07114 (SFD) Title 24TITLE i4 REPORT FOR: Single Family Dwelling La Quinta, Ca. PROJECT DESIGNER: OWNER: .Tim Sat.t. l ey 74-050 San Marino Circle Palm Desert•, Ca. REPORT PREPARED BY: :Tann Conlon Custom Aire P.O. Bom 2751 Palm Desert.. Ca. 92261 619 341 953:3 Job -Number: Date: 5/5/1989 JAMES G. SATTLEY, INC. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 248823 74-050 SAN MARINO CIRCLE PALM DESERT, CA 92260 The COMPLY 24 computer program has been used to per -form the calculations summarized in this compliance report.. This program has interim approval and is.authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with the 'second Generation Nonresidential Building Energy Efficiency Standards for Nonresidential Occupancies. Second Generation Residential Occupancies shown to comply with this program conform to the results produced by the Public Domain Point System, developed by the California Energy Commission. This program developed by Michael Gabel Associates ( 415) 428-0803. Table Of Contents for Title 24 Report. ------------------------------------- Cover Page ............. .........a............................ 1 Table of Contents ................................................... 2 Farm CF -1R Certificate of Compliance: Residential ................... :3 Farm MF -IR Mandatory .Measures Checklist: Residential ................ 6 Farm P -2R Points System Summary ................. ........... .......... Form CF -3 Construction Assemblies ................................... 9 Farm WS -IR Points Thermal Mass Worksheet ............. 1—i ........... 1:3 Form WS -2R Interpolation Work sheet :.............................. 4.. 14 Form S Shading Coefficient. (SC:) Workshwet. ........................... 15 Domestic Hct. Water W� �rksheet ............ 1; HVAC: Zane & Spay== Leads Summary ..................................... 19 4 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (part 1 of 3) CF -1R page 3 of 20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- P ro j ect.: Single Family Dwelling � COMPLY 24 v 2.20 ------------------ Designer-: Building Permit. No ' ------------------ Locat.ion: Indio / La Quint.a Date: 5/5/19=9 ; Checked By ------------------ Documentation: _Tann Conlon Custom Aire : Date (User 4 1 361 i ) ---------- =---------------------------------------------------------------- PRi i,TECT ADDRESS - La Quinta, Ca. GENERAL INFORMATION Compliance Method: Climate Zone: Total Conditioned Floor Area: Building Occupancy: Fr• int• Entry Orientation: Floor- Construction Type: Infiltration Control: : BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Point. System 15 12;,4 sgft. Single Fam I;et. North/East/South/West (circle one) Slab Standard Component --------- Area ---- I I -Value Location/Comments R-11 R-11 Frame Wall 10 fie ------- C1. 0978. ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- Who l e House R-38 Rogf/Gyp Ceiling 1284 0. 0290 Whole House Exposed Slab 1234 0.91100 Whole Haase /Slab F2 Val THERMAL MASS Thick; Mass Material Area (in) Type Location/Description Co ncrete, Heavyweight. 12:34 4.000 Exposed Whole House /Int. Mass Tile in Mortar 160 1.000 Expo used Whole House /Int. Mass r i=ERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (part. 2 of :3) CF -1R pas? 4 of iii ----------------- =--------------------------------------------------------- Project.: Single Family Dwelling 1 COMPLY 24 v 2.21*i Designer: Location: Indib / La Quint.a Date: 5/5/1989 Documentation: _Tana Conlon -Custom Air e ------------------------------------------------------- SHADING ------------------------------------------------------ SHAhING i_ i TEFF GLAZING Mass Class Glass w/Int• Orientation Area Type U -Val Only Shade North 72.0 Single 1.10 1.00 0.34 East. .35.0 , Single 1.10 1.00 0.:34 South -20.0 Single 1.10 1.00 a.34 West. 61.0 Single 1.10 1.00 0.34 SHADING (for- Glazing above) Over Orientation ----------- Exteriar Device ------------------------ SC hang North 50 % Bug Screen ---- 0.84 ---- ii. 0 East. Sit Y. Bug Screen 0.84 0.0 South Ordinary Bug Screen 0.67 0.0 West. 50 % Bug Screen 0.84 0.0 ------------------ Building Permit No ------------------ Checked By ------------------- Date (User 4 1: 60 ) ------------------- Descr i pt i on Single/Light. Blinds Single/Light. Blinds Single/Light Blinds Single/Light Blinds Framing Type Metal w/o Mullions Wood Door w/Mull ions Metal w/o Mullions Metal w/o Mullions C:ERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANi=E: Residential (part 3 of 3) QF -1R page 5 of 20 --------------------- ------------------------------------------- Project: Single Family Dwelling COMPLY 24 v 2.20 ------------------ I:'esigner-: ' Building Permit No Location: Indio La -uirta Date: 5/5/1989 C -f -e -Re -F -By --------- ------------------ Documentation: -------- --DocCustom Date umentation: Jrn Go-lcr Aire ; (User#1hG) ----------------- -'=-------------------------------------------------------- HVAC= SYSTEMS Miry output. Duct• Duct. Manufacturer/Model No. System Type --------------- Ef f (Bt uh) ----- ------ Location ----------------- RVa 1 (or approved equal) Heat. Pump 71000 33200 Vent.. Attic Space ---- 4.5 --------- - ------------- Janit.rol C:P:36-1D Heat. Pump 9.000 34000 Max. Fur-nace 'i ut.put.; 45000 Bttuh + E(76% - 71%) x 711001 _ :_:2351 Btuh Cooling Exception:...... ____-- Cooling (see Load i_ a 1 cs) requires Bt.uh HOT WATER SYSTEMS Tank Manufacturer -/Model No. 4 of Energy 4 of System Type -------- ---------- Volume ------ (or" approved equal) ----------------------- Units Credits Pumps - Heat. Pump 48.0 American HP452 (HPWH) ------------ 1 i i ----- n SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS (Add,extra sheets if necessary) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- i_OMPLIANS=E STATEMENT This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Chapter � Title , F r t - _� •_ 53 and •-20r Chapter 2, Subchapter 4, Article 1 of the California Administrative Code. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility and the building owner, who shall 11 r-et.ain acopy of it and transmit the certificate to any subsequent purchaser- of the building. When this Certificate of Compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, all building conservation features which vary are indicated in the Special Features/Remarks section. DESIGNER License N• Signed: ----------------------------- DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Jana Conlon Custom Aire P.O. i. B• x 2751 Palm Desert., Ca. 9261 619 341 953-1 i fined: BUILDING OWNER J i rn Sat.t. l ey 74-050 Sar- Marina c=ircle Palm Desert., Ca. Signed: 4--- ENFORCE7EYT AGENCY Narne Ag�r-��=y: -- - ------------------------ - -----------------=------ Te 1 eph Signed: --------------------- MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST (part 1 of 2) MF -IR page 6 of 20 ------------ ----------------------------------------------------- =--------- Project: S ingle'Fami ly Dwelling : COMPLY 24 v 2.20 Designer: Location: Indio / La Quint•a Date: 5/5/1989 ------------------ Building Permit No T- -------- TecE ed By ------------------ Documentation: Jana Conlon �n Cus t� �m Aire Data (I is er- 4 1 =60 ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE : Lowr i se residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist. is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be c=onsidered by all parties as binding minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere An the documents or on this checklist only. BUILDING ENVELOPE MEASURES Enforcement_. o Sec. 24352(a): Minimum cei 1 ing insulation R-19 weighted average. x o Sec. 2-5 352(t r os� > : � Lo fill insulation manufacturers labeled R -Value. ,Sec. 2-5352(c): Minimum wall insulation in framed walls R-11 weighted average (does not apply to-extorior" mass walls) . * ~ec. 2-5352(k:). Slab edge insulation - water absorption rite no greater" than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate n greater" than 2.0 perm/inch. o Sec. 2-5311: Insulation spec=ified or installed meets California Energy c=ommission (GEC) quality standards. Indicate type and form. o Sec. 2-5352(f): Vapor" barriers mandatory ry in Climate Zones 14 and -16 only. o Sec. 2-5:317: Infiltration/Exfilt.ration Controls a. Doors and windows bet.ween conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air- leakage. b. Doors and windows certified. c. I:root's and w i ndow� weat.her"str i peed : all joints ar-id Penetrations caulked and sealed. cl-c i _installedt.o �=r •-er-.---�•�_�c(�): Special infiltration barrier comply with tier= . -5351 meets CE_ quality standards. o Sec. 2-5352(d): Installation of Fireplac=es I. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Tight fitting, closeable metal or glass door - b. Outside air- intake with damper" and control c. Flue damper" and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST (part ' : c If 2) MF -1R page 7 � 1 f 20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pr -o j ect : Singly Family Dwelling 1 COMPLY 24 v 2.20 0 1 Designer: 1 Building Permit. No -------------- ---- Location: Indio / La ��uint•a Data_: 5/5/1989 1 CheckedFy ---- ------------------ Documentation: :tann Conlon Custom Aire 1 Date (User 4 1 860 ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HVAC_ AND PLUMPING SYSTEM -MEASURES o Sec. 2-5352(g) and 2-5303: Space conditioning equipment sizing: attach calculations. o Sec. 2-5352(h) and 2-5315: Setback thermostat on all applicable heating systems. o Sec. 2-5316(a): Ducts constructed, installed and insulated per Chapter- 10, 1976 UMC:. * o Sec. 2-5:316(b): Exhaust systems have damper- controls. o Sic. 2-5314(c): Gas-fired space heating equipment F'ia s intermittent ignition devices. o Sec. 2-5314: HVAC equipment, water heaters, sh� •wer-heads and faucets certified by the i_EC:. �52 ( r h r - insu1a i _n blanket t. (R-12 or �, t'1F1� • i- �I `1 li 1 ) � Water e- t.e t. 1 1 1 �. greater) or combined interior/exterior insulation (R-16 or greater) ; first 5 feet of pipes closest to tank: insulated (R-:3 or greater) . o Sec. -5:312 (Exceptic In I) : Pipe insulation on steam and steam condensate return & recirculating piping. 11 Sec. 2-5318(d): Swimming Pool Heating 1. System has:. a. On/off switch on heatir. b. Weatherproof instruction plate on neater. c. Plumbed to allow for solar-. 2. 75 percent thermal l offi iency. 3. Pool cover. 4. Time clock. 5. Directional water inlet.. LIGHTING AND APDL I ANA MEASURES o Sec. 2-5352(j): Lighting - 25. 1umens/wat.t or greater for general lighting in kitchens and bathrooms. c 1 Sec. 2-5314(c): Gas fired appliances equipped with int.er-mit.tt.ent ignition devices. o Sec. 2-5314(a): Refrigerators, r-efr-iger-at.or-freezers, freezers and fluorescent lamp ballasts certified by the i=EC. Indicate make and model number. Enforcement POINTS SYSTEM SUMMARY: CLIMATE ZONE 15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- F -2R page =, of 21:1 Project.: Single Family Dwelling 1 COMPLY 24 v 2.20 hesigner: ; Building Permit No Locat•ion: Indic / La Quint•a Date: 5/5/1989 ' ------------------ 1 Checked By hocument•at•ion: Jann C6nlon Custom ----=---------------------------------------------------------------------- Aire ___ 1 Date.(User 4 1 60) BUILDING hATA Conditioned Floor Area 1284 sgft• Number of Stories . 1 C iccuiancy Typo Single Farn Det. SCORE CARO Measure Points 4. Roof Insulation G.0290 (U -Value) ii 2. Wall Insulation 0.0978 78 (U -Value) -7 A. Raised Floor Insulation 0.0000 (U -Value) 3a. Controlled Vent. Crawlspace 0.0 (R -Value) -:3 4. Slab Edge Insulat•ion 0.9000 (f2 fact -or) 5. Infiltration Standard 0 6. Glass Heat Loss 1.10 14.6,% -12 Sum 1--6 -22 7. Shade Open Area % Class Sc OH Eff % a. North 72.0 5.6 x 0.81 = 4.6 -2 b. East. 35.0 2.7 C1. -82 ;; 1. ilii = 2.2 1:1 c. South 20.0 1.6 x 0.65 x 1.00 = 1.0 0 d. West 61.0 4.8 x 0.81 x 1.00 = 3.9 1 e. Skylight 0.0 0.0 x 0.00 = 0.0 C1 S. Shade Closed Area % Glass SC CAH Eff ------------ a . North 72.0 5.6 x ---- 0.29 ---- ----- = 1.6 C1 b. East 35.0 2.7 x 0;30 x 1.00 = 0.:= c. South 20.0 1.6 x 0.27 x 1.00 = 0.4 4 d. West 61.0 4.8 x 0.29 x 1.00 = 1.4 0 e. Skylight. 0.0 0.0 X 0.00 = 0.0 1:1 9. Interior Ther mal Mass 4.91 4 10. Exterior Wall Mass 0.00 0 Sum 7-10 13 11. Heating System 7.000 HSPF x 0.82 Duct Eff = 5.76 Eff HSPF 3 - Zonal Zonal Contr-c •1: No 12. Cooling System 9.000 SEER x 0.S1 I;uct. Eff = 7.32 Eff SEER :3 1:3. Water- Heating (see I;HW Wor -shed•) = 10 Point. Total: :3 CONSTRICTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF -:3 page 9 of 20 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project-: Single Family -Dwelling COMPLY 24 v 2.20 -- Designer: 1 Building Permit. No Location: Indio / La Quinta Date: 5/5/1989 1 Checked By Document•at•ion: Jann Conlon Custom Aire 1 Date (User # 1 60) ----•----------------------------------------------------------------------- Assembly Name: R-11 Frame Wall Assembly Type: Wall Assembly Tilt: 90 deg (Vertical) Framing Percentage: 15.0. is Framing Material: Softwood, I>ouglas Fir -Larch , ------------------------------ Sketch of'Construction Assembly Calculation for Framing Adjustment. Summer- I -I -Value 0.0793 x 0.85 + 0.1969 x 0.15 = 0.0969 Winter- U -Value 0.0798 ; x 0.85 + 0.2000 x 0.15 = 0.0978 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Stucco, Wood Shingles Weight: 12.3 lb/sgft. Heat Capacity: 2.88 R -Value 10.:32 10.22 I -1 -Value 0-0969 0.0978 Thi R -Value Construction Components --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fr ( in) Summer- Wint.er- Out.side Air- Film 0.25 0.17 1. Stucco 0.875 0.17 0.17 2. Membrane, Vapor -Permeable Felt. 0.010 (1. 06 0.06-1 3. Insulation, Mineral Wool, R-11 4: :3.500 11.00 11.00 4. Gypsum or Plaster Ery yard 0.500 0.45 i i.45 5. 6. 7. 8. Inside• Air Film ---------------------------------------------- ii,.h,_ ---------------•- 0.68 Total 12.61 12.53 Framing Percentage: 15.0. is Framing Material: Softwood, I>ouglas Fir -Larch , ------------------------------ Sketch of'Construction Assembly Calculation for Framing Adjustment. Summer- I -I -Value 0.0793 x 0.85 + 0.1969 x 0.15 = 0.0969 Winter- U -Value 0.0798 ; x 0.85 + 0.2000 x 0.15 = 0.0978 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Stucco, Wood Shingles Weight: 12.3 lb/sgft. Heat Capacity: 2.88 R -Value 10.:32 10.22 I -1 -Value 0-0969 0.0978 CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF -3 page 10 of 21) -------=------------------------ ------------------------------------------- Project.: Single Family Dwelling COMPLY 24 v 2.20- ------------------ Designer: .20-Designer-: f Building Permit. No Location: Iridin / La Quint.a Date: 5/5/1989 tCheck:ed By 1 .. ------------------ Dacument.at•ian: Tann Conlon Custom Aire ; liat._ (Ter- 4 1860) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assembly Name: R-:38 Raaf/Gyp Ceiling Assembly Type: Raaf Assembly Tilt: 0 deg (Horizontal Roof) Framing Percentage: 10.0 Framing Material: Softwood, Douglas Fir -Larch ------------------------------- 1 Calculation for Framing Adjustment. Summer- U -Value 0.0241 x 0.90 + 0.0674 x 0.10 = 0.0284 Winter- II -Value 0.0245 x 0.90 + 0.0702 x 0.10 = 0.02911 OVERALL -VALUES ADJUSTED ISTED FOR FRAM I N13 R -Value 35.15 34.03 U -Value 0.0284 0.020-1 Sk:et.ch of Construction Assembly Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles Weight: 9.9 lb/sgft. Heat. Capacity: 2.95 0 Th R -Value Construction CoLponents -------------------------------- ------------------------- Fr- (in) =----------------- Summer- Winter Out.side Air- Film 0. 25 i1. 17 1. Roofing, Asbestos -Cement Shingles 0.250 0.21 0.21 2. Plywood 0.500 0.63 i.63 3. Air Space 12. 000 1.00 U.:31-1 4. Insulat•ion, Mineral Waal, R-38 a 11.50b 38.00 38.00 5• Gypsum' or Plaster Board i1. 5 11 F1 Ci, 45 Ci. 45 6. 7. S. 9.• Inside Air Film ---------------'-------------------------------------------------=---------- 0.92 0.61 Tot.a 1 41.46 40.87 Framing Percentage: 10.0 Framing Material: Softwood, Douglas Fir -Larch ------------------------------- 1 Calculation for Framing Adjustment. Summer- U -Value 0.0241 x 0.90 + 0.0674 x 0.10 = 0.0284 Winter- II -Value 0.0245 x 0.90 + 0.0702 x 0.10 = 0.02911 OVERALL -VALUES ADJUSTED ISTED FOR FRAM I N13 R -Value 35.15 34.03 U -Value 0.0284 0.020-1 Sk:et.ch of Construction Assembly Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles Weight: 9.9 lb/sgft. Heat. Capacity: 2.95 0 CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF -3 page 11 of 20 ------ 7 --------- =---------------------------------------------------------- Praject•: Single Family Dwelling 1 COMPLY 24 v 2.20 Designer: ; Building Permit No ---------- Locat•ion: Indio / La Quint•a Date: 5/5/1989 Checked By '-- -- --- ----------- Documentation: Jann Conlon n Cus tom Aire 1 Date (User 4 1 .60 ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assembly Name: Exposed Slab Assembly Type: Floor Assembly. Tilt.: 180 deg (Horizontal Floor) Framing Percentage: 0.0 is Framing Material: NONE ------------------------------- OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING Sk:et.ch of Construction Assemb1y Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles Weight.: 40.9 lb/sgft. Heat. Capacity: 9.00 R -Value 1.19 1.42 U -Value 0.8403 0.7042 Tri R -Value Construction Components , Fr (in) Summer- inter- Winter- --------------=------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ Outs Out.s i de Air 'Film 0.25 0.17 1. Concrete, 140 1b, Not Dried 3.500 0.28 0.28 2. Flooring, Asphalt, Lino, Vinyl or Rubber Ci. silo 0. 05 0.05 4. 5 7. 8 9 Inside Air Film -----------------------------------------------------------------------=--- 0.61 0.92 . T Total 1.19 1.42 Framing Percentage: 0.0 is Framing Material: NONE ------------------------------- OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING Sk:et.ch of Construction Assemb1y Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles Weight.: 40.9 lb/sgft. Heat. Capacity: 9.00 R -Value 1.19 1.42 U -Value 0.8403 0.7042 CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMFLIANS:E FORM CF -3 page 12 of 20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Praject: Single Family Dwelling COMPLY 24 v 2.20 '- - ------- --- ----- - I>esigner-: 1 Building Permit. No ------------------ Location: n: Indio / La Quinta Date: 5/5/1989 Checked By ' ------------- Documentation: ---- --- Documentation: Jana Conlon Custom Aire Dat•e (I_Iser 4 1; 60 ) Assembly Name: Single/Light Blinds Assembly Type: Glazing Framing -Percentage: 0.0 Framing Material: NONE ------------------------------- OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING R -Value 0.99 0.91 U -Value 1.0110 1.1000 Sketch of Construction Assembly Visible Transmittance: 0.91 Winter Shading Coefficient: 1.&t Summer- Shading Coefficient.: 0.34 Th R -Value Construction Components -------- Fr (in) Summer- Winter ---------------------------- Out.side Air Film --------------------------------------- 0.25 0.17 I. CEC Single Mazing 2. 11.125 0.06 11.06 3. 4. 5. h, 7. r 9. Inside Air Film ----------------------------------------- 0.68 0.6 Total 0.99 0.91 Framing -Percentage: 0.0 Framing Material: NONE ------------------------------- OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING R -Value 0.99 0.91 U -Value 1.0110 1.1000 Sketch of Construction Assembly Visible Transmittance: 0.91 Winter Shading Coefficient: 1.&t Summer- Shading Coefficient.: 0.34 THERMAL MASS WORKSHEET WS -1R Page 13 of 21:1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project.: Single Family Dwelling � COMPLY 24 v 2. iii ------------------ Designer: _______Designer: 1 Building Permit. No ----------------- Location.- Indio / La Quint.a Date: 5/5/1989 Checked By ------------------ Document•at•ion: - :Tann Conlon. Custom Aire 1 Date (User 4 1 60) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERIOR THERMAL MASS Mass Material Thick c=oncrete, Heavyweight. 4.10 Tile in Mortar 1.00 INTERIOR MASS FACTOR Sides Wall Exposed U -Value 1 1 ' 6306. IM / Int.er-ior- Int.er-ior Mass Mass Mass Area Factor capacity 1284.0 x 4.7 = 60 3 4. _ 1F,ii.0 x 1.7 = 272.0 TOTAL 1284 sgft. = 4.91 +° Mass listed above with a Wall U -Value denotes the Interior Mas::s credit. for Exterior- Mass Walls, and are repeated below for Exterior- Mass credit.. 0 Sides Exposed indicates mass covered with sur face material >= R-2. EXTERIOR MASS WALLS Exterior Exterfor Sides Wall Mass Mass Mass Mass Material Thick: Exposed U -Value Area Factor- capacity NONE INTERPOLATION, WEIGHTED AVERAGE & ADDITION WORKSHEET WS -2R page 14 � �f 20 ---------------------------------------=----------------------------------- Project: Single Family Dwelling 1 COMPLY 24 v 2.20 ' Designer: - -- 1 Building Permit No Location: Indio / La Quint.a Date: 5/5/1989 ------------------ 1 Checked By Documentation: :Tann -------------------------------7------------------------------------------- Conlon Custom. Aire '- --- hate ------ (User -------- 4 186 i ) s INTERPOLATION Point. Paint. Point. Score Actual Value Score Score Value Value Point. Item 1 ------- --=-- Value 1 2 12 1. Scare Roof '4 +( ------ 0.0290 ----- - 0.02) ----- x ( -4 - ----- 4) /( ----- 0.04 - ----- 0.02) ----- = ii Wall -:3 +( 0.0978 - 0.08) x ! -8 - -:3) / ( *0 . i i i -10.08) _ -7 Glass Type 1 -11 +(14.6417 -14.00) x ( -13 - -11) /(15.00 -14.00) _ -12 N Shade Open --1 + ( 4.5690 - 4.00) >; ( -2 - -1) / ( 5.00 - 4.00) _ -2 E Shade Open 0 +( 2.243' - 2.00) x ( -1 - 0) / ( 3.00 - 2.00) _ -0 Shade Open 0-+A L0123 012:3 - 1.00) . x ( 0 - 0) / ( 2.00 - 1.00) = 0 W Shade Open- 1 +( :3.8709 - 3. 00) x ( 1 - 1) / ( 4.00 - 3.00) = 1 N Shade i_1sd 0 +( 1.5106 - 1.00) x ( 0 - 0) /( 2.00 - 1.00) = C1 E Shade Clsd 4 + ( 0.8185 - 0.00) x ( 1 - 4) / ( 1.00 - 0.00) _ 2 S Shade 0:lsd 6 +( 0.4276 - 0.00) x ( 2 - 6) / ( 1.00 - 0.00) = 4 W Shade Crlsd 2 +( 1.3646 - 1.00) x ( -3 - 2) / ( 2.00 - 1.00) = is Int• Mass 3 +( 4.9118 - 4.50) x ( 4 - :3) / ( 5.00 - 4.50) = 4 Heating 2 Q5.7600 - 5:501 >: ( 6 - 2) /( 042 - 5.50) _ :3 Cooling. 0 +( 7.3157 - 7.00) x ( 10 - 0) /( 8.00 - 7.00) _ 3 WEIGHTED AVERAGE POINTS Type 1 Type 2 Type :3 Total Average Item ---- ----- Points Arca ------ ---- Points Area ------ ---- Points ------ Area ---- Area ----- P_�int.s- ------- 4 I SHADING COEFFICIENT (SW WORKSHEET FORM S page 15 of 20 ------- ------------------ ---------------------------- =--------------------- Project: Single Family Dwelling ; COMPLY 24 v 2.20 ------------------ Designer: ; Building Permit No ------------- Location: Indi=a / La Quint•a Date: 5/5/1989 1 Checked By • i ------------------ Documentation: ----------------- I?ocument•at.ion: _Tana Conlon Custom Aire ; Date (User 4 1860 ) ----------------------=---------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATICiN 1. Glazing Type: SiAgle 3. Framing Typ►=: Metal Wo Mullions ' 5. Framing/Mullion Fac=tor: 0.38 (from Table G-10) 6. Interior Shade Type: Single/Light Blinds 7. SC Shade Open: 1.00 (from Table 6-9 or show calculation) S. Si_ Shade c=losed: 0.:34 (from Table 6-9 or show calculation) GLAZING, I NTER I i �R - SHADE . & FRAMING 9a. 1.00 (Si_ 47) x 0.88 (FMF 45) = 0.88 SO Shade Open 10a.0.34 (:SC 48) x 0.88 (FMF 45) = 0.:30 SO Shade Closed EXTERIOR SHADE Exterior- Shade Type: 50 f Bug Screen 11. Si_ Exterior Shade: 0.84 (from Table G-tl or manufacturer's data) 12. I (i i . ;S (SC: 49a) x 0.25) + 0.751 x 0.84 (S 411) = 0.81 SO Shade Open 1:3. W.84 (SC 411) 0.25) + 0.751 x 0.:30 (SC: 410x) = 0.29 SC Shade Open OVERHANG FACTOR Glass C ivrhng Dist. Glass ass Pro j OH Factor i iH Factor Orientation Area Depth Above Height Ratio Shade Open Shade C:1 sd ----------- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ---------- ---------- NC i OVERHANGS SHADING COEFF I C I ENT (SC) WORKSHEET FORM S page 16 of 20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fr-� eject.: Single. Family Dwelling. COMPLY 24 v 2.2.0 ------------------ Designer: - - - -- - Designer-: V Building Permit. No '------------------ Location: - --------- Locat.ion: Indio / La Quint.a Date: 5/5/1989 1 Checked By ' - -- --- ------------ Documentat.ion: .Tann Conlon Custom Aire : Dat.e (User- # 1=60) ------------------=-----------------=-------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Glazing Type: Single 3. Framing TYpi: - Wood Door- w/Mull ions 5. Framing/Mullion Factor: 0.92 (from Table G-10) 6. Int.erior- Shade Type: Singl =/Light Blinds. 7. SC Shade Open: 1.00 (from Table G-9 or show calculation) S. SC Shade Closed: 0.34 (from Table 6--9 or show calculation) GLAZING, INTERIOR SHADE & FRAMING 9a. . 1.00 (SC #7) x 0.92 (FMF 45) = 0.92 SC: Shade Open 10a . 0 .: {4 (SC 4 ) x 0.92 (FMF 45) = 0.31 SC Shade Closed EXTERIOR SHADE Exterior Shade Type: 50 Bug Screen 11. SC Exterior= Shade: 0.34 (from Table G-11 or manufacturer's data) 12. I (Q . 9' (SC 49a) x 0.25) + 0.751 x 0.84 (SC # 11) = 0.82 SC Shade Open 13. [ (0.84 (SC # 1 1) x 0.25) + 0.751 x 0.31 (SC #lila) = 0.30 til_ Shade Open --------------------------------------------•------------------------------- C iVERHANG FACTOR " . Mass Ovrhng Dist. Glass Proj i �H Factor OH Factor Orientation Area Depth Above Height Ratio Shade Open Shade C 1 sd ----------- ----- --=--- ----- ------ ----- ----------- ---------- Ni i OVERHANGS SHADING COEFFICIENT QC:) WORKSHEET FORM S page 17 of 20 ----------------------- Project: Single Family Dwelling .. ; COMPLY 24 v 2.213 Designer; Location: Indio / La Quint.a Date: 5/5/1982 Documentation: Jann Conlon Custom Aire GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------ Building Permit. No ------------------ i=h��_k:ed BY I'!at.e (User- 4 1 60) -------------------- 1. Glazing Type: Single SC Shade Closed osed 3. Framing Type: Metal w/o Mullions Shade Type: Ordinary Bug Screen 5. Framing/Mullion Factor: 0.88 (from Table G-10) 6. Interior Shade Type: Single/Light Blinds 7. -'moi= Shade Open: 1.00 (from Table G-9 or show calculation) _. SO Shade c=losed: 0.34 (from Table 6-9 or show calculation) GLAZING, INTERIOR SHADE & FRAMING 9a. 1.00 (SC 47> >: O. % (FMF 45) = 0488 SO Shade Open 1 i is , i i , a4 (Si : 48) x 0.88 (FMF 45) = 0.30 SC Shade Closed osed EXTERIOR SHAME Exterior- Shade Type: Ordinary Bug Screen 11. SO Exterior Shade: 0.67 (from Table 6-11 or manufacturer's data) 12. 1(0._8 (SC 49a) x 0.25) + 0.751 x 0.67 (till_ 41 1) = 0.65 ` l_ Shade Open 13. C (O. 67 (SC 411) x -------------------------------------------------------- 0.25) + 0.751 x 0.30 (SC 410a) = 0.27 SO Shade Open OVERHANG FACTOR - ------------------ Glass Ovrhng Dist Mass Pr -o i OH Factor OH Factor Orientation Area ------------ Depth Above Height Ratio Shade Open Shade i= 1 sd ----- Ni i OVERHANGS ------ ----- ------ ----- ---------- ---------- DHW , WORV:SHEET THREE: HEAT PUMP WATER HEATERS Water- heater- type page 18 of 21 i --------------=------------------------------------------------------------ Project•: Single Family Dwelling 1 COMPLY 24 v 2.20 Designer: 1 Building Permit No 4 '------------------ III: III:, int. ignition device Locat.ion: India, / La i=uint.a Date: 5/5/1989 Location: 1 - - Checked By -------- Documentation: Jann Conlon Custom Aire --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ; ------------------ Date (User 4 186 0) A EQUIPMENT DATA 1 Water- heater- type HPWH Heat Pump Water- Heater - 2 Manufacturer' &. � :3 Model l number- American HP452 (HPWH ) 4 Ignition device III: III:, int. ignition device 5 Energy Factor 2.0 From LAMA Directory 6 Number- of Heaters 1 From building plans (total) B ------------I-------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATING DATA 1 Climate Zone 15 See Appendix D 2 Water heating budget. 18700 KBtu/yr/unit•, see Table 1 3 Tank: set. temp. 140 F, fixed input 4 Water main temp. I0.0 F, see Table 1 5 Daily hot. water load 50 50 or 35 gallons/unit, see Table 1 r_; Ambient air temp. N/A F, see Table 1 7 No. dwelling units 1 From building plans (total) '-� Number of pumps 0, From building plans 9 Pumping energy 0.0 Watt.-hr/yr per Pump, see Table 3 10 Ad j Energy Factor- 2.62 Heat Pumps Only, See Table 4 C --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WATER HEATING ENERGY CREDITS 1 Creditname_ --- See Table 5 Annual savings ii. 0 k:Btu/yr/dwelling unit., see Table 5 D CALCULATE ANNUAL WATER HEATING ENERGY (KBt u/yr ) ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- I Recovery load 10539.4 <[B5 x 8.25.:: ( 140-B4) x 365 x Vii. 0 01 ] -C:2 x B7 Recovery energy 4030.4 DI / B10 3 Pumping energy 0.0 B8 x B9 x 3.413 „ 3 x 0.001 4 Total energy 12091.1 1(D2 x 3) + D33 / B7 6 Water- heating budget. compariscar, F608.9 • KBtu/yr/unit B2 Ii4 7 Water- heating budget 10.3 Points (DF. / Floor- Area) x 2 x B7 HVAC ZONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY page 1' + of 20 ----------------------------------------------7---------------------------- Project: Single Family Dwelling COMPLY 24 v 2.20 ------------------ Designer: 1 Building Permit. No ------- Locat.ion: Indio / La l•uinta Data: 5/5/1989 Checked By '-- Docurnentat.i�gin: _Tann C:i�nlc n Custom Aire � I•'at•e (User 4 1 60) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HVAC ZONE DESCRIPTICIN HVAC Zone Name: HVAC: System Name: System Multiplier: Heating Schedu 1 : Cooling Schedule: Fan Schedule: Sizing Method: Relative Humidity: SPAT=ES IN THIS ZONE PEAK ----------------------- ---- Whole Neuse (Jan 12am) TOTAL SPACE LOAD Bypass Ventilation Air ( i_I cfm) s upp 1 y I}uct. Conduct i on Supply Duct. Leakage Supply Fan Heat Gain EFFECTIVE SPAT=E LOAD Ventilation ( 0 cfm.) Return Air- Lighting (3ain Return Duct. Conduction Return I:uct Leakage Return Fan Heat. Gain TOTAL SYSTEM LCTAI> SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AT DESIGN CONDITIONS Whole House Zone Janit.rol CP 36 -ID 1 Residential Heating Residential Cooling Residential HVAC & Fare COINCIDENT 50 % COOLING HEATING ------- PEAK SENSIBLE LATENT 26971 ------------ ( Aug 2pm) 22979 ------ 1 578 26971 22979 57:: 0 ( 0 cfm) it 0 CI 1349 1149 q -0 CI 28321) 2412=; ------ 607 it ( it cfm) ii CI -0 0 1416 iI 1206 :30 -ll it 297:3F, 25334 637 2.1 tons 0.1 1 t.. ins 23190 25914 469 2.2 tons 0.4 t.c •ns .SPACE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY page 20 of 2! i --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project: Single Family Dwelling COMPLY 24 v 2.20 ------------------ Designer: 1 Building Permit. No -------- Locat•ion: Indio / La Quint•a Date: 5/5/1989 1 Checked By ' ------------------ Documentation: Tann Conlon Custom om Aire 1 Date (User r- 4 1 6 i ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SI IMMARY OF PEAK HOUR LOAhS FOR SPACE Space Name: Whole House COOLING DESIGN CONDITIONS HEATING SENSIBLE LATENT -------------------- ------- -------- - ------ Perak: Hour: Tan 12am Aug 2pm Indoor Conditions: 70 F DB 78-F IAB 50 is RH Outdoor Conditions: 29 F IAB 112 F DB 75 F WB LOAD COMPONENT Btu/hr- Wall Conduction 4042 Window Conduct.ion 847 ; Door Conduction Roof Conduction 9 1529 Skylight Conduction it Floor Conduction 0 Slab Conduct.ion i 6880 Interior C:• induct:ion 0 Inf i ltr-at.ion 6041 Solar- Gain Lighting Equ i pment. Occupants SPACE LOADS 26971 Btu/hr - Btu/hr - 2891 6462 0 1826 Il 0 5010 'cl925 2151 1096 578 22979 Btu/hr 1.9 tons Btu/hr 0 578 578 Btu)hr 0.0 tons SUPPLY AIR --------------------- QUANTITIES Heating: 26371 Btu/hr / 11.10 .r. (105 F Supply - 65 F TSt•at_•) ] = E,13 cfm Coo l i ng 22973' Btu/hr / 11.08 * ( 78 F TSt.at - 55 F Supply) ] = 925 cf m