0103-257 (CONR) Title 24TITLE 24 REPORT Title 24 Report for: Country Club Of The Desert Club House La Qu i nta, CA 92253 Project Designer: BBG Architects 20371 Irvine Ave. Ste. 120 Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707-5651 (714) 434-2506 Report Prepared By: Tim Scott BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING 75-145 ST. CHARLES PLACE PALM DESERT, CA 92211 (760) 346-0855 z - 5eo V►w.hG lz Cwe >-. CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT.. Job Number: APPROVED Date: off 7/24/01 The EnergyPro computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program has approval and is O'authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential 1998 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by Gabel Dodd/EnergySoft, LLC (415) 883-5900. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft Job Number: User Number: 3665 I TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Nonresidential Performance Title 24 Forms 3 Form ENV -3 Proposed Construction Assembly 31 Form ENV -MM Envelope Mandatory Measures 34 Form LTG -4 Tailored LPD Summary and Worksheet 35 Form LTG -5 Room Cavity Ratio Worksheet 36 Form LTG -MM Lighting Mandatory Measures 37 Form MECH-MM Mechanical Mandatory Measures 38 HVAC System Heating and Cooling Loads Summary 40 Room Load Summary 59 Room Heating Peak Loads 78 Room Cooling Peak Loads 97 Room Cooling Coil Loads 124 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft Job Number: User Number: 3665 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 1 of 3 PERF -1 Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 .. _rc.. La Quinta TELEPHONE ��Zuilding?Pemiiltl BBG Architects (714) 434-2506 IN AUTHOR TELEPHONE Checked bylDate BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING (760) 346-0855Enfor"cemientAgency"Use Run Initiation Time: un Code: 996009451 _nergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Pagel of 160 This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts and 6, of the State Building Code. This certificate applies only tcAa Building Msing the performance compliance approach. UL;U1MhN I A] ION AU I HUK DA E 34 Tim Scott it p 70" modelled for this permit application are consistent with all other forms and worksheets, specifications, and other calculations 46,483 Sq.Ft. State Building Code, Title 24, Part 6. 15 BUILDING TYPE NONRESIDENTIAL Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed as a civil HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL E] HOTEUMOTEL GUEST ROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION E] ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ EXISTING + ADDITION Run Initiation Time: un Code: 996009451 _nergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Pagel of 160 This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts and 6, of the State Building Code. This certificate applies only tcAa Building Msing the performance compliance approach. UL;U1MhN I A] ION AU I HUK DA E 34 Tim Scott it p The Principal Designers hereby certify that the proposed building design represented in the construction document nd modelled for this permit application are consistent with all other forms and worksheets, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building as designed meets the energy efficiency requirements of the State Building Code, Title 24, Part 6. ENV. LTG. MECH. ❑ ❑ 1. 1 hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed as a civil engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer or architect. m [:i ❑ 2. I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor preparing documents for work that I have contracted to perform. ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. 1 affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section of the Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and for the following reason: Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures Required Forms ENV -1 BBG Architects Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures Required Forms LTG -1 PRINCIPAL LIG KING DESIGNER -NAME _J91GRATTURE LIC. NO. DATE Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures Requi . rel Forms MECH-1, MECH-2, MECH-3 PRINCIPAL MEC ANICAL DESIGNER - NAME SI URE Lip. NO. DATE Breeze Air Conditioning `i'1�3 ate Run Initiation Time: un Code: 996009451 _nergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Pagel of 160 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 2 of 3 PERF -1 A Country Club Of The Desert Club House 1y~ c 7/24/01 1 ENERGY COMPONENT Standard Design sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft. Proposed Design Glazing sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft' sqft. sqft. Compliance Margin Space Heating Space Cooling Indoor Fans Heat Rejection Pumps Domestic Hot Water Lighting Receptacle Process 6.58 4.91 1.67 102.41 88.41 14.00 38.82 45.39 -6.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.88 37.88 0.00 39.40 45.23 -5.83 13.67 13.67 0.00 o.00 o.o0 0.00 TOTALS: 238.76 235.50 3.27 Building Orientation (South)180 deg Conditioned Floor Area 46,483 sqft. Number of Stories 3 Unconditioned Floor Area 0 sqft. Number of Systems 29 Conditioned Footprint Area 33,477 sqft. Number of Zones 19 Orientation Front Elevation (South) Left Elevation (West) Rear Elevation (North) Right Elevation (East) Total Roof Gross Area sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft. Glazing Area Glazing sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft' sqft. sqft. Ratio 8,362 1,664 19.9% 6,965 1,329 19.1% 8,129 2,159 26.6% 7,709 829 10.8% 31,1651 5,981 33,932 0.0% Standard Proposed Lighting Power Density 1.338 W/sgft. 1.536 W/sgft. Prescriptive Env. Heat Loss 12,877 7,705 Prescriptive Env. Heat Gain 1,041,099 721,162 Run InitiationTime: un Code: 996009451 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Paoe:4 of 150 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 3 of 3 PERF -1 Country Club Of The Desert Club House 1 7/24/01 1 i no iocai enforcement agency snouia pay special attention to the items specinea in tnis cnecKtist. i nese items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification ina aocumentation suomittea. The exceptional features listed in this performance approach application have specifically been reviewed. Adequate written justification and documentation for their use have been provided by the applicant. Authorized Signature or Stamp EnergyPro 2.1 By Energysoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:5 of 150 1 Floor Inst.Ctrl: Tat ored Rroc s System Name Y Zone Name Occupancy Type p Y yp Area (sgft.) LPD (W/sf)1 Credits en , (red,! (cfrn/sf)°" Loads (1N11Mr,', HVAC -1 1 -Women's Lounge Bar/Lounge/Casino 1,792 1.84 t HVAC-2 2 -Men's Lounge Bar/Lounge/Casino 1,792 1.84 2 HVAC -3 & 4 Pro Shop Retail/Wholesale Sales 2,916 2.09 HVAC -5 5 - Lobby Lobby (Main Entry & Assem ly)2,176 1.17 HVAC -6 & 7 6&7Women'sLockerRm Locker & Dressing Room 3,631 1.32 HVAC 8 & 9 8 & 9 Men's Locker Rm Locker & Dressing Room 3,508 1.36' 7 7 - " HVAC -10 10-Fyr/Gllry to open crt Corr! dor/Restroom/Suppo 1,108 1.21 HVAC -11 11 -Gallery to Pro Shop Corridor/Restroom/Suppo 1,257 0.95, HVAC -12 12-13ag Storage Industrial Storage 761 1.18 HVAC -13 13 -Snack Lounge Kitchen & Food Prep 805 1.491 V HVAC -14,15 & 16 14-TournamentBallroom Auditorium 6,213 1.49 r HVAC -17 15 -Library Library - Reading Area 702 1.49 a HVAC -18 & 19 16 -Grill Dining Area 3,406 1.58 < HVAC 20 & 21 17 -Kitchen Kitchen & Food Prep 4,134 1.68 HVAC -22 & 23 18 -Bar Bar/Lounge/Casino 3,029 1.43`-. HVAC -24 19-Lounge/Lobby/Stns/ Lobby (Main Entry & Assem ly)3,957 1.51 A, HVAC -25 20 -Office Office 1,689 1.76 HVAC -26 & 27 21 -Private Dining Dining Area 1,417 1.58 HVAC -28 & 29 22-PrvtDln/LngeWine/ Dining Area 2,1901 1.644, Notes: 1. See LTG -1 (items marked with asterisk, see LTG -2 by others) 2. See LTG -3 3. See LTG -4 Items above require special documertafioii' i no iocai enforcement agency snouia pay special attention to the items specinea in tnis cnecKtist. i nese items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification ina aocumentation suomittea. The exceptional features listed in this performance approach application have specifically been reviewed. Adequate written justification and documentation for their use have been provided by the applicant. Authorized Signature or Stamp EnergyPro 2.1 By Energysoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:5 of 150 1 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Performance ENVA PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Surface Framing Act. Gains # Type Type Area U -Val. Azm. Tilt Y/N Form 3 Reference Location / Comments EXTERIOR SHADING Window Overhang Left Fin Right Fin # Exterior Shade Type SHGC Act. Len. Hgt. LExt.RExt. Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. 1 None 0.76 # Type Area U -Val. Azm. SHGC Glazing Type Location / Comments 1 Window 24 0.600 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 1 -Women's Lounge 2 Window 96 0.550 0 0.56 Double onMt ronze De ault 1 -Women's Lounge 3 Window 48 0.550 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 1 -Women's Lounge 4 Window 24 0.600 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 1 -Women's Lounge 5 Window 96 0.550 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 1 -Women's Lounge 6 Window 24 0.600 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default -1--Women's Lounge 7 Window 24 0.600 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze De ault -Women's Lounge 8 Window 24 0.600 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 1 -Women's Lounge 9 Window 24 0.600 270 0.53 Double NonMtl Tinted Default 1 -Women's Lounge 10 Window 24 0.600 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 2 -Men's Lounge 11 Window 96 0.550 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 2 -Men's Lounge 12 Window 24 0.600 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 2 -Men's Lounge 13 Window 48 0.550 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 2 -Men's Lounge 14 Window 96 0.550 180 0.53 Double NonMtl Tinted Default --2--Men's Lounge 15 Window 24 0.600 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 2 -Men's Lounge EXTERIOR SHADING Window Overhang Left Fin Right Fin # Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Hgt. LExt.RExt. Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. 1 None 0.76 2 None 0.76 3 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 4 None 0.76 5 None 0.76 6 None 0.76 7 None 0.76 8 None 0.76 9 None 0.76 10 None 0.76 11 None 0.76 12 None 0.76 13 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 14 None 0.76 15 None 0.76 Run Initiation Time: 07/24101 14:17:31 Run ode: 996009451 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:6 of 150 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Performance ENV -1 PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 Solar Surface Framing Act. Gains # Type Type Area U -Val. Azm. Tilt Y/N Form 3 Reference Location / Comments 21 Wall Wood 618 0.085 90 90 X 8" Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall 5 - Lobby 22 Door -2-3 None 48 0.387 90 90 X Solid Wood Door 5 - Lobby Wa I Woo 84 0.085 180 90 X 8' Solid CMU w/2x4 Wa I 5 - Lobby 24 a --.Wood- oo 140 X a x- Lobby 00 X I Span -Crete Roof 6&7Wornen'sLockerRm 26 Wall oo X a x. omens oc er m aWood X Solid w/2x4 Wallomens oc er m a oo X a x. omens oc er m a oo X a x. omens oc er m oor one X I Hollow Metal Door omens oc er m 00 0o 5 X I Span -Crete oo ens oc er m aWood X Solid w/2x4 Wallens Locker RM 33 Wall oo X Solid w/2x4 Wallens Locker Rm Jif-tToor-Wone--27--D-.68-IF--'z7D-X I Hollow etal Door 8 & 9 Men's Locker Rm a oo X Solid w/2x4 Wall- yr ry to open crt 36- a o0 Solid w/2x4 Wall -Gallery o Pro Shop a oo X Solid w/2x4 Wall -Gallery o Pro Shop Roof Wood ­_X I pan- re a Roof 112 -Bag Storage a one x Solid a 12 -Bag Storage 40 Door None X Ljbond Woodoor 12 -Bag Storage # Type Area U -Val. Act. Azm. SHGC Glazing Type Location / Comments 16 Window 24 0.600 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default -Men's Lounge 17 Window 24 0.600 270 0.56 Dou le NonMtl Bronze Defau t -Men's Lounge 18 Window 24 0.600 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Defau t -Men's Lounge 19 Window 162 0.600 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default Pro Shop 20 Window 48 0.570 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default Pro Shop 21 Window 16 0.600 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default P no -S Kop 22 Window 48 0.550 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default Pro Shop 23 Window 20 0.570 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default Pro Shop 24 Window 48 0.550 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default Pro Shop 25 Window 20 0.600 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default Pro Shop 26 Window 16 0.600 2 TO 0.56 Double NonMt1 Bronze De cult Pro S h op 27 Window 16 0.600 270 1 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default Pro Shop 28 Window 48 0.550 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default Pro Shop 29 Window 48 0.570 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default Pro Shop 30 Window 48 0.550 90 0.56 Double NonMt Bronze Default -Lobby EXTERIOR SHADING # Exterior Shade Type Window SHGC Hgt. Wd. Overhang Left Fin Right Fin Len. Hgt. x . x . Dist. Len. HgF. Dist. Len. 9• 16 None 0.76 17 None 0.76 18 None 0.76 19 None 0.76 6.0 27.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 20 None 0.76 6.0 8.0 6.0 0.1 6.0 6.0 0.1 4.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 21 None 0.76 22 None 0.76 23 None 0.76 24 None 0.76 6.0 8.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 25 None 0.76 4.0 5.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 26 None 0.76 27 None 0.76 28 one 0.76 29 None 0.76 6.0 8.0 6.0 0.1 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.1 4.0 0 30 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 Run Initiation ime: 07/24 0 4:17:31 Run ode: 99600945 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Pagel of 150 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Performance IENV-1 PROJECT Country Club Of The Desert Club House 1 7/24/01 1 Surface # Type Framing Type Area Act. U -Val. Azm. Tilt Solar Gains Y/N Form 3 Reference Location / Comments 41 Wall Wood 270 0.085 90 90 X1 18" Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall 12 -Bag Storage 42 Wall None 316 0.690 180 90 X1 18" Solid CMU Wall 12 -Bag Storage 43 Door None 24 0.387 180 90 X I Solid WoodDoor 12 -Bag torage 44 a one 330 X Solid a 12 -Bag Storage 45- FVo-of WoodX oo x14.16) 13-5nack Lounge a oo390 0.059 a x .13 -Snack Lounge a oo X a x .16) U-SnaCk Lounge oor one X Hollow metal Door T3:Sn-aCk Lounge a oo X a x .16) 13-5nack Lounge WWall WoodX a x . - nacCo- unge 00 Wood 4,871 0.028 o 0 XRoof . . x - ournamen a room STWa-W-Wo-o-d----97(F--ZT59----U--goX a x.16) 14-TournamentBallroom 53 Wall oo X a x. - ournamen a room a oo X a x. - ournamen a room a oo , 4 X a x- ournamen a room Roof Wood -X oo x 16 - rill a oo X a x 16 -Grill WV a oo X a x- n oor oo 7 X pan -Cr te Floor16-Grill 60 lRoof WoodX oo x14.16) 17 -Kitchen # Type Area U -Val. Act. Azm. SHGC Glazing Type Location / Comments 31 Window 99 0.570 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 5 - Lobby 32 Window 248 0.570 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 6 - Lobby 33 Window 6 0.600 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default &7Women'sLockerRm 34 Window 6 0.600 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default &7Women'sl-ockerRm 35 Window 6 0.600 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default &7Women'sl-ockerRm 36 Window 6 0.600 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default &7Women'sl-ockerRm 37 Window 6 0.600 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default &7Women'sLockerRm 38 Window 6 0.600 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default &7Women'sLockerRm 39 Window 6 0.600 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default &7Women'sLockerRm 40 Window 6 0.600 270 0.56 Double NonMtl-Bronze Default-- &7Women'sLockerRm 41 Window 6 0.600 270 0.56 Double NonMtI Bronze Default &7 omen'sLocker m 42 Window 6 1 0.600 1 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default & 9 Men's Locker Rm 43 Window 6 0.600 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default & 9 Men's Locker Rm U-Winclow 6 0.600 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default & 9 ens Locker Rm 45 Window 6 0.600 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default & 9 Mens Locker Rm -M ERIOR SHADING # Exterior Shade Type in ow SHGC Hgt. Wd. Overhang Left Fin Right Fin Len. Hgt. x . Dist. Len. g . Dist. Len. Hgt. 31 None 0.76 11.0 9.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 32 None 0.76 11.0 22.5 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 33 None 0.76 34 None 0.76 35 None 0.76 36 None 0.76 37 None 0.76 38 None 0.76 39 None 0.76 40 None 0.76 41 None 0.76 42 None 0.76 43 None 0.76 44 None 0.76 45 None 0.76 3.0 2.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 Run Initiation Time: 07/24/01 14:17:31 Run Code: 996009451 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:8 of 150 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Performance ENV -1 PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 Surface Framing # Type Type Act. Area U -Val. Azm. Solar Gains Tilt y/N Form 3 Reference Location / Comments 61 Floor wood 3,370 0.047 0 180 1 X1 Span -Crete Floor 17 -Kitchen 62 Roof Wood 3,029 0.028 0 0 X I I R-38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) 18 -Bar 63Wall Wood 514 0.059 0 90 X R-2 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) 18 -Bar 64 aWood_ o0 1,058 X a x 18 -Bar a oo X a x 18 -Bar 66 oorooSpan-Crete Floor 18 -Bar Roof__ 0 00 X Roofx -ounge o y trs a -WWa oo X R-21 Wallx. - ounge o y rs oo X a x- ounge o y rs a -MVVa oo X a x. - ounge o y rs oo X a x. - ounge o y rs 72 Floor oo xj Span -Crete Floor - ounge o y rs 00 oo XRoof x ice 74-Walloo X R-21 WalF(W-Zf2X-6-.Mice a oo X a x ice a Wood a x ice 77- a oo X a x ice 78- oor Wood- 4 X pan- rea Floor 20 -Office 79 00 Wood Roofx21-Private Dining 80 a oo X a x.21 -Private Dining # Type Area U -Val. Act. Azm. SHGC Glazing Type Location / Comments 46 Window 6 0.600 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default & 9 Men's Locker Rm 47 Window 6 0.600 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default & 9 en's Locker Rm 48 Window 6 0.600 270 0.56 Double N-on-Wtl Bronze Default & 9 Men's Locker Rm 49 Window 36 0.600 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 10-Fyr/Gllry to open crt 50 Window 48 0.550 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 0-Fyr/Gllry to open crt 51 Window 36 0.600 270 0.56 Double on tl Bronze Default 0-Fyr/Gllry to open crt 52 Window 48 0.550 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 11 -Gallery to Pro Shop 53 Window 15 0.600 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 2 -Bag Storage 54 Window 15 0.600 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 2 -Bag Storage 55 Window 15 0.600 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 2-9ag Storage 56 Window 15 0.600 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 2 -Bag Storage 57 Window 10 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 13 -Snack Lounge 58 Window 10 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 13 -Snack Lounge 59 Window 10 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 13 -Snack Lounge 60 Window 20 0.570 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 13 -Snack Lounge EXTERIOR 5HAL)INU Window # Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt. Wd. Overhang Left en. H gt. L E xt. R E xt. Dist. Len. Fin Wight Fin Hgf. Dist. Len. gt. 46 None 0.76 3.0 2.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 47 None 0.76 48 None 0.76 49 None 0.76 50 None 0.76 51 None 0.76 52 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 53 None 0.76 54 None 0.76 55 None 0.76 56 None 0.76 57 None 0.76 58 None 0.76 59 one 0.76 60 None 0.76 Run Initiation Time: 07/24101 4:17:31 Run Code: 996009451 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:9 of 150 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Performance ENV -1 PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 1 7/24/01 Solar Surface Framing Act. Gains # Type Type Area U -Val. Azm. Tilt YIN Form 3 Reference Location / Comments Act. # Type Area U -Val. Azm. SHGC Glazing Type Location / Comments 65 Window 36 0.570 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 13 -Snack Lounge 66 Window 36 0.600 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 13- nick Lounge 67 Window 36 0.570 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 13 -Snack Lounge 68 Window 96 0.550 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 14-TournamentBallroom 69 Window 96 0.550 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 14-TournamentBallroom 70 Window 36 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 14-TournamentBallroom 71 Window 36 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 14-TournamentBallroom 72 Window 48 0.550 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 14-TournamentBallroom 73 Window 15 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 14-TournamentBallroom 74 Window 36 0.600 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 4- ournament al room 75 Window 15 0.570 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 14-TournamentBallroom # Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Hgt. LExt.RExt. Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. 61 None 0.76 62 None 0.76 68 None 0.76 8.0 12.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 69 None 0.76 8.0 12.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 70 None 0.76 3.0 12.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 71 None 0.76 3.0 12.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 Run Initiation Time: 07/24/01 14:17:31 Run Code: 996009451 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3666 Job Number: Page: 10 of 150 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Performance ENV -1 PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 # Surface Framing Type Type Area Act. U -Val. Azm. Solar Gains Tilt y/N Form 3 Reference Location / Comments # Type Area U -Val. Act. Azm. SHGC Glazing Type Location / Comments 76 Window 15 0.570 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 4-TournamentBallroom 77 Window 15 0.570 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze De cult 4-TournamentBallroom 78 Window 48 0.550 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze De-fa--uTt-14-TournamentBallroom 79 Window 48 0.550 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 4-TournamentBallroom 80 Window 48 0.550 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 4-TournamentBallroom 81 Window 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 4-TournamentBallroom 82 Window 36 0.600 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 14-TournamentBallroom 83 Window 48 0.550 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 4-TournamentBallroom 84 Window 48 0.550 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 4-TournamentBallroom 85 Window 48 0.550 270 0.56 ouble NonMtl Bronze Default 14-TournamentBallroom 86 Window 18 0.570 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 14-TournamentBa (room 87 Window 36 0.600 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 14-TournamentBallroom 88 Window 36 0.600 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 4-TournamentBallroom 89 Window 36 0.600 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 144ournamentBallroom 90 Window 48 0.550 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 14-TournamentBallroom # Exterior Shade Type Window SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Overhang Lett Hgt. LExt.RExt. Dist. Len. Fin Right Fin Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. 76 None 0.76 77 None 0.76 78 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 79 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 80 None 0.76 81 None 0.76 82 None 0.76 83 None 0.76 84 None 0.76 85 None 0.76 86 None 0.76 87 None 0.76 88 None 0.76 89 None 0.76 90 one 0.76 Run Initiation Time: 07 24/01 14:17:31 Run Code: 99600945 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 11 of 150 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Performance ENV -1 PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 Surface Framing # Type Type Area Solar Act. Gains U -Val. Azm. Tilt y/N Form 3 Reference Location / Comments # Type Area U -Val. Act. Azm. SHGC Glazing Type Location / Comments 91 Window 18 0.570 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 14-TournamentBallroom 92 Window 48 0.550 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 14-TournamentBall room 93 Window 18 0.570 1 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 4-TournamentBallroom 94 Window 48 0.550 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 4-TournamentBallroom 95 Window 18 0.570 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 14-TournamentBallroom 96 Window 48 0.550 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 14-TournamentBallroom 97 Window 18 0.570 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 14-TournamentBallroom 98 lWindow 48 0.550 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 6 -Grill 99 Window 18 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 16 -Grill 100 Win ow 48 0.550 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze De ault 16-Gn I 10TWindow 18 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 16 -Grill 102Window 48 0.550 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 16 -Grill 103Window -04 -Window 18 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMt1 Bronze Default 16 -Grill 4 48 0.550 0 0.56 1 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 16 -Grill 105Window 18 0.570 0 0.56 1 Double Nonmtl Bronze Default 16 -Grill # Exterior Shade Type Window SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Overhang Left Hgt. LExt.RExt. Dist. Len. Fin Right Fin Hgt. Is . en. Hgt. 91 None 0.76 92 None 0.76 93 None 0.76 94 None 0.76 95 None 0.76 96 None 0.76 97 None 0.76 98 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 99 None 0.76 3.0 6.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 100 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 101 None 0.76 3.0 6.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 102 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 103 None 0.76 3.0 6.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 104 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 105 one 0.76 3.0 6.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 Run nitration Time: 07/24/0-1-1-4-1-7- -3Run Code: 99600945 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:12 of 150 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Performance ENV -1 PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 # Surface Framing Type Type Area Solar Act. Gains U -Val. Azm. Tilt y/N Form 3 Reference Location / Comments # Type Area U -Val. Act. Azm. SHGC Glazing Type Location / Comments 106 Window 48 0.550 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 16 -Grill 107Window 18 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze De ault 16- rill 108 Window 48 0.550 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze De au t 16- rill 109 Window 18 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 16 -Grill 11O Window 48 0.550 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 16 -Grill 111 Window 18 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 16 -Grill 112Window 48 0.550 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 16 -Grill 113 Window 18 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 16 -Grill 114Window 36 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 16 -Grill 115Window 48 0.550 0 0.56 Dou le ­NonMtl Bronze Default 16 -Grill 116Window 36 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 16 -Grill 117 indow 96 1 0.550 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 16 -Grill 118 Window 48 0.550 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 18 -Bar 119 Window 6 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 18 -Bar 120 indow 48 0.550 1 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 18 -Bar # Exterior Shade Type Window SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Overhang Left Hgt. xt. x . Dist. Len. Fin Right Fin Hgf. Dist. Len. gt. 106 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 107 None 0.76 3.0 6.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 108 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 109 None 0.76 3.0 6.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 110 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 111 None 0.76 3.0 6.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 112 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 113 None 0.76 3.0 6.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 114 None 0.76 3.0 12.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 115 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 116 None 0.76 3.0 12.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 117 None 0.76 3.0 12.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 118 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 119 None 0.76 3.0 2.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 120 one 0.76 8.0 6.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 Run Initiation Time: 07/24/01 14:17:31 Run Code: 996009451 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 13 of 150 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Performance =V-1 1PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 Surface Framing # Type Type Area Solar Act. Gains U -Val. Azm. Tilt y/N Form 3 Reference Location / Comments # Type Area U -Val. Act. Azm. SHGC Glazing Type Location / Comments 121 Window 6 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 18 -Bar 122 Window 48 0.550 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 8 -Bar 123 Window 6 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze a cult 18 -Bar 124 Window 112 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 18 -Bar 125Window 80 0.570 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 18 -Bar 126 Window 48 0.550 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 18 -Bar 127Window 6 0.570 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 18 -Bar 128 indow 48 0.600 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 18 -Bar 129Window 48 0.550 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 18 -Bar 130 Window 6 0.570 90 0.56 Double NonMt1 Bronze Default 18 -Bar 13 Window 30 0.600 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 18 -Bar 132Window 30 0.600 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 18 -Bar 133Window 48 0.550 90 0.56 Double NonMt1 Bronze Default 18 -Bar 134 Window 6 0.570 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 18 -Bar 135 Window 112 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 19- ounge/Lobby/Strs/ # Exterior Shade Type Window SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Overhang Left Hgt. LExt.RExt. Dist. Fin Right Fin en. g . Dist. Len. Hgt. 121 None 0.76 3.0 2.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 122 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 123 None 0.76 3.0 2.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 124 None 0.76 14.0 8.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 125 None 0.76 8.0 10.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 126 None 0.76 127 None 0.76 128 None 0.76 129 None 0.76 130 None 0.76 131 None 0.76 132 1 None 0.76 133 one 0.76 134 None 0.76 135 one 0.76 Run I nitiation Time: 07/24/01 14:17:31 Run Code: 99600945 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 14 of 150 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Performance ENV -1 IPRo.11=_cT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 Surface Framing Act. # Type Type Area U -Val. Azm. Solar Gains Tilt y/N Form 3 Reference Location / Comments # Type Area U -Val. Act. Azm. SHGC Glazing Type Location / Comments 136 Window 20 0.600 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 19-Lounge/Lobby/Stns/ 137 Window -8 -Window 6 0.570 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 9-Lounge/Lobby/Strs/ 'F3 6 0.570 90 0.56 Double NonMt ronze De cult 19-Lounge/Lobby/Stns/ 139 Window 6 0.570 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 19-Lounge/Lobby/Stns/ 140 Window 6 1 0.570 90 1 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 19-Lounge/Lobby/Stns/ 4 Window 6 0.570 90 0.56 Double onMtl Bronze Default 19-Lounge/Lobby/Stns/ 142 Window 48 0.550 180 0.56 Double NonMtl ronze Default 19-Lounge/Lobby/Stns/ 143 Window 6 0.570 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 19-Lounge/Lobby/Stns/ 144Window 16 0.600 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 19-Lounge/Lobby/Stns/ 145Window 85 0.570 180 0.56 Double NonMtI Bronze Default 19- ounge/Lobby/Stns/ 146 Window 48 0.550 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 19- ounge/Lobby/Stns/ 147 Window 72 0.550 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 19-Lounge/Lobby/Strs/ 148 Window 54 0.550 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 19-Lounge/Lobby/Stns/ 149 Window 25 0.600 180 0.56 Double NonMtl ronze De ault 19-Lounge/Lobby/Strs 150 indow 25 0.600 180 0.56 Double on t ronze De cult 19-Lounge/Lobby/Strs # Exterior Shade Type Window SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Overhang Left Fin Right Fin Hgt. LExt.RExt. Dist. en. g . Dist. Len. Hgt. 136 None 0.76 137 None 0.76 138 None 0.76 139 None 0.76 140 None 0.76 141 j None 0.76 142 None 0.76 12.0 4.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 143 None 0.76 144 None 0.76 145 None 0.76 146 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 147 None 0.76 148 None 110.76 9.0 6.0 2.0 0.1 2.0 2.0 149 None 1 0.76 150 None 0.76 Run Initiation Time: 07/24/01 14:17:31 Run Code: 9960094 11 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 15 of 150 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Performance ENV -1 YKUJCC:I NAML DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 1 7/24/01 Solar Surface Framing Act. Gains # Type Type Area U -Val. Azm. Tilt Y/N Form 3 Reference Location / Comments Act. # Type Area U -Val. Azm. SHGC Glazing Type Location / Comments 160Window 30 0.600 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 20 -Office 161 Window 30 0.600 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 20 -Office 162 Window 30 0.600 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 20 -Office 163Window 30 0.600 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 20 -Office 164Window 30 0.600 180 0.56 Double NonMtl ronze Default 20 -Office 165Win ow 30 0.600 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 20 -Office wlnaow Overhang Left Fin Right Fin # Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Hgt. LExt.RExt. Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. 151 None 0.76 158 None 0.76 10.0 5.5 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 Run InitiationTime: 07/24101 14:17:31 Run ode: 996009451 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 16 of 150 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Performance EE1 PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 Surface Framing Act. # Type Type Area U -Val. Azm. Solar Gains Tilt y/N Form 3 Reference Location / Comments # Type Area U -Val. Act. Azm. SHGC Glazing Type Location / Comments 166Window 30 0.600 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 0 -Office 167 Window 15 0.600 90 0.56 Double NonMtl-Bronze Default 21 -Private Dining 168Window 15 0.600 90 1 0.56 Double NonMtI Bronze Default 21 -Private Dining 169Window 15 0.600 90 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 1 -Private Dining 170Window 48 0.550 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 21 -Private Dining 17TWindow 48 0.550 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 1- nvate Dining 172Window 15 0.600 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze De cult 1- rivate Dining 173 Window 15 0.600 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 1 -Private Dining 174Window 15 0.600 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 1 -Private Dining 175Window 15 0.600 270 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 1 -Private Dining 176 Window 8 0.600 0 0.56 Double NonMtI Bronze Default 2- rvtDin/Lnge ine 177Window 8 0.600 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 2-PrvtDin/Lnge/Wine/ 178 Window 48 0.550 0 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 2-PrvtDln/Lnge/Wine/ 179 Window 15 0.600 90 0.56 Double NonMtI Bronze Default 2-PrvtDin/Lnge/Wine/ 180 Window 8 0.600 90 0.56 ouble NonMtl Bronze Default 2-PrvtDin/Lnge/Wine/ # Exterior Shade Type Window SHGC Hgt. Wd. en. Overhang Left Hgt. xt. xt. Dist. Len. Fin Right Fin HgF Dist. Len. gt. 166 None 0.76 167 None 0.76 168 None 0.76 169 None 0.76 170 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 171 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 172 None 0.76 173 None 0.76 174 None 0.76 175 None 0.76 176 None 0.76 177 None 0.76 178 None 0.76 179 None 0.76 6.0 2.5 1-00-0-3- 10.0 10.0 180 None 0.76 -e:996009451 Run Initiation Time: 0712-4701 14:17:31 un Cod EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 17 of 150 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Performance ENV -1 PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Solar Surface Framing Act. Gains # Type Type Area U -Val. Azm. Tilt Y/N Form 3 Reference Location / Comments Act. # Type Area U -Val. Azm. SHGC Glazing Type Location / Comments 185Window 27 0.550 180 0.56 Double NonMtl Bronze Default 22-PrvtDin/Lnge/Wine/ Run Initiation Time: 07/24/01 14:17:31 Run ode: 99600945 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 18 of 160 # Exterior Shade Type SHGC Window Hgt. Wd. Overhang Left Fin Right Fin Len. Hgt. LExt.RExt. Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. 181 None 0.76 3.0 2.5 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 182 None 0.76 3.0 2.5 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 183 None 0.76 3.0 2.5 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 184 None 0.76 185 None 0.76 Run Initiation Time: 07/24/01 14:17:31 Run ode: 99600945 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 18 of 160 LIGHTING COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Performance LTG -1 Country Club Of The Desert Club House 1 7/24/01 1 LAMPS I BALLASTS IFLuminaire Code LUMINAIRE DESCRIPTION TYPE DESCRIPTIONer # Watts Lamp DESCRIPTION # (Lamp * maiiasl ITotal Waw # Watts (4) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Elec F32T8 4 32 Electronic 2.0 110 124.0 13,640 Surface Mount Incandescent 75W 1 75 No Ballast 770 75.0 57,750 Run InitiationTime: un Code: 996009431 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3666 Job Number: Page: 19 of 150 CONTROL LOCA (Room #) CONTROL LOCATIO (Room # or Dwg. #) CONTROL IDENTIFICATION CONTROLTYPE (Auto Time Switch, Exterior, etc.) CONTROL CONTROLTYPE IDENTIFICATION (Occupant, Daylight, Dimming, etc.) Subtotal from this Building Less Control Credit' (From L' Adjusted Actual SPACE CONTROLLED LUMINAIRES CONTROLLED 71 :ts71,390 NOTE TO FIELD, ­ 111W 1 GJ 1 V VICL1.J - VVI GYIIUIIIU L t;P41UIICIIL NSC Vllly 7. '�.- s �� aha �a. �, :.'"�`•' Run InitiationTime: un Code: 996009431 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3666 Job Number: Page: 19 of 150 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Performance MECH-1 Country Club Of The Desert Club House 1 7/24/01 1 SYSTEM NAME TIME CONTROL SETBACK CONTROL ISOLATION ZONES HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC HEAT? FAN CONTROL VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? HEATING SUPPLY RESET COOLING SUPPLY RESET VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL ECONOMIZER TYPE DESIGN AIR CFM (MECH-3, COLUMN H HEATING EQUIPMENT TYPE HEATING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY COOLING EQUIPMENT TYPE COOLING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER HEATING DUCT LOCATION R -VALUE COOLING DUCT LOCATION R -VALUE DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? PIPE TYPE (SUPPLY, RETURN, ETC.) PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? MECHANICAL SYSTEW DHW Heater HVAC -1 HVAC -2 Ej n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Gas Fired 76% n/a n/a AUbMIIN PGC -100-230 n/a Na n/a n/a n/a Supply & Return HW Yes Programmable Switch Programmable Switch ating & Cooling Requir Heating & Cooling Requi n/a n/a Yes Yes 0.0 kW 0.0 kW Constant Volume Constant Volume No No No No Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp Air Balance Air Balance Auto Auto No Economizer No Economizer 2688 cfm 2688 cfm Heat Pump Heat Pump 7.0 HSPF 7.0 HSPF Split DX Split DX 9.4 EER 9.4 EER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 �i C DE TAB ES: Enter code from table e ow into columns above. HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? Y: Yes N: No TIME CONTROL SETBACK CTRL. ISOLATION ZONES FAN CONTROL ELECTRIC HEAT? S: Prog. Switch O: Occupancy Sensor M: Manual Timer H: Heating C: Cooling B: Both Enter Number of Isolation Zones. I: Inlet Vanes P: Variable Pitch V: VFD O: Other C: Curve VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/ COOL? VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER ECONOMIZER O.A. CFM HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? B: Air Balance C: Outside Air Cert. M: Out. Air Measure D: Demand Control N: Natural A: Auto G: Gravity A: Air W: Water N: Not Required Enter Outdoor Air CFM. Note: This shall be n less than Col. H on MECH-3. HIGH EFFICIENCY? DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Performance MECH-1 Country Club Of The Desert Club House 1 7/24/01 1 SYSTEM NAME TIME CONTROL SETBACK CONTROL ISOLATION ZONES HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC HEAT? FAN CONTROL VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? HEATING SUPPLY RESET COOLING SUPPLY RESET VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL ECONOMIZER TYPE DESIGN AIR CFM (MECH-3, COLUMN H HEATING EQUIPMENT TYPE HEATING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY COOLING EQUIPMENT TYPE COOLING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER HEATING DUCT LOCATION R -VALUE COOLING DUCT LOCATION R -VALUE DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? PIPE TYPE (SUPPLY, RETURN, ETC.) PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? MECHANICAL SYSTEMS HVAC -3 & 4 HVAC -5 HVAC -6 & 7 Programmable Switch Programmable Switch Y: Yes N: No TIME CONTROL Programmable Switch Heating & Cooling Required Heating & Cooling Required Heating & Cooling Requir fir;: n/a n/a n/a VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? Yes Yes Yes � 0.0 kW 0.0 kW 0.0 kW A: Auto G: Gravity Constant Volume Constant Volume Constant Volume DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? No No No No No No Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp Air Balance Air Balance Air Balance Auto Auto Auto No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer 729 cfm 2328 cfm 545 cfm Heat Pump Heat Pump Heat Pump 7.0 HSPF 7.0 HSPF 7.0 HSPF Split DX Split DX Split DX 9.4 EER 9.4 EER 9.4 EER° Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Yes Yes Yes •� Yes Yes Yes ODE TABLES: Enter code from table -below into columns above. HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? Y: Yes N: No TIME CONTROL SETBACK CTRL. ISOLATION ZONES FAN CONTROL ELECTRIC HEAT? S: Prog. Switch O: Occupancy Sensor M: Manual Timer H: Heating C: Cooling B: Both Enter Number of Isolation Zones. I: Inlet Vanes P: Variable Pitch V: VFD O: Other C: Curve VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT /COOL? VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER ECONOMIZER O.A. CFM HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? B: Air Balance C: Outside Air Cert. M: Out. Air Measure D: Demand Control N: Natural A: Auto G: Gravity A: Air W: Water N: Not Required Enter Outdoor Air CFM. Note: This shall be n less than Col. H on MECH-3. HIGH EFFICIENCY? DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Performance MECH-1 SYSTEM NAME Programmable Switch Heating & Cooling Requirei n/a Yes 0.0 kW Constant Volume No No Constant Temp Constant Temp Air Balance Auto No Economizer 526 cfm Heat Pump 7.0 HSPF Split DX 9.4 EER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Yes Yes Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 MECH HVAC 8 & 9 HVAC -10 HVAC -11 TIME CONTROL SETBACK CONTROL ISOLATION ZONES HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC HEAT? FAN CONTROL VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? HEATING SUPPLY RESET COOLING SUPPLY RESET VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL ECONOMIZER TYPE DESIGN AIR CFM (MECH-3, COLUMN H HEATING EQUIPMENT TYPE HEATING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY COOLING EQUIPMENT TYPE COOLING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER HEATING DUCT LOCATION R -VALUE COOLING DUCT LOCATION R -VALUE DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? PIPE TYPE (SUPPLY, RETURN, ETC.) PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? Programmable Switch Heating & Cooling Requir n/a Yes 0.0 kW Constant Volume No No Constant Temp Constant Temp Air Balance Auto No Economizer 166 cfm Heat Pump 7.2 HSPF Split DX 11.0 SEER / 9.4 EER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Yes Yes Programmable Switch , Heating & Cooling Requir ISOLATION ZONES n/a Yes H: Heating 0.0 kW I: Inlet Vanes ELECTRIC HEAT? O: Occupancy Constant Volume Isolation Zones. No VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? No B: Both Constant Temp V: VFD Y: Yes M: Manual Timer Constant Temp�'a Air Balance 4�. Auto No Economizer 189 cfm " Heat Pump ECONOMIZER 7.2 HSPF Split DX A: Auto 11.0 SEER / 9.4 EER Enter Outdoor Air Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Yes CODE TABLES: Enter code from table below into columns above. Yes HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? TIME CONTROL SETBACK CTRL. ISOLATION ZONES FAN CONTROL S: Prog. Switch H: Heating Enter Number of I: Inlet Vanes ELECTRIC HEAT? O: Occupancy C: Cooling Isolation Zones. P: Variable Pitch VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? Sensor B: Both V: VFD Y: Yes M: Manual Timer O: Other C: Curve SIMULTANEOUS HEAT /COOL? N: No HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER ECONOMIZER O.A. CFM B: Air Balance A: Auto A: Air Enter Outdoor Air HIGH EFFICIENCY? C: Outside Air Cert. G: Gravity W: Water CFM. DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? M: Out. Air Measure N: Not Required Note: This shall be no D: Demand Control less than Col. H on PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? N: Natural MECH-3. NOTES TO FIELD - For Building Department Use Only Run Initiation Time: 07/24/01 14:17:31 Run Code: 996009451 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:22 of 150 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Performance MECH-1 Country Club Of The Desert Club House 1 7/24/01 1 SYSTEM NAME TIME CONTROL SETBACK CONTROL ISOLATION ZONES HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC HEAT? FAN CONTROL VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? HEATING SUPPLY RESET COOLING SUPPLY RESET VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL ECONOMIZER TYPE DESIGN AIR CFM (MECH-3, COLUMN H HEATING EQUIPMENT TYPE HEATING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY COOLING EQUIPMENT TYPE COOLING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER HEATING DUCT LOCATION R -VALUE COOLING DUCT LOCATION R -VALUE DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? PIPE TYPE (SUPPLY, RETURN, ETC.) PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? MECHANICAL SYSTEMS HVAC -12 HVAC -13 HVAC -14, 15 & 16 Programmable Switch Programmable Switch Heating & Cooling Required Heating & Cooling Requir c n/a n/a Yes Yes 0.0 kW 0.0 kW Constant Volume Constant Volume No No No No Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp Air Balance Air Balance Auto Auto No Economizer No Economizer 114 cfm 121 cfm Heat Pump Heat Pump 7.5 HSPF 7.2 HSPF Split DX Split DX 10.7 SEER / 9.4 EER 11.0 SEER 19.4 EER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Programmable Switch Heating & Cooling Requir n/a Yes 0.0 kW Constant Volume No No Constant Temp Constant Temp Air Balance Auto Diff. Temp (Non-Integ) 6648 cfm Heat Pump 7.0 HSPF Packaged DX 10.0 EER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Yes B: Air Balance Yes CODE TABLES: Enter code from table below into columns above. HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC HEAT? VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT / COOL? Y: Yes N: No HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? HIGH EFFICIENCY? DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? TIME CONTROL SETBACK CTRL. ISOLATION ZONES FAN CONTROL S: Prog. Switch H: Heating Enter Number of I: Inlet Vanes O: Occupancy C: Cooling Isolation Zones. P: Variable Pitch Sensor B: Both V: VFD M: Manual Timer O: Other C: Curve VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER ECONOMIZER O.A. CFM B: Air Balance A: Auto A: Air Enter Outdoor Air C: Outside Air Cert. G: Gravity W: Water CFM. M: Out. Air Measure N: Not Required Note: This shall be n D: Demand Control less than Col. H on N: Natural MECH-3. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Performance MECH-1 Country Club Of The Desert Club House 1 7/24/01 1 SYSTEM NAME TIME CONTROL SETBACK CONTROL ISOLATION ZONES HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC HEAT? FAN CONTROL VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? HEATING SUPPLY RESET COOLING SUPPLY RESET VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL ECONOMIZER TYPE DESIGN AIR CFM (MECH-3, COLUMN H HEATING EQUIPMENT TYPE HEATING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY COOLING EQUIPMENT TYPE COOLING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER HEATING DUCT LOCATION R -VALUE COOLING DUCT LOCATION R -VALUE DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? PIPE TYPE (SUPPLY, RETURN, ETC.) PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? MECHANICAL SYSTEMS HVAC -17 HVAC -18 & 1911 HVAC 20 & 21 Programmable Switch Programmable Switch Programmable Switch. ; Heating & Cooling Required Heating & Cooling Required Heating & Cooling Re uir A i n/a n/a n/a 4",.. Yes Yes Yes 0.0 kW 0.0 kW 0.0 kW VENTILATION Constant Volume Constant Volume Constant Volume B: Air Balance C: Outside Air Cert. M: Out. Air Measure D: Demand Control N: Natural No No No HIGH EFFICIENCY? No No No Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp Air Balance Air Balance Air Balance Auto Auto Auto`` No Economizer Diff. Temp (Non-Integ) Diff. Temp (Non-Integ) 105 cfm 1703 cfm 620 cfm ' Heat Pump Heat Pump Heat Pump 6.7 HSPF 7.0 HSPF 7.1 HSPF Packaged DX Packaged DX Packaged DX 9.7 SEER / 9.0 EER 10.5 EER 10.3 EER .. )ucts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 r r )ucts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CODE TABLES: Enter code from table below into columns above. HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? Y: Yes N: No TIME CONTROL SETBACK CTRL. ISOLATION ZONES FAN CONTROL ELECTRIC HEAT? S: Prog. Switch O: Occupancy Sensor M: Manual Timer H: Heating C: Cooling B: Both Enter Number of Isolation Zones. 1: Inlet Vanes P: Variable Pitch V: VFD 0: Other C: Curve VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT /COOL. HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER ECONOMIZER O.A. CFM B: Air Balance C: Outside Air Cert. M: Out. Air Measure D: Demand Control N: Natural A: Auto G: Gravity A: Air W: Water N: Not Required Enter Outdoor Air CFM. Note: This shall be n less than Col. H on MECH-3. HIGH EFFICIENCY? DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Performance MECH-1 Country Club Of The Desert Club House 1 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME TIME CONTROL SETBACK CONTROL ISOLATION ZONES HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC HEAT? FAN CONTROL VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? HEATING SUPPLY RESET COOLING SUPPLY RESET VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL ECONOMIZER TYPE DESIGN AIR CFM (MECH-3, COLUMN H HEATING EQUIPMENT TYPE HEATING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY COOLING EQUIPMENT TYPE COOLING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER HEATING DUCT LOCATION R -VALUE COOLING DUCT LOCATION R -VALUE DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? PIPE TYPE (SUPPLY, RETURN, ETC.) PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? MECHANICAL SYSTEMS HVAC -22 & 23 HVAC -24 HVAC -25 Programmable Switch Programmable Switch Heating & Cooling Requirec Heating & Cooling Requir c n/a n/a Yes Yes 0.0 kW 0.0 kW Constant Volume Constant Volume No No No No Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp Air Balance Air Balance Auto Auto Diff. Temp (Non-Integ) Diff. Temp (Non-Integ) 4544 cfm 4234 cfm Heat Pump Heat Pump 7.1 HSPF 7.0 HSPF Packaged DX Packaged DX 10.0 EER 10.5 EER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Programmable Switch Heating & Cooling Requir n/a Yes 0.0 kW Constant Volume No No Constant Temp Constant Temp Air Balance Auto No Economizer 253 cfm Heat Pump 7.0 HSPF Split DX 9.4 EER HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Yes DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? Yes CODE TABLES: Enter code from table below into columns above. HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? Y: Yes N: No TIME CONTROL SETBACK CTRL. ISOLATION ZONES FAN CONTROL ELECTRIC HEAT? S: Prog. Switch O: Occupancy Sensor M: Manual Timer H: Heating C: Cooling B: Both Enter Number of Isolation Zones. I: Inlet Vanes P: Variable Pitch V: VFD O: Other C: Curve VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT /COOL? VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER ECONOMIZER O.A. CFM HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? B: Air Balance C: Outside Air Cert. M: Out. Air Measure D: Demand Control N: Natural A: Auto G: Gravity A: Air W: Water N: Not Required Enter Outdoor Air CFM. Note: This shall be n less than Col. H on MECH-3. HIGH EFFICIENCY? DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Performance MECH-1 PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME TIME CONTROL SETBACK CONTROL ISOLATION ZONES HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC HEAT? FAN CONTROL VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? HEATING SUPPLY RESET COOLING SUPPLY RESET VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL ECONOMIZER TYPE DESIGN AIR CFM (MECH-3, COLUMN H HEATING EQUIPMENT TYPE HEATING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY COOLING EQUIPMENT TYPE COOLING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER HEATING DUCT LOCATION R -VALUE COOLING DUCT LOCATION R -VALUE DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? PIPE TYPE (SUPPLY, RETURN, ETC.) PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? HVAC -26 & 27-7 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS HVAC -28 & 29 Programmable Switch Programmable Switch Heating & Cooling Requir Heating & Cooling Requir n/a n/a ISOLATION ZONES Yes Yes H: Heating 0.0 kW 0.0 kW O: Occupancy Constant Volume Constant Volume P: Variable Pitch No No No No Constant Temp Constant Temp VENTILATION Constant Temp Constant Temp O.A. CFM Air Balance Air Balance A: Air Auto Auto G: Gravity No Economizer No Economizer M: Out. Air Measure 708 cfm 1095 cfm Note: This shall be n Heat Pump Heat Pump 7.2 HSPF 7.2 HSPF Split DX Split DX 11.0 SEER / 9.4 EER LENNOX H1,29-060-11, 11.0 SEER / 9.4 EER LrNNUA HF -29-060-1F, Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Yes Yes Yes Yes CODE TABLES: Enter code from table below into columns above. HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC HEAT? VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT / COOL. Y: Yes � N: No HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? HIGH EFFICIENCY? DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? TIME CONTROL SETBACK CTRL. ISOLATION ZONES FAN CONTROL S: Prog. Switch H: Heating Enter Number of I: Inlet Vanes O: Occupancy C: Cooling Isolation Zones. P: Variable Pitch Sensor B: Both V: VFD M: Manual Timer O: Other C: Curve VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER ECONOMIZER O.A. CFM B: Air Balance A: Auto A: Air Enter Outdoor Air C: Outside Air Cert. G: Gravity W: Water CFM. M: Out. Air Measure N: Not Required Note: This shall be n D: Demand Control less than Col. H on N: Natural MECH-3. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY Part 1 of 2 MECH-2 --1 PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SUPPLY FAN RETURN Efficiency Tons Fan Type Motor Location Equipment Name Equipment Type Qty. Tot. Qty GPM BHP Motor Eff. Drive Eff. Pump Control Constant Volume Blow -Through 3,000 1.20 82.5% 100.0% none Constant Volume Blow -Through 2,000 0.70 77.0% 100.0% none LENNOX HP29--03 M -/1G Constant Volume Blow -Through 1,2001 0.30 77.0% 100.0% none LENNOX LHA300 Constant Volume Draw -Through 10,000 4.20 86.5% 100.0% none LENNOX CHP16-036-lY - Constant Volume Draw -Through 1,200 0.30 77.0% 100.0% none LENNOX LHA 240R Constant Volume Draw -Through 8,000 3.80 86.5%1100.0% none Energy Factor or Recovery Efficiency StandbyTANK Loss or Pilot MUL. System Name System Type Distribution Type Qty Rated Input (Gals.) Vol. Ext. R -Val. O SMITH PGC -100-230 Small Gas Recirc/Time+Temp 2 75,000 100 0.43 n/a 12 84.0% - 100.0% none System Name System Type Qty. Output Aux. kW Eff. Output Sensible Efficiency Economizer Type LENNOX LSA090P Split DX 10 86,000 0.0 7.0 HSPF 91,000 71,8909.4 EER No Economizer LENNOX HP29-060-1P Split DX 7 55,000 0.0 7.2 HSPF 58,000 45,82 11.0 SEER / 9.4 EER No Economizer LENNOX HP29-036-1Y/1 Split DX 1 30,600 0.0 7.5 HSPF 34,600 26,98810.7 SEER / 9.4 EER No Economizer LENNOX LHA30W- Packaged DX 3 278,000 0.0 7.0 HSPF 284,000 221,52010.0 EER Diff. Temp (Non-Inte LENNOX CHP16-036-lY Packaged DX 1 35,400 0.0 6.7 HSPF 35,600 27,7689.7 SEER / 9.0 EER No Economizer LENNOX LHA 2409 - Packaged DX 3 220,000 0.0 7.0 HSPF 226,000 176,28010.5 EER Diff. Temp (Non-Inte ' LENNOX LHA120H Packaged DX 2 119,000 0.0 7.1 HSPF 118,000 92,04010.3 EER Diff. Temp (Non-Inte ' LENNOX LHA 180H Packaged DX 2 188,000 0.0 7.1 HSPF 180,000 140,40010.0 EER Diff. Temp (Non-Inte CENTRAL SYSTEM FAN SUMMARY SUPPLY FAN RETURN FAN System Name Fan Type Motor Location CFM BHP Motor Eff. Drive Eff. CFM I BHP Motor Eff. Drive Eff. LENNOX LSA090P Constant Volume Blow -Through 3,000 1.20 82.5% 100.0% none Constant Volume Blow -Through 2,000 0.70 77.0% 100.0% none LENNOX HP29--03 M -/1G Constant Volume Blow -Through 1,2001 0.30 77.0% 100.0% none LENNOX LHA300 Constant Volume Draw -Through 10,000 4.20 86.5% 100.0% none LENNOX CHP16-036-lY - Constant Volume Draw -Through 1,200 0.30 77.0% 100.0% none LENNOX LHA 240R Constant Volume Draw -Through 8,000 3.80 86.5%1100.0% none LENNOX LHA120H Constant Volume Draw -Through 4,000 1.80 84.0% 100.0% none LENNOX LHA 180H Constant Volume Draw -Through 6,000 2.80 84.0% - 100.0% none Kun Initiation I Ime: 07/24/01 14:17:31 Run Gode: 995009451 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:27 of 150 IMECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY Part 2 of 2 MECH-2 PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House I DATE 7/24/01 n Initiation lime: Room Name City. CFM BHP Zone Name System Type Qty. Min, CFM Ratio Reheat Coil Flow Ratio CFM BHP Moto Eff. Drive Eff. Type Output Iype DeI57 n Initiation lime: Room Name City. CFM BHP Motor Eff. Drive Eff. n Initiation lime: Job Number: Room Name Qty. CFM BHP Motor Eff. Drive Eff. Job Number: MECHANICAL VENTILATION MECH-3 Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 FA] ©© o 0 o a 0 0 0 0 ZONE/SYSTEM 1 -Women's Lounge HVAC -1 2 -Men's Lounge HVAC -2 Pro Shop HVAC -3 & 4 5 - Lobby HVAC -5 6&7Women'sLockerRm HVAC -6 & 7 8 & 9 Men's Locker Rm HVAC 8 & 9 10-Fyr/Gllry to open crt HVAC -10 11 -Gallery to Pro Shop HVAC -11 12 -Bag Storage HVAC -12 13 -Snack Lounge HVAC -13 14-Tou rnamentBal I room HVAC -14, 15 & 16 15 -Library HVAC -17 16 -Grill HVAC -18 & 19 17 -Kitchen HVAC 20&21 AREA BASIS GUND AREA (SF) CFM PER SF MIN. CFM (B x C) 1,792 1.50 2,688 1,792 1.50 2,688 2,916 0.25 729 2,176 1.07 2,328 3,631 0.15 545 3,5081 0.15 526 1,108 0.15 166 1,257 0.15 189 761 0.15 114 805 0.15 121 6,213 1.07 6,648 702 0.15 105 3,406 0.50 1,703 4,134 0.15 620 OCCUPANCY BASIS NO. GFM MIN. OF PER CFM PEOPL PERSON (ExF) Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total REQ'D O.A. (MAX OF D OR G) 2,688 2,688 2,688 2,688 729 729 2,328 2,328 545 545 526 526 166 166 189 189 114 114 121 121 6,648 6,648 105 105 1,703 1,703 620 620 VAV MIN. RATIO TRANS- FER AIR C Minimum Ventilation Rate per Section 121, Table 1-F. E Based on Expected Number of Occupants or at least 50% of Chapter 10 1997 UBC Occupant Density. I Must be greater than or equal to H, or use Transfer Air. Design Outdoor Air includes ventilation from Supply Air System & Room Exhaust Fans. K Must be greater than or equal to (H minus 1), and, for VAV, greater than or equal to (H -J). EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 29 of 150 1 VIECHANICAL VENTILATION MECH-3 Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 a ©© o 0 0© a o a a ZONE/SYSTEM 18 -Bar HVAC -22 & 23 19 -Lou nge/Lobby/Strs/ HVAC -24 20 -Office HVAC -25 21 -Private Dining HVAC -26 & 27 22-PrvtDi n/Lnge/Wi ne/ HVAC -28 & 29 AREA BASIS COND 'MIN. AREA (SF) CFM PER SF CFM (B x C) 3,029 1.50 4,544 4,544 4,544 3,957 1.07 4,234 4,234 1,689 0.15 253 253 253 1,417 0.50 708 253 2,190 0.501 1,095 708 708 1,095 1,095 1,095 1,095 OCCUPANCY BASIS NO. GFMMIN. OF PER CFM PEOPL PERSON (EXF) T REQ'D O.A. (MAX OF D OR G) DESIGN OUTDOOF AIR CFM VAV MIN. RATIO TRANS. FER AIR 4,544 4,544 4,544 4,544 4,234 4,234 4,234 4,234 253 253 253 253 708 708 708 708 1,095 1,095 1,095 1,095 C Minimum Ventilation Rate per Section 121, Table 1-F. E Based on Expected Number of Occupants or at least 50% of Chapter 10 1997 UBC Occupant Density. I Must be greater than or equal to H, or use Transfer Air. Design Outdoor Air includes ventilation from Supply Air System & Room Exhaust Fans. K Must be greater than or equal to (H minus 1), and, for VAV, greater than or equal to (H -J). EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Paae:30 of 150 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV -3 Country Club Of The Desert Club House 1 7/24/01 SUBTOTAI R -VALUE DESCRIPTION ASSEMBLY NAME 8" Solid CMU w/20 Wall ASSEMBLY Floor OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 Conc Block, Normal Weight, Conc Fille TYPE Wall (check one) Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-13 W Ceiling / Roof 4 O W 5 2.08 6 FRAMING MATERIAL yy 7 z p FRAMING o % 15 �o Framing % 9 15% (16" o.c. Wall) INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 12% (24" o.c. Wall) 14.90 5.36 10% (16" o.c. Floor/Ceil.) SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY 7% (24" o.c. Floor/Cell.) SUBTOTAI R -VALUE DESCRIPTION FRAMING OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 Conc Block, Normal Weight, Conc Fille 2 Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-13 3 Gypsum or Plaster Board 4 0.37 5 2.08 6 0.54 7 8 9 INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM SUBTOTAI R -VALUE THICK- NESS (in.) FRAMING ❑ ❑ 0.170 8.000 3.500 0.500 3.465 0.450 0.450 0.37 0.62 2.08 0.26 SUBTOTAI R -VALUE CAVITY R -VALUE (Rc) WOOD FRAME R -VALUE 0.170 0.170 0.600 0.600 12.999 3.465 0.450 0.450 0.37 0.62 2.08 0.26 0.54 0.680 0.680 14.90 5.36 *HEAT CAPACITY (Optional) WALL WEIGHT (lbs/sf) SPECIFIC HEAT (Btu/F-Ib) HC (A X B) (Btu/F-sf) 1 / Rc 83.33 0.20 16.67 1.68 0.37 0.62 2.08 0.26 0.54 87.1 TOTAL HC 17.8 *NOTE: Weight and Specific Heat values for materials penetrated by wood framing include the effects of the framing members. [ 0.0671 X 0.85] + [ 0.1864 X 0.15 1 / Rc 1 - (Fr -/6/ 100) 1 / Rf Fr% / 100 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE EnergyPro 2.1 By EnregySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 31 of 150 1 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV -3 Country Club Of The Desert Club House 1 7/24/01 R -VALUE *HEAT ASSEMBLY NAME 6" Solid CMU Wall THICK- NESS (in.) CAVITY R -VALUE (Rc) WOOD FRAME R -VALUE WALL WEIGHT (lbs/sf) SPECIFIC HEAT (Btu/F-Ib) ASSEMBLY Floor FRAMING OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM E] 0 E] — TYPE (check one) Wall — — WQ 1 Conc Block, Normal Weight, Conc Filled Ceiling / Roof 0.600 83.33 W 16.67 2 H FRAMING MATERIAL None 3 O Z FRAMING % �o Framing % 4 15% (16" o.c. Wall) 5 12% (24" o.c. Wall) 10% (16" o.c. Floor/Cell.) 6 SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY 7% (24" o.c. Floor/Cell.) R -VALUE *HEAT CAPACITY (Optional) THICK- NESS (in.) CAVITY R -VALUE (Rc) WOOD FRAME R -VALUE WALL WEIGHT (lbs/sf) SPECIFIC HEAT (Btu/F-Ib) HC (A X B) (Btu/F-sf) DESCRIPTION FRAMING OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM E] 0 E] — 0.170 — — — 1 Conc Block, Normal Weight, Conc Filled 8.000 0.600 83.33 0.20 16.67 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 *NOTE: INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM — 0.680 — — — Weight and Specific Heat values for materials penetrated SUBTOTA by _1.451 TOTAL HC members. 16.7 Mc wood framing include the effects of the framing [� X �] + [ X 1 / Rc 1 - (Fr% / 100) 1 / Rf Fr% / 100 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE COMMENTS EnergyPro 2.1 By EnregySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:32 of 150 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV -3 Country Club Of The Desert Club House 1 7/24/01 SUBTOTAI R -VALUE DESCRIPTION ASSEMBLY NAME Span -Crete Floor ASSEMBLY Floor OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 Air Space TYPE Wall (check one) Gypsum or Plaster Board WD Ceiling / Roof 4 W 5 Concrete, 60 lb H FRAMING MATERIAL yy 7 z FRAMING %10 % Framing 40.00 9 15% (16" o.c. Wall) 40.83 INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 12% (24" o.c. Wall) 23.30 11.77 10% (16" o.c. Floor/Cell.) SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY 7% (24" o.c. Floor/Cell.) SUBTOTAI R -VALUE DESCRIPTION FRAMING OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 Air Space 2 Gypsum or Plaster Board 3 Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-15 4 Air Space 5 Concrete, 60 lb 6 Concrete, 140 Ib, Not Dried 7 0.20 8 40.00 9 8.00 40.83 INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM SUBTOTAI R -VALUE THICK- NESS (in.) FRAMING ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ ❑ D El 0.170 9.000 0.500 3.500 8.000 8.000 3.500 1.000 1.000 4.480 4.480 SUBTOTAI R -VALUE CAVITY R -VALUE (Rc) WOOD FRAME R -VALUE 0.170 0.170 1.000 1.000 0.450 0.450 15.000 3.465 1.000 1.000 4.480 4.480 0.280 0.280 0.20 0.01 40.00 0.20 8.00 40.83 0.920 0.920 23.30 11.77 *HEAT CAPACITY (Optional) WALL WEIGHT (lbs/sf) SPECIFIC HEAT (Btu/F-Ib) HC (A X B) (Btu/F-sf) 1 / Rc 0.82 0.20 0.17 2.08 0.26 0.54 1.18 0.36 0.42 0.071 0.20 0.01 40.00 0.20 8.00 40.83 0.20 8.17 85,0 TOTAL HC 17,3 *NOTE: Weight and Specific Heat values for materials penetrated by wood framing include the effects of the framing members. 0.0429 X 0.90 ] + [ 0.0850 X 1 / Rc 1 - (Fr% / 100) 1 / Rf Fr% / 100 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE EnergyPro 2.1 By EnregySoft User Number: 3666 Job Number: Page:33 of 150 ENVELOPE MANDATORY MEASURES ENV - Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 DESCRIPTION Designer Enforcement ® §118(a) Installed Insulating Material shall have been certified by the manufacturer to comply with the California Quality Standards for insulating material, Title 20, Chapter 4, Article 3. ® § 118(c) All Insulating Materials shall be installed in compliance with the flame spread rating and smoke density requirements of Sections 2602 and 707 of Title 24, Part 2. ® § 117(a) All Exterior Joints and openings in the building that are observable sources of air leakage shall be caulked, gasketed, weatherstripped or otherwise sealed. § 116(b) Site Constructed Doors, Windows and Skylights shall be caulked between the unit and the building, and shall be weatherstripped (except for unframed glass doors and fire doors). ® § 116(a)1 Manufactured Doors and Windows installed shall have air infiltration rates not exceeding those shown in Table Number 1-E. of the Standards. Manufactured fenestration products must be labeled for U -value according to NFRC procedures. F1 §118(e) Demising Walls in Nonresidential Buildings: The opaque portions of framed demising walls in nonresidential buildings shall have insulation with an installed R -value of no less than R-11 between framing members. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 34 of 150 TAILORED LPD SUMMARY and WORKSHEET Pali 1 of 3 LTG -4 PROJECT NAME _ DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House I 7/24/01 ITAILORED LPD SUMMARY o © a 1. Watts for Illuminance Categories A -D (from column G) > 0 watts 2. Watts for Illuminance Categories E -I (from LTG -4 Part 2) 0 watts 3. Watts for Display Lighting (from LTG -4 Parts 2 S 3) TASK/ACTIVITY 01+ 01+ 01= 0 watts Public Area Display Sales Feature Floor Display Sales Feature Wall Display 4. Total Allowed Watts (lines 1+2+3) - 01 watts A Illuminance Categories , and D and Gross Sales Area o © a a a a ROOM NAME TASK/ACTIVITY ILLUMINANCE CATEGORY ROOM CAVITY RATIO FLOOR AREA ALLOWED LPD ALLOWED WATTS (E x F) -Women's ounge A 0.00 0 0.20 0 2 -Men's Lounge A 0.00 0 0.20 0 Pro op A 0.00 0 0.20 0 -Lobby A 0.00 0 0.20 0 omen W's oc e Room A 0.00 0 0.20 0 ens oc er Room A 0.00 0 0.20 0 - oyer a eryo o court n A 0.00 0 0.20 0 - a ery o ro A 0.00 0 0.20 0 12 - ag orage A 0.00 0 0.20 0 -Snack ounge A 0.00 0 0.20 0 14 -Tournament Ballroom A 0.00 0 0.20 0 -Library A 0.00 0 0.20 0 16 -Grill A 0.00 0 0.20 0 -icen A 0.00 0 0.20 0 ar A 0.00 0 0.20 0 19- A 0.00 0 0.20 0 20 -Office A 0.00 0 0.20 0 -Private 21D A 0.00 0 0.20 0 A 0.00 0 0.20 0 BUILDING PAGE TOTAL TOTAL O D > 46,483 0 SF WATTS EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3666 Job Number: Page: 35 of 150 ming ROOM CAVITY RATIO WORKSHEET (RCR>=3.5) LTG-5 Country Club Of The Desert Club House 1 7/24/01 Room Name Task/Activity Description Room Length (L) Room Width (V) ROOM Cavity Height (H) Room Cay. Ratio 5xHx(L+W) /(LXW) Room Name Task/Activity Description Room Area (A) Room Perimeter (P) Room Cavity Height (H) Room Cay. Ratio 2.5 x H x P /A LIGHTING MANDATORY MEASURES LTG - Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 DESCRIPTION Designer Enforcement ® § 131(d)1 Building Lighting Shut-off: The building lighting shut-off system consists of an automatic time switch, with a zone for each floor; or the building is separately metered and less than 5,000 square feet; exempt from the shut-off requirement. ® § 131(d)20verride for Building Lighting Shut-off: The automatic building shut-off system is provided with a manual, accessible override switch in sight of the lights. The area of override is not to exceed 5,000 square feet. ® § 119(h) Automatic Control Devices Certified: All automatic control devices specified are certified, all alternate equipment shall be certified and installed as directed by the manufacturer. Fluorescent Ballast and Luminaires Certified: All fluorescent fixtures specified for the project are certified and listed in the Directory. All installed fixtures shall be certified. § 132 Tandem Wiring for One and Three Lamp Fluorescent Fixtures: All one and three lamp fluorescent fixtures are tandem wired with two lamp ballasts where required by Standards Section 132; or all three lamp fluorescent fixtures are specified with electronic high -frequency ballasts and are exempt from tandem wiring requirements. § 131(a) Individual Room/Area Controls: Each room and area in this building is equipped with a separate switch or occupancy sensor device for each area with floor -to - ceiling walls. § 131(b) Uniform Reduction for Individual Rooms: All rooms and areas greater than 100 square feet and more than 1.0 watts per square foot of lighting load shall be controlled with bi-level switching for uniform reduction of lighting within the room. § 131(c) Daylight Area Control: All rooms with windows and skylights that are greater than 250 square feet and that allow for the effective use of daylight in the area shall have 50% of the lamps in each daylit area controlled by a separate switch; or the effective use of daylight cannot be accomplished because the windows are continuously shaded by a building on the adjacent lot. Diagram of shading during different times of the year is included on plans. ® § 131(f) Control of Exterior Lights: Exterior mounted fixtures served from the electrical panel inside the building are controlled with a directional photo cell control on the roof and a corresponding relay in the electrical panel. § 131(e) Display Lighting. Display lighting shall be separately switched on circuits that are 20 amps or less. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:37 of 150 MECHANICAL MANDATORY MEASURES Part 1 of 2 MECH-MM Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 DESCRIPTION Designer Enforcement Equipment and Systems Efficiencies ®§111 Any appliance for which there is a California standard established in the Appliance Efficiency Regulations will comply with the applicable standard. § 115(a) Fan type central furnaces shall not have a pilot light. § 123 Piping, except that conveying fluids at temperatures between 60 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit, or within HVAC equipment, shall be insulated in accordance with Standards Section 123. [X § 124 Air handling duct systems shall be installed and insulated in compliance with Sections 601, 603 and 604 of the Uniform Mechanical Code. Controls § 122(e) Each space conditioning system shall be installed with one of the following: ® § 122(e)1A Each space conditioning system serving building types such as offices and manufacturing facilities (and all others not explicitly exempt from the requirements of Section 112 (d)) shall be installed with an automatic time switch with an accessible manual override that allows operation of the system during off -hours for up to 4 hours. The time switch shall be capable of programming different schedules for weekdays and weekends; incorporate an automatic holiday "shut- off' feature that turns off all loads for at least 24 hours, then resumes the normally scheduled operation; and has program backup capabilities that prevent the loss of the device's program and time setting for at least 10 hours if power is interrupted; or § 122(e)113 An occupancy sensor to control the operating period of the system; or § 122(e)1C A 4 -hour timer that can be manually operated to control the operating period of the system. ® § 122(e)2 Each space conditioning system shall be installed with controls that temporarily restart and temporarily operate the system as required to maintain a setback heating and/or a setup cooling thermostat setpoint. § 122(g) Each space conditioning system serving multiple zones with a combined conditioned floor area more than 25,000 square feet shall be provided with isolation zones. Each zone: shall not exceed 25,000 square feet; shall be provided with isolation devices, such as valves or dampers, that allow the supply of heating or cooling to be setback or shut off independently of other isolation areas; and shall be controlled by a time control device as described above. ® § 122(a&b) Each space conditioning system shall be controlled by an individual thermostat that responds to temperature within the zone. Where used to control heating, the control shall be adjustable down to 55 degrees F or lower. For cooling, the control shall be adjustable up to 85 degrees F or higher. Where used for both heating and cooling, the control shall be capable of providing a deadband of at least 5 degrees F within which the supply of heating and cooling is shut off or reduced to a minimum. ® § 122(c) Thermostats shall have numeric setpoints in degrees Fahrenheit (F) and adjustable setpoint stops accessible only to authorized personnel. § 112(b) Heat pumps shall be installed with controls to prevent electric resistance supplementary heater operation when the heating load can be met by the heat pump alone. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:38 of 150 MECHANICAL MANDATORY MEASURES Part 2 of 2 MECH-MM Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Description Designer Enforcement Ventilation ® § 121(e) Controls shall be provided to allow outside air dampers or devices to be operated at the ventilation rates as specified on these plans. ® § 122(f) Gravity or automatic dampers interlocked and closed on fan shutdown shall be provided on the outside air intakes and discharges of all space conditioning and exhaust systems. ® § 122(f) All gravity ventilating systems shall be provided with automatic or readily accessible manually operated dampers in all openings to the outside, except for combustion air openings. ® § 121(f)1 Air Balancing: The system shall be balanced in accordance with the National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) Procedural Standards (1983), or Associated Air Balance Council (AABC) National Standards (1989); or § 121(f)2 Outside Air Certification: The system shall provide the minimum outside air as shown on the mechanical drawings, and shall be measured and certified by the installing licensed C-20 mechanical contractor and certified by (1) the design mechanical engineer, (2) the installing licenced C-20 mechanical contractor, or (3) the person with overall responsibility for the design of the ventilation system; or § 121(f)3 Outside Air Measurement: The system shall be equipped with a calibrated local or remote device capable of measuring the quantity of outside air on a continuous basis and displaying that quantity on a readily accessible display divice; or §121(f)4 Another method approved by the Commission. Service Water Heating Systems § 113(b)2 If a circulating hot water system is installed, it shall have a control capable of automatically turning off the circulating pump(s) when hot water is not required. § 113(b)3B Lavatories in restrooms of public facilities shall be equipped with controls to limit the outlet temperature to 110 degrees F. ® § 113(b)3C Lavatories in restrooms of public facilities shall be equipped with one of the following: Outlet devices that limit the flow of hot water to a maximum of 0.5 gallons per minute. Foot actuated control valves, and outlet devices that limit the flow of hot water to a maximum of 0.75 gallons per minute. Proximity sensor actuated control valves, and outlet devices that limit the flow of hot water to a maximum of 0.75 gallons per minute. Self-closing valves, and outlet devices that limit the flow of hot water to a maximum of 2.5 gallons per minute, and 0.25 gallons/cycle (circulating system). Self-closing valves, and outlet devices that limit the flow of hot water to a maximum of 2.5 gallons per minute, and 0.50 gallons/cycle (non -circulating system). Self-closing valves, and outlet devices that limit the flow of hot water to a maximum of 2.5 gallons per minute, and 0.75 gallons/cycle (foot switches and proximity sensor controls). EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:39 of 150 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -1 1,792 Number of Systems 1 Heating System Output per System 86,000 Total Output (Btuh) 86,000 Output (Btuh/sqft) 48.0 Cooling System Output per System 91,000 Total Output (Btuh) 91,000 Total Output (Tons) 7.6 Total Output (Btuh/sgft) 50.8 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 236.3 Air System CFM per System 3,000 Airflow (cfm) 3,000 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 1.67 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 395.6 Outside Air (%) 89.6 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 1.50 Note: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 of 30.5 of Outside A 2688 cfm Supply Fan 3000 cfm 69.7 OF Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM Sensible -14,720 74,796 33,018 -836 19,871 0 3,740 994 0 0 2,688 106,136 -32,623 2,688 125,907 0 0 3,740 994 188,456 394 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION LENNOX LSA090P 98,417 0 Total Adjusted System Output 98,417 0 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK F Aug 3 pm Iltob (Airstream I el 30.5 of 48.1 of Heating Coil Rafi irn Air n, icts m i emueratures at i Ime 12.0/77.7OF 108.2/76.7OF 108.2/76.7OF = 77.6/68.4OF Outside Ai 2688 cfm 75.2170.7 of Supply Fan Cooling Coil 3000 cfm �, Return Air Ducts Y 147,765 56,558 56,558 Jan 12 am Supply Air Ducts 47.8 of ROOMS . 70.0 of Supply Air Ducts 78.7 / 68.7 of 83.7% R.H. ROOMS 74.0 / 70.3 of EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:40 of 150 -IVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -2 1,792 Number of Systems 1 Heating System Output per System 86,000 Total Output (Btuh) 86,000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 48.0 Cooling System Output per System 91,000 Total Output (Btuh) 91,000 Total Output (Tons) 7.6 Total Output (Btuh/sqft) 50.8 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 236.3 Air System CFM per System 3,000 Airflow (cfm) 3,000 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 1.67 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 395.6 Outside Air (%) 89.6 Outside Air (cfm/sqft) 1.50 Vote: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 of 30.5 of Outside Air 2688 cfm Supply Fan 3000 cfm 69.7 OF Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM Sensible -14,627 73,985 33,018 3,699 0 106,192 -32,623 0 3,699 187,576 394 LENNOX LSA090P 98,416 0 Total Adjusted System Output gg,416 0 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 3 pm 30.5 of 48.1 of Heating Coil �, Return Air Ducts q res 12.0 / 77.7 of 108.2 / 76.7 of 108.2 / 76.7 of . 77.6 / 68.4 of Outside A 2688 cfm 75.2/70.7 OF Supply Fan Cooling Coil 3000 cfm ng k Return Air Ducts V 147,765 56,558 56,558 Jan 12 am Supply Air Ducts 47.8 of ROOMS 70.0 of Supply Air Ducts 78.7 / 68.7 of 83.7% R.H. ROOMS 74.0 / 70.3 of EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:41 of 150 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -3 & 4 2,916 Number of Systems 2 Heating System Output per System 86,000 Total Output (Btuh) 172,000 Output (Btuh/sqft) 59.0 Cooling System Output per System 91,000 Total Output (Btuh) 182,000 Total Output (Tons) 15.2 Total Output (Btuh/sgft) 62.4 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 192.3 Air System CFM per System 3,000 Airflow (cfm) 6,000 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 2.06 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 395.6 Outside Air (%) 12.1 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 0.25 Note: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 of 64.3 of Outside � 729 cfm Supply Fan 6000 cfm 69.6 OF Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM I Sensible Latent CFM I Sensible 5,672 102,477 19,246 4,112 50,694 0 5,124 2,535 0 0 34,080 729 29,076 10,774 729 0 0 5,124 2,535 141,80 30,020 LENNOX LSA090P 147,730 13,759 Total Adjusted System Output 147,730 13,759 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Jul 3 pm 64.3 of 81.9 OF Heating Coil 89,843 113,120 113,120 Jan 12 am Supply Air Ducts 81.5 of ROOMS 70.0 of F—oe I Q Return Air Ducts IE (Airstream Temperatures a [me OT Uoollng ea 112.0 / 77.7 of 79.3 / 64.9 OF 79.3164.901= 56.4 / 55.1 of Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 729 cfm Supply Fan Cooling Coil 57.1 / 55.4 of 6000 cfm 53.4% R.H. ROOMS 74.8 / 62.9 of 74.0 / 62.6 of Return Air Ducts EnergyPro 2.1 By Energysoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:42 of 150 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -5 2,176 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 1.071 Note: values above given at ARI conditions Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD PMENT COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM I Sensiblel Latent CFM I Sensible 210,353 3,434 LENNOX LSA090P 98,904 0 Total Adjusted System Output (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK 98,904 0 Jul 3 pm 132,948 56,559 56,559 Jan 12 am HLA I INU SY5 I tM lJbYC:HKUMt I Klt;b (Airstream I emperatures at I Ime OT Heating I-eaK) 26.0 of 35.8 of 35.8 of 53.4 OF Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 0 �/ 2328 cfmo Supply Fan Heating Coil 53.0 F 3000 cfm ROOMS 69.7 OF 70.0 of 12.0 / 77.7 of Ou - 2328 cfm 75.7/75.7 of Return Air Ducts 103.9 / 77.0 of 103.9 / 77.0 QF m 73.1/68.40F Supply Fan Cooling Coil 3000 cfm Supply Air Ducts 74.8 / 68.9 of 105.7% R.H. ROOMS 74.0 / 75.2 OF I Return Air Ducts EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:43 of 150 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -6 & 7 3,631 Number of Systems 2 Heating System Output per System 86,000 Total Output (Btuh) 172,000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 47.4 Cooling System Output per System 91,000 Total Output (Btuh) 182,000 Total Output (Tons) 15.2 Total Output (Btuh/sgft) 50.1 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 239.4 Air System CFM per System 3,000 Airflow (cfm) 6,000 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 1.65 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 395.6 Outside Air (%) 9.1 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 0.15 Note: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 of 65.9 of utside Air 545 cfm Supply Fan 6000 cfm 69.9 OF Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM I Sensible 2,92 53,594 34,494 1,063 15,235 0 2,680 762 0 0 545 21,945 6,294 545 25,623 0 0 2,680 762 80,904 40,788 LENNOX LSA090P 137,398 24,780 Total Adjusted System Output (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) 137,398 24,780 TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 3 pm -.It;, (Airstream I emperatures at I Ime of Meating 65.9 of 83.5 of Heating Coil Return Air Ducts F (Airstream Temperatures a Time o 0o Ing 12.0 / 77.7 OF 77.8 / 65.2 OF 77.8 / 65.2 of = 56.5 / 55.4 of Outside A 545 cfm 74.4 / 63.8 of Supply Fan Cooling Coil 6000 cfm k Return Air Ducts 4 42,381 113,120 113,120 Jan 12 am Supply Air Ducts 83.4 of ROOMS 70.0 of Supply Air Ducts 56.9 / 55.6 of 57.0% R.H. ROOMS 74.0/63.6OF EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 44 of 150 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC 8 & 9 3,508 Number of Systems 2 Heating System Output per System 86,000 Total Output (Btuh) 172,000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 49.0 Cooling System Output per System 91,000 Total Output (Btuh) 182,000 Total Output (Tons) 15.2 Total Output (Btuh/sgft) 51.9 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 231.3 Air System CFM per System 3,000 Airflow (cfm) 6,000 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 1.71 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 395.6 Outside Air (%) 8.8 Outside Air (cfm/sqft) 0.15 Note: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 OF 66.1 OF Outside A 526 cfm Supply Fan 6000 cfm 69.9 OF Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM Sensible 2,684 50,024 33,326 741 10,780 0 6,407 526 2,501 539 0 0 526 21,218 24,774 0 0 2,501 539 76,244 39,733 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION LENNOX LSA090P 138,049 23,539 Total Adjusted System Output 138,049 23,539 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Jul 3 pm (ltob (Airstream I emperatures at I ime oT mea 66.1 °F 83.7 of Heating Coil Return Air Ducts 12.0 177.7 OF 77.7 / 65.O OF 77.7 / 65.O OF Outside A 526 cfm 74.4/63.6 of 56.2 155.2 OF Supply Fan Cooling Coil 6000 cfm �, Return Air Ducts 4 36,632 113,120 113,120 Jan 12 am Supply Air Ducts 83.6 of ROOMS 70.0 of Supply Air Ducts 56.6 / 55.3 of 56.3% R.H. ROOMS 74.0 163.4 of EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:45 of 150 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -10 1,108 Number of Systems 1 Heating System Output per System 55,000 Total Output (Btuh) 55,000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 49.6 Cooling System Output per System 58,000 Total Output (Btuh) 58,000 Total Output (Tons) 4.8 Total Output (Btuh/sqft) 52.3 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 229.2 Air System CFM per System 2,000 Airflow (cfm) 2,000 Airflow (cfmisgft) 1.81 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 413.8 Outside Air (%) 8.3 Outside Air (cfm/sqft) 0.15 Note: values above given at ARI conditions Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM I Sensible 27,716 5,87 LENNOX HP29-060-1P 47,438 3,367 Total Adjusted System Output 47,438 3,367 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK F Jul 5 pm 26.0 of 66.2 of 66.2 of 83.10F Outside A 166 cfm Supply Fan Heating Coil 2000 cfm 69.9 OF res at I Ime OT heating 6, Return Air Ducts 14 08.6 / 76.9 of 77.3 / 63.0 of 77.3 / 63.0 of = 55.2 / 53.9 of Outside.4 166 cfm 74.5 / 61.6 of Supply Fan Cooling Coil 2000 cfm k Return Air Ducts %4 13,845 36,172 36,172 Jan 12 am Supply Air Ducts 83.0 of ROOMS 70.0 of Supply Air Ducts 55.6 154.1 OF 49.1% R.H. ROOMS 74.0 / 61.4 of EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:46 of 150 (HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY I PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -11 1,257 Number of Systems 1 Heating System Output per System 55,000 Total Output (Btuh) 55,000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 43.8 Cooling System Output per System 58,000 Total Output (Btuh) 58,000 Total Output (Tons) 4.8 Total Output (Btuh/sgft) 46.1 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 260.1 Air System CFM per System 2,000 Airflow (cfm) 2,000 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 1.59 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 413.8 Outside Air (%) 9.4 Outside Air (cfm/sqft) 0.15 Note: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 of 65.7 of utside Air 189 cfm Supply Fan 2000 cfm 69.8 of Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return etu Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM Sensible 663 12,504 3,142 605 8,026 0 3,16 189 625 401 0 0 189 7,622 8,856 0 0 625 401 21,377 6,304 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION LENNOX HP29-060-1P 46,578 3,943 Total Adjusted System Output 46,578 3,943 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Jul 3 pm 65.7 of 82.6 of Heating Coil �% Return Air Ducts u res 12.0 1771 of 77.8 / 63.8 of 77.8163.8 of ■ 56.1/54.90F Outside A 189 cfm 74.3/62.1 of Supply Fan Cooling Coil 2000 cfm ng �% Return Air Ducts q 17,685 36,172 36,172 Jan 12 am Supply Air Ducts 82.4 of ROOMS 70.0 of Supply Air Ducts 56.4 / 55.0 of 51.1% R.H. ROOMS 74.0/62.0OF EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:47 of 160 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -12 761 Outside Air (%) 39,249 9.5 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 39,796 0.15 Note: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 of 64.4 of Outside Air 114 cfm Supply Fan 1200 cfm 68.5 OF Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK 1COILHTG.PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM Sensible 2,424 39,249 1,084 4,361 39,796 0 1,962 1,990 0 0 5,195 114 4,464 1,768 114 0 0 1,962 1,990 47,638 2,852 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION LENNOX HP29-036-1Y/1G 27,816 2,681 Total Adjusted System Output 27,816 2,681 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 3 pm 64.4 of 80.1 of Heating Coil res at 1 Ime �, Return Air Ducts %4 12.0 / 77.7 OF 79.0 164.5 OF 79.0/64.50F = 57.4/56.10F Outside A 114 cfm 75.5/62.9 OF Supply Fan Cooling Coil 1200 cfm IA Return Air Ducts Y 48,971 20,125 20,125 FJan 12 am Supply Air Ducts 78.5 OF ROOMS 70.0 OF Supply Air Ducts 58.9 / 56.7 of 52.6% R.H. ROOMS 74.0 / 62.4 OF EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 48 of 150 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -13 805 Number of Systems 1 Heating System Output per System 55,000 Total Output (Btuh) 55,000 Output (Btuh/sqft) 68.3 Cooling System Output per System 58,000 Total Output (Btuh) 58,000 Total Output (Tons) 4.8 Total Output (Btuh/sqft) 72.0 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 166.6 Air System CFM per System 2,000 Airflow (cfm) 2,000 Airflow (cfm/sqft) 2.48 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 413.8 Outside Air (%) 6.0 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 0.15 Note: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 of 67.0 of Outside Air 121 cfm 69.7 OF 11.0 / 77.4 of Outside A 121 cfm 74.6161.2 of Supply Fan 2000 cfm Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM I Sensible 1,316 26,614 1,912 1,028 14,918 0 2,428 121 1,331 746 0 0 12 4,707 5,651 0 0 1,331 746 33,982 4,340 LENNOX HP29-060-1P 47,825 1,769 Total Adjusted System Output 47,825 1,769 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Jul 4 pm KI(:, (Airstream I emperatures at I Ime OT heating 67.0 of 83.9 of Heating Coil Return Air Ducts F KICS (Airstream Temperatures at Time ot Cooling 22,061 36,172 36,172 Jan 12 am Supply Air Ducts 83.5 of ROOMS 70.0 of 76.8 / 62.3 OF 76.8 / 62.3 OF 54.5 53.2 of Supply Air Ducts Supply Fan Cooling Coil 55.1 / 53.5 of 2000 cfm 47.3% R.H. R OMS 74.0 160.9 of k Return Air Ducts V EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:49 of 150 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -14, 15 & 16 6,213 Number of Systems 3 Heating System Output per System 278,000 Total Output (Btuh) 834,000 Output(Btuh/sgft) 134.2 Cooling System Output per System 284,000 Total Output (Btuh) 852,000 Total Output (Tons) 71.0 Total Output (Btuh/sgft) 137.1 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 87.5 Air System CFM per System 10,000 Airflow (cfm) 30,000 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 4.83 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 422.5 Outside Air (%) 22.2 Outside Air (cfm/sqft) 1.07 Note: values above given at ARI conditions Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM Sensible 28,94 353,797 93,288 5,743 44,217 0 17,690 2,211 0 0 6,648 266,841 30,473 6,648 313,102 0 0 17,690 2,211 656,636 123,762 LENNOX LHA300 669,576 134,945 Total Adjusted System Output 669,576 134,945 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 3 pm 361,741 548,499 548,499 Jan 12 am to I INU SY, I tM l-bY(:HKC)Mt I KIC b (Airstream I emperatures at I Ime OT Heating F'eaK) 26.0 of 60.2 of 77.3 of 77.3 of .,, Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 6648 cfm �'o Heating Coil Supply Fan 77'2 F 30000 cfm ROOMS 69.9 OF 70.0 of Return Air Ducts 411 � I (Airstream Temperatures at Time ot Cooling ea 12.0177.7 of Outside A 6648 cfm 74.6/65.9 of 82.9168.70F = 62.0/60.80F 62.0 160.8 of -)h Supply Air Ducts Cooling Coil Supply Fan 62.6 / 61.0 -1- 30000 f30000 cfm 64.9% R.H. ROOMS 74.0/65.7OF k Return Air Ducts q EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:50 of 150 (HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY I PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01. SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -17 702 26.0 OF Out) 105 cfm 70.0 OF 74.4/62.3 of Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM Sensible 565 10,687 2,808 0 0 0 534 0 0 0 105 4,243 1,707 105 4,967 0 0 534 0 15,999 4,515 4,967 LENNOX CHP16-036-1Y 27,997 3,052 Total Adjusted System Output (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) 27,997 3,052 Heating Coil 23,282 23,282 TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Jul 3 pm Jan 12 am 84.2 of Supply Fan 1200 cfm 77.7 / 63.9 of . 56.0/54.80F, 84.2 OF —� Supply Air Ducts 84.2 of ROOMS 70.0 of 56.0154.8 of —� Supply Air Ducts Cooling Coil Supply Fan 56.4/54.9 °F 1200 cfm 51.7% R.H. ROOMS 74.0 / 62.2 of k Return Air Ducts 4 EnergyPro 2.1 By Energysoft User Number: 3666 Job Number: Page:51 0f 150 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -18 & 19 3,406 Number of Systems 2 Heating System Output per System 220,000 Total Output (Btuh) 440,000 Output (Btuh/sqft) 129.2 Cooling System Output per System 226,000 Total Output (Btuh) 452,000 Total Output (Tons) 37.7 Total Output (Btuh/sqft) 132.7 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 90.4 Air System CFM per System 8,000 Airflow (cfm) 16,000 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 4.70 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 424.8 Outside Air (%) 10.6 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 0.50 Note: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 of Outside Air 1703 cfm 69.9 OF 65.2 of Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM I Sensible 8,27 125,719 62,756 2,458 31,651 0 6,286 1,583 0 0 80,165 1,703 68,710 13,788 1,703 0 0 6,286 1,583 207,000 76,544 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION LENNOX LHA 240H 324,472 85,799 Total Adjusted System Output (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) 324,472 85,799 TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Jul 3 pm Heating Coil 82.10F 82.1 of W",Pj�� Supply Fan 16000 cfm Return Air Ducts E 289,377 289,377 Jan 12 am Supply Air Ducts 82.0 of ROOMS 70.0 of f,UULINU bTb I CIVI t'bTl.MKUIVIC I Klt b (Airstream i emperatures at I Ime OT t;ooiing I-eaK) I 12.0 / 77.7 of Outside Air 1703 cfm 74.4 / 64.8 of 78.4/66.3OF 59.5 / 58.4 of 59.5 / 58.4 of Supply Air Ducts Cooling Coil Supply Fan 59.8/ 58.5 -11- 16000 f16000 cfm 60.9% R.H. ROOMS 74.0 164.7 of k Return Air Ducts t4 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 52 of 150 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC 20 & 21 4,134 Number of Systems 2 Heating System Output per System 119,000 Total Output (Btuh) 238,000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 57.6 Cooling System Output per System 118,000 Total Output (Btuh) 236,000 Total Output (Tons) 19.7 Total Output (Btuh/sqft) 57.1 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 210.2 Air System CFM per System 4,000 Airflow (cfm) 8,000 Airflow (cfm/sqft) 1.94 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 406.8 Outside Air (%) 7.8 Outside Air (cfm/sqft) 0.15 Note: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 of Outside Air 620 cfm 69.9 OF 12.0 1771 of Outside Air 620 cfm 74.4 / 61.5 OF 66.5 of Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM I Sensible 3,148 62,444 9,818 744 11,727 0 3,122 586 0 0 29,206 0 620 25,019 11,647 620 0 3,122 586 93,728 21,465 LENNOX LHA120H 189,997 12,795 Total Adjusted System Output 189,997 12,795 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Jul 3 pm Heating Coil 84.8 of 84.8 of Supply Fan 8000 cfm Return Air Ducts E 77.3 / 62.9 of 42,105 156,527 156,527 Jan 12 am Supply Air Ducts 84.7 of ROOMS 70.0 of 55.1 / 53.9 of 55.1 / 53.9 of Supply Air Ducts Cooling Coil Supply Fan 55.5 / 54.0 of 8000 cfm 48.8% R.H. ROOMS 74.0 / 61.4 of �, Return Air Ducts q EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 53 of 150 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -22 & 23 3,029 Number of Systems 2 Heating System Output per System 188,000 Total Output (Btuh) 376,000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 124.1 Cooling System Output per System 180,000 Total Output (Btuh) 360,000 Total Output (Tons) 30.0 Total Output (Btuh/sgft) 118.9 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 101.0 Air System CFM per System 6,000 Airflow (cfm) 12,000 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 3.96 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 400.0 Outside Air (%) 37.9 Outside Air (cfm/sqft) 1.50 Note: values above given at ARI conditions Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM Sensible 12,365 122,586 55,809 11,517 29,350 0 6,129 1,467 0 0 4,544 182,773 -2,992 4,544 213,768 0 0 6,129 1,467 317,640 52,817 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION LENNOX LHA 180H 314,019 41,810 Total Adjusted System Output 314,019 41,810 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Jul 3 pm 246,053 247,283 247,283 Jan 12 am 1tA I INN ,Y5 I tM l`bYL;HKUMt I KI(:, (Airstream I emperatures at I Ime OT Pleating YeaK) 26.0 OF 53.3 OF 72.5 OF 72.5 OF Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 4544 cfm .N 72.4 °F Heating Coil Supply Fan 12000 cfm ROOMS 69.9 OF 70.0 OF Return Air Ducts (Airstream Temperatures a Ime O oo Ing ea 112,0/77.7 OF 88.7/71.4°F 64.3/62.7°F 64.3/62.7 OF Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 4544 cfm Cooling Coil Supply Fan 64.8162.9 OF 12000 cfm 70.8% R.H. ROOMS 74.6/67.4 of 74.0 / 67.2 OF 49 1111114 Return Air Ducts EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 64 of 150 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -24 3,957 Number of Systems 1 Heating System Output per System 220,000 Total Output (Btuh) 220,000 Output (Btuh/sqft) 55.6 Cooling System Output per System 226,000 Total Output (Btuh) 226,000 Total Output (Tons) 18.8 Total Output (Btuh/sgft) 57.1 Total Output (sgftlTon) 210.1 Air System CFM per System 8,000 Airflow (cfm) 8,000 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 2.02 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 424.8 Outside Air (%) 52.9 Outside Air (cfm/sqft) 1.07 Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent I CFM Sensible 76,465 219,979 141,463 -5,135 37,080 10,999 01 166,608 -112,363 1 4,234 0 10,999 408,810 29,100 LENNOX LHA 240H 211,846 29,458 Total Adjusted System Output 211,846 29,458 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 3 pm Note: values above given at ARI conditions 1 1,854 239,530 144,686 144,686 Jan 12 am to I INU SYS I tM l-bYL;HKUMt 1 Kit;b (Airstream 1 emperatures at i Ime OT Heating I-eaK) 26.0 of 46.6 of 63.5 OF 63.5 OF Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 4234 cfm''" o Heating Coil Supply Fan 63.3 F 8000 cfm ROOMS 70.0 of 69.8 Return Air Ducts (Airstream Temperatures at Time ot Cooling ea 12.0 / 77.7 of Outside A 4234 cfm 75.3 / 74.3 of 94.7/76.0 OF ■ 70.0/68.2 OF 70.0 / 68.2 of _) Supply Air Ducts Cooling Coil Supply Fan 71.3 / 68.6 of 8000 cfm 99.7% R.H. ROOMS 74.0 / 73.9 of k Return Air Ducts 4 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 55 of 150 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -25 1,689 Number of Systems 1 Heating System Output per System 86,000 Total Output (Btuh) 86,000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 50.9 Cooling System Output per System 91,000 Total Output (Btuh) 91,000 Total Output (Tons) 7.6 Total Output (Btuh/sqft) 53.9 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 222.7 Air System CFM per System 3,000 Airflow (cfm) 3,000 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 1.78 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 395.6 Outside Air (%) 8.4 Outside Air (cfm/sqft) 0.15 Note: values above given at ARI conditions Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM I Sensible 2,020 42,524 3,378 1,060 5,397 253 15,249 0 2,126 762 0 0 253 10,141 11,887 0 0 2,126 762 56,944 8,775 LENNOX LSA090P 77,570 0 Total Adjusted System Output 77,570 =0 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 3 pm 28,660 56,560 56,560 Jan 12 am NLA I INU ,YS I LM NSYL;HKUMt I Klt;b (Airstream i emperatures at I Ime OT meating I-eaK) 26.0 of 66.1 of 66.1 of 83.7 of Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 253 cfm 83.4 of Supply Fan Heating Coil 3000 cfm ROOMS 69.8 of 70.0 of Rafi irn Air n, icts E I res 112.0177.7of 77,8 162.4 OF 77.8162.4oF . 53.7/52.4OF _rte Outside A 253 cfm 74.7 / 60.8 OF Supply Fan Cooling Coil 3000 cfm �. Return Air Ducts 4 9 Supply Air Ducts 54.4 / 52.7 of 45.9% R.H. -OOHS 74.0 / 60.5 OF EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:56 of 150 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -26 & 27 1,417 Number of Systems 2 Heating System Output per System 55,000 Total Output (Btuh) 110,000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 77.6 Cooling System Output per System 58,000 Total Output (Btuh) 116,000 Total Output (Tons) 9.7 Total Output (Btuh/sgft) 81.9 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 146.6 Air System CFM per System 2,000 Airflow (cfm) 4,000 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 2.82 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 413.8 Outside Air (%) 17.7 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 0.50 Note: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 of 62.1 of Outside Air 708 cfm Supply Fan 4000 cfm 69.9 OF I Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK J1COILHTG.PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM Sensible 85,985 27,610 LENNOX HP29-060-1P 85,609 23,964 Total Adjusted System Output 85,609 23,964 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK F Jul 3 pm 62.1 of 79.0 of Heating Coil Kofi irn Air n, istc 12.0/77.7 OF 81.2/68.7 OF 81.2/68.7 OF om 61.3/60.2 OF Outside Air 708 cfm 74.6/66.6 °F Supply Fan Cooling Coil 4000 cfm k Return Air Ducts 4 43,839 72,344 72,344 Jan 12 am Supply Air Ducts 78.9 of ROOMS 70.0 of Supply Air Ducts 61.9 / 60.4 of 67.7% R.H. ROOMS 74.0 / 66.4 of EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:57 of 150 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -28 & 29 2,190 Number of Systems 2 Heating System Output per System 55,000 Total Output (Btuh) 110,000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 50.2 Cooling System Output per System 58,000 Total Output (Btuh) 116,000 Total Output (Tons) 9.7 Total Output (Btuh/sgft) 53.0 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 226.6 Air System CFM per System 2,000 Airflow (cfm) 4,000 Airflow (cfm/sqft) 1.83 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 413.8 Outside Air (%) 27.4 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 0.50 Note: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 of 57.8 of )utside Air 1095 cfm Supply Fan 4000 cfm 69.9 OF Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM Sensible 8,004 72,881 40,35 2,587 12,672 0 3,644 634 0 0 1,095 43,611 -9,034 1 1,095 51,479 0 0 3,644 634 123,783 31,317 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION LENNOX HP29-060-1P 87,325 28,140 Total Adjusted System Output 87,325 28,140 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 3 pm 1.I(;, (Airstream I emperatureS at I Ime OT Piet 57.8 of 74.7 OF Heating Coil Return Air Ducts 12.0/77.7 OF 85.0/71.8 OF 85.0/71.80F = 64.7/63.50F Outside A 1095 cfm 74.9 / 69.5 OF Supply Fan Cooling Coil 4000 cfm �, Return Air Ducts '14 65,419 72,344 72,344 Jan 12 am Supply Air Ducts 74.6 of ROOMS 70.0 of Supply Air Ducts 65.5 / 63.8 of 79.4% R.H. ROOMS 74.0 / 69.3 of EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:58 of 150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME HVAC -1 FLOOR AREA 1,792 IROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE 1 -Women's Lounge - omens ounge 1 14,808 75,241 33,018 -14,720 74,796 33,018 -836 19,871 PAGE TOTAL -14,720 74,796 33,018 -836 19,871 TOTAL -14,720 74,796 33,018 -836 19,871 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3666 Job Number: Page: 59 of 150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 SYSTEM AME HVAC -2 FLOOR AREA 1,792 IROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE 2 -Men's Lounge -Menounge 1-14,627 73,985 33,018 -14,627 73,985 33,018 -836 19,871 PAGE TOTAL -14,627 73,985 33,018 -836 19,871 TOTAL -14,627 73,985 1 33,018 -836 19,871 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:60 of150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -3 & 4 2,916 ROOM COOLING PEAK V COIL COOLING PEAK II COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE Pro Shop Pro Shop 1 5,672 102,477 19,246 5,672 102,477 19,246 4,112 50,694 TOTAL 5,672 102,477 19,246 4,112 50,694 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 61 of 150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME HVAC -5 FLOOR AREA 2,176 ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE 5 - Lobby -Lobby 1 108,839 77,792 108,839 77,792 -1,197 21,784 125,109 125,109 PAGE TOTAL 125,109 108,839 77,792 -1,197 21,784 TOTAL 125,109 108,839 77,792 -1,197 21,784 I EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:62 of 150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME HVAC -6 & 7 FLOOR AREA 3,631 IROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE 6& 7Women'sLockerRm Women's Locker Rooi 1 2,924 53,651 34,494 2,921 53,594 34,494 1,063 15,235 PAGE TOTAL 2,921 53,594 34,494 1,063 15,235 TOTAL 2,921 53,594 34,494 1,063 15,235 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:63 of 150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME HVAC 8 & 9 FLOOR AREA 3,508 ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE 8 & 9 Men's Locker Rm ens Locker Room 1 2,684 50,024 33,326 2,684 50,024 33,326 741 10,780 PAGE TOTAL 2,684 50,0241 33,326 741 10,780 TOTAL 2,684 50,024 33,326 741 10,780 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 64 of 150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME HVAC -10 FLOOR AREA 1,108 IROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE 10-Fyr/Gllry to open crt - oyer a ery to open c u 1 999 19,666 2,770 999 19,666 2,770 394 5,480 PAGE TOTAL 999 19,666 2,770 394 5,480 TOTAL 999 19,666 2,770 394 5,480 EnergyPro 2.1 By Energysoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 65 of 150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY :1 PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -11 1,257 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:66 of 150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -12 761 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:67 of 150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME HVAC -13 FLOOR AREA 805 ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE 13 -Snack Lounge 13 -Snack LOunge 1 1,316 26,614 1,912 1,316 26,614 1,912 1,028 14,918 PAGE TOTAL 1,316 26,614 1,912 1,028 14,918 TOTAL 1,316 26,614 1,912 1,028 14,918 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:68 of 150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME HVAC -14, 15 & 16 FLOOR AREA 6,213 ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE 14-TournamentBallroo 14 -Tournament Ballroom 1 29,447 359,977 93,288 28,941 353,797 93,288 5,743 44,217 PAGE TOTAL 1 28,941 353,797 93,288 5,743 44,217 TOTAL 28,941 353,797 93,288 5,743 44,217 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:69 of 150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY --71 PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -17 702 PAGE TOTAL 565 MUI 1 ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PE ZONE NAME ROOM NAME .CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBL 15 -Library 15 -Library 565 10,687 2,808 565 10,687 2,808 0 0 PAGE TOTAL 565 10,687 2,808 TOTAL 565 10,687 2,808 EnergyPro 2.1 By Ener Soft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 70 of 150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME HVAC -18 & 19 FLOOR AREA 3,406 IROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE 16 -Grill 1 8,271 125,719 62,756 8,271 125,719 62,756 2,458 31,651 PAGE TOTAL 8,271 125,719 62,756 2,458 31,651 TOTAL 8,271 125,719 62,756 2,458 31,651 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:71 of 150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME HVAC 20 & 21 FLOOR AREA 4,134 IROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE 17 -Kitchen 17 -Kitchen 1 3,158 62,646 9,818 3,148 62,444 9,818 744 11,727 PAGE TOTAL 1 3,148 62,444 1 9,818 744 11,727 TOTAL 3,148 62,444 1 9,818 744 11,727 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3666 Job Number: Page:72 of 150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -22 & 23 3,029 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3666 Job Number: Page:73 of 150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -24 3,957 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:74 of 150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME HVAC -25 FLOOR AREA 1,689 ROOM LOMMMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE 20 -Office ice 1 2,033 42,800 3,378 2,020 42,524 3,378 1,060 15,249 PAGE TOTAL 2,020 42,524 3,378 1,060 15,249 TOTAL 2,020 42,524 3,378 1,060 15,249 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:75 of 150771 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -26 & 27 1,417 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:76 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE 21 -Private Dining -Private irnng 1 4,044 52,533 26,108 4,029 52,334 26,108 1,004 9,548 PAGE TOTAL 1 4,029 52,334 26,108 1,004 9,548 TOTAL 1 4,029 52,334 26,108 1,004 9,548 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:76 of 150 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Country Club Of The Desert Club House DATE 7/24/01 SYSTEM NAME HVAC -28 & 29 FLOOR AREA 2,190 IROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE 22-PrvtDin/LngeWjne/ in ounge ine ev r 1 8,006 72,903 40,351 8,004 72,881 40,351 2,587 12,672 PAGE TOTAL 8,004 72,881 40,351 2,587 12,672 TOTAL 8,004 72,881 40,351 2,587 12,672 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:77 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name 1 -women's lounge Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 1,792 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26 of Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70� Conduction Area U -Value OT of Btu/hr Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface toanotherrpj?@b Total: 19,871 Infiltration 1.00 x 1.072 x 1,792 x 10.40 x 0.00 / 6GI x ® = 0 c e ule Air enslble Area el Ing eig t oT raction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 19,871 EnergyPro 2.1 By Ener Soft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 78 of 150 1,792.0 X x X x X x x x x x x X x x x X x X x x X X X x X X x X X X X x x x X X x X X 0.0280 x X X X X X x x x x X x X x x x x X x x x X X X X X X X x X X x x X X x X X X 44.0 = = = = = = = = = = = = 2,208 773.0 0.0850 44.0 2,891 120.0 0.6000 44.0 3,168 240.0 0.5500 44.0 5,808 24.0 0.6000 44.0 634 perimeter= 116.0 44.5 5,162 Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface toanotherrpj?@b Total: 19,871 Infiltration 1.00 x 1.072 x 1,792 x 10.40 x 0.00 / 6GI x ® = 0 c e ule Air enslble Area el Ing eig t oT raction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 19,871 EnergyPro 2.1 By Ener Soft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 78 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name 2 -Mens Lounge Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 1,792 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26 OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Conduction Area U -Value ZT of Btu/hr Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another rpgp Total: 19,871 InfiltrationYcriction eule x 1.072 x 1,792 X 10.40 x 0.00 /60 x ® = 0 Air Sensible Area ei ing eig t LT TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM L19,871 EnergyPro 2.1 By Ener Soft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 79 of 150 1,792.0 x X x x x x X x x x x x x X x X X x X x X x x x x x x x X x x x X x X x X x x 0.0280 x X X X X X X x x X X x X x x x x X X x x x x X X x x x X x x X X X X x x X x 44.0 = = = = = = = = 2,208 773.0 0.0850 44.0 2,891 144.0 0.6000 44.0 3,802 144.0 0.5500 44.0 3,485 96.0 0.5500 44.0 2,323 perimeter= 116.0 44.5 5,162 Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another rpgp Total: 19,871 InfiltrationYcriction eule x 1.072 x 1,792 X 10.40 x 0.00 /60 x ® = 0 Air Sensible Area ei ing eig t LT TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM L19,871 EnergyPro 2.1 By Ener Soft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 79 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name Proshop Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 2,916 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Conduction Area U -Value AT OF Btu/hr Span -Crete Roof R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Double NonMtl Bronze Default 8" Solid CMU Wall 8" Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall Double NonMtl Bronze Default Slab -On -Grade 2,916.0 X X X x x x X X X x x X x X x X x x x x X x x X x x X X X x X x X x x X X x x 0.0496 X X x X X X X X x x x x x X x x X x X x x x x x x x X x x X x x x x x x x x X 44.0 = = = = = = = = = = = 6,370 213.0 0.0592 44.0 555 230.0 0.6000 44.0 6,072 521.0 0.6897 44.0 15,810 116.0 0.5700 44.0 2,909 906.0 0.0850 44.0 3,389 144.0 0.5500 44.0 3,485 perimeter 272.0 44.5 12,104 Items shown with an asterisk (-) denote conduction through an interior surtace to another room. Page Total: 50,694 Infiltration:1.00 x 1.072 x 2,916 x 9.30 x 0.00 / 6GI x ® = 0 c e. e ir Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH pT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 50,694 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 80 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name 5 -Lobby Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 2,176 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26°F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Conduction Area U -Value AT of Btu/hr Span -Crete Roof 8" Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall Solid Wood Door Double NonMtl Bronze Default Double NonMtl Bronze Default R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.161 53.0 X X X X X X X x X X x X X X X X X X x X X x x x X X x X X X X X X x x X x x x 0.0496 X X X X x X X x X X x x X X X X X X X X X X X x X x x X X x x x X X X X x X X 44.0 = = = = = = = = = = = = 116 1,035.0 0.0850 44.0 3,871 48.0 0.3872 44.0 818 48.0 0.5500 44.0 1,162 346.5 0.5700 44.0 8,690 139.5 0.0592 44.0 363 perimeter= 152.0 44.5 6,764 Items shown with an asterisk (-) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total: 21,784 Infiltration:1.00 x 1.072 x 2,176 x 11.50 x 0.00 / 60] x ® = 0 c .. Air bensiole reaei mg eig t AT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 21,784 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 81 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name 687 women's Locker Roan Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 3,631 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26 OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Conduction Area U -Value AT OF Btu/hr Span -Crete Roof R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) 8" Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall Double NonMtl Bronze Default Hollow Metal Door Slab -On -Grade 1,491.0 X X X X X X X x X X x x X x x X X x X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X x X X x X 0.0496 X X X X X X X x x X x X X X X X X X x X x X X x X X x X X X X X X X x X x x x 44.0 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 3,257 812.4 0.0592 44.0 2,116 479.0 0.0850 44.0 1,792 54.0 0.6000 44.0 1,426 26.6 0.5811 44.0 681 perimeter 134.0 44.5 5,963 Items shown With an asterisk (-) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total: 15,235 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 3,631 x F 10.30 x F 0.00 / 6G1 x ® = 0 c e u eAir bensible Area ei mg eig t pT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 15,235 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 82 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name 8 & 9 Men's Locker Room Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 3,508 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26 of Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Conduction Area U -Value AT of Btu/hr Span -Crete Roof 8" Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall Double NonMtl Bronze Default Hollow Metal Door 1,206.0 X 0.0496 X 44.0 = 2,635 747.4 X X X X X x x X X x X x x X X x x x X x X X x X X X x X X X X X X X x x X X 0.0850 X X X x X X x X X X x X X x X X x X x X x X x X X X X X X x x X x x x X X X 44.0 = = = = = = = 2,795 42.0 0.6000 44.0 1,109 26.6 0.5811 44.0 681 perimeter 80.0 44.5 3,560 items snown wan an astensK (-) denote conduction tnrougn an interior surtace to anotner room. Page Total: 10,780 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 3,508 x 10.30 x 0.00 /6 x ® = 0 c e u ev tiOnsible Area ei mg efg t ACH pT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 10,780 EnergyPro 2.1 By Energysoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 83 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name 10-Foyer/Galleryto open court Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 1,1o8 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26°F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Conduction Area U -Value OT of Btu/hr 8" Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall Double NonMtl Bronze Default Double NonMtl Bronze Default Slab -On -Grade 230.0 X x X X x x X x X X x X X X X X X X X X x X x x X X X X X X X X x X x x x x x 0.0850 X x X X X x X x X X X x x X x x X x x x x x x X x x x x X X x x X X X x x x x 44.0 = = = = = = = = 860 72.0 0.6000 44.0 1,901 48.0 0.5500 44.0 1,162 perimeter= 35.0 44.5 1,558 items snown wim an astensK k-) aenote conaucaon mrougn an interior surface to anomer room. Page Total: 5,480 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 1,108 x 9.94 x 0.00 / 60] x ® = 0 c e ule Area Cening Height ACH pT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 5,480 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 84 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name 11-GallerytoProshop Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 1,257 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26°F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF 0.0850 Conduction 18" Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall Double NonMtl Bronze Default Area X X X X X X x x x x x X X X X X X x x x x X X x X X x X X x X x X X X X X X X U -Value X X X X X X x x x x x x X X X x X X X X X X X x x X x x X X x X x x X X X X X AT OF = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Btu/hr 812.0 0.0850 44.0 3,037 48.0 0.5500 44.0 1,162 perimeter= 86.0 44.5 3,827 nems snown w¢n an astensK (-) aenote conauction tnrougn an interior surtace to anotner room. Page Total: F 8,026 Infiltration:Ue. .00 x 1.072 x 1,257 x 10.20 x 0.00 / 6G x 0 = 0 u e Air Sensible Area Ceilmg Height ACH AT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 8,026 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 85 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name 12-13ag storage Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 761 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Conduction Area U -Value AT °F Btu/hr ISpan-Crete Roof 8" Solid CMU Wall 1 18" Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall (Slab -On -Grade 563.0 X X X X x X x x X X x X X X X X x x X x x X x x x x x X X x x x x X x x X x x 0.0496 X X X X X x x x x x X x x X x x X x x x X x X X x x X X X x x x x x x X x X X 44.0 = = = = = = = = = 1,230 962.0 0.6897 44.0 29,192 48.0 0.3872 44.0 818 270.0 0.0850 44.0 1,010 60.0 0.6000 44.0 1,584 perimeter= 134.0 44.5 5,963 items snown witn an asterisK aenote conauction tnrougn an interior sunace to anotner room. Page Total: 39,796 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 761 x 10.00 X F 0.00 / 601X pea -Ile it ensi a Area ailing Height ACH J pT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 39,796 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 86 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Room Information Design Conditions Room Name 13 -Snack Lounge Time of Peak Floor Area 8o5 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Conduction Date 7/24/01 Area U -Value AT of Jan 12 am 26 OF Btu/hr 992 3,048 4,063 614 950 5,251 Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another rpggb Total: 14,918 Infiltration: I 1.001X 1 1.0721 x 805 x 12.00 x 0.o0 / 60 x 0 = 0 Schedule it Sensible Area Ceiling Heigh ACH pT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 14,918 EnergyPro 2.1 By Ener Soft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 87 of 150 805.0 X x X X x x X x x X x X x x X x x X X X x x X x x x x x x x x X x X X x x x X 0.0280 X X X X x X X x x X x X x x X x x x x X x x X x x x x X x x x x x X x x x X x 44.0 = = = = = = = = 1,170.0 0.0592 44.0 162.0 0.5700 44.0 24.0 0.5811 44.0 36.0 0.6000 44.0 perimeter 118.0 44.5 Jan 12 am 26 OF Btu/hr 992 3,048 4,063 614 950 5,251 Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another rpggb Total: 14,918 Infiltration: I 1.001X 1 1.0721 x 805 x 12.00 x 0.o0 / 60 x 0 = 0 Schedule it Sensible Area Ceiling Heigh ACH pT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 14,918 EnergyPro 2.1 By Ener Soft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 87 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name 14 -Tournament Ballroom Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 6,213 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26 OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Conduction Area U -Value Z�'T of Btu/hr Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another rpg@b Total: 44,217 Infiltration 1.00 x 1.072 X 6,213 XF 18.85 XF 0.00 / 60 x ® = 0 c e ule Air ensible Area Ceiling Heig t oT raction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 44,217 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 88 of 150 4,871.0 X X X X X X X x X X x X X X X x X X x X x X x x X X X X X X X X X X X x x Xx x 0.0280 X X x X X X X X X X x x X X X X X X X X x X X x X X X X X X x X X X x X X x 44.0 = = = = = = = = = = = 6,002 3,875.0 0.0592 44.0 10,095 720.0 0.5500 44.0 17,424 237.0 0.5700 44.0 5,944 180.0 0.6000 44.0 4,752 Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another rpg@b Total: 44,217 Infiltration 1.00 x 1.072 X 6,213 XF 18.85 XF 0.00 / 60 x ® = 0 c e ule Air ensible Area Ceiling Heig t oT raction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 44,217 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 88 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Room Information Room Name Floor Area Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature Conduction Date 7/24/01 Design Conditions 15-ubrary Time of Peak Jan 12 am 702 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26°F 70 of Area U -Value T of Btu/hr Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another rpqp Total: 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 702 x 12.00 x 0.00 160 x 44 = 0 chedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH T Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 0 EnergyPro 2.1 By Ener Soft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 89 of 150 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another rpqp Total: 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 702 x 12.00 x 0.00 160 x 44 = 0 chedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH T Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 0 EnergyPro 2.1 By Ener Soft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 89 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name 16 -Grill Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 3,406 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26 OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70OF Conduction Area U -Value AT of Btu/hr R-38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Double NonMtl Bronze Default Double NonMtl Bronze Default Span -Crete Floor 3,406.0 X x X X X x x x X X x X X x X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X 0.0280 X X X X X x X x x X x X x x X X x X X X x X X X x X x X X X X x X X X x x X X 44.0 = = = = = = 4,197 1,184.0 0.0592 44.0 3,085 528.0 0.5500 44.0 12,778 216.0 0.5700 44.0 5,417 2,978.0 0.0471 44.0 6,175 items shown with an asterisk (-) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total: 31,651 Infiltration:1.00 x 1.072 x 3,406 x E 16.00 x 0.00 / 60 x ® = 0 Schedule it t5ensible Area ceiling Height AT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 31,651 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 90 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name 17 -Kitchen Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 4,134 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26 OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Conduction Area U -Value AT of Btu/hr IR -38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) Span -Crete Floor 3,846.0 X x X X X X X x x x x x x x x x x x X x x X X x X X X X X x x X X X X x x X x 0.0280 X X X X x x x x x x X x x X x x X X X x x X x x x x x x x X x x x X X X X X X 44.0 = = = = = = = = 4,739 3,370.0 0.0471 44.0 6,988 nems shown with an astensk (-) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total: 11,727 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 4,134 x 16.00 x 0.00 / 60 x ® = 0 c e u e Air Sensible Area ei mgg e t ACH AT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 11,727 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 91 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name Bar Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 3,029 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26°F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70°F Conduction Area U -Value AT of Btu/hr R-38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Double NonMtl Bronze Default Double NonMtl Bronze Default Double NonMtl Bronze Default Span -Crete Floor 3,029.0 x X X X X X X x X X x X X X X X X x X X X X X x x X x X X X X X X x X X X X X 0.0280 x X X X X X X x X X X X X X X x x X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X 44.0 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 3,732 1,620.0 0.0592 44.0 4,220 288.0 0.5500 44.0 6,970 228.0 0.5700 44.0 5,718 108.0 0.6000 44.0 2,851 2,825.0 0.0471 44.0 5,858 items snown wnn an astensK (•) aenote conauction tnrougn an interior surrace to another room. Page Total: 29,350 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1 1.0721 x 3,029 x 18.16 x 0.00 /6 x ® = 0 c e u eAir Sensible Area Calling Height ACH AT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 29,350 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 92 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name 19-Lounge/Lobby/Stairs/Men Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 3,957 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70°F Conduction Area U -Value AT of Btu/hr R-38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Double NonMtl Bronze Default Double NonMtl Bronze Default Floor 2,866.0 X X X X X X X x X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0.0280 X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 44.0 = = = = = = = = = = = 3,531 3,855.0 0.0592 44.0 10,043 312.0 0.5700 44.0 7,825 127.0 0.6000 44.0 3,353 270.0 0.5500 44.0 6,534 2,794.0 0.0471 44.0 5,794 Items shown with an asterisk (-) denote conduction through an Interior surface to another room. Page Total: 37,080 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 3,957 x Area 13.50 x 0.00 / 60 x ® = 0 c e u eir Fraction Sensible ei mg eig t ACH AT TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 37,080 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 93 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name 20 -office Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 1,689 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26°F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70°F Conduction Area U -Value AT of Btu/hr R-38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Double NonMtl Bronze Default Span -Crete Floor 1,689.0 X X x X X X X x X X X X x X X X X X X X X X x x X X X X X X X X X X X X x x X 0.0280 X x X X x x X X X X x X x X x X X x x X X X X X X X X X X X X x x x X X X X X 44.0 = = = = = = = = = = = = 2,081 1,278.0 0.0592 44.0 3,329 240.0 0.6000 44.0 6,336 1,689.0 0.0471 44.0 3,502 items snown witn an asterisk (-) denote conduction tnrougn an interior surtace to anotner room. Page Total: 15,249 Infiltration:1.00 x 1.072 x 1,689 x 1-2.00]x 0.00 x 0 = 0 Uc e u e it bensible Area ei ng eig t ACH AT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 15,249 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 94 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name 21 -Private Diningl Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 1,417 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 260F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Conduction Area U -Value AT °F Btu/hr R-38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Double NonMtl Bronze Default Double NonMtl Bronze Default R-30 Floor (F.30.2x10.16) 1,417.0 X X x x x x X x X X x X X x X X X X X X X X X x X X X X x x X X X X X X X X X 0.0280 X X X x X x x x X X X x x X X X X X x x x x x x X x x X X X X X X X x x X X X 44.0 = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1,746 999.0 0.0592 44.0 2,603 105.0 0.6000 44.0 2,772 96.0 0.5500 44.0 2,323 75.0 0.0315 44.0 104 Items shown with an asterisk (-) denote conduction through an interior Surface to another room. Page Total: 9,54$ Infiltration: 1.00 X 1.072 X 1,417 X 12.00 X 0.00 / 60] X the it ensi t a rea eibng eig AT Fractioonn TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 9,548 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 95 of 150 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 17/24/01 Room Information Design Conditions Room Name PrvtDin/Loungetwine/Elevtr Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 2,190 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26°F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Btu/hr Conduction Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another rpgp Total: 12,672 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 2,190 x 11.70 x 0.00 / 6] x ® = 0 the ule tr enslble Area CaningHeight J oT ;raction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 1 12,67211 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergSoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 96 of 150User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:96 of 150 Area X X X X X X X x X X x x X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X x x X x X X X X X X x X U -Value X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x x x X x x X x X X X x AT of = = = = = = Btu/hr 2,190.0 0.0280 44.0 2,698 2,356.5 0.0592 44.0 6,139 76.5 0.6000 44.0 2,020 75.0 0.5500 44.0 1,815 Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another rpgp Total: 12,672 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 2,190 x 11.70 x 0.00 / 6] x ® = 0 the ule tr enslble Area CaningHeight J oT ;raction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 1 12,67211 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergSoft User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page: 96 of 150User Number: 3665 Job Number: Page:96 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 1 -Women's lounge Time of Peak Sep 3 pm Floor Area 1,792 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 107 `k Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74 CP Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 73 c� Conduction Area U -Value DETD 1 Btu/hr -38 Roof (R.38.2xl4.16) " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Tinted Default 120.0 240.0 281.0 312.0 0.0280 0.0850 0.6000 0.5500 0.0850 0.0850 0.6000 X 48.2 X 30.7 X 22.9 X 23.6 X 46.7 x 57.8 X 22.9 X X 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Weighting Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC Factor CC 32 31 CC 32 CC CC DD CC (North) 24.0 X X X X X x x X X x 27 x x X X x X X x X X 0.589 x x x x X x x X x x 0.777 = = = = = = = = = = (North) 96.0 27 0.589 0.777 (South) 48.0 32 0.589 0.791 (South) 24.0 111 0.589 0.889 (South) 96.0 111 0.589 0.889 (South) 24.0 111 0.589 0.889 (West) 24.0 246 0.589 0.355 (West) 24.0 246 0.589 0.355 (West) 24.0 246 0.558 0.355 Page Total 2,418 470 1,648 3,120 1,116 1,532 330 10,634 Btu/hr 297 1,187 717 1,396 5,585 1,396 1,235 1,235 1,169 14,216 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.00 x 1,792 X 1.842 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 0.999 = 11,256 Occupants 1.00 X 1,792 x 275 Btuh/OCC. / 11 sgft/occ. x 1.01111 33,018 Receptacle 1.00 X 1,792 x 1.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.0 = 6,116 rocess 1.00 X 1,792 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Wattx 1,0 = 0 Infiltration: 1 1.00 x 1 1.072 x 1 1,792 x 10.40 x 0.00 /6] x o 38 = 0 ceue it ensi a Are Caning Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 75,241 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 1,792 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 15 sgft/occ. = 33,018 Receptacle 1.00 X 1,792 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 x 1,792 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 BtuhfWatt = o Infiltration: 1.0e x 4,806 x 1 792 x 10.40 x 0.00 /6 x 0.00000 = 0 ceu Air Latent rea Calling Height Dyy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 33,018 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 97 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 2 -Men's Lounge Time of Peak Aug 3 pm Floor Area 1,792 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 " Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74`l= Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 C� Conduction -38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) 'Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default 'S olid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Tinted Default " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall Area 1,792.0 281.0 144.0 144.0 180.0 96.0 312.0 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain CC 32 CC 31 32 CC CC DD CC U -Value 0.0280 0.0850 0.6000 0.5500 0.0850 0.5500 0.0850 Orientation Area SGF SC (North) 24.0 X X X x X X X x X X 36 x X X X X X X x X X 0.589 (North) 96.0 36 0.589 (North) 24.0 36 0.589 (North) 48.0 36 0.589 (South) 96.0 69 0.558 (South) 24.0 69 0.589 (West) 24.0 249 0.589 (West) 24.0 249 0.589 (West) 24.0 249 0.589 DETD 1 59.8 = 37.4 = 27.7 = 27.7 = 46.1 = 27.7 = 63.6 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.750 = x 0.750 = X 0.750 = X 0.746 = X 0.934 = X 0.934 = X 0.363 = X 0.363 = X 0.363 = X Page Total Btu/hr 3,003 893 2,392 2,197 . 706 1,465 1,687 12,343 Btu/hr 382 1,528 382 760 3,451 912 1,279 1,279 1,279 11,253 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.0 X 1,792 X 1.842 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 0.999 = 11,256 ccupants 1.0 X 1,792 x 275 Btuh/OCC. / is sgfUocc. X 1.00 = 33,018 Receptacle 1.0 x 1,792 x 1.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 6,116 rocess 1.0 X 1,792 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 1,792 x 10.40 x 0.00 /6] x 38 = Lceue it ensi a Area dening meignt Q Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 73,985 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 1,792 X 275 Btuh/occ. / 15 sgft/occ. = 33,018 Receptacle 1.00 X 1,792 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 1,792 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 1.00 X1 4 806 X 1,7921 X 10.40 x 0.00 / 60 x 0.00000 = 0 ceue Air Latent Area dening meignt &yy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 33,018 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page:98 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 IROOM INFORMATION DESIGR CONDITIONS Room Name Proshop Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 2,916 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 c� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74c� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 1: Conduction pan -Crete Roof -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default " Solid CMU Wall -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default Area 2,916.0 161.0 210.0 120.0 26.0 96.0 341.0 144.0 20.0 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain LL _ KK GG 37 HH 36 J GG GG 7 U -Value 0.0496 0.0592 0.6000 0.6897 0.0592 0.5700 0.0850 0.5500 0.5700 Orientation Area SGF SC (North) 162.0 X x x x x X X x X x 41 x x X x x x X x X x 0.589 (East) 48.0 41 0.589 (East) 16.0 41 0.589 (East) 48.0 41 0.589 (East) 20.0 41 0.589 (South) 48.0 42 0.589 (West) 20.0 56 0.589 (West) 16.0 243 0.589 (West) 16.0 243 0.589 (West) 48.0 2431 0.589 DETD 1 62.1 = 36.4 = 27.5 = 33.9 = 38.4 = 27.5 = 40.7 = 27.5 = 27.5 Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.705 = X 1.012 = x 1.701 = x 1.701 = X 1.701 = x 0.694 = X 0.602 = X 0.363 = x 0.363 = x 0.363 = Page Total Btu/hr 8,986 347 3,460 2,803 59 1,506 1,180 2,179 314 20,834 Btu/hr 2,759 1,174 658 1,973 822 825 398 833 833 2,498 12,772 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.0 x 2,916 x 2.099 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 0.996 = 20,796 ccupants 1.0 x 2,916 x 250 Btuh/OCC. / 3 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 24,057 :Receptacle 1.0 x 2,916 x 1.000 Watts/sqft x 3.4-r Btuh/Waft x 1.00 = 9,952 rocess 1.0 x 2,916 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Waft x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 2,916 x 9.30 x 0.00 / 60] x 38 = 0 c e u e Air sensibie Area dening neigntp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 102,477 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 x 2,916 x 200 Btuh/OCC. / 30 sgft/occ. = 19,246 Receptacle 1.00 X 2,916 X 0.000 Wafts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Waft = 0 Process 1.00 x 2,916 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3A13 Btuh/Waft = o Infiltration: 1.00 x 4,806 X 2 916 x 9.30 x 0.00 /6. x OQ00000 = 0 c e u e it Latent i m rea eg erg Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 19,246 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 99 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name Proshop Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 2,916 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 '� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74 Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 T Conduction " Solid CMU Wall " Solid CMU Wall " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.161 Area X X X X X X X X X U -Value X X X X X X X X X 198.0 0.6897 203.0 0.6897 215.0 0.0850 350.0 0.0850 20.0 0.6000 26.0 0.0592 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC (West) 48.0 x 56 x 0.589 X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X DETD 1 36.2 = 36.0 = 41.0 = 62.6 = 27.5 = 56.6 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.666 X X = x X X X = X X X Page Total Btu/hr 4,937 5,044 750 1,862 330 87 13,011 Btu/hr 1,056 1,056 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.0 x 2,916 x 2.099 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 0.996 = 20,796 ccupants 1.0 x 2,916 x 250 Btuh/OCC. / 3 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 24,057 Receptacle 1.0 x 2,916 x 1.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 9,952 rocess 1.0 X 2,916 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Waft X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 2,916 x 9.30 x 0.00 / 60] x 38 = 0 ceue rr ensr a Area er mg erg p Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 102,477 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 2,916 X 200 Btuh/OCC. / 30 sgft/occ. = 19,246 Receptacle 1.00 x 2;916 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 x 2,916 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Vllatt = o Infiltration: 1.00 X 4 806 X 2 916 x 9.30 x 0.00 / 60� x 0.00000 = 0 ceue Air Latent Aa deiling meignt�yy ITOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 19.2461 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 100 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 X X X x x x x x X x Room Name 5 - Lobby Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 2,176 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 1: Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 741: Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 1: Conduction pan -Crete Roof " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall [ouble Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall lid Wood Door ouble NonMtl Bronze Default Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default Area 53.0 333.0 618.0 48.0 48.0 84.0 99.0 139.5 247.5 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain U -Value 0.0496 0.0850 0.0850 0.3872 0.5500 0.0850 0.5700 0.0592 0.5700 Orientation Area X X X x x x x x X x SGF X X X x X x X x x x SC (East) 48.0 41 0.589 (South) 99.0 42 0.589 (South) 247.5 42 0.589 DETD 1 63.3 = 38.5 = 41.3 = 40.4 = 27.8 = 41.7 = 27.8 = 39.8 = 27.8 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 1.013 = X 0.751 = X 0.751 = X x = x = x X x x Page Total Btu/hr 166 1,090 2,169 750 733 297 1,566 328 3,915 11,015 Btu/hr 1,175 1,841 4,603 7,620 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.0 X 2,176 X 1.172 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 0.999 = 8,699 ccupants 1.0 X 2,176 x 250 Btuh/OCC. i sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 77,792 Receptacle 1.0 X 2,176 x 0.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Waft X 1.00 = 3,713 rocess 1.0 X 2,176 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt�I X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration:Le 1.00 x 1.072 x 2,176 x 11.50 x 0.00 / 661 x 38 = 0 u. it ensi a Area CallingHeightJJJ Q Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 108,839 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 2,176 x 250 Btuh/OCC. / 7 sgft/occ. = 77,792 Receptacle 1.00 X 2,176 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 X 2,176 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 1.00 x 4806 x 2176 x 11.50 x 0.00 /601 x 0.00000 = 0 c e u e Air Latent Area Ceiling Heignt /\yy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 77,792 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 101 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 IROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS I Room Name 6&7 Women's Locker Room Time of Peak Aug 2 pm Floor Area 3,631 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 1111: Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74 c Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 77 1' Conduction pan -Crete Roof -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ollow Metal Door Area 1,491.0 18.0 479.0 54.0 458.0 336.4 26.6 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB U -Value 0.0496 0.0592 0.0850 0.6000 0.0592 0.0592 0.5811 Orientation Area SGF SC (East) 6.0 X X X X X X X X X x 42 x X X X X X X x X X 0.589 (East) 6.0 42 0.589 (South) 6.0 108 0.589 (South) 6.0 108 0.589 (South) 6.0 108 0.589 (South) 6.0 108 0.589 (South) 6.0 108 0.589 (West) 6.0 198 0.589 (West) 6.0 198 0.589 DETD 1 63.5 = 35.9 = 39.9 = 26.6 = 45.3 = 51.1 = 56.7 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 1.727 = X 1.727 = X 0.631 = X 0.631 = X 0.631 = X 0.631 = X 0.631 = X 0.358 = X 0.358 X Page Total Btu/hr 4,697 38 1,626 861 1,229 1,017 877 10,345 Btu/hr 257 257 241 241 241 241 241 251 251 2,220 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 x 3,631 x 1.322 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh[Watt x 0.999 = 16,371 ccupants 1.0 X 3,631 X 255 Btuh/OCC. / 5 Sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 18,518 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,631 X 0.500 Watts/sgft X 3.41 BtuhfWatt X 1.00 = 6,196 rocess 1.00 X 3,631 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 BtuhfWatt�I X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 3,631 X 10.30 x 0.00 / 60 x o 38 = ceue Air Sensiblem. Area er Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 53,651 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 3,631 x 475 Btuh/OCC. / 50 Sgft/OCc. = 34,494 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,631 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 BtuhfWatt = o Process 1.00 x 3,631 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration:1.00 x 4 806 x 3 631 x 10.30 x 0.00 /6 1 x 0.00000 = 0 ceue ir a en rea Ceiling HeightJ �yy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 34,494 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 102 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 IROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 8 & 9 Men's Locker Room Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 3,508 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74c ' Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 Conduction pan -Crete Roof 'Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default "Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ollow Metal Door Area X X X X X X X X X U -Value X X X X X X X X X 1,206.0 0.0496 439.0 0.0850 42.0 0.6000 308.4 0.0850 26.6 0.5811 (North) 6.0 41 0.589 (North) 6.0 41 0.589 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain 1B Orientation Area SGF SC (North) 6.0 x X X X X x x X X X 41 x X X X X X X X X x 0.589 (North) 6.0 41 0.589 (North) 6.0 41 0.589 (North) 6.0 41 0.589 (North) 6.0 41 0.589 (West) 6.0 243 0.589 (West) 6.0 243 0.589 DETD 1 63.2 = 38.5 = 27.7 = 63.1 = 64.3 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.787 = X 0.787 = X 0.787 = X 0.751 = X 0.751 = X 0.376 = X 0.376 = X X = X Page Total Btu/hr 3,784 1,436 698 1,654 995 8,567 Btu/hr 114 114 114 109 109 323 323 1,207 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 X 3,508 X 1.368 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 0.999 = 16,373 ccupants 1.00 X 3,508 X 255 Btuh/OCC. / 5C sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 17,891 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,508 X 0.500 Watts/sqft x 3.4,r Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 5,986 rocess 1.00 x 3,508 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 3,508 x 10.30 x 0.00 / 6] x o 38 = 0 ceue Air Sensible Area ei rng Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 50,024 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 3,508 X 475 Btuh/OCC. / 50 sgft/occ. = 33,326 Receptacle 1.00 x 3,5081 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 X 3,508 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 1.00 x 4 806 x 3 508 x 10.30 x 0.00 /6 X OQ00000 = 0 c e u e Air Latent Area Celling Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 33,326 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 103 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION -MIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 10-Foyer/Gallery to open court Time of Peak Jul Spm Floor Area 1,108 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 109 Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74ck Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 77 Conduction " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default Area X X X X X X X X X U -Value X X X X X X X X X 230.0 0.0850 72.0 0.6000 48.0 0.5500 (West) 48.0 233 0.589 (West) 36.0 233 0.589 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain Orientation Area X X X X X X X X X X SGF X X X X X X X X X X SC (West) 36.0 233 0.589 (West) 48.0 233 0.589 (West) 36.0 233 0.589 DETD 1 62.1 = 26.6 = 26.7 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.514 = x 0.514 = X 0.514 = X = X X X = X X = X Page Total Btu/hr 1,214 1,151 705 3,070 Btu/hr 2,541 3,388 2,541 8,470 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.00 X 1,108 X 1.218 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 0.998 = 4,600 ccupants 1.00 X 1,108 X 250 Btuh/OCC. / 10 sqft/occ. X 1.00 = 2,770 Receptacle 1.00 X 1,108 X 0.200 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 756 rocess 1.00 X 1,108 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt�I X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 1,108 x 9.94 x 0.00 / 6G x -Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling eig J p Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 19,666 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X1,108X 250 Btuh/OCC. /F 100 sgft/occ. Receptacle 1.00 x 1,108 ' X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 1 3.4131 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 1,108 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4 806 x 1,1081 x 9.94 x 0.00 /6 X 0.00000 = ceue Air Latent Area dening neignt�yy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,770 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 104 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 11-GallerytoPro Shop Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 1,257 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 '� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 7411: Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 `k Conduction " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall Area X X X X X X X X X U -Value X X X X X X X X X 112.0 0.0850 48.0 0.5500 700.0 0.0850 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC (North) 48.0 X 41 X 0.589 x X X X x X x X X x x X X X X X x x DETD 1 38.4 = 27.7 = 41.2 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.745 X X = x x = x x X = x x = Page Total Btu/hr 366 732 2,450 3,548 Btu/hr 864 864 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 x 1,257 X 0.955 Wafts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 0.999 = 4,092 ccupants 1.0 x 1,257 X 250 Btuh/OCC. / 10 Sgft/OCC. x 1.00 = 3,142 Receptacle 1.00 x 1,257 X 0.200 Wafts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Waft x 1.00 = 858 rocess 1.00 x 1,257 X 0.000 Wafts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Waft x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration:1.00 x 1.072 x 1,257 x 10.9 0 x 0.00 / 60] x o 38 = c e u e Air ensi a Area ei mg mei Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 12,504 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 1,257 x 250 Btuh/OCC. / 100 sgft/OCc. Receptacle 1.00 X 1,257 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 1 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 1,257 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 11.00 X 4,8061 x 1 1,2571 X 10.20i x 0.00 / 60� x 0.00000 = 0 ceue Air Latent Area dening Height�yy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 3,142 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 105 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION -15EM CONDITIONS Room Name 12 -Bag Storage Time of Peak Aug 3 pm Floor Area 761 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 c� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74T Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 781: Conduction pan -Crete Roof " Solid CMU Wall olid Wood Door " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default " Solid CMU Wall olid Wood Door " Solid CMU Wall Area 563.0 316.0 31 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain U -Value 0.0496 0.6897 0.3872 0.0850 0.6000 0.6897 0.3872 0.6897 Orientation Area x X x x X x x x x x SGF x X X x X x X x x x SC (East) 15.0 36 0.589 (East) 15.0 36 0.589 (East) 15.0 36 0.589 (East) 15.0 36 0.589 DETD 1 57.5 = 32.7 = 35.3 = 39.5 = 27.4 = 40.0 = 46.1 = 55.9 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 1.746 = X 1.746 = x 1.746 = x 1.746 = x x = x x x x Page Total Btu/hr 1,606 7,123 328 906 986 8,728 428 12,713 32,819 Btu/hr 556 556 556 556 2,223 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.0 x 761 x 1.183 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Waft x 0.996 = 3,060 ccupants 1.0 X 761 x 275 Btuh/OCC. / 33 sgftlocc. x 1.00 = 628 Receptacle 1.0 x 761 x 0.200 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 519 rocess 1.0 x 761 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt�I X 1.00= 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 761 x 10.0 x 0.00 /rs 1 x 0 38 = ceue it Sensiblei mg rea eHeightJJJ Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 39,249 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 x 761 X 475 Btuh/OCC. / 333 sgftlocc. Receptacle 1.00 x 761 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 1 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 x 761 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1 1.00 x 4,8061 x 761 x 10.00 x 0.00 / 60� x 0.00000 = 0 ceue it Latent Area ei mg Height Z�lyy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 1,084 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 106 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 -71 ROOM INFORMATION =GN CONDITIONS Room Name 13 -Snack Lounge Time of Peak Jul 4 pm Floor Area 805 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 111 C� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74(� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 77 c� Conduction -38 Roof (R.38.2xl4.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ollow Metal Door -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default Area 805.0 390.0 90.0 222.0 24.0 390.0 168.0 72.0 36.0 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain MM MM MM HH QQ MM MM MM NN PP U -Value 0.0280 0.0592 0.5700 0.0592 0.5811 0.0592 0.0592 0.5700 0.6000 Orientation Area SGF SC (North) 10.0 x X X X X X x x X x 35 x X X X x X x X X x 0.589 (North) 10.0 35 0.589 (North) 10.0 35 0.589 (East) 20.0 33 0.589 (East) 10.0 33 0.589 (South) 10.0 33 0.589 (South) 10.0 33 0.589 (South) 10.0 33 0.589 (West) 36.0 263 0.589 (West) 36.0 263 0.589 DETD 1 57.0 = 37.4 = 27.6 = 38.1 = 37.5 = 37.0 59.1 = 27.6 27.5 Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.929 = X 0.929 = X 0.929 = X 2.133 = X 2.133 = X 1.262 = X 1.262 = X 1.262 = X 0.417 = x 0.417 = Page Total Btu/hr 1,284 864 1,415 500 523 855 588 1,132 595 7,757 Btu/hr 192 192 192 830 415 245 245 245 2,326 2,326 7,208 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.00 X 805 X 1.491 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.000 = 4,094 ccupants 1.00 x 805 x 275 Btuh/OCC. / 20 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 1,107 Receptacle 1.00 X 805 X 1.500 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 4,121 rocess 1.00 X 805 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 X 805 X 12.00 X 0.00 / 6] X 38 = -Schedule Air Sensible A rea Ceiling Height p Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 26,614 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 x 805 X 475 Btuh/occ. / 200 sgft/occ. Receptacle 1.00 X 805 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 1 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 805 X 0.000 Wafts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 1.00 x 4,806 X 8051 x 12.00 X 0.00 / 60 x 0.00000 = 0 ceue Air Latent Area Ceiling HeightJ �yy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 1,912 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 107 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 13 -Snack Lounge Time of Peak Jul 4 p Floor Area 805 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 1111: Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74(� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 77 '� Conduction Area U -Value DETD 1 Btu/hr 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Weighting Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC Factor NN (West) 36.0 X 263 x 0.589 x 0.417 = X x x X x X x x X x X x x X x x x x x x X x x x = X x X Page Total Btu/hr 2,326 2,326 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 X 805 X 1.491 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.000 = 4,094 ccupants 1.00 x 805 x 275 Btuh/OCC. / 20C sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 1,107 Receptacle 1.00 X 805 x 1.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 4,121 rocess 1.00 X 805 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration:1.00 x 1.072 x 805 x 12.00 x 0.00 / 6] x 38 = 0 . eu Air Sensme Area Celling Heightp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 26,614 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 805 x 475 Btuh/occ. / 200 sqft/occ. Receptacle 1.00 X 805 x 0.000 Watts/sgft X I 3.4i3l Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 x 805 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh[Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4,806 x 805 x 12. 0 x 0.00 /6 ] x OQ00000 = ceue it a en mg rea ei Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 1,912 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 108 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 14 -Tournament Ballroom Time of Peak Jul 5 pm Floor Area 6,213 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 109 C� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 749 Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 77 T Conduction -38 Roof (R.38.2xl4.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Area 4,871.0 920.0 720.0 237.0 180.0 357.0 1,055.0 U -Value 0.0280 0.0592 0.5500 0.5700 0.6000 0.0592 0.0592 X X X X x x x X X DETD 1 48.8 38.7 27.2 27.2 27.1 36.9 36.2 56.9 96.0 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Weighting Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC Factor 12 13 M M 10 H F F F (North) 96.0 X X X X X X X X X x 43 X X X X X X X X X x 0.589 X X X X x X X X X x 0.826 = = = = = = = = = = (North) 96.0 43 0.589 0.826 (North) 36.0 43 0.589 0.826 (North) 36.0 43 0.589 0.826 (North) 48.0 43 0.589 0.851 (North) 15.0 43 0.589 0.851 (North) 36.0 43 0.589 0.851 (East) 15.0 24 0.589 2.749 (East) 15.0 24 0.589 2.749 (East) I F 15.0 24 1 0.589 2.7491 Page Total Btu/hr 6,654 2,108 10,758 3,670 2,929 781 2,261 5,194 34,356 Btu/hr 2,009 2,009 753 753 1,035 323 776 583 583 583 9,408 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 X 6,213 X 1.497 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.000 = 31,734 ccupants 1.00 X 6,213 X 245 Btuh/OCC. 7 sgft/occ. X 1,0 = 217,672 Receptacle 1.00 X 6,213 X 1.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1,0 = 21,205 rocess 1.00 X 6,213 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1,0 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 1 6,213 X18.85 x 0.00 / 6] x o 38 = ceue Air Sensible m. rea Ceiling Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 359,977 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 6,213 X 105 Btuh/OCC. / 7 sgft/occ. = 93,288 Receptacle 1.00 X 6,213 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 x 6,213 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 X L 4,806 X 6,2131 X 18.85 x 0.00 /6 1 x OQ00000 = 0 ceue Air Latent Area Ceiling Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 93,288 EnergyPro 2.1 By Energysoft User Number: 3665 Page: 109 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 14-Toumamerit Ballroom Time of Peak Jul 5 pm Floor Area 6,213 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature log ',� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74c� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 77 c� Conduction Area 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain 6 7 10 H 8 8 9 G K U -Value Orientation Area SGF SC (South) 48.0 X X X X X X X x x X 24 X X X X X X X X x x 0.589 (South) 48.0 24 0.589 (South) 48.0 24 0.589 (South) 15.0 24 0.589 (South) 36.0 24 0.589 (West) 48.0 233 0.589 (West) 48.0 233 0.589 (West) 48.0 233 0.589 (West) 18.0 233 0.589 (West) 36.0 233 0.589 DETD 1 Page Total Weighting Factor X 1.349 = X 1.349 = X 1.772 = X 1.772 = X 1.772 = X 0.563 = x 0.563 = X 0.563 = x 0.563 = x 0.563 = Page Total Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 916 916 1,204 376 903 3,711 3,711 3,711 1,392 2,783 19,623 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.0 X 6,213 X 1.497 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.000 = 31,734 ccupants 1.0 X 6,213 x 245 Btuh/OCC. / sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 217,672 Receptacle 1.0 X 6,213 X 1.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 21,205 rocess 1.0 X 6,213 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 6,213 x g Height 5 x 0.00 / 60] x o 38 = L�.eue it ensi a rea ei m ei Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 359,977 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 6,213 X 105 Btuh/OCC. / 7 sgft/occ. = 93,288 Receptacle 1.00 X 6,213 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 6,213 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 13.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 1.00 X 4,8061 X 6,2131 X 18.85 x 0.00 / 60� X 0.00000 = 0 ceue Air Latent Area dening meigntDyy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 93,288 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page:110 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION UtbIUMMI)ITIONS Room Name 14-ToumamentBallroom Time of Peak Jul 5 pm Floor Area 6,213 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 109 Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74c� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 77 Conduction Area 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain K K 9 G 11 L 11 L 11 L U -Value Orientation Area SGF SC (West) 36.0 X x X X X X X x x x 233 x X X X X X x x X x 0.589 (West) 36.0 233 0.589 (West) 48.0 233 0.589 (West) 18.0 233 0.589 (West) 48.0 233 0.589 (West) 18.0 233 0.589 (West) 48.0 233 0.589 (West) 18.0 233 0.589 (West) 48.0 233 0.589 (West) 18.0 233 0.589 DETD 1 Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.563 = x 0.563 = X 0.563 = X 0.563 = x 0.563 = x 0.563 = x 0.563 = X 0.563 = x 0.563 = x 0.6631 = Page Total Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 2,783 2,783 3,711 1,392 3,711 1,392 3,711 1,392 3,711 1,392 25,978 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.0 x 6,213 X 1.497 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.000 = 31,734 ccupants 1.0 x 6,213 X 245 Btuh/OCC. i sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 217,672 Receptacle 1.0 X 6,213 X 1.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 21,205 rocess 1.0 x 6,213 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 X 1.072 X 6,213 x18. 5 X 0.00 / 6] x Q 38 = ceue Air Sensible Area CeilingHeightJ Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 359,977 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 x 6,213 X 105 Btuh/OCC. / 7 sqft/occ. = 93,288 Receptacle 1.00 X 1 6,2131 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Waft = o Process 1.00 x 1 6,213 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 XE,4 806 x 6,2131 X 18.85 x 0.00 /6 x 0.00000 = 0 ceueit Latent Area Cening meignt�yy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 93,288 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page:111 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 IROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 15-ubrary Time of Peak Jan 11 pm Floor Area 702 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 43 1: Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74c� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 29 c� Conduction Area 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain U -Value Orientation Area SGF SC DETD 1 Page Total Weighting Factor x x x x x x x x x x Page Total Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 0 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 x 702 x 1.496 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.000 = 3,584 Occupants 1.00 x 702 X 250 Btuh/OCC. / 5 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 3,510 Receptacle 1.00 x 702 x 1.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 3,594 rocess 1.00 x 702 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 X 1.072 X 702 X 1 12.00 X 0.00 / 60] X 38 c e u e it ensible A rea ei mg Reightp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 10,687 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr ccupants 1.00 x 702 x 200 Btuh/OCC. / 50 sgft/occ. Receptacle 1.00 x 702 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 rocess 1.00 X 702 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 1.00 x 4 806 x 702 X 12.00 x 0.00 /6 x 0.00000 = �p c e u e Air Latent Area Calling Height Dyp ITOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,808 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 112 of 160 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x DETD 1 Page Total Weighting Factor x x x x x x x x x x Page Total Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 0 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 x 702 x 1.496 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.000 = 3,584 Occupants 1.00 x 702 X 250 Btuh/OCC. / 5 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 3,510 Receptacle 1.00 x 702 x 1.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 3,594 rocess 1.00 x 702 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 X 1.072 X 702 X 1 12.00 X 0.00 / 60] X 38 c e u e it ensible A rea ei mg Reightp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 10,687 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr ccupants 1.00 x 702 x 200 Btuh/OCC. / 50 sgft/occ. Receptacle 1.00 x 702 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 rocess 1.00 X 702 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 1.00 x 4 806 x 702 X 12.00 x 0.00 /6 x 0.00000 = �p c e u e Air Latent Area Calling Height Dyp ITOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,808 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 112 of 160 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 16 -Grill Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 3,406 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74 c Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 `k Conduction -38 Roof (R.38.U14.16) -21 Wall (W.21.W.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default 21 Wall (W.21.W.16) van -Crete Floor Area X X X X X X X X X U -Value X X X X X X X X X 3,406.0 0.0280 856.0 0.0592 528.0 0.5500 216.0 0.5700 328.0 0.0592 2,978.0 0.0471 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain 15 P 15 P 15 P 15 P 15 P Orientation Area SGF SC (North) 48.0 X X X X X X X x x X 41 X X X X X X X X x x 0.589 (North) 18.0 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 (North) 18.0 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 (North) 18.0 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 (North) 18.0 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 (North) 18.0 41 0.589 DETD 1 63.2 = 36.8 = 27.7 = 27.7 = 57.0 31.911= Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.755 = X 0.751 = X 0.755 = X 0.751 = X 0.755 = X 0.751 = x 0.751 = X 0.751 = X 0.751 = x 0.751 = Page Total Btu/hr 6,030 1,864 8,055 3,415 1,108 4,478 24,949 Btu/hr 875 327 875 327 875 327 871 327 871 327 6,001 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 X 3,406 X 1.585 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 0.999 = 18,419 ccupants 1.00 X 3,406 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 1 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 62,756 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,406 X 0.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 5,812 rocess 1.00 X 3,406 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 X 3,406 X 16.00 x 0.00 / 61� x 38 = 0 -Sche u e Air Sensible Ceiiing Heigntp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 125,719 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 3,406 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 15 sgft/occ. = 62,756 Receptacle 1.00 x 3,406 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 3,406 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4,806 x 3 406 x 16.00 x 0.00 / 60� x OQ00000 = 0 c e u e Air Latent Area Ceiling Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 62,756 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 113 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 IROOM INFOF ------ DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 16 -Grill Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 3,406 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 "� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74c� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 C� Conduction Area 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain 15 P 15 P 15 P M 14 N 12 U -Value Orientation Area SGF SC (North) 48.0 X X X X X X X x X x 41 x X X X X X X X X x 0.589 (North) 18.0 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 (North) 18.0 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 (North) 18.0 41 0.589 (North) 36.0 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 (North) 36.0 41 0.589 (West) 96.0 56 0.589 DETD 1 Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.755 = X 0.751 = X 0.755 = X 0.751 = X 0.755 = X 0.751 = X 0.751 = X 0.751 = x 0.751 = x 0.631 = Page Total Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 875 327 875 327 875 327 653 871 653 2,000 7,782 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 X 3,406 X 1.585 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 0.999 = 18,419 ccupants 1.00 X 3,406 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 1 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 62,756 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,406 X 0.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 5,812 rocess 1.00 X 3,406 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 3,406 x 16.00 X 0.00 / 6] x Q 38 = 0 c e u e Air Sensiblemg rea Ceiling Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 125,719 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 3,406 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 15 Sgft/OCC. = 62,756 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,406 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 X 3,406 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 X 4 806 X 3 406 X 16.00 X 0.00 / 6G 1 x 0.00000 = 0 ceue rr Latent --Area Ceiiing Height /\yp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 62,756 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3666 Page: 114 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN'MRUl7T61Tr— Room Name 17 -Kitchen Time of Peak Jul 2 pm Floor Area 4,134 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature. 111 Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74(� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 77 Conduction �-38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) pan -Crete Floor Area 3,846.0 3,370.0 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain LI -Value 0.0280 0.0471 Orientation Area SGF SC DETD 1 67.1 = 30.7 = Page Total Weighting Factor x = x = x = x = x = x = x = x = x = x = Page Total Btu/hr 7,226 4,882 12,108 Btu/hr 0 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.0 X 4,134 X 1.680 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.000 = 23,689 ccupants 1.0 x 4,134 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 20 sqft/occ. X 1.00 = 5,684 Receptacle 1.0 X 4,134 X 1.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 BtuhfWatt X 1.00 = 21,164 rocess 1.0 x 4,134 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 4,134 x 16.00 x 0.00 / 6� x 38 = ceue Air Sensible Area Calling Heightp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 62,646 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 4,134 X 475 Btuh/OCC. / 200 sgft/occ. Receptacle 1.00 x 4,134 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 1 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 4,134 x 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 1.00 x 4,806 x 4,134 x 1 16.001 x 0.00 / 601 x 0.00000 = 0 ceue Air Latent Area Ceiling Height &yp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 9,818 EnergyPro 2.1 By Energy.Soft User Number: 3665 Page: 116 of 150 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x DETD 1 67.1 = 30.7 = Page Total Weighting Factor x = x = x = x = x = x = x = x = x = x = Page Total Btu/hr 7,226 4,882 12,108 Btu/hr 0 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.0 X 4,134 X 1.680 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.000 = 23,689 ccupants 1.0 x 4,134 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 20 sqft/occ. X 1.00 = 5,684 Receptacle 1.0 X 4,134 X 1.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 BtuhfWatt X 1.00 = 21,164 rocess 1.0 x 4,134 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 4,134 x 16.00 x 0.00 / 6� x 38 = ceue Air Sensible Area Calling Heightp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 62,646 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 4,134 X 475 Btuh/OCC. / 200 sgft/occ. Receptacle 1.00 x 4,134 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 1 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 4,134 x 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 1.00 x 4,806 x 4,134 x 1 16.001 x 0.00 / 601 x 0.00000 = 0 ceue Air Latent Area Ceiling Height &yp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 9,818 EnergyPro 2.1 By Energy.Soft User Number: 3665 Page: 116 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name Bar Time of Peak Jul 2 pm Floor Area 3,029 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 111 1� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74(� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 77 '� Conduction -38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Area U -Value 0.0280 0.0592 0.5500 0.5700 0.5700 0.0592 0.6000 0.6000 0.0592 DETD 1 X 66.8 X 36.2 K 26.6 X 26.6 X 26.6 x 38.5 X 26.5 x 26.5 X 41.1 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Weighting Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC Factor 16 Q 17 R 18 R S yy 19 T (North) 48.0 X X X X X X X x x X 46 X X X X x X X X x X 0.589 x X X X X X X X X X 0.661 = = = = = = = = = (North) 6.0 46 0.589 0.657 (North) 48.0 46 0.589 0.657 (North) 6.0 46 0.589 0.657 (North) 48.0 46 0.589 0.657 (North) 6.0 46 0.589 0.657 (North) 112.0 46 0.589 0.666 (East) 80.0 46 0.589 0.906 (East) 48.0 46 0.589 1.664 (East) 6.0 46 0.589 Page Total Btu/hr 5,666 1,102 4,215 546 2,912 2,413 765 956 117 18,691 Btu/hr 860 107 855 107 855 107 2,024 1,966 2,165 271 9,316 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.00 X 3,029 X 1.436 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 0.999 = 14,834 ccupants 1.00 x 3,029 x 275 Btuh/OCC. / is sgft/OCc. X 1.00 = 55,809 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,029 X 1.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Waft X 1,p = 10,338 rocess 1.00 X 3,029 X 0.000 Wafts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Waft�1 x 1,0 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 X 1.072 x 3,029 X 18.16 x 0.00 / 60 x 38 = ceue Air Sensioie m9 rea ei Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 122,821 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr ccupants 1.00 X 3,029 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 15 sgft/OCc. = 55,809 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,029 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 X 3,029 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: -1.00 XE 4,806 x 3,0291 X 18.16 x 0.00 / 60 x OQ0�000 = Schedule Air Latent Area Calling Reight ITOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 55,8091 EnergyPro 2.1 By Energysoft User Number: 3665 Page: 116 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITION9_ Room Name Bar Time of Peak Jul 2 pm Floor Area 3,029 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 111 '� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74'� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 77 C� Conduction Span -Crete Floor Area 1 2,825.01 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain 19 19 U -Value Orientation Area SGF SC (East) 48.0 X X X X X x X X x X 46 x x X X X X X X X X 0.589 (East) 48.0 46 0.589 (East) 6.0 46 0.589 (East) 30.0 46 0.589 (East) 30.0 46 0.589 (East) 48.0 46 0.589 (East) 6.0 46 0.589 DETD 1 30.7 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 1.664 = x 1.664 = X 1.664 = X 1.664 = X 1.664 = X 1.664 = X 1.664 = x X = X = Page Total Btu/hr 4,088 4,088 Btu/hr 2,165 2,165 271 1,353 1,353 2,165 271 9,745 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 x 3,029 X 1.436 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 0.999 = 14,834 ccupants 1.00 X 3,029 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 1 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 55,809 Receptacle 1.00 x 3,029 x 1.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 BtuhfWaft X 1.00 = 10,338 rocess 1.00 x 3,029 x 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 BtuhfWatt X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 3,029 x 18.16 x 0.00 / 60] x 38 = c e u e �r Sensible rea Ceiling Height p Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 122,821 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 3,029 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 15 sgft/occ. = 55,809 Receptacle 1.00 X 1 3,0291 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 X 1 3,0291 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 1.00 x 4 806 x 3 029 x 18.16 x 0.00 / 60� x 0.00000 = 0 c e u e Air Latent Area dening neignt�yy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 55,809 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 117 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 19-1-ounge/Lobby/Stairs/Men Time of Peak Sep 3 pm Floor Area 3,957 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 107 `k Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74c� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 73 9 Conduction -38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default Area 2,866.0 374.0 112.0 127.0 145.0 1,236.0 1,842.0 216.0 54.0 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain U -Value 0.0280 0.0592 0.5700 0.6000 0.5700 0.0592 0.0592 0.5500 0.5500 Orientation Area SGF SC (North) 112.0 X X x X X X x x x x 27 X X x x X X x X X X 0.589 (North) 20.0 27 0.589 (North) 6.0 27 0.589 (East) 6.0 27 0.589 (East). 6.0 27 0.589 (East) 6.0 27 0.589 (East) 6.0 27 0.589 (South) 48.0 32 0.589 (South) 6.0 111 0.589 (South) 16.0 111 0.589 DETD 1 48.3 = 30.6 = 23.7 = 22.9 = 23.7 = 32.6 = 43.0 = 23.7 = 23.7 Page Total Weighting Factor X 0.786 X 0.786 = X 0.786 = X 2.164 = X 2.164 = X 2.164 = X 2.164 = x 0.801 = x 0.901 = x 0.901 = Page Total Btu/hr 3,879 677 1,511 1,747 1,956 2,387 4,689 2,812 703 20,361 Btu/hr 1,401 250 75 207 207 207 207 725 354 943 4,574 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 x 3,957 X 1.516 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.000 = 20,469 ccupants 1.00 X 3,957 x 250 Btuh/OCC. i sgftlocc. X 1.00 = 141,463 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,957 x 0.500 Watts/sgft x 3.4-r Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 6,753 rocess 1.00 X 3,957 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration:1.00 x 1.072 x 3,957 x 13.50 x 0.00 / 6] x 38 = ceue Air Sensiole Area Ceiling Heightp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 222,227 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 3,957 X 250 Btuh/OCC./P3,413 7 sgftlocc. = 141,463 Receptacle 1.00 x 3,957 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 x 3,957 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 X 4 806 x 3 957 x 13.50 x 0.00 /6 x OQON000 = 0 Leue Air Latent Area Ceiling Neight Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 141,463 EnergyPro 2.1 By Energysoft User Number: 3665 Page: 118 of 150 Project Title 71r Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 U -Value Room Name 19-Lounge/Lobby/Stairs/Men Time of Peak Sep 3 pm Floor Area 3,957 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 107 `k Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74'� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 73 Conduction -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default pan -Crete Floor Area X X X X X X X X X U -Value X X X X X X X X X 403.0 0.0592 55.0 0.5700 2,794.0 0.0471 (South) 72.0 Ill 0.589 (South) 54.0 87 0.589 (South) 25.0 111 0.589 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC (South) 85.0 x X X X X X X x X X 111 X X X X X X X X x X 0.589 (South) 48.0 32 0.589 (South) 72.0 Ill 0.589 (South) 54.0 87 0.589 (South) 25.0 111 0.589 (South) 25.0 111 0.589 (South) 25.0 111 0.589 (South) 48.0 111 0.589 (West) 16.0 246 0.589 (West) 6.0 246 0.589 DETD 1 51.1 = 23.7 = 27.0 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.901 = x 0.801 = X 0.901 = X 0.886 = X 0.901 = X 0.901 = X 0.901 = X 0.901 = x 0.358 = x 0.358 = Page Total Btu/hr 1,220 742 3,551 5,513 Btu/hr 5,008 725 4,242 2,457 1,473 1,473 1,473 2,828 830 311 20,820 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 X 3,957 X 1.516 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Waft X 1.000 = 20,469 ccupants 1.00 x 3,957 X 250 Btuh/OCC. 7 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 141,463 Receptacle 1.00 x 3,957 X 0.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 6,753 rocess 1.00 X 3,957 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt� X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 X 1.072 X 3,957 X 13.50 X 0.00 / 66l x 38 c e u e it sensue Area dening meigntp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 222,227 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 3,957 X 250 Btuh/OCC. / 7 sgft/occ. = 141,463 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,957 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 3,957 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 13.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: I 1.00 x 4,8061 x 3,9571 X 13.50 x 0.00 / 60� x 0.00000 = 0 ceue Air Latent Area dening HeightOW Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 141,463 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 119 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 Room Name 19-Lounge/Lobby/Stairs/Men Time of Peak Sep 3 pm Floor Area 3,957 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 107 '� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74C� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 73 `k Conduction Area 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain U -Value Orientation Area X X X x x X X X X X SGF x X x X x X X X X X SC (West) 6.0 246 0.589 (West) 6.0 246 0.589 (West) 6.0 246 0.589 (West) 55.0 111 0.589 DETD 1 Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.358 = X 0.358 = x 0.358 = x 0.372 = X X X X X = X Page Total Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 311 311 311 1,342 2,276 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.00 x 3,957 X 1.516 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.000 = 20,469 ccupants 1.0 X 3,957 x 250 Btuh/OCC. / Sgft/OCC. X 1.00 = 141,463 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,957 x 0.500 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btu /Waft X 1.00 = 6,753 rocess 1.00 X 3,957 x 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 3,957 x 13.50 X 0.00 / 6] x 38 —Schedule Air Sensible Area ei ing Heightp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 222,227 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain ccupants 1.00 X 3,957 x 250 Btuh/OCC. / 7 sgft/occ. = 141,463 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,957 x 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 x 3,957 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 1 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4,806 x 3 957 x 13.50 x 0.00 /6 x OQ00000 = 0 c e u e Air Latent Area dening heignt Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 141,463 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3666 Page: 120 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 IROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 2o -Office Time of Peak Aug 2 pm Floor Area 1,689 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 111 '� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74c� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 77 c� Conduction -38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) pan -Crete Floor Area X X X X X X X X X U -Value X X X X X X X X X 1,689.0 0.0280 384.0 0.0592 240.0 0.6000 390.0 0.0592 480.0 0.0592 24.0 0.0592 1,689.0 0.0471 (East) 30.0 42 0.589 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC (North) 30.0 X X X X X X X X X x 42 X X X x X X X x x X 0.589 (North) 30.0 42 0.589 (North) 30.0 42 0.589 (East) 30.0 42 0.589 (East) 30.0 42 0.589 (South) 30.0 108 0.589 (South) 30.0 108 0.589 (South) 30.0 108 0.589 DETD 1 63.3 = 35.8 = 26.5 = 38.3 = 45.2 = 51.0 = 30.7 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.628 = x 0.628 = x 0.628 = X 1.700 = x 1.700 = X 0.619 = X 0.619 = x 0.619 = x X = Page Total Btu/hr 2,996 815 3,821 884 1,285 72 2,443 12,315 Btu/hr 467 467 467 1,263 1,263 1,181 1,181 1,181 7,470 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.0 X 1,689 X 1.762 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 0.999 = 10,146 ccupants 1.0 X 1,689 X 250 Btuh/OCC. / 10 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 4,222 Receptacle 1.0 X 1,689 X 1.500 Watts/sqft x 3.4,r Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 8,647 rocess 1.0 x 1,689 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 1,689 x 12.00 X 0.00 / 6] x o 38 = 0 ceue Air Sensibleim. rea eHeight Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 42,800 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 1,689 X 200 Btuh/OCC. / 100 sgft/occ. Receptacle 1.00 x 1,689 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 1 3.4131 BtuhNVatt = o Process 1.00 x 1,689 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 1 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1 1.001 X 1 4,8061 x 1 689 x 1 12.00 X 0.00 / 60� x 0.00000 = 0 ceue Air Latent Area Ceiling Height nw Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 3,378 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 121 of 160 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 21 -Private Dining Time of Peak Jul 4 pm Floor Area 1,417 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 111 Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74�: Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 77 Conduction -38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default 21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -30 Floor (F.30.2x10.161 Area 1,417.0 X 30.0 X 204.0 X 105.0 X 465.0 X 96.0 X 300.0 X 75.0 X X 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain F F F 6 7 F F F F U -Value 0.0280 0.0592 0.0592 0.6000 0.0592 0.5500 0.0592 0.0315 Orientation Area SGF SC (East) 15.0 X X X X x x X x x x 33 X X X x X X x X X x 0.589 (East) 15.0 33 0.589 (East) 15.0 33 0.589 (South) 48.0 33 0.589 (South) 48.0 33 0.589 (West) 15.0 263 0.589 (West) 15.0 263 0.589 (West) 15.0 263 0.589 (West) 15.0 263 0.589 DETD 1 58.5 = 38.0 = 38.7 = 28.0 = 37.8 = 28.0 = 60.1 = 32.4 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 2.193 = X 2.193 = x 2.193 = x 1.031 = X 1.031 = X 0.452 = X 0.452 = X 0.452 = X 0.452 = X Page Total Btu/hr 2,321 68 467 1,762 1,040 1,479 1,068 77 8,281 Btu/hr 640 640 640 963 963 1,051 1,051 1,051 1,051 8,049 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.00 X 1,417 X 1.588 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.000 = 7,677 ccupants 1.00 X 1,417 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / is sqft/occ. X 1.00 = 26,108 Receptacle 1.00 X 1,417 X 0.500 Watts/sqft x 3.4,r Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 2,418 rocess 1.00 X 1,417 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 X 1.072 X 1,417 x 12.00 X 0.00 / 6] X Q 38 = -Schedule Air Sensiblem. rea Ceiling ei. Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 52,533 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 1,417 x 275 Btuh/OCC. / 15 sgft/occ. = 26,108 Receptacle 1.00 X 1,417 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 1,417 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 1.00 x 1 4,806 x 1417 x 12.00 x 0.00 /6] x OQON000 = 0 ceue it a en rea Ceiling eig Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 26,108 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 122 of 150 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name PrvtDin/Lounge1Wine/Elevtr Time of Peak Aug 2 pm Floor Area 2,190 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 1111: Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74c� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 77 1: Conduction 38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Area 2,19 51 517 27 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain U -Value 0.0280 0.0592 0.6000 0.5500 0.0592 0.0592 0.5500 0.0592 Orientation Area SGF SC (North) 8.0 X X X x x X X X X X 42 X X X x X x X x X X 0.589 (North) 8.0 42 0.589 (North) 48.0 42 0.589 (East) 15.0 42 0.589 (East) 8.0 42 0.589 (South) 7.5 47 0.589 (South) 7.5 47 0.589 (South) 7.5 47 0.589 (South) 15.0 108 0.589 (South) 27.0 1081 0.589 DETD 1 65.0 = 36.3 = 26.8 = 26.8 = 38.9 = 46.1 = 26.8 = 51.5 Page Total Weighting Factor X 0.707 = X 0.707 = x 0.707 = x 0.945 = x 1.871 = X 0.701 = x 0.701 = X 0.701 = x 0.713 = x 0.7131 = Page Total Btu/hr 3,989 1,113 1,228 708 1,635 1,412 398 1,866 12,350 Btu/hr 140 140 840 351 371 146 146 146 681 1,226 4,184 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.00 x 2,190 X 1.644 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 0.999 = 12,281 ccupants 1.00 X 2,190 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / vs sgfUocc. X 1.00 = 40,351 Receptacle 1.00 X 2,190 x 0.500 Watts/sgft x 3.4-r Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 3,737 rocess 1.00 x 2,190 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt�I x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 X 2,190 x 11.70 X 0.00 / 6C x -Schedule it Sensible rea CaningHeightJ p Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 72,903 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 2,190 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 15 sqft/occ. = 40,351 Receptacle 1.00 X 2,190 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 2,190 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 1. x 4,8061 X 2 190 X 11.70 x 0.00 /6 1 x 0.00000 = 0 ceu00 e Air Latent rea dening meignt Z�,yy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 40,351 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 123 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 IROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 1 -Women's Lounge Time of Peak Aug 3 pm Floor Area 1,792 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 '� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74(� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 Conduction -38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall. Double NonMtl Tinted Default Area 1,792.0 X 180.0 X 120.0 X 240.0 X 281.0 X 312.0 x 24.0 x X X 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain CC 32 31 CC 32 CC CC DD CC U -Value 0.0280 0.0850 0.6000 0.5500 0.0850 0.0850 0.6000 Orientation Area SGF SC (North) 24.0 X x X X X X X x x X 36 X X X x X X X x x X 0.589 (North) 96.0 36 0.589 (South) 48.0 39 0.589 (South) 24.0 69 0.589 (South) 96.0 69 0.589 (South) 24.0 69 0.589 (West) 24.0 249 0.589 (West) 24.0 249 0.589 (West) 24.0 249 0.558 DETD 1 59.8 = 37.4 = 27.7 = 27.7 = 46.1 = 63.6 = 27.711= Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.750 = x 0.750 = X 0.760 = X 0.934 = X 0.934 = X 0.934 = X 0.363 = X 0.363 = X 0.363 X Page Total Btu/hr 3,003 572 1,993 3,662 1,102 1,687 399 12,418 Btu/hr 382 1,528 839 912 3,646 912 1,279 1,279 1,211 11,988 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.0 X 1,792 X 1.842 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 0.999 = 11,256 ccupants 1.0 X 1,792 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 1 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 33,018 Receptacle 1.0 X 1,792 X 1.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 6,116 rocess 1.0 X 1,792 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Waft x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 1,792 x 10.40 x 0.00 / 60] x 38 = -Schedule it Sensible rea Calling Heightp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 74,796 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 1,792 X 275 Btuh/occ. / 15 sgft/occ. = 33,018 Receptacle 1.00 X 1,792 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 1,792 x 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 1.00 x 4 806 x 1 792 x 10.40 x 0.00 /6 x OQ00000 = 0 c e u e it Latent Area Calling erg Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 33,018 EnergyPro 2.1 By Energysoft User Number: 3665 Page: 124 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project TitleDate Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 IROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS I Room Name 2 -Men's Lounge Time of Peak Aug 3 pm Floor Area 1,792 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 '� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74"V Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 C� Conduction -38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Tinted Default " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall Area 1,792.0 281.0 144.0 144.0 180.0 96.0 312.0 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain cc 32 cc 31 32 cc cc DD cc U -Value 0.0280 0.0850 0.6000 0.5500 0.0850 0.5500 0.0850 Orientation Area SGF SC (North) 24.0 X x x x X X x x x x 36 X X X x X X x x x x 0.589 (North) 96.0 36 0.589 (North) 24.0 36 0.589 (North) 48.0 36 0.589 (South) 96.0 69 0.558 (South) 24.0 69 0.589 (West) 24.0 249 0.589 (West) 24.0 249 0.589 (West) 24.0 249 0.589 DETD 1 59.8 = 37.4 = 27.7 = 27.7 = 46.1 = 27.7 = 63.6 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.750 = x 0.750 = X 0.750 = x 0.746 = x 0.934 = X 0.934 = x 0.363 = x 0.363 = x 0.363 = X = Page Total Btu/hr 3,003 893 2,392 2,197 706 1,465 1,687 12,343 Btu/hr 382 1,528 382 760 3,451 912 1,279 1,279 1,279 11,253 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 X 1,792 X 1.842 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 0.999 = 11,256 ccupants 1.0 x 1,792 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 1 Sgft/OCC. x 1.00 = 33,018 Receptacle 1.00 x 1,792 x 1.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 6,116 rocess 1.00 x 1,792 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 1,792 x 10.40 x 0.00 / 6] x 38 = c e u e it ensi a rea ei mg e g p Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 73,985 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 1,792 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 15 sgft/OCC. = 33,018 Receptacle 1.00 x 1,792 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 1,792 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 100 x E 4,8061 x 1 1,7921 x 10.40 X 0.00 / 60 x OQON000 = 0 ceue Air Latent Area Ceiling Height OTOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 33,018 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3666 Page: 125 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name ProShop Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 2,916 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 c� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74(� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 '� Conduction Area U -Value DETD 1 Btu/hr pan -Crete Roof -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ' Solid CMU Wall -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ' Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default 2,916.0 161.0 210.0 120.0 26.0 96.0 341.0 144.0 20.0 0.0496 0.0592 0.6000 0.6897 0.0592 0.5700 0.0850 0.5500 0.5700 X X X X x X x X X 62.1 = = = = = = = = 36.4 27.5 33.9 38.4 27.5 40.7 27.5 27.5 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Weighting Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC Factor LL KK GG 37 HH 36 J GG GG 37 (North) 162.0 X X X X X X X X X X 41 X X X X X x X X X X 0.589 x x x X x X X X X x 0.705 = = = = = = = = = = (East) 48.0 41 0.589 1.012 (East) 16.0 41 0.589 1.701 (East) 48.0 41 0.589 1.701 (East) 20.0 41 0.589 1.701 (South) 48.0 42 0.589 0.694 (West) 20.0 56 0.589 0.602 (West) 16.0 243 0.589 0.363 (West) 16.0 243 0.589 0.363 (West) 48.0 243 0.589 0.3631 Page Total 8,986 347 3,460 2,803 59 1,506 1,180 2,179 314 20,834 Btu/hr 2,759 1,174 658 1,973 822 825 398 833 833 2,498 12,772 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 X 2,916 X 2.099 Watts/sgft x 3.41 BtuhfWatt X 0.996 = 20,796 ccupants 1.00 x 2,916 x 250 Btuh/OCC. / 3 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 24,057 Receptacle 1.00 X 2,916 x 1.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1,0 = 9,952 rocess 1.0 x 2,916 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x1.0 = o Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 2,916 x 9.30 x 0.00 / 60] x 38 = --Schedule Air Sensible rea ei mg Heightp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 102,477 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 2,916 x 200 Btuh/OCC. / 30 sgft/occ. Receptacle 1.00 X 2,916 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Waft Process 1.00 x 2,916 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt Infiltration: 1.00 X 4 806 X 2 916 X 9.30 X 0.00 / 601 x OQ00000 = 0 ceue it Latent Area ei mg eig Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 19,2461 1 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 126 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name ProShop Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 2,916 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 9: Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74(� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 C� Conduction Area U -Value DETD 1 Btu/hr i""" Solid CMU Wall " Solid CMU Wall " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) 21 0.6897 0.6897 0.0850 0.0850 0.6000 0.0592 X 36.2 X 36.0 X 41.0 X 62.6 X 27.5 X 56.6 X X X 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Weighting Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC Factor KK (West) 48.0 X 56 X 0.589 x 0.666 = x x x = X X X = X X X X X x X x X = X X X X X x X x X X X X Page Total 4,937 5,044 750 1,862 330 87 13,011 Btu/hr 1,056 1,056 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.00 X 2,916 X 2.099 Watts/sqft X 3.41z Btuh/Watt X 0.996 = 20,796 ccupants 1.00 X 2,916 x 250 Btuh/OCC. / 3 sgft/occ. X 1.0 = 24,057 Receptacle 1.00 x 2,916 x 1.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1,0 = 9,952 rocess 1.00 x 2,916 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt�1 x 1,0 = 0 Infiltration:1.00 X 1.072 X 2,916 x 9.g 0 X 0.00 /6 X o 38 = ceue Air Sensible Area Ceiling ei Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 102,477 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 2,916 X 200 Btuh/OCC. / 30 sgft/occ. = 19,246 Receptacle 1.00 X 2,916 x 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 x 2,916 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration:1.00 X 4 806 x 2,9161 x 9.30 x 0.00 / 60� x OQ00000 = 0 ceue Air Latent Area Ceiling Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 19,246 EnergyPrb By Ener Soft User Number: 3666 Page: 127 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 5 - Lobby Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 2,176 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74T Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 Conduction pan -Crete Roof " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall olid Wood Door ouble NonMtl Bronze Default " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default Area 53.0 333.0 618.0 48.0 48.0 84.0 99.0 139.5 247.5 U -Value 0.0496 0.0850 0.0850 0.3872 0.5500 0.0850 0.5700 0.0592 0.5700 X X x X X X X x X DETD 1 = = = = = = = = = 63.3 38.5 41.3 40.4 27.8 41.7 27.8 39.8 27.8 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Weighting Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC Factor (East) 48.0 X X X X X x x X x X 41 X X X x X x x X X X 0.589 X X X x X x x X x X 1.013 = = = = = (South) 99.0 42 0.589 0.751 (South) 247.5 42 0.589 0.751 Page Total Btu/hr 166 1,090 2,169 750 733 297 1,566 328 3,915 11,015 Btu/hr 1,175 1,841 4,603 7,620 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.00 X 2,176 X 1.172 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 0.999 = 8,699 Occupants 1.00 x 2,176 X 250 Btuh/OCC. / Sgft/OCC. X 1.0 = 77,792 Receptacle 1.00 X 2,176 X 0.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btu /Waft X 1,Q = 3,713 rocess 1.00 x 2,176 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1,0 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 2,176 x 11. x 0.00 / 60 x o 38 = c e u e it ensi mg a rea Ceiling ei950 Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 108,839 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 2,176 x 250 Btuh/OCC. / 7 sgft/OCc. = 77,792 Receptacle 1.00 X 2,176 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 X 2,176 X 0.000 Watts/Sgft x 3.413 BtuhlWatt = o Infiltration: 1 1.00 x 4,806 x 2176 x 11 50 X 0.00 / 6G I x 0.00000 = 0 ceue it a en rea Ceiling Height�yy TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 77,792 EnergyRrb By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 128 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 IROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 6&7 Women's Locker Room Time of Peak Aug 3 pm Floor Area 3,631 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74'� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 Conduction pan -Crete Roof -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ollow Metal Door Area 1,491.0 18.0 479.0 54.0 458.0 336.4 26.6 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB U -Value 0.0496 0.0592 0.0850 0.6000 0.0592 0.0592 0.5811 Orientation Area SGF SC (East) 6.0 X X X x X X X x X x 36 X X X X X X X x X x 0.589 (East) 6.0 36 0.589 (South) 6.0 69 0.589 (South) 6.0 69 0.589 (South) 6.0 69 0.589 (South) 6.0 69 0.589 (South) 6.0 69 0.589 (West) 6.0 249 0.589 (West) 6.0 249 0.589 DETD 1 59.0 = 36.5 = 40.3 = 27.7 = 43.3 = 56.9 = 64.0 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 1.916 = X 1.916 = x 0.932 = x 0.932 = X 0.932 = X 0.932 = x 0.932 = X 0.363 = X 0.363 = x Page Total Btu/hr 4,370 39 1,639 897 1,174 1,132 991 10,243 Btu/hr 244 244 227 227 227 227 227 320 320 2,264 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 X 3,631 X 1.322 Watts/sgft X 3.41 BtuhlWatt X 0.999 = 16,372 ccupants 1.00 X 3,631 X 255 Btuh/OCC. / 5 sgft/OCC. X 1.00 = 18,518 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,631 X 0.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 6,196 rocess 1.00 X 3,631 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt�I X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 3,631 x10.9 0 x 0.00 / 60] x o 38 = 0 ceue ir Sensible Area Ceiling Rei Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 53,594 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 3,631 X 475 Btuh/OCC. /A3.4!3 sgft/OCC. = 34,494 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,631 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 3,631 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: X 4,8061 X 3,6311 X 10.30 x 0.00 /6 1 x OQ00000 = 0 c1.00 eue it Latent Area Ceiling Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 34,494 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 129 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 8 & 9 Men's Locker Roam Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 3,508 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 C� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74 c Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 9: Conduction pan -Crete Roof " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ollow Metal Door Area X X X X X X X X X U -Value X X X X X X X X X 1,206.0 0.0496 439.0 0.0850 42.0 0.6000 308.4 0.0850 26.6 0.5811 (North) 6.0 41 0.589 (North) 6.0 41 0.589 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain 113 313 36 36 Orientation Area SGF SC (North) 6.0 X X X X X X X X x X 41 X X X X X X X X X X 0.589 (North) 6.0 41 0.589 (North) 6.0 41 0.589 (North) 6.0 41 0.589 (North) 6.0 41 0.589 (West) 6.0 243 0.589 (West) 6.0 243 0.589 DETD 1 63.2 = 38.5 = 27.7 = 63.1 = 64.3 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.787 = X 0.787 = X 0.787 = X 0.751 = X 0.751 = X 0.376 = x 0.376 = X X X Page Total Btu/hr 3,784 1,436 698 1,654 995 8,567 Btu/hr 114 114 114 109 109 323 323 1,207 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 X 3,508 X 1.368 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 0.999 = 16,373 ccupants 1.00 X 3,508 X 255 Btuh/OCC. / 5 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 17,891 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,508 x 0.500 Watts/sqft x 3.4,r Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 5,986 rocess 1.00 X 3,508 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt� X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 3,508 x 10.9 0 x 0.00 / 601 x Q 38 = -Schedule it Sensible Area Caning ei Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 50,024 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 3,508 X 475 Btuh/OCC. / 50 sgft/occ. = 33,326 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,508 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 3,508 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4,806 x 3 508 x 10.30 x 0.00 /6 x OQON000 = 0 c e u e it Latent n m rea eg eig Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 33,326 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 130 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 10-Foyer/Gallery to open court Time of Peak Jul spm Floor Area 1,108 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 109 �: Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74(� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 77 C� Conduction " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default Area X X X X X X X X X U -Value X X X X X X X X X 230.0 0.0850 72.0 0.6000 48.0 0.5500 (West) 48.0 233 0.589 (West) 36.0 233 0.589 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain Orientation Area X X X X X x X x X X SGF X x X X X X x x X X SC (West) 36.0 233 0.589 (West) 48.0 233 0.589 (West) 36.0 233 0.589 DETD 1 62.1 = 26.6 = 26.7 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.514 = x 0.514 = X 0.514 = x X x X X = X X Page Total Btu/hr 1,214 1,151 705 3,070 Btu/hr 2,541 3,388 2,541 8,470 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 x 1,108 X 1.218 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 0.998 = 4,600 ccupants 1.00 x 1,108 x 250 Btuh/OCC. / 10 sqft/occ. X 1.00 = 2,770 Receptacle 1.00 x 1,108 x 0.200 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 756 rocess 1.00 X 1,108 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 X 1.072 X 1,108 X 9.94 x 0.00 /6] x 38 ceue it SensiDle Area Ceiling Heightp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 19,666 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr ccupants 1.00 X 1,108 X 250 Btuh/OCC. / 100 sgft/OCc. Receptacle 1.00 X 1,108 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 1,108 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 X[:--418061 X 1108 x 9.94 X 0.00 /6 X OQON000 = 0 -cheWe Air Latent Area Ceiiing Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,770 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page:131 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 11-GallerytoProShop Time of Peak Jul Spm Floor Area 1,257 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 '� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74`l� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 c� Conduction " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall Area X X X X X X X X X U -Value X X X X X X X X X 112.0 0.0850 48.0 0.5500 700.0 0.0850 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC (North) 48.0 X 41 x 0.589 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x DETD 1 38.4 = 27.7 = 41.2 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.745 = x x x x = x X x x = x Page Total Btu/hr 366 732 2,450 3,548 Btu/hr 864 8sa Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 x 1,257 x 0.955 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 0.999 = 4,092 ccupants 1.00 x 1,257 X 250 Btuh/OCC. / 10 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 3,142 Receptacle 1.00 x 1,257 x 0.200 Watts/sgft x 3.41 BtuhlWatt x 1.00 = 858 rocess 1.00 x 1,257 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 BtuhfWattx 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 1,257 x 10.9 0 x 0.00 / 60] x o 38 ceue it Sensible Area Caning ei Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 12,504 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 x 1,257 x 250 Btuh/OCC. / 100 sgft/occ. Receptacle 1.00 X 1,257 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 1 3.4131 BtuhfWatt = 0 Process 1.00 x 1,257 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 Xj 418061 x 1 1,257 x 10.20 x 0.00 /6 x OQON000 = 0 Schedule Air Latent Area ei mg eig Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 3,142 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 132 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 12 -Bag Storage Time of Peak Aug 3 prn Floor Area 761 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 "� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74c Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 c� Conduction pan -Crete Roof " Solid CMU Wall olid Wood Door " Solid CMU w/2x4 Wall ouble NonMtl Bronze Default " Solid CMU Wall olid Wood Door ,.'Solid CMU Wall Area 563.0 316.0 24.0 270.0 60.0 316.0 24.0 330.0 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain U -Value 0.0496 0.6897 0.3872 0.0850 0.6000 0.6897 0.3872 0.6897 Orientation Area X X X x x X X X X x SGF X x X X X X x X x X SC (East) 15.0 36 0.589 (East) 15.0 36 0.589 (East) 15.0 36 0.589 (East) 15.0 36 0.589 DETD 1 57.5 = 32.7 = 35.3 = 39.5 = 27.4 = 40.0 = 46.1 55.9 = Page Total Weighting Factor x M1.746 = X = X = X = X X X X X = X Page Total Btu/hr 1,606 7,123 328 906 986 8,728 428 12,713 32,819 Btu/hr 556 556 556 556 2,223 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 X 761 X 1.183 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 0.996 = 3,060 ccupants 1.0 X 761 x 275 Btuh/OCC. / 33 SgftIOCC. X 1.00 = 628 Receptacle 1.00 X 761 X 0.200 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 519 rocess 1.00 x 761 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt� x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 761 x 10.00 X 0.00 / 601 X 38 = 0 c e u e Air Sensible Cening Heightp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 39,249 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain ccupants 1.00 X 761 x 475 Btuh/OCC. / 333 sgft/OCC. Receptacle 1.00 X 761 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 X 761 x 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 1.00 x 4,806 x 761 x 10.00 X 0.00 /6 x OQ00000 = 0 -tchedule Air Latent Area Ceinng Height ITOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 1,0841 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page:133 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 IROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 13 -Snack Lounge Time of Peak Jul 4 pm Floor Area 805 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 111 C� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74(' Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 77 `k Conduction -38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) 21 Wali (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ollow Metal Door -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default Area 805.0 390.0 90.0 222.0 24.0 390.0 168.0 72.0 36.0 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain MM MM MM HH QQ MM MM MM NN PP U -Value 0.0280 0.0592 0.5700 0.0592 0.5811 0.0592 0.0592 0.5700 0.6000 Orientation Area SGF SC X x X X X X x X X DETD 1 = = = = = = = = 57.0 37.4 27.6 38.1 37.5 37.0 59.1 27.6 27.5 (North) 10.0 X X x X X X X x X X 35 x X X x X X X X X X 0.589 (North) 10.0 35 0.589 (North) 10.0 35 0.589 (East) 20.0 33 0.589 (East) 10.0 33 0.589 (South) 10.0 33 0.589 (South) 10.0 33 0.589 (South) 10.0 33 0.589 (West) 36.0 263 0.589 (West) 36.0 263 0.589 Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.929 = X 0.929 = X 0.929 = X 2.133 = X 2.133 = x 1.262 = X 1.262 = x 1.262 = x 0.417 = x 0.417 = Page Total Btu/hr 1,284 864 1,415 500 523 855 588 1,132 595 7,757 Btu/hr 192 192 192 830 415 245 245 245 2,326 2,326 7,208 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 X 805 X 1.491 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.000 = 4,094 ccupants 1.00 x 805 X 275 Btuh/occ. / 20 sgft/occ. x 1.00 = 1,107 Receptacle 1.00 X 805 x 1.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 4,121 rocess 1.00 x 805 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1 1.00 x 1.072 x 1 805 x 1200 x 0.00 / 6] x o 38 = -Schedule Air ensi mg e rea e� Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 26,614 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 805 x 475 Btuh/OCC. / 200 sgft/occ. Receptacle 1.00 X 805 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 1 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 805 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 100 x 4806 X 805 X 12.00 x 0.00 /6] x OQON000 = 0 ceue it a en Area a mg eig ITOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 1,9121 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 134 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 13 -Snack Lounge Time of Peak Jul 4 pm Floor Area 805 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 111 `1: Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 749 Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 77 `i= Conduction Area U -Value DETD 1 Btu/hr 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Weighting Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC Factor NN (West) 36.0 X 263 X 0.589 X 0.417 = x x x = X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X x X X Page Total Btu/hr 2,326 2,326 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 X 805 X 1.491 Wafts/sgft X 3.41 BtuhlWatt X 1.000 = 4,094 ccupants 1.00 x 805 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 20 sgft/occ. x 1,0 = 1,107 Receptacle 1.00 X 805 X 1.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1,0 = 4,121 rocess 1.00 X 805 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt�1 x 1,0 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 805 X 12.00 x 0.00 / 60 x ceue it ensi a rea ei mg e g p Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 26,614 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 805 X 475 Btuh/occ. / 200 sgft/occ. Receptacle 1.00 X 805 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 1 3.413 Btuh/Watt Process 1.00 x 805 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 13.413 Btuh/Waft Infiltration: 1.00 x 4,806 x 805 x 12.00 x 0.00 /6 x OQON000 = 0 ceue Air Latent Area Ceiling HeightJ Fraction (TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 1,912 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 135 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 14-Toum rnentBaliroom Time of Peak Aug 3 pm Floor Area 6,213 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 '� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74(� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 1: Conduction -38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Area 4,871.0 920.0 720.0 237.0 180.0 357.0 1,055.0 U -Value 0.0280 0.0592 0.5500 0.5700 0.6000 0.0592 0.0592 X X X X X X X X X DETD 1 61.8 37.2 28.2 28.2 28.1 39.5 44.4 57.9 96.0 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Weighting Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC Factor 12 13 M M 10 H F F F (North) 96.0 x X X X X X X x x X 36 X X X X X X X x X X 0.589 x X x X X X X X X X 0.841 = = = = = = = = = = (North) 96.0 36 0.589 0.841 (North) 36.0 36 0.589 0.841 (North) 36.0 36 0.589 0.841 (North) 48.0 36 0.589 0.845 (North) 15.0 36 0.589 0.845 (North) 36.0 36 0.589 0.845 (East) 15.0 36 0.589 2.051 (East) 15.0 36 0.589 2.051 (East) 15.0 361 0.5891 2.051 Page Total Btu/hr 8,432 2,025 11,158 3,807 3,037 836 2,776 5,287 37,357 Btu/hr 1,713 1,713 642 642 861 269 645 653 653 653 8,444 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.0 x 6,213 x 1.497 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.000 = 31,732 ccupants 1.0 x 6,213 X 245 Btuh/OCC. / sgft/occ. X 1,0 = 217,672 eceptacle 1.0 X 6,213 x 1.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1,0 = 21,205 rocess 1.0 X 6,213 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1,0 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 X 6,213 x 18.85 x 0.00 / 60] x 38 -Schedule ir Sensible Area oelling Heightp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 353,797 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 x6,213 X 105 Btuh/OCC. / 7 sgft/occ. = 93,288 Receptacle 1.00 x 6,213 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 X 6,213 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.4131 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 1 1.001 x 4 806 x 6 213 x 18.85 x 0.00 /6 I x OQW000 = �0 cede Air Latent Area dening rieigntJ Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 93,288 EnergyWb By EneraySoft User Number: 3665 Page:136 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House to 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS I Room Name 14-Toumamert Ballroom Time of Peak Aug 3 pm Floor Area 6,213 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 '� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74(� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 76 cl� Conduction Area U -Value 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Weighting Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC Factor 6 7 10 H 8 8 9 G K (South) 48.0 x X X X x x x x x X 39 X X X X X X X x x X 0.589 x X x X X x x x X X 0.860 = = = = = = = = = = (South) 48.0 39 0.589 0.860 (South) 48.0 69 0.589 1.078 (South) 15.0 69 0.589 1.078 (South) 36.0 69 0.589 1.078 (West) 48.0 249 0.589 0.397 (West) 48.0 249 0.589 0.397 (West) 48.0 249 0.589 0.397 (West) 18.0 249 0.589 0.397 (West) 36.0 2491 0.6891 0.397 Page Total Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 949 949 2,105 658 1,579 2,800 2,800 2,800 1,050 2,100 17,789 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr Lights 1.0 x 6,213 X 1.497 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.000 = 31,732 ccupants 1.0 x 6,213 x 245 Btuh/OCC. / Sgft/OCC. X 1.00 = 217,672 Receptacle 1.0 X 6,213 X 1.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btu /Waft X 1.00 = 21,205 rocess 1.0 X 6,213 x 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Waft X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 6,213 x 18.85 x 0.00 / 6] x 38 = ceue v Sensible rea Calling Height p Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 353,797 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 6,213 X 105 Btuh/OCC. / 7 sgft/occ. = 93,288 Receptacle 1.00 X 6,213 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 BtuhfWatt = 0 Process 1.00 X 6,213 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 X 4 806 X 6 213 X 18.85 x 0.00 /6 1 x OQ010000 = 0 ceue Air Latent irea Caning Heignt Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 93,288 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 137 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS I Room Name 14-ToumamentBallroom Time of Peak Aug 3pm Floor Area 6,213 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 (� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74c� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 c� Conduction Area 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (`) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain K K 9 G 11 L 11 L 11 L U -Value Orientation Area SGF SC (West) 36.0 X X X X x X x x X X 249 X X X X x X x X X X 0.589 (West) 36.0 249 0.589 (West) 48.0 249 0.589 (West) 18.0 249 0.589 (West) 48.0 249 0.589 (West) 18.0 249 0.589 (West) 48.0 249 0.589 (West) 18.0 249 0.589 (West) 48.0 249 0.589 (West) 18.0 249 0.589 DETD 1 Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.397 = X 0.397 = X 0.397 = x 0.397 = x 0.397 = X 0.397 = X 0.397 = x 0.397 = X 0.397 = x 0.397 = Page Total Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 2,100 2,100 2,800 1,050 2,800 1,050 2,800 1,050 2,800 1,050 19,598 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.0 x 6,213 x 1.497 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.000 = 31,732 ccupants 1.0 x 6,213 X 245 Btuh/OCC. / sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 217,672 Receptacle 1.0 X 6,213 X 1.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Waft X 1.00 = 21,205 rocess 1.0 X 6,213 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1 1.072 x 6,213 x 18.85 x 0.00 / 6] x Q 38 = ceue Air ensi m. a Ar e� Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 353,797 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr ccupants 1.00 X 6,213 X 105 Btuh/occ. / 7 sgft/occ. = 93,288 Receptacle 1.00 x 6,213 x 0.000 Wafts/sqft x 3.413 BtuhfWatt = o Process 1.00 X 6,213 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: L1.00 x 4 806 x 6 213 x 18.85 x 0.00 / 6� x O000 Q00 = 0 Schedule Air Latent Area dening neignt Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 93,288 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 138 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 IROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 15 -Library Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 702 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 '� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74"� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 Conduction Area 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain U -Value Orientation Area SGF SC DETD 1 Page Total Weighting Factor x = x = x x = X = x x x x = x = Page Total Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 0 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 x 702 x 1.496 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.000 = 3,583 ccupants 1.00 X 702 X 25o Btuhlocc. / sc sgft/occ. x 1.00 = 3,510 Receptacle 1.00 x 702 x 1.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh[Watt x 1.00 = 3,594 rocess 1.00 x 702 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Wattx 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 702 x 12.9 0 x 0.00 / 60] x o 38 = LLL c e u e v Sensible Area Ceiling ei Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 10,687 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 x 702 x Zoo Btuh/occ. / 50 sgft/occ. Receptacle 1.00 x 702 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 x 702 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 BtUh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4,806 x702 x 12.00 x 0.00 / 60� x 0.00000 = 0 c e u e itLatentrea eiing eig �yy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,808 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 139 of 150 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x DETD 1 Page Total Weighting Factor x = x = x x = X = x x x x = x = Page Total Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 0 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 x 702 x 1.496 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.000 = 3,583 ccupants 1.00 X 702 X 25o Btuhlocc. / sc sgft/occ. x 1.00 = 3,510 Receptacle 1.00 x 702 x 1.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh[Watt x 1.00 = 3,594 rocess 1.00 x 702 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Wattx 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 702 x 12.9 0 x 0.00 / 60] x o 38 = LLL c e u e v Sensible Area Ceiling ei Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 10,687 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 x 702 x Zoo Btuh/occ. / 50 sgft/occ. Receptacle 1.00 x 702 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 x 702 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 BtUh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4,806 x702 x 12.00 x 0.00 / 60� x 0.00000 = 0 c e u e itLatentrea eiing eig �yy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,808 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 139 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 16 -Grill Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 3,406 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 '� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74c� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 `k Conduction -38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Double NonMtl Bronze Default Double NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) pan -Crete Floor Area X X X X X X X X X U -Value X X X X X X X X X 3,406.0 0.0280 856.0 0.0592 528.0 0.5500 216.0 0.5700 328.0 0.0592 2,978.0 0.0471 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain 15 P 15 P 15 P 15 P 15 P Orientation Area SGF SC (North) 48.0 X X X X X X X x x X 41 x X X X X X X x X X 0.589 (North) 18.0 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 (North) 18.0 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 (North) 18.0 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 (North) 18.0 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 (North) 18.0 41 0.589 DETD 1 63.2 = 36.8 = 27.7 = 27.7 = 57.0 = 31.9 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.755 = X 0.751 = X 0.755 = X 0.751 = X 0.755 = X 0.751 = X 0.751 = X 0.751 = X 0.751 = x 0.7511 = Page Total Btu/hr 6,030 1,864 8,055 3,415 1,108 4,478 24,949 Btu/hr 875 327 875 327 875 327 871 327 871 327 6,001 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.0 x 3,406 X 1.585 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 0.999 = 18,419 ccupants 1.0 X 3,406 x 275 Btuh/occ. / ii sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 62,756 Receptacle 1.0 X 3,406 X 0.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 5,812 rocess 1.0 X 3,406 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 3,406 x 16.00 x 0.00 / 60] x o 38 = -Schedule Air Sensiblem. rea Ceiling Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 125,719 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr ccupants 1.00 X 3,406 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 15 sgft/occ. = 62,756 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,4061 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 3,406 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 1.00 X=18 06 x 3406 X 16.00 x 0.00 /6 x OQON000 = 0 ceue Air Latent Area Celling Height BTOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 627561 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 140 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 16 -Grill Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 3,406 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 '� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 749: Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 9: Conduction Area 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain 15 P 15 P 15 P M 14 N 12 U -Value Orientation Area SGF Sc (North) 48.0 X X X X X X X x x X 41 X X X X X X X X x X 0.589 (North) 18.0 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 (North) 18.0 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 (North) 18.0 41 0.589 (North) 36.0 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 (North) 36.0 41 0.589 (West) 96.0 56 0.589 DETD 1 Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.755 = x 0.751 = x 0.755 = X 0.751 = X 0.755 = X 0.751 = X 0.751 = x 0.751 = X 0.751 = x 0.631 = Page Total Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 875 327 875 327 875 327 653 871 653 2,000 7,782 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 X 3,406 X 1.585 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 0.999 = 18,419 ccupants 1.00 X 3,406 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 11 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 62,756 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,406 x 0.506 Watts/sgft x 3.4-r Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 5,812 rocess 1.00 X 3,406 x 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 BtuhfWatt X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 X 3,406 X16.00 x 0.00 / 60 X m. o 38 = —Schedule it ensi a rea ei Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 125,719 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 3,406 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 15 sgftlocc. = 62,756 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,406 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 X 3,406 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: 1.00 X 4,806 X 3406 X 16.00 x 0.00 /6] x OQW000 = 0 ceue Air Latent rea Ceiling Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 62,756 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page:141 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 17 -Kitchen Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 4,134 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 9� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74cl� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 "� Conduction �-38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) pan -Crete Floor Area 3,846.0 3,370.0 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain U -Value 0.0280 0.0471 Orientation Area SGF SC DETD 1 63.4 = 32.0 = Page Total Weighting Factor Page Total Btu/hr 6,832 5,074 11,906 Btu/hr 0 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 x 4,134 x 1.680 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.000 = 23,690 ccupants 1.00 x 4,134 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 20 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 5,684 Receptacle 1.00 x 4,134 x 1.500 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 21,164 rocess 1.00 x 4,134 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt�I x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 4,134 x 16.00 X 0.00 / 60 x 38 = ceue it Sensible Area Ceiling Heightp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 62,444 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr ccupants 1.00 x 4,134 x 475 Btuh/occ. / moo]sgft/OCc. Receptacle 1.00 x 4,134 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 1 3.4131 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 x 4,134 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4 806 x 4134 X 16.00 x 0.00 /6] x 0.00000 = 0 ceue it a en rea ei ng eig Dyy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 9,818 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 142 of 150 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x DETD 1 63.4 = 32.0 = Page Total Weighting Factor Page Total Btu/hr 6,832 5,074 11,906 Btu/hr 0 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 x 4,134 x 1.680 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.000 = 23,690 ccupants 1.00 x 4,134 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 20 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 5,684 Receptacle 1.00 x 4,134 x 1.500 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 21,164 rocess 1.00 x 4,134 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt�I x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 4,134 x 16.00 X 0.00 / 60 x 38 = ceue it Sensible Area Ceiling Heightp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 62,444 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr ccupants 1.00 x 4,134 x 475 Btuh/occ. / moo]sgft/OCc. Receptacle 1.00 x 4,134 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 1 3.4131 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 x 4,134 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4 806 x 4134 X 16.00 x 0.00 /6] x 0.00000 = 0 ceue it a en rea ei ng eig Dyy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 9,818 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 142 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 IROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name Bar Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 3,029 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 C� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74C� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 11: Conduction -38 Roof (R.38.2xl4.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Double NonMtl Bronze Default Double NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Double NonMtl Bronze Default Double NonMtl Bronze Default Double NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Area 3,029.0 514.0 288.0 148.0 1,058.0 80.0 48.0 60.0 48.0 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain 16 Q 17 R 18 R S Y 19 U -Value 0.0280 0.0592 0.5500 0.5700 0.0592 0.5700 0.6000 0.6000 0.0592 Orientation Area SGF SC X X X X X X X X X DETD 1 = = = = = = = = 63.1 36.7 27.7 27.7 38.9 27.7 27.7 27.7 39.7 (North) 48.0 X X X X X X X x x x 41 X x X X X X X X x x 0.589 (North) 6.0 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 (North) 6.0 41 0.589 (North) 48.0 41 0.589 (North) 6.0 41 0.589 (North) 112.0 41 0.589 (East) 80.0 41 0.589 (East) 48.0 41 0.589 (East) 6.0 41 0.589 Page Total Weighting Factor X 0.749 = X 0.745 = X 0.745 = X 0.745 = X 0.745 = X 0.745 = X 0.755 = X 1.003 = x 1.786 = x 1.786 = Page Total Btu/hr 5,351 1,118 4,389 2,338 2,435 1,264 796 996 113 18,799 Btu/hr 869 108 864 108 864 108 2,043 1,939 2,072 259 9,236 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.0 x 3,029 X 1.436 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 0.999 = 14,835 ccupants 1.0 X 3,029 X 275 Btuh/occ. / 1 sgft/occ. x 1.00 = 55,809 Receptacle 1.0 X 3,029 x 1.000 Watts/sgft x 3.4,r Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 10,338 rocess 1.0 x 3,029 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 BtuhfWatt x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 3,029 x eg 18.9 6 x 0.00 / 60] x o 38 = 0 ceue v sensible rea i m ei Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 122,586 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 3,029 x 275 Btuh/OCC./ 15 sgft/occ. = 55,809 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,029 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 X 3,029 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Waft = o Infiltration: 1.00 x 4 806 x 3 029 x 18.16 x 0.00 / 6J x OQ00000 = 0 ceue it Latent Area Ceiling eig Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 55,809 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 143 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name Bar Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 3,029 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74'� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 Conduction Opan-Crete Floor Area 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain 19 19 U -Value 1 0.04711 Orientation Area SGF SC (East) 48.0 X X X X X X X x x X 41 x X X X x X X x x X 0.589 (East) 48.0 41 0.589 (East) 6.0 41 0.589 (East) 30.0 41 0.589 (East) 30.0 41 0.589 (East) 48.0 41 0.589 (East) 6.0 41 0.589 Page Total Weighting Factor x 1.786 = X 1.786 = X 1.786 = X 1.786 = X 1.786 = X 1.786 = X 1.786 = X x X = Page Total Btu/hr 4,243 4,243 Btu/hr 2,072 2,072 259 1,295 1,295 2,072 259 9,325 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 x 3,029 X 1.436 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 0.999 = 14,835 ccupants 1.00 x 3,029 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / v Sgft/OCC. x 1.00 = 55,809 Receptacle 1.00 x 3,029 X 1.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 10,338 rocess 1.00 x 3,029 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh[Watt X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 3,029 Xght 6 x 0.00 / 6] x o 38 = ceue it Sensitile Area Celling Hei Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 122,586 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 x 3,029 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 15 sgft/occ. = 55,809 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,029 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 x 3,029 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 BtuhlWatt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4,8061 x 3 029 X 18.16 x 0.00 / 60J x OQON000 = 0 ceue Air Latent rea Ceiling Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 55,809 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 144 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Country Club Of The Desert Club House Date 7/24/01 -7 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 19-Lounge/Lobby/Stairs/Men Time of Peak Aug 3 pm Floor Area 3,957 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 '� Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74c Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 Conduction -38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Double NonMtl Bronze Default Double NonMtl Bronze Default Double NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wail (W.21.2x6.16) Double NonMtl Bronze Default Double NonMtl Bronze Default Area 2,866.0 374.0 197.0 20.0 60.0 1,236.0 1,842.0 198.0 32.0 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain U -Value 0.0280 0.0592 0.5700 0.6000 0.5700 0.0592 0.0592 0.5500 0.6000 Orientation Area SGF SC X X X X X x x X X DETD 1 = = = = = = = = = 60.0 36.5 27.8 27.7 27.8 38.8 43.4 27.8 27.7 (North) 112.0 X x X x X X X x x X 36 x x x X X X X x x X 0.589 (North) 20.0 36 0.589 (North) 6.0 36 0.589 (East) 6.0 36 0.589 (East) 6.0 36 0.589 (East) 6.0 36 0.589 (East) 6.0 36 0.589 (South) 48.0 39 0.589 (South) 6.0 69 0.589 (South) 16.0 69 0.589 Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.758 = X 0.758 = X 0.758 = X 1.932 = X 1.932 = X 1.932 = x 1.932 = x 0.769 = X 0.946 = x 0.9461 = Page Total Btu/hr 4,815 809 3,118 333 950 2,840 4,734 3,024 532 21,155 Btu/hr 1,802 322 97 246 246 246 246 848 231 F7777616 4,898 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 x 3,957 X 1.516 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.000 = 20,469 ccupants 1.00 x 3,957 X 250 Btuh/OCC. / sgft/occ. x 1.00 = 141,463 Receptacle 1.00 x 3,957 X 0.500 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 6,753 rocess 1.00 x 3,957 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt I x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 X 3,957 x 1350 x 0.00 / 6] x o 38 = -Schedule Air ensi mg a Area Ceiling Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 219,979 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 3,957 X 250 Btuh/OCC. / 7 sgft/occ. = 141,463 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,957 x 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 x 3,957 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 13.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4,806 x 3 957 x 13.50 x 0.00 /6 x 0.00000 = 0 Lc it Latent Area dening meignt�yy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 141763 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 145 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 19-1-ounge/Lobby/Stairs/Men Time of Peak Aug 3 pm Floor Area 3,957 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74(� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 Conduction ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default 21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default Span -Crete Floor Area X X X X X X X X X U -Value X X X X X X X X X 72.0 0.5500 75.0 0.6000 403.0 0.0592 55.0 0.5700 2,794.0 0.0471 (South) 54.0 48 0.589 (South) 25.0 69 0.589 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC (South) 85.0 X X X X X X X X x x 69 X X X X X x X X x x 0.589 (South) 48.0 39 0.589 (South) 72.0 69 0.589 (South) 54.0 48 0.589 (South) 25.0 69 0.589 (South) 25.0 69 0.589 (South) 25.0 69 0.589 (South) 48.0 69 0.589 (West) 16.0 249 0.589 (West) 6.0 249 0.589 DETD 1 27.8 = 27.7 = 56.9 = 27.8 = 31.9 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.946 = X 0.769 = X 0.946 = X 0.935 = X 0.946 = X 0.946 = X 0.946 = X 0.946 = x 0.366 = x 0.3661 = Page Total Btu/hr 1,100 1,247 1,359 871 4,206 8,782 Btu/hr 3,270 848 2,770 1,421 962 962 962 1,847 859 322 14,222 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.00 x 3,957 X 1.516 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.000 = 20,469 ccupants 1.00 X 3,957 X 250 Btuh/OCC. i sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 141,463 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,957 X 0.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 6,753 rocess 1.00 X 3,957 X 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 11.001 X 1.072 X 3,957 X13.9 0 X 0.00 / 60 X Q 38 = Schedule r Sensible Area ei mg ei Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 219,979 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 3,957 X 250 Btuh/occ. / 7 sgft/occ. = 141,463 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,957 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 x 3,957 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration:1.00 X1 418061 x 1 3,957] x 13.50 x 0.00 / 6] x 0.00000 = 0 11;;. u e Air Latent Area Ceiling Height. nw Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 141,463 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 146 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Date Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 IROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 19-1-ounge/Lobby/Stairs/Men Time of Peak Aug 3 pm Floor Area 3,957 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 `k Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74OFOutdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 Conduction Area 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain U -Value DETD 1 Orientation Area X X X X X X X X X x SGF x X X X X X X X X X SC (West) 6.0 249 0.589 (West) 6.0 249 0.589 (West) 6.0 249 0.589 (West) 55.0 76 0.589 Sched. Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain fights 1.0 X 3,957 X 1.516 Watts/sgft x 3.411 Btuh/Watt x ccupants 1.0 x 3,957 X 250 Btuh/OCC. / sgft/occ. x Receptacle 1.0 X 3,957 X 0.500 Watts/sqft xJ3.41 Btuh/Watt x rocess 1.0 x 3,957 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x BtuhfWatt x Page Total Weighting Factor 0.366 = 0.366 = 0.366 = 0.517 = Page Total Weighting Factor 1.000 = 1.00 = 1.00 = 1.00 = Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 322 322 322 1,270 2,236 Btu/hr 20,469 141,463 6,753 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 it x 3,957 x g 13. 0 x 0.00 /60 X o 38 = 0 ceue ensi a Area ei m Height Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 219,979 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 3,957 X 250 Btuh/occ. / 7 sgft/occ. = 141,463 Receptacle 1.00 X 3,957 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 x 3,957 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 1 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4 806 x 3 957 x 13.50 x 0.00 /60 x 0.00000 = 0 ceue Air Latent Area Calling Height OW Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 141,463 EnergyPro 2.1 By Energysoft User Number: 3665 Page: 147 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 20 -office Time of Peak Aug 3 pm Floor Area 1,689 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 1: Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74T I Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 (� Conduction Area U -Value DETD 1 Btu/hr -38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Span -Crete Floor 1,689.0 384.0 390.0 480.0 24.0 1,689.0 0.0280 0.0592 0.6000 0.0592 0.0592 0.0592 X 59.6 X 36.4 X 27.6 X 38.6 X 43.2 X 56.7 X 31.8 X X 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Weighting Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC Factor (North) 30.0 X x X X X X x X X X 36 X X X X X X X x X X 0.589 X X X X x X x x X X 0.736 = = = = = = = = = (North) 30.0 36 0.589 0.736 (North) 30.0 36 0.589 0.736 (East) 30.0 36 0.589 1.892 (East) 30.0 36 0.589 1.892 (South) 30.0 69 0.589 0.912 (South) 30.0 69 0.589 0.912 (South) 30.0 69 0.589 0.912 Page Total 2,817 827 3,978 892 1,226 81 2,534 12,355 Btu/hr 468 468 468 1,204 1,204 1,113 1,113 1,113 7,152 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.00 x 1,689 X 1.762 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 0.999 = 10,147 ccupants 1.0 X 1,689 x 250 Btuh/OCC. / 10 Sgft/OCC. X 1 0, = 4,222 Receptacle 1.00 X 1,689 X 1.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1,0 = 8,647 rocess 1.0 x 1,689 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1,p = 0 Infiltration:1.00 x 1.072 x 1,689 x 12.00 X 0.00 / 60] x 38 = c e U. it Sensible Area Ceiling Heightp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 42,524 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 1,689 X 200 Btuh/OCC. / 100 sgft/OCc. Receptacle 1.00 x 1,689 X o.000 Watts/sgft X 1 3.4131 BtuhfWatt = o Process 1.00 X 1,689 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 BtuhfWatt = o Infiltration: 1.0o XF 4,806 X 1,6891 X 12.00 x 0.00 / 6] x OQON000 = 0 ceue it Latent i m rea eg eig Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 3,378 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 148 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name 21 -Private Dining Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 1,417 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 1: Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74(� Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 781: Conduction -38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) -21 Wali (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Double NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Double NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -30 Floor (F.30.2x10.16) Area 1,417.0 30.0 96.0 300.0 75.0 U -Value 0.0280 0.0592 0.0592 0.6000 0.0592 0.5500 0.0592 0.0315 DETD 1 X 65.1 X 37.4 X 39.6 X 28.1 X 40.6 X 28.1 X 57.9 x 32.4 X 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Weighting Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC Factor F F F 6 7 F F F F (East) 15.0 x X X X X X X x x x 41 X x X X x X x x x x 0.589 x X x X X X x x X x 1.909 = = = = = = = = = = (East) 15.0 41 0.589 1.909 (East) 15.0 41 0.589 1.909 (South) 48.0 42 0.589 0.833 (South) 48.0 42 0.589 0.833 (West) 15.0 243 0.589 0.404 (West) 15.0 243 0.589 0.404 (West) 15.0 243 0.589 0.404 (West) 15.0 243 0.589 0.404 Page Total Btu/hr 2,583 66 479 1,769 1,117 1,485 1,029 77 8,605 Btu/hr 692 692 692 990 990 867 867 867 867 7,525 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr fights 1.0 x 1,417 X 1.588 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.000 = 7,676 ccupants 1.0 x 1,417 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 1 sgft/occ. X 1.0 = 26,108 Receptacle 1.0 x 1,417 X 0.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1,0 = 2,418 rocess 1.0 x 1,417 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.0 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 1,417 x 12.00 X 0.00 /6 X 38 = ceue Air Sensible Area Cening Heightp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 52,334 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 1,417 X 275 Btuh/OCC. / 15 sgftlocc. = 26,108 Receptacle 1.00 x 1,417 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Process 1.00 x 1,417 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4,806 x 1 417 X 12.00 x 0.00 /6 x OQON000 = 0 ceue it Latent i m Area eg eig Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 26.108 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 149 of 150 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Country Club Of The Desert Club House 7/24/01 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name PntDin/Lounge/Wine/Elevtr Time of Peak Aug 3 pm Floor Area 2,190 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 `k Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 74T Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 � Conduction -38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ouble NonMtl Bronze Default -21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Area 2,190.0 518.0 76.5 48.0 709.0 517.5 27.0 612.0 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain U -Value 0.0280 0.0592 0.6000 0.5500 0.0592 0.0592 0.5500 0.0592 Orientation Area SGF SC (North) 8.0 X X x x X X x X X X 36 X X x X X X X x X X 0.589 (North) 8.0 36 0.589 (North) 48.0 36 0.589 (East) 15.0 36 0.589 (East) 8.0 36 0.589 (South) 7.5 39 0.589 (South) 7.5 39 0.589 (South) 7.5 39 0.589 (South) 15.0 69 0.589 (South) 27.0 69 0.589 DETD 1 61.5 = 37.0 = 28.0 = 28.1 = 39.4 = 44.3 = 28.1 = 57.7 = Page Total Weighting Factor x 0.830 = X 0.830 = X 0.830 = X 1.077 = X 2.035 = X 0.845 = X 0.845 = x 0.845 = X 1.056 = x 1.056 = Page Total Btu/hr 3,772 1,136 1,287 742 1,654 1,356 417 2,091 12,455 Btu/hr 141 141 846 343 345 146 146 146 644 1,160 4,057 Sched. Weighting Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.00 X 2,190 X 1.644 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.000 = 12,281 ccupants 1.00 x 2,190 x 275 Btuh/occ. / 1 sgft/occ. X 1.00 = 40,351 Receptacle 1.00 X 2,190 x 0.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 3,737 rocess 1.00 x 2,190 x 0.000 Watts/sqft X 3.41 Btuh/Wattt X 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 1.072 x 2,190 x 11.70 x 0.00 / 661 x 38 = ceue Air SensltileArea Ceiling Reightp Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 72,881 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 x 2,190 x 275 Btuh/OCC. / 15 sgft/occ. = 40,351 Receptacle 1.00 X 2,190 X 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 X 2,190 x 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.413 Btuh/Waft = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4,806 x 2190 x 11.70 x 0.00 /6 x OQON000 = 0 c e u e Air Latent Area Ceiling meignt (TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 40,351 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 3665 Page: 150 of 150