05-0791 (BLCK)T44f 4Q9&rC4V BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT 1504 (760).777-7012 ALLE TAMPICO FAX (760) 777-7011 "A, CALIFORNIA 92253 INSPECTION REQUESTS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT ppli on Number . . . . . 05-00000791 Date 4/18/05 rty Address . . . . . . 80440 HIDEAWAY CLUB CT APN: 772-410-998-30 -32453 - Application description WALL/FENCE Property Zoning . . . . . . . LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Application valuation . . . . 18425 Owner --------------------------------- Contractor ND LA QUINTA PARTNERS --------------- ----------------- LINTHICUM CONSTRUCTORS, INC. 375 N FRONT ST STE 200 WCC: SCF OF ARIZONA COLUMBUS, OH 43215 WC: 354687 03/01/06 CSLB: 764528 03/31/06 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCC: A-B P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Application Number: Applicant: Applicant's Mailing Address: n/ TSA-c'T4If r_, VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date:. —D S Architect or Engineer, Architect or Engineer's Address: Lic. No.: 1 BUILDING PERMIT DECLARATIONS LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION thereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals �ode, and my License is in full force and effect. icense Class License No/ 4-1 Date L4 t'7 b S Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractors' State License Law for the -following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors' State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).): U 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself or through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). U I, as owner of the property. am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to. the Contractors' State License Law.). L) I am exempt under Sec. , BA P.C. for this reason Date WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance i,/ of the work for which this permit is issued. 1C I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issu d. �qy w ers' compensation insurance carrier poli nYtuber are: Carrier �(� n f„ ja Policy Number poli. L,� Q I certify that, -in the perfor ante of he work for which this permit i issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if 1 should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those pro ' ions.—/ynn Dat ^ l ApplicarK/ WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKE S' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name 44. _ Lender's Address APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above in ation is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construciiQn; and hereby authorize representatives of this co4terup ntheabove-me 'oned property for inspection purposes. Date- `V Signature (Applicant or Agent): - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Application Number . . 05-00000791 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . WALL/FENCE PERMIT Additional desc Permit Fee . . . . 198.00 ',Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 18425 Expiration Date 10/15/05 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 45.00, 17.00 9.0000 THOU BLDG 2,001-25,000 153.00 ------------ --------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments COMBINATION RETAINING AND GARDEN WALLS - 737 TOTAL LINEAL FEET X VARIOUS HEIGHTS, 2001 CODES. ***LOCATION OF WALLS ARE WEST OF THE CLUBHOUSE BUILDING, ALONG RINCON.ALHAMBRA AT LOTS27, 28, 29 AND ADJACENT TO CLUBHOUSE LOADING DOCK AREA. #1 6FT RET X 4FT GARDEN X 35 LIN. FT. #2 8FT RET X 4FT GARDEN X 30 LIN. FT. #3 11FT RET X 5FT GARDEN X 57 LIN FT. #4 11FT RET X 5.5FT GARDEN X 45 LIN FT. #5 11FT RET X 7FT GARDEN X 63 LIN FT. #6 15FT RET X 4FT GARDEN X 31 LIN FT. #7 11FT RET X 7FT GARDEN X 16 LIN FT. #8 7FT RET X 7FT GARDEN X 36 LIN FT. #9 6FT RET X 3FT GARDEN X 43 LIN FT. #10 5FT RET X 6FT GARDEN X 56 LIN FT. #11 7FT RET X 7FT GARDEN X 52 LIN FT. #12 9FT RET X 7FT GARDEN X 55 LIN FT. #13 6FT RET X 3FT GARDEN X 128 LIN FT. #14 3FT RET X 50 LIN FT. #15 13FT RET X 3FT GARDEN X 40 LIN FT. Other Fees . . . . . . . . . HOURLY PLAN CHECK 140.00 Fee summary ----------------- Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Other Fee Total Grand Total Charged Paid 198.00 .00 .00 .00 140.00 .00 338.00 .00 Credited . Due .00 198.00 .00 .00 .00 140.00 .00 338.00 i,. CkY Of La QuInta Building 8t Safety Division Permit # a P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 �.5 fSD-1-40 2 BuildingPermit Application and Tracking Sheet Project Address: Owner's Name: X v/ A. P. Number: Address: X M)'/� Legal Description: �l� p City. ST. Zi p' x Iq iN%9 Contractor: K kl Al �' We—L) g C o r Telephone: �'2, 7S . , .Address: 177 '� Project Description: Cite. ST. Zip: K Telephone: X g0- l State Lic. # Arch.. Engr., Designer: Address: City. ST. Zip: Telephone: State Lic. #: Name. of Contact Person: ,< w Telephone # of Contact Person: X # Submittal Plan Sets Structural C2105. Truss Cafes. Title 24 Calcs. Flood plain plan Grading plan Subcontactor List Grant Deed H.O.A. Approval IN HOUSE: - Planning Approval Pub. Wks. Appr School Fees 1' 'dz� '� ,/ rj dd�✓ LAf Lic. #: c2JUJ> C40 J3 Construction Type: Occupancy: Zz S Project type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo 2 Sq. Ft.: # Stories: #Units: %a % Estimated Value of Project: X APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Rec'd T Plan Check submitted Reviewed., ready for cor Called Contact Person Plans picked up Plans resubmitted �'-'":`:Review, ready for co Called Contact Person Plans picked up Plans resubmitted ''' Review, ready for cor Called Contact Person Date of permit issue RACKING PERMIT FEES Item Amount rections Plan Check Deposit Z' Plan Check Balance Construction r IMechanical rrecti is Electrical Plumbing S.M.I. Grading rections/issue Developer Impact Fee A.I.P.P. i TWO Permit Fees -� .. .. t d... - .. � W ^ r � } 1 X YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Engineering •Architecture•Surveying• Building & Safety Services Letter of Transmittal To: CITY OF LA QUINTA Date: 04-08-05 Project: HIDE AWAY CLUB HOUSE 52-500 HIDEAWAY CLUB DR. Attn: ED RANDALL PC#: 05-0791 Tel No.: (760) 777-7012 Tract No.: We are forwarding: X By Messenger By Mail Your Pickup No. of Copies Description: 1 REDLINED PLANS 1 STRUCT 1 REVISED PLANS Comments: STRUCTURAL CONTENTS ARE APPROVABLE. THANK YOU This Material Sent for: Your Files Per Your Request Your Review X Approval Checking At the request of: Other By: NALIN K. PACHUNURI Phone # (760) 360-5770 EXT. 108 77-804 Wildcat Drive, Suite C, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 360-5770 Bronz Young S1adden -Engineering 6782 Stanton Ave., Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (562) 864-4121 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 39-725 Garand Ln., Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-3893 Fax (760) 772-3895 March 10, 2005 ND La Quinta Partners, LLC 51-100 Avenue 53 La Quinta, California 93352 Attention: Mr. Ruben Urrutia Project: The Hideaway — Bungalow Units Tract 32453 La Quinta, California Subject: Results of Supplemental Boring Program Project No. 544-2199 05-03-270 Ref: Report of Observations and Testing During Fine Grading prepared by Sladden Engineering dated February 17, 2005; Project No. 522-2199, Report No. 05-01-082 This memo has been prepared to provide a summary of the supplemental field investigation of the engineered fills underlying the bungalow units. Our supplemental investigation was performed as requested by City of La Quinta Engineering Department personnel. The supplemental investigation was requested to address ongoing concerns regarding the previous grading of the subject area within the Hideaway development. Our supplemental field investigation included the excavation of 5 exploratory borings in the areas suggested by City of 'La Quinta personnel. The exploratory borings were excavated on March 9, 2005, using a truckmounted Mobile B-61 drilling rig and hollow -stem augers. The approximate exploratory boring locations are indicated on the site plan included in this appendix. Boring logs are included in this appendix. Representative undisturbed samples were obtained within our borings . by driving a thin-walled steel penetration sampler (California split spoon sampler) with a 140 -pound hammer dropping approximately 30 inches (ASTM D1586). The number of blows required to drive the samplers 18 inches was recorded in 6 -inch increments and blowcounts are indicated on the boring logs. The California samplers are 3.0 inches in diameter, carrying brass sample rings having inner diameters of 2.5 inches. Undisturbed samples were removed from the sampler and placed in moisture sealed containers in order to preserve the natural soil moisture content. Bulk samples were obtained from the excavation spoils and samples were then transported to our laboratory for further observations and testing. 405-717 r34.44D' f/� �• N��' �i`� March 10, 2005 . 72- Project No. 544-2199 03-05-270 Relatively undisturbed soil samples were obtained within our borings and returned to our laboratory for testing. Each undisturbed sample was weighed and measured in order to determine its unit weight. A small portion of each sample was then subjected to testing in order to determine its moisture content. This was used in order to determine the dry density of the engineered fill soils. The results of this testing are shown on the Boring Logs. Maximum density and optimum moisture content were determined in accordance with the ASTM Standard D1557-91, Test Method A during the previous grading operations. The maximum densities are compared to the field densities of the soil in order to determine the relative compaction to the engineered fill soils. As indicated within the attached boring logs, the engineered fills observed within our borings varied from a minimum of 6 to a maximum of approximately 11 to 12 feet in depth within the area of our borings. The engineered fills were determined to be very dense and compact throughout with generally high sampler penetration resistance (as measured by field blowcounts). .In addition, each of the relatively undisturbed samples indicated relative compaction above 90 percent. In our opinion, the supplemental investigation provided useful information regarding the existing engineered fill depths and compaction that should be helpful for the ongoing City of La Quinta review. The engineered fill depths observed correspond fairly well with the fill depths expected and described within our previous compaction reports. It should be noted that the areas where the deepest fills were encountered also correspond with the areas subjected to excessive heavy equipment traffic. The in-place density of the isolated deeper fill soils has been verified by our recent testing to be in excess of 90 percent. Based upon our previous documentation of the soils conditions on the site as well as the supplemental field exploration described herein, it remains our opinion that the engineered fills underlying the site should be expected to provide uniform and adequate support for the proposed residential structures. As the Soils Engineer of Record for the Hideaway project, we remain confident that our previous grading observations and compaction testing provides adequate confirmation that the remedial grading has been properly performed. We hope that the supplemental information provided herein adequately addresses the concerns of City of La Quinta personnel. If you have questions regarding this memo or our previous reports, please contact the. undersigned. Respectfully submitted, SLADDEN ENGINEERING Brett L. Anders Principal Engineer SER/pc \' , v-, . Copies: 2/ND La Quinta Partners 'lL-C 1/RCE — Rich CIark 1/City of La Quinta .5'lcadden Engineering ----------------------- --- - — ----- - -- -- - --- - - _..--AVENUE -- f 's1 � -A---j ONE Jenner Street Suite 200 SIGNATURE P.E. 'EXP. Irvme, Co. 92618 Phone: 949.453.0111 "Consultants Fax: 949.453.0411 Inc. D BY: FC KHECKED BY- RC SCALE: FILE No. BY: PA ATE: 01!03/05 1"=200' 050210003.00 ..7{-1-11l< CITY OF LA QUINTA THE HIDEAWAY BUNGALOW SITE PLAN TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 32453 PORTIONS OF SECTION 10, T.6.S., R.7.E., S.B.M. niaeaway Lot 2 Date: 3/9/2005 -Boring No. 1 Job Number: 544-4049 Q o Q 0 , o Q O ..moi •yN Q U1U 0 �q Description V) .] Remarks 0 Engineered Fill Soil 6-7 Feet 5 11/17/24 Silty Sand: Fine to Medium Grained 112 5 93 Dark Grey in color - Native Soil 10 6/9/12 Sand: Fine to Medium Grained 113 5 94 Brown in color 15 = California Split -spoon Sample Total Depth 15' Bedrock not encountered 20 Unrecovered Sample Groundwater not encountered - Standard Penetration Test Sample 25 - Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate _ boundaries between the soil types; the transition may be _ gradual. 30 35 40 45 50 Sladden Eingineering P mueaway Lot 8 Date: 3/9/2005 Boring No. 2 :,,>i Job Number: 544-4049 o U 0 w ✓ �j U Description r° a; Remarks 0 Engineered Fill Soil 8-9 Feet 5 8/11/15 Silty Sand: Fine to Medium Grained 118 9 98 Dark Grey in color 10 5/6/9 Silty Sand: Fine to Medium Grained 119 11 99 Native Soil 15 - California Split -spoon Sample Total Depth 15' _ I Bedrock not encountered 20 Unrecovered Sample Groundwater not encountered - Standard Penetration Test Sample 25 - Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate _ boundaries between the soil types; the transition may be _ gradual. 30 35 40 45 50 Sladden Engineering • maeaway Lot 15 _. Date: 3/9/2005 Boring No. 3 Job Number: 544-4049 0 0 � q C40U is 3 o pa Description rn . Remarks 0 Engineered Fill Soil 11 Feet 5 7/12/16 Silty Sand: Fine to Medium Grained 119 7 99 Dark Grey in color 10 8/12/22 Silty Sand: Fine to Medium Grained 112 5 93 Dark Grey in color - Native Soil 15 = California Split -spoon Sample Total Depth =-15' Bedrock not encountered 20 Unrecovered Sample Groundwater not encountered - Standard Penetration Test Sample 25 - Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate _ boundaries between the soil types; the transition may be _ gradual. 30 35 40 45 50 Sladden Engineering iiiaaca VV ay Lot 24 Date: 3/9/2005 Boring No. 4 Job Number: 544-4049 U c O U q U �q Description (n � 04 Remarks 0 Engineered Fill Soil 11-12 Feet 5 14/30/42 Sand: Fine to Medium Grained 115 7 96 Dark Grey in color 10 8/15/28 Sand: Fine to Medium Grained 110 6 92 Dark Grey in color - Silty Sand Native Soil 15 - California Split -spoon Sample Total Depth =I 5' _ I Bedrock not encountered 20 Unrecovered Sample Groundwater not encountered Standard Penetration Test Sample 25 - Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate _ boundaries between the soil types; the transition may be gradual. 30 35 40 45 50 Sladden Engineering . iiiucarray Lot 28 ` Date: 3/9/2005 Boring No. 5 Job Number: 544-4049 0 0 0 0 a� q rn U r� Description � cG Remarks 0 Engineered Fill Soil 6 Feet 5 10/20/39 Silty Sand: Fine to Medium Grained 118 7 98 Dark Grey in color - Native Soil 10 10/17/28 Sand: Fine to Medium Grained 110 8 92 Brown in color 15 - California Split -spoon Sample ------------- Total Depth = I5' - I Bedrock not encountered 20 Unrecovered Sample Groundwater not encountered - Standard Penetration Test Sample 25 - Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate - boundaries between the soil types; the transition may be _ gradual. 30 35 40 45 50 Sladden Engineering Sladden Engineering 6782 Stanton Ave., Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 39-725 Garand Ln., Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-3893 Fax (760) 772-3895 August 4, 2004 ND La Quinta Partners 51-100 Avenue 53 La Quinta, California 92253 Attention: Mr. Ruben Urrutia Project: The Hideaway La Quinta, California Project No. 544-2199 04-08-522 Subject. Geotech.:caI T T-dato Ref: Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by Earth Systems Southwest dated September 22, 2000, File No. 07117-10, Report No. 00-09-772. As requested, we have reviewed the above referenced geotechnical report as it relates to the design and construction of the single family residences. The project is located between Avenue 52 and Avenue 54 and Jefferson Street and Madison Street in the City of La Quinta, California. It is our understanding that the proposed residences will be of wood frame construction and will be supported by conventional shallow spread footings. The referenced report includes recommendations pertaining to the construction of structure foundations. Based upon our review of the referenced report and our understanding of the proposed construction, it is our opinion that the structural values included in the referenced geotechnical engineering report remain applicable for the design and construction of the proposed residential buildings. The report also includes recommendations for remedial grading including overexcavation and recompaction throughout the building areas. The existing building areas were overexcavated prior to the initial construction. Additional overexcavation will be required in areas where new additions extend beyond the previous building foot print. All fill material and backfill material should be placed in thin lifts at near optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. /I 497 C�'27�►/hi� GJ�L� GG�i-car- �`✓I�+BI� �`ttB�-.. August 4, 2004 -2- Project No. 544-2199 04-08-522 Allowable Bearing Pressures: The allowable bearing pressures recommended in the referenced report remain applicable. Conventional shallow spread footings should be bottomed into properly compacted fill material a minimum of 12 inches below lowest adjacent grade. Continuous footings should be at least 12 inches wide and isolated pad footings should be at least 2 feet wide. Continuous footings and isolated pad footings should be designed utilizing allowable bearing pressures of 1500 psf and 2000 psf, respectively. Allowable increases of 300 psf for each additional 1 foot of width and 300 psf for each additional 6 inches of depth may be utilized if desired. The maximum allowable bearing pressure should be 3000 psf. The recommended allowable foundation bearing pressures may be increased by one-third when considering wind and seismic loading. The lateral values and friction coefficients recommended within the referenced report also remain applicable. The bearing soils are non -expansive and fall within the "very low" expansion category in accordance with Uniform Building Code (UBC) classification criteria. Pertinent 1997 UBC Seismic Design parameters are summarized on the attached data sheet. If you have questions regarding this letter or the referenced reports, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, SLADDEN ENGINEERING Brett L. Andersoh) Principal Engineer SER/pc Pp.C1FFSS/O its �---� U G? No. C 45359 ` Z Exp. 9/3C)/06 m .zr ®9 CAL Copies: 4/ND La Quinta Partners, August 4, 2004 -3- Project No. 544-2199 04-08-522 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE INFORMATION The International Conference of Building Officials 1997 Uniform Building Code contains substantial revisions and additions to the earthquake engineering section in Chapter 16. Concepts contained in the code that will be relevant to construction of the proposed structures are summarized below. Ground shaking is expected to be the primary hazard most likely to affect the site, based upon proximity to significant faults capable of generating large earthquakes. Major fault zones considered to be most likely to create strong ground shaking at the site are listed below. Fault Zone Approximate Distance From Site Fault Type (1997 UBC) San Andreas 9.8 km A San Jacinto 26 km A Based on our field observations and understanding of local geologic conditions, the soil profile type judged applicable to this site is SD, generally described as stiff or dense soil. The site is located within UBC Seismic Zone 4. The following table presents additional coefficients and factors relevant to seismic mitigation for new construction upon adoption of the 1997 code. Near -Source Near -Source Seismic Seismic Seismic Acceleration Velocity Coefficient Coefficient Source Factor, Na Factor, N, C. Cv San Andreas 1.01 1.22 0.44 Na 0.64 N� San Jacinto 1.0 1.0 0.44 Na 0.64 N, .5; .50a 52.4100 — oo . I I 52^145 i W 25 r" .cs� � 27 30 causFT CtiL Eal dW (� 1000 G1 o. QIJ1NTA LA C11v HIDEAWAY 32 53 THE nnDRESS MAP ool i r" .cs� � 27 30 causFT CtiL Eal dW (� 1000 G1 o. QIJ1NTA LA C11v HIDEAWAY 32 53 THE nnDRESS MAP . fir, .: ��`�►._�- 11p �a��:� ,�tt� �r' i �_ `.���` .. 10-OMy - ;i_.. _� A ii` ��`` � �� �;�.`����� � � � �!��� � �; qty � ,fi._`�f \��•�:ri, we M :.ti>� • �? s ., ;, - -- �iii�r �+f►l�L--�'��_ •, fit: ' `�'w�+`�1..- rA% \\ Vk `rim ppl _ , • - � _sem: � ���\, � ��-_`�, -'19 .pw� - - 'T Jim mo im zlr - ►�►Fi1j - ��p`� — 1 r/�b s� 1 yo—T!w! ............... ....,. . 0�- "0 A."i i' mus '►�. A IN L%v ma s` ri trf�t �. Z►�� .i ,rr�� 1. p Am 1 Ac 1 v' 2 f tf SQUARE CT 6" P' C RD DRAIN t ', t pEpT �T RETAINING SCHEDULE PER DETAIL 3 VACY4Q DRAIN PIP ON SHEET 2 10 REMOVE Ex, r ON '. :XISTING CURB WALL PER LANDSC 11 REMO STING ELECTRIC CART pq GU APE PLANS 12 CQNS EXISTING TRICAt Y :T 10' WIDE IRRIGA CART PA TRUCT GOLF n�N MAINLINE (STING .STORM• PER LANDSCAP 13 CONSTRUCT, GUT CART RAMP PER (STING DRAIN E PLANS 14 STD, 330, TER DEPRESSIONLANDSCAPE SEWER CONSTRWC CASE C, DETAIL PER': ARCHITECT T WALL L &...W: p CITY OF L CT PLANS 16 15 CONSTRUCT 6" OPENING PER DEALDETAIL. 1 ON QUI CONSTRUCT nL� ► ., CONSTRucT s�. CURB AND GUT 4 QN ET 2. Q- CONS TYPE TER PER SHEET 2 TRUCT 4 :�� �.. , CURB PER CITY OF LA 2 CITY nF i e QUINTq STD. 26 Lu8 r r :r 2,eCil3d - �• S V/ S. -7 f *7 , ,7 J • I5-7 Irl- �5 7� yew 13 / T CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & DEPT. PPROVED FOR CO DATE r :r UZ/24/05 THU 17:06 FAX -- 2007 CARUSO TURLEY SCOTT, INC - . + 2702 NORTH 44TH STREET, SUITE 200 Title: Job # J-3 PHOENK AZ 85008 Dsgne Date: 218PM, 31 JAN 05 Description (602) 912-9120 (602) 912-9390 [FAXj Scope' Code Ref ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 55000 9.� 4, Ve F';O- n2� Cantile d Description Criteria vele Retaining Wall Design 3' Masonry Retaining Wall at Loading Retained Height= 3.00 ft Wanheight above sod = 7.00 it Slope Behind Wad = 0.00:1 Height of Sod over Toe = 12.00 in Sal Density 110.00 pcf Wind on Stem = 20.dpsf Surcharge Loads DesiUn Summary Total Bearing Load = Z183 ftiS _.resultant ex. = 7.07 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,598 psf OK Sad Pressure @ tied_ 0 psf OK Allowable - 2,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Albwebte ACI Factored @ Tqe = 2,063 psf ACI Factored @ Held = 0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe =11.6 Psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 13.8 psi OK Allowable = 93.1 psi Wag Stability Ratios Owing Sliding= 2.18 OK 4.10 OKSlidin Caks Nenl�l Component Lateral Sift Face 547.3 lbs less i00% Passive Force = - 1.586.8 lbs less 100% Friction Force = - 654.8 lbs Added Face Req -d - 0.0 ms OK ---fa 1.5: 1 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK Footing Design Results -T e _ Factored Pressure - 2,063 0 psf Ml': Upward 1,204 0 ft-# 1011f: Downward_ 343 1,297 ft-# Mu: sign - 861 1,297 ft4 Actual 1 -Way Shear = 11.59 13.83 psi Allow f -Way Shear _ = 93.11 93.11 psi Toe Reinforcing = 8 5 @ 15.50 in Heel Reinforcing # 7 @ 12.50 in Key Reinforcing = Ngne Spec'd Soil Data Area Alm Sail Bpsf EQuivalent '5 Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active pressure = 35.0 Toe Active Pressure = 0.0 Passive Pressure _ 375.0 Water height over beet - 0.0 it FoobgllSod friction 0.300 Sal height to ignore for passive pure = 0.00 k1 Page 1 Footing Strengths $ Dimensions Stem C l7nStr'Itt�On _ fe = 3,000 _ psi Fy = 60,000 psi Min. As % - 0.0014 ToeWtdlh = 1.00 ft Heel Width = 200 Total Footing width = -��- Footing Thickness = 12.00 in kowiath = Key Depth _ Key Distance from Toe = Suroharge Over Heel Coyer a Top = 3.00 in @ Ban. 0.00 in 0.00 in 0.00 R = 3.00 In psf Used To Resist Sliding 8 �Over Toe = 100.0 psf Used for ft" s Owtumag Stem C l7nStr'Itt�On _ Top Steer DesiphWg`t ft= X000 Well Material Above -Ht- Masonry Tfridcness RebarSize - 8.00 Rebar Spacing = = 8 5 24.00 Rebar Placed at Design Data = Edge fh/FB + fe/Fa = 0.809 Total Face @ Section M= 393.0 Moment. -Actual t14= 1,210.7 Moment... Allowable = 1.497.1 Shear. -.Actual psi= 6.7 Shear ...ATowable psi = 50.0 Bar Develop ABOVE Ht in = 30.00 Bar L*Mook BELOW Ht In = 7.75 Well Weight 78.0 Rebar Depth 'd' Masonry Data in = 5.25 Pm Fs Psi = 2,500 - Said Grouting psi = = 24,000 SpeciallnspecGan - Yes Yes ModularRatio'n' = 15.47 Short Term Facto - 1.000 Equty Saw Thick, In= 7.60 CO W Block Type = Medium Weight fc psi= Fy tui= OtherAeceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S' Ff Heel- Not req'd, Mu < S -Fr Key: No key defined CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE By [a 008 CARUSO TURLEY SCOTT, INC. 2702 NORTH 44TH STREET, SUITE 200 Title PHOENIX, AZ 85008 Dsgnr. Date: 2:18PM, 31 JAN 05� Description (sot) 912-9120 (692) 912-93901FAXj Scope: u� KW48QW4 vers e�0,1 2= Cade Ref. ACI 31 (`)'eaawocteuei8-02,1997 UBC, 20031BC, 2003 NFPA 5pp0 ca�csonv�,e Cantilevered Retaining Wal! Design D2 escription 3' Masonry Retaining Wait at Loading Dock Area '""� Force RNO�Ki..�.Mottrent Item lbs ft Heel Acom pressure ft# _ Toe Active Pressm = 407 3 1.64 627.9 Surcharge Over Toe _ 0.67 Adjacent Footing Load = 1.00 Added Lateral LOW C 2,33 Load @ Stem Above Sal = Surcharge Over Heel Seisnticload _ 140.0 7.50 1,050.0 Total = Resist %40verturning Ratio 54.37 O.T.IM. 1,677.9 Vertical Loads used for Soil Lis Prmure = 2,182.6 bs vertical canponerd of acbs pressure used for soil pressure _RESIS7'M1G,,, Force Distance Alloment — Sal Over Heel 11 ^ ftp = Sloped Sod Over Heb = 440.0 2,33 1,026.7 Surcharge Over Heel Agacant Footing Load - 133.3 2.33 311.1 Arial Dead Load on Stem Soil Over Toe 0.00 _ Surcharge Over Toe 110.0 0,50 , 0 = gs) 100.0 0.50 50.0 Stmt w St _ 760 .0 1.33 1 .010.0 Foo" Weight = 450.0 1.50 KeyWeipht _ 675.0 vert. Comport = 1692 3.00 _ $07.7 Total - 2,182.6 lbs RJA.= 3,665.4 �..vi 1AA CARUSO TURLEy SCOTT, INC. 2702 NORTH 44TH STREET,, SUITE g00 PHOENIX, AZ &5008 (602) 912.9120 41-6" Masonry Retaining Wall at Criteria 2,670 Ili Retained Height = Wall height above soil 4.50 ft Slope Behind Wan = 7.00 ft Height of Sal ower Toe = 0.00:1 = _. Soil Density 12.00 in ACI FacWW @ Heel _ 110.00 pcf Wind 0n Stem _ - 20.0 psf Surcharge Loads Des_ ign summary Total --..q t M = •••�uftantecc. 2,670 Ili Albw Sal Bea ' 8.67 in S011 Pressure @ Toe - Heel Active Pressure Toe Active pressure Sal Pressure @ Heei _ 2.291 Psf OK Allowable Soft Pressure Less Than Aftrcible 0 Psf OK 2,500 psf ACI Factored @ Toe - FOOOnglIS01 Friction ACI FacWW @ Heel _ 2.823 psf Footing Shear @ Toe Footing Shear @ Heel 0 Psf 16.8 Psi OK = Allowable 19.4 Psi OK Wall Stat►ttity Ratbos 93.1 psi Overturning _ Total Fare ® Section Ibs = Sliding _ 1.77 OK Sliding Caks2.83 OK (y/oi Used Lateral Sliding Force 2.208.9 less 1009E Passive Far - fess 100% F ' ' _ - 1,580.8 ncb0n 844.4 lbs lbs Farce = - 801.1 lbs Added Force Raga = ....for 1.5: 1 Stability = 0.0 Ibs OK 0.0 lbs OK Footin Design Results -� Factored Pressure _ --T a -U _ Mu': Upward = 2,823 1.601 0 psf Mit: Downward = Mu: Design = 343 0 *4 1,899 it.# Actual 1 -Way Shear = 1,258 1,899 ft-# Allow i -Way Shear = 16.1 931 19.36 psi .11 Toe Reinforcing93.11 psi Hey R # 5 @ 15.50 in Key Reinforcing = N� Speed k Title: Dsgar: Description: [a 009 Job # 53 - Date: 2:18PM, 31 JAN 05 CodeRef: ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5Q00 1-11 n_ _. Soil Data psi = Albw Sal Bea ' Stam Ctniction dh 2,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure Toe Active pressure - 35.0 Passive Pressure W8W height ow = 0.0 375.0 heel = 0.0 ft FOOOnglIS01 Friction = 0.300 Solheight to Ignore to passive # 5 Pressure = 0.00 in &Xdwp over Heel psi = st .Used To Resist Sliding Sliding � tit P Stam Ctniction fC 3,OOO�psi F Min. As % _Y '. 60,000 psi rop Stem MOP 116,10t ft SIM (W AboMe `Hr h 0.00 Rebar Size = 8.00 RebarSpacing = # 5 Equiv. Sold Thick. Edg =ieegnatDiD fb/FB + fWa Cover @ Tap = 3.00 in @ Sh.= 3.00 in _ Total Fare ® Section Ibs = 894 k.7.6 837.6 Moment ..Actual Moment ...Abwable Psi = Sheat Actual 2.208.9 ... Shear. ... Allowable Psi= Psi= 11.1 50.0 Bar Develop ABOVE HE In= 30.00 Bar' LaPIHook BELOW Ht. in = Wall Weight _ g r.►6 Depth -d!78.0 Ya - ry► 5.25 fm Footing Stnefft & Dimensions psi = 2,500 SwGrouting fC 3,OOO�psi F Min. As % _Y '. 60,000 psi ToeWidth - 0.0014 Heel Width = 1.00 it Total Footing Width _ 2.00 Footing Thickness = 12.00 in Key WIMP Equiv. Sold Thick. Key Depth =O.00 In Key Distance frau Tde = 0.00 in 0.00 ft Cover @ Tap = 3.00 in @ Sh.= 3.00 in Surcdlarge Over Toe= Used for SUM& Overturning 100.0 psf Fs psi = 2,500 SwGrouting PSI = 24,000 Special Inspection = Yes Modular Ration- _ Yes 15.47 Short Term Factor Equiv. Sold Thick. 1.000 Masorgy Block T Cogcrete Type = _ Medium Weight 60 Data fc Fy Psi = Psn - OtherAcceptable Sizes S Spayings Toe: Not req -d, Mu < S * Fr He0t, Not Keir N key Fr defined S * CARUSO TURLEY10010 SCOTT, INC. 2702 NORTH 44TH STREET, SUITE 200 Title: j �P PHOENIX, AZ 85008 Dsgnr. Job Date: 218PtVl, 31 JAN OS (602) 912-9120 Description (602) 912-9390 [FAM scope: seooasw.� Cade ReF ACI 318.02,1997 UBC, 200316C, u aos2a, Ver s.ao, I -i v -M FmirwA g S, Cantilevered Retaining2003 NFPA 5000 Description 4'-6" Masonry Retaining Wall at Loading W Design � 2 her °tlons Item Force ARG .0 MO Ibs 6 M _ Heel Acfiw pressure 0' Toe Active Pressure 704.4 206 1,451.8 Surcharge Over Toe 0.67 Adjacent Footing Load = 1.00 Added La>l W Load = 2.33 Load @ Stem Above Soi! Surma Over Heel _ SeismicLoeid 140.0 9.00 1,260.0 Total ''�-- - R"W"p v"turning Ratio 844.4 O.TJM, 711.8 Vertical Loads used for Sal _ Pressure - 1. 77 = Vertical of active 2,670:3 lb s pressure used for sap tmessure .RESISII Force- Dis NG— lbs ft Momenf Sail Over Heel ft Sloped Sal Over Heel = 660.0 2.33 1,540.0 Surma Over Heel = t Foo ft Load= 133.3 233 311,1 A*$ Dead Load on Sten = Sal Over Toe_ 0.00 - Surcharge Over Toe 110.0 0.50 55.0 = Slem 100 0 0.50 50.0 Ewa 0 �ST� 897.0 1.33 1.196.0 FOG&V weloft_ K,ey Weight _ 450.0 1.50 675.0 Vert. ca"Po rem 319.9 TOW --Z670.3 bs 3.00959.8 R M.=74—. 86.986.9 CARUSO TURLEY SCOTT, INC. --. - 011 Qoil - 2702 NORTH 44TH STREET, SUITE 200 Title: PHOENIX, Az 866 Dsgnr. Job it 5-7(602)912-9120 ' Description : Date: 5.0213M, 8' FE13 05 (602) 912-9390 IFAXj scope,: Rev; User 4. Ver5.a.0.1•Qeo-2oo3 Code Ref: ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 2003113C 2003 NFPA 5000 coy1 s Me Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Description s'-6" Masonry Retaining Wall at Loading Hock Area Criteria Fy = 60,000 psi Retained Height = Wali l ei t 9h above sod 6.50ft = Slope Behind Was 7.00 ft Height of Sal over Toe = 0.00:1 Sal Density 1200 in = 110.00 pcf Wind on Stem _ 0.0bs - 0.0los = 20.0 psf Surcharge Loads Surcharge Over Heel 1tLffn00-0 psf Used To Resist Sliding 1!i UseStn­d Over Toe = 0.0 psf Siding & Desi 113 TON ...tcsultBant�ecc Load_ 4.071 los = 8.93 in Sol Pressure @ Toe - Sol Pressure Cel Heel _ 2.025 psf OK Alowable 0 psf OK Soil P = 2,500 psf ACI Factored Pressure ThanAI WMe ACI Factored @ Heel = 2.420 psf Footing Shear, @Toe 0 psf Fong Sherr@ Heel 23.6 psi OK Agowa� = 37.0 psi OK Wall Stability Ratios 93.1 psi Overturning Siding _ 1.98 OK SOdi" Calcs (Var" t U� OK Lateral Sliding Force less 100% Passive Force, = - 1,518.0 lbs 750.01 less 100% F n rirXiort Force = - 2,035.6 16s Added Force Req'd - 0.0 los OK ....for 1.5: 1 Sfablly 0.0 lbs OK Footing Design Resufts Factored Pressure = Toe -- Mir : Upward = 2.8,97 0 Psi Mu' : Downward 0 ft -# Mu. Design _ 506 5,207 it -4 Actual 1 -Way Shear 2.392 5,207 ff4 Mow 1 -Way Shear 23.60 37.04 psi Toe Reinforcing = 1t 93.11 psi Heel Reinforcing = 4 7 @ 15.50 in Key Reinforcing None 1250 in one Speed Sof D Allow Soil Bearin Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method,500.0 psf Hed Active Pressure = 35.0 Toe Actin pressure - Passlue Pressure 0.0 3 Water heght over heel _ . - 00 ft Footin911Sail Friction = 0.500 Sal height to ignore for passive pressure = 0.00 it Lateral Load Applied to Stern L2WW Load 155A Na h(to Top = 3.75 ft ...Height to Boborn = 2.75 ft Footing Strengths S Dimensions PC = 3,000 pgi Min. As % Fy = 60,000 psi Toe width = 0.0014 HeelWd - 1.50 ft Total Footing Width= 67 - . 7- Fooling Thir�ss ft (� Bbn = 3.00 in stern Consbuction = 12.00 in Ton sten„ PYNoe sty ��, law ft Wal Material Abom -W Key , _ 0.00 in Key Distance from roe = 0.00 in C'01W @ Top = 3.W in0.00 ft (� Bbn = 3.00 in Axial Load gg lied to Stem 8.00 Design Dam 1_ = Axial Live A>oal _ 0.0bs - 0.0los stern Consbuction �Laad Eooentrici(y - 0.0 ii . Ton sten„ PYNoe sty ��, law ft Wal Material Abom -W SWm OK 0.00 L-' Thickness = Masonry Rebar Size = 8.00 Rebar Spacing _ 6 Rebar pkced at 8.00 Design Dam 1_ = Edge fb/FB + fa/Fa = Total Force @ Section Ibs = 0.998 1,2412 Moment..Actual 1%4= Moment. 4,177.9 ... Alowable = Shear....Achral 4,186.9 Shear .... .A&mable psi = Psi= 22.8 50.0 Ba' Develop ABOVE HL in= Bar L8p/y00k BELOW HL-- in= 36.00 •• Wal Weight 8.09 Rebar d, 78.0 n = ry D 5.25 fm Fs psi = 2,500 - Sold Grouting Psi= 24,000 Special = Inspection Yes - Modular Ratio Yes Short Term Factor 15.47 Equiv. Sold Thiclr.1.000 in ` Masonry Him* T = Medium 7.60 CorrOW Data Weight fl Fy psi _ Psi = 0 otable S� $ S�I Toe: Nngs req -d, Mu < S Fr K� No key d 2025 in, 46th 28.75 in, 47� 39.25 in, *V 48.25 in, 49@ 4 UZ/Z4/Ub IWU 17:09 FAX 0 012 CARUSO TURLEY SCOTT, INC. 2702NORTH 44TH STREET,•SUITE 200 Titre :L> Dsgnr. Job 9 PHOEN LY' AZ 85M Description: Date. 5:02PM, 8 FEB 05 (602) 912-9120 (602) 912-9390 IFA)q scope: R`e IV -40 Cade Ref: ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 2003 SC, 2003 NFPA 5000 user. K1N-0a00624, ---- .Q 1 -Dec -Mm 16"�-2aos �sadwme Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 Description 61-6" Masonry Retaining Wall at Loading Dock Area a Ov�» D$rstarrce Item Form r Is ~ lbs 40ment Heel Alive pm"M Sloped SON Over Heel = 0 R-# _ Toe Active Pressure 1.223.0 274 3,355.8 _ Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load 0.67 3.17 Adjacent Footing Load _ A)(al Dead Load on Stem = Added Lateral Load Sol Over Toe _ 0.00 Load @ Stem Above Sod = 155.0 425 658.8 SefsmlcLoad _ 140.0 11.00 1,540.0 Total --- Re-s►erturahrgg Ratio 1�5 O.T.M. _ 6 Vertical Loads used for Soil Press _5545 - 1,98 4.17 2,480.8 = 4,071.1 bs Vertical component of aegm prnsw used for soil pressure RJA.-11,0122 a Force— D$rstarrce Mo-- m ent Soa7 Over Heel ~ lbs It ft-# Sloped SON Over Heel = 1,432.4 3.1 T 4.538.3 Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load 200.3 3.17 634.7= A)(al Dead Load on Stem = Sol Over Toe _ 0.00 - Surcharge (firer Toe _ 165.0 0.75 123,8 Stem Welght(s) - EaFfh @ Slam Tram&m = 11053.0 1.83. 1,930.5 Fao&V Welght = Key Weight = 625.5 2.09 1.3042 Vert. went = 594.9 '-4.071.1 4.17 2,480.8 Tobi lbs RJA.-11,0122 a 1HU 17:09 FAX 121 013 CARUSO TURLEY SCOTT, INC. 2702 NO RTF144TH STREET, SUITE 200 Title' Job 9 J� PHOENIX, AZ 85008 l Dsgnr.Description : Date: 4A0PM, 8 FEB 05 (602) 912-9120 (602) 912-9390 IFAXI Scope: Rev(C)i tea, ver58p t was Code Ref: ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 20031BC, 2003 NFPA MW (�)188320aiBVECq����ngsomme Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design , Description 9' Masonry Retaining Wall Loading at Dock Area Criteria - . . Soil Data - Retained Heigh - 9'00 It ® Footing Strengths & Dinensions AM Soo Bearing= Wall height above sol = 7.00 ft 2,500.0 psf fc = 3,000 psi Fy = 60,i Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method OOp Slope Behind Wag =A 0.00: f el ches Pressure - Min. As % He- 35.0 0.0014 Height of Sal over Toe =12.00 b Toe Acive Pressure = 0.0 Toe Width = 1.50 ft Passive Pressure Heel Width Sol Density = 110.00 pcf 3 4.75 Water height over heel 0.0 ft Total Fooling Width = Wind on Stem = 20.E psfIISoI Friction = 0.5m Footing Thickness = 16.00 in so height to ignore Key Width 0.00 In for passive Pressure - 0.00 in KW Dep(h = 0.00 In Surcharge Loads Key Digtanae from Toe = 0.00 it Lateral Load Corer @ Top = 3.00 In Q Stn.= 3.00 in Applied to _ Suroharge over Heel 100._0 psf To Resist n Stem Axial Load Applied t0 Stun Laterm LOW 225.0 Surcharge Over ToeUsed & Used for SvMq & Overtu 100.0 psf n� -Height to T _ #Yin = Areal Dead load 0.0 tis ...Hetet to Bottom _ 5.00 ft Axial Lire Load = 0.0 lbs 4.00 Desi n Sumin ft Axial Load Ecoen" = 0.0 In Stem COnstOn Top Stxarr Total 1ltOntg Load 8,766 lbs; resuMit eoc_ 7.84 in Design height pt= A-IA '1l`A(- Sail Pressure Tae - 2,282 psf OK Wag Material Above M oo" 1 j Thickness Sal Pressure @ Heel - 523 psf OK Allowable= 12-00 Rebar Size _ # 6 2,500 psf SON Pressure Less Than Rebar Spacing = 800 Placed at ACI Factored T 2,783 psf ACF Factored @ Heel DR�ebar = Edge � Dab -_ = 638 psf Fooling Shear @ Toe - 119.5. psi OK fbfFB + falFa - 0.803 - Total Force @ SecM M = 2,068.9 Fooling SAllowabhear Heel = 58.7 psi OK Moment..Aclual 114 = 8,303.6 - Wall Stability Rafios 1 Psi Moment ..Allow" = 10,340.8 Sfreap....Acival 0 _ - Skft Z90 OK psi 21.6 Shear .... Allowable Psi = 50.0 - 2.48 OK Bare Develop ABOVE HL . in= 3600 Lateral arcaPone f L8Wl*ft BELOW HL in = 9.10 ,W- less 100% Passive Force = - 1,9712 ftRebar= less 100% FdWmn Wr ON Weight 124.0 Depthd, in= Farce = - 4,382 9 Itis Added Force Rego = Als9.00 � t'm DAits OK ._.for 1.5: 1 _ - 0.0 lbs OK Psi= 2,500 Fs Footing Desi n Results Psi- 24,000 SSaid Grouling = Yes Modula Inspection ce X = Yes Modular Ratio 1r' 15.47 Factored pressure = 638 Mu': Upward = Short Term Factor - 1.000 Equiv. Solid Thick. 3,9,55 0 Mu': Downward = 879 0 ft# Mu: Design in = 11.62 Masonry Type = Medium Wght Concrete = 3,076 14,116 111 Actual 1-Way Shear = 19.52 rc Psi= 58.70 psi Allow '-way Shear - 93.11 93.11 psi Fy PSI= Toe Reinforcing = # 5 @ 15.50 in Heel Reinforc iry = # Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not mo, Mu < S - 7 @ 12.50 in Key Reinforcing = None Speed Fr Heel 94@ 7.25 in. #5@ Key: No key defined 11.00 in, #6@15.75 In, #7@ 2125 in, #80 28.00 in, #9@ 35 CARUSO TURLEY SCOTT, INC. 2702 NORTH 44TH STREET Title: X1014 t7 PHOENK AZ 85M,SUITE 200 Dsgnr: Job Ge# (602) 9112-91120 Descripn : Date: 4.40PM, 8 FEB 05 ' tio (602) 912-9390 [FAX] Scope r s Code Ref ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 a003 CALCa0'' CantiieVered Rt'rtainln saa�� g Wail Design �PaqeDescription9'Masonry Retaining WaA at Loading Dock.e ftem Forte nistmnce lbs ft Heel Active PreSsut+e _ ft -4 Toe Active Pressure 2,197.4 3.70 - 8,135.1 Surcharge Over Toe = 0.78 Ad*ent Footing Load _ 1.17 Added Lateral Load 225.0 5.83 Load ,312.5 SeismicLoW - 140.0 13.83 1,936.7 Total 2"AResbaO.T.Y. f 1.3842 9roverturnIng Rado _ - 2.90 Vw'cal Lads used forSW P"eswm 8.765.8 ms VBA) of as6ve INS. used far:w pressure Force. ' D � ft Moment Sol Over Hed - Sloped Soil Over Heal _ 3,712.5 4.38 tt 16,242.2 Surchage ow Heel _ 375.0 Adp>M Footeg Load = 4-M 1,640.6 AXW Dead Load on Stem = Sof Over Toet 0.00 165.0 Marge Over Toe 0.75 150.0 123.8 Stem WeiBht(s) 0.75 f 12.5 Earth Q Stern T� 1,984.0 2.00 3,968.0 Fau ft Wath = Key Weight = 1,750 3.13 3.9062 Vert. Cq "nft —, 1'_129.3 6.25 7.056.3 Tetat = 8.765.8 bs RX- 33 05i 66 , . iv r r1A CARUSO TURLEy SCOTT, INC. 2702 NORTH 44TH STREET,, SUITE 200 PHOENIX, AZ 85008 (602) 912-9120 I.- --- --- - �f -a 0.00 in Retained Height = 11.00 ft Wall height above sal = 7.00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00:1 Height of Sal ave Toe = 12.00 in Sal Densily _ 110.00 Pcf Wind on Stem =. 20.0�psf Surcharge Loads Used TO Resist Over .1. 8 O 100.0 P9f Surcharge Over Toe = OA psf Used for Sliding 6 Overturning Desi n Sum Tr�e•SuBitarNea;� _ 1f,857 lbs 6.83 in Sal pressure @ Tae = 2,301 psf OK Sol Pressure @ Heel = . 861 Psf OK All0vira3ale = imeW f SCAe Less Than Al ACI Factored @ Toa = 2,761 psf ACI Factorr,.d @ Heel 1,032 psf Footing Shear @ Toe _ Footing Shear @ Hed = 20.5 Psi OK Allowable 64-9 psi OK 93.1 psi Wall ifily Ratios fiv_ - 3.02 OK Sing 2.00 OK Stldfng Caks (Verkw Component LIWI Lateral Slidng Force 3,625.8 lbs less 100% Passh6 Force = - 1,333.3 gas fess 100% Friction Forme - 5,928-5 In Added Farce Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for IS: I Stability = 0.0 lbs OK FOOWtin Design Resu FacedPnessuna = 2,761 1,032 psl Mte : Upward = 6.551 0 R # Mu' : Dowmmrd = 1,276 0 ft•# Mu: Design = . 5,275 20,131 ft4 Actual 1 -Way Shear 20.47 64.89 psi Allow 1 -Way Shear - 93.11 93.11 psi Toe Reinforcing = # 5 @ t 5.50 in Heel Reartorc" = # 7 @ 12-50 in Key Reinforcing = None Spend Title: Dsgnr: Description: Scope: Job # Date: 4:4613M, 8 FSB 05 [a 015 Code Ref: ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 16 oil Data Allow Shc Oearirig = 2.500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 35.0 Toe Active Pressure = 0.0 Passive pressure = .0 375 Water height over het = 50.0 ft FoogIISM Friction = 0.500 Sol hegf(to ignore fcr Pa"he pnlssure = 0.00 in Lateral Load Applied to Stem Lateral Load _ 275.0 *ft ..,H� to TBdbm _ 5.00 4 5.00 tt Footing Strengths & Dimensions rc = 3,000 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Min. As °% = 0.0014 Toe Width = 2.00 ft Heel Width =5.50 Total Footing Width Fooling Thidomss - 20.00 in � Mitt 0.00 in Depth 0.00 in Key Dish from Toe = 0.00 ft COM @ Top w 3A0 In 0 Bbn = 3.00 in fel Load Applied to Stem AM Dead Load 0-0 lbs Mal Live load _ 0.0 lbs A)M Lard Eccentricity = 0.0 it Std Co traction _� T Shear f>Wi� boom ft SIMM OK _ Material Wal Material Above HY' * nry Thidmess - Rebar Size 1200 = Rebar Spacing = # 8 8.00 Rebar Placed at = Data - -- ._... EdgeDesign tb/FB + fa/Fa = o Tafel Force @ Section Ax= 2,678.5 Mornent... Actual ft#= 11,841.8 Moment.. -.Allowable = 12,476.6 Shear ....Actual Iasi = 28.9 Show... Allowable psi. 50.0 Bar Devdop ABOVE Ht. in. 48.00 Bar LqP*fmic BELOW Ht in = 9.97 Was Wei* 124.0 MawnDepth ,d, In= 9.00 fiat psi= Fs 2,500 PSI= Sold Gm uft 24,000 Special lnsPectvn _ yes Yes Modular Rafio In, 15.47 Short Term Facts = 1.000 Egmv. Solid ThfdL in = 11.62 Coad BDa� Type = Medngra Weight rc psi = Fy psi = Other Acceptable sizes $ Spacings Toe: Not regd, Mu < S' Fr NNkey deli #5@ 10.25 in. #6@ 14.50 in, #7@ 19.75 6a, #8@ 26.00 in, #9@ 32 CARUSO TURLEY SCOTT, INC. 2702 NORTH 44TH STREET, SUITE 200 g Title: Jb PHOENIX, AZ 85008 ' Description: Date: 4:46PM, 8 FEB 05 (602) 912-9120 Scope (602) 912-9390 iFA)q Code Ref: ACI 318.02,1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA Woo URev. w�caosia, vLsao. o�zoosCantilevered Retaining Wall Desi n ora CALC Ere res ,� P490 2 cription 11' Masonry Retaining Wall at LOading Doric Area g n. Of Moments Force - - .��.._. Distance Moment. -RESISTING..... Heel Active Pressure ft # = 3.210.8 4.48 bis Distance ft Moment ft -1f Toe Aco* Prmure _ 14,407.6 089 Soil Qypr Heel _ 5.445.0 5.25 __..._....._.-.-- Surcha%e over Toe = Sloped Sod O%w Hee = 28,586.3 Ad Footing Load = Surcharge Oyer Heel = 456.0 Added Lateral Load = . 275,6 7.17 A d Foo ft Load = 525 2,362.5 Load 0 Stem Above Sd = 1,970.'8 140.0 16.17 Arial Dead Load on Stem a SeismicLoad 2,263.3 Sail Oyer Toe = 220.0 0.00 _....__Surcharge Ow Toe - 1.00 220.0 TOW - ResistirrWOM1tu �� 3,625.8 QTA. = 18,641.8 �o Stem W�(s) _ Fath @ Simn Tt = 2,170.0 250 5.425.0 = 3.02 Ver§W Loads used for Sol los = 11,856.9 Keir Weight Foo6M Weght = _ f,875.0 3.75 7,031.2 Vertical cormonent of aobre pressure used for ad pressure Vert- Component 106.9 7.50 12,726.9 TOW = 11,456.9 lbs RA.- 56,351.9 rnA CARUSO TURLEY SWTT, INC. 2702 NORTH 44TH STREET, SUITE 200 PHOENK AZ g6Q0g (602) 912-9120 (602) 912-93901FAxi Descrip"on [a 01.7 Title : Job # 613 Dsgnr: Date: 4:49PM, 8 FEB 05 Description Scope: Code Ref: ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 rAI s , t zoos Cantil 19' evened Retaining Wall Design Wall at Loading Dock Area Crited al = 0.00 in Retained Height = 11.00 ft Wall height above soil = 7.00 It Slope Behind Wall = 0.00:1 Height of Soil over Toe = 12.00 in Soil Density = 110.00 Per Wind on Slem 20.0'psf Surcharge Loads -� Sic To Resist Heel .0& Data�� Surcharge Over Tae = 0.0 Psi, Used for Sing & Ogg D esign S � Load 12,297 11113 em 7.113 In Sall Pressure tap Toa = 2,419 psf OK $oil Pressure Q Hed = 861 psf OK Allowable - 2,500 psf Sob Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe _ 2,9119 psf ACI Factored Heel = 1,039 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 7.4 Psi OK Footing Shear @ beet = 64.9 psi OK Allowable = 93.1 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning _ Sliding = 3.08 OK 2.06 OK Sliding Calcs (vertical Cornponeid us" Lateral Slicing Force = 3,625.8 lbs less 10o% passim Force = 11,333,3 lbs less 100% Friction Force = - 6445.5 Ibs Added Force Req' = 0.0 lbs OK --..for 1.5: 1 stability = 0.0 Ills OK Footing Design Results Factored Pressure _ Mu' :Upward = 2'919 f Mit: Downward - 1'� a 44Mu: Design = 1,008 0 ft-# 4,49$ 22,494 ft-# Aduall-Way Shear = 7.38 64.89 psi Allow Way Shear - 93.11 93.11 psi Too Reinforcing = #56 15.50 In Heel Reinforcing = # 7 @ 12.50 in Key Reinforcing = . None Speed ll Datil �IAoMr Sale 2,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure - 35.0 Toe Alive pressure = 0.0 Passkv pressure = 375.0 ver Water height oheel 0.0 ft Foo8n911Soll Friction = 0.500 Sail height to ignore for Passive pressure - 0.00 in �®_ Applied to Stem LaWal Load - 275.0 9m ---H*ht to Top = 6.001t ...Height to Bottom = 5.00 it Page 1 Footing Strengths S Dimensions Fc = 3,000 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Min. As % = 0.0014 Toe Width = 2.00 ft Heel Width = 5.50 Total Footing width = --7-50- Footing Thidmess = 20.00 in Key Width Stern C ttuiC ion = 0.00 in Kay Depth = 0.00 in Key Dieiarxe from Toe = 0.00 ft Cover 0 Top = 3.00 if 0 Btm = 3.00 in Axial Load AMbd to Stall A)M Dead Load 0.0 tis Axial Live Load = - 0.0 vs Ax" Load Eccen6ia(y = 0.0 in Bar Develop ABOVE HL - in = - - 25.63 Bar LapMaak BELOW Ht in= 9.59 Wei Weight = 145.0 MasMasonry DDDaam in = 9.63 Fs Psi Psi Sold Groung ti Special inspection = Modular Ration' _ Short Tenn Factor = Equiv Solid Thick = Masonry Block Type = Medium Welght Conc ehi Data t'c psi = 3,000.0 Fy psi= 60,000.0 0mr:�regd table SUN S'�9s Heel: N 6.00 In @ 9,25 In. 13.00 in, #70 17.75 in, #8@ 23.25 in, #9@ 29. eydefined Top Stem Design neight ft Qft OK O- � L Wall W Material Above Ht" = .00 Cordele Thidmess Rebar Size _ 12.0 Rebar Spacing - - # 6 6 . 8.00 Rebar Design D at ata = Edge fblFB + falFa - o.ede Total Force @ Section lbs = 4.900.3 Mme. -Actual ft-# = 22,493.8 Moment.... Allowable = 26,658.7 Shear... -Actual psi = 42.4 Shear ... Allowable psi = 93.1 Bar Develop ABOVE HL - in = - - 25.63 Bar LapMaak BELOW Ht in= 9.59 Wei Weight = 145.0 MasMasonry DDDaam in = 9.63 Fs Psi Psi Sold Groung ti Special inspection = Modular Ration' _ Short Tenn Factor = Equiv Solid Thick = Masonry Block Type = Medium Welght Conc ehi Data t'c psi = 3,000.0 Fy psi= 60,000.0 0mr:�regd table SUN S'�9s Heel: N 6.00 In @ 9,25 In. 13.00 in, #70 17.75 in, #8@ 23.25 in, #9@ 29. eydefined 02/24/05 THU 17:12 FAX '• a 01-8 CARUSO TURLEY SCOTT. INC. 2702 NORTH 44TH STREET, •SUITE 200 Title rDsonr Job * 6? PHOENIX, AZ 8;5008 DescriCription Date: 4:49PM, 8 FEB 05 (602) 912-9120 Scope: (602) 912-9390 [FAX] Code Ref: ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 20031BC, 2003 NFPA 5000 4, Ver 5.a Q User ,1-0ec-2003 (c)1993 2aos 6 C EH Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 Description 11' Retaining Wall at Loading Dock Area item Force O D O.",M onww Hee.(Aetive Pressure = � ft . 3,210.8 4.499 - - - S Toe Adh a Pressure = 14,407 8 Surcharge Oaer Tae = 0.89 Adjacent Footing Load = ft Added Lateral Load = 275.0 7.17 Load @ Siem Above Soil = 1,970.8 SelsmicLoad - 140.0 16.17 2,263.3 TON = 3,626.8 O.T.M. = 18.6418 Reeis01904MMIng Ratio Ad1acW Footing Load = = 3A8 ve fto Loads used for 80 Pressurt3 = 12,296.9 lbs Vertical camparent of active pressure used for soil pressure Tlf+IG..... Force: Distance moment Soil Over Heel ft ft -8 - Sbped $oil Over Heel- = 5,445.0 5.25 28,586.3 Surcharge Over Heel = 450.0 5.25 Ad1acW Footing Load = 2.362.5 Arial Dead Load on SW = Soo Over Toe _ 0.00 - Surcharge OwToe = 220.0 1.00 220.0 sin We"s) - Earth Q Stem Transans = 2,610.0 2.50 6,525.0 Foobrg Weight = KeyW*M - 1,875.0 3.75 7,031.2 Vert. Component = 1.6.9 7.50 12,726.9 Tow= 12,296.9 ft ... R.M.- 57,451.9 019 CARUSO TURLEY SCOTT, INC. 2702 NORTH 44TH STREET, SUITE 200 TIM: Dsgnr: Job # PHOENIX, AZ 85008 Description: Date: 4:51 PM. 8 FEB 05 (602) 912-9120 (602) 912-9390 [FAXj Scope E0R5eaaaa Code Ref: ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFA 5N0 ; Cantilevered RetainFng Wall Design 5` Retaining Wall at Loading Dock Area Criteria = 2,500.0 f PS Retained Height = 15.00 ft Wali height above sod = 7.00 It Slope Behind Wan = 0.00:1 Height of Sail over Toe = 1200 in Son Density = 110.00 pct Wind on Stern = 20.0 psf Surcharge Loads Usurcharged $oResist gOver Heei & 0 vertoo_o psf urge Over Tae = tinQ -0 psf Used for Siding & Overtunung Desi S otal Bearing LOW u OCC. = 22 3.94 ,796 in - Sol Pressure @ Toe - 2,444 psf OK SAAllowable ol pressure @ Heel= 1,701 psf OK Sod Pressure Less Than Alt w50te psf Factored @ Toe = 2,044 psf ACI Factored (@ Heel psf 2,050 Fig Shear @ Toe = 7-4 50 0psi OK Footing Shear @ beet = Allowable _ $9.1 Psi OK Wall Shy Ratios _ 93.1 psi Ove _ Sliding = 3.82 OK 2.13 OK Sltdhtg Calcs (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Siding. Force 6,324.3 lbs less 100% Passive Force = . 2.083.3 lbs less 100% Friction Force = - 11,398.8 bs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5: 1 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK Footing Design Results -F n FactoredPressure - Toe- Mu' : Upward _ 2'� 2.030 psf 12,883 Mu': Downward _ 0 111 -#Mu: Design _ 2.$98 0 t� Actual i-way Shear = 9.985 46,738 ft.# Allow 1 -Way Shear = 7.37 89.09 psi Toe Reinforcing 93.5. 93.11 psi n9 = # 5 0 15.501n Keay Ranf� _ # 7 @ 12.50 in 9 = Now Spec d Sot DISot Dl t Allow Soil Bearing = 2,500.0 f PS Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 35.0 Tce Active Pressure = 0 0 Passive Pressure 375.0 Water height over heel - 0.0 ft Footinglisaii Friction = 0.500 Page 1 Footing Strengths Dimensions fc = 3,000 psi Fy = 00,000 psi Min- As % - 0.0014 Toe Wath Heel Width Total Fooling Width Footing Thicbms 3.00 ft 8.00 `--fi:W 28.00 in Sat height to Ignore for Passive Key Width 0.00 kr pressure == 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 i Key Distance from Tae = 0.00 I Lazerdl Load Applied to Stem _ . COW 0 TOP = 3.00 in ® Elm: 3.00 in A" LOW Applied to Stem Lamm Load 375.0#11t ...Height to Top = 8.00 ft --Height to Bottom Anal Dead toad = 0.0 lbs A" LiveLoad = = 7.00 ft 0.0 Its A" Load Ecm*icky = 0.0 In Stem COmftr1lC11g1 . Top Stan Designft= 0 0o Pyt-1ar•lu�Above fheigh = Concrete Thickness = �.OQrp Rebar Size 12.00 = # 8 Rebar Spacing = 7.00 Rebar Placed at - Edge Design Data - fb/FB + falFa 0978 Total Face @ Section lbs - 8,380.6 MomenL..Aclual ft-#= 48,738.2 Moment....Allowable = 49,779.9 Shear ... Actual psi= 73.5 Shear.... Allowable psi = 931 Bar Develop ABOVE Ht In= 42.72 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht in = 14.95 Wall Weight - 145.0 Masooni ry Depth,� °1= 9.50 rm psi= Fs Sold Grouting moi_ Special Inspection = Modular Raioin, _ Short Tenn Factor = Equiv. Solid Thick. _ Concrete Block Type = Medium Weight Data fc psi = 3,000.0 Fy psi = 60,000.0 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe. Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Had: #4@ 425 in, #5@ 6.25 in, 06@ 9.00 in, #7@ 1225 in, #8@ 16.00 in, #9@ 202 Key. No key defined wi ULU CARUSO TURLEY SCOTT, INC. �, ^ z702Title : NORTH 44TH STREET, SUITE 20o Job # W 'PHOENIX, AZ 85008 Description: : Date: 4:51 PM, 8 FES 05 (602) 912-9120 (602) 912-9390 [FAX] Scope Rai 58Uppq Code Ref ACI 318-02,1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 ulr icw-0soos24v�a°e Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 (c Tsas zoos Description 15 Retaining Walt at Loading Dock Area h',s Force Desistence Item Moment Ibs R ft.# Heel Active Pressure - Tae Active Pressure 5,809.3 6.05 35.158.1 Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Footing Load ft Added Latend Load = 375.0 9.e3 3,687.5 Load 0 Stem Above Sol 140_0 20.83 2,916.7 SeisMkLoad = SurehMe Over Heel = Adjacent Fooppg Loa _ Total- 6.3243 (XT.M. = 41,7622 Res�rokg Rata AxW Dead load on Stam 3.82 Vwfical Loads used hrr Sol Pressure = 22.797.6 lbs Vertical component of alive pressure used for sol pressure RESDi Force n" Moment ms ft ft4 Sal Over Heel - Sloped Sol Over Heel = 11,550.0 7.50 86,625.0 SurehMe Over Heel = Adjacent Fooppg Loa _ 700.0 7.50 5,250.0 AxW Dead load on Stam Sol Over Toe 330'0 0.00 150 495.0 S.r>�rge Over Toe_ Stem We"s) = I:am @ Siem Transirons = 3,190.0 3.60 11,165.0 Foaft Weight = Key Weight = 3,850.0 5.50 21,174.9 Vert Comporwo = 3,177.6 11.00 34.953.8 Total = 22.797.6 lbs RM: 159,563.7