11826 (SFD) Title 24ENERGY. COMPLIANCE REPORT (TITLE 24 ) PREPARED FOR BILL DORAN PROJECT: NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE TO BE BUILT IN LA QUINTA BUILDING COMPLIES IN ANY ORIENTATION FOR CLIMATE ZONE 15 PREPARED BY: REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS 630 ORCHARD DRIVE REDLANDS, CA 92374 (714) 792-1429 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF -1R Project Title.......... Date........ 02/15/93 Pr t Add o7ecress........ LA QUINTA Documentation Author... ROBERT L. EVANS Company ................ REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Telephone .............. (909) 792-1429 Compliance Method...... MICROPAS4 by Enercomp, Inc. Climate Zone........... 15 Field Check/ Da e MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area..... Building Type .............. Construction Type ......... Building Front Orientation. Number of Dwelling Units... Number of Stories.......... Floor Construction Type.... 2305 sf Single Family Detached New Cardinal - N,E,S,W 1 1 Slab On Grade (Package D) BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component Insulation Assembly Type R -value U -Value Location/Comments Wall R-40 0.024 TYPICAL Roof R-38' 0.029 ATTIC Door R-0 0.330 ENTRY, GARAGE S1abEdge R-0 0.720 TO OUTSIDE FENESTRATION N, Over - Area U- # of Interior Exterior hang/ Framing Orientation (sf) Value Panes Shading Shading Fins Type Window Front (N) 40.0 0.650 2 drapes None None Metal Window Back (S) 64.0 0.650 2 drapes None None Metal Window Left (E) 92.0 0.650 2 drapes None None Metal Window Right (W) 48.0 0.650 2 drapes None None Metal THERMAL MASS Area Thickness Type Exposed (sf) (in) Location/Comments S1abOnGrade No 2048 3.5 CARPETED SlabOnGrade Yes 257 3.5 ENTRY,BATHS,KITCHEN N, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF -1R Project Title.......... Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE HVAC SYSTEMS Minimum Duct Duct Thermostat Equipment Type Efficiency Location R -value Type Gas 0.780 AFUE Attic R-2.1. Setback AirCond 10.00 SEER Attic R-2.1 Setback WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Number Tank External in Energy Size- Insulation Tank Type Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value Water Heater to meet minimum CEC Standards SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is.for the front facing North. 9 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF -1R Project Title.......... Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of'Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features/ Remarks section. DESIGNER.or OWNER Name.... DAVE ADRIAN Company. DRAFTECH Address. 30 E. HAYS ST. BANNING, CA 92220 Phone... (909 849-122 License. 1)4 1111 Signed.. (date) ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name.... Title... Agency.. Phone... Signed.. (date) DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Name.... ROBERT L. EVANS Company. REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Address. 630 ORCHARD DR. REDLANDS „ CA 92374 Phone... (909) 792-1429 Signed.. .�Ienlq dl4oh_ ( at I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF -1R Project Title.......... Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code- of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan,to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features/ Remarks section. DESIGNER or OWNER Name.... DAVE'ADRIAN Company. DRAFTECH Address. 30 E. HAYS ST. BANNING, CA 92220 Phone... ( - 849 2 License. Signed.. (date) ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name...., Title...' Agency.. Phone... Signed.. (date) DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Name.... ROBERT L. EVANS Company. REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Address. 630 ORCHARD DR. REDLANDS „ CA 92374 Phone... (909) 792-1429 Signed.. ate COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 1 C -2R Project Title.......... Date........ 02/15/93 P t Add - rL%J j ress....... . LA QUINTA Documentation Author... ROBERT L. EVANS Company ................ REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Telephone .............. (909) 792-1429 Compliance Method....... MICROPAS4 by Enercomp, Inc. Climate Zone........... 15 MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE MICROPAS4 ENERGY USE SUMMARY Energy Use Standard Proposed (kBtu/sf-yr) Design Design Space Heating.......... 2.35 1.29 Space Cooling........... 29.24 27.85 Water Heating.......... 10.92 10.92 North Total 42.51 40.06 Space Heating.......... SpaceCooling.......... Water Heating.......... East Total Space Heating.......... Space Cooling.......... Water Heating.......... South Total Space Heating.......... SpaceCooling.......... Water Heating.......... West Total 2.35 29.24 10.92 42.51 2.35 29.24 10.92 42.51 2.35 29.24 10.92 42.51 1.30 27.22 10.92 39.44 1.62 27.33 10.92 39.87 1.61 26.34 10.92 38.87 Compliance Margin 1.06 1.39 0.00 2.45 1.05 2.02 0.00 3.07 0.73 1.91 0.00 2.64 0.74 2.90 0.00 3.64 *** Building complies with Computer Performance *** GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area..... Building Type .............. Construction Type ......... Building Front Orientation. Number of Dwelling.Units... Number of Building Stories. Weather Data Type.......... 2305 sf Single Family Detached New Cardinal - N,E,S,W 1 1 ReducedYear Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade (Package D) 0 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C -2R Project Title.......... Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Zone Type HOUSE Residence Surface HOUSE 1 Wall 2 Wall 3 Wall 4 Wall 5 Roof 6 Door 7 Door Surface Number of Building Zones... 1 Conditioned Volume........,. 21898 cf Footprint Area ............. 2305 sf Ground Floor Area.......... 2305 sf Slab -On -Grade Area......... 2305 sf Glazing Percentage......... 10.6 % of FA Average Ceiling Height..... 9.5 ft BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Floor # of Area Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat (sf) (cf) Units itioned Type 2305 21898 1.00 Yes Setback OPAQUE SURFACES Area U- Insul Act Solar Form 3 (sf) value R-val Azm Tilt Gains Reference 340 0.024 R-40 0 90 Yes None 316 0.024 R-40 180 90 Yes None 564 0.024 R-40 90 90 Yes None 608 0.024 R-40' 270 90 Yes None 2305 0.029 R-38 0 0 Yes None 24 0.330 R-0 0 90 Yes None 18 0.330 R-0 90 90 No None PERIMETER LOSSES Length F2 Insul Surface (ft) -Factor R -vat Location/Comments HOUSE 8 S1abEdge HOUSE 1 Window 2 Window 3 Window 4 Window 218 0.720 R-0 TO OUTSIDE FENESTRATION SURFACES Vent Special Height Vent Area (ft) (sf) 2.0 n/a Location/ Comments TYPICAL TYPICAL TYPICAL TYPICAL ATTIC ENTRY GARAGE SC SC Interior Area # of Frame Open U-. Act Glass Int Shade (sf) Panes Type Type value Azm Tilt Only Shade Description 40.0 2 Metal Slider 0.65 0 90 0.77 0.66 drapes 64.0 2 Metal Slider 0.65 180 90 0.77 0.66 drapes 92.0 2 Metal Slider 0.65 90 90 0.77 0.66 drapes 48.0 2 Metal Slider 0.65 270 90 0.77 0.66 drapes COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R Project Title.......... Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-D.T2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Mass Type HOUSE 1 SlabOnGrade 2 SlabOnGrade THERMAL MASS Y Area Thick Heat Conduct- Surface (sf) (in) Cap ivity R -value Location/Comments 2048 3.5 28.0 0.98 R-2.0 257 3.5 28.0 0.98 R-0.0 HVAC SYSTEMS System Type HOUSE Gas AirCond CARPETED ENTRY,BATHS,KITCHEN Minimum Duct Duct Duct Efficiency Location R -value Efficiency 0.780 AFUE Attic R-2.1 0.780 10.00 SEER Attic R-2.1 0.740 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Number Tank External . in Energy Size Insulation Tank Type Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value Water Heater to meet minimum CEC Standards SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. HVAC SIZING Page 1 HVAC Project Title.... ..... Date........ 02/15/93 Project Address........ LA QUINTA Documentation Author... ROBERT L. EVANS Company......,.......... REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Telephone .............. (909) 792-1429 Compliance Method...... MICROPAS4 by Enercomp, Inc. Climate Zone........... 15 Building Permit Plan Check Date Field Check/ Da e MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE GENERAL INFORMATION Fl,00r Area ................. Volume..................... Front Orientation.......... Sizing Location............ Latitude... .... ......... Winter Outside Design...... Winter Inside Design....... Summer Outside Design...... Summer Inside Design....... SummerRange ............... Interior Shading Used...... Exterior Shading Used...... Overhang Shading Used...... Latent Load Fraction.....:. Description 2305 sf 21898 cf Front Facing LA QUINTA 33.7 degrees 29 F 70 F 112 F 78 F 30 F No No No 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY 0 deg (N) Heating Cooling (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 11543 5374 Glazing Conduction ............... 6503 5392 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 8628 Infiltration ..................... 12912 7652 Internal Gain .................... n/a 2100 Ducts ............................ 3096 2915 Sensible Load .................... 34054 32061 Latent Load ....................... n/a 6412 Minimum Total Load 34054 38473 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 2 HVAC Project Title.......... Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE HEATING LOAD CALCULATIONS DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 'HOUSE': WINTER DESIGN TEMPERATURES: InsideTemperature ................................ 70.0 F OutsideTemperature ............................... 29.0 F DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES Standard....... ................................. 41.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT LOSS: U -value Heat ` Area .(Btu/hr- TD Loss Description Orientation (sqft) sqft-F) (F) (Btuh) Wall North 340 x 0.024 x 41.0 = 335 Wall South 316 x 0.024 x 41.0 = 311 Wall East 564 x 0.024 x 41.0 = 555 Wall West 608 x 0.024 x 41.0 = 598 Roof Horizontal 2305 x 0.029 x 41.0 = 2741 Door North 24 x 0.330 x 41.0 = 325 Shaded Wall n/a 18 x 0.330 x 41.0 = 244 S1abEdge n/a 218 x 0.720 x 41.0 = 6435 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 11543 Double Window North 40 x 0.65 x 41.0 = 1066 Double Window South 64 x 0.65 x 41.0 = 1706 Double Window East 92 x 0.65 x 41.0 = 2452 Double Window West 48 x 0.65 x 41.0 = 1279 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR GLAZING SURFACES 6503 INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 21898 cuft x 0.80 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 41.0 = 12912 SUBTOTAL 30958 DUCT HEAT LOSS: Duct Location: Attic 0.10 x 30958 = 3096 TOTAL HEATING LOAD: 34054 HVAC SIZING Page 3 HVAC Project Title.......... Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE COOLING LOAD CALCULATIONS DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 'HOUSE': SUMMER DESIGN CONDITIONS: InsideTemperature ................................ 78.0 F OutsideTemperature...............................112.0 F TemperatureRange ................................. 30.0 F DESIGN EQUIVALENT TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES Standard...... ................................. 34:0 F Frame Walls and Doors.. ......................... 32.6 F Ceiling Under Vented Attic ........................ 53.0 F FramePartitions .................................. 24.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT GAIN: U -value Heat Area (Btu/hr- TDeq Gain Description Orientation (sqft) sqft-F) (F) (Btuh) Wall North 340 x 0.024 x 32.6 = 266 Wall South 316 x 0.024 x 32.6 = 247 Wall East 564 x 0.024 x 32.6 = 441 Wall West 608 x 0.024 x 32.6 = 476 Roof Horizontal 2305 x 0.029 x 53.0 = 3543 Door North 24 x 0.330 x 32.6 = 258 Shaded Wall n/a 18 x 0.330 x 24.0 = 143 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 5374 Double Window North 40 x 0.65 x 34.0 = 884 Double Window South 64 x 0.65 x 34.0 = 1414 Double Window East 92 x '0.65 x 34.0 = 2033 Double Window West 48 x 0.65 x 34.0 = 1061 CONDUCTIVE TOTAL FOR GLAZING SURFACES 5392 SOLAR HEAT GAIN: Heat Area Shading Gain Description Orientation (sgft) SHGF Coeff. (Btuh) Double Window North 40 x 15 x 0.67 = 402 Double Window South 64 x 32 x 0.67 = 1373 Double Window East 92 x 73 x 0.67 = 4503 Double Window West 48 x 73 x 0.67 = 2349 EXTERIOR SOLAR TOTAL (Sext) 8628 INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 21898 cuft x 0.57 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 34.0 = 7652 INTERNAL GAIN: 4 People x 225 Btu/person + 1200 Btu (appliance) = 2100 HVAC SIZING Page 4 HVAC Project Title... ..... Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#=MP0918 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE SUBTOTAL 29146 DUCT HEAT GAIN: Duct Location: Attic 0.10 x 29146 = 2915 LATENT LOAD: TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN 32061 0.20 x 32061 = 6412 TOTAL COOLING LOAD 38473 HVAC SIZING Page 5 HVAC Project Title.......... Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE GENERAL INFORMATION FloorArea ................. Volume.. ............ Front Orientation....:..... Sizing Location............ Latitude... .... ........ Winter Outside Design...... Winter Inside Design....... Summer Outside Design...... Summer Inside Design....... SummerRange........ ..... Interior Shading Used...... Exterior Shading Used...... Overhang Shading Used...... Latent Load Fraction....... 2305 sf 21898 cf Front Facing LA QUINTA 33.7 degrees 29 F 70 F 112 F 78 F 30 F No No No 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Heating Description (Btuh) 90 deg (E) Cooling (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 11543 5374 Glazing Conduction ............... 6503 5392 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 7547 Infiltration .............. *....... 12912 7652 Internal Gain .................... n/a 2100 Ducts ............................ 3096 2807 Sensible Load .................... 34054 30872 Latent Load ...................... n/a 6174 Minimum Total Load 34054 37046 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, •outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. J HVAC SIZING Page 6 HVAC Project Title...... .. Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 V4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES Heat Loss (Btuh) 335 311 555 598 2741 325 244 6435 11543 Double HEATING LOAD CALCULATIONS 40 x DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 'HOUSE': 41.0 = 1066 Double Window WINTER DESIGN TEMPERATURES: 64 x 0.65 x InsideTemperature ................................ 1706 70.0 F OutsideTemperature ............................... 92 29.0 F DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES 41.0 = 2452 Double Window Standard.......................................... 48 41.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT LOSS: 41.0 = 1279 U -value CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR Area (Btu/hr- TD Description Orientation (sgft) sqft-F) (F) Wall East 340 x 0.024 x 41.0 Wall West 316 x 0.024 x 41.0 Wall South 564 x 0.024 x 41.0 Wall North 608 x 0.024 x 41.0 Roof Horizontal 2305 x 0.029 x 41.0 Door East 24 x 0.330 x 41.0 Shaded Wall n/a 18 x 0.330 x 41.0 SlabEdge n/a 218 x 0.720 x 41.0 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES Heat Loss (Btuh) 335 311 555 598 2741 325 244 6435 11543 Double Window East 40 x 0.65 x 41.0 = 1066 Double Window West 64 x 0.65 x 41.0 = 1706 Double Window South 92 x 0.65 x 41.0 = 2452 Double Window North 48 x 0.65 x 41.0 = 1279 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR GLAZING SURFACES 6503 INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 21898 cuft x 0.80 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 41.0 = 12912 DUCT HEAT LOSS: Duct Location: Attic SUBTOTAL 30958 0.10 x 30958 = 3096 TOTAL. HEATING LOAD: 34054 HVAC SIZING Page 7 HVAC Project Title.......... Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE COOLING LOAD CALCULATIONS DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 'HOUSE': SUMMER DESIGN CONDITIONS: InsideTemperature ................................ 78.0 F OutsideTemperature .............. ...............112.0 F TemperatureRange...... ... ........................ 30.0 F DESIGN EQUIVALENT TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES Standard...... ................................... 34.0 F Frame Walls and Doors ... 32.6 F Ceiling Under Vented Attic ........................ 53.0 F FramePartitions .................................. 24.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT GAIN: U -value Heat Shading Gain Area Orientation (Btu/hr- SHGF TDeq Gain Description Orientation (sqft) x 73 sqft-F) = 1958 .(F) (Btuh) Wall x 73 East 340 x 0.024 x 32.6 = 266 Wall Double Window West 316 x 0.024 x 32.6 = 247 Wall South 564 x 0.024 x 32.6 = 441 Wall North 608 x 0.024 x 32.6 = 476 Roof Horizontal 2305 x 0.029 x 53.0 = 3543 Door East 24 x 0.330 x 32.6 = 258 Shaded Wall n/a 18 x 0.330 x 24.0 = 143 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 5374 Double Window East 40 x 0.65 x 34.0 = 884 Double Window West 64 x 0.65 x 34.0 = 1414 Double Window South 92 x 0.65 x 34.0 = 2033 Double Window North 48 x 0.65 x 34.0 = 1061 CONDUCTIVE TOTAL FOR GLAZING SURFACES 5392 SOLAR HEAT GAIN: Heat Area Shading Gain Description Orientation (sqft) SHGF Coeff. (Btuh) Double Window East 40 x 73 x 0.67 = 1958 Double Window West 64 x 73 x 0.67 = 3132 Double Window South 92 x 32 x 0.67 = 1974 Double Window North 48 x 15 x 0.67 = 483 EXTERIOR SOLAR TOTAL (Sext) INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 21898 cuft x 0.57 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 34.0 = 7547 7652 INTERNAL GAIN: 4 People x 225 Btu/person + 1200 Btu (appliance) = 2100 HVAC SIZING Page 8 HVAC Project Title.......... Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A _.Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0978 'User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DUCT HEAT GAIN: Duct Location: Attic LATENT LOAD: SUBTOTAL 28065 0.10 x 28065 = 2807 TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN 30872 0.20 x 30872 = 6174 TOTAL COOLING LOAD 37046 HVAC SIZING Page 9 HVAC Project Title...-,,..... Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE GENERAL INFORMATION Floor Area ................. 2305 sf Volume... ............ 21898 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 180 deg (S) Sizing Location...... .... LA QUINTA Latitude... ...: 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 29 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Sensible Load .................... 34054 31760 Latent Load ...................... n/a 6352 Minimum Total Load 34054 38112 Note: The loads shown are only one•of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Heating Cooling Description (Btuh) (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 11543 5374 Glazing Conduction ............... 6503 5392 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 8354 Infiltration ............... :..... 12912 7652 Internal Gain .................... n/a 2100 Ducts ............................ 3096 2887 Sensible Load .................... 34054 31760 Latent Load ...................... n/a 6352 Minimum Total Load 34054 38112 Note: The loads shown are only one•of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 10 HVAC Project Title.......... Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE HEATING LOAD CALCULATIONS DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 'HOUSE': , WINTER DESIGN TEMPERATURES: InsideTemperature ................................ 70.0 F Outside Temperature..... ........................ 29.0 F DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES Standard.......................................... 41.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT LOSS: U -value Heat Area (Btu/hr- TD Loss Description Orientation (sgft) sqft-F) (F) (Btuh) Wall South 340 x 0.024 x 41.0 = 335 Wall North 316 x 0.024 x 41.0 = 311 Wall West 564 x 0.024 x 41.0 = 555 Wall East 608 x 0.024 x 41.0 = 598 Roof Horizontal 2305 x 0.029 x 41.0 = 2741 Door South 24 x 0.330 x 41.0. = 325 Shaded Wall n/a 18 x 0.330 x 41.0 = 244 S1abEdge n/a 218 x 0.720 x 41.0 = 6435 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 11543 Double Window South 40 x 0.65 x 41.0 = 1066 Double Window North 64 x 0.65 x 41.0 = 1706 Double Window West 92 x 0.65 x 41.0 = 2452 Double Window East 48 x 0.65 x 41.0 = 1279 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR GLAZING SURFACES 6503 INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium_) 21898 cuft x 0.80 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 41.0 = 12912 SUBTOTAL 30958 DUCT HEAT LOSS: Duct'Location: Attic 0.10 x 30958 = 3096 TOTAL HEATING LOAD: 34054 HVAC SIZING. Page.11 HVAC Project Title.......... Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE COOLING LOAD CALCULATIONS DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 'HOUSE': SUMMER DESIGN CONDITIONS: Area Shading Orientation (sqft) SHGF InsideTemperature ................................ 78.0 F x 32 Outside Temperature...............................112.0 North F x 15 TemperatureRange ................................. 30.0 F x 73 DESIGN EQUIVALENT TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES East 48 x 73 x 0.67 Standard... � ...................................... 34.0 F FrameWalls and Doors ... ......................... 32.6 F Ceiling Under Vented Attic ........................ 53.0 F FramePartitions .................................. 24.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT GAIN: U -value Heat Area (Btu/hr- TDeq Gain Description Orientation (sgft) sqft-F) (F) (Btuh) Wall South 340 x 0.024 x 32.6 = 266 Wall North 316, x 0.024 x 32.6 = 247 Wall West 564 x 0.024 x 32.6 = 441 Wall East 608 x 0.024 x 32.6 = 476 Roof Horizontal 2305 x 0.029 x 53.0 = 3543 Door South 24 x 0.330 x 32.6 = 258 Shaded Wall n/a 18 x 0.330 x 24.0 = 143 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 5374 Double Window South 40 x 0.65 x 34.0 = 884 Double Window North 64 x 0.65 x 34.0 = 1414 Double Window West 92 x 0.65 x 34.0 = 2033 Double Window East 48 x 0.65 x 34.0 = 1061 SOLAR HEAT GAIN:' Description Double Window Double Window Double Window Double Window CONDUCTIVE TOTAL FOR GLAZING SURFACES EXTERIOR SOLAR TOTAL (Sext) INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 21898 cuft x 0.57 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 34.0 = INTERNAL GAIN: 4 People x 225 Btu/person + 1200 Btu (appliance) _ 5392 Heat Gain (Btuh) 858 644 4503 2349 8354 7652 2100 Area Shading Orientation (sqft) SHGF Coeff. South 40 x 32 x 0.67 North 64 x 15 x 0.67 West 92 x 73 x 0.67 East 48 x 73 x 0.67 EXTERIOR SOLAR TOTAL (Sext) INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 21898 cuft x 0.57 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 34.0 = INTERNAL GAIN: 4 People x 225 Btu/person + 1200 Btu (appliance) _ 5392 Heat Gain (Btuh) 858 644 4503 2349 8354 7652 2100 HVAC SIZING Page 12 HVAC MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0978 User -REDS ENERGY CALCULATIONS -Run-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DUCT HEAT GAIN: Duct Location: Attic LATENT LOAD: r SUBTOTAL 28873 0.10 x 28873 = 2887 TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN 31760 0.20 x 31760 = 6352 TOTAL COOLING LOAD 38112 0 HVAC SIZING Page 13 HVAC Project Title...... .. Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4,v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE GENERAL INFORMATION FloorArea ................. Volume.. ... ............ Front Orientation.......... Sizing Location............ Latitude... .... ....... Winter Outside Design...... Winter Inside Design....... Summer Outside Design...... Summer Inside Design....... SummerRange. ...... ..... Interior Shading Used...... Exterior Shading Used...... Overhang Shading Used...... Latent Load Fraction....... Description 2305 sf 21898 cf Front Facing LA QUINTA 33.7 degrees 29 F 70 F 112 F 78 F 30 F No No No 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Heating (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 11543 Glazing Conduction ............... 6503 GlazingSolar .................... n/a Infiltration ..................... 12912 InternalGain............ ...... n/a Ducts............................. 3096 Sensible Load .................... 34054 LatentLoad ...................... n/a 270 deg (W) Cooling (Btuh) 5374 5392 7045 7652 2100 2756 30320 6064 Minimum Total Load 34054 36384 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 14 HVAC Project Title.......... Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A' Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE HEATING LOAD CALCULATIONS DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 'HOUSE': WINTER DESIGN TEMPERATURES: InsideTemperature ................................ 70.0 F OutsideTemperature ............................... 29.0 F DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES Standard.......................................... 41.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT LOSS: U -value Heat Area (Btu/hr- TD Loss Description Orientation (sgft) sqft-F) (F) (Btuh) Wall West 340 x 0.024 x 41.0 = 335 Wall East 316 x 0.024 x 41.0 = 311 Wall North 564 x 0.024 x 41.0 = 555 Wall South 608 x 0.024 x 41.0 = 598 Roof Horizontal 2305 x 0.029 x 41.0 = 2741 Door West 24 x 0.330 x 41.0 = 325 Shaded Wall n/a 18 x 0.330 x 41.0 = 244 SlabEdge n/a 218 x 0.720 x 41.0 = 6435 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 11543 Double Window West 40 x 0.65 x 41.0 = 1066 Double Window East 64 x 0.65 x 41.0 = 1706 Double Window North 92 x 0.65 x 41.0 = 2452 Double Window South 48 x 0.65 x 41.0 =' 1279 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR GLAZING SURFACES 6503 INFILTRATION; (Type: Medium) 21898 cuft x 0.80.ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 41.0 = 12912 DUCT HEAT LOSS: Duct Location: Attic TOTAL HEATING LOAD: SUBTOTAL 30958 0.10 x 30958 = 3096 34054 HVAC SIZING Page 15 HVAC Project Title.......... Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 x4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0978 User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE COOLING LOAD CALCULATIONS DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 'HOUSE': SUMMER DESIGN CONDITIONS: InsideTemperature ................................ 78.0 F Outside Temperature ............. ................112.0 F TemperatureRange ................................. 30.0 F DESIGN EQUIVALENT TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES Standard........ .................................. 34.0 F Frame Walls and Doors ......................... 32.6 F Ceiling Under Vented Attic...... .................. 53.0 F FramePartitions .................................. 24.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT GAIN: U -value Heat Area (Btu/hr- TDeq Gain Description Orientation (sgft) sqft-F) (F) (Btuh) Wall West 340 x 0.024 x 32.6 = 266 Wall East 316 x 0.024 x 32.6 = 247 Wall North 564 x 0.024 x 32.6 = 441 Wall South 608 x 0.024 x 32.6 = 476 Roof Horizontal 2305 x 0.029 x 53.0 = 3543 Door West 24 x 0.330 x 32.6 = 258 Shaded Wall n/a 18 x 0.330 x 24.0 = 143 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 5374 Double Window West 40 x 0.65 x 34.0 = 884 Double Window East 64 x 0.65 x 34.0 = 1414 Double Window North 92 x 0.65 x 34.0 = 2033 Double Window South 48 x 0.65 x 34.0 = 1061 CONDUCTIVE TOTAL FOR GLAZING SURFACES 5392 SOLAR HEAT GAIN: Description Double Window Double Window Double Window Double Window Heat Area Shading Gain Orientation (sqft) SHGF Coeff. (Btuh) West East North South 40 x 73 x 0.67 64 x 73 x 0.67 92 x 15 x 0.67 48 x 32 x' 0.67 EXTERIOR SOLAR TOTAL (Sext) INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 21898 cuft x 0.57 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 34.0 = INTERNAL GAIN: 4 People x 225 Btu/person + 1200 Btu (appliance) = 1958 3132 925 1030 7045 7652 2100 HVAC SIZING Page 16 HVAC Project Title.... ..... Date........ 02/15/93 MICROPAS4 v4.01 File-DT2305A Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#=MP0978 •User-REDE ENERGY CALCULATIONS Run -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE SUBTOTAL 27564 DUCT HEAT GAIN: Duct Location: Attic 0.10 x 27564 = 2756 TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN 30320 LATENT LOAD: 0.20 x 30320 = 6064 TOTAL COOLING LOAD 36384 1 �k Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential MF -1 R NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (') may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as binding minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. DESCRIPTION Building Envelope Measures §150(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. §150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value. * §I50(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in framed walls (does not apply to exterior mass walls). * §150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors; minimum R-8 in concrete raised floors. §150(1): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. ' §118: Insulation specified or installed meets California Energy Commission quality standards. Indicate type and form. ;,•,1.. §116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors and Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls. •:. a. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. :. b. Manufactured fenestration products have label with certified U -value, and infiltration certification. c. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. th r §150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. §150(f): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with §151 meets Commission quality standards. §150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. ;�,.. Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures §110-13: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Commission. ` §150(1): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating systems. §1500): Pipe and Tank Insulation 1. Indirect hot water tanks (e.g., unfired storage tanks or backup solar hot water tanks) have insulation - blanket (R-12 or greater) or combined interior/exterior insulation (R-16 or greater). 2. First 5 feet of pipes closest to water heater tank, non -recirculating systems, insulated (R-4 or greater). 3. All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculating sections of hot water system. 4. Cooling system piping below 55°F insulated. 5. Piping insulated between heating source and indirect hot water tank. * §150(m): Ducts and Fans 1. Ducts constructed, installed and sealed to comply with UMC Sections 1002 and 1004; ducts insulated to a minimum installed value of R-4.2 or ducts enclosed entirely within conditioned space. 2. Exhaust fan systems have backdraft or automatic dampers 3. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers.. §114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment 1. System is certified with 78% thermal efficiency, on-off switch, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating and no pilot light. 2. System is installed with: a. At least 36' pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating. b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spa. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. §115: Gas-fired central furnace, pool heater, spa heater or household cooking appliance have no continuously buring pilot light. (Exception: Non -electrical cooking appliance with pilot < 150 Btu/hr.) Lighting Measures §150(k): 40 lumens/waft or greater for general lighting in kitchens and rooms with water closets; and recessed ceiling fixtures IC (insulation cover) approved. Revised January 1992 DESIGNER I ENFORCEMENT