08-1602 (CSCS) Geotechnical Investigation Reportr 111�xaZan & ASSOCIATES, INC GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION TESTING & INSPECTION October 31, 2008 KA No.: 126-08033 Regency Centers Mr. Tom Middleton 36 Executive Park, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 RE: Response to City of La Quinta Request For information Jefferson Square Retail Center Proposed CVS Building Fred Waring & Jefferson La Quinta, CA Reference: Geotechnical Engineering Investigation, Proposed Jefferson Square (Phase I), Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive, La Quinta, California, dated May 25, 2007. Mr. Middleton: In accordance with a request by GKKWorks, Architects, we have prepared this letter to respond to a request for information by the City of La Quinta. It is our understanding that the City of La Quinta has requested confirmation that the recommended remedial grading is suitable for the proposed CVS retail building to be constructed at the project site. In addition, it is our understanding that the city has requested confirmation that the anticipated long term settlement of the proposed structures will be within the anticipated tolerable limits. Based on a review of the structural foundation plans for the proposed structures, a maximum bearing capacity value of 3,000 pounds per square foot has been used: ao design the proposed building foundations. This value is consistent with the recommendations presented in the referenced Geotechnical Engineering Investigation report for the subject site. As aresult the recommended remedial grading Inv e§#Vqtion ieport as'well) We appreciate the opportunity to assist you on this project. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact our office at (951) 694-0601 for assistance. Respectfully submitted, KRA_7_AN & ASSOCIATES, INC. James M. Kellogg, PE Project Engineer RCE 65092 Distribution: (1) Addressee (1) DRC Engineering JMK/dmw Offices Serving The Western United States 43379 Business Park Drive, Suite 300 • Temecula, California 92590 (951) 694-0601 • Fax: (951) 694-0701 N. a �-2-13-^0e--- & ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING e ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION TESTING & INSPECTION May 25, 2007 KA Project No. 112-07036 Mr.. Thomas Middleton Regency Centers, Inc. 36 Executive Park, Suite 100 CENED Irvine, CA 92614 JUL 112008 RE: Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Proposed Jefferson Square (Phase )] LHA Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive La Quinta, California - Dear Mr. Middleton: In accordance with your request and authorization, we have completed our Geotechnical Engineering Investigation for the above -referenced site. This report summarizes the results of our field investigation, laboratory testing and engineering analyses. Based on the data obtained, our understanding of the proposed project and our engineering analyses, it is our opinion that it is feasible to develop the site as planned. noted in our priort, to tl� a start—of—consstructio_n, and to observe and test earthwork and foundation construction. Observation and testing services should also be performed by our field staff during construction activities which will allow us to compare conditions exposed during construction with those encountered during our investigation and to present supplemental recommendations if warranted by different site conditions. If you have any questions regarding the information or recommendations presented in our report, or if we may be of further assistance, please contact our Ontario, California office at (909) 974-4400. cc: Addressee (4) Respectfully submitted, KRAZAN &c ASSOCIATES, INC. t James M. Kellogg, PE Regional Manager Offices Serving The Western United States 4221 Brickell Street a Ontario, California 91761 a (909) 974-4400 a Fax: (909) 974-4022 I�l SEP 19 2008 11207036.doc r i +e • 1 J GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION PROPOSED JEFFERSON SQUARE JEFFERSON STREET AND FRED WARING DRIVE LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. 112-07036 MAY 25, 2007 PREPARED FOR: REGENCY CENTERS, INC. 36 EXECUTIVE PARK, SUITE 100 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92614 ATTENTION: MR. THOMAS MIDDLETON PREPARED BY: KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 4221 BR.ICKELL STREET ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA 91761 (909)974-4400 Offices Serving the Western United States 1 �'L - GEOTECHNICAL ENGINTEERING INVESTIGATION PROPOSED JEFFERSON SQUARE LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES...............................................................................................1 PROPOSEDCONSTRUCTION.............................................................................................................2 SITE LOCATION AND SITE DESCRIPTION.....................................................................................2 SITEINVESTIGATION...........................................................................................................................3 GEOLOGICSETTING.................................................................................................................:................3 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS........:....................................................................................3 SOIL PROFILE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS........................................................................................4 GROUNDWATER.................................................... .................................................................................... 4 SEISMICITY, LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL AND SEISMIC INDUCED SETTLEMENT......................................5 SOILCORROSIVITY...................................................................................................................................5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMTAENDATIONS...................................................................................6 ADMINISTRATIVESUMMARY...................................................................................................................6 GROUNDWATER INFLUENCE ON STRUCTURES/CONSTRUCTION..............................................................7 WEAKAND DISTURBED SOILS.................................................................................................................7 COLLAPSIBLESOILS.................................................................................................................................7 EARTHWORK............................................................................................................................................7 Site Preparation — Clearing and Stripping........................................................................................... 7 Overexcavation and Recompaction..................................................................................................... 8 FillPlacement ................................................................................................................................... 8 ENGWEEREDFILL....................................................................................................................................8 TEMPORARY EXCAVATION STABILITY....................................................................................................9 UTILITYTRENCH BACKFILL................................................................................................................ COMPACTED MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE....................................................................................................9 SURFACE DRAINAGE AND LANDSCAPING.............................................................................................10 FLOOR SLABS AND EXTERIOR FLATWORK.............................................................................................10 FOUNDATIONS........................................................................................................................................ I 1 RETAININGWALLS.................................................................................................................................1 I PAVEMENTDESIGN................................................................................................................................12 SITE COEFFICIENT ............. . .....................................................................................................................13 SOILCORROSIVITY.................................................................................................................................I 3 TESTINGAND INSPECTION......................................................................................................................13 LIMTTATIONS........................................................................................................................................14 VICINITYMAP........................................................................................................................... Figure 1 SITEPLAN................................................................................................................................... Figure 2 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS........................................................... Appendix A GENERAL EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS............................................................... Appendix B GENERAL PAVEMENT SPECIFICATIONS S.................................................................... Appendix C Offices Serving The Western United States 4221 Brickell Street a Ontario, California 91761 a (909) 974A400 a Fax: (909) 974-4022 11207036.doc r s• MAO- —r,razanY & ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION TESTING & INSPEC'T'ION May 25, 2007 INTRODUCTION KA Project No. 112-07036 GEOTECHMCAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION PROPOSED JEFFERSON SQUARE JEFFERSON STREET AND FRED WAR.ING DRIVE LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA This report presents the results of our Geotechnical Engineering Investigation for the proposed Jefferson Square shopping center (Phase I) in La Quinta, California. Discussions regarding site conditions are presented herein, together with conclusions and recommendations pertaining to site preparation, grading, utility trench backfill, drainage and landscaping, foundations, concrete floor slabs and exterior concrete flatwork, retaining walls, soil corrosivity, and pavement design. A Vicinity Map showing the location of the site is presented on Figure 1. A Site Plan showing the approximate boring locations is presented on Figure 2. Descriptions of the field and laboratory investigations, boring log legend and boring logs are presented in Appendix A. Appendices B and C contain guides for general earthwork and flexible pavement specifications. If conflicts in the text of the report occur with the general specifications in the appendices, the recommendations in the text of the report have precedence. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES This geotechnical investigation was conducted to evaluate subsurface soil and groundwater conditions at the project site. Engineering analysis of the field and laboratory data was performed for the purpose of developing and providing geotechnical recommendations for use in the preliminary design and construction of the earthwork, foundation and pavement aspects of the project. Our scope of services`was outlined in our proposal dated May 1, 2007 (KA Proposal No. PI 12049-07) and included the following: D A site reconnaissance by a member of our engineering staff to evaluate the surface conditions at the project site. 6 Review of selected published geologic maps, reports and literature pertinent to the site and surrounding area. Offices Serving The Western United States 4221 Brickell Street u Ontario, California 91761 a (909) 974-4400 a Fax: (909) 974-4022 11207036.doc v KA No. 112-07036 Page No. 2 ® A field investigation consisting of drilling sixteen (16) borings to depths of 11 to 51 feet below the existing ground surface for evaluation of the subsurface conditions at the project site. o Performing Iaboratory tests on representative soil samples obtained from the borings to evaluate the physical and index properties of the subsurface soils. o Evaluation of the data obtained from the investigation and engineering analyses of the data with respect to the geotechnical aspects of structural design, and site grading and paving. a Preparation of this report summarizing the results, conclusions, recommendations, and findings of our investigation. Environmental services, such as chemical analyses of soil and b •oundwater for possible errvironnzental contaminates, and geoloa c study were not in our scope of services. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION We understand that design of the proposed development is currently underway; structural load information and other final details pertaining to the structures are therefore unavailable. On a preliminary basis, it is understood that the project will include construction of a retail shopping center named Jefferson Square (Phase I). The shopping center will consist of a market, a drug store, two shops and two pads ranging in footprints from 4,500 to 13,900 square feet. The buildings are planned to be of one story wood frame/stucco or masonry construction with concrete slab -on -grade floors. Building loads are anticipated to be relatively light. Onsite parking and landscaping are also planned for the development: Mass grading of the majority of the site is expected to entail minor to moderate cuts and fills from existing grades to establish building pads and to provide for surface drainage of the site. In the event these structural or grading details are inconsistent with the final design criteria, we should be notified so that we can evaluate the potential impacts of the changes on the recommendations presented in this report and provide an updated report as necessary. SITE LOCATION AND SITE DESCRIPTION The site is rectangular in shape and encompasses approximately 8.44 acres. The site is located on the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive in the City of La Quinta, Riverside County, California (see Vicinity Map, Figure 1). The site is predominately surrounded by residential developments and park/golf course lands. Presently, the site is vacant with sparse weeds and shrubs. A scoured wash is located at the northeast corner of the site with a relief of approximately 4 to 6 feet. The remaining site is relatively flat with no major changes in grade. The average elevation of the site is approximately 60 feet above mean sea level. Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving The western United States 11207036.doe v KA No. 112-07036 Page No. 3 SITE INVESTIGATION GEOLOGIC SETTING Regionally the proposed site is situated at the base of the San Jacinto and Santa Rosa Mountains within the northwest portion of the Coachella Valley of Southern California. Near -surface material consists of alluvial fan deposits of sand, silt, gravel, and cobbles derived from erosion of the Mesozoic granitic and metamorphic rocks of the adjacent San Jacinto Mountains. A significant feature within this geomorphic province is the Salton Trough. The Salton Tnough'is a large northwest -trending structural depression that extends from the San Gorgonio Pass to the Gulf of California. A large portion of this depression in the vicinity of the Salton Sea is below sea level. The Coachella Valley forms the northerly portion of the Salton Trough and contains a thick sequence of sedimentary deposits that are Miocene to Recent in age. Mountains surrounding the Coachella Valley include the Little San Bernardino Mountains to the northeast, foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains to the northwest, and the San Jacinto and Santa Rosa Mountains to the southwest. These mountains expose primarily Precambrian metamorphic and Mesozoic granitic rocks. Tectonism of the region is dominated by the interaction of the East Pacific Plate and the North American Plate along a transform boundary. The Coachella Valley has been filled with a variable thickness of relatively young, heterogeneous alluvial deposits. The Coachella Valley in the vicinity of the project site is drained by minor tributaries toward the Whitewater River, which is located approximately three miles southwest of the subject site. This drainage system trends towards the southeast in the vicinity of the subject site. Depth to groundwater in the vicinity of the subject site is reported to be approximately 100 feet below ground surface with a general direction of flow towards the southeast. Numerous moderate to large earthquakes have affected the area of the subject site within historic time. Based on the proximity of several dorninant active faults and seismogenic structures, as well as the historic seismic record, the area of the subject site is considered subject to relatively high seismicity. The seismic hazard most likely to impact the site is groundshaking due to a large earthquake on one of the major active regional faults. The San Andreas — Southern fault is the nearest active fault to the site. and located approximately 6.3 kilometers northeast of the project site. The Burnt Mountain, Eureka Peak and San Jacinto — Ann faults are located approximately 26, 27.3, and 36.8 kilometers from the site, respectively. The subject site is located in Seismic Zone 4 as defined by the California Building Code. FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS Subsurface soil conditions were explored by drilling sixteen (16) borings, using a truck -mounted drill rig, to depths ranging from approximately 11 to 51 feet below existing site grade. The approximate boring locations are shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. These approximate boring locations were estimated in the field based on pacing and measuring from the limits of existing site features. During drilling operations, penetration tests were performed at regular intervals to evaluate the soil consistency and to obtain information regarding the engineering properties of the subsurface soils. Soil samples were retained for laboratory testing. The soils encountered were continuously examined and visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. A more detailed description of the field investigation is presented in Appendix A. Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving The Western United States l 1207036.doc KA No. 112-07036 Page No. 4 Laboratory tests were performed on selected soil samples to evaluate their physical characteristics and engineering properties. The laboratory -testing program was formulated with emphasis on the evaluation of in-situ moisture and dry density, gradation, shear strength, consolidation, R -value, maximum dry density, resistivity, sulfate and chloride of the materials encountered. Details of the laboratory -testing program are discussed in Appendix A. The results of the laboratory tests are presented on the boring logs or on the test reports, which are also included in Appendix A. This information, along with the field observations, was used to prepare the final boring logs in Appendix A. SOIL PROFILE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Based on our findings, the subsurface conditions encountered appear typical of those found in the geologic region of the site. In general, the subsurface soils consisted of 1 to 3 feet of loose/died' silty sands and sands underlain by denser alluvial deposits. Xl e_upper_soils are_dist&BF-, have -low strength.characteristics,=anda glily compressible when saturated. Below the loose/disturbed upper soils, denser silty sands, sands and silts were encountered. Field and? Penetration resistance, measured by the number of blows required to drive a Modified California sampler or a Standard Penetration Test (SPT) sampler, ranged from 7 to 54 blows per foot. Dry densities ranged from 90.8 to 112.6 pounds per cubic feet (pcf). Representative soil samples had angles of internal friction of 32 to 37 degrees. Representative soil samples consolidated approximately 0.7 to 1.7 percent under a 2-ksf load when saturated. Reprehensive soil samples had R -values of 52 to 58, maximum dry densities of 110 to 119 pcf and an Expansion Index of 0. One boring, Boring B-1, was advanced to a depth of 50 feet to obtain additional information for use in Liquefaction quefaction potential evaluation. The profile'is consistent with the majority of the borings drilled during this study. The above is a general description of soil conditions encountered at the site in the borings drilled for this investigation. For a more detailed description of the soil conditions encountered, please refer to the boring logs in Appendix A. GROUNDWATER Test boring locations were checked for the presence of groundwater during and after the drilling operations. Groundwater was not encountered at the time of this investigation. It should be recognized that water table elevation might fluctuate with time. The depth to groundwater can be expected to fluctuate both seasonally and from year to year. Fluctuations in the groundwater level may occur due to variations in precipitation, irrigation practices at the site and in the surrounding areas, climatic conditions, flow in adjacent or nearby canals, pumping from wells and possibly as the result of other factors that were not evident at the time of our investigation. Therefore, water level observations at the time of our field investigation may vary from those encountered during the construction phase of the project. The evaluation of such factors is beyond the scope of this report. Long-term monitoring in observation wells, sealed from the influence of surface water, is often required to more accurately define the potential range of groundwater conditions on a site. Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving ne Western United States 1 I207036.dos KA No. 112-07036 Page No. 5 SEISMICITY, LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL AND SEISMIC INDUCED SETTLEMENT Seismicity is a general term relating to the abrupt release of accumulated strain energy in the rock materials of the earth's crust in a given geographical area. The recurrence of accumulation and subsequent release of strain have resulted in faults and fault systems. Fault patterns and density reflect relative degrees of regional stress through time, but do not necessarily indicate recent seismic activity; therefore, the degree of seismic risk must be determined or estimated by the seismic record in any given region. Soil liquefaction is a state of soil particle suspension caused by a complete loss of strength when the effective stress drops to zero. Liquefaction normally occurs under saturated conditions in soils such as sand in which the strength is purely frictional. However, liquefaction has occurred in soils other than clean sand. Liquefaction usually occurs under vibratory conditions such as those induced by seismic events. To evaluate the liquefaction potential of the site, the following items were evaluated: 1) Soil type 2) Groundwater depth 3) Relative density 4) Initial confining pressure 5) Intensity and duration of ground shaking The soils beneath the site consist predominately of dense and stiff materials. considered to be One of the most common phenomena during seismic shaking accompanyingan� earthquakes e is the inducedsettlement of loose_uncousolidat'ed.soill Based on site subsurface conditions and the moderate to high seismicity of the region, any loose granular materials at the site could be vulnerable to this potential hazard. Gur analysis of dynamic densification of "dry" soil above the water table in the upper 50 feet of existing soil profile was performed. The seismic densification of dry to damp alluvial sandy soils due to onsite seismic activity is calcul. ated.to,have-total-settlements of. approximately 2(TLoto 3 inches. =reduce the effects andmagnitude of`the seismic--ffduced—settlements,—remedial b ading_is7 recommended; a: discussed-later-iff this report. Following completion of the recommended remedial grading and foundation design, we_estimate that�di-fferential-settlements�of approximately %Z�inch-in 20 r -feet laterally may result- omseismic densification. L -- SOIL SOIL CORROSIVITY Corrosion tests were performed to evaluate the soil corrosivity to the buried structures. The results of the tests are included as follows: Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Se ring The Westem United States 11207036.doc e ij ° Resistivity 12,500 ohms -em Caltrans Sulfate Less than 5 mg/kg EPA 9038 Chloride 23.4 mg/kg EPA 9253 pH 9.02 EPA 9045C Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Se ring The Westem United States 11207036.doc KA No. 112-07036 Page No. 6 CONCLFJSIONS AND RE.COM?4ENDA'IIONS Based on the findings of our field and laboratory investigations, along with previous geotechnical experience in the project area, the following is a summary of our evaluations, conclusions, and recommendations. ADMINISTRATIVE SUMMARY Based on the data collected during this investigation, and from a geotechnical engineering standpoint, it is our opinion that the proposed development is feasible as presently anticipated provided that the recommendations presented in this report are considered in the design and construction of the project. In brief, the subject site and soil conditions, with the exception of the upper loose/collapsible soils and seismic induced settlement, appear to be conducive to the development of the project. Undocumented fill materials may be present onsite between our exploratory borehole locations. In general, these fill soils should be assumed uncompacted and unsuitable for support of foundations and pavements. tThese fill soils if encountered—during grading should also be overexcavated and recd om'pa tRI? The upper loose soils within the project site are moderately compressible under saturated conditions. Accordingly, mitigation measures are recommended to reduce potential excessive soil settlement. Recommendations pertaining to the removal and recompaction of these moisture -sensitive soils are presented herein. After completion of the recommended site preparation, the site should be suitable for shallow footing support. Sandy soil conditions were encountered at the site. These cohesionless soils have a tendency to cave in trench wall excavations. Shoring or sloping back trench sidewalls may be required within these loose cohesionless soils. Due to the lack of fines for the onsite cohesionless soils, it is recommended that the subgrade and fill soils be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry density based on ASTM D1557-00 Test Method. The shrinkage on recompacted soil and fill placement is estimated at 15 to 20 percent. This value is an estimate and may vary significantly depending on several items including soil conditions, compaction effort, weather, etc. Subsidence within building areas will be less than 0.02 foot, due to the recommended over -excavation. Subsidence within parking areas, below the 12 -inch recompaction depth, is estimated at 0.05 foot. All grading and. earthwork should be performed in accordance with the Grading Ordinances of the City of La Quinta and the applicable portions of the General Earthwork Specifications in Appendix B, except as modified herein. Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving The Western United States 11207036.doc KA No. 112-07036 Page No. 7 cGROUN� BWATER INFI:UENCE ON STRUCTURES/CONSTRUCTION Based on our findings and historical records, it is not anticipated that groundwater will rise within the zone of structural influence or affect the construction of foundations and pavements for the project. However, if earthwork is performed during or soon after periods of precipitation, the subgrade soils may become saturated, "pump," or not respond to densification techniques. Typical remedial measures include discing and aerating the soil during dry weather; mixing the soil with dryer materials; removing and replacing the soil with an approved fill_materia%-or_mixing the soil with an approved lime or cement product. Our firm should'be co� or-_to.implementing remedial measures to observ_e_the_unstable WEAK AND DISTURBED SOILS Of primary importance in the development of this site is the removal/recompaction of potentially compressible soils from the, areas of the proposed structures. This is discussed in detail in the Earthwork section of this report. COLLAPSIBLE SOILS The upper onsite native soils are moisture -sensitive and are moderately compressible under saturated conditions. Structures within the project vicinity have experienced excessive post -construction settlement, when the foundation soils become near saturated. As recommended in the site preparation section of this report, the -collapsible soils_should'be_ e=moved andreco pacted-to-a-minimum of'95 EARTHWORK Site Preparation — Clearing and Stripping General site clearing should include removal of vegetation and existing utilities, structures, trees and associated root systems rubble, rubbish, and any loose and/or saturated materials. Site stripping should extend to a minimum depth of 2 to 4 inches, or until all organics in excess of 3 percent. by volume are removed. Deeper stripping may be required in localized areas. These materials will not be suitable for reuse as Engineered Fill. However, stripped topsoil may be stockpiled and reused in landscape or non- structural areas with the approval of the owner and landscaper. Any excavations that result from clearing operations should be backfilled with engineered fill. Krazan & Associates' field staff should be present during site clearing operations to enable us to locate areas where depressions or disturbed soils are present and to allow our staff to observe and test the backfill as it is placed. If site clearing and backfilling operations occur without appropriate observation and testing by a qualified geotechnical consultant, there may be .the need to over -excavate the building area to identify uncontrolled fills prior to mass grading of the building pad. As with site clearing operations, any buried structures encountered during construction should be properly removed and backfilled. The resulting excavations should be back-filled with engineered fill. Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving The Western United States l 1207036.doc ECA No. 112-07036 Page No. 8 /overexcavation and Recomgact'on �13uildinE Pad Areas To minimize post -construction soil movement and provide uniform support for the proposed buildings, overexcavation and recompaction within the proposed building footprints should be performed to a minimum depth of five (5) feet below existing grade or four (4) feet below bottom of the proposed footings, whichever is deeper. The actual depth of overexcavation should be determined by our field representative during grading. The_o�erexcavation_and_recompactioiashould'also-extend-laterally-5 feet bevond-the�edaes of thetmonosed_footinlrs. Ani undocumented fill encountered during s3adinz should Pavement Areas Within the pavement areas, it is recommended that overexcavation and recompaction should be performed to at least 12 inches below existing grade or finish grade, whichever is deeper. This compaction effort should stabilize the surface soils and locate any unsuitable or pliant areas not found during our field investigation. The actual depth of the overexcavation and-recompactioa should be determined by our field representative during construction. Fill Placement Prior to placement of fill soils, the upper 8 inches of native subgrade soils should be scarified, moisture - conditioned to no less than the optimum moisture content, and recompacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry densitybased on ASTM D1557-00 Test Method. Fill soils should be placed in loose lifts approximately 6 to 8 inches thick, moisture -conditioned to near - optimum moisture content (t2%), and compacted to achieve at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557-00 Test Method. Additional lifts should not be placed if the ' previous lift did not meet the required dry density or if soil conditions are not stable. The upper soils, during wet winter months, may become very moist due to the absorptive characteristics of the soil. Earthwork operations performed during winter months may encounter very moist unstable soils, which may require removal to grade a stable building foundation. Project site winterization consisting of placement of aggregate base and protecting exposed soils during the construction phase should be performed. ENGINEERED FILL The upper organic -free, on-site, native soils are predominately silty sands and sands. These soils will be suitable for reuse as non -expansive Engineered Fill, provided they are cleansed of excessive organics and debris. The preferred materials specified for Engineered Fill are suitable for most applications with the exception of exposure to erosion. Project site winterization and protection of exposed soils during the Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving The Western United States 11207036.doe KA No. 112-07036 Page No. 9 construction phase should be the sole responsibility of the contractor, since he has complete control of the project site at that time. Imported Fill material should be predominately non -expansive granular materials with a plasticity index less than 10, an Expansion Index less than 20 and, 10 to 40 percent passing No. 200 sieve. Imported Fill should be free from rocks and clods greater than 4 inches in diameter. All Imported Fill material should be submitted to the Soils Engineer for approval at least 48 hours prior to delivery at the site. TEMPOR_4RY EXCAVATION STABILITY All excavations should comply with the current OSHA requirements. All cuts greater than 2 feet in depth should be sloped or shored. Temporary excavations should be sloped at l'/z:l (horizontal to vertical) or flatter up to a maximum depth of 8 feet below surrounding grade. Heavy construction equipment, building materials, excavated soil, and vehicular traffic should not be allowed within five (5) feet of the top (edge) of the excavation. Where sloped excavations are not feasible due to site constraints, the excavations may require shoring. The design of the shoring system is normally the responsibility of the contractor or shoring designer, and therefore, is outside the scope of this report. The design of the temporary shoring should take into account lateral pressures exerted by the adjacent soil, and, where anticipated, surcharge loads due to adjacent buildings and any construction equipment or traffic expected to operate alongside the excavation. The excavation/shoring recommendations provided herein are based on soil characteristics derived from our test borings. within the area. Variations in soil conditions will likely be encountered during the excavations. Krazan & Associates, Inc. should be afforded the opportunity to provide field review to evaluate the actual conditions and account for field condition variations, not otherwise anticipated in the preparation of this recommendation. UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL Sandy soil conditions were encountered at the site. These cohesionless soils have a tendency to cave in trench wall excavations. Shoring or sloping back trench sidewalls may be required within these sandy soils. Utility trench backfill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density based on ASTM D1557-00 Test Method. Pipe bedding should be placed in accordance with pipe manufacturer recommendations. Depending upon the location and depth of some utility trenches, water flows into open excavations could be experienced, especially during or following periods of precipitation. The contractor is responsible for removing all water -sensitive soils from the trench regardless of the backfill location and compaction requirements. The contractor should use appropriate equipment and methods to avoid damage to the utilities and/or structures during fill placement and compaction. COMPACTED MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE Compaction specifications are not the only criteria for acceptance of the site grading or other such activities. However, the compaction test is the most universally recognized test method for assessing the performance of the Grading Contractor. The numerical test results from the compaction test cannot be Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving The Western United States I1207036.doc KA No. 112-07036 Page No. 10 solely used to predict the engineering performance of the compacted material. Therefore, the acceptance of compacted materials will also be dependent on the moisture content and the stability of that material. The Geotechnical Engineer has the option of rejecting any compacted material regardless of the degree of compaction if that material is considered to be too dry or excessively wet, unstable or if future instability is suspected. A specific example of rejection of fill material passing the required percent compaction is a fill which has been compacted with in-situ moisture content significantly less than optimum moisture. Where expansive soils are present, heaving of the soils may occur with the introduction of water. Where the material is a lean clay or silt, this type of dry. fill (brittle fill) is susceptible to future settlement if it becomes saturated or flooded. SURFACE DRAINAGE AND LANDSCAPING The ground surface should slope away from building and pavement areas toward appropriate drop inlets or other surface drainage devices. We recommended that adjacent paved exterior grades be sloped a minimum of 2 percent for a minimum distance of 5 feet away from structures. Ideally, asphalt concrete pavement areas should be sloped at a minimum of 2 percent, with Portland cement concrete sloped at a minimum of one percent toward drainage structures. These grades should be maintained for the life of the project. Roof drains should be designed to avoid discharging into landscape areas adjacent to the building. Downspouts should be directed to discharge directly onto paved surfaces to allow for surface drainage into the storm systems or should be connected directly to the on-site storm drain. FLOOR SLABS AND EXTERIOR FLAT: WORK Concrete slab -on -grade floors should be underlain by a water vapor retarder. The water vapor retarder should be installed in accordance with ASTM Specification E 1643-98. 6-cc—ording to ASTM Guidelines, the water vapor retarder_should.consist of a vapor retarder -sheeting underlain by a minimum of 3-ifiches ofcompacted,, clean, gravel -of -.Y4 -inch -maximum size. To aide o crete.curing.2nto-4 cm hes of �anulai-:fill-may-be.placed o"n_t_oppD of -die vapor retarder. The granular fill should consist of damp clean sand with at least 10 to 30 percent of the sand passing the No. 100 sieve. The sand should be free of clay, silt or organic material. Rock dust which is manufactured sand from rock crushing operations is typically suitable for.the granular fill. This granular fill material should be compacted. The exterior floors should be poured separately in order to act independently of the walls and foundation system. All fills required to bring the building pads to grade should be Engineered Fills. Moisture within the structure may be derived from water vapors, which were transformed from the moisture within the soils. This moisture vapor can travel through the vapor membrane and penetrate the slab -on -grade. This moisture vapor penetration can affect floor coverings and produce mold and mildew in the structure. To minimize moisture vapor intrusion, it is recommended that a vapor retarder be installed in accordance with ASTM guidelines.. It is recommended that the utility trenches within the structure be compacted, as specified in our report, to minimize the transmission of moisture through the utility trench backfill. Special attention to the immediate drainage and irrigation around the building is recommended. Positive drainage should be established away from the structure and should be Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving The Western United States 11207036.doc KA No. 112-07036 Page No. 11 maintained throughout the life of the structure. Ponding of water should not be all -owed adjacent to the structure. Over -irrigation within landscaped areas adjacent to the structure should not be performed. In addition, ventilation of the structure (i.e. ventilation fans) is recommended to reduce the accumulation of interior moisture. (FOUNDATIONS Provided that the site is prepared as recommended, the proposed structures may be supported on a shallow foundation system bearing on at least 4 feet of Engineered Fill. Spread and continuous footings can be designed for the following maximum allowable soil bearing pressures: '( art' OW.81b� Dead Load Only 2,500 psf Dead -Plus -Live Load 3,000 psf Total Load, including wind or seismic loads 4,000 psf The footings should have a minimum depth of 18 inches below pad subgrade (soil grade) or adjacent exterior grade, whichever is deeper. Footings should have minimum widths of 15 inches for continuous footings and 24 inches for isolated pad footings. The footing excavations should not be allowed to dry out any time prior to pouring concrete. It is recommended that footings be reinforced with at least one No. 5 reinforcing rebar in both top and bottom. Provided the site is prepared as recommended and that the foundations are designed and constructed in .accordance with our recommendations, the to al settlement due to static founda`tia In oadg-is;n—Z-e pected Ere anticipated to be less than_%_ d too dunnn-construct_ io as settlement may occur if the foundation soils are flooded or . saturated. The seismic induced differential settlements are anticipated to. be less than 1/2 inch in 20 feet due to a strong earthquake event. Resistance to lateral footing displacement can be computed using an allowable friction factor of 0.45 acting between the base of foundations and the supporting subgrade. Lateral resistance for footings can alternatively be developed using an allowable equivalent fluid passive pressure of 400 pounds per cubic foot acting against the appropriate vertical footing faces. The frictional and passive resistance of the soil may be combined without reduction in determining the total lateral resistance. A one-third increase in the above value may be used for short duration, wind, or seismic loads. RETAINING WALLS Walls retaining horizontal backfill and capable of deflecting a minimum of 0.1 percent of its height at the top may be designed using an equivalent fluid active pressure of 32 pounds per square foot per foot of depth. Walls that are incapable of this deflection or walls that are fully constrained against deflection may be designed for an equivalent fluid at -rest pressure of 52 pounds per square foot per foot per depth. Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving The western United States 11207036.doc KA No. 112-07036 Page No. 12 Expansive soils should not be used for backfill against walls. The wedge of non -expansive backfill material should extend from the bottom of each retaining wall outward and upward at a slope of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter. The wall backfill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density based on ASTM D1557-00 Test Method. The active and at -rest earth pressures do not include hydrostatic pressures. To reduce the build-up of hydrostatic pressures, drainage should be provided behind the retaining walls. Wall drain should consist of a minimum 12 -inch wide zone of drainage material, such as 3/4 -inch by 1/2 -inch drain rock wrapped in a non -woven polypropylene geotextile filter fabric such as Mirafi 140N or equivalent. Alternatively, drainage may be provided by the placement of a commercially produced composite drainage blanket, such as Miradrain, extending continuously up from the base of the wall. The drainage material should extend from the base of the wall to finished subgrade in paved areas and to within about 12 inches below the top of the wall in landscape areas. In landscape areas the top 12 inches should be backfilled with compacted native soil. A 4 -inch minimum diameter, perforated, Schedule 40 PVC drain pipe should be placed with holes facing down in the lower portion of the wall drainage material, surrounded with drain rock wrapped in filter fabric. A solid drainpipe leading to a suitable discharge point should provide drainage outlet. As an alternative, weep holes may be used to provide drainage. If weep holes are used the weep holes should be 3 inches in diameter and spaced about 8 feet on centers. The backside of the weep holes should be covered with a corrosion -resistant mesh to prevent loss of backfill and/or drainage material. PAVEMENT DESIGN Based on our laboratory test results, an R -value of 52 is used for the pavement design. If site grading exposes soil other than that assumed, we should perform additional tests to confirm or revise the recommended pavement sections for actual field conditions. The following table shows the recommended pavement sections for various traffic indices. :;:;7L�raific:Indezr':°:;':As hal>hc:Concrete.:.:::.Class2. a ate;Base.:°::`:::Coffi aeted�Suli"'�ade�::`. 5.0 2.5" 4.0" 12.0" 6.0 3.0" 4.0" 12.0" 7.0 4.0" 4.0" 12.0" 11 * 95% compaction based on ASTM D1557 Test Method or CAL 216 If traffic indices are not available, an estimated (typical value) index of 5.0 may be used for automobile parking and an index of 7.0 may be used for light truck traffic. We recommend that the subgrade soil be prepared as discussed in this report. The compacted subgrade should be non -yielding when proof -rolled with a loaded ten -wheel truck, such as a water truck or dump truck, prior to pavement construction. Subgrade preparation should extend a minimum of 2 feet laterally behind the edge of pavement or back of curbs. Pavement areas should be sloped and drainage gradients maintained to carry all surface water off the site. A cross slope of 2 percent is recommended in asphalt concrete pavement areas to provide good surface drainage and to reduce the potential for water to penetrate into the pavement structure. Unless otherwise required by local jurisdictions, paving materials should comply with the materials specifications presented in the Caltrans Standard Specifications Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Sensing The Westem United States l 1207036.doc KA No. 112-07036 Page No. 13 Section. Class 2 aggregate should comply with the materials requirements for Class 2 base found in Section 26. SITE COEFFICIENT The site coefficient, per Table 16-J, California Building Code, is based upon the site soil conditions. It is our opinion that a site coefficient of soil type Sp is appropriate for building design at this site. For seismic design of the structures, in accordance with the seismic provisions of the California Building Code, we recommend the following parameters: S:eisnuctein'r' --- -ale Zone Factor 0.4 Table 16-I Source Type A Table 16-U Coefficient N. 1.1 Table 16-S Coefficient N, 1.5 Table 16-T Coefficient Ca 0.51 Table 16-Q Coefficient C„ 0.96 Table 16-R SOI. ColutostvITY Excessive sulfate or chloride in either the soil or native water may result in an adverse reaction between the cement in concrete and the soil. California Building Code has developed criteria for evaluation of sulfate and chloride levels and how they relate to cement reactivity with soil and/or water. The soil samples from the subject site were tested to have a low sulfate and chloride concentrations. Therefore, no special design requirements are necessary to compensate for sulfate or chloride reactivity with the cement. Electrical resistivity testing of the soil indicates that the onsite soils may have a mild potential for metal loss from electrochemical corrosion process. A qualified corrosion engineer should be consulted regarding the corrosion effects of the onsite sails on underground metal utilities. Additional chemical testing should be performed for each building pad after grading to verify the soil corrosivity condition and revised recommendations will be provided according. TESTING AND INSPECTION A representative of Krazan & Associates, Inc. should be present at the site during the earthwork activities to confirm that actual subsurface conditions are consistent with the exploratory fieldwork. This activity is an integral part of our service, as acceptance of earthwork construction is dependent upon compaction testing and stability of the material. This representative can also verify that the intent of these recommendations is incorporated into the project design and construction. Krazan & Associates, Inc. will not be responsible for grades or staking, since this is the responsibility of the Prime Contractor. Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving The western United States 11207036.doc KA No. 112-07036 Page No. 14 LEWITATIONS Geotechnical Engineering is one of the newest divisions of Civil Engineering. This branch of Civil Engineering is constantly improving as new technologies and understanding of earth sciences advance. Although your site was analyzed using appropriate and current techniques and methods, undoubtedly there will be substantial future improvements in this branch of engineering. In addition to advancements in the field of Geotechnical Engineering, physical changes in the site due to site clearing or grading activities, new agency regulations, or possible'changes in the proposed structure or development after issuance of this report will result in the need for professional review of this report. Updating or revisions to the recommendations report, and possibly additional study of the site may be required at that time. In light of this, the Owner should be aware that there is a practical limit to the usefulness of this report without critical review. Although the time limit for this review is strictly arbitrary, it is suggested that two years be considered a reasonable time -for the usefulness of this report. Foundation and earthwork construction is characterized by the presence of a calculated risk that soil and groundwater conditions have been fully revealed by the original foundation investigation. This risk is derived from the practical necessity of basing interpretations and design conclusions on limited sampling of the earth. The recommendations made in this report are based on the assumption that soil conditions do not vary significantly from those disclosed during our field investigation. The logs of the exploratory borings do not provide a warranty as to the conditions that may exist beneath the entire site. The extent and nature of subsurface soil and groundwater variations may not become evident until construction begins. It is possible that variations in soil conditions and depth to groundwater could exist beyond the points of exploration that may require additional studies, consultation, and possible design revisions. If conditions are encountered in the field during construction, which differ from those described in this report, our firm should be contacted immediately to provide any necessary revisions to these recommendations. This report presents the results of our Geotechnical Engineering Investigation, which was conducted for the purpose of evaluating the soil conditions in terms of foundation and retaining wall design, and grading and paving of the site. This report does not include reporting of any services related to environmental studies conducted to assessment the presence or absence of hazardous and/or toxic materials in the soil, groundwater, or atmosphere, or the presence of wetlands. Any statements in this report or on any boring log regarding odors, unusual or suspicious items, or conditions observed, are strictly for descriptive purposes and are not intended to convey professional judgment regarding the presence of potential hazardous or toxics substances. Conversely, the absence of statements in this report or on any boring log regarding odors, unusual or suspicious items, or conditions observed, does not constitute our rendering professional judgment regarding the absence of potentially hazardous or toxics substances. The conclusions of this report are based on the information provided regarding the proposed construction. We emphasize that this report is valid for the project as described in the text of this report and it should not be used for any other sites or projects. The geotechnical engineering information presented herein is based upon our understanding of the proposed project and professional interpretation of the data obtained in our studies of the site. It is not warranted that such information and interpretation cannot be superseded by future geotechnical engineering developments. The Geotechnical Engineer Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving Tle Western United States 11207036.doe KA No. 112-07036 Page No. 15 should be notified of any changes to the proposed project so the recommendations may be reviewed and re-evaluated. The work conducted through the course of this investigation, including the preparation of this report, has been performed in accordance with the generally accepted standards of geotechnical engineering practice, which existed in geographic area of the project at the time the report was written. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. This report is issued with the understanding that the owner chooses the risk they wish to bear by the expenditures involved with the construction alternatives and scheduling that are chosen. If you have any questions, or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (909) 9744400. Respectfully submitted, IK)1tAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Jam KeUogW Clarence Jiang, GE James M. Kellogg, PE Project Manager Regional Manager R.G.E. No. 2477 R.C.E. No. 65092 CJ/JMK:rm , Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving The Western United States 11207036.doc Bermuda Dunes Airpor t 0 9 fl, IP n °0 0 42 Lu -a i; R�f' b A DUNES 0 Ltlq..T R CLUB : 51phon. 461 27 4 /Z:1( fj to. . B fy /* -4.o A I f r T Fa 011 Trailer Well J, Park' 81 23 S r 4'. V, V EO ; J; HLL V. r :::A UE".' I. 46 I.J A VEM C14 Z Q By _72 r .6 .-Traffer n ri- P TrailPah 31 Trailer c« Lis tu ni _j Scale, PROPOSED JEFFERSON SQUARE 1:24,000 DcLtv MAY 2007 4MKra7_211 b),, Approved by LA Q=A,, CA Dmirn RM Cj SITE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS Offices Serving the Westem United States Pr=ject VICIN= NL4LP Na 112-07036 Fig—e Na I 1 LEGEND 0=0=(V --(U=0=0 4�: CD ()RUG, Coal (ILL W-11— M, -148 Ll + B-16 APPROXIMATE BORING LOCATION scatel Datel PROPOSED JEFFERSON SQUARE NTS MAY 2007 LA QUINTA, CA Drmwn layi Approved byi RM 0 SITE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS ProjecT 'No. Figure No. SITE PLAN 112-07036 2 Offices Serving the Western United States APPENDIX A QLD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS Field Investieation Our field investigation consisted of a surface reconnaissance and a subsurface exploration program consisted of excavating, drilling, logging and sampling a total of 16 borings. Drilling was performed using a Simco 2800 drill rig. The depths of exploration ranged from about 11 feet to 51 feet below the existing site surface. A member of our staff visually classified the soils in the field as the excavating and drilling progressed and recorded a c ontinuous 1 og o f e ach b oring. V isuaI c lassification o f the s oils a ncountered i n o ur exploratory borings was made in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D2487). During drilling operations, penetration tests were performed at regular intervals to evaluate the soil consistency and to obtain information regarding the engineering properties of the subsurface soils. Samples were obtained from the borings by driving either a 2.5 -inch inside diameter Modified California tube sampler fitted with brass sleeves or a 2 -inch outside diameter, 1 -318 -inch inside diameter Standard Penetration Test (SPT) sampler without sleeves. Soil samples were retained for possible laboratory testing. The samplers were driven up to a depth of 18 inches into the underlying soil using a 140 -pound hammer falling 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler was recorded for each 6 -inch penetration interval and the number of blows required driving the sampler the last 12 inches are shown as blows per foot on the boring logs. The approximate locations of our borings are shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. These approximate locations were estimated by our staff in the field based on pacing and the limits of existing site features. Laboratory Investigation The laboratory investigation was programmed to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the soil underlying the site. The laboratory -testing program was formulated with emphasis on the evaluation of in-situ moisture, density, gradation, shear strength, consolidation and expansion potential, and R -value of the materials encountered. In addition, chemical tests were performed to evaluate the soil/cement reactivity and corrosivity. Test results ,were used in our engineering analysis with respect to' site and building pad preparation through mass grading activities, foundation and retaining wall design recommendations, pavement section design, evaluation of the materials as possible fill materials and for possible exclusion of some soils from use at the structures as fill or backfill. Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving The Western United States l 1207036.dDC �-KraZan '' & ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION TESTING & INSPECTION UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND SYMBOL CHART COARSE-GRAINED SOILS (more than 50% of material is larger than No. 200 sieve size.) Clean Gravels (Less than 5% fines) 'B Well -graded gravels, gravel -sand GW o mixtures, little or no fines GRAVELS More than 50% GP Poorly -graded gravels, gravel -sand of coarse mixtures, little or no fines fraction larger Gravels with fines (Mon: than 12% fines) than No. 4 sieve size GM Silty gravels, gravel -sand -sift mixtures GC Clayey gravels, gravel -sand -clay mixtures Very Soft Clean Sands Less than 5% fines Soft SW Well -graded sands, gravelly sands, 6-10 Stiff 11-20 Very Stiff little or no fines SANDS > 40 Sp Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, 50% or more of coarse 2.00 to 0.042 Fine -gained little or no fines fraction smaller Sands with fines More than 12% fines than No. 4 Below 0.074 sieve size SM Silty sands, sand -silt mixtures SC Clayey sands, sand -clay mixtures FINE-GRAINED SOILS (50% or more of material Is smaller than No. 200 sieve size.) Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock ML flour, silty of clayey fine sands or clayey SILTS slits with slight plasticity AND Inorganic clays of low to medium CLAYS Liquid limit CL plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, less than silty clays, lean clays 50% - - OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity Inorganic slits, micaceous or MH diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, SILTS elastic slits AND CLAYS CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat Liquid limit clays 50% OH Organic clays of medium to high or greater plasticity, organic silts HIGHLY ORGANIC PT Peat and other highly organic soils SOILS CONSISTENCY CLASSIFICATION Description Blows per Foot Granular Soils Very Loose < 5 Loose 5-15 Medium Dense 16-40 Dense 41-65 Very Dense > 65 Cohesive Soils Very Soft < 3 Soft 3-5 Firm 6-10 Stiff 11-20 Very Stiff 21-40 Hard > 40 GRAIN SIZE CLASSMCATION. Grain Type Standard Sieve Size Grain Size in Millimeters Boulders Above 12 inches Above 305 Cobbles 12 to 13 inches 305 to 76.2 Gravel 3 inches to No. 4 76.2 to 4.76 Coarse-grained 3 to'/ inches 76.2 to 19.1 Fine-grained Y44 inches to No. 4 19.1 to 4.76 Sand No. 4 to No. 200 4.76 to 0.074 Coarse-grained No. 4 to No. 10 4.76 to 2.00 Medium -grained No. 10 to No. 40 2.00 to 0.042 Fine -gained No. 40 to No. 200 0.042 to 0.074 Silt and Clay Below No. 200 Below 0.074 PLAS11CITY CHART 60 50 n; CH 40 A LINE; 30 el = 0.73(1_ -20) r CL MHII<OH Cj 20 W g 10 =: MLaOL D 0 10 20 3D 40 50 50 70 80 90 100 LIQUID LIMIT ILL) I%) Log of ®rill Hole B-1 Project: Proposed Jefferson Square Project No: 112-07036 Client: Regency Centers Location: La Quinta, CA Depth to Waterer Figure No.: A-1 Logged By: SK Initial: At Completion: SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE Water Content (%) 10 20 30 40 6 o co Description c U CL 2 ry ❑ o m w C ~ 3 m Ground Surface SILTY SAND/SAND (SM/SP), fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, 2 medium dense s 104.3 2.2 17 4 6 9 105.5 . 3.0 18 8 10-1 D Same as above, loose to medium dense 3.3 11 12- 14- 16 Same as above, medium dense s 2.6 14 18 20 4.1 18 22 24 26 3.9 16 28 30 Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Date: 5114107 Drill Rig: Simco 2800 Krazan and Associates Hole Size: 8" Driller: Williams Drilling Elevation: See Site Plan Sheet: 1 of 2 Log of Drill Hole B-1 Project: Proposed Jefferson Square Project No: 112-07036 Client: Regency Centers Figure Pio.: A-1 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged By: SK Depth to Water> Initial: At Completion: SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE U Water Content (%) v Description o i N a)CL N 3 o Cn o m 10 20 30 40 SILTY SAND/SAND (SWUSP), 2.7 17 fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, 32 medium dense 34 SILTY SAND (SM), fine grained, light brown, moist, medium dense 5.8 40 15 36- 38-...... SANDY SILT W/CLAY (ML), .40— fine grained, brown, very moist, very stiff 31.4 22 42 SILTY SAND (SM), Fine grained, fight brown, slightly moist, medium 44 dense 46 9 4.9 22 48 CLAYEY SILT (ML), i fine grained, brown, very moist, stiff j 50 e 31.9 16 End of Borehole 52 Total Depth = 51' 54 No groundwater was encountered during drilling Hole backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped 5/14/07 56- 58- 60 1 Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Rig: Simco 2800 Driller: Williams Drilling Krazan and Associates Drill Date: 5/14/07 Hole Size: 8" Elevation: See Site Plan Sheet: 2 of 2 Log of ®rill Hole B=2 Drill Project: Proposed Jefferson Square Project No: 112-07036 Client: Regency Centers Figure No.: A-2 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged By: SK Depth to Water> Initial: At Completion: SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE a Water Content {%) Description �, o .O °2' E O cn Z O T 0] 110 20 t 30 i 40 t Ground Surface SILTY SAND/SAND (SMISP), rine to medium grained, light brown, damp, -medium 2 dense 94.7 1.6 17 4 Same as above, loose to medium dense 101.3 1.2 10 6 8 10 - 2.7 10 12- 14- V. Same as above, medium dense a 3.3 15 16 180 . Same as above, slightly moist 3.7 20 End of Borehole 22 Total Depth = 21' 24 No groundwater was encountered during drilling J Hole backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped 5/14/07 26- 62830 28- 30- Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Rig: Simco 2800 Driller: Williams Drilling Krazan and Associates Drill Date: 5/14/07 Hole Size: 8" Elevation: See Site Plan Sheet: 1 of 1 Log of Drill foie B=3 Project: Proposed Jefferson Square Project No: 112-07036 Client: Regency Centers Figure Pio.: A-3 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged By: SK Depth to Waterer Initial: At Completion: SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE y c U a Water Content (%) ' Description � o O >i N CD U) (j o y a fx � 3 —m° 10 20 30 40 Ground Surface SILTY SAND/SAND (SIVVSP), fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, 2 dense a 107.1 2.0 35 4 Same as above, dense v 106.0 2.2 18 6 B- 10 - 10 Same as above, loose Same 2.0 8 12- 14- V. - Same as above, loose to medium dense 2.0 11 16 18 20 End of Borehole 22 Total Depth = 20' No groundwater was encountered during drilling 24 Hole backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped 1 5/14/07 62830 26- 28- 301 Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Rig: Simco 2800 Driller: Williams Drilling Krazan and Associates Drill Date: 5/14/07 Hole Size: 8" Elevation: See Site Plan Sheet: 1 of 1 Log of ®rill Hole B-4Project Project: Proposed Jefferson Square No: 112-07036 Client: Regency Centers Figure No.: A-4 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged By: SK Depth to Water> Initial: At Completion: SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE c U Water Content (%) Description = 90 CD Q L ) WE 3 CL m 10 20 3�0 40 Ground Surface SILTY SAND/SAND (SMISP), fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, 2 dense o 108.2 1.9 40 4 ; 6 v 111.2 3.0 37 8 10 -....Same as above, loose to medium dense 2.1 12 12- 21416 14- 16- 20- 2D Same Same as above, medium dense m 2 1 15 End of Borehole 22 Total Depth = 21' 24 No groundwater was encountered during drilling Hole backtllled with soil cuttings and tamped 5/14/07 26- 28- ...... 30 Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Rig: Simco 2800 Driller: Williams Drilling Krazan and Associates Drill Date: 5/14/07 Hole Size: 8" Elevation: See Site Plan Sheet: 1 of 1 • Log ®f Drill foie B-5Projact Project: Proposed Jefferson Square No: 112-07036 Client: Regency Centers f=igure No.: A-5 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged By: SK Depth to Water> Initial: At Completion: SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE U Water Content (%) v Description � y D C L tq N p U) CL F- m 10 20 30 40 Ground Surface pSILTY SAND (SM), fine grained, light brown, damp 2 -SILTY e SAND/SAND (SM/SP), 111.5 2.8 45 fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, 4 dense 6 108.0 2.1 34 8 10 Same as above, loose 2.7 $ End of Borehole 12 Total Depth = 11' 14 No groundwater was encountered during drilling Hole backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped 5/14107 16- 618202224262830 18- 20- 22- 24- 26- 28- 301 Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Rig: Simco 2800 Driller: Williams Drilling Krazan and Associates Drill Date: 5/14107 Hole Size: 8" Elevation: See Site Plan Sheet: 1 of 1 Lag of ®rill Hole Be6 Project: Proposed Jefferson Square Project No: 112-07036 Client: Regency Centers Figure No.: A-6 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged By: SK Depth to Water> Initial: At Completion: SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE U n 0 Water Content (%} Description 3 N v o c d 0 � d o (n o CL 0 10 20 30 40 Ground Surface SILTY SAND (SIM, fine grained, fight brown, damp 2 SILTY SAND/SAND (SM/SP), 111.1 1.6 54 fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, 4 very dense Same as above, medium dense .. 110.5 2.2 26 6 8 10- 1.3 15 12- 214Same 14- Sameas above, 2.4 15 16- 61820 18- 20-L End of Borehole 22 Total Depth = 20' No groundwater was encountered during drilling 24 Hole backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped 5/14/07 62830 26- 28- 30- Drill Method: Hallow Stem Auger Drill Rig: Simco 2800 Krazan and ,Associates Driller: Williams Drilling Drill Date: 5/14/07 Hole Size: 8" Elevation: See Site Plan Sheet: 1 of 1 Log of Drift Hole B-7 Project Proposed Jefferson Square Project No: 112-07036 Client: Regency Centers Figure No.: A-7 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged By: SK Depth to Water> Initial: At Completion: SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE U e n Water Content (%) v Description t 6 a) E Q w m 2 10 20 30 40 o cn o F- in Ground Surface SILTY SAND (SM), fine grained, light brown, damp 2 SILTY SAND/SAND (SM/SP), 106.7 1.6 33 fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, 4 dense SILTY SAND (SM), fine grained, light brown, slightly moist, loose to 6-. e 104.0 2.5 11 medium dense 8 SILTY SAND/SAND (SM/SP), fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, medium dense 10 2.2 15 End of Borehole 12 Total Depth = 11' f 14 No groundwater was encountered during drilling I Hole backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped 5114107 16 18 ' 20- 02224262830 22- 24- 26- 28- 30—. Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Rig: Simco 2800 Driller: Williams Drilling Krazan and Associates Drill Date: 5/14107 Hole Size: 8" Elevation: See Site Plan Sheet: 1 of 1 Log of Drill Hole B-8 Project: Proposed Jefferson Square Project No: 112-07036 Client: Regency Centers Figure No.: A-8 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged By: SK Death to Water> Initial: At Completion: SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE c Water Content (%} Description W CU 03 o 10 20 30 40 m Ground Surface SILTY SAND (SNP), fine grained, light brown, slightly moist, medium 2 dense 102.2 2.4 17 4 .. .. _ 96.8 2.6 11 6 SILTY SAND/SAND (SM/SP), 8 fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, loose to medium dense 10 10 End of Borehole 12 t Total Depth = 11' 14 --No groundwater was encountered during drilling Hole backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped 5114/07 16- 618202224262630 18- 20- 22- 24- 26- 28- 301 Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Rig: Simco 2800. Driller: Williams Drilling Krazan and Associates Drill Date: 5/14/07 Hole Size: 8" Elevation: See Site Plan Sheet: 1 of 1 Log of Drill foie B-9 Project: Proposed Jefferson Square Project No: 112-07036 Client: Regency Centers Figure leo.: A-9 Location: La Qulnta, CA Logged By: SK Depth to Water> Initial: At Completion: SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE . c a Water Content (%) o Description U) Z s m o Z a 10 20 30 40 � � � Ground Surface SILTY SAND/SAND (SM/SP), fine to medium grained, light brown, damp 2 SILTYSAND (SM), 105.6 1.3 24 fine to medium grained, light brown, damp, medium 4 dense ......... _. 97.3 3.0 17 6 13 SILTY SAND/SAND (SM/SP), fine to medium grained, light brown, damp, loose to 10 medium dense 1.7 11 12 ... 14 Same as above, medium dense 2.2 17 16 18 ' 20 :............ .. . End of Borehole ,........`.. .... 22 Total Depth = 20' No groundwater was encountered during.drilling Hole backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped 24 5115/07 26- 6 28 28 30 ' Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Rig: Simco 2800 Driller: Williams Drilling Krazan and Associates Drill Date: 5/15107 Hale Size: 8" . Elevation: See Site Plan Sheet: 1 of 1 Log of ®rill bole B-10 Project: Proposed Jefferson Square Project No: 112-07036 Client: Regency Centers Figure No.: A-10 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged By: SK Depth to Water> Initial: At Completion: SUBSURFACE PROFILE Drill SAMPLE U a Water Content (%) Description r jj c N ro 7 W CL E o U) Z' o °CL �- ° m 10 20 30 40 _� . . J. Ground Surface SILTY SAND/SAND (SM/SP), fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, 2 medium dense _ 107.7 4.8 20 4- 6-- f 11 105.4 2.0 15 e 10 Same as above, loose e 2.4 9 12- 14— Same as above, medium dense _ 2.9 16 16 18 20 End of Borehole 22 total Depth = 20' No groundwater was encountered during drilling 24 Hole backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped 5/15/07 26 28- 830 30— Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Rig: Simco 2800 Driller: Williams Drilling Krazan and Associates Drill Date: 5/15/07 Hole Size: 8" Elevation: See Site Plan Sheet: 1 of i Log of Drill Hole B-1 I Project: Proposed Jefferson Square Project No: 112-07035 Client: Regency Centers f=igure No.: A-11 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged By: SK Depth to Water> Initial: At Completion: . SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE U Water Content (%) Description o Q N m N o U) o CL 10 20 30 40 Ground Surface SILTY SAND (SM), Fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, 2 medium dense l o 105.7 3.5 24 4 SILTY SAND/SAND (SM/SP), fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, _ 106.7 2.7 18 6 medium dense 8 10 _ 1.9 15 of Borehole 12 --End Ij Total Depth = 11' 14 --No groundwater was encountered during drilling Hole backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped 5/15/07 16- 6202224262830 20- 22- 24- 26- 28- 30- Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Rig: Simco 2800 Driller: Williams Drilling Krazan and Associates Drill Date: 5/15/07 Hole Size: 8" Elevation: See Site Plan Sheet: 1 of 1 Log of Drell Hole B-12 Project: Proposed Jefferson Square Project No: 112-07035 Client: Regency Centers Figure No.: A-12 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged By: SK Depth to Water> Initial: At Completion: SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE a Water Content (°!a) Description o v w � 3 o o m 1 D 20 30 40 Ground Surface SILTY SAND (SND, tine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, 2 dense s 112.6 2,4 44 4 Same as above, medium dense 109.6 2.9 22 6 SILTY SAND/SAND (SM/SP), fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, 8 medium dense SILTY SAND (SM), 10 fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, 5.4 7 l .,loose 12 End of Borehole Total Depth = 1.1' 14 --No groundwater was encountered during drilling Hole backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped 5115/07 18- 82022..24262830 20- 22— ..24- 26- 28- 30 Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Rig: Simco 2800 Driller: Williams Drilling Krazan and Associates Drill Date: 5115/07 Hole Size: 8" Elevation: See Site Plan Sheet: 1 of 1 Log of Drill Hole B-13 Drill Project: Proposed Jeferson Square Project No: 112-07036 Client: Regency Centers Figure No.: A-13 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged By: SK Depth to Water> Initial: At Completion: SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE U Water Content (%) Description v t Q N QI ) 2� a) � o C/)o it, `;: �- 0 m 10 20 30 40 ...., Ground Surface SILTY SAND (SM), —10 fine grained, light brown, damp 2 a SILTY SAND/SAND (SW/SP), 107.7 2.7 21 fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, 4 medium dense 107.0 2.0 17 6 8 - lo Same as above, loose to medium dense a 4.1 12 End of Borehole 12 Total Depth= 11' 14 No groundwater was encountered during drilling Hole backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped 5115107 16- 61820 18- 20- 22 22- 24- 24262630 26- 28- 30- Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Rig: Simco 2800 Driller: Williams Drilling Krazan and Associates Drill Date: 5/15/07 Hole Size: 8" Elevation: See Site Plan Sheet: 1 of 1 Log of ®rill Hole B-14 Project: Proposed Jefferson Square Project No: 112-07036 Client: Regency Centers Figure No.: A-14 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged By: SK Depth to Water> initial: At Completion: SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE U o Water Content (%) Description v .c n C m a� L% p to o m 10 20 30 40 Ground Surface SILTY SAND/SAND (SWSP), fine to medium grained, light brown, damp 2 SILTY SAND (SM), 102.6 1.9 16 fine grained, light brown, slightly moist, medium 4 dense SILTY SAND/SAND (SWSP), 105.9 2.5 17 fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, 6 medium dense 8 ' SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, 10A.loose s 3.8 9 12 SILTY SAND/SAND (SMISP), fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist,' 14 medium dense 16 3.3 19 18- 20 . End of Borehole 22 -Total Depth = 20' No groundwater was encountered during drilling 24 Hole backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped 5/15/07 62830 26- 28- 301 Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Rig: Simco 2800 Driller: Williams Drilling Krazan and Associates Drill Date: 5/15/07 Hole Size: 8" Elevation: See Site Plan Sheet: 1 of 1 dog of Drill Hole B-15 Drill Project: Proposed Jefferson Square Project No: 112-07036 Client: Regency Centers Figure No.: A-15 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged By: SK Depth to Water> Initial: At Completion: SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE U ° Water Content {%) Description L Q G C d c y 0 o CL ;n 10 20 30 40 Ground Surface SILTY SAND (SM), fine grained, light brown, slightly moist, loose to .2— medium dense v 95.6 2.5 13 4 6 e 90.8 3.5 10 SILTY SAND/SANO (SM/SP), 8 fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist, loose to medium dense 10 _ 4.9 11 12 14 Same as above, medium dense e 3.7 19 16 Ij 18 2Q . End of Borehole 22 Total Depth '= 20' No groundwater was encountered during drilling 24 Hole backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped 5115(07 26- 630 30- Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Rig: Simco 2800 Driller: Williams Drilling Krazan and Associates Drill Date: 5/15/07 Hale Size: 8" Elevation: See Site Plan Sheet: 1 of 1 Log of Drill Hole Balli Project: Proposed Jefferson Square Project No: 112-07036 Client: Regency Centers Figure No.: A-16 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged By: SK Depth to Water> Initial: At Completion: SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE U CL Water Content (%) Description En o L M N >. 0 Z' 3 o CL >>1 3: 10 20 30 40 O WF- m . Ground Surface SILTY SAND (S"I fine grained, light brown, slightly moist, loose to 2-. J. medium dense - 94.6 4.1 11 4 6 98.2 4.2 13 SILTY SAND/SAND (SM/SP), $ fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist,. dense 10 _ 3.1 21 12 14 Same as above, damp 1.2 23 16 18 .. . . 20 End of Borehole 22 Total Depth = 20' No groundwater was encountered during drilling Hole backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped 24 5/15/07 26 2$ 30 Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Rig: Simco 2800 Driller: Williams Drilling Krazan and Associates Drill Date: 5/15/07 Hole Size: 8" Elevation: See Site Plan Sheet: 1 of 1 Shear Strength Diagram (Direct Shear) ASTM D - 3080 / AASHTO T - 236 Project Number Boring No. & Depth Soil Type Date 112-07036 B-1 @ 5' (SM -SP), Silty Sand - Sand 5/18/07 m Cohesion: 0.0 -Ksf SOMENNINNIN Angle of Internal Friction: 37 MINNIE NIEMEN MENNEN MENNEN MENNEN MONIES ����� ISOMEN NEMESIS 100000� NIEMEN SOONER MENNEN SIONNE MENNEN INNININ INEENIS MENNEN 1000010 OSMOSIS MENNEN 1000003 IMENSIN ��C �l MENNEN MENNEN WOMEN ISONNIN����= MENNEN MENNEN MENNEN ■�'� INEENIS SOONER =c. - INENNIN MENNEN ININEIR SNEERS MENNEN MENNEN ININNIN -� INNOMIN INNENIN MENNEN NEMESIS 1000010 MENNEN SENSESSOMMEN MENNEN MENNEN =' ��" SIONNIN INNNEIN NINIPFIA MENNEN INEENE Krazan Testing Laboratory Shear Strength Diagram (Direct Shear) ASTM D - 3080 1 AASHTO T - 236 Project Number Boring No. & Depth Soil Type Date 112-07036 B-2 2' 1 (SM -SP), Silty Sand - Sand 5/18/07 Krazan Testing Laboratory Shear Strength Diagram (Direct Shear) ASTM D - 3080 / AASHTO T - 236 Project Number Boring No. & Depth Soil Type Date 112-07036 B-9 @ 5' {SM), Silty Sand 5/18/07 Cohesion: 0.0 Ksf Angle of Internal Friction: 32 Krazan Testing Laboratory Shear Strength Diagram (Direct Shear) ASTM ® - 3060 / AASHT® T - 236 Project Number Boring No. & Depth Soil Type Date 112-07036 B-15 2' (SM), Silty Sand 5/18/07 Krazan Testing Laboratory Consolidation Tact Project No Boring No. & Depth Date I Soil Classification 112-07036 B-1 @ 2- 5118107 1 (SM -SP), Silty Sand - Sand Load in Kips per Square Foot 0.1 1 10 100 0.00 I - % Consolidation @ 2Ksf: 0.9% 1.00 2.00 e A ee 3.00 -- - --- 4.00 — - - - — — -- e 0 m v o m c 5.00 U e m m Q 8.00 8.00 — - - — - -- 9.00 - - 10.00 KPazan Fasting Laboratory Consolidation Test Project No Boring No. & Depth Date Soil Classification 112-07036 B-3 S 511 BI07 (SM -SP), Silty Sand - Sand Load in Kips per Square Foot 0.1 1 10 100 0.00 % Consolidation @ 2Ksf: 0.7% I 1.00 2.00 17-1 IT 3.00 ----- — — 4.00 e 0 0 m o 5.00 —... -- c m a a 6.00 7.00 —•— _ —_.. B.OD -- { 9.00 1 __- 10.00 Krazan Testing Laboratory Consolidation Test Project No Boring No. & Depth Date Soil Classification 112-07036 B-15 @ 5' 5/18/07 (SM), Silty Sand Load in Kips per Square Foot 0.1 1 10 100 0.00 % Consolidation 2Ksf: 1.7% 1.00 2.00- 3.00 4.00 -- ---- — - —.... -- c 0 - 0 N c 5.00. C N - 61 (L ' 6.00 7.00 8.00 •— - - _—._. _ 9.00 10.00 Krrazan Testing Laboratory Consolidation Test Project No Boring filo. & Depth DateI Soil Classification 112-07036 _ B-16 @ 2' 1 5/18/07 (SM), Silty Sand Load in Kips per Square Foot 0.1 1 10 100 0.00 I °% Consolidation @ 2Ksf: F - 1.00 I 1 2.00 3.00 — — -- 0 4.00 e 0 -- - -- — —._ 0 N c 5.00 0 e v 2 6.00 7.00 --- 6.00 - — 9.00 --- —; --- — —_... 10.00 KPazan Testing Laboratory Grain Size Analysis Sieve Openings In Inches U.S. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 3 1-1/2 3/4 3/8 1 1/2 #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #20D IN I I 100.0 90.0 IN I i I l 80.0 i 70.0 f (Q I I I I 60.0 !n � S l I 150.0 H0. X W 40.0 2 W ta, ! ! I I 30.0 20.0 !I ( 10.0 I I 0.0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters (Unified Soils Classification) Project Name Prop. Jefferson Square Project Number 112-07036 Soil Classification (SM -SP), Silty Sand - Sand Sample Number B-1 @ 5' , Krazan 'Testing Laboratory Gravel I Sand Slit or Clay Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine (Unified Soils Classification) Project Name Prop. Jefferson Square Project Number 112-07036 Soil Classification (SM -SP), Silty Sand - Sand Sample Number B-1 @ 5' , Krazan 'Testing Laboratory I 11 Crain Size Analysis Sieve Openings In Inches U.S. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 3 1 1/2 #4 Its 91f, #30 iirn ' Winn 'i nn iu 1 0.1 Grain Size In Millimeters 0.01 Gravel Sand Silt or Clay Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine (Unified Soils Classification) MUJULA ivaine Nrop. Jefferson Square Project Number 112-07036 Soil Classification (SM -SP), Silty Sand - Sand Sample Number B-1 Q 15' 100,0 90,0 80.0 70.0 U 60.0 rn 50.0 - F- r'2: W 40.0 X LU LL 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.001 Krazan Testing Laboratory I 1i Grain Size Analysis Sieve Openings In Inches U.S. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 3 1 1/2 #4 ata air, -,4n 1 0.1 0.01 Grain Size in Millimeters Gravel Sand Silt or Clay Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine (Unified Solis Classification) 0rni�n4 .---........w Project Number Soil Classification Sample Number r-1 up. oerrerson 7quare 112-07036 (SM -SP), Silty Sand - Sand B-1 @ 251 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 U' 60.0 50.0 b 2� W 40.0. � W LL 30.0 20.0 10.0 10 0.001 Krazan Testing Laboratory 1 " 0.1 0.01 Grain Size In Millimeters Gravel Sand Silt or Clay Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine (Unified Soils Classification) Grain Size Analysis Sieve Openings In Inches U.S. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 3 _ . _ 1 1/2 #4 #a VIS 030 Nc;n Project Number Soil Classification Sample Number r-wp. jerrerson Square 112-07036 (SM -ML), Silty Sand - Sandy Silt B-1 @ 35' 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 C7 60.0 07 50.0 Q Fa 2" LU 40.0 w w (L 30.0 20.0 10.0 ).0 0.001 Krazan Testing Laboratory Grain Size Analysis Sieve Openings In Inches U.S. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 3 1-1/2 3/4 3/8 1 1/2 #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 100.0 90.0 , 130.0 I ! I I I 70.0 60.0 130.0 I I LU LU 40.0 i I I I I I 30.0 i 20.0 I I I 10.0 ►{ I i inn 0.0 Gravel Sand Silt or Clay Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine rrvJeL;>; Name Project Number Soll Classification Sample Number (Unified Soils Classification) Prop. Jefferson Square 112-07036 (ML), Sandy Silt w/ Clay B-1 @ 40' Krazan 'Testing Laboratory 11 1 0.1 0.01 Grain Size In Millimeters Gravel Sand Slit or Clay Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine (Unified Soils Classification) Grain Size Analysis Sieve Openings In Inches U.S. Standard Sieve Number; Hydrometer 3 _ — 1 _._ 1/2 #4 #8 916 #30 Agn 4mnn u�nn ...J..... Project Number Soil Classification Sample Number riup. jerrerson Square 112-07036 (SM), Silty Sand B-1 @ 45' 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 fa 60.0 V7 50.0 h— uA 40.0 UJI 30.0 20.0 10.0 1.0 0.001 Krazan Testing Laboratory Grain Size Analysis Sieve Openings in Inches U.S. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 3 1. 112 #4 #8 #16 #30 iFn !uinn 'Yann 1-1/L J/4 7-T lu 1 0.1 Grain Size In Millimeters 0.01 0.00' Gravel Sand Sift or Clay Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine (Unified Soils Classification) rroject lvame Prop. Jefferson Square Project Number 112-07036 Soil Classification (ML), Clayey Silt Sample Number 8-1 @ 501 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 C`) 60.0 g 50.0 F, Z bbl 40.0. W 30.0 20.0 10.0 ).0 Krazan 'Testing Laboratory R A VALUE TEST ASTM ® - 2844 1 CAL 301 Project Number 112-07036 Project Name Prop. Jefferson Square Date 5/18/07 Sample Location/Curve Number RV# 1 (B-1 @ 0-21) Soil Classification (SM -SP), Silty Sand -Sand TEST q B C Percent Moisture @ Com action, % Dry Density, ibm/cu.ft. 12.6 107.8 13.5 108.1 14.4 109.0 Exudation Pressure, psi 740 330 160 Expansion Pressure, Dial Reading) 0 0 0 Expansion Pressure, psf 0 0 0 0 Resistance Value R 63 59 IinU11UIIn n11I Krazan Testing Laboratory gin nOnll_n ' IIuNi111111ppnI1 UN IIn 11111 � IIIIi d Ilnnn nno°nnlln�nnn nnn nnU ., IIII�IIUI i�,IUlippnllIIIII�1F IN , �I U III � nllnnnnl� nil Ban nlln IE I 11 IUI VIII: n1In11U1111�Unn . IIU 111111 IinU11UIIn n11I 1111. .t1U11I1 n11.._,!1II;HIIU L nIIUIIUn nIII1n nllUnnnir ., inn 1111nnn11n16-in: ; . ' ri;11/11/1V1111U11 Up P 1111111111 1 ME IIUIIIII�U nN11 . nI1UI1 n111111111n111111n ., U U1►Up III UUUnn nnil 11��I ► I�IIIIIII 1111 ii. 11n11 Un Unl IIUF Un1111UNp UUnnnn1111U11 UININE 1111111111 /1P IIUUIIIIp 1. II onn111111n;IIN IIUU111II1UuU1n1 ' . IIIIIINEIIII/1 UIIUI IIU11 �1 i II 1 Ilnnn1111 11 nU n1111nnil 111111, ' _ II III�111111p n11n11a /1110 Krazan Testing Laboratory R e VALUE TEST ASTM D m 2844 / CAL 301 Project Number 112-07036 Project Name Prop. Jefferson Square Date 5/18/07 Sample Locabon/Curve Number RV# 2 (B-12 @ 0-21) Soil Classification (SM), Silty Sand TEST A B C Percent`Moisture @ Compaction, % 11.3 12.2 10.3 Dry Density, lbm/cu.ft. 116.3 116.9 115.7 Exudation Pressure, psi 350 140 700 Expansion Pressure, Dial Reading) 0 0 0 Expansion Pressure, psf 0 0 0 Resistance Value R 54 43 59 R Value at 300 PSI Exudation Pressure 52 R Value by Expansion Pressure (TI =): 5 Expansion Pressure nil Krazan Testing Laboratory II��I/IIlIII� �llln ,a�iii,NUNNn�� I,Inn,, n,,,,nnn��n' „ -nnnnnnl1n1111., nllnnnnl11n1111 iii111IRWIN n,,,,,l�,n 1 nnl,nnnn,llln nllllllnnllnnn :, „ in . 'IInn,I,InFA11,,, � lllnnnlll� nnn_ , - nnll11n1111,In11 . II,,,In,111M,,,1� IIIInIIn nn nlln ., nl,Iln,iM i,,, ,,, l ll nl, nnll�. �lnll HE „In, nnnnnlln�►ln �„ n„nit IF ,n,ll In nlinnl� n nIN: , . ., „ ,� „l ,nit,FIG n�iI ,,,�„i„ n, ,,,,nn„ � 111111MINlll�UM[ In nnlinn IlllmnlI In/1111 Nil , 11, :%1,11111,1,1„� n nn11n111111�nnn nnnlinnn non; , 1 IMMUNEnn ,,,,1,n nnIN ME„11,1; 11111 In1l:11n11 nnllnilllllnilll . nunn-- , Krazan Testing Laboratory Project Number Project Name Date Sample location Sample/Curve Number Soil Classification Test Method Laboratory Compaction Curve ASTM - D15571 ®698 112-07036 Prop. Jefferson Square 05/18/07 B-1 @ 0-2' :1 : (SM -SP), Silty Sand - Sand : 1557 A aximum Dry Density: 111.0 lbs/cu.ft =Ibptimurn Moisture Content: 13.0% !!rv!!!!li�l�SILJlO7i! RM���liis Krazan Testing Laboratory i 2 3 4 Weight of Moist Specimen & Mold, gm Weight of Compaction Mold, gm Weight of Moist Specimen, gm 3854.9 1988.8 1866.1 3881.2 1988.8 1892.4 3884.5 1988.8 1895.7 3797.7 1988.8 1808.9 Volume of mold, cu. ft. Wet Density, Ibslcu.ft. 0.0332 123.9 0.0332 125.7 0.0332 125.9 0.0332 120.1 Weight of Wet (Moisture) Sample, gm 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 Weight of Dry (Moisture) Sample, gm 178.5 175.7 172.9 181.6 Moisture Content, % 12.0% 13.8% 15.7% 10.1% Dry Density, lbs/cu.ft. 110.6 110.4 108.8 109.1 aximum Dry Density: 111.0 lbs/cu.ft =Ibptimurn Moisture Content: 13.0% !!rv!!!!li�l�SILJlO7i! RM���liis Krazan Testing Laboratory Project Number Project Name Date Sample location Sample/Curve Number Soil Classification Test Method Laboratory Compaction Curve ASTM a ®I 557, ®698 112-07036 Prop. Jefferson Square 05/18/07 B-12 @ 0-2' :2 (SM), Silty Sand 1557 A Krazan Testing Laboratory 1 2 3 4 Weight of Moist Specimen & Mold, gm 3942.8 3954.3 3911.1 3842.1 Weight of Compaction Mold, gm 1988.8 1988.8 1988.8 1988.8 Weight of Moist Specimen, gm 1954.0 .1965.5 1922.3 1853.3 Volume of mold, cu. ft. 0.0332 0.0332 0.0332 0.0332 Wet Density, lbs/cu.ft. 129.8 130.5 127.6 123.1 Weight of Wet (Moisture) Sample, gm 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 Weight of Dry (Moisture) Sample, gm 182.4 179.4 185.7 188.9 Moisture Content, % 9.6% 11.5% 7.7% 5.9% Dry Density, lbs/cu.ft. 1 118.3 117.1 118.5 116.2 Krazan Testing Laboratory um Dry Density: 119.0 IbsIcu.ft �=[Optimum Moisture Content: 8.5% ��C. I Krazan Testing Laboratory Project Number. Project Name Date Sample location/ Depth Sample Number Soil Classification Ex anon Index Test AST D - 4929/ UBC Std. 18-2 112-07036 Prop. Jefferson Square 5/18/07 B-1 @ 0-2' :1 (SM -SP), Silty Sand - Sand Trial # 1 2 3 Weight of Soil & Mold, ms 12 hrs Dial Readin 51-90 560.3 91-130 High Weight of Mold, gms 170 7 Weight of Soil, gms 389.6 Wet Density, Lbs/cu.ft. 117.5 Weight of Moisture Sample (Wet), gms 300.0 Wei ht of Moisture Sample D ms 270.1 Moisture Content, % 11.1 Dry Density, Lbs/cu.ft. 105.8 Specific Gravity of Soil 2.7 Degree of Saturation, % 50.4. Time Inital 30 min 1 hr 6hrs 12 hrs Dial Readin 51-90 Medium 91-130 High >130 I Expansion Index measured = . 0 Expansion Index 50 - 0.0 Expansion Index 0 24 hrs 0 Expansion Potential Table Exp. Index Potential Exp. 0-20 Very Low 21-50 Low 51-90 Medium 91-130 High >130 I Very High Krazan Testing Laboratory Expansion Index Test AS`s D e 48291 UBC Std. 18-2 Project Number Project Name Date Sample location/ Depth Sample Number Soil Classification 112-07036 Prop. Jefferson Square 5/18/07 B-12 @ 0-2' :2 (SM), Silty Sand Trial ## 1 2 3 Weight of Soil & Mold, gms 592.3 Low 51 -90 Weight of Mold, ms- 185.0 High >130 1 Weight of Soil, gms 407.3 Wet Density, Lbs/cu.ft. 122.8 Weight of Moisture Sample (Wet), gms 300.0 Weight of Moisture Sample (Dry), gms 275.6 Moisture Content, % 8.9 Dry Density, Lbs/cu.ft. 112.8 Specific Gravity of Soil 2.7 Degree of Saturation, % 48.5 Time Inital 30 min 1 hr 6hrs 12 hrs 24 hrs Dial Reading I -- -- — -- -- 1 0 Expansion Index measured Expansion Index 5n Expansion Index = = 0 0.0 0 . = Expansion Potential Table Exp. Index Potential Exp. 0-20 Very Low 21-50 Low 51 -90 Medium 91-130 High >130 1 Very High ' Krazan Testing Laboratory MAY -21-2007 10:12 ENUIRO-CHEM INC 9095905905 P.02iO3 Enviro - Chem, Inc. 12$4 E, Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766 Tel (909) 560-5905 Fax (909) 590-5907 +UMORATORY REPORT CUSTOMER: Kra.ran & Associates, Inc. 4221 Brickell St. Ontario, CA 91761 Tel(909)974-4400 FaX(909)974-4022 PROJECT: La Quinta MATRIX:SOIL DATE RECEMD:_05/18/07 SAMPLING DATE:—D5/14107 DATE ANALYZED:05/18-19/07 REPORT TO:MR. CLARENCE JIA1N'G DATE REPORTED:05/21/07 ----------- SAMPLE I.D.; 112 -07036/3 -ISO -21 LAB I.D_: 070518-62 --- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- PARAMETSR. SAMPLE RESULT TMIT. PQL ZT METHOD RESISTIVITY 12500 OHMS -CM 100000* -- CALTRANS SULFATE ND MG/KG 10 5^ EPA 9038 CHLORIDE 23.4 MG/KG 10 1' EPA 9253 PH _ 9.02 Ax/Unit -- -- EPA -9045C CO1S DF = DILUTION FACTOR PQL = PRACTICAL QUANTITATION LIMIT ACTUAL DETECTION LIMIT = DF X PQL = ACTUAL DETECTION LIMIT RAISED DUE TO MATRIX INTERFERENCE MG/KG = MILLIGRAM PER KILOGRAM = PPM OHMS -CM = OHMS -CENTIMETER RESISTIVITY = 1/CONDVCTIVITY = HIGH LIMIT DATA REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY: CAL -DHS ELAP CERTIFICATE No.: 1555 APPENDIX B GENERAL EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL Appendix B Page B. 1 When the text of the report conflicts with the general specifications in this appendix, the recommendations in the report have precedence. SCOPE OF WORK: These specifications and applicable plans pertain to and include all earthwork associated with the site rough grading, including, but not limited to, the furnishing of all labor, tools and equipment necessary for site clearing and grubbing, slipping, preparation of foundation materials for receiving f ill, a xcavation, p recessing, p lacement a nd c ompaction o f f ill a nd b ackfill materials t o t he lines and grades shown on the project grading plans and disposal of excess materials. PERFORMANCE: The Contractor shall be responsible for the satisfactory completion of all earthworks in accordance with the project plans and specifications. This work shall be inspected and tested by a representative of Krazan and Associates, Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as the Soils Engineer and/or Testing Agency. Attainment of design grades, when achieved shall be certified by the project Civil Engineer. Both the Soils Engineer and the Civil Engineer are the Owner's representatives. If the Contractor should fail to meet the technical or design requirements embodied in this document and on the applicable plans, he shall make the necessary adjustments until all work is deemed satisfactory as determined by both the Soils Engineer and the Civil Engineer. 'No deviation from these specifications shall be made except upon written approval of the Soils Engineer, Civil Engineer, or project Architect. No earthwork shall be performed without the physical presence or approval of the Soils Engineer. The Contractor shall notify the Soils Engineer at least 2 working days prior to the commencement of any aspect of the site earthwork. The Contractor agrees that he shall assume sole and complete responsibility for job site conditions during the course of construction of this project, including safety of all persons and property; that this requirement shall -apply continuously and not be limited to normal working hours; and that the Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the Owner and the Engineers harmless from any and all liability, real or alleged, in connection with the performance of work on this project, except for liability arising from the sole negligence of the Owner or the Engineers. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: All compacted materials shall be densified to no less that 95 percent of relative compaction based on ASTM D1557-00 Test Method, UBC or CAL -216, as specified in the technical portion of the Soil Engineer's report. The location and frequency of field density tests shall be as determined b y the S oils E ngineer. T he r esults o f these tests and c ompliance w ith these specifications shall be the basis upon which satisfactory completion of work will be judged by the Soils Engineer. SOILS AND FOUNDATION CONDITIONS: The Contractor is presumed to have visited the site and to have familiarized himself with existing site conditions and the contents of the data presented in the Geotechnical Engineering Report. Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving The Westem United States 11207036.doc Appendix B Page B. 2 The Contractor shall make his own interpretation of the data contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Report and the Contractor shall not be relieved of liability under the Contractor for any loss sustained as a result of any variance between conditions indicated by or deduced from said report and the actual conditions encountered during the progress of the work. DUST CONTROL: The work includes dust control as required for the alleviation or prevention of any dust nuisance on or about the site or the borrow area, or off-site if caused by the Contractor's operation either during the performance of the earthwork or resulting from the conditions in which the Contractor leaves the site. The Contractor shall assume all liability, including court costs of codefendants, for all claims related to dust or wind-blown materials attributable to his work 4"W40 1Y(ilz Site preparation shall consist of site clearing and grubbing and preparation of foundation materials for receiving fill. CLEARING AND GRUBBING: The Contractor shall accept the site in this present condition and shall demolish and/or remove from the area of designated project earthwork all structures, both surface and subsurface, trees, brush, roots, debris, organic matter and all other matter determined by the Soils Engineer to be deleterious. Such materials shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the site. Tree root systems in proposed building areas should be removed to a minimum depth of 3 feet and to such an extent, which would permit removal of all roots greater than 1 inch in diameter. Tree roots removed in parking areas may be limited to the upper 1'/� feet of the ground surface. Backfill or tree root excavation should not be permitted until all exposed surfaces have been inspected and the Soils Engineer is present for the proper control of backfill placement and compaction. Burning in areas, which are to receive fill materials, shall not be permitted. SUBGRADE PREPARATION: Surfaces to receive Engineered i;ilI, shall be prepared as outlined above, excavated/scarified to a minimum depth of 8 inches, moisture -conditioned as necessary, and recompacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction. Loose soil areas and/or areas of disturbed soil shall be moisture -conditioned as necessary and recompacted to 95 percent relative compaction. All ruts, hummocks, or other uneven surface features shall be removed by surface grading prior to placement of any fill materials. All areas, which are to receive fill materials, shall be approved by the Soils Engineer prior to the placement of any of the fill material. EXCAVA'T'ION: All excavation shall be accomplished to the tolerance normally defined by the Civil Engineer as shown on the project grading plans. All over -excavation below the grades specified shall be backfilled at the Contractor's expense and shall be compacted in accordance with the applicable technical requirements. FELL AND BACKFILL MATERIAL: No material shall be moved or compacted without the presence of the Soils Engineer. Material from the required site excavation may be utilized for construction site fills, provided prior approval is given by the Soils Engineer. All materials utilized for constructing site fills shall be free from vegetation or other deleterious matter as determined by the Soils Engineer. iCrazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving The Western United States 11207036.doc Appendix B Page B. 3 PLACEMENT, SPREADING AND COMPACTION: The placement and spreading of approved fill materials and the processing and compaction of approved fill and native materials shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. However, compaction of fill materials by flooding, ponding, or jetting shall not be permitted unless specifically approved by local code, as well as the Soils Engineer. Both cut and fill shall be surface -compacted to the satisfaction of the Soils Engineer prior to final acceptance. SEASONAL LIMITS: No fill material shall be placed, spread, or rolled while it is frozen or thawing, or. during unfavorable wet weather conditions. When the work is interrupted by heavy rains, fill operations shall not be resumed until the Soils Engineer indicates that the moisture content and density of previously placed fill is as specified. Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving The Western United States 11207036.doc Appendix C Page C. 1 APPENDIX C GENERAL PAVEMENT SPECIFICATIONS 1. DEFINITIONS - The term "pavement" shall include asphalt concrete surfacing, untreated aggregate base, and aggregate subbase. The term "subgrade" is that portion of the area on which surfacing, base, or subbase is to be placed. The term "Standard Specifications": hereinafter referred to is the January 1999 Standard Specifications of the State of California, Department of Transportation, and the "Materials Manual" is the Materials Manual of Testing and Control Procedures, State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways. The term "relative compaction" refers to the field density expressed as a percentage of the maximum laboratory density as defined in the ASTM D1557-00. 2. SCOPE OF WORK - This portion of the work shall include all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary for, and reasonably incidental to the completion of the pavement shown on the plans and as herein specified, except work specifically notes as "Work Not Included," 3. PREPARATION OF THE SUBGRADE - The Contractor shall prepare the surface of the various subgrades receiving subsequent pavement courses to the lines, grades, and dimensions given on the plans. The upper 12 inches of the soil subgrade beneath the pavement section shall be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent. The finished subgrades shall be tested and approved by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to the placement of additional pavement courses. 4. UNTREATED AGGREGATE BASE - The aggregate base material shall be spread and compacted on the prepared subgrade in conformity with the lines, grades, and dimensions shown on the plans. The aggregate base material shall conform to the requirements of Section 26 of the Standard Specifications for Class 2 material, 3/4 -inches maximum size. The aggregate base material shall be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent. The aggregate base material shall be spread and compacted in accordance with Section 26 of the Standard Specifications. The aggregate base material shall be spread in layers not exceeding 6 inches and each layer of aggregate material course shall be tested and approved by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to the placement of successive layers. 5. AGGREGATE SUBBASE - The aggregate subbase shall be spread and compacted on the prepared subgrade in conformity with the lines, grades, and dimensions shown on the plans. The aggregate subbase m aterial s hall c onform t o t he r equirements o f S ection 2 5 o f t he S tandard Specifications for CIass II material. The aggregate subbase material shall be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent, and it shall be spread and c ompacted i n a ccordance w ith S ection 2 5 o f t he S tandard Specifications. Each layer of aggregate subbase shall be tested and approved by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to the placement of successive layers. Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving The Western United States 11207036.doc Appendix C Page C. 2 6. ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACING - Asphalt concrete surfacing shall consist of a mixture of mineral aggregate and paving grade asphalt, mixed at a central mixing plant and spread and compacted on a prepared base in conformity with the lines, grades, and dimensions shown on the plans. The viscosity grade of the asphalt shall be AR -8000. The mineral aggregate shall be Type B, %Z -inch or 3/4 - inch maximum, medium grading, for the wearing course and 3/4 -inch maximum, medium grading for the base course, and shall conform to the requirements set forth in Section 39 of the Standard Specifications. The drying, proportioning, and mixing of the materials shall conform to Section 39. The prime coat, spreading and compacting equipment, and spreading and compacting the mixture shall conform to the applicable. chapters of Section 39, with the exception that no surface course shall be placed when the atmospheric temperature is below 50 degrees F. The surfacing shall be rolled with a combination steel -wheel and pneumatic rollers, as described in Section 39-6. The surface course shall be placed with an approved self-propelled mechanical spreading and finishing machine. 7. FOG SEAL COAT - The fog seal (mixing type asphalt emulsion) shall conform to and be applied in accordance with the requirements of Section 37. Krazan & Associates, Inc. Offices Serving, The Western United States 11207036.doc