Project 2019-09 & CDBG 4.LQ.38-19 Avenida Bermudas ADA (01.15.2020 & 01.22.2020)PROOF OF
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PROJECT No. 2019.09 AND CDSG PRO)KT No. 4,a
SEALED BIDS will be received by the rity of La Qufnta (City yy rift¢ Gfrycg of the
City Clerk located at 79.495 Calle Tampico, Le. oulnta, Caii rnfs, 91253, doth
10:00 A. .1, on VVedn"day, January 29, 2020 at wnrch one trey will cwt publkiy
opened and read for porform Ing work as fnRam!
This project is located on Avenida Bermudas between Main Stri-alt and Calle Ca.
dl;: In La Ruinta Old Tovrn. The ADA miscellaneous [mpfoyrrrlortts will include
reconstructirly curb ramps, side.valk, and drivew.vto txlrig them up to current
rode. Work will also include Full depth as halt condole grind find owt0ay. All
project work and incidental Items to complete ihE project shall be Nrfarmpd in
accordance vvlth the plans, WedilCi tion', and Other provfslatss of the contiacs. .
All. the above Improvements are to he constructed In a workmanlike manner,
leaving the entire project In a neat and presentable conditJan. Refer to S*ctians
31000 arid 4(300 for mora Information.
Thbs project shell be completed within 19 working days from the date s md(led
in the Notice to proceed. Time for the commencement and Ompleton of tate
work is Importam and is to be of the essence of the Contract. The svctetsfu!
f0fbidowing 'Noticeeor Award. any
wfudnot he appoW�ttoa�mpllKe from
March 5-8, 2020 due to the Art Event,
FEDERAL FUNDING — This project is being financed with Community Develop-
ment Block Grant Funds from the U.S. Department 0 Housing and Urban Devel-
opment 24 CFR part 570) and subject to certain raqulrements lnrluding: compli-
ance Wl Section 3 (.24 CFR Part 1351 Economic opportunitfrs requiramenet
payment of Fedora] Davis-Racpn ppreinijir?gg wages; Feddtral Labor standards Pro-
visions (HUD 40to); Exewtive Ort3er AT12+f6; and others, information WrtAining
to the Fedcra[ requirements is nn file with the County of Riverside Economic
Development Agency. y
020 fit
trio Pubfi Works onfcrafiiwerroom at CiLyfat) for 3aF La Ruinsa aCity. Hop ItyatatCd at 7&
4913 collo Tahlplcv, La Quints, California 92253.
Complete sets of the bidding documents may be purchased online at:
IMPORTANT; If you are not on the plan holders list through Planit Planroom
You will not recerve addendums. It is the responsibility oft e bidder to ensure
that they are placed on the plan It
Bidding procedures are prescribed in the Project Specifications. Bids shall be
executed upon the forms bound and made a part of said Specifications,
Bid security in an amount not less than ten percent 110%) of tete total W dollar
amount and conforming to the prescribed bidding procedures h required to be
suhm[tted with each brdi as a gudranty to be forfeited should the blddel, if
awarded the contract, fall to enter Into the same, or fails to furnish in a timely
manner the hands andlor proof of Tnsurance. Tho City rescues the right to re -
Jam any or at bids, and to waive any irreggularltIe. ire the bids. gid [ sheat! ca
be found at h;lJwww.laottint-__.gr_vfWlsine}fJelss)e�tygri-cvelaprsprtr�
ort abs
Pursuant to the provislons of Californla Labor Code Sectjun 5707, each bid stJb•
milted in response to this Inv kation to BEd shall contal0, as a bid item, adequate
sheeting shnring, and bracing, 1•r m�fbnri, for the protection of life
and limp in trenches and open r-xc4yaLlan, wheat shall conform to appticable
safety orders. By lhtlnrgg this sure, the bidder warrants that Its attion dues not
convey tort iialalhty to the city, its consultants, and their empInyres, agents, and
ursuaitt to Section 1770, citet: stheeq., of the California Labor Code, the sveansful
Si[lder shall pay not less than Hie revnilkrigg rale of per diem wages as deter -
The mined wa e rates mr, ova able f oam�[flriCaliReldtiahL
fn�niamllcpa9menn ofrlaixiustrfal Rc-
iatluns' Internet website at http-f/svww.dir.ta.t2ov.
Prevailing Wages — The FMteral minimum wage rate requfremenM as predeter-
mined by the Secretory of Labor, are set forth in the books issued for bidding
purposes, referred to Itcrein as Project Bid Documents(Special Federal ftovi-
slons), and In copies of this book which miy tae examined at 1hr orrice detcri-
bed above where the project plans, special provisions, and proposal forret may
tae seen. Addenda to modify the minimum wage rates, if necessary, wilt be is-
sued to holder: of the Project Bid Documents.
Pursuant to Section 1725.5 of the California tabor Code, no mntraRor or sub-
contractor may be awarded a contract for public Work nn a publk works project
Unit-%% rayistercld wilh tike Dcparinierrs of industrial RelatOM at the time the
contract rs awarded. Contractors and su4wiltractors may find additional infor-
matlonfor reglsterfng at the Department of Industrial Relations web:lte at http
,iAvww.d i r. ca.yavlPu 56 c- Wo r kslPub6 c W or k0ititrl .
Pursuant to Labor Code srpnJorl 1771.1, no contractor or subcontractor may he
listed an a bid proposal for a public works project submitlod on or after March
1, 2015 units rcgisNmel with the Department of Industrial Relations. Further-
more, all bidders and contractors are hereby notified that no contractor or sub-
contractor may be awarded. on or after April 1, 2015, a contract for public work
an "Public works project unless registered with the Department of Industrial
Relations. - -
Pursuant to Labor Code serVan 1771.4, all bidders are htrehy notified that, this
project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforternent by the Depart-
ment of Industrial Relations.
Pursuant to 513854, all contractors and Wbcontradors roust furnish alec1rot1k
k,.r Siad payroll records directly 20 the Labor Commissioner (eka Division of La-
vtdesa P Ry and proof Ellf6rCuntoathe City Ofronline rs and
tttaitn day% of uit ollif"
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, for monies carried by the Con-
tractor and vrithheid lay the City to ensure the p=rformance of the Contract, the
Contractor may, at its eprion, choose to suhsriiure securities meeting Sha re-
quirements ofsold Pubic Contract Code Section 2230o.
All bidders shall be keens d under the provisions of Chapter 9, Division 3 of the
Huslness and Professions Cade of the State of Californla to do the type of work
tontemplated In the pfd eel in accordance With provisions of Coli€ornia Public
Contract Code Section 1300, the City has determined that Chu General Cuntrsc-
tar shall possess a valid Class A, General Engineering Contractor, androf C -at,
Concrete Contractor, at the time that the bid is submitted.
Subcoritractors shall possess valid, sol!. rile licenses for the work they will per-
f-,rrTr, Failure to passess the spt:ill• ..I Iccnw(s) shall }prider the bid as non-
The successful bidder will be required to furnish a tabor and Materials bond In
the amuunl equal to one hundred percent (1OM9) of the Contr3_t price, as well
as a Faithful Performance Bond, in the amkriilt equal to one hundred percent
( M0 0 of the Contact price.
Each bidder shall submit with Its bid a statement setting forth its experience on
the forms included in the Bid Proposal.
Telephones will not be available to bidders. Bid forms received after the desig-
nated time will not be accepted. Bidders and their authorized agents are invit-
ed to nrtend.
No bidder may withdraw its bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set
for the opening of bids.
Approved By: ,Date:
Bryan McKinney, P.E.
Public Works Director/ City Engineer
Published By: Date:
Monika Radeva
City Clerk Pub: 1/15, 112212020
PROJECT NO. 2019-09 AND CDBG PROJECT NO, 4.1-0.38-19
SEALEDBIDSwill be recelved by the City of La uinta (City) at the Mite of the
City Clerk located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Ouinta, Calilornia, 02253, until
10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at which lime they will be publicly
opened and read for perlorming work as follows:
This project is located on Avenida Bermudas between Main Street and Calle Ca-
diz in La Ouinla Old Town, The ADA miscellaneous improvements will include
reconstructing curb ramps, sidewalk, and driveways to bring them up to current
code. Work will also include full depth asphalt concrete grind and overlay. All
project work and incidental items to complete the project shall be performed in
accordance with the plans, specilicalions, and other provisions of the contract.
All the above improvements are to be constructed in a workmanlike manner,
leaving the entire project in a neat and presentable condition. Refer to Sections
3000 and 4000 for more information.
This project shall be completed within 18 working days from the dale specified
in the Notice to Proceed. Time for the commencement and completion of the
work is important and is to be of the essence of the ContracL The successful
bidder should pfan to order any long lead time equipment items immed4alely
lallowlnp "Notice of Award', Work will not be allowed to take place from
March 5-e, 2020 due to the Art Event.
FEDERALFUNDING — This project is being financed with Community Develop-
ment Block Grant funds from the U.S.Doporlmerft of Housing and Urban Devel-
opment (24 CFRPart 570) and subject to certain requirements including: compli-
ance with Section 3.(24 CFRPart 135) Economic Opportunities requirements.
payment of Federal Davis-Baconprevailing wlgos: Federal Labor Standards Pro -
Visions (HUD •1010); Emacufive Order 011246; and others. Infonmation pertaining
to the Federal requirements is on file with the County of Riverside Economic
0eve1opmeet Appenvy,
A pre -hid can ierenca is scheduled for 1:30 P.M., Tuesday January 21, 2020 in
the Public Works conference room at City at Lst Ouinta, City Hall located at 78-
495 Calle Tampico, La Ouinla, California 92253.
Complete sets of the bidding dowmesiM may be purchased online at:
www. pia n i tplanrpq m
IMPORTANT: If you are not on the plan holders list through Planit Planroom
you will not Uejve addendum$, It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure
that they are pladad on the plan holders list.
Bidding procedures are prescribed in the Project Specifications, Bids shall be
executed upon the forms bound and made a part of said Specifications.
Bid security in an amount not lessthan len percent (10%) of the total bid dollar
amount and conforming to the prescribed bidding procedures is required to be
submitted with each bid, as a guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder, if
awarded. the contract. fail to enter into the same, or falls to lurn{sIl in a timely
manner the bonds and/or proof of insurance- The City reserves the right to re-
jeci any or all bfds, and to waive any ureguladlien in the blds Bid log sheets can
be louund at httpJ!www.laquintara-gov1 u!�ineiWdesgn-and-developmentibld-
Pursuant to the provisions of Callifamia labor Code Section 5707- each bid Sub -
milled in response to thin Invdallan to Bid shall contain asa bid item, adequate
$heeling, shorinCf, and bracing, or Cquivaleni method, for the protection of life
and tlmb In trenches and open excavation, which Shall conform to appicahle
salely orders- By Ilstin� this 5uin, the bidder warrants that ils action does not
cpnVey port liabllily to 1118 Gty. its. consultants, and their employees, agents, and
sub -consultants.
Pursuant to Section 1770, et seq-, of the California Labor Code, the successful
bidder shall panot less than the prevailing rate of per diem wages as deler-
mined by the Erector of the Calilnmia Department of Industrial Relations.
Thesewage rates are available Irom 1ha Cariforriia Department of Industrial Re-
lations' Internet website at http:'www
Prevailing Wages — The Federal minimum wage rate requirements, aspredeter-
mined by the Secretary of Labor, are set forth in the books issued for bidding
purposes. referred to herein as Project Bid Documents (Special Federal Provi-
sions), and in copies of this book which may be examined at the ollice descri-
bed above where the project plans. special provisions, and proposal forms may
be seen. Addenda to modify the minimum wage rales, if necessary, will be is-
sued to holders of the Project Bid Documents
Pursuant to Section 1725.5 of the Calilornia Labor Code, no contractor or sub-
contractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a public works project
unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations at the lime the
contract is awarded- Contractors and subcontraclors may find additional infor-
mation for registering at the Department of Industrial Relations website at htlp
7rwww.dir-ca gov;Public-WorksrPublicWorks himl -
Pursuanl to Labor Code section 1771 1, no contractor or subcontractor may be
listed on a bid proposal for a public works project submitted on or after March
1, 2015 unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations- Further-
more- all bidders and contractors are hereby notified that no contractor or sub-
contractor may be awarded, on or alter April 1, 2015, a contract for public work
on a public works project unless registered with the Department of Industrial
Pursuant to Labor Code section 1771.4. all bidders are hereby notified that this
project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Depart-
ment of Industrial Relallons.
Pursuant to SB854. all contractors and subcontractors must furnish electronic
certified payroll recordsdirectly to the Labor Commissioner (aka Division of La-
bor Standards Enforcement). All contractors and subcontractors must also pro-
vide a copy and proof to the City of online submittal within 2 days o1 online
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, for monies earned by the Con-
tractor and withheld by the City to ensure the pertormance of the Contract. the
Contractor may, at its option. choose to subsutule securities meeting the re-
quirements of said Public Contract Code Section 22300
All bidders shall be licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9.. Division 3 of the
Businessand Professions Code of the State of Calilornia :o do the type of work
contemplated in the project. In accordance with provisions of Calilornia Public
Contract Code Section 3300. the City has de:eirmned that the General Contrac-
tor shall possess valid Class A,''0_.ral Engineering Contractor, and,ror C-8,
ConcreteConlr.letor, at the lime thalrilte:llid is submitted.
Subcom.*Clors shall possessvalid. 'suitable licenses for the work they will par.:
form. Fdllure to possess the specrlled license(s) shall render the bid as tfRff-
The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Labor and Materials bond in
the amount equal to one hundred percent 1100`c,: cl the Contract price: aswell
as a FdliRtu Performance Bono ir, the amoan: equal to or,e hundred percent,
(i00'L) of the Contract price
Each bidder shall submit erSh its bid n statement eeu;no forth its exgarience on
the fOrMS inc:udnd in the Bid Prcposa!
I elepnones will not be tviimvoio to Dl9aefs. t11a forms received alrBr the aeslg.
naled time will not be accepted. Bidde+s and their authorized agents are invit-
ed to attend.
No bidder may withdraw its bid for a period of sixty (60) days alter the dale set
for the opening of bids.
Approved By: Dale:
Bryan McKinney, RE,
Public Works Director/ City Engineer
Published By: Dale:
Monika Radeva
City Clerk Pub: 1/15,1/22/2020