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IiEcorder m a m m RECEIVED FOR RECORD x N AT 8:30 O'CLOCK A.M- C At Request Of z � TICOR TITLE iNStJRANCE C m SEP — 61989 0 Fl"wdW In Officlsl'Wrch mof Rlrsnldd^tYlornts GP (n AECOit[1E�+ N r'l1QE f1 �� n m 0 v h0.l N a v rr -� n to w rr r a o c � o m W < rr W- A < m.•m ZTm a m n rt r 7n v m O H O a a r • W- Cl rD :3, O 0.10 rr w m W- rt c rt a n w w rn w n rr to rt 0 (D M rt (D n M En W O rr W- w rt (D a r a n ❑ rr n r rwt w 0 � o o m (D ca rCi rrr • M ID n m a a K Ic v, rr r F- n o m a 'v 07 la, n ZI O rr m < a r a m m rt r a M O rt 10 n w N W. 'C m O r- a W- a rt Enr t O 60 E w c (n 7 w m M cr a p A m m m rr m rt W- N W T M O En a m a to rr m (GD Q w O p. C O O (n F'- M m CT r o A, c O to r+ G rr N rt RJ r' a G m m m a u• Pi a c 3 rr n W W rr O rr - t (A (n J G O a 0+ a E r- W M >r• rr rt W. (i A O w :7, rr :r rt n r O m = r -j v C7 ) w w (D ip c o n W to rr O •-� a M r•r n (D a a a 0 r rr w r n m ❑ >�M�`� u, n a f•,� W rr O rr /��. N a a w C) v+ O G w r• O (� (D C N m m $ m < H Ja N 0 r � K -1 0 kO V) > CC zcf:) k-MP. 'PANEL p, . G � .1 ►moo '�xx� _ I,�ND�j,Go►P� ..- 1.1 ax> -42 2-d ca_ - RATINGS NOTE - To determine Sensible Capacity, Leaving 1%a. Bulb and Dry Bulb temperatures not shown in the tables see Miscellaneous Engineering Data section, Page 9. HS19-651V WITH C16-65 OR CR16-65 EVAPORATOR UNIT Enter. Total Outdoor Air Temperature Entering Condenser Coil °F) 85 1 95 11 105 11 115 Wet Bulb (°F) Air Vol. (cfm) Total Cool Ca p' (Btuh) Comp. Motor Watts Input Sensible To Total Ratio ISM Total Cool Ca p' (Btuh) Comp. Motor Wad Input Sensible To Total Ratio IS/T) Total Cool Cap.Watts (Btuh) Comp. Motor Input Sensible To Total Ratio [51T Total Cool Ca p' (Btuh) Comp. Motor Watts Input Sensible To Total Ratio 51T) D Bulb I°F) Dr Bulb {°F) D Bulb °FI O Bulb (°F) 76 80 84 76 7S 8A 78 1 80 1 84 1600 58,600 4600 .75 1 .86 .97 1 56,100 4870 .77 88 .99 153,300 5180 .78 1 .90 11,00 150,500 5550 80 .93 11.00 63 2000 61 000 4700 .80 .93 1.00 58,300 4970 1 .82 .95 1.A3155 500 5290 .84 1 .98 1.00 152,300 1 5660 .87 1.00 1.00 2400 63 1DO 4770 .85 .99 1.00 1 60,000 5050 .87 1.00 ].001 57,400 5400 .90 1.00 1.001 54,700 5800 .93 1.00 1.00 1600 63 400 47901.L65.79 .80 160,500 5070 .60 .71 .81 1 57,5Q0 5400 .61 .72 ,84 154,300 5790 .62 .74 .86 67 2000 65,5W 4870 .86 62,500 5160 .63 .76 &5 59,2 00 FA90 .64 .78 .91 55 800 5870 .66 .80 ,94 2400 67 100 4930 .92 63 900 5220 .fib .61 .94 1 60.500 5660 .68 .83 .97 57.001 5940 .70 .86 1.00 1600 68 500 4980 .64300 [6� 5'80 .45 .55 .65 Iv1.900 M20 .46 .56 .67 58 400 6020 .46 .57 .69 71 2000 7060p 5Q50 .68 2Q0 5360 .47 .58 .70 163.600 5710 .47 .60 .72 59,900 6110 .48 .61 .742400 72200 5110 .73 9.600) 5410 .48 .61 .75 ;54.800 5760 .49 .63 .77 61.000 61720 .60 .65 .80 NOTE - All values are gross capacities and do not include evaporator coil blower motor heat deduction. HS19-651V WITH C14-65 EVAPORATOR UNIT Outdoor Air Temperature Entering Condenser Coil (°F Enter. Total 85 95 105 115 Wet Bulb (IF) Air Vol. (cfm) Total Cool Cap. (Btuh) Comp. Motor Watts Input Sensible To Total Ratio ISM Total Cool Cool IBtuh) Comp. Motor Watts Input Sensible To Total Ratio IS/T°I Dr Bulb I F Total Cool Cap. (Btuh) Comp. Motor Watts Input Sensible To Total Ratio ISM Total Cool Cool (Btuh) Comp. Motor Watts Input Sensible To Total Ratio ISM D Bulb OF) D Bulb F) DryBulb °F 76 80 84 76 80 84 76 80 84 76 1 80 1 84 1600 59,500 4720 .75 .86 .97 56,800 4990 .77 .89 1.001 53.900 5310 .79 .91 1.00 50,800 5680 .81 .94 1.00 63 2000 62 200 4820 .81 .94 1.00 59,300 5100 .83 .97 1.00156,700 5430 .86 .99 1.00 53,200 5830 .69 1.00 1.00 2400 64 300 4900 .87 1.00 1.0011 61,600 5210 1 .90 1.00 1.001 58.800 5560 .92 1.00 1.001 55.700 5980 .96 1.00 1.00 1600 6.4200 4900 .59 .70 1 .80 1161,100 5180 .60 .71 .82 1157,800 5520 .61 .73 .84 1 54,400 5900 .63 .75 :87 67 2000 66,500 4980 .63 .75 1 .8711 63,200 5270 .64 .77 .90 159,700 5610 .66 .79 .93 56 6000 .67 .82 .96 2400 68,200 5040 .67 .81 .94 64.700 5340 .68 .83 .97 161,100 5690 .70 .86 1.00 ;l 57 300 6080 .72 .89 1.00 1600 69 200 5080 .45 .55 .64 65,800 5380 A5 .56 .66 1 V-200 5730 .46 .57 ,B7 58,400 6140 .46 .5a .69 71 2000 71 400 5160 .47 .58 .70 67,800 5460 .47 .59 .72 163.900 582D 48 .61 .74 59,900 6230 A9 .63 .76 2400 72,900 5210 .48 .62 .75 1169,100 5520 .49 .63 .T7 165.100 5880 .50 .65 .80 161,000 f 6290 1 .51 1 .67 1.83 NOTE - All values are gross capacities and do not include evaporator coil blower motor heat deduction. HS19-651V WITH CH16-65V EVAPORATOR UNIT Outdoor Air Temperature :nterinq Condenser Coil (°F) Enter. Total 85 95 1 105 115 Wet Bulb (°F) Air Vol. (cfm) Total Cool Cap. (Btuh) Camp. Motor Watts Input Sensible To Total Ratio ISM Total Cool Ca IBtUh) Comp. Motor Watts Input Sensible To Total Ratio (S/T°) Total Cool Cap. (Btuh) Comp. Motor Watts Input Sensible To Total Ratio IS/T°) Total Cool Cap. (Btuh) Comp. Motor Watts Input Sensible To Total Ratio IS/ T) Dr Bulb 1 Fl Dr Bulb (OF) D Bulb F) D Bulb F 76 80 84 76 80 84 76 80 84 76 1 80 84 1600 60,500 4710 .75 .86 .96 57,800 4980 .76 .88 .99 1 54,900 5300 .78 1 .90 1,00 51,800 5670 .80 .93 1.00 63 2000 63 300 4820 .80 .93 1.0011 60,400 5100 .82 .96 1.0011 57,400 1 543D .85 .98 1.00 54,100 5810 .87 1.00 1.00 2400 65,300 4900 B6 1.00 1,0011 62 600 5200 .88 1.00 1.001 59.700 5560 .91 1.00 1.00 56,700 5970 .94 1.00 1.00 7600 65,300 4900 .59 .59 .79 1 62,200 5180 .60 .71 .81 59.000 5520 .61 .72 .84 55 600 5900 .62 .74 .86 67 2000 67.800 4990 .62 .74 .86 64,500 5280 .64 .76 .89 61,000 5620 .65 .79 .92 57.300 6010 .67 .81 .95 2400 69,600 5050 .66 .80 .93 66 100 5350 .67 .82 .96 1 62.400 5690 .69 .85 .99 58,700 6080 .71 .BB 1.00 1600 70 400 5080 .45 .54 .64 67.000 5380 63.400 5740 .46 .56 .67 59 700 6140 .46 .58 .69 71 2000 72,800 5170 .46 .58 .69 69 200 5470 M-76 65.300 5830 .47 .60 .73 61 300 6240 .48 .62 .75 2400 74 500 5220 .48 .61 .74 70 600 5530 66.700 5890 .49 .6d 79 62 50D 6300 .50 .66 .81 NOTE - All values are gross capacities and do not include evaporator coil blower motor heat deduction. HS19-651V WITH CB15-65 EVAPORATOR UNIT Enter. Total Outdoor Air Temperature Enterin Condenser Coil °F) 85 95 105 115 Wet Bulb (°F) Air Vol. (cfm) Total Cool Ca p' (Btuh) Comp. Motor Watts Input Sensible To Total Ratio Total Cool Cap. p (Btuh Comp. Motor Watts Input Sensible To Total Ratio IS Total Cool Ca p' IBtuhl Comp. Motor Watts Input Sensible To Total Ratio Total Cool Cap. p IBtuhl Comp. Motor Watts Input Sensible To Total Ratio ISM D Bulb (°F b ( D Bulb °F) I D Bulb °F 1b D Bulb °F 76 80 84 76 B4 76 6D 76 80 84 1600 60,400 4650 .75 .86 .96 1 57,700 1 4920 76 .88 .99 54,800 5230 .90 1.00 51 700 5600 .80 .93 1.60 63 2000 63,000 4750 .80 .93 1.00 60,100 5030 .82 .95 1.00 57 100 5350 .98 1.00 53,800 5720 .87 1.00 1.00 N00 65,100 4820 .85 .99 1.00 61 900 5110 .87 1.00 1.00 5% 100 5460 1.00 1.00 56 200 5860 .93 1.00 1.00 1600 65 300 4840 .59 .69 .79 62,201) 5720 .60 .71 .81 58,900 5450 E.68 .72 .94 55 600 5830 .62 .74 .86 67 2000 67 600 4920 .62 .74 .86 64 300 5210 .63 .7fi .88 60.800 5540 .78 .91 57 200 5920 .66 .81 .94 2400 69,200 4980 .65 .79 .92 65 700 5270 .67 .81 .95 62.100 5600 .84 .98 58400 5990 .70 .87 1.00 1600 70400 5020 .45 .54 .64 67 100 5320 .45 .55 ,65 63.500 5670 . .56 .67 59 700 6070 .46 .58 .69 71 2000 72,700 5100 .46 .57 .69 69,100 5400 .47 .59 .70 65.300 5760 .47 .60 .77 61 300 6160 _48 .61 .75 2400 74 300 5150 48 .80 .73 7Q 500 5460 .48 .62 .75 56,50ri 5810 .49 .63 .78 62 400 6220 .50 .65 .80 NOTE - All values are gross capacities and do not include evaporator coil blower motor heat deduction. Point System Summary: Climate Zone 15 P-2R ProjecITWe F Date I Q BUILDING DATA Conditioned Floor Area 1 cD Number of Stories Slab/RaisedFloor Check all applicable Unit Type condition(s): [ ] Single family Detached (SFD) [ ] Addition Alone [ ] Single Family Attached (SFA) [ ] Existing Building [ ] Ibiulti-Family (W [ ] Existing -Plus -Addition SCORECARD . 1. Ceiling Insulation 2. Wall Insulation 3. Raised Floor Insulation 4. Slab Edge Insulation r 5. Infiltration 6. Glass Heat Loss Measures _R 7s� or R-value [381 U-value [0.0301 ' 1� or R-value [19] U-value [0.066] "A or r"r or R-value. [01 Standard Type [double] U-value 10.037] F2 factor [0.771 U-value [0.65] North Glass Area %Q Glass . L�0 East South Z ri West Skylight -43 Total -?— Z ZZ . Point Scores 0 % Total Glass [ 16] 7. Shading (Shade Open -7�,O S cxctLre S % G1ISS S Eff. % Glass a. North b. East 1 Z S x = 2 .O Z c. South x x _ � � = J, 3, c, d. West `Z . 3 Z x = ti d z- O e. Skylight x -eT 8. S.iadin (Shade Closed) -T-�j C), % Glass C Eff. % Glass a. Nord. x ,�� = 7_1�`7� � C. Sout1 .Z'- x _ '3 t4,7 : d. YV: st Z , 2. x �Akk� _ Z + Z e. Skyl.ig'-ft x 9. Interiar Thermal Mass Q O interior MassICFA 10. Exterior Wall Mass 2) 2� 11. Heating System Exterior Wall Mass x Zonal Control? ( Y / N) SE or HSPF Duct Efficiency [0.78] Effective SE or 12. Cool::gig System [0.72/6.6] i o, 5!>- x HSPF [0.5615.15] S,151p Zonal Control? ( Y / N) SEER [9.5] Duct Efficiency [0.741 Effective SEER [7.03] 13. Water Beating SCE b Type [SG] Credit [none] Point Total: Form Revised March 1988 _$ Sum 1.6 Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Page 1 of 2) CF-1R -RE s %->ex-1 L4 G6Z M m ProJectTitie pace tation Author w Telephone C1 ,]r 5 4�1 \& Compliance Method (Package, Point 5ysum or Computer) Climate Zone Date Building Permit N Checked By / Date Enforcement Agency Use only GENERAL INFORMATION Total Conditioned Floor Area: � 11�:b ft2 Building Type: Single Family Hotel/Motel (check one or more) Multi -Family (less than 4 stories) Addition Multi -Family (4 or more stories) Existing -Plus -Addition Front Entry Orientation: North / East / South / West /. All Orientations (circle one or more) Number of Dwelling Units: Floor Construction Type: Slab / Raised Floor (circle one or both) Infiltration Control: Standard/Tight (circle one) BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component Insulation Location/Comments Type R-Value (attic, to garag■_. typical, etc.) r: �__ N GLAZING _Yyp1 - 1— m_ t tt_ , Shading Devices Glazing Area Glass Type Interior Exterior Overhang Framing Type Orientation (sf) (single, double) (roller blin(L etc.) (shadescreen. etc.) (es/no) (metallwood) Front.... (S) 'ZCn� T>y A -D 2A �S 1_�ZJ Front.... ( T 1t,JTL Left...... Left...... ( ) Rear. _ (►J) Rear..... ( ) Right.... (1=) Z`- Right.... ( ) Skylight....... _ Skylight....... THERMAL MASS Type/Covering (slab/exposed, tile. _T-\� Area Thickness (sf) (inches) Location/Description (kitchen, bath, etc.) 2�51 1 t2xa7t_1S rn 1 /i'i"'h 1 �,_) �71_ Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Page 2 of 2) CF-1R HIM scQczo ProlectTitte HVAC SYSTEMS Date l rr�c Minimum Duct Type (furnace, air Efficiency Location Duct Output Manufacturer / Model # conditioner, heat um) (SE, SEER,I-ISPF) (attic, etc.) R-Value (Btuh) (or approved equal) o0or� OX V1rl� Maximum Furnace Heating Output: Btuh HOT WATER SYSTEMS Tank Manufacturer/Model # System Type (storage gas. etc.) Capacity (or aDDroved equal) Special Feature(s) SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS (Add extra sheets if necessary) COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Chapter 2-53 and Title 20, Chapter 2, Subchapter4. Article 1 of the California Administrative code. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility and the building owner, who shall retain a copy of it and transmit the certificate to any subsequent purchaser of the building. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, all building conservation features which vary are indic d in the Special Features/Rernarks section. Desil;ner Building Owner Name:Name: Tide/Firm: Title/Firm Address: -5 - ,tf Address: S Telephone: Telephone: Lic. #: (signature) Document tion Author Name: r V N e ii �A V 0 ,j lr Title/Firm: ; Address: t t-, (date) PL-� t,r 'D �r � (signature) ` Q d Form Revised March 1988 (signature) Enforcement Agency Name: Agency: Telephone: (signature or stamp) (date) (date) 0 Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential MF-1R NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as binding minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. DESCRIPTION Building Envelope Measures * §2-5352(a): Minimum ceiling insulation R-19 weighted average. §2-5352(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R-Value. * §2-5352(c): Minimum wall insulation in framed walls R-11 weighted average (does not apply to exterior mass walls). §2-5352(k): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. §2-5311: Insulation specified or installed meets California Energy Commission (CEC) quality standards. Indicate type and form. §2-5352(f): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. §2-5317: Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls a. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. b. Doors and windows certified. c. Doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. §2-5352(e): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with §2-5351 meets CEC quality standards. ~� §2-5352(d): Installation of Fireplaces I. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Tight fitting, closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. HVAC and Plumbing System Measures §2-5352(g) and 2-5303: Space conditioning equipment sizing: attach calculations. §2-5352(h) and 2-5315: Setback thermostat on all applicable heating systems. * §2-5316(a): Ducts constructed, installed and insulated per Chapter 10, 1976 UMC. \ §2-5316(b): Exhaust systems have damper controls. \ §2-5314(c): Gas -fired space heating equipment has intermittent ignition devices. §2-5314: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the CEC. §2-5352(i): Water heater insulation blanket (R-12 or greater) or combined interior/exterior insulation (R-16 or greater); first 5 feet of pipes closest to tank insulated (R-3 or greater). §2-5312(Exception 1): Pipe insulation on steam and steam condensate return & recirculating piping. §2-5318(d): Swimming Pool Heating 1. System has: a. OMoff_$witch on heater. b. Weatherproof instruction plate on heater. C. PIumbed to allow for solar. 2.75 percent thermal efficiency. 3. Pool cover. 4. Time clock. 5. Directional water inlet. Lighting and Appliance Measures §2-53520): Lighting - 25 lumenstwatt or greater for general lighting in kitchens and bathrooms. §2-5314(c): Gas fired appliances equipped with intermittent ignition devices. §2-5314(a): Refrigerators, refrigerator -freezers, freezers and fluorescent lamp ballasts certified by the CEC. Indicate make and model number. Forth Revved December 1997 DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT 1 1� Shading Coefficient (SC) Worksheet Form S 4 Items 1 - 9a and 10a must be completed for glazing/shading combinations not found in Table G-9 of the ECM by using documented manufacturers' data for the specific conditions indicated (H2, 08 and # 11). For instructions on fillip out the worksheet, see Shading in the ECM Glossary. For overhang SC values (# 14 and #15), see Section 4.2 in the ECM. General Information 1. Glazing Type: 2. SCgIazing alone: 3. Framing Type (metal/wood): 4. Mullions (yes/no): 5. Framing/MullionFactor: (from Table G-10) Glazing, Interior Shade & Framing 6. Interior Shade Type: 7. SCshade open: 8. SCshade closed: 1.00 (SC of shade w/ clear single glass) 9a. [( x 0.25) + 0.75] x _ x Where: SCmax • SCmin FMF (#5) SC Shade Open SCmax = larger of #2 and #7 or 9b. (from Table G-9) SCmin = smaller of #2 and #7 Jt. J/lUuG Vf/G/l pp 10a. [( x 0.25) + 0.751 x x = •�y Where: SCmax SC„ tin FMF (#5) SC Shade Closed SCmax = larger of #2 and #8 or 10b. (from Table G-9) SCmin = smaller of #2 and #8 SC Shade Closed Exterior Shade Exterior Shade Type: v� SCE 11. SCexteriorshade: •(-9,7 T (from Table G-I I or manufacturer's data w/ clear single glass) a"�> Where: 12. [( x 0.25) + 0.75] x I = �`�c SCmax = larger of #9a or #9b and #11 SCmax SCmin SC Shade Open SCmin = smaller of #9a or #9b and #11 ' k��� Where: 13. [( x 0.25) + 0.751 x •"V-� = \\A SCmax = larger of #10a or #10b and #11 SCM= SCmfn SC Shade Closed SCmin = smaller of #10a or #10b and #11 Overhang (Point System Only) 14. Overhang Factor (Shade Open) x 15. x Overhang Factor (Shade Closed) Form Revised March 1988 Jl. J/ruue Upen (#12) SC Shade Closed (#13) SC Shade Open (with Overhang) SC Shade Closed (with Overhang) Projection Ratio: go Proposed Construction Assembly: Residential Form 311 ProjectTltle DAM' Prol=&Ad¢resT 1 - �� y �� ` �� ��7 Building Pennit N Narne a■ri■■■t�w�rt�r Sketch of Construction Assembly List of Construction Components TeiephoRe �� s Checked By /Date 1�� �k Enforcement Agency Use Only Assembly Type: Floor (check one) `� Wall Ceiling/Roof Framing Material: Framing Size: x Framing Spacing: _ Z` " O.C. Framing Percentage: Wall: 15% (16" o.c.) (check one) 12% (24" o.c.) Floor/Ceiling: 10% (16" o.c.) 7% (24" o.c.) Wall Weight / sf: (Packages only) R-Value Cavity(Rc) Frame(Rr) Outside Surface Air Film 7 1. 3 J t�X3 v ��va��l ►� ,`3 3 2. % W c) 4. 5. 6. 7. Inside Surface Air Film I U Total Unadjusted R-Values: Rc Rr Framing Adjustment Calculation (if applicable): 1/Rc 1-(Fr%/100) 1/Rf Fr%/100 Total U-Value 1/Total U-Value Total R-Value S n Proposed Construction Assembly: Residential Form 3R PraJect T1Ue Data 1 8 Prof r Building Permit# Doc urme canon A thor l Tel hone, Cbedted By /Dace Assembly Name Lj �.�G•• i~ l� 1 , Fnforcanent Agency Use Only Sketch or Construction Assembly Assembly Type: Floor (check one) Wall Ceiling/Roof Framing Material: W O 0 fl Framing Size: Z x �D Framing Spacing: " o.c. Framing Percentage: Wall: (check one) Floor/Ceiling: Wall Weight / sf: (Packages only) 15% (16" o.c.) 12O10 (24" o.c.) 10% (16' o.c.) 7% (24" o.c.) List of Construction Components R-Value Cavity(Rc) Frame(Rr) Outside Surface Air Film % 2. 3. ��►O�� ���' W ��� Lj� 4. 5. 6. 7. Inside Surface Air Film Total Unadjusted R-Values:�- Rc Rr Framing Adjustment Calculation (if applicable): ( x ) + ( x ) = . ous 1/Rc 1-(Fr916/100) 1/Rf Fre/c/100 Total U-Value I/fotal U-Value Total R-Value PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Form 1 owner system type • ra J t,.Fita 1 t�; 0� - COCumentarion author date checked by date SITE INFORMATION ' CQ� 1 oF,day Heating Degree Day (ir Appendix C) .»....... ...........»............................ HOD 1 — 3 of Outside Design Temperature (from Appendix C or Appendix G).................. _.. Tow 2 _ PROPOSED BUILDING ENVELOPE INFORMATION 3 SO Gross Floor Area if Low -Rise (from Calculations) ............................................ At 3 4 Z. 3 ft z ft2 Gross Well Area if High -Rise (from Calculations) ............................................ Aw Designed Glazing Area (from Calculations)....................................................... Ag 5 ft2 Basic Glazing Area 06%of Line 3 if low-rise or 40%of Line 4 if high -rise)........ Apg 6 1t2 A Description of Assemoly �U,Q "� Tl • Glazing ' ►—'� Ugl 7 Btu/ (hr .ft2.OF) Ug2 S Btu/ (hr .ft2.OF) Ug3 9 C) Btu/ (hr.ft2.OF)' Wall—Uwl 10 ' Btu/ (hr. ft2.'F) U, 2 11 Btu/ lhr.ft2•OF) Uw3 12 Btu/ (hr. ft2 • dF) UW4 13 Btu/ (hr. ft2 •°F) CcilinglRoof �L� 1 Ucl 14 Btu/(hr•ft2•OF) Uc2 15 Btu/ (hr• ft2.°F1 Floor Ull 16 Btu/ (hr .ft2•OF) Uf2 17 Btu/ (hr• ft2.OF) PROPOSED SPACE HEATING SYSTEM (Chapter 71 Gas Furnace Building Design Hourly Heat Loss (from Form 2)..................................... q �3 ^ 18 �j Btu/hr Maximum Allowed Bonnet Caoacity,T5_x Line 18............................................... Z QS� Proposed Furnace �s 19 Btu/hr . Make Model Description `i•� - Rated Sonnet Capacity Electric Resistance Alone Electric Resistance Life Cycle Cost (from F7rm 5i................................... sLCCe 20 S Lowest Life Cycle Cost of the Other Systems (from Form 5)................... sLCC,p,,,.,21 $ Non-Depletabls Energy w/Electric Resistance Back -Up Percentage of Annual Heat Loss Met by Non-Depimable Energy Source (from Calculations).__.......................................................................... 22 % Heat Pump with Electric Resistance Supplementary Hest Percentage of Annual Heat Loss Met by Electric Resistance (from Calculations) ............................................ _.............................................. 23 % PROPOSED WATER HEATING SYSTEM INFORMATION (Chapter 8) Electric Resistance Alone Electric Resistance Life Cycle Cost (from Form 6)................................. wLCCe 24 $ Lowest Life Cycle Cost of the Other Systems (from Form 6)................... wLCCIow e51 25 S PROPOSED SWIMMING POOL HEATING SYSTEM INFORMATION (Chapter 9) Solar Life Cycle Cost (from Form 7)............................................................... pLCCs 26 S Natural Gas Life Cycle Cost (from Form 7)...................................................... pLCCng 27 $ 0 HOURLY AND ANNUAL BUILDING HEAT LOSS RAT Chedc One: Proposed Orsig Standard Design L''1�l"fl Ml \C1AA SCE YA\. 4 FAM owner pro{act prolecS IdtZtl[Sn syS ■m CYne documentation autrl°r aas■ ��[�•� u� Form 2R (8/81) Fn+oreement Agency Use Only ousldtng permit numoer cnecxeo my date SITE INFORMATION ( 1 �P�� ( Z 3, Z Heating Degree Oav {fr Appendix) . . . .. . .... " . . . . . . .. ... HOD °F• day Outside Oesign Temperature (from Appendix) ..... . . . " . . ...... Tow °F Outside January Mean Temperature (from Acpendixl TJan tlF PROPOSED BUILDING ENVELOPE INFORMATION 3 I Grose Floor Ann (from plans) ................ " . . . . " .. Af `.�_� ft2 Gros Well Area ifrom plans) .... ... ... .... Aw �-� 3 ft2 Designed Glazing Ara (from plans) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . A3 ft2 Basic Glazing Area 116% of Af if low-rise or 40% of 1.,,, .f tiighrisel . Aho ��� ft2 HOURLY HEAT LOSS DESIGN TEIAPERATURE DIFFERENCE For All Assemblies Other Than The Three Below ...7e= — ��°F +/ Th 1 �� °F TO, from aoove For Insulated Floor Over Vented Unheated Space .......... Line 1 -2 +OThi 2 °F a For Uninsulated Floor Over Vented Unheated Space...... . . Line 2 — eF - OThu 3 F For Slab -on Ground Floors ........... 7O'F — E;A' °F +OTh, 4 ` °F TJan from aoove CONDUCTIVE HEAT LOSS Average U of Anomaly. Area, ft2 or or F'2 from LT hourly heat ^tom (Description of Anomaly ILength, it Groan a l tram aGq. va —�1pV _�1 > -1 c_7— ���7 W I a GLi� Stu/hr Glazing 1/^ ` x x � Will ?` G 1 Z 1iil, x x _ t5FS x x a CaiiinglRoo} ti?1 �� f_ x 11'� x x x >, Floor x x _pi�2S xx � � 1-,_� 1 volume Subtotal 5 4 SLI tuihr um o ; e aoove g ��ft2 it, �a-2 INFILTRATION ...... xx Al from aoove 'Ne'gnted from 1_.T�m Average Tame 3.7 Line 1 Coiling :fetgnt Subtotal 7 1--*� qtuihr 5 - 7 i n■ inn■ a 3 DUCT HEAT LOSS (Enter 0 if there are no ducts) . .. " . .. . . ... . .. . . 0.15 x Lina g TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS, QL 9 u 3 n tuihr line ms ANNUAL -HEAT LOSS, OL 1 °F 1 ) 24 hrfdav -3 aF + 10 ��S401 I "` Btu/yr dayfyr x Btuihr x ,0 x H99 H941rly Mlrrt i.9st C ''^M � TT frgM ffenl Day* from Lin■ 9 Taau 34 Una i 1z i -ISLA 6 7S�p �-_�. ( ') k-i ya,o I D 1AL- "D 0 mot'' C-, A SUMMARY Form 2 page 2 of 2 �M%,-\e I?es�-r�Av--V)ct-=-a I5 protect title etlmato :one ,ram droieet aaorou I{• HEATING, VENTILATING, AIR CCNDITiONING SYSTEM Points 10. Heating (fill in information an proposed system! Z� u Gas Fumace �--1~' "" iz, ` ti �7 orana acid modes numE oar S �Q C> Q�) Btuihr neattng capacity Heat Pump orana and maeel numaer Stu/hr neattng capacity at 17';r Active Solar type (Ilauta or air) :zlIlector mrano aria moaet numaer ha o collector area :O11eC. pr Orientation Collector tilt rated Other describe Acop y - Intercept sour rraalon ratea slope Z 1�� fill in information on proposea system) Electric Air Canditioner��li'� Of,I�S ` l 'C���y 1 4 5� orana ono moues numoer seasonal EER 0 `Q 0'� 5 Stu/hr cooling capacity at 925" F Electric Heat Pump Other 12. Mechanical Ventilation 8tuihr cooling capacity a[ $S'- c Jesus oe dasuloe cM;L DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEM 13. Hening (fill in information an proposed system! z Gas Only - A 0 5�-\ �) P 4C —ate`--a _ ��� Gallons -orana anti maau numaar tank site Heat Pump w/Electric Backup Gallons erano aria moaat numoer tank sl¢a Active Solar collector orana aria maael numoer area rates staoe solar fraction y • �nt�arcept Fla oaekua neater type, orana ana model numaer calleetor area collector orientation Other describe Point Total from Page 1 s 1/83 • 420 - CEC Total Point Scare C : ENGINEERING DATA G16 AND G16X SERIES - CONSERVATOR° M HEATING UNITS L�L�L�L[J UP-FLO GAS FURNACES GAS 50,000 to 125,000 Btuh Input Page 9 Add -On Cooling — 1 thru 5 Nominal Tons March 1987 Typical Applications Closet Installation with cooling coil and electronic air cleaner. Basement Installation with cooling coil, return air cabinet and power humidifier. ,�r}ra, CIA Emnto' Lennox DURACURVE3 Aluminized Steel Heat Exchanger Aluminized Steel Burners Supersedes April 1986 Lennox G16 and G16X Series Up -Flo Gas Furnace:, Feature High Efficiency Operation and Installation Versatility The G16 and G16X series line of gas fired furnaces include seven models (natural gas or LPG) with Btuh input capacities of 50,000, 75,000, 100,000, 125,000 and energy efficiencies (AFUE) of 80% or above. Compact, rugged cabinet with either side or bottom return air entry, will allow installation in a basement, closet, recrea- tion or utility room. Optional return air cabinets are available to simplify return air duct connection to the furnace. The matching return air cabinet may be installed on either side of the furnace. Lennox add -on evaporator coils, electronic air cleaners and power humidifiers can easily be added to the furnace for a complete all season installation. Units are equipped with the gas saving automatic electronic pilot ignition system. Pilot flame is on only during main burners operating cycles. No need to shut off pilot during air conditioning season. Flue draft will be created by a induced draft blower mounted on the flue collector box on the outlet of the heat exchanger. The furnaces can be vented vertically as a common vent with another appliance. G16 series furnaces are design certified by A.G.A. Laboratories and ratings are certified by GAMA. Units have been rated and tested according to Department of Energy (DOE) test procedures and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) labeling regulations in the Lennox Research Laboratory. G16X .(natural gas) models meet the California Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Standards and California Seasonal Efficiency requirements. Blower data is from unit tests conducted in the Lennox Laboratory air test chamber. Units are shipped factory assembled with all controls installed. Each unit is factory test operated insuring proper operation. Installer has only to make flue vent, gas supply and electrical connections. NOTE — Specifications, Ratings and Dimensions subject to change without notice. �3 Model No. tTG16Q2X-50 tG16(12-50 TTG16Q3X-50 1G16Q3-50 ttG16Q3X-75 tG16Q3-75 ttG16Q4X-75 tG16Q4-75 TTG16Q3/4X-100 tG16Q3/4-100 ttG16Q5X-100 tG160.5-100 tTG16Q4/5X-125 tG16Q4/5-125 Input Btuh 50,000 50.000 75,000 75,000 100,000 100,000 125,000 Output Btuh - Non "X" Models 40,000 40,000 61,000 61,000 80,000 80,000 100,000 tA.F.U.E. - Non "X" Models 80.1% 80.8% 80.4% 80.0% 80.00% 80.0% 80.0% Output Btuh - "X" Models 40,000 40,000 58,000 58,000 76,000 78,000 95,000 CA Seasonal Efficiency - "X" Models 72.0% 72.0% 72.5% 72.0% 72.0% 72.5% 72.0% Temperature rise range (°F) 35 - 65 20 - 50 35 - 65 25 - 55 35 - 65 25 - 55 35-- 65 High static certified by AGA (in. wg.) .50 .75 .50 .75 .50 .75 .50 Flue size connection (in. diameter) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Gas piping size I.P.S. (in.) nat. or LPG 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Blower motor horsepower 1 /4 1 /3 1 /3 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 Blower wheel nominal dia. x width (in.) 9 x 7 10 x 7 10 x 7 10 x 8 10 x 8 12 x 12 12 x 9 Net filter area (sq. ft.) & cut size (in.) (5.8) 36x28x1 (5.8) 36x28x1 (5.8) 36x28x1 (6.6) 40x28x1 16.6) 4Ox28x1 (8.9) 52x28x1 (8.9) 52x28x1 Tons of cooling that can be added 1, 1-1 /2 or 2 2-1/2 or 3 2-1/2 or 3 3-1/2 or 4 3, 3-1/2 or 4 4 or 5 4 or 5 Shipping weight (lbs.) - 1 Package 160 165 170 195 205 260 270 Electrical characteristics 120 volts - 60 hertz - 1 phase (less than 12 amps(- All Models Return Air Model No. RA10-16-49 RA10-16-49 RA10-16-49 RA10-16-49 RA10-16-49 RA10-16-63 RA10-16-53 Cabinet (Optional) Shipping Wt. (lbs.) 54 54 54 54 54 56 56 'LPG Kit - Optional LB-55207CA (All Models) tAnnual Fuel Utilization Efficiency based on DOE test procedures and according to FTC labeling regulations. (Relates to non "X" models only). • LPG Kit must be ordered extra for field changeover. HIGH ALTITUDE D ERATE tt Nat available with LPG. Units must be derated when installed at an elevation of 2000 feet or more A.G.A. INSTALLATION CLEARANCES above sea level. Table shows the derate manifold pressure for high altitude operation with both natural gas and LPG. Operating the unit at manifold Sides 1 inch pressure specified will insure proper unit heat input at high altitude. Rear 1 inch Top 1 inch Front 6 inches Floor Combustible "Flue I "4 inches 'This is clearance to all flue pipes except type "B". Type "B" vent clearance is as listed by U.L. NOTE - Flue sizing and air for combustion and ventilation must conform to the methods outlined in American National Standard (ANSI-Z223.1) National Fuel Gas Code. Elevation Above Sea Level (feet) Manifold Pressure (in. wcl tHeating Value (Btu/ft3) Natural Gas LPG Only 900 950 1000 1 1050 1100 Sea Level - 0 4.32 3.88 3.50 3.17 2.89 9.00 1000 4.32 3.88 3.50 3.17 2.89 9.00 2000 1 3.65 3.30 2.95 2.70 2.45 7.61 3000 3.35 3.00 2.70 2.45 2.25 6.97 4000 3.05 2.75 1 2.45 2.25 2.04 6.35 5000 2.77 2.48 2.25 2.05 1.85 5.76 6000 2.50 2.25 1 2.00 1.85 1.65 5.20 tHeating value is based on an atmospheric pressure of 30 inches mercury and temperature at 6011'. Consult your gas utility for the local natural gas heating value. NOTE - This is the only permissible field derate for the units. G16 SERIES FURNACES DIMENSIONS (inches) RETURN AIR CABINET 1 NOTE - Return Air Cabinet C SUPPLY FLUE OUTLET 17-3N shipped knocked AIR 14 RETURN AIR down and must be OPENING + OPENING field assembled. Q 1-1/16 &1!6 2&1!B 77.131� 1-11116 �_� �26-116 AIR FLOW 11 Q 1T Lai4 l! 1� 21-,12 OAS PIPING INLETS 10.1 nil Iha11th L I 2 318 A A r ELECTRICAL INLET$ - Ibnth Md. �} ---1 r- ----� I + 2-1116 I l 2 22-� 22.116----9rew I 1 l 7 I t7 RETURN AIR I j (j RETURN AIR I OPENING I I KNOCKOUT l -oElthorside I I L ,_ - b ---_ J �_ -Itwth aid") J �• E F Re-- Air !'w IF No. A B C DI E F G G16Q2(X)-50, G16Q3(X)-50, G16Q3(X)-75 49 16-1/4 14-1/8 14 11 2-5/8 5 G16Q4(X)-75, G16Q3/4(X)-100 49 21-1/4 19-1/8 14 14 3-5/8 7-1/2 G16Q5(X)-100, G16Q4/5(X)-125 53 26-1 /4 24-1 /8 18 21 2-5/8 10 T11n Model No. RA10-16-49 RA10-16-53 A 49 53 B 14 18 -10a- HS19 SERIES CONDENSING UNITS (2 thru 5 Nominal Tons) j' *21,000 to 61,500 Btuh Cooling Capacity •DOE and ARI Certified Ratings �1 Typical Application Unit on slab at ground level. Application — The HS19 series condensing units feature extra high effi- ciency with minimum operating sound levels. High efficiency ratios have been accomplished with an extra large condenser coil, coil circuiting and high condenser air volume delivered by a highly efficient direct drive fan. Units are applicable to expansion valve systems only and may be installed at ground level or on a roof. Units are adaptable to several blower powered and add -on evaporators providing a wide range of cooling capacities for selective sizing and application versatility. For evaporator unit data see tab Coils — Blower Coil Units in this section. Units are shipped completely factory assembled, piped and wired. In additon, each unit is test operated at the factory insuring proper operation. Installer has only to place con- densing unit in desired location, connect refrigerant lines and make elec- trical connections to complete the job. Durable Steel Cabinet — Heavy gauge galvanized steel cabinet is sub- ject to a five station metal wash process. This preparation results in a perfect bonding surface for the finish coat of baked -on outdoor enamel. The attractive enamel finish gives the cabinet long lasting protection from rust and corrosion. Compressor and control box are located in a separate compartment insulated with thick fiberglass insulation. Compartment provides protection from the weather and keeps sound transmission at a minimum. Control box is conveniently located with all controls factory wired. Large removable panel provides service access. Drainage holes are provided in the base section for moisture removal. Base section extruded channels raise the unit off of the mounting surface away from damaging moisture. Non -corrosive PVC (polyvinyl chloride) coated steel wire condenser coil guard is furnished. Dependable and Quiet Compressor — Reliable compressor is hermet- ically sealed and provides trouble -free operation and long service fife. Built-in protection devices assure protection from excessive current and temperatures. Suction cooled, overload protected and equipped with internal pressure relief. Factory installed muffler is fumished in the discharge line. A crankcase heater is furnished as standard equipment and ensures proper compressor lubrication at all times. Crankcase heater is temperature SY& m11�1C11T10N �RIL� OeLY Y11fN Ili[O MIN NIOKII t F _ ENGIMEERING DATA (- COOLING UNITS CONDENSING UNITS Page 31 April 19M SupersedaA November 1986 CanllCn,y Y MU M _ 00� Y t/YFD actuated to operate only when required. The entire running gear Is spring mounted within the sealed housing. In addition, the compressor is installed in the unit on resilient rubber mounts assuring quiet and vibration free operation. Copper Tube/Enhanced Fin Coil — Lennox designed and fabricated coil is constructed of precisely spaced ripple -edged aluminum fins machine fitted to seamless copper tubes in a wrap around "U" shaped configuration pro- viding extra large surface area with low air resistance. Lanced fins provide maximum exposure of fin surface to air stream resulting in excellent heat transfer. In addition, fins are equipped with collars that grip the tubing for maximum contact area. Precise circuiting provides uniform refrigerant distribution. Flared shoulder tubing connections and silver soldering pro- vide tight, leakproof joints. Long life copper tubing is corrosion -resistant and easy to field service. Coil is thoroughly factory tested under high pressure to insure leakproof construction. Entire coil is accessible for cleaning. Powerful Condenser Fan — Efficient direct drive fan moves large volumes of air uniformly through the entire condenser coil resulting in high refrigerant cooling capacity. Vertical discharge of air minimizes operating sounds and eliminates hot air damage to lawn and shrubs. Fan motor is inherently protected and totally enclosed for maximum protection from weather, dust and corrosion. A rain shield on the motor provides addi- tional protection from moisture. Fan service access is accomplished by removal of fan guard. Corrosion resistant PVC (polyvinyl chloride) coated steel wire fan guard is furnished as standard. Refrigerant Line Connections, Electrical Inlets and Service Valves — Suction and liquid lines are located inside of the cabinet and are made with sweat connections. Brass service valves prevent corrosion and provide access to refrigerant system. Suction and liquid line service valves and gauge ports are located inside the cabinet. A thermometer well is located in the liquid line to check the refrigerant charge. Refrigerant line connections and field wiring inlets are all located in one central area of the cabinet. See dimension drawing. l SELECTOR Condensing Unit 'ARI Standard 210 Ratings Lennox Evaporator Unit Model No. SEER Cooling Total *Expansion *ARI Standard (Btuh/ Capacity Unit Up -Flo Down -Flo Horizontal Valve 270 SRN (bets) Watt) (Btuh) Watts Kit 10,55 32,600 3330 CRT6.31FF CH16-31FF 10.55 33,000 3360 C16-28FF, C16-28WFF, _ ____ LB-53081CB C16-31FF C16-31WFF 10.65 34,000 3470 " *CB 18-31 - ""CBS18-31 10.50 34,400 3440 ""CP18-31/41V "'CP18-31/41V _ •Factory /E1603 /E1603 Installed 10-75 34,600 3500 ""CB18-41 - ""CBS1$-41 11.00 34.600 3460 C16-41FF C16-41WFF CR16-41FF CH16-41FF LB-53081CB HS19-411V ""CP18-46/51V ""CP18-46/51V •Factory (7.4) 10.70 35,000 3470 /E16Q4 /E16Q4 ____ Installed 11.05 35,000 3470 C16-46FF C16-46WFF - 11-00 35-200 3490 - CR16-51FF "" 10.85 35,800 3580 ""CB18-51 ---- '"CBS18-51 LB-53081CB 11,10 35800 3510 C16-51FF CH16-51FF "'CP16-41V ""CP16-41V ""CPS16-41/46V *Factory 11.20 36,000 3530 /E16Q3 /E16Q3 /ES16Q3 Installed 12.00 37.000 3360 ---- "CB15.41FF 11.50 37,200 3540 C14-41FF ____ LB-53081CB 10-85 40000 4120 C16-41FF C16-41WFF CR1641FF CH16-41FF 11.00 41-000 4140 ""CB18-41 "•CBS18-41 11-00 41500 4250 C16-46FF C16-46WFF LB-53081CB 11.00 41500 4250 ---- CR16-51FF --- 10.65 42,000 4380 ""CP18-46/51V ""CP18-46/51V /E16Q4 /E16Q4 •Factory HS19-461V 10.75 42,500 4390 '"CP16-46V ""CP16-46V ""CPS16-41/46V Installed /E16Q4 /E16Q4 /ES1604 (7.4) 11.35 42,500 4250 CH16-51FF 11.20 42,500 4280 C16-51FF ---- LB 53081CB 11.20 43.000 4290 ""CB18-51 ""CBS18-51 11.50 43.500 4240 C14-41FF 11.00 43,500 4440 "CP16-51V ""CP16-51V *Factory /E16Q4 /E1604 Installed 12.00 44,000 4110 •-- ---- "'CB15-4fiFF LB-53081CB 10.00 45,000 4740 "CP18-46/51V "`CP18-46/51V *Factory /E16Q4 / E 1604 I nstalled 10.50 45,500 4670 -- CR16-51FF 10,55 45-500 4630 C16-46FF C16-46WFF 10.60 45,500 4550 CH16-51FF 10-05 46 500 4940 ""CB18-51 •"CBS18-51 10.75 46,500 4740 C16-51FF LB-53081CC 10.90 47,000 4610 C14-41FF - 10.85 47,500 4750 C16-65 CR16-65 •CH16-651/ HS19-511V 11.00 47.500 4650 ---- --- " C816-46FF (7.6) 10.15 48,000 5040 ""CB18-65 *CBS18-65 10.30 48,500 4900 CP18-65V ""CP18-65V *Factory /E16Q5 /E16Q5 Installed '*CP16-51V "'CP16-51V 10.60 48,500 4900 /E16Q4 /E16Q4 *Factory ""CP16-65V '"CP16-65V Installed /E16Q5 /E16Q5 12.00 49,500 4460 ---- "'CB15-65 11.05 50 000 4850 C14-65 LB-53081CC 10.35 54,500 5730 C14-41FF 10.05 55.500 5925 --.. CR16-51FF 10.30 55,500 5750 -•-- ..•. CH16-51FF LB-530810E 10.25 57,000 5980 C16-51FF 9.85 57,500 6235 ""CP18-65V ""CP18-65V /E1605 /E16Q5 *Factory HS19-651V "CP16-65V '"CP16-65V Installed (7.6) 9.80 58,000 6320 /E1605 /E16Q5 10.05 58,000 6200 "`CB18-65 ""CBS18-65 W.50 59,000 6040 C16-65 CR16-65 -- LB-530810E t0�5� 60,000 6155 C14-65 10.60 60,500 6160 --- - CH16-65V •Factory Installed 11.50 61,500 5820 "C815.65 1 LB-530810E *Sound Rating Number in accordance with ARI Standard 270. *Rated in accordance with ARI Standard 210 and DOE; 950F outdoor air temperature, 80°F db/67°F wb entering evaporator air with 25 ft. of connecting refrigerant lines. -Denotes blower powered evaporator. * Kit is optional and must be ordered for field installation. -Expansion valve furnished as standard with coil. \�D, !Wkle SPECIFICATIONS y Model No. HS19-261V HS19-311V HS19-411V HS19-461V 1 HS19-511V HS19-651V Condenser Net face area (sq. ft.) Outer coil 11.8 15.9 15.9 15.9 18.2 21.6 Inner coil 5.4 5.5 5.5 8.8 11.0 20.8 Coil Tube diameter (in.) & No. of rows 3/8 - 1.48 3/8 - 1.36 3'8 - 1.36 3/8 - 1.57 3/8 - 1.62 3/8 - 2 Fins per inch 20 20 20 20 20 20 Diameter (in.) & No. of blades 20 - 4 24 - 3 I 24 - 3 24 - 3 24 - 4 24-4 Motor hp 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/4 1/4 Condenser Fan Cfm 2450 3150 3150 3100 3900 3900 Rpm 820 820 820 820 860 860 Watts 210 220 220 220 315 315 "Refrigerant - 22 charge furnished 5 lbs. 10 oz. 6 lbs. 9 oz. 7 lbs. 1 oz. 7 lbs. 14 oz. 8 lbs. 14 oz. 13 lbs. 10 oz. Liquid line (o.d. in.) connection - sweat 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 Suction line (o.d. in.) connection - sweat 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 1-1/8 Shipping weight (lbs.) 1 package 200 238 252 260 280 324 -Refrigerant charge is sufficient for 25 ft. length line set. ELECTRICAL DATA Model No. HS19-261V HS19-311V I HS19-411V HS19-461V HS19-511V HS19-651V Line voltage data - 60 hertz - 1 phase 208/230V 208/230V 208/230V 208/230V 208/230V 208/230V Rated load amps 10.3 14.2 13.5 18.3 21.5 27.6 Compressor Power factor .94 .98 .98 .98 .98 .98 Locked rotor amps 49.0 66.0 I 78.8 97.6 95.4 135.0 Condenser Coil Full load amps 1.1 1.1 I 1.1 1.1 2.2 2.2 Fan-Motor [Locked rotor amps 2.0 2.0 j 2.0 2.0 4.5 4.5 Recommended max. fuse or circuit breaker size (amps) 20 30 I 30 40 50 60 'Minimum circuit ampacity 14.2 18.9 I 18.1 24.1 29.3 37.0 'Refer to National Electrical Code manual to determine wire, fuse and disconnect size requirements. NOTE - Extremes of operating range are plus and minus 10% of line voltage. FIELD WIRING I DISCONNECT SWITCH I I Inot Iunudwd by Len 4 I A - Two wire power (not furnished) B - Two wire power (not furnished) - See electrical data C - Two wire low voltage (not furnished) - 18 ga. minimum D - Four wire low voltage (not furnished) - 18 ga. minimum All wiring must conform to NEC and (coal electrical codes. I LENNOX CONDENSING LINT r-L1'F gm-, I THERMOSTAT I 1 OtSCONNECT I SWTTcH I [not luml.hed I I by L*-o.1 I - ---_J l LENNOx HEATING UNR OR SLOWERIC00. EVAPORATOR UNIT J�