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10-0614 (SIGN)
P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: ' 10-00000614 Property Address: 78447 HIGHWAY 111 SUITE APN: 604-050-016-5-000000- Application description: SIGN Property Zoning: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL Application valuation: 5000 Applicant: dvv,4,,�- C viz", Tiht 4 4 Q" Architect or Engineer: 14 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Owner: M&H REALTY PARTNERS I JOANN GITTLEMAN (TEN 12555 HIGH BLUFF DR 3 SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 Contractor: BEST SIGNS INC 1550 S. GENE AUTRY TRAIL PALM SPRINGS, CA 92264 (760)320-3042 Lic. No.: 524483 VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 08/10 ---------11-------------�----------�--------------------------------------------------------------- LICENSED CO RACTOR'S DEC T- ON I hereby affirm under natty of perjury that I am licensed u er provision f Chapter (commencing with Section 70 0) of Dive ion 3 of the Business and Professionals ode, my license is in full force and effect. Licen;eCl s: C45 D42, C Lice o.: 524483 OWNER -BUILDER D LARATIo I hereby affirm under penalt of perjury that I am exempt from the C ntractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031 .5, Business and Professions Code: Any ity or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that or she is licensed pursua to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing witF'5eG4iQQ.Z20_QLa4.0fi71sion 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_ ) 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. , BAP.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: _ Lender's Address: LQPERMIT WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by echo 00 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is _ I have fd will maintain w ers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Cod ,for the performance the work for which this permit is iss ed. My workers' compensation insu ance carrier and policy n er are: Carrier STATE D cy Number 00091 -2009 1 certif that, in the performance of the rk for which this rr is issued, I shall not employ any pers n in any manner so as to becomes 'ect to the rkers' compensation laws of California, and ree that, if I should become subject t hew ers' compensation provisions of Section 370of the Labor Code,J shall forthwith com with those provisions. WARNING: FAILURE TO ECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION CO ERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINIS UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENS TION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORN S FEES. APPLICANT OWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby to r of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this a cation. 1 . Each person upon whose beha his application is e, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is perfor ed under or pursuant to y permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applican ,each agrees to, and shall de nd, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, a ants and employees for any act omission related to the work being performed under or followi g issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a res It of this application be null and id if work is not commenced within 180 days from da of issuance of such permit, or cessation f work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this applicatio and state that the above information is corre . I agre to comply with all city an'!cou y ordinances and state la s relating to building construction, and hereby ut rize representatives of this ougt to enter upon the above- entioned property for inspection purposes. _ Application Number . . . . . 10-00000614 Permit . . . ELEC-ELECTRICAL SIGN Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 36.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 1/04/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1.00 15.0000 EA ELEC SIGN 1ST CIRCUIT 15.00 2.00 3.0000 EA ELEC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGN ADDITIONAL CIRUITS 6.00 Special Notes and Comments (3)ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTER SIGNS PER SA-2010-1443 "FIVE GUYS BURGER & FRIES" UNITS C & D. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . BLDG STDS ADMIN (SB1473) 1.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ------------------------------------- Permit Fee Total 36.00 -------------------- .00 .00 36.00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 Grand Total 37.00 .00 .00 37.00 LQPERMIT O � O O r r 0 u0 d� u0 c cv � Q% 07 6 o Q z z x a x 0 0 a o U a U 0 z z 0? o <0 ¢ a:a�a c L 0 V CO O C c co Cc 0- t6 EL lf) U _O U N 0 E o O •(D N O N ct Q ( 4- co 3 0 75 otm OL m (D O Cl) O c� O c n- oZS a. c c rn H �,co > m E o > x CL .� c 0 N ar'-a tLf o' tQ N O c 0 LLI _ R Cc C ram-. O tt5 a. v`- � N O LL. C) m to W .''. a O S '� a Co L- coa N Om r� O o O e- ojf +. C C c C9 ai °'' .�Ch CD o o N �W o, m H �a C> p .C�-C O cn N O Nm O Cl) � �N to t-N W� a N E� N, �� O fl.0 a Z, o Z W �} c c a? o o rn emu; m �Q 0 c?? �= CL �c��o E C c� -0C ca Q (� N s N C 4% — W c� O rn j 0 o t O cz N c Co O (� O y r U E LL cC V H Q Q 0 O 0 o N m a to p) a. ci i c � O O �- rn O >+ c0 cn to (n ' g a. .0 ca •c ... ..0E to m m cnC O c .— O N M act• O75 t6 �mV-a to 0 I— <040- to E oL- c w a U- a, W +• z co z c m V- tc CL N 0 �a U) 06 rn c m 6 a> 5 o 9 b w y C O y • � ,t a o c °• Lr � c C� �UU y a. p c o a E o ° U � W o C/3 a o z v w ro to m �b � V 7S C D � 40 '� y . �• y Lg rn E� �o S � �_w Gy3 -o v U > A O C U y ,, OCL p •y C � U 0-0- w , ° a`ni y n. � ?• � 'G w O. � N � C ..��. b4 V • y y ^ C" >> •"�• C4 d tQ ZA z�00©0 z©z 13 13 G 11 13 13 �a C U •� � � oL' y 3 � .5 5b Sao oo c a a� o y N -p U Ci o n a O ;� 3 • � a� G E a�i '03 N b H o •= '� o O _ A �° N a~i U�� L V �•C S3 � U y � y •��+ c°Uv cad T°J env �' •.. y cn '� ,'n W d i7 a— gnO 93 4n=0 O C C M M � p U 0 TG1 '� v M_ C%1•y .Yr• 3 ° m � °'� e09 ° t09 .0 S t•OD �/1 o• t� c °v moo°'°c a+ _• p r e�i C t o y 3 C 0 C 0 C o y� v ro C o cc •CC Q~ ed m ~ om is cm Gii 'C7 409 • N K LYa ►•� Gib "b Gi] .�',.. GOo ••�+ 1.. « Liz . r 9 Certificate of Compliance and Field Inspection Energy Checklist (Sign Lighting) (Page 2 of 2) SLTG-1 C Project Narnc: 1` t 1 Date: ' n �1 Fill-in Columns A and B for all signfl Fill-in Colurr ' through only if using the Maximum Allowed Lightibi Power complia ce method. Fill-in Column 1 only if using the Alternate Light Source compliance method. Compliance Method Maximum Allowed Lighting Power Alt. Light Source A B C D E__7 F G H I J U Description or location and plan location Allowed Watts Design Watts' Complies? Y/N Light Source Field Ins ecto? .2:- 3Ne 3 ,We V E1`. O 4.. 0 VI y �d Q 0 d 13 Total Si Area: 1. Design Watts — total connected lighting load installed in the sign, including power used by lamps, ballasts, transformers, power supplies, etc. 2. If Fail then describe on Page 2 of the Inspection Checklist Form and take appropriate action to correct. Verify buildingplans ifnecessarv. Use additional sheets if necessan'. Alternate Light Source Compliance Method: The sign(s) identified above; use only one or more of the followin technolo ies: list ail applicable numbers that apply in column I above) 1 High pressure sodium lamps 2 Pulse start or ceramic metal halide lamps served by a ballast with > 88% efficiency 3 Pulse start metal halide lamps that are < 320 watts, are not 250 watt or 175 watt lamps, and are served by a ballast with > 80% efficiency 4 Neon or cold cathode lamps with transformer orpower supply efficiency>_ 75% with rated output current < 50 mA 5 Neon or cold cathode lamps with transformer or power supply efficiency > 68% with rated output current > 50 mA 6 Fluorescent lamps with a minimum color rendering index (CRI) of 80 7 Light emitting diodes LEDs with a power supply with > 80% efficiency 8 9 1 Single voltage LED external power supplies designed to convert 120 volt AC input into lower voltage DC or AC output, having a nameplate output power less than or equal to 250 watts, and certified to the.Energy Commission as complying with the applicable requirements of the Appliance Efficiency Regulations Title 20) Compact fluorescent lamps that do not contain a medium screw base sockets E24/E26 /0 1 Electronic ballasts with a fundamental output frequency > 20 kHz Field Inspector Notes or Discrepancies lUUtf Nonresidential Compliance Forms January 2010 NORTH ELEVATION/ SIGN (A) ON SITE MAP PG.5 1541, ff FIV YS 15011 Fabricate and Install Illuminated Channel Letters Scale: 3/6"=V-0" All aluminum constructed Letters and sign can, illuminated with red Sloan LED lighting modules. White 3/16 acrylic face on letters and sign can, red translucent vinyl and red trim cap applied to channel letters to match clients logo, channel letter returns painted red. Sign can to match clients logo colors, red and white translucent vinyl, returns painted red. Typical Channel Letter installation. Due to color monitor settings, colors may vary slightly. Client: FIVE GUYS BURGERS AND FRIES Proiect: ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS Project Address: LA QUINTA Account Reps ntotive: JESSE CROSS Designer. JAYAR FLORES Date: JUNE 2, 2010 Scots: AS SHOWN File name: Graphics/F/Five Guys/ La Quinta.€drX4 Revisions. Client Approval: INCORPORATED 1550 S. Gene Autry Trail Palm Springs, CA 92264 TEL: (760) 320-3042 FAX: 760-320-2090 CONTRACTORS UC. NO. 524483 (OIARSRFfRESEM((o1N71oS(eAe1MG ARPoR PRESF NiNlloM PIIeOSf$ ONIL aN/ Ykt Moi NNRX 'toNR FlMKXFO PPopN(P rFPR(R((OIOR UII W RlRC fOR N YAi(X AS (IOSE li POSNRF. ut Nrus, aNNxs. �ruNePNEN(s ao nNNs Ixaua o oR n(rxixxgo et NNs onsac �tt osv(ort Nxo rRwFrtra RsrvsNc /trN� N[RE [AEATEo, fY01REo al0ogE10/fe PoR Ug oNNNO AI (oMNECNON W1NINESP[aNPDrPoI[R IWMf a<41(N A)FlS oF51pIS IRr1N WNENh OR P W I5 LYLL BE ugo rt oa oa((osPo ro m ff Rwx, nRN oR mRPoRA11pN Poe 1N1 rN TFYFR RRNIONi(N F 11e1T1EM PERNKSIDN Of � 1fA95K9�f, et COPYRIGHT PROTECTED PG. 1 SOUTH ELEVATION/ SIGN (C) ON SITE MAP PG.5 Fabricate and Install Illuminated Ghannel Letters and Sign Can Scale: Va"-1' O" All aluminum constructed Letters and sign can, illuminated with red Sloan LED lighting modules. White 3/16 acrylic face on letters and sign can, red translucent vinyl and red trim cap applied to channel letters to match clients logo, channel letter returns painted red. Sign can to match clients logo colors, red and white translucent vinyl, returns painted red. Typical Channel Letter installation. Due to color monitor settings, c f CY m: FIVE GUYS BURGERS AND FRIES Project: .LUMINATED CHANNEL Project Adds: LA QUINTA A— nt Rep—taft— JESSE CROSS Designer. JAYAR FLORES Dote: JUNE 2, 2010 Scale: AS SHOWN File name: Graphics/F/Five Guys/ La Quinta.cdrM Rewsi— Cliem App--I: DEST44 INCGM ORPORATED 1550 S. Gene Autry Trail Palm Springs, CA 92264 TEL: (760) 320-3042 FAX:760.320-2090 CONTRACTORS UC. NO. 524483 (omRs rt[rR[sf Nno Ix nes wAxixD AH ioR YOU PR[stxTATgxe08ros[SOxtr nitrNAuxorwrtx FORAUTORM OpIxlr[R[(Rt(OIORGII➢URu[ i0R A MARN l5 (1Df[ AS P0548U. ALL IDUS, 0[gGn IR W NO[x[Rn 00 %Ax[ MORAT[O OR RCPR[SCNT[O By M ORA'MNOM OVAED By AND PRM "T Of IMSIBNS. OK.. W VAR[ CREATED, MLVID AND MOM tot OS[ ON AND OI (ONN[CR NS W1RiXF SMOD[DPA01[R.NBXEOi9NN [OUS, M9MA"NO[MCNR0RPUxSS KMD ar oR oaaos[D ro ANt P[RSON, nR.N oR (onrowroN wR AXr Puxros(Ra[(Twev[R wlrxom Tx [ NRD[Ex /[RNKSXNI Oi BC9RON7, MC OCOPTRIMPROTECT€D MEN PG. 2 ................. 43.659 TOTAL SQ.FT, SIGNAGE AREA Ir ............................ 180.5" .... % z4" 4T IVE YS 01 140" 39611 SOUTH AND EAST ELEVATION Fabricate and Install Illuminated Channel Letters and Sign Gan Scale: 1/4"-1' O" All aluminum constructed Letters and sign can, illuminated with red Sloan LED lighting modules. White 3/16 acrylic face on letters and sign can, red translucent vinyl and red trim cap applied to channel letters to match clients logo, channel letter returns painted red. Sign can to match clients logo colors, red and white translucent vinyl, returns painted red. Typical Channel Letter installation. Due to color monitor settings, colors may vary slightly. Client: FIVE GUYS BURGERS AND FRIES Project: ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS Project Addn LA QUINTA Account RepnPsentetive: JESSE CROSS De,ign— JAYAR FLORES Data: JUNE 2, 2010 Scele: AS SHOWN File name: Graphics/F/Five Guys/ La Quinta.edrX4 Revisions: Client Appnvel: BESTrolrPM INCORPORATED 1550 S. Gene Autry Trail Palm Springs, CA 92264 TEL: (760) 320-3042 FAX:760-320-2090 .1` CONTRACTORS LIC. NO. 524483 COEORS REPtESINTEDINIENSORAWINGMEM PRESEXTAT0XPUt/M0Kl TXEPPMLNDT WRX rout ilXf SNEO PMOM PIRAXTU COEOR MLLOUIS ME FOR A NAmN M CM M POSSIxIE, ALLIDGS.DNGKMO 0EWKTSM0PIANS WpG1ED OR AFPRESCNRO R INIS DRAWJm IRf DWNED9FAXOMKMoF #WqG S, W ANDPa[ (MM,ESWUTD MDOEVEmPEDPoR USE ON AlIOp COMMON VA- THE WO RED PROXR NDXE of SU01 I M,OEADNSARMIIGOSTSOR PUKWALMUSED n oe wuEouo m ANI rEvsox, FIRM ov EORPotlTgX iORANTPURIOSEWXA150ETERWITNDUT ME MtlT1EX RRYKSIOX OF RESF 99W. 6YC c(OPYRIGHTPROFECTED PG. 3 t ba 1 gg B ` B A Channel Letter Construction Details I A. 3/16" acrylic faces B. 3/4" trim cap, glued to acrylic faces and attached to returns with screws C. 4" deep, .040 aluminum returns D D..090" aluminum backer E E. Sloan brand V-Series white LED modules g NOTE: Letters to be illuminated with Sloan LED modules g Construction Details Sloan 12 volt LED power supply 110 input Primary power splice connection J-box ON -OFF switch Power disconnect J-box w/ voltage rated snap switch Electrical Wiring Installation Dead metal bonding wire and connectors bonding sign face and other dead metal to ground 120 volt primary power connection (provided by others) Secondary power connections made w/ wire nuts (typ) Typical Front -Lit Pan Channel Letter Details Not to Scale I'm 3/4" trim cap, glued to acrylic faces and attached to returns with screws 1 # 10 x 4" exterior deck screw 3/16" acrylic plex face Sloan 12 volt LED power supply 110 input .090" aluminum backer Sloan brand V-Series white LED modules attached w/ 3M adhesive tape stucco wall LED wiring will exit from bottom of letters unless specified otherwise .040" aluminum channel return drain hole Method of Attachment/Stucco Wall with plywood Lighting Designer l YL l LISTING SUBSCRIBER 4 799046-001 This sign is intended to be installed in accordance with the requirements of Article 600 of the National Electrical Code, 2007CBC, 2007 CEC and/or other applicable local codes. This Includes proper grounding and bonding of sign. Title-24 compliant 2005 Energy Standards section 6.8. client: FNE GUYS BURGERS AND FRIES Proien: ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS Project Address: LA QUINTA Account Representative: JESSE CROSS Design.. JAYAR FLORES Date: JUNE 2, 2010 sc.1.: AS SHOWN File --: Graphics/F/Fire Guys/ La Quinto.cdrX4 Re W.ns: Client Approval: INCORPORATED 1550 S. Gene Autry Trail Palm Springs, CA 92264 TEL: (760) 320-3042 FAX: 760-320-2090 ,r CONTRACTORS UC. NO. 524483 lOEORS aPaYNlw IN ix15 ORARIMG ARE FO0. PaYXTAIa N PO0.POFE5OML! 1 NEP YMl XOi MATCN 1l U0.nxrsxw PAOOUlTPFRPtCR2lOWRGIIDDRYE wR A RATEN As aME As russet. Au roux oEvalt APSAxccyExrs ANo nAxs ulawao Da aoasDl ¢o a Txrs DuxAxa Aa OexFO A AND PRDPfIf f F OF Pei5�115. MC. Ax0 NFRE axAFw,EwnED ANDDmInPEowe usE oxuroa coxxErnox xml T xE sPEanm rRDRa xsxE or soot 'M DISOK ARPANG"TS DR Puxs sxal a M0 eT OR DISlIDSED ro AN1 PERsox, Pay aR mweTrox w0. ARP PD0.w5E Mxa5OEPER WM*LR T N E WffM PEPyrsTN1N OF/E9= Ar! C(OPYROTFROTECTED PG. 4 SITE PLAN / NO SCALE Cliela: FIVE GUYS BURGERS AND FRIES Project: ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS Project Address: LA QUINTA Account Representative: JESSE CROSS Designer. JAYAR FLORES Date: JUNE 2, 2010 Scale: AS SHOWN File name: Graphics/F/Five Guys/ La Quinta.cdrX4 Revisions: Client Approval: INCORPORATED 1550 S. Gene Autry Trail Palm Springs, CA 92264 TEL: (760) 320-3042 FAX: 760-320-2090 00NTRACTORS LIC. NO. 524483 COIORSREMEYXRDIXOWTHfYM T M MR WAD PURPOSESDINTMI WILLNOi NA71N FODRUT(K PAbu M1fTCRt COEOm GllOURME FO[ \ W i(N AS FlOY 4S POS9RIT. ILL mE\x oFYONS,\MAXOFNEXfS1X0 PLANS MCATED 0R REMESENYD IT TXW oMW AG Aa DWWEORTANDMORDTT 0F#W96NT,iK ANOWME MUItfl,Tt wo mooMloPTor muSE OR" w ( UZ0,IONMTX ANGEM15 MOANSW MSUEX V oR of WARAM A1ff PtNR . PUNSSOALL & M N Xr DmolsnoscomAXP rcRsR nRxm t wx FOm ANTPURPOSEWo TSOFtc WIFXWfiXE WRITiTX Ma1KY0N Of IF9 RQH, DIC C COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ' "j R lob Al N ..,32Is r d aA` o H 64:� ks d U E�-� V 0 as f3; e� a z d Q iL a ter G P aw ap wo � U Q ,go c� J y CL a A. iz a� o°: GG � � V � U � U H � � 3 � E3•