08-0907 (RC) Title 24(Part 5 of 7) ENV -3-C (PROJECT NAME DATE Il Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 ROOF ABSORPTANCE CALCULATION 9 Q0 ° . B C D_ E F G CHECK APPLICABLE BOXES Case 1 -Proposed YES NO ASSEMBLY NAME (e.g. Roof -1) 1. CRRC-1 Certified? 2. Is the thermal emittance > 0.75? 3. Enter the initial reflectance p of value: 4. Calculate aProp = 0.94 - 0.7pRi.prop SF Go to 2. Go to 3. _PROPOSED U- FACTOR Go to 8. Go to 5. Go to 4. Insert value in calculation. Enter calculated value in Column F below. HEAT GAIN (BxCxDxExF) AREA" (ADJUSTED) p R+.prpp = a prop = HEAT GAIN (CxDxHxlxJ) Case 2 - CRRC-1 Tested X 63 5. Enter initial reflectance & emittance values from CRRC-1 6. Calculate pRl,proP = - 0.448 + 1.121 p of + 0.524 E im 7. Calculate apr., = 0.94 - 0.7p Ri,prop 0.92 E ind = Go to 6. Insert values in calculation. Go to 7. Insert value in calculation. Enter calculated value in Column F below. p mit = p Ri. prop = a prop = 0.051 8. Not CRRC-1 Tested 163 -Roo For nonresidential low -sloped roofs: For all other roofs: a prop = 0.87 Enter default value in Column F below. a prop = 0.73 Enter default value in Column F below. Standard absorptance values for Column J are either 0.92 0-07-9--0 For nonresidential low -sloped roofs: For all other roofs: a W = 0.45 Enter standard value in Column J below. a spa = 0.73 Enter standard value in Column J below. A�f� 9 Q0 ° . B C D_ E F G H I J K STANDARD ASSEMBLY NAME (e.g. Roof -1) AREA SF WF _PROPOSED U- FACTOR Absorp HEAT GAIN (BxCxDxExF) AREA" (ADJUSTED) U -Factor Absorp HEAT GAIN (CxDxHxlxJ) Roof X 63 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 488 63 0.051 0.45 163 -Roo _ _8B 123 0.92 0-07-9--0 8 B 8 ,05 29 Roof X 88 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 684 88 0.051 0.45 229 Roof X 86 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 668 86 0.051 0.45 223 Roof X 85 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 661 85 0.051 0.45 221 85 123 0_92 0.079 0.87_ 664 85 0.051 0.45 222 _Roof Roof _X X 69 123 0.87 537 69 0._051 0.45 179 Roof X 60 123 _0.92 _0,_079 0.079 467 50 0.051 0.45 156 _ Roof X 72 1230.92 _0_92 _ 0._079 _0,87 0:_87 559 0_:45 __187 _ Roof 96. 96 123 12.3 _0.92__ 0.92 _ _0.0T9____0.87 _ 0.079 0.87 748 748 _ _72_0.051 _96.0.051 0.051 _ 9.45- 250_. 250 - ______ Roof _ _ _X_ _X _ 96 _045 _6,909 Subtotals are entered under "Subtotal" E21301 307 SUBTOTAL in COLUMNS I and M of ENV -3-C, Part SUBTOTAL 6 of 7. EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft - - User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page: 52 of 126 (Part 5 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 ROOF ABSORPTANCE CALCULATION CHECK APPLICABLE BOXES Case 1 -Proposed YES NO 1. CRRC-1 Certified? 2. Is the thermal emittance > 0.75? 3. Enter the initial reflectance p i,it value: 4. Calculate a prop = 0.94 - 0.7 p Ri.prop Go to 2. Go to 3. Go to 8. Go to 5. Go to 4. Insert value in calculation. Enter calculated value in Column F below. p Re. prop = a prop = Case 2 - CRRC-1 Tested 5. Enter initial reflectance & emittance values from CRRC-1 6. Calculate pRi.prop = - 0.448 + 1.121 p w + 0.524 Eion 7. Calculate a prop = 0.94 - 0.7p R,.Vop Eini = Go to 6. Insert values in calculation. Go to 7. Insert value in calculation. Enter calculated value in Column F below. pia = p Ri,pro; = a prop = 8. Not CRRC-1 Tested For nonresidential low -sloped roofs: For all other roofs: a prop = 0.87 Enter default value in Column F below. a prop = 0.73 Enter default value in Column F below. Standard absorptance values for Column J are either For nonresidential low -sloped roofs: For all other roofs: a std = 0.45 Enter standard value in Column J below. a std = 0.73 Enter standard value in Column J below. (Part 5 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center I 8/13/2008 ROOF ABSORPTANCE CALCULATION f �_, 0_ n 0 °o N B C I D E F G CHECK APPLICABLE BOXES PROPOSED Case 1 - Proposed YES NO ASSEMBLY NAME (e.g. Roof -1) 1. CRRC-1 Certified? 2. Is the thermal emittance > 0.75? 3. Enter the initial reflectance p a value: 4. Calculate aP-P = 0.94 - 0.7pRt. P.P SF Go to 2. Go to 3. U- FACTOR Go to 8. Go to 5. Go to 4. Insert value in calculation. Enter calculated value in Column F below. HEAT GAIN (BxCxDxExF) AREA* (ADJUSTED) p RI•prPp = a PAPP = HEAT GAIN (CxDxHxlxJ) Case 2 - CRRC-1 Tested X 295 5. Enter initial reflectance & emittance values from CRRC-1 6. Calculate pR,.Pmp = - 0.448 + 1.121 p i,q + 0.524 E+"d 7. Calculate a PPP = 0.94 - 0.7 p RI,PPP 0.92 E,m = Go to 6. Insert values in calculation. Go to 7. Insert value in calculation. Enter calculated value in Column F below. p inR = p Rl.prPp = a PAPP = 8. Not CRRC-1 Tested 0.45 767 For nonresidential low -sloped roofs: For all other roofs: a wPp = 0.87 Enter default value in Column F below. a PAPP = 0.73 Enter default value in Column F below. Standard absorptance values for Column J are either 0.92 For nonresidential low -sloped roofs: For all other roofs: a Ped = 0.45 Enter standard value in Column J below. a aid = 0.73 Enter standard value in Column J below. A f �_, 0_ n 0 °o N B C I D E F G H I J K PROPOSED STANDARD ASSEMBLY NAME (e.g. Roof -1) AREA SF WF U- FACTOR Absorp HEAT GAIN (BxCxDxExF) AREA* (ADJUSTED) U -Factor Absorp HEAT GAIN (CxDxHxlxJ) Roof X 295 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 2,297 295 0.051 0.45 767 Roof _ ____A5z 0.92 0y0 87 06 -45 1 174 Roof X 1982 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 15,414 1,982 0.051 0.45 5147 Roof X 1,982 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 15,414 1,982 0.051 0.45 5,147 Roof X 416 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 3,232 416 0.051 0.45 1_079 Roof X 316 123 0.92 0.079 0_87 2,457 316 0.051 .0_45 820 Roof X 455 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 3_542 _455 0.051 0.45 1,183. Roof 50 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 393 50 0.051 _0._45 131 _ Roof _X X 80 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 620 80 0.051 0.45 207 Roof----------,,- X______.__8Q X 80 _123___0.92_____.0.Q79___ 123 0.92 0.079 622._.____-_80 6221 --- 0.051 0.051 0.45----.- 0.45 208_ 208 Roof _0.87 0.87 80 [ _48,13 j Subtotals are entered under "Subtotal" [ - 16,072_ SUBTOTAL in COLUMNS I and M of ENV -3-C, Part SUBTOTAL 6 of 7. EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page: 54 of 126 (Part 5 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 ROOF ABSORPTANCE CALCULATION �_, a a 0 °o, N B C I D E F G CHECK APPLICABLE BOXES PROPOSED Case 1 - Proposed YES NO ASSEMBLY NAME (e.g. Roof -1) 1. CRRC-1 Certified? 2. Is the thermal emittance > 0.75? 3. Enter the initial reflectance p im value: 4. Calculate a prop = 0.94 - 0.7 p Ri, prop SF Go to 2. Go to 3. U- FACTOR Go to 8. Go to 5. Go to 4. Insert value in calculation. Enter calculated value in Column F below. HEAT GAIN (BxCxDxExF) AREA* (ADJUSTED) p Ri,prop = a prop = HEAT GAIN (CxDxHxlxJ) Case 2 - CRRC-1 Tested X 117 S. Enter initial reflectance & emittance values from CRRC-1 6. Calculate pRi.prop = - 0.448 + 1.121 p i,n + 0.524 Ei,ir 7. Calculate a,, = 0.94 - 0.7 p Ri, prop 0.92 Einn = Go to 6. Insert values in calculation. Go to 7. Insert value in calculation. Enter calculated value in Column F below. p im = p Ri, prop = a prop = 0.0510_45 8. Not CRRC-1 Tested 303 9f For nonresidential low -sloped roofs: For all other roofs: a prop = 0.87 Enter default value in Column F below. a prop = 0.73 Enter default value in Column F below. Standard absorptance values for Column J are either 0.92 979 For nonresidential low -sloped roofs: For all other roofs: a Md = 0.45 Enter standard value in Column J below. a sed = 0.73 Enter standard value in Column J below. Af �_, a a 0 °o, N B C I D E F G H I J K PROPOSED STANDARD ASSEMBLY NAME (e.g. Roof -1) AREA SF WF U- FACTOR Absorp HEAT GAIN (BxCxDxExF) AREA* (ADJUSTED) U -Factor Absorp HEAT GAIN (CxDxHxlxJ) Roof X 117 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 908 117 0.0510_45 303 9f 123 0.92 979 X92 5 ,95 045 -34 Roof X 218 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 1,695 218 0.051 0.45 566 Roof X 109 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 847 109 0.051 0.45 283 Roof X 102 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 796 102 0.051 0.45 266 Roof X 185 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 1,4;17 185 0_051 0_45 480 Roof X 117 123 0.92 0.079 0_87 911 117 0.051 0,45 304 Roof X 84 123 _ 0.92 0.87 653 84 0.051 0_45 218 Roof X 107.123 0.92 _0_079 0.079 835 107 0.051 0.45 279 Roof_ 84123_ - 106 123 092 0.92 9.079- _0.87 ___0.87 0.87 823 275. Roof_ _ _X X _ 0.079 106_ 0.051 _0.45 _,__9,957 Subtotals are entered under "Subtotal' F-------3,325 SUBTOTAL in COLUMNS I and M of ENV -3-C, Part SUBTOTAL 6 of 7. 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number 5678 = Job Number: 07.0021 Page:55 of 126 (Part 5 of 7) ENV -3 -Cl PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 ROOF ABSORPTANCE CALCULATION fA M a 0 o H B C D E F G CHECK APPLICABLE BOXES PROPOSED Case 1 - Proposed YES NO ASSEMBLY NAME (e.g. Roof -1) 1. CRRC-1 Certified? 2. Is the thermal emittance > 0.75? 3. Enter the initial reflectance p w value: 4. Calculate aP-P = 0.94 - 0.7pno, P.w SF Go to 2. Go to 3. U- FACTOR Go to 8. Go to 5. Go to 4. Insert value in calculation. Enter calculated value in Column F below. HEAT GAIN (BXCXDxExF) AREA" (ADJUSTED) p Ri, plop = a prop = HEAT GAIN (CxDxHxlxJ) Case 2 - CRRC-1 Tested X 270 5. Enter initial reflectance & emittance values from CRRC-1 6. Calculate pRi-P = 0.448 + 1.121 p m + 0.524 EW 7. Calculate a, -P = 0.94 - 0.7p Ri.pr, 0.92 Emi, = Go to 6. Insert values in calculation. Go to 7. Insert value in calculation. Enter calculated value in Column F below. p wt = p RI.P.P = a wop = 8. Not CRRC-1 Tested 0.45 701 For nonresidential low -sloped roofs: For all other roofs: a P.P = 0.87 Enter default value in Column F below. a Pup = 0.73 Enter default value in Column F below. Standard absorptance values for Column J are either 128 0.92 For nonresidential low -sloped roofs: For all other roofs: a Wd = 0.45 Enter standard value in Column J below. a W = 0.73 Enter standard value in Column J below. A fA M a 0 o H B C D E F G H I J K PROPOSED STANDARD ASSEMBLY NAME (e.g. Roof -1) AREA SF WF U- FACTOR Absorp HEAT GAIN (BXCXDxExF) AREA" (ADJUSTED) U -Factor Absorp HEAT GAIN (CxDxHxlxJ) Roof X 270 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 2-09.9 270 0.051 0.45 701 R0 40 128 0.92 007-9 0 8 -362 46 00.5 .45 Roof X 46 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 362 460.051 0.45 121 Roof X 228 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 1,772 228 0.051 0.45 592 Roof X 18 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 141 180.051 0.45 47 Roof X 460 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 3,582 460 0.051 0.45 1,1.96 Roof X 96 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 748 96 0.051 0.45 250 Roof X 96 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 748 96 0.051 045 250 Roof X 96-123 ._ 0__92 0_.079 0.87 748 0_45 _ _ _250 Roof.---,-- 91.12 0.07-9 0.079 -_0.87 _0.87 707_ _. _960.051 _9.1_0.051 -_ _ 0.45 _- 236 _ 235_ Roof _X _ X_ _90.123 _0.92_ 0.92_ __ 704 90____0.051 045 C11 973 Subtotals are entered under "Subtotal" E _-3,998, SUBTOTAL in COLUMNS I and M of ENV -3-C, Part SUBTOTAL 6 of 7. EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft- User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page: 56 of 126, (Part 5 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME � DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 ROOF ABSORPTANCE CALCULATION a 0 ° 9 B C I D E F G CHECK APPLICABLE BOXES PROPOSED Case 1 - Proposed YES NO ASSEMBLY NAME (e.g. Roof -1) 1. CRRC-1 Certified? 2. Is the thermal emittance > 0.75? 3. Enter the initial reflectance p .it value: 4. Calculate a prop = 0.94 - 0.7p Rt.prop SF Go to 2. Go to 3. U- FACTOR Go to 8. Go to 5. Go to 4. Insert value in calculation. Enter calculated value in Column F below. HEAT GAIN (BxCxDxExF) AREA' (ADJUSTED) p Ri.prop = a prop = HEAT GAIN (CxDXHxlxJ) Case 2 - CRRC-1 Tested X 96 5. Enter initial reflectance & emittance values from CRRC-1 6. Calculate pR,p,pp = - 0.448 + 1.121 p m+ 0.524 E pt 7. Calculate a prop = 0.94 - 0.7 p Ri.prop 0.92 E init = Go to 6. Insert values in calculation. Go to 7. Insert value in calculation. Enter calculated value in Column F below. p nit = p Ri.p.p = a prep = 8. Not CRRC-1 Tested 0.45 250 For nonresidential low -sloped roofs: For all other roofs: a app = 0.87 Enter default value in Column F below. a prop = 0.73 Enter default value in Column F below. Standard absorptance values for Column J are either 1.23 0_92 For nonresidential low -sloped roofs: For all other roofs: a std = 0.45 Enter standard value in Column J below. a .td = 0.73 Enter standard value in Column J below. A a 0 ° 9 B C I D E F G H I J K PROPOSED STANDARD ASSEMBLY NAME (e.g. Roof -1) AREA SF WF U- FACTOR Absorp HEAT GAIN (BxCxDxExF) AREA' (ADJUSTED) U -Factor Absorp HEAT GAIN (CxDXHxlxJ) Roof X 96 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 748 96 0.051 0.45 250 09 61 1.23 0_92 ,079 0 8- 1 0.9 _4 15 Roof X 38 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 292 38 0.051 0.45 98 Roof X 294 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 2,28 294 0.051 0.45 764 Roof X 503 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 3,914 503 0.051 0.45 1307 Roof X 32 123 0.92 0.079 0.87 250 32 0.051 0.45 83 Roof X 641_123 0.92 0.079 0._8.7 4,985 6410.051 0_45 1,665 Roof X 322123- 0.92 0.079 0.87 2,508 322 0.051 0.45 838 Roof X 28 123 0.079 0.87 215 28 - 0.051 _ _ 0.45 _ 72_ Roof 132 133 _123 _123 _0.92 0.92 0.92 0.87-- ____ 1_,029_ _ 1,037 1_330.051 _346 Roof _ _X_ X _0.079 0.079 - 0.87 _0.45 17 74 Subtotals are entered under "Subtotal" 5,9241 SUBTOTAL in COLUMNS I and M of ENV -3-C, Part SUBTOTAL 6 of 7. EnergvPro 4.4 by EnergvSoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page: 57W, 126 (Part 5 of 7) ENV -3-C (PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center I 8/13/2008 ROOF ABSORPTANCE CALCULATION CHECK APPLICABLE BOXES Case 1 - Proposed YES NO 1. CRRC-1 Certified? 2. Is the thermal emittance > 0.75? 3. Enter the initial reflectance p im value: 4. Calculate a,.P = 0.94 - 0.7pR.W.P Go to 2. Got 3. Go to 8. Go to S. Go to 4. Insert value in calculation. Enter calculated value in Column F below. p Ri.Prop = a Prop = Case 2 - CRRC-1 Tested 5. Enter initial reflectance & emittance values from CRRC-1 6. Calculate pRl.p,op = - 0.448 + 1.121 p InA + 0.524 E nt 7. Calculate aProp = 0.94 - 0.7p Rrprpp E r, = Go to 6. Insert values in calculation. Go to 7. Insert value in calculation. Enter calculated value in Column F below. p init = p Rl.prop = a Prop = 8. Not CRRC-1 Tested For nonresidential low -sloped roofs: For all other roofs: a Prop = 0.87 Enter default value in Column F below. a Prop = 0.73 Enter default value in Column F below. Standard absorptance values for Column J are either For nonresidential low -sloped roofs: For all other roofs: a cid = 0.45 Enter standard value in Column J below. a sed = 0.73 Enter standard value in Column J below. (OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 6 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center I 8/13/2008 OVERALL HEAT GAIN FROM RADIATION FENESTRATION SURFACES A B C D I E F G H I J K L M WINDOW/SKYLIGHT NAME e.g. Wind -1, Sky -1) ORIENT. WEIGHTING FACTOR PROPOSED STANDARD AREA SF 1 SHGC OVERHANG HEAT GAIW (BxCxDxExH) AREA 3 (ADJUSTED) RSHG q or SHGC SF HEAT GAIN (BxJxKxL) H V HIV OHF Window S 1.27 46 123 0.36 213,391 3. If Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment is required, use adjusted area Part 6 Subtotal 192,833 2,564 46 0.36 123 2,564 Window W 1.05 108 123 0.361 898 652 Total Heat Gain 772 814 4,998 108 0.36 123 4,998 Window N 0.61 46 123 0.36 1,232 46 0.51123 1745 Window S 1.27 26 123 0.36 1,434 26 0.36 123 1,434 Window S 1.27 26 123 0.36 1,434 26 0.36 123 1,434 Window S 1.27 26 123 0.36 1.4 4 26 0.36 123 1,434 Window S 1.27 2 123 0.36 1,434 26 0.36 123 1,434 Skylight H 2.29 1 123 0.36 1531 15 0.46 123 1,956 Window S 1.27 26 123 0.36 1,434 26 0.36 123 1,434 Window S 1.27 26 123 0.36 1,434 26 0.36 123 1,434 Window S 1.27 26 123 0.36 1,434 26 0.36 123 1434 Window S 1.27 26 123 0.36 1434 26 0.36 123 1,434 Window W 1.05 12 123 0.3 604 13 0.36 123 604 Window E 1.07 34 123 0.36 1,599 34 0.36 123 1 _599 Window N 0.61 78_123 036 2,107 78 0.51 123 2 985 Window W 1.05 34 123 0.36 1,569 34 0.36 123 1,569 Window N 0.61 40 123 0.36 1,070 40 0.51123 1515 Wind N Window E 0.61 1.07 4 4_01_23 1123 0.36 0.36_ 1,070 1.876 40 40 0.51123 0.36 123 1515 1876 Wind9w E 1.07 123 _6_3 2 151 45 0.36 123 2 151 Window S 1.27 4123 0.36 2,553 45 0.36 123 2,553 Window S 1.27 9 123 p36, 92 0.36 123 5174 Window W 1.05 22123 0.36 1,023 22 0.36 123 1,023 Window W 1.05 45 123 -0_36 2092 45 0.36 123 2,092 Window S 1.27 22 123 0.36 1,237 22 0.36 123 1237 Window W 1.05 1_ _123 ... 0.36___ ___ 604 13 -0.3.6 123 604 Window W 1.05 13 123 0_36 604 13 0_36 123 604_ Window W 1.05 123 0.36 -__ 604 13 0.36 123 604 1. From Fenestration Surfaces ENV -1-C, Part 2, Column G, or when Column part 4 Subtotal I 439,439 Part 4 Subtotal 470,476 H has a "C identifier, calculate using the center of glass value SHGCc in `------- - SHGCfen = .08 + (0.86xSHGCc) and enter value. Part 5 Subtotal 266,379 Part 6 Subtotal 88,948 2. Proposed Heat Gain, Column I may be no greater than Standard Heat Gain Column M. 213,391 3. If Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment is required, use adjusted area Part 6 Subtotal 192,833 Part 6 Subtotal from Part 6 of 7. 4. Only SHGC is used for Skylights 898 652 Total Heat Gain 772 814 --EnergyPro 4:4 by-EnergySoft _ -.maser Number: -5678 Job Number: 07.0021 - - Page: 59 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 6 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME I DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 1 8/13/2008 OVERALL HEAT GAIN FROM RADIATION FENESTRATION SURFACES A B C D I E I G H F I _.-_........._... . J K L M WINDOW/SKYLIGHT NAME e. Wind -1, Sky -1) ORIENT. 9• Y ) WEIGHTING FACTOR PROPOSED STANDARD AREA SF � SHGC OVERHANG HEAT GAIN2 (BxCxDxExH) AREA 3 (ADJUSTED) RSHG q or SHGC SF HEAT GAIN (BxJxKxL) H V HN -- OHF Window W 1.05 13123 0.36 604 13 0.36 123 604 Window S 1.27 1 123 0.36 613 11 0.36 123 613 Window S 1.27 1 123 0.361 613 11 0.36 123 613 Window S 1.27 1 123 613 11 0.36 123 613 Window S 1.27 1 123 0.36 613 11 0.36 123 613 Window E 1.07 1 123 0.36 4 18 0.36 123 848 Window E 1.07 1 123 0.36 848 18 0.36 123 848 Window . E 1.07 1 123 0.36 848 180.36 123 848 Window S 1.27 2 123 0.361 1,187 21 0.36 123 1,187 Window E 1.07 6 123 0.36 3,283 69 0.36 123 3,283 Window E 1.07 6 123 0.36 3,283 69 0.36 123 3,28 Window N 0.61 6 123 0.36 1,872 69 0.51 123 2,652 Window N 0.61 18 123 0.36 483 18 0.51123 685 Window E 1.07 18 123 0.36 848 18 0.36 123 848 Window W 1.05 2 123 _36 981 21 0.36 123 981 Window E 1.07 2 123 0.361 1,000 21 0.36 123 1000 Window E 1.07 64,123 0.36 3,283 69 0.36 123 3,283 AAlind N 0.61 691123 0.36 1,872_ 69 0.51123 2,652 Window N 0.61 69 123 0.36 1,872 69 0.51 123-2652 ndov,� 0.61 123 38 1,872 69 0.51 123 2 652 Window N 0.61 6 123 0.36 1,872 69 0.51 123 2,652 Window N 0.61 18 123 _0_3_6 48.3 18 0.51 123 685 Window N 0.61 1 123 0.36 483 18 0.51123 685 Window S 1.27 1 123 ,36 1,007- 18 0_36 123 1007 Window S 1.27 18 123 0.36 1,007 18 0.36 123 1 007 Window __S _1_27 1. -123 .--0.36- 1,007 18 0.36 123 _ 1,007 Window S 1.27 1 123 0.36 1,007 _ 18- 0,36 123_ 1,007 Window W 1.05 1 123 0.36 8324 18 0.36 123 832 1. From Fenestration Surfaces ENV -1-C, Part 2, Column G, or when Column H has a "C identifier, calculate using the center of glass value SHGCc in SHGCfen = .08 + (0.86xSHGCc) and enter value. 2. Proposed Heat Gain, Column I may be no greater than Standard Heat Gain Column M. 3. If Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment is required, use adjusted area from Part 6 of 7. 4. Only SHGC is used for Skylights EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Part 4 Subtotal 439,4 3 9 Part 5 Subtotal 266,379 ---------- Part 6 Subtotal 192,833 898 652 Job Number: 07:0031 Part 4 Subtotal f 470,476 Part 5 Subtotal 88,948 Part 6 Subtotal f 213 391 Total Heat Gain 772 814 Paoe:60 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 6 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 OVERALL HEAT GAIN FROM RADIATION FENESTRATION SURFACES A B C D I E F G I H I J K L M WINDOW/SKYLIGHT NAME e.g. Wind -1, Sky -1) ORIENT. WEIGHTING FACTOR PROPOSED STANDARD AREA SF �SHGC 1 OVERHANG HEAT GAIW (BxCxDxExH) AREA 3 (ADJUSTED) RSHG 4 or SHGC SF HEAT GAIN (BxJxKxL) H V H1V _ OHF Window W 1.05 18 123 0.36 192,833 Part 6 Subtotal 213,391 from Part 6 of 7. 832 18 0.36 123 832 Window S 1.27 18,1 123 0.36 772 814 L EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft -- User Number: 5678 Job Number. 07.0021 _ 1,007 18 0.36 123 1,007 Window S 1.27 18 123 0.36 1,007 18 0.36 123 1,007 Window S 1.27 18 123 o.3 18 0.36 123 1,007 Window S 1.27 18 123 0.36 1,007 18 .0.36 123 1,007 Window S 1.27 1 123 0_.36 1,007 18 0.36 123 1,007 Window S 1.27 1 123 0.36 1,007 18 0.36 123 1,007 Window W 1.05 18123 0.36 832 18 0.36 123 832 Window W 1.05 1 123 0.361 832 18 0.36 123 832 Window N 0.61 18 123 0.36 483 18 0.51123 685 Window N 0.61 18 123 0.36 483 18 0.51123 685 Window N 0.61 18 123 0.36 483 18 0.51123 685 Window N 0.61 18 123 0.36 483 18 0.51123 685 Window N 0.61 16, 123 0.36 483 18 0.51123 685 Window N 0.61 1 123 ().3 483 18 0.51 123 685 Window N 0.61 18 123 0.36 483 18 0.51 123 685 Window N 0.61 18 123 0.361 483 18 0.51123 685 Windo W_ 1.05 1 123 0.36 832 18 0.36 123 832 Window W 1.05 18 123 0.36 832 18 0.36 123 832 endow 1.05 123 -3 3 754 81 0.36 123 3,754 Window g 1.27 124 123 0.36 6 945 124 0.36 123 6,945 Window W 1.05 5d 123 3S ,325 50 0.36 123 2 325 Window W 1.05 74 123 0.36 3,441 740 36 123 __ 3,441 Window w 1_05 89 123 _0...36 4152 89 0.36 123 4,152 Window W 1_05 21 123 0.36 10 994 219 0.36 123 10094 Window _W 1.05 g . 123 _036 4 152 _ 89 0.36 123 4,152 Window S 1.27 2 123 0_36 _1,113 _ 20 0,361123 _ 1,113 Window S 1.27 2 123 0.36 1,113 20 0.36 123 1,113 1. From Fenestration Surfaces ENV -1-C, Part 2, Column G, or when Column Part 4 Subtotal 1 439,4391 Part 4 Subtotal 470,476 H has a "C' identifier, calculate using the center of glass value SHGCc in _-__: SHGCfen = .08 + (0.86xSHGCc) and enter value. E 266,379 Part 5 Subtotal 88,948 2. Proposed Heat Gain, Column I may be no greater than Standard Heat Part 5 Subtotal _ . _, -.. _l ___ Gain Column M.1. 3. If Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment is required, use adjusted area Part 6 Subtotal 192,833 Part 6 Subtotal 213,391 from Part 6 of 7. 4. Only SHGC is used for Skylights 898 652 Total Heat Gain 772 814 L EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft -- User Number: 5678 Job Number. 07.0021 _ Page:61 of 126_ OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part6 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 OVERALL HEAT GAIN FROM RADIATION FENESTRATION SURFACES A B C D I E F G I H I J K L M CINDOWI,SKYLIGHT NAME -1) ORIENT. WEIGHTING FACTOR PROPOSED STANDARD AREA SF t SHGC OVERHANG HEAT GAIN2 (BXCXDXEXH) AREA 3 (ADJUSTED) RSHG or SHGC SF HEAT GAIN (BxJxKxL) H V H/V OHF Window N 0.61 2C 123 0.36 1--192,8331 213,391 3. If Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment is required, use adjusted area 535 20 0.51123 758 Window N 0.61 20 123 0.36 4. Only SHGC is used for Skylights 898 652 .535 20 0.51123 _ Job Number. 07.0021 758 Window N 0.61 2 123 0.36 535 20 0.51123 758 Window N 0.61 2 123 0.3 535 20 0.51123 758 Window S 1.27 2 123 0.36 1,113 20 0.36 123 1,113 Window S 1.27 2 123 0.3 111� 20 0.36 123 1,113 Window N 0.61 2 123 0.36 535 20 0.51123 758 Window N 0.61 2 123 0.36 535 20 0.51123 758 Window N 0.61 20 123 0.36 535 20 0.51 123 758 Window N 0.61 2 123 0.36 535 20 0.51123 758 Window N 0.61 2 123 0.36 535 20 0.51123 758 Window N 0.61 20123 0.36 535 20 0.51123 758 Window N 0.61 18 123 036 4 881 181 0.51 123 6 915 Window N 0.61 12 123 0.36 3,484 129 0.51 123 4,936 Window 1.27 2 123 .3 1,113 20 0.36 123 11113 Window S 1.27 2 123 0.36 1113 20 0.36 123 1,113 Window S 1.27 0.36 1113 20 0.36 123 1,113 endow S 1.27 2._123 26123 0.36 1,113 200.36 123 1113 Window S 1.27 10 123 0.36 6.000 1_07 0.36 123 6 000 inflow E 1.07 123 3� 3,283 69 0_36 123 3,283 Window E 1.07 20123 0.36 938 20 0_36 123 _938 Window E 1.07 2 123 38 938 20 0.36 123 938 Window E 1.07 2 123 _,3 0.36 20 0._36 123 938 Window E 1.07 2._ 123 36. 938 20 0.36 123 938 Window N 0.61 20 123 0.36 5_56 4 206 0.51 123 7 883 Window E 8212.3 123 0,_36 0.36 3,871 82 0,36 123 3,871 Window N _1.07 0.61 9 -2515 93 0,51 123 ___3,562 -- Window E 1.07 3 123 0.36 1,862 39 0.36 123 1,862 1. From Fenestration Surfaces ENV -1-C, Part 2, Column G, or when Column part 4 Subtotal 439,439 Part 4 Subtotal 470,476 H has a "C identifier, calculate using the center of glass value SHGCc in -- - - SHGCfen = .08 + (0.86xSHGCc) and enter value. Part 5 Subtotal 266,379 Part 5 Subtotal 88948 2. Proposed Heat Gain, Column I may be no greater than Standard Heat _ _. Gain Column M. 1--192,8331 213,391 3. If Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment is required, use adjusted area Part 6 Subtotal Part 6 Subtotal from Part 6 of 7. 4. Only SHGC is used for Skylights 898 652 Total Heat Gain 772 814 - ET EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 _ Job Number. 07.0021 - Page:62 of 126-1 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 6 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center I 8/13/2008 OVERALL HEAT GAIN FROM RADIATION FENESTRATION SURFACES A B C D I E F G I H I J K L M INDOW/SKYLIGHT NAME e.g. Wind -1, Sky -1) ORIENT. WEIGHTING FACTOR PROPOSED STANDARD AREA SF 1 SHGC OVERHANG HEAT GAIN2 (BxCxDxExH) AREA 3 (ADJUSTED) RSHG 4 or SHGC SF HEAT GAIN (BxJxKxL) H I V HN OHF Window E 1.07 39123 Gain Column M. 3. If Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment is required, use adjusted area 0.36 192,833 Part 6 Subtotal 213,391 from Part 6 of 7. 1,862 39 0.36 123 1,862 Drive Thru Window E 1.07 29 123 0.36128.510.2Z.78 772,814 EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number. 07.0021° 1.00 1,369 29 0.36 123 1,369 Under Awninq Window E 1.07 39 123 0.36 28.5 11.9 2.41 1.00 1,862 39 0.36 123 1 862 Window N 0.61 39 123 0.36 1,062 39 0.51123 1,504 Window N 0.61 39123 0.36 1,062 39 0.51123 1,504 Window N 0.61 3 123 0.36 ------1,062 39 0.51 123 1,504 Window N 0.61 3 123 0.36 1,062 39 0.51123 1,504 Window N 0.61 39123 0.36 1,062 39 0.51123 1,504 WindQw N 0.61 39 123 0.36 1,062 39 0.51123 1,504 1. From Fenestration Surfaces ENV -1-C, Part 2, Column G, or when Column Part 4 Subtotal I 439,439 Part 4 Subtotal 470,476 H has a "C identifier, calculate using the center of glass value SHGCc in -- - - - -- - _ ---- SHGCfen = .08 + (0.86xSHGCc) and enter value. L- 266,371 88,948 2. Proposed Heat Gain, Column I may be no greater than Standard Heat Part 5 Subtotal _ Part 6 Subtotal Gain Column M. 3. If Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment is required, use adjusted area Part 6 Subtotal 192,833 Part 6 Subtotal 213,391 from Part 6 of 7. 4. Only SHGC is used for Skylights 898 652 Total Heat Gain 772,814 EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number. 07.0021° Page:63 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3-C. PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center I 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS o CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See -- Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wail -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N E S W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 ti Page:64 of 126 TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS XI CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) A B C ROOF NAME (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) GROSS AREA SKYLIGHT AREA TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 ti Page:64 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3 -Cl ECT NAME Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center DATE 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS u CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N I E I S IW 1:11:11-11:1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro*4 by Energysoft User Number: 5678 - Job Number: 07.0021 -#= Page:65 of 126 TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) A B C ROOF NAME GROSS SKYLIGHT (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) AREA AREA D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) TOTALS N/A EnergyPro*4 by Energysoft User Number: 5678 - Job Number: 07.0021 -#= Page:65 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3 -Cl PROJECT NAME Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center DATE 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS X❑ CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N I E I S JW 1:11:11-11-1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A Energypro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 - Job Number: OT M21 Page:66 of 126 TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) A B C ROOF NAME GROSS SKYLIGHT (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) AREA AREA D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) TOTALS N/A Energypro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 - Job Number: OT M21 Page:66 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS X❑ CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N E S W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EwgyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: & U021 Page:67 of 126 TOTALS I I N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) A B C ROOF NAME (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) GROSS AREA SKYLIGHT AREA TOTALS N/A EwgyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: & U021 Page:67 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7 ENV -3 -Cl PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N I E I S W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑a❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678- Job Number: 07.0021 Page:68-0f 126 TOTALS N/A SKYLIGHT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) A B C ROOF NAME GROSS SKYLIGHT (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) AREA - AREA D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678- Job Number: 07.0021 Page:68-0f 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3 -Cl PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS X CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION D E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wail -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA Ft4 E S W 1:11:1 ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑a❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job --,Number: 07.0021 - Page:69 of 126 TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) A B C ROOF NAME GROSS SKYLIGHT (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) AREA AREA D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job --,Number: 07.0021 - Page:69 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 1 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION D E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) — A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N E S W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1-11:1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1-11-1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1-11:1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1-11:1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft ,- -User Number; 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:70 of 126 TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) A B C ROOF NAME GROSS SKYLIGHT (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) AREA AREA D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft ,- -User Number; 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:70 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) NV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center I 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS X❑ CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) ORIENTATION GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N E S W 1:11:1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:71 of 126 TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS FXICHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) A B C ROOF NAME (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) GROSS AREA SKYLIGHT AREA TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:71 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center I 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS X❑ CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION D E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wail -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N I E I S IW ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ 1:11:11-1 F-1 ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑o❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ 1:11:11-1 El TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:72 of 126. TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS X❑ CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) A B C ROOF NAME GROSS SKYLIGHT (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) AREA AREA D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:72 of 126. OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3 -Cl PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS o CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wail -1, Wali -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N E S W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 :by EnergySofL User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:73 of 126 TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) A B C ROOF NAME (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) GROSS AREA SKYLIGHT AREA TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 :by EnergySofL User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:73 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center I 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS FXICHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) RIENTATION D E E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) - A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA FNE S W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by-Energysoft - User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 . Page:74 of 126- TOTALS I N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) A B C ROOF NAME (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) GROSS AREA SKYLIGHT AREA TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by-Energysoft - User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 . Page:74 of 126- OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS IX -1 CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N E S W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS I N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by_EnergySoft User Number 5678 Job Number: 07:0021 Page:75of-1.26 TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS ❑ CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) A B C ROOF NAME (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) GROSS AREA SKYLIGHT AREA TOTALS I N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by_EnergySoft User Number 5678 Job Number: 07:0021 Page:75of-1.26 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS 0 CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N I E I S JW ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4-4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Paga75 of 126 TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS X❑ CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) A B C ROOF NAME (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) GROSS AREA SKYLIGHT AREA TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4-4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Paga75 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3-C. PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center I 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS X❑ CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N I E I S IW ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft AJW Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 age:77 of 126 TOTALS I I I I N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS X❑ CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) A B C ROOF NAME GROSS SKYLIGHT (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) AREA AREA D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft AJW Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 age:77 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV - PROJECT NAME Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center DATE 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION D E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wail -1, Wail -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N I E I S W 1:11:1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑El❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 - Page:78 of 126 TOT I N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS 0 CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) A B C ROOF NAME GROSS SKYLIGHT (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) AREA AREA D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 - Page:78 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3 -Cl PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N I E I S W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1:11:1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:79 of 126 TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) A B C ROOF NAME GROSS SKYLIGHT (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) AREA AREA D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:79 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR Part 1) E 7ADJUSTED G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR Part 1) ADJADJUSTED IF WIN AAREA (DB WALL - (F + C) A B C D WALLNAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wail -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA(From N E S W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1-11:1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft ;-. User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 -, Page:80 of 126 TOTALS I I I N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS IX -1 CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) B C GROSS SKYLIGHT Roof -1, Roof -2) AREA AREA(From D SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR Part 1) ADJA JE SKYROOFNAME (C A(e.g. 7ADJUSTED TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft ;-. User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 -, Page:80 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD Part 7 of 7) ENV -3 -Cl PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS o CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) — A B C D _ WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N E S W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1:11-11-1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:81 of 126 TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS IX -1 CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) A B C ROOF NAME (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) GROSS AREA SKYLIGHT AREA TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:81 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center I 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS 0 CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N I E I S JW ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1:11:1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 — Page:82 of 126 TOTALS I F N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) A B C ROOF NAME GROSS SKYLIGHT (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) AREA AREA D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 — Page:82 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3 -Cl PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See — Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION D E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N I E I S JW ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4_ by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 - Page:83 of 126 TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) A B C ROOF NAME GROSS SKYLIGHT (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) AREA AREA D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4_ by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 - Page:83 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3 -Cl PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS ❑ CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N E S W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1:11:11-10 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021. Page:84 of 126 TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS o CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) A B C ROOF NAME (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) GROSS AREA SKYLIGHT AREA TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021. Page:84 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center I 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS )XIu CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION D E E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N I E I S IW 1:11:1 ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ 1:11:11-1 F-1 ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EwgyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: -07-Q021 Page:85 of 126_ TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) A B C ROOF NAME (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) GROSS AREA SKYLIGHT AREA TOTALS N/A EwgyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: -07-Q021 Page:85 of 126_ OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD Part 7 of 7 ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 1 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION D E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N E S W ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:86 of 126 TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) A B C ROOF NAME GROSS SKYLIGHT (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) AREA AREA D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:86 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD I (Part 7 of 7) ENV - PROJECT -NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS 0 CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION D SKYLIGHT C ADJUST. SKYLIGHT FACTOR (From Part 1) AREA E F ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N I E I S I W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1:11:1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ TOTALS N/A TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) D SKYLIGHT C ADJUST. SKYLIGHT FACTOR (From Part 1) AREA E F ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) A B ROOF NAME (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) GROSS AREA TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 JobNumber: 07.0021 Page:87 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center I 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS FXICHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATIONI E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N I E I S JW I ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by Energysoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:88 of 126 TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) A B C ROOF NAME (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) GROSS AREA SKYLIGHT AREA TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by Energysoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:88 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV- 3 -Cl PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS X❑ CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N I E I S I W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑o❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:89 of 126 TOTALS I I I N/A KYLIGHT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) A B C ROOF NAME (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) GROSS AREA SKYLIGHT AREA TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:89 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3 -Cl PROJECT NAME Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center DATE 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N I E I S IW ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1-11-1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1:11:1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:90 of 126 TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS o CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) A B C ROOF NAME GROSS SKYLIGHT (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) AREA AREA D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:90 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD Part 7 of 7 ENV -3 -Cl ROJECT NAME Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center DATE 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS X❑ CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N 1 E I S I W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:91 of 126 TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS a CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) A B C ROOF NAME (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) GROSS AREA SKYLIGHT AREA TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:91 of 126 OVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD (Part 7 of 7) ENV -3 -Cl PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center I 8/13/2008 WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 1 of 7) ORIENTATION D E F G WINDOW ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED WINDOW AREA (D X E) ADJUSTED WALL AREA B - (F + C) A B C D WALL NAME (e.g. Wall -1, Wall -2) GROSS AREA DOOR AREA WINDOW AREA N I E I S JW ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1:11:1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:92 of 126. - TOTALS N/A KYLI HT AREA ADJUSTMENT CALCULATIONS u CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (See Part 2 of 7) A B C ROOF NAME GROSS SKYLIGHT (e.g. Roof -1, Roof -2) AREA AREA D E F SKYLIGHT ADJUST. FACTOR (From Part 1) ADJUSTED SKYLIGHT AREA (C X D) ADJUSTED ROOF AREA (B - E) TOTALS N/A EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:92 of 126. - ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE (Part 1 of 2) ENV -4-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center I 8/13/2008 SKYLIGHT AREA FOR LARGE ENCLOSED SPACES This worksheet applies to buildings with an enclosed space > 25,000 ft2 with a ceiling height >15 ft and an LPD for the space for general lighting 0.5 WIftZ A. Enter proposed daylit area as indicated on plans Proposed daylit area is indicated on page_ of the plans B. Floor Area: 0 ft' x 0.50 = Criterion 1: Proposed Daylit Area is equal to or greater than Minimum Daylit Area. C. Select the appropriate box based on the LPD in W/ft': ❑ LPD > 1.4 ❑ 1.0 < LPD < 1.4 ❑x 0.5 < LPD <1.0 Enter 3.6%-> Enter 3.3%--> Enter 3.0%-> D. Minimum skylight area: Enter the product B x C then divide by 100 E. Enter the proposed total skylight area in the large enclosed space Criterion 2: Proposed skylight area is equal to or greaterthan minimum skylight area. Criterion 3: Haze rating of skylight glazing or skylight diffuser is greater than 90%. Document and page number wit haze specification of skylight: 01 Proposed Daylit Area 0 Minimum Dalit Area �— 3.03.0 Skylight-Daylit Fraction 01 Minimum Skylight Area 01 Proposed Skylight Area Large enclosed space complies with Criteria 1, 2, and 3 above [Sections 143(C)1, 2, and 3]. 1 EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number. X678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:93 of -126 1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 1 of 4) LTG -1-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/20_08 PROJECT ADDRESS 45-280 Seeley Drive La Quinta Building Permit # PRINCIPAL DESIGNER - LIGHTING TELEPHONE Dwayne G. Miller 714.751.3354 Checked by/Date DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR TELEPHONE JBA Consulting Engineers (714) 751-3354 11 Enforcement Agency Use GENERAL INFORMATION DATE OF PLANS BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA CLIMATE ZONE 8.22.07 83,806 Sq.Ft. 15 BUILDING TYPE a NONRESIDENTIAL ❑ HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL u HOTEL/MOTEL GUEST ROOM ❑X CONDITIONED SPACES[X] UNCONDITIONED SPACES ❑ INDOOR & OUTDOOR SIGNS PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION ❑X NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION METHOD OF LIGHTING ❑ COMPLETE BUILDING X AREA CATEGORY ❑ TAILORED ❑ PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE ❑ COMMON LIGHTING STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to building lighting requirements. The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation is Orrite and Co ..plet DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR SIGNATURE DATE Glynnis Cassan U The Principal Lighting Designer hereby certifies that the proposed bd)fdirddjsiesented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the lighting requirements contained in Sections 110, 119, 130 - 132, 146, 148 & 149 of Title 24, Part 6. ❑ The plans & specifications meet the requirements of Part 6 (Sections 10-103a). ❑ The installation certificates meet the requirements of Part 6 (10-103a 3). ❑ The operation & maintenance information meet the requirements of Part 6 (10-103c). Please Check One: (These sections of the Business and Professions Code are printed in full in the Nonresidential Manual.) ❑ I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed in the State of California as a civil engineer or electrical engineer, or I am a licensed architect. ❑ I affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 or 6737.3 to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor performing this work. ❑ I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because it pertains to a structure or type of work described as exempt pursuant to Business and Professions Code Sections 5537, 5538 and 6737.1. PRINCIPAL LIGHTING DESIGNER - NAME SIGNATURE DATE LIC. # Dwa ne G. Miller LIGHTING MANDATORY MEASURES Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures ,0_ LIGHTING COMPLIANCE FORMS & WORKSHEETS Check box if worksheet is included IXILTG-1-C, Parts 1 of 4 and 2 of 4: Certificate of Compliance. Part 1 of 4 and 2 of 4 are required for all submittals IXILTG-1-C, Part 3 of 4: Certificate of Compliance. Part 3 of 4 submittal is required only if Control Credits are claimed IXILTG-1-C, Part 4 of 4: Certificate of Compliance. Part 4 of 4 submittal is required when lighting controls are installed FXILTG-2-C: Indoor Lighting Schedule CILTG-3-C: Portable Lighting Worksheet X1 LTG -4-C: Lighting Controls Credit Worksheet X1 LTG -5-C: Indoor Lighting Power Allowance El LTG -6-C: Tailored Method Worksheet CILTG-7-C: Room Cavity Ratio Worksheet CILTG-8-C: Common Lighting Systems Method Worksheet CILTG-9-C: Line Voltage Track Lighting Worksheet EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:-94—of 126 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 2 of 4) LTG -1 -C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 INSTALLED INDOOR LIGHTING POWER FOR CONDITIONED AND UNCONDITIONED SPACES INSTALLED LIGHTING, UNCONDITIONED SPACES (From LTG -2-C) 1,690 LIGHTING CONTROL CREDIT, UNCONDITIONED SPACES (From LTG -4-C) 0 UNCONDITIONED SPACE ADJUSTED INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER 1,690 ALLOWED INDOOR LIGHTING POWER FOR CONDITIONED SPACES ❑ COMPLETE BUILDING METHOD (From LTG -5-C) ALLOWED ❑X AREA CATEGORY METHOD (From LTG -5-C) WATTS ❑ TAILORED METHOD (From LTG -5-C) ALLOWED LIGHTING POWER 89,457 ALTERNATE COMPLIANCE ❑ PERFORMANCE METHOD ❑ COMMMON LIGHTING SYSTEM (From LTG -8-C) ALLOWED INDOOR LIGHTING POWER FOR UNCONDITIONED SPACES From LTG -5-C) 1 317 MANDATORY INDOOR AND DAYLIGHTING AUTOMATIC CONTROLS CONTROL LOCATION (Room #) CONTROL IDENTIFICATION INSTALLED SPACE CONTROLLED WATTS NOTE TO FIELD INSTALLED LIGHTING, CONDITIONED SPACES (From LTG -2-C) 75,502 PORTABLE LIGHTING (From LTG -3-C) 26 LIGHTING CONTROL CREDIT, CONDITIONED SPACES (From LTG -4-C) 1,203 CONDITIONED SPACE ADJUSTED INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER 74,325 INSTALLED LIGHTING, UNCONDITIONED SPACES (From LTG -2-C) 1,690 LIGHTING CONTROL CREDIT, UNCONDITIONED SPACES (From LTG -4-C) 0 UNCONDITIONED SPACE ADJUSTED INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER 1,690 ALLOWED INDOOR LIGHTING POWER FOR CONDITIONED SPACES ❑ COMPLETE BUILDING METHOD (From LTG -5-C) ALLOWED ❑X AREA CATEGORY METHOD (From LTG -5-C) WATTS ❑ TAILORED METHOD (From LTG -5-C) ALLOWED LIGHTING POWER 89,457 ALTERNATE COMPLIANCE ❑ PERFORMANCE METHOD ❑ COMMMON LIGHTING SYSTEM (From LTG -8-C) ALLOWED INDOOR LIGHTING POWER FOR UNCONDITIONED SPACES From LTG -5-C) 1 317 MANDATORY INDOOR AND DAYLIGHTING AUTOMATIC CONTROLS CONTROL LOCATION (Room #) CONTROL IDENTIFICATION CONTROL TYPE (Auto Time Switch, Dimming, etc.) SPACE CONTROLLED Check if Daylighting NOTE TO FIELD EnergyPro 4.4 by.Energysoft USerAumber: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:95 of 126 NOTES TO FIELD - For Buildinn Department Use Only EnergyPro 4.4 by.Energysoft USerAumber: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:95 of 126 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 3 of 4) LTG -1-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center I 8/13/2008 1 CONTROLS FOR CREDIT IN CONDITIONED AND UNCONDITIONED SPACES CONTROL LOCATION (Room # or Dwg. #) CONTROL IDENTIFICATION CONTROL TYPE (Occupant, Daylight, Dimming, etc.) L MINAIRES CONTROLLED NOTE TO FIELD TYpE # F L MINAIRE CHK-IN/ Dimming - Manual Y 3 2RE�CgEPT. IMAGING WAIT 100/101 Dimming - Manual Y 3 IMAGING WAIT 100/101 Dimming - Manual H 2 LAB WAIT/CHK-IN Dimming- Manual H 5 MEN'S AWAIT 119 Dimming - Manual H 2 WOMEN'S SUB -WAIT Dimming- Manual H 2 RADJO0p(O0v&q WAIT Dimming- Manual H 4 RAD.1/OODN�GI��9WAIT Dimming- Manual AA 5 CT & XR,4�LY Dimming- Manual H 4 SSUB-WAIT URG. CARE��14q100-01/103- Dimming- Manual K 4 CONFRENCE A210 Dimming - Manual R 21 CONFRENCE A210 Dimming - Manual UU/UU1 20 CONFRENCE A204 Dimming - Manual H 2 CONFRENCE A204 Dimming - Manual R 9 TABLES STORAGE Occ Sensor - Storage A2/A3 1 STORAGE A206 Occ Sensor - Storage B 1 OFFICE A202 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft N/N1 1 OFFICE A202 Dimming - Manual H 2 OFFICE A205 Dimming - Manual H 2 OFFICE A205 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft N/N1 2 WAITING A200/ REC. Dimming- Manual R 2 WAITIN63&0/ REC. Dimming - Manual H 2 REC. B2082M�MCOPY Dimming- Manual H 1 OFFICE CONSULT C205 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft A/A1 2 OFFICE C201 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft A/A1 1 TECH WORK B212 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft A/A1 2 DRESSING 8209 Dimming - Manual LL 1 DRESSING 8208 Dimming - Manual LL 1 HALL B203, 204, 211 Dimming - Manual H 3 WAITING B200 Dimming - Manual R 1 WAITING B200 Dimming - Manual H 4 NOTES TO FIELD - For Building Department Use Only EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft —User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 _ Page:96 of 126 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 3 of 4) LTG -1 -C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 CONTROLS FOR CREDIT IN CONDITIONED AND UNCONDITIONED SPACES CONTROL LOCATION (Room # or Dwg. #) 8g330�22gg��ggHA331LggL CONFRENCE' ROOM4 CONFRI Ng�R ROOM PHYSICIgA3N�'S3 OFFICE PHYSICIgRN 9 OFFICE PHYSICIRRAN22`Spp OFFICE HALL 3A4 324A,324B qg�4 315HA3LL 32g 3gg RESIDEIV3T3�5OFFIGE PHYSICIgAN'S2 OFFICE PHYSICIAgP OFFICE PHYSICIAg19 OFFICE PHYSICIA 19 OFFICE PHYSICIA3N�'Sg OFFICE PHYSICIgAgNg'Sg OFFICE PHYSICIgAggN33'S77 OFFICE REC/CPY/WORK 300- REC/CPYgMRK 300- PHYSICI1'�S33 OFFICE gqAN ADMIN. O�FTCE A302 WAITING 323 WAITING 323 WAITING 322 WAITING 322 WAITING 321,HALL 312 WAITING 321 HALL 312 PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE PHYSICI��3N 9 OFFICE TREADMILL D312 OFFICE D304 OFFICE D304 CONTROL IDENTIFICATION CONTROL TYPE (Occupant, Daylight, Dimming, etc.) LUMINAIRES CONTR LLED NOTE TO FIELD TYPE # OF LUMINAIRES Dimming - Manual R 6 Dimming - Manual H 2 Dimming - Manual BBB1 6 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft A/A1 1 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft A/A1 1 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft A/A1 1 Dimming -Manual H 4 Dimming - Manual R 5 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft A/A1 2 Occ Sensor - - 250 s ft A/A1 1 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft A/A1 1 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft A/A1 1 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft A/A1 1 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft A/A1 1 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft A/A1 1 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft A/A1 1 Dimming - Manual H 3 Dimming - Manual H 2 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft A/A1 1 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft A/A1 2 Dimming - Manual UU/UU1 4 Dimming - Manual UU/UU1 4 Dimming - Manual UU/UU1 2 Dimming - Manual H 2 Dimming - Manual PP 2 Dimming - Manual R 4 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft A/A1 1 Occ Sensor - — 250 s ft A/A1 1 Dimming - Manual H 3 Occ Sensor- — 250 s ft RR 1 Occ Sensor - — 250 sgft JJ 17 EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft - _ User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:97 of 126 1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 3 of 4) LTG -1 -C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 1 8/13/2008 CONTROLS FOR CREDIT IN CONDITIONED AND UNCONDITIONED SPACES CONTROL LOCATION (Room # or Dwg. #) CONTROL IDENTIFICATION CONTROL TYPE (Occupant, Daylight, Dimming, etc.) LUMINAIRE C NTROLLED NOTE TO FIELD TYPE # F LUMINAIRE OFFICE D304 Dimming - Manual H 3 PHARMACY WAITING Dimming - Manual JJ 10 PHARMAGpYp-WAITING Dimming - Manual H 1 PHARMACY WAITING Dimming - Manual AA 8 100 NOTES TO FIELD - For Building Department Use Only EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft - _... User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:98 of 126 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 4 of 4) LTG -1-C PROJECT NAME Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center DATE 8/13/2008 Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below are all the acceptance tests for lighting systems. The designer is required to check the boxes by all acceptance tests that apply and list all equipment that require an acceptance test. If all equipment of a certain type requires a test, list the equipment description and the number of systems to be tested in parentheses. The NJ number designates the Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential ACM Manual that describes the test. Also indicate the person responsible for performing the tests (i.e. the installing contractor, design professional or an agent selected by the owner). Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately. Building Departments: Before an occupancy permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space, or a new lighting system system serving a building or space is operated for normal use, all control devices serving the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance. In addition a Certificate of Acceptance, LTG-1-A, Forms shall be submitted to the building department that: A. Certifies plans, specifications, installation certificates, and operating and maintenance information meet the requirements of§ 10-103(b) and Title 24 Part 6. Test Descrii3tion Test Performed BY: ❑ LTG-2-A: Lighting Control Acceptance Document - Occupancy Sensor Acceptance - Manual Daylight Controls Acceptance - Automatic Time Switch Control Acceptance Equipment requiring acceptance testing ❑ LTG-3-A: Automatic Daylighting Controls Acceptance Document Equipment requiring acceptance testing EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:99 of 126 INDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE (Part 1 of 2) LTG -2-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER FOR CONDITIONED SPACES Luminaire Lamps/Ballasts Installed Watts C D E F G H I J �w cmc a, va�G cmc �.m3 c tom 0 vm r c z �'oE �vv CD CD 3 3 in Q 3CD .0^ � cCr 5 c 5 Q -_ xCD Name Type Description o m o m N CL Yes No A (2) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings Elec F32T8 2 30 1.0 54.01 X 7 378 A (3) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings Elec F32T 3 30 1.0 79.0 X 16 1,264 A/A1 (2) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings Elec 32T8 2 30 1.0 54.0 X 8 432 A/A1 (3) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings Elec 32T8 3 30 1.0 79.0 X 121 9 559 Al (2) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings Elec =32T8 2 30 1.0 54.0 X 2 108 Al (3) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings Elec 3 30 1.0 24 1,896 A2 FI) e4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings 2 2 30 1.0 ----7-"X 54.0 X 3 162 A2 (3) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings Elec 3 301 1.01 79.0 X 8 632 A2/A3 (3) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings Elec 2T8 3 30 1.0 79.0 X 35 2,765 A4/A5 (3) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings Elec 3 30 1.0 79.0 X 4 316 AA 35w Low Voltage Halogen Ili watt I amp 1 35 1.0 38.0 X 17 646 AAA (1) 55w Lng Cmpt T5 Fluorescent Twin Elec 1 55 1.01 58.0 X 1 5 B (2) 2 ft Fluorescent T8 Elec 17T8 2 17 1.0 3.3._0 X 2 66 B _ (2) 2ft Fluorescent T8 Rapid Start 2 17 1.0 4.5_.0 X 1 4 131 (2) 2 ft Fluorescent T8 Elec =17T8 2 17 1.0 33.0 X 1 33 B1 (2) 2ft Fluorescent T8 Rapid Start 2 17 1.01 45.0 X 2 90 B2 (2) 2 ft Fluorescent T8 Elec 1 2 17 1.0 33.0 X 1 33 BBB (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin Elec6ANJGX24. 1 26 1.0-28.0,X 3 84 g- 1313131 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin EIecDFTR2 'WLG�_C24g- 1 26 1.0 _ 29.0 X 6 174 C (2) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings Elec �� 2 30 1.0 54.0 -X--1 1 594 C/C1 (2) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings Elec 2 30 1.0 54.0 X 22 1� 188 C1 (2) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings Elec _32T8 2 30 1.0 _ 54.0 X 34 1_,_836 (1) 18w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin 5 _FQ�8K-8K _ 1 18 1.0 25_0 X 125 CCC 35w Low Voltage Halogen 190 5 watt Lamn 1 351 1.01 38.0 X 5_ PAGE TOTAL 022,674 BUILDING TOTAL (sum of all pages) [J5 502 PORTABLE LIGHTING (From LTG -3-C) 17-261 CONTROL CREDIT (From LTG -4-C) L1,201 ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS __74,325 EnergyPro 4.4 by EneraySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page: 100 of 126 INDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE (Part 1 of 2) LTG -2-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER FOR CONDITIONED SPACES Luminaire Lamps/Ballasts Installed Watts C D E F G H I J _ r- Z 3 3 r- E c 3 c 3 r Z 3E �mv- CD�m 3 a v( -a 3, O . - m i(D o Cr P. x �- w CD Name Type Description ° m om YeJ N y n D (1) 3 ft Fluorescent T8 Elec F25T8 1 25 1.0 27.0 X 1 27 D 50w Low Voltage Halogen 50 W tt 1 50 1.0 54.0 X 3 162 D/D1 (2) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings Elec 32T8 2 30 1.0 54.0 X 45 2,430 DD (1) 50w Lng Cmpt T5 Fluorescent Twin Elec T50W/2G11 1 50 1.0 54.0 X 1 54 DD 250w Surface Mount Incandescent 1 250 250.0 X 1 250 F (1) 3 ft Fluorescent T8 Elec 5 1 25 1.0 27.0 X 7 189 F/F1 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin F 2 w G-2 d-3 11 26 1.0 37.0 X 21 777 F/F1 (1) 32w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin Elec FTM-2WCx24q- 1 32 1.0 3-5 .Q X 40 1,400 FF (1) 24w/27w Lng Cmpt T5 Fluorescent Twin T24W/2011 1 24 1.0 32.0 X 28 896 FF (1) 24w/27w Lng Cmpt T5 Fluorescent Twin Elec 12G 1 24 1.01 27.0 X 10 270 G (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin F�26W/G24 - 1 26 1.0 37.0 X 1 37 G 35w Low Voltage Halogen Mag watt I amp 135 1.0 39.0 X 33 1,287 G/G1 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin FQ26W//G-2 -3 1 26 1.0 37.0 X 10 370 G/G1 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin Elec26-W1GX24ga 1 26 1.0 28. X 224 G1 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin F 26W1G2a - 1 26 1.0 37.0 X 4 148 GG (2) 13w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin CFQ13W]G24a- 2 1.32.0 36.0 X 17 61.2 GG V) 13w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin ec FM 13wLGx24q-1 2 _ 13 2.0 25.0 X 35 875 H 35w Low Voltage Halogen 5-Watt.La 1 35 1.0 38.0 X 57 2 166 H/H1 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin FTR26w/Gx224 - 1 26_ 1.0 37.0 X 7 259 HH (1) 28w Linear Fluorescent T5 Elec 281 1 281.0 30_0 X 82 2 460 J 35w Low Voltage Halogen 5 Watt -Lamp 1 _35 1.0 38.0 X 8 304 J 35w Low Voltage Halogen Mag __________ _ 5 Watt_Lam 1 -35 1.0 39.0 X 10 390 J/J1 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin 1 26 1.0 37.0 X 24 888 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin Elec FTR26w/Gx24a 1 26 1.0E28.0 X 146 4_,088 4.4-tiy_EnergySoft User Number: 5678 PAGE TOTAL 20,563 BUILDING TOTAL (sum of all pages) [75,H21 J PORTABLE LIGHTING (From LTG -3-C) E-261 CONTROL CREDIT (From LTG -4-C) L_ -1,2-0-3--1 ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS 74 325 Job Number: 07.0021 101 of 126 INDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE (Part 1 of 2) LTG -2-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER FOR CONDITIONED SPACES Luminaire Lamps/Ballasts Installed Watts C D E F G H I J m cvc �.� cmc 3, in c o v 0 m r r Z �' 3 -0 3 m a M m Q m m ,y 3� a y 5 o °' L m °' n n��i S. C) 0 x _ Name Type Description o m esJNo J1 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin cF 26W/G24d-3 1 26 1.0 37.0 X 1 4 148 JJ (1) 14w Linear Fluorescent T5 Elec 1 14 1.0 18.0 X 10 180 JJ (1) 28w Linear Fluorescent T5 Elec 28T5 1 28 1.0 30.0 X 61 1,830 K (2) 36w/39w Eng Cmpt T5 Fluorescent Twin T36W/2G11 21 36 1.01 66.0 X 4 264 K 35w Low Voltage Halogen amp 1 35 1.0 38.0 X 4 152 KK 75w Low Voltage Halogen -/Vatt Lam 1 75 1.080.0 X 6 480 L (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin F 26W/G24d-3 1 26 1.0 37.0 X 6 222 L L 1 12 12.0-X-2 24 L-35 (1) 24w/27w Lng Cmpt T5 Fluorescent Twin Elec T24W/2 11 1 24 1.0 27.0 X 4 108 L/L1 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin Elec _ETR26AWGX24g_�_ 11 26 1.0 28.0 X 70 1 960 L/L1 (2) 28w Linear Fluorescent T5 Elec =28T5 2 28 1.01 60.0 X 2 120 L1 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin FQ26W1G24 - 1 26 1. 37.0 X 23 851 LA1 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin _FQ26W/G24d-3 1 26 1.0 37.0 X 4 148 LA2 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin CFQ26M-G24d-3 1 26 1. 37.0._X_ 8 2 6 LA3 TOKISTAR XENON LINEAR COVE LIGHT _V_3-1-0-1 1 5 1.01 5.0 X 56 280 LL 35w Low Voltage Halogen Watt_Lamp 1 35 1.0 38.0 X _ 2 76 M (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin _FQ26-W/G24d- 1 1 26 36 1.0 1.0 37.0 51.0-X X 26 3 962 153 M (1) 36w/39w Lng Cmpt T5 Fluorescent Twin 3-6W/2S M M 1 12 1.01 12._0_ X 7 84 M/M1 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin Elec_ FTR26W/GX24g--3 1 26 1.0 28.0 X 13 364 M1 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin 2 74 F_Q26W1G24d 1 26 1.0 37.0 _X MM 35w Low Voltage Halogen __. _5_watt. Lames 1 11 _ 35 26 1.0 1.0 38.0 37.0 X X 3 29 _ 114 1_,073 N __ (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin ___ EQ26WG24d- N T5 (2) 28w Linear Fluorescent T5 Elec _ - _Zs -T5 2 2.8 1.0__60_0 _X _8 480 PAGE TOTAL 10,443] BUILDING TOTAL (sum of all pages) 75, 502 PORTABLE LIGHTING (From LTG -3-C) E26 CONTROL CREDIT (From LTG -4-C) __,203 ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS 74,3251 EnergyPro-4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 - Page: 102 of 126 INDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE (Part 1 of 2) LTG -2-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER FOR CONDITIONED SPACES Luminaire Lamps/Ballasts Installed Watts C D E F G H I J r cMc 3.3 < m.0< cmc �.iv3 c =Cr 'av wm r Z x'03 mm m N� dy� �-N W.0CDW �y �0 ��N �fn CDD Name Type Description m `� .� `D `� m J (D N Q. Yes o N-- N/N1 (2) 28w Linear Fluorescent T5 Elec F28T5 2 28 1.060.0 X 85 5,100 N1 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin 37.0 X 2 74 EQ26-W - 1 26 1.0 NN 5w XENON MONORAIL W XENON LAMP 1 5 1.0 8.0 X 18 144 P/P1 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin X 6 222 F 26W/G24d-3 1 26 1.0 37.0 P1 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin 1 26 1.0 37.0 X 8 296 PP 42w Low Voltage Halogen 42 Watt Lamp 1 42 1. 45.0 X 2 90 Q ((2) 13w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin 31 775 Elec FM 13W/ X24 -1 2 13 2.0 25.0 X Q (2) 13w Compact Fluorescent Twin 2 Pin 2 13 2.0 4.0 X 5 170 Q 50w Low Voltage Halogen 50--Watt.LamD 1 50 1.0 54.O X-- 13 702 Q 50w Low Voltage Halogen Mag 1 50 1.01 55.0 2 110 QW-attLamp _X QQ 2) 13w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin 2.0 25.0 X 8 200 lec CFM 13W/GX24a71 2 13 R 35w Low Voltage Halogen 3,53 Watt -Lamp 1 3 1. 38.0-K 74 2 812- R R 1 4 4.4 X 364 1602 RR (2) 13w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin Elec 2 13 2.0 25.0 125 FM-1.3W1GX24s1- _X S (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin 2 74 F 2 W/ 2a - 1 261.0 37.0 X S s 1 2 2.0 X 9 18 SS 1.3W LED PLEXINEON 1.3 watt LED 1 1 1.0 2._0 X 78 156 T 3w LED Watt -LED 1 3 1.0 6.0 X 14 84 T 50w Low Voltage Halogen �a�t Lamp 1 50 1.0 54.0 X 2 108 TT 35w Low Voltage Halogen Mag 5 wait darn 1 35 1.0 39.0 X 3 117 U (1) 18w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin 1.0 X 12 300 F_Q18W/_G24. - 1 18 25.0 U 60w Surface Mount Incandescent 3 180 ow 1 60 60.0 X_ UC _ (1) 28w Linear Fluorescent T5 Elec 1.0 X 60 _z$s` 1 28 _3.0.0 _2_ (2) 26w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin Elec FTB26W/GX24a-3 2 26 1.0 55.0 _X 30 1,650 PAGE TOTAL 15,169 BUILDING TOTAL (sum of all pages) 75, 502 PORTABLE LIGHTING (From LTG -3-C) [-2J6 CONTROL CREDIT (From LTG -4-C) om l ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS [---T4,3251 EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0,021 Page: 103 of 126 INDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE (Part 1 of 2) LTG -2-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 1 8/13/2008 INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER FOR CONDITIONED SPACES Luminaire Lamps/Ballasts Installed Watts C D E F G H I J Name Type Description �Cr, (D p rrZ cmc 3 3 3 3oCr n,.� N m m o CC Sva < ten, '30 rn r07Z cmc 3.m 9 ��6 W.� =; CD r c C 3-a `< CD N m � (D n mm C C7 � es No r c Z C X03 m N co <� G7 <�+ mw in (D a V V 60 23 1.0 X 1 1,380 VV 6w LED 1 6 1.0 9_0 X 59 531 W (1) 36w/39w Lng Cmpt T5 Fluorescent Twin Elec T36W/2Q11 1 36 1.0 37.0 X 10 370 W 5w LED Watt LED 1 5 1.0 8.0 X 27 216 WW (1) 13w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin Elec CFM 13VVIGX24-q--l-1 13 1.0 14.0 X 8 112 X 100w Surface Mount Incandescent. Qw 1�0 -l-00. X 1 100 X/X1 (2) 2 ft Fluorescent T8 Elec 17T8 2 17 1.01 33.0 X 4 132 XX 50w Low Voltage Halogen Mag 0 1 50 1.0 55.0 X 4 220 Y 35w Low Voltage Halogen .15 Watt Lamp 1 35 1.0 38.0 X 6 228 Y 35w Low Voltage Halogen Mag 5 -Watt Lamp 1 35 1.0 39.0 X 12 468 YY 32w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin P) FTR32w X24 - 11 32 1.0 35.0 X 2 70 Z (1) 18w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin M 18W/GX24q-- 1 1 1. 25.0 X 561,400 Z P) 18w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin lec FM I W/ x?aq_2 1 181 1.0 21.0-K- 30 630 Z (1) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings Elec.49TR 1 30 1.0 29.0 X 1 522 ZZ (2) 24w Linear Fluorescent T5 HO Elec _ _25T HO 2 24 1.0 52.0 X 2 104 ZZ (2) 39w Linear Fluorescent T5 HO Elec _39T 2 39 1.0 85.0 X 2 170 PAGE TOTAL 6,653 BUILDING TOTAL (sum of all pages)75,502 PORTABLE LIGHTING (From LTG -3-C) =26. CONTROL CREDIT (From LTG -4-C) ❑_1,203_ ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS L74,3251 - EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number -07.0021 Page:104 of 126 INDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE (Part 2 of 2) LTG -2-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER FOR UNCONDITIONED SPACES Luminaire Lamps/Ballasts Installed Watts C D E F G H I J Name Type Description 1r X01 (D c33 .a 3 vtPC CD `� sv� new cmc �,. 3 ��m m `� c 3a v�N ' m m cn vest r o Z �'o ° �6 `� m x vv m m CL D/D1 (2) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings Elec F32T8 2 30 1.01 54.0 X 1 2 108 F1 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin EQ26Affl-G2 1 26 1.01 37.0 X 15 555 P1 (1) 26w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin FQ26W/G24d-3 1 26 1.0 37.0 X 2 74 U (1) 18w Compact Fluorescent Quad 2 Pin F 18W/G24d-2 11 18 1.0 25.0 X 2 50 Z (1) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings Elec =32T8 1 30 1.0 29.0 X 3 87 ZZ (1) 36w/39w Lng Cm At T5 Fluorescent Twin002, 1 36 1.0 51.0 X 16 1 PAGE TOTAL 1,690 BUILDING TOTAL (sum of all pages) 17--- ,690 CONTROL CREDIT (From LTG -4-C) ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS 1,690 EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft _ User Number:. 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page: 105 of 126 LIGHTING CONTROLS CREDIT WORKSHEET (Part 1 of 2) LTG -4-C CONTROL CREDITS FOR CONDITIONED SPACES PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 A B C D E F G H I J ROOM # DAYLIGHTING CONTROL ZONE ID LIGHTING ROOM WINDOW SKYLIGHT WATTS OF LIGHTING CREDIT CONDITIONED CONTROL PLAN AREA WALL GLAZING EFFECTIVE CONTROL ADJUST. WATTS AREAS DESCRIPTION REF. (SF) RATIO VLT APERTURE' LIGHTING FACTOR' (H X 1) CHK -102/106 EPT. Dimming - Manual Y 346 114 0.10 11 IMAGING WAIT 100/101 Dimming -Manual Y 1,008 114 0.10 11 IMAGING WAIT 100/101 Dimming -Manual H 1,008 76 0.10 8 LAB WAIT/CHK-IN 100/101 Dimming - Manual H 793 190 0.10 19 MEN'S SUB -WAIT 119 Dimming - Manual H 132 76 0.10 8 WOMEN'S 12SUB-WAIT Dimming - Manual H 154 76. 0.10 8 RADJONC. WAIT Dimming - Manual i 506 152 0.10 15 RAD 100//10 WAIT Dimming -Manual AA 5061 190 0.10 19 CT & XRAY 5UB-WAIT Dimming - Manual 152 0.10 15 { 233 UR 01 103-04ARE 00- Dimming -Manual K 1 364 152 0.10 15 CONFRENCE A210 Dimming - Manual R 2,406 798 0.10 80 CONFRENCE A210 Dimming - Manual 2,406 1,100 0.10 110 CONFRENCE A204 Dimming - Manual H 352 76 0.10 8 CONFRENCE A204 Dimming - Manual R 352 342 0.10 34 TABLES A2 STORAGE Occ sensor - Storage A2/A3 61 79 0.15 12 'i OF�AGE A206 censor - torage B 46 33 0.15 5 OFFICE A202 Occ Sensor <= 250 N/N 1 130 60 0.20 12 OFFICE A202 Dimming - Manual H 13_0 _ 76 0.10 8 OFFICE A205 Dimming - Manual H 112 76 0.10 8 OFFICE A205 Occ Sensor - - 250sqft N/N 1 112 120 0.20 24 WAITING A2 100/ REC. Dimming - Manual R 519 76 0.10 8 WAITING 20 00/ REC. Dimming - Manual H 519 76 0.10 8 REC. B2001WK/COPY Dimming - Manual 0.10 4 B202 H 154 38 OFFICE CONSULT _C_205 Occ Sensor - - 250 sgtt A/A1 1_11 158 0.20 32 OFFICE 0201 Occ Sensor sqft <-250 A/A1 143 _ 79 0.20 16 TECH WORK B212 _ _ ___ Occ Sensor - - 250 _sgft- A/A1_ 120 _ _ 158 0.20 32 DRESSING B209 -DRESSING Dimming - Manual LL 64 38 0.10 4 8208 Dimming - Manual LL 5638 0.10 4 -- HALL 8203, 204, 211 Dimming -Manual H 328 ----- 114 ------ 0.10 11 1) From Equation 146-A 2) From Table 146-A - PAGE TOTAL 546 BUILDING TOTAL ( 1 203 Enter in LTG -2-C: Lighting Control Credit - 1 EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergvSoft User Number: 5678 --Job Number: 07.0021 106 of 126 LIGHTING CONTROLS CREDIT WORKSHEET (Part 1 of 2) LTG -4-C CONTROL CREDITS FOR CONDITIONED SPACES PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 A B C D E F G H I J ROOM # DAYLIGHTING CONTROL ZONE ID LIGHTING ROOM WINDOW SKYLIGHT WATTS OF LIGHTING CREDIT CONDITIONED CONTROL PLAN AREA WALL GLAZING EFFECTIVE CONTROL ADJUST. WATTS AREAS DESCRIPTION REF. (SF) RATIO VLT APERTURE' LIGHTING FACTOR (H X I) WAITING 8200 Dimming - Manual R 315 38 0.10 4 WAITING 8200 Dimming - Manual H 315 152 0.10 15 HALL B302,309,316,321,324 Dimming -Manual R 1,324 228 0.10 23 CONFRENCEROOM Dimming - Manual H 479 76 0.10 8 CONFR B325 ROOM Dimming -Manual BBB1 479 174 0.10 17 PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE Occ Sensoft- <= 250 A/A1 90 79 0.20 16 PHYSICIAN'SOFFICE Occ Sen < -250 sgft A/A1 92 79 0.20 16 PHYSICIAN'O OFFICE Occ Sen < -250 sgft A/A1 801 79 0.20 16 HALL 324,324A,324B Dimming - Manual H 764 152 0.10 15 HALL A304,315,322,329,336 Dimming -Manual R 1,154 190 0.10 19 RESIDENT'S OFFICE Occ Sensor- <= 250 A/A1 138 158 0.20 32 A335 PHYSICIBN32 OFFICE Occ Sensoft <- 250 A/A1 86 79 0.20 16 PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE Occ Sensor — 250 A/A1 79 0.20 16 A 88 PHYSICIAN'SOFFICEOFFICE Occ Sensor ft <-250 A/A1 88 79 0.20 16 PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE Occ Sensor <-250 ft A/A1 86 79 0.20 16 P-AISA og 0�1 TC occ ensgft- <= 250 A/A1 85 79 0.20 16 PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE Occ Sensor <=250 A/A1 99 79 0.20 16 PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE Occ Sensoft- — 250 79 0.20 16 A/A1 92 300- REC/CP 90 Dimming - Manual 114 0.10 11 BORK H 641 REC/CPY/WORK 300- Dimming - Manual H 641 76 0.10 8 301A PHYSICIAN'SOFFICE Occ Sensgft- <=250 A/A1 83 79 0.20 16 ADMIN. OFFICE A302 Occ Sensor - <=250 ft A/A1 114 158 0.20 32 WAITING 323 Dimming - Manual 295 220 0.10 22 WAITING 323 Dimming - Manual 452 220 0.10 22 WAITING 322 Dimming - Manual 991 110 0.10 11 WAITING 322 Dimming - Manual H 991 76 0.10 8 WAITING 321,HALL 312 Dimming - Manual PP 99_1 _ 90_ 0.10 9 WAITING 321,HALL 312 Dimming - Manual R 991 _ _ 152 0.10 15 PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE Occ Sensor - <= 250 80 _ 79---16_ C318 -- - - sgft- A/A1 - - - 1) From Equation 146-A 2) From Table 146-A — — — PAGE TOTAL 460 BUILDING TOTAL Ej,2031 Enter in LTG -2-C: Lighting Control Credit EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft, . User Number: 5678 - — Job Number: 07.0021 Page: 107 of 126 LIGHTING CONTROLS CREDIT WORKSHEET (Part 1 of 2) LTG -4-C CONTROL CREDITS FOR CONDITIONED SPACES PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 A B C D E F G H I J ROOM # ZONE ID CONDITIONED AREAS LIGHTING CONTROL DESCRIPTION PLAN REF. ROOM AREA (SF) DAYLIGHTING WATTS OF CONTROL LIGHTING LIGHTING ADJUST. FACTORz CONTROL CREDIT WATTS (H X 1) WINDOW WALL RATIO GLAZING VLT SKYLIGHT EFFECTIVE APERTURE' PHYSICIAN'SOFFICEOFFICE Occ Sensgft <-250 A/A1 801 79 0.20 16 TREADMILL D312 Dimming - Manual H 218 114 0.10 11 OFFICE D304 Occ Sensor sgft <-250 RR 185 25 0.20 5 OFFICE D304 Occ Sensor - — 250 sqft JJ 185 510 0.20 102 OFFICE D304 Dimming - Manual H 185 114 0.10 11 PHARMACY WAITING O Dimming - Manual JJ 778 180 0.10 18 PHARMACY WAITING O Dimming - Manual H 778 38 0.10 4 PHARMACY —Dimming- Manual AA 778 3041 0.10 30 1) From Equation 146-A 2) From Table 146-A PAGE TOTAL 1 gg BUILDING TOTAL 1 203 Enter in LTG -2-C: Lighting Control Credit EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft - User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Paw 108 of 126 INDOOR LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCE LTG -5-C PROJECT NAME Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center DATE 8/13/2008 ALLOWED LIGHTING POWER Choose One Method COMPLETE BUILDING METHOD - CONDITIONED SPACES ALLOWED WATTS WATTS PER SF COMPLETE BLDG. AREA ALLOWED WATTS 1,882 BUILDING CATEGORY (From Section 146 Table 146-B) AREA CATEGORY METHOD - CONDITIONED SPACES WATTS PER SF AREA (SF) ALLOWED WATTS AREA CATEGORY (From Section 146 Table 146-C) Electrical, Mechanical Room 0.70 6,284 4,399 Lobby,Main Entry 1.50 7,043 10,565 Lounge, Recreation 1.10 1,108 1,218 Locker/Dressing Room 0.80 401 321 Waiting Area 1.10 10,706 11,777 Co rrid o r/Restroom/S up port 0.60 14,821 8,893 Commercial Industrial Storage 0.60 806 484 Office 1.20 18,601 22,321 Medical and Clinical Care 1.20 19,928 23,913 Convention/Conference/Meeting 1.40 3,236 4,531 PAGE TOTAL 82,934 88,421 BUILDING TOTAL 83,806 89,457 AREA WATTS TAILORED METHOD - CONDITIONED SPACES TOTAL ALLOWED WATTS D (From LTG -6-C or from computer run.) UNCONDITIONED SPACES Complete Building and Area Catagory Methods Category (From Section 146 Table 146 -B&C) WATTS PER SF AREA (SF) ALLOWED WATTS Electrical, Mechanical Room 0.70 1,882 1,317 PAGE TOTAL BUILDING TOTAL1_,882 AREA 1 317 WATTS TAILORED METHOD - UNCONDITIONED SPACES TOTAL UNCONDITIONED SPACES ALLOWED WATTS. (From LTG -5-C and LTG -6-C) 0 O EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft - User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page: 109 of 126 INDOOR LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCE LTG -S -C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 1 8/13/2008 COMPLETE BUILDING METHOD - CONDITIONED SPACES WATTS PER SF COMPLETE BLDG. AREA ALLOWED WATTS BUILDING CATEGORY (From Section 146 Table 146-13) AREA CATEGORY METHOD - CONDITIONED SPACES WATTS PER SF AREA (SF) ALLOWED WATTS AREA CATEGORY (From Section 146 Table 146-C) Kitchen, Food Preparation 1.60 273 437 Exercise, Gymnasium 1.00 599 1 599 PAGE TOTAL 872 1, 036 BUILDING TOTAL 83,806 89,457 AREA WATTS TAILORED METHOD - CONDITIONED SPACES TOTAL ALLOWED WATTS �O (From LTG -6-C or from computer run.) UNCONDITIONED SPACES Complete Building and Area Catagory Methods Category (From Section 146 Table 146 -B&C) WATTS PER SF AREA (SF) ALLOWED WATTS PAGE TOTAL BUILDING TOTAL �� Q 11882 1317 AREA WATTS TAILORED METHOD - UNCONDITIONED SPACES TOTAL UNCONDITIONED SPACES ALLOWED WATTS (From LTG -5-C and LTG -6-C) 0 EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678- = Job Number: 07.0021 Page: 110 of 126 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 1 of 2) MECH-1-C PROJECT NAME Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center DATE OF PLANS DATE 8/13/2008 PROJECT ADDRESS 8.22.07 83,806Sq.Ft. 45-280 Seeley Drive La Quinta BUILDING TYPEX❑ NONRESIDENTIAL ❑ HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL ❑ HOTEL/MOTEL GUEST ROOM Building Permit # _ PRINCIPAL DESIGNER - MECHANICAL Edward P. Butera TELEPHONE 714.751.3354 PROOF OF ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE ❑ PREVIOUS ENVELOPE PERMIT ❑ ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE ATTACHED DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR JBA Consulting Engineers TELEPHONE (714) 751-3354 Checked by/Date Enforcement Agency GENERAL INFORMATION DATE OF PLANS BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA CLIMATE ZONE 8.22.07 83,806Sq.Ft. 15 BUILDING TYPEX❑ NONRESIDENTIAL ❑ HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL ❑ HOTEL/MOTEL GUEST ROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ UNCONDITIONED (File Affidavit) METHOD OF MECHANICAL ® PRESCRIPTIVE ❑ PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE PROOF OF ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE ❑ PREVIOUS ENVELOPE PERMIT ❑ ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE ATTACHED STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to building mechanical requirements. The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation is lPrrl and co ptei DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR SIGNATURE DATE 1. 0" is `* Glynnis Cassan The Principal Mechanical Designer hereby certifies that the propose buil 'ng design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the mechanical requirements contained in the applicable parts of Sections 100, 101, 102, 110 through115, 120 through 125, 142, 144, and 145. ❑ The plans & specifications meet the requirements of Part 1 (Sections 10-103a). ❑ The installation certificates meet the requirements of Part 1 (10-103a 3). ❑ The operation & maintenance information meets the requirements of Part 1 (10-103c). Please check One: (These sectionsof the Business and Professions Code are printed in full in the Nonresidential Manual.) ❑ I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed in the State of California as a civil engineer, or mechanical engineer or I am a licensed architect. ❑ I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 or 6737.3 to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor performing this work. ❑ I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because it pertains to a structure or type of work described pursuant to Business and Professions Code sections 5537, 5538, and 6737.1. PRINCIPAL MECHANICAL DESIGNER -NAME SIGNATUL DATE LIC. # )U]Cos' 3 - M ISA Edward P. Butera INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT FXI MECH-I-C: Certificate of Compliance. Part 1, 2, 3 of 3 are required on plans for all submittals. A MECH-2-C: Air/Water/Service/water Pools Requirements. Part 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3 are required for all submittals, but may be on plans. IXI MECH-3-C: Mechanical Ventilation and Reheat is required for all submittals with mechanical ventilation, but may be on plans. CI MECH-4-C: HVAC Misc. Prescriptive Requirements is required for all prescriptive submittals, but may be on plans. CI MECH-5-C: Mechanical Equipment Details are required for all performance submittals. EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoftv _____User Number: 567-8 Job Number: 07.0021 - Page:111 of 1,261 ,ERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 2 of 2) MECH-1-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below are all the acceptance tests for mechanical systems. The designer is required to check the boxes by all acceptance tests that apply and list all equipment that requires an acceptance test. If all equipment of a certain type requires a test, list the equipment description and the number of systems to be tested in parentheses. The NJ number designates the Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential ACM Manual that describes the test. Also indicate the person responsible for performing the tests (i.e. the installing contractor, design professional or an agent selected by the owner). Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately. Building Departments: SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE. Before an occupancy permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space, or a new space -conditioning system senting a building or space is operated for normal use, all control devices serving the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance. In addition a Certificate of Acceptance, MECH-1-A Form shall be submitted to the building department that certifies plans, specifications, installation __. ;fnninn nor! n rnHnn -4 _,;_+ ------ inform n4inn meet +k- rn __+o of Con4inn in I WAIM -1 Ti410 'Jd P.rt R STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE ❑ MECH-2-A: Ventilation System Acceptance Document -Variable Air Volume Systems Outdoor Air Acceptance -Constant Air Volume Systems Outdoor Air Acceptance Equipment requiring acceptance testing Test required on all New systems both New Construction and Retrofit. MECH-3-A: Packaged HVAC Systems Acceptance Document Equipment requiring acceptance testing Test required on all New systems both New Construction and Retrofit. ❑ MECH-4-A: Air -Side Economizer Acceptance Document Equipment requiring acceptance testing Test required on all New systems both New Construction and Retrofit. Units with economizers that are installed at the factory and certified with the commission do not require equipment testing but do require construction inspection. ❑ MECH-5-A: Air Distribution Acceptance Document Equipment requiring acceptance testing This test required If the unit serves 5, 000 tt2 of space or less and 25% or more of the ducts are in nonconditioned or semiconditioned space like an attic. New systems that meet the above requirements. Retrofit systems that meet the above requirements and either extend ducts, replace ducts or replace the packaged unit. D MECH-6-A: Demand Control Ventilation Acceptance Document Equipment requiring acceptance testing All new DCV controls installed on new or existing packaged systems must be tested. ❑ MECH-7-A: Supply Fan Variable Flow Control Acceptance Document Equipment requiring acceptance testing All new VA fan volume controls installed on new or existing systems must be tested L-1 MECH-8-A: -Hydronic System Control Acceptance Document -Variable Flow Controls Applies to chilled and hot water systems. -Automatic Isolation Controls Applies to new boilers and chillers and the primary pumps are connected to a common header. -Supply Water Temperature Reset Controls Applies to new constant flow chilled and hot water systems that have a design capacity greater than or equal to 500,000 Btu/hr. -Water-loop Heat Pump Controls Applies to all new watedoop heat pump systems where the combined loop pumps are greater than 5 hp. -Variable Frequency Controls Applies to all new distribution pumps on new variable flow chilled, hydronic heat pump or condenser water systems where the pumps motors are greater than 5 hp. Equipment requiring acceptance testing Page:1 1.02 -of 126 EnergyPro 4.4 -by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 MR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Part 1 of 2 MECH-2-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 SYSTEM FEATURES ITEM OR SYSTEM TAG(S) Number of Systems T-24 MANDATORY MEASURES Section Heating Equipment Efficiency Cooling Equipment Efficiency Heat Pump Thermostat Furnace Controls Natural Ventilation Minimum Ventilation VAV Minimum Position Control Demand Control Ventilation Time Control Setback and Setup Control Outdoor Damper Control Isolation Zones Pipe Insulation Duct Insulation PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Heating Capacity x 1.43 2 Proposed Heating Capacity 2 Calculated Sensible Cooling Capacity x 1.212 Proposed Sensible Cooling Capacity 2 Fan Control DP Sensor Location Supply Pressure Reset (DDC only) Simultaneous Heat/Cool Economizer Heating Air Supply Reset Cooling Air Supply Reset Duct Sealing for Prescriptive Compliance 1: For each central and single zone air systems (or group of similar units) fill in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put "N/A" in the column. 2: Not required for hydronic heating and cooling. Either enter a value here or put in reference of plans and specificatons per footnote 1. 3: Enter Yes if System is: Constant Volume, Single Zone; Serves < 5,000 sgft; Has > 25% duct in unconditioned space. Duct sealing is required for Prescriptive Compliance, see PERF -1 for performance method duct sealing requirements. AIR SYSTEMS, Central or Sin le one DFC-1 DFC-2 DFC-3 1 1 1 Reference on Plans or Specification 1 112(a) n/a n/a n/a 112(a) 12.5 SEER / 10.9 EER 12.5 SEER / 10.9 EER 12.5 SEER / 10.9 EER 112(b) n/a n/a n/a 112(c), 115(a) n/a n/a n/a 121(b) Yes Yes Yes 121(b) 20 cfm 20 cfm 20 cfm 121 c No No No 121(c) No No No 121(c), 122(e) Programmable Switch Programmable Switch Programmable Switch 122(e) Heating & Cooling Required Heating & Cooling Required Heating & Cooling Required 122 Auto Auto Auto 122(8) n/a n/a n/a 123 124 R-8.0 R-8.0 R-8.0 144 a & b 3,661 btuh 1,371 btuh 2,016 btuh 144& b 0 btuh 0 btuh 0 btuh 144 a & b 1,813 btuh 1,871 btuh 2,747 btuh 144a( & b) 15,076 btuh 15,074 btuh 15,163 btuh 144 c Constant Volume Constant Volume Constant Volume 144 (c) 144 c) Yes Yes Yes 144 (q)__No No No 144 a No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer 144 Constant Temp Constant Tema_ Constant Temp 144 (f) Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp 144 (k) No No No EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User-Nwnber: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 - Page -F13 of 126 AIR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Part 1 of 2 MECH-2-C (PROJECT NAME DATE L Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 SYSTEM FEATURES ITEM OR SYSTEM TAG(S) Number of Systems T-24 MANDATORY MEASURES Section Heating Equipment Efficiency Cooling Equipment Efficiency Heat Pump Thermostat Furnace Controls Natural Ventilation Minimum Ventilation VAV Minimum Position Control Demand Control Ventilation Time Control Setback and Setup Control Outdoor Damper Control Isolation Zones Pipe Insulation Duct Insulation PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Heating Capacity x 1.43 2 Proposed Heating Capacity 2 Calculated Sensible Cooling Capacity x 1.212 Proposed Sensible Cooling Capacity 2 Fan Control DP Sensor Location Supply Pressure Reset (DDC only) Simultaneous Heat/Cool Economizer Heating Air Supply Reset Cooling Air Supply Reset Duct Sealing for Prescriptive Compliance 1: For each central and single zone air systems (or group of similar units) fill in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put "N/A" in the column. 2: Not required for hydronic heating and cooling. Either enter a value here or put in reference of plans and specificatons per footnote 1. 3: Enter Yes if System is: Constant Volume, Single Zone; Serves < 5,000 sgft; Has > 25% duct in unconditioned space. Duct sealing is required for Prescriptive Compliance, see PERF -1 for performance method duct sealing requirements. AIR SYSTEMS, Central or Sin le Zone FC -1 FC -2 FC -3 1 1 1 Reference on Plans or Specification 1 112(a) n/a n/a n/a 112(a) n/a n/a n/a 112(b) n/a n/a n/a 112(c), 115(a) n/a n/a n/a 121(b) No No Yes 121(b) 11 cfm 18 cfm 39 cfm 121 c No No No 121(c) No No Yes 121(c), 122(e) No Economizer No Economizer Programmable Switch 122(e) Heating & Cooling Required Heating & Cooling Required Heating & Cooling Required 122 Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp 122(g) n/a n/a n/a 123 YES YES YES 124 R-8.0 R-8.0 R-8.0 144Aa & b n/a n/a n/a 144 a & b 0 btuh 0 btuh 22,600 btuh 144 (a & b n/a n/a n/a 144 a & b) 13,800 btuh 44,300 btuh 15,100 btuh 144 c Constant Volume Constant Volume Constant Volume 144 (c) 144 c No No No 144 d No No No 144 a No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer 144 Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp 144 (f) Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp 144 (k) No No No EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft -laser Number: 6678 Job Number: -97.0021 -Page: 114 of 126 AIR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Part 1 of 2 MECH-2-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 SYSTEM FEATURES ITEM OR SYSTEM TAG(S) Number of Systems T-24 MANDATORY MEASURES Section Heating Equipment Efficiency Cooling Equipment Efficiency Heat Pump Thermostat Furnace Controls Natural Ventilation Minimum Ventilation VAV Minimum Position Control Demand Control Ventilation Time Control Setback and Setup Control Outdoor Damper Control Isolation Zones Pipe Insulation Duct Insulation PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Heating Capacity x 1.43 2 Proposed Heating Capacity 2 Calculated Sensible Cooling Capacity x1.212 Proposed Sensible Cooling Capacity 2 Fan Control DP Sensor Location Supply Pressure Reset (DDC only) Simultaneous Heat/Cool Economizer Heating Air Supply Reset Cooling Air Supply Reset Duct Sealing for Prescriptive Compliance 1: For each central and single zone air systems (or group of similar units) fill in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put "N/K in the column. 2: Not required for hydronic heating and cooling. Either enter a value here or put in reference of plans and specificatons per footnote 1. 3: Enter Yes if System is: Constant Volume, Single Zone; Serves < 5,000 sgft; Has > 25% duct in unconditioned space. Duct sealing is required for Prescriptive Compliance, see PERF -1 for performance method duct sealing requirements. AIR SYSTEMS, Central or Single Zone FC -4 FC -5 FC -5A 1 1 1 Reference on Plans or Specification 1 112(a) n/a n/a n/a 112(a) n/a n/a n/a 112(b) n/a n/a n/a 112(c), 115(a) n/a n/a n/a 121(b) No No No 121(b) 170 cfm 50 cfm 255 cfm 121 c No No No 121(c) No No No 121 c 122(e) No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer 122(e) Heating & Cooling Required Heating & Cooling Required Heating & Cooling Required 122 Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp 122(g) n/a n/a n/a 123 YES YES YES 124 R-8.0 R-8.0 R-8.0 144 a & b n/a n/a n/a 144 a & b 0 btuh 0 btuh 27,500 btuh 144 a & b n/a n/a n/a 144 a & b 57,100 btuh 13,800 btuh 21,800 btuh 144 c Constant Volume Constant Volume Constant Volume 144 (c) 144 c) No No No 144 d No No No 144 a No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer 144 Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp 144 (f) Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp 144 (k) No No No EneravPro 4.4 by EneravSoft — User Number: 5678 Job Number: -07.0021 "" Page_115 of 126 AIR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Part 1 of 2 MECH-2-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulates Care Center 8/13/2008 SYSTEM FEATURES ITEM OR SYSTEM TAG(S) Number of Systems T-24 MANDATORY MEASURES Section Heating Equipment Efficiency Cooling Equipment Efficiency Heat Pump Thermostat Furnace Controls Natural Ventilation Minimum Ventilation VAV Minimum Position Control Demand Control Ventilation Time Control Setback and Setup Control Outdoor Damper Control Isolation Zones Pipe Insulation Duct Insulation PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Heating Capacity x 1.43 2 Proposed Heating Capacity 2 Calculated Sensible Cooling Capacity x 1.212 Proposed Sensible Cooling Capacity 2 Fan Control DP Sensor Location Supply Pressure Reset (DDC only) Simultaneous Heat/Cool Economizer Heating Air Supply Reset Cooling Air Supply Reset Duct Sealing for Prescriptive Compliance 1: For each central and single zone air systems (or group of similar units) fill in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put "N/K in the column. 2: Not required for hydronic heating and cooling. Either enter a value here or put in reference of plans and specificatons per footnote 1. 3: Enter Yes if System is: Constant Volume, Single Zone; Serves < 5,000 sqft; Has > 25% duct in unconditioned space. Duct sealing is required for Prescriptive Compliance, see PERF -1 for performance method duct sealing requirements. AIR SYSTEMS, Central or Sin le Zone FC -6 FC -7 FC -7A 1 1 1 Reference on Plans or Specification 1 112(a) n/a n/a n/a 112(a) n/a n/a n/a 112(b) n/a n/a n/a 112(c), 115(a) n/a n/a n/a 121(b) No No No 121(b) 17 cfm 16 cfm 177 cfm 121 c No No No 121(c) Yes Yes No 121 c 122(e) Programmable Switch Switch No Economizer 122(e) Heating & Cooling Required —Programmable Heating & Cooling Required Heating & Cooling Required 122ffl Auto Auto Constant Temp 122(g) n/a n/a n/a 123 YES YES YES 124 R-8.0 R-8.0 R-8.0 144 Aai& bL_ n/a n/a n/a 144 (a & b) 0 btuh 0 btuh 27,400 btuh 144 (a& b n/a n/a n/a 1144_(a &_W__ 13,800 btuh 18,200 btuh 21,800 btuh 144 (c) Constant Volume Constant Volume Constant Volume 144 (c) 144 (c) No No No 144 (d) No No No 144(e) No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer 144 Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Tem 144 (f) Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp 144 (k) No No No EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page: 116 of 126 AIR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Part 1 of 2 MECH-2-C PROJECT NAME I DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 SYSTEM FEATURES ITEM OR SYSTEM TAG(S) Number of Systems T-24 MANDATORY MEASURES Section Heating Equipment Efficiency Cooling Equipment Efficiency Heat Pump Thermostat Furnace Controls Natural Ventilation Minimum Ventilation VAV Minimum Position Control Demand Control Ventilation Time Control Setback and Setup Control Outdoor Damper Control Isolation Zones Pipe Insulation Duct Insulation PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Heating Capacity x 1.43 2 Proposed Heating Capacity 2 Calculated Sensible Cooling Capacity x 1.212 Proposed Sensible Cooling Capacity 2 Fan Control DP Sensor Location Supply Pressure Reset (DDC only) Simultaneous Heat/Cool Economizer Heating Air Supply Reset Cooling Air Supply Reset Duct Sealing for Prescriptive Compliance 1: For each central and single zone air systems (or group of similar units) fill in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put "N/A" in the column. 2: Not required for hydronic heating and cooling. Either enter a value here or put in reference of plans and specificatons per footnote 1. 3: Enter Yes if System is: Constant Volume, Single Zone; Serves < 5,000 sgft; Has > 25% duct in unconditioned space. Duct sealing is required for Prescriptive Compliance, see PERF -1 for performance method duct sealing requirements. NOTES TO FIELD - For Buildina Department Use Onl EnergvPro 4.4 by EnergvSoft.- User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page:117 of 126 AIR SYSTEMS, Central or Sinkle Zone FC -8 FC -9 FC -10 1 1 1 1 Reference on Plans or Specification 1 112(a) n/a n/a n/a 112(a)__n/a 0 btuh n/a n/a 112(b) n/a n/a n/a 112(c), 115(a) n/a n/a n/a 121(b) No No No 121(b) 14 cfm 127 cfm 28 cfm 121 c No No No 121(c) Yes No No 121 c 122(e) Programmable Switch No Economizer No Economizer 122(e) Heating & Cooling Required Heating & Cooling Required Heating & Cooling Required 122 Auto Constant Temp Constant Temp 122(g) n/a n/a n/a 123 YES YES YES 124 R-8.0 R-8.0 R-8.0 144 a & b n/a n/a n/a 144 a& b 0 btuh 0 btuh 0 btuh 144 a & b n/a n/a n/a 144 a & b 13,800 btuh 18,000 btuh 24,017 btuh 144 c Constant Volume Constant Volume Constant Volume 144 (c) 144 c No No No 144 d No No No 144 e No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer 144 Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Tem 144 (f) Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp 144 (k) No _ No No SIR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Part 1 of 2 MECH-2-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 SYSTEM FEATURES ITEM OR SYSTEM TAG(S) Number of Systems T-24 MANDATORY MEASURES Section Heating Equipment Efficiency Cooling Equipment Efficiency Heat Pump Thermostat Furnace Controls Natural Ventilation Minimum Ventilation VAV Minimum Position Control Demand Control Ventilation Time Control Setback and Setup Control Outdoor Damper Control Isolation Zones Pipe Insulation Duct Insulation PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Heating Capacity x 1.43 2 Proposed Heating Capacity 2 Calculated Sensible Cooling Capacity x 1.212 Proposed Sensible Cooling Capacity 2 Fan Control DP Sensor Location Supply Pressure Reset (DDC only) Simultaneous Heat/Cool Economizer Heating Air Supply Reset Cooling Air Supply Reset Duct Sealing for Prescriptive Compliance AIR SYSTEMS, Central or Single Zone AH -1 AH -2 AH -3 1 1 1 Reference on Plans or Specification 1 112(a) n/a n/a n/a 112(a) n/a n/a n/a 112(b) n/a n/a n/a 112(c), 115(a) n/a n/a n/a 121(b) Yes Yes Yes 121(b) 2990 cfm 1742 cfm 2142 cfm 121 c No No Yes 121(c) No No Yes 121(c), 122(e) _Programmable Switch Programmable Switch Programmable Switch 122(e) Heating & Cooling Required Heating & Cooling Required Heating & Cooling Required 122 Auto Auto Auto 122(g) n/a n/a n/a 123 YES YES YES 124 R-8.0 R-8.0 R-8.0 144 (a & b) n/a n/a n/a UAla & b 487,000 btuh 395,300 btuh 261,100 btuh 144 a & b n/a n/a n/a 144 a & b 399,500 btuh 385,300 btuh 224,800 btuh 144 c Variable Speed Variable Speed Variable Speed 144 (c) SEE PLAN SEE PLAN SEE PLAN _144AO_ Yes Yes Yes 144 d No No Yes 144 a No Economizer No Economizer Diff. TempAlntegrated 144 Constant Ternp Constant Temp Coldest Zone 144 (f) Constant Temp Constant Temp Warmest Zone 144 (k) No No No 1: For each central and single zone air systems (or group of similar units) fill in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put "N/A" in the column. 2: Not required for hydronic heating and cooling. Either enter a value here or put in reference of plans and specificatons per footnote 1. 3: Enter Yes if System is: Constant Volume, Single Zone; Serves < 5,000 sqft; Has > 25% duct in unconditioned space. Duct sealing is required for Prescriptive Compliance, see PERF -1 for performance method duct sealing requirements. EnergyPro 4_4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 Page: 118 of 126 AIR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Part 1 of 2 MECH-2-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 SYSTEM FEATURES ITEM OR SYSTEM TAG(S) Number of Systems T-24 MANDATORY MEASURES Section Heating Equipment Efficiency Cooling Equipment Efficiency Heat Pump Thermostat Furnace Controls Natural Ventilation Minimum Ventilation VAV Minimum Position Control Demand Control Ventilation Time Control Setback and Setup Control Outdoor Damper Control Isolation Zones Pipe Insulation Duct Insulation PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Heating Capacity x 1.43 2 Proposed Heating Capacity 2 Calculated Sensible Cooling Capacity x 1.212 Proposed Sensible Cooling Capacity 2 Fan Control DP Sensor Location Supply Pressure Reset (DDC only) Simultaneous HeatlCool Economizer Heating Air Supply Reset Cooling Air Supply Reset Duct Sealing for Prescriptive Compliance 1: For each central and single zone air systems (or group of similar units) fill in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put "N/A" in the column. 2: Not required for hydronic heating and cooling. Either enter a value here or put in reference of plans and specificatons per footnote 1. 3: Enter Yes if System is: Constant Volume, Single Zone; Serves < 5,000 sqft; Has > 25% duct in unconditioned space. Duct sealing is required for Prescriptive Compliance, see PERF -1 for performance method duct sealing requirements. AIR SYSTEMS, Central or Sin le Zone AH -4 AH -5 AH -6 1 1 1 Reference on Plans or Specification 1 112(a) n/a n/a n/a 112(a)_n/a 370,900 btuh n/a n/a 112(b) n/a n/a n/a 112(c), 115(a) n/a n/a n/a 121(b) Yes Yes Yes 121(b) 2464 cfm 3282 cfm 490 cfm 121 c No Yes Yes 121(c) Yes Yes No 121(c), 122(e) Programmable Switch Pro able Switch Programmable Switch 122(e) Heating &Cooling Required Heatingoling Required :r_:Auto Heating &Cooling Required 122 Auto Warmest Zone Auto 122(g) n/a n/a n/a 123 YES YES 124 R-8.0 R-8.0 R-8.0 144 (a & b) n/a n/a n/a 144 a & b 370,900 btuh 534,500 btuh 79,000 btuh 144 a & b n/a n/a n/a 144 a & b 310,900 btuh 451,800 btuh 114,000 btuh 144 c Variable Speed Variable Speed Variable Speed 144 (c) SEE PLAN SEE PLAN 144 c Yes Yes Yes 144 d No Yes Yes 144 (e) No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer 144 Coldest Zone Coldest Zone Coldest Zone 144 (f) Warmest Zone Warmest Zone Warmest.Zone 144 (k) No No No EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 - Job Number: 07.0021 Page: 119 of 126 NATER SIDE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Part 2 of 2 MECH-2-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 SYSTEM FEATURES 2 WATER SIDE SYSTEMS: Chillers, Towers, Boilers, Hydronic Loops ITEM OR SYSTEM TAG(S) CH -1 CH -2 CT -1 & CT -2 Number of Systems 1 1 2 MANDATORY MEASURES Equipment Efficiency Pipe Insulation PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Capacity Proposed Capacity Tower Fan Controls Tower Flow Controls Variable Flow System Design Chiller and Boiler Isolation CHW and HHW Reset Controls WLHP Isolation Valves VSD on CHW, CW & WLHP Pumps > 5 HP DP Sensor Location T-24 Section Reference on Plans or Specification 112(a) 0.529 kW/ton 0.529 kW/ton 10 F App 123 CHW Piping CHW Piping n/a 284 tons 320 tons n/a n/a Required Required Required n/a Required 284 tons 320 tons n/a n/a Required Required Required n/a Required 640 tons n/a Variable -Speed -Fan Wetbulb-Reset n/a n/a n/a Re uired Required 1: For each chiller, cooling tower, boiler, and hydronic loop (or groups of similar equipment) fill in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put "N/A" in the column. 2: Water side systems include wet side system using other liquids such as glycol or brine. Service Hot Water, Pool Heating ITEM OR SYSTEM TAG(S) DHW Heater Number of Systems 2 MANDATORY MEASURES Reference on Plans or Specification) Water Heater Certification 113 (a) Water Heater Efficiency 113 (b) Service Water Heating Installation 113 (c) Pool and Spa Efficiency and Control 114 (a) Pool and Spa Installation 114 (b) Pool Heater - No Pilot Light 115 (c) Spa Heater - No Pilot Light 115 d WHA & WH -2 84% n/a n/a n/a n/a 1: For each water heater, pool heat and domestic water loop (or groups of similar equipment) fill in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put "N/A" ins the column. EnergyPro.4.A. by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 - - Job Number: 07.0021 '..s;_ _ Page: 120 of 126 WATER SIDE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Part 2 of 2 MECH-2-C PROJECT NAME Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center DATE 8/13/2008 SYSTEM FEATURES 2 WATER SIDE SYSTEMS: Chillers, Towers, Boilers, H dronic Loops ITEM OR SYSTEM TAG(S) B-1 & B-2 _ Number of Systems 2 T-24 MANDATORY MEASURES Section Reference on Plans or Specification' Equipment Efficiency 112(a) 87% Pipe Insulation 123 HW Piping PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Capacity 144 (a & b) 1,341,619 btuh Proposed Capacity 144 (a & b) 2,610,000 btuh Tower Fan Controls 144 h Required Tower Flow Controls 144 h n/a Variable Flow System Design 144 0) Chiller and Boiler Isolation 144 Required CHW and HHW Reset Controls 144 0) Required WLHP Isolation Valves 144 ' n/a VSD on CHW, CW & WLHP Pumps > 5 144 n/a HP DP Sensor Location 144 ' n/a 1: For each chiller, cooling tower, boiler, and hydronic loop (or groups of similar equipment) fill in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put "N/A" in the column. 2: Water side systems include wet side system using other liquids such as glycol or brine. Service Hot Water, Pool Heating ITEM OR SYSTEM TAG(S) Number of Systems MANDATORY MEASURES Reference on Plans or Specification' Water Heater Certification 113 (a) Water Heater Efficiency 113 (b) Service Water Heating Installation 113 (c) Pool and Spa Efficiency and Control 114 (a) Pool and Spa Installation 114 (b) Pool Heater - No Pilot Light 115 (c) Spa Heater - No Pilot Light 115 d 1: For each water heater, pool heat and domestic water loop (or groups of similar equipment) fill in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section and paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put "N/A" ins the column. Energygro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 - Job Number: 07.0021f, Page: 121 of 126 MECHANICAL VENTILATION MECH-3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 PRESCRIPTIVE REHEAT LIMITATION (Section 144(d)) MECHANICAL VENTILATION Section 121 (b)2) AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS V_AV_MINIMUM A C D E F G H I J K L M N ZONE/SYSTEM rn CA a ccr 2) N'� -n 3 °o _ 3 W�� k >� n A -n " Iv Z c �B V a A o m n N NT O ' is m0 kn 0 TIC n "? _ .� ��m OK 0 O _" D no 0v E U3 _ ' 0 o O 000W T1 I;A— C A y n Tt yk 'p G x A n p 0 Oak O y O O L — �- y co 'O �• 9 .3. D -, V D I.T. ROOM 13 0.15 20 1 20 20 DFC-1 Total 20 20 I.T. ROOM 13E 0.15 20 20 20 DFC-2 Total 20 20 I.T. ROOM 130 0.15 20 20 20 DFC-3 Total 20 20 ELEC. ROOM 75 0.15 11 11 11 FC -1 Total 11 11 ELEV. EQUIP. 119 0.15 18 18 18 FC -2 Total 18 18 VESTIBULE 262 0.15 39 39 39 FC -3 Total 39 39 MECHANICAL ROOM 1,133 0.15 170 170 170 FC -4 Total 170 170 ELEC. ROOM 332 0.15 50 50 50 FC -5 Total 50 50 BLDG. SERVICES 1,703 0.15 255 255 255 FC -5A Total 255 255 ELEC. ROOM 112 0.15 17 17 17 FC -6 Total 17 17 ELEV. EQUIP. 104 0.15 16 16 16 FC -7 Total 16 16 BLDG. SERVICES 1,179 0.15 177 177 177 FC -7A Total 177 177 ELEC. ROOM 95, 0.15 14 1 14 14 C — _ Minimum ventilation rateper Section 121, Table 121-A E Based on fixed seat or the greater of the expected number of occupants and 50 / of the.CBC occupant load for egress purposes for spaces without fixed seating,._ -- — Required Ventilation Air (REQ'.D V A.) is the larger of the ventilation rates calculated on and AREA or OCCUPANCY BASIS (column D or G). Must be greater than or equal to H, or use Transfer Air (column N) to make up the difference Design fan supply cfm (Fan CFM) x 30%-; or H J K Condition area (ft. sq) x 04 cfmtft. sq.; or– L Maximum of Columns H, J, K, or 300 cfm M This must be less than or equal to Columeater that or equal to the sum of Columns H + N. N Transfer air must be provided where the Required Ventilation Air (column 1) is greater than the Design Minimum Air (column M). Where required, transfer air must be greater than or equal to the difference between the Required Ventilation Air (column 1) and the Design Minimum Air (column M), column H - M. En gyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 01F10021 Page:122 of 126 MECHANICAL VENTILATION MECH-3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 PRESCRIPTIVE REHEAT LIMITATION (Section 144(d)) MECHANICAL VENTILATION Section 121(b)2) AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS VAV MINIMUM A B C D E F G H I J K L M N ZONE/SYSTEM ZONE/SYSTEM n O CD3 TfD Q' 3 M c a)=0 @fD-n °o .. _ a3 Wim= X D n °' z -pc m3 Oa o o •a Qv0 @ <D -n ' `e 3 m0O3 Xn " a) 9 _ M m pip OX D <p n�Q T.rN D 3 o� 5- nm� ,ca CD? O V!. (� -nW 3X ;0 p C ,c Wa0) 03X OX— `" Cn tQ -0 ' D - N D FC -8 Total 14 14 BLDG. SERVICES 846 0.15 127 127 127 FC -9 Total 127 127 1ST FLR. MRI EQT. 189 0.15 28 28 28 FC -10 Total 28 28 1ST FLR. LOUNGE 53 0.50 266 266 266 1ST FLR. DRESSING 135 0.15 20 20 20 1ST FLR. WAITING 2,938 0.15 441 441 441 1ST FLR. LOBBY 4,502 0.15 675 675 675 1ST FLR. COOR/RR 4,324 0.15 649 649 649 1ST FLR. STORAGE 527 0.15 79 79 79 1ST FLR. OFFICES 1,042 0.15 156 156 156 1ST FLR. MED. AREA 4,69 0.15 704 704 704 AH -1 Total 2,990 2,990 1ST FLR. DRESSING 146 0.15 22 22 22 IST FLR. LOUNGE 154 0.50 77 77 77 1ST FLR. OFFICES 85C 0.15 127 127 127 1ST FLR. COOR/RR 3,465 0.15 520 520 520 1 ST FLR. STORAGE 28C 0.15 42 42 42-- 21ST 1 STFLR. WAITING 1,74E 0.15 262 262 262 1ST FLR. MED. AREA 4,61 0.15 692 692 692 AH -2 Total 1,742 1,742 2ND FL. CONFRENCE 2,757 0.50 1,379 1,379 1,379 ND FL. KITCHEN 273 0.15 41 41 41 2ND FL. EX. DEMO 330 0.15 49 49 49 C _—_E— Minimum ventilation rate per Section 121, Table 121-A Based on fixed seat or the greater of the expected number of occupants and 50% of the CBC occupant load for egress purposes for spaces without_fixed seating._ Required Ventilation Air (REQ'D V.A.) is the larger of the ventilation rates calculated on and AREA or OCCUPANCY BASIS (column D or G).— Must be greater than or equal to H, or use Transfer Air (column N) to makeup the difference Design fan supply cfm (Fan CFM) x 30%; or H I J K Condition area (ft. sq.) x 04 cfmtft. sq.; or L Maximum of Columns H, J. K, or 300 cfm M This must be less than or equal to Column Land greater that or equal to the sum of Columns H N Transfer air must be provided where the Required Ventilation Air (column I) is greater than the Design Minimum Air (column M). Where required, transfer air must be greater than or equal to the difference between the Required Ventilation Air (column 1) and the Design Minimum Air (column M), column H - M. EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 567& Job Number: 07.0021 Page:123 of 126 MECHANICAL VENTILATION MECH-3-C 111-11L 14 Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center DATE 8/13/2008 PRESCRIPTIVE REHEAT LIMITATION (Section 144(d)) MECHANICAL VENTILATION Section 121 b 2 AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS VAV MINIMUM A B C D E F G H I J K L M N ZONE/SYSTEM 0 yD3 =sva 0 co man ;3 ° o Op'<3 xDn °�' 3 z ma n� 0 0 Q 0 0�3 ' Cr rn� x=n 3 _ 0�A �x0 D n< r* LA D' o n(D� 3c0 ° N ° �to 0 3W 00 +' c c w3c3i oyx 0 = _ -1- g� 0 �o o3 D -i M m D - ND FL. HALL/SUPP. 504 0.15 76 76 76 2ND FL. OFFICE 242 0.15 36 36 36 2ND FL. WAITING 519 0.15 78 78 78 2ND FLR. COOR. 1,08 0.15 162 162 162 432 432 2ND FLR. RESTROOM 316 0.15 47 47 47 1271 300 ND FLR. LOBBY 1,824 0.15 274 274 274 730 729 AH -3 Total 2,142 2,142 ND FL. OFFICE 942 0.15 141 141 141 ND FL. DRESSING 12C 0.15 18 18 18 ND FL. HALL/SUPP. 73 0.15 110 110 110 ND FL. WAITING 438 0.15 66 66 66 2ND FL. MED. AREA 406 0.15 61 61 61 2ND FLR. TEN. SPC. 13,78 0.15 2,068 2,068 2,068 AH -4 Total 2,464 2,464 AV 340 197 0.15 30 2.0 15.0 30 30 30 75 79 300 75 AV 339 1,32 0.15 199 13.2 15.0 199 199 199 360 530 529 360 AV 338 479 0.50 240 32.1 7.5 240 240 240 486 192 485 486 AV 337 262 0.15 39 2.6 15.0 39 39 39 276 105 300 276 AV 336 764 0.15 115 7.6 15.0 115 115 115 159 306 305 159 AV 335 289 0.50 144 19.4 7.5 144 144 144 414 116 413 414 AV 334 1,154 0.15 173 11.5 15.0 173 173 173 315 462 461 315 AV 333 138 0.15 21 1.4 15.0 21 21 21 162 55 300 162 AV 332 40 0.15 61 4.0 15.0 61 61 61 234 162 300 234 AV 331 1841 0.15 28 1.8 15.0 28 28 28 901 741 300 90 AV 330 71 0.15 108 7.2 15.0 108 108 108 165 288 300 165 C ,Minimum ventilation rateper Section 121, Table 121_A E Based on fixed seat or the greater of the expected. number of occupants and _50 % of the CBC occupant load for egress purposes for spaces without fixed seating__ Required Ventilation Air (REO'D V.A.) is the larger of the ventilation rates calculated on and AREA or OCCUPANCY BASIS (column D or G). -- --- -- -- __ _ - -, - ------- ---------__---..--...----_.__ ------ --- Must be greater than or a us] to H or use Transfer Air (column N) to make up the difference - _ __- _- - ---------------_--------------- Design fan supply cfm (Fan CFM) x 30%; or H --- I J K Condition area (ft. sq.) x 04 cfm/ft sq.; or L Maximum of Columns H, J. K, or 300 cfm M This must be less than or equal to Column Land greater that or equal to the sum of Columns H + N._ --___--__- N Transfer air must be provided where the Required Ventilation Air (column 1) is greater than the Design Minimum Air (column M). Where required, transfer air must be greater than or equal to the difference between the Required Ventilation Air (column 1) and the Design Minimum Air (column M), column H - M. EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job -Number: 07.0021 Page:124 of 126 MECHANICAL_ VENTILATION MECH-3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 PRESCRIPTIVE REHEAT LIMITATION (Section 144(d)) MECHANICAL VENTILATION Section 121(b)2) AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS VAV MINIMUM A B C D E F G H I J I K L M N ZONE/SYSTEM n D3 T l'D »• y C CA c m�t7 f'D (D _n _n °o .. a3 W'`� X D� n W �t °1 Z m CO• W o m n N AT 7' 3 rr_ m03 XA 'n -n "0 3 ,. v3A OX G7 M< y < 00M T.3i Vl � D 7 o 0 3' 0(D TNS 3'd W a y. 0 3W yX .a A � e c , c w3c3i 03X n N 0 -n = ic `lnn CO) -•SID =°� » • D r'n D AV 329 573 0.15 86 5.7 15.0 86 86 86 135 2291 300 135 AV 328 323 0.15 48 3.2 15.0 48 48 48 219 129 300 219 AV 327 573 0.15 86 5.7 15.0 86 86 86 135 229 300 135 AV 326 573 0.15 86 5.7 15.0 86 86 86 135 229 300 135 AV 325 506 0.15 76 5.1 15.0 76 76 76 296 202 300 296 AV 324 214 0.15 32 2.1 15.0 32 32 32 63 861 300 63 AV 323 36 0.15 54 3.6 15.0 54 54 54 82 144 300 82 AV 322 289 0.15 43 2.9 15.0 43 43 43 68 116 300 68 AV 321 192 0.15 29 1.9 15.0 29 29 29 144 77 3001 144 AV 320 64 0.15 96 6.4 15.0 96 96 96 144 256 300 144 AV 319 64 0.15 96 6.4 15.0 96 96 96 129 256 300 129 AV 318 352 0.15 53 3.5 15.0 53 53 53 198 141 300 198 AV 317 295 0.15 44 3.0 15.0 44 44 44 219 118 300 219 AV 316 452 0.15 68 4.5 15.0 68 68 68 153 181 300 153 AV 315 99 0.15 149 9.9 15.0 149 149 149 231 396 396 231 AV 314 99 0.15 149 9.9 15.0 149 149 149 231 3961 396 231 AV 313 416 0.15 62 4.2 15.0 62 62 62 153 166 300 153 AV 312 316 0.15 47 3.2 15.0 47 47 47 240 126 300 240 AV 311 455 0.15 68 4.6 15.0 68 68 68 216 182 300 216 AV 310 407 0.15 61 4.1 15.0 61 61 61 298 163 300 298 AV 309 27C 0.15 40 5.4 7.5 40 40 40 268 1081 300 268 AV 308 396 0.15 59 4.0 15.0 59 59 59 240 158 300 240 AV 307 768 0.15 115 7.7 15.0 115 115 115 177 307 307 177 AV 306 799 0.15 120 8.0 15.0 120 120 120 140 320 319 140 AV 305 628 0.15 94 6.3 15.0 94 94 94 206 25 300 206 C --- - --- -- --- Minimum ventilation rate par Section 121, Table 121-A E Based on fixed seat or the greater of the expected number of occupantsand_50 / of the CBC occupant load for egress purposes for spaces without. fixed seating. Required Ventilation Air (REQ'D V.A.) is the larger of the ventilation rates calculated on. and AREA or OCCUPANCY BASIS (column D or G). Must be greater than or equal to H or use Transfer Air (column N) to makeup the difference Design fan supply cfm (Fan CFM) x 30%; or H I _ J K Condition area (ft. sq.) x 04 cfm/ft. sq.; or L Maximum of Columns H J, K, or 300 cfm M This must be less than or equal to Column L and greater that or equal to the sum of Columns H + N. N Transfer air must be provided where the Required Ventilation Air (column 1) is greater than the Design Minimum Air (column M). Where required, transfer air must be greater than or equal to the difference between the Required Ventilation Air (column 1) and the Design Minimum Air (column M), column H - M. EnergyPro 4.4 by Energysoft - User Number: 5678 � 'Job Number: 07.0021 - Page: 125 of 126 IMECHANICAL VENTILATION MECH-3-C PROJECT NAME DATE Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center 8/13/2008 PRESCRIPTIVE REHEAT LIMITATION (Section 144(d)) MECHANICAL VENTILATION Section 121 (b)2) _AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS VAV MINIMUM A B CrD F G H I J K L M N O j3a 0 c ���� ° p rlDa � 3 m�3 xcn " a 3 ' vvA oxo 2' < � n3 3Yrc D � c n`D acQooyx O N m A FP � cma�n n= 0 -n- + oZONE/SYSTEM D - AV 304 332 0.15 50 3.3 15.0 50 50 50 114 1331 300 114 AV 303 503 0.15 75 5.0 15.0 75 75 75 330 20 329 330 AV 302 278 0.15 42 2.8 15.0 42 42 42 159 ill 300 159 AV 301 32 0.15 48 3.2 15.0 48 48 48 267 129 300 267 3RD FLR. RR/JAN. 317 0.15 48 48 48 127 300 AH -5 Total 3,282 3,282 AV 101 133 0.50 67 8.9 7.5 67 67 67 130 53 300 130 AV 102 502 0.15 75 5.0 15.0 75 75 75 162 201 3001 162 AV 106 27C 0.15 40 2.7 15.0 40 40 40 102 1081 300 102 AV 105 576 0.15 86 5.8 15.0 86 86 86 174 230 300 174 AV 108 34 0.15 51 3.4 15.0 51 51 511 135 136 300 135 AV 103 242 0.15 36 2.4 15.0 36 36 36 165 97 300 165 AV 104 76 0.15 11 0.8 15.0 11 11 11 69 30 300 69 AV 107 '776 0.15 117 7.8 15.0 117 117 117 270 311 311 270 1 ST FLR. RESTROOM 42 0.15 6 6 6 AH -6 Total 490 490 C .Minimumventilat_io_nr_a__te per Section 121, Table 121-A E Based on fixed seat or the greater of the expected number of occupants and _50 /o of the CBC occupant load for egress purposes for spaces without fixed seating._-_ Required Ventilation Air (REO''D V.A.) is the larger of the ventilation rates calculated on and AREA or OCCUPANCY BASIS (column D or G). - Must be greater than or equal to H, or use Transfer Airgcolumn N). to make up_the difference. Design fan supply cfm (Fan CFM) x 30%; or H I _ _. J K Condition area (ft. sq.) x 04 cfmlfl. sq.; or L Maximum of Columns H, J, K, or 300 cfm ------------- M This must be less than or equal to Column L andfR er that. or equal to the sum of Columns H + N. N Transfer air must be provided where the Required Ventilation Air (column 1) is greater than the Design Minimum Air (column M). Where required, transfer air must be greater than or equal to the difference between the Required Ventilation Air (column 1) and the Design Minimum Air (column M), column H - M. EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5678 Job Number: 07.0021 - Page: 126 of 126