Drive Thru Starbucks PC, SDP, ZC, EA 2019-0002; Variance 2019-0001 (11.12.2019)PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 1 am over the age of 18 years old, a citizen of the United States and not a party to, or have interest in this matter. I hereby certify that the attached advertisement appeared in said newspaper (set in type not smaller than non pariel) in each and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: I acknowledge that I am a principal clerk of the printer of The Desert Sun, printed and published weekly I the City of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, State of California. The Desert Sun was adjudicated a Newspaper of general circulation on March 24, 1988 by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California Case No. 191236. I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on this 5th of November 2019 in Green Bay, Wisconsin, County of Brown ' `1 ECLARANT Ad#:0003875181 P O: Zone Change 2019-0002 # of Affidavits: 1 mediagrou p PART OF THE USA TODAY NETWORK 750 N Gene Autry Trail Palm Springs, CA 92262 Tel.- 760-778-4578/Fax 760-77811731 Email: leclalst&thedesertsun. corn CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Citi of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on November 12, 2619, at 6:D0 p.m. in the La Quinta Crty Hall Council Chamber, 78-49S Calie- Tampico, La Quinta, California, on the following item: APPLICATION: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2019-0002 ZONE CHANGE 2019-0002 , VARIANCE 2019-0001 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2019-0002 APPLICANT: KAIDENCE GROUP LOCATION: NORTHWEST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND CALLE TAMPICO REQUEST: ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE A 51TE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, ZONE CHANGE, VARIANCE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT TO ALLOW FOR THE CON57RUCTTON OF 2,790 SQUARE FOOT DRIVE-THROUGH STA05UCK5 LEGAL: APNs: 770-020-015, =016, -017, -018, -019, -020, & -021 S 2 a 3 ldsl'rE corm Taupco AA"nida La Fond The Design and Development Department has determined that the project is consistent with th"e Mitigated Negative Declaration approved for Environmental Assessment 91-187, which was prepared for Plot Pian 91-456 and approved on April 16, 1991, The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider tfrls determi- nation at the Hearing, Any person may submit.written comments on any of the contemplated actl ons listed above to the Design and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or mayy appear and be Beard In support of, or opposftian to, the project at the time u the Hearing. It you challenge the decision of arry of the actions Ilst- ed above In court you may be limited to raising only those Issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Design and Development Department at, of Orfor to the Aubllc Hearing. The proposed files may be viewed by the public Monday through Thursday 730 a,m, to 5:30 p.m., and Friday "0 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the De- sign and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78.445 Cafe Tampico, L2 Quinta, Callfornia. For additional informatioh, pease contact Carlos Flores, Senior ala -at cfloresOlaquintaca.gov or 760.777-7069. In the Ci WS effum to comply with the requirements of Title R of the Americans With Disabllitles Act Of 1990, the Design and Development Department re- quires Shat any perm In need of any type of 5-wial equipment, assistance or accmnmodatlon[r) Worder to communicate at s+t'fty public meeting, InfGrm vne Resign and Deveā‚¬opment Department a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled nreetlna. PubAshad:1111/2019 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on November 12, 2019, at 6;00 p -m. in the La Quinta cit yy hall Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quints, California, on the follovving item; APPLICATION: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2019-0002 ZONE CHANGE 2019-0002 VARIANCE 2019-0001 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2019-0002 APPLICANT: KAIDENCE GROUP LOCATION: NORTHWEST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND CALLE TAMPICO REQUEST: ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE A SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, ZONE CHANGE, VARIANCE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 2,790 SQUARE FOOT DRIVE-THROUGH STARBUCKS LEGAL: APNs: 770-020-015, -016, -017, -018,-019, -020, & -021 [i Ma rids La FoMa J The Design and Development Department has determined that the project is consistent With the Mitigated Negative Declaration approved for Environmental Assessment 91-187, which was prepared for Plot Plan 91-456 and approved on April 16, 1991. The La Quinta Planning Commission dill consider this determi- nation at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on any of the contemplated actions listed above to the Desiggn and Deve[apment Department prior to the Hearing andlor may appear and be heard in support Of,.or opposition to, the project at the time of the Hearing. if you challenge the decision of any of the actions list- ed above in court, you may be limited to ruising Only those Issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence .delivered to the Oe sign and Development Department at, or prior iv the Public Nearing. The proposed files may be vieyved by the public Monday through Thursday 7:30 am. to 530 p.m., and Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the De- sign and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La quinta, California. For additional information, please contact Carlos Flores, Senior Planner at cfloresClaquintaca.gov or 760-777-7069. In the City's effarts to comply with she requirements 61 Tttle II of the Americans With Disabilities Act Of 1990, the Design and Development Department re- quires that any person In need of any type of special equipment, assistan[e or accomltlodation(5) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, inform the Design and Development Department a minimum o1 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. Published: 110/2019