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07-2250 (CSCS) Geotechnical Investigation Report
GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED CENTER.POINT DEVELOPMENT SEC WASIAINGTON STR..EET & MILES.AVENUE LA .QUINt'A, CALIFORNIA CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED re ■.r�rrir��rrrir r�+�rirArwrlGr�r..rrrr . -Prepared By- Sladden Engineering 39-725 Garand Lane, Suite G Palm Desert, California 922:11 (760) 772-3893 j. ---� ' _— Slcrrlden Engineering GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED CENTER POINT DEVELOPMENT SEC WASHINGTON STREET & MILES AVENUE LA QVINTA.,- CALIFORNIA January 16,2004 'FABLE, OR CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................... .......... .......... m; ........... e— ......................................... ....... ............ jiOF ..... 4 ............................................. ............................................. SCOP....................... I PROJECTDESCRIPTION ...................................................... .... . ........................................ SUBSURFACECONDITIONS....; .................................. 6 ........ ........... ................................. 2 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................. 1; ............ ............. ....................... Foundation Design ............................. ............................... * ........................................ 7 3 'Settlem7ents=. ..... ................................ a .......... ;; .................. ......................................... LateralDesign_ ; ............... ............................................................... w: ......................... I.M........ ....... Retaining.&a Is . ................ ....................................... "; ................. ; ............ .......... ............................... 4, Expansive Soils ................................ ........................... I ........... .......................... ................. I ......... 4; ................... Concrm-SIa ..................................... 1; ....... . ............. 4 SolubleSulfates ................ 6 ......................................... ........ .................. ...................... Shrinkageand.Subsidefice .......... ; ....... ; ............ ................................................... I ........ ............. 4 ......... ......................... .................. General Site Grading ............ . .............................. 5 LClearing and Grubbing .............................. ........... . ...................................... 5 ............. 2 -Preparation of Residential Building.Areas..� ....................................... 0 ......... v .. 5 3. Pre aratiorto . Building -and Buildinand Hotel Areat,..*;:........ ............... p 5 4. Preparation of Surfaces to Receive Cbinpac.ted Fill — ....................................................... 5 5. Placement of Compacted Fill .................................................. ........................ 4,; .................... 6. Preparation- of Stab and'.Pavement Areas ..................... ...................... "..; ......... 6 7. Testing and. Inspection .................... ......... ...... ......... ............................. 6 .................................... ................. .......... GENERAL ......................................................... I ................... I ....... 7 APPENDIXA- ' Site Plan and Boring Logs Field Exploration APPENDIX B - Laboratory Testing Laboratory Test Results APPENDIX C - 1997 UBC Seismic Design Criteria Sladdets .Engineering C s 6782 Stanton Ave., Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 39-725 Garanti Ln., Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-3893 Fax (760) 772-3895 .January16, 2004 Center Point Development c/o Equity Directions, Inc. .77-564 Country'Club,Dxive; Suite 100 Palm Desert, California 92211 Project: Proposed Center Point Development SEC. Washington Street and Miles Avenue La Quinta, California 5ubject: Geotechnical Investigation Project. No: 544-3598 04-0I.-056 Presented herewith, i's. the report of our Geotechrucal'Investigation conducted at the site of. the proposed mixed=use, development to be located on'the .southeast corner" of Washington "Street and Miles Avenue in the City. of.La Quinta, California. The in.vestigatiori was performed in order to provide recommendations for site preparation. and to assist .in foundation design for the proposed commercial and residential structures. This report presents the results of our field investigation and laboratory, testing along with conclusions and recommendations for foundation design and site preparation. `Phis report completes our original scope of services as understood in our proposal dated July 18, 2003. We -appreciate the opportunity to provide service to you: on this project. If. you have any questions regarding this report, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, SLADDEN ENGINEERING Brett L. Anderson Principal Engineer Copies: 6/Center Point Development Sladden Engineering January 16, 2001 -1- Project No. 544-3598 04-01-056 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our Geotechnical Investigation performed in order to provide recommendations foi- the design and construction of the foundations for the proposed mixed-use development The project site is located on the southeast corner of. Washington Street and Miles Avenue in the City of La Quinta, California. The preliminary plans, indicate that the proposed development will include residential units, hotels, • restaurants, and=a medical. office building along with various related site improvements. The associated site iTnprovemenis will include paved roadways and parking` areas, concrete driveways, walkways,. and patios, various underground utilities and landscape areas. SCOPE OF WORK The -purpose of our investigation was to determine certain engineeringcharacteristics of the near.surface soils on the site in order to develop recommendations for foundation design and site preparation. Our investigation' included field exploration, laboratory testing,_engineering analysis :and the .preparation of this report. Evaluation of environmental issues or hazardous'wastes wa:s not within the scope of services provided. Our .investigation was performed in accordance with contemporary geotechnical engineering principles and practice. We make no other warranty, either express. or implied. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is located on the southeast corner of Washington. Street and Miles. Avenue. p'the City of La Quinta, California. The preliminary plans indicate that the project. will include various components including residential :homes, casitas, hotels, a medical office building and restaurants. It is our understanding that:the'majority of the proposed buildings will be of -relatively lightweight wood -frame constiuction.and will be supported by conventional shallow. spread footings and concrete slabs on grade. The associated site improvements Will include paved roadways and parking areas, concrete walkways: and driveways, landscape areas and various underground utilities. The project site is presently vacant and the ground surface is covered with scattered desert brush; short grass, weeds and minor. debris. The topography is undulating with natural sand dunes providing topographical relief of approximately 20 to 30 feet. Washington Street forms the west edge of the site, Miles Avenue forms the north edge of the site, the Whitewater River storm channel forms the south edge of the site and an existing residential. development forms the east edge of the site. There are underground and overhead utilities along the existing streets along the Whitewater channel. Based upon our understanding of the proposed construction and our previous experience with lightweight wood -frame structures, we effect that isolated_ column loads_ Evill b_e less than 30 and wall loading will 2.0_kips per linear foot. Grading is expected to include substantial cuts and fills to match the nearby elevations and to construct level building pads. This does not include removal and/or recompaction of the loose surface soils the primary foundation bearing soils within the building areas. If the anticipated foundation. loading or site grading varies substantially from that assumed the recommendations included in this report should be reevaluated. Slntlden Engineering January 16, 2004 -2- Project No. 544-3598 04-01-056 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The majority of the site soils were determined to consist of native fine-grained windblown sands. However, the soils encountered near the southern edge of the .site along the Whitewater River storm channel were determined to consist priiriarily.of artificial fills and interbedded layers of sands, sandy silts and clayey silts. The' native windblown sands that were prominent throughout the majority of the site appear fairlyuniforrn in composition. The windblown sands were typically slightly silty and contained less than 15 percent.fines (clay and siltsized particles). In general, the site soils appear somewhat loose near the surface but sampler penetration, resistance (as measured by field blow counts) indicates that density within the native soils underlying the site generally increases with depth. The site soils were found to be dry throughout the depth of our exploratory borings. The artificial fills and native silts encounteredwithin the southern portion of the site. appear susceptible to hydroconsolidation and/or compression. Expansion testing indicates that the majority of the surface soils. are non -expansive and fall within the ,'very low" expansion category in accordance with the Uniform ,Building Code classification system. The loose and dry conditions suggest that the near surface soils maybe susceptible to detrimental settlements due to the anticipated.foundation loading and the introduction of water. Gro un�d_wwat .yyasnot encountered within_our borings but is expected to be in excess of 100 feet below the existing ground.stirface in the vicinity of the site. :Grouter=shouldnot'be_azfa,etor�in foundation design or construction. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon our field and laboratory investigation, it: Is our opinion that the proposed mixed-use development is feasible from a soil mechanic's perspective provided that the recommendations included in this report are considered in building foundation :design and site preparation. Due to the somewhat loose and potentially compressible condition of some of the near surface soils, remedial grading including overexcavation and/or watering and recompaction is'recommended for the proposed building areas. We recommend that remedialgrading within the proposed building areas include overexcavation and/or extensive site watering and recompaction in-place of the primary foundation bearing soils in order to provide a uniform mat of compacted soils beneath the building foundations. Specific recommendations for si.te preparation are presented in the Site Grading section of this report. Groundwater was not encountered within our borings and groundwater is expected to be in excess of 100 feet below the existing ground surface in the vicinity of the site. Due to the depth to groundwater, specific liquefaction analyses were not performed. Based uponthe deptltogrounwate'r� the potential the related sur.Eicial_affects_o liauefacti(?n.,iitipacting the site are Madden Engineering January 16, 2004 -3- Project No. 544-3598 04-01-056 The site is locaied within an active seismic area of Southern California within. approximately 8.5 kilometers of the San Andreas fault system. Strong ground motion resulting from earthquake activity along the nearby San Andreas or San Jacinto fault systems is likely to impact the site during the anticipated lifetime of the structures. Structures should be designed by professionals familiar with the site's geologic and seismic setting. As a minimum., structure design should conform with Uniform Building Code (UBC) requirements for Seismic Zone 4. Pertinent seismic design parameters as included within the 1997 UBC are summarized inAppendix C. Caving did occur within each of our exploratory borings and the surface soils will be susceptible to caving within deeper excavations. All excavations. should be constructed in accordance with the normal CalOSHA excavation criteria. On the basis of our observations of the materials encountered, we anticipate that :the subsoils will conform to those described by CaIOSHA as Type C. Soil conditions should be verified during construction by a "Competent person" employed by the Contractor. The surface soils encountered during our investigation were found to be non -expansive: Laboratory testing indicated an Expansion Index of 2, which corresponds with the "very low" expansion category.in accordance with UBC Standard 18-2. If imported. soils are to be used d.ur.ing grading, they should have an Expansion Index of less than 20. The following recommendations present more detailed design. criteria that have been developed on the basis of our field and laboratory investigation: Foundation Design: The results of our investigation indicate that either conventional shallow continuous footings or isolated pad footings that are supported upon properly recompacted soils may be expected to provide satisfactory support for the proposed structures. Recompaction should be performed as described in the Site Grading Section of this report. Footings should extend at least 12 inches beneath .lowest adjacent. grade. Isolated square or .ate air_ rectangular footings at least_2_.feet square maybe designed using an allowable value of �180�0 p ds_pe. quare foot Continuous footings atleast i2 inches wide may be designed using an allowable. bearing value,of 1500 poouundss er s uarr foot Allowable increases of 200 psf for each additional 1 foot of width and. 250 psf for each additional 6 inches of depth may be utilized if desired. The maximum allowable bearing pressure should be 3000 psf. The allowable bearing pressures are for dead and frequently applied live loads and may be increased by 1/3 to resist wind, seismic or other transient loading. The recommendations made in the preceding paragraphs are based on the assumption that all footings will. be supported by properly compacted soil. All grading shall be performed under the testing and inspection of the Soils Engineer or his representative. Prior to, the placement of concrete, we recommend .that the footing excavations be inspected in order to verify that they extend into comUacted_soil and are free of. loose and disturbed materials. Settlements: Settlements may result from the anticipated foundation loads. These estimated ultimate settlements are calculated to be a maximum of 1 inch when using the recommended bearing values. As a practical matter, differential settlements between footings can be assumed as one-half of the total settlement. Shedden Engineering January 16, 2004 -4- Project No. 544-3598 04-01-056 Lateral Desigru Resistance to lateral loads can, be provided by a combination of friction acting at the base of the slabs or foundations and passive earth pressure along the sides of the foundations. A coefficient.of friction. of 0.45 between soil and concrete may be used with dead load forces only. A passive earth pressure of 300 pounds per square foot, per foot of depth, may be- used for the sides of footings.that are placed against properly compacted native soils. Passive earth pressure should be ignored within the.upper, 1 foot except where confined..(such as beneath a floor slab.). When used in combination, either the passive resistance or the coefficient of friction should be reduced by one-third. Retaining Walls: Retaining walls may be required to accomplish the proposed construction. Cantilever, retaining walls may be designed using "active" pressures. Active pressures may be estimated using an equivalent fluid weight of 3 for native backfill soils with level free - draining backfill conditions. For walls that are:restrained, "aLmst" ljressures:sbould be *utilized in design. At rest pressures may be,estimated using.an equivalent fluid weight of 55 Pcfefor.:native backfill soils with level free -draining backfill conditions: Expansive Soils: Due to the prominence of non -expansive soils on the site, special expansive soil design criteria, should not be necessary.for the.design of foundations and concrete slabs,on-grade. Final foundation and slab design criteria should be established by the. Structural Engineer. Concrete Slabs -on -Grade: All surfacesto receive,concrete slabs -on -grade should be underlain by recompacted soils as described 'in the Site Grading Section of this report. Where slabs are to receive moisture sensitive floor coverings or where dampness of the floor slab is not desired,: we recommend `the use.of an appropriate vapor barrier. Vapor.barriers should be protected by. sand in order to reduce the possibility of puncture and to aid in obtaining uniform concrete curing. Reinforcement of slabs -on -grade in order -to resist expansive soil pressures may not be required however, reinforcement will have a beneficial effect in containing cracking due to concrete shrinkage. Temperature and shrinkage related cracking should be anticipated in all concrete slabs -on -grade. Slab reinforcement and the spacing of control joints should be determined by the Structural Engineer. Soluble Sulfates: The soluble sulfate concentrations of the surface soils was determined to be 457 parts per. million (,per). This is within the usual allowable limits for the use of Type I1, cement and the use of 7 vve V cement or sp Q,,I.Aulfate_resistant concrete mixes should. not be. necessary. Shrinkage and Subsidence: Volumetric shrinkage of the material that is excavated and replaced as controlled compacted fill should be anticipated. We estimate that this shrinkage could vary from 1.5 to 25 percent. Subsidence of the surfaces that are scarified and compacted should be between 0.1 and 0.2 tenths of a foot. Shrinkage and subsidence will vary depending upon the type of equipment used, the moisture content of the soil. at the time of grading and the actual degree of compaction attained. Sladden Engineering January 16, 2004 -5- Project No. 544-3598 04-01-056 These values for shrinkage and subsidence are exclusive of losses that will occur due to the stripping of the organic material from the site, the removal of deleterious materials and the removal of debris, trees and other subsurface obstructions. General. Site Grading: All grading should be performed in accordance with the grading ordinance of the City of La Quinta, California. The following recommendations have been developed on the basis of our field and laboratory testing: 1. Clearing and Grubbing: Proper clearing of any existing vegetation, associated root systems, .foundations or slabs, and, debris will be•very important. All surfaces to receive compacted fill should be cleaxed of roots; vegetation, debris; and other unsuitable materials that should be removed from the site. Soils that are: disturbed. due to the removal. of the surface vegetation and debris should be replaced as controlled compacted fill under the direction of the Soils Engineer'. 2. Preparation of Residential Building:Areas,• Within. the building areas,.removal and/or recompaction.of the foundation bearing -soils and any artificial fill soils is recommended. Removals should extend to a depth of at least,2 feet below existing grade or.2 feet below the bottom of the footings, whichever is,deeper,The, exposed surface should be scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted so that a minimum. of 90 percent relative compaction is attained. Once deleterious materials are rerrioved, the- native, soils may be placed as controlled compacted. fill. Over -excavation should be observed by a representative of Sladd.en Engineering and compaction should be verified by testing. Over -excavation should extend at.least.5 ,feet laterally beyond the.:footings. Fill material may be placed as recommended in Item 4 below. If the recommended depth :of compaction can be attained by watering and compacting from the surface, overexcavation may.not be necessary. 3. Preparation of Commercial and .Hotel Building Areas: Within the building` areas, removal and/or recompaction of the foundation bearing soils and any artificialfill soils is recommended. Removals should extend to a depth of atleast,3 feet below existing grade or 3 feet below the bottom of the footings, whichever is deeper. The exposed surface should be scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted so that a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction is attained. Once deleterious materials are removed, the native soils may be placed as controlled compacted fill. Over -excavation should be observed by a representative of Sladden Engineering and compaction should be verified by testing. Over. -excavation should extend at .least 5 feet laterally beyond the footings. Pill material may be placed as. recommended in Item 4 below. If the recommended depth of compaction can be attained by watering and compacting from the surface, overexcavation may not be necessary. 4. Preparation of Surfaces to Receive Compacted Fill: Other areas to receive compacted fill should be brought to near optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. Sladden Engineering January 16, 2004 -6- Project No. 544-3598 04-01-056 5. Placement of Compacted Fill: fill materials consisting .of on-site' soils or approved imported granular soils, should ,be spread in thin lifts, and compacted at near optimum moisture content to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. Imported material shall have an Expansion Index not exceeding 20. The contractor shall notify the Soils Engineer at least 48 hours in advance of. importingsoils in :order to provide sufficient time for the evaluation of proposed import materials. The contractor shall be responsible for delivering material to the site that complies with the project specifications. Approval by the. Soils Engineer will be .based upon material delivered :to the site and not the:prelirpinary evaluation of import sources. Our observations of. the material encountered during our investigation indicate that compaction will bemost readily obtained:oy means of heavy rubber -wheeled equipment and/or vibratory compactors. At the time of our investigation, the. subsoils were found to 'be very dry. A.more,uniform and near,optimum moisture content should'be maintained during:recompactioh and fill placement. 6. Preparation of Slab and Paving,Amas . All.surfaces.to receive asphalt concrete paving,or concrete slabs -on -grade should be underlain by a minimum compacted fill. thickness of Uinclies. This may be accomplished by a.combination of.scarification.,and recompaction of the surface soils and. placement of the fill material as: controlled compacted fill. Compaction of the slab and pavement areas should .be to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. 7. Testing and Inspection: During grading tests and observations should.be performed by the Soils Engineer or his representative in order to verify that the grading is being performed in accordance with the. project .specifications: Field density testing shall be perforated. in accordance with acceptable ASTM test methods. The minimum acceptable degree of compaction should be: 90 percent of the maximum dry density as obtained by the ASTM D1557-91. test'rnLOod. Where testing indicates insufficient .density, additional compactive effort shall be applied until retesting indicates satisfactory compaction,. Sladden Engineering January 16, 2004 -7- .GENER-AL Project No. 544-,3598 04-01-056 The findings and recommendations, presented in this report are based upon an interpolation of the soil conditions between the exploratory boring locations and extrapolation of :these, conditions throughout the. proposed building area. Should conditions encountered during grading appear different than those indicated in this report, this office should be notified:. This report is considered to be applicable .for use by Center Point Development for the specific.site and project. described herein. The; Use'of this report by other parties or: for other projects is mot authorized.. The .recommendations of this report are contingent upon monitoring .of :the grading operation .by a representative of Sladdeii.Engineering: All recommendatioris are::coiisidered to be tentative,pending:our: review of the grading operation and additional testing, if indicated. If others are employed to perform any soil testing, this office should be.notified prior: to.such testing in order to coordinate :any required site visits by our representative and to assure indemnification of Sladden Engineering, Our investigation was conducted prior to the completion..of plans for the project. We recommend that a pre -job; conference be field: on the site prior to the initiation of site ;grading. The purpose of this meeting. will be to assure a complete understanding of the recommendations.presented. in.this.report as they apply to the:actual grading pet formed. Sladden En. ineering APPENDIX PPENDIX A. Sit.e.Plzin. Boring. Logs Sladden Engineering APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION For our field investigation 10 exploratory borings were excavated on December 18, 2003; using a truck mounted Mobile.B3 61 drilling rig and hollow -stem augers. The approximate exploratory boring locations are. indicated on the site plan included. in this appendix. Boring logs are.included in this appendix. Representative undisturbed.. samples' were obtained within our borings by driving .a thin-walled steel. penetration- ,sampler (California split spoon sampler) or.a Standard Penetration Test(SPT) sampler with a 140 pound hatnmer dropping approximately 30 inches (f1STM D1586). T.lie°number of blows required to, drive the samplers .18. inches was recorded in. 6=ihch increments and blowcounts. are indicated on the boring logs. The California samplers are 3.0 inches i.n. diameter, carrying brass sample rings having inner diameter's of 2.5 inches. The standard penetration samplers are 2.0 .inches in,d6meter with an .inner diameter of 1.5 inches: Undisturbed samples Ww rie removed from.the'sa npler and placed in moisture sealed containers in order to preserve; the natural soil. moisture content. Bulk samples -were .obtained from: the excavation spoils and samples were then transported to ourlaboratory for fuitheT observations and testing. 0 ti Sladden Engineering �~ S 4; r [:. -••,• :I•'1 C.duu,iRYCLUB _..M��ii'Jt W`r Y.\i •`+ .Water 18.'•�1�_:r. ... `�.r.• All fu. DA BY R Wit)-sem... �`�'`._: .t .� a �.` ,f,.: �.c•s h lj Wet y +r I 3 + •� .�. , \ ,-,.-. n..a.. � -^•.c •• mx...+•s•n,7i� -.- r:.-,:1,<ay.... ��;oy, _•. .-. u :•:rti. �.sti,:,....:a SITE � 41' �, '�.,�•'ij � ._;:� 'SITE:•., .. � L ``'` �� l T1 Well§ .(' -MS3.74c's .w _....__...—"ids. 1 `s;-.... , • _ .. .�:a'.,., . _ �..-n;n• -.- --� \. O `•.•� • �e 17aifit l 72 �td, �,�f ✓ '. 30 �J;4 'y � � is /�t` � ' ! r 1�• 1.-. t f . ., ' ✓ Jer / ��� moi.;, :' Itaiier Pork .,i �� Ls 1': F'•' i:� .. � R. .. -',;�'�'• ,{ Well ,*�, If '� poi. � ity- � �_� _ jn�� r •• ... � � � .• i 3.2 1 L .4 dKErUE i i t i -Mli 46 ter � `�n' � t • �o. � .. ... %i:• > ' " 29 •.\ G2. : ':3 a �. o. \�� r `, , 70 — j -u toputluoast-opyngnuu; ivvvucimmevarmouttl,imLo7UYU SourccUala:IJ5G5 1—J100011 scale:) :25,00U Detail: 13.0 Detum:WG534 North LOTNlrrs i�i4E.o' u 0.66 AC NET _ _ �4 u 2.76 Ac NET $ LOT 6 NAP.. X�\ LOT 2 LOT 1 3.17 AC NET 2.20 AC NETLATS LOT LOT k� 9 1:22 AC NET .67 AC N LOT 8 1 A COMMOjJ MEDICAL OFFICE \\ BUILDING PARKING \ 2.68 AC NET \` B- SEELEY .DRIVE \\:\� LOT 14 9 \ \ 3.79 AC NET C, 20' LANDSCAPE AREA ,D- CITY LANDSCAPE ENTRY ��®\\\ ylal,y2 E• 20' LANDSCAPE AREAAkLOT 13 d+ �� 0.98 AC NET 1• RESTAURANT �� \� / LOT 4 2,'3, AND A, RESORT CASITAS LOT C� � ` ^ 00ACAC 5• RESIDENTIAL 0.34 AC NEf 6 PARK LOT 10 a LOT C ` 0.79 . Ae NEr 1` 7• RESIDENTIAL 0.11 AC NET 8 AND 9• BOUTIQUE HOTEL 10, 11, AND 12- MEDICAL OFFICE +� BUILDING �, 1.67 13 -RESTAURANT 14• HOTEL MAINIERO, SMITH AND ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNING / CIVIL ENGHVS, WO / LAND SURYEMG 777 E._ TAHQUnZ CANYON WAY, SUTIB 301 PALM SPMNOS, CALIFORNIA 92262-6784 TELBPHONB (760) 320-9811 / FAX 323-7899 North + Approximate Boring Locations iC NET LOT A LOT i 6.55 AC NET J;�- 1 0.*90: AC NET LOT 9 LOT 8. 4 .3.90 AC. NEr �5 i RV N.T.S. Proposed Center Point -Development S.E.C. Washington Street.& Miles Avenue / La Quinta, California. - Date: 1.2-18-03 _ Boring \0.1 Job No :.5.44-3598 c ° DESCRIPTION a y :-� "' A 14 o REMARKS ; c. .oma o0 U Sand`. Grey brown, SP _ fine grained 5 1.0113/17 103 1 --- 3%.passing #20.0 109_ 711.1./16. " " " 97' 4 3% -passing x 2.0.0 15. 10/15/16 101 3 - - 1.4% assin #200 P *;;. - 11/16/19 99 2 8%.passi:ng.#200 TotaWepth = 3:1..5' Recovered Samplc No Bedrock - - NO QrQundWater 25 30. 35' 40 45 50 Note: The stratification lines 55 represent the approximate boundaries between the soil types: the transitions may be gradual. Proposed Center. Point Development S.E.C. Washington Street & M;iles Avenue I La Quinta, Cal&rnia — Date: 12-18 -03 Boring i o.2 Job No.: 544-3598 1- . w y DESCRIPTION c> >, 4W 4� � REMARKS U ° Sand: Grey brown, SP fine grained 5 4/8/7 " " " } --- 0 6%%.passitng #200 10 1:1!1.1/10 " - l 4%Oassing#200 15 3Y3/6 ,� ., --- 1 --- 2% passing: #200 zo 8j10%12 3% passing #200 - — — Total; Depth = 31 -5.' Disturbed Sample 'No Bedrock - Standard Penetration No Ci-oundw<iter 25 Sample: 30 35 40 45 i 50 ;`tote: "1'he stratification lilies represent the approximate s5 1 boundaries between the soil types: the transitions may be graclua . Proposed Center Point Development: S.E.C. Washington Street & Mites Avenue /'La Quinta, California Tate: 12-18-03_ __ Born. I .3 Job No.: X44-3 598 _ `D DESCRIPTION W: ° 61 o �.o REMARKS w ;z Cl �, to U as to .. U. Sand; Brown, slightly silty SP/SM' - tine grained kvith thin interbedded silt layers s 5l6/.10 8E. 2 48% passing 4200 10 818/10 Sand SiIt; Brown Y NIL c 8J I ___ o 5:1 /o:,passihg 420Q very sandy c ,11,I1,J/17 e Swith thin Cla y y` .i.1t. B70wt1 _ -.n L 97' 2 --- .63%:.passim•.#200 - interbedded silty'sand lavers • 21. 72/11/15' .Said: Grey brown; SP ___ p - 2% passila 4200 - fine grained 25. 16/20/20 - 1 - 2% passing ;'2.00 30 _ IW22/25Passing `t200 - Recovered Sample p Total Depth= 31.5' No Bedrock Disturbed Sample No GFoundwater 35 46 45 50 I Note: The straLificatlon lines 55 represent the approximate ! boundaries between the soil types; i the transitions may be gradual. Proposed Center Point Development. .S.E.C. Washington Street & Miles Avenue I La Quinta., California _ Date: 12-18-03 _ i3orin. I A Job No.: 544-3598 c y DESCRIPTION' A o a REMARKS ° Sand: Grey brown, SP fine grained 58/15/18 - " -- 2 --- g,. 5% passin #200 10 10/12/16 Silty Clay: Brown ACL 2: )� 10 - 94% passing #200 15 20/24/20 Sand: Grey brown, SP 90 1 -- 4% passing:#f20U tine grained 20 17/20/19 " --- .0 --- 4%.passing9200 25 _ 30/42/40 " " 1.07 .1 - 3% passing #200 30 16/24/34 " " 1.00 1; - 4%. passing #200 ss 12/17/20 Sandy Silt: Brown with thin ML --- 3 --- 73% passing 4200 interbedded clayey silt layers 40 11/14/28 Silty Sand: Brown, SM --- 4 - 44% passing 4200 fine grained with thin - interbedded silt layers 45 7/20/22 Sand Silt: Brown, Y � ML --- 2 --- 55% passing 4200 " very sandy 50 Sand: Grey brown, SP _ 12/20/29 fine rained I - 1 ___ 4% Bassin 4200 passing -- 'Total Depth = 51.5' ® Recovered Sample Note: The stratification lines No Bedrock 55 Standard 'Penetration represent the approximate No Groundwater boundaries between the; soil types; Sample the transitions may be gradual. 1 Proposed Center Point Development. S.E.C. Washington Street & Miles Avenue La Quinta, California Date: 12-1.8-03Boring No. 5 Job No.: 544-3598-- Z5 DESCRIPTION P-1REMARKS p" C'n u Pq U 0 Sandy 'Sift: Brown; very sandy 5/6/.10, 89 5 ---66 % passing #200 1� 1 0 ClayeySilt:Brown withthin ML $8 19 82% passing #200 - interbedded silty sand.layers M 11/19/17 Silty Sand: Brown, Sm 93 2 45% passing #200 fine grained with t1lin inierbedded silt layers 20 12/11,115 Sand: Grey lbrown, SP--- 3% passing #200 fine grained 25 16/2.0/20 Sand: Grey brown, . SP/Sm 10-1 11% passing -#200 - slightly 4i Ity, fine grained - Sand: -Brown, slightly silty SP/Sm 30 17M/25 ftne grained with silt River 1." thick 3 38% passing #200 >�' Recovered Sample Total Depth 31.5' No Bedrock Disturbed Sample No Groundwater 35 40 45 50 Note: The stratification lines 55 represent the approximate boundaries between the soil types; the transitions may be graduar Proposed Center Point Development S.E.C. Washington Street & Miles Avenue / La Quinta, California Date. 12-13-03 Borin, tio.6, —_Joh No_ 544-3598 _.. _ o `° DESCRIPTION q c REMARKS 0 Sand: Grey brown, SP _ fine grained. 5 _ 15/24/38 " " 1. 2% passing'9200 10 38/28/35: " -- 0' l% passing9200 15 - 15/15/20 0 - - 1%.passing, P-200 - 15!40/39 " ". - 1 = 1% passing ##200 - Total Depth = 21.5' - Disturbed$aniple NoBc' chock - No.Geoundwater 25 Standard Penetrt.itign - Sample 30 35 40 45 i 50 - Note: The stratification lines 55 represent the approximate boundaries between the soil types; the transitions may be gradual. Proposed Center Point I)ev'elopment S.E.C. Washington Stre-et.& Miles Avenue / La Quinta, California Date:' 1271.8-0313orin 'iV_g o.7 _ ._..Joli No.: 544-3598 � J, aJ y c o ' DESCRIPT'ION .s 2 c Cl REMARKS t✓ c Ow A" c U oq n° ( °� o `U 0 - Sand: Grey brown, SP _ Mine grained 5 5/8/11 " .90 2 7% passing #200, 10 8/18/20 " " 96 2. 60/.passing #200 2O/3`1/56 „ „ 102. I: - 5% passing #200 20 :28/50=6" 103 1 --- 1.7% passinn 4200 - Total Depth - Recovered Sample, No Bedrock - No:Grountlwater 25 30 n 40 45 50 Note: The stratification lines 55 represent the approximatc boundaries between the soil types; the transitions may be gradual. a L ` Proposed Center Point Development, S.E.C. Wash ngton. Street & Miles Avenue / .La Quinti, California D.Yte; 12-18 03 Boring No.8 __.._...... Job No.: 544-35 8 _ y I d C DESCRIPTION a �a = , REMARKS d �• is . o r. C � fl,' o o C ° Sand;: Grey brown, Sl? ` fine grained _ 3/12/21. " '' 105 1. --- 8% passing #200 10 18!19/33 ^ ° 98 2.. --- 39/o passing #100: 7 s 17/30/50 1.00 2 5% passing it200 20 14/50-6" " --- I. 6% passing,#200 - ---! —J ' Total Depth 21..5' Recovered Sample No Bedrock Disturbed Sample No Groundwater 25 _ I _ 30. _ I j I 35 40 45 - i so Note: 1 -he stratitication lines 55 represent the approximate bouncl u•ies between the soil types; the transitions may be gradual. 4., i'. APPENDIX B Laboi:atoty Testing- Laboratoiy Test Results Sladelen .Engineering APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING Representative bulk and relatively undisturbed soil samples were obtained in the field and returned to our laboratory for additional observations and testing. Laboratory testing was generally performed in. two phases. The first phase consisted of testing in order to determine the compaction of the existing natural soil and the general engineering classifications of the soils underlying the site. This testing was performed in order to estimate the engineering characteristics of the soil.and. to serve as a'basis for selecting samples for the second phase of testing. The second phase consisted of. soil mechanics testing. This testing including consolidation, shear strength and expansion testing was performed in order to provide a m.eans of developing specific design recommendations based on the mechanical properties of the soil. CLASSIFICATION AND COMPACTION TESTING Unit Weight and Moisture Content Determinations= Each .undisturbed sample was weighed .and. measured in order to determine its unit weight. A :small portion of each sample was then subjected to testing in order to determine its moisture content. This was used in order to determine the dry density of the soil in its natural condition. The results of this testing are:shown on the Boring Logs. Maximum Density -Optimum Moisture: Determinations: Representative soil types were selected: for maximum density .determinati.ons. This, testing was performed in accordance with the ASTM. Standard D1557'91, Test Method A. The results of this testing are presented graphically in this appendix. The maximum densities are compared to the field densities. of the soil in order to determine the existing relative compaction to the soil. This is shown on the Boring Logs, and. is: useful in estimating -the strength and compressibility of the soil.. Classification Testing: Soil samples were selected for classification testing.. This testing consists of :mechanical grain size analyses and .Atterberg Limits determinations. These provide information for. developing classifications for the soil.in accordance with the Unified Classification System. This classification system categorizes the soil into groups having similar engineering characteristics. The :results of this testing are very useful in detecting variations:in the soils.and in selecting samples for. further testing. SOIL MECHANIC'S TESTING Direct .Shear Testing: One bulla sample was selected for Direct Shear Testing. This testing measures the shear strength of the soil under various normal pressures and is used. in developing parameters for foundation design and lateral design. Testing was performed using recompacted test specimens, which were saturated prior to testing. 'Testing was performed using a strain controlled test apparatus with.normal pressures ranging from 800 to 2300 pounds per square foot. Expansion Testing: One bulk sample was selected for Expansion testing. Expansion testing was performed in accordance with the UBC Standard 1.8-2. This testing consists of remolding 4 -inch diameter by 1 -inch thick test specimens to a moisture content and dry density corresponding to approximately 50 percent saturation. The samples are subjected to a surcharge of 144 pounds per square foot and allowed to reach equilibrium. At that point the specimens are inundated with. distilled water. The linear expansion is then measured until complete. Sladden .f; n; ineering Maximum Density/OptiMum Moisture ASTM, i)698/D1557 Project Number: 544-3598 :Project Name; Washington &.Miles Lab ID Number: Sample Location: Bulk I.P U=5' Description: Sand, Maximum Density -. 110 vef. Optimum Moisture `8.5% Siete Size % Retained. .3/4" #4 January 6, 2004 ASTM D-155.7 A Rammer Type: Manual L........ . . .............. . ... . ......... oids Lines, ,70"'2175 ... .... . ...... . . . .. . ..... =E P -I . . ............ .......... ............ . F • 14 14. . . ... ..... . . .............. 1'35< lefo,Air. V sg = 2.65, 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130- . ......... 125 .... . . ...... Q 0 120 EE..... . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . I1= .... . ..... .. I . .... . ........ 110. 0 7IN - tl 105 . . ............ . 100 1 -EL 0 5 10 15 Moisture Content, % 20 . 25 MEix Density Sladden Encyincering Revised 12103/02 1� Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture ASTMD69,901.557 Project Number: 544-3598 Project Name- Washington & Miles Lab ID Number: Sample Location: 3 @ Q-5' Description: Silty Sand Maximum Density: 1-42 pcf Optimum Moisture 11% 14 - 140- 05. 13 12 120 - IIS 110 105 IOU 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Sieve Size 3/411 M', #4 0.0 January 6., 2004 ASTM D-1557 A Rammer Type: Manual . ..... . ... . . ...... ....... . .... ... .. . . . ....... . ...... ... ----- Zero Air'Voids Lines, - sg �=2.65,12,70,2,75 k -I A .—H .. . ..... ..... . . . ......... ....... . . .... . . .... ..... ...... -4- . . . . . . . . . ...... . ..... ...... Jr— . . . ..... . . . _........i.... . . ......... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ....... . . ... - 7 -1— — --.1— — --- ----- . ....... . . ..... . . .... .. _T- -4 .... . .. ....... . .. . ... . — -17- T . ...... ..... ... . ....... ...... .... . . . . ............... . . . . . . . . . . L L -L -J -- E- t H 13� V IN'lax Density Sladden Engimering Revised 12103102 DIRECT SHEAR TESTS 1.8 - i 1.6 1.4-- — --1 0 1 1 1 ' 1 �-- 1 I 1 1 1 1.2 — -, — ---- -l--- ............ � ..._.-.-. x,1.0clo - ,, I d IaL11 :8 C/) .I— 04 .4 1— � I 1 1 , i p 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1:2 1.4 1.6 1.8 NORMAL LOAD (KIPS / FOOT') 0 = 28° c = 150psf' Where 0 = Shear Angle c =Cohesion Boring .I (q,)Q - 5' Proposed.Mixed-Use Development SCC Washington Street & Miles Avenue La Quinta, California Sladden Emgineering DATE.,: 2-17-04 JOB NO.: 544-3593 DIRECT SHEAR TEST I.8 1 t 1 _ t tI t .1.6 t t t t t H 1.4 O 12 t r i 1.0 ch .8 H , t t t i , .6 t t � t 4 t t t t r t � 0 0 .2 4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 NORMAL LOAD (.KIPS / FOO-?) 0 c = 190 psf where = Shear Angle = Cohesion Boring 3 @ o - 5' Proposed Mixed -Use Development SEC Washington Su•eet & Miles Avenue La Quinta, California S.ladden Engineering DATt :. 2-17- 44 JOB NO.: 544-3598 1 t 1 _ t tI t t t t t t t r i , t t t i , t t � t t t t t r t � Gradation ASTM C 117 & C'1336 Project Number: 544-3598 January .6; 2004 Project Name: Vashingpn. & Miles Sample- ID Bulk I @ 0-5' Sieve Sieve Percent Size" in Size, mm 11;189419 25.4 100.0 3/4" 19.1 100.0 1/2" 123 1.00.0 3/8" 9.-53 100.0 #4 4.75 100.6 48- 2:36 10.0.0 #16 1.18 100.0 .0.60' IWO #50 5 031 0 79.0 #1.00 035 47.0 #200 0074 1,5.0 100 T1 . .... . .... .. . . ......... 90 . . .................... r --- .. .. . ........ . ..... . ..... . .. . ........ . . . .. . ..... 70 �__1 60- i T i �::._ I I , . ...... - Ii . .. . .. ......... . .. ... ... ... . 50 - L .. .. .. F O .... 4.0 - ���........... 30 - . . . . ...... ...... ....... ........ ..... - TFF . .... .. 20- ........ ........ .. . . . ....... . .... 1_-L............ --_._s_ 10 . . ........ 0 100.000 1.0.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 Sieve Size, mm Gradation Sladden Engineering Revised 11/20/02 ZD Gradation ASTM C11 T& C.136 Project Number:. 544-3598 January 6, 2004 Pro ect Narne: Washington & Miles Sample Iii: 13orin0a; 160' Sieve Sieve Percent Size, in Size, nun Pa$sj*ll& 25.4 10.0.0 3/4" .19.1 100.0 1/211 T2.7 3/8!' 9,53 1.00.0. 4.75 1'36: 1,00'.0 #16 1.-1.8 100.0 #30 1.00.0 #50 71.0 #160 15 26.0 #200 0,074 3.0 Gradation Sladden Engineering R,evised 11/20102 Gradation Sladden Efigineei.-ing RevisedI b"20/02 Gradation, ASTM ICHI&C.136 Ri-Qject Nwi-iber: 544-3598 Jamidry 6, 2004 Project Naine' Washington & Miles Sample.J.D: Bulk 3 ) @ 0-5" Sieve Sieve Percent Size; in Size, mm .Passing 25.4 100.0 3/4" 1*9,.1 100.0 1/2" 12.7 100.0 3/81f 9.-53: 1.00.0 4.75 100.0 2.36 LOU #16 1.18 100.0 #30 0...60 .100:0 #50 0.3.0 94.0 4100 0.15 59.0 #200 0..074 27:0 Gradation Sladden Efigineei.-ing RevisedI b"20/02 One Dimensional. Consolidation ASTM D2435 & D5333 Job Number: 544-3598 Job Name: Washington&Miles Sample ID: Boring 5 @ 5' Soil Description: Sandy Silt 1. 0 Consolidation January 6, 2004 Initial DryDensity, pcf: 88.2 Initial Moisture, %: 5 Initial Void Ratio; 0.890 Specific Gravity: 2.67 % Change in.Heighfvs.Normal Presssure:.Diagram --0 Before Saturation --A —After Saturation, —9—it.ei?ound —N Hydro Consolidation j...... - _--i -- ; . _.�....... ZZ -- —. ..._ �L. .. ........ -...-.. ---- ---:— . _..._. _. _ : -' — -- : �— _, r._ L._...... _................ . � I 4--['- ..... _..... I-. �_ ............. r __ .......... .._' I _ I _r - - - f I _ I( -- — - - -- ...... — — _ — �_ .........:...._ t_ .... - { ....!....... _ _. _._....- _ IIII-- I....... __.. _ ...__.._ _ ..��.„._�._.. _ ....{ -_ — _ .....I..-!. ' _ . - -- —---' 11111TE: _...N .- .....:....... IF 0.0 0.5 1.0 .1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Sladden Engineering Revised 11/20/02 One Dimensional Consolidation ASTM D2435 & D5333 Job Number: 544-3598 Job Name: Washington & Miles Sample XD: Boring 9 @ 5' Soil Description: Sand 1� -2 -3 A -5 -6 -7 -S -9 -lU 0.0 0.5 1.0 .1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 January 6, 2004 Initial Dry Density; pcf: 100.9 Initial Moisture, W 1 Initial Void .Ratio: 0.652 Specific Gfavity: 2.67 % Change in .Height vs Normal Presssure Diagram 9—Before Saturation -4i-- After Saturation —e Rebound — —:Hydro Consolidation � Consolidation Sladden. Engineering Revised 11/20/02 _. �. !_..._L......L......(......_, - _- ......... _.... I — _ .._ I i - S _ -------------- i...... — — _ I. ................ I_ , _ _ _..--— i - - - f - —r— j, --- ..... _...... .... _ -r r _ ........_. ........ ... _,_._..._..._... ....., _ : - .., - _ i! ................ ! _.} ! .......... ... __ _ ...._.... Yy! _..._ .......... __ ' __ .� _._�_...' - - - - _..i.�� ........ I�i.......�.._.I_l._,_ ! .... _ y `--'1---' --__-•_ ........... .... �_._! t__;_�! _ i ! _L _ �� L____.��� Ti _ ....... . . :...... i_ ... I l-- Consolidation Sladden. Engineering Revised 11/20/02 Expansion Index ASTM D 4829/UBG 29-2 Job I\Tumher: 544-3598 Date: 1/6/04 Job Name: Washington &:.Miles Tech:. ,Jake Lab ID: Sample ID: Bulk 3 @ 0-5' Soil Description: Silty Sand.-- Wt-of aud. Wtof Soil.+ Ring: 585:0 Weight of Ring: 179.0 Wt of Wet Scil.: 406.0 Percent :Moisture: 9% Wet Density, Pd... 123..0 Dry,.Denstiy, cf: L12:9 Saturatio►: 49.;3 Fxnarrsion Rack # Pate/Time 1/6/04 12; 0- ;a.m. Initial .Reading 0.500 Fiial.Reading 0.502 Expansion Index (Final - Initial) x 1000 2 f 1 Sladden .Engineering.• Revised 12/10/02 r nr, . ANAHEIM TEST LABORATORY - 3008 S. ORANGE AVENUE " SANTA ANA, CALEFORNIA 92707 PHONE (714)549=7267 TO: SLADDEN ENGINEERING: 6782 STANTON AVE,. SUITE A DAfE:. 1 /19%04. BUENA PARK, CA. 90621. P.O. No. Chain of Custody Shipper No. ATTN: BRETT/DAVE Lab. No. A-4421 Specification; Maierioi:- SOIL PROJECT: #544-3598 BULK 3 @ 0-5' FORM #2 ANALYTICAL REPORT. CORROSION SERIES SUMMARY. OF DATA pH SOLUBLE -SULFATES SOLUBLE -CHLORIDES MIN. RESISTIVITY .per cA. 4.17 per CA 422 per CA: 643 ppm ppm' ohm' -cm 7.1 457 285. 1 , 00.7 RES4RIGER.ch-4chemist B TIED POP APPENDIX. C 1991 U:TiC Seismic.'nesign.Crib&ria 3997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SEISMIC DESIGN INFORMATION The 'International Conference of Building. Officials 1997 Uniform. Building Code contains substantial reYisions and additions to the. earthquake engineering section in Chapter 16. Concepts contained in the code that will be relevant: to construction of the proposed structures are summarized below. Ground shaking is expected to be the. primary hazard most likely to affect the. site, based. upon proximity to significant faults capable of generating large earthquakes'. Major fault zones considered to be, most likely to create strong' ground shaking at the site .are listed below. Fault Zone Approximate Distance, From Site Fault Type (1997.UBC) San Andreas 8.5 km A San Jaci.n.td 35.8 km A Based on our field observations and understanding of local geologic conditions, the soil. profile type judged applicable to this site -is SD., generally described as stiff -or dense soil. The site is located within UBC Seismic Zone 4. The following table presents: additional coefficients and factors relevant to seismic mitigation for new construction upon adoption of.the 1997.code. Sladden engineering Near -Source Nea==Source Seismic. Seismic Seismic Acceleration Velocity Coefficient' 'Coe'fficient Source Factor, N Factor;.Nd: Qi C, San Andreas 1.05 1.:3 0.44N„ 0.64N, San Jacinto 1.0 1.0 OA4NR 0.64N,. Sladden engineering JbB NUMBER; 5:4,411-3,558 E Q F AULT. Version 3.00 DETERMINISTIC E-STIMAT-I ON OF PEAK ACCELERATION FROM DIG.-ITIZED. FAULTS DATE: 01-104-2004 JOB NAME: -Center Point Development S.*E.C.. Washin4ton Street & Miles Aven0e LO -Quinta., California CALCULATION NAME.: Test Run Analysis FAULT- DATA- FILE 'NAME' CDMGFLTE.DAT SITE.COORDINATES.: SITE LATITUDE.:: 33.7195 SITE LOOGit.06E: 116.2930 .SEARCH RADIUS: 1010. mi ATTENUATION RELATION: 5) Boore et. al. (1.90) Hcir; SOIL. (310) UNCERTAINTY (.M -Median, S=Si(jifia): M Number of Sigmas:: 0-0 DISTANCE MEASURE- cd 2.dro SCOND: 0 Basement Depth! 5.00 kfh Campbellll SHR-. SSR: Camobe COMPUTE PEAK HORIZONTAL ACCELERATION FAULT -DATA FILE* USED: C*DMGFLTE...DAT MINIMUM DEPTH VALUE (km) : 0.0 &4 EQF21ULl' SUMMARY --------------- ------------------------------- DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS ----------------------------- Page 1 I IESTIMATED MAX. EARTHQUAKE EVENT I APPROXIMATE 1-----=-=--=-------------------- ABBREVIATED I DISTANCE i MAXIMUM 1 PEAK TEST. SITE FAULT NAME I mi (km) 1EARTHQUAKEI SITE (INTENSITY ( I MAG.(Isw) 1 ACCEL_ g 1MOD.MERC. SAN ANDREAS - Coachella 1 5.3( 8.501 7.1 1 0.376 I IX SAN ANDREAS - Southern 1 5.3( 8;.5)1 7;4 J 0:99.0 I X BURNT. MTN. 1 1.6.3( 26.3.)1 6.4 1 0.122 1 VII EUREKA PEAK 1 17..3 ( 27.8)1 6.4 1 0-117 1 VI7: SAN ANDREAS - San Bernardino 1 17..,6 f, 28.4)1 7.3 1 0.1.85 1 VIII SAN JACINTO-ANZA I 21..6( 34.8)1 7.2 1 0.151 1 V'I'II SAN JACINTO-COYOTE CREEK 1 21.9( 35.3)1 6.8 1 Q.121 I VI;i PINTO MOUNTAIN 1 29:0( 46.7).1 7.0 1 0.108 1 VII EMERSON So. - COPPER MTN. 1 3.0.9(. 49'.8)1 6.9 1 0.098 1 VII. LANDERS j 31.4( 50.6)I 7.-3 1 0.119 1 VII PISGAH-BULLION MTN.-MESQUITE LK 1 33.3( 53.6)1 7.1 1 0.103 I VTI SAN JACINTO-SAN 'JACIiNTO VALLEY 1 35.. 9 ( 57.-$'j 1 6.'9 1 0. 087 `1 VII NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE'( East) 1 36..3(. 58.4).1 6.7 1 0.095 1 V.I;I. SAN JACINTO - .BORREGO 1 36.4:0 58..5:)1 6.6 1 0.07.4 i VII EARTHQUAKE VALLEY: I 40.7( 65..5)1 6.5 1 0...0:64 ; VI JOHNSON VALLEY (Northern) 1 42.3( 68.0)1 6.7 1 0.069 VI BRAWLEY SEISMIC ZONE 1 42,.4( 68.2);1 6.4 1 0.059 1 VT ELSINORE-JULIAN 1 43.9( 70.6)) 7.1 1 0..083 1 VII CALICO. - HIDALGO 1 44.1( 71:.0)1 7.1 1 0.083 1 VII ELSINORE-TEMECULA 1 4".7.7( 7.6.7.p1.6,;8 1 .. 1 0.066 1 Vi LENWOOD-LOCKHART-OLD WOMAN SPRGSI .48.0'.(. 77.3)1 7..3 10.086 1 VII NORTH FRONTAL FAULT 'LONE (West) 1 48.3.( 77.8)1 7.0 j 0.089 1 VII ELMORE RANCH 1 49.8( 80.2)1 6.6 ( 0.058 1 VI L•ELSINORE-COYOTE MOUNTAIN 1 52.3( 84.1)) 6.8 1 0..062 1 VI SUPERSTITION MTN. (San Jacinto) 1 54.6( 87.8)1 6.6 1 0.0:54 1 VI SUPERSTITION HILLS (Sari Jacinto)( 55.4( 89.1)1 6.6 1 0.053 I VI HELENDALE - S. LOCKHARDT 1 55.9( 89.9)) 7.1 1 0.069 1 VI SAN JACINTO-SAN BERNARDINO 1 58.0( 93.4)1 6.7 1 0.054 1 VI ELSINORE-GLEN IVY 1 60.8( 97.9)1 6.8 1 0.055 1 VI CLEGHORN 1 65.2( 1.05.0)1 6.5 1 0.044 1 VI IMPERIAL 1 69.5( 111.9) 1 7.0' 1 0.055 1 VI LAGUNA SALADA 1 72.6( 116.9)) 7.0 1 0.053 1 VI CUCAMONGA 1 73.0( 117.5)1 7.0 1 0.065 1 VI CHINO -CENTRAL AVE. (Elsinore) 1 73.6( 118.5)1 6.7 1 0.055 1 VI NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (Offshore) 1 76.0( 122.3)1 6.9 1 0.049 I VI ROSE CANYON 1 76.1( 122.5)1 6.9 i i 0.049 I VI WHITTIER 1 77.8( 125.2.)1 6.8 1 0.045 1 VI SAN ANDREAS - Mojave 1 82.0( 131.9)1 7.1 1 0.051 1 VI SAN ANDREAS - 1857 Rupture I 82.0( 131.9)1 7.8 1 0.074 1 VII SAN JOSE 1 84.8( 136.5)1 6.5 1 0.044 1 VI ------------------------------ DETERMIN.%.STIC SITE PARAMETERS Page 2 I [ESTIMATED MAX. EARTHQUAKE EVENT I APPROXIMATE k----------------------------t- ABBREVIATED .I DISTANCE I MAXIMUM I PEAK FEST. S'IT'E FAULT NAME I mi (km) JEARTHQUAKEI SITE 1 -INTENSITY I -------------------------------- _-_==__-___________-_____-GRAVEL I MAG . (Mia ). I ACCEL . g IMOD . MERC :. GRAVELHILLS - HARPER LAKE I 87.4( 140.6)1. 6;.9. 1 0.044 iVI SIERRA MADRE 1 87.7( 147..1)1 7.0 1 0.056 1 VI E:LYSIAN PARK THRUST I '0. 0{ 144.8)'(. 6.7. I 0:047 f JI CORONADO BANK 1 91...4( 14,7.1).( 7.4 1 0.6.55 1 •VI' NNPORT -INGLEWOOD (L.A.B.asin) I 94.1( 151.4)1 6.9 1 0.077.. 1 V CLAMS HELL- SA,WPIT, 1 96.2 ( 154.8) 1 6'. 5' 1 0.6,40 1 V COMPTON THRUST. 1 96.7( 155.7)1' 6:.8 1 0.047 1 VJ PALOS VERSES 1 99.3( 159.8) C 7•.'1 1 0._044. 1 Vi: BLACKWATER 1 99.,3( 159.8.)1. 6.9 1 0.040: 1 V * * * * * *4 * r * * i4 L * *'*. *-k: •k * * * * *'•.k :�: * !. 9:w it * * * * k. k * * �.: *' * } # * * * t4 �* ��.• *. ** *'* * +t * i; *•. *' iF * *• k' •* * k k..k '*.:K *- i ir• *' * A:.A. -ENL? OF SEARCH- 4,9 E:AULTS FOUND WITHIN THE SPEC:IFI'ED SEARCH RADIUS. THE SAN ANDREAS - Coachella FAULT 1•S CLOSEST TO THE SITE. IT IS ABOUT 5.3 MILES (8::5' km) AWAY. LARGEST MAXIMUM -EARTHQUAKE SITE ACCELERAT.IQN: 0.4A,01 g' ■ '"TRVS JOIST` 1 M3 commercial • Applebee's -La Quinta La Quinta, CA (TJ Job # 07-025254) Reference Documents: Revision #1 Product. Package 1/7/2008 Title By Date Rev. # Sheets Architectural Drawings C.R.H.O Architects 9/5/2007 N/A A-1.1 to A-5.3 Structural Drawings Shima'i & Lascola 7/26/2007 N/A S3 to S6 Mechanical Drawings N/A N/A N/A N/A Fire Sprinkler Drawings N/A N/A N/A N/A Steel Shop Drawin S N/A N/A N/A N/A If you have questions, please call the following: Your iLevel Trus Joist Commercial Technical Representative: Denise Bough (r 909-949-9704 (----r---� Or the Project Coor Ivanka Aghbashian 949-885-8544 Or our Engineering Jimmy Wttrock (949) 885-5913 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DAt A6— BY—g)_ Designs pp. 1 to 15 Drawing pp. 1 to 2 Our engineering responsibility is limited to the design of iLevel Trus Joist Commercial products in accordance with the above referenced documents based on design loads specified by the engineer of IMPORTANT (Please Read and Sign Below) • Approve and return this package as soon as possible -- trusses will not be fabricated and delivered until approval is received. • All materials shall be furnished by others unless specifically noted by iLevel Trus Joist Commercial herein. • Truss bearings, bracing, bridging, pre -notched plates, etc., must be properly installed as erection proceeds. • USE PROPER SIZE NAILS TO FILL ALL NAIL HOLES IN BEARING CLIPS, BRIDGING CLIPS, BRACING, ETC. I warrant that this Product Package has been provided to the contractorimstaller and responsible design professional and that it has been verified and/or corrected for accuracy of loading information, consistency with building design, quantities and dimensions. I also agree that erection of the materials is the sole responsibility of the installer. Check One: (For Revise & Resubmit, note corrections and return without Signature) Approved, no change Purchaser Date FlApproved, as corrected By Title ^ M IIID= � LJ iLevelTM Trus Joist® Commercial FAN.1 4 2008 Southwest Custom Engineering • 101 Pacifica, 3rd Floor • Irvine, CA • 92618 Ph: (949) 885-5900 • Fx: (949) 885-5959 - ®� �j►�. �M�' Project: Applebee's - La Quinta `Type: Al Location: La Quinta, CA Qty: 7 TJ-OpenWebT"'v4.40.1 Delivery: R1 Project Number: 07025254 ' • � 4 1/4/2008 2:56:44 PAW PAGE 1 Rel. Desc.: Roof 0 " THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED - i Reference Span = 39'.8.750" 2.69.. 0.25.. 32.000" Ti WT- OPEN WEB TRUSS ' Parallel Profile 3 - 5.13" ' 5.50.. , .. , I I 2.00" A Top Chord Slope =.25/Q_ ` •r , , *� ' }} i ' t a 2.00" All dimensions are horizontal.'Product diagram is conceptual. ' LOADS: + r t' v • ... Analysis for Open -web Member Supporting ROOF Structural Classification. Loads (psf): 20 Roof at 125% duration, 12 Dead (top chord), 4 Dead (bottom chord), @ 32.000" • O.C. and: LOAD GROUP #1 @ 32.000" O.C.-Uplift Check + z TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) - APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT. Uniform(pso W(1.33) -3.1 .1 0.126" to 39' 8.500" Replaces TC Net Uplift Uniforrn(pso R(1.25) 0 0 4.563" to•39' 1.250" Replaces BC Removed DL on BC LOAD GROUP #2 @ 32.000" O.C.-list truss South of grid B - TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1), APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT ` Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 125 13'6.000" ' . Adds to TC, on chord(s) 500# condensor / 4 Points ' Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 125 160.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 500# condensor / 4 Points Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 334 266. ' 000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2000# MUA / 6 Points Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 334 29' 6.00" Adds to TC, on chord(s) .2000# MUA /, 6 Points (1) Location is specified from left reference point unless noted otherwise_ . SUPPORTS: LEFT SUPPORT (Angle: 00) _ RIGHT SUPPORT (Angle: 00) r Material: Wood Beam ; Material: Wood Beam Bearing Clip: '6" No -Notch Bearing Clip: 6" No -Notch Reinforcement: - Chord(s) only Reinforcement: " Chord(s) only i DESIGN CONTROLS: Truss Member's Critical Design Component Value: 99.1% (Design / Allowable) t ' Truss design includes consideration for partial span application live load. . REACTIONS: LEFT MAXIMUM, LEFT MINIMUM RIGHT MAXIMUM ' RIGHT MINIMUM Total Load (lbs) 2241 R (1.25) -160 W (1.33) 2481 R (1.25) -162 W (1.33) ' Live Load (Ibs) 1052 -163 1065 -165 DEFLECTIONS & CAMBER: Deflection (Total Load) Span: 1.056" (U443) ,a .r Deflection (Live Load) Span: 0.446" (01048) Center Span Camber: 0.704", Matched to A3 ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by iLevel (TJ). Allowable product values shown are in accordance with current TJ materials and code accepted design values. TJ Engineering has verified - the analysis. The input loads and dimensions have been provided by others and must be verified and approved for the specific application by the design professional for the project. Truss design values have been accepted by the following agencies:_ ICC ES Report No. ESR -1774, LAC RR 22614, and DSA. s -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Code ICC analyzing the TJ Custom products listed above with chords analyzed'using NDS analysis. _ - -Pricing Load = 119.0 plf Copyright @ 2007 by iLevel TJWT"' and TJ-OpenWebT" are trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. r. iLevel), TJ®, and Trus Joist® are registered trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA " a Project: Applebee's - La Quinta Type: A2 9usi,�� Location: La Quinta, CA Qty: 14 ' var TJ-OpenWebT" v4.40.1 Delivery: R1 Project Number: 07025254 1/72009 9:35:44 AM PAGE 1 Rel. Desc.: Roof THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Reference Span = 41',,1;000", 19� T 0.25" 32.000" TJWTM OPEN WEB TRUSS Parallel Profile 5.50" 5.13" /� }} 2.00" Top Chord Slope =.25/12 2.00° }} All dimensions are horizontal. Product diagram is conceptual. LOADS: Analysis for Open -web Member Supporting ROOF Structural Classification. Loads (psf): 20 Roof at 125% duration, 12 Dead (top chord), 4 Dead (bottom chord), @ 32.000" O.C. and: LOAD GROUP #1 @ 32.000" O.C.-Uplift Check TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Uniform(psf) W(1.33) -3.1 1 0.250" to 41'0.874" Replaces TC Net Uplift Uniform(pso R(1.25) 0 0 7.500" to 40' 8.437" Replaces BC Removed DL on BC LOAD GROUP #2 @ 32.000" O.C.-Brace on 3/S6 (-) TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Uniform(plo W(1.33) -83 0 0.250" to 41'0.874" Adds to TC Brace on 3/S6 LOAD GROUP #3 @ 32.000" O.C.-1st truss north of grid A TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Uniform(plo W(1.33) 49.8 0 0.250" to 41' 0.874" Adds to TC 60% Brace on WS6 Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 18'0.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2430# AC / 8 Points Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 29'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2430# AC / 8 Points Uniform(pso R(1.25) 10 12 18'0.000" to 29'6.000" Replaces TC Reduced LL under AC LOAD GROUP #4 @ 16.000" O.C.-Il Ith truss north of grid A - DBL TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Uniform(plf) R(1.25) 43.5 43.5 0.250" to 11' 6.000" Adds to TC Tower & Tower Framing Point(plf) R(1.25) 0• 73.5 11' 6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Wall LOAD GROUP #5 @ 32.000" O.C.-18th truss north of grid A TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Uniform(plo R(1.25) 22 22 0.250" to 11'6.000" Adds to TC Tower & Tower Framing 25% Uniform(plf) R(1.25) 0 37 0.250" to 11' 6.000" Adds to TC Tower Wall 25% Point(plo R(1.25) 27 22 11'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Framing (Trib) Point(plf) R(1.25) 0 185 11'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Wall LOAD GROUP #6 @ 16.000" O.C.-,15th truss north of grid A - DBL @ A5D TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Point(lbs) R(1.25) 457 442 - 11'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Post Point(plf) R(1.25) 0 185 11' 6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Wall Point(plf) R(1.25) 27 22 11'6.000" Adds to, TC, on chord(s) Tower Framing (Trib) LOAD GROUP #7 @ 32.000" O.C.-8th truss north of grid A TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 19' 0.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2430# AC / 8 Points Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 30'0.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2430# AC / 8 Points (1) Location is specified from left reference point unless noted otherwise. Copyright@ 2007 by iLevel TJWT'" and TJ-OpenWeb'" are trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. iLevel®, TJ@, and Trus Joist@ are registered trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. Z Project: Applebee's - La Quinta Type: A2 // ' ^'Vfkyefia�euw Buur= TJ-OpenWebT"v4.40.1 f/p 1!1/2008 9:35:44 AM PAGE 2 SUPPORTS: LEFT SUPPORT (Angle: 0°) RIGHT SUPPORT (Angle: 00) Material: Plate(s) Material: Plate(s) Bearing Clip: 6" No -Notch Bearing Clip: 6" No -Notch Reinforcement: Chord(s) only Reinforcement: Chord(s) only DESIGN CONTROLS: Truss Member's Critical Design Component Value: 99.2% (Design / Allowable) . Truss design includes consideration for partial span application live load. REACTIONS: LEFT MAXIMUM LEFT MINIMUM RIGHT MAXIMUM RIGHT MINIMUM Total Load (lbs) 3239 R (1.25) -1188 W (1.33) 2665 W (1.33) -1173 W (1.33) Live Load (lbs) 1373 -1713 1446 -1694 DEFLECTIONS & CAMBER: Deflection (Total Load) Span: 1.259" (U384) Deflection (Live Load) Span: 0.654" (U740) Center Span Camber: 0.754", Matched to A3 ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by iLevel (TJ). Allowable product values shown are in accordance with current TJ materials and code accepted design values. TJ Engineering has verified the analysis. The input loads and dimensions have been provided by others and must be verified and approved for the specific application by the design professional for the project. Truss design values have been accepted by the following agencies: ICC ES Report No. ESR -1774, LAC RR 22614, and DSA. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Code ICC analyzing the TJ Custom products listed above with chords analyzed using NDS analysis. -Pricing Load = 133.7 plf OPERATOR INFORMATION Jimmy Wittrock (949)885-5913 Copyright© 2007 by iLevel TJW T"' and TJ-OpenWeb"" are trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. iLevelO, TJ®, and Trus Joist® are registered trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. ®� ` aL �Aedua�su Busy= TJ-OpenWebTM v4.40.1 1/4/20082:56:11 PM PAGE 1 2 269- 5.13" }{ 2.00" Project: Applebee's - La Quinta Location: La Quinta, CA Delivery: R1 Rel. Desc.: Roof Type: A3 Oty: 14 Project Number: 07025254 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Reference Span = 460.500" 32.000" TJWTM OPEN WEB TRUSS Parallel Profile A Top Chord Slope =.25/12 a 0.25" 5.50" 2.00" }{ All dimensions are horizontal Product diagram is conceptual. LOADS: Analysis for Open -web Member Supporting ROOF Structural Classification. Loads (psf): 20 Roof at 125% duration, 12 Dead (top chord), 4 Dead (bottom chord), @ 32.000" O.C. and: LOAD GROUP #1 @ 32.000" O.C.-Uplift Check TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Uniform(psf) W(1.33) -3.1 .1 0.126" to 46' 0.250" Replaces TC Net Uplift Uniform(psf) R(1.25) 0 0 4.563" to 45'5.000" Replaces BC Removed DL on BC LOAD GROUP #2 @ 32.000" O.C: 2tld.truss North of grid B TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 327 3'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 26104 AC / 8 Points Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 327 14'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2610# AC / 8 Points Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 150 20'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 150# Hood Hanger Rod Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 150 24'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 150# Hood Hanger Rod Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 334 26'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2000# MUA / 6 Points Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 334 29'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2000# MUA / 6 Points Uniform(psf) R(1.25) 0 12 3'6.000" to 14'6.000" Replaces TC Removed LL under AC Uniform(psf) R(1.25) 0 12 26'6.000" to 29'6.000" Replaces TC Reduced LL under MUA Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 187.5 36'8.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 1500# Refrig. Rk / 8 Pnts Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 187.5 40'8.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 1500# Refrig. Rk / 8 Pnts Uniform(psf) R(1.25) 10 12 36' 8.000" to 40' 8.000" Replaces TC Reduced LL under R.R LOAD GROUP #3 @ 32.000" O.C.-4th truss North of grid B TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 327 3'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2610# AC / 8 Points Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 327 14'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2610# AC / 8 Points Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 50 22'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 200# EF / 4 Points Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 50 24'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 200# EF / 4 Points Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 334 26'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2000# MUA / 6 Points Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 334 29'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2000# MUA / 6 Points Uniform(psf) R(1.25) 10 12 3' 6.000" to 14'6.000" Replaces TC Reduced LL under AC Uniform(psf) R(1.25) 10 12 266.000" to 29'6.000" Replaces TC Reduced LL under MUA Uniform(psf) R(1.25) 10 12 22'6.000" to 24'6.000" Replaces TC Reduced LL under EF Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 187.5 36'8.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 1500# Refrig. Rk / 8 Pnts Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 187.5 40'8.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 1500# Refrig. Rk / 8 Pnts Uniform(psf) R(1.25) 10 12 36'8.000" to 40'8.000" Replaces TC Reduced LL under R.R (1) Location is specified from left reference point unless noted otherwise. SUPPORTS: LEFT SUPPORT (Angle: 0°) RIGHT SUPPORT (Angle: 0°) Material: Wood Beam Material: Plate(s) Bearing Clip: 6" No -Notch Bearing Clip: 6" No -Notch Reinforcement: Chord(s) only Reinforcement: Chord(s) only Copyright O 2007 by iLevel TJW T" and TJ-OpenWebvM are trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. iLevel®, TJ®, and Trus Joist® are registered trademarks of Level, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. Project: Applebee's - La Quinta Type: A3 4Nt. Business TJ-OpenWebT" v4.40.1 1/4/2008 2:56:11 PM PAGE 2 DESIGN CONTROLS: Truss Member's Critical Design Component Value: 101.3% (Design / Allowable) Truss design includes consideration for partial span application live load. REACTIONS: LEFT MAXIMUM LEFT MINIMUM RIGHT MAXIMUM RIGHT MINIMUM Total Load (lbs) 2777 R (1.25) -186 W (1.33) 2914,R (1.25) -187 W (1.33) Live Load (Ibs) 911 -189 931 -191 DEFLECTIONS & CAMBER: Deflection (Total Load) Span: 1.900" (U286) Deflection (Live Load) Span: 0.792" (U686) Center Span Camber: 0.951 ", Matched to A2 ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by iLevel (TJ). Allowable product values shown are in accordance with current TJ materials and code accepted design values. TJ Engineering has verified the analysis. The input loads and dimensions have been provided by others and must be verified and approved for the specific" application by the design professional for the project. Truss design values have been accepted by the following agencies: ICC ES Report No. ESR-1774, LAC RR 22614, and DSA. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Code ICC analyzing the TJ Custom products listed above with chords analyzed using NDS analysis. -Pricing Load = 123.3 plf OPERATOR INFORMATION Jimmy Wittrock (949) 885-5913 Copyright O 2007 by iLevel TJWTM and TJ-OpenWebTm are trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. iLevelO, TJ®, and Trus Joist® are registered trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. -A VGEychaaatr Busing TJ-OpenW ebTM v4.40.1 1!7/2008 10:40:46 AM PAGE 1 1 0.25" 5.50" }t 2.00" Project: Applebee's - La Quinta Location: La Quinta, CA Delivery: R1 Rel. Desc.: Roof Type: A4 Qty: 4 Project Number: 07025254 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Reference Span = 41' 1.000" 32.000" TJWTM OPEN WEB TRUSS Parallel Profile A Top Chord Slope =.25/12 2 0.25" } II 5.50" 2.00" }{ All dimensions are horizontal. Product diagram is conceptual. LOADS: Analysis for Open -web Member Supporting ROOF Structural Classification. Loads (psf): 20 Roof at 125% duration, 12 Dead (top chord), 4 Dead (bottom chord), @ 32.000" O.C. and: ' LOAD GROUP #1 @ 32.000" O.C.-Uplift Check TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Uniform(psf) W(1.33) -3.1 .1 0.250" to 41'3.500" Replaces TC Net Uplift Uniform(psf) R(1.25) 0 0 7.500" to 40'8.250" Replaces BC Removed DL on BC LOAD GROUP #2 @ 32.000" O.C.-Brace on 3/S6 (-) TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Uniform(plf) W(1.33) -83 0 0.250" to 41''0.874" Adds to TC Brace on 3/S6 LOAD GROUP #3 @ 32.000" O.C. 1st truss north of grid A TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Uniform(plo W(1.33) 49.8 0 0.250" to 41'0.874" Adds to TC 60% Brace on 3/S6 Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 18' 0.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2430# AC / 8 Points Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 29' 6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s), 2430# AC / 8 -Points Uniform(pso R(1.25) 10 12 18'0.000" to 29'6.000" Replaces TC Reduced LL under AC LOAD GROUP #4 @ 16.000" O.C.-11th truss north of grid A - DBL TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT ' Uniform(plo R(1.25) 43.5 43.5 0.250" to 11' 6.000" Adds to TC Tower & Tower Framing Point(plo R(1.25) 0 147 11' 6.000" Adds to , TC, on chord(s) Tower Wall LOAD GROUP #5 @ 32.000" O.C.-18th truss north of grid A TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Uniform(plo R(1.25) 22 22 0.250" to 11'6.000" Adds to TC Tower & Tower Framing 25% Uniform(plf) R(1.25) 0 37 0.250" to 11' 6.000" Adds to TC Tower Wall 25% Point(plf) R(1.25) 27 22 11'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Framing (Trib) Point(plf) R(1.25) 0 185 11'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Wall LOAD GROUP #6 @ 16.000" O.C.-15th truss north of grid A - DBL TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Point(lbs) R(1.25) 457 442 11'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Post Point(plf) R(1.25) 0 185 11' 6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Wall Point(plf) R(1.25) 27 22 11'6.000" Adds to TC, on chords) Tower Framing (Trib) LOAD GROUP #7 @ 32.000" O.C.-8th truss north of grid A TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 19' 0.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2430# AC / 8 Points Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 30'0.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2430# AC / 8 Points (1) Location is specified from left reference point unless noted otherwise. „ Copyright O 2007 by iLevel TJW T"' and TJ-OpenWebTM are trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. iLevel@. TJ®, and Trus Joist® are registered trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. 6 Project: Applebee's - La Quinta , Type: A4 s a Businm TJ-OpenWebT' v4.40.1 1/7/2008 10:40:46 AM PAGE 2 SUPPORTS: LEFT SUPPORT (Angle: 0°) RIGHT SUPPORT (Angle: 00) Material: Plate(s) Material: Plate(s) Bearing Clip: 6" No-Notch Bearing Clip: 6" No-Notch Reinforcement: Chord(s) only Reinforcement: Chord(s) only DESIGN CONTROLS: Truss Member's Critical Design Component Value: 99.2% (Design / Allowable) Truss design includes consideration for partial span application live load. REACTIONS: LEFT MAXIMUM LEFT MINIMUM RIGHT MAXIMUM RIGHT MINIMUM Total Load (lbs) 3238 R (1.25) -1187 W (1.33) 2682 W (1.33) -1169 W (1.33) - Live Load. (lbs) 1372 -1713 _ 1455 -1695' DEFLECTIONS & CAMBER: Deflection (Total Load) Span: 1.257" (U385) Deflection (Live Load) Span: 0.653" (1/741) Center Span Camber: 0.754", Matched to A2 ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by iLevel (TJ). Allowable product values shown are in accordance with current TJ materials and code accepted design values. TJ Engineering has verified the analysis. The input loads and dimensions have been provided by others and must be verified and approved for the specific application by the design professional for the project. Truss design values have been accepted by the following agencies: ICC ES Report No. ESR-1774, LAC RR 22614, and DSA. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Code ICC analyzing the TJ Custom products listed above with chords analyzed using NDS analysis. -Pricing Load =133.4 plf OPERATOR INFORMATION Jimmy Wittrock (949)885-5913 Copyright ® 2007 by iLevel TJWTm and TJ-OpenwebTm are trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. iLevel@, TJ@, and Trus Joist® are registered trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. 7 ' 4 Project: Applebee's - La Ouinta Type: A5 Bus;rtm Location: La Quinta, CA Qty. 6 TJ-OpenWebT"'v4.40.1 Delivery: R1 - Project Number: 07025254 1/7/2008 9:42:22 AM PAGE 1 Rel. Desc.: Roof 1 1.75" 5.13" }� 2.00" THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Reference Span = 41' 1.000" 32.000" TJWTM OPEN WEB TRUSS Parallel Profile A Top Chord Slope =.25/12 2 2.69" 5.13" 2.00"4 All dimensions are horizontal. Product diagram is conceptual. LOADS: Analysis for Open -web Member Supporting ROOF Structural Classification. Loads (psf): 20 Roof at 125% duration, 12 Dead.(top chord), 4 Dead (bottom chord), @ 32.000" O.C. and: LOAD GROUP #1 @ 32.000" O.C.-Uplift Check TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Uniform(psf) W(1.33) -3.1 .1 1.750" to 41'0.874" Replaces TC Net Uplift Un'tform(psf) R(1.25) 0 0 7.125" to 40' 8.437" Replaces BC Removed DL on BC LOAD GROUP #2 @ 32.000" O.C.-Brace on 3/S6 (-) TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Uniform(plf) W(1.33) -83 0 1.750" to 41'0.874" Adds to TC Brace on 3/S6 LOAD GROUP #3 @ 32.000" O.C.-1st truss north of grid A TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Uniform(plf) W(1.33) 49.8 0 1.750" to 41'0.874" Adds to TC 60% Brace on 3/S6 Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 18'0.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2430# AC / 8 Points Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 29'6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2430# AC / 8 Points Uniform(psf) R(1.25) 10 12 18'0.000" to 29'6.000" Replaces TC Reduced LL under AC LOAD GROUP #4 @ 16.000" O.C.-11th truss north of grid A - DBL TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Uniform(plf) R(1.25) 43.5 43.5 1.750" to 11' 6.000" Adds to TC Tower & Tower Framing Point(plf) R(1.25) 0 147 11' 6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Wall LOAD GROUP #5 @ 32.000" O.C.-18th truss north of grid A TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Un'Iform(plo R(1.25) 22 22 1.750" to 11' 6.000" Adds to TC Tower & Tower Framing 25% Uniform(plf) R(1.25) 0 37 1.750" to 11' 6.000" Adds to TC Tower Wall 25% Point(plf) R(1.25) 27 22 11' 6.000" Adds to. TC, on chord(s) Tower Framing (Trib) Point(plf) R(1.25) 0 185 11' 6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Wall LOAD GROUP #6 @ 16.000" O.C.-15th truss north of grid A - DBL TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Point(lbs) R(1.25) 457 442 11' 6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Post Point(plf) R(1.25) 0 185 11' 6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Wall Point(plf) R(1.25) 27 22 11' 6.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Framing (Trib) LOAD GROUP #7 @ 32.000" O.C.-8th truss north of grid A TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Point(lbs) R(125) 0 304 19' 0.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s), 2430# AC / 8 Points Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 30'0.000" Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2430# AC / 8 Points (1) Location is specified from left reference point unless noted otherwise. Copyright m 2007 by iLevel TJWTI and TJ-OpenWebTM are trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. iLevel@, TJ®, and Trus Joist® are registered trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. Project: Applebee's - La Quinta Type: AS R�W.BLwnez TJ-OpenWebTM v4.40.1 1!7/2008 9:42:22 AM PAGE 2 SUPPORTS: LEFT SUPPORT (Angle: 0°) RIGHT SUPPORT (Angle: 0°) Material: Plate(s) Material: Plate(s) Bearing Clip: 6" No -Notch Bearing Clip: 6" No -Notch Reinforcement: Chord(s) only Reinforcement: Chord(s) only DESIGN CONTROLS: Truss Member's Critical Design Component Value: 99.5% (Design/ Allowable) Truss design includes consideration for partial span application live load. REACTIONS: LEFT MAXIMUM LEFT MINIMUM RIGHT MAXIMUM RIGHT MINIMUM' Total Load (lbs) 3216 R (1.25) -1179 W (1.33) 2667 W (1.33) -1174 W (1.33) Live Load (Ibs) 1362 -1702 1447. -1695 DEFLECTIONS & CAMBER: Deflection (Total Load) Span: 1.262" (U384) Deflection (Live Load) Span: 0.656" (U739) Center Span Camber: 0.755",Matched to A5D ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by iLevel (TJ). Allowable product values shown are in accordance with current TJ materials and code accepted design values. TJ Engineering has verified the analysis. The input loads and dimensions have been provided by others and must be verified and approved for the specific application by the design professional for the project. Truss design values have been accepted by the following agencies: ICC ES Report No. ESR -1774, LAC RR 22614, and DSA. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Code ICC analyzing the TJ Custom products listed above with chords analyzed using NDS analysis. -Pricing Load = 133.6 plf OPERATOR INFORMATION Jimmy Wittrock (949) 885-5913 Copyright @ 2007 by iLevel TJW TM and TJ-OpenWebTM are trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. it-eveIV, TJ®, and Trus Joist® are registered trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. 51 e row {/,�,,f„��� Project: Applebee's - La Quinta Type: A5D 8,�;,,� Location: La Quinta, CA Qty. 2 TJ-OpenWebT'v4.40.1 Delivery: R1 Project Number: 07025254 1!7/2008 9:41:47 AM PAGE 1 Rel. Desc.: Roof THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Reference Span = 41' 1.000" 32.000" TJWTM OPEN WEB TRUSS Parallel Profile A Top Chord Slope =.25/12 2 2.69" \ r'i 5.13" 2.00"4 All dimensions are horizontal. Product diagram is conceptual. LOADS: Analysis for Open -web Member Supporting ROOF Structural Classification. Loads (psf): 20 Roof at 125% duration, 12 Dead (top chord), 4 Dead (bottom chord), @ 32.000" O.C. and: LOAD GROUP #1 @ 32.000" O.C.-Uplift Check APPLIED TO TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) Unifon,n(psf) W(1.33) -3.1 .1 1.750" to 41'0.874" Uniform(psf) R(1.25) 0 0 7.125" to 40'8.437" LOAD GROUP #2 @ 32.000" O.C.-Brace on 3/S6 (-) TC TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) Uniform(plf) W(1.33) -83 0 1.750" to 41'0.874" LOAD GROUP #3 @ 32.000" O.C.-1 st truss north of grid A TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) Uniform(plf) W(1.33) 49.8 0 1.750" to 41'0.874' Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 18'0.000" Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 29'6.000" Uniform(psf) R(1.25) 10 12 18'0.000" to 29'6.000" LOAD.GROUP #4 @ 16.000" O.C.-11th truss north of grid A - DBL TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) Uniform(plf) R(1.25) 43.5 43.5 1.750" to 11'6.000" Point(plf) R(1.25) 0 147 11'6.000"' LOAD GROUP #5 @ 32.000" O.C.-18th truss north of grid A TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) Uniform(plf) R(1.25) 22 22 1.750" to 11' 6.000" Uniform(plf) R(1.25) 0 37 1.750" to 11'6.000" Point(plf) R(1.25) 27 22 11' 6.000" Point(plf) R(1.25) 0 185 11'6.000" LOAD GROUP #6 @ 16.000" O.C.-15th truss north of grid A - DBL TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) Point(lbs) R(1.25) 457 442 11'6.000" Point(plf) R(1.25) 0 185 11'6.000" Point(plf) R(1.25) , 27 22 11'6.000" LOAD GROUP #7 @ 32.000" O.C.-8th truss north of grid A TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 19' 0.000" Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 30'0.000" (1) Location is specified from left reference point unless noted otherwise. APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Replaces TC Net Uplift Replaces BC Removed DL on BC APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Adds to TC Brace on 3/S6 APPL, APPLIED TO COMMENT Adds to TC 60% Brace on 3/S6 Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2430# AC / 8 Points Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2430# AC / 8 Points Replaces TC Reduced LL under AC APPL . APPLIED TO COMMENT Adds to TC Tower & Tower Framing Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Wall APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Adds to TC Tower & Tower Framing 25% Adds to TC Tower Wall 25% Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Framing (Trib) Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Wall APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Post Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Wall Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Framing (Trib) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2430# AC / 8 Points Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2430# AC / 8 Points Copyright @ 2007 by iLevel TJW TI and TJ-OpenWebTm are trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. iLevel@, TJ@, and Trus Joist@ are registered trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. ®� �T G�� Project: Applebee's - La Quinta Type: A513V�yo",rhaeusan Busirtm TJ-OpenWebTM'v4.40.1 �p 1/7/2008 9:41:47 AM PAGE 2 SUPPORTS: LEFT SUPPORT (Angle: 0°) RIGHT SUPPORT (Angle: 0°) Material: Plate(s) Material: Plate(s) Bearing Clip: 6" No -Notch Bearing Clip: 6" No -Notch Reinforcement: Chord(s) only Reinforcement: Chord(s) only DESIGN CONTROLS: Truss Member's. Critical Design Component Value: 99.5% (Design / Allowable) Truss design includes consideration for partial span application live load. REACTIONS: LEFT MAXIMUM LEFT MINIMUM RIGHT MAXIMUM RIGHT MINIMUM Total Load (lbs) 3216 R (1.25) -1179 W (1.33) 2667 W (1.33) -1174 W (1.33) Live Load (lbs) 1362 -1702 1447 -1695 DEFLECTIONS & CAMBER: Deflection (Total Load) Span: 1.262" (0384) Deflection (Live Load) Span: 0.656" (0739) Center Span Camber: 0.755", Matched to A2 ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by iLevel (TJ). Allowable product values shown are in accordance with current TJ materials and code accepted design values. TJ Engineering has verified the analysis. The input loads and dimensions have been provided by others and must be verified and approved for the specific application by the design professional for the project. Truss design values have been accepted by the following agencies: ICC ES Report No. ESR -1774, LAC RR 22614, and DSA. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Code ICC analyzing the TJ Custom products listed above with chords analyzed using NDS analysis. -Pricing Load = 133.6 plf OPERATOR INFORMATION Jimmy Wittrock (949)885-5913 Copyright O 2007 by iLevel TJWT" and TJ-OpenWebTl are trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business; Boise, Idaho, USA. iLevel®, TJ®, and Trus Joist® are registered trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. lL �J Project: Applebee's - La Ouinta Type: A6D ®� 4NBusin Location: La Quinta, CA Qty. 4 TJ-OpenwebT'v4.4o.1 Delivery: R1 Project Number: 07025254 1/7/2008 9:40:40 AM PAGE 1 Rel. Desc.: Roof t o.2s" 5.50" }� 2.00" THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Reference Span = 41' 1.000" 32.000" TJWTM OPEN WEB TRUSS Parallel Profile A Top Chord Slope =.25/12 z 2.69" 5.13" 2.00"4 All dimensions are horizontal. Product diagram is conceptual. LOADS: Analysis for Open -web Member Supporting ROOF Structural Classification. Loads (psf): 20 Roof at 125% duration, 12 Dead (top chord), 4 Dead (bottom chord), @ 32.000" O.C. and: LOAD GROUP #1, @ 32.000" O.C.-Uplift Check APPLIED TO TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) Uniform(psf) W(1.33) -3.1 .1 0.250" to 41'0.874" Uniform(psf) R(1.25) 0 0 7.500" to 40'8.437" LOAD GROUP #2 @ 32.000" O.C.-Brace on 3/S6 (-) TC TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) Uniform(plf) W(1.33) -83 0 0.250" to 41'0.874" LOAD GROUP #3 @ 32.000" O.C.-1st truss north of grid A TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) Uniform(plf) W(1.33) 49.8 0 0.250" to 41'0.874" Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 18'0.000" Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 29'6.000" Uniform(psf) R(1.25) 10 16 18'0.000" to 29'6.000" LOAD GROUP #4 @ 16.000" O.C.-1 1 th truss north of grid A - DBL TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) Uniform(plf) R(1.25) 43.5 43.5 0.250" to 11' 6.000" Point(plf) R(1.25) 0 147 1 V6.000" LOAD GROUP #5 @ 32.000" O.C.-18th truss north of grid A TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) Uniform(plf) R(1.25) 22 22 0.250" to 11' 6.000" Uniform(plf) R(1.25) 0 37 0.250" to 11' 6.000" Point(plf) R(1.25) 27 22 11' 6.000" Point(plf) R(1.25) 0 185 11'6.000" LOAD GROUP #6 @ 16.000" O.C.-15th truss north of grid A - DBL TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) Point(lbs) R(1.25) 457 442 11' 6.000" Point(plf) R(1.25) 0 185 11' 6.000" Point(plf) R(1.25) 27 22 11'6.000" LOAD GROUP #7 @ 32.000" O.C.-8th truss north of grid A TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION (1) Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 19' 0.000" Point(lbs) R(1.25) 0 304 30'0-000" (1) Location is specified from left reference point unless noted otherwise. APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Replaces TC Net Uplift Replaces BC Removed DL on BC APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Adds to TC Brace on 3/S6 APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Adds to TC 60% Brace on 3/S6 Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2430# AC / 8 Points Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2430# AC / 8 Points Replaces TC Reduced LL under AC APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Adds to TC Tower & Tower Framing Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Wall APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Adds to TC Tower & Tower Framing 25% Adds to TC Tower Wall 25% Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Framing (Trib) Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Wall APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Post Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Wall Adds to TC, on chord(s) Tower Framing (Trib) APPL APPLIED TO COMMENT Adds to TC, on chord(s) 24304 AC / 8 Points Adds to TC, on chord(s) 2430# AC / 8 Points Copyright m 2007 by iLevel TJWT"' and TJ-OpenWebT" are trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. iLevel®, TJ@, and Trus Joist® are registered trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. ®� • �T �� Project: Applebee's - La Quinta "Type: A6D A7�� �inm TJ-OpenW ebTM v4.40.1 1/7/2008 9:40:40 AM PAGE 2 SUPPORTS: LEFT SUPPORT (Angle: 0°) RIGHT SUPPORT (Angle: 0°) Material: Plate(s) Material: Plate(s) Bearing Clip: 6" No -Notch Bearing Clip:' 6" No -Notch Reinforcement: Chord(s) only Reinforcement: Chord(s) only. . DESIGN CONTROLS: Truss Member's Critical Design Component Value: 100.7% (Design / Allowable) Truss design includes consideration for partial span application, live load. REACTIONS: LEFT MAXIMUM LEFT MINIMUM RIGHT MAXIMUM RIGHT MINIMUM Total Load (Ibs) 3239 R (1.25) -1188 W (1.33) 2736 W (1.33) -1173 W (1.33) Live Load (lbs) 1373 -1713 1446 -1694 DEFLECTIONS & CAMBER: Deflection (Total Load) Span: 1.302" (U372) Deflection (Live Load) Span: 0.654" (U740) Center Span Camber: 0.754", Matched to A2 ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by iLevel (TJ). Allowable product values shown are in accordance with current TJ materials and code accepted design values. TJ Engineering has verified the analysis. The input loads and dimensions have been provided by others and must be verified and approved for the specific application by the design professional for the project. Truss design values have been accepted by the following agencies: ICC ES Report No. ESR -1774, LAC RR 22614, and DSA. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Code ICC analyzing the TJ Custom products listed above with chords analyzed using NDS analysis. -Pricing Load = 133.7 plf OPERATOR INFORMATION <Program User's Name> <Program User's Phone Number> Copyright O 2007 by iLevel TJWT'" and TJ-OpenWeblm are trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. il-evelO, TJ®, and Trus Joist® are registered trademarks of iLevel, A Weyerhaeuser Business, Boise, Idaho, USA. �-TRUS JOIST® commercial TJ Number 07-025254 Project Name Applebee's - La Quinta Location La Quinta, CA Delivery D1: Roof Plant Chino Latest Revision : Material List Operator Oanh Nguyen 'C. Office Irvine Project Coordinator Ivanka Aghbashian = Preliminary: Not For Production --- Comment rY� Status Out For Approval Report Type Customer Open -Web Products Trusses Quantity Type Series Depths) Appl. Profile Clear Span Pr. Length Pr. Load Fastnrs. Leh Fastnrs. Right Footage Notes 7 Al TJW 32 125% Parallel 39'-0.75' 40.0 119.0 6-N10 6-N10 Nom 280.0 32 14 A2 TJW 32 125% Parallel 40'-5.00" 41.0 133.7 6-N10 6-N10 32 574.0 14 A3 TJW 32 125% Parallel 45'-4.50" 46.0 123.3 6-N10 6-N10 644.0 4 A4 TJW 32 125% Parallel 40'-4.75" 41.0 133.4 6-N10 6-N10 164.0 6 A5 TJW 32 125% Parallel 40'-5.38" 41.0 133.6 6-N10 6-N10 246.0 2 A51) TJW 32 125% Parallel 40'-5.38" 41.0 133.6 6-N10 6-N10 82.0 4A6D TJW 32 125% Parallel 40'-5.00" 41.0 133.7 6-N10 6-N10 164.0 51 TJW ....... ..... ........ ..... .... .... ... ... Total 1 2154.0 Open -Web Products Hardware Blocking 1 Ib N8 (8dxl.5)Nails 14 Ib N10 (10dxl.5) Nails Quantity Type Size Length Net Custom Width Series & Clip Spacing . Tight To Notes 50 2x6 25.750 (in) Nom TJW - All Clips 32 1 Bearing Clip 28 2x6 27.125 (in) Nom TJW - All Clips 32 Chord 10 2x6 32.000 in Nom TJW - All Clips 32 1B,,ring Clip Open -Web Products I Bridging Lineal Ft Type Size Grade Notes 380 1 1 2x6 1 -- Open-Web Products Strut Bracing Quantity Type Style Spacing Series Notes 92 1 1 K5W 32 TJW )pen -Web Products Cross Bracing ]uantity Type Style Length Bend Profile Uplift Application Depth Spacing Note: 42 1 1 B3R 36.250 1 1 -- Wind Uplift 30"+ 32 TeamBuilder v1.61 D1: 07-025254 Applebee's - La Quinta 1 of 1 07-025254-MaterialList.xis Out For Approval 117/2008, 1:25 PM Hardware Quantity Type Description Notes 1 Ib N8 (8dxl.5)Nails 14 Ib N10 (10dxl.5) Nails 16 A35 Framing Anchor TeamBuilder v1.61 D1: 07-025254 Applebee's - La Quinta 1 of 1 07-025254-MaterialList.xis Out For Approval 117/2008, 1:25 PM