TTM 36561 (TTMs 2019-0007 & 2020-0009) Prism Realty Corp (01.14.2021)mediagroup PART OF THIS USA TODAY NO WORK 750 N Gene Autry Trail Palm Springs, CA 92262 Tel: 760-778-4578/Fax 760-778-4731 Email: legafs(g tlredesertsun. com PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF LA QUINTA ATTN: TANIA FLORES 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 I am over the age of 18 years old, a citizen of the United States and not a party to, or have interest in this matter. I hereby certify that the attached advertisement appeared in said newspaper (set in type not smaller than non pariel) in each and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: 1 /3/21 I acknowledge that I aIn a principal clerk of the printer of The Desert Sun, printed and published weekly I the City of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, State of California. The Desert Sun was adjudicated a Newspaper of general circulation on March 24, 1988 by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California Case No. 191236. CITY OF LA QUINTA DIRECTOR'S HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quints Design and Development Director will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on January 14. 2021, at 3:00 M. in the La Oulnia Clily Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Cal le Tamptp, La Quinta, Callfcmia, en the following item: _ I_ Artnveeo APPLICATION: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (REVISION) 2019-0007 1 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (TIME EXTENSION) 2020-0009 (TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 36561) 1 ^' CITY or INDIO AvrwrF u APPLICANT: PRISM REALTY CORPORATION W F LOCATION: WEST OF MONROE STREET BETWEEN AVENUE 54 AND AIRPORT BOULEVARD AV(N iF<i REQUEST REVISE EXISTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 36561 TO RECONFIGURE RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND TIME EXTENSION clrr or W pUINTA T� CEQA: PROJECT WAS PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2015-0007 AND 15 CONSISTENT WITH THE ANALYSIS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED AND DETERMINED NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS AEOUIRED AVENW. SITE JL— LEGAL: APN:767-320-039 �o t 'SEE&IAL NOTICE: Tel@ r reneirt d A VICINITYMAP AWro adnavnsn Ett�ri - My person Tray particlpate In this Public hearing and provide NITS. varbai comments via telec4 nmWence, pursuant to Executive Orders N-25- 20, N-29-20, N-33-20, N-35.20, and N-60-20 executed by the Governor of California, and the directives under the 'Regional Slay At Home Order" from the Califomla Deportment of Public Hestth, In response to the state of emergency relating to novol Coronavirus disease 2019 (COViD-16} and enabling eleconfereneing accommodations by suspending pr waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M_ Brawn Act (Goverment Code § 54950 at saq.). Requests to participate via teleconference must be submitted to the Design and Development Department at T 0LaQulntaCa.gZ by 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 14, 2020, Members of the public wanting to listen to this meeting may do so by tuning -in live via https://Iaquinta.12m!lescut.com/video/live The Design and Development Department has determined that the proposed ptajoct is consistent with the analysis previously approved for the project In EA 2015-0007. No further environmental review is raqulred under the CEOA. Any pennon ma Submtt wrtten Gommente on any of the contamplgted actions listed above to the i]asign and Development Dap4rhnant of res Ca,Gov pr[crto the PubfiC Hearings arldlpr may provide verbal cprrlm[mts via felocanleisnce and be heard In support af, or oppaslUpn to the project at the time of the pu61lo Hearing. It you challenge the declsiort of any of the aatlone HaGarE above In court, yeu may he IlMited to reining only those Issues tlTat you or somopne else ralsgd ether at the Public Hearings et in written cortssppnder ce delivered to the Design and Development Department at, pr prlorto the Public Hearing. Far addltionpl Intarmgtion, please cantsi:t Tanis Flores, Administrativa Tachdiclan, at TF av- In the City'a efferta to comply with.the requlramants of Title II of the Amarleans With OisabOitles Act Of 1990, the Design and Davelopment Deportment requires that any person In need of any type of apecief equipment, assistance or a comrrodation(s) in order to cummu tta at a City public meeting, inform the Design and Development DapalrrA it a minimum of 72 trmr'a prior to theschadulgd meeting. aS-0000468M I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on this 8th of January 2021 in Green Bay, Wisconsin, County of Brown DECLARANT Ad#: 0000468962 P O: Notice of Public Hearing # of Affidavits: 1 "' CITY OF LA QUINTA DIRECTOR'S HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Design and Development Director will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on January 14, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, on the following item: I I AVENUE 49 APPLICATION: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (REVISION) 2019-0007 CITY of TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (TIME EXTENSION) 2020-0009 NNDIo (TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 36561) AVpNUF 50 APPLICANT: PRISM REALTY CORPORATION ti o LOCATION: WEST OF MONROE STREET BETWEEN AVENUE 54 AVCNUF52 AND AIRPORT BOULEVARD REQUEST: REVISE EXISTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 36561 TO 6 RECONFIGURE RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND TIME EXTENSION elrr or 5 LA rulrrra CEQA: PROJECT WAS PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2015-0007 AND IS CONSISTENT WITH AVZNUE$d THE ANALYSIS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED AND DETERMINED NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS REQUIRED SITE LEGAL: APN:767-320-039 *SPECIAL NOTICE: Teleconferencing and Telephonic Accessibility In VICINITY MAP AIRPORT 9O11IFVARr) Effect — Any person may participate in this public hearing and provide W.S. verbal comments via teleconference, pursuant to Executive Orders N-25- 20, N-29-20, N-33720, 1\1-35-20, .and N-60-20 executed by the Governor of California, and the directives under the "Regional Stay At Home Order" from the California Department of Public Health, in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVI❑-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). Requests to participate via teleconference must be submitted to the Design and Development Department at TFlores@LaQUintaQg"y by 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 14, 2020. Members of the public wanting to listen to this meeting may do so by tuning -in live via https:Hlaquinta.12milesout.com/video/live The Design and Development Department has determined that the proposed project is consistent with the analysis previously approved for the project in EA 2015-0007. No further environmental review is required under the CEQA. Any person may submit written comments on any of the contemplated actions listed above to the Design and Development Department at TFlcres@La uintaCa.Gov prior to the Public Hearings and/or may provide verbal comments via teleconference and be heard in support of, or opposition to the project at the time of the Public Hearing. If you challenge the decision of any of the actions listed above in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearings or in written correspondence delivered to the Design and Development Department at, or priorto the Public Hearing. For additional information, please contact Tania Flores, Administrative Technician, at TFlores@La uintaC .Gov. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act Of 1990, the Design and Development Department requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, inform the Design and Development Department a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. DS-0000468962 vish 1'Tjrt5%v- J 444AA y].]pd v l Trrf 4e S E a fuim Feds calculate riskiest, safest places in US Los Angeles County tops National Risk Index Sp -ding be, life in Los A.,"I . Morgan Andersen Cnor. , naI ral III isas- Irrs all rn will, Ili l•ollege, an earth- quake.ho�k het home h.Tr� Iher ,Lraod- fa[htr +vas affected n; rcrent wildfire, nr'ghl,roing Orange Cnur.ly. 'IP, just That toast ao: rentinder,'Oh yeah; we Iiyr,omewnrre „here meta, rrulural i i,;l tors and Ihry can strike al fly amen " said tire 29-year-old mar- krtinK evecutive.. The redorw Emergency Mi,it menI .\gooey ralrulated Ile risk far rye eryraerav in the 11.S for l0 kind, of nal- nral disasters, such asrarthq,,ak,,, I teuux, rnrnailors, foods, an 'I T`amis, Of the more than 4OfOr0unlir,, Lo, A ngele,Cuualyhas the highest ranking in Ihr National Risk index. 'ahe vvay ri.,MA edculates the index pndighl, pµce, Ina; kno-, as ring,, 1,11 1ile I us:\n,4'cles, but s, unr tuber Plncr.s highlo,,b riI run cn11111Cr In whin is, was Id think, Easellocities,ucll a, N— York ;end PbilatlelPhi'o rank fat higher nn the ri; k for Irotlul cs than Innm,lo nllryslnles OklnllurnatanJ I(s,n- •� The county u ilh the biggsl coastal IT—d Sisk is one in \Vnshingan slare nsnt's not on the ocean, olrhmrgh i" n is rr tidal, Those - ring oddities rx rr be- di,�e FENUO incest ,rare.. It- nnrn ster.. ,Ilike, lb— many peoPlr and Ira much Properly air in Initial's how dnenmle the popalahon i,.nriT,i- Id and hu, „vll the ar s -able to bounce bzck.And that results in a high risk as .... men[ Wr big cities with lots of pour people and e,poreive propel ty that are ill -prepared to be hit by ..... r - en[imt di,nster,. n While Ihr rankings may sceln "conn- terintuitive,'.l he degree Df risk isn't just hmv often a type of natural disaster strikes a place, but how bad the roll ,vnu Id he, a raiding In FENIA's Mike f NOQUINTA TICE OF LA OF PUBLIC HEARING upnpra r.var Ra�N wtr�^V `Ilr.5�glaia. Mew+e..rur r�rw raueu[wxlrge, ♦r.,� rvrus-tc t. poNsn ,rotr•�Mn�. inn aRr�.Jo nEe°�v Jmr - rvlMhsTl.cs'iva'J;sa� r n>rn ion f nVStru,l Past tone fvta}�rtw,ipy � - F,CC ,n..ucrerrtattr wlor.1,T11 VFf rtn�rEFwP,.111T. i +ic°ukm �'ocEnnw.amrumNeR V • wr: fri•vo-vn 7is_•�v ��.., _ w�+.--mob _ Los Angeles County tops a National Risk Index that rates the freuency of disasters and how well the pqopulation can rebound after one-:pror 1—, .a Crir T»o .Nell fork Cily cou olio, NMI.- dclP!ri:l, Sh lulis and Hudson C-ely, -Newdrr.ey. me in""IM, top lee i,ki- em counties for turn,dnrs, Oklahoma cuunr.40klohoma-,viIh more than I20 non:rdncs since1950, including cue Thal k it led 01 proPla in 1:1- ranks 1^_OIh -ri'he lop fuel are a Ina frequency. pnlcntially hirh-conaequrnn•evrmlre a-theresaInt ifpropenpry,,,>ur,: In Ilnt arCa7'said Ut5loer01 nlSmrllt Carolina 1.1•--ol, F l--olnrmbili!y R,•- sv tech In.timte Direrwt sm:n caner. vvlines, ntk much nil hr IT: NIA ralrul.,- tinns are based lair. "nc�refnrr, a ":gill lomado ram rw.tle a Inge Jolkn ter :' In Ncw Yet"' people air far r Irss ale a rc nflhe risk and I... PrrPa-L and Ural-, a Problem, OTimm said, The d.,y before he said Thal, New York had a --i n watch, DOS. Inter. the National \Y-0— Srrva L. t,+a•rtrit [hat in 2020 srcrml c1 1- mo,tly alone the East Coast, had more tornadoes than Wichita, konsns, It, general, Oki ahnma is I,t ice ns lika- I)'toget loroadu,s as Ne'.v Turk Cil)', but the dh— R, ynI ,,,I a11, mach I, igII" it -New 1't,rk because there al e 201 it it the P"'PIe and n yl,ly20 ume•, me ptop, rtT• value al risk, FI:MA allicials Laid, "It's that Fisk Pmrr lit i an Ibal it v:on t halpPelr lu nIC,' firinun .said. ".la,I I.r- ran,e I haven't seen i[ in v Ilfe;imr doesn't mean it won't Lapped]' Thal son of denial is "l—idi . true wish frequent and costly lion dir,p, he ,aid, and is Ihr rw— anl—1 or the population has federal flood u-n-1, whin about, one-third may need it, Disamer c,\Ixns sfly people have to think alwut the big di, -ter that"' my a rrw Unit, a lirelion—I muse but is drvaetating ,,hell it hit. - Iftrrri- n e, 2uun'upc ,aline.,: f t�l•mu!ora. the I„n,,::lu Fmur;•, ,, .Inl,L,Lenr;, P:, r- J.r �l\(lute in ;,1 lakinl' r ;.ly' 1111,1 Il,:,r halt!, rgurnllti �'ndDa- rir.lr end hnPrr;<r�it eel rr,l IMr;nil tihk eon, c.nioo- Icrn:rer od : u:hol of rrH J+c Risky I. II, I!callr?"'\Yc si:npl )' dm^r lisle ti", n, io 1, v., b," d,i:,s:,U:al are mare 11—colinours ,- pn:lo n--flhai s pmr- I nom el;:• ,�is!rr.us t. irh n.rluorl Jig:,,- Irr,- enirrn;; hle rEM,4s r: index •rq,rl . � m the g.,Psthen.rrn wlr;,l wo f,rr!rcn,I "I'al ic,' Rij it:.said. rEaU\.IU,, IO ri skieal Places -in ne!,li- rou to Li, Augdt,u,arc liar roumiCS in the 1— York rile a -Rennie, Ne,Y Y,.k Curu:,y INTa4hriram) ;tad I6rup County (H! nn)ly e) - a!nng with Nliam i, I'll ilaJrlpin tall rildll�„ It, Lour i,nl lii:�- tside:tm! .silo 6rrna:dino counties in Cah&,nia. [<, lh, same mra.nn'mrnl, .rrdern U:nn:r, nD.c., ontrr .,rth- url,- ha, Ibe Inv. rat risk of ; rat,, >In IT. Title,'r,t h�rc uburb:m tolnow, rank among met Inrc.t ri,ks fur larger c roars ,eilh suburban I: n.ln,y Lang 1,- 1;1aJ,.-houb:,n Dolton and Pir.burrh, e of FI:\I,lc Ii; k rankin;s by di - ',+I ct my pr obvious. Miami has Ihr highc,t nt, Ior Mini"";, light- niny, and riper Ilo,elin_� H.'„ idi Coonly Inps in s•nlc:,nn risk and Honolulu Conn- fnr (,unarm Brut, fill In,il, r9til.,d$1 for Ia,A "a"', and c, ir— i s Rfeers itle Cuun ;r for wildfit rs. nt Oulsidc ri.k ,,peel IlimnnshuOmvci at the Ur,ivrl city of lYashinglmn rolled fI:?IAx elrurl';r geed totd,a good slap bu ,lit 1, Ilm, r,.ach:,.e Bans al seor Ihalnc, t IO dov:uphrc cis:l—r fe- qu... t Hi.k, cur changing Leona, or ch- Hrrr-IrongrIhi., ine'. ,Inrsn't to acd;... lhal, Ropeik saiL FEPIA )lgc!als said climate change shine, up it) flooding r:drrdae„n, and will Prr,bahly lx- ine'up—med in future uP ,ten 'fit, nnl, hi-1. nn role ulminns b\ tIt) r>ps fleet ssx jra abmd ^cJ mmtirrg homcu'.+'urn lu; •renters lad cn r.il ins to be m •sifenl, 1;Inuu said, uddlnr Thal PrnPlc ..bnuldri t mo,u intn or out or n .m.... bncaa,enrmrn,. Iling FINDALDSTORE R SHOPONLINE EYOU O S HOBBY LOB STORE HOURS 9 A.NL CLOSE SUNDAOBBY.COh1 P.kL • CLOSED SUNDAY PR50ES GOOD IN STORES h10 ND.AY.JANUARY, - SATVNDAY. 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Bibles, Devotionals, Gift T,ye, r:f'L'= lNemrs57C=1 99�'M1f¢e if A of sxsr Boo ks and Ch ildrens Books 1 Tade[bn 99C Wall—ew rye•--n99C 99¢F.,. alTnup' % �aVw%) 40�A,_„50°� 41T _ OFF Y. 1, radrWlN " li:q 9.99 ;; := 1.99 re,Ia. �odurta40DF Eta �a.ae rl,r�s'S.99, . ,�4 15.99x 1.59 CANDLES & CANDLE HOLDERS 501r CRAFTS30or PAPER CRAFTS40% Candles, Candle Holders, Sconces,rs, 'LED Candles, Potpourri, Diffuse Cel.aarin Li- d '�4 y,Inr,,m,q trsmsa uL ahy„ fakraietwt^ W p�i„sIn.Illvfv 1r-1 W. . a....,n,••t.•I••1 Ih side e.�I• .rsyk74d + ... �,t. 7w,eartt�Yt• R ; sa _ ' • Oils, Room Sprays, s, Fra ranee P 8 GaM Imrrr�rrr �cq , , Cubes&Warmes r IYepsla "' raata may,:,;;� P t 1n l 1 hRs A Wtrteq� � -�•l• �tt� P-5i99A Upl-� Does nrn nnu:r-'•,.r nn_r alms i'm,; 't11-•travt3Jq hl1 arde�e ,�: _ -- -. ,,. - r JEWELRY MAKING 50., ART SALE aasler'sTouth ° 50pFP FABRIC At WIN 5Touh•a F. Tiole AN Sri, 0°� a s.r.txrrau...rralai wa. wa`L-ice w ia. r..r ...ter...-.. =5OO/FFTab "`•^yr,o-e'.-ry. ea�'rma:ie AIIAd 50B%FF� 1.99flEaels CUSTOM FRAMES;,5D FREE l,,:n.511'illfIIIIIIIatkrdpri e- loch, f�; n;r mrly. See .lore for details. QUOTES �� HOBBYLOBBY _..,..F,:.... ' =taws: x•� �r,::� Compare our prices with our see our Great selection. till.. m "' "' competitors' larger in-store discounts. satisfaction Guaranteed. wtrr:4nr II IINgIIIIIIId1Rl�lllflf pl 'Dlusrunls rrrmsded'vr•Yd.�marrnd pears rellert rtr,oral U-S-mar4rl valuelm similarldWrt.le rr rwpRn.e.�1N.d:s..er.AJsmar tr apyrlre to -roar Pr,rr arm, CITY OF LA QUINTA DIRECTOR’S HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Design and Development Director will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on January 14, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, on the following item: APPLICATION: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (REVISION) 2019- 0007 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (TIME EXTENSION) 2020-0009 (TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 36561) APPLICANT: PRISM REALTY CORPORATION LOCATION: WEST OF MONROE STREET BETWEEN AVENUE 54 AND AIRPORT BOULEVARD REQUEST: REVISE EXISTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 36561 TO RECONFIGURE RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND TIME EXTENSION CEQA: PROJECT WAS PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2015-0007 AND IS CONSISTENT WITH THE ANALYSIS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED AND DETERMINED NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS REQUIRED LEGAL: APN: 767-320-039 *SPECIAL NOTICE: Teleconferencing and Telephonic Accessibility In Effect – Any person may participate in this public hearing and provide verbal comments via teleconference, pursuant to Executive Orders N-25-20, N-29-20, N-33-20, N-35-20, and N-60-20 executed by the Governor of California, and the directives under the “Regional Stay At Home Order” from the California Department of Public Health, in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). Requests to participate via teleconference must be submitted to the Design and Development Department at TFlores@LaQuintaCa.gov by 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 14, 2020. Members of the public wanting to listen to this meeting may do so by tuning-in live via https://laquinta.12milesout.com/video/live The Design and Development Department has determined that the proposed project is consistent with the analysis previously approved for the project in EA 2015-0007. No further environmental review is required under the CEQA. Any person may submit written comments on any of the contemplated actions listed above to the Design and Development Department at TFlores@LaQuintaCa.Gov prior to the Public Hearings and/or may provide verbal comments via teleconference and be heard in support of, or opposition to the project at the time of the Public Hearing. If you challenge the decision of any of the actions listed above in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearings or in written correspondence delivered to the Design and Development Department at, or prior to the Public Hearing. For additional information, please contact Tania Flores, Administrative Technician, at TFlores@LaQuintaCa.Gov. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act Of 1990, the Design and Development Department requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, inform the Design and Development Department a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. PUBLISH ONCE ON 1/8 PAGE AD JANUARY 3, 2021