002777 (SFD) Address ChangeRECEIVED MAY 2 7 1981
Mr. Murrel Crump,
City of La Quinta
P.O. Box 1504
P.O. Box 1016
La Quinta, California 92253
May 22, 1987
Planning Director
La Quinta, Ca 92253
Dear Murrel:
As you know, I am currently building a house on the corner
of Calle '-Ensenada and Avenida Madera. At the time of
obtaining the building permit, I was provided an address for
the house: a. -7? .z-1 d ekS4.,vO A4
The house fronts on Calle Ensenada. I know the Ci ty -seeks
tohave all addresses identified on North/South streets;
it's orderly, I guess. But it does create a major problem
for the residents of the home.
Visitors, deliverymen, etc. travel along the East/West
streets (in this -case: Calle Ensenada) to the house. It
requires lengthy, complex explanations to locate a place
whose address is inconsistant with its frontage. Others in
the community, living in similarly located houses, also
suffer from this requirement. What's convenient for the
City Administration creates a problem for residents.
Consequently, I respectfully request that, upon final
inspection, the address be changed to: 77-222 Calle
Ensenada. 'It'll -be a major service to the people who'll
live -there.
Thanks so much foryouur assistance.
Fred Wo ff
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