Quality CodeQuality Code 2150 N 107th Street, Suite 200 Seattle, Washington 98133 0 phone 206-216-9500 1 fax 206-216-9900 Publishing www.qcode.us CODIFICATION SERVICES PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA November 13, 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1. COVER LETTER I BACKGROUND, QUALIFICATIONS, AND EXPERIENCE 1 2. REFERENCES OF CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT AGENCIES 4 3. FEE SCHEDULE 5 SCOPE OF SERVICES 5 4. LIST OF COMPLEMENTARY SERVICES 8 5. STAFFING AND PROJECT ORGANIZATION 10 6. SUBCONTRACTING SERVICES 10 7. DISCLOSURES 10 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INSURNACE REQUIREMENTS 10 9. NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT 10 10. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA 10 Quality Code 2150 N 107th Street, Suite 200 Seattle, Washington 98133 �.l phone 206-216-9500 1 fax 206-216-9900 Am Publishing November 13, 2020 City of La Quinta Attn: Nichole Romane, Deputy City Clerk 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: RFP — Municipal Code Services Dear Nichole: Thank you for inviting Quality Code Publishing to submit a proposal for municipal code codification services for the La Quinta Municipal Code. This will confirm that all information and pricing provided in our proposal is valid for at least 90 days, and that any individual who will perform work for the City is free of any conflict of interest. Primary Contact: Nancy L. Helmer, President and Owner — email: nancyhggcode.us cell: 206 8502965 Location: 2150 N. 1076' Street, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98133 — All work would be performed at this location. Telephone & Fax: 206 216 9500 & 206 216 9900 Company Background, Qualifications and Experience: Quality Code Publishing LLC — (TIN 32-0128395) QCP has been in business providing on-going codification services to cities and counties throughout the US for over 16 years. QCP is owned and operated by Nancy L. Helmer and was incorporated in Washington State, October 4, 2004. QCP has been providing on-going codification services to the City since 2004. These services include: • CodeAlert—Newly adopted ordinances are added to the online code, via CodeAlert, within 2 - 3 days of receipt of the ordinances. • Annual supplement service — We work closely with the City to ensure that the supplement includes all ordinance requested and that the supplement delivers and is invoiced on or before the end of each fiscal year. Providing cost estimates when requested. • Corrections — Any corrections, regardless of their origin, are corrected online immediately. The printed version is corrected either with the next supplement, or immediately, depending on the request of the City. • Customer Support — We are always available to answer questions about ordinances, the code, provide cost estimates for budgeting, etc. All codification companies are not the same. We pride ourselves on our commitment to complete customer satisfaction and consistently provide exceptional service to all our customers. In reference to the RFP's General Terms and Conditions — Section 20 City Rights and Options: Toward our goal of continuing to provide codification services to the City, we are always willing to negotiate in order to establish a mutually satisfactory publishing arrangement. We value our relationship with the City and look forward to continuing that for many years to come. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 4-ot-9�� Nan L. Hel er President Exhibit A — Project Manager and Key Personnel Resumes, Attached EXHIBIT A — PROJECT MANAGER & KEY PERSONNEL RESUMES Nancy L. Helmer — President — nancyh(a,gcode.us As President, Nancy is responsible for the direction and growth of the company as well as ensuring the superiority of its products and services. A primary goal she has set for QCP is to support and enhance the performance of city clerks and their offices by providing accuracy in codification, timely delivery of supplements, and personable, accessible service at affordable prices. Nancy has a B.A. degree in Business Administration from Washington State University. She has over 35 years of experience in the publishing industry, over 15 years of it with the Book Publishing Company (BPC) as Vice President and General Manager and over 17 years as owner of QCP. Mary Erikson — Marketing Director & Sales Liaison — marye(Dgcode.us As Marketing Director & Sales Liaison, Mary is responsible for enhancing the customer experience and strengthening the QCP brand. Mary has over 20 years of experience in field marketing, customer relationship marketing and product launches with Microsoft Corporation, Iron Mountain and QCP. Robert Brightwell — IT Director — bobb(-,gcode.us As IT Director, Bob is responsible for QCP's network operations, database administration and web development. Bob has over 25 years of codification -related IT experience with BPC including 17 with QCP. Leann Rayfuse — Managing Editor — leannrna,gcode.us As Managing Editor, Leann oversees and directs all aspects of the publication process, focusing on the accurate codification of ordinances, maintaining the stylistic consistency of each code, and ensuring timely delivery of all publications. She frequently is consulted by customers on codification issues ranging from the correct numbering and formatting of new provisions to advising on the development of new municipal codes, zoning titles, general plans, local coastal programs, policy manuals, and personnel handbooks. Leann has a B.S. degree in Chemistry from Washington State University and an M.A. degree in Systems Counseling from the Leadership Institute of Seattle. She has over 20 years of experience with BPC, LexisNexis, and QCP. 2. REFERENCES OF CALIFORNIA CITIES. QCP currently provides on-going codification services to over 115 California cities and counties. Palm Desert — Gloria Sanchez, Deputy City Clerk, 760-346-0611, gsanchez@ci.pah-n-desert.ca.us On-going supplement and Internet service including CodeAlert. Customer since 2005. Our main contact was Rachelle Klassen until she retired in April 2020. Cathedral City — Tracey Martinez, City Clerk, 760-770-0322, ti-nai-tiiiez@catliedralcity.gov On- going supplement and Internet service including CodeAlert. Customer since 2005. Palm Springs — Anthony Mejia, City Clerk, 760-323-8206, anthony.mejia�palmspringsca.gov Code Analysis and Review 2016. On-going supplement and Internet service including CodeAlert and "Instant Updating" of codifiable ordinances into the online code by their effective dates. Customer since 2005. Indian Wells — Anna Grandys, City Clerk, 760-346-2489, a randys(2cindianwells.com Updated and Republished Code in 2006. On-going supplement and Internet service including CodeAlert. Customer since 2006. Desert Hot Springs — Jerryl Soriano, City Clerk, 760-329-6411, jsoriano c,cityofdhs.org Code Analysis and Review then Updated and Republished Code in 2006. Reorganized, Renumbered and Recodified Code in 2010. On-going supplement and Internet service including CodeAlert. Customer since 2006. Rancho Mirage — Kristie Ramos, City Clerk, 760-324-4511, kristier@ranchomirageca.gov On- going supplement and Internet service including CodeAlert. Customer since 2009. Description of on-aoinu codification services include: On -Going Supplement Service: The supplement process including editing, indexing, word processing, proofreading, printing and shipping takes 20 - 30 business days depending on the number of pages in each supplement. This timeline also includes updating the online code. The online code is updated as soon as the printed supplement has been approved for printing and shipping. CodeAlert: Our on demand online ordinance tracking service. Customers email us signed PDF copies of ordinances as they are adopted. QCP then posts the ordinances to the online code within 1 - 2 days after receipt. See Scope of Services Section II, subsection i. for a more detailed description of this service. Instant Updates: In addition to our CodeAlert service, we also offer online code updating more frequently than the printed code. If requested, QCP can update the online code by the effective date of codifiable ordinances. Staffing Assignments: The Managing Editor is responsible for staff assignments. Specific staff assignments are based on the requirements of the project and the qualifications of the staff member. 3. FEE SCHEDULE SUPPLEMENT SERVICE Supplement charge per printed page (5 printed copies)......................................................... $20.00 Map, tables, diagrams, additional charge per page ......................................................... No Charge Database updating, per supplement (up to 50 pages)............................................................. $75.00 Additional cost per page, if any, over 50 pages............................................................. $1.00 ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING & INTERNET SERVICES Initial data conversion (creation of searchable database) ................................................ No Charge Website monthly storage and maintenance fee...................................................................... $40.00 Electronic media of entire updated code in MS Word & PDF of each supplement .................. $25.00 CODEALERT ONLINE ORDINANCE TRACKING SERVICE Monthlycharge................................................................................................................... $25.00 Charge per ordinance ................................................... CODE ANALYSIS AND REVIEW (Flat Fee).......... ................. $30.00 ............ $4,000.00 Shipping and handling will be prepaid by QCP and invoiced to the City upon delivery. SCOPE OF SERVICES I. SUPPLEMENT SERVICES. QCP will provide on-going updates, on a regular schedule, as directed by the City. Ordinances will be forwarded to QCP as they are adopted. Prior to beginning a regularly scheduled supplement, QCP will contact the City to confirm that QCP has received all the necessary ordinances. QCP's editors will prepare each supplement by completing the following steps: i. Editing. QCP will organize the new ordinances by subject and will insert all amendments into their proper places in the code text. Provisions that have been repealed shall be deleted from the code text. New ordinances shall be codified to match the style of the code. Any conflicts, inconsistencies, duplications, or discrepancies created by the new material shall be brought to the attention of the City. ii. Update Related Parts. All history notes, tables, cross-references, and index entries will be updated to reflect the new material. 5 iii. Proofreading. The revised pages will be proofread against the applicable ordinance to ensure accuracy of content. QCP is responsible for the typographical correctness of the supplemented material. Any errors attributable to QCP will be corrected at no charge to the City. QCP will correct the error and ship the replacement pages to the City within five (5) working days of notification of the error, unless the City requests the errors be corrected, at no charge, in the next regularly scheduled supplement. iv. Publish Supplement Pages. The revised pages will be typeset to match the style and format of the code. QCP will provide five (5) printed copies of the supplement. V. Insertion Guide. Each supplement will include a page with instructions for inserting the new pages and removing obsolete ones. vi. Frequency. The City may choose to supplement the code as ordinances are adopted, quarterly, semi-annually, annually, or on an "as -needed" basis. The City may change the supplement interval at any time. Frequency of supplementation does not affect the supplement rate. vii. Termination. The City may terminate the supplement service as outlined in section 8 of the Agreement for Contract Services. viii. Sale of Code. The City prohibits sale of the La Quinta Municipal Code to a third party. II. ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING & INTERNET SERVICE. QCP will maintain a searchable Internet database posted on QCP's website with a link to the City's site. Upon code updates, QCP will post changes to the code on the Internet. QCP's on-line service provides the user with the option of viewing and printing the code by chapter and section. No license is required to access the website. QCP's online version is responsive to all types of devices as well and includes a mobile version allowing the code to be easily accessed via tablets and phones. Online Code Updating Service. QCP's CodeAlert is an on -demand updating service that is designed to work in conjunction with the online copy of the code. CodeAlert notifies the code user when a particular section of the code has been amended, added or repealed with an "Alert" at the beginning of the title, chapter and section and provides a link to both the actual ordinance and a chronological list of ordinances adopted, but not yet codified into the code. This service assures the viewer the most accurate, up-to-date version of the code, no matter how frequently the City chooses to supplement. ii. Search Results Display. QCP's search engine displays search results by code section including the section heading and search term highlighting. iii. Hyperlinking Cross References "Imbedded Links". Where there are chapters, sections or Government Code references within the text, links are provided that connect the viewer to the text being referenced. The La Quinta online code currently includes these links. iv. Electronic Media of Code. QCP will provide an electronic copy of the code on a thumb drive, CD, or other comparable electronic media, after each supplement. The electronic media will contain the entire updated code in MS Word format and a PDF file containing the exact images of the supplement pages. III. SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETION. Estimated turnaround time for on-going supplement service is 20 - 30 business days. IV. ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS. See No. 4 List of Complementary Services Offered by QCP. V. CODE ANALYSIS AND REVIEW. Materials. QCP's attorneys, being familiar with California Law, will carefully organize and review the City's materials, if any; all existing ordinances of a general and permanent nature or which impose a fine, penalty or forfeiture; and the City's current code. ii. Charter Comparison. QCP will compare the code against the City Charter and amendments to identify any conflicts or discrepancies. iii. Statutory and Case Law Comparison. Every ordinance and code provision will be compared against state statutes and current, relevant, federal and state case laws to identify conflicts, inconsistencies, preemptions and other potential problems. iv. Internal Comparison. The code and ordinances will be examined for internal discrepancies such as outdated fees, vague or awkward language, inaccuracies, duplications, and conflicts with other ordinances. V. Report. The results of the above will be presented to the City in a written report for review at the convenience of the City's representatives. Where conflicts, problems or inconsistencies are noted, QCP's attorneys will include relevant statutory or case citations, plus specific recommendations for corrective measures. 4. LIST OF COMPLEMENTERY SERVICES Services Provided at No Additional Charge: Instant Online Updates — Online Code Updating More Frequently than the Printed Code: If requested, we can update the online code by the codifiable ordinance effective date. There is no additional charge for this service. Links to Cross -References & California Government Code: Where there are chapters, sections or Government Code references within the code text, links are provided that connect the viewer to the text being referenced. Statutory References Table Link to California Government Codes: QCP provides a Statutory Reference Table which is updated annually. Online codes on QCP's website feature a direct link to appropriate state statutes. In -Person Consultation and Training Seminars for City Staff. QCP provides the following consulting services at no additional charge. Trainings include, but are not limited to: Demonstration of the benefits and features of the online code including CodeAlert and an open question and answer session. Meetings with the City Clerk and department heads to discuss Editorial Procedures and establish stylistic procedures for editing the code and future supplements. Meetings to discuss results of Code Analysis and Review. Codes Searchable through Google: All codes on the QCP site are searchable through Google. Since many cities are required to adopt similar ordinances, this is very useful in assisting the City when drafting ordinances. This feature of QCP online codes is provided at no charge. For example, go to Google and type in: Accessory dwelling units site:gcode.us/codes/. Many cities have been adopting new ordinances on this topic, and you will quickly have many different versions to compare and or use in creating similar legislation. Please see screen shot below: Chapter 19.60 ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS - Roseville gcode.us > codes > roseville > view Chapter 18.38 ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS-- San Dimas gcode.us > codes > sandimas > view 9.146.050 Accessory dwelling units. - Lake Forest gcode.us > codes > lakeforest > view Quick Links Provided at No Additional Charge: If requested, we can add quick links on the left-hand side of the screen to a variety of items. Here are a few examples of what we are providing some of our customers: • Santa Rosa, CA — Link to the City Ordinance Archive which links the user to ordinances and resolutions on the City's site. • Yountville, CA — Link to Napa County Code and a link to the City's Master Fee Schedule. The City sends us a PDF of the Fee Schedule and we store it on our site. • Lemon Grove, CA — Link to the City's Master Fee Schedule provided to us by the City and stored on our site. Customer Service: Here are just a few of the extra services we provide to our customers: • Supplement schedule based on the customer's needs — quarterly, semi-annual, annual, and/or on demand. • Reminder notice sent one month before the scheduled supplement start date notifying you of which ordinances we have and what we need. • Email and/or telephone call on the scheduled supplement start date confirming what ordinances we have, what we may need, and confirming its okay to begin the supplement. • Follow-up call after supplement has delivered confirming receipt and making sure all is well. Editorial Consulting: Our customers can call us at any time, at no charge, with questions regarding drafting/numbering ordinances, etc. Services Provided at Additional Charge Depending on the Project Scope: Codification Services for Other Publications. QCP provides updating and online and print publication services for: • Encinitas, CA — Specific Plans • San Leandro, CA — Administrative Code • Stockton, CA — Council Policy Manual • Buena Park, CA — Traffic Code • Malibu, CA — Local Coastal Plan and General Plan STAFFING AND PROJECT ORGANIZATION 5.1 Purpose: As set out in the Scope of Service in the RFP, the project is primarily to provide on- going codification services which includes research, edit, codify and publish the ordinances in order to provide both City staff and the public with a current, reliable, accurate, easy to use code of ordinances. Both in print and online. 5.2 Project Staffing: All work done by QCP is conducted and managed in our Seattle, WA office supervised by Key Personnel. 5.3 Project Organization: In order to provide our customers with accurate and timely on-going supplement service the following are standard procedures we have implemented and follow to ensure complete customer satisfaction: • Establish a Supplement Schedule for all customers — Quarterly, Semi-annual or Annual. Thereby assuring we are maintaining contact on a regular basis. • Approximately one month before each supplement deadline QCP notifies the City to advise what ordinances we have received and prompts them to send any additional ordinances that have been adopted. • Prior to beginning a regularly scheduled supplement, QCP contacts the City to verify that we have received all the necessary ordinances and confirm that it is okay to begin the supplement. • Editing, indexing, word processing, proofreading, printing, shipping and online updating of the supplement. • After delivery of the supplement, QCP will contact the City to confirm receipt and satisfaction. QCP is a customer -driven company and as such we know that no two customers are alike. For each of our customers we create and maintain an Editorial Procedures File that our Editorial staff consult before starting a supplement. This file details the editorial style and content of the code. Everything from capitalization, subsection lettering and numbering, ordinance history note style, definition style, font size and style etc. 6. SUBCONTRACTING SERVICES. QCP uses AlphaGraphics of Seattle, a Washington Corporation, located in Seattle, WA. for printing our supplements and codes. However, QCP is the sole point of contact for this project and assumes complete responsibility for meeting all requirements as described in this Request for Proposal. 7. DISCLOSURES. QCP has no information to disclose and hereby affirmatively state there is no negative history to disclose. 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS (ATTACHMENT 2) — Signed and attached. 9. NON-COLUSION AFFIDAVIT (ATTACHMENT 3) — Signed and attached. 10. ACKNOWLDGEMENT OF ADDENDA (ATTACHEMENT 4) — Signed and attached. H ATTACHMENT 2 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal I, �a.,,-. (name) hereby acknowledge and confirm that uo. �- Goch Flo ; s�� v. (name of company) has reviewed the City's indemnification and minimum insurance requirements as listed in Exhibits E and F of the City's Agreement for Contract Services (Attachment 1); and declare that insurance certificates and endorsements verifying compliance will be provided if an agreement is awarded. I am s i a, V-�C of (Title) (Company) Page 47 of 49 Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as ISO CG 0001) $1,000,000 (per occurrence); $2,000,000 (general aggregate) Must include the following endorsements: General Liability Additional Insured General Liability Primary and Noncontributory Commercial Auto Liability (at least as broad as ISO CA 0001) $1,000,000 (per accident) Personal Auto Declaration Page if applicable Errors and Omissions Liability $1,000,000 (per claim and aggregate) Worker's Compensation (per statutory requirements) Must include the following endorsements: Worker's Compensation Waiver of Subrogation Worker's Compensation Declaration of Sole Proprietor if applicable Page 47 of 49 taa�� �- CALItOKVL1 - ATTACHMENT 3 NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal .k I - i -i e,A v\,\+_y, (name) hereby declare as follows: I am of Q v�.o..� i -�- �, Cu (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that all statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Proposer Signature: Proposer Name: Proposer Title: Company Name: Address: co Q 1 s 0 s, e. ao o, S e �4 l I W.9 ct'213 8 Page 48 of 49 CV �GNNW -- CALIFORNIA ATTACHMENT 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal; If no addenda has been issued, mark "N/A" under Addendum No. indicating Not Applicable and sign ADDENDUM NO. SIGNATURE INDICATING RECEIPT 4d-(�s cRwkeQ I((91a0 Page 49 of 49