2020 10 01 STVRP AD-HOC MinutesSTVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE Page 1 of 5 OCTOBER 1, 2020 MEETING MINUTES SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE MINUTES THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2020 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Short-Term Vacation Rental Program Ad-Hoc Committee (Committee) was called to order at 4:01 p.m. by Committee Secretary Lorett. This meeting was held by teleconference pursuant to Executive Orders N-25- 20, N-29-20, N-33-20, and N-35-20, executed by the Governor of California in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). ROLL CALL PRESENT: Committee Members Best, Butler, Caldwell, Church, Coronel, Franco, Grotsky, Jonasson, McDonough, Monroe, Shelton, Spinney, Tamm and Chair Schutz ABSENT: Committee Member Navarro STAFF PRESENT: Design & Development Director Castro, Hub Manager Sanchez, Administrative Assistant/Committee Secretary Lorett, Public Safety Manager Mendez, Code Compliance Supervisor Meredith, Community Resources Director Escobedo, Financial Services Analyst Hallick, Accounting Manager Martinez, and City Manager McMillen PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Committee Secretary Lorett led the Committee in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA Committee Secretary Lorett announced the following WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS were received as of 12:00 p.m., which were distributed to the STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE Page 2 of 5 OCTOBER 1, 2020 MEETING MINUTES Committee, and incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting: • Olivier Chaine and Shevy Akason – in support of STVRs; • Arlene Gotshalk, Kim Larson, and Kevin Miles – in opposition of STVRs; • Lindsey Myers – false complaints made on STVR properties; • Barbara Montavon – recommending an extension on Executive Order No. 10 imposing a moratorium on new STVR permits, and implementation of lower occupancy limits for STVRs; • Kimberly Estrada – recommending the rules and regulations for noise apply to both STVR’s and residents; • Timothy McQuiggan – recommending the City impose a mandatory security deposit from all STVR renters; • Karen Parnell on behalf of Resort Home Destinations – provided recommendations for STVR occupancy limits and comments in opposition of Executive Order No. 10; • Rod McGuire – recommending a STVR public meeting for La Quinta residents to attend and speak at and recommending an extension of Executive Order No. 10. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA – Confirmed CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Committee Members McDonough/Grotsky to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. Motion passed: ayes 14, noes 0, absent 1 (Navarro). REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. CITY OF LA QUINTA FINANCIAL OVERVIEW Accounting Manager Martinez and Financial Analyst Hallick presented a brief overview of the City’s fiscal year 2020/21 budget and fiscal state, including STVR program financial specifics and analysis. Accounting Manager Martinez and Financial Analyst Hallick answered related questions from Committee Members. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSS LICENSING SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT AND UPDATE STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE Page 3 of 5 OCTOBER 1, 2020 MEETING MINUTES Design and Development Director Castro presented the staff report, which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Committee Member Caldwell provided an overview of the topics the Licensing Sub-Committee had discussed, including having two types of STVR permits, minimum stay requirements for STVRs, placing a cap on the number of days a property can be rented, sending a notification to neighbors when a permit is issued, requiring security deposits from guests, inspections, response times from local contacts, and use of noise meters. The Licensing Sub-Committee will continue to meet weekly and anticipates having a report on recommendations to present to the Committee by the next regular meeting scheduled for November 5, 2020. 2. DISCUSS MARKETING SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT AND UPDATE Design and Development Director Castro presented the staff report, which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Committee Member McDonough provided an update on what the Marketing Sub-Committee plan to accomplish with the assistance of City Marketing Manager Marcie Graham. Projects will include updates to the City website, STVR online portal, and Good Neighbor Brochure; ways to use social media and The Gem publication to provide STVR updates; and developing a STVR survey. 3. DISCUSS DENSITY SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT AND UPDATE Design and Development Director Castro presented the staff report, which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Committee Member Church provided an overview on the data the Density Sub- Committee has been reviewing to develop their recommendations. They have completed their occupancy recommendations (see Business Session Item No. 1) and are reviewing maps provided by the City and research findings on best practices adopted by other U.S. cities to compile the list of recommendations for property density. The Density Sub-Committee will continue to meet weekly and anticipates having a report on property density recommendations to present to the Committee by the next regular meeting scheduled for November 5, 2020. 4. SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL ENFORCEMENT UPDATE STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE Page 4 of 5 OCTOBER 1, 2020 MEETING MINUTES Hub Manager Sanchez provided an update on STVR enforcement by presenting a postcard that was mailed out to all properties in La Quinta. The postcard is to inform property owners that a STVR permit/license is required if they are renting their property for 30 days or less. The postcard is also to inform property owners that the City will take enforcement action on any property renting or advertising without a valid permit/license. This postcard is to assist with enforcement efforts and to provide residents with contact information for the City. Committee discussion followed regarding the process of rental procedures and review of rental rules with guests. The Committee reached a consensus to add these topics to the Marketing Sub-Committee. COMMITTEE MEMBER MONROE LEFT THE MEETING AT 5:15 P.M. BUSINESS SESSION 1. APPROVE DENSITY SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT WITH RECOMMENDATIONS TO MODIFY SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL OCCUPANCY LIMITS MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Committee Members Caldwell/Spinney to approve the Density Sub-Committee report with recommendations to modify STVR occupancy limits. Motion failed: noes 7, ayes 6, absent 2 (Monroe and Navarro). The Committee discussed modifications to the proposed recommendations for occupancy limits. COMMITTEE MEMBER JONASSON LEFT THE MEETING AT 5:42 P.M. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Committee Members Franco/Grotsky to approve the Density Sub-Committee report with recommendations to modify STVR occupancy limits with the modifications to amend the overnight occupancy for a studio to two occupants, a one bedroom to four occupants, a two bedroom to six occupants, and a three bedroom to eight occupants. Motion failed: noes 7, ayes 5, absent 3 (Jonasson, Monroe, and Navarro). The Density Sub-Committee will re-evaluate the occupancy limits and revise the recommendations to present to the Committee by the next regular meeting scheduled for November 5, 2020. ADJOURNMENT STVR PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE Page 5 of 5 OCTOBER 1, 2020 MEETING MINUTES There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members McDonough/Church to adjourn this meeting at 5:46 p.m. Respectfully submitted, LORI LORETT, Committee Secretary City of La Quinta, California