Surplus Sale (2019 Oct)PROOF OF
I am over the age of 18 years old, a citizen of the;
Inited States and not a party to, or have interest i
this matter. I hereby certify that the attached
advertisement appeared in said newspaper (set in
ipe not smaller than non pariel) in each and entir
;sue of said newspaper and not in any supplemer
Ihereof on the .following dates, to wit,
10/ 18119- 10126F, 19
I acknowledge that I am a principal clerk of the
printer ofThe Desert Sun, printed and published
weekly in the City of Palm Springs, County of
iverside, State of California. The Desert Sun w�
djudicated a Newspaper of general circulation of
March 24, 1988 by the SupLrior Court of the
oun€y of Riverside, State of California Case No
1 certify under penalty of perjure, under the law;
the State of California, that the foregoing is true
correct,. Executed on this 26th of October 2019
in Green Bay, Wl, County of Brown.
P O : Surplus Equipment
# of Affidavits :1
r un W n4 USA QOM WPAK a..
City of La tluinla
Sale o! Surplus Equlpmenl
PO Box 23430
Green Bay, WI 54305-3430
Tel: 760-778-4578 / Fax 760-7784731
The general public is imlled to bid on the Oily of La Oulnta surplus ptikil nen 1.
The public may view all al the available itains ore the following dates cold limes:
Thursday, 10/2412619 between 7:30 a,m. and 8:30 a.m.
Monday, 1U2&2019 between 1 1'00 a. n1. and I= p.m.
Wednesday, 1 013 0 2 81 9 between 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m,
Vlow] nq beaIla n.:78-169 Francis Heck Lane, La Qulnla, CA 922$3
A lull listing of the surplus Items can bs obtained by calling {760}-777-7150r by
visiting the City Hall Finance 1)epartmeni at 78-495 Calfe Tamrlcb La Cluintz,
Caliiornia 92253, or from the City's website www.laqulnLW&gov. Add liwally,
the following two Items are available Ser blds7
]riveniory 91174 MOTOACYCLE Honda 2x)06-ST1300 VIN arKEriq in 0273
Inventory $01173 MOTORCYCLE Hand a2oos-ST1300 VIN er4ng in 0305
All items are purchased 'astor with no warmly and may generally be in plor
condition. Aftae ;avlewirlq the lirl andlor vie*ntr the items, ytxr may submit
your sealed bids to the Oily Clerk's Ofrrce at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Ouinia,
California 92253. Please include the inventory number on your bid and the
words'surplus hill' on your sealed envelope.
Bids will close on Wednesday November 5, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.
Published: IO118,10126.12019
C' of La Quint&
Safe of S41VWW1 EG" t
The 9:nr:a1 publrc s Invited to hid on the Cray ei u Quu+ta wrpius equipment.
The publk may view ail of the av4tlsbte hoax on the tollowing date► end time:
thunday, 1Of2A12619 ba[ween 7:30O.m- and 8:30 a.m.
►Aonday, Io/2r o19 between 11:00+.rrl. and 1.00 p.m.
Wednesday, tOr WA19 between 3:301 pp m. and 5:30 P.m.
% iweing loc411em 76.109 frauds Hm[k lane, rat Quints. G 97733
A lull hslirrg of the furpltu ltcros [an tze abt4lned by cal}ing i750y-777.7 f i0, bj
vhtting the C3tr Halt. Fmonte Deypyartment st 78.495 Calle Tsmpko to quints.
allftyrniwin2g2St . or frsarc the vaUlialsie ebskeor w*w'tequlntana.gnv. AdcNonatly.
Irwentory 01174 MOTORCYCLE Honda 2006-STI900 VIN ending In 0273
invent" 01173 MOTORCYCLE Honda 2005 -STI IM VIN ending In 0305
Ali items are puftha7ed '&f la' with no werrenty and may germ ally ba In�paar
rondilion. After revltVHrr9 tltr list AtK!!ar virewwiing the hem'. you y
your seated yids to the ty Clerk's Citf}c" at '78-4gS Whl Tampki>, La Quina,
Caldornla 97253. Please 1rvdh-ds rho inventory number on your trd and the
wrptua bbl'. your yr ed. onye+opr.
' Nov.M+++t fL, ii►t8:.e f�a tr"F
d on0. sin