City View
December 11, 2020
5:00 PM PST
Lewis Gouge
Regional Sales Manager
4464 Markham St., Suite 1202
Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8
1.800.665.5647 ext. 67320
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Protection of Privacy – California Public Records Act
Our response includes proprietary and confidential information. CityView authorizes the City to make paper
and electronic copies necessary for the use of City staff and agents. However, we would like to invoke the
protections of the California Public Records Act for the following information provided.
· Product Overview - The information in Section 1, Statement of Qualifications paragraph (A) - Product
Description (CityView exclusive Value-added Features, Ease of Use functionality, and Proposed
Solution including subsections); paragraph (B) – Implementation Approach and (C) – Process
Improvements / Adjustments (CityView Administrator) are considered proprietary and confidential,
because it contains specific product architectural and functional descriptions. The product
information is considered a trade secret for CityView.
· CityView software documentation - The information in Section 1 (Software documentation) including
subsections is considered proprietary and confidential, because it contains specific product
architectural and functional descriptions. The software documentation is considered a trade secret
for CityView.
· CityView partial customer list – The information provided in Section 2 is considered proprietary and
confidential. Our partial customer list is submitted in confidence and contains privileged information
that may not be disclosed without prior permission by CityView.
· Pricing information - Our cost information, provided in Section 3 including subsections, is considered
proprietary and confidential. Our cost proposal has been submitted in confidence and contains trade
secrets and/or privileged or confidential commercial or financial information that would result in a
competitive disadvantage if disclosed without prior permission by CityView (“Trade Secret”). A Trade
Secret includes, but is not limited to, any formula, pattern, device, or compilation of information that
is used in one’s business, which gives him/her an opportunity to obtain an advantage over
competitors who do not know or use it. Since it would harm CityView if any of our Trade Secrets
were known to our competitors, it is CityView’s policy that the cost proposal not be disclosed to any
party outside of the party addressed as the recipient of this proposal. As such, the cost proposal shall
be used or disclosed only for evaluation purposes, and for no other purpose whatsoever. Further, in
the event a contract is awarded to CityView as a result of, or in connection with, the submission of
this Proposal, City shall have the restricted right to disclose the entire contract dollar amount;
however, this disclosure may not include itemized data herein to the extent provided in the resulting
Please note due to COVID-19 travel restrictions/mandates, both internal and external, training courses
conducted remotely maybe necessary, as opposed to on-site.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
1. COVER LETTER / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 5
FIRMS BACKGROUND, QUALIFICATIONS, AND EXPERIENCE ................................................................................. 13
(A) NUMBER OF YEARS IN THE BUSINESS ..................................................................................................................... 13
(B) TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ..................................................................................................................... 13
Our commitment ................................................................................................................................................. 14
Partners ............................................................................................................................................................... 14
CityView Record of Local Government Experience .............................................................................................. 15
RESULTS FROM THIS RFP ................................................................................................................................................ 17
INCORPORATION ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
(F) IF THE FIRM IS A SUBSIDIARY OF A PARENT COMPANY, IDENTIFY THE PARENT COMPANY ................................................... 21
STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 21
(A) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................................... 21
CityView’s Proud Reputation ............................................................................................................................... 22
CityView Exclusive Value-added Features (Proprietary and Confidential) ........................................................... 23
CITYVIEW RESPONSES TO THE CITY’S REQUESTED SCOPE OF SERVICE ................................................................. 28
PROPOSED SOLUTION .......................................................................................................................................... 32
CITYVIEW PROPOSED SOFTWARE SOLUTION ...................................................................................................................... 32
PRODUCT OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................................... 32
THE CITYVIEW PLATFORM .............................................................................................................................................. 33
CITYVIEW CONFIGURATION CONSOLE ............................................................................................................................... 33
Lookup table maintenance .................................................................................................................................. 34
Workflow configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 34
Custom database fields ........................................................................................................................................ 35
Batch processes and scheduled events ................................................................................................................ 35
Resource group administration ........................................................................................................................... 35
Holiday configuration .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Business rule configuration .................................................................................................................................. 36
Letter administration ........................................................................................................................................... 37
CityView Flex Fee ................................................................................................................................................. 38
REPORTING ................................................................................................................................................................. 39
INTEGRATIONS – CITYVIEW CAPABILITIES .......................................................................................................................... 39
GIS integration ..................................................................................................................................................... 40
Integrated Voice Response (IVR) .......................................................................................................................... 41
Financial Management Systems (FMS) ................................................................................................................ 41
311 Services ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) .......................................................................................... 41
CITYVIEW BUSINESS SOLUTIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 43
CityView Property Information ............................................................................................................................ 45
CityView Permits and Inspections ........................................................................................................................ 46
Planning ............................................................................................................................................................... 47
CityView Licensing ............................................................................................................................................... 48
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView Cashiering ............................................................................................................................................. 49
Microsoft Outlook Add-in .................................................................................................................................... 50
Microsoft Word Add-in ........................................................................................................................................ 51
CityView Portal .................................................................................................................................................... 52
CityView Mobile ................................................................................................................................................... 53
CityView Electronic Plans Review ......................................................................................................................... 54
CityView Virtual Inspections ................................................................................................................................ 56
CityView Assistant - Meet Fraser, CityView’s intelligent Chatbot ....................................................................... 56
HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................... 57
ON-PREMISE HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS................................................................................................... 57
SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION (PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL) ........................................................................ 71
(B) IMPLEMENTATION APPROACH ............................................................................................................................. 80
(C) PROCESS IMPROVEMENTS / ADJUSTMENTS .......................................................................................................... 125
2. REFERENCES OF CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ................................................................................ 128
2.1 CITYVIEW EXPERIENCE ........................................................................................................................................... 128
What CityView Customers are Saying ................................................................................................................ 129
Cherokee County, GA Testimonial – CityView Portal and COVID-19 ................................................................. 131
City of South Jordan, Utah - Case Study ............................................................................................................. 133
2.2 CITYVIEW REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 135
3. COMPLETE PRICING LIST – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL ...................................................................... 139
3.1 CITYVIEW – SUMMARY OF INVESTMENTS (ON-PREMISE) ............................................................................................. 139
4. LIST OF ADDITIONAL SERVICES OFFERED ....................................................................................................... 145
4.1 OPTIONAL CITYVIEW VIRTUAL INSPECTIONS AND ASSISTANT ......................................................................................... 145
5. STAFFING AND PROJECT ORGANIZATION ...................................................................................................... 147
6. SUBCONTRACTING SERVICES ......................................................................................................................... 158
7. DISCLOSURES ................................................................................................................................................. 159
8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. 160
9. NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT (ATTACHMENT 3) .............................................................................................. 161
10. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA (ATTACHMENT 4) ................................................................................ 162
11. EXCEPTIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 163
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView, an unincorporated division of N. Harris Computer Corporation
4464 Markham Street, Suite 1202
Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8 Canada
Toll-Free: 1.800.665.5647
December 11, 2020
City of La Quinta
Attn: Tommi Sanchez
78495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph: (760) 777-7077
RE: Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
Dear Tommi Sanchez,
Please find in the following pages, CityView’s response to the City of La Quinta’s RFP for Permit Tracking and
Licensing Software Services.
CityView has been providing land management/permitting solutions for almost 40 years. CityView is a
modern browser based (HTML5) solution that seamless integrates with Esri ArcGIS, Bluebeam Revu (for
electronic document markup) for electronic plans review, and Microsoft Office applications to streamline your
daily activities. Our proven approach, CityView Select, will provide the City with a clear project plan
leveraging pre-configured best practice workflows and a well-developed methodology for a successful
implementation that leads to long-term success.
Having reviewed your requirements, we are confident CityView is the best solution to meet your needs now
and well into the future. The included pricing is firm for a period of 90 days from the closing date for
submission except for Bluebeam Revu (included as part of the Electronic Plans Review) pricing which is only
valid for 30 days. In addition, we have reviewed the City’s legal documents and conditions and
acknowledge acceptance of them except for the exceptions listed in Section 11. All services will be
performed by CityView staff. CityView has no pending litigation against it nor any bankruptcy or insolvency
proceedings in the last ten years. CityView or all individuals who will perform work are free of any conflict of
interest with the City of La Quinta. CityView attests to no collusion in the preparation and/or submission of
the proposal.
Once again, thank you for the opportunity to respond! Lewis Gouge will be your main point of contact
regarding this response and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to call:
CityView, a division of N. Harris Computer Corporation
Lewis Gouge
Regional Sales Manager
Telephone: 1.800.665.5647 ext. 67320
Cellular: 971.724.0016
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Sean Higgins
Executive Vice President – CityView
Harris Computer Systems
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView is pleased to provide the City of La Quinta with a response to your Request for Proposal for Permit
Tracking and Licensing Software Services.
Our CityView solution is a best-of-breed land management system built upon almost 40 years of working
successfully with community development and other land-based departments. CityView is a fully-integrated
solution that will provide the City with an easy to use and efficient out-of-the-box solution. CityView was
designed so that every user interface, portal and mobile, communicates seamlessly with the rest of CityView.
This allows business rules to be implemented uniformly and data to always be in sync. Implementing CityView
will provide the City of La Quinta with a class-leading system to efficiently capture, find and report on all
permitting and land management activity. It will help maximize efforts to improve employee productivity, job
satisfaction, and work cost reduction.
CityView will eliminate manual processes and legacy-system inadequacies while providing efficiencies and
accountability to every aspect of the permitting/development process. CityView automates everyday tasks and
data entry requirements through powerful workflows. These can be modified using our easy-to-use visual
workflow tools as your processes change.
Automated workflows
CityView includes best-practice workflows to automate the business processes and minimize the need for
data-entry. These workflows may be fine-tuned or adjusted to align with the City’s own needs. The user-
interface provides a summary of next-steps and their assignments, deadlines and outcomes. It also offers a
history of completed tasks and their outcomes.
Workflows are configurable so they can always be
adjusted, as needed. We’ll teach you how!
This eliminates redundant data and activity,
provides easily accessible data and reporting
functionality, streamlines revenue collection,
ensures accountability, assists users with their
daily tasks and improves service to your citizens.
“We’re using the heck out of our Mobile installation. All of our building inspections are done out in the field
(over 35,000 in 2019). Our customers and citizens can see the outcome of an inspection seconds after the
inspection is complete. A huge benefit to the people living and working and developing in Cherokee County.
Our building inspectors love it because they can look at all documents related to the project which may
affect how they measure the requirements of the inspection.”
Kevin Cully, Cherokee County, GA
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Community engagement
CityView Portal offers critical information and services to your constituents such as the ability to apply for a
permit, check the status of a permit/project in real-time, request an inspection, and pay for permits or update
an account balance all safely and securely. The CityView Portal is tightly integrated with all the other aspects
of the CityView application. For example, when correction notices are generated as part of the plan review
process that notice/document is pushed to the Portal as part of the workflow and an email is generated to
the applicant with a PDF copy of the Correction Notice attached (in a single step), thus providing convenience
to your customer and improving your efficiency and productivity.
Industry leading Electronic Plans Review
CityView leverages PDF markup technology inside our workflow and plan review processes. With this, we
provide cost-effective and comprehensive electronic plans reviews. The process combines electronic
submission, document versioning and workflow capabilities with the powerful markup functionality of
Bluebeam Revu for electronic plans review.
CityView’s integrated Electronic Plans Review improves the coordination, accuracy and the speed of plan
review time for CityView customers.
As a Gold Certified Bluebeam partner, CityView is uniquely positioned to not only sell and support
Bluebeam, but also to provide the only available electronic plans review solution that is truly
integrated with Bluebeam.
CityView’s Bluebeam integration captures all markups in CityView, pushes those markups
seamlessly to your customers via CityView Portal, and allows staff to quickly and easily generate
correction notices and email notifications of plan review results.
Leverage your GIS
CityView’s integration with Esri’s ArcGIS Server or ArcGIS Online assimilates mapping and spatial analysis into
the everyday business activities of CityView users. This is available to users in the office, in the field and on-
The deeply integrated GIS capabilities can be utilized to:
Embed spatial data into reports, letters and forms. This helps inspectors see where their inspections
for the day are located.
Allow users to select properties based on GIS information and then use the selection to send notices,
updates or other letters to the contacts on the properties.
View search results on a map or search spatial attributes from the map.
Use Esri Feature Service layers to draw temporary locations and assimilate mapping and spatial
analysis into the business processes.
Flag activities of interest for others. This may include the planned routes for oversized vehicles, street
closures for maintenance etc.
Run spatial queries to automate the business process, e.g. schedule an inspector based on the
property’s location.
“99% percent of permitting, planning and licensing applications are now submitted electronically. Submittals
are then checked digitally for completeness and issues are communicated and resolved electronically with the
Cory Day, South Jordan, UT
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
View publicly accessible Web Map Services created by external agencies.
Generate the most efficient routes for inspections including turn by turn directions and multiple
options for route optimization.
Mapping in CityView is embedded in our solution, with inline maps throughout the application
without leaving the current page, allowing staff to leverage your GIS investment in their daily
Field mobility
CityView Mobile allows field staff to access all relevant information and
allows them to complete their inspections while away from the office.
CityView Mobile will greatly enhance your inspectors’ efficiency. It will
Real-time field access by inspectors to reduce the time it takes to
complete their daily inspections
Improved contractor communication with real-time inspection
report notifications
A means to upload images and access approved plans in the field
Inspectors will save both time and money and be able to provide
unparalleled service to your construction community to assist with
economic development. One CityView customer, Cherokee County, GA stated that the adoption of
Mobile had paid for itself simply by the amount of fuel saved.
Integration with your MS Office and Laserfiche solutions
The City has a significant investment with Microsoft Office solutions. CityView offers two unique add-ins to
leverage your investment in MS Office.
CityView MS Outlook Add-in allows:
Data from CityView and Outlook to be easily shared between the two applications with minimal user
Incoming and Outgoing emails to be attached to permits/cases/projects/contractors from Outlook.
User’s CityView To-Do lists can be displayed in Outlook and Activities can be added as appointments
to the Outlook Calendar as well as Tasks within Outlook
Links from these Activities to take the users directly to the specific record in CityView
Features if the CityView MS Word Add-in include:
Users can modify and create letter templates for use within the CityView business processes
Letters generated from the system can be edited on the fly, in Word
Printed letters print to PDF and are automatically attached to the CityView record, ensuring a
complete record in a universally accepted and adopted format
Unlike other solutions, CityView does not use Crystal Reports or a report writer for creating
Make it happen!
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView maintains a Professional Development Partnership with Laserfiche. A necessary output of customer
service in Community Development departments are documents, images and correspondence, the recording
and storage of which is critical. Documents are dynamically retrieved from Laserfiche based on related
metadata. This means that regardless of how (or when) a document gets added to the document
management system, provided it is indexed with metadata like a permit/case number or address, CityView
will be able to retrieve it later. The integration achieved between the two products is seamless.
We enhance your MS Office investment ensuring users continue to use the tools they are already
familiar with seamlessly through CityView, to increase their productivity
Ease of use
We created a user interface with industry-leading browser technologies that is easy to learn, free of
unwanted screen clutter, flows logically, and provides instant access to all business-critical data.
Using a Single Page Application design, users can view and quickly find the information pertinent to an
application or case record. All data related to an application, or case, is available in one dynamic page,
without the clutter of multiple windows or tabs.
Unique User Assist features ensure that even the most novice users can enter data successfully and
navigate through the configured workflow with ease. These assist features include:
Dynamic shading of the cells that require data, to ensure efficient data entry
Additional data-capture fields display only when appropriate
Google-like search tool make it simple to search the entire database
Collapsible panels help to minimize scrolling and clutter
Intuitive and familiar labeling helps the user know exactly what to do
Workflow steps present dynamically on-screen indicating that action is required
A configurable dashboard provides the user with all their important information at a glance
Staff will be more efficient and accountable, permit review times will decrease, and new staff will
be more productive in a shorter time-frame.
Improve productivity
CityView’s search capabilities are extensive and easy to use. Users can easily find what they are looking for
merely by entering whatever information they know (an address, an applicant’s name, a land parcel ID or a
permit number). The system will find all related instances and users simply drill down from there. It would be
very unusual to require more than a few keystrokes and a few mouse clicks to find any record. This applies to
current applications or ones that happened years ago – as long as the data is in CityView.
Because CityView is a parcel-centric solution and because everything is kept in a single database, users can
see all current and historical details for a given property. A permit clerk can easily see if the contractor has a
valid business licenses and a code enforcement officer can see if there are dangerous dogs associated with
the property.
The Portal also makes extensive amounts of data available to the public and your contractors. They can access
all the data on any of their own applications and can also perform searches on publicly available data in their
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Improve turnaround time for permit applications
The CityView system was designed with workflow at its core - from the contractor entering an application in
Portal, through to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, and every step in between. The system is
configured for efficient business processing and achieves this in the following ways:
It searches the property information “system of
record” to auto suggest matching addresses.
Portal makes the application process easy and
fast and eliminates line-ups in the front office.
The system provides notifications of due tasks
to the next individual, or user-group, in the
process. Where tasks can be done
simultaneously, they are.
Electronic Plans Review gathers markups form
all reviewers and their comments are automatically consolidated against the permit number. They are
dynamically populated into a single correction notice in MS Word. Once the letter is checked, it is
instantly converted to PDF, posted as correspondence against the permit number, and emailed to the
The applicant then makes the corrections, resubmits via the portal, and gets his permit in record
A number of CityView customers have self-imposed turnaround deadlines for issuing permits.
The City of Langford, aims for no more than 48 hours for a new residential permit.
Unmatched Configurability
CityView provides the most comprehensive and flexible set of tools available to maintain and enhance the
behavior of any land management system. Our Graphical Workflow Designer is a highly flexible design and
documentation platform that provides a dynamic, current visualization of your processes with the ability to
quickly modify as needed.
These tools are designed to be used by reasonably capable users within the business domain, resulting in the
following benefits:
A reduced reliance on outside vendors and internal IT staff. This lowers expenses and decreases the
total cost of ownership.
Streamlined processes based on tailored business workflows. This increases staff efficiency, reduces
data entry errors and ensures critical business decisions are based on accurate information.
Configuration changes are carried forward through upgrades and system enhancements, allowing
the utilization of the latest technology without additional cost or effort.
Configurations are based on your defined business processes and staff input. This creates a
familiarity that increases user buy-in and decreases training costs.
No other solution offers a Graphical Workflow Designer to quickly and easily maintain workflows
and create new ones, as your needs change.
Saving time is good for everyone
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
By selecting CityView, you will be choosing a solution that can address all of your needs both current and
future. It has been proven many times in similar communities and will deliver the level of automation and
community-engagement that you desire.
The system will be an integral part of your business and your processes. Your staff will view it as an “enabling
technology” and you will wonder how you ever managed without it. You will be able to accomplish more
work without the need to recruit more staff. Your contractors will enter their own applications – and will do
so correctly. They will love the convenience it provides! You will avoid “bad data” and duplicate records and
will be able to find the information you need quickly and easily. You will also have tools to help you measure
the effectiveness of your processes over time.
Your current data entry, management and retrieval worries will soon be
forgotten. You are also assured that the solution will be upgraded and
enhanced long into the future. CityView will not become obsolete or
inadequate. Our history demonstrates that the solution will always evolve
to accommodate increasing demands and new technologies.
CityView’s parent company (Constellation Software Inc.) is Canada’s largest software company and is on
extremely solid footing. You are assured of corporate stability in every regard and that we will not be
acquired by a competitor or desert you at any time.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
38 years
98-0141520 (CityView is an unincorporated division of N. Harris Computer Corporation)
38 years - the makers of CityView have focused solely and completely on creating comprehensive permitting
and land management solutions for municipalities across North America.
CityView’s headquarters and main servicing office is in Victoria, BC (4464 Markham
Street, Suite 1202, Victoria, BC., V8Z 7X8 | Phone: 1.800.665.5647 | eFAX:
314.275.8776 |
Satellite offices in Oregon, Missouri, North Carolina, Alberta, and Ontario. The majority
of support is through our headquarters office in Victoria, BC.
210 maintenance-paying local government customers using CityView products across
37 U.S. states and 7 Canadian provinces.
5000+ users logged in at any one time. 10 million people live in communities where
CityView is being used.
CityView staff experienced and knowledgeable in your business, and committed to
success in our business.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
It is our goal to provide easily installed, powerful and long-term software solutions that manage the everyday
business processes of municipalities. Throughout our 38-year history CityView has focused on the needs of
Community Development departments for local governments. These solutions are based on our combined
years of experience in municipalities and on a product that easily adapts to changing practices. We are
committed to providing a variety of comprehensive services for this software, from installation and training to
ongoing technical support. More than just a vendor, we want to be the company to partner with.
The following details partnerships we have formed to ensure that our customers receive the benefits from the
latest technologies and additional functionality to meet your wide range of needs.
As an Esri partner for more than 15
years, CityView is able to provide the
innovation of industry-leading mapping
to staff and citizens in cities and counties
throughout North America.
Microsoft Certified Gold Partner,
CityView is able to use the latest in
technological advances, including
Microsoft’s .NET platform to continuously develop and
enhance the CityView product line.
Partnership with Laserfiche stems from the natural
symbiosis between the roles they fulfill for
CityView is an
authorized and
certified registered
reseller of Bluebeam, third party software, products
and a Bluebeam Gold Tier Partner. CityView
leverages the PDF markup technology inside of
CityView’s workflow and plan review processes.
CityView is part of the OnBase
Developers Network (ODN) for
Hyland software. OnBase is a
single enterprise information platform for managing
content, processes and cases.
benefit by
having access to the latest communication technologies
without having to deal with multiple vendors.
Paymentus Together Paymentus and
CityView have created a fully real-time, integrated
solution for online payment processing.
partners with
Invoice Cloud
to provide customers with secure, simple, reliable, and
mobile payments online.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
· Launched Property Information, GIS and
Permitting solution in 1986;
· First field inspection solution by 1996;
· Customers date back over 20 years;
· 7 Major software releases in 27 years.
Innovation is the cornerstone of CityView products
and moves us ahead of the crowd to deliver new
functionality consistently. 1st land management
software vendor to provide a totally integrated
mapping and database solution, innovative
integration with MS Outlook and MS Word, first to
provide completely integrated Electronic Plans Review
with Bluebeam Revu.
· Serve both Canadian and USA markets;
· CityView is in 37 U.S. states and 7 Canadian
· Consistently ranked as a leading vendor in this
space for the past 38 years;
· Customer base grows year-over-year;
· State of the art technology, great references,
consistent growth, profitability.
· Founded by Local Government, for Local
Government, 1982;
· All CityView software applications are built
for Municipalities.
We partner with industry leaders that serve local
government: Microsoft, Esri, Laserfiche, OnBase,
Selectron and TeleWorks IVR, Bluebeam, Paymentus,
and Invoice Cloud.
· Over 250 implementations across the USA
and Canada;
· A number of our employees come from a
local government background, selected for
the value their domain experience brings.
Memberships include, Esri, International Code Council
(ICC), American Planning Association (APA), MISA
California, California Building Officials (CALBO) and
Attend, sponsor, and exhibit at leading and local
industry events including California Building
Officials (CALBO), American Planning Assoc.
(APA), Alberta Building Officials Assoc., Ontario
Building Officials Assoc., and others.
· Parent company, Harris Computers serves
66,000 + Government customers in the areas of
Land Management, Utilities, Tax and CAMA,
ERP, Public Safety, School Districts, since 1977;
· Publicly traded;
· $3.490B revenues in 2019; $3.060B revenues in
2018; $2.479B revenues in 2017
· Profitable.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView staff is experienced and knowledgeable in your business, and committed to success in our business.
Your CityView team will not only have appreciable experience with the way local government development
departments do business but will also come with best practices and ideas that come from implementing
projects across all of North America. Please find on the following pages project managers’ resumes.
Additional team resumes including qualifications of key staff that will be assigned to implement the CityView
Select delivery model can be found in Section 5. No subcontractors or third party implementors will be
CityView management profiles
Name Title Industry experience
Jean Soucy President – Harris Public Sector Group (PSG) 20+ years
Dennis Asbury Senior Executive Vice President PSG 20+ years
Sean Higgins Executive Vice President - CityView 20 years
Susan McCormick Senior Vice President - Customer Success 20+ years
Angus Simpson Vice President – Sales & Marketing 20+ years
Doug Thorsteinson Director – Implementation Services 25+ years
Dale Peters Director - Customer Success 10+ years
Steve Graham Technical Architect 25+ years
CityView project team profiles*
Name Title Industry experience
Teri Wright Senior Project Manager 20+ years
David Hill Project Manager 15+ years
Rick Silva Project Manager 10+ years
Mark Atkinson Director Research & Development 20 years
Branka Wilmshurst Director Client Services 20+ years
John Edwards Support Team Lead 18 years
Jatinder Chadha Implementation Services Team Lead 8 years
Adam Wicks Data Conversion – Interface Specialist 8 years
Yuliya Melnyk Quality Assurance Team Lead 14 years
* Should one of the above staff members be unavailable during the project, an alternate employee with
corresponding capabilities and qualities, will be assigned to the project. One project manager will be
assigned to the project. Project Management resumes are provided on the following page.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Please find below and on the following pages resumes and qualifications of CityView Project Managers. One
project manager will be assigned to implement the CityView Select delivery model.
Teri Wright
Senior Project Manager
Length of Time with CityView 10 years – Office Location: Victoria, BC
Responsibilities As CityView’s Project Manager for your implementation,
Teri leads a full team of qualified professionals to manage
your implementation and training. She is involved in both
the facilitation of the project as well as the hands-on work
in each project phase to ensure that all requirements are
met and project deliverables are clearly defined.
Qualifications: After Project Management consulting for
the Provincial Government, First Nations, Federal
Government, Crown Corporation and within the Private
Sector since the mid 90’s, Teri joined CityView in 2010 and
has been responsible for implementing over 30 projects
within Canada and United States covering the full range of
local government business processes including building
permits, planning department processing, business
licensing and compliance enforcement to name a few.
Customer Accomplishments
(additional references upon
A few customers include: Municipality of Anchorage, AK;
Town of Schererville, IN; Kings Point, NY; Meridian, MS;
Augusta, GA; City of Yellowknife, NWT; Town of Darien,
CT; Quinte West, ON; Cherokee County, GA; Penticton,
BC; City of Leduc, AB; Chatham County, NC; Mount
Vernon, WA; Norfolk County, ON; City of Newark, DE; City
of Sarnia, ON; City of West Kelowna, BC; City of Thornton,
CO; Kane County, IL; Niagara Peninsula Conservation
Authority, ON; Stevens Point, WI
Education Project Management Diploma (honors) – Royal Roads
University, Victoria, BC
Business Administration Diploma (honors)
Computer Programming Diploma (honors)
Network Administrator Diploma
Accounting and Computers Diploma
Web Design Certificate
(as well as many other specialized certificates and courses)
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Rick Silva
Project Manager
Length of Time with CityView 3 years – Office Location: Victoria, BC
Responsibilities As CityView’s Project Manager for your implementation,
Rick leads a full team of qualified professionals to manage
your implementation and training. He is involved in both
the facilitation of the project as well as the hands-on work
in each project phase to ensure that all requirements are
met and project deliverables are clearly defined. Rick was
the project manager for a data collection/process mapping
efficiency initiative and was formerly the CityView Product
Qualifications: While working for an international
payment processing company, Rick was the rebranding
project manager, IT project manager, managed a data
warehouse implementation and performed business
Previous experience includes over a decade working in
Fortune 500 companies, managing consumer software that
yielded $250M in yearly sales. Rick was also a senior
quality analyst, software developer, residential construction
project manager and small business owner.
Customer Accomplishments
(additional references upon
A few customers include: Amherstburg, ON; Welland, ON;
Schertz, TX; Tuscaloosa AL; Bloomington, MN
Education Project Management Institute (PMI) - Project Management
Professional (PMP Certified), 2011
University of George Washington School of Business -
Masters Certificate in Project Management, 2009
G.E. - Six Sigma Green Belt Certified, 2001
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) - Computer
Engineering Technology Program, 1995
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
David Hill
Project Manager
Length of Time with CityView 1 year – Office Location: Burnaby, BC
Responsibilities As CityView’s Project Manager for your implementation,
David leads a full team of qualified professionals to manage
your implementation and training. He is involved in both
the facilitation of the project as well as the hands-on work
in each project phase to ensure that all requirements are
met and project deliverables are clearly defined. After
joining Harris in Spring 2013, David headed up 3 major
upgrades and 3 full implementations in the Financial
Services and Utility Billing divisions. David joined the
CityView team in August, and has already brought the City
of Regina live on time.
Qualifications: David specializes in managing multiple
large scale projects, process improvement, determining and
monitoring key performance indicators to guide continuous
improvement throughout a project.
Previous experience includes 23 years with Rogers
Communications. David has been working in Risk
Management and Project Management positions
exclusively for the last 15 years including 7 years as a
Director heading up the PM group for Rogers Retail.
Customer Accomplishments
(additional references upon
Regina, SK; 3 major upgrades and 3 full implementations in
the Financial Services and Utility Billing divisions of Harris
Education Project Management Institute (PMI) - Project Management
Professional (PMP Certified), 2015
Commonwealth University – Executive MBA
Simon Fraser University (SFU) – BSc (Chemistry)
Certified Professional Facilitator Certificate
Certified Professional Negotiator Certificate
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
The CityView product was initiated by two local government employees with the vision of helping to
automate municipal processes. Since its initial release, CityView has been continuously refined and
updated to incorporate new technologies and to meet the diverse needs of our customers.
The company was founded in 1982 and went public in 2002 under the name Municipal Software, Inc.
(TSX-V: MSZ). In July 2008, Municipal Software was purchased by N. Harris Computer Corporation and
became the CityView division of N. Harris Computer Corporation.
N. Harris Computer Corporation was incorporated in Ottawa, Ontario August 16, 1976.
N. Harris Computer Corporation is owned by the Constellation Software Inc. (CSI) group of companies.
Constellation Software is a rapidly growing conglomerate of vertical market software (VMS) companies;
each focused upon dominating its respective market niche. Constellation's growth is based on a simple
strategy: identify promising Vertical Market Software firms; acquire them; and then integrate them into
the Constellation family while building on their fundamental strengths to help them become world class
Constellation is a publicly traded company on the Toronto Stock Exchange under (TSX: CSU).
Constellation’s revenues in 2019 were $3.49 billion. For more information on our financial status, please
visit Constellation’s website:
Year Annual revenues (in millions) Net income/profit
2017 $2,479 million ($2.48 billion) $221.9 million
2018 $3,060 million ($3.06 billion) $379.3 million
2019 $3,490 million ($3.49 billion) $333.0 million
a. The proposal should describe clearly and fully the proposed product and its
features and components, as well as the proposed approach to project execution
and management. The use of standard product documentation, including user
manuals and technical maintenance manuals, is encouraged. Demonstration
software and sample help files may be included. System capabilities should be
described with specificity and illustrated with examples and/or cross-referenced
to user and technical manuals where appropriate. However, reliance on generic
or superficial brochures is not encouraged. The vendor shall describe in detail the
hardware and operating system software configuration requirements for
successful operation of the proposed software product at the. The City intends
to provide all required hardware and operating system software.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
We have a reputation amongst our customers, competitors and the industry for software excellence. Our
Chief Architect, a visionary who has been with the company more than 25 years, has consistently positioned
us at the forefront of providers in this industry insofar as the technology is concerned. We were the first
vendor in this space to offer a totally integrated mapping and permitting database solution (1986); first to
.NET in 2001/2; first with a RESTful API; early adopter of the Windows platform; first to offer database
replication for field inspections; early adopter of ArcGIS Server integration; first to integrate with Active
Directory; amongst the first to deploy a device-agnostic HTML 5; JQuery-based field solution and, first to
release the specific stack of web technologies designed for optimum usability in browser-agnostic business
applications. It truly addresses all users’ needs with the best of mobile, desktop, and browser environments.
CityView Products
Winning Partner
Serving local
since 1982
Over 250
Covering 37
states and 7
provinces across
North America
· Property
· Permits and
· Code Enforcement
· Planning
· Electronic Plans
· Business Licensing
· Animal Licensing
· Service Request
· Cashiering
· Rental Housing
· Marriage and Death
· Parking Management
· Cemetery
· CityView Portal
· CityView Mobile
· CityView GIS
Flexible Software
Committed Staff
Great References
Trade Secret (Proprietary and Confidential)
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView PlansDrop (avoid COVID-19 social distance challenges) – CityView PlansDrop provides
business continuity for the new normal. It is a safe, cost-effective service for municipalities to efficiently
receive permit and development plans digitally from constituents and contractors.
CityView Virtual Inspections (save fuel and increase efficiency during COVID-19) – CityView Virtual
Inspections allow staff to social distance while saving fuel and increasing efficiency. Social distancing has
forced radical changes in the way building departments have had to operate, virtually overnight. CityView
Virtual Inspections is completely integrated with your existing CityView Permits & Inspections module.
CityView Assistant, CityView’s intelligent chatbot - “Fraser”, (improve communication during
COVID-19) – Fraser improves community engagement for municipalities. Fraser provides an intuitive and
handy way for municipal builders to communicate with the CityView system and query permits while on the
go, directly from their mobile device. Supporting all text messaging applications, including iMessenger,
WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and more, CityView’s intelligent Chatbot uses natural language that’s
easy to understand and is familiar with CityView terminology.
CityView Microsoft Word Add-in – The Word Add-in ships with a pre-defined list of letter tags that can
be dragged-and-dropped into any letter template. You can also create your own tags and save them to the
tag library.
CityView MS Outlook Add-in – Email attachments and Activities Added as Appointments and Tasks
within Outlook.
CityView Gmail Add-in - Increase your Return on Investment and value of your GSuite products by using
CityView Gmail Add-in. The CityView Gmail Add-in allows data from CityView and Gmail to be easily
shared between the two applications with minimal user intervention.
CityView Graphical Workflow Designer - A Graphical Workflow Designer is included to quickly and
easily maintain workflows and create new ones as your processes change.
CityView Workspace - CityView uses a single page application HTML5 architecture to create a fluid and
responsive user experience. The highly visual task/activity bar, at the bottom of the screen, persists to give
the user constant access to the workflow that allows them to navigate easily through the business process.
CityView Workspace has a modern, streamlined look-and-feel that makes the data the focal point and
draws the user’s eyes to what is important to them.
CityView integrated Electronic Plans Review - CityView's Electronic Plans Review solution combines the
exceptional submittal, approval routing, version control and workflow capabilities of CityView with the vast
capabilities of Bluebeam's flagship product, Bluebeam Revu, so you can circulate, mark up and review
documents, plans and construction drawings.
CityView Connect - CityView offers exciting, easy access to Help by the click of a button. CityView
Connect, our online content management system is a major advancement in streamlining all of your online
help, support, and documentation needs. Customers can access service requests, software updates, report
issues and track the status of previously reported items 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
CityView Feedback and Status Button – feedback is easy within all CityView modules, you can submit
feedback, which gets routed directly into our CRM software and automatically is assigned to an appropriate
support agent. That is then visible to you through CityView Connect by clicking on a button within the
CityView module.
Trade Secret (Proprietary and Confidential)
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Why CityView – Ease of Use (Proprietary and Confidential)
Modern, Clean, Browser interface (CityView Workspace)
Using the most industry-leading browser technologies available, our developers have created an
interface that is easy to learn, free of unwanted screen clutter, and provides instant access to all
of your business-critical data, using a Single Page Application design, users can view and
maintain the information pertinent to their land management records all from one dynamic
page per application or case. No more flipping around to various screens and tabs to find the
information that is important to you at a point in time!
The user dashboard is the landing page where every CityView session begins. From here, you
can access your To Do List, maps, inspection scheduling, history of previous work, and reports.
The title bar also provides access to key functions like Searching and access to CityView Connect.
CityView User Assist
Another important feature of CityView Workspace is user assist. When you create a new case
or application in the system, the user interface will guide you through all the important steps to
ensure you get your data entry correct. User assist will ensure that even the most novice users
can enter a permit successfully and navigate through the configured workflow with ease.
Trade Secret (Proprietary and Confidential)
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Deep integration with your Esri ArcGIS Server Maps
Mapping in CityView is better than ever, with inline maps throughout the application. Display
your permit and property information on the map without leaving the current page.
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Side menu and workflow
The persistent side menu provides immediate access to any data on the
application. It also lets you know, at a glance, if any information exists in
those sections and if there are any associated alerts. All the most commonly
used features of CityView are available from the menu, including access to the
Master Project, Permit Cloning, and custom buttons.
Security profiles will ensure that users only see what they need to see in
the menu, so that screen clutter is minimized. We also secure at a much
finer level of detail. For example, occupancy, can be secured independently
of the Permits on the application.
Workflow is presented at the bottom of the screen so that the steps can be
used for quick navigation without having to go to a separate screen. As each
step is completed, the next steps automatically appear across the bottom of
the browser window, as shown below. If you need to see workflow steps that
were completed already, you can access them by clicking on the ‘activities
done’ button or by opening the Activities panel from the side menu.
In a fully optimized CityView environment, the user will never need to know
which panels to open. The workflow steps will be configured to pull in
exactly the right panel(s) so that he/she can perform the next task and then
move the workflow along. Once the user has completed all their steps in the
process, they can close that tab in their browser and move on to the next
item in their To Do List. In addition, It is also possible to leave applications,
properties and cases open concurrently without affecting the context on your
current page.
Trade Secret (Proprietary and Confidential)
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Inspections Scheduling
CityView Portal provides a user friendly means for customers to request inspections online in
compliance with the City’s business practices. Additionally, customers can access inspection
results immediately once completed 24/7. This will greatly reduce the number of phone calls
front-line and inspection staff are having to field today.
For those requests that are received in the office, CityView Workspace provides an easy to use
drag-and-drop calendar view allowing staff to efficiently manage their workload.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
System Features
The system should be designed and implemented to be easy to learn and easy to use. Rapid
response to customers, efficient data entry, and high staff productivity are important
factors. The system must be able to track the status and history of permit processes and
provide on- demand reporting and summary statistics, as well as generate permit forms and
communications. The City intends to streamline operating procedures wherever possible,
and the Vendor’s capability to advise and assist as necessary during system implementation
will be considered in evaluating proposals. Software required functions include, but are not
limited to:
Requirements: Meets Requirement
Yes / No
a. General Permit, Business
License, Project, and Land
Use Application Management
Yes CityView is a fully integrated land
management/permitting solution that will enable
the City of La Quinta to efficiently manage all
aspects of permitting and licensing.
b. State-of-the art security and
user administration to allow
user preferences and
privileges to be customized
for various users both
internal and external (i.e. City
Staff, Outside Consultants,
Property Owners, Applicants,
Contractors, etc.)
Yes CityView Security is threaded throughout the
application stack and technologies. Security is
predominantly role-based and can be inherited as
well as controlled at the user-level. Security can
be applied to application objects such as Data
Entry Forms, Reports, Searches, Filters, etc., as
well as data through the use of Database
Connections. Record security can also be applied
and overridden, e.g. by a supervisor user. Virtually
every feature in CityView can be secured; and,
although the out-of-the-box organization roles
define appropriate access based on the user’s
role(s), these can be modified using CityView
Configuration tools. Custom organization roles
can also be defined that inherit rights from the
out-of-the-box roles.
c. Online public portal for Web
and Mobile Device use with
permit discovery, submittal,
tracking and management
Yes The CityView Portal provides a convenient and
easy way for citizens, contractors, and businesses
to self-serve, alleviating the workload on City
staff. Citizens are able to apply for permits,
request meetings and inspections, view public
information, and more online, anytime, from
d. GIS Integration with quarterly
update of County Parcel Data
to be provided by program
Yes Updates from County Parcel Data are managed
through our property integration tools. CityView’s
integration with Esri’s ArcGIS Server or ArcGIS
Online assimilates mapping and spatial analysis
into the everyday business activities of CityView
users in the office, in the field and publicly.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
The deeply integrated GIS capabilities allow all
staff to quickly find a job location on a map;
measure distance, boundaries and areas, create
buffer selections for mailing lists, kick-off permit
and other processes from the map and spatially
analyze the surroundings of subject properties
and project footprints.
e. Mobile Device Inspection
Application for field staff (or
Yes The City can access CityView Mobile from the
mobile devices you have already invested in –
iPads and Windows Surface tablets and more.
Work with or without Wi-Fi or cellular
connectivity. CityView is also including as an
option our Virtual Inspections functionality for
remote inspections.
f. Automated remote
inspection requests, such as
by website and/or Integrated
Voice Response (IVR)
Yes Inspection can easily be requested from the
CityView Portal. CityView Portal is a responsive
website allowing your contractors to use in their
office or in the field. CityView can also integrate
with IVR solutions using our Integration Server
Public API. Selectron Technologies is a current
CityView IVR partner.
g. Electronic Plan Review
Integration with Bluebeam
Revu (or equal)
Yes Streamline your review process and improve
communication with CityView’s integrated
Electronic Plans Review (EPR) solution. A paperless
solution for plan reviews that saves time, money
and the environment while driving customer
satisfaction. You can easily circulate, review,
mark up and compare documents, plans and
construction drawings using the power of
CityView and Bluebeam® software.
h. Ability to integrate with
existing Tyler Incode 10
financial software (or
Yes CityView has included a Batch Export to Tyler
Incode. CityView has a current project that
includes a Tyler Incode integration. CityView has
integrated to a number of other financial
software systems as required.
i. Ability to integrate with
existing Laserfiche records
management database
Yes CityView has included in our proposal our
distinctive framework for integrating with
Document Management Systems such as
Laserfiche. Documents are dynamically retrieved
from the EDMS based on related metadata. This
means that regardless of how (or when) a
document gets added to the document
management system, provided it is indexed with
metadata like a permit/case number or address,
CityView will be able to retrieve it later.
j. Integrated Cashiering / Point
of Sale with online and in-
person components
Yes CityView has included our Cashiering
functionality along with Portal payments. If the
City of La Quinta uses the CityView preferred
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
payment processing vendor, Invoice Cloud, POS
integration can be included, too.
k. System-calculated fees and
charges with both automated
and/or manual adjustments,
including account numbering
and capability for deposit and
bond payments
Yes CityView’s Cashiering module supports the
cashiering process, including tendering payments,
printing receipts, managing batches and
reconciling cash-drawers, refunds and other
payment reversals, and corrections. You can easily
select fees by filtering or search for contact,
application, master project and other criteria. The
records can further be filtered by Reference
Number, Master Project Number, Master Project
Name, Location or Fee Type and then easily select
the appropriate fees for payment. CityView Flex
Fees ensures that appropriate fees are always
charged by enabling the ongoing maintenance of
fee schedules and valuation tables. CityView
supports flat, incremental, percentage and range
percentage based calculations. Fees will be
automatically calculated and business rules will
automate which fees get added to each
application. If CityView Cashiering is being used,
fees can be configured so that payment amounts
will be distributed to appropriate general ledger
accounts based on the fee definition.
l. Flexible permit types and
numbering system, with
annual reset
Yes CityView permit types are user-defined. Please
note, CityView Select (our proposed
implementation model) the assumption is that
most or almost all permits types that the City of
La Quinta will require are pre-loaded to reduce
the initial effort. Numbering system are flexible
multiple options with an annual reset but do
follow a set pattern. Reference numbers in
CityView follow a distinct format. The numbers
always start with the Module Prefix Code. They
always include the year and always end with a
sequential number. Other options may be turned
on or off using the Custom Application Settings
for that module.
m. Robust and flexible search
and display capabilities that
would allow end users to
search text throughout the
entire software system
Yes There are several ways you can initiate a search
for information in CityView. The easiest and most
effective method (90% of the time) is to use the
default Search in the Title bar. If that does not
find the data required, the advanced search
screen in Workspace lets you define your own
search criteria than the title bar search. You can
configure your own custom searches using the
right side of the button, or access a large number
of predefined searches using the right side arrow
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
option. You can also use the advanced search
screen to define a list of records and fields to
export to Excel. You can search on any database
field using a wide selection of search criteria.
n. Ability for users to do custom
reporting and data extraction
Yes CityView’s powerful ad-hoc report designer,
CityView Reporter, allows users to extract
precisely the information required. Ad hoc needs
are met through CityView Reporter, which
provides for Pivot table reports, Detail reports and
Charts and graphs. This reporting tool is a drag
and drop ad hoc reporter allowing end-users to
drag and drop fields into Rows and Columns, add
filter criteria, select the content (e.g. Counts,
Averages, Variances, Sums, Max, Min, Standard
Deviations, Running values etc.), select how to
group the data and label the groups and render
the reports in CityView very quickly and
professionally. Reports are rendered in Microsoft
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), right within
the CityView product. Reports can be saved for
future repetitive use, exported to Excel, PDF and
Word and printed. Charts can also be quickly
generated, using drag and drop tools to drop
fields into X and Y axes, Series and categories to
create line graphs, Pie charts, bar graphs, areas,
doughnuts and column graphs. CityView reports
can be pulled into the dashboard to run
o. Ability for users to generate
customized forms, letters,
and permits/licenses, and
their availability to be
customized based on the
type record
Yes Forms, letters and Permits/Licenses documents are
generated in CityView using our Word Add-In
rather than a report writer. This provides a rich
editing environment that is inherently user
friendly because it allows users to work in a
product that they are already very familiar with:
Microsoft Word. Letters generated from the
system can be edited on the fly, in Word, and all
printed letters print to PDF and are automatically
attached to the CityView record, ensuring a
complete record in a universally accepted and
adopted format. The CityView MS Word Add-in
allows “configuration” users to modify and create
letter templates for use within the CityView
business processes. The Word Add-In ships with a
pre-defined list of letter tags that can be dragged-
and-dropped into any letter template. You can
also create your own tags and save them to the
tag library.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
The CityView 2020 technology can be summarized as follows:
Microsoft .NET, Visual Studio.NET, HTML 5 and JQueryMobile, and now a Single Page Application
(SPA) built on an HTML 5 framework,
Multi-Tier, for development, deployment and upgrade ease, as well as scalability,
Leading edge and cutting edge User Interfaces providing maximum functionality and usability,
Browser-agnostic and device-agnostic interfaces for maximum reach and accessibility,
Streamlined deployment for ease of administration and upgradeability,
Microsoft SQL Server database technology,
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) reporting technology,
Enterprise ArcGIS Server integration, employing Java-based and Esri Leaflet viewers,
Web Services and ODBC connectivity,
Configurable, fully integrated, workflow-based business applications leveraging core technologies
and employing multiple frameworks for interfacing with third party applications.
We provide easily installed, flexible, easy to use software solutions that are engineered for the long-term. The
information in the following section including subsections is considered proprietary and confidential, because
it contains specific product architectural and functional descriptions. The following product information is
considered a trade secret for CityView.
Proprietary and Confidential (Trade Secret)
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
The CityView solution is an upgradeable platform, built on state of the art technology, making it more
efficient and cost effective to develop, deploy, and manage solutions that scale with your evolving needs.
CityView is a set of integrated and configurable applications designed to address the unique requirements of
local government.
The CityView platform is continually evolving to stay current with the latest technology; and, it is designed to
improve the long term functionality of the product without increasing total cost of ownership. The product
roadmap is driven by input from a variety of sources including customers, technology, and industry.
The rationale for incorporating features is based on an understanding of the local government industry and is
coordinated and managed by our Research and Development team. Advances and improvements to CityView
are funded through the Annual Software Maintenance Agreement that we have with each of our customers,
and ongoing license sales.
A common frustration felt by local governments is when changes are required to installed software after the
go-live date, there is a need to re-engage the vendor or allocate internal IT resources, which often has an
impact on the product’s upgradability. The time and expense associated with these efforts often leads local
governments to maintain the status quo, resulting in outdated systems that no longer meet the needs of the
business units or the IT department’s strategic plan.
CityView addresses these concerns by providing a highly configurable environment and all of the
configuration tools necessary to maintain and enhance the behavior of the system with minimal need for
customization or programming knowledge. Using these tools, designated users can populate the contents of
lookup tables, configure workflow, define ”custom” database fields, produce letter templates, define
business rules, provide scheduling options, and define the parameters for fee calculations.
These tools are designed to be used by reasonably capable users within the business domain, resulting in the
following benefits:
A reduced reliance on outside vendors and internal IT staff that lowers expenses and decreases the
total cost of ownership.
Streamlined processes based on tailored business workflows. This increases staff efficiency, reduces
data entry errors, and ensures critical business decisions are based on accurate information.
Configuration changes are carried forward through upgrades and enhancements to the system
allowing the utilization of the latest technology without additional cost or effort.
Configurations are based upon your defined business processes and staff input. This creates a
familiarity that increases user buy-in and decreases training costs.
Reduced errors and user frustration through the removal of outdated processes.
Proprietary and Confidential (Trade Secret)
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
The “Data Table Maintenance” feature ensures that all pick lists (lookup tables) are updated with relevant
data, thereby reducing the occurrences of errors and streamlining data entry.
CityView is an activities-based workflow system providing users with a consistent path through the system,
facilitating the training of new employees, and ensuring that employees and departments are aware when
tasks have been assigned to them. Through CityView Graphical Workflow Designer, a suitable standard
workflow of activities and outcomes is available, making it clear to users which steps are part of a particular
process, when those tasks become due, and who is responsible for them.
Proprietary and Confidential (Trade Secret)
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Custom database fields allow for the capture of customer-specific data and dynamically appear on screens
without the need for custom development. They allow the same data entry screens to be used to capture
data appropriate for all your permit types, without resulting in overly complex entry forms. You can capture,
maintain and report on the information that is specific to your business process and continue to add new
data fields as your requirements change.
The system can be configured to routinely (at predefined intervals) search the database and perform a set of
pre-defined actions on any records that match the specified criteria. This is a very common approach for
handling events like permit expirations and business license renewals.
Scheduled processes can be run in “test” mode without affecting the underlying data.
Facilitates appropriate assignment of tasks based on geographic location, business function, or
skills/qualifications, e.g. a plumbing inspection at 123 Main Street requires an inspector from the “East Side
Plumbing Inspector” resource group.
This tool provides the ability to continuously update the system’s calendar to reflect holidays and other non-
working times, so that due dates and assignments can be accurately automated.
Proprietary and Confidential (Trade Secret)
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView’s powerful Rules Engine comes with an intuitive user interface that enables trained users from either
the IT department or the business domain to take ownership over the ongoing maintenance of much of the
automated behavior of the system, as the needs of the business units evolve.
Rules can have various conditions under which they will perform a set of actions, e.g. to automatically
populate a set of values based on the Permit Type. Outcomes (i.e. actions) can then be created that affect
virtually any field in the database with a wide variety of options to fit any circumstance. Rule properties are
selectable from defined pick lists to reduce error and enable even notice users to create rules successfully.
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
The steps to create new rules are very straightforward – users with no prior programming experience can
become masters of this tool quite easily. Moreover, this tool maximizes efficiency by providing many other
useful features, such as the ability to bulk-create conditions and outcomes, automatic detection of poorly
constructed rules, ability to easily cleanup old and unwanted configuration, hyperlinks for easy navigation,
and a runtime debugger for troubleshooting issues.
The CityView MS Word Add-in allows users with designated “configuration” rights to modify and create
letter templates for use within the CityView business processes. This Add-in is a rich editing environment
allowing users to work in a product that they are already very familiar with: Microsoft Word. The MS Word
Add-In is compatible with Office 2010, Office 2013, Office 2016, and Office 2019.
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView’s “Flex Fee” system ensures that appropriate fees are always charged by enabling the ongoing
maintenance of fee schedules and valuation tables. CityView supports flat, incremental, percentage and
range percentage based calculations. Fees will be automatically calculated and business rules will automate
which fees get added to each application. If CityView Cashiering is being used, fees can be configured so
that payment amounts will be distributed to appropriate general ledger accounts based on the fee definition.
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Detailed out-of-the-box reports provide immediate visibility on daily business activities such as the status of all
Building Permits, while statistical and summary reports allow you to track performance metrics such as the
number of cases assigned to each inspector.
End-user ad hoc needs are met through CityView Reporter, which provides for pivot table reports, detail
reports and charts and graphs. This reporting tool is a drag and drop ad hoc reporter allowing end-users to
drag and drop fields into rows and columns, add filter criteria, select the content (e.g. counts, averages,
variances, sums, max, min, standard deviations, running values etc.), select how to group the data and label
the groups and render the reports in CityView very quickly and professionally. Reports are rendered in
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), right within the CityView product. Reports can be saved for
future repetitive use, exported to Excel, PDF and Word and printed. Charts can also be quickly generated,
using drag and drop tools to drop fields into x and y axes, series and categories to create line graphs, pie
charts, bar graphs, areas, doughnuts and column graphs. CityView reports can be pulled into the dashboard
to run dynamically.
Simple reporting tools allow all your users to quickly create and generate the reports you need, and easily add
them to their user CityView Dashboard!
CityView makes use of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), Web Services, and batch files to link to
other systems. CityView is ODBC and OLE DB compliant allowing it to integrate with database both internal
and external data sources. Details on common CityView integrations are described below and on the
following page.
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RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Seamless integration with GIS
CityView’s integration with Esri’s ArcGIS Server or ArcGIS Online assimilates mapping and spatial analysis into
the everyday business activities of CityView users in the office, in the field and publicly.
The deeply integrated GIS capabilities allow all staff to quickly locate a job location on a map; measure
distance, boundaries and areas, create adjacent and buffered spatial queries for mailing lists, kick-off permit
and other processes from the map and spatially analyze the surroundings of subject properties and project
While the integration requires an ArcGIS Server license or ArcGIS Online subscription account, CityView users
do not consume additional individual Esri user licenses, though ArcGIS Online accounts do consume service
The integrated mapping capability is available to all CityView users and can be controlled through the
permissions and role capabilities of the CityView security model.
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Maps can be utilized to:
Embed into reports, letters and forms, e.g. so that inspectors can see where their inspections for the
day are located throughout the City
Allow users to select properties based on GIS information and then use the selection to send notices,
updates or other letters to the contacts on the properties.
View search results on a map or search spatial attributes from the map.
Use Esri Feature Service layers to draw temporary locations which can then be used in CityView’s
integration with Esri’s ArcGIS Server or ArcGIS Online to assimilate mapping and spatial analysis into
the everyday business activities of CityView users in the office, in the field, and publicly.
Flag activities of interest for other users to see e.g. planned route for overloaded vehicle, street
closure for maintenance etc.
Run spatial queries to automate the business process, e.g. inspector scheduling can use a spatial
query to determine which inspector to assign based on the area the property is located in.
View publicly accessible Web Map Services created by external agencies.
Generate the most efficient routes for inspections including turn by turn directions and multiple
options for route optimization.
CityView has successfully integrated with a number of third-party Integrated Voice Response systems and
forged a relationship with Selectron Technologies in order to ensure our customers receive the maximum
benefit from the integration of their IVR selection and CityView.
CityView has extensive experience interfacing with Financial Management Systems. In a typical
implementation, fees paid within CityView are submitted to the FMS through a batch file export process or
API (if available.) Examples of FMS integrations include Tyler Munis Financials, HTE, SAP, MS Dynamics, J D
Edwards, Oracle Financials, Sungard Pentamation, Eden, and Active Networks.
CityView has implemented 311 interfaces with other customers via Web Services. Requests get entered into
CityView via a Web Service call from the 311 system; and, updates to cases are made available to the 311
system and picked up by Web Service calls from the 311 service.
CityView’s distinctive framework for integrating with Document Management Systems has been used
extensively with industry leading EDMS products such as Laserfiche, OnBase, SharePoint, PaperVision and eB.
Documents are dynamically retrieved from the EDMS based on related metadata. This means that regardless
of how (or when) a document gets added to the document management system, provided it is indexed with
metadata like a permit/case number or address, CityView will be able to retrieve it later.
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView interfaces of interest
CityView’s architecture allows interfaces to external systems to streamline multi-department use. Some that
might be considered relevant and of interest for this response are listed below:
Financial Management Systems: Munis (Tyler Technologies), HTE, SAP, MS Dynamics, J D Edwards, Oracle
Financials, Sungard Pentamation, Eden, Active Networks.
Payment Processors: Preferred Invoice Cloud (USA) and Paymentus (Canada), PayPal's PayFlow Pro,
Heartland, Acculynk, iTransact, Moneris (Hosted Pay Page), PayGov, Bambora (formerly Beanstream), MSB
Nexus, BIS Online, Authorize.Net, Active Class.
GIS: Esri, AutoDesk Mapguide, GeoPrise, InterGraph
Electronic Document Management: Laserfiche, OnBase, SharePoint, Eclipse (doc Star), PaperVision,
ImageNow (Perceptive Content), Alfresco, FileHold, and eB
Electronic Plans Markup: Bluebeam Revu (Std, CAD & eXtreme)
Integrated Voice Response (IVR): Selectron Technologies
Signature Pad: ePad, ePad II, ePad USB Signature
Calendaring: MS Exchange
Asset Management: Diamond WorkTech, J D Edwards
CAMA: Manatron, ACS, CLT and others
Email Systems: MS Outlook, Gmail, and Groupwise
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RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView parcels, addresses, roads, parks, assets, and trails locations provide the underlying land-based
context and information for the business activities and processes that are managed and automated using the
CityView modules, for land development, enforcement and administration. The CityView suite of modules
enable our customers to administer the business processes surrounding Permits and Inspections, Planning,
Code Enforcement, Business Licensing, Animal Licensing, Service Requests, Rental Housing, Marriage and
Death Registration, Cemetery Management and Parking Management. The payment of fees generated by the
system is managed with CityView Cashiering. The CityView extensions offer service, productivity and data
integration value-adds such as public access, field inspections solutions, electronic plans review, Microsoft
office add-ins and third party integrations to provide a one-stop land management enterprise solution.
CityView is an out-of-the-box software solution that includes the automation you need to manage Property
Information, Permits and Inspections, Planning, Code Enforcement, Licensing, Animal Licensing, Service
Requests, Rental Housing, Marriage and Death Registration, Cemetery Management, Parking Management,
and Cashiering.
Based on over 3 decades of experience automating business processes of leading jurisdictions from across
North America, CityView is designed to have your departments up and running in minimal time while making
use of industry-wide best practices.
The CityView suite of modules is able to be implemented incrementally, providing the flexibility to apply
resources and budget as they become available. They can also be integrated with third party solutions,
adding value to the information collected across the organization and eliminating data silos.
The power of the CityView business solutions:
Automate business processes – increase user productivity by streamlining workflow and
business processes
Workflow – automate common business processes related to land management activities with
predefined workflows that save time by providing you with the tools to manage and track
assignments; define deadlines; automatically generate subsequent activities and create a record of
your business processes; and ensure accountability.
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Accurate information capture – intuitive, easy-to-use screens and panels that prompt the
end-user for required data. Data validation tools, like drop down menus, business rules and spell
check reduce errors and duplication of effort. This ensures decisions are based on correct, relevant
Increase revenue – eliminate inaccurate fee collection with an integrated fees module that
enables you to automatically configure, calculate and collect fees using even the most complex fee
Centralize access – allows all staff to view all information associated with an application, case or
plan including documents and images instantly.
Easily navigate – powerful search and sorting capabilities save users’ time by quickly finding
everything related to a case or permit. User-defined searches can be saved to ensure that users are
able to repeat searches pertinent to their particular business activities again and again.
Access data wherever you are – a number of remote and disconnected options allow users
to access information from the office, home, or in the field, reducing commute times and data entry
duplication. Allow your constituents to access community development services – inspection
scheduling, permit applications and property information - on the web; reducing your frontline
staff’s workload and ensuring that your citizens’ service demands are met.
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView Property Information is the backbone of the CityView solution, letting you
see all activity, present and historical, on a given parcel of land. With CityView
Property Information you can add or track unlimited addresses, ownership and
structure information for each land parcel.
Combined with GIS data, CityView Property Information gives you a powerful inventory of your
organization's property base.
Properties, addresses and owners
Instant access to key parcel details including zoning information, related structures (buildings),
restrictions, and alerts.
View all contacts and address information associated with a parcel
Owners (or other contacts) can be maintained
Customer-defined custom fields allow pertinent, business process data to be captured.
Access to information
Easily view current and historical development permits, zoning applications, code enforcement
cases, building and engineering permits associated with a parcel of land.
Parcel information is immediately available
Drop down menus expedite data entry and reduce errors
Cohesively track and manage all your land use and community development activities in a central
Search for a property using multiple parameters.
Select properties visually, using our embedded map viewer, reducing data entry errors and making
it easy for everyday users to locate properties; measure distances, boundaries and areas, create
buffer selections, etc.
Related data
Provides details on all activity related to a parcel, e.g. open and historic permits, code cases,
planning applications, etc.
Enrich your parcel data to include the level of detail you need to complete your business processes
with multiple address, ownership and structure information.
Automate daily business processes like parcel selection and moving records between parcels and
eliminate time-consuming manual activities, repetitive data entry and inaccurate information.
Property based alerts
Inform users of potential issues with respect to a property
Customers can be informed of potential delays and what is required to remove alert.
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView Permits and Inspections simplify the process of issuing and tracking permits,
automating the entire process from initial application to the issuance of the
Certificate of Occupancy. Everything you need to know about a building permit is
instantly available, from owner and contractor information to sub-permits, utility
releases and expiration dates. With CityView Permits and Inspections you can manage inspection
scheduling and workflow, including your daily inspection roster, which aides in eliminating time-
consuming manual scheduling which leads to increased productivity and efficiency in the workplace.
Access to information
Track your permits in a central location
Instant access to permit details, contact s, fees, deposits/bonds, and documents/images.
Workflow specific data is available to users with drop-down menus to streamline data entry and
reduce the chance of errors.
Custom data fields, related parcel information and locations are easily added.
Users are able to reference the entire status history of the application from the first page.
Save time by automatically assigning and scheduling inspections based on geography, inspection
type and inspector availability.
Improve customer service with real-time, up-to-date inspection schedules accessible by staff or on-
line via the CityView Portal to provide applicants with the most current information.
Predefined workflows allow you to identify deadlines and automatically create next steps.
Auto-generate permit numbers
Determine plan checks and route workflow
Add required inspections based on permit type
Generate inspection assignments based on geography and/or inspection type or manually
Integrated fees module allows you to configure fee calculations and assess fees at the appropriate
point in the business process.
Maximize efficiency by quickly creating multiple copies of an existing application
Reports and letters
Standard document templates with letters configured to your specifications
Ability to modify generated letters, on-the-fly, using a Microsoft Word Add-in
Make informed decisions with intuitive reports that allow you to quickly and easily determine the
status of all permits and inspections.
Pre-configured reports including: Outstanding Fees, Fee Payment, Inspection Outcome, Inspection
Schedule, Inspections by Inspector, Average Daily Inspections, Inspections To Do, Permit Status
Summary (by status), Permit Status Summary (by type), Permit Status Summary (by contractor),
Permit Value, Permit Turn-Around, Deposits and Bonds Summary, Escrow (by revenue account #),
Permit Locator, Permit Turn-Around Detailed Report, and Permit Time Spent.
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
With CityView Planning you can easily track and manage all types of planning
applications and processes from beginning to end, reviewing project milestones along
the way. You can track meeting agendas, external reviews and land use restrictions
for each application. CityView Planning provides you with the actual time spent on
reviews, not just the start and finish dates.
Access to information
Users are able to access all the information with respect to a project, including application details,
contacts, hearings, fees, the documents and images associated with the planning application
along with deposits and bonds
Ability to apply unlimited free form comments to the application
The current status and the complete status history is available so users can quickly update
customers with current information
Create a project record history by attaching site plans, digital photos, aerial photos and all other
related documents to the application to create a permanent record of the project’s activities.
Manage the plan review process and coordinate meetings with a scheduling tool that constrains
the number of applications to be reviewed on the agenda and generates related notices and
attendance lists.
Track submittal requirements and conditions of approval
Make informed decisions by easily viewing spatial information, e.g. zoning and demographic data
Track associated permits and code cases as part of the overall project footprint
Auto-generate approval track, plan reviews, meeting reminders, process milestones, submittal
requirements, and fees
Email notifications for planning meetings, departmental reviews, and past due notices
Auto generate attendance lists for hearings, and agenda
Automate and monitor complex business processes to ensure that projects follow the guidelines
set out for your jurisdiction
Meet all your deadlines with a workflow-based system and a series of useful and relevant reports
Reports and letters
Generate all your Planning correspondence quickly and easily, e.g. incomplete submittal letters,
Preconfigured reports including: Project Applications, Planner Projects, Outstanding Plan Reviews,
Project Fees, Expired Projects, Planning Activities, Plan Review Time, Scheduled Hearings, Project
Standard document templates with letters configured to your specification
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView Licensing opens the door to accurate and timely data, increasing your
revenues and decreasing your stress. CityView Licensing allows you to track and
manage licensing for any type of business. This solution manages workflow for you,
from tracking and issuing business licenses that are going to expire to generating batch
renewal notices, creating tax certificates and producing correspondence logs. With CityView Licensing
you will increase revenue because you can track expired business licenses accurately and calculate
correct penalty fees and interest.
Access to information
Accurately track licenses over their lifetime, even when business locations and owners change.
Correctly collect fees by easily identifying expired business/contractor licenses and accurately
calculating penalty fees and interest charges.
Collect gross receipts and other information where pertinent (e.g. changes in # of employees) for
the system to calculate renewal fees.
Create action items based on precise, timely data.
Report on your businesses, business types, renewal status, and penalty fees etc. Flexible reports
ensure that you know the status of all businesses in the system, whether their license fees have
been paid by the expected date and what the value is of those unpaid fees is.
Map the whereabouts of your businesses through GIS integration, dealing with such things as
Business Improvement Districts.
Automatically calculate correct renewal fees, penalty fees and interest.
Create tax certificates.
Generate batch renewal notices and process batch renewals.
Automate business license expiries based on delinquency rules.
Reports and letters
Generate all your Licensing correspondence quickly and easily, e.g. License Certificates, Renewal
Notifications, Past Due Renewals,
Preconfigured reports including: Business Status, Emergency Contacts, Inactive Licenses, Short
Term Licenses, Business Not Reporting Gross Earnings, Past Due Licenses, Tax Exempt Businesses,
Total Amount Billed, and more
Standard document templates with letters configured to your specification
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView Cashiering integrates with all other CityView modules for a seamless
cashiering process, giving you the power to manage the revenue from all your
community development initiatives.
Access to information
Manage your revenue in a central location for all your community development initiatives.
Meet all standard cashiering expectations by splitting payments across multiple payment methods
or joining them into a single transaction
Void or refund transactions (in whole or in part), as required, and manage your daily batches.
Correctly account for payments that need to be distributed to multiple GL accounts based on fixed
amounts and percentages
Update all permits, cases, and licenses with fees payment information, such as payee and receipt.
Allow users to quickly search for outstanding fees by project reference number or contact
information. System will find all related fees and mark them for payment at the click of a button.
Generate transaction numbers, receipt numbers, payment date and payment receiver to create an
audit trail of monies received.
Automatically calculate correct penalty fees and interest
Generate batch exports to your general ledger system
Easily set up and change your fee structure to meet your exact requirements and set automatic fee
activation and expiry dates.
Reports and letters
Understand your revenue with reports that detail all payment transactions for a given time period
by account, or by payment method.
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
The CityView MS Outlook Add-in allows data from CityView and Outlook to be easily
shared between the two applications with minimal user intervention.
Emails can be attached to permits/cases/projects/contractors from Outlook. This ensures
that all communications involving properties and cases, are recorded with their
associated data in CityView, for future reference. All correspondence will be easily accessed, whenever
needed. Further, emails that are associated with CityView records, will not be affected if the original email is
deleted in Outlook. The CityView copy of the email remains intact.
User’s CityView To-Do lists are displayed in Outlook and activities can be added as appointments to the
Outlook Calendar as well as tasks within Outlook, for pop-up reminders. Linking from these activities will
take the users directly to the specific record in CityView.
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
The CityView MS Word Add-in allows users with designated “configuration” rights
to create and modify letter templates for use within the CityView business
processes. This add-in is a rich editing environment that allows users to work in a
product with which they are already familiar: Microsoft Word. The MS Word Add-
In is compatible with Office 2010, Office 2013, Office 2016, and Office 2019.
CityView’s Select implementation includes the configuration of a number of standard letters for each
business process (15 for Code Enforcement etc.). Once in use, these letters populate dynamically and typically
include the following data:
Applicant’s name, address and property information
Application/case number & related information
All reviewers’ comments/corrections required, in the case of electronic plan reviews
Standard approval wording, in the case of granting a permit or a certificate of occupancy
Standard wording for conditional approvals
Other required data that exists in the CityView database and that is relevant to such correspondence.
These letters may be considered complete in their initial auto generated format. However, by presenting
these letters in Word files, users may review and edit prior to finalizing and sending them onto the recipients.
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
The CityView Portal provides your constituents and contractors the convenience of working with the City
24/7 without having to leave their homes and offices. The portal offers access to public facing information
and interactive services to registered and non-registered users. The CityView Portal is designed for public use
in a variety of ways including: ease of use, security, and general functionality. Using the CityView Portal,
citizens and contractors can initiate code cases, apply for and pay for permits, check permit status, requests
inspections and meetings, view public information regarding specific properties, and much more. The design
is consistent with typical, intuitive web browser use and is browser-agnostic.
In addition, the CityView Portal presents an adaptive interface that is usable on small-screen and touch-screen
devices. The portal automatically detects whether the browser is running on a smartphone or tablet and uses
a small-screen friendly interface.
Users have the option to switch to the traditional desktop browser interface by choosing the "Switch to
Desktop Site" menu item (shown below). Portal Home Page icons and menu in the new tablet/smartphone
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView Mobile is a lightweight, handheld application served out for secure access by your inspectors and
mobile staff.
CityView Mobile allows staff members to easily access key CityView functionality from the field using their
light-weight handheld devices such as iPhones, iPads, Android devices, and tablets such as Microsoft Surface.
Users can:
Access their inspections to-do lists for the day and view
them on a map.
Set inspection order and notify contractors through portal
of the inspectors’ route
Complete inspections in the field.
Time inspections with a start/stop clock
Automate SMS messages to contractors ahead of
inspectors’ arrival
Route planning
Integrate with the GPS of the mobile device
Look up contractors to display the status of their licenses.
Perform permit searches to check for status and
outstanding fees.
Perform property searches to check for valid permits, code
cases etc.
Navigate extensively through all of the above.
Automate inspection result emails to contractors.
Print inspection reports in the field,
Upload pictures and videos.
And more!
CityView uses advanced mobile device technology to run seamlessly even in situations with little or no
connectivity (i.e. "disconnected mode") ensuring inspectors can continue working even when:
· Conducting inspections in areas with limited or intermittent cellular or WiFi coverage
· Losing connectivity moving between floors in a structure on a job site
· Any other situation in which transferring data between the mobile device and the CityView server
will be difficult or impossible
If disconnected mode has been enabled, users logging in to the application will be prompted to download
data that will enable them to auto-suggest contacts, contractors, locations and animal licenses even if they
lose connectivity.
The next time the user logs into CityView Mobile with the same device, CityView will automatically detect if
any updates to their downloaded data are required.
Once the user is in the field, the application will seamlessly move between connected and disconnected mode
as the device loses and regains its connection.
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView combines electronic submission, version control and workflow capabilities with the vast functionality
of Bluebeam Revu, third party software, for document review and markup. CityView is certified registered
reseller of Bluebeam products and a Bluebeam Gold Tier Partner.
Collier County, FL and Cherokee County, GA benefit from a paperless procedure that
shortens the municipal review process
These counties experience significant cost savings in processing plan review documents electronically, and all
data is automatically integrated with their other CityView modules, allowing for seamless workflows and one-
point data entry.
Collier County, Florida and Cherokee County, Georgia, selected CityView’s Electronic Plans Review solution to
replace their existing systems. These counties benefit from a more integrated paperless procedure that
shorten their municipal review process; offer exceptional and convenient service to their contractors,
applicants and architects; and save time, money and the environment.
Collier County selected CityView’s Electronic Plans Review to replace its legacy EPR solution
which did not integrate with its permitting process in CityView. The County’s legacy solution
also lagged behind in functionality compared to the CityView solution. CityView combines
the exceptional submittal, approval routing, version control and workflow capabilities of
CityView with the vast capabilities of Bluebeam's flagship product, Bluebeam Revu, users circulate, mark up
and review documents, plans and construction drawings and stimulate communication throughout the
Cherokee County had also been using an alternative EPR solution; the challenge was there
was no integration with CityView, causing County staff to have to enter data into two
systems. With the move to CityView’s Electronic Plans Review, all information seamlessly
flow between modules; County staff increase productivity because duplicate data entry is
eliminated. The County also benefits from the product’s robust and intuitive workflows.
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RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
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RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView’s Virtual Inspections offering is fully integrated with all
the other aspects of the CityView application. It does not rely on
any third party applications and as such, avoids the need for
manually sharing, manipulating and storing of media files. The
inspection meeting and all related media and comments are tied
to the specific inspection automatically. They cannot be
misplaced or confused with other activities or records. A simple
five-minute re-inspection, that previously included a 30-minute
drive to get to and from the site, is now completed in 5 minutes.
Many CityView customers move from paper to Electronic Plan Reviews and achieve tremendous efficiencies.
They essentially eliminated the use of paper and this has become their “new norm”. Similarly, Virtual
Inspections delivers significant savings and it too, will become the “new norm”.
CityView Virtual Inspection is technology independent. It uses straight peer-to-peer communications
between CityView and the builder’s mobile device. It does not use Zoom, FaceTime, WhatsApp or any other
third-party technology.
The peer-to-peer communications assures all users that the data is not transferred through, or stored in, any
third-party cloud environment. All audio/video data is accessed directly to the City’s remote inspector and the
inspector selects what data is stored in CityView against the specific inspection. This ensures full compliance
with data residency legislation.
Typical building projects require multiple inspections. Numerous inspections fail and must be re-inspected.
Cities may mandate that certain inspections are done in person but a significant percentage (especially re-
inspections) can be performed remotely. Consider the cost of fuel and the inspector’s wages for driving to
and from the site, it is easy to quantify the potential savings and justify the investment. Depending on the
City’s land mass, CityView estimates that savings can range form $2-$17 per inspection.
Fraser improves community engagement for Cities. Fraser provides an intuitive and handy way for municipal
builders to communicate with the CityView system and query permits while on the go, directly from their
mobile device. Supporting all text
messaging applications, including
iMessenger, WhatsApp, Facebook
Messenger and more, CityView’s
intelligent Chatbot uses natural
language that’s easy to understand
and is familiar with CityView
CityView is the only company that can provide such a solution that is fully-integrated within the application.
Once deployed, the product works on its own, servicing customer requests, with no need for intervention by
City staff.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView’s on-premise model is based on concurrent users. The following software licenses are required:
· A single site license for CityView Server software. This provides the CityView enterprise platform and
system administration tools.
· A single software license for each of the CityView modules purchased (all modules are fully contained in
the database, so integration is complete).
· Concurrent users - CityView monitors only concurrent users, so the “total” number of users is not limited.
We also don’t limit what licensed modules are accessed by those users. For example, if in a latter phase
the City purchased the CityView Service Requests module, your existing concurrent licenses could be
leveraged across that module as well, and any others in the suite. This ensures you every opportunity to
maximize your license use and return on investment. Additional concurrent licenses may be purchased
for $2,000 each (each adding $480 to the annual maintenance fee). This is the current price and may be
adjusted in future years.
· The CityView Portal, which allows unlimited registered and non-registered users access to the CityView
· CityView GIS, providing GIS integration to users enabled by your system administrator.
· CityView Mobile is licensed by the number of users that have access to the mobile applications from the
field (for use of the CityView Mobile application supported on handheld technologies such as iPhone,
iPad, Windows mobile phone and others).
· CityView Integration Server Public API, a RESTful API for which a site license is offered. It is required for
integrations with such things as Integrated Voice Response (IVR), Cashiering, and Electronic Plans Review.
· CityView Outlook Add-in allows data from CityView and Outlook to be easily shared between the two
· CityView Word Add-in for creating and editing letter templates. Customers can now use Microsoft Word
to create and edit letter templates using a new add-in.
· Bluebeam software, licensed on a per-user basis for Revu. Note: Bluebeam pricing is valid for 30 days
Information is provided for reference in the following pages regarding recommended servers, database sizing
considerations, third party software, and compliancy tables. This is followed by a diagram depicting a typical
installation. For all the most recent specifications please refer to CityView Connect -
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Operating Systems*
Interface Supported OS
Editions Minimum Requirements
Windows 10 32 and 64 bit,
Home, Pro and
.NET Framework 4.7.1 required - download link
Windows 8, 8.1 32-bit and 64-
bit editions
.NET Framework 4.7.1 required - download link
iOS (iPhone,
iPad, iPod)
4 or higher CityView Mobile is a browser-based interface, so devices
will require an internet connection and a web
browser. Local storage must be enabled.
Important: TLS certificate required.
About Windows Surface devices: these devices will run
CityView Mobile, but you will not be able to directly
access the camera for photos or video. This is a Windows
security issue and is not controlled by CityView.
Optional Hardware:
For areas with poor coverage, some customers have used
vehicle cellular signal boosters to enhance
Though we (CityView) do not claim to support or endorse
any one product, this unit has been recommended by our
customers: weboost Drive 4G-M
Android 2.3 or higher
Phone 7 or
7 or higher
*CityView Mobile is an optional add-on service to use CityView through a customized browser application.
Each module is licensed for CityView Mobile separately. CityView Mobile is optimized for use in the field on a
small screen; it is a supplement to, and not a substitute for a full version of CityView Workspace.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Servers Supported OS
Minimum Requirements
Management Server
Windows Server
· Required for all environments
· Windows Server with 2GHz Xeon processor
· 8 Gigabytes (GB) of RAM or higher recommended
· 300 megabytes (MB) of available hard disk space
· URL Rewrite for IIS is required and included in the
installation package. Users need to accept the
Windows Server
Windows Server
2012 R2
Windows Server
CityView Application
Windows Server
· Required for all environments
· Windows Server with 2GHz Xeon processor
· 8 Gigabytes (GB) of RAM or higher recommended
· 500 megabytes (MB) of available hard disk space
· 64-bit
Windows Server
Windows Server
2012 R2
Windows Server
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Servers Supported OS Versions Minimum Requirements
Windows Server 2019 · Required for customers that purchase the CityView
browser-based interface
· 2GHz 8 core Xeon or Opteron processor
· 32 Gigabytes (GB) of RAM or higher recommended
· 10 Gigabytes (GB) of available hard disk space
· Note that an SSL/TSL certificate is required to run
· Standard edition – WebSockets enabled
· URL Rewrite for IIS is required and included in the
installation package. Users need to accept the
· Workspace requires a 64-bit Application Pool in IIS.
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2019 · Required for customers that purchase CityView
Portal, online public interface for any module.
· A separate CityView Portal license is required for each
online module
· Windows Server with 2GHz Xeon processor
· 8 Gigabytes (GB) of RAM or higher recommended
· 10 megabytes (MB) of available hard disk space
· Note that an SSL/TSL certificate is required for
CityView Portal/Mobile
· CityView Portal/Mobile requires a 64-bit Application
Pool in IIS.
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2012
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RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Servers Supported OS Versions Minimum Requirements
Windows Server 2019 · Required for Electronic Plans Review
· Required for any environment using CityView Public
· Windows Server with 2GHz Xeon processor
· 8 Gigabytes (GB) of RAM or higher recommended
· 10 megabytes (MB) of available hard disk space
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2012
Data Sizing Projections
There are several services that are typical in our deployment strategy:
1. SQL Server – can be scaled to include failover clusters. Typical day-to-day operation of CityView will
not tax the server as most queries will pull less than 10 records per table at a time. This service
works directly with Management Server, Application Server and Portal server processes. Typical
permit applications require 1MB of disk space.
2. CityView Management Server – this is a service that runs in IIS, typically processing login requests,
and configuration settings for the software. The only time where the service impacts performance
on a server is when a build of the application occurs, typically during maintenance periods. All
services need to be able to communicate with this server.
3. CityView Workspace Server – this is a service that runs in IIS and provides the server side
processing for the primary Workspace browser user interface most staff will use. This service needs
sufficient hardware resources to handle the load. If performance is not ideal, it is certainly possible to
have multiple servers deployed to handle load balance or latency concerns.
4. CityView Application Server – this service handles general server side application processing not
handled by more specialized servers. This includes scheduled processes, letter generation and
document access.
5. CityView Mobile Server – Mobile Server IIS service acts as a gateway to the software for field staff
users, and directly queries SQL Server during operation. There is an extremely small footprint for the
service, and small memory/CPU overhead. If performance is not ideal, it is certainly possible to have
multiple mobile servers deployed to handle load balance or latency concerns.
6. CityView Portal Server – Portal Server IIS service acts as a gateway to the software for browser and
mobile users, and directly queries SQL Server during operation. There is an extremely small footprint
for the service, and small memory/CPU overhead. If performance is not ideal, it is certainly possible
to have multiple portal servers deployed to handle load balance or latency concerns.
7. Document Management/Content Management Server – often handled by third party services,
e.g. SharePoint, Laserfiche, TRIM, etc. This can also be defined as a Windows file share (SMB) where
we typically recommend 5MB of space per permit for file storage (PDF, DOC, JPG).
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
.NET Framework
Required for all servers and machines running CityView Configuration Console or Desktop.
Supported Versions Notes
.NET Framework 4.7.1 Minimum required - download link
.NET Framework 4.7.2 Supported
Database Technologies
Microsoft SQL Server is required for all CityView clients.
Versions Editions Recommended Hardware
SQL Server
32-bit and 64-bit
editions, Express and
higher · Processor: 2+ GHz Dual Core processor (Intel Xeon or AMD
· Memory: 32 GB
· Storage: RAID-5, 4 (3 + 1 Hot Spare) x 73GB 15K RPM Ultra 320
SCSI (or substitute SSDs for better performance)
· Network Adapter: Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
· Power Supply: Redundant Power Supplies
SQL Server
SQL Server
SQL Server
SQL Server
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
For CityView customers that purchase CityView Workspace. Note that servers for all CityView web-based
interfaces require TLS certification and an HTTPS address.
Workspace has been designed to work with desktop browsers. Staff mobile users should be using the CityView
Mobile interface, which also supports disconnected mode (security certificate required).
Browsers Required Settings Notes
Required for
Workspace on all
· JavaScript must be
· Cookies must be
· Ad Blockers must
be disabled
· Pop-ups must be
enabled (or not
CityView Workspace (internal use) does not currently support browsers
on mobile devices. Staff mobile users should be using the CityView
Mobile interface, which also supports disconnected mode.
Important - Internet Explorer No Longer Supported in
Workspace - Microsoft has discontinued development of Internet
Explorer and recommends Edge. Microsoft Edge is not available
for Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. Customers still on those operating
systems should use either Firefox or Chrome for the full CityView
Workspace interface experience.
Microsoft Edge*
Windows 10
Mozilla Firefox
*Recommended browsers
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RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Portal has been designed to work with desktop and mobile browsers
Browsers Version Notes
10 Windows Phone 8
Xbox 360
Portal servers require a TLS certificate (https) and a 64-bit IIS Application
Microsoft Edge
40 and up
Xbox One
Windows 10 Mobile
Google Chrome Desktop (tested version
73) and Mobile
Mozilla Firefox Desktop (tested version
66) and Mobile
Opera Tested version 58
Safari 9 and up
MacOS, iOS, iPad
Mobile has been designed to work with mobile browsers
Browsers Version Notes
Safari 10 or higher CityView Mobile is highly compatible with many mobile browsers for
phones or tablets.
Firefox 57 or higher Firefox and Chrome update automatically. As of publication, the
current version is supported.
Chrome 63 or higher
As of Firefox version 62 and Chrome version 67, these browsers
no longer allow insecure websites to access the browser Application
Cache. This is where the pages for disconnected mode are stored.
Mobile Disconnected Mode will no longer run when using HTTP. Your
browser will give a No Internet connection error. To be able to use
disconnected mode, you need to host CityView Mobile using HTTPS.
Note that these browsers update automatically, so trying to retain a
previous version is not a practical solution.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Bluebeam Revu
For customers that purchase Electronic Plans Review
Versions Editions CityView
Interface Notes
Revu 2019
Revu 2018*
· Revu eXtreme all document
comments and markups are
flattened before the document is
returned to the customer for
· CAD & Standard versions can
be used by users who will be
marking up documents, but not
be initiating or finalizing the
markup process, or for
Workspace users.
Workspace Bluebeam Revu is required for CityView
Electronic Plans Review (EPR) functionality.
Bluebeam Revu can also be used to view,
create or manipulate PDF documents,
independently of CityView.
· Bluebeam Revu licenses are required
*For customers upgrading to version 2018:
If you have a Bluebeam Open or Enterprise
License, Bluebeam will validate your license
every time you launch, prepare or flatten
documents. It is normal to see a “License
Seat Acquisition” message.
Google Applications
Supported Notes
Google Calendar integration License required
G-Suite integration License required
Gmail utilization No license needed
Microsoft Exchange
For CityView customers that purchase Microsoft Exchange integration
Supported Versions Notes
Office 365 Exchange Supported with Web Services API
Exchange 2019
Exchange 2016
Exchange 2013
Exchange 2010
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Microsoft Outlook
For CityView customers that purchase the Microsoft Outlook integration Add-In
Versions Editions Notes (VSTO deployment)
Office 365 Installed Office 365 online (browser-based) versions are not supported.
Outlook 2019 32-bit and
“Click-to-Run” versions prior to version 2019 are not supported by CityView.
IMPORTANT: Because CityView currently uses Visual Studio Tools for the
Outlook (VSTO) add-in, Centralized Deployment of Office add-ins is not
Outlook 2016
Outlook 2013
Outlook 2010
Microsoft Word
For CityView customers that purchase the Microsoft Word integration Add-In, the requirements differ for
users who will generate the base letter templates and users that just need to make edits to letters before
sending, after they have been generated by the template. Most users will just need the Letter Editing
Note that Office 2019 is supported on Windows 10 but isn’t supported on Windows 7 or Windows 8.1.
Letter Editing
Once a letter is generated from a template, the content of the letter can be edited via the Word Add-In.
These are the supported versions for letter editing.
For Letter Editing (manifest deployment)
Supported Versions Editions Notes
Office 365 Installed
and online
See Word Add-in for Workspace for configuration
Word 2019 32-bit and
64-bit “Click-To-Run” version is required for Word 2016 and
supported for 2019
Word 2016
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Template Editing
Users in the Letter Configuration organization role can customize letter templates used to generate
letters/correspondence. These are the supported versions for template configuration.
For Template Letter Editing (VSTO deployment)
Versions Editions Notes
Office 365 Installed
client only
Office 365 online (browser-based) versions are not supported.
Word 2019 32-bit and
“Click-to-Run” versions prior to version 2019 are not supported by
IMPORTANT: Because CityView uses Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO)
add-ins, Centralized Deployment of Office add-ins is not supported.
Word 2016
Word 2013
Word 2010
Mapping/GIS Technologies*
For CityView customers that purchase the GIS/mapping integration (Esri only)
Supported Versions Editions Notes
ArcGIS Online · Supported
· Required for CityView Mobile Route
· New Esri requirement: TLS 1.2 certificate
Enterprise v10.7.1
· 32-bit and 64-bit editions,
Express and higher.
· Workgroup or Enterprise
Capacity Level servers
(Standard, Advanced).
· Server Basic version
not supported.
· TLS certificate required.
· ArcGIS Engine v9.3 and v9.2 ArcGIS Reader
v9.3 and v9.2 - legacy support; no
significant enhancements will be
* Feature Service Layers required for editing
maps though CityView.
ArcGIS Enterprise
Enterprise v10.5
ArcGIS Server v10.4
ArcGIS Server
ArcGIS Server
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Document Management Systems
Optional integration for CityView customers who are using one of the following document management
systems. Additional license required to integrate with CityView. If no other integration is configured, CityView
will use its native DMS.
System Supported
Versions Notes
Laserfiche 9 and 10 (including
all minor versions)
CityView Portal/Mobile: supports Laserfiche Web Access 9/10
and Web Link 9/10
The Laserfiche libraries (version 10) that CityView uses and
ships with will work with an instance of Laserfiche 10.X
2016, 2013, 2010,
SharePoint Online
OnBase Supports CityView/OnBase API
Eclipse (docStar)
PaperVision 78, 79
Alfresco 5.2
FileHold 15.2.0
eB Contact CityView Support before installing
Payment Processing
CityView Portal supports optional integration with numerous Payment Processing systems (Payment
Gateways). You must be licensed to implement this integration. * Preferred gateway in Canada. **Preferred
gateway in U.S.
Security Note: The PCI Data Security Standard requires that merchants use TLS1.2.
Supported Gateways Notes
Paymentus* Supports eCheck/ACH payment if customer account has set this option with
their payment vendor. Shopping cart supported conditionally.
Invoice Cloud** Supports eCheck/ACH payment if customer account has set this option with
their payment vendor. Shopping cart supported.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Supported Gateways Notes
PayPal's PayFlow Pro Payflow Pro v4.3
Moneris (Hosted Pay
Bambora (formerly
Beanstream) Shopping cart supported.
MSB Nexus Web API "May 2017" version
BIS Online
Authorize.Net Supports eCheck/ACH payment if customer account has set this option with
their payment vendor.
Active Class Contact CityView Support before installing.
SMS/Text Messaging
CityView customers with modules that are licensed for Mobile can use the following service to send text
Supported Versions Notes
Twilio Configuration information.
Reporting Technologies
CityView supports optional integration with the following reporting systems.
Versions Editions Notes
SSRS 2016 32 -bit and 64-bit editions,
Express and higher
Valid TLS certificate required 1.2 or higher required
on server for Workspace.
SSRS 2014 32 -bit and 64-bit editions,
Express and higher
SSRS 2012 R2 32 -bit and 64-bit editions,
Express and higher
SSRS 2012 32 -bit and 64-bit editions,
Express and higher
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Note: The CityView websites (Workspace, Portal and Mobile) require TLS for security. In addition, embedded
content like the City’s SSRS Report Server and the ArcGIS Map Server (where your map service is deployed)
needs to be SSL enabled. As such, you will need to provide a valid TLS certificate. The two available options
are to purchase a signed certificate by a verified TLS Certificate provider. This is the preferred option.
Alternatively, a self-signed TLS certificate can be created. The self-signed option requires manual creation of
the certificate as well as manual installation of the certification on all client devices.
Proprietary and Confidential (Trade Secret)
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Documentation is available through CityView Connect, our on-line content management system. This is your
source for the most updated CityView information any time. You can search for a particular topic or browse
through the menu items. The Product Training Guides will step you through a full training session for a
particular topic. If you cannot find what you are looking for, it may just be an issue of terminology.
The glossaries can help there.
CityView Connect is accessible directly and within the CityView modules. By clicking the Help button, you get
direct access to the content in CityView Connect.
Documentation of your CityView solution is targeted to three main groups: business users, system
administrators and application developers. Documentation is provided at every level of training, focused on
the enabling objectives of the training in question.
CityView Connect is the main source of documentation for customers throughout the implementation and
beyond. The focus of CityView Connect is to ensure up to date information is being maintained in one
location, including details on new releases and the added functionality they contain. With each CityView
release, detailed release notes document the changes to the release both for new features, feature changes,
and bug fixes. Any exceptions or changes for installation and upgrade are also noted.
CityView offers the following documentation:
System technical documentation
System end-user’s documentation
On-line Help Desk documentation
System/Architecture diagrams
Data Dictionary – under non-disclosure agreement
Scope documentation including – signed-off process mapping materials
Proprietary and Confidential (Trade Secret)
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RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Sample user and admin manuals (proprietary and confidential)
Sample excerpts from CityView Connect – our Content Management System and release notes are found
below and on the following pages.
CityView Connect – Content Management System (proprietary and confidential)
We are proud to bring to you as part of your annual maintenance benefits CityView Connect. The City will
have 24/7 access to fully searchable product guides, release notes, support technology information, etc.
CityView Connect
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RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
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RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
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CityView Connect – documentation fully searchable (proprietary and confidential)
This website combines all of our product documentation in an easy to search, easy to read format, as well as
links to our release notes, videos, and other dynamic content. The documentation is all fully searchable, so
you do not need to know which manual a certain topic is discussed in.
Proprietary and Confidential (Trade Secret)
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RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView system administrative documentation (proprietary and confidential)
Proprietary and Confidential (Trade Secret)
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
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City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
a. Proposers should describe their recommended approach to successfully implementing the
new permits system based on their experience with other similar projects and any unique
aspects of the City’s situation. This description should address configuration management,
change orders, software quality assurance, and resources to respond to unanticipated
conditions without delaying implementation beyond the proposed implementation date.
CityView provides you with a project team charged with determining the customer’s needs,
communicating clear expectations, then meeting these expectations. The project team includes a project
manager, implementation specialists and trainers, an infrastructure review analyst, an interface specialist,
and a quality assurance lead.
Customer sign off is required at key stages to provide milestones to review progress, confirm objectives,
define scope, and detail the activities and timelines for the next step. Sign off involves acceptance of all
deliverables and confirmation of the budget and timeline for the next step. This keeps all stakeholders
informed throughout the project reducing the risk of delays or scope creep. It also ensures that
acceptance testing is an ongoing process and project acceptance is milestone-based and therefore
Something of note and that is unique to CityView’s project approach and exclusive to our
CityView customers is CityView Administrator, our process mapping tool. Administrator is an
online interview tool that automatically configures CityView as the users answer questions presented.
What follows is a more detailed description of each step in the traditional City-hosted process. (Note: The
only difference between the traditional City-hosted process and a CityView hosted process is that the
environment will remain hosted through acceptance testing, end-user training, and go live.)
On the following page is a summary of the CityView Select delivery model, resource requirements and
delivered outputs:
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Trade Secret (Proprietary and Confidential)
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Step 1: Process mapping
Kick-off activities
The project manager reviews all documentation with respect to the implementation in order to prepare the
materials for project kick-off. This includes confirming the project schedule with the City’s project manager
and documenting this in Microsoft Project. Generally, our implementation services are scheduled 90 – 120
days after a signed agreement is received.
Remote infrastructure review
CityView analyzes the existing infrastructure to identify any potential areas that may result in sub-optimal
performance. Our infrastructure review specialist verifies remote accessibility, available bandwidth and tech-
stack compatibility and advises the network specialists of the hardware and software prerequisites required to
optimize the performance of the system. This review is conducted remotely.
Initial installation
A trial installation is conducted for the purposes of testing the network infrastructure for use of CityView, to
provide training for the network administrators on its installation, and ultimately to provide an environment
for testing integrations dependent on the customer’s other systems. The development environment hosted
by CityView is still the principal environment for review, validation and refinement, however.
Streamlined process mapping – using CityView Administrator (proprietary – confidential)
CityView Administrator, our process mapping tool, is exclusive to our CityView customers. Administrator is
an online interview tool that automatically configures CityView as the users answer questions presented.
Benefits the City can expect to achieve include:
1. Reducing human error during the configuration of CityView
2. Decreasing project implementation time by 10% - 15%.
CityView implementation specialists will guide City staff on the use of CityView Administrator with
accompanied remote walkthroughs/demonstrations of the pertinent CityView solutions to provide your
City of La Quinta, CA
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
subject matter experts (SMEs) with an understanding of the workings of each and their customer-alignment
configuration points.
The walkthroughs ensure the City’s users:
1. Learn the basics of the activity-based workflows.
2. Learn how to use CityView Administrator provided by CityView.
3. Learn how to provide the data for the City’s fees, letters, lookup tables, and scheduled processes.
The above will be combined with on-site collection of custom workflow and business rule definition, if
Data mapping
CityView works with the City to understand the requirements for data conversion, the data sources and
formats. CityView completes and provides the City with the completed data mapping documents for review
and approval.
Customization and interface definition (if applicable)
The process mapping step is also used to better understand any customization and interface requirements if
The main deliverable at the end of the Process Mapping step is the Scope Document. The Scope Document
will reference, where applicable, documentation that needs to be included in the implementation, such as
RFP functional requirements, responses to CityView Administrator that were provided by CityView and
completed by the City, data mapping documents, and interface/customization design documents.
Budget validation
Once all of the data is collected from the City, the CityView project manager reviews requirements in
accordance with the statement of work and contract documentation and identifies anything that is not
accounted for in the scope. The project manager also validates any estimates made as part of the proposal,
such as:
1. Data conversion requirements
2. List of customizations and interfaces (if applicable)
If budget validation reveals that any estimates provided were insufficient, our project manager informs the
City of such and prepares appropriate change order requests. The next steps do not commence until sign off
on budget validation and process mapping occurs. This protects both parties against the risk of unclear
Step 2: Configuration and data conversion
Development environment created
A development environment is created for the City. A development environment is a customer-specific
CityView environment hosted by CityView but accessed from your computer. Into this development
environment, CityView completes the configuration as defined in the scope.
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Data conversion
Data conversion commences once both parties are comfortable with the output of the data mapping
exercise. Our specialists create the scripts that parse, derive, and translate the source data into the ideal
format for CityView. To reduce the time and effort associated with this step we require data to be provided
in one of the following formats: SQL Server, .mdb, .dbf, or .txt. The initial data conversion provides a means
for verification of correctness during the review and validation stage of the project. A final iteration is
completed immediately prior to go-live.
CityView configures the CityView solutions with the data collected and signed off from Step 1: Process
Mapping. A single development environment is created and the Implementation Specialist leads the
configuration of that environment. This involves the following components:
1. Letter template development – CityView’s MS Word Add-in is used to create a specified number
of letter templates according to electronic samples provided by the City. The City is provided the
letter generation tools in order that your SME(s) can create additional letters to meet additional or
future requirements.
2. Fees - All the fees, including the automated business rules needed for their calculation are
configured in your CityView environment. Fee schedules were not provided prior to the quoting of
this project, therefore our assumptions around the effort to configure fees are subject to review of
the complete requirements. For example, if you have Impact Fee schedules or Development Charges,
we will not have assumed that and those may result in additional costs. We are happy to review this
with you prior to contract signing to give a firm estimate of the effort to configure your fees.
3. Activities workflow – CityView Select workflows are refined with customer specific parameters for
assigned to, required dates, email notifications, responsible departments, fees applicable and
resource groups. In addition, existing sub-workflows may be removed or added to the main
workflow, depending on customer specific requirements. If applicable, CityView provides a stated
number of custom-developed additional workflows or equivalently effort-intensive changes to the
CityView Select workflows as part of the implementation.
4. Custom data fields - Custom data fields to meet your specific data capture needs are defined for
each pertinent table where they are required and configured accordingly, along with the business
rules to apply these data fields where appropriate.
5. Lookups – All lookup table data in the system, as defined during Step 1, is enabled or disabled as
appropriate, with additional values populated as required in the scope.
6. Security – users are assigned to the organizational roles that are pre-defined in the products, based
on information collected during process mapping. Should additional user-level and record level
security be required other than as defined in the module organizational roles, additional costs may
7. Batch rules and scheduled processes – the CityView Select’s batch rules and scheduled processes
are refined according to the City’s process requirements. Additional batch rules and scheduled
processes may attract additional cost.
Customizations (if applicable)
Customizations, both those in the scope of work and any agreed to as a result of process mapping are
undertaken at this point.
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RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Interfaces, both those in the scope of work and any agreed to as a result of process mapping are undertaken
at this point.
Step 3: Review and validation
The CityView project manager works with the customer to establish the review and validation plan, i.e. to
determine when certain review and validation sessions will be given and who should attend.
Remote review and validation sessions
CityView undertakes a series of three remote review and validation sessions with your SMEs, for each
applicable module being implemented, to work through the validation of the configuration based on the
process mapping materials and pre-defined test scripts for the CityView workflows.
These sessions start off being led by CityView, but are transitioned to being led by the SME’s for each
solution. By the final session the SME’s have reviewed and validated the bulk of the configured system and
are able to:
· Navigate the system through City-specific processes and workflow.
· Generate and test fees.
· View and validate look up tables.
· Generate and test letters and documentations which have been configured.
· Use scenario-based examples to test and validate automated business rules
Review and validation is conducted against the development environment, hosted by CityView. During the
review and validation sessions CityView documents any changes, corrections, or deficiencies for further
action. Should the City’s SME’s conduct additional reviews without the CityView implementation specialist
present, the customer feedback feature can be used to communicate immediate feedback and reporting of
issues to our implementation specialists and developers.
In-scope refinements
In scope corrections from the process of review and validation are conducted. If out of scope issues are
raised through review and validation, these are handled through approved change orders.
Step 4: User acceptance testing (UAT)
User acceptance testing
On completion of the third review and validation session, the City is provided a period of 2-4 weeks for
additional user acceptance testing on their own completely installed test system. CityView provides samples
of User Acceptance Testing scripts. The CityView implementation specialist monitors the customer’s feedback
and continues to make any in scope corrections. Provided the acceptance criteria have been met, City is
asked to formally accept the delivered solution for go-live.
Step 5: End-user training and go-live
Final environment
After the final environment receives customer sign off CityView performs a data conversion in order to
establish an environment that can be used for training purposes.
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
User training
CityView conducts on-site training for all of the front line and advanced users identified in the training plan.
Final conversion run
Immediately prior to go-live, CityView conducts the final data conversion to bring your data completely up to
Go-live support
Going live with a new piece of software is a disconcerting time for the front line users of any new
software. CityView provides on-site, go-live assistance to aid with this process. During this time an
implementation specialist is on-site to help users acclimate themselves with the new system, answer their
questions as they arise, provide over-the-shoulder guidance on usability, provide a direct line to Support and
other members of the project team and complement end-user training. This is probably the single biggest
direct contribution to the change management process and it is always received extremely well. CityView can
provide on-site go-live facilitation at an additional charge.
During go-live facilitation the CityView project team works with the City to record any known issues. The
CityView project team is responsible for the resolution of these known issues. 30 days after go-live CityView
requests a formal letter of acceptance (the Statement of Completion) that substantiates the product has been
delivered and is being used successfully in a live, production environment with the applicable modules,
generate fees, record fee payments and generate correspondence associated with all items previously listed.
In the case of a partial go-live, a completion statement is requested for that part of the solution that has gone
During the first 4-6 weeks after go-live, the project team begins to familiarize and transition the project to
the technical support group. At the end of 6 weeks the project manager arranges a formal hand-off
involving the City, the CityView project manager and the CityView Support group formalizing the transition
of any new defects, bugs and support issues to the support team.
Project Deliverables
Below is a list of major activities, tasks, and resources that the City can anticipate during the implementation.
Major activities/tasks/resources
Major Objective Resources Lead Deliverables
Project Management and
coordination CityView
Baseline detailed project plan
Project Status Reports
Initial installation CityView
Hardware specifications
Infrastructure Review document/certification
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Major Objective Resources Lead Deliverables
Business process design,
address gaps, and
configure software
System Configuration
documentation/completed automated
workbooks, fee schedule, letter templates,
user security matrix, portal processes, and
workflow parameters. Onsite collection of
custom workflows definition and business
rules if applicable.
Data mapping Team
CityView data
Completed data mapping documents
Application architecture
on and interface definition
(where applicable)
Team CityView R&D
Customization Plan and Software Interface
Plan (where applicable)
Configuration CityView
Configuration software ready for test/
configured, CityView-hosted development
environment, ready for installation and
remote walkthrough.
Data conversion,
customization and
Team CityView R&D
Conversion Plan/converted property and
historical data, customizations and
implemented interfaces (if applicable) in
CityView-hosted development environment.
Migrated data.
Remote review and
validation sessions
specialist City
subject matter
Tested software/review sessions (CityView)
and validation feedback (City) in CityView
Connect feedback tool
In-scope refinements CityView
Completed refinements in development
User acceptance testing City
Completed user acceptance testing and
notice to go-live
End-user training Team
Training plan
Training materials – CityView Connect CRM
Completed training
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Major Objective Resources Lead Deliverables
Go-live support and
stabilization services Team
On-site go-live support
Live production environment
4-6 weeks subsequent remote go-live
support prior to transition to support team.
Project completion and
transition to Technical
Final signoff and transition to support team.
Sample Implementation Project Schedule
Our project manager works with your project staff to develop an overall project plan, including time
schedules, application implementation priorities, and any key issues identified that may affect the project
schedule or progress. This document is the basis for the entire implementation project and is highly detailed
when completed and presented for final approval. Many factors are dependent upon creating a successful
implementation plan including the following:
· Number of Modules to Implement · Customer time constraints
· Number of Users to be trained
· Number of Departments to be trained
· Customizations · Interfaces
· Number of City Resources · Level of Information Technology Staffing
· Amount of data to be converted · Maintenance of legacy system ending
A standard/typical project schedule follows on the next page. Please note any project schedule provided by
CityView as part of a proposal, is provided only as an example for similar projects. Such a schedule should not
be deemed to be the definitive schedule for the City’s project. CityView’s project manager will develop a draft
project-specific schedule and this will become the project baseline after the data collection/process mapping
process is complete; thus encompassing any scope adjustments. This baseline may be further adjusted at any
time during the project to reflect further scope change, as mutually agreed in writing.
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Sample project schedule
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Project Management Processes
Resource Management , City resources – estimated level of effort
Our implementation approach is a team effort and offers significant opportunities for customer contributions
and both business users and IT staff can play an integral part in the implementation. We have designed
CityView to offer flexibility and independence and therefore our services and support measures are designed
for continuous knowledge transfer so that ultimately, customers are empowered. This is a lesson we learned
decades ago. Our founders recognized, as ex-local government employees themselves, that legislations and
business practices continuously change and a good vendor software needs to offer the tools for customers to
affect that change in the software themselves, without reliance on the vendor and without affecting the ability
to upgrade the software. That has been the philosophy of our software development since our inception.
Below and on the following pages, we have specified the typical City roles involved and their time
commitment. Typically, certain people would fulfill several roles so these are not mutually exclusive.
Functional role # Employees
(% of time)
Required for:
City project
manager 1
project (not a full
time position)
Planning, progress monitoring
(primary responsibility remains
with vendor project manager)
- Issue escalation and risk
-Vendor and internal team
-Providing City deliverables
within agreed-on timelines
-Providing sign-off at required
junctures during the project
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Functional role # Employees
(% of time)
Required for:
subject matter
experts (SMEs)
2-3 per major
business area
availability during
process mapping
for own
availability during
training for own
-25% availability
during validation
Providing requirements:
-Lookup values
-Data mapping (may also be IT
-Business rules matrices
-Evaluation of processes
-Performing validation based on
test scenarios and providing
-Internal expectations
management; internal agents
for change
1 (could be
same person
as other
technical roles
-20% during
review (few
hours only
-20% during
-Infrastructure review
-Validation of SW/HW
-Set-up and test-runs prior to
DBA/ data
1 (could be
same person
as other
technical roles
below and
30% during
remote process
mapping and
30% around go-
-Data mapping legacy systems to
-Data extraction
(Note: no assumption is made re
efforts for data cleaning as this is
very customer-specific)
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RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Functional role # Employees
(% of time)
Required for:
Network and
1 (could be
same person
as other
technical roles
below and
10% post
validation/ pre-
30% around go-
-Access rights
-Security/firewall issues
-Ensuring software and
infrastructure configuration for
go-live is in place
-Testing correct configuration
and deployment to each user
-Conducting performance tests
-Managing any 3rd parties who
may be required during the go-
live period (e.g. IVR; other
-Backup plans in case of no-go
or issues
GIS specialist
other system
10% during
(minimal time
-GIS interface
-Other systems (financial,
1 (could be
same person
as other
technical roles
below and
100% during
training (8 hours)
10% of FTE
(dependent on
number of users)
-System Administrator training
-User maintenance, upgrades
2 Ad hoc basis -Dealing with and qualifying
issues -implementing patches
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RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Functional role # Employees
(% of time)
Required for:
End-users Dependent
on # users
100% availability
during end-user
training and go-
live facilitation
for own
End-user training
Report / letter
specialist 2
100% availability
during reporter
training and
Training and on-going business
City roles and responsibilities
We envision the City’s project team is comprised of:
Executive sponsor,
Steering committee,
Project manager,
Subject matter experts (SMEs),
Data conversion expert,
Technical analysts/experts,
Database administrator,
Systems and network administrators,
Testers (often the same people as the SMEs),
City executive sponsor
The executive sponsor provides the vision of the project in alignment with the City’s corporate short term and
long term goals and objectives. The executive sponsor’s responsibilities include:
Participate on the project Steering Committee
Promote the project throughout the City
Monitor the progress of the project
Monitor the overall City impact
Empower the City project manager and the core project team to make decisions
Make timely decisions
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Maintain the authority to set priorities, approve overall scope and settle issues / priorities
that significantly affect the project and the City
Support the project managers in accomplishing the project goals
Provide a vision of the City’s goals
Maintain an active relationship with CityView management
City steering committee
Should the City wish to form a Steering committee for the project (internal to the City), the Steering
committee typically develops the vision for the project in alignment with the City’s short term and long term
goals and objectives. The Steering committee is suggested to be composed of the City project sponsor(s), the
City’s executive sponsor and the City’s business leads. The Steering committee has the following
Attend Steering Committee meetings
Set priorities
Approve scope and scope changes
Resolve escalated issues
Provide strategic guidance to achieve the define project goals
Promote the project throughout the City
Commit the required resources to the project and approve new ones when required
Monitor the project progress
Monitor the overall City impact
Approve extensions to project timeline or addition of new City resources to resolve City -
side delays
Empower the City project manager and the core project team to make decisions
Generate timely decisions
Conduct periodic review of project progress
Make strategic decisions to manage business and project risks
Support both project managers to accomplish project goals
Have an active relationship with CityView management
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
City project manager
The City project manager is responsible for the overall City deliverables and the day-to-day management of
the project. This resource is the primary liaison between the CityView team, the City’s project team and the
Steering committee. Both project managers will work together to meet the objectives, address issues,
facilitate resolution and participate in active management of the teams. Below is a list of responsibilities to
be performed by the City’s project manager:
Manage all City resources for project related activities
Manage the project (budget, timeline, quality, risks, scope, issues, deliverables, etc.) in
cooperation with CityView’s project manager
Communicate project status to the Steering committee, the executive sponsor and the
project team leveraging updates from CityView’s status updates
Participate in the Steering Committee meetings
Create, maintain, manage and refine the project schedule with all its elements in
cooperation with the CityView project manager
Maintain project standards especially scope and status reporting
Prepare, organize and co-conduct with the project kick-off meetings
Manage the delivery and coordination of City project tasks
Manage all project deliverables in coordination with CityView’s project manager
Manage and streamline the issue management process in conjunction with CityView
project manager
Manage project deviations and take necessary corrective actions
Participate in gathering of the City’s business process requirements when required
Plan, manage and execute the acceptance test efforts
Plan, manage and execute the end-user training efforts
Provide timely reviews and potential sign-offs on all project deliverables approval
documents as presented by the CityView project manager
Review and accept project milestones
Manage the logistical activities of the end-user training
o Training facilities
o Students booking
o Scheduling of sessions
o Monitoring and logging the end-user attendance
Capture the end-user feedback
Responsible for internal and project communication
Provide guidance to project team members
Lead the go-live preparation planning
Participate heavily in the go-live preparation tests
Must provide go / no go decision throughout the project
Must be present for go-live
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
City subject matter experts (SMEs)
The business experts own the business process within their functional areas since they perform these day-to-
day business processes. These people collectively form the knowledge base of the City’s business process
requirements. Such resources will be involved in the process mapping, as well as approval of the Scope
documentation and testing and acceptance of the configured system. They will further verify that the new
configured system meets the City’s business requirements as outlined in the Scope documentation. They will
participate in making decisions regarding the business processes and they will help both project managers
manage the project scope and all the associated deliverables. Below is a list of responsibilities to be
performed by the SMEs
Attend process mapping and validation training sessions
Participate in appropriate project team meetings
Work with the CityView IS to provide input into the analysis of the business requirements
and review the Scope documentation
Work with the CityView IS to validate the configuration through validation testing
Develop appropriate validation test cases based on business scenarios
Assist the City’s data conversion expert in data conversion validation and acceptance
Assist in the development of user procedures
Assist the project team in defining user access levels and privileges
Assist the project team in the go-live support planning
Provide end-user post implementation go-live support where applicable
Assist the City’s project manager in problem resolution
Support end-user training and documentation preparation
Must be present for go-live
City data conversion expert
The data conversion expert will be involved with the CityView data conversion specialist in analyzing,
mapping, loading and testing the different cuts of data conversion. This resource must possess a strong
knowledge of the existing data sources that will be converted from both the user and database ends of the
existing systems that need to be converted. This resource will also learn about the database structure and the
integrated tables (from data mapping documents provided by CityView) as this knowledge will help them
relate to their existing data sources. This resource will also review and finalize the data mapping documents
and will test the data once the preliminary cut is completed by CityView. Below is a list of responsibilities to
be performed by the City’s data conversion expert:
Act as the primary contact for CityView data conversion specialist
Acquire knowledge from the CityView data conversion specialist as analysis and mapping
is performed
Understand the database structure through knowledge transfer and documentation
provided by CityView
Provide file layouts, where available, for existing data sources
Provide data sources in an agreed to format
During the analysis, provide documentation pertaining to the current systems (existing
user manuals, etc.) if available
Lead the analysis of the existing data sources as they relate to the database
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Finalize and approve the data mapping documents once prepared and delivered by the
CityView data conversion specialist
Test and potentially accept the preliminary data conversion cut and any other subsequent
data conversion cuts whether performed by CityView or the City’s resources
In coordination with the database administrator, prepare any other database environments
that might be required for data cuts
In coordination with the database administrator, prepare the production database for the
final cut data load
Work in conjunction with CityView to identify and possibly resolve conversion issues by
directly communicating them to the project team, CityView, users and management
Participate in the go-live preparation planning
Should be present for go-live
City technical and advanced (power) users
These resources are involved with the CityView resources to learn the report writing tool and system
configuration. They could assist in these two functions once knowledge transfer is accomplished. Once
trained they will have access to the tools to support the end-users with any future configuration
enhancements to the system. These resources could also work in conjunction with CityView to lead the
interfaces (third party integrations) analysis, definition and acceptance testing. Below is a list of
responsibilities to be performed by the City’s Technical Experts:
Attend required Advanced Training sessions (configuration, CityView Reporter training)
Acquire the necessary knowledge from the CityView resources through training sessions
and documentation
Participate in the analysis, design and acceptance testing of all interfaces to 3rd party
systems (potentially)
Should be present for go-live
Other responsibilities depending on the degree of participation encouraged by the City
City database administrator
This resource will be responsible for setup and maintenance of the different databases (testing/ training and
production) during the initial project step and for any subsequent requirement. Below is a list of
responsibilities to be performed by the City’s database administrator:
Setup the initial databases in conjunction with CityView resource(s)
On-going database configuration, monitoring, tuning and troubleshooting of the database
Manage production database growth
Provide support to the project team during the project implementation as identified in the
project schedule
Manage the performance of the database
Establish and maintain database security and coordinate with application administration
the application security levels
Include the databases in the normal backup routines and add them to the recovery
management plan
Coordinate activities with City network and workstation administrators
Manage and execute database installation and upgrade patches
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Participate in user access rights and privileges planning, definition and testing
City systems and network administrators
These resources will be required to provide assistance to the project team on an as needed basis. Below is a
list of responsibilities to be performed by the City’s systems and network administrators:
Prepare servers for initial software setup and configuration
Provide setup of servers and provide network connectivity
Setup required peripherals for the different environments
Setup testing environments as requested by the City’s project manager
Participate in go-live preparation tests
Should be present for go-live
City end-users
These resources will be trained on the proposed modules and components. Below is a list of responsibilities
to be performed by the City’s end-users:
Attend and actively participate in the appropriate training sessions provided by CityView
Understand existing business processes as well as the project scope at a reasonable level of
Have good Windows navigation skills
CityView roles and responsibilities
Below is a description of the roles and responsibilities of each of the resources in the project.
Your CityView project team is comprised of:
Executive sponsor
Project manager
Implementation specialists and trainers
Infrastructure analyst
Data conversion/interface specialists
Quality assurance team
Your project team is designed to maximize the efficiency of CityView and City resources. The roles and
responsibilities defined below have been developed through our significant experience dealing with projects
of a similar size and scope. We understand the importance flexibility plays in a successful implementation so
we also ensure your CityView team in comprised of individuals who have the experience to perform multiple
roles if it helps to streamline communications or expedite the project goals.
Executive sponsor
We follow the practice of assigning an executive sponsor to our projects. The executive sponsor has the
overriding responsibility for the outcome of the project in terms of project success and fiscal responsibility.
The executive sponsor’s responsibilities include:
Monitor the progress of the project
Empower the CityView project manager and the core project team to make decisions
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Be the senior decision-maker for anything outside the authority of the project manager, as
well as a senior executive and mediator for escalated issues
Support the project manager in accomplishing the implementation goals
Maintain an active relationship with the City
Project manager
The project manager leads a full team of qualified professionals to manage your implementation and training.
He/she is involved in both the facilitation of the project as well as hands-on work in each project stage to
ensure that requirements are met and project deliverables are clearly defined. The responsibilities include:
Be the primary point of contact for the City’s project manager
Ensure successful delivery of City’s tasks
Participate, where necessary, in gathering of the business process requirements
In coordination with the City’s project manager, create the project schedule and keep this
schedule up-to-date throughout the project
Coordinate the scheduling of tasks for the implementation according to the project
Manage the CityView project resources
Provide brief bi-weekly status update to the City’s project manager
In coordination with the City’s project manager, co-conduct the project kick-off meeting
Review and approve CityView’s process mapping scope documents for sign-off
Seek sign-off on all CityView deliverables and approval documents from the City’s project
In coordination with the City’s project manager, manage scope change control
Assist the City’s project manager in defining the training and go-live plans
Support City in the go-live preparation steps
Hold review and status meetings with City’s resources
Facilitate and provide timely resolutions to issues and concerns as it relates to CityView
resources, project issues, etc.
Infrastructure analyst and development environment manager
The CityView Infrastructure Analyst (IA) works with the City to review the City’s hardware and software
infrastructure as it pertains to the optimum functioning and performance of CityView. Typically, the IA is also
our Manager of Support and as such carries responsibilities of managing the customer’s hosted development
environment, facilitating updates and installs and troubleshooting issues. Responsibilities include:
Prepare and distribute the Infrastructure Review questionnaire to the City, for collection of
appropriate information required to analyze hardware and software infrastructure
Handle any questions and seek clarification on any items in ensuring the information
received is complete, for the purpose intended
Assess the suitability of the infrastructure and deliver the Infrastructure Review report
Provide guidance on hardware sizing, third party software, Esri map development and
configuration, installation guidelines
Coordinate initiation of the City’s hosted development environment and manage this
throughout the project, including updates and merges
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Together with the City’s technical administrator, coordinate installs at the customer site
Deliver the System Administrator training
Implementation specialist and trainer
The Implementation Specialist (IS) works closely with the City through on-site visits, follow up calls, training,
and demonstrations in order to define the scope of the configuration effort. The IS configures your CityView
environment and prepares the environment for the on-site activities. Typically, the IS’s also deliver the end-
user training and go-live assistance. Responsibilities include:
Provide progress status to the CityView project manager
Perform the process mapping and work with the City’s subject matter experts (SMEs) to
understand and collect the business requirements
Work with the SMEs in designing the CityView activities workflows
Provide best practices recommendation and solutions where applicable
Compile the process mapping documents for the scope document
Configure the software based on the scope documents
Unit test the configuration
Provide configured system to Application Developer (AD) team lead and QA team lead for
configuration review and testing
Provide validation and acceptance testing support
Work with the City’s SMEs to log validation feedback and correct mis-configuration items
Provide training to the different City groups as follows:
Subject matter experts
Advanced users
Provide electronic copies of training materials where applicable
Provide electronic copies of training sessions’ agendas
Leverage adult learning methodology and teaching techniques while documenting and
escalating any concerns to the implementation project managers
Data conversion and interface specialist/s
Responsible for analysis, design and testing of the interfaces between CityView and any 3rd party applications
or databases. Responsible for the data conversion tasks of organization’s data sources. List of responsibilities
Evaluate interfaces functionality requirements
Provide recommendations on interfacing approaches
Identify interfaces issues
Perform the analysis of the required interfaces
Evaluate a sample data structure provided by City to which CityView must create an
Create the design documentation of the required interfaces
Manage interfaces’ design documents and revise according to City’s review and comments
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December 11, 2020
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Forward the interfaces’ design documents to the CityView project manager for review and
Unit test the interfaces to ensure they meet the specifications outlined in the design
Work closely with the CityView developers to answer any technical related question that
might arise
Provide training support to the City’s technical experts regarding the interfaces
Evaluate sample data structure from which CityView will be converting electronic data
Provide data conversion analysis with the City’s data conversion expert
Provide recommendations on data conversion approaches
Provide data conversion mapping review and assistance
Identify conversion issues
Develop data conversion scripts according to the final mapping documents
Perform the preliminary cut data conversion
Unit testing the preliminary cut data conversion
Modify data conversion scripts based on test results if necessary
Perform any other agreed on intermediary cuts of data conversion
Setup the production ready cut and briefly unit test the production ready cut data
Provide assistance to the City’s data conversion expert in loading the preliminary cut of the
converted data and test it
Communicate directly with the City’s data conversion expert on any data conversion
related issue / question
Quality assurance team
The Quality Assurance team is responsible for testing the quality of your CityView modules and any
customizations and interfaces. They use a combination of automated and manual testing on your
environment. Bug tracker tools, unit testing, and manual test cases are used in a strategic test plan that
results in a stable, error free application for delivery. Responsibilities include:
Maintain QA environments on the same version as the City’s development environment
for parallel testing and troubleshooting
Log test results, log issues in detail and provide issues logs to Application Development
Provide unit testing as detailed within roles above
Provide advice on timing and readiness of version releases.
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CityView – estimated level of effort
The following table provides a summary of the CityView resources dedicated to the project.
CityView resources
Project team member Suggested hours on the project
Project manager 281
Implementation specialists 447
Trainers 242
Conversion specialist 240
Interface specialist 75
Quality assurance specialist 84
Infrastructure specialist 32
Total 1,401
Scope Management
Scope is cause for constant concern during project implementations. Having a well-defined scope with very
clear requirements is absolutely imperative. It is also important to understand the difference between
enhancements and bugs, and how they relate to scope requirements. Invariably, a requirement will surface
that will blur the lines between being in-scope or out-of-scope. The City and the CityView team should
approach these on a one by one basis to come to a mutually agreeable solution. Whatever is decided must be
documented and signed off on should the same question surface again later in the project.
CityView will request a formal customer signoff for configuration and process mapping and uses this as a
baseline for scope management throughout the project.
As situations and/or requirements change during a project, the customer will be provided with a standardized
change control form which identifies the suggested change, the requesting party, a justification and an
impact with respect to schedule and cost. If the change order is approved by the customer, the change is
incorporated into the project. A sample follows on the next page.
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December 11, 2020
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City of La Quinta, CA
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Schedule Management
CityView will designate a Project Manager for the project, whose primary responsibilities are to undertake the
administrative duties of developing and monitoring the project schedule, scheduling meetings, invoicing,
maintaining regular correspondence and project status reports and being the first and primary contact with
the City for all matters concerning the project. The CityView project manager will work hand-in-hand with
the City’s project manager to ensure a successful implementation that stays on schedule and within budgets.
Specifically, our project manager works with your project staff to develop an overall project plan, including
time schedules, application implementation priorities, and any key issues identified that may affect the project
schedule or progress. This document is the basis for the entire implementation project and is highly detailed
when completed and presented for final approval. As changes to the project schedule occur and in
coordination with the City’s project manager, CityView project manager will keep the schedule up-to-date
throughout the project.
Clearly defined sign off criteria for all major deliverables along with a sign off document is imperative in order
to maintain agreement that work has been satisfactorily completed and for maintaining the project and
invoicing schedule.
To ensure communication of project changes and project status, the CityView project manager will provide a
bi-weekly status report to the City.
Risk Management
To make certain the project is successful, risks must be mitigated. This project will be subject to the typical
risk factors inherent in such projects and it is important to have a risk mitigation plan in place to address
these. We propose that a Risk Register be developed and maintained as a separate document during the
implementation and that this be reviewed on a monthly basis by both project teams to ensure that risks are
being proactively managed.
End-user neglect
Neglecting concerns or not including the future end-users in the process while implementing a new system
can often create a large barrier to system acceptance or buy-in. Although it is often impossible to involve
every potential user in an implementation project, it is possible to hold periodic workshops to gather
information or requirements, document, and listen to concerns or to demonstrate a system prototype.
Resource availability
Resource availability is a key component of a successful implementation, including both business and
technical resources. Resources must be readily available in order to meet the constantly changing demands of
the rolling train of implementation, such as meeting configuration deadlines, conducting end-user analysis,
transferring knowledge, issue resolution, identifying points of escalation, etc. There is a direct link between
readily available resources and the progress of the implementation. Implementations flow smoothly and
efficiently with engaged and equipped resources, while implementations with resource challenges often
reflect these challenges with a lack of progression. Documenting and opening communication with available
resources will continuously build momentum toward a successful implementation.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Scope management
Scope is cause for constant concern during project implementations. Having a well-defined scope with very
clear requirements is absolutely imperative. It is also important to understand the difference between
enhancements and bugs, and how they relate to scope requirements. Invariably, a requirement will surface
that will blur the lines between being in-scope or out-of-scope. The City and the CityView team should
approach these on a one by one basis to come to a mutually agreeable solution. Whatever is decided must be
documented and signed off on should the same question surface again later in the project.
Knowledge retention
People assigned to the project team, both from the City or the CityView side, may decide to change careers,
jobs, or have other circumstances that cause them to be removed from the project team. Depending on their
role, there can be a variety of effects to the project. Knowledge walking out the door is not an easy obstacle
to overcome, however there are certain things that can be done to help disperse the effect. A repository
where documents are stored is helpful to find work that has been done. Bi-weekly status reports help the
project manager(s) know exactly what that person was/is responsible for and where they are in progress on
any deliverables. Also, meeting and having knowledge transition sessions prior to their departure is important
so that someone may step in and begin to pick up where another person left off.
Validation is where the system is tested to ensure that all components are working together, as designed, to
meet the business process requirements. Once this has been completed in a project, everyone will be looking
for that final go, or no go decision.
Two areas that are extremely important to minimize risk in this area are a comprehensive test plan, and
adequate resources.
1. The test plan must attempt to contain valid testing scenarios for all variations of a business process. As
this is so difficult to do, it is imperative to have as many project team members as possible review, and give
input to the test plan.
2. The actual act of testing the system can be labor intensive. Having future end-users involved to test their
business processes and areas of expertise is crucial to help spread the burden of this. It also can help get their
buy in to the final product prior to go-live and provides you with local experts to assist newer users during the
go-live process.
Data conversion and interfaces
Of the scope elements that have the potential to delay a project, this is often the greatest. A clear
understanding of the sources of electronic data that exist at the City and of these, which data needs to be
converted, is very important to establish early on. Converting dirty data is problematic and sometimes the
data that would seem the easiest to convert is not so e.g. data in Excel spreadsheets, which have no
relational database structure and few data quality controls. It is suggested that the City begins the work of
identifying all sources of data, prioritizing needs for conversion and beginning the data cleaning process well
before the project gets underway. After the project begins, accurate data mapping is an important exercise.
It is very important that the City can convey to the vendor a clear understanding of the requirements for
interfaces between the land management system and third party applications i.e. precisely what data needs
to flow between the systems, how regularly and what business logic is required to accompany these data
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RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
flows. The more “moving parts” there are, the more risk is introduced. Additionally, it is important to
establish buy-in from all affected departments on this data flow. For example, if a real time integration is
required with the Financial Management System, the Finance Department must have approved the
integration of a third party system real time with this system. Or if a Police RMS system is involved, security
issues must be identified and mitigated if a third party system is to be integrated with the Police RMS.
CityView will ask these questions early and use our significant experience in the area of integrations to ask
the right questions, flag risks early on and present the options available.
Sign off
Lack of a formalized signoff document and procedure can create confusion and disagreement on whether or
not work has been completed according to specification. An immediate mitigation step is that customer sign
off is required at key stages to provide milestones to review progress, confirm objectives, define scope and
detail the activities and timelines for the next phase. Sign off involves acceptance of all deliverables and
confirmation of the budget and timeline for the next phase. This keeps all stakeholders informed throughout
the project reducing the risk of delays or scope creep. It also ensures that acceptance testing is an ongoing
process and project acceptance is milestone-based and therefore contained.
An issue refers to any matter that requires someone to make a decision, and about which no agreement has
been reached or can be routinely reached. Typically, issues impede project progress until they are resolved.
Change Control items may become issues if they’re not dealt with quickly, but Change Control items are
specific to the process of authorizing design changes that impact scope, schedule or budget whereas issues
can be related to anything about the project that needs to be decided.
The CityView Project Manager will maintain an issue log and will assign responsibility for the resolution of
project issues. The PM will report progress to the City Project Manager and the CityView Project Team. Any
Project Manager or team member can submit an issue for logging and resolution. Most project issues are
expected to be resolved within the overall Project Team. If the issues are not resolved to the satisfaction of
the Project Team, they may need to be escalated to the Project Executive Sponsor or appropriate level. A
clear escalation procedure and path is defined and agreed to by both parties.
Typical project situations requiring escalation include conflicting resource demands threatening project
staffing, group dependencies not being met, scope disagreements and issues with functionality of the
project's deliverables nearing release time.
CityView escalation levels are presented in the order listed below:
1. Project Manager
2. VP, Business Operations or designated Executive Sponsor
3. Executive Vice President
Suggested City escalation levels are as follows, in order:
1. Project Manager
2. Steering Committee
3. Executive Sponsor
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Each project manager is required to send a bi-weekly status report to their customers with accomplishments,
upcoming tasks and outstanding issues identified.
Quality Management
CityView employs many quality management steps in the implementation process to ensure that our
software meets customer requirements and to ensure a defect free product.
Our processes can be broken down into four levels:
1. Platform quality process – As our core CityView modules evolve with additional features and
functions, members of the product development team perform regression testing to ensure quality,
and to detect and remove defects.
2. Development quality process – Each configuration, integration, customization item required for an
implementation is broken down in a work breakdown structure by the project manager and each is
entered into an internal tracking system at CityView called OnTime. The OnTime system then
manages the workflow, efforts and communications needed to complete the task. OnTime also
requires each task to go through a quality assurance workflow step where an independent developer
reviews the work product prior to releasing it for customer validation.
3. Validation and fine tuning process – Validation and fine tuning occurs directly in the development
environment, remotely hosted by CityView. All configuration and refinement is done directly into
this environment so customers have the opportunity to test the features or configurations to ensure
they meet the agreed on scope. As issues are detected during the validation phase, CityView can
quickly correct the issue right in the development environment. Customers log issues through our
“Feedback” feature and as we correct we update the Feedback and customers can see the status of
their issues as they are corrected.
4. Formal user-acceptance testing – Formal user-acceptance testing by the customer usually follows
validation testing as a last quality step prior to go-live.
Quality control/quality assurance procedures and standards
The CityView Quality Assurance team is responsible for testing the quality of your CityView modules and any
customizations and interfaces. They use a combination of automated and manual testing on your
environment. Bug tracker tools, unit testing, and manual test cases are used in a strategic test plan that
results in a stable, error free application for delivery. Responsibilities include:
· Maintain QA environments on the same version as the City’s development environment for parallel
testing and troubleshooting
· Log test results, log issues in detail and provide issues logs to Application Development team
· Provide unit testing as detailed within roles defined previously.
· Provide advice on timing and readiness of version releases.
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RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Bi-Weekly Status Reports
To ensure communication of project changes and project status, the CityView project manager will provide a
bi-weekly status report to the City. Each project manager is required to send a bi-weekly status report to
their customers with accomplishments, upcoming tasks and outstanding issues identified. An example of a
project status report is provided on the following page.
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RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Sample Status Report
Customer City #12296
Date Submitted February13th, 2020
Accomplishments This Week
· Finishing step 1 customization and configuration.
· Provided on-site validation training to support validation testing.
· Conducted meeting and determined method for GIS interface.
· Conducted Steering Committee meeting.
Issues Encountered/Outstanding Items
NOTE: The highlighted issues in red need immediate attention.
NOTE: Any notation in red is responses from Customer.
NOTE: Any issue that has a check-mark bullet has been resolved and is highlighted in green.
1. Customer will still need to determine the organizational impact of the GIS decisions made – particularly with
respect to the planning function.
2. Rick will need to re-engage on-site to finish the analysis for the planning department.
3. Need to provide a copy of CityView and associated data for on-premise installation by Customer to support testing
of the DTS data conversion.
Goals for Next Week
Reconfigure CV software to remove the known and discovered issues.
Prepare to test the CV application.
Install CV and database on-premise to allow testing of DTS data conversion.
Begin the testing process.
Project Schedule
· Rick’s time for revisiting Customer to finish planning added to schedule.
· Step 3 analysis task dates modified and tuned to begin after Thanksgiving holiday.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Communication Management Plan
CityView’s team keeps your staff in constant communication during each step of the implementation in order
to stay on track and hit milestones which are collaboratively agreed upon. An immediate mitigation step is
that customer sign off is required at key stages to provide milestones to review progress, confirm objectives,
define scope and detail the activities and timelines for the next phase. Sign off involves acceptance of all
deliverables and confirmation of the budget and timeline for the next phase. This keeps all stakeholders
informed throughout the project reducing the risk of delays or scope creep. It also ensures that acceptance
testing is an ongoing process and project acceptance is milestone-based and therefore contained.
The CityView project manager has a primary role and responsibility for communication management during a
CityView implementation. However, since each project has unique stakeholders and communication
challenges the communication management approach is adjusted or tuned in each project to ensure the
timely and complete transfer of information
Each project manager is required to send a bi-weekly status report to their customers with accomplishments,
upcoming tasks and outstanding issues identified.
We propose that a Risk Register be developed and maintained as a separate document during the
implementation and that this be reviewed on a monthly basis by both project teams to ensure that risks are
being proactively managed.
In addition, CityView’s unique Customer Feedback feature can be used to communicate immediate feedback
and reporting of issues to our implementation specialists and developers while in any CityView module. We
collect comments from all of our customers on the usability of the system and we use those to gather the
Feedback, prioritize that feedback and use it to drive the ongoing development of the software, in particular
in the area of “ease of use”. This has been absolutely integral to the evolution of the software in order that
it excels in this area.
Coordination of meetings is the responsibility of the CityView project manager in conjunction with the City
project manager. Resource availability is a key component of a successful implementation, including both
business and technical resources. Documenting and open communication with available resources will
continuously build momentum toward a successful implementation. Resources must be readily available in
order to meet the constantly changing demands of the rolling train of implementation, such as meeting
configuration deadlines, conducting end-user analysis, transferring knowledge, issue resolution, identifying
points of escalation, etc. There is a direct link between readily available resources and the progress of the
implementation. Implementations flow smoothly and efficiently with engaged and equipped resources, while
implementations with resource challenges often reflect these challenges with a lack of progression.
Commitment from both CityView and the City will lend itself to a successful implementation.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Software Customization Plan
CityView’s proven implementation methodology focuses on configuration (as opposed to customization),
customer empowerment and knowledge transfer. Most needs are accomplished through the implementation
process or through the Configuration Tools provided with the CityView solution. CityView provides a highly
configurable environment and all of the Configuration Tools necessary to maintain and enhance the behavior
of the system with minimal need for customization or programming knowledge. Using these tools,
designated users can populate the contents of lookup tables, configure workflow, define ”custom” database
fields, produce letter templates, define business rules, provide scheduling options, and define the parameters
for fee calculations.
If needed a user with appropriate rights can easily add fields to screens in order to capture additional
information (e.g. add fields to Rental Housing Application for “number of units” and “how many are rented”
in a multi-family Rental). Adding fields does not affect the upgrade-ability of CityView.
During the implementation process mapping step, better understanding of any customization and/or
interface requirements are learned.
The main deliverable at the end of the process mapping step is the Scope Document. The Scope Document
will reference, where applicable, documentation that needs to be included in the implementation, such as
RFP functional requirements, responses to CityView Administrator that were provided by CityView and
completed by the City, data mapping documents, and interface/customization design documents.
Once all of the data is collected from the City, the CityView project manager reviews requirements in
accordance with the statement of work and contract documentation and identifies anything that is not
accounted for in the scope. The project manager also validates any estimates made as part of the proposal,
such as:
1. Data conversion requirements
2. List of customizations and interfaces (if applicable)
If budget validation reveals that any estimates provided were insufficient, our project manager informs the
City of such and prepares appropriate change order requests. The next steps do not commence until sign off
on budget validation and process mapping occurs. This protects both parties against the risk of unclear
System Interface Plan
The CityView implementation approach focuses on refining a comprehensive, fully featured product designed
from industry best practices, to align with your business. This is an efficient process with the Configuration
Tools that have become the hallmark of CityView’s offering for 38 years.
As mentioned above, during implementation, Step 1 - Process Mapping, interface requirements will be
defined. The main deliverable at the end of the Process Mapping step is the Scope Document. The Scope
Document will reference, where applicable, documentation that needs to be included in the implementation,
such as RFP functional requirements, the answer sheet from the online process mapping workbooks, other
digital materials that were provided by CityView and completed by the City, data mapping documents, and
interface design documents.
CityView data conversion and interface specialists are responsible for analysis, design and testing of the
interfaces between CityView and any 3rd party applications or databases. List of responsibilities include:
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
• Evaluate interfaces functionality requirements
• Provide recommendations on interfacing approaches
• Identify interfaces issues
• Perform the analysis of the required interfaces
• Evaluate a sample data structure provided by City to which CityView must create an interface
• Create the design documentation of the required interfaces
• Manage interfaces’ design documents and revise according to City’s review and comments
• Forward the interfaces’ design documents to the CityView project manager for review and approval
• Unit test the interfaces to ensure they meet the specifications outlined in the design documentation
• Provide training support to the City’s technical experts regarding the interfaces
Data Conversion
We undertake imports of historical data with virtually every implementation we do and our data conversion
specialists have significant expertise and experience with importing and exporting local government land
management data. Having this familiarity with the types of data tracked means they are knowledgeable not
just of the science of data conversion but also the art of it.
Typically, we will develop custom scripts for data conversion based
on a specific mapping of the legacy system to our data schema.
On occasion, usually for cost-saving reasons, we will provide a
data dictionary and ask for the data to be delivered to a precise
specification and format for a simplified data-loading process.
The figure to the right outlines the typical data migration process
followed by our specialists.
During the data discovery phase, our specialists confer with you to
become familiar with your data. This enables us to prepare for the
migration process and leads to more accurate estimates. By
providing data in a clean format, you can help to reduce the time
and cost associated with the data discovery phase. Data is cleaned
by ensuring that unique keys have not been duplicated, unique
keys are not empty (i.e. NULL), dates are properly formatted, and data is consistent.
In the data mapping step, mockups are prepared to facilitate the process of mapping your data to the
CityView data structure. CityView provides a data mapping template and completes the data mapping
exercise. After assessing all of the data sources provided by the customer and undertaking the data mapping
exercise we validate data conversion estimates provided in the proposal and complete the change control
process if additional budget is warranted, before continuing with the conversion.
Data conversion commences once both parties are comfortable with the output of the data mapping
exercise, defined in the data conversion plan and signed off by the customer. In this phase our specialists
create scripts that parse, derive, and translate the source data into the ideal format for CityView. To reduce
the time and effort associated with this phase the City is required to provide data in one of the following
formats: SQL Server, .mdb, .dbf, or .txt.
2. Data
3. Data
4. Data
1. Data
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
After the initial data conversion run the database is provided to the customer for the validation phase with
the opportunity to test and validate the correctness of the conversion, in accordance with the signed off data
mapping documentation. Errors are corrected before a second conversion run prior to end-user training, and
the final data conversion of historic data the weekend before cut-over and go-live.
Data conversion assumptions
Data migration services are priced based on the following general assumptions:
Data has been cleaned according the suggested guidelines
It is possible there will be anomalies in the data that cannot be reconciled. We will convert the data
as it is in the database. However, if there is data that does not match the format of the field (i.e.
alpha characters in a numeric field), or if there is inconsistent information, we either will not bring
that data in or the inconsistencies will be converted as is. We will report any data anomalies that we
find during the conversion process.
Data mapping has been reviewed and signed off by both parties before proceeding to data
Data is provided in one of the following formats: SQL Server, .mdb, .dbf or .txt
Hard copy data and information is not migrated into the system by CityView. This service is better
undertaken by an imaging company in association with the City’s Electronic Document Management System
(EDMS) provider. If this process is undertaken and assuming CityView integration with this provider through
the standard CityView Document Management Integration Framework, then once that hard copy data is
imaged and referenced in the EDMS through metadata to permits, projects etc., this will be accessible directly
from CityView.
Testing Plan
User acceptance testing
CityView undertakes a series of three remote review and validation sessions with your SMEs, for each
applicable module being implemented, to work through the validation of the configuration based on the
process mapping materials and pre-defined test scripts for the CityView workflows.
These sessions start off being led by CityView, but are transitioned to being led by the SME’s for each
solution. By the final session the SME’s have reviewed and validated the bulk of the configured system and
are able to:
· Navigate the system through City-specific processes and workflow.
· Generate and test fees.
· View and validate look up tables.
· Generate and test letters and documentations which have been configured.
· Use scenario-based examples to test and validate automated business rules
Review and validation is conducted against the development environment, hosted by CityView. During the
review and validation sessions CityView documents any changes, corrections, or deficiencies for further
action. Should the City’s SME’s conduct additional reviews without the CityView implementation specialist
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
present, the Customer Feedback feature can be used to communicate immediate feedback and reporting of
issues to our implementation specialists and developers.
On completion of the third review and validation session, the City is provided a period of 2-4 weeks for
additional user acceptance testing on their own completely installed test system. CityView provides samples
of User Acceptance Testing scripts. The CityView implementation specialist monitors the customer’s feedback
and continues to make any in scope corrections. Provided the acceptance criteria have been met, the City is
asked to formally accept the delivered solution for go-live.
We have referred to our unique value-added Feedback feature. Within all CityView modules you can submit
Feedback, which gets routed directly into our CRM software and automatically is assigned to an appropriate
support agent. That is then visible to you through CityView Connect by clicking on a button within the
CityView module. This unique feature is very handy, highly visible and interactive. During validation and user-
acceptance testing customers log issues through this unique “Feedback” feature and as we correct we
update the Feedback and customers can see the status of their issues as they are corrected.
Training Plan
CityView training is provided by CityView staff only and through a combination of on-site visits and remote
We have two training objectives for the City:
1. Enable: We train the end-users to maximize the use of the functionality developed specifically to help
them better complete their day-to-day activities of processing applications, capturing accurate data
and finding and disseminating that data and maximizing your return on investment. This is achieved
with End-user training and go-live facilitation.
2. Empower: We provide advanced users and system administrators with the knowledge to sustain and
evolve the data needs and workflows of the CityView system. This we do through System
Administrator training, Configuration training and CityView Reporter training.
Training courses are described below. All courses offered assume a basic understanding of Windows-based
software and/or web-based applications. In order to provide quality training to the students in the amount of
time specified we would ask that you take this into consideration when you are selecting the course
User training
Our trainers use their skills as facilitators, coaches, and computer specialists to make CityView courses an
interesting and engaging experience for all students. They have a wealth of experience as adult educators
backed by a depth of knowledge, developed over many years working as programmers, designers, DBAs, and
GIS or systems analysts.
End-user training
End-user training provides everyday users of CityView with a series of full, in-depth course programs designed
to give them the required skills, tools, and time saving tips to make the most of their new software. This
training provides a thorough understanding of the business process and software functionality in your
CityView modules so that everyone is ready for go-live day. End-user training focuses on your configured
end-product, training you on the navigation of your processes as configured in the product.
CityView uses industry standard databases with the expectation that the administrative training our
employees have with these systems is sufficient for knowledge transfer to your staff. Application
administration is a standard part of your advanced user training.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Maintenance/System Administrator training
This course is designed to provide administrators responsible for managing CityView with the general
knowledge of how to install and upgrade versions of CityView, change user rights and manage security. The
advanced version of this course will go into additional detail on the architecture of the CityView platform as
well as how to maintain the CityView Portal. Students should be selected from the Information Technology
discipline, and have an expectation that they will be maintaining the software in the future.
Course participants will walk through typical system maintenance and troubleshooting examples, which will
teach them the tools, techniques and terminology applicable to CityView, enabling them to not only support
the business users in their organization but also to communicate more effectively with CityView’s technical
support team. They will be exposed to our best practices approach for security maintenance; and, they will
learn the processes for installing and upgrading the CityView environments.
Students will be instructed in the use of the CityView Manager client, and they will gain an understanding of
the architecture behind CityView. Additional topics that may be covered include configuration of Microsoft
Exchange, Web Server settings, LDAP settings, mapping, and document management settings.
Configuration training
CityView is a powerful application that has the ability to grow and change as dynamically as your business
demands. We provide a rich set of configuration tools that can allow you to alter the behavior of the system
in a host of ways without having any impact on your future upgradability. In order to get the maximum
value out of your CityView investment, it is important that one or more individuals within your organization
take an active interest in learning how to use these tools and become responsible for ensuring that your
application continues to evolve as the need arises. Students should be selected from either the Information
Technology discipline or from the business domain but must have a strong knowledge of Windows-based
software and preferably an understanding of database concepts.
Participants will learn the importance of lookup tables and how to determine what lookup matches each field
on the screen. They will learn how to create and delete “custom” fields. Students will learn how to create
new letter templates, including data tags, and the method of maintaining their fee schedule within CityView.
In order to successfully perform the above configuration tasks, users will need an understanding of the
database structure behind CityView. We will teach them how to identify what tables/fields are behind the
various form controls and how to determine what the relationships are between tables. The students will
learn the various tools that are available for clarifying database schema questions and testing/troubleshooting
their own configuration.
Reporter training
CityView Reporter provides all of the features that you would expect from other industry-standard reporting
tools and allows end-users to create reports. In this course, students will learn everything they need to know
about creating simple reports, including filters, subsections, and aggregate fields. Students will also learn
how to use CityView Reporter to create pivot reports, detailed reports, charts and graphs, and save the
designs for future use. Additional topics may include complex report writing, views, and on-form
expressions. There are reporting tools for both end-users and IT staff so the course is often split to cater to
the staff roles and reporting tools.
Go-live Facilitation
Going live with a new piece of software is a disconcerting time for the front line users of any new
software. CityView provides on-site, go-live assistance to aid with this process. During this time an
implementation specialist is on-site to help the users cope with the system, answer their questions, provide
over-the-shoulder guidance on usability, provide a direct line to support and other members of the project
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
team and complement the end-user their training. This is probably the single biggest direct contribution to
the change management process and it is always received extremely well.
Ongoing training
Periodic, web-based training is provided to our customers by our support group, on a predetermined
schedule. The training schedule is posted on our website at the beginning of each year. This training is at no
cost to our customers and it focuses on specific areas of need and interest.
Harris/CityView hosts an annual user conference which draws customers from multiple government
disciplines from a pool of over 66,000 customers. This conference is an opportunity for users to talk about
their implementation strategies and processes. It is a forum for sharing information, troubleshooting advice
and peer interaction. It consists of workshops, open discussion and interactive presentations by other
CityView users. It also provides an opportunity for CityView users to suggest new features that would benefit
all customers. In 2020, the Harris Customer Training Conference was held virtual due to COVID-19.
In addition, CityView holds both Western and Eastern Regional Training Conferences during the year. 2020
brought limitations due to COVID-19.
Our training and support measures are designed to solve immediate issues and to provide knowledge transfer
on the most effective ways to use the CityView Solution in customers’ business practice.
Recorded on-demand webinars
CityView offers free recorded webinars available online through our Learning Management System (LMS) so
you can view them on your own time at your own pace. This approach makes getting the most out of your
CityView solution even more convenient for you. A sample of the CityView Outlook Add-in, course catalog,
and agenda are below.
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December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Refresher training (optional)
Refresher training is provided approximately 6 months after go-live to ensure successful adoption of the
system, and to prevent users from developing any bad habits that cause productivity loss or “dirty data”. The
agenda will be determined in advance and courses will be tailored to the specific needs of the users.
Real-world experience drives what users want to see covered in these training sessions. Users who were
originally keen to write reports may still be resisting taking that first step, so this is a good opportunity to do
some refresher training in CityView Reporter. It is also a good opportunity for the trainer to observe how staff
is using the system and make suggestions for ways to increase productivity.
Train the trainer training (optional)
City in-house trainers will acquire the knowledge and skills required to train all end-users. By taking full
advantage of such knowledge transfer and post go-live assistance, City trainers can provide end-users with
one-on-one, refresher, lab and web-based training sessions. At the early stages of go-live, the trainers, along
with the project team members, can act as a frontline support and guidance to the end-users. The City can
then have resident experts on the different modules.
Proposed sample training plan for the City
Course durations are based on a recommended number of days per module; and, class sizes are kept to a
maximum number of students to ensure that everyone receives the proper attention. While we recommend
extending the training to additional days if more than one department is using a given module to satisfy a
broad range of business functions, we have not accounted for this in our proposal, in order to minimize
costs. A recommended training plan follows below and on the next page:
Training plan
Course Objectives
End-user training
This course is designed to enable business users to effectively use CityView
modules in order to fulfill their daily work activities. The course provides specific
instruction on how to navigate and complete tasks within CityView. It will cover
tasks such as completing an application, adding contacts, attaching files,
tracking activities and outcomes, applying and paying fees, producing
correspondence, mapping basics, and running reports. Users are able to:
· Understand the key concepts that make up the business process.
· Be able to navigate and complete tasks relevant to day-to-day activities.
· Be able to walk through a business activity based workflow.
Duration: 14 days Users: All Maximum#: 10
End-User training
CityView components
This training will focus on the highly intuitive CityView Portal and Mobile.
Duration: 1 day Users: TBD Maximum#: 10
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Configuration and
maintenance training
This course is focused on enabling users to configure, maintain and evolve their
business process within the CityView environment. Concepts that will be
covered include letter generation, maintaining your activity based workflow, fee
maintenance, holiday configuration, maintaining lookup values. Users will be
able to:
· Create and modify letters.
· Create and modify fees.
· Improve and evolve the activity workflow.
· Keep your system current by updating Lookup tables and creating and
maintaining custom attribute fields.
Duration: 3 days Users: Advanced Maximum#: 6
CityView System
Administrator training
This course is designed to provide administrators responsible for managing
CityView with the general knowledge of how to install and upgrade versions of
CityView, change user rights and manage security. The advanced course will go
into additional detail on the architecture of the CityView platform as well as how
to maintain the CityView Portal.
Course participants will walk through typical system maintenance and
troubleshooting examples, which will teach them the tools, techniques and
terminology applicable to CityView, enabling them to not only support the
business users in their organization but also to communicate more effectively
with CityView’s technical support team. They will be exposed to our best
practices approach for security maintenance; and, they will learn the processes
for installing and upgrading the CityView environments.
Students will be instructed in the use of the appropriate aspects of CityView
Configuration Console, and they will gain an understanding of the architecture
behind CityView. Additional topics that may be covered include configuration of
Microsoft Exchange, Web Server settings, LDAP settings, mapping, and
document management settings.
Duration: 1 day Users: Advanced Maximum#: 4
CityView Reporter
CityView’s fully integrated SSRS-based reporter and designer and custom report
designer provide all of the features that you would expect from other industry-
standard reporting tools. In this course, students will learn about creating simple
reports, including pivot reports, detailed reports, charts, graphs and filters.
Duration: 2 days Users: All, Advanced Maximum#: 4
Go-live Facilitation
Your implementation specialist is onsite at go-live and beyond to provide hands-
on, one-on-one training and facilitation to ensure a smooth transition to the
new system.
Duration: 5 days Users: All Maximum#: N/A
Training is provided on City-provided hardware.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Pre and Post-Implementation Plans
Pre implementation plans / go-live support
Going live with a new piece of software is a disconcerting time for the front line users of any new software.
CityView provides on-site, go-live assistance to aid with this process. During this time an implementation
specialist is on-site to help users acclimate themselves with the new system, answer their questions as they
arise, provide over-the-shoulder guidance on usability, provide a direct line to CityView Support and other
members of the project team and complement end-user training. This is probably the single biggest direct
contribution to the change management process and it is always received extremely well. We include five (5)
days of go-live facilitation in this proposal. CityView can provide additional on-site go-live facilitation at
additional charge.
During go-live facilitation the CityView project team works with the City to record any known issues. The
CityView project team is responsible for the resolution of these known issues. 30 days after go-live CityView
requests a formal letter of acceptance (the Statement of Completion) that substantiates the product has been
delivered and is being used successfully in a live, production environment with the applicable modules,
generate fees, record fee payments and generate correspondence associated with all items previously listed.
In the case of a partial go-live, a completion statement is requested for that part of the solution that has gone
During the first 4-6 weeks after go-live, the project team begins to familiarize and transition the project to
the Technical Support group. At the end of 6 weeks the project manager arranges a formal hand-off
involving the City, the CityView project manager and the CityView Support group formalizing the transition
of any new defects, bugs and support issues to the Support team.
Post implementation support
CityView has leveraged the advances in technology to provide a varied and comprehensive array of support
options with the common goal of ensuring our customers are maximizing the benefit from their investment
in CityView. Here all the measures we take to this end are described and a table detailing our standard
Service Level Agreement (SLA) is presented.
Annual Software Maintenance agreement
CityView is constantly evolving. The nature of our relationship with our customers is an integral part of that
development. The relationship begins with the mandatory Annual Software Maintenance agreement (ASM).
This agreement provides not only unlimited support to your system administrators through our toll free lines
but also includes all new releases, updates and enhancements to CityView at no extra charge. The ongoing
development of CityView is funded directly from the ASM program. In addition, we rely on our customers to
provide guidance in the area of future development for CityView. We maintain a comprehensive database of
features that are requested by our customers and by our own staff and we base future releases of CityView
on these suggestions.
Suggestions for software enhancements are considered and may be incorporated into the software at no
charge as part of the ASM. The scheduling and priority for the development of the enhancements are
determined by the degree of benefit the enhancement will provide the entire user base.
Software maintenance
New releases of CityView are developed using our internal Research and Development department. Each new
release of CityView contains all the features included in previous releases. All releases are supplied as part of
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
your mandatory Annual Software Maintenance agreement (ASM). One release every six to ten weeks;
approximately 10 new versions of CityView per year.
CityView’s future releases will remain focused on our core competencies (community development software
for municipalities) and continue to grow/expand our software suite within those competencies. We are
currently focused on building our next generation of browser-based configuration tools and integrating our
CityView Electronic Plans Review solution with the latest available technologies from Bluebeam. In addition,
we are marketing our standalone Electronic Plans Review solution to address some gaps in the market we see
New releases and maintenance updates to CityView are “backwards-compatible” with previous versions and
have no effect on your existing tables, forms, reports or workflow. This is a clear advantage over the
competition because it means you will never have to start from scratch again, re-purchasing new software or
paying a vendor to make changes. CityView releases and updates only affect the CityView program code,
providing new features and functionality to the core product. Once your CityView software has been
installed, you will have full access to these new features and functionality and can, at your discretion, make
use of them with your existing tables, forms and reports without needing to alter your workflow in any way.
CityView also offers additional services through different level agreements in addition to the standard
software maintenance. Please refer to the chart on the following page:
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Description Qty. Qty. Qty.
User Conference pre-paid attendance (#)1 1 2 4
Additional upgrades performed per year by
Support (#)2 0 1 2
Environment health checks 1 1 2
Tailored remote (WebEx) training (hrs.)3 6 12 24
Hands-on support: scheduled processes (hrs.) 0 16 16
Other services (configuration, report creation,
customizations, etc.) (hrs.)4
12 24 48
Terms and conditions
1Quantity (QTY) for User Conference indicates a number of prepaid registrations, otherwise Quantity
(QTY) =1 unit or number of hours.
2 Quantity (QTY) is in addition to standard maintenance agreement provision of 2 upgrades performed
per year by Support.
3Remote training is not generic; this is specific to your needs/environment.
4 Quantity/hours cannot be exchanged for product or carried over into subsequent maintenance years.
Customer support
Support and maintenance for your system is handled remotely from our head office in Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada. You receive unlimited customer technical support as part of your Annual Software
Maintenance agreement (ASM). Additional support packages can be negotiated should there be a need.
CityView offers several methods of accessing support described below:
Web support: Our web portal, (, provides resources for
customer self-service, and is comprised of an online searchable content management system, downloadable
updates, and a web-enabled CRM that allows users to log new support incidents and check the status of
previously submitted incidents on a 24 x 7 basis.
Telephone support: Telephone technical support is available between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
PST on regular business days. In addition, upon your request, we will provide telephone technical support 24
hours a day, 7 days a week for Priority 1 cases (there is an additional charge for this service). Customers can
contact us toll-free at 1.866.988.8324.
Hours of coverage: Coverage hours are 5:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. PST from Monday through Friday,
excluding CityView technical support observed holidays. (Only those statutory holidays that coincide between
Canada and the United States are observed by CityView technical support.)
Auto acknowledgement: We will send a computer-generated message that acknowledges receipt of the
report that you filed electronically. This message will contain the details of your problem report as well as the
support request tracking number. Whenever the status of your incident changes, a notification will
automatically be sent to the individual that opened the call.
Request response time: We process requests in the order of their priority followed by order of submission.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Resolution of bug-related requests: We will keep your request open and follow up when a fix is available
in a production release. We will also contact you if we post an experimental build that will help with your
Software updates: For applications created on the CityView platform, upgrades released are picked up by
end-users automatically on login, without any required intervention by the user. An existing installation of the
server components of CityView can be executed by a customer system administrator in minutes. This is
usually done during a maintenance window, but can be forced to occur at any time.
We always suggest being on the most current version, however, we never force a customer to upgrade until
they are ready. We always take new customers live with the latest version.
Customer feedback
Within all CityView modules you can submit Feedback,
which gets routed directly into our CRM software and
automatically is assigned to an appropriate Support
agent. That is then visible to you through CityView
Connect by clicking on a button within the CityView
module. From CityView, you simply click the Feedback
Status button to access the current status of your
feedback items at any time in the future. This unique
feature is very handy, highly visible and interactive.
Standard Service Level Agreement
The table on the following page details our standard Service Level Agreement.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Standard Service Level Agreement
Priority Definition
(CityView and Customer) Examples
Operation/Service down
or critically impacted.
Business process
impacted. No known
2 Hours CityView and Customer will
commit necessary resources
to fix problem or obtain a
Users cannot login
Business process halted
Operation affected, but
not down. Business
process is not affected.
Workaround may be
4 Hours CityView and Customer will
commit resources during
normal business hours to
resolve issue or obtain
Cannot print
Cannot process payments
Application response is
exceptionally slow
Moderate to negligible
impact. No impact to
24 Hours CityView and Customer will
commit necessary resources
during normal business hours
to restore operation to
satisfactory levels.
Non-critical feature not
Feature works but requires
user intervention
Request for information,
documentation issues,
and enhancement
48 Hours Request-dependent. Help file clarification
Form design not in
User Groups
Annual CityView Customer Training Conference/Regional Training Conference/Forum
Harris/CityView hosts an annual Customer Training Conference. This conference is an opportunity for users to
talk about their implementation strategies and processes. It is a forum for sharing information,
troubleshooting advice and peer interaction. It consists of workshops, open discussion and interactive
presentations by other CityView users. It also provides an opportunity for CityView users to suggest new
features that would benefit all customers. In 2019, it was held in Denver, CO and in 2020 it was held virtual
due to COVID-19.
See what CityView customers had to say about the 2020 Virtual Training Conference:
“We are learning a ton from the CityView 2020 Virtual Conference; we are loving it!” – Lisa Sagona,
Johnson City, TN
“The CityView 2020 Virtual Conference is great and so easy to access! I’m looking forward to
attending all sessions, especially the Fireside Chat and Updated EPR Presentation” – Susan
McLaughlin, Islamorada, FL
“We’ve been enjoying the CityView 2020 Virtual Conference and appreciate the effort required by
the CityView team to pull all of it together!” – Barbara Garza, Kane County, IL
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RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
“The CityView 2020 Virtual Conference has been very interesting and informative to see how other
municipalities are adjusting to the new normal of COVID-19.” - Brittany Morey, City of Belleville, ON
In addition, local user groups are administered and organized by customers with some support from
CityView believes in a collaborative culture that actively participates in a helpful and friendly community. To
that end, we also provide the CityView Online User Forum.
This user forum community is an organic way of sharing solutions and helpful tips to help anybody who may
come across a similar situation. The user forum does not replace Feedback; this is not the place to log issues
or escalate current feedbacks.
The User Forum is the place for:
We encourage new members to introduce themselves through the CityView
Forum. It provides an environment to get to know one another and share
interests and for customers to introduce themselves and start collaborating
Ask and answer
Specific questions can be asked or broad questions about CityView products or
modules within the community. These questions are posted to the “User Forum” for all other users
to access and respond. CityView support monitors these posts. This is an opportunity to discuss each
other’s point of view on relevant matters facing municipalities today or in the future.
Suggestion box
Sharing feedback or offering suggestions is always welcome. Provide ideas that will potentially make
your life easier, chances are it may positively affect more users’ experience as well. The scheduling
and priority for the development of the suggestions/enhancements are determined by the degree of
benefit the enhancement will provide the entire user base.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
a. In implementing a new permit tracking system, the City is willing to consider modifying its
own internal processes to take advantage of system features it considers valuable.
However, it is very important for the City to understand how flexible the system will be in
allowing customization to fit the City’s best practices and needs. Vendors should describe
and demonstrate their proposed solution’s ability to be flexible and be customized to fit
established processes and reporting needs. Vendors should also describe any available
capabilities to assist the City to improve its internal procedures to take advantage of
operational features of the proposed software product. The vendor’s demonstrated ability
to communicate its proposal to City staff will be a factor in proposal evaluation.
From 38 years in this business, working exclusively with local government Community Development
departments and land-based activities, we have been able to identify commonalities of approach
between municipalities and the best practices for managing these. We also understand that certain
processes differ between jurisdictions. To account for both, we have developed products which capture
the best practices to handle the commonalities, but which also contain easy-to-use yet sophisticated
configuration tools to tailor these systems for unique processes and business rules. This means you are
delivered a solution with best business practices, out-of-the-box, without the need to customize source
Our best practices CityView solutions incorporate:
· Activities-based workflow – assigns accountability, deadlines, priorities to ensure nothing falls
through the cracks.
· To-Do lists – provides each user with their tasks to-do today, over the week, month etc., with
easy reassignment.
· Electronic routing – assignment of activities e.g. review activities, electronically, from one
place, with easy access to electronic information needed to complete the assigned activity.
· Global address book – keeping data integrity by ensuring redundant data entry is eliminated.
· Ability to assign multiple parcels/addresses/locations to each project and have projects that
are not parcel-based still be tracked.
· Automated letter generation – but with the ability to edit and personalize letters on the fly.
· Flexibility through configuration not customization
· Comprehensive reporting tools including easy to use designers for end-users.
Our implementation model ensures that the workflow and best practices that the City has established are
easily configured in the CityView modules.
CityView Configuration Console
CityView is proposing our Select delivery model which is a preconfigured solution that maximizes best
practices to deliver a streamlined implementation.
CityView’s implementation approach focuses on refining a comprehensive, fully featured product
designed from industry best practices, to align with the City’s business processes. This has proven to be
an efficient business automation process for other jurisdictions while still providing unparalleled flexibility
with the configuration tools that have become the hallmark of CityView’s offering for 38 years.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Our proposal provides you with a project team charged with understanding your expectations,
“mapping” your business processes to the Select workflows, then meeting these expectations. The
project team includes a project manager, implementation specialists and trainers, an infrastructure review
analyst, a data conversion and interface specialist, and a quality assurance lead are the most typical
members of your implementation team.
CityView has included in our proposal the same configuration tools we will use to initially configure your
system bundled in the Configuration Console. The Configuration Console allows designated users to
populate the contents of lookup tables, configure workflow, define ”custom” database fields, produce
letter templates, define business rules, provide scheduling options, and define the parameters for fee
calculations so that the CityView system stays current and grows with the City of La Quinta’s changing
needs. The Configuration Console tools are designed to be used by reasonably capable users (subject
matter experts) within the business domain and result in the following benefits:
· A reduced reliance on outside vendors and internal IT staff that lowers expenses and decreases
the total cost of ownership.
· Streamlined processes based on tailored business workflows. This increases staff efficiency,
reduces data entry errors, and ensures critical business decisions are based on accurate
· Configuration changes are carried forward through upgrades and enhancements to the system
allowing the utilization of the latest technology without additional cost or effort.
· Configurations are based upon your defined business processes and staff input. This creates a
familiarity that increases user buy-in and decreases training costs.
· Reduced errors and user frustration through the removal of outdated processes.
The primary configuration tool in the Configuration Console to manage workflow is the CityView
graphical workflow tool, CityView Graphical Workflow Designer. The CityView Graphical Workflow
Designer will give the City a visual workspace to diagram your business process. You can create or
modify the path of your planning application, building permit, code enforcement and other processes.
Create activities, set statuses, add default reviews or inspections, and set default fees in a simplified
graphical workspace. Emails can be generated to notify users of activities, documents (such as a
correction notice) can be generated in conjunction with CityView’s Microsoft Word Add-In to automate
manual processes. CityView’s Rules Engine can use various conditions to perform a set of actions, e.g. to
automatically populate a set of values based on the Permit Type or an After Delete rule could be used to
update the valuation amount if a work item is deleted from a permit. Some of the additional “tools”
include lookup table maintenance, custom database fields, scheduled processes (used to manage events
like expiring permits notification), resource group administration, holiday configuration, and CityView
Flex Fees.
A new permit type is added through CityView’s Graphical Workflow Designer, a business rule is added
through the Rules Engine, and a change in a fee structure is configured/added through CityView’s Flex
Fees along with the start (and end date of the fee).
Trade Secret (Proprietary and Confidential)
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView Administrator – Unique Configuration Tool (Proprietary and Confidential)
As mentioned in the previous response and to make the process easier from the start, during step 1 of
the CityView Select implementation process, CityView provides the City with our exclusive process
mapping tool, CityView Administrator. Administrator is an online interview tool that automatically
configures CityView as the users answer questions presented. Benefits the City can expect to achieve
1. Reducing human error during the configuration of CityView
2. Decreasing project implementation time by 10% - 15%.
CityView implementation specialists will guide City staff on the use of CityView Administrator with
accompanied remote walkthroughs/demonstrations of the pertinent CityView solutions to provide your
subject matter experts (SMEs) with an understanding of the workings of each and their customer-
alignment configuration points.
The walkthroughs ensure the City’s users:
1. Learn the basics of the activity-based workflows.
2. Learn how to use CityView Administrator provided by CityView.
3. Learn how to provide the data for the City’s fees, letters, lookup tables, and scheduled
The above will be combined with on-site collection of custom workflow and business rule
definition, if applicable.
Trade Secret (Proprietary and Confidential)
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Our proposal offers exceptional solutions built on industry best practices learned from nearly four decades of
working with local governments across North America.
Throughout our 38-year history, CityView has focused on needs of community development and licensing
departments for local governments. These solutions are based on our combined years of experience in
municipalities and on a product that easily adapts to changing practices. We are committed to providing a
complete CityView Select delivery model including installation, conversion, implementation/configuration,
training, and ongoing support.
There are over 210 maintenance-paying local government customers using CityView products across 37 U.S.
states and 7 Canadian provinces. Our customers range in size from populations of 6,000 through to large
cities and counties of 600,000.
One hundred percent (100%) of CityView’s business is focused on public sector/agencies and represented by
80% Cities and 20% Counties.
California and Southwest Region - active customers (proprietary and confidential)
City of Big Bear Lake, CA City of Hidalgo, TX
Eastern Municipal Water District, CA City of Humble, TX
City of Ontario, CA City of Huntsville, TX
City of Palm Springs, CA City of Santa Fe, TX
La Plata County, CO City of Schertz, TX
Town of Frisco, CO City of Spring Valley, TX
Elbert County, CO City of Webster, TX
City of Norman, OK City of Willis, TX
City of Bend, OR City of Farmington, UT
City of Angleton, TX City of Provo, UT
City of Carrollton, TX City of Smithfield, UT
City of Conroe, TX City of South Jordan, UT
City of Edinburg, TX City of Washington, UT
The above agencies use different combinations of CityView products for Permitting, Planning, Code
Enforcement, Business Licensing, Cashiering and a number of CityView add-ons. Versions range from
CityView 8 to CityView 2020 and also BluePrince.
Customers similar in size to the City of La Quinta
City of South Jordan, UT City of Provo, UT Blue Earth County, MN
City of Bloomington, MN City of Lee’s Summit, MO Chatham County, NC
The following CityView customer go-lives in the past two years all have the same suite of CityView products
that we are proposing for the City. Implementation includes a complete CityView Select delivery module
including installation, conversion, implementation/configuration, training and ongoing support.
2018 – 17 that include: City of Lee’s Summit, MO; City of Diamond Bar, CA; Village of North Aurora, IL; City
of St. Augustine, FL; City of Provo UT – PH2; City of Troy, NY; Surry County, NC; Scott County, MN; Village of
Oak Park, IL; Haldimand County, ON; Louisa County, VA; City of Naples, FL; Collier County, FL (change
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
orders); Township of Woolwich, ON; City of Cornwall, ON; Rural Municipality of Hanover, MB; Teton County,
2019 - 23 that include: City of Carrollton, TX; Chatham County, NC; Cherokee County, GA; Town of Darien,
CT; City of Inver Grove Heights, MN; North Aurora, IL; Outagamie County, WI; Scott County, MN; City of St.
Charles, IL; Village of Villa Park, IL; City of Belleville, ON; Town of the Blue Mountains, ON; Cariboo Regional
District, BC; Township of Centre Wellington, ON; City of Fort Saskatchewan, AB; City of Grande Prairie, AB;
City of Regina, SK to name a few. 2020 is bringing a similar number of go-lives.
In regard to CityView’s current obligations for other projects, we are experiencing significant success and are
growing as a result and we size the business in terms of people to the amount of work we have so that
customers' projects are not adversely impacted by new work. At the same time though we ensure all our
people are always occupied and fully utilized so we can be profitable and stable. So there will be some lead
time between contract and project kick off while resources are scheduled and committed to the project.
Also note that projects vary in size (i.e. one project may be implementing CityView Portal while others may be
a full implementation of several CityView integrated modules) and may have more than one phase.
Who better to evaluate the CityView software than customers who can compare it with their own
experiences. What CityView Customers are saying about us:
“The CityView Portal has helped keep business as normal as possible during
this international emergency. We anticipate hitting 15,000 active Portal users in
May of 2023. (hit 10,000 in February 2020)
Our building inspectors love it because they can look at all documents related to
the project which may affect how they measure the requirements of the
- Kevin Cully, IT – Senior Business Analyst / Data
Manager; Cherokee County, GA
“I was impressed with how quickly CityView Mobile was implemented
for Augusta, GA. After one small configuration change made by Tech Support,
we were up and running. This is one of the most efficient mobile
applications we’ve dealt with. Our Building Inspectors really like it.”
- Debbie Freeman, IT Project Manager; Augusta-Richmond County, GA
“For what I do on a daily basis, it is very helpful to be efficient when
following the workflow that is programmed. It assures all activities are
completed that are required for documenting.”
- Dee Pulse, Investigator, Collier County, FL
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
“The CityView Health Check Report provided a concise review of our
operational environment and IT infrastructure. The report itself is easy to read,
easy to analyze and easy to comprehend. The Health Check, coupled with
the follow-on review and discussion with CityView Support Services, highlighted
areas of inefficiencies within our organization and allowed us to develop
strategies to mitigate and improve how we use the application for the
betterment of our citizens”
- Chuck Stevens, IT Applications Manager; La Plata County, CO
"The CityView product is providing the flexibility we had been seeking in
allowing our processes to be automated and to greatly expand access to live
information for field inspections staff across multiple departments. The
CityView team maintained a strong commitment to our project goals
and have been a good partner throughout the project; we look forward
to continued success as we proceed to implement additional development
process enhancements for our community."
- Randy Dickey, Chief Technology Officer, City of Lee's Summit, MO
The support team has been extremely responsive and I am beyond
impressed. Most of the feedbacks are just us needing to know how to do
something and their explanations are very helpful. Our feedbacks are drastically
dropping in number, which makes it easier for us to maintain. I cannot thank
you guys enough!”
- Corinne Cowdell, Executive Assistant, City of South Jordan, UT
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
(a) Client name, client project manager, telephone number, and email address
(b) Project description
(c) Project start date, and end date
(d) Staff assigned to each project by the firm
(e) Provide a summary of final outcome
Please note for customer confidentiality reasons we do not provide a complete list of all customers. After
review of the following references, should you require additional ones we would be happy to provide.
Jurisdiction Contact Details
City of South Jordan, UT
11175 S Redwood Rd.
South Jordan, UT 84095
Population: 69,034
Cory Day
Code Enforcement
(801) 446-4357
CityView provided a comprehensive
solution including software and
licensing, implementation,
conversion, training, and support and
CityView modules: Property
Information, Permits and Inspections,
Code Enforcement, Planning,
Cashiering, Business Licensing,
CityView Portal, CityView Mobile,
CityView MS Outlook and MS Word
Add-ins, Electronic Plans Review, and
integration with GIS and MS
Customer since: December 2015
with go-live November 2016.
Please refer to Section 5 that includes
CityView staff bios and customer
We encourage you to contact our
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
City of Johnson City, TN
601 E Main St.
Johnson City, TN 37601
Population: 66,778
Lisa Sagona
IT Director
(423) 434-6000
CityView provided a comprehensive
solution including software and
licensing, implementation,
conversion, training, and support
and maintenance.
CityView modules: Property
Information, Permits and
Inspections, Code Enforcement,
Planning, Electronic Plans Review,
and Cashiering. Extensions include
CityView Mobile for Permits and
Inspections and Code Enforcement,
CityView Portal for Property, Permits
and Inspections, Planning, and Code
Enforcement, CityView Esri GIS
Extension, MS Exchange Extension,
Elecontric Document Management
System (EDMS) Extension, CityView
Outlook and Word Add-ins,
CityView Integration Server Public
API, and CityView Configuration
Customer since: 2016
Please refer to Section 5 that
includes CityView staff bios and
customer accomplishments.
We encourage you to contact our
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Village of Oak Park, IL
123 Madison St.
Oak Park, IL 60302
Population: 51,878
Steve Cutaia
Buildings & Property Standards Director
(708) 358-5430
CityView provided a comprehensive
solution including software and
licensing, implementation,
conversion, training, and support
and maintenance.
CityView modules: CityView
Property Information, Permits &
Inspections, Planning, Code
Enforcement, Business Licensing,
Cashiering, GIS integration,
CityView Portal, CityView Mobile
(for building and code enforcement
inspections) MS Outlook Add-in,
Electronic Plans Review, MS
Exchange extension, and Bluebeam
Customer since: December 2014
Please refer to Section 5 that
includes CityView staff bios and
customer accomplishments.
We encourage you to contact our
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Township of Manheim, PA
1840 Municipal Drive
Lancaster, PA 17601
Population: 40,232
Andy Bowman
Director of Code Compliance
(717) 569-6406 ext. 1117
CityView provided a comprehensive
solution including software and
licensing, implementation,
conversion, training, and support
and maintenance.
CityView modules: Property
Information, Permits and
Inspections, Code Enforcement,
Planning, Licensing (Contractor),
Rental Housing, CityView Portal,
CityView Mobile, CityView MS
Outlook and MS Word Add-ins, MS
Exchange Extension, and
Configuration Console.
Customer since: 2001
Please refer to Section 5 that
includes CityView staff bios and
customer accomplishments.
We encourage you to contact our
City of Ontario, CA
303 East B St.
Civic Center
Ontario, CA 91764
Population: 169,089
Erin Bonett
Management Analyst
(909) 395-2007 ext. 2326
CityView provided a comprehensive
solution including software and
licensing, implementation,
conversion, training, and support
and maintenance.
CityView modules: Property
Information, Code Enforcement,
Rental Housing, Cashiering,
CityView Mobile, CityView Portal,
and GIS extension.
Customer since: 2002
Please refer to Section 5 that
includes CityView staff bios and
customer accomplishments.
We encourage you to contact our
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView offers both on-premise solution and hosted, subscription software solution(s).
The following table provides our cost proposal for an on-premise CityView solution comprising software
and licensing, implementation, conversion, comprehensive training, and support and maintenance costs. This
proposal is based on the requirements of the RFP.
The following represents a summary of the prices for the implementation of CityView Property Information,
Permits and Inspections, Planning, Licensing, and Cashiering. CityView extensions include CityView Electronic
Plans Review (EPR), CityView Portal (for Permits and Inspections, Planning, and Licensing), CityView Mobile,
(for Permits and Inspections), CityView MS Outlook Add-In, CityView MS Word Add-In, CityView GIS
Extension (assumes ArcGIS Server or ArcGIS Online subscription is available), CityView Electronic Document
Management System (EDMS) Extension, CityView Payment Processor Extension, and CityView Configuration
Console. Below is a more detailed breakdown of costs. These costs are based on our understanding of the
City’s requirements from the RFP and related addenda.
Cost Summary
Software and Licenses $ 154,950
Implementation Services $ 155,390
Data Conversion (estimate) $ 42,000
Training $ 47,513
Total $ 399,853
Travel & expenses (billed on a cost recovery basis) $ 31,495
Annual Fees
Annual Software Maintenance year 1 (all software updates,
12/5 unlimited support) $ 40,674
The ASM is due at initial software install and provides:
· All major and minor software upgrades
· Unlimited technical support
· Unlimited access to the CityView FTP site
· Unlimited access to CityView Connect
· Support for batch interface to financial system
· First line of support for Bluebeam software (assumes transfer of maintenance renewals)
Detailed costs
The following details the elements of our proposal for CityView software and services following our Select
delivery model including:
· CityView Property Information, CityView Permits and Inspections, CityView Planning, CityView
Licensing, and CityView Cashiering.
· CityView Portal (for Permits and Inspections, Planning, and Licensing) for online, 24/7
convenient access to service deployed to the Web, including registration, property and permit
lookup, status checks, inspection requests, permit application, fee payment (requires a 3rd party
payment processor – recommended Invoice Cloud for POS, Paymentus is a preferred alternate),
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
meeting requests and more. Should the City decide to use a different payment processor other than
the preferred ones mentioned, additional charges will apply.
· Access for up to twenty-two (22) concurrent users to CityView. CityView monitors only
concurrent users, so the “total” number of users is not limited. We also don’t limit what licensed
applications are accessed by those users. This ensures you every opportunity to maximize your
license use and return on investment. Additional concurrent licenses may be purchased for $2,000
each (each adding $480 to the annual maintenance fee).
· CityView GIS Extension, comprising ArcGIS Server or ArcGIS Online-based integration with your
GIS. Additional CityView extensions included are CityView Electronic Plans Review, CityView
MS Outlook Add-in, CityView MS Word Add-in, CityView Electronic Document
Management System (EDMS) Extension, CityView Payment Processor Extension, and
CityView Configuration Console.
· The assumption is that any additional Bluebeam licenses the City already owns or will acquire
through CityView. Bluebeam software pricing is valid for 30 days from proposal date. Bluebeam
Annual Maintenance fees are payable on execution of contract or order.
· CityView’s enterprise server software for administration and management of your existing CityView
· An implementation based on our CityView Select delivery model as described earlier in this proposal
which includes
o Configuration of 53 letter templates
o Integration/interface (further clarification and final pricing will be determined) support for
CityView customizations and/or integrations with 3rd party applications (incudes project
management and quality assurance, as well as documentation on customizations if applicable,
referencing where they fit into the product) (1) Daily batch update to financial system (Tyler
Incode). Confirmation upon final definition of the integration requirements.
o Data conversion to be confirmed upon review of data.
· A training program that ensures your end-users are fully trained to maximize adoption and value
from the software, your advanced users are equipped to contribute meaningfully to its evolution after
go-live as changing requirements demand and your system administrators are empowered to support
and manage the system.
· Ongoing support and maintenance, providing unlimited technical support, software upgrades and
updates for all licensed software and much more, including the Harris Software for Life Program (if
RFP is not issued).
Our proposal includes the following assumptions:
· Typically our implementation services begin 90 – 120 days after contract signing.
· Data conversion assumes a single source of data. This will be confirmed upon review of the data.
· It is possible there will be anomalies in the data that cannot be reconciled. We will convert the data
as it is in the database. However, if there is data that does not match the format of the field (i.e.
alpha characters in a numeric field), or if there is inconsistent information, we either will not bring
that data in or the inconsistencies will be converted as is. We will report any data anomalies that we
find during the conversion process.
· CityView performs one complete data load prior to review and validation testing, one complete
refresh prior to end-user training, and one complete refresh at go-live. All other fixes are made using
targeted scripts. Additional complete refreshes can be performed if mutually agreed through a
written change order.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
· Data is provided in one of the required formats: SQL Server, .mdb, .dbf or .txt.
· Property integration for parcel, address and owner data assuming a single source of data.
· 1 day onsite data collection and process mapping in addition to remote process mapping.
· Configuration changes to the out of the box workflows and the configuration of 1 custom distinct
workflows for Permits and Inspections or equivalent effort to changes to the standard workflow.
· Configuration of 53 letter templates
· Integration/interface estimates for support for: CityView customizations and/or integrations with 3rd party
applications (incudes project management and quality assurance, as well as documentation on
customizations if applicable, referencing where they fit into the product) (1) Batch export to Tyler InCode
(2) Spatial queries. (Should any 3rd party’s require additional licensing or services for the integration,
those costs would be the responsibility of the City.)
· Fee schedules were not provided prior to the quoting of this project, therefore our assumptions
around the effort to configure fees are subject to review of the complete requirements.
We are happy to review this with you prior to contract signing to give a firm cost of the effort to
configure your fees.
· The software implementation is based on CityView’s understanding of the number of “responsible
departments” managing the processes within each product. Budgeted effort is allotted to various
aspects of the implementation based on this number. For example, if the project to implement
CityView Permits & Inspections includes scope for building permits, encroachment permits and fire
permits, and each of these is managed separately by a different responsible department, then the
budget estimate is based on 3 responsible departments needing independent sessions for data
collection/process mapping, validation & refinement and end-user training. If, however, all of those
permit types were managed by the same people under one Customer Service Center, then this
would be classed as 1 responsible department and the budgeted effort for data collection/process
mapping, validation and refinement and end-user training is lower.
Our implementation is based on the following number of departments per solution – Permits &
Inspections (2 departments), Planning (1 department), and Business Licensing (1 department).
· CityView provides out of the box reports for each module, as well as a user-friendly reporting tool,
and the ability to link SSRS reports to the users’ catalog that allows the City staff to develop any
necessary reports needed. *Please note, professional documents in CityView (i.e., Correction
Notices, Permits) are Microsoft Word letter templates.
· Configuration of out of the box workflows to meet the City’s needs, and no unique workflows
(above the 1 previously mentioned) will be configured unless agreed to through a formal change
· Three (3) spatial queries are included ($820). Should additional spatial queries become a
requirement the change to scope can be made by a mutually agreed change order.
· The number of custom fields (attribute fields) estimated, with the corresponding business rules to
control visibility are subject to review of the complete requirements which may result in additional
· State websites – CityView is limited to what the State website allows. In some instances, the State
does not have an API to integrate to and a starting point is a button that launches their website so
that the user can look up the contractor and determine if they are valid.
· The City requested payment terms may differ from CityView’s standard terms, on which CityView’s
pricing is based. These include industry-common milestone-based terms for services delivery, license
fees on execution of agreement and maintenance fees on initial install, with a single-phase
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
implementation being envisioned in this project. Annual maintenance fees are revised annually or
can be capped with the negotiation of a five-year maintenance term.
Notes: Please note we do not provide hardware; no proprietary hardware is required for the operation and
use of CityView.
Software & Licensing: Quantity Price
Application Software - CityView Solutions:
CityView Property Information (required) 1 $ -
CityView Permits & Inspections 1 $ 8,500
CityView Planning 1 $ 8,500
CityView Business Licensing 1 $ 8,500
CityView Cashiering 1 $ 5,000
CityView Electronic Plans Review 1 $ 26,000
CityView Portal (licensed for 3 business processes only
i.e. Permits and Inspections, Planning, and Licensing) 1 $ 15,000
User Software:
Concurrent Read/Write User Licenses 22 $ 42,500
CityView Mobile (Building/Encroachment Inspections) 8 $ 6,250
Server Software:
CityView Server (required) 1 $ 7,500
CityView Esri ArcGIS Mapping Extension (unlimited users) 1 $ 5,000
CityView Configuration Console 1 $ 7,500
CityView Supported EDMS Extension 1 $ 4,900
CityView MS Outlook Add-in 1 $ 4,900
CityView MS Word Add-in 1 $ 4,900
Total: $154,950
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Implementation Services: Cost
Project Management
Ongoing project facilitation, billing, status reports, issues resolution,
escalation, resource allocation, scheduling, budget management,
change orders etc.
$ 37,975
Infrastructure Review
(remote service) Remote review of hardware and software infrastructure $ 1,400
Data Collection &
process mapping
(remote), interface
definition (onsite)
Remote reviews of CityView Select, completion of CityView Select,
web based configuration workbook & other digital materials,
collection of business data required to tweak & refine CityView
Select preconfiguration. Includes 1 person day on-site plus
appropriate offsite time for definition of interfaces and custom
$ 21,000
Installation (remote) &
Production and test environments set up and tested, includes up to
3 installs during the project $ 4,200
Data Mapping
Data Mapping for historic data conversion and property interface.
Mapping of Assess & Address Views to corporate property data
source. Assumes one data source. Data mapping for historic data
conversion. Data requirements for creation of interfaces.
$ 14,000
Configuration from
Data Collection &
process mapping
- Fees, custom data fields, business rules for all modules licensed.
$ 41,388
- Configuration of up to 53 tailor-configured letters (assumption is
Customer creates the balance of letters required with knowledge
from advanced configuration training).
- Metadata for scheduled processes
- Configuration of 1 distinct workflow for Permits & Inspections.
CityView Customizations and/or Integrations with 3rd party
applications (incudes project management and quality assurance, as
well as documentation on customizations, referencing where they
fit into the product) (1) Batch export to Tyler InCode (2) Spatial
$ 19,414
Data Conversion
(estimate) Initial data conversion. $ 26,600
Reviews for Validation
& Refinements
(remote); Acceptance
In-scope refinements to configuration, business rules etc.
Conducted through a series of remote environment reviews,
focusing on configuration and workflow, data conversion,
customizations and interfaces (where applicable). Latter review/s
$ 30,013
Final Data
Update/install (remote)
& Go-live
Final data update/conversion to get current data into client
database for go-live. Must be the same scripts used in initial data
conversion. Data must be verified by both CityView and Customer
before go-live. Sign off required.
$ 1,400
Total Implementation Services $ 197,390
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Days Cost
CityView End-User Training (onsite) 10 14 $ 21,700
Go-live facilitation & Assistance (onsite) - 5 $ 10,500
Configuration & Maintenance Training (onsite) 6 3 $ 6,344
CityView Reporter Training (onsite) 4 2 $ 4,375
CityView System Administrator Training (remote) 4 1 $ 2,188
CityView Mobile Training (onsite) 10 0.25 $ 656
CityView Portal Training (remote) 10 0.75 $ 1,750
Total Training Services 26 $ 47,513
Travel & Expenses (for onsite services) Person-
days Onsite Cost
Travel Budget for Onsite Services (billed on a cost recovery
basis) 7 34.25 $ 31,495
Standard travel policy - Travel and expenses are billed on a cost recovery basis and billed as incurred. The
price proposal presents these costs based on our experience and reasonable costs of economy flights, rental
car, hotel, other direct expenses, a per diem meal (no receipts provided) rate of $65/day weekdays and
$110/day for weekend days and a travel time rate of $85/h and mileage charges consistent with the Internal
Revenue Service published guidelines. (Further clarification and final pricing will be determined.)
Note: At this time, CityView’s assumption is that all services are provided remotely until travel restrictions are
Mandatory Annual Software
Maintenance Deliverables Payment
Annual Software Maintenance (year 1)
• All major and minor software
• Unlimited technical support;
• Unlimited access to the CityView FTP
• Unlimited access to the CityView
• Support for stated interface
• Support for in-scope, CityView-
delivered customizations to product and
Select configuration
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Several additional services are available at an hourly rate of $175 and include the following:
Refresher training
Train the trainer training
Custom report development
Custom interface development
Letter configuration
Customization or Non-standard configuration
Software Health Checks
In addition, several value-added CityView integrated software modules maybe of interest to the City.
CityView Assistant (chatbot)
CityView Virtual Inspections
CityView PlansDrop
CityView Animal Licensing
CityView Rental Housing
CityView Service Requests
CityView Cemetery Management
CityView Parking Management
CityView Marriage / Death Registration
Optional cost for the implementation of CityView Virtual Inspections and Assistant
The below costs represent the license and services costs to implement CityView Virtual Inspections and
Assistant as part of the initial project utilizing the CityView Select workflows. No additional user licenses have
been included under the assumption that these business processes are managed by existing CityView users.
These products also involve a communication fee. In calculating this fee, City View has allowed for up to 6
hours of audio video conferencing per business day for each inspector that uses Virtual Inspections. An
allowance has also been made for one incoming and one outgoing text message every 5 minutes of each
business day of the year for CityView Assistant. Should the City’s use exceed these estimates, CityView
reserves the right to invoice annually for the actual amounts used.
Cost Summary
Inspections (5
user bundle)1
Software and Licenses $ 4,900.00 $ 4,900.00
Implementation Services $ 1,470.00 $ 1,470.00
Training $ 656.00 $ 656.00
Total $ 7,026.00 $ 7,026.00
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Travel & expenses (billed on a cost recovery basis) $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Annual Fees
Annual Software Maintenance year 1 (all software updates, 12/5
unlimited support) $ 1,176.00 $ 1,176.00
Communication fees $ 1,350.00 $ 980.00
1. Pricing can be provided for additional users of Virtual Inspections if the initial 5 prove to insufficient.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView Organization Chart / Key Team Members
Please refer below and to the following pages for the CityView organization chart by department.
CityView Professional Services
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView Research and Development
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView Customer Success
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView Executives and Sales & Marketing
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Mark Atkinson
Director - Research & Development
Length of Time with CityView 20 years – Office Location: Victoria, BC
Responsibilities Mark is responsible for managing and leading software
development for the CityView product lines to meet
corporate requirements for functionality, quality, schedule
and cost. He provides technical leadership to R&D staff
and is responsible for employee development planning,
performance planning, and evaluation.
Qualifications: Mark brings 20 years of experience
working on and enhancing all of the products in the
CityView suite. Having worked as a Software Developer,
Mark has a wide breadth of understanding of the
technical side of CityView. Much of the CityView suite of
products was implemented by Mark. As a Research &
Development Manager, Mark continues to apply his
technical expertise and manage a team of software
developers and quality assurance analysts while working
with CityView Professional Services staff and our
customers to provide quality, timely software solutions.
(additional references upon
Collier County, FL; Chatham County, ON; City of
Langford, BC
Rebuilt/rewrote CityView’s Desktop application migrating
from C++ to C#/.NET code base. Implemented a logical
business rules engine and Activity Workflow
model/runtime to name a few.
Diploma, Computer Science and Technology
North Island College, Courtenay, BC
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Branka Wilmshurst
Director - Client Services
Length of Time with CityView 6 years – Office Location: Victoria, BC
Responsibilities Branka is responsible for managing and leading the Client
Services team ensuring that existing CityView customers
receive a high level of post implementation service.
Qualifications: Branka brings over 20 years of
international experience having worked for the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and
NATO in addition to Canadian organizations both in the
public and private sector.
While working at CityView, Branka has managed 142
projects of various sizes in her years as a Project Manager.
She also acted as the lead Implementation Specialist on an
additional 43 projects. As the Manager of Client Services,
Branka acts as a customer advocate and primary point of
contact regarding delivery of services, product
enhancements, customizations, and training; keeping
customers apprised of progress in these areas.
Customer Accomplishments
(additional references upon
Chatham County, NC; Augusta, GA; Fort Saskatchewan,
AB; South Jordan, UT; Town of the Blue Mountains, ON;
Scott County, MN
Bachelor of Commerce and Administration (Major in
Business Information Technology and Human Resources),
Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management at Royal
roads University, Victoria, BC
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
John Edwards
CityView Support Team Lead
Length of Time with CityView 18 years
Responsibilities John has many years’ experience utilizing the CityView
product and how it can best be utilized by local
governments. He manages the communication channel
with customers from Canada and the U.S. by handling
trouble tickets issued from customers and staff to resolve
software issues. In addition, John has experience with
reviewing all customer network infrastructures to ensure
software will smoothly operate on all machines and not
impact current utilization. He has also reviewed IT
processes to identify possible deficiencies.
Customer Accomplishments
(additional references upon
Collier County, FL; City of Miami, FL; Town of the Blue
Mountains, ON; City of Kingston, ON; and Cariboo
Regional District, BC (Canada) to name a few.
Education Full Scholarship – Engineering - University of
Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.
Microsoft Certified Professional – MCSE
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Jatinder Chadha
Implementation Services Team Lead
Length of Time with CityView 8 years –Office Location: Victoria, BC
Responsibilities As CityView’s Implementation Service Team Lead, Jatinder
and his team will be working with you directly through on-
site visits, follow up calls, training, and demonstrations in
order to assist you in defining your configuration
requirements. After the data mapping phase he and his
team will configure your CityView environment and
prepare the environment for the on-site activities. Jatinder
and his team will deliver all end-user training, as well as
Go-live facilitation.
Qualifications: Jatinder brings 8 years of experience
working with CityView as Implementation Specialist and
Project Manager.
Accomplishments City of Johnson City, TN; City of Rogers, AR; City of Big
Bear Lake, CA; District of West Kelowna, BC; Municipality
of Anchorage, AK; Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury,
ON; Rural Municipality of Hanover, MB; to name a few.
Education Bachelor of Science (PCM)
Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar India
Advance Diploma in Software Engineering (ACCP UK)
Oracle Certificate (ABAP 4.0)
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Adam Wicks
Data Conversion – Interface Specialist
Length of Time with CityView 4 years –Office Location: Victoria, BC
Responsibilities Adam is the lead responsible for the property update
routine used in all implementations where integration with
one or more external property data sources is required.
Apart from his robust technical skills and experience,
Adam also has a very broad knowledge of local
government business processes including permits and
inspections, planning, business licensing, and code
Qualifications: Adam began his career in local
government 8 years ago, acquiring extensive experience
solving complex business problems through thoughtful
analysis and application of modern tools and techniques.
Adam came to CityView in 2016 and quickly established
himself as a key member of the implementation team. His
specialized experience and skillset in spatial datasets has
proved to be a valuable asset in the integration of
CityView data with the evolution of local government GIS
Customer Accomplishments
(additional references upon
Minden Hills, ON; City of Johnson City, TN; City of Provo,
UT; and the City of St. Augustine.
Education Bachelor of Science from the University of Victoria
Master of Science from the University of Victoria
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Yuliya Melnyk
Quality Assurance Team Lead
Length of Time with CityView 14 years – Office Location: Victoria, BC
Responsibilities The Quality Assurance Team is responsible for testing the
quality of your CityView applications and your custom
designed applications. They use a combination of
automated and manual testing on your environment. Bug
Tracker Tools, Unit Testing, and Manual Test Cases are
used in a strategic test plan that results in a stable, error
free application for our customers.
Qualifications: Yuliya Melnyk, your Quality Assurance
Team Lead ensures the quality of your CityView solution.
Yuliya and her team are responsible for testing your
application and the CityView software. She is responsible
for creating a Quality Assurance infrastructure and all the
processes within that structure. These processes include
test plans, test cases, documentation and
personnel. Yuliya has tested and shipped CityView
software releases, tested against SQL Server, Oracle and
Access databases. She is also responsible for documenting
and overseeing the CityView Quality Assurance processes
as well as creating and reviewing other company-wide
Customer Accomplishments
(additional references upon
Canton Township, MI; City of Yucaipa, CA; Teton County,
WY and Haldimand County, ON (Canada) to name a few.
Yuliya received a Master’s Degree in Computer Science
from Chernivtsy State University, Ukraine.
Live operation will be supported by your project team directly until 4-6 weeks after go-live, at which time
your account will be transitioned formally to the Support team. Thereafter, Support and Maintenance will be
provided by a team comprising:
Account Management, Sales – Lewis Gouge or designate
Account Management, Technical Support and Troubleshooting – Support Team under the management of
Dale Peters
City of La Quinta, CA RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services December 11, 2020 157CityView, a division of Harris
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView will be the prime and only contractor. No subcontractors or third party implementors will be used.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView always works to provide the best service possible to its customers. However, for a variety of reasons,
a very small number of customers have terminated their relationship with CityView within the last five years.
To ensure that the termination process was completed amicably, and as quickly as possible, CityView and
these customers have signed non-disclosure agreements, which is common practice among software vendors
in this situation. Any attempt to reveal the names of these customers would be a violation of these
agreements and therefore, CityView is not able to provide contact information for two customers that have
cancelled their contracts within the last two years.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Please find below a sample of our Confirmation of Insurance Coverages and Workers Compensation
and Employers Liability limits. If CityView is the chosen vendor and upon contract acceptance, steps will
be taken to include the City as additional insured.
Please note damage resulting from the use of owned autos – CityView does not own autos and will
provide insurance in the requested amounts to cover non-owned and hired autos.
Note - Proposer has Cyber Security Insurance. For the sake of clarity, Vendor’s liability to City shall be in
accordance with the Limitation of Liability provisions negotiated by the parties.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Please find below CityView’s completed Non-Collusion Affidavit Form, Attachment 3.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView as of December 7, 2020 acknowledges it has reviewed the revised proposal released on November
6, 2020. No additional addenda have been released to date.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
CityView respectfully reserves the right to negotiate the exceptions noted below with the goal of obtaining
language that is mutually agreeable between both parties.
1.4 Licenses, Permits, Fees and Assessments. Except as otherwise specified herein, Contracting Party shall obtain at
its sole cost and expense such licenses, permits, and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the
Services required by this Agreement, including a City of La Quinta business license. Contracting Party and its
employees, agents, and subcontractors shall, at their sole cost and expense, keep in effect at all times during the
term of this Agreement any licenses, permits, and approvals that are legally required for the performance of the
Services required by this Agreement. Contracting Party shall have the sole obligation to pay for any fees,
assessments, and taxes, plus applicable penalties and interest, which may be imposed by law and arise from or are
necessary for the performance of the Services required by this Agreement, and shall indemnify, defend (with counsel
selected by City), and hold City, its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents, free and harmless against any
such fees, assessments, taxes, penalties, or interest levied, assessed, or imposed against City hereunder. Contracting
Party shall be responsible for all subcontractors’ compliance with this Section.
Proposer’s standard policy is to agree to defend the City against any third-party lawsuit alleging violation of
intellectual property right, or arising out of injuries to persons arising from the gross negligence or willful misconduct
of Proposer and its employees, agents or independent contractors while on the customer’s premises. Proposer will pay
costs and damages that a court finally awards in such suit or that are agreed upon in settlement thereof. If the City or
any third party has caused or contributed to a third-party claim, then Proposer will only indemnify the City up to the
amount Proposer is deemed responsible. In accordance with industry standards, the indemnification should be
balanced by a limitation of liability clause to exempt both parties liability from indirect and consequential damages
and to cap liability to a mutually agreed upon amount. This cap on liability would not apply to Proposer’s intellectual
property indemnification obligations, though Proposer’s obligation to indemnify the City harmless under is void if the
claim of infringement arises out of or in connection with any modification made to the Software or any use of the
Software not specifically authorized in writing by Proposer.
3.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. If the Services not completed in
accordance with the Schedule of Performance, as set forth in Section 3.2 and “Exhibit C”, it is understood that the
City will suffer damage.
Proposer generally objects to “time is of the essence” clauses – standard termination rights with a cure period should
apply and unforeseen delays can be dealt with via a change order process.
4.3 Prohibition Against Subcontracting or Assignment. The experience, knowledge, capability, and reputation of
Contracting Party, its principals, and its employees were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this
Agreement. Except as set forth in this Agreement, Contracting Party shall not contract or subcontract with any other
entity to perform in whole or in part the Services required hereunder without the express written approval of City. In
addition, neither this Agreement nor any interest herein may be transferred, assigned, conveyed, hypothecated, or
encumbered, voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written approval of City. Transfers restricted
hereunder shall include the transfer to any person or group of persons acting in concert of more than twenty five
percent (25%) of the present ownership and/or control of Contracting Party, taking all transfers into account on a
cumulative basis. Any attempted or purported assignment or contracting or subcontracting by Contracting Party
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
without City’s express written approval shall be null, void, and of no effect. No approved transfer shall release
Contracting Party of any liability hereunder without the express consent of City.
Proposer’s standard policy is it agrees it will not assign, sell or transfer the contract without the prior written consent
of the City, which consent the City shall not unreasonably withhold, except that Proposer may assign its interest in
this Agreement in connection with a merger or other business combination in which Proposer is not the surviving
entity, so long as the assignee agrees to fully abide by and accept all provisions under the Agreement.
6.1 Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contracting Party shall indemnify, protect, defend (with
counsel selected by City), and hold harmless City and any and all of its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers as
set forth in “Exhibit F” (“Indemnification”) which is incorporated herein by this reference and expressly made a part
Proposer’s standard policy is to agree to defend the City against any third-party lawsuit alleging violation of
intellectual property right, or arising out of injuries to persons arising from the gross negligence or willful misconduct
of Proposer and its employees, agents or independent contractors while on the customer’s premises. Proposer will pay
costs and damages that a court finally awards in such suit or that are agreed upon in settlement thereof. If the City or
any third party has caused or contributed to a third-party claim, then Proposer will only indemnify the City up to the
amount Proposer is deemed responsible. In accordance with industry standards, the indemnification should be
balanced by a limitation of liability clause to exempt both parties liability from indirect and consequential damages
and to cap liability to a mutually agreed upon amount. This cap on liability would not apply to Proposer’s intellectual
property indemnification obligations, though Proposer’s obligation to indemnify the City harmless under is void if the
claim of infringement arises out of or in connection with any modification made to the Software or any use of the
Software not specifically authorized in writing by Proposer.
7.1 Reports. Contracting Party shall periodically prepare and submit to the Contract Officer, or assigned designee,
such reports concerning Contracting Party’s performance of the Services required by this Agreement as the Contract
Officer, or assigned designee, shall require. Contracting Party hereby acknowledges that City is greatly concerned
about the cost of the Services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement. For this reason, Contracting Party agrees
that if Contracting Party becomes aware of any facts, circumstances, techniques, or events that may or will materially
increase or decrease the cost of the Services contemplated herein or, if Contracting Party is providing design services,
the cost of the project being designed, Contracting Party shall promptly notify the Contract Officer, or assigned
designee, of said fact, circumstance, technique, or event and the estimated increased or decreased cost related
thereto and, if Contracting Party is providing design services, the estimated increased or decreased cost estimate for
the project being designed.
7.2 Records. Contracting Party shall keep, and require any subcontractors to keep, such ledgers, books of accounts,
invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, reports (including but not limited to payroll reports), studies, or other documents
relating to the disbursements charged to City and the Services performed hereunder (the “Books and Records”), as
shall be necessary to perform the Services required by this Agreement and enable the Contract Officer, or assigned
designee, to evaluate the performance of such Services. Any and all such Books and Records shall be maintained in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be complete and detailed. The Contract Officer, or
assigned designee, shall have full and free access to such Books and Records at all times during normal business hours
of City, including the right to inspect, copy, audit, and make records and transcripts from such Books and Records.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Such Books and Records shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years following completion of the Services
hereunder, and City shall have access to such Books and Records in the event any audit is required. In the event of
dissolution of Contracting Party’s business, custody of the Books and Records may be given to City, and access shall
be provided by Contracting Party’s successor in interest. Under California Government Code Section 8546.7, if the
amount of public funds expended under this Agreement exceeds Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), this Agreement
shall be subject to the examination and audit of the State Auditor, at the request of City or as part of any audit of
City, for a period of three (3) years after final payment under this Agreement.
Proposer requests that audits are limited to one per any 12 month period. Auditors will be subject to non-disclosure
agreements and Proposer reserves the right to not disclose any information that is proprietary or that would
jeopardize the security of the Proposer or violate the Proposer’s security and privacy policies. The Proposer also
requests that any costs resulting from an audit be borne by the County.
7.3 Ownership of Documents. All drawings, specifications, maps, designs, photographs, studies, surveys, data, notes,
computer files, reports, records, documents, and other materials plans, drawings, estimates, test data, survey results,
models, renderings, and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression,
including but not limited to, physical drawings, digital renderings, or data stored digitally, magnetically, or in any
other medium prepared or caused to be prepared by Contracting Party, its employees, subcontractors, and agents in
the performance of this Agreement (the “Documents and Materials”) shall be the property of City and shall be
delivered to City upon request of the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, or upon the expiration or termination of
this Agreement, and Contracting Party shall have no claim for further employment or additional compensation as a
result of the exercise by City of its full rights of ownership use, reuse, or assignment of the Documents and Materials
hereunder. Any use, reuse or assignment of such completed Documents and Materials for other projects and/or use of
uncompleted documents without specific written authorization by Contracting Party will be at City’s sole risk and
without liability to Contracting Party, and Contracting Party’s guarantee and warranties shall not extend to such use,
revise, or assignment. Contracting Party may retain copies of such Documents and Materials for its own use.
Contracting Party shall have an unrestricted right to use the concepts embodied therein. All subcontractors shall
provide for assignment to City of any Documents and Materials prepared by them, and in the event Contracting Party
fails to secure such assignment, Contracting Party shall indemnify City for all damages resulting therefrom.
7.4 In the event City or any person, firm, or corporation authorized by City reuses said Documents and Materials
without written verification or adaptation by Contracting Party for the specific purpose intended and causes to be
made or makes any changes or alterations in said Documents and Materials, City hereby releases, discharges, and
exonerates Contracting Party from liability resulting from said change. The provisions of this clause shall survive the
termination or expiration of this Agreement and shall thereafter remain in full force and effect.
Proposer reserves the right to negotiate mutually agreeable terms with the City. Except for those items that are
explicitly detailed in the final contract to vest to City, Proposer maintains ownership of all materials, whether
developed prior to, during or after the contract with the City. Proposer clarifies the City will maintain ownership of all
customer data provided under the contract and the reports generated regarding such data.
Proposer’s standard policy is to agree to defend the City against any third-party lawsuit alleging violation of
intellectual property right, or arising out of injuries to persons arising from the gross negligence or willful misconduct
of Proposer and its employees, agents or independent contractors while on the customer’s premises. Proposer will pay
costs and damages that a court finally awards in such suit or that are agreed upon in settlement thereof. If the City or
any third party has caused or contributed to a third-party claim, then Proposer will only indemnify the City up to the
amount Proposer is deemed responsible. In accordance with industry standards, the indemnification should be
balanced by a limitation of liability clause to exempt both parties liability from indirect and consequential damages
and to cap liability to a mutually agreed upon amount. This cap on liability would not apply to Proposer’s intellectual
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
property indemnification obligations, though Proposer’s obligation to indemnify the City harmless under is void if the
claim of infringement arises out of or in connection with any modification made to the Software or any use of the
Software not specifically authorized in writing by Proposer.
7.5 Licensing of Intellectual Property. This Agreement creates a non- exclusive and perpetual license for City to copy,
use, modify, reuse, or sublicense any and all copyrights, designs, rights of reproduction, and other intellectual
property embodied in the Documents and Materials. Contracting Party shall require all subcontractors, if any, to agree
in writing that City is granted a non-exclusive and perpetual license for the Documents and Materials the
subcontractor prepares under this Agreement. Contracting Party represents and warrants that Contracting Party has
the legal right to license any and all of the Documents and Materials. Contracting Party makes no such representation
and warranty in regard to the Documents and Materials which were prepared by design professionals other than
Contracting Party or provided to Contracting Party by City. City shall not be limited in any way in its use of the
Documents and Materials at any time, provided that any such use not within the purposes intended by this
Agreement shall be at City’s sole risk.
Proposer requests opportunity to discuss licensing rights. Proposer looks forward to agreeing to mutually acceptable
licensing provisions based on Proposer’s standard policies and industry standards.
7.7 Confidential or Personal Identifying Information. Contracting Party covenants that all City data, data lists, trade
secrets, documents with personal identifying information, documents that are not public records, draft documents,
discussion notes, or other information, if any, developed or received by Contracting Party or provided for performance
of this Agreement are deemed confidential and shall not be disclosed by Contracting Party to any person or entity
without prior written authorization by City or unless required by law. City shall grant authorization for disclosure if
required by any lawful administrative or legal proceeding, court order, or similar directive with the force of law. All
City data, data lists, trade secrets, documents with personal identifying information, documents that are not public
records, draft documents, discussions, or other information shall be returned to City upon the termination or
expiration of this Agreement. Contracting Party’s covenant under this section shall survive the termination or
expiration of this Agreement.
Proposer requests that requirements with regards to protection of business and proprietary information should be
subject to those requirements that apply to personal information. The proposer’s reasoning is that personal
information is subject to specific privacy laws, which may have different requirements than those that apply to
business and proprietary information.
8.1 California Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed, and governed both as to validity and to
performance of the parties in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Legal actions concerning any
dispute, claim, or matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the
County of Riverside, State of California, or any other appropriate court in such county, and Contracting Party
covenants and agrees to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such court in the event of such action.
Proposer prefers that the venue for any disputes are the federal courts of California.
8.2 Disputes. In the event of any dispute arising under this Agreement, the injured party shall notify the injuring
party in writing of its contentions by submitting a claim therefore. The injured party shall continue performing its
obligations hereunder so long as the injuring party commences to cure such default within ten (10) days of service of
such notice and completes the cure of such default within forty-five (45) days after service of the notice, or such
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
longer period as may be permitted by the Contract Officer, or assigned designee; provided that if the default is an
immediate danger to the health, safety, or general welfare, City may take such immediate action as City deems
warranted. Compliance with the provisions of this Section shall be a condition precedent to termination of this
Agreement for cause and to any legal action, and such compliance shall not be a waiver of any party’s right to take
legal action in the event that the dispute is not cured, provided that nothing herein shall limit City’s right to terminate
this Agreement without cause pursuant to this Article 8.0. During the period of time that Contracting Party is in
default, City shall hold all invoices and shall, when the default is cured, proceed with payment on the invoices. In the
alternative, City may, in its sole discretion, elect to pay some or all of the outstanding invoices during any period of
Proposer welcomes the opportunity to discuss a dispute resolution mechanism and looks forward to agreeing upon a
mutually acceptable provision based on Proposer’s standard policies and industry standards.
8.3 Retention of Funds. City may withhold from any monies payable to Contracting Party sufficient funds to
compensate City for any losses, costs, liabilities, or damages it reasonably believes were suffered by City due to the
default of Contracting Party in the performance of the Services required by this Agreement.
Proposer welcomes the opportunity to discuss this holdback provision and looks forward to agreeing upon a mutually
acceptable provision based on Proposer’s standard policies and industry standards.
8.7 Termination Prior To Expiration of Term. This Section shall govern any termination of this Agreement, except as
specifically provided in the following Section for termination for cause. City reserves the right to terminate this
Agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty
(30) days’ written notice to Contracting Party. Upon receipt of any notice of termination, Contracting Party shall
immediately cease all Services hereunder except such as may be specifically approved by the Contract Officer, or
assigned designee. Contracting Party shall be entitled to compensation for all Services rendered prior to receipt of the
notice of termination and for any Services authorized by the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, thereafter in
accordance with the Schedule of Compensation or such as may be approved by the Contract Officer, or assigned
designee, except amounts held as a retention pursuant to this Agreement.
8.8 Termination for Default of Contracting Party. If termination is due to the failure of Contracting Party to fulfill its
obligations under this Agreement, Contracting Party shall vacate any City-owned property which Contracting Party is
permitted to occupy hereunder and City may, after compliance with the provisions of Section 8.2, take over the
Services and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and Contracting Party shall be liable to the
extent that the total cost for completion of the Services required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein
stipulated (provided that City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate such damages), and City may withhold any
payments to Contracting Party for the purpose of setoff or partial payment of the amounts owed City.
Proposer requests a more detailed termination clause be drafted taking into account reasonable ‘cure periods’
(minimum of 30 days) for the implementation of the software, greater detail regarding termination for convenience
(minimum of 90 days), including license rights that may survive termination, and that all services performed to the
date of notice shall be paid.
8.9 Attorneys’ Fees. If either party to this Agreement is required to initiate or defend or made a party to any action
or proceeding in any way connected with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such action or proceeding, in
addition to any other relief which may be granted, whether legal or equitable, shall be entitled to reasonable
attorneys’ fees; provided, however, that the attorneys’ fees awarded pursuant to this Section shall not exceed the
hourly rate paid by City for legal services multiplied by the reasonable number of hours spent by the prevailing party
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
in the conduct of the litigation. Attorneys’ fees shall include attorneys’ fees on any appeal, and in addition a party
entitled to attorneys’ fees shall be entitled to all other reasonable costs for investigating such action, taking
depositions and discovery, and all other necessary costs the court allows which are incurred in such litigation. All such
fees shall be deemed to have accrued on commencement of such action and shall be enforceable whether or not
such action is prosecuted to judgment. The court may set such fees in the same action or in a separate action brought
for that purpose.
Proposer’s standard policy is to defer to the decision of the court with regards to an award of costs, including
reasonable attorney fees. Proposer reserves the right to negotiate mutually agreeable terms with the County.
Exhibit F Indemnification
F.1 Indemnity for the Benefit of City.
a. Indemnification for Professional Liability. When the law establishes a professional standard of care for
Contracting Party’s Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contracting Party shall indemnify, protect, defend
(with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees, and agents
(“Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities of every kind, nature, and description,
damages, injury (including, without limitation, injury to or death of an employee of Contracting Party or of any
subcontractor), costs and expenses of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including, without limitation,
incidental and consequential damages, court costs, attorneys’ fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants
or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, to the extent same are caused in
whole or in part by any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of Contracting Party, its officers, agents,
employees or subcontractors (or any entity or individual that Contracting Party shall bear the legal liability thereof) in
the performance of professional services under this agreement. With respect to the design of public improvements,
the Contracting Party shall not be liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from the reuse of the design at
a location other than that specified in Exhibit A without the written consent of the Contracting Party.
b. Indemnification for Other Than Professional Liability. Other than in the performance of professional services and
to the full extent permitted by law, Contracting Party shall indemnify, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold
harmless the Indemnified Parties from and against any liability (including liability for claims, suits, actions, arbitration
proceedings, administrative proceedings, regulatory proceedings, losses, expenses or costs of any kind, whether
actual, alleged or threatened, including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, court costs,
attorneys’ fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses) incurred in connection
therewith and costs of investigation, where the same arise out of, are a consequence of, or are in any way
attributable to, in whole or in part, the performance of this Agreement by Contracting Party or by any individual or
entity for which Contracting Party is legally liable, including but not limited to officers, agents, employees, or
subcontractors of Contracting Party.
c. Indemnity Provisions for Contracts Related to Construction (Limitation on Indemnity). Without affecting the
rights of City under any provision of this agreement, Contracting Party shall not be required to indemnify and hold
harmless City for liability attributable to the active negligence of City, provided such active negligence is determined
by agreement between the parties or by the findings of a court of competent jurisdiction. In instances where City is
shown to have been actively negligent and where City’s active negligence accounts for only a percentage of the
liability involved, the obligation of Contracting Party will be for that entire portion or percentage of liability not
attributable to the active negligence of City.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
d. Indemnification Provision for Design Professionals.
1. Applicability of this Section F.1(d). Notwithstanding Section F.1(a) hereinabove, the following indemnification
provision shall apply to a Contracting Party who constitutes a “design professional” as the term is defined in
paragraph 3 below.
2. Scope of Indemnification. When the law establishes a professional standard of care for Contracting Party’s
Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contracting Party shall indemnify and hold harmless City and any and
all of its officials, employees, and agents (“Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all losses, liabilities of every
kind, nature, and description, damages, injury (including, without limitation, injury to or death of an employee of
Contracting Party or of any subcontractor), costs and expenses, including, without limitation, incidental and
consequential damages, court costs, reimbursement of attorneys’ fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert
consultants or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, to the extent same are
caused by any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of Contracting Party, its officers, agents, employees or
subcontractors (or any entity or individual that Contracting Party shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the
performance of professional services under this agreement. With respect to the design of public improvements, the
Contracting Party shall not be liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from the reuse of the design at a
location other than that specified in Exhibit A without the written consent of the Contracting Party.
3. Design Professional Defined. As used in this Section F.1(d), the term “design professional” shall be limited
to licensed architects, registered professional engineers, licensed professional land surveyors and landscape architects,
all as defined under current law, and as may be amended from time to time by Civil Code § 2782.8.
F.2 Obligation to Secure Indemnification Provisions. Contracting Party agrees to obtain executed indemnity
agreements with provisions identical to those set forth herein this Exhibit F, as applicable to the Contracting Party,
from each and every subcontractor or any other person or entity involved by, for, with or on behalf of Contracting
Party in the performance of this Agreement. In the event Contracting Party fails to obtain such indemnity obligations
from others as required herein, Contracting Party agrees to be fully responsible according to the terms of this Exhibit.
Failure of City to monitor compliance with these requirements imposes no additional obligations on City and will in no
way act as a waiver of any rights hereunder. This obligation to indemnify and defend City as set forth in this
Agreement are binding on the successors, assigns or heirs of Contracting Party and shall survive the termination of
this Agreement.
Proposer’s standard policy is to agree to defend the City against any third-party lawsuit alleging violation of
intellectual property right, or arising out of injuries to persons arising from the gross negligence or willful misconduct
of Proposer and its employees, agents or independent contractors while on the customer’s premises. Proposer will pay
costs and damages that a court finally awards in such suit or that are agreed upon in settlement thereof. If the City or
any third party has caused or contributed to a third-party claim, then Proposer will only indemnify the City up to the
amount Proposer is deemed responsible. In accordance with industry standards, the indemnification should be
balanced by a limitation of liability clause to exempt both parties liability from indirect and consequential damages
and to cap liability to a mutually agreed upon amount. This cap on liability would not apply to Proposer’s intellectual
property indemnification obligations, though Proposer’s obligation to indemnify the City harmless under is void if the
claim of infringement arises out of or in connection with any modification made to the Software or any use of the
Software not specifically authorized in writing by Proposer.
As a final note the Proposer anticipates that the resultant agreement shall be based on Proposer’s and industry norm
standard agreements for software licensing and maintenance and that the resultant agreement between the Proposer
and the City should include provisions typically seen in these types of software agreements, including: limitation of
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
liability (which will be at one (1) times fees paid under the contract(s)), and shall not include damages related to
indirect, consequential, special or aggravated), warranty (as per the restrictions above), license use and restrictions
(such as copying restrictions, User restrictions and reverse engineering type restrictions), mutually acceptable
acceptance terms, payment terms (including the use of milestones for payment and license fees paid up front),
maintenance terms, approved Statements of work, and other provisions typical in software license/support/service
agreements and that the absence of any clauses in City’s RFP will not affect Proposer’s ability to negotiate such
clauses and to modify the standard contract as needed.
Proposals must include a completed “Insurance Requirements Acknowledgment” form included as
Attachment 2 stating that, if selected, the proposer will provide the minimum insurance coverage
and indemnification noted in Exhibits E and F, respectively, of the City’s Agreement for Contract
Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as ISO CG 0001)
$1,000,000 (per occurrence); $2,000,000 (general aggregate)
Must include the following endorsements:
General Liability Additional Insured
General Liability Primary and Noncontributory
Commercial Auto Liability (at least as broad as ISO CA 0001)
$1,000,000 (per accident)
Personal Auto Declaration Page if applicable
Errors and Omissions Liability $1,000,000 (per claim and aggregate)
Worker’s Compensation (per statutory requirements)
Must include the following endorsements:
Worker’s Compensation Waiver of Subrogation
Worker’s Compensation Declaration of Sole Proprietor if applicable
Cyber Liability
$1,000,000 (per occurrence)
$2,000,000 (general aggregate)
5.1 Insurance. Prior to the beginning of any Services under this Agreement and throughout the duration of
the term of this Agreement, Contracting Party shall procure and maintain, at its sole cost and expense, and
submit concurrently with its execution of this Agreement, certificate of insurance policies of insurance as set
forth in “Exhibit E” (the “Insurance Requirements”) which is incorporated herein by this reference and
expressly made a part hereof.
5.2 Proof of Insurance. Contracting Party shall provide Certificate of Insurance to Agency along with all
required endorsements. Certificate of Insurance and endorsements must be approved by Agency’s Risk
Manager prior to commencement of performance.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Exhibit E Insurance Requirements
E.1 Insurance. Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of this Agreement, the following
policies shall be maintained and kept in full force and effect providing insurance with minimum limits as
indicated below and issued by insurers with A.M. Best ratings of no less than A-VI:
Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as ISO CG 0001)
$1,000,000 (per occurrence)
$2,000,000 (general aggregate)
Must include the following endorsements: General Liability Additional Insured
Proposer clarifies that additional insured only applies to auto liability, commercial general liability and
umbrella liability policies. Additional insured is only provided by Proposer’s insurer on a blanket basis and is
subject to approval by insurer.
General Liability Primary and Non-contributory
Commercial Auto Liability (at least as broad as ISO CA 0001)
$1,000,000 (per accident)
Personal Auto Declaration Page if applicable
Errors and Omissions Liability
$1,000,000 (per claim and aggregate)
Workers’ Compensation
(per statutory requirements)
Must include the following endorsements:
Workers Compensation with Waiver of Subrogation
Workers Compensation Declaration of Sole Proprietor if applicable
Cyber Liability
$1,000,000 (per occurrence)
$2,000,000 (general aggregate)
Contracting Party shall procure and maintain, at its cost, and submit concurrently with its execution of this
Agreement, Commercial General Liability insurance against all claims for injuries against persons or damages
to property resulting from Contracting Party’s acts or omissions rising out of or related to Contracting Party’s
performance under this Agreement. The insurance policy shall contain a severability of interest clause
providing that the coverage shall be primary for losses arising out of Contracting Party’s performance
hereunder and neither City nor its insurers shall be required to contribute to any such loss. An endorsement
evidencing the foregoing and naming the City and its officers and employees as additional insured (on the
Commercial General Liability policy only) must be submitted concurrently with the execution of this
Agreement and approved by City prior to commencement of the services hereunder.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
Proposer clarifies that additional insured only applies to auto liability, commercial general liability and
umbrella liability policies. Additional insured is only provided by Proposer’s insurer on a blanket basis and is
subject to approval by insurer.
Contracting Party shall carry automobile liability insurance of $1,000,000 per accident against all claims for
injuries against persons or damages to property arising out of the use of any automobile by Contracting
Party, its officers, any person directly or indirectly employed by Contracting Party, any subcontractor or agent,
or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, arising directly or indirectly out of or related to
Contracting Party’s performance under this Agreement. If Contracting Party or Contracting Party’s employees
will use personal autos in any way on this project, Contracting Party shall provide evidence of personal auto
liability coverage for each such person. The term “automobile” includes, but is not limited to, a land motor
vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer designed for travel on public roads. The automobile insurance policy shall
contain a severability of interest clause providing that coverage shall be primary for losses arising out of
Contracting Party’s performance hereunder and neither City nor its insurers shall be required to contribute to
such loss.
Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written on a policy form
coverage specifically designed to protect against acts, errors or omissions of the Contracting Party and
“Covered Professional Services” as designated in the policy must specifically include work performed under
this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. The policy
must “pay on behalf of” the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer’s duty to defend.
The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this agreement. Contracting Party shall
carry Workers’ Compensation Insurance in accordance with State Worker’s Compensation laws with
employer’s liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease.
Contracting Party shall procure and maintain Cyber Liability insurance with limits of $1,000,000 per claim and
$2,000,000 in the aggregate occurrence/loss which shall include the following coverage:
a. Liability arising from the theft, dissemination and/or use of confidential or personally identifiable
information; including credit monitoring and regulatory fines arising from such theft, dissemination or use of
the confidential information.
b. Network security liability arising from the unauthorized use of, access to, or tampering with computer
c. Liability arising from the failure of technology products (software) required under the contract for
Consultant to properly perform the services intended.
d. Electronic Media Liability arising from personal injury, plagiarism or misappropriation of ideas, domain
name infringement or improper deep-linking or framing, and infringement or violation of intellectual property
e. Liability arising from the failure to render professional services.
If coverage is maintained on a claims-made basis, Contracting Party shall maintain such coverage for an
additional period of three (3) years following termination of the contract.
Contracting Party shall provide written notice to City within ten (10) working days if: (1) any of the
required insurance policies is terminated;
(2) the limits of any of the required polices are reduced; or (3) the deductible or self-insured retention is
increased. In the event any of said policies of insurance are cancelled, Contracting Party shall, prior to the
cancellation date, submit new evidence of insurance in conformance with this Exhibit to the Contract Officer.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
The procuring of such insurance or the delivery of policies or certificates evidencing the same shall not be
construed as a limitation of Contracting Party’s obligation to indemnify City, its officers, employees,
contractors, subcontractors, or agents.
Proposer’s insurance policy language with regards to cancellation is as follows:
Should any of the policies described herein be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the insurer(s)
affording coverage will endeavor to mail 30 days written notice to the certificate holder named herein, but
failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the insurer(s) affording
coverage, their agents or representatives, or the issuer of this certificate.
E.2 Remedies. In addition to any other remedies City may have if Contracting Party fails to provide or
maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required,
City may, at its sole option:
a. Obtain such insurance and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such insurance from any
sums due under this Agreement.
b. Order Contracting Party to stop work under this Agreement and/or withhold any payment(s) which
become due to Contracting Party hereunder until Contracting Party demonstrates compliance with the
requirements hereof.
c. Terminate this Agreement.
Exercise of any of the above remedies, however, is an alternative to any other remedies City may have. The
above remedies are not the exclusive remedies for Contracting Party’s failure to maintain or secure
appropriate policies or endorsements. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting in any way the
extent to which Contracting Party may be held responsible for payments of damages to persons or property
resulting from Contracting Party’s or its subcontractors’ performance of work under this Agreement.
E.3 General Conditions Pertaining to Provisions of Insurance Coverage by Contracting Party. Contracting
Party and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Contracting Party:
1. Contracting Party agrees to have its insurer endorse the third party general liability coverage required
herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials, employees, and agents, using standard ISO
endorsement No. CG 2010 with an edition prior to 1992. Contracting Party also agrees to require all
contractors, and subcontractors to do likewise.
Proposer clarifies that additional insured only applies to auto liability, commercial general liability and
umbrella liability policies. Additional insured is only provided by Proposer’s insurer on a blanket basis and is
subject to approval by insurer.
2. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall prohibit Contracting Party,
or Contracting Party’s employees, or agents, from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss.
Contracting Party agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any
insurance proceeds, and to require all contractors and subcontractors to do likewise.
3. All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contracting Party and available or applicable to this
Agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or
any other agreement relating to City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
4. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any
limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing.
5. No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serve to eliminate so-called “third
party action over” claims, including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any
contractor or subcontractor.
6. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements
by the City, as the need arises. Contracting Party shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g.
elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period) that may affect City’s protection without
City’s prior written consent.
7. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing
all the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to Contracting Party’s general liability
policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any
insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no
replacement coverage is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems
necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so
paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Contracting Party or deducted from sums due
Contracting Party, at City option.
8. It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided
by Contracting Party or any subcontractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, non-contributing basis
in relation to any other insurance or self-insurance available to City.
9. Contracting Party agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project
that is brought onto or involved in the project by Contracting Party, provide the same minimum insurance
coverage required of Contracting Party. Contracting Party agrees to monitor and review all such coverage
and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements
of this section. Contracting Party agrees that upon request, all agreements with subcontractors and others
engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review.
10. Contracting Party agrees not to self-insure or to use any self- insured retentions or deductibles on any
portion of the insurance required herein (with the exception of professional liability coverage, if required) and
further agrees that it will not allow any contractor, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or
person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated by this agreement to
self-insure its obligations to City. If Contracting Party’s existing coverage includes a deductible or self-insured
retention, the deductible or self-insured retention must be declared to the City. At that time the City shall
review options with the Contracting Party, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or
self-insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions.
11. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of this Agreement to change the amounts and
types of insurance required by giving the Contracting Party ninety (90) days advance written notice of such
change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Contracting Party, the City will negotiate
additional compensation proportional to the increased benefit to City.
City of La Quinta, CA
RFP for Permit Tracking and Licensing Software Services
December 11, 2020
CityView, a division of Harris
12. For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been
executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or
towards performance of this Agreement.
13. Contracting Party acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to
inform Contracting Party of non- compliance with any insurance requirement in no way imposes any
additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard.
14. Contracting Party will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its employees or agents
face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this agreement. This obligation applies whether the
agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City
executes a written statement to that effect.
15. Contracting Party shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term
of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage.
Proof that such coverage has been ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter
from Contracting Party’s insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and an
additional insured endorsement is required in these specifications applicable to the renewing or new
coverage must be provided to City within five thirty (530) days of the expiration of coverages.
16. The provisions of any workers’ compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Contracting
Party under this agreement. Contracting Party expressly agrees not to use any statutory immunity defenses
under such laws with respect to City, its employees, officials, and agents.
17. Requirements of specific coverage features, or limits contained in this section are not intended as
limitations on coverage, limits or other requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by
any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it
pertains to a given issue and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all-inclusive.
18. These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this
Agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such.
19. The requirements in this Exhibit supersede all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the
extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Exhibit.
20. Contracting Party agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in
any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Contracting Party for the cost of additional
insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City.
It is not the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements.
There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto.
21. Contracting Party agrees to provide immediate prompt notice to City of any claim or loss against
Contracting Party arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or
liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or
claims if they are likely to involve City.
Insurance requirements edited to better conform with Proposer’s insurance policies.
Page 16 of 16
Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal;
If no addenda has been issued, mark “N/A” under Addendum No. indicating
Not Applicable and sign
#1 – dated December 7,
Sean Higgins
Executive Vice President, CityView