 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1585 Vacation Rental-Viola ionsOpen8/5/2020 9/9/202079850FIESTA DR79850 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1589 Vacation Rental-Viola ionsOpen8/6/2020 8/22/202078830W HARLAND DR78830 W HARLAND DRComplaintNormal 20-1589 Vacation Rental-Viola ionsOpen8/6/2020 8/22/202078830W HARLAND DR78830 W HARLAND DRComplaintNormal 20-1589 Vacation Rental-Viola ionsOpen8/6/2020 8/22/202078830W HARLAND DR78830 W HARLAND DRComplaintNormal 20-1589 Vacation Rental-Viola ionsOpen8/6/2020 8/22/202078830W HARLAND DR78830 W HARLAND DRComplaintNormal 20-1591 Vacation Rental-Viola ionsClosed8/6/2020 8/10/202057780BLACK DIAMOND57780 BLACK DIAMONDComplaintNormal 20-1593 Vacation Rental-Viola ionsClosed8/7/2020 8/24/202055866BRAE BURN55866 BRAE BURNComplaintNormal 20-1594 Vacation Rental-Viola ionsOpen8/7/2020 10/8/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1594 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 10/8/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1594 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 10/8/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1594 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 10/8/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1594 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 10/8/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1594 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 10/8/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1594 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 10/8/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1594 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 10/8/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1594 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 10/8/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1594 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 10/8/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1594 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 10/8/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1594 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 10/8/202052436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1595 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 8/7/202045100COLDBROOK LN45100 COLDBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-1596 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/7/2020 8/7/202080265CEDAR CREST80265 CEDAR CRESTComplaintNormal 20-1597 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/7/2020 10/6/202078845LA PALMA DR78845 LA PALMA DRComplaintNormal 20-1597 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/7/2020 10/6/202078845LA PALMA DR78845 LA PALMA DRComplaintNormal 20-1598 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 11/5/202050795CALLE QUITO50795 CALLE QUITOComplaintNormal 20-1598 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 11/5/202050795CALLE QUITO50795 CALLE QUITOComplaintNormal 20-1598 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 11/5/202050795CALLE QUITO50795 CALLE QUITOComplaintNormal 20-1598 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 11/5/202050795CALLE QUITO50795 CALLE QUITOComplaintNormal 20-1598 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 11/5/202050795CALLE QUITO50795 CALLE QUITOComplaintNormal 20-1598 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 11/5/202050795CALLE QUITO50795 CALLE QUITOComplaintNormal 20-1598 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/7/2020 11/5/202050795CALLE QUITO50795 CALLE QUITOComplaintNormal 20-1599 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/7/2020 8/9/202078955VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-1602 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/8/2020 8/18/202078645SAGUARO DR78645 SAGUARO DRComplaintNormal 20-1604 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/10/2020 11/13/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-1604 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/10/2020 11/13/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-1604 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/10/2020 11/13/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-1604 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/10/2020 11/13/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-1604 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/10/2020 11/13/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-1604 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/10/2020 11/13/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-1604 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/10/2020 11/13/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-1604 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/10/2020 11/13/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-1604 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/10/2020 11/13/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-1604 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/10/2020 11/13/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-1604 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/10/2020 11/13/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-1604 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/10/2020 11/13/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-1604 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/10/2020 11/13/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-1604 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/10/2020 11/13/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1604 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/10/2020 11/13/202044185CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAComplaintNormal 20-1605 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/10/2020 8/31/202080418SPANISH BAY80418 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-1607 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/10/2020 8/11/202081220LEGENDS WAY81220 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-1608 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/10/2020 8/11/202055282Tanglewood55282 TanglewoodComplaintNormal 20-1608 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/10/2020 8/11/202055282Tanglewood55282 TanglewoodComplaintNormal 20-1612 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/10/2020 8/12/202053125AVENIDA RUBIO53125 AVENIDA RUBIOComplaintNormal 20-1613 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/11/2020 8/12/202044935MALIA CIR44935 MALIA CIRComplaintNormal 20-1615 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/11/2020 10/21/202077400CALLE YUCATAN77400 CALLE YUCATANComplaintNormal 20-1615 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/11/2020 10/21/202077400CALLE YUCATAN77400 CALLE YUCATANComplaintNormal 20-1615 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/11/2020 10/21/202077400CALLE YUCATAN77400 CALLE YUCATANComplaintNormal 20-1617 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/11/2020 10/1/202053640AVENIDA MARTINEZ53640 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1618 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/11/2020 8/28/202055586SOUTHERN HILLS55586 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1618 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/11/2020 8/28/202055586SOUTHERN HILLS55586 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1618 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/11/2020 8/28/202055586SOUTHERN HILLS55586 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1618 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/11/2020 8/28/202055586SOUTHERN HILLS55586 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1626 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/13/2020 10/21/202079900FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1626 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/13/2020 10/21/202079900FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1626 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/13/2020 10/21/202079900FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1626 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/13/2020 10/21/202079900FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1626 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/13/2020 10/21/202079900FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1626 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/13/2020 10/21/202079900FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1626 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/13/2020 10/21/202079900FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1626 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/13/2020 10/21/202079900FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1626 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/13/2020 10/21/202079900FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1626 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/13/2020 10/21/202079900FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1626 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/13/2020 10/21/202079900FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1626 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/13/2020 10/21/202079900FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1626 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/13/2020 10/21/202079900FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1627 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/14/2020 10/13/202046805CAMEO PALMS DR46805 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1627 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/14/2020 10/13/202046805CAMEO PALMS DR46805 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1627 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/14/2020 10/13/202046805CAMEO PALMS DR46805 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1627 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/14/2020 10/13/202046805CAMEO PALMS DR46805 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1627 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/14/2020 10/13/202046805CAMEO PALMS DR46805 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1627 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/14/2020 10/13/202046805CAMEO PALMS DR46805 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1627 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/14/2020 10/13/202046805CAMEO PALMS DR46805 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1627 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/14/2020 10/13/202046805CAMEO PALMS DR46805 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1628 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/14/2020 8/14/202078955VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-1629 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/14/2020 10/16/202044930TORTOLA CIR44930 TORTOLA CIRComplaintNormal 20-1629 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/14/2020 10/16/202044930TORTOLA CIR44930 TORTOLA CIRComplaintNormal 20-1629 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/14/2020 10/16/202044930TORTOLA CIR44930 TORTOLA CIRComplaintNormal 20-1630 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/14/2020 9/11/202049755AVENIDA MONTERO49755 AVENIDA MONTEROComplaintNormal 20-1631 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/15/2020 9/9/202056055WINGED FOOT56055 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1632 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/15/2020 9/11/202057690BLACK DIAMOND57690 BLACK DIAMONDComplaintNormal 20-1633 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/15/2020 10/20/202078735ROCKBERRY CT78735 ROCKBERRY CTComplaintNormal 20-1633 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/15/2020 10/20/202078735ROCKBERRY CT78735 ROCKBERRY CTComplaintNormal 20-1636 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/15/2020 8/24/202078585SAGUARO DR78585 SAGUARO DRComplaintNormal 20-1636 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/15/2020 8/24/202078585SAGUARO DR78585 SAGUARO DRComplaintNormal 20-1646 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/15/2020 8/21/202057690BLACK DIAMOND57690 BLACK DIAMONDComplaintNormal 20-1638 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/17/2020 10/7/202080321MERION80321 MERIONComplaintNormal 20-1638 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/17/2020 10/7/202080321MERION80321 MERIONComplaintNormal 20-1638 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/17/2020 10/7/202080321MERION80321 MERIONComplaintNormal 20-1638 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/17/2020 10/7/202080321MERION80321 MERIONComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1639 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/17/2020 10/25/202077165AVENIDA ARTEAGA77165 AVENIDA ARTEAGAComplaintNormal 20-1668 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/20/2020 8/31/202078345VIA CALIENTE78345 VIA CALIENTEComplaintNormal 20-1657 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/21/2020 9/29/202078955VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-1657 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/21/2020 9/29/202078955VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-1657 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/21/2020 9/29/202078955VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-1657 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/21/2020 9/29/202078955VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-1657 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/21/2020 9/29/202078955VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-1678 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/21/2020 9/16/202045420ASHWOOD CT45420 ASHWOOD CTComplaintNormal 20-1674 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/22/2020 10/9/202054955WINGED FOOT54955 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1674 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/22/2020 10/9/202054955WINGED FOOT54955 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1674 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/22/2020 10/9/202054955WINGED FOOT54955 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1674 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/22/2020 10/9/202054955WINGED FOOT54955 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1674 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/22/2020 10/9/202054955WINGED FOOT54955 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1687 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/22/2020 8/28/202053830AVENIDA JUAREZ53830 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1693 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/22/2020 9/29/202081320GOLF VIEW DR81320 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-1693 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/22/2020 9/29/202081320GOLF VIEW DR81320 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-1693 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/22/2020 9/29/202081320GOLF VIEW DR81320 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-1662 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/23/2020 8/28/202055078Shoal Creek55078 Shoal CreekComplaintNormal 20-1663 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/23/2020 8/24/202081240LEGENDS WAY81240 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-1675 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/25/2020 8/27/202054720Avenida Carranza54720 Avenida CarranzaComplaintNormal 20-1680 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/26/2020 9/8/202052055AVENIDA OBREGON52055 AVENIDA OBREGONComplaintNormal 20-1680 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/26/2020 9/8/202052055AVENIDA OBREGON52055 AVENIDA OBREGONComplaintNormal 20-1680 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/26/2020 9/8/202052055AVENIDA OBREGON52055 AVENIDA OBREGONComplaintNormal 20-1680 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/26/2020 9/8/202052055AVENIDA OBREGON52055 AVENIDA OBREGONComplaintNormal 20-1681 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/26/2020 8/28/202053280AVENIDA CARRANZA53280 AVENIDA CARRANZAComplaintNormal 20-1684 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/27/2020 8/28/202051800AVENIDA RAMIREZ51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZComplaintNormal 20-1688 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/27/2020 8/28/202078395SINGING PALMS DR78395 SINGING PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1690 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/28/2020 9/16/202051845VIA BENDITA51845 VIA BENDITAComplaintNormal 20-1694 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/28/2020 10/13/202081220GOLF VIEW DR81220 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-1694 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/28/2020 10/13/202081220GOLF VIEW DR81220 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-1695 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/28/2020 9/22/202081120KINGSTON HEATH81120 KINGSTON HEATHComplaintLow 20-1696 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/28/2020 10/6/202081105MUIRFIELD VILLAGE81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGEComplaintLow 20-1696 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/28/2020 10/6/202081105MUIRFIELD VILLAGE81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGEComplaintLow 20-1696 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/28/2020 10/6/202081105MUIRFIELD VILLAGE81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGEComplaintLow 20-1696 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/28/2020 10/6/202081105MUIRFIELD VILLAGE81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGEComplaintLow 20-1696 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/28/2020 10/6/202081105MUIRFIELD VILLAGE81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGEComplaintNormal 20-1697 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/28/2020 9/17/202054636SOUTHERN HILLS54636 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1697 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/28/2020 9/17/202054636SOUTHERN HILLS54636 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1698 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/28/2020 8/28/202078790LA PALMA DR78790 LA PALMA DRComplaintNormal 20-1699 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/28/2020 11/5/202053905AVENIDA MENDOZA53905 AVENIDA MENDOZAComplaintNormal 20-1700 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/29/2020 8/29/202052230AVENIDA MADERO52230 AVENIDA MADEROComplaintNormal 20-1701 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/29/2020 8/29/202055615TURNBERRY WAY55615 TURNBERRY WAYComplaintNormal 20-1702 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/29/2020 8/29/202081235MUIRFIELD VILLAGE81235 MUIRFIELD VILLAGEComplaintNormal 20-1703 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/29/2020 10/5/202079365DESERT CREST DR79365 DESERT CREST DRComplaintNormal 20-1704 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/29/2020 9/23/202079705IRIS CT79705 IRIS CTComplaintNormal 20-1707 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/29/2020 8/31/202055137SUMMER LYNN CT55137 SUMMER LYNN CTComplaintNormal 20-1721 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/29/2020 10/12/202053960AVENIDA NAVARRO53960 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1721 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/29/2020 10/12/202053960AVENIDA NAVARRO53960 AVENIDA NAVARROComplaintNormal 20-1709 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 8/30/2020 9/11/202081290GOLF VIEW DR81290 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-1710 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 8/31/2020 11/2/202080940WEISKOPF80940 WEISKOPFComplaintNormal 20-1714 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/1/2020 10/12/202051270CALLE JACUMBA51270 CALLE JACUMBAComplaintNormal 20-1714 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/1/2020 10/12/202051270CALLE JACUMBA51270 CALLE JACUMBAComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1715 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed - Complied 9/1/2020 9/3/202079860FIESTA DR79860 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1717 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/2/2020 10/13/202051240AVENIDA VELASCO51240 AVENIDA VELASCOComplaintNormal 20-1717 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/2/2020 10/13/202051240AVENIDA VELASCO51240 AVENIDA VELASCOComplaintNormal 20-1717 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/2/2020 10/13/202051240AVENIDA VELASCO51240 AVENIDA VELASCOComplaintNormal 20-1717 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/2/2020 10/13/202051240AVENIDA VELASCO51240 AVENIDA VELASCOComplaintNormal 20-1722 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/2/2020 9/3/202051800AVENIDA RAMIREZ51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZComplaintNormal 20-1722 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/2/2020 9/3/202051800AVENIDA RAMIREZ51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZComplaintNormal 20-1722 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/2/2020 9/3/202051800AVENIDA RAMIREZ51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZComplaintNormal 20-1722 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/2/2020 9/3/202051800AVENIDA RAMIREZ51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZComplaintNormal 20-1722 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/2/2020 9/3/202051800AVENIDA RAMIREZ51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZComplaintNormal 20-1728 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/3/2020 9/4/202078955VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-1728 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/3/2020 9/4/202078955VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20-1732 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/4/2020 9/17/202079905FIESTA DR79905 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1732 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/4/2020 9/17/202079905FIESTA DR79905 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1732 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/4/2020 9/17/202079905FIESTA DR79905 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1732 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/4/2020 9/17/202079905FIESTA DR79905 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1733 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/4/2020 9/4/202051905AVENIDA MARTINEZ51905 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1742 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/4/2020 9/11/202055775PEBBLE BEACH55775 PEBBLE BEACHComplaintNormal 20-1752 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/4/2020 10/1/202056585Riviera56585 RivieraComplaintNormal 20-1752 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/4/2020 10/1/202056585Riviera56585 RivieraComplaintNormal 20-1734 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/5/2020 9/11/202081155GOLF VIEW DR81155 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-1735 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/5/2020 10/6/202055088LAUREL VALLEY55088 LAUREL VALLEYComplaintNormal 20-1735 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/5/2020 10/6/202055088LAUREL VALLEY55088 LAUREL VALLEYComplaintNormal 20-1735 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/5/2020 10/6/202055088LAUREL VALLEY55088 LAUREL VALLEYComplaintNormal 20-1735 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/5/2020 10/6/202055088LAUREL VALLEY55088 LAUREL VALLEYComplaintNormal 20-1736 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/5/2020 9/28/202055137SUMMER LYNN CT55137 SUMMER LYNN CTComplaintNormal 20-1736 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/5/2020 9/28/202055137SUMMER LYNN CT55137 SUMMER LYNN CTComplaintNormal 20-1736 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/5/2020 9/28/202055137SUMMER LYNN CT55137 SUMMER LYNN CTComplaintNormal 20-1852 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/5/2020 12/29/202078535AVENIDA ULTIMO78535 AVENIDA ULTIMOComplaintNormal 20-1740 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/6/2020 9/9/202053180AVENIDA MENDOZA53180 AVENIDA MENDOZAComplaintNormal 20-1743 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/6/2020 9/8/202081240LEGENDS WAY81240 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-1744 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/6/2020 9/9/202054940Riviera54940 RivieraComplaintNormal 20-1745 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/6/2020 9/9/202053125AVENIDA MARTINEZ53125 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1746 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/7/2020 9/9/202053405AVENIDA CARRANZA53405 AVENIDA CARRANZAComplaintNormal 20-1748 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/8/2020 10/20/202044675MARGUERITE CT44675 MARGUERITE CTComplaintNormal 20-1748 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/8/2020 10/20/202044675MARGUERITE CT44675 MARGUERITE CTComplaintNormal 20-1769 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/8/2020 9/11/202054795WINGED FOOT54795 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1770 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/8/2020 11/14/202056015WINGED FOOT56015 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1770 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/8/2020 11/14/202056015WINGED FOOT56015 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1754 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/9/2020 9/17/202081165GOLF VIEW DR81165 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-1757 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/9/2020 9/21/202051360EISENHOWER DR51360 EISENHOWER DRComplaintNormal 20-1758 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/10/2020 9/11/202080460HERMITAGE80460 HERMITAGEComplaintNormal 20-1761 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/10/2020 10/6/202081320LEGENDS WAY81320 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-1761 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/10/2020 10/6/202081320LEGENDS WAY81320 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-1762 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/10/2020 9/18/202081350LEGENDS WAY81350 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-1762 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/10/2020 9/18/202081350LEGENDS WAY81350 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-1767 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/10/2020 10/6/202080409SPANISH BAY80409 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-1768 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/10/2020 9/11/202081045GOLF VIEW DR81045 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-1771 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/10/2020 9/18/202081315NATIONAL DR81315 NATIONAL DRComplaintNormal 20-1772 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/10/2020 9/11/202081075NATIONAL DR81075 NATIONAL DRComplaintNormal 20-1773 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/10/2020 9/18/202055405PEBBLE BEACH55405 PEBBLE BEACHComplaintNormal 20-1776 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/11/2020 10/20/202055584Southern Hills55584 Southern HillsComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1776 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/11/2020 10/20/202055584Southern Hills55584 Southern HillsComplaintNormal 20-1781 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed9/11/2020 9/15/202079340DESERT ROCK CT79340 DESERT ROCK CTComplaintNormal 20-1783 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed9/12/2020 9/15/202050795CALLE QUITO50795 CALLE QUITOComplaintNormal 20-1784 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/12/2020 9/23/202057927INTERLACHEN57927 INTERLACHENComplaintNormal 20-1794 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/12/2020 10/13/202055555TURNBERRY WAY55555 TURNBERRY WAYComplaintNormal 20-1794 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/12/2020 10/13/202055555TURNBERRY WAY55555 TURNBERRY WAYComplaintNormal 20-1794 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/12/2020 10/13/202055555TURNBERRY WAY55555 TURNBERRY WAYComplaintNormal 20-1794 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/12/2020 10/13/202055555TURNBERRY WAY55555 TURNBERRY WAYComplaintNormal 20-1780 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/13/2020 10/15/202053125AVENIDA JUAREZ53125 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1780 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/13/2020 10/15/202053125AVENIDA JUAREZ53125 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1785 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/13/2020 10/13/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZComplaintNormal 20-1785 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/13/2020 10/13/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZComplaintNormal 20-1785 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/13/2020 10/13/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZComplaintNormal 20-1785 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/13/2020 10/13/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZComplaintNormal 20-1785 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/13/2020 10/13/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZComplaintNormal 20-1785 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/13/2020 10/13/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZComplaintNormal 20-1785 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/13/2020 10/13/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZComplaintNormal 20-1785 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/13/2020 10/13/202053845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZComplaintNormal 20-1786 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/13/2020 9/15/202055780PEBBLE BEACH55780 PEBBLE BEACHComplaintNormal 20-1787 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/14/2020 11/2/202054688Tangelewood54688 TangelewoodComplaintNormal 20-1787 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/14/2020 11/2/202054688Tangelewood54688 TangelewoodComplaintNormal 20-1787 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/14/2020 11/2/202054688Tangelewood54688 TangelewoodComplaintNormal 20-1788 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/14/2020 9/22/202079180JACK RABBIT TR79180 JACK RABBIT TRComplaintNormal 20-1789 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/14/2020 9/18/202052175AVENIDA OBREGON52175 AVENIDA OBREGONComplaintNormal 20-1799 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/15/2020 9/18/202055497SOUTHERN HILLS55497 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1800 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/15/2020 10/6/202056980Merion56980 MerionComplaintNormal 20-1801 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/15/2020 9/16/202056840JACK NICKLAUS56840 JACK NICKLAUSComplaintNormal 20-1802 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/15/2020 11/4/202080526SPANISH BAY80526 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-1802 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/15/2020 11/4/202080526SPANISH BAY80526 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-1802 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/15/2020 11/4/202080526SPANISH BAY80526 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-1802 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/15/2020 11/4/202080526SPANISH BAY80526 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-1803 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/16/2020 10/16/202052500AVENIDA VELASCO52500 AVENIDA VELASCOComplaintNormal 20-1808 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/17/2020 10/2/202081135LEGENDS WAY81135 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-1816 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/18/2020 9/18/202078111AVENUE 5278111 AVENUE 52ComplaintNormal 20-1821 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/18/2020 9/22/202054790SOUTHERN HILLS54790 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1818 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/19/2020 9/20/202052510AVENIDA JUAREZ52510 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1822 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/19/2020 10/9/202056750Merion56750 MerionComplaintNormal 20-1822 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/19/2020 10/9/202056750Merion56750 MerionComplaintNormal 20-1823 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/19/2020 9/22/202046485CAMEO PALMS DR46485 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1823 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/19/2020 9/22/202046485CAMEO PALMS DR46485 CAMEO PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1825 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/21/2020 10/16/202079860FIESTA DR79860 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1825 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/21/2020 10/16/202079860FIESTA DR79860 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1825 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/21/2020 10/16/202079860FIESTA DR79860 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1827 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/21/2020 9/30/202050860CALLE PALOMA50860 CALLE PALOMAComplaintNormal 20-1828 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/21/2020 9/22/202057600BLACK DIAMOND57600 BLACK DIAMONDComplaintNormal 20-1829 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/21/2020 9/26/202081200GOLF VIEW DR81200 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-1829 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/21/2020 9/26/202081200GOLF VIEW DR81200 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-1829 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/21/2020 9/26/202081200GOLF VIEW DR81200 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-1833 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/22/2020 10/13/202055586SOUTHERN HILLS55586 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1833 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/22/2020 10/13/202055586SOUTHERN HILLS55586 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1833 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/22/2020 10/13/202055586SOUTHERN HILLS55586 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1833 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/22/2020 10/13/202055586SOUTHERN HILLS55586 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1837 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/22/2020 10/13/202078707TORINO DR78707 TORINO DRComplaintNormal 20-1837 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/22/2020 10/13/202078707TORINO DR78707 TORINO DRComplaintNormal 20-1837 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/22/2020 10/13/202078707TORINO DR78707 TORINO DRComplaintNormal 20-1837 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/22/2020 10/13/202078707TORINO DR78707 TORINO DRComplaintNormal 20-1841 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/22/2020 10/16/202079200KARA CT79200 KARA CTComplaintNormal 20-1842 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/22/2020 9/23/202078860SANITA DR78860 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20-1843 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/22/2020 9/24/202051050CALLE OBISPO51050 CALLE OBISPOComplaintNormal 20-1844 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/22/2020 9/23/202044890SEELEY DR44890 SEELEY DRComplaintNormal 20-1845 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/22/2020 10/28/202078435SINGING PALMS DR78435 SINGING PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1845 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/22/2020 10/28/202078435SINGING PALMS DR78435 SINGING PALMS DRComplaintNormal 20-1846 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/22/2020 9/25/202051420CALLE JACUMBA51420 CALLE JACUMBAComplaintNormal 20-1847 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/22/2020 10/23/202078875WAKEFIELD CIR78875 WAKEFIELD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1848 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/22/2020 9/23/202043605MILAN CT43605 MILAN CTComplaintNormal 20-1855 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/24/2020 10/20/202078905WAKEFIELD CIR78905 WAKEFIELD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1855 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/24/2020 10/20/202078905WAKEFIELD CIR78905 WAKEFIELD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1855 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/24/2020 10/20/202078905WAKEFIELD CIR78905 WAKEFIELD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1855 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/24/2020 10/20/202078905WAKEFIELD CIR78905 WAKEFIELD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1855 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/24/2020 10/20/202078905WAKEFIELD CIR78905 WAKEFIELD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1855 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/24/2020 10/20/202078905WAKEFIELD CIR78905 WAKEFIELD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1855 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/24/2020 10/20/202078905WAKEFIELD CIR78905 WAKEFIELD CIRComplaintNormal 20-1857 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/25/2020 10/8/202047765ENDLESS SKY47765 ENDLESS SKYComplaintNormal 20-1857 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/25/2020 10/8/202047765ENDLESS SKY47765 ENDLESS SKYComplaintNormal 20-1857 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/25/2020 10/8/202047765ENDLESS SKY47765 ENDLESS SKYComplaintNormal 20-1861 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/25/2020 9/29/202081390GOLF VIEW DR81390 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-1861 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/25/2020 9/29/202081390GOLF VIEW DR81390 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-1862 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/26/2020 10/31/202045550SUNBROOK LN45550 SUNBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-1862 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/26/2020 10/31/202045550SUNBROOK LN45550 SUNBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-1862 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/26/2020 10/31/202045550SUNBROOK LN45550 SUNBROOK LNComplaintNormal 20-1863 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/26/2020 10/22/202080105CEDAR CREST80105 CEDAR CRESTComplaintNormal 20-1864 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/26/2020 9/29/202081245LEGENDS WAY81245 LEGENDS WAYComplaintNormal 20-1865 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/27/2020 11/7/202055610ROYAL ST GEORGE55610 ROYAL ST GEORGEComplaintNormal 20-1866 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/27/2020 9/29/202045480DEERBROOK CIR45480 DEERBROOK CIRComplaintNormal 20-1869 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/28/2020 9/30/202055340SOUTHERN HILLS55340 SOUTHERN HILLSComplaintNormal 20-1870 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/28/2020 10/13/202049401AVD VISTA BONITA49401 AVD VISTA BONITAComplaintNormal 20-1871 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/28/2020 10/6/202054205AVENIDA MENDOZA54205 AVENIDA MENDOZAComplaintNormal 20-1871 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/28/2020 10/6/202054205AVENIDA MENDOZA54205 AVENIDA MENDOZAComplaintNormal 20-1872 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/28/2020 10/3/202080764HERMITAGE80764 HERMITAGEComplaintNormal 20-1875 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/29/2020 9/30/202054278Inverness54278 InvernessComplaintNormal 20-1876 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 9/29/2020 10/12/202080844SPANISH BAY80844 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-1882 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/30/2020 10/9/202079264CALLE SONRISA79264 CALLE SONRISAComplaintNormal 20-1882 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/30/2020 10/9/202079264CALLE SONRISA79264 CALLE SONRISAComplaintNormal 20-1882 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/30/2020 10/9/202079264CALLE SONRISA79264 CALLE SONRISAComplaintNormal 20-1882 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/30/2020 10/9/202079264CALLE SONRISA79264 CALLE SONRISAComplaintNormal 20-1882 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 9/30/2020 10/9/202079264CALLE SONRISA79264 CALLE SONRISAComplaintNormal 20-1890 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 10/2/2020 10/6/202045360DESERT FOX DR45360 DESERT FOX DRComplaintNormal 20-1891 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 10/3/2020 10/7/202045210BIRCHCREST CIR45210 BIRCHCREST CIRComplaintNormal 20-1893 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/3/2020 10/6/202048649Classic48649 ClassicComplaintNormal 20-1894 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/3/2020 10/16/202056007WINGED FOOT56007 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1894 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/3/2020 10/16/202056007WINGED FOOT56007 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1895 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/5/2020 10/27/202051295CALLE KALIMA51295 CALLE KALIMAComplaintNormal 20-1895 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/5/2020 10/27/202051295CALLE KALIMA51295 CALLE KALIMAComplaintNormal 20-1896 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/5/2020 10/6/202052911AVENIDA VELASCO52911 AVENIDA VELASCOComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1896 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen10/5/2020 10/6/202052911AVENIDA VELASCO52911 AVENIDA VELASCOComplaintNormal 20-1901 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/6/2020 10/13/202081870MOUNTAIN VIEW LN81870 MOUNTAIN VIEW LNComplaintNormal 20-1902 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 10/6/2020 10/14/202049920CALLE ESTRELLA49920 CALLE ESTRELLAComplaintNormal 20-1903 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/6/2020 10/7/202052030AVENIDA VILLA52030 AVENIDA VILLAComplaintNormal 20-1905 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/6/2020 10/19/202076880Calle Mazatlan76880 Calle MazatlanComplaintNormal 20-1906 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/6/2020 10/19/202077120AVENIDA FERNANDO77120 AVENIDA FERNANDOComplaintNormal 20-1907 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/6/2020 10/7/202053645AVENIDA MARTINEZ53645 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1908 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/6/2020 10/7/202051985AVENIDA MENDOZA51985 AVENIDA MENDOZAComplaintNormal 20-1909 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/6/2020 10/7/202044210SWEETBUSH LN44210 SWEETBUSH LNComplaintNormal 20-1910 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 10/6/2020 10/7/202054555AVENIDA MARTINEZ54555 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1926 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/8/2020 10/16/202054265AVENIDA ALVARADO54265 AVENIDA ALVARADOComplaintNormal 20-1927 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/8/2020 10/12/202052835AVENIDA MARTINEZ52835 AVENIDA MARTINEZComplaintNormal 20-1928 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 10/8/2020 10/12/202079150DIANE DR79150 DIANE DRComplaintNormal 20-1931 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/9/2020 10/13/202054080AVENIDA VALLEJO54080 AVENIDA VALLEJOComplaintNormal 20-1935 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 10/9/2020 10/12/202080949SPANISH BAY80949 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-1972 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/9/2020 10/18/202056685MOUNTAIN VIEW56685 MOUNTAIN VIEWComplaintNormal 20-1973 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/9/2020 10/16/202055285Laurel Valley55285 Laurel ValleyComplaintNormal 20-1974 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/9/2020 10/16/202055290Laurel Valley55290 Laurel ValleyComplaintNormal 20-1975 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/9/2020 10/16/202080790SPANISH BAY80790 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-1976 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/9/2020 10/18/202056965MOUNTAIN VIEW56965 MOUNTAIN VIEWComplaintNormal 20-1933 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/10/2020 11/4/202053725AVENIDA DIAZ53725 AVENIDA DIAZComplaintNormal 20-1933 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/10/2020 11/4/202053725AVENIDA DIAZ53725 AVENIDA DIAZComplaintNormal 20-1938 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 10/10/2020 10/13/202054444AVENIDA HERRERA54444 AVENIDA HERRERAComplaintNormal 20-1939 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 10/10/2020 10/12/202053725AVENIDA JUAREZ53725 AVENIDA JUAREZComplaintNormal 20-1942 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/10/2020 10/12/202080472SPANISH BAY80472 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20-1943 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 10/10/2020 10/19/202054860AVENIDA RUBIO54860 AVENIDA RUBIOComplaintNormal 20-1944 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 10/10/2020 10/12/202048748Legacy48748 LegacyComplaintNormal 20-1945 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/11/2020 10/14/202054840AVENIDA RUBIO54840 AVENIDA RUBIOComplaintNormal 20-1946 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/11/2020 10/13/202055291WINGED FOOT55291 WINGED FOOTComplaintNormal 20-1934 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/12/2020 11/5/202079795FIESTA DR79795 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1934 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/12/2020 11/5/202079795FIESTA DR79795 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1934 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/12/2020 11/5/202079795FIESTA DR79795 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20-1950 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/12/2020 11/3/202051800AVENIDA RAMIREZ51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZComplaintNormal 20-1960 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 10/13/2020 10/15/202081160GOLF VIEW DR81160 GOLF VIEW DRComplaintNormal 20-1964 Vacation Rental-Violations Closed 10/13/2020 10/14/202054720Avenida Carranza54720 Avenida CarranzaComplaintNormal 20-1969 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/15/2020 10/16/202057162Merion57162 MerionComplaintNormal 20-1969 Vacation Rental-Violations Open 10/15/2020 10/16/202057162Merion57162 MerionComplaintTotal 1640 ActionsCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Priority CaseTopicStatus Date opened Due Date Address NumStreetFull AddressAction TypeNormal 19-0769 COVID 19Open4/4/2020 8/28/2020 51780AVENIDA VILLA51780 AVENIDA VILLAAdministrative CitationNormal 19-0855 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/2020 52436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROAdministrative CitationNormal 19-0855 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/2020 52436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROAdministrative CitationNormal 19-0855 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/2020 52436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROAdministrative CitationNormal 19-0855 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/12/2020 9/15/2020 52436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROAdministrative CitationNormal 19-0966 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/13/2020 9/8/2020 81175 SHINNECOCK HILLS81175 SHINNECOCK HILLSAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0133 COVID 19 Closed 1/16/2020 3/12/2020 48729 Legacy Dr48729 Legacy DrAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0209 COVID 19 Closed 2/1/2020 3/4/2020 46775 CAMEO PALMS DR46775 CAMEO PALMS DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0265 COVID 19 Closed 2/10/2020 3/7/2020 45395 DEERBROOK CIR45395 DEERBROOK CIRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0310 COVID 19 Closed 2/18/2020 6/13/2020 55348 Riviera55348 RivieraAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0369 COVID 19 Closed 2/23/2020 4/1/2020 51240AVENIDA CARRANZA51240 AVENIDA CARRANZAAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0417 COVID 19 Closed 3/5/2020 3/17/2020 79971 MEMORIAL PL79971 MEMORIAL PLAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0453 COVID 19 Open 3/10/2020 2/7/2021 78670 BRADFORD CIR78670 BRADFORD CIRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0453 COVID 19 Open 3/10/2020 2/7/2021 78670 BRADFORD CIR78670 BRADFORD CIRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0453 COVID 19 Open 3/10/2020 2/7/2021 78670 BRADFORD CIR78670 BRADFORD CIRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0519 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed - Complied 3/19/2020 7/7/2020 78390 CAMEO DUNES PL78390 CAMEO DUNES PLAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0575 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 3/16/2020 10/21/2020 78615 SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0575 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 3/16/2020 10/21/2020 78615 SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0575 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 3/16/2020 10/21/2020 78615 SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0584 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed3/25/2020 7/29/2020 53280AVENIDA CARRANZA53280 AVENIDA CARRANZAAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0621 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen3/30/2020 8/5/2020 78635 FORBES CIR78635 FORBES CIRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0703 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed - Complied 4/6/2020 6/19/2020 79534 DANDELION DR79534 DANDELION DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0717 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen4/6/2020 7/31/2020 55534 Firestone55534 FirestoneAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0762 COVID 19 Open 4/10/2020 10/18/2020 78855 LA PALMA DR78855 LA PALMA DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0763 COVID 19 Closed 4/11/2020 6/16/2020 56750 Merion56750 MerionAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0818 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/16/2020 7/16/2020 57740 SALIDA DEL SOL57740 SALIDA DEL SOLAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0826 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 4/16/2020 5/5/2021 54812 SOUTHERN HILLS54812 SOUTHERN HILLSAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0826 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 4/16/2020 5/5/2021 54812 SOUTHERN HILLS54812 SOUTHERN HILLSAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0826 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 4/16/2020 5/5/2021 54812 SOUTHERN HILLS54812 SOUTHERN HILLSAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0826 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 4/16/2020 5/5/2021 54812 SOUTHERN HILLS54812 SOUTHERN HILLSAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0838 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/17/2020 7/15/2020 55300 Royal Saint George55300 Royal Saint GeorgeAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0842 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 4/17/2020 8/3/2020 81165 LEGENDS WAY81165 LEGENDS WAYAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0857 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 4/20/2020 5/18/2020 57295 INTERLACHEN57295 INTERLACHENAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0862 COVID 19 Closed - Complied 4/20/2020 6/1/2020 45245 Seeley45245 SeeleyAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0871 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen4/20/2020 10/27/2020 78549 TORINO DR78549 TORINO DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0871 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen4/20/2020 10/27/2020 78549 TORINO DR78549 TORINO DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0888 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen4/22/2020 10/13/2020 45540 COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0888 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen4/22/2020 10/13/2020 45540 COLDBROOK LN45540 COLDBROOK LNAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0913 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 4/25/2020 10/23/2020 53065AVENIDA NAVARRO53065 AVENIDA NAVARROAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0935 COVID 19 Open 4/28/2020 10/24/2020 78535AVENIDA ULTIMO78535 AVENIDA ULTIMOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0961 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 9/23/2020 53055AVENIDA JUAREZ53055 AVENIDA JUAREZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0961 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 9/23/2020 53055AVENIDA JUAREZ53055 AVENIDA JUAREZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-0962 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 6/6/2020 80896 CALLE AZUL80896 CALLE AZULAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1092 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/22/2020 6/24/2020 53325AVENIDA MADERO53325 AVENIDA MADEROAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1105 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen5/26/2020 10/7/2020 54315AVENIDA VALLEJO54315 AVENIDA VALLEJOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1123 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed5/27/2020 7/30/2020 53845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-Building ViolationsOpen5/29/2020 10/13/2020 44260 VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOAdministrative CitationCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1140 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen5/29/2020 10/13/2020 44260 VIA CORONADO44260 VIA CORONADOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1164 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 6/3/2020 7/14/2020 48748 Legacy48748 LegacyAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1171 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 6/6/2020 9/25/2020 78525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1171 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 6/6/2020 9/25/2020 78525AVENIDA ULTIMO78525 AVENIDA ULTIMOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1178 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen6/6/2020 8/24/2020 52883 EISENHOWER DR52883 EISENHOWER DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1187 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 6/8/2020 7/24/2020 55610 ROYAL ST GEORGE55610 ROYAL ST GEORGEAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1224 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 6/11/2020 8/10/2020 54200AVENIDA CORTEZ54200 AVENIDA CORTEZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1248 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen6/15/2020 8/31/2020 54768 SOUTHERN HILLS54768 SOUTHERN HILLSAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1252 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 6/15/2020 10/22/2020 79105 OCOTILLO DR79105 OCOTILLO DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1252 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 6/15/2020 10/22/2020 79105 OCOTILLO DR79105 OCOTILLO DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1252 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 6/15/2020 10/22/2020 79105 OCOTILLO DR79105 OCOTILLO DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1252 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 6/15/2020 10/22/2020 79105 OCOTILLO DR79105 OCOTILLO DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1253 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 6/15/2020 10/13/2020 78615 BRADFORD CIR78615 BRADFORD CIRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1253 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 6/15/2020 10/13/2020 78615 BRADFORD CIR78615 BRADFORD CIRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1254 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 6/15/2020 7/8/2020 52990AVENIDA ALVARADO52990 AVENIDA ALVARADOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1265 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen6/18/2020 9/15/2020 45415ASHWOOD CT45415 ASHWOOD CTAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1266 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed6/18/2020 8/10/2020 77700 CALLE COLIMA77700 CALLE COLIMAAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1277 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 6/19/2020 11/9/2020 50820 CALLE GUAYMAS50820 CALLE GUAYMASAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1277 Vacation Rental-Building ViolationsOpen6/19/2020 11/9/2020 50820 CALLE GUAYMAS50820 CALLE GUAYMASAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1279 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed6/19/2020 9/27/2020 53335AVENIDA BERMUDAS53335 AVENIDA BERMUDASAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1279 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed6/19/2020 9/27/2020 53335AVENIDA BERMUDAS53335 AVENIDA BERMUDASAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1281 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 6/20/2020 8/31/2020 52515AVENIDA JUAREZ52515 AVENIDA JUAREZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1281 STVR-CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 6/20/2020 8/31/2020 52515AVENIDA JUAREZ52515 AVENIDA JUAREZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1305 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen6/22/2020 10/2/2020 78380 VIA SEVILLA78380 VIA SEVILLAAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1335 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed6/27/2020 7/20/2020 54060AVENIDA VALLEJO54060 AVENIDA VALLEJOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1336 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen6/27/2020 10/20/2020 51240AVENIDA RAMIREZ51240 AVENIDA RAMIREZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1338 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed6/28/2020 9/15/2020 80682 BELLERIVE80682 BELLERIVEAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1349 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/1/2020 11/9/2020 78660 BRADFORD CIR78660 BRADFORD CIRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1360 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/3/2020 10/23/2020 45395 DEERBROOK CIR45395 DEERBROOK CIRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1360 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/3/2020 10/23/2020 45395 DEERBROOK CIR45395 DEERBROOK CIRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1362 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/4/2020 11/2/2020 54740AVENIDA RAMIREZ54740 AVENIDA RAMIREZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1364 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/4/2020 9/15/2020 46755 HIGHLAND PALMS DR46755 HIGHLAND PALMS DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1370 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/6/2020 10/24/2020 54190AVENIDA MARTINEZ54190 AVENIDA MARTINEZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1371 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/6/2020 10/16/2020 81235 LEGENDS WAY81235 LEGENDS WAYAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1380 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/7/2020 7/31/2020 55030 Firestone55030 FirestoneAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1395 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/10/2020 10/22/2020 79915 HORSESHOE RD79915 HORSESHOE RDAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1395 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/10/2020 10/22/2020 79915 HORSESHOE RD79915 HORSESHOE RDAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1400 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/11/2020 8/3/2020 53885 EISENHOWER DR53885 EISENHOWER DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1403 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/10/2020 9/16/2020 44210 CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1403 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/10/2020 9/16/2020 44210 CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1407 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/13/2020 10/14/2020 54680 SOUTHERN HILLS54680 SOUTHERN HILLSAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1414 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed6/27/2020 8/18/2020 54080AVENIDA VALLEJO54080 AVENIDA VALLEJOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1417 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/10/2020 12/15/2020 79320 DESERT WIND CT79320 DESERT WIND CTAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1421 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/16/2020 10/13/2020 79930 FIESTA DR79930 FIESTA DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1431 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/16/2020 9/29/2020 81810 MOUNTAIN VIEW LN81810 MOUNTAIN VIEW LNAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1442 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/18/2020 11/4/2020 51855AVENIDA JUAREZ51855 AVENIDA JUAREZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1442 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/18/2020 11/4/2020 51855AVENIDA JUAREZ51855 AVENIDA JUAREZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1442 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/18/2020 11/4/2020 51855AVENIDA JUAREZ51855 AVENIDA JUAREZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1443 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/18/2020 8/14/2020 80787 SPANISH BAY80787 SPANISH BAYAdministrative CitationCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1451 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/21/2020 9/2/2020 55493 SOUTHERN HILLS55493 SOUTHERN HILLSAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1454 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed - Complied 7/21/2020 10/12/2020 44095 DALEA COURT44095 DALEA COURTAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1466 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/24/2020 10/8/2020 45540 DESERT FOX DR45540 DESERT FOX DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1466 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/24/2020 10/8/2020 45540 DESERT FOX DR45540 DESERT FOX DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1474 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/26/2020 8/19/2020 50945 CALLE PALOMA50945 CALLE PALOMAAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1475 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/24/2020 8/17/2020 78640 FORBES CIR78640 FORBES CIRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1479 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/24/2020 8/18/2020 53430AVENIDA CARRANZA53430 AVENIDA CARRANZAAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1483 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/28/2020 11/11/2020 53061AVENIDA MARTINEZ53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1486 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/28/2020 8/17/2020 57570 INTERLACHEN57570 INTERLACHENAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1488 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/24/2020 10/13/2020 52332AVENIDA RUBIO52332 AVENIDA RUBIOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1490 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/25/2020 9/29/2020 79899 WILLIAM STONE WAY79899 WILLIAM STONE WAYAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1497 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/24/2020 10/9/2020 54200AVENIDA RUBIO54200 AVENIDA RUBIOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1504 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/28/2020 8/20/2020 53105AVENIDA RUBIO53105 AVENIDA RUBIOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1525 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen7/30/2020 10/14/2020 77535 CALLE CHIHUAHUA77535 CALLE CHIHUAHUAAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1550 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed7/31/2020 8/14/2020 79820 FIESTA DR79820 FIESTA DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1556 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed8/2/2020 11/1/2020 78750 LA PALMA DR78750 LA PALMA DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1567 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/3/2020 11/3/2020 78685AVENIDA ULTIMO78685 AVENIDA ULTIMOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1579 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/5/2020 10/31/2020 54899 WINGED FOOT54899 WINGED FOOTAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1579 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/5/2020 10/31/2020 54899 WINGED FOOT54899 WINGED FOOTAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1593 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed8/7/2020 8/24/2020 55866 BRAE BURN55866 BRAE BURNAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1594 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/7/2020 10/8/2020 52436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1594 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/7/2020 10/8/2020 52436AVENIDA NAVARRO52436 AVENIDA NAVARROAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1597 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed8/7/2020 10/6/2020 78845 LA PALMA DR78845 LA PALMA DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1598 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/7/2020 11/5/2020 50795 CALLE QUITO50795 CALLE QUITOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1598 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/7/2020 11/5/2020 50795 CALLE QUITO50795 CALLE QUITOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1604 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/10/2020 11/13/2020 44185 CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1604 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/10/2020 11/13/2020 44185 CAMINO LAVANDA44185 CAMINO LAVANDAAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1605 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed8/10/2020 8/31/2020 80418 SPANISH BAY80418 SPANISH BAYAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1615 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/11/2020 10/21/2020 77400 CALLE YUCATAN77400 CALLE YUCATANAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1615 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/11/2020 10/21/2020 77400 CALLE YUCATAN77400 CALLE YUCATANAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1617 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/11/2020 10/1/2020 53640AVENIDA MARTINEZ53640 AVENIDA MARTINEZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1617 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/11/2020 10/1/2020 53640AVENIDA MARTINEZ53640 AVENIDA MARTINEZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1618 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed8/11/2020 8/28/2020 55586 SOUTHERN HILLS55586 SOUTHERN HILLSAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1626 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/13/2020 10/21/2020 79900 FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1626 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/13/2020 10/21/2020 79900 FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1626 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/13/2020 10/21/2020 79900 FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1627 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/14/2020 10/13/2020 46805 CAMEO PALMS DR46805 CAMEO PALMS DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1630 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed8/14/2020 9/11/2020 49755AVENIDA MONTERO49755 AVENIDA MONTEROAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1631 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed8/15/2020 9/9/2020 56055 WINGED FOOT56055 WINGED FOOTAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1632 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed8/15/2020 9/11/2020 57690 BLACK DIAMOND57690 BLACK DIAMONDAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1633 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/15/2020 10/20/2020 78735 ROCKBERRY CT78735 ROCKBERRY CTAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1638 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed8/17/2020 10/7/2020 80321 MERION80321 MERIONAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1657 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/21/2020 9/29/2020 78955 VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1665 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/22/2020 11/25/2020 78835 BAYBERRY LN78835 BAYBERRY LNAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1674 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/22/2020 10/9/2020 54955 WINGED FOOT54955 WINGED FOOTAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1678 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/21/2020 9/16/2020 45420ASHWOOD CT45420 ASHWOOD CTAdministrative CitationLow 20-1696 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/28/2020 10/6/2020 81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGE81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGEAdministrative CitationLow 20-1696 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/28/2020 10/6/2020 81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGE81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGEAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1697 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed8/28/2020 9/17/2020 54636 SOUTHERN HILLS54636 SOUTHERN HILLSAdministrative CitationCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20-1699 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen8/28/2020 11/5/2020 53905AVENIDA MENDOZA53905 AVENIDA MENDOZAAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1703 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed8/29/2020 10/5/2020 79365 DESERT CREST DR79365 DESERT CREST DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1704 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed8/29/2020 9/23/2020 79705 IRIS CT79705 IRIS CTAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1705 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed8/29/2020 9/23/2020 44325 VIA CORONADO44325 VIA CORONADOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1706 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed8/29/2020 9/22/2020 44295 VIA CORONADO44295 VIA CORONADOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1710 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed8/31/2020 11/2/2020 80940 WEISKOPF80940 WEISKOPFAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1732 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/4/2020 9/17/2020 79905 FIESTA DR79905 FIESTA DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1734 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/5/2020 9/11/2020 81155 GOLF VIEW DR81155 GOLF VIEW DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1735 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/5/2020 10/6/2020 55088 LAUREL VALLEY55088 LAUREL VALLEYAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1735 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/5/2020 10/6/2020 55088 LAUREL VALLEY55088 LAUREL VALLEYAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1752 Vacation Rental-ViolationsClosed9/4/2020 10/1/2020 56585 Riviera56585 RivieraAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1754 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/9/2020 9/17/2020 81165 GOLF VIEW DR81165 GOLF VIEW DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1757 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/9/2020 9/21/2020 51360 EISENHOWER DR51360 EISENHOWER DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1761 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/10/2020 10/6/2020 81320 LEGENDS WAY81320 LEGENDS WAYAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1785 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/13/2020 10/13/2020 53845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1785 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/13/2020 10/13/2020 53845AVENIDA CORTEZ53845 AVENIDA CORTEZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1794 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/12/2020 10/13/2020 55555 TURNBERRY WAY55555 TURNBERRY WAYAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1794 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/12/2020 10/13/2020 55555 TURNBERRY WAY55555 TURNBERRY WAYAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1802 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/15/2020 11/4/2020 80526 SPANISH BAY80526 SPANISH BAYAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1837 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/22/2020 10/13/2020 78707 TORINO DR78707 TORINO DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1841 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/22/2020 10/16/2020 79200 KARA CT79200 KARA CTAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1845 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/22/2020 10/28/2020 78435 SINGING PALMS DR78435 SINGING PALMS DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1852 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/5/2020 12/29/2020 78535AVENIDA ULTIMO78535 AVENIDA ULTIMOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1855 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/24/2020 10/20/2020 78905 WAKEFIELD CIR78905 WAKEFIELD CIRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1857 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/25/2020 10/8/2020 47765 ENDLESS SKY47765 ENDLESS SKYAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1862 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/26/2020 10/31/2020 45550 SUNBROOK LN45550 SUNBROOK LNAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1863 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/26/2020 10/22/2020 80105 CEDAR CREST80105 CEDAR CRESTAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1865 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/27/2020 11/7/2020 55610 ROYAL ST GEORGE55610 ROYAL ST GEORGEAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1871 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen9/28/2020 10/6/2020 54205AVENIDA MENDOZA54205 AVENIDA MENDOZAAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1895 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen10/5/2020 10/27/2020 51295 CALLE KALIMA51295 CALLE KALIMAAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1896 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen10/5/2020 10/6/2020 52911AVENIDA VELASCO52911 AVENIDA VELASCOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1903 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen10/6/2020 10/7/2020 52030AVENIDA VILLA52030 AVENIDA VILLAAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1933 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen10/10/2020 11/4/2020 53725AVENIDA DIAZ53725 AVENIDA DIAZAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1934 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen10/12/2020 11/5/2020 79795 FIESTA DR79795 FIESTA DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1945 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen10/11/2020 10/14/2020 54840AVENIDA RUBIO54840 AVENIDA RUBIOAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1946 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen10/11/2020 10/13/2020 55291 WINGED FOOT55291 WINGED FOOTAdministrative CitationNormal 20-1950 Vacation Rental-ViolationsOpen10/12/2020 11/3/2020 51800AVENIDA RAMIREZ51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZAdministrative CitationTotal 185 ActionsCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Priority Case TopicStatusDate opened Due Date Address Num StreetFull AddressAction TypeNormal 20‐0037 COVID 19Closed1/6/2020 2/6/2020 51295 CALLE QUITO 51295 CALLE QUITOComplaintNormal 20‐0128 COVID 19Closed1/9/2020 1/24/2020 46735 HIGHLAND PALMS DR 46735 HIGHLAND PALMS DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0101 COVID 19Closed1/13/2020 1/16/2020 45325 BIRCHCREST CIR 45325 BIRCHCREST CIR ComplaintNormal 20‐0091 COVID 19Closed1/13/2020 1/14/2020 51662 EISENHOWER DR 51662 EISENHOWER DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0089 COVID 19Closed1/13/2020 1/24/2020 54900 AVENIDA HERRERA 54900 AVENIDA HERRERA ComplaintNormal 20‐0088 COVID 19Closed1/13/2020 1/27/2020 78615 SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20‐0105 COVID 19Closed1/14/2020 2/24/2020 78350 VIA SEVILLA78350 VIA SEVILLAComplaintNormal 20‐0133 COVID 19Closed1/16/2020 3/12/2020 48729 Legacy Dr48729 Legacy DrComplaintNormal 20‐0143 COVID 19Closed1/19/2020 1/23/2020 78615 SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20‐0151 COVID 19Closed1/24/2020 2/19/2020 77745 Tradition Dr77745 Tradition DrComplaintNormal 20‐0209 COVID 19Closed2/1/2020 3/4/2020 46775 CAMEO PALMS DR 46775 CAMEO PALMS DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0211 COVID 19Closed2/1/2020 2/3/2020 80634 SPANISH BAY 80634 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20‐0210 COVID 19Closed2/3/2020 2/4/2020 45325 BIRCHCREST CIR 45325 BIRCHCREST CIR ComplaintNormal 20‐0212 COVID 19Closed2/3/2020 2/4/2020 51542 AVENIDA NAVARRO 51542 AVENIDA NAVARRO ComplaintNormal 20‐0226 COVID 19Closed2/4/2020 2/4/2020 78845 LA PALMA DR 78845 LA PALMA DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0261 COVID 19Closed2/7/2020 2/10/2020 46485 CAMEO PALMS DR 46485 CAMEO PALMS DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0258 COVID 19Closed2/7/2020 2/10/2020 54120 AVENIDA CORTEZ 54120 AVENIDA CORTEZ ComplaintNormal 20‐0270 COVID 19Closed2/7/2020 2/11/2020 56605 Riviera56605 RivieraComplaintNormal 20‐0269 COVID 19Closed2/8/2020 2/11/2020 44615 SAFFRON CT44615 SAFFRON CTComplaintNormal 20‐0265 COVID 19Closed2/10/2020 3/7/2020 45395 DEERBROOK CIR 45395 DEERBROOK CIR ComplaintNormal 20‐0318 COVID 19Closed2/18/2020 3/3/2020 44615 SAFFRON CT44615 SAFFRON CTComplaintNormal 20‐0310 COVID 19Closed2/18/2020 6/13/2020 55348 Riviera55348 RivieraComplaintNormal 20‐0320 COVID 19Closed2/18/2020 7/2/2020 55605 Winged Foot55605 Winged FootComplaintNormal 20‐0319 COVID 19Closed2/18/2020 2/24/2020 80826 SPANISH BAY 80826 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20‐0369 COVID 19Closed2/23/2020 4/1/2020 51240 AVENIDA CARRANZA 51240 AVENIDA CARRANZA ComplaintNormal 20‐0347 COVID 19Closed2/24/2020 6/24/2020 51715 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 51715 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA ComplaintNormal 20‐0379 COVID 19Closed2/29/2020 3/27/2020 80634 SPANISH BAY 80634 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20‐0388 COVID 19Closed3/2/2020 4/1/2020 44210 CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20‐0416 COVID 19Closed3/5/2020 4/16/2020 45305 DESERT AIR ST 45305 DESERT AIR ST ComplaintNormal 20‐0417 COVID 19Closed3/5/2020 3/17/2020 79971 MEMORIAL PL 79971 MEMORIAL PL ComplaintNormal 20‐0427 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed3/6/2020 8/24/2020 44615 SAFFRON CT44615 SAFFRON CTComplaintNormal 20‐0426 COVID 19Closed3/6/2020 7/15/2020 46485 CAMEO PALMS DR 46485 CAMEO PALMS DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0425 COVID 19Closed3/6/2020 9/21/2020 51270 CALLE JACUMBA 51270 CALLE JACUMBA ComplaintNormal 20‐0435 COVID 19Closed3/9/2020 3/10/2020 45325 BIRCHCREST CIR 45325 BIRCHCREST CIR ComplaintNormal 20‐0451 COVID 19Closed3/9/2020 3/13/2020 51105 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 51105 AVENIDA RAMIREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐0454 COVID 19Closed3/10/2020 3/11/2020 78615 SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20‐0453 COVID 19Open3/10/2020 2/7/2021 78670 BRADFORD CIR 78670 BRADFORD CIR ComplaintNormal 20‐0457 COVID 19Closed3/10/2020 3/11/2020 78955 VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20‐0450 COVID 19Closed3/10/2020 5/27/2020 79645 CORTE BELLA 79645 CORTE BELLAComplaintNormal 20‐0485 COVID 19Closed3/16/2020 3/16/2020 45325 BIRCHCREST CIR 45325 BIRCHCREST CIR ComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐0484 COVID 19Closed3/16/2020 3/17/2020 53055 AVENIDA JUAREZ 53055 AVENIDA JUAREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐0486 COVID 19Closed3/16/2020 4/9/2020 53055 AVENIDA JUAREZ 53055 AVENIDA JUAREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐0575 COVID 19Open3/16/2020 10/21/2020 78615 SANITA DR78615 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20‐0577 COVID 19Closed3/16/2020 3/25/2020 78615 BRADFORD CIR 78615 BRADFORD CIR ComplaintNormal 20‐0496 COVID 19Closed3/17/2020 4/9/2020 53055 AVENIDA JUAREZ 53055 AVENIDA JUAREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐0519 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed ‐ Complied 3/19/2020 7/7/2020 78390 CAMEO DUNES PL 78390 CAMEO DUNES PL ComplaintNormal 20‐0548 COVID 19Closed3/20/2020 4/16/2020 79210 VIOLET CT79210 VIOLET CTComplaintNormal 20‐0594 COVID 19Closed3/20/2020 3/26/2020 79930 FIESTA DR79930 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20‐0539 COVID 19Closed3/21/2020 3/21/2020 78039 CALLE ESTADO 78039 CALLE ESTADO ComplaintNormal 20‐0546 COVID 19Closed3/21/2020 3/24/2020 78120 CALLE ESTADO 78120 CALLE ESTADO ComplaintNormal 20‐0524 COVID 19Closed3/21/2020 4/20/2020 78525 AVENIDA ULTIMO 78525 AVENIDA ULTIMO ComplaintNormal 20‐0526 COVID 19Closed3/23/2020 5/8/2020 45405 DEERBROOK CIR 45405 DEERBROOK CIR ComplaintNormal 20‐0538 COVID 19Closed3/23/2020 3/27/2020 48871 Legacy Dr48871 Legacy DrComplaintNormal 20‐0528 COVID 19Closed ‐ Complied 3/23/2020 3/25/2020 49499 EISENHOWER DR 49499 EISENHOWER DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0532 COVID 19Closed ‐ Complied 3/23/2020 3/30/2020 55955 PGA Blvd55955 PGA BlvdComplaintNormal 20‐0543 COVID 19Closed3/23/2020 4/15/2020Blackhawk Way Blackhawk WayComplaintNormal 20‐0587 COVID 19Closed3/24/202079320 DESERT WIND CT 79320 DESERT WIND CT COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0585 COVID 19Closed3/25/2020 3/26/2020 49499 EISENHOWER DR 49499 EISENHOWER DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0586 COVID 19Closed3/25/2020 3/26/2020 50503 MANDARINA50503 MANDARINAComplaintNormal 20‐0583 COVID 19Closed ‐ Complied 3/25/2020 4/9/2020 50777 SANTA ROSA PLAZA 50777 SANTA ROSA PLAZA ComplaintNormal 20‐0584 COVID 19Closed3/25/2020 7/29/2020 53280 AVENIDA CARRANZA 53280 AVENIDA CARRANZA ComplaintNormal 20‐0601 COVID 19Closed3/26/2020 3/27/2020 56605 Riviera56605 RivieraComplaintNormal 20‐0607 COVID 19Closed3/27/2020 3/28/2020 44370 BUTTERCUP LN 44370 BUTTERCUP LN ComplaintNormal 20‐0605 COVID 19Closed3/27/2020 6/23/2020 54715 WINGED FOOT 54715 WINGED FOOT COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0608 COVID 19Closed3/27/2020 4/6/2020 56605 RIVIERA56605 RIVIERAComplaintNormal 20‐0606 COVID 19Closed3/27/2020 4/10/2020 57151 MEDINAH57151 MEDINAHCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0654 COVID 19Closed3/28/2020 4/7/2020 44090 CALICO CIR44090 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20‐0611 COVID 19Closed3/28/2020 4/6/2020 54550 AVENIDA DIAZ 54550 AVENIDA DIAZ ComplaintNormal 20‐0610 COVID 19Closed3/28/2020 6/4/2020 54945 AVENIDA CARRANZA 54945 AVENIDA CARRANZA COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0630 COVID 19Closed3/29/2020 4/1/2020 52140 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 52140 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA ComplaintNormal 20‐0615 COVID 19Closed3/30/2020 4/21/2020 44185 CAMINO LAVANDA 44185 CAMINO LAVANDA ComplaintNormal 20‐0645 COVID 19Closed3/30/2020 3/31/2020 45360 DESERT FOX DR 45360 DESERT FOX DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0622 COVID 19Closed3/30/2020 4/20/2020 54745 Oakhill54745 OakhillComplaintNormal 20‐0623 COVID 19Closed3/30/2020 3/31/2020 54745 Oakhill54745 OakhillCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0617 COVID 19Closed3/30/2020 3/30/2020 54899 WINGED FOOT 54899 WINGED FOOT ComplaintNormal 20‐0624 COVID 19Closed3/30/2020 4/13/2020 55555 TURNBERRY WAY 55555 TURNBERRY WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐0619 COVID 19Closed3/30/2020 5/8/2020 55935 Pinehurst55935 PinehurstComplaintNormal 20‐0627 COVID 19Closed3/30/2020 3/31/2020 77165 AVENIDA ARTEAGA 77165 AVENIDA ARTEAGA ComplaintNormal 20‐0620 COVID 19Closed3/30/2020 4/15/2020 78450 CRESTVIEW TER 78450 CRESTVIEW TER ComplaintNormal 20‐0616 COVID 19Closed3/30/2020 4/6/2020 78510 AVENIDA NUESTRA 78510 AVENIDA NUESTRA ComplaintNormal 20‐0621 COVID 19Open3/30/2020 8/5/2020 78635 FORBES CIR78635 FORBES CIRComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐0625 COVID 19Closed3/30/2020 4/9/2020 79065 OCOTILLO DR 79065 OCOTILLO DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0628 COVID 19Closed3/30/2020 3/31/2020 79065 OCOTILLO DR 79065 OCOTILLO DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0618 COVID 19Closed3/30/2020 4/10/2020 80861 CALLE AZUL80861 CALLE AZULComplaintNormal 20‐0633 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 4/7/2020 44210 CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20‐0642 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 4/3/2020 45345 BRIDGETTE WAY 45345 BRIDGETTE WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐0638 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 4/6/2020 45540 COLDBROOK LN 45540 COLDBROOK LN ComplaintNormal 20‐0639 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 4/21/2020 45550 SUNBROOK LN 45550 SUNBROOK LN ComplaintNormal 20‐0653 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 4/14/2020 50945 CALLE PALOMA 50945 CALLE PALOMA ComplaintNormal 20‐0632 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 4/6/2020 52250 ROSEWOOD LN 52250 ROSEWOOD LN ComplaintNormal 20‐0629 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 4/1/2020 53280 AVENIDA RUBIO 53280 AVENIDA RUBIO ComplaintNormal 20‐0634 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 4/3/2020 57600 BALLYBUNION 57600 BALLYBUNION ComplaintNormal 20‐0644 COVID 19Closed3/31/2020 6/16/2020 81260 LEGENDS WAY 81260 LEGENDS WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐0658 COVID 19Closed4/1/2020 5/19/2020 52835 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 52835 AVENIDA MARTINEZ ComplaintNormal 20‐0663 COVID 19Closed4/1/2020 4/10/2020 53035 Meriweather way 53035 Meriweather way ComplaintNormal 20‐0662 COVID 19Closed4/1/2020 4/3/2020 54380 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 54380 AVENIDA MARTINEZ COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0659 COVID 19Closed4/1/2020 4/7/2020 78340 VIA SEVILLA78340 VIA SEVILLACOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0673 COVID 19Closed4/2/2020 4/9/2020 54060 Avenida Madero 54060 Avenida Madero ComplaintNormal 20‐0672 COVID 19Closed4/2/2020 4/21/2020 55305 Shoal Crk55305 Shoal CrkComplaintNormal 20‐0682 COVID 19Closed4/3/2020 4/8/2020 52515 AVENIDA JUAREZ 52515 AVENIDA JUAREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐0678 COVID 19Closed4/3/2020 4/7/2020 54700 AVENIDA CARRANZA 54700 AVENIDA CARRANZA ComplaintNormal 20‐0677 COVID 19Closed4/3/2020 4/24/2020 54720 Avenida Carranza 54720 Avenida Carranza ComplaintNormal 20‐0680 COVID 19Closed4/3/2020 4/8/2020 56455 JACK NICKLAUS BLV 56455 JACK NICKLAUS BLV ComplaintNormal 20‐0694 COVID 19Closed4/3/2020 4/10/2020 56980 Merion56980 MerionCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0675 COVID 19Closed4/3/2020 4/8/2020 57555 SEMINOLE DR 57555 SEMINOLE DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0693 COVID 19Closed4/3/2020 4/15/2020 57660 BLACK DIAMOND 57660 BLACK DIAMOND COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0692 COVID 19Closed4/3/2020 4/8/2020 57690 BLACK DIAMOND 57690 BLACK DIAMOND COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0690 COVID 19Closed4/3/2020 4/5/2020 57750 BLACK DIAMOND 57750 BLACK DIAMOND COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0691 COVID 19Closed4/3/2020 4/5/2020 57780 BLACK DIAMOND 57780 BLACK DIAMOND COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0686 COVID 19Closed4/3/2020 4/8/2020 81020 SHINNECOCK HILLS 81020 SHINNECOCK HILLS COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 19‐0769 COVID 19Open4/4/2020 8/28/2020 51780 AVENIDA VILLA 51780 AVENIDA VILLA ComplaintNormal 20‐0688 COVID 19Closed4/4/2020 4/20/2020 55610 ROYAL ST GEORGE 55610 ROYAL ST GEORGE ComplaintNormal 20‐0689 COVID 19Closed4/4/2020 4/14/2020 56585 Riviera56585 RivieraCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0684 COVID 19Closed4/4/2020 4/8/2020 78105 CALLE ESTADO 78105 CALLE ESTADO ComplaintNormal 20‐0687 COVID 19Closed4/4/2020 4/8/2020 78535 AVENIDA ULTIMO 78535 AVENIDA ULTIMO ComplaintNormal 20‐0683 COVID 19Closed4/4/2020 4/4/2020 78685 FORBES CIR78685 FORBES CIRComplaintNormal 20‐0695 COVID 19Closed4/5/2020 7/6/2020 53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZ COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0696 COVID 19Closed4/5/2020 5/19/2020 55775 PEBBLE BEACH 55775 PEBBLE BEACH COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0697 COVID 19Closed4/5/2020 9/10/2020 80154 HERMITAGE80154 HERMITAGECOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0698 COVID 19Closed4/5/2020 4/9/2020 80670 SPANISH BAY 80670 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20‐0699 COVID 19Closed4/5/2020 4/8/2020 80688 SPANISH BAY 80688 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20‐0705 COVID 19Closed4/6/2020 4/10/2020 51542 AVENIDA NAVARRO 51542 AVENIDA NAVARRO ComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐0716 COVID 19Closed4/6/2020 5/5/2020 54955 WINGED FOOT 54955 WINGED FOOT COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0717 COVID 19Open4/6/2020 7/31/2020 55534 Firestone55534 FirestoneCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0712 COVID 19Closed4/6/2020 4/14/2020 56405 MOUNTAIN VIEW 56405 MOUNTAIN VIEW COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0711 COVID 19Closed4/6/2020 4/14/2020 57065 MOUNTAIN VIEW 57065 MOUNTAIN VIEW COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0714 COVID 19Closed4/6/2020 4/20/2020 57535 SEMINOLE DR 57535 SEMINOLE DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0783 COVID 19Closed4/6/2020 4/14/2020 78028 Calle Norte78028 Calle NorteCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0703 COVID 19Closed ‐ Complied 4/6/2020 6/19/2020 79534 DANDELION DR 79534 DANDELION DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0715 COVID 19Closed4/6/2020 4/9/2020 81075 GOLF VIEW DR 81075 GOLF VIEW DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0718 COVID 19Closed4/6/2020 5/15/2020 81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGE 81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGE COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0719 COVID 19Closed4/6/2020 4/10/2020 81150 GOLF VIEW DR 81150 GOLF VIEW DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0713 COVID 19Closed4/6/2020 5/8/2020 81185 SHINNECOCKHILLS 81185 SHINNECOCKHILLS COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0710 COVID 19Closed4/6/2020 4/8/2020 81200 GOLF VIEW DR 81200 GOLF VIEW DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0701 COVID 19Closed4/6/2020 6/1/2020 81215 LEGENDS WAY 81215 LEGENDS WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐0709 COVID 19Closed4/6/2020 4/20/2020 81335 GOLF VIEW DR 81335 GOLF VIEW DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0723 COVID 19Closed4/7/2020 4/29/2020 53535 Avenida Diaz53535 Avenida DiazComplaintNormal 20‐0727 COVID 19Closed4/7/2020 4/13/2020 56585 Riviera56585 RivieraComplaintNormal 20‐0724 COVID 19Closed4/7/2020 4/20/2020 78595 VILLETA DR78595 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20‐0726 COVID 19Open4/7/2020 9/30/2020 78615 VILLETA DR78615 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20‐0740 COVID 19Closed4/8/2020 7/2/20200 Torino Dr0 Torino DrComplaintNormal 20‐0737 COVID 19Closed4/8/2020 4/13/2020 44185 SONESTA WAY 44185 SONESTA WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐0735 COVID 19Closed4/8/2020 5/8/2020 45210 DESERT HILLS CT 45210 DESERT HILLS CT ComplaintNormal 20‐0736 COVID 19Closed4/8/2020 4/9/2020 53845 AVENIDA CORTEZ 53845 AVENIDA CORTEZ ComplaintNormal 20‐0730 COVID 19Closed4/8/2020 6/15/2020 79150 DESERT STREAM DR 79150 DESERT STREAM DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0742 COVID 19Closed4/9/2020 4/22/2020 77227 CALLE ENSENADA 77227 CALLE ENSENADA COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0748 COVID 19Closed4/9/2020 4/10/2020 78190 CALLE CADIZ78190 CALLE CADIZCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0751 COVID 19Closed4/10/2020 4/13/2020 44270 VILLETA DR44270 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20‐0754 COVID 19Closed4/10/2020 4/20/2020 48772 Legacy48772 LegacyCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0757 COVID 19Closed4/10/2020 4/11/2020 54900 AVENIDA ALVARADO 54900 AVENIDA ALVARADO COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0761 COVID 19Closed4/10/2020 5/5/2020 78845 LA PALMA DR 78845 LA PALMA DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0762 COVID 19Open4/10/2020 10/18/2020 78855 LA PALMA DR 78855 LA PALMA DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0749 COVID 19Closed4/10/2020 4/10/2020 79450 AZAHAR79450 AZAHARCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0755 COVID 19Closed4/10/2020 4/11/2020 80427 SPANISH BAY 80427 SPANISH BAYCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0750 COVID 19Closed4/10/2020 4/11/2020 81345 KINGSTON HEATH 81345 KINGSTON HEATH COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0747 COVID 19Closed4/10/2020 4/20/2020 81545 TIBURON DR81545 TIBURON DRCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0765 COVID 19Closed4/11/2020 4/27/2020 54885 AVENIDA MADERO 54885 AVENIDA MADERO COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0763 COVID 19Closed4/11/2020 6/16/2020 56750 Merion56750 MerionComplaintNormal 20‐0764 COVID 19Closed4/11/2020 4/11/2020 78525 AVENIDA ULTIMO 78525 AVENIDA ULTIMO ComplaintNormal 19‐0858 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed4/12/2020 4/26/2019 49895 AVENIDA MONTERO 49895 AVENIDA MONTERO ComplaintNormal 19‐0855 COVID 19Closed4/12/2020 9/15/2020 52436 AVENIDA NAVARRO 52436 AVENIDA NAVARRO ComplaintNormal 19‐2551 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed4/12/2020 6/10/2020 45550 SUNBROOK LN 45550 SUNBROOK LN ComplaintNormal 20‐0773 COVID 19Closed4/12/2020 4/24/2020 46805 CAMEO PALMS DR 46805 CAMEO PALMS DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐0767 COVID 19Closed4/12/2020 4/12/2020 52883 EISENHOWER DR 52883 EISENHOWER DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0770 COVID 19Closed4/12/2020 4/13/2020 55291 WINGED FOOT 55291 WINGED FOOT COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0774 COVID 19Closed4/12/2020 4/13/2020 78315 CRESTVIEW TER 78315 CRESTVIEW TER COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0772 COVID 19Closed4/12/2020 4/14/2020 78505 AVENIDA TUJUNGA 78505 AVENIDA TUJUNGA COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0769 COVID 19Closed4/12/2020 4/24/2020 81070 LEGENDS WAY 81070 LEGENDS WAY COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0771 COVID 19Closed4/12/2020 4/13/2020 81215 LEGENDS WAY 81215 LEGENDS WAY COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 19‐0966 COVID 19Closed4/13/2020 9/8/2020 81175 SHINNECOCK HILLS 81175 SHINNECOCK HILLS COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0787 COVID 19Closed4/13/2020 4/21/2020 44180 TIARA PL44180 TIARA PLCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0782 COVID 19Closed4/13/2020 4/14/2020 51455 AVENIDA HERRERA 51455 AVENIDA HERRERA COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0781 COVID 19Closed4/13/2020 4/16/2020 53180 AVENIDA JUAREZ 53180 AVENIDA JUAREZ COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0790 COVID 19Closed4/13/2020 7/13/2020 78750 LA PALMA DR 78750 LA PALMA DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0788 COVID 19Closed4/13/2020 4/24/2020 78755 VILLETA DR78755 VILLETA DRCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0789 COVID 19Closed4/13/2020 4/24/2020 78765 VILLETA DR78765 VILLETA DRCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0780 COVID 19Closed ‐ Complied 4/13/2020 5/18/2020 81015 GOLF VIEW DR 81015 GOLF VIEW DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0779 COVID 19Closed4/13/2020 4/14/2020 81145 LEGENDS WAY 81145 LEGENDS WAY COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0784 COVID 19Closed4/13/2020 5/15/2020 81400 National Drive 81400 National Drive COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0804 COVID 19Closed4/14/2020 4/15/2020 44065 CAMINO LA CRESTA 44065 CAMINO LA CRESTA COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0794 COVID 19Closed4/14/2020 4/15/2020 46815 HIGHLAND PALMS DR 46815 HIGHLAND PALMS DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0795 COVID 19Closed ‐ Complied 4/14/2020 4/17/2020 53124 AVENIDA NAVARRO 53124 AVENIDA NAVARRO COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0809 COVID 19Closed4/14/2020 5/1/2020 55955 PGA Blvd55955 PGA BlvdCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0792 COVID 19Closed4/14/2020 4/15/2020 56600 JACK NICKLAUS 56600 JACK NICKLAUS COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0810 COVID 19Closed4/14/2020 4/15/2020 57670 BLACK DIAMOND 57670 BLACK DIAMOND COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0802 COVID 19Closed4/14/2020 4/20/2020 57735 SEMINOLE DR 57735 SEMINOLE DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0807 COVID 19Closed4/14/2020 4/16/2020 57755 SEMINOLE DR 57755 SEMINOLE DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0808 COVID 19Closed ‐ Complied 4/14/2020 4/18/2020 57765 SEMINOLE DR 57765 SEMINOLE DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0811 COVID 19Closed4/14/2020 4/15/2020 57820 BLACK DIAMOND 57820 BLACK DIAMOND COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0791 COVID 19Open4/14/2020 5/21/2020 78470 SINGING PALMS DR 78470 SINGING PALMS DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0805 COVID 19Closed ‐ Complied 4/14/2020 4/17/2020 79930 FIESTA DR79930 FIESTA DRCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0801 COVID 19Closed4/14/2020 5/4/2020 81205 SHINNECOCK HILLS 81205 SHINNECOCK HILLS COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0796 COVID 19Closed4/14/2020 4/15/2020 81315 NATIONAL DR 81315 NATIONAL DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0797 COVID 19Closed4/14/2020 4/15/2020 81335 NATIONAL DR 81335 NATIONAL DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0798 COVID 19Closed4/14/2020 4/20/2020 81340 NATIONAL DR 81340 NATIONAL DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0800 COVID 19Closed ‐ Complied 4/14/2020 4/17/2020 81355 NATIONAL DR 81355 NATIONAL DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0799 COVID 19Closed4/14/2020 4/20/2020 81360 NATIONAL DR 81360 NATIONAL DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0813 COVID 19Closed4/15/2020 4/16/2020 44615 SAFFRON CT44615 SAFFRON CTCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0815 COVID 19Closed ‐ Complied 4/15/2020 5/5/2020 81420 NATIONAL DR 81420 NATIONAL DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 19‐0922 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed4/16/2020 7/2/2020 54020 AVENIDA MADERO 54020 AVENIDA MADERO ComplaintNormal 20‐0820 COVID 19Closed4/16/2020 5/1/2020 44400 VILLETA DR44400 VILLETA DRCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0825 COVID 19Closed4/16/2020 5/6/2020 52295 AVENIDA NAVARRO 52295 AVENIDA NAVARRO COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0822 COVID 19Closed4/16/2020 4/24/2020 54555 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 54555 AVENIDA MARTINEZ COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0826 COVID 19Open4/16/2020 5/5/2021 54812 SOUTHERN HILLS 54812 SOUTHERN HILLS COMPLAINT COVID‐19CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐0827 COVID 19Closed ‐ Complied 4/16/2020 4/17/2020 55665 PEBBLE BEACH 55665 PEBBLE BEACH COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0818 COVID 19Closed4/16/2020 7/16/2020 57740 SALIDA DEL SOL 57740 SALIDA DEL SOL COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0816 COVID 19Closed4/16/2020 4/30/2020 78555 SAGEBRUSH AVE 78555 SAGEBRUSH AVE COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0828 COVID 19Closed4/16/2020 5/6/2020 81600 MACBETH81600 MACBETHCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0840 COVID 19Closed ‐ Complied 4/17/2020 7/14/2020 45540 DESERT FOX DR 45540 DESERT FOX DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0839 COVID 19Closed4/17/2020 4/20/2020 50820 CALLE GUAYMAS 50820 CALLE GUAYMAS COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0830 COVID 19Closed4/17/2020 5/14/2020 53845 AVENIDA CORTEZ 53845 AVENIDA CORTEZ COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0836 COVID 19Closed4/17/2020 4/20/2020 53920 Avenida Martinez 53920 Avenida Martinez COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0837 COVID 19Closed4/17/2020 4/17/2020 54845 AVENIDA OBREGON 54845 AVENIDA OBREGON COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0838 COVID 19Closed4/17/2020 7/15/2020 55300 Royal Saint George 55300 Royal Saint George COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0841 COVID 19Closed4/17/2020 4/20/2020 57780 TROON WAY57780 TROON WAYCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0843 COVID 19Closed4/17/2020 5/6/2020 80500 CHAMPIONS WY 80500 CHAMPIONS WY COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0834 COVID 19Closed ‐ Complied 4/17/2020 4/20/2020 80705 CEDAR CREST 80705 CEDAR CREST COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0842 COVID 19Open4/17/2020 8/3/2020 81165 LEGENDS WAY 81165 LEGENDS WAY COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0833 COVID 19Closed4/17/2020 5/6/2020 81305 KINGSTON HEATH 81305 KINGSTON HEATH COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0844 COVID 19Closed ‐ Complied 4/17/2020 9/10/2020 81405 GOLF VIEW DR 81405 GOLF VIEW DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0849 COVID 19Closed4/18/2020 4/19/2020 56465 legends way56465 legends wayComplaintNormal 20‐0850 COVID 19Closed4/19/2020 4/20/2020 44670 N HARLAND DR 44670 N HARLAND DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0873 COVID 19Closed4/19/2020 4/21/2020 54295 AVENIDA MADERO 54295 AVENIDA MADERO ComplaintNormal 20‐0862 COVID 19Closed ‐ Complied 4/20/2020 6/1/2020 45245 Seeley45245 SeeleyCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0863 COVID 19Closed4/20/2020 5/6/2020 50920 CALLE PALOMA 50920 CALLE PALOMA COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0854 COVID 19Closed4/20/2020 6/1/2020 51560 Avenida Alvarado 51560 Avenida Alvarado COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0855 COVID 19Closed4/20/2020 4/20/2020 52600 AVENIDA CARRANZA 52600 AVENIDA CARRANZA COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0864 COVID 19Open4/20/2020 9/9/2020 54015 Southern Hills 54015 Southern Hills COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0853 COVID 19Closed4/20/2020 5/6/2020 55315 TURNBERRY WAY 55315 TURNBERRY WAY COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0859 COVID 19Closed4/20/2020 5/7/2020 55412 Laurel Valley55412 Laurel ValleyCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0857 COVID 19Open4/20/2020 5/18/2020 57295 INTERLACHEN 57295 INTERLACHEN COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0872 COVID 19Closed4/20/2020 4/21/2020 78541 TORINO DR78541 TORINO DRCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0871 COVID 19Open4/20/2020 10/27/2020 78549 TORINO DR78549 TORINO DRCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0865 COVID 19Open4/20/2020 8/28/2020 78739 BOTTLEBRUSH DR 78739 BOTTLEBRUSH DR ComplaintNormal 20‐0858 COVID 19Closed ‐ Complied 4/20/2020 7/1/2020 80625 CEDAR CREST 80625 CEDAR CREST COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0861 COVID 19Open4/20/2020 7/4/2020 80872 VIA PUERTA AZUL 80872 VIA PUERTA AZUL COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0867 COVID 19Open4/20/2020 6/17/2020 81555 TIBURON DR81555 TIBURON DRCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0860 COVID 19Closed4/20/2020 5/7/2020 81755 BROWN DEER PARK 81755 BROWN DEER PARK COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0877 COVID 19Closed4/21/2020 4/23/2020 50670 Santa Rosa50670 Santa RosaCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0876 COVID 19Closed4/21/2020 4/22/2020 54819 SOUTHERN HILLS 54819 SOUTHERN HILLS COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0888 COVID 19Open4/22/2020 10/13/2020 45540 COLDBROOK LN 45540 COLDBROOK LN COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0880 COVID 19Closed4/22/2020 4/23/2020 48225 VIA SOLANA48225 VIA SOLANAComplaintNormal 20‐0884 COVID 19Closed4/22/2020 4/23/2020 54812 SOUTHERN HILLS 54812 SOUTHERN HILLS ComplaintNormal 20‐0886 COVID 19Closed4/22/2020 4/22/2020 55955 PGA BLV55955 PGA BLVCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0883 COVID 19Closed4/22/2020 5/25/2020 80409 SPANISH BAY 80409 SPANISH BAYCOMPLAINT COVID‐19CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐0898 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/23/2020 4/24/2020 56840 JACK NICKLAUS 56840 JACK NICKLAUS COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0911 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/24/2020 4/25/2020 44155 MARIPOSA CT 44155 MARIPOSA CT COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0900 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/24/2020 4/24/2020 44185 CAMINO LAVANDA 44185 CAMINO LAVANDA COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0913 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open4/25/2020 10/23/2020 53065 AVENIDA NAVARRO 53065 AVENIDA NAVARRO COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0916 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/26/2020 6/5/2020 78660 BRADFORD CIR 78660 BRADFORD CIR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0915 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/26/2020 5/29/2020 78860 GALAXY DR78860 GALAXY DRCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0917 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/26/2020 5/7/2020 79340 DESERT ROCK CT 79340 DESERT ROCK CT COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0920 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/27/2020 4/29/2020 44210 CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20‐0918 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/27/2020 5/4/2020 51420 CALLE JACUMBA 51420 CALLE JACUMBA ComplaintNormal 20‐0928 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/27/2020 5/6/2020 78663 COMO CT78663 COMO CTComplaintNormal 20‐0925 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/27/2020 5/7/2020 80505 CEDAR CREST 80505 CEDAR CREST COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0937 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/28/2020 9/21/2020 54190 Avenida Cortez 54190 Avenida Cortez COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0936 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/28/2020 4/29/2020 54200 AVENIDA CORTEZ 54200 AVENIDA CORTEZ COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0935 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open4/28/2020 10/24/2020 78535 AVENIDA ULTIMO 78535 AVENIDA ULTIMO COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0938 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/28/2020 5/15/2020 80788 VIA PUERTA AZUL 80788 VIA PUERTA AZUL COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0943 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/29/2020 5/15/2020 44210 SWEETBUSH LN 44210 SWEETBUSH LN COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0941 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open4/29/2020 5/7/2020 81250 LEGENDS WAY 81250 LEGENDS WAY COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0944 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/30/2020 5/9/2020 51050 CALLE OBISPO 51050 CALLE OBISPO COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0946 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/30/2020 6/2/2020 51270 CALLE JACUMBA 51270 CALLE JACUMBA COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0954 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/30/2020 5/1/2020 52030 AVENIDA VILLA 52030 AVENIDA VILLA ComplaintNormal 20‐0953 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/30/2020 7/2/2020 55690 BRAE BURN55690 BRAE BURNCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0947 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/30/2020 5/1/2020 57575 SEMINOLE DR 57575 SEMINOLE DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0945 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/30/2020 4/30/2020 79971 MEMORIAL PL 79971 MEMORIAL PL COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0957 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/1/2020 5/14/2020 45550 SUNBROOK LN 45550 SUNBROOK LN ComplaintNormal 20‐0955 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/1/2020 5/2/2020 52880 AVENIDA CARRANZA 52880 AVENIDA CARRANZA ComplaintNormal 20‐0973 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/2/2020 5/15/2020 44645 MARGUERITE CT 44645 MARGUERITE CT COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0975 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/3/2020 5/14/2020 79915 HORSESHOE RD 79915 HORSESHOE RD COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0974 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/4/2020 6/5/2020 46500 CAMEO PALMS DR 46500 CAMEO PALMS DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0966 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/4/2020 5/14/2020 50650 Santa Rosa50650 Santa RosaCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0965 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/4/2020 5/25/2020 50670 Santa Rosa50670 Santa RosaCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0967 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/4/2020 5/4/2020 52870 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 52870 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0961 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/4/2020 9/23/2020 53055 AVENIDA JUAREZ 53055 AVENIDA JUAREZ COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0972 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/4/2020 5/25/2020 53390 AVENIDA NAVARRO 53390 AVENIDA NAVARRO COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0962 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/4/2020 6/6/2020 80896 CALLE AZUL80896 CALLE AZULCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0968 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/4/2020 5/26/2020 81365 GOLF VIEW DR 81365 GOLF VIEW DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0979 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/5/2020 5/19/2020 80790 SPANISH BAY 80790 SPANISH BAYCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0985 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/6/2020 5/19/2020 78860 AURORA WAY 78860 AURORA WAY COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0995 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/7/2020 5/9/2020 55050 Riviera55050 RivieraCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0996 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/7/2020 5/25/2020 55491 SOUTHERN HILLS 55491 SOUTHERN HILLS COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐0994 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/7/2020 5/12/2020 81220 GOLF VIEW DR 81220 GOLF VIEW DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1005 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/8/2020 5/13/2020 46485 CAMEO PALMS DR 46485 CAMEO PALMS DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐1002 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/8/2020 5/22/2020 56015 WINGED FOOT 56015 WINGED FOOT COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1004 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/8/2020 5/9/2020 78390 SINGING PALMS DR 78390 SINGING PALMS DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1003 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/8/2020 5/12/2020 78435 SINGING PALMS DR 78435 SINGING PALMS DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1009 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/8/2020 5/28/2020 78765 LA PALMA DR 78765 LA PALMA DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1001 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/8/2020 5/18/2020 80333 Oak Tree80333 Oak TreeCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1008 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/8/2020 5/12/2020 81115 LEGENDS WAY 81115 LEGENDS WAY COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1050 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/8/2020 5/18/2020 81165 GOLF VIEW DR 81165 GOLF VIEW DR COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1014 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/11/2020 5/28/2020 80265 CEDAR CREST 80265 CEDAR CREST COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1007 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/11/2020 5/15/2020 81320 LEGENDS WAY 81320 LEGENDS WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐1010 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/11/2020 5/15/2020 81350 LEGENDS WAY 81350 LEGENDS WAY COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1031 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/13/2020 5/15/2020 78110 CALLE TAMPICO 78110 CALLE TAMPICO COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1042 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/14/2020 5/15/2020 50855 WASHINGTON ST 50855 WASHINGTON ST COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1046 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/15/2020 6/2/2020 44210 CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20‐1053 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/15/2020 5/19/2020 55775 PEBBLE BEACH 55775 PEBBLE BEACH COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1056 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed ‐ Complied 5/16/2020 6/10/2020 43676 ALBA CT43676 ALBA CTComplaintNormal 20‐1069 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/19/2020 6/8/2020 45245 Seeley45245 SeeleyComplaintNormal 20‐1082 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/21/2020 6/2/2020 54080 AVENIDA VALLEJO 54080 AVENIDA VALLEJO COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1092 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/22/2020 6/24/2020 53325 AVENIDA MADERO 53325 AVENIDA MADERO ComplaintNormal 20‐1091 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/22/2020 5/23/2020 55825 TURNBERRY WAY 55825 TURNBERRY WAY COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1101 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open5/22/2020 7/24/2020 78900 MORNING STAR CT 78900 MORNING STAR CT COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1093 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open5/25/2020 10/16/2020 55581 Winged Foot55581 Winged FootCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1107 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/26/2020 6/16/2020 48548 Legacy48548 LegacyCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1111 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/26/2020 5/27/2020 48605 Classic48605 ClassicCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1108 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/26/2020 6/2/2020 48656 Legacy48656 LegacyCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1118 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/26/2020 5/28/2020 48668 Legacy48668 LegacyCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1115 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/26/2020 5/29/2020 48700 LEGACY48700 LEGACYCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1109 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open5/26/2020 6/10/2020 48704 Legacy48704 LegacyCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1104 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/26/2020 6/4/2020 48712 Legacy48712 LegacyCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1110 Vacation Rental‐Building Violations Closed5/26/2020 5/30/2020 48720 Legacy48720 LegacyCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1103 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/26/2020 5/28/2020 50860 CALLE PALOMA 50860 CALLE PALOMA COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1097 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/26/2020 6/2/2020 52420 AVENIDA JUAREZ 52420 AVENIDA JUAREZ COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1102 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/26/2020 6/5/2020 52500 EISENHOWER DR 52500 EISENHOWER DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1105 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open5/26/2020 10/7/2020 54315 AVENIDA VALLEJO 54315 AVENIDA VALLEJO COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1096 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/26/2020 6/1/2020 54355 AVENIDA BERMUDAS 54355 AVENIDA BERMUDAS COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1100 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open5/26/2020 6/7/2020 54878 SOUTHERN HILLS 54878 SOUTHERN HILLS ComplaintNormal 20‐1114 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/26/2020 6/5/2020 77717 Tradition Drive 77717 Tradition Drive COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1112 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/26/2020 5/29/2020 77721 Tradition Dr77721 Tradition DrCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1113 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/26/2020 6/5/2020 77729 Tradition77729 TraditionCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1124 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed ‐ Complied 5/27/2020 6/4/2020 44210 MARIPOSA CT 44210 MARIPOSA CT COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1121 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/27/2020 6/8/2020 44675 MARGUERITE CT 44675 MARGUERITE CT COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1123 Vacation Rental‐Building Violations Closed5/27/2020 7/30/2020 53845 AVENIDA CORTEZ 53845 AVENIDA CORTEZ ComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐1120 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed5/27/2020 6/4/2020 79820 FIESTA DR79820 FIESTA DRCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1127 Vacation Rental‐Building Violations Closed5/28/2020 6/16/2020 52205 AVENIDA DIAZ 52205 AVENIDA DIAZ COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1125 Vacation Rental‐Building Violations Closed5/28/2020 6/2/2020 52565 AVENIDA JUAREZ AVE 52565 AVENIDA JUAREZ AVE COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1140 Vacation Rental‐Building Violations Open5/29/2020 10/13/2020 44260 VIA CORONADO 44260 VIA CORONADO ComplaintNormal 20‐1136 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed5/29/2020 6/1/2020 46480 WASHINGTON ST 46480 WASHINGTON ST COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1142 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed5/30/2020 6/16/2020 50070 PALENCIA CT50070 PALENCIA CTComplaintNormal 20‐1141 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/1/2020 6/4/2020 52510 AVENIDA JUAREZ 52510 AVENIDA JUAREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1164 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/3/2020 7/14/2020 48748 Legacy48748 LegacyComplaintNormal 20‐1162 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/3/2020 6/17/2020 54994 Tanglewood54994 TanglewoodCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1157 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/3/2020 6/9/2020 78380 VIA SEVILLA78380 VIA SEVILLACOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1166 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/4/2020 6/8/2020 53385 AVENIDA MENDOZA 53385 AVENIDA MENDOZA ComplaintNormal 20‐1176 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/6/2020 7/16/2020 48684 Legacy48684 LegacyComplaintNormal 20‐1177 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/6/2020 6/9/2020 48708 Legacy48708 LegacyComplaintNormal 20‐1174 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/6/2020 7/13/2020 51475 Calle Jacumba 51475 Calle Jacumba ComplaintNormal 20‐1178 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/6/2020 8/24/2020 52883 EISENHOWER DR 52883 EISENHOWER DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1171 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/6/2020 9/25/2020 78525 AVENIDA ULTIMO 78525 AVENIDA ULTIMO ComplaintNormal 20‐1175 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/6/2020 6/22/2020 80321 MERION80321 MERIONComplaintNormal 20‐1173 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/6/2020 6/10/2020 81185 LEGENDS WAY 81185 LEGENDS WAY COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1179 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/7/2020 7/31/2020 54035 AVENIDA MENDOZA 54035 AVENIDA MENDOZA ComplaintNormal 20‐1181 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/7/2020 6/9/2020 79205 DIANE DR79205 DIANE DRComplaintNormal 20‐1188 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/8/2020 8/1/2020 54060 Avenida Madero 54060 Avenida Madero ComplaintNormal 20‐1187 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/8/2020 7/24/2020 55610 ROYAL ST GEORGE 55610 ROYAL ST GEORGE ComplaintNormal 20‐1193 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/9/2020 6/15/2020 51325 Calle Jacumba 51325 Calle Jacumba ComplaintNormal 20‐1224 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/11/2020 8/10/2020 54200 AVENIDA CORTEZ 54200 AVENIDA CORTEZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1236 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/12/2020 7/2/2020 78580 AVENIDA TUJUNGA 78580 AVENIDA TUJUNGA ComplaintNormal 20‐1234 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/12/2020 6/15/2020 79836 MORRIS AVE79836 MORRIS AVEComplaintNormal 20‐1245 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/15/2020 6/29/2020 45360 DESERT FOX DR 45360 DESERT FOX DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1247 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/15/2020 6/16/2020 51550 AVENIDA VALLEJO 51550 AVENIDA VALLEJO ComplaintNormal 20‐1254 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/15/2020 7/8/2020 52990 AVENIDA ALVARADO 52990 AVENIDA ALVARADO ComplaintNormal 20‐1248 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/15/2020 8/31/2020 54768 SOUTHERN HILLS 54768 SOUTHERN HILLS ComplaintNormal 20‐1255 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/15/2020 6/16/2020 55655 ROYAL ST GEORGE 55655 ROYAL ST GEORGE ComplaintNormal 20‐1253 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/15/2020 10/13/2020 78615 BRADFORD CIR 78615 BRADFORD CIR ComplaintNormal 20‐1252 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/15/2020 10/22/2020 79105 OCOTILLO DR 79105 OCOTILLO DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1262 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/16/2020 6/19/2020 52140 Avenida Mendoza 52140 Avenida Mendoza ComplaintNormal 20‐1257 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/16/2020 6/17/2020 79778 Arnold Palmer 79778 Arnold Palmer ComplaintNormal 20‐1265 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/18/2020 9/15/2020 45415 ASHWOOD CT 45415 ASHWOOD CT ComplaintNormal 20‐1266 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/18/2020 8/10/2020 77700 CALLE COLIMA 77700 CALLE COLIMA ComplaintNormal 20‐1278 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/19/2020 8/10/2020 49705 RANCHO SAN JULIAN 49705 RANCHO SAN JULIAN ComplaintNormal 20‐1277 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/19/2020 11/9/2020 50820 CALLE GUAYMAS 50820 CALLE GUAYMAS ComplaintNormal 20‐1279 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/19/2020 9/27/2020 53335 AVENIDA BERMUDAS 53335 AVENIDA BERMUDAS ComplaintNormal 20‐1273 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/19/2020 7/13/2020 78735 SANITA DR78735 SANITA DRComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐1280 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/19/2020 6/30/2020 81240 LEGENDS WAY 81240 LEGENDS WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐1282 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/20/2020 10/14/2020 45545 STONEBROOK CT 45545 STONEBROOK CT ComplaintNormal 20‐1281 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/20/2020 8/31/2020 52515 AVENIDA JUAREZ 52515 AVENIDA JUAREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1283 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/22/2020 6/23/2020 52290 AVENIDA VALLEJO 52290 AVENIDA VALLEJO ComplaintNormal 20‐1286 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/22/2020 7/7/2020 52295 AVENIDA VALLEJO 52295 AVENIDA VALLEJO ComplaintNormal 20‐1305 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/22/2020 10/2/2020 78380 VIA SEVILLA78380 VIA SEVILLAComplaintNormal 20‐1306 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed ‐ Complied 6/23/2020 9/1/2020 79527 DANDELION DR 79527 DANDELION DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1314 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/25/2020 6/30/2020 77985 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 77985 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA COMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1329 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/26/2020 6/30/2020 44155 MARIPOSA CT 44155 MARIPOSA CT ComplaintNormal 20‐1321 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/26/2020 7/10/2020 48800 LEGACY DR48800 LEGACY DRCOMPLAINT COVID‐19Normal 20‐1328 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/26/2020 6/30/2020 79971 MEMORIAL PL 79971 MEMORIAL PL ComplaintNormal 20‐1324 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/27/2020 10/2/2020 44210 MARIPOSA CT 44210 MARIPOSA CT ComplaintNormal 20‐1336 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/27/2020 10/20/2020 51240 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 51240 AVENIDA RAMIREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1335 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/27/2020 7/20/2020 54060 AVENIDA VALLEJO 54060 AVENIDA VALLEJO ComplaintNormal 20‐1414 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/27/2020 8/18/2020 54080 AVENIDA VALLEJO 54080 AVENIDA VALLEJO ComplaintNormal 20‐1332 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/27/2020 6/30/2020 55690 BRAE BURN55690 BRAE BURNComplaintNormal 20‐1338 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/28/2020 9/15/2020 80682 BELLERIVE80682 BELLERIVEComplaintNormal 20‐1340 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/29/2020 8/28/2020 51680 AVENIDA NAVARRO 51680 AVENIDA NAVARRO ComplaintNormal 20‐1334 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/29/2020 7/21/2020 78685 FORBES CIR78685 FORBES CIRComplaintNormal 20‐1339 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed6/29/2020 8/12/2020 81185 GOLF VIEW DR 81185 GOLF VIEW DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1351 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/1/2020 7/14/2020 54555 WINGED FOOT 54555 WINGED FOOT ComplaintNormal 20‐1349 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/1/2020 11/9/2020 78660 BRADFORD CIR 78660 BRADFORD CIR ComplaintNormal 20‐1355 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/1/2020 7/10/2020 80824 VIA PUERTA AZUL 80824 VIA PUERTA AZUL ComplaintNormal 20‐1359 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/2/2020 7/13/2020 78600 BRADFORD CIR 78600 BRADFORD CIR ComplaintNormal 20‐1360 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/3/2020 10/23/2020 45395 DEERBROOK CIR 45395 DEERBROOK CIR ComplaintNormal 20‐1363 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/4/2020 7/16/2020 46735 HIGHLAND PALMS DR 46735 HIGHLAND PALMS DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1364 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/4/2020 9/15/2020 46755 HIGHLAND PALMS DR 46755 HIGHLAND PALMS DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1358 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/4/2020 7/7/2020 52190 AVENIDA JUAREZ 52190 AVENIDA JUAREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1361 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/4/2020 7/7/2020 53280 AVENIDA RUBIO 53280 AVENIDA RUBIO ComplaintNormal 20‐1365 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/4/2020 7/23/2020 53875 AVENIDA DIAZ 53875 AVENIDA DIAZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1362 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/4/2020 11/2/2020 54740 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 54740 AVENIDA RAMIREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1370 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/6/2020 10/24/2020 54190 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 54190 AVENIDA MARTINEZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1367 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/6/2020 7/14/2020 78895 SONESTA WAY 78895 SONESTA WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐1371 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/6/2020 10/16/2020 81235 LEGENDS WAY 81235 LEGENDS WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐1380 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/7/2020 7/31/2020 55030 Firestone55030 FirestoneComplaintNormal 20‐1390 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/8/2020 7/13/2020 52230 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 52230 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA ComplaintNormal 20‐1408 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/10/2020 7/14/2020 44065 CAMINO LA CRESTA 44065 CAMINO LA CRESTA ComplaintNormal 20‐1403 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/10/2020 9/16/2020 44210 CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIRComplaintNormal 20‐1396 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/10/2020 10/5/2020 45325 BIRCHCREST CIR 45325 BIRCHCREST CIR ComplaintNormal 20‐1417 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/10/2020 12/15/2020 79320 DESERT WIND CT 79320 DESERT WIND CT ComplaintNormal 20‐1395 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/10/2020 10/22/2020 79915 HORSESHOE RD 79915 HORSESHOE RD ComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐1406 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/10/2020 7/14/2020 80895 VIA PUERTA AZUL 80895 VIA PUERTA AZUL ComplaintNormal 20‐1400 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/11/2020 8/3/2020 53885 EISENHOWER DR 53885 EISENHOWER DR STVRP‐ComplaintNormal 20‐1411 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/11/2020 7/14/2020 81185 LEGENDS WAY 81185 LEGENDS WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐1405 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/13/2020 7/14/2020 45545 DESERT EAGLE CT 45545 DESERT EAGLE CT ComplaintNormal 20‐1412 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/13/2020 7/14/2020 53120 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 53120 AVENIDA MARTINEZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1407 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/13/2020 10/14/2020 54680 SOUTHERN HILLS 54680 SOUTHERN HILLS ComplaintNormal 20‐1402 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/13/2020 7/17/2020 80321 MERION80321 MERIONComplaintNormal 20‐1415 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/14/2020 10/22/2020 79820 FIESTA DR79820 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20‐1432 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed ‐ Complied 7/16/2020 7/18/2020 48300 Vista De Nopal 48300 Vista De Nopal ComplaintNormal 20‐1423 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/16/2020 7/17/2020 54020 AVENIDA VELASCO 54020 AVENIDA VELASCO ComplaintNormal 20‐1425 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/16/2020 7/17/2020 54695 WINGED FOOT 54695 WINGED FOOT ComplaintNormal 20‐1424 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/16/2020 7/22/2020 54922 Tanglewood54922 TanglewoodComplaintNormal 20‐1426 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/16/2020 7/17/2020 56954 Merion56954 MerionComplaintNormal 20‐1422 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/16/2020 7/17/2020 57750 BLACK DIAMOND 57750 BLACK DIAMOND ComplaintNormal 20‐1421 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/16/2020 10/13/2020 79930 FIESTA DR79930 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20‐1431 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/16/2020 9/29/2020 81810 MOUNTAIN VIEW LN 81810 MOUNTAIN VIEW LN ComplaintNormal 20‐1442 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/18/2020 11/4/2020 51855 AVENIDA JUAREZ 51855 AVENIDA JUAREZ STVRP‐ComplaintNormal 20‐1444 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/18/2020 8/7/2020 55208 BIG SPRING55208 BIG SPRINGComplaintNormal 20‐1445 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/18/2020 7/22/2020 55555 TURNBERRY WAY 55555 TURNBERRY WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐1441 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/18/2020 7/24/2020 78860 SANITA DR78860 SANITA DRSTVRP‐ComplaintNormal 20‐1446 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/18/2020 9/29/2020 79065 OCOTILLO DR 79065 OCOTILLO DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1443 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/18/2020 8/14/2020 80787 SPANISH BAY 80787 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20‐1447 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/19/2020 7/22/2020 56980 Merion56980 MerionComplaintNormal 20‐1454 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed ‐ Complied 7/21/2020 10/12/2020 44095 DALEA COURT 44095 DALEA COURT ComplaintNormal 20‐1453 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/21/2020 7/22/2020 44210 DALEA CIR44210 DALEA CIRComplaintNormal 20‐1450 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/21/2020 7/21/2020 50650 Santa Rosa Plz 50650 Santa Rosa Plz ComplaintNormal 20‐1451 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/21/2020 9/2/2020 55493 SOUTHERN HILLS 55493 SOUTHERN HILLS ComplaintNormal 20‐1449 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/21/2020 7/21/2020 77400 CALLE YUCATAN 77400 CALLE YUCATAN ComplaintNormal 20‐1457 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/22/2020 7/22/2020 51475 Calle Jacumba 51475 Calle Jacumba ComplaintNormal 20‐1458 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/22/2020 10/5/2020 79795 FIESTA DR79795 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20‐1465 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/23/2020 7/24/2020 81420 NATIONAL DR 81420 NATIONAL DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1466 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/24/2020 10/8/2020 45540 DESERT FOX DR 45540 DESERT FOX DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1479 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/24/2020 8/18/2020 53430 AVENIDA CARRANZA 53430 AVENIDA CARRANZA ComplaintNormal 20‐1516 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/25/2020 7/25/2020 48720 Classic48720 ClassicComplaintNormal 20‐1499 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/25/2020 7/25/2020 50660 Santa Rosa Plaza 50660 Santa Rosa Plaza ComplaintNormal 20‐1489 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/25/2020 10/6/2020 54185 AVENIDA MADERO 54185 AVENIDA MADERO ComplaintNormal 20‐1500 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/25/2020 7/25/2020 54781 oakhill54781 oakhillComplaintNormal 20‐1490 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/25/2020 9/29/2020 79899 WILLIAM STONE WAY 79899 WILLIAM STONE WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐1474 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/26/2020 8/19/2020 50945 CALLE PALOMA 50945 CALLE PALOMA ComplaintNormal 20‐1473 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/26/2020 7/29/2020 52515 AVENIDA JUAREZ 52515 AVENIDA JUAREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1512 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/27/2020 8/3/2020 52436 AVENIDA NAVARRO 52436 AVENIDA NAVARRO ComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐1482 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/27/2020 7/28/2020 79925 HORSESHOE RD 79925 HORSESHOE RD ComplaintNormal 20‐1480 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/27/2020 8/18/2020 81355 NATIONAL DR 81355 NATIONAL DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1492 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/28/2020 8/1/2020 52770 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 52770 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA ComplaintNormal 20‐1483 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/28/2020 11/11/2020 53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1504 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/28/2020 8/20/2020 53105 AVENIDA RUBIO 53105 AVENIDA RUBIO ComplaintNormal 20‐1486 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/28/2020 8/17/2020 57570 INTERLACHEN 57570 INTERLACHEN ComplaintNormal 20‐1491 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/28/2020 7/29/2020 78395 SINGING PALMS DR 78395 SINGING PALMS DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1521 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/29/2020 8/3/2020 55243 Tanglewood55243 TanglewoodComplaintNormal 20‐1522 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/29/2020 8/1/2020 55610 ROYAL ST GEORGE 55610 ROYAL ST GEORGE ComplaintNormal 20‐1525 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/30/2020 10/14/2020 77535 CALLE CHIHUAHUA 77535 CALLE CHIHUAHUA ComplaintNormal 20‐1545 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/31/2020 7/31/2020 55586 SOUTHERN HILLS 55586 SOUTHERN HILLS ComplaintNormal 20‐1550 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/31/2020 8/14/2020 79820 FIESTA DR79820 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20‐1553 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/1/2020 8/1/2020 48705 Classic48705 ClassicComplaintNormal 20‐1552 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/1/2020 8/1/2020 52230 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 52230 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA ComplaintNormal 20‐1556 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/2/2020 11/1/2020 78750 LA PALMA DR 78750 LA PALMA DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1570 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/3/2020 8/25/2020 46775 CAMEO PALMS DR 46775 CAMEO PALMS DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1565 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/3/2020 8/13/2020 50670 Santa Rosa Plaza 50670 Santa Rosa Plaza ComplaintNormal 20‐1555 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/3/2020 8/24/2020 53955 AVENIDA NAVARRO 53955 AVENIDA NAVARRO ComplaintNormal 20‐1563 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/3/2020 8/10/2020 54060 Avenida Madero 54060 Avenida Madero ComplaintNormal 20‐1567 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/3/2020 11/3/2020 78685 AVENIDA ULTIMO 78685 AVENIDA ULTIMO ComplaintNormal 20‐1560 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/3/2020 8/4/2020 80046 Hermitage80046 HermitageComplaintNormal 20‐1569 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/3/2020 8/5/2020 80160 VISTA GRANDE 80160 VISTA GRANDE ComplaintNormal 20‐1575 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/4/2020 8/5/2020 50625 GRAND TRAVERSE AVE 50625 GRAND TRAVERSE AVE ComplaintNormal 20‐1579 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/5/2020 10/31/2020 54899 WINGED FOOT 54899 WINGED FOOT ComplaintNormal 20‐1585 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/5/2020 9/9/2020 79850 FIESTA DR79850 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20‐1591 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/6/2020 8/10/2020 57780 BLACK DIAMOND 57780 BLACK DIAMOND ComplaintNormal 20‐1589 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/6/2020 8/22/2020 78830 W HARLAND DR 78830 W HARLAND DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1595 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/7/2020 8/7/2020 45100 COLDBROOK LN 45100 COLDBROOK LN ComplaintNormal 20‐1598 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/7/2020 11/5/2020 50795 CALLE QUITO 50795 CALLE QUITOComplaintNormal 20‐1594 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/7/2020 10/8/2020 52436 AVENIDA NAVARRO 52436 AVENIDA NAVARRO ComplaintNormal 20‐1593 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/7/2020 8/24/2020 55866 BRAE BURN55866 BRAE BURNComplaintNormal 20‐1597 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/7/2020 10/6/2020 78845 LA PALMA DR 78845 LA PALMA DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1599 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/7/2020 8/9/2020 78955 VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20‐1596 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/7/2020 8/7/2020 80265 CEDAR CREST 80265 CEDAR CREST ComplaintNormal 20‐1602 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/8/2020 8/18/2020 78645 SAGUARO DR 78645 SAGUARO DRComplaintNormal 20‐1604 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/10/2020 11/13/2020 44185 CAMINO LAVANDA 44185 CAMINO LAVANDA ComplaintNormal 20‐1612 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/10/2020 8/12/2020 53125 AVENIDA RUBIO 53125 AVENIDA RUBIO ComplaintNormal 20‐1608 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/10/2020 8/11/2020 55282 Tanglewood55282 TanglewoodComplaintNormal 20‐1605 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/10/2020 8/31/2020 80418 SPANISH BAY 80418 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20‐1607 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/10/2020 8/11/2020 81220 LEGENDS WAY 81220 LEGENDS WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐1613 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/11/2020 8/12/2020 44935 MALIA CIR44935 MALIA CIRComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐1617 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/11/2020 10/1/2020 53640 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 53640 AVENIDA MARTINEZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1618 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/11/2020 8/28/2020 55586 SOUTHERN HILLS 55586 SOUTHERN HILLS ComplaintNormal 20‐1615 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/11/2020 10/21/2020 77400 CALLE YUCATAN 77400 CALLE YUCATAN ComplaintNormal 20‐1626 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/13/2020 10/21/2020 79900 FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20‐1629 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/14/2020 10/16/2020 44930 TORTOLA CIR 44930 TORTOLA CIRComplaintNormal 20‐1627 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/14/2020 10/13/2020 46805 CAMEO PALMS DR 46805 CAMEO PALMS DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1630 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/14/2020 9/11/2020 49755 AVENIDA MONTERO 49755 AVENIDA MONTERO ComplaintNormal 20‐1628 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/14/2020 8/14/2020 78955 VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20‐1631 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/15/2020 9/9/2020 56055 WINGED FOOT 56055 WINGED FOOT ComplaintNormal 20‐1632 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/15/2020 9/11/2020 57690 BLACK DIAMOND 57690 BLACK DIAMOND ComplaintNormal 20‐1646 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/15/2020 8/21/2020 57690 BLACK DIAMOND 57690 BLACK DIAMOND ComplaintNormal 20‐1636 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/15/2020 8/24/2020 78585 SAGUARO DR 78585 SAGUARO DRComplaintNormal 20‐1633 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/15/2020 10/20/2020 78735 ROCKBERRY CT 78735 ROCKBERRY CT ComplaintNormal 20‐1639 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/17/2020 10/25/2020 77165 AVENIDA ARTEAGA 77165 AVENIDA ARTEAGA ComplaintNormal 20‐1638 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/17/2020 10/7/2020 80321 MERION80321 MERIONComplaintNormal 20‐1668 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/20/2020 8/31/2020 78345 VIA CALIENTE 78345 VIA CALIENTE ComplaintNormal 20‐1678 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/21/2020 9/16/2020 45420 ASHWOOD CT 45420 ASHWOOD CT ComplaintNormal 20‐1657 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/21/2020 9/29/2020 78955 VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20‐1687 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/22/2020 8/28/2020 53830 AVENIDA JUAREZ 53830 AVENIDA JUAREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1674 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/22/2020 10/9/2020 54955 WINGED FOOT 54955 WINGED FOOT ComplaintNormal 20‐1693 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/22/2020 9/29/2020 81320 GOLF VIEW DR 81320 GOLF VIEW DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1662 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/23/2020 8/28/2020 55078 Shoal Creek55078 Shoal CreekComplaintNormal 20‐1663 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/23/2020 8/24/2020 81240 LEGENDS WAY 81240 LEGENDS WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐1675 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/25/2020 8/27/2020 54720 Avenida Carranza 54720 Avenida Carranza ComplaintNormal 20‐1680 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/26/2020 9/8/2020 52055 AVENIDA OBREGON 52055 AVENIDA OBREGON ComplaintNormal 20‐1681 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/26/2020 8/28/2020 53280 AVENIDA CARRANZA 53280 AVENIDA CARRANZA ComplaintNormal 20‐1684 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/27/2020 8/28/2020 51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1688 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/27/2020 8/28/2020 78395 SINGING PALMS DR 78395 SINGING PALMS DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1690 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/28/2020 9/16/2020 51845 VIA BENDITA51845 VIA BENDITAComplaintNormal 20‐1699 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/28/2020 11/5/2020 53905 AVENIDA MENDOZA 53905 AVENIDA MENDOZA ComplaintNormal 20‐1697 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/28/2020 9/17/2020 54636 SOUTHERN HILLS 54636 SOUTHERN HILLS ComplaintNormal 20‐1698 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/28/2020 8/28/2020 78790 LA PALMA DR 78790 LA PALMA DR ComplaintLow 20‐1696 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/28/2020 10/6/2020 81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGE 81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGE ComplaintNormal 20‐1695 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/28/2020 9/22/2020 81120 KINGSTON HEATH 81120 KINGSTON HEATH ComplaintNormal 20‐1694 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/28/2020 10/13/2020 81220 GOLF VIEW DR 81220 GOLF VIEW DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1700 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/29/2020 8/29/2020 52230 AVENIDA MADERO 52230 AVENIDA MADERO ComplaintNormal 20‐1721 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/29/2020 10/12/2020 53960 AVENIDA NAVARRO 53960 AVENIDA NAVARRO ComplaintNormal 20‐1707 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/29/2020 8/31/2020 55137 SUMMER LYNN CT 55137 SUMMER LYNN CT ComplaintNormal 20‐1701 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/29/2020 8/29/2020 55615 TURNBERRY WAY 55615 TURNBERRY WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐1703 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/29/2020 10/5/2020 79365 DESERT CREST DR 79365 DESERT CREST DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1704 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/29/2020 9/23/2020 79705 IRIS CT79705 IRIS CTComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐1702 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/29/2020 8/29/2020 81235 MUIRFIELD VILLAGE 81235 MUIRFIELD VILLAGE ComplaintNormal 20‐1709 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/30/2020 9/11/2020 81290 GOLF VIEW DR 81290 GOLF VIEW DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1710 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/31/2020 11/2/2020 80940 WEISKOPF80940 WEISKOPFComplaintNormal 20‐1714 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/1/2020 10/12/2020 51270 CALLE JACUMBA 51270 CALLE JACUMBA ComplaintNormal 20‐1715 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed ‐ Complied 9/1/2020 9/3/2020 79860 FIESTA DR79860 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20‐1717 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/2/2020 10/13/2020 51240 AVENIDA VELASCO 51240 AVENIDA VELASCO ComplaintNormal 20‐1722 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/2/2020 9/3/2020 51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1728 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/3/2020 9/4/2020 78955 VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DRComplaintNormal 20‐1733 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/4/2020 9/4/2020 51905 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 51905 AVENIDA MARTINEZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1742 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/4/2020 9/11/2020 55775 PEBBLE BEACH 55775 PEBBLE BEACH ComplaintNormal 20‐1752 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/4/2020 10/1/2020 56585 Riviera56585 RivieraComplaintNormal 20‐1732 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/4/2020 9/17/2020 79905 FIESTA DR79905 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20‐1735 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/5/2020 10/6/2020 55088 LAUREL VALLEY 55088 LAUREL VALLEY ComplaintNormal 20‐1736 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/5/2020 9/28/2020 55137 SUMMER LYNN CT 55137 SUMMER LYNN CT ComplaintNormal 20‐1852 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/5/2020 12/29/2020 78535 AVENIDA ULTIMO 78535 AVENIDA ULTIMO ComplaintNormal 20‐1734 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/5/2020 9/11/2020 81155 GOLF VIEW DR 81155 GOLF VIEW DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1745 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/6/2020 9/9/2020 53125 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 53125 AVENIDA MARTINEZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1740 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/6/2020 9/9/2020 53180 AVENIDA MENDOZA 53180 AVENIDA MENDOZA ComplaintNormal 20‐1744 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/6/2020 9/9/2020 54940 Riviera54940 RivieraComplaintNormal 20‐1743 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/6/2020 9/8/2020 81240 LEGENDS WAY 81240 LEGENDS WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐1746 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/7/2020 9/9/2020 53405 AVENIDA CARRANZA 53405 AVENIDA CARRANZA ComplaintNormal 20‐1748 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/8/2020 10/20/2020 44675 MARGUERITE CT 44675 MARGUERITE CT ComplaintNormal 20‐1769 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/8/2020 9/11/2020 54795 WINGED FOOT 54795 WINGED FOOT ComplaintNormal 20‐1770 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/8/2020 11/14/2020 56015 WINGED FOOT 56015 WINGED FOOT ComplaintNormal 20‐1757 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/9/2020 9/21/2020 51360 EISENHOWER DR 51360 EISENHOWER DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1754 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/9/2020 9/17/2020 81165 GOLF VIEW DR 81165 GOLF VIEW DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1773 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/10/2020 9/18/2020 55405 PEBBLE BEACH 55405 PEBBLE BEACH ComplaintNormal 20‐1767 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/10/2020 10/6/2020 80409 SPANISH BAY 80409 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20‐1758 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/10/2020 9/11/2020 80460 HERMITAGE80460 HERMITAGEComplaintNormal 20‐1768 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/10/2020 9/11/2020 81045 GOLF VIEW DR 81045 GOLF VIEW DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1772 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/10/2020 9/11/2020 81075 NATIONAL DR 81075 NATIONAL DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1771 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/10/2020 9/18/2020 81315 NATIONAL DR 81315 NATIONAL DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1761 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/10/2020 10/6/2020 81320 LEGENDS WAY 81320 LEGENDS WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐1762 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/10/2020 9/18/2020 81350 LEGENDS WAY 81350 LEGENDS WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐1776 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/11/2020 10/20/2020 55584 Southern Hills 55584 Southern Hills ComplaintNormal 20‐1781 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/11/2020 9/15/2020 79340 DESERT ROCK CT 79340 DESERT ROCK CT ComplaintNormal 20‐1783 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/12/2020 9/15/2020 50795 CALLE QUITO 50795 CALLE QUITOComplaintNormal 20‐1794 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/12/2020 10/13/2020 55555 TURNBERRY WAY 55555 TURNBERRY WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐1784 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/12/2020 9/23/2020 57927 INTERLACHEN 57927 INTERLACHEN ComplaintNormal 20‐1780 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/13/2020 10/15/2020 53125 AVENIDA JUAREZ 53125 AVENIDA JUAREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1785 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/13/2020 10/13/2020 53845 AVENIDA CORTEZ 53845 AVENIDA CORTEZ ComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐1786 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/13/2020 9/15/2020 55780 PEBBLE BEACH 55780 PEBBLE BEACH ComplaintNormal 20‐1789 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/14/2020 9/18/2020 52175 AVENIDA OBREGON 52175 AVENIDA OBREGON ComplaintNormal 20‐1787 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/14/2020 11/2/2020 54688 Tangelewood 54688 Tangelewood ComplaintNormal 20‐1788 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/14/2020 9/22/2020 79180 JACK RABBIT TR 79180 JACK RABBIT TR ComplaintNormal 20‐1799 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/15/2020 9/18/2020 55497 SOUTHERN HILLS 55497 SOUTHERN HILLS ComplaintNormal 20‐1801 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/15/2020 9/16/2020 56840 JACK NICKLAUS 56840 JACK NICKLAUS ComplaintNormal 20‐1800 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/15/2020 10/6/2020 56980 Merion56980 MerionComplaintNormal 20‐1802 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/15/2020 11/4/2020 80526 SPANISH BAY 80526 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20‐1803 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/16/2020 10/16/2020 52500 AVENIDA VELASCO 52500 AVENIDA VELASCO ComplaintNormal 20‐1808 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/17/2020 10/2/2020 81135 LEGENDS WAY 81135 LEGENDS WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐1821 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/18/2020 9/22/2020 54790 SOUTHERN HILLS 54790 SOUTHERN HILLS ComplaintNormal 20‐1816 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/18/2020 9/18/2020 78111 AVENUE 5278111 AVENUE 52ComplaintNormal 20‐1823 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/19/2020 9/22/2020 46485 CAMEO PALMS DR 46485 CAMEO PALMS DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1818 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/19/2020 9/20/2020 52510 AVENIDA JUAREZ 52510 AVENIDA JUAREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1822 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/19/2020 10/9/2020 56750 Merion56750 MerionComplaintNormal 20‐1827 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/21/2020 9/30/2020 50860 CALLE PALOMA 50860 CALLE PALOMA ComplaintNormal 20‐1828 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/21/2020 9/22/2020 57600 BLACK DIAMOND 57600 BLACK DIAMOND ComplaintNormal 20‐1825 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/21/2020 10/16/2020 79860 FIESTA DR79860 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20‐1829 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/21/2020 9/26/2020 81200 GOLF VIEW DR 81200 GOLF VIEW DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1848 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/22/2020 9/23/2020 43605 MILAN CT43605 MILAN CTComplaintNormal 20‐1844 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/22/2020 9/23/2020 44890 SEELEY DR44890 SEELEY DRComplaintNormal 20‐1843 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/22/2020 9/24/2020 51050 CALLE OBISPO 51050 CALLE OBISPO ComplaintNormal 20‐1846 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/22/2020 9/25/2020 51420 CALLE JACUMBA 51420 CALLE JACUMBA ComplaintNormal 20‐1833 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/22/2020 10/13/2020 55586 SOUTHERN HILLS 55586 SOUTHERN HILLS ComplaintNormal 20‐1845 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/22/2020 10/28/2020 78435 SINGING PALMS DR 78435 SINGING PALMS DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1837 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/22/2020 10/13/2020 78707 TORINO DR78707 TORINO DRComplaintNormal 20‐1842 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/22/2020 9/23/2020 78860 SANITA DR78860 SANITA DRComplaintNormal 20‐1847 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/22/2020 10/23/2020 78875 WAKEFIELD CIR 78875 WAKEFIELD CIR ComplaintNormal 20‐1841 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/22/2020 10/16/2020 79200 KARA CT79200 KARA CTComplaintNormal 20‐1855 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/24/2020 10/20/2020 78905 WAKEFIELD CIR 78905 WAKEFIELD CIR ComplaintNormal 20‐1857 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/25/2020 10/8/2020 47765 ENDLESS SKY47765 ENDLESS SKYComplaintNormal 20‐1861 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/25/2020 9/29/2020 81390 GOLF VIEW DR 81390 GOLF VIEW DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1862 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/26/2020 10/31/2020 45550 SUNBROOK LN 45550 SUNBROOK LN ComplaintNormal 20‐1863 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/26/2020 10/22/2020 80105 CEDAR CREST 80105 CEDAR CREST ComplaintNormal 20‐1864 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/26/2020 9/29/2020 81245 LEGENDS WAY 81245 LEGENDS WAY ComplaintNormal 20‐1866 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/27/2020 9/29/2020 45480 DEERBROOK CIR 45480 DEERBROOK CIR ComplaintNormal 20‐1865 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/27/2020 11/7/2020 55610 ROYAL ST GEORGE 55610 ROYAL ST GEORGE ComplaintNormal 20‐1870 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/28/2020 10/13/2020 49401 AVD VISTA BONITA 49401 AVD VISTA BONITA ComplaintNormal 20‐1871 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/28/2020 10/6/2020 54205 AVENIDA MENDOZA 54205 AVENIDA MENDOZA ComplaintNormal 20‐1869 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/28/2020 9/30/2020 55340 SOUTHERN HILLS 55340 SOUTHERN HILLS ComplaintNormal 20‐1872 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/28/2020 10/3/2020 80764 HERMITAGE80764 HERMITAGEComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐1875 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/29/2020 9/30/2020 54278 Inverness54278 InvernessComplaintNormal 20‐1876 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/29/2020 10/12/2020 80844 SPANISH BAY 80844 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20‐1882 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/30/2020 10/9/2020 79264 CALLE SONRISA 79264 CALLE SONRISA ComplaintNormal 20‐1890 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed10/2/2020 10/6/2020 45360 DESERT FOX DR 45360 DESERT FOX DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1891 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed10/3/2020 10/7/2020 45210 BIRCHCREST CIR 45210 BIRCHCREST CIR ComplaintNormal 20‐1893 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/3/2020 10/6/2020 48649 Classic48649 ClassicComplaintNormal 20‐1894 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/3/2020 10/16/2020 56007 WINGED FOOT 56007 WINGED FOOT ComplaintNormal 20‐1895 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/5/2020 10/27/2020 51295 CALLE KALIMA 51295 CALLE KALIMA ComplaintNormal 20‐1896 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/5/2020 10/6/2020 52911 AVENIDA VELASCO 52911 AVENIDA VELASCO ComplaintNormal 20‐1909 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/6/2020 10/7/2020 44210 SWEETBUSH LN 44210 SWEETBUSH LN ComplaintNormal 20‐1902 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed10/6/2020 10/14/2020 49920 CALLE ESTRELLA 49920 CALLE ESTRELLA ComplaintNormal 20‐1908 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/6/2020 10/7/2020 51985 AVENIDA MENDOZA 51985 AVENIDA MENDOZA ComplaintNormal 20‐1903 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/6/2020 10/7/2020 52030 AVENIDA VILLA 52030 AVENIDA VILLA ComplaintNormal 20‐1907 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/6/2020 10/7/2020 53645 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 53645 AVENIDA MARTINEZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1910 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed10/6/2020 10/7/2020 54555 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 54555 AVENIDA MARTINEZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1905 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/6/2020 10/19/2020 76880 Calle Mazatlan 76880 Calle Mazatlan ComplaintNormal 20‐1906 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/6/2020 10/19/2020 77120 AVENIDA FERNANDO 77120 AVENIDA FERNANDO ComplaintNormal 20‐1901 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/6/2020 10/13/2020 81870 MOUNTAIN VIEW LN 81870 MOUNTAIN VIEW LN ComplaintNormal 20‐1927 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/8/2020 10/12/2020 52835 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 52835 AVENIDA MARTINEZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1926 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/8/2020 10/16/2020 54265 AVENIDA ALVARADO 54265 AVENIDA ALVARADO ComplaintNormal 20‐1928 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed10/8/2020 10/12/2020 79150 DIANE DR79150 DIANE DRComplaintNormal 20‐1931 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/9/2020 10/13/2020 54080 AVENIDA VALLEJO 54080 AVENIDA VALLEJO ComplaintNormal 20‐1973 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/9/2020 10/16/2020 55285 Laurel Valley55285 Laurel ValleyComplaintNormal 20‐1974 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/9/2020 10/16/2020 55290 Laurel Valley55290 Laurel ValleyComplaintNormal 20‐1972 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/9/2020 10/18/2020 56685 MOUNTAIN VIEW 56685 MOUNTAIN VIEW ComplaintNormal 20‐1976 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/9/2020 10/18/2020 56965 MOUNTAIN VIEW 56965 MOUNTAIN VIEW ComplaintNormal 20‐1975 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/9/2020 10/16/2020 80790 SPANISH BAY 80790 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20‐1935 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed10/9/2020 10/12/2020 80949 SPANISH BAY 80949 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20‐1944 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed10/10/2020 10/12/2020 48748 Legacy48748 LegacyComplaintNormal 20‐1933 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/10/2020 11/4/2020 53725 AVENIDA DIAZ 53725 AVENIDA DIAZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1939 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed10/10/2020 10/12/2020 53725 AVENIDA JUAREZ 53725 AVENIDA JUAREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1938 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed10/10/2020 10/13/2020 54444 AVENIDA HERRERA 54444 AVENIDA HERRERA ComplaintNormal 20‐1943 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed10/10/2020 10/19/2020 54860 AVENIDA RUBIO 54860 AVENIDA RUBIO ComplaintNormal 20‐1942 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/10/2020 10/12/2020 80472 SPANISH BAY 80472 SPANISH BAYComplaintNormal 20‐1945 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/11/2020 10/14/2020 54840 AVENIDA RUBIO 54840 AVENIDA RUBIO ComplaintNormal 20‐1946 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/11/2020 10/13/2020 55291 WINGED FOOT 55291 WINGED FOOT ComplaintNormal 20‐1950 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/12/2020 11/3/2020 51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZ ComplaintNormal 20‐1934 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/12/2020 11/5/2020 79795 FIESTA DR79795 FIESTA DRComplaintNormal 20‐1964 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed10/13/2020 10/14/2020 54720 Avenida Carranza 54720 Avenida Carranza ComplaintNormal 20‐1960 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed10/13/2020 10/15/2020 81160 GOLF VIEW DR 81160 GOLF VIEW DR ComplaintNormal 20‐1969 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/15/2020 10/16/2020 57162 Merion57162 MerionComplaintCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Total1640 ActionsCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Priority Case TopicStatusDate opened Due Date Address Num StreetFull Address Action TypeNormal 19‐0769 COVID 19Open4/4/2019 8/28/2020 51780 AVENIDA VILLA 51780 AVENIDA VILLA Administrative CitationNormal 19‐0855 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/12/2019 9/15/2020 52436 AVENIDA NAVARRO 52436 AVENIDA NAVARAdministrative CitationNormal 19‐0966 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/13/2019 9/8/2020 81175 SHINNECOCK HILLS 81175 SHINNECOCK HILAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐0133 COVID 19 Closed 1/16/2020 3/12/2020 48729 Legacy Dr 48729 Legacy Dr Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0209 COVID 19 Closed 2/1/2020 3/4/2020 46775 CAMEO PALMS DR 46775 CAMEO PALMS DAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐0265 COVID 19 Closed 2/10/2020 3/7/2020 45395 DEERBROOK CIR 45395 DEERBROOK CIR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0310 COVID 19 Closed 2/18/2020 6/13/2020 55348 Riviera 55348 Riviera Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0369 COVID 19 Closed 2/23/2020 4/1/2020 51240 AVENIDA CARRANZA 51240 AVENIDA CARRAAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐0417 COVID 19 Closed 3/5/2020 3/17/2020 79971 MEMORIAL PL 79971 MEMORIAL PL Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0453 COVID 19 Open 3/10/2020 2/7/2021 78670 BRADFORD CIR 78670 BRADFORD CIR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0519 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed ‐ Complied 3/19/2020 7/7/2020 78390 CAMEO DUNES PL 78390 CAMEO DUNES PAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐0575 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 3/16/2020 10/21/2020 78615 SANITA DR78615 SANITA DR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0584 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed3/25/2020 7/29/2020 53280 AVENIDA CARRANZA 53280 AVENIDA CARRAAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐0621 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 3/30/2020 8/5/2020 78635 FORBES CIR 78635 FORBES CIR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0703 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed ‐ Complied 4/6/2020 6/19/2020 79534 DANDELION DR 79534 DANDELION DR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0717 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 4/6/2020 7/31/2020 55534 Firestone55534 Firestone Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0762 COVID 19Open4/10/2020 10/18/2020 78855 LA PALMA DR 78855 LA PALMA DR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0763 COVID 19Closed4/11/2020 6/16/2020 56750 Merion56750 Merion Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0818 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed4/16/2020 7/16/2020 57740 SALIDA DEL SOL 57740 SALIDA DEL SOL Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0826 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open4/16/2020 5/5/2021 54812 SOUTHERN HILLS 54812 SOUTHERN HILLSAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐0838 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 4/17/2020 7/15/2020 55300 Royal Saint George 55300 Royal Saint GeorAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐0842 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 4/17/2020 8/3/2020 81165 LEGENDS WAY 81165 LEGENDS WAY Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0857 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 4/20/2020 5/18/2020 57295 INTERLACHEN 57295 INTERLACHEN Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0862 COVID 19 Closed ‐ Complied 4/20/2020 6/1/2020 45245 Seeley45245 Seeley Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0871 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open4/20/2020 10/27/2020 78549 TORINO DR 78549 TORINO DR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0888 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open4/22/2020 10/13/2020 45540 COLDBROOK LN 45540 COLDBROOK LN Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0913 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open4/25/2020 10/23/2020 53065 AVENIDA NAVARRO 53065 AVENIDA NAVARAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐0935 COVID 19 Open 4/28/2020 10/24/2020 78535 AVENIDA ULTIMO 78535 AVENIDA ULTIM Administrative CitationNormal 20‐0961 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 9/23/2020 53055 AVENIDA JUAREZ 53055 AVENIDA JUAREZAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐0962 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/4/2020 6/6/2020 80896 CALLE AZUL 80896 CALLE AZUL Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1092 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 5/22/2020 6/24/2020 53325 AVENIDA MADERO 53325 AVENIDA MADERAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1105 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 5/26/2020 10/7/2020 54315 AVENIDA VALLEJO 54315 AVENIDA VALLEJAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1123 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 5/27/2020 7/30/2020 53845 AVENIDA CORTEZ 53845 AVENIDA CORTEAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1140 Vacation Rental‐Building Violations Open 5/29/2020 10/13/2020 44260 VIA CORONADO 44260 VIA CORONADO Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1164 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 6/3/2020 7/14/2020 48748 Legacy48748 Legacy Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1171 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed6/6/2020 9/25/2020 78525 AVENIDA ULTIMO 78525 AVENIDA ULTIM Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1178 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/6/2020 8/24/2020 52883 EISENHOWER DR 52883 EISENHOWER DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1187 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 6/8/2020 7/24/2020 55610 ROYAL ST GEORGE 55610 ROYAL ST GEORGAdministrative CitationCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐1224 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed6/11/2020 8/10/2020 54200 AVENIDA CORTEZ 54200 AVENIDA CORTEAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1248 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open6/15/2020 8/31/2020 54768 SOUTHERN HILLS 54768 SOUTHERN HILLSAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1252 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 6/15/2020 10/22/2020 79105 OCOTILLO DR 79105 OCOTILLO DR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1253 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 6/15/2020 10/13/2020 78615 BRADFORD CIR 78615 BRADFORD CIR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1254 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 6/15/2020 7/8/2020 52990 AVENIDA ALVARADO 52990 AVENIDA ALVAR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1265 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 6/18/2020 9/15/2020 45415 ASHWOOD CT 45415 ASHWOOD CT Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1266 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 6/18/2020 8/10/2020 77700 CALLE COLIMA 77700 CALLE COLIMA Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1277 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Open 6/19/2020 11/9/2020 50820 CALLE GUAYMAS 50820 CALLE GUAYMASAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1279 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 6/19/2020 9/27/2020 53335 AVENIDA BERMUDAS 53335 AVENIDA BERMUAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1281 STVR‐CURRENTLY SUSPENDED Closed 6/20/2020 8/31/2020 52515 AVENIDA JUAREZ 52515 AVENIDA JUAREZAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1305 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 6/22/2020 10/2/2020 78380 VIA SEVILLA 78380 VIA SEVILLA Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1335 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 6/27/2020 7/20/2020 54060 AVENIDA VALLEJO 54060 AVENIDA VALLEJAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1336 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 6/27/2020 10/20/2020 51240 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 51240 AVENIDA RAMIRAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1338 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 6/28/2020 9/15/2020 80682 BELLERIVE80682 BELLERIVE Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1349 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/1/2020 11/9/2020 78660 BRADFORD CIR 78660 BRADFORD CIR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1360 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/3/2020 10/23/2020 45395 DEERBROOK CIR 45395 DEERBROOK CIR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1362 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/4/2020 11/2/2020 54740 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 54740 AVENIDA RAMIRAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1364 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 7/4/2020 9/15/2020 46755 HIGHLAND PALMS DR 46755 HIGHLAND PALMAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1370 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 7/6/2020 10/24/2020 54190 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 54190 AVENIDA MARTIAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1371 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 7/6/2020 10/16/2020 81235 LEGENDS WAY 81235 LEGENDS WAY Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1380 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 7/7/2020 7/31/2020 55030 Firestone55030 Firestone Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1395 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/10/2020 10/22/2020 79915 HORSESHOE RD 79915 HORSESHOE RD Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1400 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/11/2020 8/3/2020 53885 EISENHOWER DR 53885 EISENHOWER DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1403 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 7/10/2020 9/16/2020 44210 CALICO CIR44210 CALICO CIR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1407 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/13/2020 10/14/2020 54680 SOUTHERN HILLS 54680 SOUTHERN HILLSAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1414 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 6/27/2020 8/18/2020 54080 AVENIDA VALLEJO 54080 AVENIDA VALLEJAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1417 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 7/10/2020 12/15/2020 79320 DESERT WIND CT 79320 DESERT WIND CTAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1421 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 7/16/2020 10/13/2020 79930 FIESTA DR79930 FIESTA DR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1431 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/16/2020 9/29/2020 81810 MOUNTAIN VIEW LN 81810 MOUNTAIN VIEWAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1442 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 7/18/2020 11/4/2020 51855 AVENIDA JUAREZ 51855 AVENIDA JUAREZAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1443 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 7/18/2020 8/14/2020 80787 SPANISH BAY 80787 SPANISH BAY Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1451 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 7/21/2020 9/2/2020 55493 SOUTHERN HILLS 55493 SOUTHERN HILLSAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1454 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed ‐ Complied 7/21/2020 10/12/2020 44095 DALEA COURT 44095 DALEA COURT Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1466 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 7/24/2020 10/8/2020 45540 DESERT FOX DR 45540 DESERT FOX DR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1474 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 7/26/2020 8/19/2020 50945 CALLE PALOMA 50945 CALLE PALOMA Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1475 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 7/24/2020 8/17/2020 78640 FORBES CIR 78640 FORBES CIR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1479 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 7/24/2020 8/18/2020 53430 AVENIDA CARRANZA 53430 AVENIDA CARRAAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1483 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 7/28/2020 11/11/2020 53061 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 53061 AVENIDA MARTIAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1486 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 7/28/2020 8/17/2020 57570 INTERLACHEN 57570 INTERLACHEN Administrative CitationCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐1488 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/24/2020 10/13/2020 52332 AVENIDA RUBIO 52332 AVENIDA RUBIO Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1490 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/25/2020 9/29/2020 79899 WILLIAM STONE WAY 79899 WILLIAM STONE Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1497 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/24/2020 10/9/2020 54200 AVENIDA RUBIO 54200 AVENIDA RUBIO Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1504 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed7/28/2020 8/20/2020 53105 AVENIDA RUBIO 53105 AVENIDA RUBIO Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1525 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open7/30/2020 10/14/2020 77535 CALLE CHIHUAHUA 77535 CALLE CHIHUAHAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1550 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 7/31/2020 8/14/2020 79820 FIESTA DR79820 FIESTA DR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1556 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/2/2020 11/1/2020 78750 LA PALMA DR 78750 LA PALMA DR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1567 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/3/2020 11/3/2020 78685 AVENIDA ULTIMO 78685 AVENIDA ULTIM Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1579 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/5/2020 10/31/2020 54899 WINGED FOOT 54899 WINGED FOOT Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1593 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/7/2020 8/24/2020 55866 BRAE BURN 55866 BRAE BURN Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1594 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/7/2020 10/8/2020 52436 AVENIDA NAVARRO 52436 AVENIDA NAVARAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1597 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 8/7/2020 10/6/2020 78845 LA PALMA DR 78845 LA PALMA DR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1598 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 8/7/2020 11/5/2020 50795 CALLE QUITO 50795 CALLE QUITO Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1604 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 8/10/2020 11/13/2020 44185 CAMINO LAVANDA 44185 CAMINO LAVAN Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1605 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 8/10/2020 8/31/2020 80418 SPANISH BAY 80418 SPANISH BAY Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1615 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 8/11/2020 10/21/2020 77400 CALLE YUCATAN 77400 CALLE YUCATAN Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1617 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 8/11/2020 10/1/2020 53640 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 53640 AVENIDA MARTIAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1618 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 8/11/2020 8/28/2020 55586 SOUTHERN HILLS 55586 SOUTHERN HILLSAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1626 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 8/13/2020 10/21/2020 79900 FIESTA DR79900 FIESTA DR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1627 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/14/2020 10/13/2020 46805 CAMEO PALMS DR 46805 CAMEO PALMS DAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1630 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 8/14/2020 9/11/2020 49755 AVENIDA MONTERO 49755 AVENIDA MONT Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1631 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 8/15/2020 9/9/2020 56055 WINGED FOOT 56055 WINGED FOOT Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1632 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 8/15/2020 9/11/2020 57690 BLACK DIAMOND 57690 BLACK DIAMONDAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1633 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 8/15/2020 10/20/2020 78735 ROCKBERRY CT 78735 ROCKBERRY CT Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1638 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 8/17/2020 10/7/2020 80321 MERION80321 MERION Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1657 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/21/2020 9/29/2020 78955 VILLETA DR78955 VILLETA DR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1665 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/22/2020 11/25/2020 78835 BAYBERRY LN 78835 BAYBERRY LN Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1674 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/22/2020 10/9/2020 54955 WINGED FOOT 54955 WINGED FOOT Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1678 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/21/2020 9/16/2020 45420 ASHWOOD CT 45420 ASHWOOD CT Administrative CitationLow 20‐1696 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open8/28/2020 10/6/2020 81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAGE 81105 MUIRFIELD VILLAAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1697 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 8/28/2020 9/17/2020 54636 SOUTHERN HILLS 54636 SOUTHERN HILLSAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1699 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 8/28/2020 11/5/2020 53905 AVENIDA MENDOZA 53905 AVENIDA MENDOAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1703 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 8/29/2020 10/5/2020 79365 DESERT CREST DR 79365 DESERT CREST DAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1704 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed 8/29/2020 9/23/2020 79705 IRIS CT79705 IRIS CT Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1705 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/29/2020 9/23/2020 44325 VIA CORONADO 44325 VIA CORONADO Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1706 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/29/2020 9/22/2020 44295 VIA CORONADO 44295 VIA CORONADO Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1710 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed8/31/2020 11/2/2020 80940 WEISKOPF80940 WEISKOPF Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1732 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/4/2020 9/17/2020 79905 FIESTA DR79905 FIESTA DR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1734 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/5/2020 9/11/2020 81155 GOLF VIEW DR 81155 GOLF VIEW DR Administrative CitationCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Normal 20‐1735 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/5/2020 10/6/2020 55088 LAUREL VALLEY 55088 LAUREL VALLEY Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1752 Vacation Rental‐Violations Closed9/4/2020 10/1/2020 56585 Riviera56585 Riviera Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1754 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/9/2020 9/17/2020 81165 GOLF VIEW DR 81165 GOLF VIEW DR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1757 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/9/2020 9/21/2020 51360 EISENHOWER DR 51360 EISENHOWER DRAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1761 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 9/10/2020 10/6/2020 81320 LEGENDS WAY 81320 LEGENDS WAY Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1785 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 9/13/2020 10/13/2020 53845 AVENIDA CORTEZ 53845 AVENIDA CORTEAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1794 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 9/12/2020 10/13/2020 55555 TURNBERRY WAY55555 TURNBERRY WA Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1802 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 9/15/2020 11/4/2020 80526 SPANISH BAY 80526 SPANISH BAY Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1837 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 9/22/2020 10/13/2020 78707 TORINO DR 78707 TORINO DR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1841 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 9/22/2020 10/16/2020 79200 KARA CT79200 KARA CT Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1845 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/22/2020 10/28/2020 78435 SINGING PALMS DR 78435 SINGING PALMS Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1852 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/5/2020 12/29/2020 78535 AVENIDA ULTIMO 78535 AVENIDA ULTIM Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1855 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/24/2020 10/20/2020 78905 WAKEFIELD CIR 78905 WAKEFIELD CIR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1857 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/25/2020 10/8/2020 47765 ENDLESS SKY 47765 ENDLESS SKY Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1862 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/26/2020 10/31/2020 45550 SUNBROOK LN 45550 SUNBROOK LN Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1863 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/26/2020 10/22/2020 80105 CEDAR CREST 80105 CEDAR CREST Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1865 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open9/27/2020 11/7/2020 55610 ROYAL ST GEORGE 55610 ROYAL ST GEORGAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1871 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 9/28/2020 10/6/2020 54205 AVENIDA MENDOZA 54205 AVENIDA MENDOAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1895 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 10/5/2020 10/27/2020 51295 CALLE KALIMA 51295 CALLE KALIMA Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1896 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 10/5/2020 10/6/2020 52911 AVENIDA VELASCO 52911 AVENIDA VELASCAdministrative CitationNormal 20‐1903 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 10/6/2020 10/7/2020 52030 AVENIDA VILLA 52030 AVENIDA VILLA Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1933 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 10/10/2020 11/4/2020 53725 AVENIDA DIAZ 53725 AVENIDA DIAZ Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1934 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open 10/12/2020 11/5/2020 79795 FIESTA DR79795 FIESTA DR Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1945 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/11/2020 10/14/2020 54840 AVENIDA RUBIO 54840 AVENIDA RUBIO Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1946 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/11/2020 10/13/2020 55291 WINGED FOOT 55291 WINGED FOOT Administrative CitationNormal 20‐1950 Vacation Rental‐Violations Open10/12/2020 11/3/2020 51800 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 51800 AVENIDA RAMIRAdministrative CitationTotal185 ActionsCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS DATE MTCALL IN TIMECALL ID #*PROPERTY ADDRESS NUMBERPROPERTY ADDRESS STREET NAMEDESCRIPTION OF CALLRESPONSIBLE MANAGING PARTY CITY RESPONDING PARTYTIME OF  RESPONSEACTION/FINDINGSOWNER OCCUPIEDCITATION ISSUED10/05/2020 22:15 10:15 PM 201005221453 N/AN/AInformation Given To CallerN/AN/A N/AInformation Given To CallerN/A10/06/2020 8:23 8:23 AM 201006081314 N/AN/AI Need Someone In Code Enforcement Department Regarding Dead Cars Parked For Months Parked On 1111 El Conquistaro Road, And 1111 El EscuderoN/A CODE 9:06 AMContacted RP advising him I will forward his information to our Secretary to follow‐up with him.N/A10/07/2020 11:24 11:24 AM 201007112341 N/AN/AInformation Given To CallerN/AN/A N/AInformation Given To CallerN/A10/07/2020 11:28 11:28 AM 201007112532 278 Patel PlaceThey Are Playing The Music At Full Blast.N/A CODE 11:40 AMIncorrect Address Given By Hotline.Not a Vacation Rental. Left two messages with RP on 10/07 but did not receive call backN/A10/08/2020 23:12 11:12 PM 201008231020 3243  N Mica DrLoud OccupantsArrived LLC Andrew WoosterCODE 11:23 PM From the street in front of the property, no violation for loud occupants was observed. No noise at all was observed coming from the reported property. Followed up with the local contact and the reporting party.N/A10/09/2020 23:51 11:51 PM 201009234852 1365 E Tachevah DriveThey Moved A Party Outside By The Pool. Yelling And Screaming. Real Loud Tonight.Claudia Lunow / Jeff ZeitlinCODE 1:39 AMThere was no violation. I went out there it may have been the house behind this address but not this address.N/A10/10/2020 0:00 12:00 AM 201009235954 N/AN/AInformation Given To CallerN/AN/A N/AInformation Given To CallerN/A10/10/2020 12:49 12:49 PM 201010124907 N/AN/AInformation Given To CallerN/AN/A N/AInformation Given To CallerN/A10/10/2020 13:43 1:43 PM 201010134041 1258 N Rose AveLoud NoiseN/A CODE 2:04 PMArrived at location 2:04 pm with Officer Bowman at 1258 Rose Ave and no noise was observed from front of property.N/A10/10/2020 14:25 2:25 PM 201010142313 1131  N Rose AveLoud Noise Amplified Music And PartyNatural Retreats CODE 3:04 PMFrom the street in front of the property I observed music that was being played at the property and extending beyond the property line. I made contact with the occupants and spoke to a gentleman who identified himself as the owner; I informed the owner of the complaint received and observations made. Owner stated he understood.YES10/10/2020 14:50 2:50 PM 201010144624 10 Warm Sands PlaceI Was Calling To Report Playing Loud Music Along With The People Being There Being To Loud. Please Have Some One Go Check It Out.Carol & John CurryCODE 2:58 PMThere was amplified music and load voices at property. Could be heard on street in front of property. Attempted to make contact but tenants could not hear me. Called property manager and advised of the violation. stated she would be driving over to the property. I requested the ID and mailing address of the tenant so a citation can be mailed. NOMusic ‐ A615810/10/202014:57 2:57 PM2010101454401131  N Rose AveI Need A Callback Second Time I Called.Natural Retreats CODE 5:08 PM The house is owner occupied therefore there is no violation. YES10/10/2020 14:58 2:58 PM 201010145506 2300 N CarilloLoud MusicN/A CODE 3:33 PM there was no noise or music. Not a vacation rental. Left RP voicemail. N/A10/10/2020 15:49 3:49 PM 201010154523 662 E Alexander WayThis Is A 3 Bedroom Rental House With 7 Or 8 Cars For Two Days Now Making All Kinds Of Noise Right Now. I Thought It Was One Car Per Bedroom.ACME House CompanyCODE 5:20 PMthere was no noise, just playing some volleyball, and contacted local contact.N/A10/10/2020 15:53 3:53 PM 201010154509 510  N Villa CourtI'm Not Sure About Room Number Because There Coming In And Out. I Need To Reporting That There Are To Many People At The Pool And Not Following The Covid Regulation That On The Website.N/A CODE 7:24 PMCalled back RP and explained that if there is no noise or music violation, that we do not have jurisdiction of the communal pool areaN/A10/10/2020 16:00 4:00 PM 201010160022 N/AN/AInformation Given To CallerN/AN/A N/AInformation Given To CallerN/ACITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 10/10/2020 16:04 4:04 PM 201010160205 296 N Orchid Tree LaneCall If Need To, They're Playing Loud Music.Vacation Palm SpringsCODE 7:20 PMUpon arrival no violation for music was observed, reached out to rp and informed of observations made, contact occupant and informed of observations made, and contacted local contactNO10/10/2020 16:56 4:56 PM 201010164713 1258 N Rose Ave1258 North Rose Avenue. Lots Of Noise Going Back & Forth To Pool & 3 Cars Parked In Front & 1 In The Driveway. This Is A Vacation Rental. Car Per BedroomN/A CODE 5:27 PMSpoke to RP and advised him property is not VR.N/A10/10/2020 18:13 6:13 PM 201010181319 N/AN/ACaller Hung UpN/AN/A N/ACaller Hung UpN/A10/10/2020 18:23 6:23 PM 201010182031 1999 S Joshua Tree PlaceLoud OccupantsVacation Palm SpringsCODE 8:51 PMUpon arriving from the street in front of the property, did not observeany violation for noise or music. Made contact with the occupants to inform them of the complaints received. Reminded them of rules around music on the property. Occupants understood. Will follow up with local property contact."NO10/10/2020 18:27 6:27 PM 201010182224 832 East Mesquite Ave.Loud Music And Heavy Drinking And Smoking They Are At The PoolVacation Palm SpringsCODE 8:35 PMUpon arrival did not observe violation for music or noise. Did not make contact with occupants. Will follow up with local contact for property.N/A10/10/2020 18:56 6:56 PM 201010184922 550  N Villa CourtI Am Calling Because There Are Some People Being Very Loud And Partying In The Pool. There Are Also Violating Covid Guidelines As Per The City Of Palm Springs. This Is My 2nd Call & I Need Them Gone.N/A CODE 7:22 PMCalled back RP and explained that if there is no noise or music violation, that we do not have jurisdiction of the communal pool areaN/A10/10/2020 19:38 7:38 PM 201010193716 1076 E Deepwell RoadLoud PartyDesert Luxury EstatesCODE 9:21 PMUpon arrival, no violation. No contact was made and will follow up with local contactN/A10/10/2020 22:13 10:13 PM 201010220944 10 Warm Sands Place They've Been Having A Party All Day, Now It's Loud Talking And It's Late. Need To Be Quiet, Can't Sleep.Carol & John CurryCODE 11:56 PMUpon arrival I overheard occupants talking in the backyard patio. Made contact and informed of complaint received. Occupants said they'll be going indoors for the night. Will follow up with local contact."NO10/10/2020 22:18 10:18 PM 201010221243 10 Warm Sands PlaceThey Have Been Loud All DayCarol & John CurryCODE 12:50 AMUpon arrival I overheard occupants talking in the backyard patio. Made contact and informed of complaint received. Occupants said they'll be going indoors for the night. Will follow up with local contactNO10/10/2020 23:32 11:32 PM 201010233139 N/AN/ACaller Hung UpN/AN/A N/ACaller Hung UpN/A10/11/2020 10:29 10:29 AM 201011102758 250 E Morongo RoadKids Are Being Very Loud In The PoolOasis Rentals CODE 10:40 AMFrom the front of the property, I could hear kids playing in pool. Occupants were out front. Advised them of the complaint and gave them a good neighbor brochure. No violation found. Called LC and RPNO10/11/2020 15:34 3:34 PM 201011153225 2280 E Desert ParkI Am Calling To Report That This Address Is Blasting Music In Their Backyard. It Started Last Night And Its Been On And Off All Day.Fatimia Nordquist / Ara GasparyanCODE 4:02 PMDuplicate ‐ Please see below call 201011155737NO10/11/2020 15:49 3:49 PM 201011154454 2280  E Desert ParkI Am Calling To Report That This Address Is Blasting Music In Their Backyard. It Started Last Night And Its Been On And Off All Day.Fatimia Nordquist / Ara GasparyanCODE4:02 PMDuplicate ‐ Please see below call 201011155737NO10/11/2020 16:004:00 PM201011155737 2280  E Desert ParkI Would Like To Speak With Someone Regarding Loud Music That Has Been Going On All Day And Would Like To Keep My Name And Address Off The Record.Fatimia Nordquist / Ara GasparyanCODE 4:02 PMArrived at property at 4:02pm. From the front and side of the property, no music was heard. Did hear people talking in the rear of the property. Contacted the LC to have the occupants meet us out front since the front gate was locked. Went over the complaints and the rules. No violation was found. Called LC and RP.NOCITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 10/11/2020 16:14 4:14 PM 201011161100 780  N. Rose Ave Loud Occupants And Loud Music. They're Playing Shania TwainVacation Palm SpringsCODE 4:31 PMFrom the street in front of the property no violation for music was observed.N/A10/11/2020 21:27 9:27 PM 201011212222 1351  E Adobe WayBig Flood Lights Are On Shining No One Is At The Property. NeedSomeone To Check,365 Vacation RentalsCODE 10:48 PMI went out to the property and observed the light the RP called about, I reached out to the local contact and let them know what was going on, they said they'd be going out to turn the light off.N/A10/11/2020 22:47 10:47 PM 201011224343 2033  E Belding DriveThey Rent Out Their House And They Are Being Loud Again. They Are Outside Screaming. I Would Like Our Neighborhood Patrolled BecauseOf This House.Frank Douglas & David Crosta/Vince MorganCODE 10:53 PM Upon arrival no violation for noise was observed. No contact was made with occupants. Reached out local contact and informed them of the complaint received and observations made.N/ACITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SHANNON CHAVEZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 1 From:John Choi Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 5:17 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments - Airbnb Letter re Short Term Rentals Attachments:20-10-20 Letter to La Quinta City Council.pdf  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   John Choi  Los Angeles, CA     Special Session Joint Study Session Agenda Item #2  Short Term Rental Ordinance  Please see attached written comment from Airbnb.  Thank you  ‐‐   m John Choi  Public Policy  Los Angeles  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY JOHN CHOI STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS   October 20, 2020    Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council  City Hall Council Chambers  78-495 Calle Tampico  La Quinta, CA 92253    Dear Mayor Evans and Honorable Members of the City Council,    On behalf of Airbnb, thank you for the opportunity to provide input as the City of La Quinta  explores possible changes to its Short-Term Vacation Rental program. Since 2008, Airbnb has  worked closely with hundreds of cities around the world to help communities realize the key  benefits of short-term vacation rentals for residents, visitors, and local economies through fair,  balanced regulations. We appreciate the thoughtful approach that the City of La Quinta and its  Short-Term Rental Ad Hoc Committee have taken to date to balance the interests of residents,  small businesses and other stakeholders when it comes to short-term rentals.     Airbnb is founded on trust, and for us to succeed in our vision of helping anyone belong  anywhere, we must continue to build trust both among our own host-and-guest community and  across the communities in which we operate. We have dedicated significant resources to  developing trust and safety tools and policies to address neighborhood nuisance, party houses,  and other concerns that may arise. This letter outlines several of these tools and policies that we  hope the City of La Quinta will find valuable as it considers ways to strengthen enforcement this  evening.     Addressing Neighborhood Nuisances  We have long standing policies, protocols, and procedures addressing safety and the potential  misuse of Airbnb properties. In 2019, we built upon existing policies we already had in place to  address the more serious trust and safety issues that result in immediate removal from the  platform. We are also enhancing our system to better monitor for guests who disturb the  community through situations involving excessive noise, major cleanliness concerns,  unauthorized guests, unauthorized parking, or unauthorized smoking ​as well as hosts who allow  such situations to continue once it's been brought to their attention. We will educate and take  appropriate action against guests and hosts when we identify violations of our ​Community  Standards​.    To demonstrate our commitment to helping your community address problematic short-term  1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY JOHN CHOI STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS vacation rentals in your community, we want to share our ​Airbnb Neighbors Tool  (airbnb.com/neighbors) and 24/7 phone hotline (855) 635-7754 . It empowers your constituents,  regardless of whether they have an Airbnb account, to report concerns regarding noise, parties  and other nuisances directly to Airbnb, allowing us to take appropriate action to address the  issue. If the concerned neighbor provides the listing’s web address, an Airbnb team member will  follow up personally with the neighbor. Constituents can also make inquiries or provide feedback  anonymously. We encourage you to share this tool with your constituents, local neighborhood  groups, Homeowners Associations and anyone else who you believe will benefit from the tool’s  use.     In addition, We have a full-time team committed to engaging with our law enforcement partners  to assist with investigations of criminal activity and ensure the safety of our community. Law  enforcement officials can submit both standard and emergency requests via our ​Law  Enforcement Portal​.    Party House Ban  We have zero tolerance for unauthorized parties that create public safety risks and disturb  neighbors, and have had a party ban in place since 2019. When the pandemic was declared  earlier this year, and social distancing became an important element in promoting public health  and responsible travel, we updated our policies. We started by removing both the  “event-friendly” search filter from our platform as well as “parties and events allowed” House  Rules from any event-friendly listings. Most importantly, we introduced a new policy requiring all  users to adhere to local COVID-19 public health mandates. At the time, most local governments  were imposing strict limits on gatherings, which effectively created a form-fitting, patchwork ban  on parties and events.     Since then, public health mandates on gatherings have changed – and in some places swung  back and forth in response to the changing rates of COVID cases – as have regulations on bars,  clubs and pubs. Some have chosen to take bar and club behavior to homes, sometimes rented  through our platform. We think such conduct is incredibly irresponsible – we do not want that  type of business, and anyone engaged in or allowing that behavior does not belong on our  platform.    Based on these developments, we instituted a global ban on parties and events, and capped  occupancy at Airbnb listings at 16 people. To further reduce the number of unauthorized  gatherings, we’ve launched an anti-party policy in the U.S. that restricts some guests under the  age of 25 - those without a history of positive reviews - from booking entire home listings locally.     Airbnb Trust and Safety Tools  While the Airbnb Neighborhood Tool helps us respond to activity that may harm neighborhood  integrity, we are actively taking steps to prevent nuisance activity from occurring on the platform  in the first place. Steps that we have taken to strengthen our commitment to public safety include  2 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY JOHN CHOI STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS manual review of high-risk reservations, as well as background checks on host and guests.     * * *    These are but a few of the steps and tools we are introducing to ensure that the City is not alone  in its enforcement of its short-term vacation rental rules and that we stand ready to assist in any  way we can. We are honored to have a presence in a city like La Quinta that has embraced  vacation rentals for decades. We look forward to playing an active role and contributing to this  history moving forward.       Sincerely,    John Choi  Policy Manager    3 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY JOHN CHOI STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 1 From:John Hastie Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 12:37 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   1) Full Name John Hastie  2) City of Residence La Quinta  3) Phone Number     4) Public Comment or Agenda Item Number STUDY SESSION 2 Discuss short‐term vacation rental program ad‐hoc committee's enforcement recommendations  5) Subject Committee recommendations  6) Written Comments My request of the City Council:  Please don't make decisions for the long term based on a short term spike in complaints that came as a result of the  COVID‐19 pandemic. This spike is resolved and already well behind us.  Earlier this month I submitted a public records request and was provided with details of the number of complaints and  citations since the start of the year. The data provided to me was for the calendar year to Oct 15,2020.  Using this data, I created the following map. I was hoping to see the locations of hot spots as well as the trend, for  example, are the number of complaints increasing?  The following link shows the locations of all complaints since 1/1/2020, color coded by month.  https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1g2wtiAARdAD7g‐pX1w2qaEmkpcR5tQfh&usp=sharing  The complaint data is current to 10/15/2020.  The style legend on the left shows the month of the complaint with the monthly total in brackets.  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JOHN HASTIE STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 2 The data shows that half way through October there have been 45 complaints. At this rate the City is on pace for 90  Complaints in October.  1.That's a reduction of 40% on September (150) 2.That's a reduction of 48% on August (176) 3.That's a reduction of 57% on July (212) In spite of the September mailer promoting the STVR Hotline, which should have resulted in more calls, we are seeing  a clear downtrend in the number of complaints.    The data suggests that the City has turned the corner and I strongly believe this trend will continue to improve over the  next few months. Other cities in the Valley have seen a similar shift since complaints peaked in the middle of the year.  STVR owners and managers all over the valley have seen a shift in guest demographics to one involving family groups.  The City should evaluate this downward trend and use data over the coming months to determine if further action is  warranted. With the moratorium on new permits in place till early February we now have a static list of  permitted properties that are adapting and educating themselves on the rules, even as they are being changed around  them. They've finally caught up.  In Summary:  1.Don't react now to an issue that occurred in the past which is firmly behind us. 2.I encourage the City to adopt a "Wait and see" approach and act only when the data dictates it is necessary. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JOHN HASTIE STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 3 I would also suggest that the City be more transparent with the data. As hotline calls come in they should be categorized  so that it's clear what ordinance prompted the call. Is it noise, parking, trash, illegal operation, no permit in advertising,  too many occupants etc etc. Good decisions come from good data....and we need good data.  With respect to  transparency, this data should be published for all to see. The City of Palm Springs does it on a weekly basis, why doesn't  the City of La Quinta follow this proven data driven model?       Thank you for taking the time to read my message.    John Hastie            CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JOHN HASTIE STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 1 From:Anthony Khan Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 1:50 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Re: Anthony Khan WRITTEN Comments - Oct. 20, 2020 Joint Study Session Council & Planning Commission  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   1. Anthony Khan 2. La Quinta 3. 4. Study Session Agenda Item 2 5. STUDY SESSION – DISCUSS SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE’S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 6. Written Comment: Dear City Of La Quinta,  First and foremost, thank you for the wonderful job and hard work you do. The city does a wonderful job at  keeping the city looking fabulous and well kept! La Quinta is a model city and I am so proud to be able to be a  part of such a special city.  As you are well aware, we are in the middle of economic uncertainty and possible the verge of an economic  collapse. With travel restricted the visitors to the Coachella valley are mainly from local areas like Los Angeles.  After reading your budget for 2019‐2020 I see that the majority of the funds to the city come in the form of  real estate property taxes, sales taxes and TOT taxes.   I ask you this question, is this really the correct time to consider even stricter regulations? Can you imagine  owning a retail store or restaurant right now and imagine how hard it is to run your restaurant during a  pandemic? I am sure that you realize that when people from outside of the Coachella valley visit La Quinta  they shop at local restaurants and contribute to the city's tax basis. Think about the corner store who has seen  his traffic plummet and now think about what that would do to his or her shop if you enact more regulation  and discourage operators from opening their homes to travelers. Think about the effect this has on the  gardeners, pool service, cleaners and countless other people who get employed as operators need to take  special care of their properties to attract guests. Also, during and after this pandemic many people will not  want to visit and simply go to a hotel! The home sharing idea and short term rentals are here to stay and we  need to adapt to the new economy instead of trying to hurt it.  Part of what makes La Quinta unique is its strong emphasis for travels and tourism in general. By letting a few  bad apples ruin an entire economy would be disastrous for small business and the city tax base. Imagine the  entire Coachella valley banning short term rentals what that would do for the economy and local business. I  am not saying we don't need any regulation. But consider this possible solution, if there is a problem address  that has been identified for not having a permit or general nuisance house... why not work with airbnb and  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANTHONY KHAN STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 2 other online platforms to de‐list these properties so that they can't advertise? That cuts those problem houses  off at the source instead enacting all of this regulation and going back and forth on this. If they can't advertise  nobody will know who they are and that would solve a lot of these issues.  Also, why are we targeting the  home owners treating us like children and criminals? Are we not on the same side here? The city should be  ticketing the people making noise or causing the disturbance not threatening the home owner who simply  can't monitor the guest behavior 100% of the time. Ticketing and targeting the guests who make noise or  cause parking issues would discourage those problem guests from behaving that way in the future. Home  owners and operators need to work with the city and come up with a better solution than 3 strikes and you  are out. We are not criminals. We are the ones who are contributing to millions of dollars in tax revenue to  keep the city running. We are the ones who generally take meticulous care of our properties. If a ban takes  place there will be tons of people selling homes and would cause more economic ruin and potentially  neighborhood downturn as homes are no longer maintained properly. Causing even more quality of life  concerns.   Another issue is the fact that it is very hard to operate a short term rental as it is. We don't need more red  tape and regulation. We are not getting rich off this we are all trying to survive. As you know California is very  expensive and with so many people fleeing the state due to over reach and over regulation of business.  So please for the health of the economy, the wellbeing of the local business and workers. The tax base and the  countless small business that would be affected by more regulation and banning short term rentals. By  creating more hoops and erroneous regulations or even banning short term rentals we will be discouraging  visitors from staying in La Quinta and potentially destroying what is left of this fragile economic state we are in  right now.  Thank you for your consideration  From: Anthony Khan  Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2020 1:37 PM  To: CityClerkMail@LaQuintaCA.gov <CityClerkMail@LaQuintaCA.gov>  Subject: Anthony Khan WRITTEN Comments ‐ Oct. 20, 2020 Joint Study Session Council & Planning Commission   Anthony Khan  La Quinta,CA    Public Comment ‐ STVR  Dear City Of La Quinta,  First and foremost, thank you for the wonderful job and hard work you do. The city does a wonderful job at  keeping the city looking fabulous and well kept! La Quinta is a model city and I am so proud to be able to be a  part of such a special city.  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANTHONY KHAN STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 3 As you are well aware, we are in the middle of economic uncertainty and possible the verge of an economic  collapse. With travel restricted the visitors to the Coachella valley are mainly from local areas like Los Angeles.  After reading your budget for 2019‐2020 I see that the majority of the funds to the city come in the form of  real estate property taxes, sales taxes and TOT taxes.   I ask you this question, is this really the correct time to consider even stricter regulations? Can you imagine  owning a retail store or restaurant right now and imagine how hard it is to run your restaurant during a  pandemic? I am sure that you realize that when people from outside of the Coachella valley visit La Quinta  they shop at local restaurants and contribute to the city's tax basis. Think about the corner store who has seen  his traffic plummet and now think about what that would do to his or her shop if you enact more regulation  and discourage operators from opening their homes to travelers. Think about the effect this has on the  gardeners, pool service, cleaners and countless other people who get employed as operators need to take  special care of their properties to attract guests. Also, during and after this pandemic many people will not  want to visit and simply go to a hotel! The home sharing idea and short term rentals are here to stay and we  need to adapt to the new economy instead of trying to hurt it.  Part of what makes La Quinta unique is its strong emphasis for travels and tourism in general. By letting a few  bad apples ruin an entire economy would be disastrous for small business and the city tax base. Imagine the  entire Coachella valley banning short term rentals what that would do for the economy and local business. I  am not saying we don't need any regulation. But consider this possible solution, if there is a problem address  that has been identified for not having a permit or general nuisance house... why not work with airbnb and  other online platforms to de‐list these properties so that they can't advertise? That cuts those problem houses  off at the source instead enacting all of this regulation and going back and forth on this. If they can't advertise  nobody will know who they are and that would solve a lot of these issues.  Also, why are we targeting the  home owners treating us like children and criminals? Are we not on the same side here? The city should be  ticketing the people making noise or causing the disturbance not threatening the home owner who simply  can't monitor the guest behavior 100% of the time. Ticketing and targeting the guests who make noise or  cause parking issues would discourage those problem guests from behaving that way in the future. Home  owners and operators need to work with the city and come up with a better solution than 3 strikes and you  are out. We are not criminals. We are the ones who are contributing to millions of dollars in tax revenue to  keep the city running. We are the ones who generally take meticulous care of our properties. If a ban takes  place there will be tons of people selling homes and would cause more economic ruin and potentially  neighborhood downturn as homes are no longer maintained properly. Causing even more quality of life  concerns.   Another issue is the fact that it is very hard to operate a short term rental as it is. We don't need more red  tape and regulation. We are not getting rich off this we are all trying to survive. As you know California is very  expensive and with so many people fleeing the state due to over reach and over regulation of business.  So please for the health of the economy, the wellbeing of the local business and workers. The tax base and the  countless small business that would be affected by more regulation and banning short term rentals. By  creating more hoops and erroneous regulations or even banning short term rentals we will be discouraging  visitors from staying in La Quinta and potentially destroying what is left of this fragile economic state we are in  right now.  Thank you for your consideration  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANTHONY KHAN STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 1 From:Allen Lin Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 2:35 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written comments ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** 1) Allen Lin 2)La Quinta 3) 4) La Quinta STVR Committee Public Comments 5) Comments Regarding agenda items related to STVR 6) Written or Verbal Comments: Issue 7: Noise/Behavior/Party Events and Issue 8: Occupancy Limits I have a very strict no party policy. I also make each guest aware of the city ordinances, occupancy limits and good neighbor brochure which is also posted at the home. From my experience, a vast majority of problems arises from local residents. It wouldn’t make sense for someone from another state or country to caravan a bunch of folks here to throw a large disruptive party. I currently have a no local residents (Coachella valley) policy because locals have too many friends, family and contacts nearby which makes it easy for them to throw a party. Since this policy, I have had only one issue where there are a renter had their location set on Airbnb to a different area or state but they are in fact local. (I assume this is because their DL is registered to another address for one reason or another) We can’t see the phone numbers of guests until we confirm the reservation to which then we find out they had a (760) number. We contacted Airbnb and they refused to cancel the reservation and as suspected they caused a lot of noise. I was informed by a neighbor and handled the situation right away. It was mentioned in the agenda that citing the renters doesn’t make sense because there’s no way to collect on the fine if they live out of state. I never had an issue with people coming from out of state or out of the country. They are usually older snowbirds. If nearly 100% of my issues are caused by local residents, then it would make sense to cite the renters themselves in my opinion as the losses from those living out of the state or country would be very minimal. I should also note that a vast majority of my guests are from California. Citing the renters themselves is also more fair for a STVR owner like myself who tries everything in my power to prevent anything that would be disruptive to the neighbors but is sometimes caught in between guests who do not list an accurate location and Airbnb’s unwillingness to cancel those reservations. Issue 9: Parking While my STVR is located on a corner lot, which naturally has more parking, I realize it may be an issue for others. A vast majority of my guests utilize the driveway and I rarely have cars parked on the street. I do not agree with having to take down the plate number for every vehicle. It would be a logistical nightmare for STVR owners, especially for ones who have self- CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ALLEN LIN STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 2 checkin. We can’t always be available to physically take down the plate numbers of each car especially if some guests arrive late so our other option would be to ask the guests themselves. We already have to make each renter aware of the good neighbor brochure and all the current ordinances and now having to ask each guest for their license plate numbers seems to be a bit hostile for guests who are coming here to vacation. In general, I am very happy with the current landscape the wonderful City of La Quinta has crafted when dealing with STVRs and the fairness they employ to the multiple parties involved. I would also like to state that La Quinta and the surrounding cities are considered resort cities so there has to be a balance between STVR owners like myself and the residents who are voraciously opposed. After all I came here first as a guest. Fell in love. Purchased my home and made improvements. I don’t understand why folks would purchase a home in a resort city but then be opposed to the guests that drive the economy when at one point they were guests in this beautiful city themselves. Many STVR owners have been beautifying their neighborhoods and helping with property values. I sincerely hope we do NOT follow in the footsteps of some of our surrounding cities in trying to eliminate STVRs. Thank you!! Allen Lin CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ALLEN LIN STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 1 From:Julie Machock Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 10:52 AM To:City Clerk Mail Cc:Dan Machock Subject:Written Comments for Oct 20 Meeting Attachments:Machock Letter La Quinta.docx Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Completed  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   1. Julie and Daniel Machock 2. La Quinta 3. 4.STUDY SESSION – City Council PAGE 2. DISCUSS SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE’S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 5. Short Term Rentals 6. Written Comments Below and attached  La Quinta City Council Members,   As you determine the future of STVRs in La Quinta, please consider the following. Last March when Covid began, we  rented a home in PGA West to get away from Los Angeles with our family and stay safe. We fell in love with the  community and La Quinta so much that we bought the house three down on the same street! সহ঺঻ We use it as a second  home for our family to spend valuable time together in the most beautiful setting in the world. To make it financially  viable for our family, it’s important that we have the STVR option, so we can continue to have the home for years to  come. We have partnered with a fantastic local rental company that does everything above and beyond to ensure all  rules are followed. And we believe this is critical for the whole community.  Please consider the following mechanisms to  keep the STVR market feasible from both the owner and renter perspective   1.Remove the moratorium on STVRs for properties within HOAs; it’s not a data‐backed decision, and communities like PGA West have stricter rules and regulations than the City of La Quinta   2.Require STVR properties to have formal property management in some capacity (and thus property managers are the first responders on all issues)  3.Empower the HOAs to enforce/manage/own all complaints to take the burden off of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS JULIE & DANIEL MACHOCK STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 2 4. Require STVR properties to install noise meters so that owners are notified (and thus have the opportunity   to resolve) prior to potentially disturbing a neighbor   These measures help all the diligent owners and renters who abide by the regulations.     We also have looked at all the data and believe that this is a  key revenue stream for the city of La Quinta to help it  continue to be the wonderful place that it is for all who visit or live there. By slightly changing the STVR protocols, it  seems there is a win‐win situation for everyone involved.       Thank you for your consideration and hope you are all remain healthy and happy in these trying times.   Julie and Daniel Machock       CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS JULIE & DANIEL MACHOCK STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS La Quinta City Council Members,     As you determine the future of STVRs in La Quinta, please consider the following. Last March when  Covid began, we rented a home in PGA West to get away from Los Angeles with our family and stay safe.  We fell in love with the community and La Quinta so much that we bought the house three down on the  same street! সহ঺঻ We use it as a second home for our family to spend valuable time together in the most  beautiful setting in the world. To make it financially viable for our family, it’s important that we have the  STVR option, so we can continue to have the home for years to come. We have partnered with a  fantastic local rental company that does everything above and beyond to ensure all rules are followed.  And we believe this is critical for the whole community.  Please consider the following mechanisms to  keep the STVR market feasible from both the owner and renter perspective   1. Remove the moratorium on STVRs for properties within HOAs; it’s not a data‐backed decision,  and communities like PGA West have stricter rules and regulations than the City of La Quinta   2. Require STVR properties to have formal property management in some capacity (and thus  property managers are the first responders on all issues)  3. Empower the HOAs to enforce/manage/own all complaints to take the burden off of La Quinta  4. Require STVR properties to install noise meters so that owners are notified (and thus have the  opportunity to resolve) prior to potentially disturbing a neighbor   These measures help all the diligent owners and renters who abide by the regulations.    We also have looked at all the data and believe that this is a  key revenue stream for the city of La  Quinta to help it continue to be the wonderful place that it is for all who visit or live there. By slightly  changing the STVR protocols, it seems there is a win‐win situation for everyone involved.      Thank you for your consideration and hope you are all remain healthy and happy in these trying times.   Julie and Daniel Machock       CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS JULIE & DANIEL MACHOCK STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 1 From:Mandi Moran Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 2:14 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Amanda Moran  La Quinta    Agenda Item: Study Session #2  Short‐Term Vacation Rentals  I am writing in favor of Short‐term Vacation Rentals in the city. La Quinta is a resort community that is a wonderful  community for residents and visitors alike. Our city thrives off of the visitors with those who support local  businesses, including entertainment, restaurants, grocery stores and more. These visitors also patronize the dozens  of local golf courses, hotels.  Restricting the STVR's would be devastating to the local economy. While I agree the STVR homes need to abide by a  set of rules & guidelines, these rules should be consistently enforced. Single out the problem homes & deal  accordingly.   Restricting or attempting to ban STVR's would have the following immediate negative consequences:  1) Devastating to local service businesses. ‐ vacation renters dine and spend at local establishments. 2) Detriment to public golf courses. ‐ STVR Renters come to play golf and use the facilities. For those who are members of these courses, you will likely see your DUES INCREASE as public revenues drop.  3) Damages the local government budget through TOT and sales taxes paid by renters ‐ in 2019 short term rentals were 35% of all occupancy taxes, totaling $3.5MM. This would be a significant loss to La Quinta and the public  services we enjoy.  4) Erosion of your property rights. ‐ All STVR homeowners purchased in the city with the RIGHT to rent their homes. 5) Dramatic reduction of property values. ‐ 15‐20% reductions in property values in cities who pass short‐term rental bans.  The city must not single‐out only STVR owners. There is a sect of full‐time owners who believe they are entitled to  never hear a decibel of noise and they cost the city time & resources with fraudulent phone calls and complaints.  The city must be reasonable and equitable when establishing rules, while also penalizing those who make false  claims.  ‐‐   Mandi Moran    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT AMANDA (MANDI) MORAN PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR 1 From:Rocky Moran Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 2:18 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   William Moran  La Quinta    Agenda Item: Study Session #2  Short‐Term Vacation Rentals  I am writing in favor of Short‐term Vacation Rentals in the city. La Quinta is a resort community that is a wonderful  community for residents and visitors alike. Our city thrives off of the visitors with those who support local  businesses, including entertainment, restaurants, grocery stores and more. These visitors also patronize the dozens  of local golf courses, hotels.  Restricting the STVR's would be devastating to the local economy. While I agree the STVR homes need to abide by a  set of rules & guidelines, these rules should be consistently enforced. Single out the problem homes & deal  accordingly.   Restricting or attempting to ban STVR's would have the following immediate negative consequences:  1) Devastating to local service businesses. ‐ vacation renters dine and spend at local establishments. 2) Detriment to public golf courses. ‐ STVR Renters come to play golf and use the facilities. For those who are members of these courses, you will likely see your DUES INCREASE as public revenues drop.  3) Damages the local government budget through TOT and sales taxes paid by renters ‐ in 2019 short term rentals were 35% of all occupancy taxes, totaling $3.5MM. This would be a significant loss to La Quinta and the public  services we enjoy.  4) Erosion of your property rights. ‐ All STVR homeowners purchased in the city with the RIGHT to rent their homes. 5) Dramatic reduction of property values. ‐ 15‐20% reductions in property values in cities who pass short‐term rental bans.  The city must not single‐out only STVR owners. There is a sect of full‐time owners who believe they are entitled to  never hear a decibel of noise and they cost the city time & resources with fraudulent phone calls and complaints.  The city must be reasonable and equitable when establishing rules, while also penalizing those who make false  claims.  Sincerely,  Rocky Moran  Vice President  Lee & Associates Commercial Real Estate Services D 949-300-5817  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT WILLIAM MORAN PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR 2 O 951-276-3681  F 951-823-8681  rmoran@lee-associates.com  Lee & Associates ‐ Rocky Moran Bio        ____________________________________   Corporate ID 01048055     DISCLAIMER:  Information supplied has been obtained from third parties and it has not been independently verified  by Lee & Associates ‐ Riverside. Any statements by Lee & Associates – Riverside, or any of its brokers, salespeople,  shareholders, agents, officers or employees represent statements of opinion only and should not be relied upon  concerning any past, present or future characteristic of the property or the contemplated transaction.  All parties should  hire their own consultants and experts to verify ALL information concerning any past, present or future characteristic of  the property or the contemplated transaction.      CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT WILLIAM MORAN PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - RELATED TO STVR 1 From:John Pagano Sent:Monday, October 19, 2020 9:33 PM To:City Clerk Mail; Carol Bloch Subject:Written Comments - Short Term Vacation Rentals  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   1) Full Name John Pagano 2) City of Residence ‐ La Quinta 3) Phone Number ‐  4) Public Comment or Agenda Item Number ‐  STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 5) Subject ‐ Short Term Vacation Rentals As stated in the Background section of the agenda, the entire Coachella Valley has gained a reputation in the tourism  industry.  People love visiting La Quinta.  They are not going to the hotels.  Without short term rentals the local residents will  suffer more than the vacation home owners.    During this year of the pandemic, the City and its residents should enjoy the benefits that short term rentals bring to the  community.   If the City cuts out short term rentals now, the local economy will suffer.   The residents need to stop complaining about the small problems that short term rentals bring.  Many people are  looking for a place to escape to during the pandemic.  The local residents should welcome these people and be glad that  we live in a place that others want to visit. A lot of the local residents on my street make more noise than the visitors.    It's good that the City is spending more time and money on enforcement efforts.  The City should notify the residents  that they are doing this.  I respectfully request that the City and its residents put this agenda item off for another year.  Now is not the time to cut  out a major source of revenue for the City and local businesses.   Let's continue to discuss the issue without cutting off the short term rentals so quickly.  ONE MORE YEAR ‐ that's all I'm asking for!  Let's give visitors a beautiful place to visit during this time of need.  I will be happy to make verbal comments if allowed to do so.  John M. Pagano  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JOHN PAGANO STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 1 From:Jeff Pelzel Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 12:57 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 2 OCTOBER 20, 2020 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   1. Jeff Pelzel 2. La Quinta 3. 4. Study Session Agenda Item 2 5. STUDY SESSION – DISCUSS SHORT‐TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD‐HOC COMMITTEE’S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS   6. Written Comment:   As an owner of multiple properties in the CIty of La Quinta for the past 3 years, I am greatly troubled by the recommendations that are coming forward.  I currently have over 250 reviews and pride myself in the  opportunities I have created for our guests.  These guests bring in lots of revenue for the City, plus the additional taxes I  pay for transiency taxes each month.  Why does the City feel the need to solely go after the home owners?  Why can't  you make the renters accountable as well and "ticket" them with the larger proposed fines?  This would give you  additional revenue.  I absolutely love this area and am saddened to feel like I am being pushed out by the City  Government.  WIthout investors, home values are going to drop over time and you will have vacant homes leading to  even greater mischief and challenges.  I hope you will reconsider these proposed ideas and make this a shared  accountability, with more emphasis on ticketing those people who are actually doing the violations in terms of noise and  parking.  Thank you for hearing my perspective.  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JEFF PELZEL STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 1 From:Laura Reyes Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 2:59 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   1) Laura and Robert Reyes 2) La Quinta. PGA West 3) 4) AGENDA TITLE: DISCUSS SHORT‐TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD‐ HOC COMMITTEE’S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS  5) Subject:  Objections to 6) Written Click Here to Return to Agenda  The email “subject line” must clearly state “Written Comments” or  Examples of some recommendations being proposed:  1. Reducing the current 3‐strike rule to a 2‐strike rule for noise and personal conduct violations is punitive.  Getting the first violation is expensive already and allows owners to work issue... we have a vested interest to correct when it  impacts our income.  Keep at 3 strike.  2. General STVR Violations (Noise/ Parking) a. First Violation: $1,000 b. Second Violation: $2,000 + Suspension of STVR permit for a period of not less than 30 days and not more than 1 year.  Too expensive and punitive.  3. Quiet hours shall be between the hours of 10:00 pm and 8 am. No amplified noise shall be permitted between the hours of 8 pm to 8 am.   Inconsistent with HOAs regulations?  Remove the STVR Permit Moratorium from HOAs to align with  other desert cities who are allowing permits to continue  for STVRs in HOAs. There has been no data to support the extension of the Moratorium in our community. Our current  STVR HOA rules and regulations are stricter than that of the City STVR rules. We monitor all guests coming in to the  community, their cars and their activities.  Where is the data that shows PGA West is a burden on Code Enforcement?  2) We are part of a coalition of PGA West STVR Owners who prioritize balance within the community and plan to set best practices and regulations and strengthen our compliance Security.  From the 10/20 City Council Agenda "Partnership Agreement with Homeowners Association and Enforcement City staff  is working closely with PGA West Security & Enforcement members to share information on properties that have been  issued a violation or suspension.”  Would this mean that if PGA West Security has confirmed a noise violation, the City  would be able to verify it with the security company and issue a citation and strike against a STVR property?  So get two  violations?—‐one from the city and one from HOA?  Double jeopardy?   CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT LAURA REYES STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 2 Many of us have bought these homes as vacation homes with the STVR as an offset of our monthly costs.  Because of  the pandemic and given the restricted demand on hotels, vacations and travel, it has driven the demand for  STVRs.  Punishing all for the few.          Sent from my iPad  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT LAURA REYES STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 1 From:Rema Ruiz Sent:Monday, October 19, 2020 8:24 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written comments ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  1) Full Name‐ Rema Ruiz 2) City of Residence‐ La Quinta 3) Phone Number‐  4) Public Comment or Agenda Item Number ‐ Study Session‐  DISCUSS SHORT‐TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD‐ HOC COMMITTEE’S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS  5) Subject‐ As an Airbnb host and paralegal I understand how important it is to follow the laws and makes our guests and neighbors happy. In the day and age of Covid19 it is so important to be mindful of our neighbors. Many of which are  working from home and attending school from home. Due to the uncertainty and duration of covid it is understandable  that many people are on edge and therefore need peace of mind as well as a vacation. As a host I am sure to convey all  these important details to each of my guests prior to their stay.  I also am sure to inform them about the noise curfew and executive order in place that prohibits outdoor speakers.   I think every host would benefit greatly from an in person training on how to communicate effectively with guests the  expectations of the host, neighbors and city prior to their arrival. While still allowing the guests to enjoy their vacation.  Also how to have these difficult conversations without upsetting the guest and having them take it out on the review.  There are security features hosts can also install such as noise level readers that are app controlled. Security cameras,  etc. This helps to discourage guests from misbehaving and allows the host to inform them quickly when they are  breaking the rule.  Short term rentals are important to the city in terms of promoting the economy And tourism but also to the hosts who  many wouldn’t be able to afford the mortgages without this possibility.   If we are required to only allow long term rentals we are opening up our homes to potential squatters. This is a very real  issue at the moment as the state of California has a moratorium in place relating to evictions there is no telling when it  will be lifted which could result in many people losing their homes.  6) Written or Verbal Comments‐ written Respectfully submitted,  Rema Ruiz  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT REMA RUIZ STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 1 From:Vanessa West Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2020 12:03 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Short Term Rental- Written Comment to be given to the committee  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   1) Full Name‐Vanessa West 2) City of Residence‐ La Quinta 3) Phone Number‐  4)Public Comment or Agenda Item Number ‐ Study Session‐  DISCUSS SHORT‐TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD‐ HOC COMMITTEE’S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS  5) Subject‐ On elimination/terminating ultimately destroying the short term rental market As a member of the community and a tax payer, I am concerned with the idea of destroy the market that rents Short  term.   Our short term rental property has been a blessing to many especially this year. Most of the time they are traveling  away for work, renting based on location and assignments. Others who are either an essential service member and can’t  afford the rates of a premium hotel and don’t want to stay outside the city limits found short term to be the solution.  Transportation issues come into place also to prevent them from having an issue with traffic during the high season and  snow birds who frequent our small community rent short term. La Quinta is home to some of the best hot spots and  attractions in all of the United States. The small gem of the desert has many reasons people are looking to rent short  term and take part in our unique short term rental lifestyle. To eliminate that option is not only taking away money from  the city but it puts people who rent at greater risk.   During this pandemic we have had a number of circumstances ranging from business to pleasure ensuring the highest  standard of care and sanitation required by law. We have a team of onsite workers who are available 24 hours a day  during someone’s stay. Our Short term rental not only offers your community a way to pay their bills it also prevents  businesses from closing by brings revenue into the Coachella Valley. Don’t loose site of our future as this city is  experiencing a downturn in the real‐estate market and an important part of the way the next generation might make La  Quinta their home is because they can turn their property into a short term rental during the slower months we see  many leave for other homes in the summer. Many who choose short term rental  instead of an archaic way of staying in  an overpriced hotel are the future homeowners. Many are renting because they prefer the intimate experience of a  home and also fear of cleanliness during theses unprecedented times. Short term rentals allow for top level cleaning and  keeping a COVID 19 level of excellence needed to not only ensure the potential guests are protected but its company  standard with AIRBNB.   If we are required to only allow long term rentals we are opening up our homes to long term problems. To people who  might not be able to make their rent and also people who are not taking the COVID 19 virus serious. This is a very real  issue at the moment as the state of California has a strict way it runs businesses during this pandemic but not on the  way it governs long term rentals. Moratorium are in place relating to evictions during this pandemic that put home  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VANESSA WEST STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 2 owners at risk and there is no telling when it will be lifted which could result in many people getting in a terrible  situation.   Please do not take away short term rentals. As a homeowner, tax payer, resident, and former Miss La Quinta I urge you  to vote in favor of keeping short term rentals an option for your homeowners.   Thank you   Sincerely,  Vanessa West  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VANESSA WEST STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 1 From:Linda Evans Sent:Saturday, October 17, 2020 12:41 PM To:Monika Radeva Cc:Jon McMillen Subject:Fwd: Adams Street (Adams Park) Traffic Study Public Comment on this item.  I’ve informed him that I would provide this to you to include in the record.  Thanks.   m m m m V Linda Evans | Mayor  City of La Quinta  78495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253  Ph. 760.777.7030  C:   760.899.3279  E: levans@laquintaca.gov  www.laquintaca.gov   www.playinlaquinta.com  Begin forwarded message:  From: Daniel Church   Date: October 17, 2020 at 11:58:06 AM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez  <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Adams Street (Adams Park) Traffic Study   EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans and Members of City Council,  Thank you sincerely for taking seriously the concerns about the Adams Street crossing to Adams  Park that I expressed to you some weeks ago.  I am very grateful that you took immediate steps to order  a comprehensive traffic study and that the study was done quickly and thoroughly.  I have read it and  was impressed with the variety of options considered to address the safety problems we all recognize.  Of the three initial recommendations outlined in the report, I especially agree with the focus on  enforcement of the speed limit.  I know it is labor intensive and, thus, expensive, but nevertheless  necessary.  It must, however, be accompanied by other physical changes to ensure safety of adults and  children crossing Adams Street in the vicinity of Adams Park.    I feel the "road diet" plan may help mitigate the risk to pedestrians and, as a resident whose home backs  up to Adams Street, I would welcome it if it can be effected without hampering the speedy response of  the La Quinta Fire Department which opens into this very area.  Further, I am concerned that, without a  marked crosswalk, the "diet" effort will still be inadequate.  I believe the crosswalks would best be  placed at the intersection of Adams and La Palma Streets but if one were placed mid‐block as illustrated  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DANIEL CHURCH STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 4 - RELATED TO ADAMS STREET PEDESTRIAN CROSSING 2 in Exhibit 3, I would be pleased that my wife and I and our grandchildren could at least find a safer  crossing than at present.  In either location, a crosswalk should be accompanied by the installation of  Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) and the installation of flashing beacons reinforcing the 25  mph speed limit when it is in effect.  I do not feel that the investment in self‐closing gates is necessary as the current small openings in the  fencing seem to adequately discourage children from darting into the street.  Again, I am very grateful to you for taking our concerns seriously.  I look forward to seeing steps taken to  protect everyone in our community and thereby improving the appeal of living in the City of La Quinta.  Yours sincerely,  Daniel K. Church    La Quinta, CA 92253    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DANIEL CHURCH STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 4 - RELATED TO ADAMS STREET PEDESTRIAN CROSSING 1 From:Jon McMillen Sent:Wednesday, October 21, 2020 12:26 AM To:Barkas, Sherry Cc:Monika Radeva; Nichole Romane Subject:Solar flash crosswalk From Richard Grey: This is a quick example of solar-powered stanchions with yellow flashing lights. They should cost relatively little compared to the traffic engineer's estimate of $50,000. Painting the "U" shaped crosswalks (2 on north/south La Paloma and the main crosswalk at south Adams intersection) , putting up 2 safety barrier fences at the Adams-side park fence, and installing these kind of solar light stanchions would be a very effective, quick, and inexpensive solution to the impending tragedy of an accident at this much used intersection crossing. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT RICHARD GRAY STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 4 - RELATED TO ADAMS STREET PEDESTRIAN CROSSING 1 From:Stephen Klempa Sent:Sunday, October 18, 2020 2:50 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Public/ Written Comments for City Council Meeting of October 20, 2020 Attachments:CityPbcComLtr-2020-10-18.docx  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Please include the attached as part of the Public Comments/ Written Comments part of the City Council Meeting of  October 20, 2020.  Thank you.  Sent from Mail for Windows 10  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT STEPHEN KLEMPA STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 4 - RELATED TO ADAMS STREET PEDESTRIAN CROSSING Stephen Klempa    La Quinta, CA 92253    • Public Comments  •Written Comments  Subject: Traffic Engineer's Recommendations at Adams St and Adams St Park  Date: October 18, 2020     Concerned neighbors in North La Quinta have reviewed WillDan Engineering’s Traffic Study.  Below find our concerns and recommendations for your use in developing your decisions:     CONCERNS:     1. There still are no “Crosswalks” shown with the Road Diet recommendation shown on Exhibit 2,  even with the reduction of lanes it seems obvious a crosswalk is necessary.  Yet a crosswalk is shown when relocating the crossing to Mid‐Block (see Exhibit 3).   2. Although the Road Diet makes some sense, there are a number of reservations:  a. With only striped lane separations, there is doubt that motorists will strictly abide by  the single lane and pass in the turn lane when not restricted by a vehicle in that lane.  b. Lane striping becomes dull and worn over time, thus not being as definitive as when  new, thus motorists will less likely abide by the lane reduction. Any Road Diet  consideration should include positive deterrents, i.e. true curb barriers at a minimum.  c. We do not see a need for a golf cart lane. There are virtually no golf cart lanes in La  Quinta now. There a no golf courses nearby.  d. The population in the Valley is expanding. While the current traffic study reflects the  road diet as not affecting overall traffic, how long will it be before that is no longer valid.  e. Most importantly, a Road Diet will reduce fire department response time with the  narrowing of traffic flow. We do not believe anyone is in favor of this situation.  3. The need for the addition of self‐closing gates is not necessary.     RECOMMENDATIONS:    Crosswalks should be placed at a minimum across Adams St at each La Palma Dr. sidewalk crossing.    The Rectangular Flashing Beacons make a great deal of sense in notifying motorists of pedestrians. It is a  “clear signal” that someone is crossing. Additionally, there is electric power available from the caution  light for the fire department. This recommendation continues to allow traffic to flow at the 25‐mph  speed limit at all other times in the four vehicle lanes.    A reasonable alternative to the Rectangular Flashing Beacons would be the installation of pavement  embedded lights that are activated by the pedestrian when planning to cross Adams St.  Willdan Engineering did not provide an estimate or suggest this as an option.    The park entrance/ exit at the corner of Adams St and La Palma Dr. seems sufficiently far enough away  from play areas to not require gating. The other two entrance/exit locations are along Adams St. A single  length of fence running parallel to the opening, requiring a need to go around the fence to exit would  become a deterrent for chasing balls or running directly into the street. This cost would be nominal.  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT STEPHEN KLEMPA STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 4 - RELATED TO ADAMS STREET PEDESTRIAN CROSSING   In summary it is believed that the Crosswalks and Rectangular Flashing Beacons/ embedded lighting are  absolutely necessary. The road diet is not viewed as a reasonable option.    Based on Willdan Engineering estimates provided, costs for our recommendations would be   +/‐ $ 40,000. A very minimal sum in the City of La Quinta’s effort for its citizens’ safety.          CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 2020 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT STEPHEN KLEMPA STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 4 - RELATED TO ADAMS STREET PEDESTRIAN CROSSING