CC Resolution 2021-004 STVR Permit Fees 1 - SUPERSEDEDRESOLUTION NO. 2021 – 004 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CITY’S SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM PERMIT FEES WHEREAS, this action is exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Article 18, Statutory Exemptions, Section 15273(a) Rates Tolls Fares and Charges; and WHEREAS, this public hearing to set fees was duly noticed pursuant to Government Code Section 6062(a) – Manner of Publication for new fees and increases in The Desert Sun newspaper on February 12 and 19, 2021; and WHEREAS, user and regulatory fees are established by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City recently completed a study to identify the cost of providing various user and regulatory fee-related services; and WHEREAS, the study examined fee-related services provided by the City, the costs reasonably borne by the City in providing those services, the beneficiaries of those services, and the revenues produced by those paying fees and charges for special services; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that providing these services is of special benefit to applicants both separate and apart from the general benefit to the public; and therefore, in the interests of fairness to the general public, the City desires to better recover the costs of providing these services from applicants who have sought or require the City's services by revising its schedule of fees; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that the study provides adequate evidence to conclude that the revised Short-Term Vacation Rental Program Permit fees do not exceed the cost to provide the services for which the fees are charged; and WHEREAS, the adopted fees shall be incorporated into the City’s existing Master Fee Schedule. The existing Master Fee Schedule was adopted on July 21, 2020, via Resolution No. 2020-027. Incorporating these fees into the Master Fee Schedule will allow for the fees to be considered Resolution No. 2021-004 Exhibit A Adopted: March 2, 2021 Effective: May 1, 2021City of La Quinta MASTER FEE SCHEDULE ‐ SHORT‐TERM VACATION RENTAL PERMIT FEE Fee Charge Basis Note Short‐Term Vacation Rental Permit Fee 1 Homeshare Short‐Term Vacation Rental Permit Homeshare STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms $250 per year [a] Homeshare STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More $500 per year 2 Primary Residence Short‐Term Vacation Rental Permit Primary Residence STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms $750 per year[a] Primary Residence STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More $1,250 per year 3 General Short‐Term Vacation Rental Permit General STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms $1,000 per year [a] General STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More $1,250 per year 4 Technology Enhancement Fee $5 per year [a] Activity Description If special inspection is required, amount will be billed hourly in half‐hour increments using the billing rate of the department providing the  services.